Ntitiff' Nkfts.* OIITTYISBURGi. • - 1.0 SO Si 1140 glialibt/B, SU WHITS WILBA.T., * : --- RED WELEJT, -- • Wit ?N , • . BUCK .. • " UC WirEkt ' ISALTIMO2/;. • IFITR - " '- 11756/063 'is 3 diti 00 WHE LO t, - • ' ' 1 13 65 1 26 IIYF . - - . 1 03 0 19t (3 68 OATS, .. It 444 14 30 11,00.1,1 1, hand. - 's - . , • it be C 4 18 00 MEET CATTI, ..,, "humid., MAY - -1 20 00 5/ 2 2 00 , - " WHISKEY, a . • 2 31 li3 831 Dr. A. B. Dill It B. IP.; Herman HAVE associated themselves in the practice of Medicine ma Surgery, and respectfully tender their professional services to the cid ems Petersharg and vicinity. rertersbutg, Y. S., July 2, 18C6. _ - Ciirpen te rs Wanted. ri,EE or four good CARPENTERS, to whom good wages will be paid, wanted mmediately by the undersigned, in .Gettys burg. . WIL CIIRITZ MAN. JuJy 2, MEI 8t -Fair. THB Mite Society wilt hold a Fair for the Senett of the Methodist 6. Chock of leravilfe, ea tie Adams County Agricul taral Fair around, on THURSDAY and FRI DAY EVENING aad SATURDAY and SAT- U11.1.1Y EVENING, July 26th, 27th and 28th. The TrottAag Coursemf tke Fair Growl() will be open to thi public _during Saturday all day. florae feed can be kad oa the grout!, also a Sapper will be prepared on 3 tturday at 4 o'clock. The Fair promi.ea to be a, suc cess, ac there have bees made large prepara tions. Contributions from a distance will be thankfully received. We hope the Public w:II appreciate this enterprise, and help to make it a grand success. ' LADTES' MITE SOCIETY. Bendersville, July 2, 1864. - Notice., APPLICATION will be made at the next regular session of .tfie Legislature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Ser ino' Institution, to be locaced in the Borough uf Littlestown, Adams count - , Penn's., under the name and style of "Tlll3 LITTLESTOWN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION," i the intention of which shall be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof, and do such things as are usually done ley similar institations; the cap ital thereof Rot to exceed Oae Hundred Thous and Dollars, to he divided into sluices of Fifty Dollars each. July 2, 1868. Ca Nottee. NTOTICE is hereby given that T forewarn lr at.y p42/son from purchasing a note giv en by me payable to Jacob E. Myers, dated May 19, 113 f IG, for the amount, of Fitly Dollars, fur which I have received go value and will Slut pay the same July 2, 18GG. 3 Mower dc Reaper for Mule. A FIRST RATE 110WER AND REAPER, (Screw Power,) for sde by the under sianed. The lesachine is nearly new, and in good runtrisg order—aad is offered for sale only hezaase the aw are ItAll not the time to attend to it. PETER GENTLING. Cumberland tp., June 25, 186 G. 2t* Notice. TOSEM BLOCHER'S ESTATE.---Letters testamentary on the estate ofJobPph Bloch er, late of Mountjoy township, Adams county, alc,ctased, having been granted to the under signed, the first named residing in tfouutjoy township, Adams co.,.and the last named in West Manheim townalliT, York co., they here by give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to Make immediate payment, and those lug claims against the same to present them properly authenticallV fur settlement. JOHN BLOCHER, ELI BLOCHER, Executors. lune 25, 18C0. 6t Notice. pWOLF'S ESTATE —Letters of ad ministration de bonis non with the will annexed, OR the estate of Philip Wolf, Sr., late of Garmany township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under,. signed, residing in liountjoy township, ho here by gives notice to all persons indebted to eaid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against ithe acme to pre sent theca properly nathen4eated for settle meat. .10.11te'3 A. WOLF, lung IS, 18153, 6t• Dr. J. F. Eager, AVING loctited on the Hanover road, ONE MILE E kST OF GRANITE 1111,E, P. 0., I,, , intoleasant township, Adams couuty, Pu., tiir..rs his professional services to the public. June 18, 1866. 3m For Sale. A FIRST-RATS MULE TEAM,litli or ._without Harness. Also, ago Wagon. All in complete order. be sold cheap. SAXICTL HER ST, Getlyaburg,,Pa Apply to June 18,186 G Bark Wanted. THE subscriber will pty FIVE DOLLARS per CORD for BLACK OAK BARK, de livered at his Taaitery, Jo Gettysburg. JOLIN RUPP. Juue 18, 1816. • Notice.' BRITIAN( /MISS'S --E3TATE.—Letters testamentary on the est tte of Abraham rise, late of Liberty township, Adams , county, /deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in thq same township, she hereby gives notise to all persons indebted to said estate to ni Lice immediate payment, and those having claims azaissellre- same to pre- Bent them properly authenticated for settle. nrmt. ANNA ICBISB, Miy 29, 1866. et •Esecatrix. Cannon%s PLARBLE WOU'ES, a Baltimore street, Ye trly Opposite the Court House, GETTYSBURG, PA Every descripticin of work exeentod in the finest style of the art June 4, .BGS. tf Wanted ImnandLstely. MIMS OR FOUR JOUINEYMEN, to work lat the O*rpeateri Business. Should be experienced workmen: Good wages will tie paid. Apply immediately to W5l. C. STALLSIII77, June 11, 183*. 31.* Gettysburg. Pa. Philip Redding, TerSTICE OF THE PEACE, will be at 0 his office, (at his residence,) in Cumber- land township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Justice's Ligi- SM. (April 30. 1866. 4m Sugar 10 Cents, A T Swan's Grocery, oh the North-west cor ker of the Diamond. [46130, 1866. $9O f A ur a l l llr u tt y 2 48 — w A dr GNTS ju w s r o t u e t d . Addrese 0. T. GAMY, City Building, Bid deford, Me. [Hey 21, 866. bay rIIATT'd IMPROVED FRUIT CANS.— Something new I—Call and see theca at ehlin's Tin and Sheet Iron Factory. Deci dedly the best Can everm%aafactured. Also, PRINT JARS, of the best and no intproll patterns. [June 18, 188 d. A 'NEW stoeir of toted GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, litwith especial ears aad warranted good tine keepers, just reeeired sad for gale at J. BEVAN'S, • Opposite the Bank, flottysborg. PURE SILVER WARE az* , !SILVER PLATED WARE T yWA qulity, I new ass qt intekised., OreastseeiA. Oppaitlit th. Bea; 1 / 4 .ll9„Tpttiut. , ~,A64054) A GOOD FARM. ANT pftioa afoot Jfasat taimtle, 1K w ttOtj , al9 peyssael, 014 e oe motelfeett dt • ,8111.9T.RA2/1 WILSTBRN tiND, well located, near laikente,likklmikt, Canted'. es, County Towns, ke., *or fkg-it purchaser by applying at this office. June 19, its& tf - S2O 0 2 0 - 299 40 !» In 44900 THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. MIKE undersigned takes pleasure in annoon eing to the citizens of Gettyskurg and the public generally that he has relieved from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly sopiestfite the store of Fahn estock Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently Atted up expressly for his bootee's. The location is an admirable one, esandisir him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with • correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every Size and deseririon, executed in the finest style. Particular attention given to the ,CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AMBRO TYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES at 4eceased friends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, new style of picture, which ha s become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheapnrsa and convenience.— SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLAR only. Also— 'ME PORCELAIN PICTURES, .biela for their beauty and durability are ansurpassed. We are prepared - to carry oa the business in faits various branches, sad having had con si.terable experience we run no risk in GUARASTEEIND PERFECT SATISFAC- Our facilities fore fill disptay of oar skill are enetualled by any other Gallery in the Comuty, and we would therefore inviye every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and judge for yourselves. LEVI SIUMPER. Jure 23, 1.13C4. PRE undersigned ha; eommenced the BAD DLE and In RNESS-11AKING bfisiness, on the Hill, to Baltimore street, in thebuilding formerly oeenpied by D. Sweeney at a' Chair maker's shop, up-stairs, where be asks those wanting au)tning in his line 'to call. Work done in the .best manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harness on hand. J. M. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 25, 1866.' 3m MIMS Rotel, Wing one of the re:los of the 1 'Battle of Gettyslanrg,'has been renovated and referaished, sad 13 ready to entertain traiellers anti thepubile generally. It being a short distance from the Soldiers' National cemetery, it affords conveniept accommoda tions for alt visitieg there, sad Vie sibirerstier Hatters himself that none shall leave hits dis satisfied. I Also, Lc Cream kinds of refresh fiesta, at all hours, to accommodate prome naders. Give me a call. !OLIN SHCLTZ JOSEPH . LITTIA, Proprietor Gettysburg, May 21, 186 G. tl ,PIANOS, CABINRT AND AMERICAN rOR GANS. SU - prior tuned T octave PIANOS from 5.;50 upwards. ORGANS from SsO upwards. All instrument; seleated, re commended and soldiby me, additionally guar antler!. Illustrated Circulars sent by mail, when desired. P. BENTZ, No. 30 East 'Market Street, York, Pia. Vitt . , It?, ISM Grocery It Liquor Store. • AFIRST-RATE ASS'JRTARN r of GRO CRUSES, cheap. FISH of differasticiudd. A large lot of POTOMAC HERRING, at low price. The beat and largest assort meet of LIQUORS ever kept is this place. PURE ifiLhi It, 1$ RANDY, RYE WHISKEY, &C., for medicinal and other purposed, in quanti titles large or small. Also-- MISHLER'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS. , WM. J. NI ARTIX, Baltimore st., Gettysburg. May 28,1866. flisabled Alen, Attention ! WANTED, one or two men, in. Gettysburg and vicinity, who-have lost either an arm or:leg, to sell WADSWORTH'S WATER. PauoFt ARNICA HEALING PLASTER., the hest and cheapest Court Plaster in the mirket. From $5 toSIO per day can be made. Address with 25 cents fur sample and full information A. F. BELCHEE, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All Agents and pOlera would find it to their interest - to answer the above. April Id, 1866. 3m Adm'r. he r i r fig. undersigned , has purchased the old Taughinbaue Hotel property, in Nev C tester, Adams county, Pn., and reopened the house for the arcommodntion of Travel lers,' Pedlars, Drovers. and all others. His Table will have everything in se.ison, and his Bar the choicest wines an lliquors. His Cham bers aro large and airy. Good Stabling is st ip:lied to the Hotel. Ha asks a share of pub lic p atronage, and will do his beat to deserve it. JOSEPH TODT. May 21, 1866. Qlll 1, 5 0 OA. 1 ) , eenrt everywhere Year! tt 7,:enut opr umnovED $2O &iris* ilo:hioes:— Th ma- ow kinds. Under,artd upper feed.— Sent oil trial: Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the United States for less then 343, which are jolly licensed by Home, Wheeler 4 Wdeon, Grover 4 Baker, Sower 4 Co., and Bilekelder. All ,other cheap machines are 4oftingensenis, and the seller o r user are liable to arrest,Ane'and imprisonment. cul its sent tree. Address, or call upon Shaw At ClArk, tdßidlef4r,l, Maine, or Chicago, 111. 'Nay Zl a 18GC. isly . DiAtiollition. TIE Partnership heretofore existing be T tweea the undersigned, doing businesedri LS name. of Row k Woods has been dissolied. All persons indebted to s. iil girm are requested to settill their accounts. inue 4, IRET FRANKLIN HOURS, " 1- COMA OF HOWARD & PILLWILIS 1110 ETA, BALTIMORE, MD. This House is on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore and (Ytlo Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and com fortably arranged for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. Nov. 20, 1e65. tf For Sale. AGOOD SECOND HAND MOWING WA CHINE will be sold cheap 57 SAYLIEL Jime 25, lase Towit Property At PRIVATE SALE.—Several lICTETSES can bib web/wed at Private Sale by call ing on TARNESVOOK PIROT-HERS. - - - Dec. 15.18C6. tf NSURk AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the I TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMFANY OF DARTFORD. It has a paid-up capital of half a Million, and cash surplus of over a hundred thousand, to pay losses. • GOLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other SPECTACLES, to snit all ages, always on hand, and fitted to sight, J. BSVAN, _ Opposite the Bank. Gettysburg. OVSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the TRAVELIARS INSURANCE COEPANY HARTFORD. It insures-against all kinds of aceicknia, and its benefits are reeelYed by all classes of men. SAGO, Arrow Root, Corn Starch, Rice-flour and Gelatin, for sale at Dr HORNER . ' Drug Stored urß have jnet. received • new assortment of Queeusware, to which we invite the attention of buyers. • A. SCOTT * SON: ryas beet let of Upper Inaba COLLARS, j of oar own make, now ready and ferreale. D. IisCREART & thOlg. Item TfON. Saddling. Battle-field Hotel. Reduced Prices. New Chester Hotel. S. B. ROW, H. B. WOODS 07 CAI DID. drew ebsrodbr dancisig esadidados, irstft tbo Oawrsonso, Is M ana ares donors, co= zo AD. YLICIL OFYlUMUntestkors reeommenuthaig asadidates, Per Sheriff. A T the solieitation otnutaerons friends, the uaderagned,(residing in Gettysburg since April let, hat fcunterty aad for many years a resident of Conant , * township.) offers him self as a cantilate for SHIERIFF at the next election, subject to the decision of Me Demo cratic County Conventioa. Shoed Ibe nom inated and elected, I will discharge the dintieo of the office to tie best of my ability. SMANDEL D. KELLEIL April 16, 1866. to riNCOU RAGED by numerous friends j Ir throughout the county, I offer myself as a candidate for. SHERIFF at the neat election, subject to the decisidn of the Democratie County Convention. Should Ibe so fortunate as to be neminated and eleeted, I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my abilies. JOSZPII A. ORENDOEFF Monntjoy tp., April le, UM. te. HAVING been solicited by many friends, I offer mys df as a candidate for SHER nee at the next election, subject to the deci sion of the Democratic County Convertion.— Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to a - faithful discharge of the duties of the office. REUBEN GOLDEN. Cumberland tp., April 16, 1866. tc URGED by many friends, I offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject of the decision of the Democratic County Coarenties. Should I be nominated I will spare no honor able efforts to secure my election, and if elect ed, I will discharge the duties of the office Is the bestofwyability. HENRY BEITLER. Mcuntjoy tp., April 23, 1866. tc HAVING been solicited by many friends in 'arid:ins parts of the county, I olrer my self as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election, subject to the decision at the Demo cratic County Convention. Should Ibe nom inated and elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office 1,4 the best of my ability. • JOSEPH WOLF Butler tp., April 23, 1866. to IEVICOURAGI3I3 by numerous frierds throughout the county, I ofer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF at the nest election, subject 'Attie deeision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe so fortunate as to lot nominated and elected, I promise to dis charge the defies of the fee to the ben of my ability. JACOB ICI,UNK. Germany tp., April 9, I$ 6. tc A 2 the solicitation of numerous friends, I A offeemyself as a candidate for SEBILIFF at the next election, subject to the deelslsa o the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the ottice to the best of my ability. PHILIP HANN Straban tp., April 9, 18G6. tc For Register at Recorder. NCOURAGED by numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER dr RECORDER at the next elec tion, subject to the decision of the Democrat ic County Convention. Should Ibe nomina ted and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office to the bast of ray ability. I served RS Lieutenant in the 165th Regiment, P. M., under Capt. Jacob E. Miller. ' WII. C. BECK Reading to , Slay 28, 1866. tc lAVING been disabled in one area by a millet wound whilst serving in the 87th P. hare been frequently solicited to offer myself its a candidate for the office of REGIS TER RECORDER—which I now do, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I flatter myself that I will be able_to digcharge the duties of the °fries correctly and CO - the Aalisfaetiois of the public. WM. D. HOLTZWOBTII. Gettyabarg, gay 14, 1866. to FWNCOUR AGED by many friends, I—offer myself as's , candidate for the office of lISTER k RECORDER, at the next eke- V.on, subject to tho decision of the Demotratic Connty Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pled.ze myself to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and sadafactorily. - _ SAMUEL A. SWOPE. Franklin tp., June 18, 1866. to OLIO TEL) by numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for REGISTER k RECORDER nt the next election, subject to the decis, on of the Democratic County Con vention,.'i Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharTe the duties of the office faithfully and correctly. ISAAC MYERS. Butler 6., May 28, 1866. tc For Clerk of the Courts. SCOUR AGED by many friends, I offer my rj sell 'sts a candidate for re-election to the (Alice of CLEItIt. OF THE COURTS, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pledge myself to lischarge the duties of the office vdth promptness 11.4 fidelity. JAIIES J. FINK Gettysburg, .I ty 7,186 G. to AT the errnest solicitation of some of my friendi, I offer myself as a easididate for CLERK OF THE COURTS at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic Coun ty Convention. Shoal I Ibe nominated and elected. I pledge Myself to discharge the du ties of the office cotreetly and with satisfaction to the public. cortNuaus DOUGHEETY. Gettysburg, May 21, 1886. to WOLF will be a candidate for Di. CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to thedecision of the Democratic County Coa -1 rentien. Getty burg, June 18, 1866. tc lIAV6\ II I been solicited by many friends, I offer yself ke ft candidate for CLERK OF' THE COURTS at the next election., subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con. rention. Should Ilse noroinatast and elected, I promise a correct and faithful performance of the duties of thevffice. ADAM W. MINTER. Franklin tp., Mai 21, 1886. tc County Conimissioner. THROUGH the urgent solicitation of name runs friends, I have been ind.iced to otter myself as a candidate for COUNTY COM MISSIONER, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe nontiested and elected, I will do my best to discharge the duties of the office in a satisfac tory manner. 13-lIINAT MYERS. Mena/len tp., June 25, 186 d. tc Teachers Wanted. THE 'School Directors of Gettysburg will met on MONDAY, the 9th day Of JULY next, to elect Teachers for the EIGHT SCHOOLS under their care: Term nine Months--Schools to open August Ist. The following salaries will be paid per month, viz : Stool No. 1, $5O ; No. 2, $35 ; No. 3, $3O ; No 4, $44 ; 5, $22 ; No. 6422; No. 7, $2O; 10. B,$lG. aieFor School No. 1 a mile Tea Cher is re quired, and for NI. 2, mile or female. rThe County Superintendent will hold an examinition for applicants in the School Banding, at IC o'clock, A. M., of said day. By ostler of the Board, T. D. CARSON, President. D. A. Bur RUA, Secretary. Jane 11, 1866. 3t Prime Hams, SOULDBAS, Sides, home-made Bologna Sausage, kc., a full stock always kept for sale, of the very beat quality, and at lowest living profits, by IiCALBFLEISCH, June 11. next door to the Post Office, Smoking Tobaccos. SOMETHING NICE! '- WM. H. BROGITNIER, et Makerrystown, Adams comfy, Pa., Miatifactzres two different grudes o t 8110 KING TOBACCO, which cannot be best. They are mild and pleasant, all the poisonous taste be ing eztracted, and yet the flavor is folly pre sersed. Smokers, give them a trial, and you will be pleased. Orders from .a distance solicited. Feb. 28, 1868. ti Jrtrillt Mg& VINFAMR.st swamp areary ; 0 11 dm cornier of the Ilisatc4 .Aprff 36; 1866. MER I MBEEE NNW GOODS! arORGE AliNol.lll H AS a s on hand a very large stack of CAGY - MADE OLOTIIIIM, - manly of Ova manufacturing aad well mods, mak lag every vise aad price. ALIN A LARGE ii,TOCK OF CLOTIIB AI!D CASSI MIRES, well selected and very handsome styles, all of which will by cold very cheap, for cash Call and earthen. GEORGE ARNOLD. Ilay 7, /866. 3n Cheap for Cash t EW STORE! GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ice. underSigaed has returned to Gettys burg, and opened a aew Store, on Balti more streeti 'next door to the Poet Office, and nearly opposite the Court-House, where he offers for sale, COUP rote case, a larce aad choice assortment of GROCERIES,—Sngars, Cores', Teas, Molasses, Syrup, S.lt, ko4 with Fish, Baeoa, Lard, and ei on. Also, LIQUORS—Wines, Maladies, Gias, Whiskies, Rums, and everything else is the line. Also, any quantity of Motions, to suit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy carxr roe CASH. GEO. F. EILEFLEISQN April 23, All Book Buyers. To IS. K. St adelphis ING VALET APPLETO. 05, 36 South Sixth Street, Phil ' IS AGENT FOR THE FOLLOW BLE BOORS: 9 NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPE DIA-26 Vols. HISTORY OF THE REBELL ION-1 large Vol. DTCTIONAEY OF MECHAN ICS-3 Vols. RECORD, BY FRANK MOORE —9 Vnls. lIEBELLIO.,' IN IRVING'S WORKS-22 Vol. OVELS, DICKENS' WORKS.- WASTIINGTI COOPER'S 4 MERIVALE MACAULE URE•S OICT i i FACTURE! BANCROFT I furnish "; aid private Send a list o I for prices, w May 28, I:1 GIBBON'S ROME 'S WORKS ONARY OF ARTS AND MANU- S, UNITED STATES-8 Vols. te. Al Books published, for public ibraries, at wholesale prices.— say Books w.tute•l, with a stamp; ick will be seat by recur' mail. ut3. • tiler Large Stock Ant O F NEW t. GOODS 'UST RECEIVED AT GRIMES'S. Grimes, York street, hex been to Is, to replenish his stock, which rapidly, because it was so very ery cheap. The new ateek beats as yet offered to this ienamanity, all the people will come and see a. Ms new purchase of SYR e beat, and he will sell from a barrel; his SUGARS are of all e luding the very primest; his re the best in the market ; Ms ;ant;_ and his FLOUR extra. (1. ' in a large lot of STONE-WARg, a cheap, end la sure aril please • WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS , PS, PICKLES, SPICES, CON ' , Tobacco and Segars, and the r things to be found in his very late Store. By selling cheep, sick, he expects to get along is those who have greater protta, [June 11, 18f.d. James A. the city a west •or so good and so anything he • and he hopes for themselv UPS can't , 1 pint up to a varieties, in COFFEES a FISH are el He has lai , which he air- —so with h WARE, LA, FECTIONA ' thousand oth fall and coi and selling quite as well hut sell slow, ies and Carriages. Buggy TIIS WA Sig Lee LSI business, at 1.1 West streets, may need an • call. lie ps Falling-top a, l diferent styl e knowledge of twos to give e upon his job to deserve a hopes to recei ' I THIS WAYI—The under engaged in the Carriage -making e corner of Charnbersburg and ettyehurg, and invites all who thing in his line to give hint a up, in the ve7 best' manner, d other BUGGIES, and 211 the :of CARRIAGES. With a full the business, earl a determine • istaction, the pablic ea. rely being good. He will endeavor !large Aare of petronage, and •e it. done at the shortest notice, • sonable terms. garaountry .e taken in exchange for work. CHARLES N. (ILLIMEI.T. Juae 4, 1866. tt lime at Coal. REPAIRIN and on most produce will Gettysburg, HILLY have erected two addi- (1 lIIN.N & tional L are therefore ply the best nt ties. Fnrete for a more pr., are invited to vors to a firm accommodatet; e Kilns, on the Railroad, and etter prepared then ever to sup- LIME, in large or small quanti and others can hereafter look pt filling of their orders, and leztend and continue their fa hich is narking every effort to em in the beat rammer possible. o continue to keep on hand, for pply of the different kinds of hey will sell at small profits. e delivered anywhere in Get- They will al sale, a good a COAL, which Coal and Li tysburg. May 14, 186 b Confectionery ILEAIL SALOON.—Thesnhscri trolly informs the citizens of vicinity that he has a Confer ishment, one door east of the IChambersburgstreet i to which dtheir attention. ies, and every description cf I; ) ether with Nuts, Oranges, ant i ts, always on hand. l c and private, as well as fem nished with all kinds of Cakes, pyramidal form or otherwise,) thatents at their houses, upon Fres A*D 106 0 ; ber respe' Gettysburg an. tiooery Establ Eagle Hotel, on he would iovit• CAkes, Can Confections, to all kinds of fru Partie3, publ flies, will be fur Ice Cream, (hi and other refrel short notice. a life-time at the business, he that he anaerstanas it and that Ller entire satisfaction. Is Confectionery. tr J 031( GILCHL. IL•cing spent flatters himself he is able to re , Call and see b May 28, 1866. f Beal Estate. IMO TWILL sell, ppn accommodating terms, my 1 property, loleated in ll..miltonban town ship, Adams county, Pa., within one mile of Fairfield, and eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VTFEGINIA MILLS," 11 ;. containing 503 CUES OF GOOD LAND, well improved. Th re is on this land a good TLIREE-STOP. STONE MILL. containing two run of Burrs, aid a SAW MILL. Apply to the Hon. Moses McClean, Gettysburg, or John J. Lock, Charlestown, Jefferson co., Va. M. V. LOOK. June 18, 1866. tt Groceries! Groceries! T Hg BEST IN" TOWN! COME AND SEE THEM ! STRICKFIOUS'EIt & WISOTZKEY have ad ded a I.trge and splendid stock of GROCERIES to their business, and invite the public to call and see for theMselves. They offer the best of everything, at the lowest possible profits: COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, SALT, FISH, Spices, Teas, Cheese, Starch, Soaps, Candles, - Blacking, Matches, Tubs, -Buckets, BroomS, Bed Cords; with Confec tionary, Oranges, Nuts, Tobaccos, Segars— and a variety entirely too large to be ecums rated. "Come one, come all." Gettysburg, June 18,1866. tf The Very Latest! j'ACOBS & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS dusimeres and Irwin's. Just received From the city a splendid as• aortment of GENTS' rIIIMISHING GOODS, of every description. Suits made to order in the moat fashionable and substantial manner. All work guara4teod to St or no sale. Cus tomers cannot fail to be pleased. Give us a call. &Er P. S.—We are aeents for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE, and always have the machines on hand and for sale. We can recommend them as being the best machines in Ilse. JACOBS & BRO. May 28, 1888. CL 0 C K S Now on hand CLOCKS in great variety, from factories of the highest reputation in the country, and warranted good time-keepers. 'Call on J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. Dft. HORNER'S FRAGRANT MYRRH pre serves the Teeth, eures,all diseases of the gums and purifies the breath. fiIYSOTS Excelsior Sh,ylight Gallery is he P ise° to go If you wish Pictures at low prices. Satisfaction via:lofted. - PnOVOCIAAPMC. ii..k H. T. ANTROXY k CO., itaanfoctorers of Photographic materials, ' Wholesale and Reual, eel BROADWAY, NEWTORY. TN addition to oar main business of PHOTO ' GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Readquar %trek( the following, viz : STEREOSOOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of American and Toreign Cities and Land scapes, Gronps, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OP THE wArt, From negatites made in tike variaas cam paigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Looter!: or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sect to say address on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUIFS. We tenured are more largely than any oth er pease, Asset NO varieties from 50 cents to $5O each. Our ALBUMS hare the reputation of being impeder in beauty and durability to any others. CARD PROTOGRATHS CAT GRIYIRALR, STITIMIRS, ACTOR!, ITC., ITC Our Catalogue embraces over ME THOU SAND different subjects, Including reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings,Paint ings, 3tataes, Lc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers sad - others ordering goods C. 0. D , wilt please remit 25 per oeat of the amount with their order. Der The prices cud quality of oar goods cannot fail to satisfy. June 18, 1866. ly ROWERS it REAPERS. :IE undersigned is still Agent for the sale T of MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES —both combined and single Mowers. These machines can be used as Self-Rakers or Hand Rakers, as farmers may wish. They are made`witb two critter bars, one for cutting grain with sickle krone—cutting five feet nine incite) wide—and extra bar, with two knives, for gram—cutting. font - feet six inches wide, having iron.or w mden fames as desired They have two driving wheels and dez.ble fin ger bar. The company building these machines !s t ave secured by lease and purchase, the control of all the desirable and standard patents now in use, amorirvellich 'ire the OHIO AND BUCKEYE PATENTS, to which we direct special attention. In com pactness, lightness of draft, excellence of work manship and 6 'list', combined with great strength and adaptation to all kinds of work, they Will eotipete with, and we believe, cur ettes, any otter machine now offered to the public. Farmers would do well to examine these machines belort purchasing any other. They will be sold as cheap a; any other first. erass machine now manufactured, and we warrant them to give entire satisfaction or no sate. iffar Extras always kept on hand. Specimen utaehiaes can be seen by calling N the Agent, resdiaz en eke Harrisburg road, two miles north-east of Gettysburg. WILLIAM WHILE, Agent. April 23, 1866. Carriages and Bugigtes. TATE CULP ate now buildings variety of C 0 -A C E VORK of the latest i and most approveit et,Tles, and constructed of the best material, toWluch they. invite the attention of buyers. Having. built our work with great care and of material selected with special relerence to beauty of style and durability, we can confidently re commend the work as ansarpmssed by any, either in or Out of the cities. All we ask is an 'inspection of our work to convince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to boy Omni. REPAIRING in every branch done at short notice and a reasonable terms. i lr Give,}us call, at oar Factory, near the cotter of nshingtoa and Charnoersbarg streets, Gettysburg. _ P. J. TATE. Mar. 19, 1868 Gettysburg Foundry. TE subscriber would inform his customers and others, that he is still manufacturing vuions kinds of C 3 tinge and.3lachities, made to order, on , shortliotice, such as THRESHEES AND POWERS, (6re different , sizes of Powers,) Clover-seed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Shellacs and Sep arators, CorufOdder Cutters, Straw and Hay Cutters ; PLOUGHS, such as Cast Houghs, Barshear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE RAKE, the latest improvement ; also Metal Screws for Cider Presses; IRON - RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else in his line, all at low prices. FOR SALE,--A. light Two-horse Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID STERNER. April 30, 1846. tf Removal OF BOTH OUR SHOPS TO CHAMBERS BURG STREET. Orex To-oar, MAY t 7, 18G3. We take speciaipleasure in announcing to our friends and customer's that we have this day opened our ICE -CREAIt SALOONS, at our new stand in Chambersbuhl street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted up In the best style.-- Ladies and Gerttlemen are invited to call. We vrill also furnish Ice Cream in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices on. preeedented. We will also have constantly on hand Fresh Cakes, which we will fut nigh to all parties and pic-nics at the shortest notice. MEAD AND MINERAL WATER can always behad icy and cool and atall hours Haring bad .1 lifelong esperience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articled we ask the pttronage of the peilic generally. May 21,1866, tf MINNIGH k BRO. . Shoes, Gaiters, tte. JOHN M. REELING, Is CA11114814 STIMT, west side, a few doors from the Public Spare, 'Gettysburg, lialt kid in an excelleat assort ment of Shoes, Gaiters, &c. ' for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, which he is offering at the 'very lowest profits. Having hciught for cash, at the latest reluc tion, he ii prepared to offer great bargli OS. Boot and ShQe manufacturing cat rietl on at the same place, and the best kind of work made. JOHN M. REELING. May 14, 1866. tf Hitter Wine of Iron. BAAN exquisite impregnation of dry Spanish Wine with the activity of CALISAYA K, and the mist energetic of all the fer ruginous salts, CITRATE OF MAGNETIC OX. IDE OF IRON. It has a vinous flavor, very grateful to the palate, is without chalybeete taste and will not discolor the teeth. It eicites languid appetite, gives zest to fnod,improvessdigestion, increases the strength, steadies the - circulation, takes off muscular fi.tbhiness, removes the pallor of debility, gives firmness and precision to the actions of the nervous gystem, with power to endure fatigue and resist disease. ' MAGNETIC CITRATE of IRON is new and peculiar, differing from the ordinary Soluble Citrate, in containing an equivalent of Proto t ide of Iron, in place of the Ammonia. It is neutral, tasteless, without astringency, as prompt and energetic as the Chloride, and unlike that, induces no local inflammatory actiol or headache. CALLSAYA BARK is pre-eminent among' regetabls tonics, has no equal as a strength ener or restorative, nor rival as an anti-peri odic. Retails In $1 At $2 bottles, Quarts* Gianni for dispensing. r Q. HUBBELL, Apothecary 1410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. May 28, 1888.! lm_ Con' and Lumber, n ip every variety, at ihe Yard of 0. H. BUBBLER eta , b. 19 . Obr. Co'lisle and Railroad NSCIRK AGAINST ACCIPENTS in the I TRAVEIA.BILS INSURANCE COMPANY OF - BARTFOREI. It has paid our 004 itstadred and forty thousand dollars to holders of its poli cies, tociodioglia7,sos to twoltr-eight polity- Widen, for Stil io premium!. 111041.1.BFLEICR is selling a Lugs amount "of Goods, Lecause the people are fading out that he IS determined not to be undersold. GO TO 2 GO TO I II; EL WOODS' FIRST NATIONAL , SHOE, NOTION AND VARIE TY STOR,S, Where you can buy the cheapest and bast goods in town, r Corner of the Diamond and York Stmt. RATS FOR OLD It EN.—Soft and ettff brims. HATS FOR FASRIttNABLE MEN.—Always the latest oat. HATFOR YOUNG YEN.—"The latest fi lmes." EATS FOR ROTS.—Every variety and style. LIATS FOR CIRLDRE.Y.—Neat and fashiona ide. • BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS FOR lIEN ANIS .13OYS.—C heap and go . od. SHOES FOR MEN AND BAYS.—.A large as sortment. SHOES FOR LADlES.—Gooi,civAp and neat. SHOES FOR CHILDREN.—The .best assort ment in town. • WAITERS OF EVERY STYLE.—For Gents end. Child ran. STOCKINGS OF ALL KINDS.—For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. GLOVES.—Far !len, Ladles nod Children, cheap as ever. NHCK-Tl63.—A splendid assortment. PIPER. COLL/I/S.—For Ladies and Gentle. • LINEN HANDKEICIIIIM.—Bordered and Plain, for Ladies and Gents. CAMBRIC RADIDKERCERICFS.—Nica and cheap for Childrea. COMBS.—Gum and Horn. SIISPENDERS.—A general assortment. GAST/MS.—Best Elastic !or Ladies and Chil dren. CORSETS.—The beet fitting and most com fortable 14 low prices. SPOOL, COT fON.—Of all colors, cheapest aad best. VARIETY GOODS. - UMBRELLAS—At lowest prices. LADIES' BASKETS—Cheapest in town. CARRIAGE WIIIPS—Of best India Steel. STROPS—That make a keen edge. SHAVING SOAP AND BRUSHES—The very best. LEAD PENCILS—Of the best make. SHOE BUSHES—Cheap but good. CARPET SACKS—PIain and Railroad TRUNKS—Of all sizes. garßefore purchasing always call at Om FIRST NATIONAL STUB.B .,,, and saver money by buying cheap. , It B. WOODS. June 11, 1866. etymons Why The A DIERICAN WATCH, MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS., It is meg on the best prinCiple. Its frame Is composed of SOLID PLATES. NO jar can interfere with the harmony of its working and so sudden shock efts damage its ea tekiftery. Every piece is wide and finished by *machine ry (itself famous for its novelty, as well as for its effectiveness) and is therefore properly made. The watch is what all mechanism should be—AO:TRATE, SIMPLE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL. Except some high grades, too costly for general use, foreign watches are chiefly made by women and boys. Such watches are composed of several hun dred pieces, screwed and riveted together, ani reqnire constant. repairs to keep them in any kind of order. All 'persons who have carried "ancres," “lepines" and "English Patent Le vers," are perfectly well aware, of the (rink of this statemsnt. • At the brginoing of our enterrirriei.keore than ten years ago, it was our first objecNo make a thoroughly good low-priced watch for the million, to take the•place of these foreign impositions—the refuse of foreign factories— which were entirely ensaleabl% at home and perfectly welibtess everywhere.. How well we have accomplished this may be understood - from the fact, that after so ma ny years of public trial, we now make MORE THAN HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES, and that no others have ever given such universal eatisfactioe. While this department of our business is con tinned with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in the manu facture of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, une qualled by . anything hitherto made by o urseltres, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an additionto our main buildings expressly tor this branch of oar business, and have filled it with the best work men in our service. New machines and appli ances have been constructed, which perform their work with :consummate delicacy and ex actness. The choicest and most approved materials only are used, and Ire challenge-com parison between this grade of• our work and the finest imported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell our watches for las money than foreign watches, but we do assert without fear of contradiction that for the same money our product is Incomparably' superior. All our watches, of whatever grade, are fully warrant ed, end this warrantee is good at all times against us or our agents is all parts of the world. WM..E. CULP. CAUTION.—Tha public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. AU parsons sell ing counterfeits will be prosecuted. BOBBINS k APPLETON, Agents for the imerican Watch Company, 182 Broadway, N. Y. - t --- Tin Wafe and Star . RS subscriber respectfully iuiprms the public that he still contiaues tha business o r i r maklng ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stand, (formerly Andrew Polley's,) in York street, Gettysburg, where he has the largest assortment of tin ware in the county, with many other articles for kitchen use, ke. Also, COOKING STOVES k NINE-PLATE STOVES, of the very best kinds. • 8. G. -COOK. ifikr. 12, 1866. 3m NOtielka aG Confeetionlf. A WORD TO THE PEOPLE OF TOiVN AND COUNTRY. THE subscriber keeps a Notion and Confec tionary Store on Carlisle street, nearly opposite the Railroad Station, Gettysburg, where he has constantly on hand, CANDIES, NUTS, Pigs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, ke., Tobaccos slid Seger* of all kinds: Pocket- Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, /a.; Soaps and Perfumeries; also some GROCE RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, with the different kinds of Crackers. ice-eold I &AD at all times. He invites custom Cross town and country, and sells at small profits. LE - NIS STROUSE. Aug. 7, 180. ly Great lißitheEteer its , Priem FA HE ESTOO K BROTHERS are now selling GOOD CALICOES AT 121 CENTS, BEST UNBLEACHED MUSLIN AT 28 CTS., apd all other Goods is proportion. If you want CHEAP 00013, now Is the am to buy them. ,Ca:l'at once. FAITNESTOCK BROTHERS. 'Gettysburg, Mar. 26, 1866. SWITZEB., Limberger and English Cheese, can always be bad at KALBFLEISCET, Jane 11. next door Sochi Post 001ce. RODIUCIES, I.linora, PO, Balt, (Veer, Woodes:ware, sad ereiy rh _ irelre is thit tine at Jane 11. ILLBIPLEISCH'S. RATS NOTIONS IS TIIS BES I' Cheese t Cheese t ELr= J$ :c FIV P A !NE RT I ST! X T. 3 . 60. GII -WI L-LIC-KINS I" WHAT A Li.iftE kir Stock of Cues,/ °loafing at " T ICKING'S. PLAYED OUT I TPIK CGS PRICKS.— COI and be satisfied by pricing Clothing at . PIGKIS6I, i T CAN'T SE DENIED, TK AT FICK1)10 bee the largest assortment of Corte, Pants sad eats, in the county. rIiKEINKS AND CARPET slas, A radian 1 variety, cheat) at PICKING'S.. IT IS EVEN SO 1 A large stock of 01-es shirts, Sitspenlets, Dottrel! is, White and Calico shirts, cheap at PICKING'S. XTICEI NICER! I NICESTI 1 I All Made 1 . 1 Sunday and every-day salts cheep . PICKING'S. GENTEEL I fIENTEELEKI I GENTEEL EST! ! I' Dyck Cloth Frock, and Sack Coats; also all kinds of Cassimere. Duck, Cot ton and Linen Gaeta. Cellist PICKING'S. IT IS OIDERD ASTONISHING, whit a large an cheap assortment of Pants e4l be had at PICKING'S. . T~EEC TIRE 1 Fine essortment of Mock* cheap at PICKING'S. Nr.e . O USE TALKING, bnt eerie right along and price Clothing, Notions,ilte.;at PICKING'S. - .3/IIIHICAL INSTRUMENTS. Violiss, At cordiona, Elates rad Page, to be had it PICKING'S. ARE YOU INT Par a cheap suit. Thea call at PICKING'S. CREIM ICKS, An ether kind of good . money, taken is tickange for Coats, Pants, Vests, Ac, at PICKING'S. rIE GREAT SENSATION' of the day— Pickings Clothing Store. ri tiEIr,CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pick 'V/ log's Spring end Simmer Clothing. G O AND SEE Picking's Cheap Clothing. STOP A MOMENT l—What's th e burry? want tg.get a suit at ncwars. MrETIIKR EARTH is putting on a new mutt. Let attain people jig to Picking's and do likewise. [April 23, MOT • NORRIS STILL AllEtlli 8 a o e. ri tU h .i a T B i F it il st O r H era T r li n E el e ( l r T o Y w l the N c or . ty wi th the'finest and cheapest lot of ready made clothing ever offered in Gettysburg. DON'T FORGET VIE PI. OE Next door to Roeder's Otng store, where yen will End largest ant best selection of HATS and CAPS in Gettysburg. JE•RU-SA-LEIL I—What nice Pante and Vest t Norrieltas at. kts new Store. lie beats 'em all. 4mlT PriTats PLAYED OUT I—Voiria aelliallovea as cheap so thoy were Lclore the war. AND THE COLORED' THOOP3 FOCOIIT NOBLY I—lf you .don't behove it just go to New. Store and he Will convince yolk altat "Woolen" Goode a: e_cheaper than they have lives riacetle war. CEME IN OUT OF THE WET 1-111brria boa trmbrella3 so cheap that it is cheaper to keep ,Irythan run around La the Tall. NECKTIES, BUTTERFLIES an/I everything In that line at NORMS'S. I,OOK W 14410, TANEN LIN RD 1- , -PAper lars and Linen Cullers of all kinds and size. et NORRIS'S. !MEP TPlRl—line essortment at CloiSki acd warrantedta keep time at NORRISII. VILTSRA, TRISNICS, an 1 Carpet Sags, a every description et NORRIS'S. SIR YroG.ii,-No?Flt keeps the latest Sar-: atone. Roos. ON t TrIS ROAD TO BRIG/ITO: 4 f I—The la, test Brighton hits at THE LATEST RESORTIV—Norria has the I tte3t Resorts Las and the beat quality in the market. YOUXG DRIVING ROYSl—Don't forget OM Norris hue the West Driving litts out. May 7, 1866. W. E. BIDDLE. H. S. BERNIIIR. 100.000 Biters. Grain Wanted. NEW FIRM AT TUE OLD WAREHOUSE. WM. E. RIDDLE & , 00. would inform the public that they have leaded the Warehouse on the corner of Stratton street and the Rail. road; in Gettysburg, *here they *ill enrry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all i:s branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, ClOver and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Milt, Nuts, Soap,Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country prodoce Utah GROCERISS.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Mill, Spica', Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps. ke.- Also COAL 011., Fish Oil, Tar, kc. FISH of ail kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chew,- lag To baccos. They are always able to supply a first rats article of Flour, with the different kiads Feed. Also, around Pltigter, with Guano. and other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or ear load. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepated to convey Freight either way, in anv quantity, at REDUCED BATES. They wilt attend, if. desir‘t: ' to the making of purchases in the city, end delivering the goods promptly in Gettysbnre. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Starr & Morton, No. 118 North Howard street, near Franklin Baltimore, where freight will he received at any time. They iuvite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effurt to accorutautlate all who may patronize them. • BIDDLE # BENNER. April 16, 1866* tf Removal. CALL AND SEE US IS OCR NEW QUAD- Tk;RS. ___ _ GREAT ATTRACTION! M1C111. 1 31, SPANGLER would respectfully inform hip friends and the public 'generally that he has moved his Store into the stomps , . dioas room on the southeast eorier'Pfdliltlf 1114- mond, at which place a!I are invited 'to can. He has purchased•the property and bad it thoroughly repaired and fitted up in the most splendid style, for th 3 speci tl comfort and con. venience of his cu.ttoiaers. We oow (letter ourselves. that we have not only the best store room In the couniy, but, the finost stook of goods ever brought to this place; all of wfilels we arc now selling at prices to • DEFY CO)IPETITIOlt. We call'atCeaLlou especially to our complete stock of DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, embracing all descriptions of DRESS GOODS, DRESS SILKS; DELAINES, MERINOES, CASEIIISRES, CALICOE; MUS LIMS, CORSETS, troop Skirts for totaltb and Misses, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidery., Trim ogs and FANCY A.D.TICLRS. Lao, Gent's FU aN [SLUNG GOODS, Ciotti, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Tweeds, Oc., Oa. We are now selling— I Muslin' from to . Calicoes from 10. to 14. and other goods in proportioc. k Having mile our purohases when were at their very loweit grade la theca,. tai are now offering humans that cannot, fail to plr.nse. We invite all to call at our NZIT STUBS and see if it is not to, u. SPANGLES.,;, April 16, 1863. ,6009 Agents WANTED, Lo sell SEX our myessiors, of great Yttlue to fiunilies; ell pogrAgt profits. Sena 15 cants and get 80 pages, 5 cents and get 80 pages nod a ample grst ET El ILA lAI B! )SVN, Lowell, ILL ss May 28, 1800. ]m Who? Who? Who? r\LTP.NEXT'OOVEIt.NOR ! Web tre s coe reet and striking pholograph-etf. Governor of Peonsyironia,,sribet by toMI for 25 cents. If me m state Acmes si mosey will be refunded intmediettelyalter elec tion neat Oetober. - Is it Gentry.* Write and 440. Address BARTLISON k CO., 611 CIigSTMV? ate ' Vey T. sit RAKES t=ll,..hges r—tt imClot KALIII7LEI 30E11. -J