Ids Ottirt ifirWo4 President Llicoln, on the purpendeftt Sumter, called seventy-five that men to arias, there was not a Shadew of statute to justify his demand. *Down to the meeting of Congress he ficapely did a constitutional act.—..Y. Y. ' t 7lnbutre. If some unfortunate reasoner had talked :thus before tire martyr became a martyr, the rammer would have bseu made a • zaartyy. lo'The Village Record says nn its issue ;uf the oak: " Hleater Clymer declared the war for the 'Union an unholy and an unjust cru- Asde enit the personal rights and local in ititutlons of thst people of the South." We pronounce the above a falsehood, and call for the proof. Will the Record give us the thee, place, arid cireunsite4ees under which Mr. Clymer made use of auy •up language ?-Doylestown Dcifioerpt.. N V"' The military have taken pbssession ,of and suppressed The Loyal Georgian. 'his was an Abolition sheet of the rank estdie, published by negroes in the in terest of the ultra Radicals, and was used to disturb the peace of the country in which it was 'coated. At this exercise of military power the Radical newspapers are highly scandalized. They now prate lu the glibbest manner about the freedom of the press. They also declaim in the most violent manner against au unlawful exercise of arbitrary power. But they 'made no objection when Doinoeratie and Con4ervative journals were suppressdd for daring to give lawful expression to the thonglat4 of freemen, mad in many oases they bounded on the brutal mob to ',destroy the private property of their' neighbors. Then it was all right—now is 44 wrong. Verily, the chickens are coming home to roost I la-Not content with their reports of Pltetenstruction Committee," snelling eonAnissions t &e., dzc., the_ Disunionists have 4lec a bill in Waiting prOviding for the completiott of a one-sided history of the war, to be edited by, some Abolition stark-mud Yankee, at a Salary of $2,500 a year—the work to embrace about forty heavy volumes, arid to cost the Govern ment several - lxundred thousand dollars. It certainly does appear that the sole end Mut aim of the Disunion leaders is to rob the people and enrich themselves and theiraiders and abettors. If the people want to save 'themselves from general bankruptcy and penury, they must turn Put the congressional thieves.—Patirot& fiarThe Geary convention says it "is able to express its sentiments upon the polote matter of and candidatts'in four -words—God grant Geary victory." This is n very meagre epitome of issues and a rather antagonistic arrangement of p oulidates: God never granted Geary a victory as a general in the Union cause, - and as Deacon Bigelow Pays, he would be a very great scoundrel" to `grant him a victory as a Disunion politician. God and Geary ain't running on the same tieket.-'-Partee & Union. ftarA meeting of Republicans was held in Macomb, Illinois, on the 2ith ult., at which strong resolutions were adopted, indorsing the reconstruction policy of President Johnsen. This was followed, oz the hy another at Springfield, in the same State. -The Chicago Times says: "The Springfield meeting will serve es an eve-opener to the Radicals of the State... When such prominent Re publicans as 110n..J., E. Rosette and Col onel Matheny leave the Radical faction, and tire daily -followed by other men equallyprominent, the signs of its spee dy dissolution nmitiplylast." PirSince NeW Jersey has become publican," (shoddy,) corruption has stalked abroad over the Jersey sands. The grand jury of Bergen county have --fputgl bills -of indictment for bribery algid: m. 41 four members of the Assembly; • two bills against a fifth, and have four ' teen other bills prepared to act upon. It is said.that practices the most corrupt were freely indulged in, and to an extent truly alarming, by members and officers of the Legislature—the latter in addition to their high salaries,_ levying fees and blabk mall for preparing and presenting business and for other services. It is the same old story—the outcropping of "grand• moral ideas." Great Attraction AT BRINKERHOFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STO BE, at the North i ast Corner of the Diamond. The subscriber is 8i3430.nt1i in receipt of fresh goods from the pastern cities. Hisittock of READY-MADE CLOTHING . • Is one or the largest and most attractive, as well ns the cheapest establishment of the kind in the cimcd.ry. • You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made np in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials ; of all sizes riad prices, for men and boys.— PentleMet's furnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shins s and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Draw4s, Hosiery of every description Buck-sklo, Merino and Cotten Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Liuen and Paper Coll irs, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas; Truuks, Valices, Carpet Rags, Clothes and Shoe 'Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe !Wicking; Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, W.ttches, Clocks and Jewelry, Ones, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, liJape and Pertnmeries, Stationery of all kin Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, Mt extra quality of Segars. In fuck, his etock embrsdes everything usually fondd In a first Class furniihing store. I invite the attention of ail to come and see for thenreelvis, as I am determined to sell goodt lower than any other establishment in the country. Don't ;urge% the place. Corner of York street and kbe Diamond: JACOB BRINKERHOFF. Ny 4 , 1§64. . New Warehouse. - • . . 100090 BUSHELS OF G,RAIN WANTEI9, at the new Grain find Pro d uce °use, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Sheuds ..k Buehler's eitablishment. The highest market price *ill always be paid in 046 BO • . * . '4 • GRAN, of nil kinds, . • PE,orgc, SEEDS, ke. Always on hand and for Sale, at the smallest rofits, I GCr4NOSr • IIALT, FISH, PROOERIES, ate., • Wholesale and retail. TTlll' tTSI We , shalt dq our best to girt taiistacitiou Its all case!. MeCIIRDY dr, Gettysburg, May 11, 1863._ ly -Macklin:tithing. • rpgs •underiained would most iesActfully Is:L[omA the public that he mintiattei the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, his lately Philip Dcersom's, adjoining irroael's paint shoP, in' East Nlicidle street, ik pettysrg,•Where he will at all times be pre rligi tb do Ellicksmithing work to'Carriages, ttes, ' That he knows bow to I ,iotre of the kind will not be questioned one who have a knowledge of his long g r oino at the business. Come on with Your 44' r a will be satisfied when you elt away --and for which' be will remslye salt or Conutly Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORT4 Var. 400845. ', . John W. Tipton, • rBIIIOP4I3LE BARBSR, .forth-east poi. nor of the Diamond, (next dool to Mc -1 ean's Hotel,) Oettyllanrg, Pa, *hers be --tasfsb4iir be } blind ready to attend to,ap 14 Ida line. Re bas also aicelleat as . SIM will Moire satistaMosi. Give siieScalL ' ' - _ Dec. 3,1860., • a At EIORNER/8 yen can net pure r u Medicines, Nis Btlifth ratien ' 16 Hardware dc Groceries. llllll 4 subscribers have just returned from the title/ with so int:house supply of RDWALRB k GitOCBRISS, which they ste offering at thnir old stsad in 43altuaore street, at prices to snit thi times. Our stock consists in pall of BUILDING MATEGIALS, 14B,PENTEG'S TOOLS, BLACKBILITH'S TOOLS, COACG FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS Of IRON, Atc. GRODERTES or ALL KINDS, OltS, PAINTS, itc,, &e. There is no article included io the several departments mentioned above but what can he bad at this Store.— Every class of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and flousekiepers can find every article in their line. Give us a call, as we ens prepared to sell as low for cash as any house oat of the city. JOhL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. t, Gettysburg, May 16, 1864. Schick Still Alteadt N EW SPRLNG GOons! I RAT ACTION IN PRICES! J . .L. SORIDIC would respectfully say to the citizens of Get tysbuig and vicinity, that he is now receiving at hii store a splendid STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. The stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, MOZAMBNCE, OIIALLIES, DE -14INES, BOMBAZINES, ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES,, of all qualities and choicest styles, which will belold at PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION.i FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &c. Also i a splendid assortment of RIBBON, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasols.- My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and compNte, arid customers may rely upon always getting good goods at' the lowest possi ble prices. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc ,call and examine my stock of CLOTHsS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of all qualities and choicest styles.. April 16, 1866. - I. L. SCHICK. The Great Discovery ~F THE - AGE.--Inflammatory ,nd Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using FL L. MILLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many. pronabaetit citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rhenmatif affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced to tte public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MlLLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Flit., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c., /se. Al e r A. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for "ii. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture," -- [June 3, 1861. tf Lancaster Book Bindery. G EORGE WLANT, , B 00K - BINDER, ASD BLANK !WOE MANCTA CTUELICR, L.O t.STE R, PA Plain and Ornaments/ Binding; of every de scription executed in the most substantial and approved styles.- EIMMEEZI E_ W. Brown, Esq., Farnirrs Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank ' Samuel Shock, Esq. ; Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, Esq., York hank William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Etq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'yof Ltencaßter co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register /A Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder 14 44 April 15, 1861 Sale Crying. A W. FLEI9II,NG continues the business of SALE CRYING, and solicits the cda tinned patronage ott i he public. Iris his con stant endeavor to five satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Brebkinridge street, Gettysburg. P. S.—He is a Binged Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United States. Nov. 24, 1862. 4 ammeter; Removals. TB s undersigned, being the authorised person to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hopes that etch as contemplate the removal of the remains of ,decemsed relatives or friends will avail themselves of this season of the year to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no cdort spared to please. PE I'Elt THORN, • March 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. Noah Walker & Co., C LOTHIERS, WASRTNGTON BUILDING, 165 AND 167 BAFIXOLti STRUT, BALTIMORE, keep constantly on hand a large and well as sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderato I ices. r They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either" ready made or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS, embracinx every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear. Also, 'MILITARY CLOTHS and every varincy of Military Trim mings, as well as an assorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore Feb. 22, 1864. New Bakery NEWPORT ZIEGL.ER, Meehanlad Bak ers, South WAsttiogton strew., halt square from the Eagle - Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKER'S, CAKES, PRETZELS, &c. Per sons wishif; fresh Bread•wiil be served every morning, by leaving their names and residences at the Bakery Every effort mado r to please Give us a call I (April 20,'63. - tf Still at Work 2 T ag undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his old stand, in East Middle street, Gettystgarg. NEW WORK loads to order, Cad REPAIRING done promptly and at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING - WAGONS and a SLEIGH for sale. • JACOB TROXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. Cairisige..making Business. THE War being over, the undersigned have resumed the CARRIAGE-)TAKING, BUSINESS, at their old stand, in E ,et-Middle street, GETTYSBURG, where they are' gain prepared to pnt up work in the most fashionable, substantial, and supe rior manner. A lot:of new and second-band CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ,V.C. on hand, which they will dispose Of at the lowest prices ; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. AV".REPAIRING done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates.. A large lot of new and old HARNESS on band for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage hez eto fora enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en deavor to deserve a large share in the future. DANNER it ZIEGLER. July 10, 1885. it Western Lands. rrIHE subecnber has some valuable WEST . ERN LANDS, which.he will trade for one or more FARMS in this._ county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farm ing. Early application desired. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. Gettysburg, April 3, Ina. tt ATTRACTING ATTENTION.—The superior Pictures taken at MUM PER'S SKY. HT GALLERY, on West Middle Et., are attracting Universal attention. Good judges . pronbance thedi superior to any ever taken is this plane , . Call•and examine for youreelvet. Rtiqtare Frames, 1‘ GRRAT•vitliety of IMOTtrIB 'AMOS, with 'plebs bad Genres glossa, foe lOU at miler's Drottn4 Variely . Store, ' - 6 7ni5e16,1565. ' ' '• ' - " - leaey•Saved LS MONET RADE. W SYSTEM "ADOPTID, AND PRICES REDUCED! The undersigned most respectfully, invite their oi) 1 41 customers and the public generally to call and see Shots Gods at the. new prices. We have A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, which we hare concluded to yea off at the lowest p)sstble prices. We intend doing what we say; therefore all persons desirous of making money in the easiest way (by saving it in their purchlses; will not tail to give us a call, as ,tve prcmise theist they ,shall not be disap pointed. We are thankful for the put very liberal patronage we have received, and trust that we shall merit a continuation of the same; and moni—as we shall nee our best endeavors to please all who may favor us with a call. grerDon't forget the place. . PANNED, & Fairfield, Adams courtly, Pa. N. B.—We are Agents for Ililler's Superior ,Family Flour, and Johnson's celebrated Blast ing Powder. [Feb. 26, 1806. tf Accidents: THE ORIGINAL TRA YELLERS INSURANCiI CO., Of HARTPOitD o 0011 N. Cash Assets, Lx. 1, 1111353431ba1s INSONNS AGAINST ACCInEWIt FROM RUNAWAY HORSES, ACCIDENTS FROM SLIPPERY SIDEWALKS ASSAULTS BY BURGLARS AND ROBBERS SPRAINED ANKLES AND BROKEN' LILIES EXPLOSIONS, COLLISIONS, BURNING. it DROWNING. Acidenti of AU Kinds 46rPolicies 'of any amount from V'oo to $lO,OOO in case of fatal accident, or $3 to $5O weekly compensatmu in case of disabling bod ily injury, and from one mouth to five years time, at small' premiums. Oldest and Best Arrarnt Ins. Co. Extant. J. G. BATTSIV4ON, Pres't ROONEY' DErSSIS, See'r. rba. A PICKING, Ageul,,Gettysbarg April 9, 1806.„3m - Forwarding Business. I CULP & EARNSHAWS LINE. }J AXING' purchased the Warehouse and tars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing, to th 4 public that they will run a / LINE OF FREIGHT, CARS from C ettysburg to Baltimore every week. They are prepared-to convey Freight either way, in anyquantity. They will attendyildesired,to the Makin ] of purchases in the city, and deliver ing th goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their cars run to the= Warehouse of*STEVEN SON k SONS, 165 North Howard street, (near FranlOin,) Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who nay patronize them. Haeiug purchased the buildings mad lot on the Northeast corner of Railroad and North Washington streets, Gettysburg their Depot will retnain there. Any person having busi= ness ih the forwarding line are respectfully in vited to call. CULP & EARNSHAW. Atli. 7,1863. , , Great Reduction of Prices IT THE ' CBE. I. GROCERY! = M CORN OF ANION AN HAMBERARCRO STRAW?. J 0 . S W . A ..?‘", Having just returned from the city, respect fully informs Hs customers, and the, public, that he has succeeded in forming a connection. with one, of the first Importing Houses in the city of Baltimore, by which he is euabled to offer Groceries at a lower tigure than they can be purchased elsewhere in the county.— If yolt would save money, call at the Cheap Grorry, corner of Diamond and Chamhersburg street. lie sells exclusively for Cash, and is determined to be ahead of all others in selling cheap. Give him` a call before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN .11.1BWAN. • Barron's Safety Laps, AND LIG-RO-INE (Red) F UID. PATENTRD. THIS Lamp apparently burns li ii ' t' hout any thing to feed it. It has, hov e , er, a ma terial which absorbs the liquid aucl;gives it to the flame, partly from the wick, and partly in the form of gas, but so as to produce perfect comOnstion, and is very economical and sale. It is need without a chimney, and perfectly trimmed, does not smoke or smell ; It is . there fore especially adapted to tho purposes of a "ran ab3nt," nigbt, aurae, shop or hotel lamp, or. lantern. The cost 'of broken chimneys, alone, wi.l more than pay the cost of thislamp. Ever' fatally needs one or more. "I is just what I have been Icing looking, far," writ es a model house-keeper.- "I Should hardly know how, to do without it," writes another. "1 perfect contrivance," writes a third. who are skeptical try it," writes • JOHN M. SWAN, Diamond and Chamberstonrg st. ig•ro-ine Fluid also for sale at• [Mar. 12, 1866. NEW FIRM . , ILD STAND. [BEITABLITRIM IN 1817.] I • ave associated with me, in business, my son, John F. McCreary, under the firm and style of D.' McCreary .9c Son, and I - desire to say-1 my old friends and the public generally that ince the war,the manufacture of Saddles, liar ess, Collars, &c. _has been revived at tire ?Id, fistablished anti-s Cell known stand on Bal timore streetoitte square south of the Court HouSe, Gettysburg, Pa. Having had an experience of 90 years in this establishment, I feel assured, tharwith renetved attention to business, we Lei still further merit and receivea full of pub lic pittronage. 1 DAVID McCHEARY. Wittoincreased facilities for conducting our business, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the itupetior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, Horn Saddles, Haines, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted ,scat or withoutfastenings - no Horn, Hrnmings, Plain or Quilted Seat• Scotch Cotlars(leatber) Side Saddles, *, (ticking) Plain or Fancy Saddle No Seam collars, Clothe, est Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, lets, Riding Bridles, _of all Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or black, stitched or unstitched _rounded or flat, Best Le.ther Wagon Martingals,_ Whips, 4, 41 and 5 Carriage Harness, all feet brig, styles, silver or black Plaited Team Whips, Mounted, Trotting Whips, Henry Draft Harness,' [Mies' Riding Twigs, Blind Bildlee, Whip Lashes, GirthS, Iflorsis Blankets, Croppers, &c., te.. ticc. In short, everything that pertains to a first ChM general horse fury lug establishment constantly on band or ma a to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most es perfeneed workmen in the country, (two hav ing worked in this establishment for the last' thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent 14: of Heavy Draft and HittlleSS Collars for those who prefer our owe to city made Work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice!' and on reasonable titling. All ate cordially invited to call aild examine d for themselves, as our work campt tct recomttenti itself. - • D. McCREAD,Y I 4S NON. Feb. 5,18 M tt • Cooking Stores - Oevery witiety including the iiNoble 4 .Cook,' "Royal ok,""Waverly," "Orn , amental," •fOriental, . Also, Tin-ware, Sheet-iron-wart, Hollow-ware, and every ye rfetyof Kitchen Furniture—including a mirk ly of &totems. Mao, 'a new and much im proved Flour Sifter, for isle by C. H. BUEHLER, Corner of Carlisle and Railroad eta., Feb. 19, 1896, Gettysburg, Ea. C AIL and see the most beautiful assort. TNSUB.R AGAINSTACCIIDENTS in the ori. meet of new JEWELRY, 'inch as 1, giant TRAVELLERS INSURANCE WM.* Ereist-plus Ear Drops, MANY OF HARTFORD. It is the oldest, ler- ' ' Finger tocketti, Chains, ke., gest, and whit accident liagranee computtin it' • J. BRYAN'S, A the 1 deposits the Bank, Gettjahnsg... Flour E Feed I nod Greeeries 1 • 1-1 T THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. If you wish to buy anj of the abo7e 'ril e 4es cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else, go to the Grotery Store of the undersigned on the Hill, RI Baltimore 'street, t where customers can alwa s he accommoda ted, and where all are inv it ed to call and see for themselves. The pub is will always find a full and choice assortoserg, of SUGARS, ,COFFEES, TE S, SYRUPS, RO- L , V 4 SES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, PLSH, BACON, LARD, REESE, CHAO- KERS, BUTTER, • OGS, /cc - L* ( GLASS-WARE, CROCK TIONS, AC., COAL OI OIL, AND FLOUR ALWAYS ON 'WANTED. —Flonr,Gort Bacon, and Potatoes, foi market price will be pal cash Oar Being determined nese in *lair and hono cheap, I invite all to give April 9, 1866. I,t Remo rill STRICKIMITSER lk W .OTZKEY. Have removed their establishment to the west side of Baltimore street, a few doors above the Court-honse, ad nearly opposite the Post office, where th , continue busi ness oa a larger scale than ever. • OYSTERS AND FISH always to be had in their season, with Sweet and Irish 7otafoes, Apples, Beans, Homony, &c. Also, HAMS, SHOULDERS, AND SIDES, Mackerel and 'Herring, Butter and Lard, Cheese, with all other articles in this line. Also, Raisins, ilmondS,and a general assort ment of Confections. oking and Cbewicg Tobaccos, Segays f Pipes, and a great variety of Notions. They ask calls convinced that they can al ways sell as che - ap as the cheapest. As they run cars to the city regularly, their opportu nities for keeping up their stock are unusually guod, and ttie, public cal rely upon getting everything fresh and nice STRICKHOUS ER k WISOTZKEY. April 9, 1366. tf BELL'S Conrentra'd Flavoring Extracts! FQUAL to any in the market and superior to many, in larger.bottles, and at old prices. Wholesale agents for Baltimore, BURROUGH BROS., Wholesale' Druggists LlST.—Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Nutmag, Celery, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Birch, Cinnamon, Apple, Mulberry, Pine Ap p!e, Banana, Mace, R..spberry, Pear, Pepper, Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter Almond, and Sa vory spices. The great difficulty heretofore experienced in procuring true Flavoring Extracts, has in duced the proprietor to spare, no pains or ex pense in giving to the public an article which will be found true to its name, and which will in no instance be a source of disappointment. 1 - t will be observed that our extract of Lem on and Orange is a prepared extract from the Peel, which any one may be convinced of by merely smelling them. The price of Vanilla .Se - ans. too, his Longed mare useless Extract of Vanilla to be menu factnred and soldsflaan any other essence ; being either made from Tonka Beans, or some other fictiitnus comnnund. In our Extract we WILL GUABANTES A PURE ARTICLE! made from the the Bean, without any foreign substance whatever:-., Ben's Worin Syrup. THE MUST INNOCENT, IkLEASA.NT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY'IN t.,$E —A 'REM EDY PERFECT IN ITSELF =No CaitOFoi/ to be Taken. --In this Prepara t ion we have' eluded such remedies only as I have been tried for years and are known to posess powerful anthelrAintic virtues, uombined with milt aperients, pleasant aromatics and sugar. An thelmintics of themselves cannot pf 'form their peculiar functions or hare the desired eff•ct, unless the bowels are kept moderately open. To produce,this. genttelpurgatives are neces sary and such only ought to be used that can not interfere with the attliehnintic employed. The advantages' we clam for this Syrup - are: let. Its power, of DE TROYLNG AND EX PELLING WORMS: I 2d. Its mild aperient OfTect upon the bowels. 3d." Its pleasant tastel and odor are advan tages possessed or clainied by very few Term ifuges. ' 4th. Its harmless infl vice upon the system, consequently no injurio s effects will result from its use should the atient have no Worms, but an apparent disea e, arising from some other unknown cause, Lich is frequently the case. The constituents of this Syrup and its effects are known to many Physicians, who are now using it in their practice to a large extent. Price 25 cents a bottle. The Greatest Linintent in Vse. BELL'S WHITE o%i—The Blandest, .Clean est, most Penetrating and most Economical Liniment in Use.—A poweiful Oleaginus Com ' pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains;• Sprains, Wounds, Numbness of the Limbs, Frosted Feet and Hands, Spavin, Sad dle alls, Poll-Evil, 'Ring Bone, Bruises, Swellings of all kind, and in fact crefy dis ease for which an Embrocation is applicable, either in Mon or Beast. Price 25 cents a bot tle.—This preparation, which is original with ns, foetid to be one of the nicest and at the same time one of the most reliable ap plications extant. , - Having been cmplo ed very extensively 'since its introduction a a feeling satisfied of its remedial pr4erties, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one will be disappointed in its use. It is, as its - name implies, a white liniment of the consis tency of cream, containing nothing offensive, i but, on the contrary, will be found more pleasant than otherwise. Bell's Alterative, (I R °CONDITION POWDERS, FOR HURSESp CATTLE & SWINE 25 cents a paper, or five papers for $l. The immense sale of these Powders during the short period they. have been before the public, is a sufficient guarantee of their great popularity, and the decided benefits derived from their use. They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, but as -a complete cure for all diseases incident to the HORSE, COW or HOG, as Lose of Appetite, Coughs, Heaves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glanders, kc., kn. By their use the Horse's Appetite isimpror— ei, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance, and may be used with perfect safety at all times, as it contain!, no ingredients which can ibjare a horse, whether sick or well. They cleanse the breathing apparatus by ejecting from the air cells coagulated matter, or that formation which so severely clogs them, causing a tightness in breahing, andby their peculiar action on' that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation bf the blood and restoring the distended vessels to their natural size. For fattening cattle they are invaluable, also possessing peculiar properties in increas ing the quantity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an importance and value which should place them within the hands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, and as a general purifier of the ,blood we guarantee their eiScac,y if once fairly - tried. ' ' gear Sold at Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler, Apothecary, and by Druggists'and Storekeep ers generally. Ask forll's Preparations. Prepared excluiively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,) West Washington St., Hagers town, Eld. , Not. 16, 1835. ly TrIE GREAT REDUCTI3N in prices at the EXCELSIOR, in York street, opposite the ank, places the, superior Pictures made at that old establishment within reach or all, and I trusrno one will fill to - avail them;elres of the opportunity thus aflurded. I. G. TYSON. 112,3 THH23 • U.I7O3" 'BUS IXES'S CattEGE, 'HANDEL and HAYDEN HALL, Waren AND SPIUSW - GARDIOS PUILADIMPHIL. =ONO MAY PEIRCE, A. It, President kid Consulting-Accountant. • Extraiolliknary Indoeements! NOVEL PER MBN-ENT ARRANGEMENT OF BITSINE93ICOI,kEGE TERMS, newt APRIL 1 To Ocnitsa 1, 1866, LIFE SCROLARSHIPS, including, Bookkeep ing, Business Correspondence, Farms k Cos toms, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pen manship, Detecting Counterfeit Money, and Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE . DOL- 76 BY-WARE, NO. LAMPS, FISH AND FEND LARS. - - SCHOLARSHIPS, including the same subjects as above. TIMIS LINITID TO Maar, MONTHS, 'TWENTY" DOLLARS. PENMANSHIP. Three Months.. $7 Penmanship and Arithmetic, three monthsslo The saving of coal and gas in the summer months is an advantage of such impOrtaace as enables the management of this College to make a considerable reduction in the summer rates. HAND , Oats, Butter, Bgge, which the highest , either in trade or I 1 ,• conduct my lensi- Lle way, and to sell • e a call. 'BY OVERDUB. Faux OCTOIIII 1,3866, to Area 1, 1867, And succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarship Scholarships, 3 months... Penmanship, 3 months Penmanship and ArithmetlP, 3 months... 517 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and ftir the Sons of Ministers and Teachers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION FOR BOYS SEXES AND ALL AGES, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Pen manship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arith metic,Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry,' Ana ! 13 tics. Geometry, The calculus, Navigatity, Surveying, Engineering, Ganging, Mining, Me chanical Drawing, Commercial Law, German, Telegraphing, end the English Branches, at moderate prices. _ • Endorsed by the public as the most success ful Business College of the country, as is evi denced by the fact, that ,FOUR iIUNDRED & TWO STUDENTS FIRST SIX MONTHS OF ITS EXISTENCE GEO. B. SNYDER, R. S. BAREES, C. N. FA RR, Jr., J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY REIM, -A. E. ROGERSON, A. M., C. E. Supported by an able CJrlis of Assistants. - Con or *end fora Catalogue, College Currency, and Pewee's Practical Educator. OFFICE-531 NORTIi EIGHTH ST.,PHIL ADELPHIA. THOMAS A. PERCE. April 23, 1868. 3m CHOLERA PREVENTIVE I. x. rasa r. Y TITS C'REArZTY(7.4RI B)TMRS. THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY was discov eied and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. S. Cheopsus, ah eminent Egyptian physcian. He had long seen and, felt the want .of some remedy which would strike at the rcot of dis ease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the human family was then compelled to endure. The great question was presented to his mini every day in vivid colors'as he moved a mong the, sick and dying, and observed the in efficiency of nearly all the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think. and experi ment; and after ten years of study end labor, ha presented to his 'fellow man the wonderful Zingari Bitters: - The eff et of this preparation in the' prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most tattering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him wlio diccovered it: Ills name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles; and a gold medal with the following inscription—Dr. Sr Cheopsus, the Public Benefactor—was pre sented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in 'several epidemics of cholera: both as a preventive and curative measure, and with such great success that'd has been introduced into 'nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. 'The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with mar vellous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will protect us against this terri ble disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combination which acts on the excretory o-gans, and keeps them in work ing order, must prevent a sufficient - accumu lation of the poison to exert its terrible erects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, espe cially the different forms of fevers. The Zingari Bitters is just sacra remedy as the above conditions require. It acts on the organs of excretion and secretion, keepinz up a perfect balance between them. This Bitters is composed entirely of roots, and hertis, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the foloying diseases have been cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea; Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Ner vous Debility, Anaetnia, Female Irregularties, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula, &c. Price, one dollar per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the 1>; slant street Wharf, Ilarrisburg, Sold by Druggists, Hotel-keepers & Grocers. F. RATHER, Sole Proprietor. gar`For sale by Win. J. Martin, sole Agent for Gettysburg. April 16, 466. ly ' 19),1LE FARMERS AND DEALERS IN FERTILIZ ERS will please take notice that we have adopted the following Trade _Mark to protect °unwires, and prevent those who use our RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE from being deceived when purchasing manures. We have been obliged to give this protec tion to our customers, in crosequence of sev eral parties having unlawfully used our dis tinctive name, viz: "Raw Bone," in offering their article to the public. This Trade Merk is adopted in addition to the title "Raw Bone," which is our exclusive property, and we cau tion al! manufacturers from using it in future. We would State to the trade tknd consumers, that they will find it to their Interest to ace that the "Trade Mark" te upon every bag and barrel they purchase, as none other is genuine. BAUGH t SONS. 11°A. a a II BONF, Super phosphate of Lime; Manufactured by BAUGH. k SONS, No. 20 South Delaware Aveuuil, PILILADELPHIA. • The great popollirity at °di article has been found sufficient inducement to certain imitators to mauttfacture cud advertise "Raw - Bone Phosphates," a name which originated with us, sad is our own rightful property. We will state for the information of all, that we are the exclusive manufacturers of this article —the original and -sole proprefbrs of it—hav ing been manufectoved by us for a period of twelve years. Also that it-is covered by sev eral letters patent, held only by ou rselves. We Care MM. ready to supply it in large qnantities—having m ide recent additions and improvements. Vessels drawing lG feet of water can load directly from the Wharves of the works; which are located at the foot. of Morris Street, Delaware River. We call the attention of DEALERS to this great advantage. The present indications are that we shall have a greatly increased demand over last spring and fall seasons; and we advise Farmers to send in their orders %o their respective Dealers at as early day, that all may be sup. plied promptly. Soliciting your continued orders, We remain, ' Yours re ry truly, 37V011 k SONS, • c A 10.45 B. Delaware Avenue, Feb. 5, UP, 9w ./11ILADELIVA. L 1" • AMU' DIMS TRIALINGS, In great vs. 0 6 1 , T , • -OPENIFIL • Axp BUCCEIDING MlitB EE have entered in the Principals of Departments: THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M., [I* IK F - 0 U T Z-' 8 0„,„ brn ad Cattle Powions . • • • This preparatioo, • long And favorably i known, will tLor oughiy reinvigorate brokm.dowu and Jow.splri tcd berms, by strengthening and cleansing IL* stomach And Into& tines. It I, a 'are pre +— • - ventive of all dits• - eases incident to this animal YELLOW' TER,_ E A Couoll9, TEMPER 'FERE, F01:1141)) LOSS OF AF" TITS AND ENERGY, kn._ nse improves wind, increases the appeifte-give' • smooth r glossy skin' transforms t miserable Muth horse- EKE In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Lirer, &c., this article S' --:',-':. -; sate alt a apecille. 4 -- ?.." ".7:',4.; • 't , . , .... ed e By putting from . , ."i' 4- .' v • ono-half a paptr " . _ toe paper Ins= ,-„-. barrel of swill the - -- 1 - -,---,m, -..__ above dizeuaes "- -- - --- „,. , • -- , . ,-_--,- will be eradicated --r- .'"- ' - -- -- ,___- --- • or entirely prevented. It given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the flog Cholera. Price 25 Centa per Paper, or 5 Papers for IL YILEPA.RED BY S. A. FOUTZ Sr, BRO., Imam DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. 'For Sale by Drurgista and Storekeepers through out the United States. For - b aI e by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Laugh/in Bu-hfit Id, Wheeling, Tit ; C. C. Bender do Co., Pitaburg; Johnson, Holloway a: Cowden, Plailadeliatia. Dec. 11, 1865. . The Greatest Family Medicine in the World, SORE THROAT, 0 r DIPTHERIA. "e` The attention of the public, . and especially. th• sufferers from that dreadtul disease, Dipthena or Sore Throat, is called to the great remedy known u Stanobraktes BALSAM, OR PAIN KILLER, As a sere care for Sore Throat or , Diptheria, Croup, Bronchitis. Scarlet Fever, Am, and all other diseases of ths throat, and also an inlallible remedy for Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera liforbus,' Sick. Headache, Suddsn Colds and Coughs, Neuralgia, Phthisic, Old Sores, An. It is alto invaluable for Bruises, Frosted Feu Swelled Joints. Bites of Poi sow= Insects, An, and a prompt and sure reined for Cramp Cholic and all Pains in the Stomach sad Bowels. This medicine has been tried in thousands of cages in different parts of the country, and has never failed to cure if used in time, and according to directions. A great amount of suffering might often be saved by having a couple of bottles of this valuable medicine in the house. As an evidence of its great qualities the proprietor warrants every bottle fo give entire satisfaction. Try it and be convinced of its great value. READ FERTHER4I STONEBRAKER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY, VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP For die Riip!d Cure of Cough!, Colds, Aoaeyene~y Croup, W hoopingCough,,..ty.tut, Difficulty of Ll . 3rxtathig ,z 'SPittini of_lllthXl, First , Stages of Consumption, Soreness of the Throat, and all Affections _ . of the Pulmonary Organs. This Syrup is an invaluable remedy for the alle viation and core of Pulmonary . Diseases. It is prompt in its action, pleasant to the taste, and ffom its extreme mildness, is peculiarly applicable to the use of children and persons in delicate health. As an ariddyr.e expectorant, it will always be found to be beneficial, by alleviating and arresting the several spells of coughing so distr..sing to the patient. The afflicted can rely upon its doing of much, or more than any other remedy in soothing the nerves, facilitating expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at the root of all diseases and eradicating it from the system. All I ask is a trial of Chia preparation, as it ban no equal in its effects, and never fails to give entire satisfaction to all aho use it. We warrant it in all CVOS or the money refunded. • Try it--only 25, and 60 Cents a Bottle. READ ONE! READ ALL! A OREAT DISCOVERY MAIM II StoinebraluteeP, DYSPEPSIA BITTERS LIVER INVIGORATOR. Will Cure All Cases of • NERVOUS DEBILITY, And Diseases Originating from a ‘4.-- DISEASED LIVER and STOMACH By the use of from one to three bottles the most obetinate cases of Dirs.M . :iver Complaint, Bilious Attacks, Sick Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Dropsy, • Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Jaandi IL Cholera Mortrs, Female Weaktms and fir. Irregularities, Nervous Affection .47411 air; and General Debility, 'I - caused by exposure, imprudence, or otherwise, Diseases of the Skin such as -1 1 Moers, Scrofula Dull Pain in the Head, Yel lowness of the Skin, Dimness of Vision, Constant Imaginings of Evil and great Depression of Spirits. ARE ALL SPEEDILY CURED. r • This being an entire vegetable compound is war. ranted a eafe and effectual remedy not only for Dye parka and Liver Complaint, bat for all other diseases &slung from a disorganized or a diseased etomach, or impurity of blood , As a blood purifier and tome or general appetizer, these bitters hare no equal, and should be used in every family, as disease cannot exist where they are used. They are also warranted a perfect safeguard against Fever and Ague. Ladies desiring a clear complexion and good •hieflth should not fail to as* them. They are particularly recommended to those who are suffering under Debility and Depres sion of Spirits, their soothing and renovating powers being particularly adapted to all each eases. ISIOE $l.OO FEB BOTTLB. ,11 P 105rFor sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and Country Dealers generally. May 7, 1866. Gm Chewing Tobaccos! IATEL,SH, DEL,LONB k CO„ nt Honorer Pa., continue 'the manufacture of the different kinds of CHEWING TOBACCOS, on a large scale. Their facilities for manufictur• lag are ample, and with the choicest Leaf, and best and most experienced workman, they cannot fail to tarn out Tobaccos of the most desirable and popular grades. Orders from a distsnce solicited, and prompt ly attended to. The merch.tnts of Adams county cannot do better than by baying from Welsh. Dellone k Co., at Hanover April 23, 1966. Geary 2 Clymer! "fifirE have rhotocraphs, large and small, of Geary and Clymer. Agents wanted to sell them. Send T 5 cents for apecintep coplAs b malt. postage paid. Address ' , malt. irefk. l 611 011115TIVIIT St, ilay 7. ant ,on ls invaluable. roves the quality f the milk. It has en proven by so- ad experiment to icrease the glow ty of milk and cum twenty per sit. and make the utter drm and cet In fattening ale,it eh re them appetite, loosens lel r hide, and .Les them thrive MIMC:I .a. HI •& • 1 1 11 ; L • M J . N THE CITY OF NEW YOU, . , t) a highly respectable citizen, well knowd : t 4 the Mercantile community, by DR. .1. H. SCHENCK., Can GREAT Luna n0t7703 OP enztarinentA. Office N. Y. and Galena Lead Co., 11 No. 28 Nassau St., N. Y., June 1, 'us. Dr. J. H. Schenck—Dear Sir:—Por over fifteen years I have been troubled with • *e ver. cough, and usually two or three times a year with more or less hemorrhage, which to. gether, for thelast few years, has kept me thin in flesh and too weak to do business of any kind without suffering. In August hest I had, a very set ere hemorrhage, and, according to the judgment of a good New York physician, I was classed as beyond the reach of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, so far as property matters were coneerntd to leave this world at short notice. The ph skier' (and my good friends) said that the fir t cold I took 11) must prove fatal, Early in Ja ary I took s severe cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at ,No. 32 BOND STREET, directly over your office. I think about :he lath of January I procured a bottle of your Pulmonic Syrup and commenced taking it freely. My feet end limbs were very - much swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death seemed to accom pany my cold. I sent for my former physician, and stated to him that I was taking,your meth. tines, and after showing them to him, aid having tasted of them, arc ,he replied: "Yon can lake them if you like, they will do you no harm." He said: "You know what I told you last summer, and I say the same now, if you have any busicess to close cp, do not put it off." He said to other friends that he "could see no hope for the," and my friends and relit , lions concluded my time had come. At this time I was taking freely of your medicine, but ' had not seen you. The. doctor called a few times, and found me (much to his surprise, he said,) improving, and he cool t not understand why. My faith was increasing in your meal ! elites, and I had a wish to have you examine my case, and see what you had to say. When, you first came to my room and made the ex animation, you gave me but little encOurrigq ment, but on theconfrary, exposed sad dotal . / of my ever being helped out of my then seem ing difficulties. The second time that yoe called,, finding me still gaining, you gave me encouragement, saying, "my symptoms were. improving; the Pulmonic Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills had acted like • charm." My circulation, my cough, my appe tite; all began to improve, and I could walk about my room a little. You visited me nearly every Tuesday, and found me improv ing, and told me not to go out of my room un til the first day Of Any. I took no cold while under your treatm. nt, my appetite became first-rate, and you told me to eat everything I wished of a nutritious nature, and to exercise about the room as' mach as possible. I fol lowed yoar advice, and to the surprise of my old physician and friends, I stem much better than I have been for several years, and bre:.the better than! ever expected a person could with one lung, the left being completely dried up. ' I feel very gratkful le you, and consider your advice and.medietnes Invaluable. Yours, truly, Dr. Schenck—Dear Sir;---About two years ago I was taken with a very troublesome cdugh and a pain in my breast; seven or eight months pissed away without my doing anything for myself. Then I applied to a physician, who attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. I also obtained the advice and - treatment of a physician in one of our hospitals, and also had the advice And treatment of two.other physicians, but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was_ Dearly dead; several - times my friends me ca to see me and witness my exit into the, spirit-world. I was confined to my_ bed two Months at one time. My breathing Was ex ceedingly short. I gave up - several times all hope of getting better; and as regarded getting well, that was entirely out of - the' question.— And to think this-day, I am And hearty I I was advised by some of cny friends to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I accordingly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth ; then I found a decided change in my cough .for the better. I suffered severely from palpi tation of the heart, and two weeks _after I commenced taking your medicine this (Inca]. ty ceased. When first went to Dr. Schenck'e ofli !e it was with difficulty that I could get up into hie reception room, I was so week and so swelled ; my skin was as sallow as though I had the jaundice; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. Schenck, after examining me, said both, my lunge were affected, and gave me but little hope ; but his mediciues, in about two weeks, -took right boll 'of me ; it seemed to go right through my whole system. The Pulmonic Syrup, Sea-wet d Touic and Mandrake Pills, all took right bold in the-right place. The Pills brought away great quantitiei of bile and slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which came off very free ; the Sea- Weed Tonic cave me an appetite, and every thing seemed to taste good. To show what great power the .medicines have in purifying my eystem,end to shOw how bad I was diseased, beside all the bile that passed my bowels, and the great quantities of phlegm and matter 1 expectorated, I broke out all oyer in lerge boils, that would continuo to gather and run for about six weeks, and I had at one time over twentylve boils: I have I nothing of the kind now, and feel like another person altogether. I can safely say that I have not enjoyed such health for five years as I do new, and cannot praise you and yonr medicines enough. , May God abundantly bless and preserve you, is the sincere desire of one who has been 'so wonderfully relieved through your' agency ; and if any one desires to know with regard to the truthfulness of this report, if they will call upon any of my Mende, or upockme, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thomp son street, below Cad walader, Philadelptia, they will he perfectly satisfied with the valid ity of the case. Yours, with much respect, MARY SCHNAIDT. The store case, as described, is perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Your., T. B. MILLZR, Pastor of Hancock M. E. Church. Dr. Schenck will be prOfessionally at his principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of CoMmeice, Philadelphia, every Sat. nsday, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M.; No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 t0,,3; and every other Fri day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.— All advice free, but for a thlrough eternise- Lion of the lungs with his Respirometer, the charge is three dollars. Price , of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed oncT,i each $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents pet bcx. For Nile by all Druggists and Dealers. 2, 1866. Im , 'Gettysburg itatfroad. CHMANGE OF GONNI4CTIONS.—On and rtf ter Monday, November 20th, 1865,Pas senger Trains will have and arrive at ettys , burg, and make connection's, as follows : FIRST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A. M., with passengers for York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junction with. out change of cars, at 10,25 A. 21., connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen tral Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Mail Train from Baltimore north, nursing in Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg 1.10 P. M., with passengers from, Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washington. SECOND TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1.20, P. M., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 P.J.I. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6.15 P. M., with passengers from Philadelpbir., Harrisburg and the North and West, end also with passengers from Baltimore and Washington by the fast line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Train at 9 A. U., and arrive In Gettysburg at 1.10 P. M. Or leave Baltimore in the fast (lee at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettysburg at 8.15 P. M. But one change of cars by the first train, either way, viz : at Hanover Jonetkin. The fast Has on the. Northern Central wili'act stop at any local atations c except York, Hitno. Ter Junction and t'oikton. Connections cer tain. MeCURDY, - Pres't. Nov. 22, 1865. 1866. ofuzusrseigilulaileltiat rergei HO 'gale +.l 1 11 T. S. SBELDON