Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 25, 1866, Image 2

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    t- otitpt •,
1111ftellpe . Mum INI, Me.
- wog 00 , 81i1NOIL,
11011. HIE - STER' CLYMER',
allll4 ND
-..Democratic Mass Convention
of We friends ofJOHNSON, CLI-
On .WEDXEBD✓I Y the 18th
day of July, 1866.
All who are to favor of the immediate
restoration of the Uniun in dr original
All• who Inhere that the tbnetitution
of the United States id the Supreme Law
of the Land.
All men everywhere who are opposed
to coMmltt.lng the de4tinles of 30 MIL
NEGRO VOTERS; all who are oppos
ed, to
and especially those BRAVE MEN who
perllled Life and Limb to defend and up
hold the Government of their Fathers,
and not to create a new nation in which
the NEGRO is to" be our social and polit
ical equal, arc invited to attend.
The crisis of our' Country's Destiny is
upon us. The patriotic Andrew Johnson
tells you that the traitors Thaddeus Stev
ens and Charles Sumner, are trying to
destroy our system of Government, the
Government that Washington and Jef
ferson gave us, the best Government
the world ever saw, and to establish in
its place a Comolidated Drapotion, con
trolled by Now Tklugland fanaticism.
SECESSION."—Andrew Johnson.
The most distinguished liemoeratie
and Conservative Statesmen of the COUR=
try wilt lie present and address the Con
vention. •
1110.-The President and the Union Idem 7
hers of the Cabinet have been invittsl.
1110...Excurslon Tickets will be issued
on all the Railroads.
By order of the Democrat* State Cen
tral Committee. -
• J. D. DAVIS, hairman
Dent. Standing Committe or Berks eo.
• AV St. ROSENTHAL, President- '
Democratic City Club of Reading.
IffirDemoerutic papers are requested
to copy.
From the Pada& Union of Thursitor
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
now. sitting at Wilkesbarsge, yesterday
(the 90th), derided, by a majority, against
the act of Congress of March 3, 1864
which act was intended to disfranchise
dwrtere from the military service and
non-reporting drafted men. This decis
• jon also operates against the State di -
Tranchisement act, lately signed by Gov.
Curtin, and both acts fall together. We
understand that Chief Justice Woodward
and Justices Thompson and Strong ren
dered the decision against the act, while
Justices Bead and Agnew dissented. .•
This, then, settles the long vexed Ties
thiii, and establishes the fact that Penn
sylvania's citizens cannot be deprived of
their political' rhpits, without trial and
conviction for heinous crimes. The un-
Constitutionality of both the act of Con
tsl,es; and of the Legislature appeared to
so clearly apparent from both a constl
nal and common law. stand point,
that it cannot possitily be comprehended
how any Judge of an ordinary court, much
less two justices upon the Supreme Bench,
could for a moment hesitate about their
condemnation. Both the Federal Con
stitution and our State Constitution
dealers emphatically and undisguisedlv
that "No ex oat facto law shall be
"The act of Congress of March 3, 1864 and
the act of the Legislature signed June, ,
1880, were both ex post facto, inasmuch as
they were retrospective, and undertook
to imnishifor crimes previously commit
ted. Again ; no provision was made in
either act for the trial of accused persons
prevloua to the infliction of the penalties;
and hence in that they were in conflict
with both Constitutions, which are per
fectly clear in demanding that a fair and
impartial trial and conviction of crime
shall precede the-infliction of punishment 1
or penalties.
IMS.From this decision it is clear that
bleConaughy holdif his seat in the Senate
in violation of fundamental law. The 1
pretext upon which he was admitted by.
a partizan committee Is declared untena
ble, and all "the props are knocked from
under it." ' Having, then, no right to the
seat, will he continue to hold on to it ?
will he continue to disregard the will of
the people as solemnly expressed at the
ballot-box ? He may, but a man with any
sense of honor would scorn to do it.
President — Johnson ha taken open
ground against. the Constitutional A
mendment. In a Message to Congress on
Friday he sari "a proper appreelat t i l lm of
the letter spirit'of the Consti tion,
as well as ofthe interests of natiorlal or
der, harmony and union," are against
any Amendment now. GOOD
lleateoratie ibt.ry to Xebraaul I
The Democets, have carried the Ne
braska Legislature, thus securing the
election of two Democratic United States
Senators. The Senate will stand 7 Dem
ocrats to 6 readies* and the House 23
Democrats to 16 Radicals. This is truly a
glorious victory. •
New London Election:—At the Char
ter elation in New London, Conn., on
Monday, the Damdcratio ticket for
Aldermen and Council Men was glee •
by a majority of over twenty-live. Tha
Wu doing well for a city that gave Haw
ley 84 majority in April last.
• d Wonderful Change.—lt is quaintly
observed by ti eotemporary, that last
spring a traitor, rebel or copperhead, was
ene who did not sustain the policy of the
Preskleut. This spring a rebel or oopper
issadis one who does .support the Presi
dent. year to speak-tightly of the
144wident was treason. This year the test
loyalty is denunciation of the Execu
gigi.Grinnell's 'own party friends in
Xowa have given him an unkinder cut
- titan the . olio he got from Rowan's
:rattan, Thby have nominated another
"joetinn for th seat In Congress.
. WWII] McConsughy vaeatel _
aro munqsmorrs 16 rnL TriiintiON is
"We are glad to, know that President
Johnson stands Irm in his opposition to
all constitutional amendments at the
present time,„4lld to all conditions prece
dent to the ailtnissionof loyal representa-
Wes from the Southern States. Wait
until the Representatives and Senators
are admitted—until aft the States 'are" in
their places in the councils of the nation.
Let the Union be restored, and then a
disenssion of changes In the fundamental
law will be lb order. That is the plat
form upon which all truly patriotic men
must stand."—Pillsbury ii'cpublio.
Yes, and wait until the people can have
a voice In the matter. Let the Constitu-
Lieu remain as it is until "We, the Peo
ple," who made - it—who love it—who
have clung to it through good and evil
report—and who upheld and defended it
alike from the assaults of hostile enemies,
and the secret machinations of those who
have, declared it "a league with death
and a covenant with hell"—shall demand
Its ern oulation, mutilation or destruction.
It,is n 4.,
for those who "throw conscience
to the devil," as did Thad Stevens; it Is
not for those who said "let the Union
slide," as did the present Bumper, Banks ;
it is not for those who said "we are not
governed by the Constitution,!' as did
Thad Stevens; it is net for those who
deny that this is a White man's govern
ment, who declare tliat negroes shall vote,
and sit as jurors and hold office,, and whb
' are working and -scheming to build up a
central despotism upon the ruins of the
Republic, as are the Rump majdrjty, tO
tinker. the Constitution achieved by the
blood of revolutionary fathers and signed
with the honored name of Washington.
It is not for the tendons, the Lewrys, the
McConaughys and the Ruddimans—who
have disgraced the name of their State by
their routings for negro rights and their
defence.of political tyranny and lawless
ness—to vote away the right which every
citizen of Pennsylvania possesses of deci
dingp under what form of government he
will liver. •
. ,
Noi no; it is not for them nor such as
theMto sign away the liberties, the rights,
the happiness arid destiny of Pennsylva
nia's sons.. "We the -People'! will be as
nothing, lethis is permissible. Getting
its vitalify and power from the people of
the United States, the whole spirit of the
Constitution points to them as the power
to ratify changes in its provisions. How
will it be possible, howek - er, for the Peo
ple to choose or act without representa
tion ? Upon the proposed amendunnts
they have no representatives—not dne.
Every Senator and Representative of the
last Legiiiature (no* to be recalled in
session to - act upon" tile amendments) is
entirely independent of the People upon
the subj t f amendments to the Federal
Constituti A They: represent nothing
bid their own individual opinions, and
will act in accordance with none other.
Are the people prepared for this? Will
they endorse this continual usurpation of
their individual rit t Ots, and enter no
protest_?_ -By no means. The coming
election, we hope and trust, will see every
negro-suffrage, constitution .destroying
demagogue and disunionist consigned to
eternal retirement'in disgrace. Let the
Voters of Penpaylimnia see to it that none
Nit true Union and Constitution-loving
representatives are elected to Congress
and the Legislature next fall, and what
ever harm may bo done by the present
faction of Yankee agitatop . and Disunion
ists will be speedily counteracted and
repealed. In-that course appears now to
consist the only hopo of safetx to consti
tutional liberty. up, then, Sons of the
Old Keystone, and once more, down with
the traitors and up with the flag of thirty
six stars—not one more necr one less.—
Patriot d, Union. ,
At n fair flbr the benefit of the Presby
terian chursh at Mechanicsburg, last
week, an oil painting of George Washing
ton was put up to be voted for at 10 cents
a vote. The understanding was that the
painting was to be presented to the can
didate for Governor having the largest
number of votes. The Clymer tickets
were deposited in one box, and tlieVreary
tickets in another. The voting was kept
up with great,spirit for three days, and on
Saturday evening the tickets were taken
(Mtn the boxes and counted. They stood :
Clymer, 2,491
Geary, 1,447
Majority for Clymer, 944
That will do! The Gearyitor made
desperate efforts to get the painting for
their. candidate. They wrote to negro
suffrage men all overthe county, beseech
ing aid, on• account of "this being Cl.eary's
own county," kc, They worked and
begged day and'night, but -all to no pur
pose... The friends of Clymer were also
quietly at work, and we congratulate them
on the result. The result of this contest
is an indication of what may be expected
this fall in Old Mother Cumberland.—
Stand to your guns, Democrats, and all
will be well in Oetober.- , ---Carilsle Wm-
A Wedding in .Mcibile.—A grand wed
ding occurred at Mobile on the 11th, at
the African Church. Samuel Jackson, a
negro man, once the slave of Geneial
Beauregard, married Miss Sarah Jones,
a white schoolmistress. The house was
crowded by negroes. The friends of the
pair afterwards participated in a banquet
at the house of the bridegroom. The
newly married pair left on an early train
to visit the bride's friends at the North:
The bridegroom has considerable proper
ty.—Baltimore Sun.
The above item shows the result of the
teachings of the Republican leaders.—
They assert that a "negro is as good as a
white man," but this Yankee "schoo
mann," more advanced than they, thinks
a big buck negro better than a white man,
partiniarly when the negro has "con
siderable property."
a General 'Rosman, of Kentucky,
caned the Rev. Grinnell, of lowa, the
other day. We have no doubt but that
the Reverend gentleman deserved !kit he
got, and only regret that the cane broke
before he had received a sound thrashing.
A few lessons of the same kind may teach
the white eravated gentry that black
guardism and personal abuse will not be
tolerated outside of their own pulpits.
i'he Democratic Convention of
Bedford. county, held on Tuesday last,
recommended -Mon. B. F. Meyers for the
State Senate and Ron. A. H. Coffroth
for Congress.-
SIPA SoMiele' Johnson-Clymer Club
has been formed at Lewistown, Mifflin
county, with Brig. Gen. W. H. Irwin as
President. It entirely repudiates the
Pittsburg cheat.
In units past, when the Government I
was administered by Presidents Adams,
Jefferson, Madison, Jackeon, Van Buren,
Harrison, Polk, Taylor, Pierce and 13u
chanan, the expenses of the nation were
canvassed with great care and delibera
lion, and limited to the smallest sum pos
sible. But it is a remarkable fact that
since the advent to power of the Repub
lican party the word economy has become
obsolete. We never hear from the Repub
licans the objection which Clay and Web
ster, and their compeers, used to urge
with such eloquence that this or that bill
should not be wired because It Unneces
sarily increased the expenses of the Gov
ernment and the burthens of taxation on
the people. In those days public men
often counted the cost to the people of
the measures they proposed, and more
than one man was shipwrecked because
he was reckless and extravagant with the
public money. But the times have sadly
changed. We never hear the question of
how much it will cost started by any one
belonging to 'the 'dominant party. The
thousand and one schemes against the
Treasury are received with favor,' and
millions upon millions are appropriated
without a single thought of how the mon
ey is to be raised, or hoiv many must suffer
for, the actual necessaries of life, because
the Triasury of the United States must
be tilled to meet the expenses of govern-
I went.
The Central Lutheran Synod of Penn
sylvania held its annual session recently,
at Blair, Perry county. 'Rev. W. H. Riv
en presided; and Rev. M. L. Culler acted
as Secretary. .During the sitting of the
Synod the President appointed a commit
tee of Ave to report resolutions expressive
of the sentiments of the Synod on the
state of the country, of which Capt. D.
L. Tressier was chairman. It Is gratify
ingp observithe true spirit of patriotism
kid Christian charity pervading the res
olutions. They do credit to the heads
and hearts of tho members of the Central
Synod, and are in striking contrast with
the spirit of bigotry and political fanati-
Osm which of late yeirs has been so
shit,melessly manifested In our churches
and eceldslastical bodies We hope this
may be the
_beginningiof a better era,
when politics will be dikarded from the
pulpit and synodical conventions—when
ministers will again preach "Christ and
Him Crucified," with all meekness and
'forbearance, inculcating the precepts of
Him who spoke as never man spakb, in
stead of the doctrines of men.
The following resolutions are the last
two of the series unanimously passed by
the Syiiod : •
Resoleed, That whereas several promi
nent causes of estrangement between the
States lately in conflict ave been removed
forever by the arbitrament of the sword,
it is our duty now, as country loving citi
zens, to labor to unite the,bleeding see
thing of the national heart, 'that our legal
Union may be strengthened by moral
bonds, and that thus, fottating the bit
terness of thelast and remembering only
its Important aehings, we may be more
closely and inseparably united ever here
Resolved, That in this Momentous 'pe
riod of our Country's history we look with
earnest solicitude ,ko Andrew Johnson,
President of the , linited States. whose pa
triotism stood the severest test of times
that tried men's souls, and that we invoke
upon him the blessing and guidance of
Almighty God, that, forgetting not the
just dignity of the government, he enter
tain "charily for all .and malice toward
StirGet's. Steadman and Fullerton
have reported upon the workings of the
Negro Bureau in South Carolina and By the
Florida. Like their former report, it is te t i e L r i t i v i ;
filled with exposures of mismanagement,' in active
peCulations, speculations and grinding the 7th t
exactions upon the negroes by the agents Duchy o
of the Bureau, and is particularly severe r o e i r L i e o ° li n
upon Gen. Saxton's admirfistration—he
China w
who made so many speeches to the blacks, day. Th
counseling them to demand "their polit- to be war
teal rights as -equals-of the whites," and ports °fsa ,
to fight for them, if necessary. As usual,_ Pr .
the Bureau is found to be a costly exeres- The
&nee, stimulating to eqrruption upon the Duke
part of the agents and officials and Judo
lence among the , negroes. - From the len cc,
report it appears- that tbq Government minor
has to pay in salaties alone, in South ' tramei
Carolina, to agents, chaplains, clerks,
messengers, &c., over one hundred thou
sand dollars annually, exclusive of the
vast expenditures for rations, clothing, 0 .1
medicines, rents, transportation, &c., &c. 1
The Bureau is a great imposition upon I
the taxpayers,and should be discontinued.
110-The Radidals are meeting une pet
ted checks. The "sober second thqught
of the people" is bringing out a strong
current of feeling againatthelr revolution
ary schemes. This feeling is strengthen
ing every day, and by October It
overwhelming. The name of Thad Ste
vens Will soon be as odious throughout
the whole country as it was In Pennsyl-'
vania after the "Buckshot war." Those
who adhere to him will share his odium,
and atl of his present followers who do
not want to sink with him had better get
out of his boat at once.
air The Radicals boast that the "re
construction amendment," as amended
by the Senate, was passed in the House
of Representatives by more than a two
third vote. It 4a' fact, however, that it
received but one hundred and twenty votes,
which is one less than a majority. In the
Senate it received thirty-three votes, which
is four less than k•rnajority. Two-thirds
of the present rump House in session at
• ashington differs very essentially from
two-thirds of the House that ought to be
there. The lime may come when the
acts of this nimp Congress will be judi
cially declared unconstitutional and void.
Sir Th e Republic, the new conserva
tive Republican paper at Pittsburg, inti
mates that some of the delegates to the
late Geary convention held in that city
"dispersed to their respective homes"
without settling with the landlords. It
The hotel-keepers, where they were
quartered, know that they are absent, but
where they cannot tell. Landlords are
auxious as to their whereabouts. If their
friends would address a letter to the St.
Clair and Eagle hotels, they can obtain
Infbrniation as to their names, and when
they were last heard from. The valiant
J. P. Hartranft, the prime mover and
getter-up of this convention, under in
structions from Williams, Stevens and
Sumner, should appoint a committee to
investigate this matter, and see that the
ex-officers arrived at their places of resi
dence. They left neither baggage nor
money with their landlords; and truly,
they have an anxiety to know that they
are Bale.
naltisszx S ORR IS YORK CO.
A horrible murder was committed neat
Iteestown, Werringtoia township, York
county, last nights. week. Mr. George
Squibbs, aged 72 years, and his grand
daughter, aged 12 years, were killed, and
Mrs. Squibbs found. in a dying condition.
The horrible deed Was committed by
some one unknown, and a hatchet is
supposed o have been the instrument of
death. Money wa ,_no . doubt the, object,
ai three* four hundred dollars are mis- I
sing. From the feet that all the victims
were found divestedi of their shoes, it is
believed the murder waii committed when
they were preparing to retire.
The community is much excited over
this repetition of the Dearing massacre.
The CoMmiseloners of York county
offer a reward of 8300 for the arrest of the
murderer or murderers.
Supposed murderer Arrested.—A pair
of strolling beggars (man and woman,)
were arrted at bfanheini, in Lancaster
county, onlWednesday, charged with
the murder of the Squibba. family. The
i man's name r l is Charles Wilkiva,. aged 28
' years, and Was born in the Kingdom of
Hanover—the woman's, Martha Ann
Pontel, 51 years of age, and born in
Franipliu county, four miles from Chora
-1 bersburg. The man denied that he had
ever been a Roestown, but the woman
states that hey left the Carlisle Poor-
t l r
house toget er, and reached the neigh
borhood of osstown, on Saturday, the
18th, when she went to Mr. Squibb&
house and b ged something to eat; that
they remain d in the vicinity until next
evening, wh u Wilkins insisted on going
back to Sq ibbs; that she refused to go
with_ him, aying nip all the family
would be i bed, •biTt he abused het,
struck her, a d dragged her along. Upon
reaching th house at about BP. M., Wit,
kins burste the door open and went In,
lighting a c ndle standing on the tabl6,
when t,tie w man Pontel ran away, but
stayed Suffic ently near to hear screams.
Wilkins ea eto her about 3 o'clock on
Monday mo tang, when she asked hitrt
what lye w. doing, but he said it was
none of her usiness, and struck her. At
daylight- s e discovered blood on, his
hands, Bhlr and pantaloons; he com
pelled her wash his.shirt and cut the
bloody pa = out of his pantaloons and
patch them - For some time he persisted
in not telli g her how the blood came
there, but itimately said he hats cer
tainly kille I 'the girl and he thought the
old man : well, but the old woman
would get o er it: He had with him a
knife, whic , he said he used, and also a
hatchet, w ich he found in the house.
Although o e had no money before he
committed ,ho grime, yet the woman saw
a live dolls/ greenback in his possession,
after his re int to her.
Her - stor .is said to be very straight-
forward, u . is believed to be in the niain
eorreet. T ey were taken to the Laneas7
ter jail
Fa, too, the Radicals appear
ground. Their leading
Davenport Gazette, dismally
decadence of Thad Stevens-
lar'ln 1 - 1
to be lost
organ, the
bewails th
~ism intha
State. It says:
months ago it seemed to be
certain that the Republican
:we would resolutely stand by
:st declaration of principles
lu e list State Convention, and
. most unequivocal rebuke to
eying policy of Mr. Johnson.
ever, there is strong probe
say the least, that the utter
:ll ought to be distinctly and
'de by the Convention on the
I•nt questions pressing for de
rll be so faintly given as to
from tender -footed
'yes and ardent radicals with
. P 1
party of I:
the earn:
made at t
would giv
the rebel
Now, hot'
Linty, to
anee whit
boldly m
eision, w'
invite- In 1
equal fore
11 the
cannot maintain itself
the stamping ground of Har
only straight-out Disunion
.f Johnson's Cabinet—where
If Rad
in lowa .
lan, the
can it':
• rrival, off Farther Point, of the
Peruvian, we have one day's
i • from Europe. The first step
ostilities has been taken. On
e Prussian troops entered the
Holstein, and the Austrians
entrating at Altona, where a
- as expected. The steamship
• telegraphed off Halifax Tues.- ,
• Continental news continued
ike. Austria has declared the
Pola Caltaro and the Island of
A of war. Austria regards the i •
m of Holstein a mums belli.
if France has sent the
rnt to Vienna, to make a
Austria main
nn relative to the Confer-
I at Berlin to haye deter- ,
the dispute by the arbi-
' , RYA, June 13th, 1886
the Committee appoint
ngements for the recep
colors on the Fourth of
yesterday afternoon, It
4 Commanding Officers
in the service of the
fre requested to furnish
Ts and guards who design
the ceremonies, on the
with such credentials as
Committee, to whom they
v are authorized to receive
entitled to quarters and
A. W. GRAY, Seely.
The Assksseination Plot.-- , The New
York liflr/d's Washington gprrespon
dent makes the following astounding
"It is stated here that a witness named
Campbell has informed reliable parties
in New York that the evidence of him
self and others before the military corn
miesionliavhich tried the conspirators,
relative to Jefferson Davis' complicity
in the assassination plot, was false, and
that one 'Conover got up the testimony
to obtalti the reward; that it was all
done under assumed names; and further
that one of the parties, said to be Con
over, had run away, to prevent being
arrested. Campbell now claims that
his evidence before the House Judiciary
Committee, which is investigating the
charges of Davis' complicity in the
assassination plot, exposed the swindle
and knocked the scheme into atoms,
thus satisfying the committee that the
evidence to connect Davis, Clay and
Sanders with the assassination was
bogus; and that the committee would
no doubt report accordingly. Most of
the witnesses have testified under ficti
tious names, Campbell included ; but the
latter has shown up one of the most
rascally schemes that has come to light
during or since the war. He claimsthe
credit of, exposing it."
Salfqf it requires an amendment of
the Constitution to deprive the South
ern States of a part of their representa
tives, by what warrant does Congress,
so long as the Constitution stands un
amended,, shut out the whole of them ?
Ilgt—ln immense Johnson meeting was
held in Baltimore on Thursday night last.
Gov. Swann was among the speakers,
and was•very severe in his denunciati ons
of the negro measures of the present Con
mg. Dawson's
.right to the seat he
occupies in Congress has been decided
in his favor by the committee on
Elections', by a vote of flve against two. •
DEII.IOMILTIC covarrr coinimar.
The Delatooratie County dialmfttee will meet
at the 'Globe Inn," in Gettysburg, on SATUR
DAY, the gOth of JUNE fruit., at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
fer the perpose of fixing days for the Delegate
Elections and County Convention, and transact
ing such other business as may be brought before
it. A full attendance be requested.
137" The• following persons compose theeCom
Gettysburg—Jamb Brinkerhoff, H. J. Stehle,
W. H. Culp.
Berwick bor.--Joseph Wolf, Jean Bucher.
Berwick Vim—Jacob Hull, Simnel Brown.
Butler—Jesse Dull,S. H. Elcholta.
Cumberland—lsaac Deardorff, H. B. Cromer.
Conowago—Peter Nledererr, Simon Harnish.
Freedom—A b'm Kriae, of P., David ithodes, Jr.
Franklin—Jacob Mark, Samuel Brady:
Highland—John Butt, Jr., John Dubs.
If untington—T. G. Neely, Dr. B. Dill.
Hant'llonlmu—Daniel Blesecker, Jas. Watson.
Hamilton—John Ruff, Chalice Robert,
Germ'anz—Wm. flutters, Jacob Kiunk. '
Littlestown-0. W. Stover, Sylvester Hornet.
hfenallen—Bat chart Myers, Wm. Overdeer.
Liberty—Joseph P. McDivit. John Nunriemaker.
Lattmore—John M. Gardner, Joel Orient.
Oxford—Charles E. Kuhn, D. C. Smith.
Reading—Sunuel March, Thomas N. Dicks,
MountpleiTt—Sam'l Shorb, Nicholas Heltzel.
Moan tjoy omen Hartman, S. B. Miller.
Stroban—Jeremlah Schriver, Daniel Thomas.
J ,Tyrone—ii.',l. Myers, Levi Rappensperger.
NUnion—Dadiel Gebrelmtua, Martin E. Bollinger.
June 18,
ICOMP/LER will be furnished
.mpaign—from this tine until
October election—at the low
ifty Cents! Send in the names
money—singly or by clubs.
n interesting campaign ahead,
mocrat or Conservative should
posted when the information
ured for the sin - 411 sum of half
par Tr
for the c
after the
price of
and the
and no 1 1
fail to 1
can be
a dollar.
—real locals—ape scarce just
now. T warm for base ball—even for
dog lights. Fishing, though a-fashiona
ble occupation, results in nothing note=
worthy. gaoy go—but "few there be
that flnd"—enough to talk about.
Could NcxxxsTs.—The Annual Com
mence' nt- st, Mt. St. Mary's College,
near E mitaburg, will take place on
Wednesday next,. commencing at 8 A.
M. The Commencement at the Sister
hood wil_ occur on the following day.
THE CROPS. —The seasonable Weath
er during the present month has been
very beneficial to the crops. Oats never
promiso better, and corn. Is growing
well. T
e wheat has improved aston
ishingly and if nothing untoward occurs,
will, pr uce a larger crop-than last year.
Many fe rs are expressed in regard to the
Wheat writ, which has made its ap
pearance here and elsewhere. We exam
ined afl d a days ago, and although
there waS enough injury to be regretted,
we did not look upon it as alarming.
The weevil is Said to be most damaging
r i e
on the la .wheat. We share the anxie
ty of on f i xtmers, but hope the depreda
tions of t insect will not be as destruc
tive as 8 de seem to anticipate. A few
days mo Will tell.
' - -
"TIN TEDDING."—Mr. mid Mrs. Da
vid Wili , of this place, celebrated the
tenth anniversary of their marriage on
Tuesday evening last., There was a large
party on the occasion. Innumerable ar
ticles of iin were presented to, and a very
fine enteitainmont given by, the "bride"
and "gr*n."
iz - •
Pre NI .—The Gettysburg Band, under
Prof. G ndrum, are making arrange
ments fo a Basket Pie Nic, at Spangler's
Spring, n the Fourth of July. A pleas
ant time may be expected, and a general
invitation to the public is extended. '
Co r EIV Nittsic.—We have received three
new pies of sheet music from the ex
tensive blishing house ,of Horace Wat
ers, 431 . roadway, N. Y., respectively
entitled "I'll Marry no Man that
Drinks," "Sunlight Polka Eltiliant," and
et 3
"Oh; you must - be a Lover of the Lord."
Any of orir readers wishing music gotten
up in neat -styl ) should patronize Mr.
Waters. r .
GAME. The time for shooting squir
rels has t yet arrived. Don'tkill them.
Partri es will soon be plenty again, if
aportsme will only spare them a little
the corn' g fall.
lowing e the • Republican candidates
thus far nnounced :
Sher Nash G. Camp, Henry Robler,,
Daniel hman.
Regis r & Recorder—Cornelius B.
Clerk the Courts—Benj. F. Kepner.
Death of gen. Case.—Gen. Lewis Cass,
the hero, patriot and statesman, died at
his residence, in Detroit, yesterday Week,
'aged 83 years. G en. C. was the Demo
cratic candidate for the Presidency in
Geary Promoted I—The ,Patriot & U
nion say it Is reported that General
Geary has been made an Honorary Under-
Secretary of the Manassas Branch of the
Union Galaxy. The Galaxy is an asso
ciation of freedmen, recently organized
in Virginia for the purpose of securing
for themselves and their brethren a share
of the patronage of the Government, and
social and political rights equal to those
possessed by whites. The General, of
course, cannot append his new and ex
tensive title in full when ® he signs his
name. It will be sufficient to give the
initials, thus, "John W. Geary, H. U. M.
B. U. G."
7/0-The Republican Convention of the
State of ' Maine, on Thursday, passed
strong rebolutions in favor of negro BZ4f
frage. Stick a pin there!
111,—The city of Williamsburgh, New
York, was thrown into a terrible state
of excitement, a few weeks ago, by
the mutinous oonduct of the white
children attached to a Methodist Sun
day school, in openly rebelling against
the orders of their teachers to take
position in line of procession behind
a negro school. Neither threats nor
jorsuasions could induce them to
in in the procession. Miscegenation
will prove a failure in that quarter.
Will a Congressional committee be
appointed , to investigate the Willams
burgh rebellion ? If so, "Young Ameri
ca" will not have much of a show.
DM-Thaddeus Stevens is sick, and his
physician recommends an amendment to
his constitution. Negro suffrage ought
to be inclUded.
ng6,lf Geary stands no better with the
soldiers of. the State generally than with
those of "Old Mother Cumberland,"
(where he now resides,) he will not get
more vote out of ten/
Special Noticti Column.
The sUperstitlons of antiquity are only "food for
laughter" at the present day, and yet this is an
age of .1611FLACLF.9, aeroinplbthed with the aid of
science. For example: grey, sandy or red hair Is
CHANGED IN A 510 M ENT, to the richest con
ceivable black or brown, by a simple applica
tion of
I Manufactured by J. CHRISTADORG, 6 Astor
. House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied
by all Flair Dreuaera, (June 25, 'tn. lin
Cholera. Diarribea and Dreeseterr7T
A cure Is warranted by DR. TOBIAS' celebrated
V ENITIAN LINIMENT, if used when first taken
by persons of temperate habits. This medicine
asa beenknown in the IJ nited States overt° years.
Thonsands have used It, and found It never tidied
to cure any complaint for which It waif recom
mended, and all those who first Vied it, are now
never without It. In the Cholera of 1848, Dr. To
bias attended 40 cases and lost 4, wing called in
too late to do any good.
DIRECTIONS.—Take a teaspoonful in a wine
glass of water every half hour for two bouts, and
rub the abdomen and extremities well with the
Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a lump of ice
in the mons, about the aim of a marble every ten
minutes. It is warranted perfectly innocent to
take InterfilillY. Bold byall druggists, price .10 and
80 cents. Depot, 56 Courtiand St., New York.
May 21, 'M. lm
A Single Box of Brondreth's Ally
Contains more vegetable extractive matter than
twenty boxes of any pills In the world besides;
fifty-five hundred physicians use them in their
practice to the exclusion of other purgatives. The
first letter of their value 14 yet scarcely apprecia
ted. When they are bettek known, midden death
and continued sickness will be of the past. -Let
those who know them speak right out In their fa
vor. It is a duty which will save life.
Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated
bile at this season, and it ht as dangerous as it is
prevalent: but Brandreth's Pilli afford an Inval
uable and e.ftieleut protection. By their occasional
use we prevent the collection of those impurities
which, when in sufficient quantitles,_ cause so
much danger to the body's health. They soon
cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
' ,rain In the Bead, Heartburn. Pain in the Breast
bone, Sudden Faintness and Cost !votes& Sold by
all respectable Dealers in Medicines.
Mat.2l, '66. Ira
Cured Fever and Agile
No matter how severe an attack of Fever and
Ague you may have, It moat inevitably succumb
'to,.adway's Ready Relief and Itadwity's Regula
ting Pills. No Fever and Ague could ever resist
the power of these two remetitemeoinbined. One
50 cent bottle of Ready Relief will often of itself
drive away this commou but dbitressing disease.
It is far more effective titan dollars' worth of qui t
Dine orgallons of whiskey In emelt cases. Those whq
ape liable to flail/land fever should never be with
out the Ready Relief in the house for instant ap-,
plicatlon, and if a Si cent box of Railway's Regain
ting Pills be kept beside it, believe us you a
better off In an emergency than If you had at
apothecary shop convenient and all' the drugs lif,
the pharmaeolseia. Ail who are exposed to tine
weather—farmers. boatmen, teamsters, stage
Vers. sailors, firemen and so on—all are liable to a
sadden attack of the chills. It is an easy things to
catch, hut with or Unary ausiteine a most din:tilt
thing to get rid of. And even when the fever and
ague has linen expelled by the wend drugs, it will
return year after year at the same season, to tor
ture its subject. But it never comes back when
thoroughly rooted out by Railway's Itiuuty Relief
and Radway's Regulating Pills. They make a
perfect cure, and not a temporary one. They
seizethedisorderlnitseltwlel,overthrowlt,rende r
It powerte-s for mischief, and theneust it forth to
trouble you no more. It elway's Ready Relief ism
fever and ague Killer of the mad perfect kind. It
destroys the disorder root and brazed', after doing
so it Invigorates your whole frame to such an ex
tent that you feel like a new man, recreated Im
pervious to disease. Hold by druggists.
Iltt iORF.DBIO-0:: li. P.tok, in his report 10 the
Medical Society of Louisiana. In regard to the
mast effielent treatment of Yellow, Typhold_mal
Intermittent Fevers, says:
There Is a popular remedy,. new In use. called
'Railway's homily Relict. I have used It with great
Sueeess in all varieties of Fevers, especially the
Yellow Fever. As a preventive of contagion, It
far excels the celebrated waters of Itapsail;
as a remedial agent, In the treatment of Fevers, It
can in all cases be relied noon 88 an ales ibte cer
tainty. Every hoopitat should-be supplied wltli
this remedy: and every family keeping a supply
nt their homes, will be the means of saving a mul
titude of lives. [June 25,18130, 2w
Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Saar.
' This snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the
best article known Mr enring the Catarrh, Cold
in the Head and Headache. It has been found an
etceellant remedy in many wises of Sore Eves.—
Deafness has been removed by it, and Waring
Ibis often been greatly improved be its use.
It is fragrant and agreeable, awl awns I
BIATE RE.LIEF to the dull liAlvy pains calmer by
diseases of the !mad. The sensations after using
It are delightful and Invigorating. It (Apella and
purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands,
and gives a healthy action to the parts affected.
More than Thirty Years' of sale and use of "Dr.
Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff," has
ved 114 great value for all the commonlibleases
the head, and at this moment, stands higher
u ever before.
' It Is recommended by many of the heat physi
cians, and is used with great success und satisfac
tion everywhere. i
Read the Qettificates of Wholesale Druggists in
.1814: The aidersigned, having for many year's
been acquainted with " r*. Marshall's Catarrh
and W-tulache Snuff," and sold itin aur wholesale
trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to be
equal, in every respect, to tile recommendations
given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections,
and that it is deelfliedly the best article we have
ever,. known for all common •Itseases of the Head.
Burr & Perry, Boston ; Bead, Auston & Co., Bos
ton: Brown, Lamson & Co., Boston ; 14,411 W.
Fowle, Boston; Wilson, Fairbartk ZS: Co., Boston;
Renshaw, 'Edmund & Co., Boehm; H. 11. Hay,
Portland, Me.: Barnes & Park, New York; A. B.
& D. Sands, New York•, ;Stephen Paul & Co.. New
York ; Israel Minor & Co., New York ; McKesson
& Robbins,
_New York ; A. L. Seovlll k Co., New
York; M. Ward, Close & Co., New York: Bush & Gale, New York. ll:r For sale byDee al Itruggiqta.—
Try It. [, IS, Ilia. ly
. -
Ayers Cathartic Tills
Are the most perfect purgativ which we are
able to produce or which we think has ever yet
'been made by anybody. Their effects have abun
dantly shown to the coin muuity how much they
excel the ordinary medicines in use. They are
safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure.—
Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital
activities of the body, remove the obstructions of
Its organs, purify the Mood, and expel disease,
They purge out the foul humors which breed and
grow dist-, stimulate sluggish or disordered
organs into their natural action, and impart a
healthy tone with strenzth to the whole system.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous
diseaseli. while they produce powerful effects,
they are at the same time, In diteinished doses,
the safest and best physic that can be employed
for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleas
ant to take; and, being purify vegetable, are free
from any risk of harm. Cures have been made
which surpass belief, were they not substantiated
by men of such exalted position and character, as
to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emi
nent clergymen and physicians have lent their
names to certify to the plblic the reliability ofour, ,
remedies, while others have sent us the assurance
of their conviction that, our Preparations eon
tribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted,
anKeringiellow men.
The Aggint below named is pleased to furnish
gratis our American Almanac, contain ins direc
tions for the use and certificates of their cures, of
the following complaints:—
Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism,
Dropsy. Heartburn Headache arising front foul
stomach, Nausea, Indigestion. Morbid Inaction
of the bowels and Pain arising tlitirefrom, ,
leney, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which require '
an eyacuant medicine. They also, by purifying
the bloo I and stimulating the system, cure many
complaints which it would not be supposed they
could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness,
Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derange
ments of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other
kindred eouriplaints arising from a low state of
the body, or obstruction of its functions.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations which they make more profit
on. Demand AYER'S and take no others. The
sick want the best aid there is for them, and they
should have it.
Prepared by Dr..T. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.,
and sold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg.
ILay 7,1888. 2m
- -
Terrible Dlselosures.
FlgellltT3 FOR THE Mrra.tog!—A. most valuable
and wonderful publication. A work of Ma Pam's,
and SP colored .Engravings. DR. MINTER'S
VADE MECUM, an original and popular treatise
on Man and Woman, thetr Phys I ology, Functions,
and Rextud disorders of every kind, with Never-
Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The prac
tice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still Is,
unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu
merous persons, he has been Induced to extend
his medical usefulness through the medium °this
"VA DE MECUM." It is a volume that should be
In the hands of every family i guideand, as alley ventive of secret vices, or as a for the -
ation of one of the most awful and destructive
scourges that ever visited mankind. One copy,
socnrely enveloped. wilt be forwarded free of post
age to any parlor the United Mates for 50 cents In
P. O. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER,
No. 3 Division St., New York. [Sept. 25. 1.1"
To Censumptives.
The advertiser, having been -metered to health
In a few weeks by a very elm remedy. after
having suffered fo thatral years with a severe
lung affection, and dread disease, Consump.
tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge.) with the dlreo.
tions Ayr prepuing and using the same, which
they will find a suns cuing Pon
N nsCogrunwriosr,
Amax*. BRONCHITIS, Couo. Corms, and all
Thnxtt and Lung Affections. The only object oi
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
be concei ve cd and spread lalbrmatton which
hes to be Invaluable, and he hopes every
anfilffer will try his remedy, as it alit oat theta
nothing, and may Trove a bleating.
p m tte. wishing the prescription In= bynotarn
mall, will please addrema
Williamsburg, Stage co., New Tee*.
mar. 3, lea /9
Ticittrer-Oritts .
• areitt Frenall
Dn. Arms Dra.AXAnkilill
Prepared from a prosextption of Dr. Juan Dela
,. Marve,._Chief Physician of the Hospital
du Nord ou Lailholidere of m arls.
This Invaluable medicine is no imposition. -
gnialllng in the cure of sperniatorriun or Semi
nal Weakness. Every species of Genital or Uri
nary Irritability, Involuntary or Nightly Seminal
Kra salons from whatever cause produced, or low
ever severe, will be speedily relieved and the or
gans restored to healthy action,
Read the following opiniords °remanent French
physicians :
"We have used the Specific Pills prepared by
Garanelere & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, from
the preseription of Dr. Juan Deirsearre,, In our
private practice with uniform Buecean, and we be
lieve there Is no other medicine so well calculated
to cure all persona muttering from Involuntary
Emissions or any other weakness of the Senna]
Organs, whether caused by sedentary modes of
living, enemies, or abuse.
G. D. lit:Jsuutir, H. D.
Paris, May sth, 1868."
The genuine Pills are sold by all the principal
Druggists throughout the World. Price One Dol
lar per Box. or SIX Boxes for Five Dollars.
GAsniectitun & DueoNv, Sole Pmprietors,
1 No. 214 nue Lombard, Purls.
One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent,
will insure a box by return mail, securely mated
from all observation; six boxes for live dedlars.
Sole General Agents for America.
R.—Freneh, German. Sp Corl h nand ~E Ng Ylis
Pamphlets, containing full part, eulare and direc
tions for,use, sent free to every addreaa.
A. D. fluelder, Agent for Gettysburg.
Dec, 1865.
Lyon's Periodical Drop!!
REOULARITIM—These Drops are a acioniti
cally compounded fluid preparation, and better
than any Pills. Powders or Nostrums. Being li
quid. their action is direct and positive, rendering
them a reliable, pipets:y and certain specific ter
!„lie cure of all obstructions and suppressions of
'nature. Their popularity Is Indicated by the met
that over 100,eae bottles are annually consumed
by the ladles of the United mtates, every one of
whom speatts in the strongest terms of praise of
their great merits, They are rapidly taking the
place of every other Female Itemtsly, and are con
sidered by all who know aught of them, as the
surest, safest, and most infallible preparation In
the world, for the cure of all female complaints,
the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the
promotion of health, regularity and strength.—
Explicit direetions stating when they may used,
and explaining when and why they should not,
nor could not be used without prodoeing streets
contrary to nature's laws, will be found carefully
folded around each bottle, wi thwthe written signa
ture of .roittN L. Ltoy, without which Jame am
genuine. "pp, _
Pretottrod :by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 196 Chspfi.
Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be tmnimlted
either perspnally, or by mall, (enclosing stainp,4
coacernlnglrill private (linemen and female weak:-
nessea. Hold by"Drugglsts everywhere. .
• gon'l Agents for U, 8, anti Cumulus
Nov 6,1864. ly
The Greet English Remedy
PMTS. Prepared fmm a prescription of Mir J,
Clarice, M. D. ivsielan Ent
xtonlinary I() tho
queen. This i Il nvaluable medicine is unfailing In
the cure bf all those painful and dang erous d hien,
sea to which the female coast itntion subject. It
moderates all e/Feesses and removes all obstruc
tions. sell a Imeeak cure may be relied on.
To Ntarried Ladies it is peculiarly suited, it will,
in ashort time, bring on tire monthly period with
regularity.z iu,
bottle,price One Tkdiar, bears the Goveni
nrill. 4Lamp of tjreat Britain, to prevent counter,
CAtmos.—:Thest. Pills should net 1w taken by
Females during the TritpiT TH are. MoNTTIK of Preg
naney, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage,
but at any other time they are safe.
In all mutes elf Nervous and Spinal A ffeel lons,
Pains la the Tifu:k and Limbs, Fatigue on slight
exertion, Palpitation of the Wart, Hysterics, and
Whitist, these Pills will effect a cure when all oil •
er means have failed; and although a powerful
rentcdy, do not contain Iran, calomel, antimony,
or 'ins - thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions In the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Mold by all Druggists. Solo Agent for the I'll
ted States and Canada,
.108 (kiriland St.. N. Y.
N.B.—,l,W)+lnolopu+tnue'tarnyyencloNed loan Y
not lioriz:4l Agent, will inrure a bottle, containing
50 Pith+. by return mail. Sold by 4,1, Ilttubler,
DM& ly
titranite. but True,
Every - young 1443- and gentleman In the United
States ran hear aomethlng very much to their
vmrtage by retunt mall (free of charge,) by ad,
dressing the mrneraigned. Thoee having rear' t
being humbugged Wfilmblige by not noticing tbis
card. All others will plenme address their obedi
ent gervant, ;Mos, F. CH A l'lllA N,
Mar. 3, ly Broadway, N. Y.
Errors of youth.
A gentleman who suffered for years from
VOll4 Debility, Premature Decay, and all the erh.ris
of youthful Imilewretinn, will for the sal& of Nut
ering humanity, sefla free to all who need it, tho
teripe and directions for making the simple r,•in
edyby which he wits.eured. Sufferers wishing i.l
-profit by the advertiser's espetrieuee, ran do 10, by
addrmeing JOIIN n, eaIDEN,
No. L 3 Chambers at., New York,
Mar. 5,1800. ly
Eye •wd Ewe I
PROF. J. ISAACS', M. D., ONlist and Aurlst,
formerly of Item Holland, is loested at No.
519 PI NE Stree PHILADELPII IA , whe re per.oos
afflicted with d mutat% of the F.YE or EAR, aril no
scientifically , treated and cured, if rumble. N. 11.
—ARTIFICIAL EYF>+ inserted without tedn.—
No charges made for examinations. The medical
[amity is Invited, as he has no secret in his nosh,
of treatment. [July 17, MI. lv
Latest Market Reports.
FLOUR, - -
WHEAT, - --
ityr: -
CO R , T, - -
HOGS, huml.. - -
1Y - - -
On Sunday morning, June 10th, at the oer. Ref.
Parwmage. - New Oxford. by the Rev. W, P. Da
vis, Mr. GEORGE SEIFERT, ofPariol Iselownsh I p,
York county, to Miss MAGDALENE EItNST, ur
Jackson township, York county. •
On the 2lst Inst., at the some place, by the same.
Mr, SAMUEL A. uA RDNER, Tont SPrls4o 4 .
Adams eounty, Mho SARAH ANN BUSEIt.
near Jefferson, York county.
On the 7th tont., at Alto Dale, by the R. L. S.
Crone. Mr. DA ItFAIC ER, of this °aunty, to
county. _
On the Nth Ingt., by .T.anekirAq., Mr. c; Fow F 1
MEN to hus A.RTMA WILE/ill of thin eou n ty.
On tihe Ilth Inst., by Insineas Rewers.llsq.. Mr.
.l,.l OUP.. huth at Freedom township, Ado/112count)%
On the 19th inst.. in Mountjoy townshl p. Marna
county. Mr. JOSIEPTI BLOCUER. aged 73 years 11
months audit) days.
On the 17th inst.,' In Baltimore, Mr. HENRY
P. FLEMMING, Granite Cutter, aged 52 years.
leaving a wife and five children to mourn their loss.
On the 14th hut., Mm. SARAH, wip. of Mr.
George Brown, of Reading township, fig b 7 years
4 months and 27 days,
On the Pith ofJune, near New Chester, ROBFHT
GATP.X, infant son of Henry .1. and Belinda My
ere, aged 1 month and 2days,
LUCINDA. GOHN, daughter of Joseph and Ju
lian Noel, tiled June 11th, aged 21 years 4 months
and t) days. bear Lucinda, thou bast left this
a n ligul world, and gone, to rest In God's own holy
Mower az iteaper for Sale.
(Screw Power,) for s.ile by the under
signed. The machine is nearly new, and
good running order—an.l is offered for sale
only because the owner has not the time to
attend to it. PETER GINTLINU.
Cumberland tp., June 25, 18G6.
testamentary on the estate ofJoaeph Bloch
er, late of Mountjoy township, Adams county,
deceased,. having been granted to.tbe under
signed; the first named residing in Mounijoy
township, Adams co., and the last named in
West Manheim township, York co., they here
by give notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
June 25, 1866.. 6t
0 A Meath TAGIINTB wanted
for six entirely new erriefot, just out.
Address 0. T. GABBY, City Building, Md.
deford, Md. [May 21, 886. lily
Santething new I—Call and les Wpm as
ehlei's Tin and Shim Imo poetorx reel,
dedly the beat Can MUDS noCctered t ,
FRUIT - JAM, of** beet ned-stneC tip . Ad
patient pain If, 4
10 5o 4 1 2 On
3 25
220 0 2 fol
220 @ 2.50
0 00 lit 900
- 10 21 la 10 50
- 250 (4 311)
- 11364 19)
- 1 (r 1 /it 1 21
2 95 (4 04
• 13 0) (4 11110
- 11 011 64 19 0)
- 23 00 43.. 21 00
- 2 31 64, 2 32