B = -(r1 .1 1. onyittr, CHIMIItsSIIRO. WHAT mow. is, WS. POlt 003131.N0U, HON. WESTER CLYMER, Or 31131X11 COUSTT • f - r. , ! z 0 - 1 CVO 00 14 - 4 411 Ths Dessocriitae - Counry Committee will meet at, tbe °lobe Inn," In Q,:t.treburg. nn SATCrIi: RAY, t h e web of JUNE Met., at ID o'clock, A. M.. kw the seppose of fixing days for the flees:its iaeolkoSS end Cqtinty Convention, and trrusect• lAA such other Wetness se may be brooklit before If A Mil attendance le requested. JACOB 11ELNICE1LIIOFF, Chsailitaa. I[TThe kdluvring persons compose the Curry infuse: _Get4ributir—Jaaab BrWprhotr, IL J. lit4je, W. IL Culp, Berwick bor e --Joirikt Whir, awn Bucher, Berwlek twp.—Jam)b Hull, Samuel Bro wn, Buller—Jam Dull, 8, H, Bich°ltz. - ciunberbuiul—lesuke Deardorff, H. B. Cromer, Curiiwago—Peter Niedererr, Simon Unruleh, Freedom.—Atim Krieg, of P., David Ithodee, Jr, rranklln--Jaoob itauquel Brady, Jfighhand—John Butt, Jr„ John Dube. ; jOustangto4—T, 0. Noe'''. Dr, A, B, 1:8110 11 l!nroaltonbstp, , Datilel Bteetvli.er, is., Wawa, ganglion—John Ruff, Charles Rebert. Ourkuiny—Wiu. Outten', Jacob Klunk. titilestown-4/. W. Hover, kyjileuter IlarnaT itenallss—Bsi ohart Myers, WIS. Overdoes', Liberty—Joseph P. MeAlelt. John Nuasemairsr, LaLligors—john jt. UArdoer, Joel Oiled. , Vxford—Charles E, Huhn. 1.). C. KintUs. • Iteswing--Bumuel 31arob, Thoupts N. Dicks. )11,ountplestasut--Ssin'ltilwrb, Nichols; IleltseL. Roontisy—liases Hartman, S. B. Miller. Etrubss—JeroolshSchrlyer. Dsolel Thomas. Tyrobs—B. J, gyers, LeYiEsPPillsOriler• ' I.lakm—Dsulul 4.11414 * E, BOWngur, Nona 18, 1!00, td DICIOCUATIC M* CONVENTION. We find the folloWing in the last Read ing Gazette, and give it place with much pleaeure. The State Central Committee 'thus makes a fair start in the great work of redeeming this good Old WipTE MAN'S Vommonwealth frhm the misrults,ofeche ming corruptionlshi and negro-equillty fanatics, and we' (Ilmbt not that the call will be responded to by thOusands upon thousands of the conservative masses of the State. • Reading Is not only the "01- I.(altitr of Democraey,!_! whieh is much in its favor, but It is central, and accessible by railroad from all points. The turn out may-therefore be anticipated as im mense, arid it Is hoped that Adams will be largely repreiented. All who may go will, we are sure, be pleased with the ex cursion ; and they will have, beside, the 'oatlsfaction 9f haying participated In one of the grandeat political dem9ostrations fiv9r had in Pennsylyania, The Reading Gazelle says Tbe Democratic State Central Commit tee have reselved to call a MUM Conven tion of the friends of Johnson and Oty mer Ii the Etiatiern and Middle counties of Pennsylvania; to be held in the city of Reading, on Wednesday, the 18th of July next. It, is the design of the Committee to open the State campaign in Old Berke, the citadel of Democracy, and the home of Hiester Clymer, our distinguished can didate for Governor, by a monster dem onstration, which wilLgive a forward im petus to the cause of the Union and Con ptitutlonal Liberty throughout the State. The Democratic County Committee and Democratic City Club have been appoint ed to act in conjunction with the State Committee in making arrangements for the Convention, and have already Initia ted the necessary preparations. Excur pion tickets will be issued, by the seettal Railroad Companies at reduced fares, to Aocommodate the masses who may desire ,to attend; and a number of cm inent speak ers from abroad will deliver addresses. All the Indications favor au immense turn-out. The Lancaster Intelligencer remarks : This ought to be, and we think it will be, the largest political meeting ever held in Pennsylvania. The Democracy of Barks will turn out ia.great force, and large delegationi3 may be expected front twenty or thirty other counties. The facilities for reaching Reading by railroad are very great, so great, indeed, that from such distant points as Chambersburg, Hu ntagdon,. Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, delegations may go to Reading in the forenoon and retilirn to the point from which they started in the evening. The populous counties that lie around Berks —such BM Lancaster, Chester Dauphin, Lebanon,Schuyikill, Lehigh ) tlsillthamp ton', Montgomery, Bucks and hiladel phia—will pour . out their tens of thous ands. We hope every conservative voter In Lancaster county who can possibly Arrange to leave home on that day, will be present at 'this great meeting. GOOD SEWN! GOOD NEws I The New - York Tribune concedes heavy Democratic gains in Nebraska, whilst the telegraph announces the re sult in Oil3goii ao close as to be in doubt. In Washington Territo y the Democrats have carried - nine counties'eertainly, and Probably -four others. The ground awe(l has set in 18.110 . th Houses of Ooziness have passed the Deetruetion Committee's a-, mondment to the Constitution, by the requisite twq-thirds, and it - will now go to the States for their action. 'The se publican party has thus made the issue, that in the States which will not allow the neprees to vote, the number of Con gressmen must be,xlecretised. The 4adi pale are deternlined that thb negro shall be brought up to the white standard, and this amendment is to be h leading meas ure in the accomplishment of the Ogre. ding work. wbat, say the white freemen of Pennsylvanie tq all this ? Will they endorse its The next electliin mtist VirßecentlY over nine millions of gold was shipped from New York to Europe in one week,the largest amount ever sent out in the same length of time. And yet our neighbor of ine SentinO has not a word of comment. Years ago, under Democratic .Administrations, the 'transmission of gold to Europe was the burden of his weekly complaint. Were fifty or a hundred thousand dollars sent, tbe most direful consequences to the pouritry were predicted, and all sorts of I}liv4 names applied to the Dernuerats in Otassequence. But now, when the evil haba -- faaabect over a million a dal, our neighbor is dumb 1 1 ,4ra l Ve , tis'l3t , lt? pMaiessrst Meyers & Mengel, of the &Retie, will commence, on the Sof y, 91A3 pubuow,km of si campaign P4" - ; to be called_" The Climber." That will be *spicy, able and effective sheet, all bib know agytking about the Gazette 7r I readily believer, 11101.. A. White Mares Suess, it is ru mored, has been thought of by sortie of the • Copperheads " in Congress; .but 7101414 mil Stevens thinks that it would east $b musk, end benefit a very unwor thy. oimo ot persons. That nettles the 4peotion. • Tux uzN esecusaite. ^ The Democracy saijamiso elide j 'immediately in every *diem dlibtrictln the State. The , object' of these clubs should be orimM42lo4l" There Is -is° special necessity for much speech making Just yet. That will be done in due time and done ,with effect. When the appeal comes to be mails to o the people .of Penn sylvania on the great issues now agitating the matiou, we have no doubt as to the responsewhich will comeswelling up from the - great popular heart. The stump -will be more potent-than it has ever been be fore. The Radicals cannot defend their policy, and it will be repudiated with scorn -and loathing, We shall have the masses with main sentiment. lint enthusbiurm alone never yet aceom- Pliatted great results. We need organiza tion,. 'close, perfect, working organization. There ig much other work to be done be sides making and listening to speeches. In the New England States and in New York the Republicans have bad an effi cient organization for years, which reach d to every school district in those States. gvery voter has been- registered and marked as with them, against them, or doubtful. They could coupt up and as certain very nearly what the result would be before an election eccurred: Such or ganization as that is a most potent engine of power, That is just what the Demo cracy must do In Pennsylvania and else where, if they would win. The time has gone by when elections can be carried without organization. We' have a clear Democratic majority of votes in Pennsyl vania if they are all polled. To - do that, must comititute the chief work of the Democracy. DEMOCRATIC WICTORRI The first election under the city char ter of Scranton, 1 4 u;erne county, took place on the 6th inst., And resulted in 4 Democratic victory. The Radicals were confident of success. All their power was put in requisition,•and money con -4 tributed from abroad to aid them in gain ng possession of the new city; Bu t. they Iwere signally defeated. The majority on some portions of the Democratic ticket reached over three hundred and fifty, on a vote larger than, - ever before polled.— The people are tired of the Radical policy. They' desire peace and attention:to the interests or - white men, not discord and I the bestowal of all legislative action in I favor of the negioes. This fact is observ able in all portions of the State. Not an election takes place but the*Democratic vote is increased. The example of the gallant Democracy of Scranton will be followed throughout the State, and the i t result will be its fulland.enti re, rederap : pot/ at the coming fall election,' - PORDZIS DAMMAM& In the lower House of Congress, on Monday last, Hon. A. H. Coffroth intro dit4d a resolution initn/bting the Com mittee on Claims to report a bill to au therixe the appointment of Commission ers, with such restrictions as the Com mittee may doe n proper, to ascertain what damages he. people of this Con gressional diattict - suffered in conse quence of rebel Invasions, with a view to legislation for the payment of the dama ges sustained. ; - Mr. Delano moved to lay the resolution on the table, blit withdrew the motion when Mr. Coffroth changed it to one of Inquiry simply. Debate then arising, the resolution went over glider the rule. ES A friend living in Ridgway, • Elk I burs, oifiheii:l7.' - ia;07:111;:aC3 o'clock county, informs the Patriot de Union that P. M; It is desired that as much public • npen a recent visit to Blair county ho ity possible should be given to the thenis the e ena n ry meetingau we made the acquaintance of a staunch old , noticea r s Harrisburg seldier, who, with his two dons, 28th instant, served been requestedto call the attention throughout the late war and received - of the Democratic and Conservative press honorable discharges. He declared that of the State to this notice.—Age. they fought for the Union, hot for the negro; and that as negro suffrage is now made dhe issue by the Republican party, both himself, his sons, and threes other soldiers—neighbors of his—were all detisic mined to vote for Hiester Clymer—believ ing, as they did, that every vote cast for John W. Geary would be a vote for the speedy establishment of negro suffrage in Painsylvania.- We are not surprised at this, although greatly . pleased to hear it. Every soldier and civilian who reads and thinks acid makes a proper use of his perceptive faculties, must come to the same conclusion. ' is these facts, among others, which make us feel more than reasonably sure that Mr. Clyiner will be elected by a very handsome majority, Mir Th e Disunibnpress haVe been how ling for some time at the President about a contemplated design to liberate Jeff, Davis on parole. It appears now that torice Greeley was one of the parties. •to the effort to effect the release of Davis, .n 4 that, with five others, he signed a bail bond for that purpose. The Presi dent had nothing to do with it; the mat ter being entirely in the hands of Judge Underwood, who, it appears, refused to accept bail on Monday., It is authori tatively stated that the President refused to take arty such responsibility. Will the Disunion pressi stop their howling now, since the head arts} front of all ' their organs has 'gone forward and used his personal efforts and pledged - his name and money for the release of the "arch fiend?" ltiir The Clarion Democrat says that at a large Johnson meeting held during Court, week, at which Eilester Clymer was heartily endorsed, &number of the officers Were prominent gentlemen who had not before acted with the Democratic party. It declares that hundreds of liepublicans throughout the county have openly de clared their intention to repudiate the Radical doctrines and their candidates. As it is in Clarion, so it will be through out the State before October. Democrats of the grie district ape said to be talking of running Dan. Rice for Congress. The Republicans would not dare to object to him on the ground of his being a °JOWL so /Ortg as they keep Lowry in the State Senate. 118..Fenhin demonstrations against Canada have been discontinued, and the Fenian soldiers returned to their homes, e U. S. Government furnishing them transportation. 1115.. The Rump Senate, on Monday of last week, pawed a resolution looking to the erection of a new - gzecative mansion. The name by which the present one is • awn—the White Rowse—is distasteful tO the RsdlOids. ' ME Mldame elm' • n "TOWN AMY COUNTY AFFAIRS. ' 1 4 1 1101d 1 4 - ; ,'. A4IICULTUR.IL PRE 1141&*Tba 7.111 - ~,,, ...te 4 111 0 it . ' don the 6th loat, •v 1 sae . -County A4rlculturel Einolety drers Wye"' a ' Mir"' il ' id _m l icild 6°De r i t„ v : . • " ' Mlowing Premiums t., SEAT the hest i Indeed, call for Um/ 3:31/3011 of I ''ol - - five/tares of wheat ; sl3lba the beet five 4111ers to DelegetasOrasolli/Pubn 6 n - , ewes of rye ; 1 $l5 fto the best Ave oil hi the IXsunion papers, and the c Meet"' acres of oats; $25 for tire bestave acres of ,; lugs were packed with the worst kind of corn ; and $10,f05 the beat acre of potatoes. Geary partisans. In Cumberland _ county i Proof of accurate measurement of lauds the Democratic . and Conservative sot- t . and products-1011 be required. Messrs. I diers had a majority of six to one over' 7 m. Wilde and the `'?o4.-- appointed a gate% le subject" n' ventio) could of the ed, thi silent to the 'who affhlr, Indeed, ments ly to 1( and m yet. ' who ft. Negro, for JOl ventio) this inAgn At a meeting of the " Mifflintown and Patterson Soldiers' Clymer Club," held in the borough of Patterson, Saturday 1 evening, June 9th, 1866, the following preamble and resolutions ;were passed unanimously : Ai" ,t WHEREAs„ At the .so-called Soldiers . State Convention held at Pittsburg, on Tuesday, June 5,186 d, resolutions were passed endorsing; all the measures of the present Rump Congress; And whereas, Said Convention forgot the 'true interests of the country and the soldiers by endorsing the nomination of John \V. Geary for Governor; therefore, Resolved, That we do not,recognize the Pittsburg Convention as speaking the sentiments ofthe majority of the soldiers of Pennsylvania, - and we do most env phatically repudiate their proceedings. Resolved, That we recommend to the Johnson Clymer Soldiers of Pennsylva nia the holditig of a State Convention in the city of READING; on WEDNES DAY, the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST nest, for the purpose of placing ourselves ,• before the people of Pennsylvania on a ' true Union and Constitutional platform; each representative district to elect five dele4 , etes for every representative elected therein to the State Legislature. ANOTIIZ.R SOLDIERS , CONVI&IITION. We learn that a number of honorably diScharg.ed sold' .8 from the counties of Berks, Cumber d, York, Perry, Lehigh and Fa e ccently held a meeting, and lved to call a State conveation of all sol elm who fought for the Union, who ,are opposed to negro suffrage, and who are in favor of President Johnson and Hiester Clymer. The proposed con vention will he held some time in the month of July or beginning of August, but the exact time and place and all nec essary arrangements will be agreed upon at a subsequent preliminary meeting of "the boys in blue," to be held in Harris- rood GEMIT. I It is moatremarkable fact, that of the thou who shouldered their muskets and left vii. Made! ph la to engage in the late war, NV have not yet heard of -or spoke with a orporal's guard who intend to vote for Geary. They all have the same opinio f him, and that is certainly not a very vial/. one. And what is still more remarkable, those who originally went omit With our modern Bom bastes, and those who were unfortunate enough to be placed under his command during the war, are the most bitter in their de* nwaeiations of him. It is only those who do not khou, the tnan, that may be induced to vote for him. If, however, the Aboli tion candidate was really a soldier, and could actually produce the record of his prowess, the men—or rather the military apologies—he has around him, headed by the notoriously incompetent Josh. Owens, would politically damn any man, though he were as pure as snow and as brave as Hector. Only think of it! Cleary and Owens; Owens and Geary!—Sunday Mercury. White Men, How do You Like the Pic tures f—The following item was clipped from the Indianapolis Herald of a few days since t "A soldier, sick and destitute, isliow lying 94 the Globe Hotel. They were talking Of sending him to the poor house. I If there is any loyalty p.nd patriotism left' 'in Indianapolis, that means anything more than words," fko. And the following from a Washingtbn Associated Press dispatch, lately: "General Howard has begun the distri bution ofthos2s,ooo appropriated by Con-' greas for the relief of destitute and suffer-, ing freedmen in this district. A board has been appointed, with Dr. Helburn, chief of the surgical bureau, as president, and the city divided into two distriots, with a superintendent for each." If the poor, siek and 'destitute soldier, had only possessed a black' hide, there would have been no occasion'to send him to a _Poor house, but he would have had his wants looked after by Generals, sled - ' Jest burssans,and superintendents. Pleas ant for the, niggers—how do the whites like the arrangement? Hell" One of the beauties- of the Freed. men's Bureau billet forth in the following - 4. °facial communication": The issue of white sugar to dependent freedmen and others was in obedience to an order from Brevet Brigadier General IL T. Clark, Assistant Commissary Gen- I eral, a copy of whidh is now on Mein the office of I%e Depot Commissary, at New- I born, north Carolina. —_ Very respectfully, your obedient sent-, 11 7 B.lThscaramaus are °lnning In every vaut, isA.A.c A. ROSEKRA.NB .r- 1 day which we look upon as a healthy 4 Captain do. D., U. S. V. political sign. The more the better. i .Dll4ness and ""white sugar" for negroes, Push them along from every quarter of taxes, hard labor, and brown sugar for the county, I white men, is the programme of the Rath- I •lll!l..Capt. .Edward Welty, formerly of men of the this county, has been admitted to the I ' cal party. The working jap-On the loth inst.. a man named Northern States are required to pay mil- I practice of the law in Venango county. Nicholas Frisinger, residing at the Codo lions per y*forthetrupport of the. Free- i, 4 '' rus Fotindry, Codorus township, York I men's Buni . and the shove l ' extract I 118-The miopl are looking better every nounty,.died from drinking tea glasses ofl , . ehowsinwhatnumner " theruoneyi~ "Ye . 1 .. 1 lager bwr In ten minutes, ~ idling the sere we are in . _ .ghy his way to the hotel veranda, among the distin guished strangers, and some one in the crowd, suppoSing that he was "spiling for a speech," u idertook to start n call for him. This (Sl,..Continghy being such an insufferable ore to the Gettysburg pea, gnal for a general Inovement 1 another Individual, fearing us" wouldn't take that hint, e happy dodge pf calling for ple) was the s; to leave, who: that the "boJ thought of t rns!" "Burns!"was instant all parts of the crowd, and ocifeniusly and persistently to "squelch out" of McCon- Burns. "B ly -yelled fro it was so v adhered to. pc of squeezing in a speech g occasion. Burns was not aughy all h on the inviti ch MeCOnaughy no doubt in town, v, crowd ought to know ; but the calls for "Burns!" were supposed th know or not kept up unt saw that ne edinto the 1' We are to ent that the especially td in the "cont.: I even Meconaughy himself 'a. , 4 not wanted—and retrea otel. 1 d by several who were pres atrair was broadly comical, those who atm- allthe points •st." / 1 FOUR PAINTINGS.—We understand that Col. Batchelder has secured the em inent artist, Walker, to paint four pic tures of the Battle of Gettysburg, but have not heard what particular points in the struggle will be selected for the sub jects. Sketches were last week taken for the work, we are told. Something grand may be expected. ImpnovEarEsTs.—Our enterprising townsman, Samuel Herbst, is having the Herbert property, on Chambersburg , street, considerably altered and thorough ly repaired. It will no doubt look "as good as new" when finished. Jesse Bucher is having his house, , on East High street, well, "brushed up," with fresh paint, dtc. The building for the Orphans' Home, near the Cemeteries, is to be considerably enlarged at an early day. As an evidence of the spirit of improve ment now prevailing, it may be men tioned that Mr. Stallsmith has work for half a dozen additional carpenters, and desires to employ them immediately, PAINFUL COINCIDENCE.—SamueI Wolf, Esq., (one of the Commissioners of the oounty,) a few weeks ago had one of his legs broken by the kick of a horse. The fact was stated in this paper at the tithe, and we have now to announce the some what singular and very painful coinci dence that his brother, Isaac Wolf, Jr.c of-Berwick township, has also had a leg broken. He was engaged in felling a tree, which, in its descent, caught the leg, breaking and crushing it in a shocking manner. Medical aid was at once had, and he is doing well. Tire GETrYIO3I7I{A Beim, under Prof. Gundrum, promisee to be one of the best in the.oountry. It is making the kind of progress which is sure to result in profi ciency in all the parts, without which good music'. cannot be produced. We hope the Band will be out often these beautiful evenings. , • NEW RAILROAD BRIDGE.-ML ERAS Rhodes, of New Oxford, has contracted for the building of a new Bridge on the Gettysburg 'Railroad, across Little Cono wago, a short distance west of New Ox ford. He is to receive V,5.513 for the Job,. and has already commenced operations. The running of the trains will not be in terfered with during the progress of the SUDDRN DEALTEf.--On the 3rd inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Peters, wife of Mx. Henry Peters, of Petersburg, this county, died very suddenly from an attack of apoplexy. Upon stepping into the house from the yard, she almost instantly fell to-the ficior and expired. Her age was about 65 yelirs and her health previously goat 11.11-Auother splendid lot of freill Gro ceries just received at the store of James A. Grimeti, on Fork street, which he Is selling at reduced prices, Read 'his ad vertisement. lIAD Dock—There is considerable MPG' iety 14 several sections of the county in reference M mad dogs. Too much vigi lance cannot be exercised in the matter, and all suspected dogs 8 404 1 4 be dis patched without delay, • abed/sew to the ealLot. the Chair- Mae, the Ateeutiye Comesittse met iu the-Arbitratien Ittaim, Jima lith, 1888. J. H. White was elected Stairetery of the Committee. ' • The Chairman reported the following gentlemen as having accepted their ap pointments: Col. W. W. Stewart, Lt. Col. E. G. Fahneetec! k, MaJ. H. S. Benner, Maj. Robert Bell, Capt. J. H. Plank, Capt. .I=l4 Uick,W„,capt. Theo. C..E2r,rxs, Citiit. E. cGinley, lapt. \V. Brogu nier, Adj. J. H. White, U. Jas. B. Hersh, Lt. 'Samuel H. Eicholte. of Mowers considerable tended. eev field. The Hartman, Wash " ivcr) decided tman machine zit, the ghio third. We !teas. And the following as having declined Lt. George Wilson, and Lt. George K Duttera. On motion George W. Mullen was sub stituted for George Wilson and Rufus C. Duttera for George K. Duttera. LL Col. E. 0. Fahnestock was then elected Toasts urer of the Cinnmittee. On motion it was Resolved, That, for the purpose of facilitating the operations of the Committee, the county. be divided into 11 districts, according to schedule hereto annexed, which shall severally be under the charge of a member of the Committee, and which shall report to said member for instructions, and said Member shall have authority to fill vacan cics. which may occur in said sub-oom mittee. TTLE-FIELD,— •sburg Battle the country, ek, however, th." Among !no.' Hancock,, :he General's Anemic.; Gen. Gen. Humph= Parke, Gen. ie artist, Col. K ennedy and That the 'Sub-Committee shall make the subseriptiOns cash as far as-practica ble, and that all moneys collected be paid to the member having charge of the dis trict, and hy him to the 'treasurer of the Executive Cotnmittee. On motion it was Resolved, That Aaron Sheely be authorized to make such ar rangements as he may think best for securing the interest of all the Schools in the county in this enterprise. The Committee adjourned to meet again at the tall of the Chairman. , Haneock's ie Gettysburg The General, 1, Col. Batch k, appeared, a the cQmpli speeches. The following Canvasiing, Committees have .been appointed, with the member of the Executive Committee assigned to each district attached: Gettysburg,:Cumb , , , rland and 'MOttntjoy. —Levi Spangler, Harrison Lott, Harvey Cubean, Henry Bream and Capt. John Horner. .! Member of Executive Corn.— Littlestown;Germang aad Union.—Wm. MeS 4 .ierry ' - Ephraim Myers, Dr. E. F. Shorh,John Sellers and Samuel P. Young. , Member of Ek. Colh.—Rufuse..Dutter.t. Orford, Berwick Borough and Berwick. Tawitghip.—Paul Hersh. J.Lanius Mines, F. C. Hettzel, Henry Wiest, H. F. Koh ler,' D. S., Pefferend George Wolf. Member or Ex. Com.—Lt. J. R. Hersh. Hittilingtori, Latonore and Tyrone. John C. Brandon, W. B. Jobe, F. N. W. Bowers, J..N _. Wierman. W. F. Benner, I.' D. Wokley, Conrad E.' Myeni, Lt. J. S. Chronister, Lt. J. C. Pittenturf, John F. Houck, J..lfyers and Ezra Welcome. I Member of E. Co4l.—Col. W. W. Stew art. Straban, Reading and Hamilton.—J. W. ere* John Benner, John N. Boyer, John F. Felty, Edward Moritz, Oliver Neely, Howard Dicks, Dr. C.E. Goldsbor ough, Leonard Slaybaugh, Lt. J. Q. Schwartz, J W. Moisenhelder, George D. Binder and Henry Stock. ' Member ofEx. Com.—Maj. Robertßcll. Conowago and Afountpleasant.—Micha el Belly, Lt.,J. I. McKinney, Capt. J. E. Miller t Jacob Lott, H. Brough, and John E. Smith. Member Of Ex. Com.—Capt. W. H. trogunier. • Hantittoribgn ' Liberty and Freedom.— J. W. MeGlanghlin, Peter Harbaugh, Al exander Betichoff, J. H. -Marshall, I. T. Sullivan Jahn .Nunetnaker, Wm. M.ir tin, A. ioss Hunter, W. R. White, James Bigham, C. P. Kriso, Robert Lott and Capt. H. S. McNair. Member of Ex. Coin.—Capt. E. Mc- Ginley. • 117gliland.—Isarte Hereter, D. Weigle, Christian Byers and John H. Dubs. Member of Ex. Com.—Capt. James Mickley. , Fraatin.-Robert MeClear. George E Plank, Wm.• Bell, James Rebert and J Marks. , ' Member of E . Com. —Capt: J.. H. PI ank. • Menallen.—Lt. W. Morrison, Lt. G. C. Carson, Lt. Isaac Miller, ChrytinstumEp. pelman and" Cornelius Christ. Membur:of Ex. Corn.—Capt.- G. W. Mullen. • Butler.—Lt. P. L. Houck, Israel Shank, J. Singleton Myers and Solomon Orner. Member of Ex. Com.,—Lt. Samuel The holtz. jetA few appointments'are yet to be made for the townships of 41ermany and Union. • A WORD TO HOUSE-KEEPERS. —We were shown, a few days ago, through the ex tensive Wareroom and Factory for the manufacture of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, of Co 1: C. H. Buehler, in this place, and were surprised to observe the energy he exhibits in prosecuting the several branch es of his business and the marks of enter prise visible on every hand. There is no article of Tin or Sheet .Iron Ware that house-keloers should have that cannot be found lik:this establishment. • He man ufactureseci n a large scale, and can afford tp sell cl p. His stock of stoves is as full as e er,, embracing every style in use, whi t the i Coal and Limber busi ness alai a due share of attention. House-k pers, as well as Buibprs, will be amply repaid by visiting this estab lishment, whether they want to buy or not. • Pensions.—A new pension bill has just passed the Senate. It provides that s3•i a month shall be paid to persons who have been permanently injured while In the military or naval service of the country and are incapacitated for labor in con sequence; $2O a month to those who are not obliged to have continual care and attention ; and $l5 a month to those who have lost a leg, arm or hand. The bill expressly forbids the transfer, sale, mortgage or other 'disposition of pension olaims to second parties. It also pro vides for payment of a pension to a minor child or children of a widow entitled to pension, if she is deemed unqnalilic-d to take care of her children, In consequence of immoral conduct. This bill, which is supplementary to other pension laws, is yet to be acted on bylhe House. Ever since Mr. Clymer's nomina tion the Geary organs have been Invent ing canards about his withdrawal—the nomination of another candidate, &c.— This "Enly goes to show Mr. Clymer's strength and to prove how desperate the Disunionists consider Gary's cause with Clymer on the track. The wish Is father to the thought In all their blather about Clymer's withdrawal. , lita,Tbe last Oettysburg Compiler con tains a list of the Confederate dead still having legible marks, on the Gettysburg battle-field, furnished by Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, wkich will be of great interest, and perhaps service, to the friends and relatives of the thousands of misguided men who fell on that bloody field of car nage.—ganover 4nectalor, (Republican.) atit-The great influx of negroea into Baltimore hu opened.the eyes of the Bal timoreans, who now declare them a nuis ance. THE 101173111.1EfUr XONVIIVENT. •J. H. WHITE, Secretitry Spe titolk* Column. • **how PHI. oontt►Wsnpte Is. - Axtifilketive matter than kllenty bsOSSoratitY Vas' In-tige world besides': dity-five PhrigkliattS Ms them In their practic9 tektba exelusionbilotiose purgatives. The Mut let yoßbetrrglaeisyetorxr xalyapprerint Wheu the, are bztuw known, sultl(qi tleat. , l and ; continued sickness will ho Melte paid, I,rt thee 3 who know them sp.iok right out In their favor. It is s duty which will save 11 te. ' Our race are subject to a redun tan ^y of vitiated bile at this seavin, era It is as dangerous as It Ls prevalent; but Braahrsth'iHUis uflbrd en Laval ulible and effl nen t proCuetion. Dy their o,..esalonal nini - viiikrevaitt the onlikiltifi 9rittra3 frispttettint which, when In Ruin-neat qnintltles, cause so =oh dangn to the body. ItWatte. They soon cure Liver Complaint, Torrplitxdo, Less or appetite'. Pan in thilleati, Heartburn, Pain to the Breast. bane, Sudden Fsln gneiss au d tlealve nest Bahl by sdt respectable Dealers in aiedltlnee may Bt, 'M. lin Milers, Diarrhea. "sad Dreastery cure is warranted by Dit.TOßlii.S' celebrated VEN FIrIAN LIN I'M ENT. lint-id when inn by peraone of temperate habits. Thbrm .11elua has been kerma in the Unite,' States over 20 ymirA. Thousands have ' usal it, ant found it never (*ilea to curermy complaint for which tt was recornmen del, and all those who Ant tried it. are now never without It. la the (Molest% of 1843, Ur. Tobias attended II cum and lost 4, being rallea ins too late to do any Roo DIELP.ICIONK—Take a teaseantul In a wine slags 4:4 , watlr every boar for two Imam ani rub t abdomen as 1 ectrelnitles w2ll with the Lint trsent. To alley the thirst, tdu a lump of tee in the mouth, about the size of a m irble every ten minutial. It is warranted perft. , uly innocent to take laterwilly.. 1401.1 by all dru4 I/rico - 10 and SO cents. Depot, Si Court.l.tni Sr, New York. Dead Itienda.- Or, In other vrirds, heals whole onmo glorious leaks have WITHEELEDAND WHITIINEO, can In a few moments be re-uhtlied with all their, YOUTHFUL ATTR,AC LIONS, by a stogie aPPIII , cation of that wonderful talisman, • .CIIRISTADORO`H HAIII. DYES. whisk , rs an I in iustalles, hullos' curls Intowhich the awry of ag,i has preatatarely drift ed, and red, sandy, or whitey-brown hair, receive, as if 1 v magic, the rarest atm leg of black or brown from: this harmless botanical hair darltener.- 1 Mangfactoml 1 - 'y J. CIIIIIST.I.D'JIIO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sall by Drutrzbits. Applied by all Hair Dressers. (May 21,'66, lin - LIFE-TTEILTIT-SrßrNnTir. ETPE-ITEA.T.TII--;9•CRENiirti The Great French Remedy. DR. JUAN DELANIARRE'S - CF,LEIDIATED SPECIFIC PITA.% Prepttrial from a presertption of Dr. Juan Dela marre. Chief Physician Of tho liotoitel i du Nord ou Narlholsiere of Paris. This invaluable medicine Is no Imp motion, but Is nittaillng In the cure of Spermatorrtue or tiem I nal Wraknea.s. Every sis‘eleS of Genital or Uri nary Irritability, Involuntary or Nightly Sentinel Ikalkslons from wh ttever cans:: p:asliped, or how ever severe, will be Speedily re'lev:A and the or gaol restored to heal t hraction. it tail th • folloiYing °Mahn.. of eminent French plly4ielans: -We have used the Speeith , Pills prepared by Gariin• iere a: Dupont. N0.3l l I toe Lombard, from the proscription of Dr. Juan Delatnarre, in our private practioo wit.* uniform sueeess, and we be- I Vivi . . there is no othorm-lielnr so well eitl^niatott to lire all pors.ons sintering from Involuntary Ihnissions or any other weakness of the Sexual (Int In s, w'tet'ler Callisl by is:dent:try nti) les of ex,es.es, ur It. A. intAlTnElPtnot, "if. D. G. 11. Dui Aunty, M. D. JKA:v I.E LEl:Clint; M.D. Paris, Yew sth, 146.1." BEWARE OF COIINTERFEM4. Tlije genuine Pills are sold by nil tho principal Druggists throughout the World. Price Ou€ Dol larer BOX, or six Boxes for FlYe linPnrs. GArtAirrintka k Dumotv r, Sole Proprietors, • No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris. One Dollar enclosrd to any authorised Agent. willllniture a It - ix by return mail, tern eery se•ilol froM ail obsere Mon: Six boys for dye dollars. Sole General Agents for Arnerlea. O:3CAIt G. m , 1 , 41 . 14 27 Corti i st., N. Y. N.; B.—French. German, Spanish rind Mitiltsli P.unphiels. containing full part•culam and dim e- Mot* for use. sent free to every address., A., D. liciehler. Age.lit for Gettytiburg. Dee. IS, 156 i. ly Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff. This-snuff has tharoughly proved ',Vol( to be the best article known tor curin.: th- Catarrh, Cold in the head an 1 Ilea lapin.. It has been found au eseellant remsly to to my caa 'a of Fore I':yes. Deafness has beam removed by it, and Hearing has often been greatly improved by Its ur. It l fragrant ani- azt•sAille, and (milts INIME• MATE RELIEF to tile dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the heivi. The sensations after using It are delightful and Invigorating. It opens and pri ry, , es out ail Mist ru et Io ns strengthen s the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts atTectixi, More than Thirty Years' of sale and use of "'Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff," lia4 proved Its great value for all the (Ammon diseases of the head, and at this moment, stands higher than ever before. ft Is recominmded by Many of the best physi cians, and is used with great success and satisfac tion everywhere. Bowl the Certillentes of Wholesale Druggists in PM: The undersigned, having for many years beep acquainted with " Dr. •Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff." and sold UM our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to be ednal, in every reqP 'et. to the recotomendstirms given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that It is decidedly the best article we have ever known for all common diseases of the Head. Burr & Perm Boston ; Read, Anston Box ton; Brown, Lamson & Co., Boston ; Seth W. Fowls. Boston Wilson, Fairbank & Co., Boston; Renshaw, Edmund & Cn., Boston; H. H. Hay, Portland, Me.; Barnes & Park, New York; A. B. &D. Sands, New York ,• Stephen Paul & Co., New York ; Israellltinor &. Om, New York; McKesson & Robbins, New York : A. L. Sowill & Co., New York •; M. Ward, Close & co„ New York; Bush & Hale, New York:. 1.7•F0r sale by all DruggiSt4i...: — Try it. [Dec. 18,1813. ly Ayer's Cotbartle Pills Are the most perfect purgative which we are able to produw or which we think has ever yet been made by anybody. Their effects have abuti datttly shown to the community how much they excel the ordinary m slielnes In use. They ar,e safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to Cure.— Their penetrating properties stimul.ste the vital activities (gale tso ly, remove the obstructions of Its org.sns, purify the blood, and exp-^1 disease. Theypurge out the foul humors which breed and grow dint 'rnper, stimulate aluggish or disordered organs into their natural aetion, and impart a healthy tone. with strength tothe whole sYstclit• Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous dbleases. While they produce Itowerftil effects. they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest an best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleas ant to take; and, being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position and character, as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emi nent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability ofour remedies, while others have Sent 11.4 the flaw ranee of their conviction that, our Preparations con tribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted. sutTerlng fellow men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing direc tions fro , the use and certificates of their cures, of the following complaints:— Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rhenmatiam, Dropsy. Heartburn headache arising front foul stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Plain lency, Loss of Apatite, all Diseases v. hieh require an evacuant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it would not be snpred the.) , could reach, ialeh as Deafness, Partial Ballwin, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Dentate ments of the Liver and Kidneys, (lout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body, or obstruction of its functions. Do not , be pat off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand Avta's and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, lifeas,, and sold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg. ]fay 1,1586. gut Terrible IHselosuree. fiRCRATS FOR TUB lifu.ttort!—A most vain/04e arid wonderful publicetion. A work of 400 pages, and 80 colored Engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and popular treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never ng Remedies for their speedy cure. The prac tice of DR. HUNTER has long been. and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu merous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his " VADE MPLITIff." It is a vnlumettlat should be ID the hands of every family In the land, as a pre ventive of secret vices, or as a gable for the allevi ation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges that ever visited mankind. One copy, selpirely enveloped, will he forwarded free of pest. AO to any part of tho United States for 30 cents MI P. O. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No, 3 Dlyhtlon St., New York. [Sept. ii. 1 Y Errors of Tough • A gentler:lSn who suffered for years from Nem vons Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthttil indiscretion, will for the sake of suf eying humanity, senitleee to all who need it, the recipe and direotiona for making the simple rem edy by which be We. cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, eon do So by addressing JOHN B. OODDN, No. 13 Chambers at.. New York. gar. Z., Mk 17 Eye sad Mar I PROP. J. MAAR% E. R. Oculist and Jgbrifft, * moor ], Lwri..n, Ronan& Is located at No. I 519 PlNEStreet.Pll t DELPHLA, where peruma ofilietwl with dbmoweb Of the EYE Or EAR, will be fOliwittileally treated and cored, if oarahla. N. B. ' --.A.RTIFICIA BYES inserted without pain.— No MAIMS made aar examinations. The medical won, is invited, as he no amnia In hia Maga I of terstusent. - [July 17, 1.0. • AWeft. Ahscreir. A blhosui fever o ne seeiCaltionspintalUtoce_ltS never a dangerou If you have Radway'S Aar' ulating Pills at band—as you should Aare if you. would exercise ordinary prudence. Take six of Dr. Radwsys Pills as soon payola pad yourself afflicted with balms fever, and in six hours take lux pills more, if the drat dose hair not operated, The second dose will certainly have the desired effect. After - that feel no alarm. All peril tittrer. Continue to take from two to tour pills every day, until you arc completely well. It will require but a few days to restore you to your wonted health and strength, for Railway's Pills do not prostrate the patient, and reduce him to a stato of hotplate. nese, while expelling the disorder from his system, They sustain him. They wholly differ in the particular from all other pills which commonly exhaust nature so rapidly In their violent operas Lion, as to .14> almost as much mischief as the disease itself. Tliligus fevers are occasioned by a derangement of th. liver. That Important organ suppi th.' Idle, without which the tad we take' into the lemma:la would never lie properly digest , ed. lint even a eon muff cold will sometimes 'disorder the action of the liver. Then It supplies either too mueh or too little bile, Rind billoas corn !mania are the - consequence. Sometimes the jaundice, sometime,rheumatism, Burnett Mee dys pepsia, eoativeness, neuralgia, hysterics, fevers, t e., follow such a deranged action of the liver.— At such a time It alway's filly Income a peculiar blessing. They correct the action of the liver, and ore In fa the only vegetable WWI whleil can act in Utla manner, SS a snout little for calomel. They t "regulate" the action of the I I ver, and soon restore it to a proper activity—health succecsllng as a matter of eour.4o. Hence, these are called Reid. wav'v Regulating I'M!". They are always safe-. alw;tya ri•ltanle, Ih.B; N.NElt'q TREITIENT OP BIL. /0118 DISEASES. - NEW YultK, JahUnr.Y, DR. R4IIWAT h Co.!—r have, during the pint s four roam used your remedies, and have recoM. minded them to others for BILIOUS COMPLA I YIN, INntilEstitols,llltsPfte , u,t, ae. I roost der the Rota. dv Relief and Itegulat Pills unequaled. The Regulating Pills are mild in their operations and thoroughly effective. The find dose htiould he large enough to purge, say four or five, anti each sueartisive dose he ill- AIM hilted one pill, until redueed to one, and thlp rripeated evert' (lac for a week or ten days. A permanent sure will surely follow. 'furs, SRINIIIER. Price or 11.1.1wav's fulls , 25 eek?ts per box. June 11, 18tid. 2w • Lyon's Periodical Drops! TILE QltE.kT FEMALE REMEDY FOR I. REGIJ I I'! E-L—These Drop., are a scientifi cally cormiounded bail preparation, and bettor than any nth, Powders or . ..Nostrums. Being il quid, their aellon is direct and Is:naive, rendering them a reliable, spec iy and certain specific tut tho cure of All obstructions arid suppressions of nature. Their popularity - is indicated by the fat t that over 100,00dbottles are annually eonsumpl by the ladies of the United 'States, every ono of whom spoilt:tin the strongest terms of probe, of their great merits. , They ari) rapidly taking the place of every other Feinalb Remedy, and ere con sidered by all who Ictaiw aught of them, as the Bifrost, Sat est, and muyt in fulllhlc preparation in the world, ibr the cure , of all female complaints, the retuoval.of all obstrUellons of nature, and the Jpromotion of health, regularity and strengths—. ;rpticlt direetiona stating alien they may nasal, and explaining when and why they should not, nor could not be used without producing effects coltrary to a intro's - laws, will be round earefully fulled around .i.aoh bottle, with the writtettillgta, tare of Jolts 1.. I.YoN, witliuut which none uro geuine. , Prep T)r. .lOTILN 'L. LYON, lfl.i Chape. Street, New I taven, Comm., who chin be co:milted either petwinll Iv, or by :Win, (envloslng atom th) eotteerning all private (I , l); , a.sea a wl f u n li d o w aa k. nes..)s. Sold by Dru,T„slitg everywhere. CLATIN A: Oen') Agenta for U.S. aliast..4tuadoll. Noy 8, ly The Great Englbsh Remmedi SIR JAME/ CLARK F . I'S UM, FM It TED FKMA I. II Prcp.tri..l from a preveription of J. Clarke, M. Physician Extraordinary to the ttueen. Thin filvaluable medicine unfailing In the cure of all Oman painful mid dmigcrotia down scatto which the tomalii effluititul lon is hill ultes, \ 1$ inoilcr#telt all elt..l . .vit•S nail removen all obatrtte tieing, and a iineeily cure inav ridied To Married I.,.vileviniapcculhiriv gultAxi. it will, fu it , hort time, bring on lIIu mon t lily perlud with reaulardy. _ Each bottle, pielee One Dealer, bean the (govern ment Stump of ()runt Britain, to prevent counter feits. Car rur.s.—Theso Pills should not be taken by F.mt•tles Miring the PIRA r TLutrß MONTIIN of Prig. naney. as they are snot to bring on Miscarriage, but at anyptlier time they art s.ifo. fit all e ISVM of Nervous and Spinal A ffeet lons, Pains In the Bark and Limbo, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the tin art, fly:dories, aniA Whites, these Pills will efteet n eune when alloil,. er na.mtns hive failed ; and although a ilow. , rhtl temrdy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful Lathe constitution. Full ilireetions in the pamphlet around cock pn , kago, whirl) slionld he enteral ly preservoil. Sold by all Druggists. Sole Agent for the tint, tad Stites and I ~LTlll,bt, JOIS \()$F:4, 27 Cortland Rt.. N. Y - . N. it-sl,OO nnil 0 pnstag. , gam ps iw.lngetllo f4lly :kgent, will Insures bottle, contosinl nV 59 Pills, by r.qtarn in Bold by A. D. lit,tottba. DJe. titrunite, bat True Every yonnx lady and gentleraari In-the United St.atowe.ati hear ovonetliling vary 'tenth to their met, vAntage by return in ill (free of charge,) by ad• dressing the undersigned. Thome hnvtnr fours ,d being humbugged will oblige by not noticing tlilm card. Ali others will We'vse address their obedi ent servant, - T 8,051. F. CIIAPM,‘N, Mar. •5,'66. ly NM Broadway, N. Y. Latest Market' Reports, GETTYSBURG. FLOTTR. - ' • 1.- , • 10 50 OP 1200 RYE FLOUR. ' • - • AIS Wlll'fF: WHEAT, • • 220 (a) 200 RED WHEAT, - • + 2 20 4 25) CORN, 711 RYE, - • • • 80 OATS, - - .. • 11l BUCKWHEAT, - - • , 12. HAY, - • • • 000 0 000 BALI' I MORE SEW WIIEA'r, • , • - • 240 60 Stn RYE, - - 1 1.1 40 I :P ellit!si, . - - - 97 0. I In () t TS, " • • • " et (4 6.1 11004,1)1mnd., - - • Ift 00 (4 II (10 MEP' CATTLE, 111 thilnd„ - 11 51 a• 2) 00 HAY, - - • • . • 19 OD (ii 2 0 00 NY IL 181.: EY„ - . ; 331 - 42 33? Married. On Thursday Morning last. by Rev. Dr. C. A. Hay. Rev. 3IATTH lAS IV RICHARD...4 ; ot Phil lipsburg, N. J.. to Mlas SALLIE M. AteCLEAN, daughter of lion. Moses llellean, of this place. On the 3lst nit. by Rev. B. P. Sprreher, Mr. J. C. PITTENTURP Miss MAUGIE K SHANK. both of this comity. On Sunday morning, May 7th, at the tier. Ref. Parsonage, New (Wool, by the Rev. W. P. P. Da vis, Mr. AMOS JACOBS to Mina SARAH JANE HANTZ, of Reading township. On the.lth tnat,, in New Oxford. by the same, Mr. ALFRED RELTZEL to Was EMMA. DAS TRES..%S.both of New Oxford. On the 7th dust„ at the Ger. Ref. Parton firm, New Oxford, by the name, Mr. A GLEN TROSTLE. of York, to Wu KATI.; WEST, of East Adams county. At St. John's Church. Abholfatown, oh Tuesday, the nth Inst.. by Rev. Dr. Rimer, hmslated by Rve, J. If. Alloman, Mr. GEORDE P. EVEItIIART, of Shreivesloiry, to Miss MARY E., daughther of Um on:luting clergyman. Died. Last evening, In this plaee, Mrs. F.LLEN LILA:SD, in the 74th year of her age. On the 22nd of May, near Lower Bermudian church, Mrs ELI:LABE:III LEIGHTY, aged. 53 years 1 month and aldays. On the sth Butt.. In Mounlj?y township, Adams county, Mrs. S.A.RAII JAN}. wife of Capt. John Horner, In the illst year of her age. At York Sulphur Springs, on the 3rd Inst., Mrs. ELIZABETII PETERS, aged 63 years 9 months and 8 days, On the 7th init.. nt him remblenee, In Shade Oh Hun t I ngdon co., Pa., .I.k M 1.1.% N HELY, Eati., (fur. merly of tills county,) m his 72nd year. On the 3rd of Muy..FRA.NCIS P.. only son or Francis and Levine (iii lamer, aged II years end 18 days. Not lost hut gone to rest, Secure in bliss to mtand, To meet his father there once more, In God's own holy land. Di. I. F. Ensor, TTATING located on the Hanover road, ONE MILE •RAST OP GRANITIC RILL P. 0., Mountpleasant township, Adams county, Ps., offers his professional services to the public. June 18, 1868. am For Sale. A FIRST-RATS MULE TRAIL, with or 11, without Harness. Also, a good Wagon. All in complete order. Will be sold cheap. Apply to SAMUEL limn, June 18,18d6. Gettysburg, Pa. Wanted. A GooP RN. ANY P a good Farm for sale, and will takeing inpart payment, one or more tracts of FIRST-RATE WESTERN LAND, well located, near Railroads, Schools, Chorctre ea, Connty Towns, itc., may Bad a pa rchater by applying at this dace. June 18, 1868. tf rRATT'S IMPROVED FRVIT CA1114.-- Something new I—Call and sett there" at ehlere Tin and Sheet Iron Factory. Deel• dedly the best Can ever manufactured. Also, FRUIT JARS, of the best and. most Improved patterne. [June 18, 1863. SO f k o r s l it "t st l—A sc ill * "4 ll , j o wsgl ig ou te t Address 0. T. GAILEY, City Bonding, Bide deford, Ms. . [May 21, 6016...151y NS OR& AGAINST ACCIDENTS is the I TRAVELLERS INSIIRANOB .COMPkEr OF HARTFORD. It him spaii-eta ',WO at halts million, sada eall marplia 'TOW! 4 hundred thoassad,,to pay losses: r . - 10 21 Q 10 511
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers