•-•-t ad"ots ~. • - . 1113.1111111atulloyd Garrison ,•; Lek* sl3Alt, President son is a traitor a , d I plight to be impraelied. A brief extract Newa speed} of Garrist's dellrera in. New y o p f a few years alo, will make inaiiifest his eminent ele.int sit in judgment on the loyalty of the 44yeu 411.vii or et' anybody *else ; N ' "No actor tam do we regard with mo - rouseleutious approval, or higherosatitt (adieu', unite du we submit more eon l ,dently to the tribunal of heaven, and the verdict of -mankind, tlnui when, several years ago, on the Fourth of July r in the roehee of a great assembly, we commit m d to the fraes the Coustitution'ig the Liked States !" • . More it ineartmcnk —ln view of the fact that the Alrolitionists in Congrcss have i reed ! iropo some eighty odd am m endents a the Constitution, a facetious fellow in Kentucky offers the annexed amend ments for an:consideration oftha Cousti ,tution tinkers: 1. Every freedthan shall have a'lafreau for himself, with .a looking glass on the i tyli of kit helikes. L Every freedman shall have a secre tary. Every. freed boy or girl shall have a wardrobe. • 4. Every freed child shall have every thin i t les for. ,0 hi .-' people, whether free or not, mus ielv ve tlteruselVes. O. Ali people of every color, except red, istt4 vote. r Ft)..A colony of Maine eni kfrants, n u m ingabout - 120, will kail for Jain the ut Jopp Ulm Holy ',mid, about the m dle of July next. They will take put iamb and building materials, numi 431re, agrieu ural Implement -4 Srie,, to start ith. Their nv home is situated in the fuldiit of orange ' , rove lemon groves, pottlegrAnatogrove , fig tiees,gTape vines, llatilrees, and ahno4 every description of Priental fruit, and shale trees. 11%.Th0 elitor.of the Salt. I,•ilco Tel pgr4nll says '_that 0 , 1 aelys Brigham `young raised last year 7,50 busliek of peaches, 400 bushtls,applus, 22 hu.Aliels of Ittrowherrie:‘, 3 bushels or pears, 2.3 pounds of eberries, of grapes, and gooseberries, raspberries and currants in multitudes." • Reduction in Prim; (VP TIM AIfERIC,UfWATCIIES MADE JIASS, In contequence of the reeeul oat decline to gold and silver. and all the materiods as ed fa the manufacture Of trlft goods, and 412 an ti pipation of a still further iodine, we - hate re paced our prices to aglow a point; as they can ke placed W/TR GOLD AT PAR, Ito that no one need hesitate to boy ft waten pow fromtbe expectatiosthnt it will be cheap er at some future time. The test of ten yeari . / and roarit i tpwttlre and sale of, -WAIN THAN 200,009 WATOIIES, have given our productions the cry highest rank among time-keepers: Commenei nig with phe determination to make oulyl'thoniuglily plea/lent watches, our business has steadily Increased as the public became meg uainted witis their value, until for months together, we have.beea unable t 9 stiffly the demand. We pare repeatedlyenlarged our fActory buildings until theynow cover over three acres of gt ound !tad give accommodation to more Ihan eight workmen. , We are fully justified in stating tint we now innke MORE THAN - ONEJIALF OF ALL TRE WATMS SOLD INTITE UNITE() STATES. The diljerent grti.des are 4istingniihed hS7 the totiowlng trade nrirks engraved on the plate , 17 . u . American Watch Co:," Waltham, Mass 2. "Appletdo, Tracy,l C 0.," " " * "P. S. Bartlett,V ' II /I 42`‘,"Wm. Hilary." - 15. ODE LAMES' WATCH of iirit quality' Is named "*leton, Tracy & Co." Walthath, Wass,' N, ' 1 1. Oar, next qnality of Ladies' Watch is named "P. S. trtrtlett,"Waltbam,Mass. The se watches Aro furnished it ft,great variety of el- Fes raid styles of • CRSC3. The Ametican Watch C0.,0f Waltham, Mass., .authorise us to state that f .wahoht: \Hatt action of trade marks or price, :410L THE PRODUCTS &P TYTEIR AffEPULtX WARRANTED fo be the best time-keepers of their class ever. made in this or any other country. fluyers . !should remember that unlike the guarantee of a foreign Maker who -can never he retie/red, hie warrantee is good at all times against the f.tompanror their agents, and that if after the most thorough. trial, any watch should probe defective in ins) , particular, it may always be exchanged for another. As the American 'Watches. mode at Waltham, "are for sale by 'dealers generally throughout the country, wo de ndt solicit oraers for single watches. 041:1TIQN.--Tho public are cautiOnedlo buy only Of respoptatile dealers. All persons nil- lag counterfeits tt ill be proseeu tei. . EIOBBINS itIAPPLET ON, Agents for tho 4nteritatn Watch Cam?any, .. 182 - Broadway, IV. T . May 21, 1906. lm Viimberland , Coal t - A LARGE supply of superior • - - BLACK-„SMITII COAL, , fa ol bawl Ilt reduced - price. This Coal is uperior in'all 'other Coal in the United States or woldidg and other blacksmith purposes. Per sale by , P. H. PYFER, City Coal Yard, - Frederick city, Md. AM ill, 1865. ly! Carrlse...making 'tininess. _ . THE war being over, the undersigned have resumed the -. CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 1 at their ofdatand, in gist Middle street, , ' GETTYSBURG, . . here-they are sigain prepared to put up work, the most fashionable, substantial, and supe rhb:op 'ol4nief, 4 lot of new and seeond-hand CARRIAGE'S, BUGGIES, 10., On baud' which they will dismiss of at the r a west prices.; and all orders will be supplied ~ -tramway and satisfactorily as possible, 1 ipIirREPAIRING c done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. .. • 4 lirgalot of new-and old HARNESS be Pa 'd for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto ;re enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en estrOr,to deserve klarge share in the fntnre. DANNER it ZIEGLER. Idly lO N ,I/305. tt .`caal.and Lumber, Q e B. ITN- variety, At the Yard of C. H. BETHLFR.,` 2 tb.l9. Qtr. Carlisle and Railroad ids , --- Okiat and eee the most t r autifal assort, meat eniew JRWRI. 4 ItY, &met! fres*,.. p i ns ; par" Drbfe, ;filter Rings, Uockets, Chains, ao., Pt BEVAN'S; ' ' • PPPoritit ttle Bank, Geltvatms. MOB MOB AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COIIVANY . JLARTYORD. i s Rrettiinals, are lotr, and 4 ; 4 1 44 4 P. ' " m i. • - Y'3 A;ce sior Skylight aallerp is Abe place to . .fio it poi wish 'Pictures at lo'y . • I. Sattsfastion go ireeteed. HOTINER'S yon can get mite IJUVlllehlf!, Dye Stt47, Patent 10111111 - Alietkit N . SPRING GOODS! REptiCi/O.V IN PRIM! J. c HICK would respectfully say to the citizens of Get tysburg and viciuitf, that lid is now receiving at bie store a splendid - STOCK OF SPRING GOODS ble price Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc call and examine my Atock of CLOTHS, CASSIA ERF.S and VESTINGS, of all qualities and choicest etylea. April te, 1866. .1. L. SOITICK New Goods.: Large Stock iN MERCHANT TAILORING. JACOBS k BRO. have Just `received from the cities a large stock al goods for Gentlemen's 'wear, embracing a vatieliy of . CLOVIS, CASSIMEILES,. VESTINGS, Cassinets, Jeans, Ac., with many other goods fcir spring, and summer wear. They are prepared to make up garments at the shortest notice, and in the very best man ner.lhe Fashions are regularly received, and clothintnade in\ any desired style. They nl svnys make neat Tits, whilst their sewing is sure to be sulAtantial: They ask a continuance of the public's pa tronage,Tesolved by good, work'and moderate charges to earn it. : Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 . . _ Ilardware at Groceries. TE subseriliers hare' returned from the cities with an immense ,supply of HARDWARE & GROCERIES, which they are offering, at their old stand in Baltimore stevet, At prices to suitthe times. Our stock consists in pri!t. of, BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, _ BLAOK'SMITIRS TOOLS, COACII FINDINGS , SHOE FINDINGS, ' ' .-CAIIINET• MAKER'S TOOLS, ~ .I.IUUSEXEOER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, &c. GROCERIES OF A.L.I. KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, &c., ket. There is no seticle included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be had .at this Store.— Every class of Met/hanks' can benecolunloditted here with tools and findings, rtr_d Housekeepers, can find every article in their line. Give tie tc cell, as NVI2 , are prep i red to sell as low for cash assay house out of the city. , - ' - ' JOhl. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. ' dettystrnrg, May 10, 1861. - !T i . - 1 The Great tliseavery F THE AGE.—luflainnuttory and Chronic 4Rheumatism can be cured by using 11. L. MI ;LER."I4 CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX- T , (1 I.E. Many prominent citizens of this, and th adjoining,,counties, have testified to its grtiat utility. Its success is Rheumatic affec tions, has been hithertn unparalleled by any specific, iniroduced to 'the public. Price 50 cents per-bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER, Wholesale and ILitail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams - county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varkish,- Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Ptitedt Medicines, &c., ke.. pgif‘A. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for "11. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture." [June 3, 1861. tf Cemetery !Elemotalg: TllEundereigned,being,the authorized . person to make removals into Elver Green Ceme lees', hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the remains of decenaed relatives or friends I avail themselves of this season of the year to lave it lone. Removals glade with promptness —terms low, and, no effOrt-sparea to please. PEW?. THORN, March 12;'60. Keeper of-the Cemetery. Sale Crying,. A w. FLEMMING ,continues the , business A of SALE CRVING, and solicits the con tinued'patronage of the public. It halls con stant endeavor to give -satisfaction. Chirges moderate. Residence in Bieckinridge street, Get4sburg. - P.' S.—He is a licensed Auctioneer, under the -Tax Law of the United States. Nov. 24, 1 RG2: Ltineasier,Bbok Bindery. rtFORGE VbrLOTT; - - I> BOOK V I N.D g It, Ur ,AND GLA NS BOOK mkNUFACTURiII, " . I LANC/.STER, PA. Plain and Ornammta? Bending, of every de - riPtion, ext , cuted in, the most substantial and ap oved sales. - REFERNSCIFI. E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank Sambel bock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Sam el Vagner, Esq., York Bank: William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. , T. D Carson, Esq., Bank ,of Gettysburg. - Petezlfartin, Esq., Proth'y ofLancaster co., Pa Geo„, C. Hawthorn, Esq. Register " it Geo.lYpiitson, Esq., Itacarder- - It Aprri 15,1861 ' Noah Walker t Co., C LOTHIERB,. ' WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 AND 167 BALTIxonn Steal; I BALTIIIO-RE, keep coiistantly on hand a large and well as sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. . . - Th ey , supply orders for the finest to the loweat priced articlesl either ready made or madf to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN rsHINg GOODS, embracing every article of Gentle n's Under-wear. Als6,, MILITARY CLOTHS and every varietx of Military Trim mings,.aa well A an assorted stock'ot READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1464. New Blikery NEWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, half aquare from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, , the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &c. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and residences at the Bakery. Every. effort made to please give us a call I [April 30,'63, tf Stiff at Mirk I T" undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his old- stand, in East Middle street, Gettysbnrg. NEW WORK mado to order, and ' REPAIRING done promptly and at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS end a SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TROXEL. I Dec. 7, 1863. 'JOHN HILBERT'S ESTATE—Letters tes ej tamentary on the estate of John Hilbert, late of Germany township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Union township, he hereby gives notice .to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. JESSE HILBERT, 4pril 23, 1866._ 6t* , Executer, DO You Wish T O preserve a Goon likeness of yourself t i nt u r 73, Go;LEERY, rioEuur tonce h friends? est go o lace at u the coituty to sec:yr4 - fire4 class pictures.; Framem.- , 4118.4 T variety, of PlCTtilit - Equips, tittik-plain and ll:murex forimae at evievirDriag and 'Variety Store. . /Use 24. 1865 . , 4 4 - Notice. , N I ~, ':' - A s da t ii irir t(iit i l ai r .- ~-,..., i.-... ,. .......41....1. 7 . ,, ,if, 0. ingwitir n ...i„, ~ , .., ~,,,,,. „... i Mt "Art.I,,,TITAI, Fiels-,INSURANCECOMPANT.K THR OLD STAN/J). 1 ‘"Ne011P011/11iLtacts 18, 1851. - [BITABLISHID 111 . 1517.11 , -Orric . \ --.....„.: I ve associated with, me, in business, my' Presideat=.oeorge Swope., '., ' son, 'John F. McCreary, , under the firm and I vice President—Samuel R. 1455011. - ` style of D. IftCreary L. Son, sad I desire to Secretary—p. i:...Buehler. `-. . . : ; say to my old friends and the public generally Treasurer-E. G. Pahnestock. „ ` that since the war,t he manufacture of Saddles, Executilietommittseobert McCrady Ac.. _ Harness, Collars, ac., has been revived at the drew Heintielman, Jacob king. N . , old established and well Lion n stand on ttl; , i . ' MANAGSMIL--George Swupe,,D. A. Boehlei, tirnore street, one square south of the Court R. McCurdy, M. Eichelberger, S. lit:Bassell, Is. ‘ House, Getittsburg, Pa. G.Fahnestock - , A. D. Buehler, R. 041eCreury, I .11aving . bad an- experience of 40 years in Gettysburg; Jacob King, Strnban township; • thie , establishment, I feel assured, that, with A. Ileintzelman, Franklin; Wm. D. Bimes, I renewed.attentiod to bitsitiess' ' „we can still New Oxford; Wm. B. 'Wilson Bendersvltte; further merit and receive a full share of pub- If. A. Picki.ig, Strata° townsitip ; John %VAP . i tic patronagen DAVID Mc:CI:EARS% , ford, Laimore township; John Picking, East N „, —, . , Berlin ; Abel I'. Wright, Bendersville; Abdiel With incrense ‘ d- , Berlin for conducting - our F. Girt. New Oxford ;•Jas. IL Marshall, Bum- i business, we are 'better prepared, than ever to iltonban township; John Cunningham, Free- I satisfy the wants of a those who may need dam township; John, Horner, Mountjoy town- , anything ils.our line. especially yell the ship; Win. Ross White, Liberty t3wuship. , attention of Farmers and of ra to the .ttperiur kr This Company is limited in its'upera-I quality of our In `..„ - 1 sto the county of Adams. It has been in Plain ur Quilted 'Sea Side Leal! 4tion fur more than l 5 yearscand in that Horn Saddles, I. a mass , a ll has made 4,ut one assessment, having' Plain or Quilted Seat I , ..eir vrithoutfa by fire during that period amount- no Horn, doh-sings, 08—58,109 of which have been Plain or Quilted Seat 'cotelt•Cullars(leat last tam years. Any tierson Side Saddles, - ” '., (ticking ) nee can apply to any of the Plain ur Fancy Saddle No Seam Collars, for further information. Cloths, est Welt Harepss Col 'ommittee meets at the Wagon Saddles, a, ''•- •• the fait Wednes- Riding Bridles, of all Pate Leather Collars, ick r 1',51. . kinds, fair or black, stitch or unstitched, rounded or flat, Best Le.. er • Wagon Marting,als, Whips, 4,'.44 anti 5 .. . . ' L op tt. perio a. paid los log to $l3, a. paid during t desiring en !lila nv.. above named Munn:, isirThe Executive • 6t, effee of the Company, • day in every month, at 3 o'c t. Oct. 16, 18CS. tt N Warehouse. snst, 100.-00 ur NTED,s at and Produce House, in 'arlisle tart ing Sheads & Buehler's stablishi highest market price will a aye be paid is cash for • GRAIN, of all kinds, FLOUR, SEEWS, At'e. Always on hand sad for sale, at the Su profits, GUANOS, - ' N"\. ' SALT, FISIT, GROCERIES, &c., - Wholesale awl TRY US! We shall do our -best to give satisfaction in all cases. McCURDY & DipL. Gettysburg, May 11,1863. ly Great Attlraetion ATI3EIN/MUM FF'S CH EA P I CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, at th North East Corner of the Diamond. The sub erlber is constantlyin receipt of fresh goods f ors the Eastern cities. His‘stock of I _ READY-'MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. Yon will there . find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the Most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, ,of all sizes and prices; for men and boys.— Gentleneen'afurnishinx goods of every,descrip- tion, Wool Shirts,"Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosieiyof every description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerohiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps,Boots and Shoes'. Um brellas, Trunisjitlices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, uir and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blacking, Pocket.and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soaps and Perfumeries, Stationery of idl kinds, Pocket Knives; Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segars. In fact, 'his stock - embraces, everything usually found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as I am determined to sell goods lower than any other establishment in the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKBRHOFF. July 4, 1814. Fresh Arrival. - R ATS, CAPS, BOUTS & SHOES. COBEAN & CO. have just received and opened another splendid assortment of FIATS, CAPS, BOOTS glad SHOES, for Summer wear, which ; l imy are selling at very low' prices considering the times. The latest styles of Summer Hats and Caps, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and warranted to fir, alwa;s on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on short no tice, try experienced workmen. Also, HARNESS MARINO, caeried on in all its branchei Persons want ingthing in this line would do well to call. s Don't forget the old stand in (Bromberg burg street, if you want Bargains. COBEAN & CRAWFORD June 19, ISCS Pianos Pianos ]VIANOS I—The undersigned would reqpect " fully inform the public that he can furnish P NOS of the following manufacturers, or those of other ma!e, it desired, at the lowest possible prices: CHICKERING it SONS. . , DECKER BRO'St HAZLETON BROS. HAINES BROS. s GEO. STECK. A. H. GABLE &CO. STEIN WAG it SONS. ta'Particular attention is given to the se lection of Pianos; and when so selected, in ad tion to the manufacturers' grutrantee,the Pianos are guaranteed by me. MASON. k HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS-AND MELODIANS. The recent improvements in these instru ments vie inch arto fully warrant saying they are FAR SUP RIOR to any other make. One of the best evidences of their merit is, that their irnprovements are imitated by other makers. The new style, twir stop orOn, have a Stib.Bass and Octave Couplet, making it an instrument especially adapted to Church and Sabbath School purposes. I DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS will; be !tent by mail to persons desiring them. Pianos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex change. PETER BENTZ, No. 30 East Market St., York, Pa. June 12, 1805. ly Blacksmithing. MEMundersigned woUld most respectfnlly inform the public that he continues the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at his shop, lately Philip Duirsom's, adjoining Tinsel's paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where ha will at all times be pre pared to do Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. That he knows how to do all jobs of the kind will not be questioned by those who have a knowledge of his long experience at the business. - Come on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you take it away—and for which he will receive Cash.or Countiy Produce. - ADAM 110LTZWORT3 Mar. 20, 1865. tf , 4866. Philiaclillira 1806. w ALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, Manufacturers of PAPER HANGINGS and WINDOW BHADES, Corner FOURTA & MARKET Streets, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in atom, a large stock of . LINEN & OIL SHADES March 5,1860. 3m John W. Tipton, FASHIGNABLE BARBER, North-easi Cor ner of ttie Diamond, (next door to Mc- Pellan's Hotel,) Gettysburg, Pa. where he can at all times be found ready to attend to all busines's in his line. The has also excellent as sistance and will 'inure satisfaction:, Give him a call. Dec. 3, 1860. A TTRACTING ATTtil'lON.—The superior A Pictures taken at MIIMPER'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY, on West Middle It., are attracting universal attention. Good judges pronounce them superior to any ever taken in this place. Call and examine for yourselves, Jan. 16. 1865. - • 1 3ITILN SILVER WARE and stursa PLATED *ARE o the very best <panty, a new assortment just. received. Call and see it. J. BEVAN, . Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. GOLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other._ ' B . P.BOTACLES, to i* all. age alwayncu hand, and fitted to sight. ' . J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank. Gettysburg.'. LADIIII3' Eintillil TIOliouRGS ' In great vs. i , . ri,kfils• ' - ` - .60111Ur . '4, I Carriage (farness, sill styles, silver or black mounted, Heavy Draft I:farness ) pin& Bi 4t. reb. tt Money Rove J S MI .M T O , N ^ LY M D E CASH SYSTEH ADOPTED, AND PRICES REDUCED! The undersigned most respectfully invit their; old customers and he public generally to call and see their Good at the aorpricee. We have A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, Which we have concluded to run off at the lowest'p3sstble prices. live intend doing what we say; therefore all pers ns desirous of making money in the easiest way (by saving it in their purchases) will not fait to give us a 'call, as we premise them they shall not be disap pointed. We are thankful for' the past very liberal patronage we have received t and trust that wo shall merit a continuation of the same; and stoas—as we shall use our best endeavors to please all who may favor us with a call. frireDun't forget tbe 1 )1oce. DA-NNEE & SHIELDS, -Fairfield,,, Adams county, Pa N. B.—We are Agents for Miller's Suporior Family Flour, and Juhnson's•celebrated Bla,t ing Powder. [Feb.26 3 186 d. ti • New Goods at Grimes's., TAMES A. (.RIMES, in York. street. Get a tysburg, has just regeived a large lot of new GROCERIES,'/kc., which, having bought for cash, at the latest reduced prices, he is prepared to offer cheap r than they have been sold here for several years. His assortment is very full, embracing the most choice articles in his line,lo‘prdve whir he asks his old cus tomers and the public generally to call and examine for themselves. His COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, • . , - Srnups,,MOLASSES, FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONS, 'TOBACCOS, SEILIRS, kc., ic., he is certain will please all who may try theta, and be therefore asks inurchasers, fl em town and country, to give them a trial before buy. , big elsewhere. lie is idetermined not to be undersold by nny other establisLynent. Nis large stock of . ` FANCY AIRTIC . LES is kept full by constantaddition's, and every thing in that line can at all times be hid good and cheap. Indeed; he flatters himself that his Store, containing as it does so Lirge a va riety of Goods, ali new knd in the best condi tion, cannot but he looke.l upon as among the most attractive in town.' By attending closely to business, and selling' at small profits, he is doing a handsome business, and will grim.° nd effort to increase it by giving satisfaction in all cases. [March 19, 18i93. Great Redaction of Prices A T THE CHEAP GROCERY? CORNER OF DIAMOND AND CRAMBERSBURR STREET. JOAN 11 4SWAN, Having just returned from the city, respect fully informs his customers, and , the public, that ho has succeeded in forming a connection with one of the first Importing Houses in the city of lhatinaore, by which he is enabled to offer Groceries at a hexer figure than they can be purchased elsewhere in the county.— He is prepared to sell COFFEE 25 cents per lb. SUGAR., ' 10 " SYRUP, ilknn 40 " to $1.20, \ and all other things at, corresponding rates. IP you would save money, call at the Cheap Grocery,corner of Diamond and Chambersburg street. He sells exclusively .for Cash, and is determined to be ahead Of all others in selling cheap. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN M. SWAN. Barron's Safety. Lamps, ' AND • LIG-RO-INE (Red) FLUID, PATISMD. THIS Lamp apparently burns without airy thing to feed it. It has, however, a ma terial which absorbs the, liquid and gives it to the flame, partly from the wick, and partly in the form of gas, but so as to prOdoce perfect combustion, and is very economical and safe. It es used without a chimney, and perfectly trimmed, does not smoke or smell ; it is there fore especially adapted to the purposes of a "ran ab ant," night, nurse, shop or hotel lamp, or lantern. The cost of broken chimneys, alone, wi:l more than pay the cost of this lamp. Every family needs one or more. "It is just what I have been long looking for," writes a model houle-keeper. "I should hardly ltraw how to do without it," writes another.. "A perfect contrivance," writes a ttird. "Let those who are skeptical try it," writes a fourth. For sale by JOHN H. SWAN, Cor. of Diamond and Cbambersburg st, war-The - Lig-ro-ine Fluid also for sale at the same place. Diaz. 12, 1866. - - Forwarding Business. CULP k F , A.RNSLIAW'S LINE. RAPING purchased the Warehouse and Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing= to the public that they will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettys burg to Ball ignore every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in r any quantity. They will attend, i f desired, to the making of purchases in the city. and deliver. ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their , cars run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SON k SONS,IBS North Howard street, (near Franklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attentiote of the public to their line, assuring them tbat they will spare no effortto acconamqate ajl who may patronize them. Having purchased the buildings anti lot on ' the Northeast corner of Railroad and North Washington streets, Gettysburg, their Depot will remain there. Any person having busi ness in the forwarding llne are respectfully in vited to call. CULP & EABNEfLAW. Aug. 7,1805. ¢ ; m i . l i ß o L n; l: , : l;l ll n4g Eß , B lid ß,VT.Eit: B : o 'o r r e. ule Coneentra!d•PlavorinitExtracts: IOQUAL to, any in the market and superior . KA to many, in larger bottles, and at old rmxia Wholesale agents for Baltimore, BI7RB0131:111 BROS., Wholesale Druggists LIST.—LeMOR, Orange:, Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Notmeg, Celery, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Birch, Cinnanrmn, A rple, Mulberry, Pine Ap ple, Banana, Mice, Raspberry, Pear, Pepper, Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter Almond, and Sa vory spices. ' The great difficulty heretofore experienced in procuring true Flavoring Extracts, has in duced the proprietor to spare no pains or ex pense in giving to the piblic an article which will be found true to its name, and which will in no instance be a source of disappointment. It will be observed that our extract of Lem 011'40 Orange is a prepared_ extract from the !W.-which:any one tri,y,be convinced a by merely smelling them. • . The pace of Vanilla Beana,too, bas caused ,ore uselesS , ,Extract of Vanilla to be manu factured and sold than any otter essenne ; being either madetrom TOLIk t Beans, or some other fictitious compound: In our Extract we WILL GD.,ARANTES - A PURE ARTICLE! Made iron:LA° true Beau, vithont sny fOreign substance whatever. Worm BE yde s , : Nsocp.,,,T, PLEASANT AND EFFICIE.I REMEDY IN USE —A REM EDY' 4'SEVYTOT IN T3ELF.-2170 Caerer 011 to be Taken.—ln this PI arntion we have included such remedies only have been tried for years and lire known to possess powerful anthelmintie \Tirtties, co bine3 - with' mild aperients, pleasaikt aromatic 'and Sugar. An thelmint:cs of themselves cane perform their peculiatifonetions Or.„ have the, •sired effeCt, unless theNhowels are kept mgder. ely.open. To produce this, gentle Purgatives a neces sary and such imly ought te\bc used tb can not interfere with he anthelatlntic emploYcd. ' The advantages tve\claim for this' Syrup itt:„ let. Its power of DESTROYING' ,AND EX PELLING WORMS: nits, with ,enings feet Img, Plaited Team Whips, Trotting IVhipa, Riliug Twis, Whip Lashes, 2d. Its mild aperient effect upon,the bowels. 3d. Its pleasant taste and \ odor are advan tages possessed or.claimed by ten- few Vertu ifugfes. 4th. Its harmless influence, dpon the systeM, cougrequently no injurious effects will result Irons its use should the patient have no Worms,, but an apparent disease,, arising from same other 'unknown cause, which is frequently the , `se. • e constituents of, this Syrup and its effects are k own to.maisy Physicians, who are now using it •11 their phtctice to a large extent. Price 2 cents a bottle. , j The,G re est 'Liniment in Use. \BELL'S Will OlL !—The Blandest, Ctean est, mot Pens ling and most L'eriOnocal Lottinesit in Use.—A. wetful Olcaginus Com pouriti\for the Speedyte c ,;7 of Rheumatism, Strain. , , \ Spraine, Wound Nunibness of the Limbs, Fro ‘ stt Feet And Hands, Spavin, Sad dle Glls, 11-Evil, Ring r• Swellings of al • and in ease for which ten Embrocation either in Mantor Beast. I tle.—This:preparatMo, which is ' us, will be found to be one of at,the same time one of\the nu lineations extant. i hlaving been employed `et since its introduction and tee i its remedial properties, we rent the utmost confidence, knowir will be disappointed in its us, name implies, a white liniment tency of cream, containing no( I Litt, on the contrary, will bi pleasant than otherwise. Bell's Alterati' OR CONDITION POWDERS FOR HORSES, C,41.TT 1 25 cents v, paper, or fir f pal The blunt , Are sale of these I the short period they have h public, is a sallicirnt guarante popularity, tifd the decided b fro.n their use. • They , are confidently recotnini as a Preventive, but as a_com all diseases incident to . the, 110 HOG, as loss of Appetite, Ct Yellow Water, Distemper, Glati ,By their use,the Hom's Appl ed, all derangernents of the di corrected, softening the skin, the Coat a sleek and shining ap! may be used with Periect safety at all times, as it contains no ingredients which can'injure a horse, whether sick or well. They cleanse the breathing apparatus by ejecting from the air cells coagulated muter, or that fotmation which so severely clogs them, causing a tiehtnesti in brca'hing. and by their peculiar action on that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood and restoring the distended vessel's to their natural size. For fattening cattle they ire-invaluable, also possesbing peculiar properties in increas ing the (pact ity of milk in't;ows, thereby gir. ing them nn importance .and value , `which should place them within the itands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Liiuga and Liver, nod es a general pwriar of the blood .we guarantee ;heir effiratiy if once fairly tried. - ger .Sold at Gettysbur¢• by A. D. Buehler ; Apothetary.,and by Druggists and Storekeep ers generally. Ask fur 'dell's Preparations. Prepared exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,) -West Washington St., Hagers town, Md. [Oct. 16, 186.5. , • ' Flour t Feed! and Groceries! A T THE CHEAP STOTtE ON THE HILL. Ifyincwish to buy any of the above arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else.go to the Grocery Store of the undersigned on the Hilli in Baltimore street, whiere customers can always be accommoda ted, and where all are invited to call and see for themselves: The public will always find a full and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, TOBACCOS. CIGARS, SNUFFS, FISH, BACON, L& RD, CHEESE, CRAC KERS,I3UTTER, W.GGS, &c. LB 0- GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY-WARE., NO tIONS, COAL OWL AMPS, FISH OIL, AND FLOUR AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND. WANTED. —Plonr, Corn, Oats, Batter, Eggs, Bacon, and . Potatoes, forwhich the highest market price 'will be paid, either in trade or cash. • • `Being determined to conduct my busi ness in a fair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, I invite all to give me a call: STRICKHOUSER WISOTZKEY Have removed their establishment to the west side of Baltimore street, a few doors above the Court-house, and nearly opposite the Post office,_ whet o they will continue busi ness•on a larger scale than ever. always to be had in their season, with Sweet and irish9otatoes, Apples, Bans, ilomony, Ace. Also, HAMS, SHOULDERS, AND SIDE'S, Mackerel and liming, Butter and Lard, Cheese, with all other articles in this line. Also, Raisins, Almonds, and a general Assort ment of,Confections. Smoking and Cbewicg Tobaccos, Segars, Pipes, and a great variety of Notions. They ask calls, convinced that they can al ways sell as cheap as the cheapest. As they run ,cars to the city regularly, their opp‘ortu nities for keeping up their stock are unusually good, and the public can rely upon getting everything fresh and nice. STRICKHOU.3IOI k WISOTZKEY. April 9, 1866. tf cooking •Stoves OF every variety, including the "Noble C00k, 4 "Royal Cook," "Waverly," "Orn amental," Se. -Also, Tin-ware, Sheet.iron=ware, hollow-ware, and every va riety of Kitebnifornitute-oelndrng a varie. iy of Lanterns. Also, it new and much ho. proved Flour Sifter, forsale'by ! ' C. H. BUEIII,ICR, Corner of Carlisle and Railroad ate., Feb. 19, 1866. - Gettysburg, Fs. HENRY OYERDEER, April p, 1866. tf Removal. t)YSTERS AND FISH FOUTZ'S Rom ad Cattle Mors. a. ••••• - This preparation, long and favorably ', known, will tilos / • °uglily reinvigorate - broken-down and low-spinsed horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and Into. .01• ‘ tines, It Ls a sore pre. _ 'entire of all Ms cows incident to ibYisgLajrnOtt .- TER. IIEAV COUGHS, TEMPER, El VERS, FOUNDEI LOSS OF APE TITS AND VIT.+ ENERGY, be. 1 goo improves ti wind, Incream the appetite-61Y a smooth at glassy skin—at transforms t h 'miserable skelet horse. In all &stapes of Swine, much as Coughs, Ulcer* In the Lung; Liver, -;!47 ,5 `.f ....-'-`-: ' 44 40 he., this article ' , .i.; , - :,. ...'- acts as a apeC.lnC. „, , ~,, t ~.. By putties from . e;:. '-?: v. -.-- -e .. . . one-half a piper - -, -. i ..,..e . ,: - -=. - to a paper in a ••• ' . barrel of swill the. ----,--. , I Mat J aboVe diseases 4.- ._...- 'I . r - ' will be eradimieed '''-'-• e---_" ' =- , ...i, • ---- or entirety prevented. If • given in time, a certain ' preventive and cure for the }tog Cholera Prise 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. \ PRXPAILED FOUTZ • ' WIIDLINALE DEM AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, M 4. autoirttraiy_hr,,Tglv.3 sral Storekeeper! through, Foi Sole by A:H. 'Buehler, Gettysburg • Builifierrl s Wheeling, Va.; C. C. 'gender Sz Co., Pthshurl,i Juhus,m,. Holloway &'Cowden, Philadelphia. Die. 11, 18 , .:5. ly CLIO \ LEIt.f. • 'IMEIALITTIVE I •r. •. • \ . S. - IMO. L. , . R T' TILEGEA ZINGARI BITIVRB. Tili, WON DEFUL REMEDY was discov ered and 'intrpduced about twenty ypars age by Di% S. Cheopiiu, an enilueut Egypt n physcian. Vt, lie had long seen and '(elt the want of some Iti:i_..... , .. on'of the po.son to exert its tel rilMe effects do the organism. This i 3 true' not only of arbolera, but fif nearly nil other rnithulies, espe tiaNy the diGrent forms of fevers. The Zin4ari Bitters is just such n remedy as tie above eondiaotas iirvire. It aeta on the r,;ans of excretion and secretion, keepitic up perfect butane , . between them. This Bitters i composed entirely of roots and herbs, :so icely concocted th it every organ i acted upon and put in tone. Ito taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous eases of ; the fdlowing diseases. 11 ,icebeen cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, yphoid aud Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Natr ona Debility, Anaetuia., Female Irregular . ties, yspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula, &c. Price, one dollar per quart bottle. 1 Princip4l Depot ht the Wittnut street 'Wharf': narrisburg, PA. Sold by Druggists, lintel-keepers 51, - Grocers. F. ItATIIER LL _ • .ro'' k Proprietor. ,fgir For sale by Wm. Martin, sole Agent for Gevysburg. April 10; 180 G: ly , • - . - 023 . _ TH g $23 UNION BUSISESS COLLEGE, HANDEL and HAYDEN HALL, .1 ' EIGIITII AND 'SPRING GARDEN STRESTR, PRIVADELPIIIA: THOMAS MAY l'El RCE, 'A. M., 1 President and Consulting Accountant. Extraordinary ludneenftents I NOVEL it PERMANENT ARRANGEMENT OF i BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, FROM APRIL 1 TO OCTOBER I, 1866, AND SUCCEEDING YEARS. TAPE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeep• ing, Business Correspondence, Forms acCus toms, Commercial 'Arithmetic, Business Pen , , mauship, Detecting Counterfeit Money, and Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOL IL ARS. SCHOLARSHIPS, including the same subjects as above. TIME LIMITED TO THREE MONTHS, TWENTY DOLLARS. . 1 EN3IAN,SHIP. Three Months , — ... . • $7 Penmanship and,Arithmetic, three dionthsslo The saying of coal and gas in the summer months is an advantage of such importance as epables the - management of this College to Make a considerable reduction in the.summer rates. Faux °Trona 1,186 C, to APRIL 1, 1867, And succeeding yea's, as before. ' Life Scholarship • $3 Scholarships, 3 months $25 Penmanship, 3 months $lO Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3 months... $l2 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, awd for the Sons of Ministers and Teachers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION FOR 130TH SEXES AND ALL AGES, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Pen- Manship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arith 'Tiede, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Ana lytical Geometry, The caiculus, navigation, Sin wing, iingineering, Ganging, Mining, Me chanical Drawing, Commercial Law, German, Telegraphing, ink the English Branches, at moderate prices. Endorsed by the public as the most success ful Business College of the country, as is evi denced by the fact, that FOUR HUNDRED it" TWO STUDENTS s ~ Principals of Deportment , : THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M., GEO. B. SNYDER, R. S. BA REES, C. N. FARE, Jr., J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY KELM, A.R. ROGERSON, A. If., C. E. Supported by an able Corps of Assistants. Call or and for a Catalogue, College Currency, wad Peirce's Practical Educator. OFFICE-531 NORTH El GRTEI ST., PHIL APELPHIA, THOMAS It. PEIRCE. April 23, 1866. 3m e XANSIZIRE AGAINST , ACCIDSNTS in the ori ninal TRAVRIALERS INSURANCE CO . AN OF HARTFORD. It is the oldest, lar gest, and safeit accidenhiesniatice conlpany in the eatintrps . . . , . , , 4 :on is invaluable. rove the quality f the milk. It has ietti proven by th ud experiment to acrease the gaga kV of milk and tam' twenty per tt apd make the ttterf firm and reet. In fattening :tie, it gives them . appetite, loosens' ieir hide, and ikes them thrive = have entered in the --- Amerrmormigner I N Tns CITY OF NEW, Y 911,14 • - - Ufa highly respectable citizen, well known to the Mercantile community, h ci T DR. J. If. 8C II F.; N K , Tin QUAT LUNG IMMIX OF FUILADIILFWA. Office N. Y. and Galena Lead Co., 1 No. 28 Nassau St., N. Y., June 1,'86. J Dr. J. H. Schenck—Dear Sir:—For over fifteen years I have been troubled with a sae vere cough, and usually two or three times' is year with:more or less hemorrhage, which to gether, for the last few years, has kept me this in flesh and too weak to do business of any kind without suffering. In August last I had a very severe ibemorrbage, and, according to thejudgment of a good New York physician, I was classed as beyond the reach of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, so far as property matters were concerned, to leave this world at shoat notice: The physician (sad my good friends) said that the first cord I took must prove fatal. Early In J , .ne.try I took a severe cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at No. 32 BOND STREET, directly over your office. I think about the 16th of January I procured a bottle of your Pulmonic Syrup . and commenced taking it freely. My feel and limbs - were very much swollen, and all the, 1 symptoms of a speedy death seemed to accom pany my cold. ' I sent for my former physician,_, sod stated to him that I 'was taking your medis'• cines, and after showing there to him, and having tasted of them, Am., he replied: "You '" can take them if you like, they will do 'you 0 harm." Ile said:. "You know what ". you last summer, and I say the same I,' you bare any business to 4lose up, do not put it off." lie said to other friends that he "could see no hope for roe," and my frieuds and :eta lions ccncluded my time had come. At this. time I was taking freely or your medicine, but had not seen you. The doctor called . % few times, and found Me (mach to his surprise, ho said,) imp: oving,' and he could not understand why, My faith was',inereasing in your medi cines, and I had a wish to have yuu examito my case, and see what you had to say, ,When you first came to 4 room anti made the ex- , amination, you gave me but little encourage ment, buton the contrary,expi exited sad doubts of my ever being helped out of my then seem ing difficulties. ' The SeCol;id time that you called-, finding me still gaining, you gave me encourageuient, saying, “my symptoms were improving ; the Pulmonic Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills but acted like a charm." My' circulation, my cough, my Appe tite, all began to iinproet, and I could walk about my room a little. You visited me . nearly ' r every Thesday, and found me improi"- Ing, and told tete . not to go out of my room un til the first. day of May. I took no,cold while under your treatment, my appetite became first-rate, and you told me to eat everything I wished of S. nutritious nature, and to exercise about the'roonf as much as possible. I fol lowed your agvice,, and to the surprise of my, old physitdan and. ,friends, I seem much better' than 1 have been for several years, and bre.,the j better than lever expected &person could with done lung, the left berm; coutpletely dried, up. ' feel very grattful to you, and consider your .. ''' - ice and medicines invaluable. \ \ Yours, truly, lir. Sehenek—Deer Sir:—About two years ago I witi taken with a very troublesome cough and n pain in, my breast; seven or eight Months 'issed away without my doing anything, myself. Then I applied to a physician, Wh attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. I also Oralued the advice and treatment of a physician in' ono of our hospittis, and itko had the advice 'pl ~.rtment of two other physicians, but all to - no purpose. During this long apace of time I was \nearly dead; several times my friends came to see me and witness my exit into the spirit-World. I was confined to my bed two months dt, one time. My breathing was ex ceedingly eltort. I gave up several times all hope of getting better; and as regarded getting well, that WM lentirely out of the question.— Ami to think this day I ani wall and hearty Man advised by slime of my friends,t6 try Dr. Schenck's Med i c i ne k I according ly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth ; then I found a tlecided, change in my cough fur the better. ' rmilfered , ,severoly from pilpi,- Tittion of the heart, and'4wo weeks after I commem.ed taking your rnedicine‘thla difficul tyceased. - • When I first went to Dr. Sell'enck's office it was with difficulty that (could g 4 up into his , reception room, I woo so weak audio lsveiled ; my ekin was as sallow as though film] the jaundice; I felt dull, henvy-and sleepltss. Dr. • ' ' )mtlt hiy ut littls weeits, right !mot& Pak, Thu of Lilo :ter in .d, .sire of ono who has been so wonderfully relieved through your agency; and if any one .lesirea to know with regard to the truthfulness of this report, if they will call upon any of my hiends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Tbomp.. son street, below CadwaladeN Phibtdelplda, , , they will be perfectly satisfied with the valid ity of the case. Yours, with much respect 111 A -BY SOLNA lIYI'. The above case, ae described, is , perfectly correct. I know it to be tree. Yours, T. B. _ Pastor of Hancock IL B. (Amok. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his principal office, Na. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Sat urday-, from 9 A. M. until 4 P.M.? No, 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuerday,.from 9 to 4 4, No. 38 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday ! from 9 to 3 ; arid every other Fri day at 108 Baltimore street; Baltimore, !dd.— All advice free, but fora thrrough examina tion of the lunge with his Respirometer, ths charge is three dollars. Price of the Pirtmonic Syrup and Seaweed onbT,i each $1 59 per bottle, or $7 50 per half dozen.' Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per Licx. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. Mar. 12, 1866. lm Gettysburg .Bailros‘4, ORANGE OF CONNIX,rioNg,.....on "d ter Monday, November 20th, 1565, Pas ; turner Train. will leave and arrive at Gettys burg, and make connections, as follows: PlltO'T TRAIN wilt leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A. 3f., with paisengers for York, Harris. burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North land West, arriving at Hanover Junction with out change of care, at 10.25 A. 11., connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen tral Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.3 . 0 'noon. Also connecting with Mail Train from Baltimore north, arr.bing in Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg 1.1(1 P. 11., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washington. SECOND TRAIN will' leave Gettysburg itt 1.20, P. U., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3.15, and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6.15 P. Id., with passengers from Philadelphia, Harrisburg and the North And West, and also with passengers from Baltimore and Waettington,by the fast line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Peasengere can leave Baltimore in the 101 Train at 9 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburgett 1.10 P. 11. Or leave Baltimore in the fast line at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettysburg a:_6.15 P. Itf. But one change of cars by the first train, either way, viz : at Hanover Junction. The fast line on the Northern Central wilt not stop at any local stations, except York, o ver Junction and earkton. Connections - thin. IIeC,I7BDY, Pres' ' Nov. 27, 1865, 1866 o u r , ; ,:o . u a ry ii r , ( i s a ttamd tt l i :_sa . ds,ll I rotated -b ib: . BL, l 44tNal: • 4 ° • '-.71141 D T. 8.-4413E1.D0N. MIDI MEI licinea w how lv th t ties of broko mtinno , and I I have mother that I ears 63 I your dt;ntly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers