Waisted Immediately. Ir/TREK OR FOUR JOURNEYMEN, to work at the Carpentering... Business. Should be experienced workmen. Good wages will. be paid. Apply immediately to WM. O. STALLSUITII, 11, 186 A. 3t* •Gettyaburg, Pa. For Sale, Cheap. ACOMFORTABLE and substantial FAMI LY CARRIAGE for sale, cheap. Inquire at the Commis. office. Cemetelry Election. AN ELECTION for s President sad seven Managers of Ever Green CeMetevy Asso ciation, to serve for one year, will be held on MONDAY EVENING, the nth otJUNE last., at 7} o'clock, In the Arbitration Room of the Court•houee. B. S. RCHMUCICER, Preet. STAFILS, SCC:y. [Juno 11. tv Sentiut sod Star copy. - Teachers Wanted. ?WE School Directors of Gettysburg will I . meet on MONDAY, the 9th day of JULY next, ,to_ elect leachers for the EIGHT SC/10171 iider 'their care. Term nine Mouths—Sublets to *open August Ist. The following salaries will be paid per month, viz: School No. I, $5O; No. 2, $35; No. 3, $3O; No. 4, $24; No. 5, $22 ; No. 6, $22; No. $2O ; No. 8, $2O. jfer:?or School No: a male Teacher is re iwrici.;4.‘nd for No. 27 - male or female. xeThe County Superintendent will bold ad' examination for—applicants in the School Badding, at 16 o'clock, A. M., of said day. By order of the Board, T. D. CARSON, President. D. A. Bunni.xn, Secretary. line 11, HUG. 3t. Auditor's Notice. /FHB undersigned, Auditor, appointed by 1 the Orphan's Court of Adams county, to make distribution among creditors of the balance remaining in the hands of John Tros tle, Administrator of the estate of Jonathan Gilbert, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will lit at hie office, in Gettysbuig, on WED NESDAY. the 27th day of JUNE, inst., at 10 o'clock, A. IL, to perform the ditties of hie appointment. E. B. BUEHLER, Auditor. June 11, IBM td Prime Hams, SHOULDERS, Bides, home-made Bologna Sausage, Am, • full stock always kept for sale, of the vEry best quality, and at lowest living profits, by KALDFLEISCH, next door to the Post 0 Mee, June 11 Anolher Large Stock OF NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT GRIMES'S. James A. Grimes, York street, has been to the city again, to replenish 4 his stock; whiih went off so rapidly, because it was so very good and so very cheap. The new stock beats anything he has yet offered to thin community, and he hopes all the people will come and see for themselves. His new purchase of SYR , UPS Can't be •beat, aud he will sell from a pint up to a barrel ; his SUGARS are' of all varieties, including the very primest ; his - C•WFEES are the best in the market; his FISH are elegant; and his FLOUR extra. - He has laid in a large lot of STONE-WARE, which he offers cheap, and is sure will please —so with his WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS- . WARE, LAMPS, PICKLES, SPICES, -CON FECTIONARY, Tobacco•and Segars, and the thousand other things to be found in his-rery full and complete Store. .By selling cheap, and selling quick, he expects to get along quite as well as those who have greater profits, but sell slower. - [June 11, 18 4 16. 00 TO 2 GO TO 2 H B. WOODS , tIRST lATIONAL N; `ND V.. NOTIO-I#lE -7' Y STOR Where you can buy the cheapest and • best Roods in town, Corner of the Diamond and York Street. HATS Ii tTS FOR OLD MEN.—Soft and stiff .Brims. BATS FOR FASHIONABLE MEN.--Always the latest out. HATS FOR YOUNG MEN.—"The latest is sues." HATS FUR BOYS.--Every variety and style. VATS FOR CHILDREN.—Neat and fashiona ble.' BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS FOR MEN . AND BUYS.—Cheap and good. SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS.—A Win ss-- sortitent. SIIOES FOR LADlES.—Good,cheJip and neat. SHOES FOR CHILDRgN.—The beet assort meta in town. GAITERS OF EVERY STYLE---Por Ladies, Gents and Children. NOTIONS STMKINGS OF ALL KINDS.—For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children GLOVHS.—For Men, Ladies and Children, - _ cheap as ever. NECK-TIES.—A splendid assortment. PAM COLLARS.—For Ladies and Gentle men. LINEN HANDKERCHIERS.—Bordered and Plain, for [Attics and Gents. CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS.—Nice and cheap- for Children. -- COMBS.—Gum and Horn. SUSPENDERS.—A general assortment. GARTERS.—Best Elastic for Ladies and Chil dren: CORSETS.—The best fitting and, most com fortable at low prices. SPOOL COTTON.-0f all eolors, cheapest and best. e VARIETY GOODS. UNBREGLAS—At lowest prices. LADIES' BASKETS—Cheapeet in town.' CARRIAGE WIIIPS-9( best India Steel. q STROPS—That make a keen edge. SHAVING SOAP AND. BRUSHES—The very best. LEAD PENCILS—Of the beet make: SHUN BRUSHES--Cheap but good: CARPET SACKS—PIain and Railroad. TRUNKS—Of all sixes. se - Beforei purchasing always tail at the FLUST NATIONAL STORE and save money- by buying cheap June Il i 1866. HERRING, Mackerel, &c., I cheap, at KABLFLEISCH'S GROCERY, next door to the Poet Office.. June 11 Q MAR -MED HAYS.--A fresh supply -10 just received. A prime article sud for sale cheap by STRICKHOUSSIIIs WISOTZI4. Csuitoa"s ARBLE 4WORKS, On B.6.lthnorestreet,lfeerly Opposite the Court House, , • GETTYSBURG,'PA. _ Every description of work executed In the Guest style of the art. June 4, .865. tf Mehool dc Bounty Tawas. TBE School Directors of Franklin township hereby give notice that to all School and Bounty Taxes, in said township, not paid by the Ist of July next, FIVE PER CENT. will be I dell. They further give notice that on all -)uttly Subscriptions outstanding on said Ist ly of July, interest will be charged from date of subscribing. By order of the Board, SAMUEL BUCHER, Prea't. TACOS DEARDORFF, Sec'y. May 28, 18C6. td Dissolution. 'UR Partnership heretofore existing ;be tween the undersigned, doing business in name of Row k Woods has been dissiived. All persona indebted to said firm are repainted to settle their accounts. Jane 4 1826 rEIETRE AGAINST ACCIDENTS la the TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD. It insure. against all triad{ of au:ideals, and its benefits at* received by 41 clause of wen. AGO, Arrow Root, Cora Starch, Rice-Hdr aad Gelatin; for $e at Dr 1/08111111'i Drug Store. 'NOTICE hereby pima to all the heirs and legal agreements/Ives of PETER BA , late of tlmulitonbset township, Adams county, deceased, via: Saville Baker, widow, andthe following children—John Baker, Peter Baker, Andrew Baker and Jacob - Bake& resi ding in Adams coanty, Pa. ; Susan, Ingmar ried with Daniel Baldwin, of Mont Alto, Frank lin coulity„Pa.; Elizabeth, intermarried with James Grimm', of Franklin county, Pa.; Maria, intermarried with Peter Boiler, of Ashland :county, Ohio; Silvy, intermarried with Abram :attain, of Franklin county, Pa.; Dailey, in termarried with Josiah Carbaugh, of Franklin county, Pa. ; •n 5 Catharine, intermarried with Abram Stable, of Franklin county, Pa.—that an INQUEST will be held on the following property, left by said decedent, viz: A Tract of Land, situate in said Ilamiltonban town ship, adjoining lands of Lazarus Baker, Wal ter Wagaman, George Douse, lienry.Caufman, John tiaufman awl Leonard Caufman, con taining 200 acres, more or lesa , improved—on SATURDAY, the 30th day of9ii:4B,lBiG, at 10 o'clock, A. hi., on the premises,. to make partition or valuation of the premises afore said, to and amongst the legal representatives of said decedent, in such manner and in such proportions as, by the laws of this Common wealth, is directed, if such partition can be made, without prejudice to or spoiling the *Vole; but if such partition cann3t be made thereof, then .to value and appraise the same. ADAM I/EBERT:Sheriff.. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, June 4,1830. td 'To AU Book Buyers. AS. K. SIMON, 38 South Sixth Street, Phil adelphia, IS AGENT FOR TILE FOLLOW ING VALUABLE BOOKS; APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CTCLOPE ' DIA-26 Vole. HISTORY OF TILE REBELL ION-z-1. large Vol. it DICTIONARY OP MOHAN , 1.C5-2 Vote. REBELLION ILECORD t BY FRANK MOORE —9 Vole. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS-22 Vole. COOPER'S NOVELS, DICKENS' WORKS. MERIVALE & GIBBON'S ROME. MACAULBY'S WORKS. URN'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND MANU- FACTURES. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES-8 !Tols..kc. I furnish all Books 'published, for public and private Libraries, at wholesale prices.— Send a list of any Books waisted, with a Stamp, for prices, which will be sent by return mail May 28, 1886. lm Buggies and Carriages.- • TITIS WAX! THIS WAYI—The under signed is engaged in the Carriage-making business, at the corner of Chamberabarg• and West streets, Gettysburg, and• invites all who may need anything in his line to give him a cull. He puts up, in the very best manner, Falling-lop and other BUGGIES,,and all 'the different styles_of CARRIAGES. With a full knowledge of the business, and a determina tion to give satiable-Lion, the public can rely upon his job's being t good. He will endeavor to deserve . a large share of patronage, and hopes to receive it. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice, and on mist reasonable terms. •Country produce will be taken in exchange for work, • CHARLES E. GILBERT. .Gettysburg, June 4, 1866. tf WILL be held in St. Vincent's Hall, E AIITSBUIta, Md., commencing JUNE 2hth, and continuing during the week—the object to provide fu;nds for repairing and beau tifying St. loseph's'Cburch, Emmitshurg: A great,variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTI CLES will be.offered for sale and raffle. Din ner, Supper and 11,efreshments every day dur ing the lfuir, for the convenience of visitors. The patrons and friends of the church are re spectfully requested to attend. TILE LADY MANAGERS. -June 4, JBQG. tor . MVET ORE ROOM AND CELLAR, In New Chester, Adams county, the property formerly known as the Myers stand. I would also sell my seock of GOODS at a great bargain. Possession given at once. W. T. HOFFMAN, 4une 4, 1866. 3t _ NIORO PHILLIPS' Genuine improved Sallee-Phosphate " OP Lime. STANDARD GUARANTEED For Sale at Manbfacturer's Depots, - 241 North _Front Street, PAllarie/phia, Pa. ' 95 South Street, Buttitnore, Md. And by Dealers in general througoullbe The Material of - whit% MORO PiELLIPS' PRO'iPIiATE • IS manufactured contains fifty per cent. more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it is more durable. The ammonia present' gives it gAat additional fertilizing value. / Five years' experience has proved to the Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than even stable manure, and is not only active but hyting. - MORA) PFIILLIPS, Sole Proprietovind Manufacturer. Var Pelee $56 per torf=looo pounds. Dis count to dealers. Feb. 12, 1866,," tr. Soluble Pacific Guano. 200 LBS . SOLUBIA PACIFIC GUANO 'contains 70 lbs. animal maileralelding 7 to 8 lbs. ammonia. Also 80 to 9018 x. earthy bone Phosphate of inse t 30 lbs. of which are solubk phosphate. It combines all the advantages of the best brands of, Super Phosphate, with those of Pe ruvian Guano. By reason'of its greater concentration, we re commend 20 per ct. less by weight to be used pin acre, than of any fertilizer costing the same per ton ; and no more per acre_thad of those selling at 20 per at. more per ton.— Hence its economy. Thia guano weighs 65 lbs. per bushel, hence is applying it farmers must be governed by weight and not by, bulk, for it is much lighter than the Super kboophatea. Every cargo duly inspected. Joror S..RESSE k CO., 0/IIIIIIAL AGNNTB Poi TER SOWTI6 71 Smith Street, Baltimore. H. B. WOODS WE will give a money guarantee of the purity of this article. It is pure in steamed, unbar* bone, reduced to the Amnon of four, which adds 100 per ct. to its value. ' It is as quick .arid active as acid dissolved bone, hence its, value is vastly greater, because it contains neither acid nor water, which neces sarily gild weight, and reduce the quantity of valuable elements. We recommend 250 lbs. to be used in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate or dissolved bone. • JOHN S. REESE k CO., GU EAL AGENTS POE THE SOUTH,' • 71 South-Stmt, Baltimore War•McCardy & Diehl, Agents, Gettobarg Mar. 12, 1866. 8m Carriages and Buggies. TATS A CULP • are now building a variety of COACH WO-lIK of the latest and_ most approved stales, and constructed of the best material, to which they invite tha _attention of bOyers. Having built our work with great care and of material selected with special reference to beauty of style and durability, we can confidently re commend the work as unsurpassed by any, either in, or oat of the cities. All we ask is an inspection of oar work to convince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to tiny them. REPAIRING in every bran — ch done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Give us a call, at oar Factory, ;near the corner of Washington and Ghamoersburg streets, Gettysburg. TATE. WM. S. CULP. Mar. 19, 186$. B. B. ROW, 11..8. WOODS CL 0 0 IX S . . Now on hand °LOOKS in great varieth from factories of the highest reputation is the country, *Rd warranted good time-keepers. C 1410- J, BEVAN, Qpposito Notice .of I* pert. A GRAND FAIR - For Wnt. Country " Flour of Bone." 'CANDIDATES.. I i - or ur ae for samchm esnAtthdeii:tmtil the C onven charge three donors, CAAJ IN AD VIL/IM. Communications nmentmendlng candidates, tea cents a line, one insertion—also In advaaoe. For Sheriff'. I;EA*ING been solicited by nuiny &leads in various parts of the county, I offer my s I as a candidate for SHERIFF at_the next election, subject to the decision, of thliPemo eratic County Convention. Should 117 nom inated and elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. JOSEPH WOLF. Butler tp., April 23,1866. te _ ENCOURAGED by numerous friends throughout the county, I offer *pelf as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I promise to dis charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. • JACOB KLUNK. Germany tp., April 9; ISM tc • AT the solicitation of numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. ' . . PHILIP HANN. Straban tp., 4pril 9, 1866. tc AA T the soliejtation of numerous friends, the u udersiguid, (residing in • Pettysburg since April lst, but formerly and for Many years a resident of Conowago township,) offers him self as a candilate for SIIKRIFF at the nest election, subject to tbd deCision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should rbe nom inated and elected, I will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my EMANUEL D. KELLER, April 16, 1866. tc NCOURAGED by numerous _ friends _E4 throughout the county, I offer myselfas a candidate f,r SHERIFF *Vibe nest election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe soofokunate as to be nominated and elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my Will. JOSEPH A. ORENDORFF. Mounijoy tp., April 18, 1866. tc HAVING been solidited 14 many friends, I offer mys 4f as a candidate for. SHER WV at the next election, subject to the deci sion of the Democratic County Convention.— Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to a faithful discharge of the duties of I the Office. REUBEN GOLDEN. Cumberlandip., April 16, 1866. tc URGED by many friends, I offer myself ns a candidate for SHERIFF, subject of the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should T be nominated I will spare no honor able efforts to secure ruyelection, and if elect ed, I will discharge the duties of tho office to tbebeet ofmy ability. HENRY BEETLES. Ilcuntjoy tp., April 23, 1866. tc For Clerk of the Courts. T the ecrnest solicitation of some of my friends, I offer myself as A capt,didate for LURK OF 'THE COURTS at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic Coun ty Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pleoe myself to discharge the du ties of the office correctly and with satisfaction 'to the public. CORNELIUS DOUGHERTY Gettysburg, kay 21, 18GG. tc ITAVING been solicited by many Windt, I offer myself is a c:indidate for CLERK ttl."111E COURTS at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I promise tv correct and faithful performance of the duties of the office. ADAM W. MINTER. Franklin tp., May 21, tc `lt] NCOUR yG ED by many friends, I offer my j self as a cantlidAte for reelection to the office of CLERK OF TILE COURTS, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con. vention. Should Ibe nbminated and-elected, I - pledge myself to discharge the duti of the office with promptness and fidelity. JAIIES J. INK. Gettysburg, Viy 7, 1866. Lc For ilspister