Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 04, 1866, Image 2

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    Jt 6inpiltr.
Ot . TTYSI3I7I;I), PA.:
9111.0414",1111orldngc, June 4, me
Fox. ooyraxon,
paint. Gee.. tieott died at West
•rotht, on Tuesday morning last, at tho
Aulvatteed age of nearly elgOty years.—
'll ,funeral took place at ,the Academy
apaimp Friday. ,
,7 4 lie fame of Gen. Scott Is world-Wide;
/74 distinguished part ho acted Irr the
jar of 1812 and the Mexican war, plaeed
,reno wn,
name high upon the scroll of military
? renown, aud added additional lustre to
American gallantry. For his achieve=
petits In trio field, his mewory will ho
kohl in grateful remembra4e.
Both Houses of Congress, on Thurtt•
,day, adopted a resolution of respect to
,tho memory of Gen. i-leott, and appointed
} a ,clown,altEee of seven from the Senate
.titid nine from, the Ij se, to be accompa
nied by the presiding officers, to proceed
I to West Point for the ;James() of repre
senting Congress at the [onend, on Fri-
Any. As a further mark of respect, the
',two Houses adjourned until to-day.
The Array and Navy paid proper hon
pre to the memory of tho deceased, on
Friday, by raising the national flag at
kalf-mast, and firing minute guns,
stun inc.ix7.
irhe Philadelphia Daily News, ono of
/ the,oldest "•litepuldlean " papers in the
: kitato, refuses to support Geary for Gov
„ernor. The Pittsburg Republic .is in a
,similar predicament. The Easton Argue
. 44 May '24, has the following:
Apaiilbsir Dove the Gestiyrlair.
The Euston.Givenwarl, tiro German
prgun of the "Itopublienn" party in
Nortlianipton county, lots hauled (lOWA
Abe (bury I b ig for tioverner. The editor
4 ,et111 no, longer support filo negro suffrage
doctrines of Thad. rite - ens & Co.
,It to lied, that " straws show which way
!ha wired blowa."
We uevor believed that the soldiers
? could be Induced to support (leery. They
know that ho is Indebted to the Philadel
phia Inquirer for his military reputation,
:such as It is. They know that he pro
• fessed to boa "life-long Democrat," until
o the nomination of the Ile
party by Simon Cameron' and
John W. Forney. They know that when
ho became the tool of these corrupt and
Intriguing politicians, ho was ready to
do , their bidding. They know that ho
has openly. declared that he endorses the
acts dud speeches of Thad Stevens.—
Inowitig these things, tmriglat thinking
man among - the returned soldiors will
vote for Geary. All over the State they
are arraying' themselves with the Demo
cratlo party In support of President John
aon's policy, arid in open opposition to
the radical disunionists and their bogus
n illtary cum/dilate for tioveruer.
It Is a fact that the Democratic party
}lag always ISustained every incumbent of
the Presidential chair who has defended
the Qonstitation—and the anti-Democrats
have heartily opp/sed all such. The only
three Presidents • evor elected by the
anti-Democrats, were Harrison, Taylor
and lalneoln. Each died In the trrsidon
tial °Mee, and wore succeeded by Vloe-
Preilflents elected by the -same party.
In each ease, the anti-Democrats quar
reled with the Vice-Presidents, because
they would Insist on being guided by the
ponstltution—and they each, In turn, had
fo throw thproselves for support on the
'Democratic party. These are slimilleaut
pistorleal facts. '
Let 4 "prop."—President Johnson, It
peenp, is determined every Federal officer
the State, who has no more respect for
law and Just*, and no more love for the
Union, than to endorse Surnnei and Sto
yens, shall be removed, and if the Senate
pram to• confirm his appointments be
gill send'agents_frona the various depart
prents to fill the places of those removed,
until the Senate does confirrn the officers
Appointed. It is a move lri the right di
rection, and - because a blow at a vital
point of abolition dlsunionism, the harder
he strikes It, the better it. will be for the
country. Lot the ado "drop ;" none will
tip hurt but those who should be.
fierrhe Washington county Examiner
pays that of seventy-two jurors drawn for
the May term of the court of t
t 6 co unty,
tut four are Democrats. With t few
paeeptions, this is said to be the usual
pourse in that county, and yet the Di
mnion majority of tho late Leg isiatur ,
when passing a jury ceMtniasioners b 1
for Vemooratic counties, refused to'lnclude
Washington County.
• lir Prominent gentlemen ofMaryland
ply that the Johnson men will sweep the
State at the next ;deepen. A Legislature
will be elected which will repeal the ob
pitons and unoonstAtutibnal registry
law, and every Congresslonal-District in
the State Is considered certain for the
Johnson candidates. The two Thomases,
the Itadteal representatives from the
~Seeond and Fourth Districts, will be
pgiorfons.), _defeated. -
• ---•-•-•• 11.0,
.purniig oftheffarriabury Bridge.—The
pastern end of the old Harrisburg bridge,
from ll'oaeor's Isiand to the city, was en
prei*ocutsunted by fire on the morning of
Saturday 'week. T a pe fire was discovered
about lo (dock in the morning and baffled
iku efforts tb subdue it. (*mat exertions
fpi part or the firemen wore required to
prevent the flames reaching the property
kMacent on Front street. The lees ta
r t: ., Feen sixty and ninety thousand dol-
The Are was the work o? antn
1016. The feat of guiding s balloon, (seltli
the lila, wrists it, or against lt,) was r.
lineompltahed by an aeronaut. In
sr*Vr'lrink; 'Dr. Andrews.. Ms . sueoesii
'bbas'areite4 SOme sensation, tho thing
ath often before been attempted and
ialway4 by maga clt some fwer.
1 . 0 1 !4 ° tiladOer7'
118• A 704 O r rOegrire has bees held
Pk /Weir 014 to Aigato fqi negro sut-
VW. - 1 1 3q 41131 irk! sevoiaplished
1 1 3. 1 14 4 1 00 wg* 0ice.45#94 (Airy,
=mid itio i ittis eatagste 'worm!:
THE rEistAKs. - \Eoi the asoilietticos.
They Capture Pore Erie !—The Fenian IoBY 111 \ " E ' ul itA ir • wr uag . 114 " 81214
have_ uviuled Camilt. They eft'eete'd a
landing on the night of the 31st--crosSing The private soldier in the army of the
Ea canal boats, drawn by steam tugs.
Uu led *ate; dot. not c , ow to he a citizen
Cot. (Nicola was iu chief command, and 'by the fact of his having joined his coun
-41.- Fenian forces amounted to several . try's cause In time of war, but!retains his
regtments, itieluditig troops front Ken- manhood unimpaired, except! only such
Military subjection as becoludi necessary
tucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and New ;
York. They had captured Fort Erie, and ,to secure order and success to the cause
were marching towards Chippewa, de- ; In which they are engaged.
stroying telegraphs and railroads, and The ',tattoo! volunteer soldiers wkii cor
" pressing" hams. rectly understood anti recognized by
The news of the invasion created great Lieut. Gen. Grant, Maj. Oeni.lieClellan,
Sherman, Sheridan and Meade, and, In
tietivity among the Canadian military,
and we may therefore look for more stir-1
fact, all officers of the Regular Artny, and
ring news in a day or two. their rights respected. But with a few
worthy exceptions, by the officers afthe
volunteer service, being political dema
gogues, the rights of the private soldiers'
were shamefully denied thOn, and their
confidence abused., Among this class'
none were more regardless of the soldiers'
claims than John W. Cleary and Benj.
F. Butler, familiarly known among the
soldiers as "Cleary, the Tyrant," and
"Butler, the Beast."
I can safely Say that having been mjeh
associated witti officers and men belong
ing to the commands of both, there never
was an instance that I heard a kind
word expressed by one of their men, of
them, in my life; but, to the contrary,
curses loud and deep poured forth con
stantly upon them. These two individ
als resemble each other in more.p.artic
u rs than one. Both were broken down
poll cal hucksters at the commencement
of th war. Both joined the army for
politica urposes. Both "fought" their
way into otoriety and power through
the newspapers. Both were held in-eon
telnPt and' disgust by every soldier who
knew them, even the favorites with whom
they surrounded themselves. And both
were as notorious for their tyranny to
their men tcyardice before their ene
111.11101TRI I 9 CONING'.
A correspondent, who has recently
made a business trip through ninny of the
Interior counties of Missouri, Is surprised
and amazed at the rapidity with which
tho Radical inirty of that State Is going
to pieces. lie says the desertions from
its ranks may be numbered by hundreds
and thousands. The reasons' thitrefor
ho thin states In a letter to the St. Louis
Republican ; N
' :
"There are many reasons for \this great
and tit:enable change, chief amo ' • which
are the outrageous character of ny of 1
the provisions of the new Constit ion, 1
the inhuman and disgraceful persecu 'on 1
of ministers of the gospel; the arrest a I I
imprisonment of teachers, the wild an
wasteful extravagance of tie parts.l n pow
er, saddyng — upon the p pie a' total of
, j t, i
taxation which they ' ii Ily afford to
bear and under which they are fairly!
groaning, and the unholy fanatical and'
suicidal course of the majority In Con
gress. • These and many other reasons
have operated upon the minds Of the peo- ,
ple until they have detennlutift to have a
change. Missouri 'is thorouillily aroused,
and, with energy, vigilance and untiring
zeal on the part of the friends ofthe Unioni
and.the supporters of Andrew Johnson,
the next election will bury Radicalism in
A grave so deep that for it there will la:
no twurrection. I believe it the easiest
matterin the world to make the Conserva
tive majority from forty to sixty thous
arid: I .
'MTh° new Freed-men's Bureau Bill
which the Radicals have put through
the Malmo by 'a vote of ninety-six to
thirty-four is as objectionable as the ono
vetoed by PrpsWinit Johnson. Should
it pass tlic Senate there can bop) doubt
it would be summarily vetoed That
would kill it, as there is nollkellhood
that It could be put through over the veto.
Only after political passions have Subsid
ed will the - people of this country realiz o
fully how much they ate indebteti to the
firmness, the 'patriotism trnd the who
statesmanship cif President Johnson
ZEirThe UncOhditional Union stato
Cential Committee of Maryland met in
Balt' more on Tuesday, Col: IV. H. Pttrn el I
in the chair. A majority of the coupit
teeVere present. It was resolved Colloid
a StateCouventlen to nominate candid : -
otos on the fourth Wednesday of July.
A motion- pledging the Union forty of
Maryland to a maintenance of the regis
tration law was summarily voted down,
there being only four votes in its favor.
This action of the committee tenders it
sure that-the infamous registration law
.ViUbe speedily repealed, as It should be.
WY:One after another, .the gallant sol
diers of the nation afire tepudiating the
, Itaddends; and declaring for such a consti
tn Mon al adjustment of our present difficul
ties as will make us a united and happy
people. The gallant General' *James
Shields has written letter from Carrel-.
ton, Missouri, =hear Hy sustaining the
President, and denotincing the Radical
and revolutionary measures of the pres
ent Congress.
ber no Radical disunion journals are
very much distressed' at the soldiers'
movement agalirist Cleary. For several
days past they have been applying to the
brave met - who:risked their lives on the
battle- field such choice epithets as o'cop
perheads," "traitors," and "descrteri;"
The reason of this sudden change in
feeling towards "the boys in blue" is-'be
cause the latter have determined to op
pose thd election of the negro-suffrage
Candidate, Cleary, and intend to vote for
Mester Clymer, the chanaltion of Union,
Restoration, and Constitutional Liberty.
conservative organization, called
the "White Man's Club," has been
formed in Allegheny county, Md. The
most prominent citizens of the county
are in it, and it will no doubt be very
effective in support of Pr*Jl,dent Jain
son's policy.
iiig..TheDemocratie Central Cetrittee
of Illinois have resolved to hol their
State Convention in August, and to invite
to it thoscßepubllcans who deprecate the'
"dliunion schemes of the Radicals, .and
desire to support the patriotic policy of
the, President."
, 118t..Another "loyal " thief has " gone
up" in the person of onfiT. - P: A. Dexter,
late a supervising Treasury a ent in Ala
bama. He has been convic dof appro
priating 3,334 bales of dove moat cot
ton to hid oivrruse, and sentAinced to pay
a fine of $250,000 and be confined in the
Nashville peniOntisug for ono year or
until the fine is aid,
IMM.Mr. N. H. Wright., the Radical
postmaster atAlum liank,Bedliord county,
has been removed, and Mr. B. F. Horn
appointed hi his plade. All whom It may
concern, please take notice,
`The thilon League advertises for
all soldiers out of employment to engage
In peddling pictures of General Geary!
This is not quite what they were prom
ised while the war Was going on.
?'The Pittsburg Dispatch says that
tho President has made another removal
in that city, and that a clean sweep is to
be made of the balance in a kw .days.
tar Another terrible conflagration oc
curred at 011 City on the 26th ult. The
whole east side of Oil Creek, embracing
half the business portion of the ofty, is
laid fit ashes. The .loss is estimated at
IMO million of dollars, and seventy-five
feartilleti are rendered houselesa,
A dcstrnettve firer - occurred hi Pittsburg
on the Oune day, by which ten buildings
were destroyed.
isg-quite a Tars quantity of strawber
ries are now being Nhipped North from
Norfolk, price five eente a quart, Vey
Irish Potatoes bring twenty-five cents
li..The Rowel:es Court qt the Vht
States haa debbled,•.the Iloon4 ,j'test
c,tb" to be unconetitoeional. •
Now, soldiers, this same- "()cart'! the
Tyrant," asks your suffrages N this
that he may again lord it over you as
your civil chief magistrate. Remember
your sufferings under him for'four years
in the field ,
.when you go th east your
ballot in 'the fall, and , "black ball" him.
Remember his tyranny on the march
from Berryville, in the spring of 1862,
when ho e9Mpelledu favorite officer of
yours', to march-on foot, and lead his
horse, behind the regiment, because of
some trifling act offensive to him ; and if
you belonged to the braveold 28th, or had
any friends in it, I know ho will not get
your votes. C.
They Repudiate the ltadlenla, and Declare
' for Clymer.
CAM ISLE, PA., May 2 ( .1.
The soldiers of Cumberland j_'ounty
net here to-day to elect their deli rtes to
the Pit tshurgh Soldiers' Convection, Ll
pursuance of the call of Major-tleneral
ltartran ft. Delegates were elected, ant
a series of resolutions adopted. The res
olutions were strong and decided, and
fully express the sentimentS of "the boy
in blue in this region. They denounce
the Radical dieunionlets ; repudiate ne
gro sufftlige; declare that the Southern
States are entitled to -representation In
Congress; indorse the restoration policy
of Andrew Johnson; and also Indorse
the nomination of Mester Clymer for
Governer of Pennsylvania. W. K.
The Den Whe Vonocht fop the Tinton Sant
tan Its Champion stud Defender.
tmtutsroxnnxem or THE Anm.]
NEW BLoOMPIELD, Pa., May 2S, 1868.
Ediiors of the 'lig:*
On last Saturday the honorably dis
charged Dem -ratio soldiers of tills county
held a large aid enthusiastic convention
at this place.. The call was signed by
about two hundred and twenty-five, Snd
although this is a very busy season of the
year, over one hundred and fifty of the
boys who lately wore the blue assembled
in the court mom. Mr. James - A. Stevens,
principal of the Academy, who had vol
unteered as a private althotigh able to
command a regiraent,-was chosen Presi
dent. A bulge number of vice presidents
supported him. The resolution's Were
strongly written,and passedunanimously,
fledging the meeting to the support of
• resident Johnson in,his policy of restora
tion, and denouncing, the procieedings in
Congress. The meeting resolved itself
into a Soldiers' Clymer Club, and Capt.
D. D. Tresslor, , was chosen permanent
President. Speeches were made by Chas.
J. T. Mclntire, Major George 'Robin
son, a. veteran of the war of 1812, D. L.
Tressler, and Dr. Isaac LefeVre. The
best feeling prevailed, and the interest
exhibited by "the boys" augurs success
nest fall. Our cry is—The - Urtiog, the
Constitution, Clymer, and Victory
The New York Tribune, of yesterday,
published the following:
"The Baltimore America,* states that
"tester Clymer is to be withdrawn as a
candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania,
and Some one put up instead whose record
will not turn. the stomachs of such Con
servaties as Cowan and Doolittle, who
are parties to the arrangement. This is
as It should he, It is not fair to General ,
Geary to to him run alone. Do put up '
somebody 0, can make a race, andrnot
let the electitni‘go by default."
As the Tribunes authority for the above
absurd canard isithe Baltimore American
it is scarcely worth\while to contradict
it, for the latWr shedt. invents so many'
wonderful stories, upon every concelva-;
ble subject, that no attention whatever is!
i \tiix),
paid to its fabrications d 1 the region
where it is printed. But for to TAU, une's
especial information, we beg state that'
"lliestor Clymer," if he is aliv will be
voted for at the next October ole ion by
the Democracy of Pennsylvania, a d no
other candidate. The Radicals who em
so anxious to have Mr. Clymer withdra . ,
had better make up their minds to thi ,
and not waste any more of their precious
time in speculating about an event which
certainly is never to happen. Again, the;
Tribune is all wrong in its sympathy for
poor Geary. Ii is entirely misplaced.—;
He will not thank Mr. Greeley for it.--
The General would like nothing better
than to run alone. It was his great feat'
in his military career, and his opponent
would have great cause for apprehension
as to the result, if it were not for the as:
suranee furnished him on good authoilty,
that "the race Is not always to the suVt."
—Age of Monday.
Arlgnow fell in Chenango county, N.
Y., on Thrinday week, and Binghamton
on Wednesday week. It alsibfell in New
Hampshire to a depth of several inches.
/Jeff. Davis has been allowed the
freedom of Fortress Monroe, by special
order. His tmunsel have free intercourse
with him,
jfirtbe Rebel Senator,-D. L. 'nlee, of
Florida, was recently released from oon
finement in Fort Pulaski, at the written
request of Lieut. Gen. Grant. -
e lith illirGeneral Joseph Johnston eon
th inst., electedE. J
President or
Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad.
aM,The count niealion of " Hygela"
will appear in tal next. Ills suggeationa ;
are timely and v
AWFUL Acre ENT.—A heart-rending
accident occurrc at the new stable at
St. Joseph's Ac emy, near Einmitsburg,
on Saturday °ming week. 'Charles
Slick, aged 18 y , was instantly killed
by the
,aeciden 1 discharge of a musket,
In the hands f-a young man named
Richard Brawn r. The boys wereaecus
tomed to drill w 01A - cold musket, which
was kept In th stable, not loaded. Oti
tho evening p vious, P. • Carrel, an old
man employed 6n the farm, loaded it to
shoot some cro -S, and put it back in the
stable, withon discharging it, or notify
lug the boys o its being loaded. Hence
the occurrence of the accident by their
" &Wing " ne t morning. d
r l ,e
ConPt,' \ a C t.
most imp n,
Church. it
day after Tri tit
the doctrine of
body of Chri I
For ti, num, r (
been obsery d
nies at Conag .
—and Thu day
exception to wh
unless it wa, in I
of new feat res.tx
was more 'gand t
preceding one. 'I
wri.—This is one of t L ,
festivals of the Catholic
61ways held on the Thurs-
Sunday, and celebrates
the tucharist.)
)1' years Past the clay has,
ith impressive eeremo-
Chapel~ in this county
last did not prove an
t has become the rule,
he addition of a number
the preeession, which
nil attractive than any
Ye cannot undertake to
is points in the _Holy
ateil,in character and
the procession. There
them, and all striking-
detail the variol
Beriptures, illus
by emblems, in
were hundreds o
ly well brought
Brass Band was
ly to the music,
lent their "vole
out. The Littlestown
resent and added great
hilst two small cannon
of thunder" to the
The weather bei
made an unusual)
—and it was,-, of (
enormous crowd,
many from dish
ling flue, the procession
y brilliant appearance
ourse, witnessed by an
of all ages se and xes—
Nsw OXFORD.I- , -WO understand that
some ten or twelve houses will go up,
during the comic summer, in the beau
tiful village of is.Tew Oxford. _
. Improvements are noticablo almost
eveuwliere tl ghout the county—in
the country, as ell as in tip' tow - ns.—
Let there he no hi Iting in this good Work.
Fen ience must suggest
all. Indeed, in hardly
Money spent to a boiler
he tasteful and substan
of real estate.
Comfort •and con
its propriety to
any other irz,ty is
purpose than in t
tial improvemen
n t Alto Furnace, in the
was destroybd by fire,
he fire communicated
g woods, destroyhy
mber and charcoal, and
g for some days.
We - learn that M
S9uth Mountain
on the 19th ult.
to the neighbor'
vo-it omonnt of ti
coot haled burnh
n Tuesday week, before
District Court at Phil-
Mellinger, a Post Office
le road between Colum
plead guilty to Im in
him 'ilia' stealing
tiers from , the mail in
ey known to have been
his route was found, in
he time of his arrest.--
Li to five years in the
the United State.'
adcl phis, John (1
Route Agent on t
bin and Reading
diet meat ehargi
and embezzling.
his charge. Mo
sent by mail ove
his possession at
He was sentonc&
Eastern renitcu
owell Sharpe, of Chum
ressed by tir o , Demoe
ounty for the ComP,Dess
. Judge Kimmell de
name Used In connec
11M-Tlon. J.Me "
bershurg, will be
racy ofFranklin
ional nominatio
eltnes to have hl
tion with...the Ns
romer, of Cumberland
s us that three of his
, laid 61 eh 's. This
raordinary, as a goose
I •
o more than a dozen in
oar Mr. H. 13.
township, infon'
geese, this sprit
is considered ex
will usually lay
a season.
11.11' MEETING.
Wished cull, a meeting
izens of Adains county
Court-house, on Satur
, , 1866, to inaugurate a
eerection of a suitable
deceased soldiers of
the Public Square of
Pursuant to a p i
of soldiers and ci
was held in the I
day, 26 r th of May
movement for th
monumeflt to th
Adams county
At ten o'clock A. M.,'Lt. Col. E. G.
Fahnestock calk' the meeting to order,
and on his mots n, Col. C. Byehler
WAS called to the ,hair.
On motion of Is aj. N. G. Camp, Adj't.
J. H. White was nppointed Secretary.
After a brief statement of the 'object of
the, meeting, thq following gentlemen
were, on motion, appointed a Committee
to report a plan or operations, Viz
Col. E. 0. Fahneatock, Col. G. W. Fred
erick and Lieut. P. Houck.
The following resolhtion was then pro
posed, and after an interchange of senti
ment, unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the carrying out of the
movement this day inauguratfid, for the
erection of a monument to the deceased
soldiers of Adams county, in the Public
Square-of Gettyshurg, be entrusted ex
clusively to the hands of tho surviving
Adjourned to o'clock, P. M.
At the appointed hour the meeting re
assembled. The Committee on plan of
operations submitted the following re
Brsolred, That a monument be erected
in the Public Square of Gettysburg to the
memory of the deceased soldiers of Ad
ams county.
Bcgoived, That Worts be made to secure
ten - thoufiand dollars, (or more,) for the
purpose of erecting and enclosing the
Resolved, That the names of all do
ceased sol d ers of Adamsm county, with as
ll a record as is expedient, shall be en
ved upon it, and that a record of the
na es of all surviving soldiers, as also
the ames of all contributors, shall be
placer N n its corner-stone.
Resolkd, That an executive commit
tee of fourteen beAxppointed by the Pres
ident a this meeting, (of which he Is ap
pointed ex-officio chairmanq to whom
shall he entrusted the full an exclusive
control of the whole movement, and who
shall have authority to fill all vacancies
that may occur in the committee.
.Reaolved, That this executive commit
tee be authorized to appoint a sub-com
mittee of two or more from each town
ship and borough to canvass and solicit
subscriptions in their several districts for
the above purpose.
Resolved, That this committee be re
quested from time to time to communi
cate their progress to the public through
Mr 'The Episcopal church at livers
the newspapers of the town. I town was entirely . consumed by fire on
The resolutionswe taken tip one after the 21st ult. The organ only was saved.
another, and after proper discussion and Lose $ 5 l OOO .
a few amendments adopted untutimously. Secretary Stanton has directed Pay-
The ehairmain-then stated that the ex-
master Brlee to arrest and immediately
Evilly° committee provided for in the' nut on trial all the Paymasters in connec
fourth reso i p m would be appointed tio ith the recent bank failure lu Wash
without un • ry delay, In order that' in,,tna with
the work so spiclouidy started might be °--- '
pushed forward with vigor. .. ive h'un4red dollars in gold was
~N ieeting adJourrip - part San - rancisco for e the first
choice of seats on the occasion of first
In pursuance ()l i the fourth Resolution ' appearance of Edwin Forrest
.- ! .
the follostiug Executive Cotriniittee has
been appointed :
Col. W.W. Stewart. - _
Lt. Cot E. (4. Fahnestoek.
Major H. S. Benner. ♦ '
Major Robert Bell.
CaptrJaeob H. Plank. "
Capt. James 3(jekley.
('apt. Theo. ('.'Norris.
Capt. E. McGinley.
Capt. W. H. Brogimier.
Adjt. J. R. White.
Lieut. Jas. R. Hersh.
Lieut. George Wilson. •
Lieut. (Mr. W. Witter&
Lieut. Samuel H. Eieholts.
The Committee will meet'in Gettys
burg, at the Court-house, en tiaturday,
the 9th day of June lust., at lOo'clock, A.
C. H. I3trultLEll, Chairman.
The Abolition disunionists in this State,
seeing the hopelessness Of their cause,
under existing eircu instances, are beating
about terribly in search of something
that will twilit in benefit to their waning
eondition. Their last dodge is a "Sol
diers' Convention," which they have di
rected their fugleman, Gen. Ifartnuift, to •
call at Pittsburg, on the sth of June. The
call is very smoothly worded and is-in
tended to make soldiers believe that they
are to meet for the purpose of doing some
thing that will inure to their benefit.—
But some of the abolition disunion edi
tors, less discreet than the managers,
have "let the cat out of the bag," hyotell
inOts that this gathering is to k,e a Geary
convention! What an honest set of fel
lows these disunionists are ! They don't
hesitate to try to cheat even the Soldiers
—the men• that-they, have priofessed so
much love for during the last four or five
years. ;
We trust that all softiies who fought for
the preservation of the Union and who
now stand by President Johnson hi his
endeavors to make this country again a
Union of all the States, will stay away
front this convention. Union men have
no business there. The meeting is in
tended to make political capital for that
grand humbug—John W. Geary. The
idea undoubtedly is to revive somethfug
like a "Wide Awake" organization, some
thing smacking of the "pomp and cir
cumstance of ' war"—to delude the inno
cent,•and make tinsel take the place of
argument. Let no soldier allow himself
to be caught in any. such trap?-:,E'ciaton
Ilf;A:Tt Is a remarkable filet that th e
Senators and Representatives of the e. '
trente radical school, who have most IC
terjy denounced the President for par
dontng Confederates, are among the fore
most in recommending privately and - by
letter the wxercise of Executive clemency
,in behalf of the very class whieh they
blame the Preident for pardoning. I Utp
"pears that ex-Senator Gwin was released
from imprisonment solely on the recotn- -
mendation of Senator Conness, who un
qualifiedly endorses Gwin, and to-day
the President pardoned Leon Smith, late
'Lieutenant)* the Confederate navy, on
recommendation of that uncompromis
ing hater of Rebels, Senator Nye. The
recommendation was also signed by Sen
ators Henderson, 'Howard, Stewart,
Chandler, Ramsey, Crogin, Yates, Po
land, - Edmunds, Nesmith, Johnson and
McHougall. Henry A. Bragg, of Mis
souri, was also pardoned IA recommen-
dation of Senator Henderson and Repro
'sentative Blow, of that State, the latter a
member of the Reconstruction Commit
see.— {Plush. C'or. V. MUM
INnllion in the Gonp.—The Philadel
phia Bulletin, (a Republican , disunion
paper) circulates a report to the effect.
that Gen. J. K. Moorhead hm been in
Wmhington, conferring with Pre,ident
Johnson, as to the best means of dereating
Geary for Governor. This will be a dtuna
ging movenient for Geary, when we con
sider that Gen. ISP. was the most proml
pent eandidAte before the late Republican
Convention; and was onlyprevented from
securing the nomination for Governor by
a combination of all the other factions.
against him. hence, ho may desire to
have revenge,
Tots,.Let it he noted that all the tiebi of
the President most loudly complained of
by the politicians,tro In the direction of
leaving power in the handsof the people,
where it rightfully belongs. The Presi
dent says "you must trust the people ;"
the Radicals say you Must not.
ler The soldiers' ticket WM defeated
at the borough election held In Pottsville
on Monday a week by the'Disunionists.
The soldier candidates were all Republi-.
elms. They received the united vote o
the Democracy, hut, although the Disu
nion majority was, cut down, none of them
succeeded in being elected.
165 — Probably- the first' criminal prose
cution and con Fiction, in this country, of a
person enaployed by a railroad company
1 11
for negli
nee resulting in disaster, took
place in ewark during the last week.—
The 'nee sed was Eilward O'Brien, a
•switch-te der on the New Jersey Rail
road, wh left a switch misplaced, and
a train of rs were thrown from the track.
causing th . death of two persons. He was
tried for Manslaughter and found guilty,
but recommended to mercy. -
.Thad Stevens, who is now so bitter
against "rebels," was, not many years
since; equally bitter aainst Freemasons.
At one dyne he was as demoniacally deter
mined on the annihilation of the Masonic
order as he is at present to wipe out the
Southern people. He thenstruek as fur
iously at the Masonic Tetnple as he is now
striking at the Temple of Liberty. He
failed in pulling down the superstructure
of Masonry, and he will fail of making a
wreck of the Union. -
EirThe Journal still attempts to make
its friends abroad believe that .Iliester
Clymer is not strong at home,; by showing
that when ho ran for the Senate in 1801,
he fell sixteen votes behind Jtidme Schall,
who ran upon the same ticket of that year.
Really, how these drowning Negro wor
shippers catch at straws !—Reading Gaz.
Georgo E. Badger died at
Raleigh, N. C., on the llthr. . Mr. Badger
Was not only a prominent man in his
State, hut also in the Union. He Was a
Senator from North Carolina for some
years, and pursued a highly conservative
IlifirA special tothe Chicago Evening
Journal, from Detroit, says three chil
dren died there on Saturday from a dis
ease supposed to be Asiatic cholera. The
children belonged to an emigrant party,
just arrived on the Great Western Rail
SirOn Saturday week, the people of
the new city of Renovo held their first
charter election, and after a spirited con
test,, the whole Democratic ticket w as
elected by handsome majorities, except
one overseer of the poor. .
Roston, May 25.—in the Superior Court,
to-day, in the case of James Mulcheary
vs. Dr. Henry , J. Bowditch, for damages
for illegally branding the plaintiff with
the letter "D" (Deserter) while examin
ing, surgeon in the Provost Marshal's
office, the jury returned a verdict of $l,OOO
for the plaintiff.
Special Notice Column,
A Mogi.lea Alr Illairsvareth's rill
Containsanore yegetabie extractive 'natter than
twenty lanes of any villa hi the world besides;
Ottpilve hundred physieians use them in_tholr
peaetice to the etrinsion of other purgatives. The
first letter oftlielr valuo Is yet Avare.lly appreciated.
Whim they are better known, sudden death and
continued sickness will be ()rule past. Lot those
who licncw them speak right out In their favor. It
is a duty which will save KN.
Our ram arc subject to a redundancy of vitiated
_at this season, and It is as dangerous as It Is:
preValent: but Brandreth's Pliliatford an invai
nahlean.l ctil:le at protection. By their oocasional
use we prevent the collection Of those impurities
which, when In sulliAent quantities, cause so
much danger to thu boar's health. They soon
cure Llvor Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loasnt Appetite,
Pain in the Bead, Heartburn, Pain In the Breast
bone, Sudden Faintness and restiveness. Sold by
all respAable Dealers In Medicines.
May 21, 'lm
Cholera, Dlarrh.a, and hyWenter7
A cure is warranted by DR. TORIAS' celebrated
VENETIAN LINIMENT. !fused when first taken
by persons of temperate habits. This mediclito
has been known in the United States overlo years.
Thousands have used it, and found It never (anent
to =many complaint for
„which It was reoommen
dell, and all those will, first trial it, are now never
without It. In the Cholera of MI, Dr. Toblam
attended 11 cases and *lost 4, being called In too
lab • to do nu,: coot.
DIRECTIONS.—Take it teaspoonful in a wine
glass of water every half hoar for two hours, and
rub the abdomen and extremities well with tho
Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a lump of lee
hr the mouth, about the size of a marble every ten
minutes. It Is warranted perfectly innocent o
take internally. Soil hy all druggists, price 40 and
80 Cents. .Ihipot, 56 Courtland New York.
Dead Heads,
Or, In other words, heads whoSe once glorious
in' a f•w momenta be re-clothed with all their
YOUTI L ATIlt ACTIONS, by a single appli
cation MIMI t wonderful talisman,
oriszled whiskers and Moustaches, ladies' curls
in to which the most of age baa prematurely drift
ed, and red, sandy, or will tey-iprown balr y recelve,
as tiny magic, the rarest suedes of block or brown
from this harmless botanical hair darkener.—
Manufnetured by J, CIIRISTADOIIO, U Astor
House, New York. Said by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Dressers. - [May 91,'116. lm
Millie Great French Remedy.
pared from a prescription of Dr, Juan Del%
marre, Chief Physician of the Hospital
• Mr Nord on Laritmisiero of Paris.
This Imvainahh misllrine iv no imposition, lint
Is unfailing in the cure of SpermatEltrtue or Semi
nal Weal( netts. Every species of Genital or Uri
nary Irritability, Involuntary rir Nightly - Seminal
Emissions from whatever cause produced, or how
ever severe, will be speedily relleveld and the or
gans restored to healthy action.
Rewi the following opinions of eminent French
ph) sielans : •
We iI.IVP used the Specific Pills prepared by
Guam eery k Dupont, No. 2i, Rue Lombard, froth'
the prescription of Dr. Juan Dolan - term, in our
private practice with uniform success. and we be
lieve there is tin other unslicine so well calculated
to cure all.- persons suffering from involuntary
Entissionsor any other weakness of the Sexual
Organs, whether caused by sedentary musics of
living, excekses, or abuse.
\ U. D. Dr./Ai:pm, M. D.
\ .T1:110.N LE LEUCITILE, Al. D.
Paris, Mew sth,
Tho genuine Pills are sold by all the principal
Druggists throughout the World. Price Ouo Dol
lar per Box, or six Boxeafor Five Dollars.
G.lltANefEtt.F. Dueov, Solo Proprietors,
No. 211 Rue Lout gird, Paris.
One' Dollar enclosed to an. authorised Agent,
will Insure a box by rettt rn securely sealed
from observation; six boxeifor live dollars.
.Sole General Agedis for Amer ea,
• OSCA It G. Mei,SFIR &
- 27 Cortland Y. •
N. It. German-, Spanish eaul English
Pamphlets, containing Intl part.etilamand direc
tions for use, sent free to every address.
A. D. Molltor, Agent for ClOttyaburg
Doc. 13, IJlti. ly
Dr. 311nrshalPs d'afarrh Snuff.
This snufflies thoroughly,prov&l Itself to he the
rix ,, ,t article' known for coring the Catarrh, Cold'
in the Head and Headache. It has hecn ennui an
excelhtnt remedy in many cases of Sore Estes.—
Deafness Nut been removed by It....and Hearing
has often been greatly Improved by its nee.
It Is fragrant and agreeahle, and GTVPa
MATE RELIEF' to the dull heavy pains caused by
diseases of the head. The Rens:along after using
It are delightful and Invigorating. It opens and
purges out alt nhstru et I one, strengthens the glands,
and gives a healthy action to the parts affected.
More than Thirty Years' of sale and use of "Dr.
Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff," has
proved its great value for all - the common diseases
of the head, and at ; -this moment stands higher
than ever before.
It is recommended by many of the heat phSid
clank and Is used with great success and Satisfac
tion everywhere.
Read the Certificates of Wholesale Druggists In
ISM: The understgned, having for many years
been acquainted with tt Dr. Marshall's Catarrh
and Headache Snuff,' , and sold it in our wholesale
trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to be
equal, In every resp ct, to the recommendations
given of It for the cure of Catarrhal Affections,
nd that it Is decidedly the best article we have
over known for all common diseasesibf the Head.
Itßurr & Pcrry, Boston ; Read, Amnon & Co., Bea-
on; Brown, Lamson & Co, Boston ; Seth W.
Yowl", Boston; Wilson, Fair bank & Co., Boston;
Renshaw, Edmund & Co., Bolden; it. H, Hay,
Fortland, Me.; ThIrTION xt. Park, New York ; .A. B.
& D. Sans, New York; Stephen Pant &40.., New
York ; Israel Minor & Co., New York ; Sfchesson
& Bobbing New York ; A. L. Seovill & Co.. New
York; M. 'Wart, (lose & Co., New York; Bush 6c
Gale, New York. lI:T.For sale by all Druggists.—
Try IL [Bee. IS, laid, ly
Ayer Cathartic
Are the most perfe-t purgative which um- are
aide to produce or which we think has ever yet
been made by anybody. Theireffects have abun
dantly shown to the community how much they
excel the ordinary medicines In use. They are
safe and pleasant to take. hut powerful to cure.—
Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital
activities of the bo ly, remove the obstructions of
its organs, purify the blood, and expel diseigte.
'They purge out the foul limners which breed and
. grow dist Anper, stimulate sluggish or disordered
organs into their natural action, and impart a
healthy tone with strength to the whole system.
Not-only do they cure the every-day complaint
,of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous
diseases. While they produce powerful effects,
they are at the same time, in diminished doses,,
:the safest and best physic that can be employed
'for children. dieing sugar-conbx], they are pleas
ant to take; and, being purely vegetable, are free
from any risk of harm. Ceres have been made
which surpass belief, were thernot substantiated
by men Of such exalted position and character, as
to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emi
nent clergymen and physieians have lent their
names to certify to the wild le the reliability °four
remedies, while others have sent ns the assurance
of their conviction that, our Preparations con
tribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted,
suffering fellow men.
The Agent below named Is pleased to furnish
grads our American Alinanar;eontaining direc
tion% far the use and certificates of their cures, of
the following eomplaintS:—
Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheninatitirn,
Dropsy. Heartburn. Headache arising from foul
stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction
of the bowels and Pain arising therefrom. Flatu
lency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which require
an evacuant medicine. They also, by pnrifying
the pious and stimulating the system, cure many
complaints which it would not he supposed they
could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness,
-Neuralgia and Nervous Derange
ments of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other
kindred complaints arising from a low state of
the body: or obstruction of its functions.
. . , .
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations which they make inoro profit
on. Demand AYER'S and take no others. The
sick wnnt the heat aid there Is for them, and they
should have it.
Preparetl by Dr. J. C. Ayer th Co., Lowell, Maas.,
and geld by A. D. Buehler, Bettyaburg.
May 7,1808. 2na
Terrible Dlselminrca.
SECRETS FOR Titit MOrA.IOIO.--A. most valuable)
and wonderful publicatlon. A work of 1011 ages,
and tin colorett Engravings. DU.. FILINTEitIi
VA DE MECUM, an original and poprattr treatise
on Man and Woman.their Physiology, Functions,
and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-
Failing Remedies for their speedy enre. The prac
tice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is,
unbounded, but at the earnest soltcitation of nu
merous persons, he has been induced to extend
his medical usefulness through the medium otitis
" DR MECUM." It is a volume that should be
in the hands of every - 11mi ly in the land, as a pre
ventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the allevi
ation of one of the most awful and destructive
scourges that ever visited mankind. One copy,
securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of post
age to any part of the United States for 50 cents In
P. O. stamps. Address, postpaid, Dll. HUNTER,
No. 3 Division Si., Now York. [Sept,. 23. ly
Error* of Youth. F.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nor-
VOW! Debit ity,.Premattire Decay, and all the e ffe ctor
of youthful Indiscretion. will for tho sake of ent
ering humanity, send free to all who need lt, the
foeipe and directions for making the simple rem
edy by which he was eared. Sufferers wishing to
profit by the iidvertiser'a experience. can do go by
addressing JOITN B. 042IDEN,
Nei 13 Chambers id., New York,
Mar. 41888. ly
Mi. &Rd Efir I
PROP. Z. IRAACIS, W. D., °Cana! and Anrist,
formerly of Larden. Holland
_hi Waged at No.
519 PINE Street. PRILADE LP 'NIA, where persons
.afflletad.with Meows of the EYE or EAR, wilt be
solenkNeally treated and oared. It eatable. N.
.....A.prnrictAL EYES Inserted Iplthgnt DAM. —
'No ahalltell Was leteigutOsitlongs. The otedlaal
taeultatla Invited, as he has no secret In Ma Mode
of teettstant.
Maly If MN; 77
1 1 )uttleet, to Diairthetut.
You could not well be subject to a much More
Ineonvettlem cemplalnt, to say ,nothing of the
danger of its running into' dysentery or
something still more iltal. Many think a
diarriunt of little Coll4l' , lllUnCe. It Is a grave
j Militant.% Nn amount or latent health and vigor
can tong withstand a I. multantly loose - tilseharge
from the bowels, and the stomach soon_extfiblts
very plainly Hs 83' attpally 'u lilt the disorder.—
Fortunately, though, there I I always it remedy at
hand, and a very inexpensive a anaa,tasa,in fladware
Ready Relief. No matter how alarming the
diarrhcea—no matter if you Miro an attack even
of cholera morbus, a teutossinful or so of the neatly
Relief, taken every hour In fl wlr.eglass of sweet
ened wateratMi I now is procured, will be sure to
• plare you On the road to a rapid recovery. A
bottle of Radway's Ready !teller, costing 50 cents,
Is. worth more than five dollars' worth of preserlp.
1 Lions from the ablest physician, if your object ho
to get rid of your allfuTtrea altogether and not
merely to temporarily formula( its operation,—
IBesides this, you will have newly Relief enough
left to curt you of a bilious °elle should such an
ailment overtake you; or it nervous headache, or
hysterics, cramps, vomiting, pain In the bowels,
and soon. Caudal anything lx , inure useful and at
the same Ulan mute economical? Ratlway's
Ready Ilene( Is, In short, quite a faintly 'medicine
chest In Itself, and prepared as it 15 of such choice
Materials, Imported ((rani distant parts of the
globe, It In really surprising, in this age of high
prices, how It can NI sold for so comparatively
small a sum • and then its good e ff ects are so
inimedlatel If you have a tllarrlite i for Instants.,
be you sure that IffulwaT's Head)* Relief wilt
promptly be its master.
Sold by drturgihts.
N. 11.—DINItittl(FA IN TIIF: .klnfr.
KM., /SC CAL. R. KO T, CA Mt. YATIDY, 8.
li I.
Juno tith, 1861.
Dr. Itntlwity t Co., 2i John Street, N.
Forty men In itty.thlinpany, (Co., 1, Ithaca Vol
unteerrO, 00 the all flay of June, ISM. were seized
with severe attacks of Diarrlima, Dysentery, and
other COM plaliimt of Dietbowl IL and were rendered
fnn:gnud lttsl for duty. ,1 di'tri Int tod among theta
Ittulwa) Ready Redter, and requested esell man
to take IL In nen mdanee with the directions. Its
roinedial eltoets . were itunteillateoutil the ninjority
of my it'll rtpOrted sick and nimble to perform
duty In thin morii I tv4", were present and performed
their ditty in the afternoon. I emmider the addl.
lon of Hallway's Ite.•tily 11,11,4 to tiro modlelnu
stores of our regiment to lw °Rho greatoit Import
ance to our trout*.
Co. I,33dltegl. N. Y. S. V. and tat Cal. Itegl.
ILA lINV A I" .t-Co.,
87 Mahlon land, N. Y.
May 24, 'tia. 2w
Lyoa's Periodical Drape!
REOULARLTWS.—Thess, Drops are a seleutill
catty einutsamtled fluid preparation, and better
than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being
g their action is direct and posit lye, render Mg
them a r , ellablo, spew): and certain specific for
the cure of all obstructions anti suppressions of
nature. Their popularity in indieated by the fact
that over MAI bottles are annually' consumed
by the ladies of the United 'States, every one of
whom spetots In the strongest terms of praise of
their great merits. They ive rapidly taking the
phase of tvery other Female itomedy,and or...con
sidered 11 . all who know aught of them, us the
surest, %test, and most infallible preparation in
the world, for the curd of all female complaints,
the removal of all ohistruct ions of nature, and tho
promotion of health, regularity and strength.—
Explicit dlns.tions stating when they may wed,
and eXplailillig when And why they should not,
nor could not he INell Withollt producing
contrary to nature's laws, will be found carefully
folded around each bottle, with the written signa
ture of Anus L. LYON, without which none aro
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, ier, Chapel
Street, New Hawn, Conn., who can be consulted
either personally, or by mall, (enclosing stamP,)
concerning all private difiCtuteP4 and female weldt
, UMW. Bold by Druggists everywhere.
C. O. CLARK & CO.,
Gen'l Agents for U. 8. and Canal us._
Nov 8,1963. ly
The Great Enid(•sh'Aemedy.
PIMA. Prepared from a prescription Of Sif J.
Clarke, M. I)., Pio:Aldan Extraordinezy to llw
queen. This invidualile medicine Is unfailing ht
the mire of all those painful and datigemos dleea
scs to which it le female constitution 18 NUbjeet. It
nualerates all excesses and removes all obetrtus
Untie, and a PT , ecdy cure may be relied on.
To 3tarried idles It is peculiarly minted. It will.
In a short time, bring on tile monthly period with,
Each boffin, price One Dollar, beam the Govern
ment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter-'
C kUTION.—Theso Pills should not be taken by
Females during the Fl RPM Tlta F.F. 3twiTits of Prog
lmen +O3 they are sure to bring on Miscarriage,
but at any other Hullo they art safe.
lit alt Jr 1144 . 41 Of Nervous awl Spinal :Meet ions,
Pains In the nark and Limbs, Fatigue ou slight
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, mid
Whited, those 1'111:4 will effect, a cure when all oth
er means have failed ; and although a powerful
remedy, do not eontnin Iron, calomel, Illititntaly,
or anything hurtful lA, tTh constitution.
Full directions In the pain phtet around molt
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Sold by ell Druggists. Sulu Agent for We Unl
ted:+tatsn awl Canada.
Jolt MOAT'S, 7.1 Cortland Rt., N. T.
N. B.—ft/Stand 6 tssdatrii stamps enclosed buoy
anthorix,l Agent, will Insures. bottle, contain lug
50 Pills, by return mall. Sold by A. D. Buehler..
Dec. 1805. ly
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, haying been restored to health
tri,a few weeks by a vory /simple remedy, after
having suffered for NeVeral years with a sevens
In waffeet lon, and that dread disease, COIIMU rap
tlon—hk anxious to make known to hts fallow
sufferers the means of cure.
To all Who dcAre it, he will send a onpy of the
preseripthin used (free of charge,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the, same, which
they will find a Arno Nay,: Vbfi Cm:sum-my,
Throat and I.nrtif Affections. The only object of
the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to
ben ell e afflicted, and xpreful Information whi all
he esmeelves to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription num by retain
mail, will please Address
Williamsburg. Kings co., Now York.
Mar. 5, ISO& 11,
Strutter, but True.
Everyyonng Ihdy and gentleman In the rnite,l
States can hear something very much to their tub
vantage by return mall (free of charge.) by mi.
amusing the nnitersigne4, Thnse having fears of
being linmlingired will oblige by not notleing thin
cool. All others will please 1141itresa their obedi
ent servant, THOS. V. CH APM AN,
Mar. 5. '6ll. ly ' iFilifirotulwar-flit. Y.
ligk.The Montpelier, Vt., Journal Ft tateg
that a person named Fox, in Tunbridge, is
reported to have murdered his wife and
endeavored to dispose of the body by burn
ing it in a barn. The fire was discovered,
the body rescued, and the murderer ar
VW Two steamers arrived at New York,
from Europe, last week, with cholera on
Latest Market Reports,
• 1050 f 4 12 00
- 220 k 4 290
2ID (i) 250
RYE FLotrit,
witirE /WHEAT,
OTH, . •
HAY, - • •
'97,01T, 10 ..% 0 1 0 50
W HEA R T, - - .
• - 210ss a 90
RYE, 96 ks , 1 00
HCoRN,, . 90'4 Ns
OATH • V 6) 79
oCM, lk 09 blind., -
I s 414 00
BEEF CATTLE, 11 head , , s al ss 20 00
HAY, - - 19 191 os 7) 00
WHIHKEY, - - • 2 28 4 220
On Thursday last, at the residence of the hride's
parents, byßnydvir, Mr. D ANIEL K.
o .
r. this place, to Miss MARY. deugbier
of Mr. Jacob Deardorff, of Frallkilill-tOWllBllip.
On the loth nit. in this place, by Rev. W. R., if.
Doetrich, Mr. Jii UA lIA rpourrr, of Balti
more, to Miss JULIA McELROY, of this place.
On the 21th ult., near Hunterstown, by Rev. D.
M. Bhickweldcr, Mr. GEORGE W. HURTING to
Miss SUSAN QURIKEL, both of Butler township.
On the 20th ult. : by Rev. Jacob Seeder Mr.
GEORGE W. 1101 MIN to iss ELIZA, R /AIL.
LER, both of Littleetown, Adams M county.
On the nt nit., in Chambersbnrg, by Rev. P. R.
Davis, Mr. DAVID B. NACE, of MdLlonnellsburg,
to Miss JULLA. D., second daughter of Lewin
Wampler, of Chambersbarg.
On the 2311 nit., at the Reformed Chnreh, Frede
rick, by Rev. Dr. Zacharias, Mr. EDWARD STA N.
LEI SCIGUNER, of Washington D. C.. to
ETOGLE, of thovieinityofEnaltuick. ,
On the 13th nit, in Arenduiville, by the Rev.
M. Snyder, Mr HARRY CHRONISTER, of New
Salem, to Miss MAGGIE M..deughter of Frederick.
D. Smith, of Highland township.
On the ltth of May, in Warsaw, 111., by the Rey.
Wm. . Reynoldprin ts
eld D. D.
111., Col. T. D. 'VREDEN
BAUGMH, of is , to Miss MARIA d,
eldfct daughter of t officiating clergyman.
On the fith nit. In Chambersburg, by the Halt
.I.IC. hillier, Mr. W. W. CROOKS . Editor of the
Greencastle PILOT, W. Miss I ' ll, M PI M., dangliteg
of George Colby, of Fayetteville.
on the 29th alt., In Mountplesaaal liownehtpi
WILLIAM FRANKLIN, son °Mewl and Lordias
Caskey, aged 8 yea7s 8 manthrand 22 days.
- Dissolution.
r*namPartnership bervtaisr• existing be •
tween the undersigned, doing business in
i e ot Boy * Woods has been dissolved.
All persons Indebted to said Armors requested
to settle their iseconnts.
Jane 4, 18 es
Stray Sheep".
FIVE SHEEP strayed from the premi7 su o l f i
the anbieriber i in Tjrooe town A
imitable reward will be ever bit theft P
Or information °filet Aitaillabeid r,
• 6004 i OW
S. B. ROW,