t 4tovpiter, D OZTTYSIIVII.V. - YS F7Y Y. !VT =s,ss6l. - nag povEßNos, - qQA. fiIESTER. CLY,MER, or imams corzerr. IGIZART-dreorarTz. Thii soldier resolutions on John W. peaty, printed on our first page, are eul ,eulated to 4 remind the Gettysburg reader of a' kip:what meliorable loCal . eireem , ' MIS Geary is the same inflated indl xidual who played Marshal here on thp 4th of J‘ly last, and lased pis position to shield km merited Indignation a des 4rdly maligner of our citizens--Krourttz by name. .yor thy part Cleary took in That matter, lite shetild not soon be forgot ien—becasse never were a people more wantonly traduced by a reckless news paper scribbler, and-never was interfer ence more unwarranted than Geary's.— 'whether that interference had a price, ;e t c leave those who are acquainted with Geary's foruln&mt fr newupape( puffery )4) judge. . Krountz wax correspondent of a New York journal at the time of the battle liere; and, probably.because he was not dined and. wined -by a people who were reduced to the most scanty supplies for themselves, presumed his consequence unappreciated, and endeavored tdeppeuse Lis wounded vanity by writing most foul and damaging misrepresentations of the character of this town and vicinity. We have no disposition now to re-parade 14cM. Let ft suffice that of. tho many )'itlselloods under which this upright and. hospitable community suffered, none re more injuriottli than - I.(rount's. Our ,people naturally stuarted under these grossly unjust imputations, -and when he came here asceond time, (on the 4th of last July,) they felt that he 'had forfeited all chant to entertainment, and i , 4at he should be given so to understtuul IA a Very plain way. But, luckily for Krountz, Geary was on the spot—just the man, of all others, to,assurne any power will& the lying , correspondent's Immu nity might demand. -The upshot of the whole business was, that, Grard'i3 inter ference, Krountz was given "the better 'ff I it," . and our outraged people were Snubbed for trying to assert a little man hood. Krountz's lic,rise to vilify. them 'was extended, and they were compelled to swallow his second indiction, bitter as the first one was. :. . . . It dopy seem to that the not ordi nary conception of self-respect and local pride should prevent every man in this community -from:giving Geary the bene lit dun endorsetnent Such as the potent Pallet carries with it. Had they not 'enough of hhu on the 4th of July ? itZETINO AT W FATNINSTEIL A meeting of fully three thousand.con servetlve people was held at AVesitnin 'Ester, on Saturday week. It was a 'very failoetssful demonstration, and would have been larger but for the fearof Radical ylolonce which many entertained. There were big delegations '(with big teams) frOrii- the several districtaof Carroll %tun ty, multi very handsome one from Lit tlestown and vicinity, in this county. l'he latter was accompanied by the Lit. tiestown Brass Band, seated in the mag nificent Democratic- Band Chario ..! this place—which, by the way, at. acted all eyes. Senator Hendricks, of In ana, Oen. Rceseau, of Kentucky, Hon. lorit- Bner,y Blair, and Others, made speeches; bealilfg endorsing :tkialrew Johnson. The 'Radical 'roughs had made the threat that the meeting should - be broken pp, but it amounted to just nothing—the large crowd in attendance causing their !`courage to ooze out at their fingers' erlds” very suddenly. Whtlst the meet.... Ing Was progress, in Longwell's grove, some twenty Of them made an attack, in :town, upon At single Littlestown man, because hi cheered for Johnson. The fact,. however, becoming known to the Littlestown boys, they btarted for town to settle the roughs, /Alt whop they got therd all had fled but one, and he "sur tenderd." This was the upshot of the : terrific threali of violence so loudly made by these etavardly mobocrats. It is to be hoped• thatthe day for the rule of such creatures is oveiforever, in Maryland, as wcfl as everywhere else. 1 • • %, • WILVT MEAN. Wendell Phillips Is one of the leaders of the Radical or Stet ens party. Ho under stands its alms, and, having some ranks 'mess, avows them. At a recent meeting in Roston 7 he deelared"that• ' Negro suffrage r/can4 a score of negro Congroommt sitting in the'Hotoe of Rep rexeratatives. 'lt meant colored 'merchants tn. New Qrleartas; and colored Senators in IL'olumble. It meant negro Represent& tives sharing in making railroad laws and Other laws. It want social equality, and that Was where the Southerner met the question. Social equality follows hard on the heel-of the ballot box, and the South knows it, and she resists negro, suffrage for what must follow it. ' IVisas Republica4 of Adams county, can you swath* this creed? It is not on #y the doctrine of Phillips, but also of !PIM, Stevenk, rind of Cleary, who enr dorses him. bar OUr neighbor of the &nand, gives the Comm En's new dresFigulte a Ompli mentary notice, for which we thank hint. litit - that he should couple with it the ex pression or a hope-for a change in 'our politich is a little strange. We "support the President," just what he so persist e4tly stickled for during the whole of 'Lincoln's Adinintsttation, and What he shouldteenscially earnest for new. Or is'he deaf to the ivarningS of decapitation, which President •Tolin'sen 'is thundering hiesars day after day? " - ' Pair Pit;/.—After the• Disunion press get through with their abuse of Mr. _Cly-: ier foit'refusing a hearing to Andrew 0h i,g6i,1 4 -888, will they be kind enough to allow Piesllterd. Johnson a hearing in War by ii*tatilleation of his speeches? Admitting that -11-t-qlymer did vete against allowing Mr. Johnsen to speak to the State I.,egislattire three ybar ago, who are gagging and t&ottliUg /44'sa fierce ly now? - —• • ••• •I '1 •i.. Governor 4toaronp—alie mane pads that, phi 'Bang ihre' hiyal itiner'S prates; new 'howl dewhietattorp .11006- 1 4thi; tatOty bemuse he "our regitObeTruildent,” IN003111" TIROPIILSTIL One+ cannot ,vord; n reading and lis t !fling to the maledie ons now showered upon the 'bead of P ent Johnson, by the Abolition preach in and politicians, recalling the course language of these same people at the time of Mr. Lincoln's death and the fornier's inauguration. Whilst the people Olathe whole laud were shpcked by the drendinl taking off of the late pregicient,.and tnonrning was the order of the day every Where, from a large portion' of Northern pulpits was heard the exclamation, in substance, if not in Words: " Abraham Lincoln was too gm tie, too good; God saw him to be an unfit instrument to execute his vengeance upon the Southern people for their crime, and He l i ne removed hint to .make way for Andrew Johnson, who will better carry out Ills purposes." "Like the sending 1 of Joseph into Egypt," said Daniel S. Dickinson, "the murderers of Abraham Lincoln meant it fur evil,; but God means it for good." "I thank my God!" ex claimed the meek and lowly Butler, "that in taking that life the rebeLs have left the iron hand of the people to fall on therial" " God," protested the expert Chittenditn, of New York, "intended that Abraham .Lincoln should be removed, in order that the proper pniiishment should be imposed upon the authors of th• rebellion." "lie has gone from us," sh uted the suave and 1 conciliatory Cheever, 1 "in order that a miserable and mistaken leniency should not enter into the policy of our Govern ment towards the rebel chiefs:" And,-ium ming up the glad tidings of great jliy in her unhesitating female way, Anna E. Dickinson exultingly declared at the Cooper Institute, New York, "Abraham Lincoln's special mission being accom plished in the triumph of the national anus, Providence saw that his kind heart woulli not penult him to hang quite so many traitors as wonid secure our country against future rebellions, and so disposed -of him through the instrument df the're hellion Itself, for his own historical im mortality, and to make place for a sterner and less merciful successor." We hack Much of the *lle kind of con solation expressed neard home. Mere, even in this very pions and loyal town Of Gettysburg, preachers, and laymen, and lay-womeri, foUnd gHat comfort in President Lincoln's death from the policy (of course, different) which they expected his successor to pursue.' We allude to the course of these people at tVat time for the sake of culling atten tion/ to the contrast : between the ribald• abuse of Mr. Johnson af, their hfinds now and their statewents then. If it be true as they then prophesied, that Mr. Lincola was removed at the hands of the Almighty that Andrew Johnson;might be given an opportunity to carry out His not wicked—nay, is it not sacriligious,in them to endeavor to thwart the acts ()lll's min ister? Either they were false prophets at thaeday or they are at this. If Mr. Lin coln was killed by God's command,' that Mr. Johnson might better execute the purposes of Heaves, What sacrilege to de nounce. his policy! 'How wrong to cad. him "traitor," and threaten, as Cheever recently did, to "sweet, him from power." The saintly people who make - the plat forms and Carve out the course of the Rad ical party have got themselves into a sad plight. To acknowledge that they were mistaken last year, is to prove the falsity of their claim-to be spokesmen of Prov idence, and to impair their standing with the- k ppople. Lct them take either horn of j the dilemmun, and they will find it rather difficult to explain their position. WHAT LS FEARED. The enemies of the President have boasted that they cared nothing for him, or for the attempted exercise of any pow er he might assume to possess. But they have evidently "waked up the wrong man," and now begin to see the conse quences resulting from their course.— The Washington correspondent of the Radical New York Independent gives utterance to the, following : The ?resident Is 'preparing for the fall election—their hi no longer a doubt on, the subject. To a Pennsylvania member, who r...monstmted with him upon remov- I ing a tried - Republican from office, he re plied,. "I ant Mr rotatidh, and this is but he beginning of what I mean to do." But he rotates Radicals put and Conser vatives in. The whgel is set in motion for the purpose of breaking. down the Re publicans in the 40th Congress. There is no longer any attempt at concealment among the President's friends on this point; indeed, they threaten Congress if it does not recede, that the Opposition will be permitted 'to 'gain control of the' nest Congress. The issue is already made w The siready L. President demands the instant admission of the rebel States to representation, and Congress asks further guaranties. lie decision rests with, the people. It may, as well be understood at the outset that in every weak district the President will use his patronage against the Republi cans. HOW THE DISIINIONISTS WILLIAXSPORT. few 'days ago the Disunion organs heralded a victory (the only one in the State) at the local election in Williams port, Lycoming county. • Wood's major- 1 ity for mayor was announced as 128—a I gain or 200. It is true that the Demo crate formerly carried the - city, but the new charter went into operation last year —adding one whole ward' to the city, which, beinglargely Republican, enabled the opposition lo poll 204 majority for , Hartranft last fall. Wood's majority, this spring, is only 104, (not 129,) which shows that the Disunionists, instead of. securing a victory, have lost one hundred of the majority which the new Charter had secured to them! Thus the only spring victory for the Disunionists turns out to be, in reality, a defeat. The new charter was made to deprive the Democ racy of the city government, but another year will likely-uptrip that arrangement. '—.eatriot & Union. TIE 6 TWO r4ertrazo. 4 It may interest many - portions to view again the lineaments of their favorite military chieftains within a political fintne With the President. •Witit Thad . &e v ens O#n. Grant, "Gen . " Butler, Gen. Sherman, "Gen." Sigel, Gen. Meade, • "Gen." S&ura, Gen. Hancock; "Gen." Schenck, Gen. Crawford, "Gen." Cameron, Gen. Sheridan, "Col." Forney, Col. Coulter. ?Gen." Geary. "fhe military trapplup—etrambuttens, eta* eagles, die.,—ae -banal, it will be perobite4, but there le a Vast silitereuee ire ef the entiOne, " : , . • .. 1 TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS: SAD A.XJ) FATAL ACCIWNT.—On the Special Notice Column. ----, afternoon of the 28th ult.,. while Mr. - ...-....__ twenty burtwor : g ay . 14 3 in the world besides; ti c t. extractive matter than A straight-out Johnson paper has ..„- ......,Nrargvr MErrixo.-In pursuance Samuel Delap, residing nearHeidlersburg : A moire BOX Of nrand ' been Started at Pittsburg. It is a large) and handsome sheet, and will exert much of a published call, a respectable number i in this eounty, was engaged, with his two Cont'atu v at i ig " th 8 PlllB influence in Western Pennsylvania. . 'lot the soldiers and citizens at Adam's ' - timberinthewoods,the l an ax h 4 i sons, in .felling - 4h undred plwyslclans use them In their —The Johnson Republicans of % .I. la- county met In the Cohit-house, on Satu 1 r" yonnger of them lost his life under th e , practice to the exclusion °Mawr purgatives. The delphis have takenthe-field against day last, at 10 o'clock:, A. SI to 'flatten- following• 4a _ _ . ‘,l ._ tirbt letterof their valmt Is yet s.•,.ar c ely app re et a 4 3 4. ilk ncholy cutcurnstanct, . • , ieriliswin earnest. They held al :age and ~ -l u, hen they are better known, sudden death and ra • a movement for the erection of a Mr. D. had set his elder eon to cutting enthusiastic meeting in the Academy of "'continued sickness will be of the pas, I .et those MtPsie on Saturday evening week, which Monument - to the deceased soldiers of the down a tall sapling, while himself and who know them speak rIR 11. t Out luthelr. Ltvor. It was a da r , 3w , e d by Senetons Cowan, Doer county in the Publie,Square of this place."' lad inh' f o u rteenth , younger son, a Is , : 18 a duty which will save life. little, and others. Col. C. If. Buehler - was called to theemployedwithat little dis- ' I were axes a Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated There 18 afinancirdpanie In F.agland. Chair, and Adj. J. H. White appointed fence, but in a direction different bile at this season, and It la as dangerous as It IS One tirin suspended, with - liabilities o' , entirely .., prevalent ;, hitt Brandreth's Pills afford an iuval amounting to about fifty millions of dol- Secretary. A committee to report a plan , frourthat in which they expected the tree , uattleandedident protection. Bytheiroccasional lays, another twenty millions, mad others of operations was appointed, and a reso- to fall. ' There was, however, at the- time, , use we prevent the collection of lhosa Impurities ' , , of le s s Dote.. - ', iption entrusting the direction of the' a strong wind from the North-east, which which, when in stiMlent quantities cause so much dtriger to tho, bo ifs health. They soon Some of the Radical papers grumble whole affair to the hands of the surviving bore it at about right angleato Its intended cure Liver Cern plitint,Dyspeisda,LessmAppeUte, because President Johnson Is turning out so ldi ers, a d opted. ..course, and, barely missing the father, Pala u, the Head, Ileartburn, Pain In the Breast- his enerules:and putting his friends into . The meeting re-convened at li P. M., ,it struck the boy upen.the side of the face bane, Sudden Faintness and Costiveness. Soh/ by office. Tad years ago these very journals yelled for the crucifixion of every min when the committee reported, and their: and back of the neck. He was taken up all respectable Dcaters in Medielnel. who differed with President Lincoln, let report was adopted. It embraces the itp- ' insensible"andcontinued so until he ex .l 1 .May 21,41 lied . _ alone keeping such in office. i poititment of an Executive Committee of pired about the middle of the ensuing Geary is still mum on negro suffral. thirteen, with a sub-committeeof In' two ; night. - Surgical aid had been In due time Clymer Is squarely and openly again.st- it. . eacn- borough and township to will; it ----e-_; called 'in, but proved utterly unavailing. Not being a demagogue, he has no con cealments.subscriptions. An effort is to be made to sy . . The- President and Cabinet were raise $lO,OOO, In order 'that a creditable serenaded on Monday evening.. The memorial may be erected.. Full proceed- President-made a brief speecht_declaring ings in our next. • his :determination to persevere in the, The movement takes a fair start, and work begun. He was followed by Seers tortes Welles, Stanton, McCulloch, and with proper vigor, will prcive an entire Postmaster General Dennison, all ender- success. This energy we believe will be sing the President's policy. ' displayed by those having the manage - Gen. Ferry has been elected U. S. ment In hand. Se it front Connectieta. bAlltiOlfli I lAhrof,ll Santa Anna has milted a house In New. York for a year. His plans are a secret. A most destructivt ftre occurred in New York on Monday night,con.suming the Academy of Music, Ole Medical Uni versity, a Lutheran Clitrch, and several other buildings.' The loaq is estimated at $-1;000,000, ' =The soldiers of York county have formed Clymer Club. Colonel 31aisli President, and r aireadv sever two hun dred trod fifty "buys in bind' have joined. Can't fool them with a humbug -like Geary. A large Johnson meeting was held in Frederick on Tuesday evening. Day is dawning for down-trothlen Maryland. The Government eler* at Washing ton City have formed a. Ip.rge Johnson Club. Gen. Stoneman's rep6it, of the Mem phis riot bears very strongly upon the black "soldiery" who commenced it, while the other negroes are blamed for participating. He thinks that if the latter had kept out the riot would have been suppressed before it became so ex tensive. . At a late election in Fulton; the Democratic- ticket wits elected by 25 majority; a gain of MO since last fail; The latest arrival from Europe indi cates the probabilities of a war between Austria and Prussia. - The Disunion organs of renmylva nia, judging from the frantic manner in which they are crying out for "organiza tion" and "Geary Clubs," must be getting seared. Are they afraid that the people are getting a siabit of "the nigger iu the woodpile ?" In consequence of the feeble health of Mr. DaVIA, instructions have been is sued from Washington directing General Miles to allow him on his parole the free dom of the fort, returning to his room at Carroll Hall at night. Messrs. Shea and O'ConnOr, the counsel of Mr. Davis, are permitted to have access to him at all times. It is reported that the Chicago Re publican is about to,change its colors. It has been bitterly radical under - Dana's management, but it is, now understood that Dana is to retire. ' Senator Wright of New Jersey, whose 'death was announced, is reported to be better, _ THE BUREAU AGAIN. The Government's Commissioners, Generals Steadman and" Fullerton, slip poined to investigate the working of the Freedmen's Bureaeffn the South, recently made a report to the Secretary of War, as to the condition of affairs in Virginia and N. Carolina. They state That a. large num ber of the treed negroes who are now de pendent upon the.government for support W,Olll Id be able to earn a living, .but along as relief is extended to them by the gov ernment, they will not change their loca tion to procure employment. The idle and worthless alone look for support. 'Pile mass of the nestles have an idea that the bureau possesses some mysterious power to serve them, and that in case they are unable to obtain a livelihood as they do sire, they can fall back upon it for sup port. These .ideas induce. them to care nothing for their support. They also view the °bureau as a protection against the whites, which induces them to think that they are their enemies. , In North Carolina in particular, these Yankee bu reau agents are engaged, with other par ties from the 'North, in working farms, running saw mills, and other occupations on their own private account, at, the same time employing negroes and paying them with government rations and clothing, and even supplies sent by benevolent so dales-for the aid of the freedmen, thus making immense fortunes. Tn many eases they sell these government supplies to the negroes and pocket the money. The cruelties they practice towards them, these Commissioners say, exceed, in atro city, anything that has been charged as having been committed against them by their former masters. The Commission ers recommend that these agents be dis pensed with. ilek.One of our acquaintances was accus- ' towed 'to tell a story of a tough old roos ter, which his step-mother o nee concluded to kill and cook for dinner. Tlie old cock was . decapitated and boiled,, but upon serving him It was found that no knife would cut his stubborn flesh. He-was again put into the pot and boiled for ano ther day—still it was impossible to masti cate him. The cook then concluded to roast him, which was accordingly done, but the venerable fowl- was proof against all attempts to eat him. As a last resort, a chicken pot pie was made, in which the old and irrepressible, "Shanghai" was put, and after a thorough baking in the oven, he was brought forth and placed on the table, but after the guests were seated the old rooster stuck his bead up through the crust and crowed! Outraged at this the old lady threw him over the back fence to the pigs. The story applies very well as an illustration of the policy of the party which sustains General Geary for Governor. The disunionists within the five or six years they have held power have been engaged in making a political dish that would be acceptable to the peo ple. They have stewed it, and boiled it, and cooked it—but with all- their efforts ' the woolly head of the nigger always per sists in coming to the top. The American public, for whom the dish is intended, are becoming disgusted, and before long will pitch cooks, kettle and all out of their sight.—Erie Observer. The Franklin Repository says, Gen. CLASSIS.—Zion's class's of the German Knipe has been elected a delegate to the Reformed Church, met recently at "Geary Soldiers' Convention," which is Me to meet at Pittsburg. So this Couven- chitnicsburg, Cumberland county. Rev. Lion, to which the Soldiers irrespective of - W. R. H. Dietrich, of this place, was elec.- party, are requested to send delegates, is ted Permanent Clerk. Mr. Dietrich was to be a Geary concern! Well, if that also chosen one of the delegates to the soldiers, the Repository will hear in due General Synod, to meet in Dayton, Ohio, time from Gen. Knipe and the. soldierti- in November newt. The classic will hold who "vote asrthey shot"—for the Union, its meeting next year in Gettysburg. not for the 'negro. Have a care, Dis- unionists!—Bedford Gazette. —Rev. J. R. Warner will deliver his -.0411 as .The Democrats of S omerse t coun t y Lecture on the Battle of Gettysburg, in ____ nominated their ticket on Monday last: theHunterstown Presbyterian Church, qongress, Hon. A. H. Cotrroth ; Senator, to-morrow, at 2 o'clock, P. N. S? 0. Kimmel ; And Assembly, Hiram i Findley. fligwatn exchange ftwitallee motto for the ru7 "10E09 1 4e' "wes &WIWI' t ptrong de4se, - . • IMPROVEMENTS.—Tho . ugh our town is , the train was put in motion, throwing ,not growing as rapidly as might be wish- the unfortunate young man on the track. ed, we are still glad to note considerable 1 A portion of his head Was cut off, several "brtiahing up." ' I tetra passing over tile same. Mr., Chritz- Mr. Geo. A. Codori, in West Middle man was formerly 'of Gettysburg, and street, Is vastly improving his residence' only son of Capt. Henry Chritzman.- -putting in a new front, and adding an His remains were brought here for Inter attic oh the whole. He is making it a' ment. 'We sympathize with the dis very handsome property. essed Rev. Dr. Krauth's residence, corner oft Tan FkintEn's CHOICE..—M the sea : . Baltimore and High streets, is being son is approaching In which farmers Will thoroUghly repaired, inside and out. The be looking for the best machines with 'Dr. is making it one of the most comfor- which to harvest their crops, we would table homes in the town, and we trust ho direct their attOntion to those advertised may live many years to enjoy it. •In another column by Mr, Wm. Wible. Dr. O'Neal, adjoining us, has Just com- 1 He is the Agent for three' different ma pleted extensive repairs on his dwelling, chines,—the Ball's Ohio, the Ohip Buck. T . rendering it in all respects pleasant and eye and Russell's Screw Power. The desirable. I Ohio Buckeye is a new thing in this Major Jacob Sanders, whom we gladly county, but through the 'SNreat It has been welcome to a residence among us, has extensively used, and has given entire had his house, on York street, greatly - satisfaction, being preferred above all improved, making it snug and comfor. r other mac hi nes. The other two machines table. `have been in use In this county for several Mr. Matthew Eichelberger has also im- years ma their advantages are so well proved his residence, on Chamhersburg known. that we need not , recommend street, and added a very tasteful portico— theta: Any of our farmers who need a one which we trust not a few will pattern ' machine, should call on Mr. Wible, as after. I they will shave the opportunity of select.. Hon. Joel B. Danner is having a house ing from three of the best machines m anu in East Middle street raised and renewed lectured .in _this or any other country. —a decided help in appearance, as well He has extras on hand and is prepared to repair machines when needed. Call soon, as the demand Is great, and he may not be able to fill orders promptly if the notice is short. Mr. Wible is a reliable Agent, and purchasers can fully depend upon hiin coming up.to all he proniiscs, h re gard to these machines. it 8 S room. Mr. Solomon Welty, over the hill, is enlarging his residence, doubling its size, and giving it an attractive appearance. Mr. Christian Sellers is about erecting a two-story dwelling ) . On Breekinridge street,. which will no doubt be a credita ble affair. Mr. Lawyer is erecting a two-Story , building for a daguerrean saloon, On-Bal timore street, near the Diamond. We suppose he means to make it ornamentar as well as useful.. Dr. Fahnestock has completed the re pairs on the building adjoining his resi dence, and has come up to public expec tation. It is a marked improvement. Mr. Michael Spvigler, corner 'of the Diamond, is very thoroughly repairing his buildings, giving the Vehole premises an air of newness. The old building, opposite the Court house has been removed—quite an im provement, as far_as it goes. What shall we have in its stcad , and when ? It affords 113 pleasure to notice these evidences of returning enterprise, and hope the good work has only begun.. "Who's the next customer?" TITE ANNUAL DITICKARD MEETING, near Waynesboro', last week, was an im mense gathering, the largest of the kind ever before held. It is _estimated that fifteen thousand people were present.— The hospitality of this denomination has passed into a proverb, and of course none were turned away hungry on this great occasion. The leading preachers in the church,from all parts of the United States, were present. The Western States were largely represented; whifst Pennsylva nia and Maryland sent their 'thousands. Hundreds from this county attended, all of whom speak highly of the meeting— the good preaching, the good order, and the substantial hospitality exegnded to everybody. o , l±, IN BEDFORD COUNTY.—We learn from the Bedford Gazette that the Bedford County Oil Company struck oil in tkeir well at the foot of what is called Dry Ridge, in that county, on Thursday week, at a depth of 376 feet. It is stated that the sand . pump brought up quite a quan tity of genuine petroleum. Why may not Adams afford oil too? It is a much handsomer county—has more pious people, prettier girls, larger babies, and a bigger battle-field than Bed ford "dare scare up." It would be very strange if we couldn't have as good luck in reaching "lie," or anything else—even bigger Democratic majorities. LEG BROKEN.—We regret to learn that, on Saturday week, whilst'Samuel Wolf, Esq., (of New Oxford,) one of the County Commissioners, was out riding in a sulky, his horse commenced kicking, and stri king Mr. W. below the knee, fractured the leg in a shocking manner—some of the bones protruding through the boot, Medical aid was at Owe summoned, and he is doing as wellias could be expected under the circumstances. _ Lanai .E:Aor.E.---HenryHamme has at his hotel In Hanover, a very large Bald Eagle, measuring nine feet from tip to tip of the wings. It was shot in the neighborhood of East Berlin, in this coun ty, but by whom we are not informed. It was injured in one of the wings just enough to prevent it from flying. am.Mr.l3amuel Herbst has sold 10 acres and 24' perches of woodland, in Cumber land towm3klp, to Adam Bollinger, for capth • • • -• • SIIOCKINCF ACCIDVINT.—On Friday eve ning week, Mr.. George Chritzman, of Ilarrisbgrg, was Instantly killed at 13ridgepprt, oppositeliarrisburg. Mr. C. was'haggage-master on the York accom modation passenger train of the Nor thern Central railroad, and was in the act of coupling cars, when, forxrme cause, RAILROAD- SURVEY ' TO. YORK.—We learn that the people in and about East BeAin, are beginning to talk with eon siderable' earnestness of the extension of the Gettysburg Rail •Road from New Oxford via East Berlin to York. They hatLa second survey made, by J. S. Gitt, from Berlin to York, and he has greatly limproved the last line over the former survey. From Mr. Gitt's second cxamin ation, the road • hal; been hhortened a quarter of a mile, and will cost much lesa Ithan the first route surveyed. A practi cable route has been obtained and is only 1 half a mile longer than the Abbottstown ' route, though it is expected will cost something more.—lianover Citizen. THE HORSE RAcE.The long talked of horse race (from Hanover - to Baltimore and back,) which was to have come elf ort t Monday last, ended in Mr.,Dilier's forfeit ing $2.50 and concluding not to run. This was rather a disappointment to many persons; as quite an interest appeared to be manifested in the matter. The race-) was b4tween Mr. Garber and Mr. Diller for a purse of five hundred dollars.- -Hanover'. Citizen NEW DIRECTOR.—The Directors of the Poor, on Tuesday last, appointed Nuanemaker, of Liberty townsh ip,Direc tor in place of Mr. Krise deceased. He will serve until fall. Mr. N. is admirably qualified, and will make an efficient Director. THE TOWN Croce;,--Cannot the Town Clock be started? 'Will not somebody move in the matter? We suppose it to be the duty of the borough authorities, but if they will not, the citizens should take it'ln hand. The neglect is - becoming positively disgraceful. Thin BALL.--A game of Base Ball came off between the town and College Clubs; on Friday afternoon. The College boys carried oft' the honors,-by "a close shave" —they having thirteen runs to twelve for the town Club.. There were three innin: , Waif - On Friday week, (18th inst.) one of the most useful business men of York, Mr. Henry Small;lumber dealer, dropped dead at the supper table, at his home, in that borough. DEATH OF A Goon ' MAN.—Rev. Mr. Eagle, of the Catholic Church, died, of Consumption, at York, on Tuesday last. His age was 38 years. He was highly esteemed by ,the church and the community generally. TOTES Tun WAI : E NHOT. The writer of the following pithy letter, who is vouched for as a Republican sol dier by the Waynesburg (Greene co.) ifeboenger, is evidently a man of sense : For the If cesenger tiot. Jennings: Will you grant a Re publican soldier room in your paper for a very short article? I merely wish to no tice an aothnonition in the last Greene Co. Republican and to aSsure the editor that I his advice s good, and I believe will be very generally followed by the soldiers of the county. The editor says : "To .those who have borne the brunt, vote the way you shot." Not, Mr. Editor, we shot for the Union and not for the negro, and we intend to vote for the Union and not for the negro. This is all I have to say at present. A REPUBLICAN SOLDIER. sereen.aßanks Representative in the Rump from Massachusetts, declared, the other day, that it is the intention of the Republican party to is ngro suffrage upon the whole country. lie mid the only reason the matter is deferred is bo- cause the people are not sufficiently Re publieanised yet. said Eat. Radical' Defeaf.--Colonel Win. Louis I .J . MN, M. ! rßor J D3A Eye D., Oculist and Meet, Schley, the regular radical nominee in rbrmenr. or LaLden Eolland, is toasted at No. the 13th ward of Baltimore city, to fill a .ato pi NE street, raILADELPELIA, wherepergoo, vacancy in the First Branch of the City:=2,:g y / 'e ise trd e° 4' f d tt g i rti, E if or EA rZ wi tr . Councit„ wkli defeated on Monday last, by\ —ALLTIFICIai . EYES inserted without pain.— Mr. S. F. W ylie, the independent midi- , Ito names mails for examinations. The medical date, by 1 4 tor 48 votes. ' f aci attis invite!i, as he has no secret in ME Me mode teeatmadt. • L.htty V, . 1,7 Cholera, Diarrhea. awl Dysentery ! A enre 14 warranted by Dri..TOll4' celebrated VENETIAN LINIMENT, 'fined when first taken by persona bt tempnate habits. This medicine boa been known in till United Statce over 20 years. Thousands have used it, and found it never failed to cure any complaint for which It wee recommen ded; and all thaw who first tried It, aro now never without it. In the Cholera of ISM, Dr., Tebbe; attended 40 eves and lost 4, Loin; called in too late to do env Son!. DiuEtnnlygs.—Take a tertipoxiful In a wine glass of water every half hour for two hours, and rub the abdomen sal extremities ivell with the Liniment. To allay the thirst, bike a lump of los In the mouth, about the size of a marble every ten minutes. It is warranted perfectly innocent to take I n t.? rn illy. Soli by all druggists, price 40 and ed cents. Depot, 53Courtiand Bt., New York. Dead Heads, Or, in other words, heads whose once glorious locks have WITHERED AND WHITENED, ean in a few moments be re-clothed with all their YOUTHFUL ATIItACTIONS, by a single-appli cation of that wonderful talisman, CIERIST.A.DORO'S HAIR DYE. Grizzled waisiters an 1 moustaches, ladleq' curls into will al the siery of age has prematurely drift ed, and red, sandy, or white.y-brown hair, reixAve, .as if by magic, the rarest shade 4 of black or Imown from btils harmless botanical hair dazkener.— Itanufnetured by J. CIIttiSTADOIIO, 6 Aitor House, New' York. Soli by Drugglsts. Applied by all Flair Dressers. Dray 2 4 /La LIFE-HEAVI7I-VrtENOTIT LIFE-STELENoTH LllO.-1U,.,*-ILTIf-sTHENGTH The Great French Remedy. Da. JUAN DELAMAREEiS CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS, Prepared from a" prescription of Dr. Juan Dela marre, Chief Physician of the hospital . • du Nord ou Lariboisiere of Paris. This invaluable inc,iteine is no imposition, but I:font:tiling In the cure of Spermatorrlue or Semi nal Weakness. Every species of Genital or Uri nary Irritaktijity, Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Etnissterts whatever cease produced:or how ever severe, will be speedily relieved and the or gans restored to healthy action. Read the following opinions of cnainent French physlelans: "We have used the Specific Pills prepared by aarare lere 'e Dupont, No, 211 Rue Isnitimr,l, from the pr,scrlydun of Dr. Juan lilainarre, in our private practice with killeeeM, and we be. lieve there is no other medicine so well calculated to cure all persons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sexual Organs, whether caused by sedentary modes of excesses, or abuse. It. A. BEAUREPARIE, M. D. G. D. Ini.lannix, 11. D. JEAN LE LEVcattE, M. D. ' Paris, May :,th e 1889." BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine Pills lire sold by all the principal Druggists throughout the World. Price One Dol lar per,Box, or six Boxes for Five Dollars. GArtay °max & DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 1 Rue LotrOtard, Paris. Ono Dollar enclosed to :my authorised Agent, will insure a box by return mall, securely sealed from .01 observation; six }ones for live dollars. Sole General Agents for America, 03 , Z.111 G. MOSES & CO. , 27 Cortland at., N. V. N. B.—French, Germm, S1)1110411 and Fnglish pamphlets, containing Mil partieninrii and three tions for use, sent free to every address. A. D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg, Ddt. Pi, 1863. ly Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff. This stinfflias thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for earl the Catarrh. Cold in the Head and /lead:wile. it has been found an excell.tat remedy in many casts of Sore Eyes.— Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has often been greatly improved hy its tow. It is fragrant and agreeable, and cavils IMME DIATE DEMME to the Mil I heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. Tue sensations alter using it are delightful and Invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a liesithy action to the pArts'atfeeted, More than Thirty Yearn' of sale and use of "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and llwidnelie Snort'," has proved its great value for all the common diseases ,of the hero!, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of ,the best rb4osl - and Is tried with great success and satisfac tion everywhere. Read the Cortilleates of Wholesale Druggists in 1i1.54: The undersigned, baring for many years been aegis:tinted with "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Readaelie Snuff," and sold it In our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of It for the aura of Catarrhal Affections, and that it Is decidedly the hest article we have ever known for all common aliases of the Head. j Bnrr & Perry, Boston ' • Read, Auston,& Bois ton; Brown, Lamson & Co., Boston; Seth W Fowle, Boston; Wilson, Fairbank & Co., Boston; Hen , Maw, Edmund & CO, Boston; it H, Hat, Portland, Me.; Barnes & Park, New York; A. B.! & D. Sands, New York; Steohm Patti & Co., Now York; Israel Minor & Co., New York: McKesson & Robbins, New York ; A. L. Seovtil & Co., New York. :IV. Ward, Close & Co., New York; Bush & Gale,Now York. 1i..7 - For sale by all Druggists.— Try 1k (Dec. Di, 186. ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills Are the mast perfe^t purgative which we are able to pro Iwo or which we think has ever yet been made by anyboay. Their effects have abun dantly shown na the community how much they excel the ordinary medicines in use. They are I safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure.— , Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital ' activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blffr..l, and expel disease. 1 They purge out the font humors which breed and grow dist mper, stimulate sluggi,li or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the es cry-day complaints of everybody, but also fortaiddhle and ddugerotts diseases. While they pro lace powerful effects, they are at the salty^ tlin“, in (11 OMlSlcst dirieS, j the safest ant best physic that can be employed i for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleas ' ant to take; and, being purely vegetable, are free front any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position and character, as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eint , nent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the pnblic the reliability of our Iremedies, while other:. have 14,1644 . is the rts,iirance of their convietion that, our eparations con tribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted, suffering fellow men. 1 The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing &free ' Hone for the use and e.ertiticates of their cures, of 1 . the following complaints : ' C,ostiveness, Bilious Complaints, itheumatle , Drolety, Heartburn Headache arising Irons foul stomach, Nausea, lndigestion, Morbid, Inaction of the bowels and Paltperising therefrom, Ilan- Died. leery, Loss of App' tile, all Diseases which require an evatuant m , slicine. They also, by purifying On Sunday, the 13th Inst., Mr. HEiglir SNY ' the Moo I and stimulating tile ?tyska', cure many DER, of Huntington township, aged 81 yaws 2 complaints which it would not be supposed they' months and 8 days& could reach, such flB Deafness, Partial Blindness, I In Arendteville, on the lith Inst., Afri.1341.11411. Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derange- R. ADAMS, in the 3Sth year of her age. • ments of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other In Tanevtown, Md. May 24, Mrs. SAR ATI A. ' kindred complaints arising from a low state of mact. .,,g y the body, or obstruction of its functions. `,... , wife ofAndrew C ey, Do not be put oaf by unprinciplecldealers with /. years and 18 days. other preparations which they make more profit I Near Hnnterstown, on the 21st inst., EMMA . , on. Demand AYER'S and take no others . The ' daughter of Geo. Y . and Mary J. Hudson, aged LI sick want the best aid there is for them, and they years and 22 days. should have it. I On the 20th Inst., In this pl nee, WILLIAM HO W'- ' Prepared by Dr, J. C. ,Ver dr Co.. Lowell, Mess.,, MU), son of Walls= and Aurae E. Weygent, an d sold by A. 1). Buehler, Gettysburg. aged .5 months. May 7, 1886. 2na ____..--e--..1....__ . On the 18th inst., BERTIE, eldest son of Salome Terrible Dlselosnres. S. and William ays E. Culp, aged 10 yelps 3 %oaths and 10. Semen; 'FOR THE MILLION !—A most valuable i a On Sa d bbath morning, May 80. at the residence and wonderful publication. A work of lee pies, 'of William Douglas, Esq..tn thisplace, Mrs. MARY and 31 colored - Engravings. DR. HUNTER'S McGAIJGHY, widow of Mr. Hugh McGaughy, VADE MECUM, an original and popular treatise deceased, in the 81st year of her age. on Man and Woman, their Physiolisgy, Functions, At Arendtavllle,on the sth inst., MARIA LADY, and Sexual disorde.rs of every kind, with Never , F a iling Remedies hartheirspeedycure. distillc In the 2Sth year other age. lice of DR. MINTER has lung been, an Is, Near Now Oxford, on the dtth ult., Mr. JOHN nnbouuded, but at the earnest solleitation of nti_ "li - YEIL. 4 3, aged 58 years 8 months and 28 days. merous persOns, be has been induced to extend 1 On the 18th inst., at the residence of her uncle, wined lad usethiness through the medium. ofhls 1 Jacob Pitzer. in B'n'teravinei Pa., LIZZIE LC)- !"V A DE MECUM." It is a Volume that should be ; REITA, youngest daughter or Levi Ditzer, aged in the hands of every family in the land, as a pre- 7 years 8 months and H days. , ventive of secret vices, or es a guide for the alfevi- L it on the 20th inst., in Reading township, Mr. mostatom of one of the Emit"' and destructive ENRY NELL,Sr., aged 79 years and 9 months. scourges that ever visited mankind. One copy,! On the night ofth e 20th nit., of casualty, FBA NK• ' securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of poet- I MN PIERCE DELAP, son of Mr. Samuel Deal), ime to any part of the United States for 50 cents in „ rrii .„ e s sirro blp,t h thi s coun ty. aged IS years P. 0. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER,ii' months an d 2d ays. e No. 3 Division SL, New York. [Sept23 17 • _____ ___,,,, ._ _______- ' Yesterday morning,er, in this place, Idr..IOIIN nethe residence ofhisliogt. Errors of Youth. I ew,Mr. Charles Ziegl A gentleman who suffered for years from Net- CHELTZMAN, aged 88 years and 2 months. Yu.. , sous Debility, Premature Day, and all the effects renal at tio'clock. this evening. . , Of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of istff- ! 11.62.8nYeeteA at an advanced age. rda at the Akins-house, Mr. maricautti feting humanity tend tree to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem- V .._..._.- edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addreeeing JOHN B. OGDEN, NO. 18 Chambers it., New York. Altar. 5, 1888. ly_ SobJett to Dhittitoso. Teti Mold not well be subject ton Maehmore Inconvenient complaint, to may nothing Of the danger of its running Into dysentery or ,something ;stilt more fatal. Many think 3 diarrhcee of little consequenee. It la a grave mistake. Nn innotint of latent health and vigor can long withstand a constantly loose discharge from the Wire* and the stomach soon exhibits very plainly its sympathy with the disorder.— Fortunately, though, there la always a remedy Lit hand, hand, and a very inexpenfil ve one, t0,,,1n itadway's Ready Relief. No matter how alarming the dlarrine I—no 'natter it you have an attac k even of cholera morbus, a teaMpoonful or AO of the !toady Relief, taken every hour in a wir.eglass of sweet ened water until MAO Is procured, 11 1 sure to place you on the road to a rap i drecovery. A bottle of Radwny's Ready /toilet/2/ ling .1) is nig, is worth more than five dollars' worth of prescrip tions front the ablest physician, tf your object be to get rid of your diarrhwa altogether and not merely to temporarily stugond Its operation.— , Beside/4 this, you will have Ready Relief enough left to cure you of a bilious oklie should such an ailment overtake your or a nervous lo‘lidae he, or hysterics, cramps, vomiting, pain In the bew . els, an Iso on. Confd anything be more usefu 1 and at the same tins more ecnnoutitall Railway's I Ready Relief Is, In short, quite a faintly mod letue. cliost in itself, and pre tared as It is of Such choice Materials, hotiortett from dista ut parts of the globe, It is really surprising, in this age of high prices, how It can be sold for so comparatively‘ small a sum • and then its good etre-as are ma immediate! If you have a dlarrinc n our imitaitee, be yott sure that Midway's Basely Relief will promptly be Ate master. bold by druggist-s. N. 11.—DIA ItItIPE.I IN VIE .11211 Y, laTest.ltfsPr. o.tat Yrertw, 8.1. Jour fib, 1i461, Dr. Railway di Co., 2.:3 John Street, N.:Y.: Forty men In my Company, (Co., I, Ithaca Vol 'Gni Penn, on the sth day or.lune, 1581, wore selv_sli with severe attacks of Diarriuoa, Dysetitcry, tour other oomplainst of the bowels, and %vet, rendered in .stp tettated tor lot.', I distributed among them Midway's Reidy Relief, and requostAl each man to take It In iteeonlanoo with the directions, Its rumedlal elfeetki Were lea lued late, and t Ile majority of my Inen reported sick and unable to perform /lute In the morning, were, present and perairioed their duty In the afternoon. I consider the lohl t ion of Railway's Wally 'tenet tic the twit hum, stores of our regiment to lanit the greatest ho poi mice to our troops. JOHN NVIIITi.OOK, Captain, Co. ealid Regl. N. Y. 8. V. and Ist 'al, Be g . I, RAMA Y tr 7 deu lane, N. V. May 28,'68. 2w Lyon's Periodical Drops: THE (MEAT 1..4:\t REMEDY lOR SE REUULARI icso Drops are a scientifi cally compotnek4l dull prepiratlon, and better than any PM's, Powders or Nostrums. Being li quid, their:adieu 14 direct and positive, rendering them a' ape' ifertalu specific for the curb of all ob•truetions end suppression. o f nature.. Their popularity Is indicated by the fart that ever /00.011.11iffttles are annually consumed by the Indies of the United States, m cry one of whom Fillealts In the strangest torkium ofpraise of their great merits. They are raptril, taking the am) of every other Female ltenredy, and are don tattered: by all who know aught of them, as the Surest, 'taloa, and most infant - 41e preparation in the woriii, for the cure of all (mtto complaints, the renfoval of all olodrurflorul of natilre, and the promotion of health, regularity and trength.--. Explicit ding lions stating when they may used, and explaining when and whythey shouldmot, no could not he used without producing ellert% on trary to natures laws, will be found cal 'fully folded around cavil bottle, with the written signa ture of lynx L. LYoN, without which none aro genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOITN L. LYON, 111.5 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted either personally, or by mall, (enclosing stain p,) concerning all private diseases and fenede weak nesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere. 0.11. CLAIM & ( . 0., Gen'l Agents' for U. S. and Canadas. Nov 0,1861 ly The Great English Remedy Stu JAMES CLAIM tf a CittamnATEn Fmt tr.n PLLL.Y. Prepared from a pre ription of Hir J. Clarke, M. 11 . , Physician I..:xt am divary - -in tins Queen. This Invaluable med Inc is unfaillog itt the cure of all those painful d dangerous dihea- SCIltO Which the female constitution in subject. It. moderates all eXregheli and removes all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure may Fs , relied on. To Married Lalles it ls peculiarly stilted. It will, in a snort tune, bring on the 111011011 y pet lud st lilt regularity. Each bottle, price One Datiar,hcars the Govern ment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent cehnter fel LS. CAUTION.—Thrfie Pills should not be taken by Females during the rgasr TISHRI? mozYglim of Pi, g ooney, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all c tses of Nervous and Spinal Affections Pains In the flack and Limhs, o n*li g ht; exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, 113 - stern's, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all mit • er means have, fail si ; arid although a potverful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antinualy, or anything hurtful to the coast Itution. Full directions In the pamphlet around ends package, which sholtld be CAI Vfully preserytl, Sold by all Druggists. Solo Agent for the rut ted States and Canada, =2 N. R.-41,00 and (i poitage rdamps enclosed to any nratiortzrd Agent, wilt insure a Nate, containing 5 Pallg, l y roturn mall. sold by A. D. Bin:tiler, Dec.lB, 1665. ly To Couroluptivers The advertiser having ireen restored to heath In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered ?or several years with ft severe lung affection, awl that dread disease, Consump tion—ls anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the of •ane of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used ltree of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, Which they will find a arum ('VRE Fon Co.sst•XP.rtols, Asrms A, IiROSCII tl iw, t:evotts, Cold's, and all Throat and Lung A tree( fogs. The only object of th , advertiser In sending , tile Prescription Is to , benefit the afflicted, and 4pread Information which he cooecives to be invaluable, and he hopes every slifTerer will try his renusly, as It will coat them nothing, and may prove n blessing. Parties wishing the prescription YREE by return mail, will please address lin'. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings co., New York. 'Mar. 5, 184ft1. ly Aiming°, but True Eyerysonng lady and guntlentii In the United States rim hear something very notch to their ad. centime by return mall (free of chargic,) by ad dressing the underligned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will plunso address their tthedi ent servant, TllOB. P. CHAPMAN. Afar. 6,'66. ly g Broad way, N. T. Vir'Landon, the negro suffrage advo cate of the State - Senate, has taken Ow stump enthusiastically for Geary in Brad ford county—the darkest negro region of the State—where his "manhood suf frage" appeals for-Geary have stirred up the Thad Stevensites to almost fever heat. They seem to have got it into their heads that if they cad elect Geary the word "white" will be struck out of the Consti tution of Pennsylvania before his term ex pires. The fact that the negro' tes of Brad ford county, have been the first to start the campaign for Geary with a mass meeting Is very significant of his position. Married. On the Mit April, at Trostle's hotel, In Chum - homburg, Pa., by the Rev. Jno. R. Warner, Mr. R. 11. SOYI ,f of Mereenemm. Franklin county, Pt., to Miss VIRGINIA M. KI 4 I0X; of Fairfield, this eottn ty. On the 13th inst., by Rey. M. Snyder. Mr. JOHN DEARDORFF to Mimi:A - MAE. ILAFEENSPER GER, both of this minty. At the residence of the bride's father, Wm. Kohler, Esq.. on Tuesday 15th lust., by Key. Dr, 'Lauer, .31 r„LTE3). A.MOS WEIK Eta to Miss KATE E. KOHLER., all of this eotnitY. On the 20th Inst., by the Rev. M. J. Allestan, Mr. JOHN NAGLE to Miss LOUltiet C. i!..1131r1', both of this county. School tt Bounty Taney. . YIN School Directors Of Franklin toWinhip, hereby give notice that to' il &Idol end aunty Taxes, in said township, not paid by,. the Ist of July next, FIVE PER 01INT. will 14 4 added. They further give notice that on all i Bounty Subscriptions ohtstanding on sold tit , ' day of July, interest will be charged from date of subscribing. orde By r of the Board, , SA.I‘I7INsBUCH_BB ) Pros% . Joos DEAiwa's', 8644. May 2S, 1806. td
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers