f FIGHTING THE FEVER. Experts Getting a Firm Grip on Yellow Jack. 0E MOKE 1JEATII IS RErOltTED. A Mulatto Snrruii b ! at Orran Spring. Mi-.. No Nv Case There or at Nt-vr Oi le in Former I'lnce and Itiloxl lao-huel-llinc X-w favii at Itlloxi. Kiroxi, Mi?3.. Sept. 8. Three well di'tiiit'd ca-es of yellow fever have de-velopt-d here. They are under guard and no fear is felt. Nt-jw OiiLK.vss, Sent. S. The United ta'es authorities are awaiting the re turt of Dr. Ciuiteras of the University of IVimaylvaui i. the yellow fever ex pert, who arrived at Ocean Springs. Ml-s., today, before the - will te con vinced that the cases Miere are yellow liver. Meanwhile disinfecting ma chinery and murine hospital service oUieiuis have l.eeu ordered here. No more caes have been uevelopea hire. At the lie'.pi residence, where the lust and fatal case was reported, the lmnits were thoroughly impregnated tli sulphur, and it is believed every litiermi; germ therein has been killed. The four inmates, two servants and the lUMtiier and brother of the boy, aie :itj-nlutely uaruutined No one is per mitted either to enter or leave the house, which will be in charge of the board for live days. 'ihe l.oard of health office has been throntred with people. Mauy came to uiquiie as to the probability of a iiMi'inii'.ition of the sweeping quaran tine proclamation, so that their friends nil i relatives so ouriiiug at Mississippi m.uiuI r.-sorts migiit be allowed to come home, and others came to secure health cirti. cates in order that they might l"ie the city. A trainload of people fiimi the coast were sidetracked te yund the city limits awaiting such ;i: uon by the 1 oard as would permit tut m to come into town. ( 'onipiaint has been made that Ocean i-pi iims ami l;iloi are being deprived of mail lacilities Arrangements will be mad? to take the mail from the sra'ions at Ocean Springs and lUloxi by iii-;ins of jouch catches. L ninfectea points are nt affected. A complete inspection camp has been orjanied at the Kigolets, through which an entrance is made to the city. No doubtful case will be allowed to come in. Inspectors have been sent to nil the en If coast p ints to make a full ami thoiou'h examination of their health ami sanitary conditions. There seems to be no threatened exodus from the ity. All but one road reports business outgoing as normal. lily one additional death has been renin t.-il at cean Sprines with symp toms of yellow fever, a mulatto. Nil new cases have been renorted. 'cean Springs has now been absolutely cut off irom the outside world and the only means of rruchiui; the town are by wire or mail. The telegraph opera tor there is well nigh worked to ue.it h. (-ru)us suffering is certain to follow. I is said there is only one ton of ice in tic town and there is no way to get more. Ice is necessary where fever rages. HUNDREDS WILL PERISH. A tJ itrriiiiirnt Olti. i.il It Ion s the KiiIi to K loud v k. Vahiwtox, Sept. S. The treasury department has made public a letter received from a government oflicial now on the wav to the gold fields, stat inir at the same time that the writer, whose name is withheld, had been 12 years m the service and is thoroughly reliable. It is dated Dyea. Aug. 22, and says in part : 1 have had a long talk witn Mr. Ivey. collecri.r of customs for Alaska, who is at present nt Skaguay. three miles below here. Mr. Ivey informed me that there are now on Skaguay trail between tidewater and the lake sonn tiling like 4.000 people and 2.U00 horses, sixteen vessels are chartered to land cargoes at that place between now and Sept. 15. and that the num ber of passengers will average 2i0 to each v ssel, making :, more people who will attempt to go in this fall. have talked with some of the most experienced traders and miners in this vicinity, and they are unanimous in tIi-- piediction that not over 20 per cent of this vast number will get through to Dawon before winter sets in. The oilier so per cent will be caught on the truil If the rush continues two weeks lunir. r hundreds will inevitably perish 'i'lia postmaster ami Indian trader at this place (Mr Heron) states that more that 1, l0 men have gone up the t'hilkoot pass auriiig the past 30 days, and that Too of them are still this side of the lake (24 miles from here). At the present rate of influx another 1,000 will enter the trail by Sept 10. Mr. Heron is of the opinion that not more than 2i out of ino will get through. He -ays if the rush continues another week tin- resultant loss of lite will be a;, palling. I have talked with several men w ho have recently arrived here from the Klondyke. two of whom left there less tha-i :) -lays ago. Ti.ey unanimously atrree that while there is a rich gold t.s.il there the facts do not justify the pres -tit stampede, and they say there is round to be much suffering and ac tual -turvatiou. Provisions are already frarns and the prices of many articles i!.-olutely prohibitory in the case of a mau of ordinary means." STRIKE PRACTICALLY SETTLED. Mi urn Considering a Satisfactory Agree mei.t In ltultois (fa.) Iteuion. Ii 11. .is. Pa . Sept. 8. A settlement of the miners" strike in this region has been practically effected. The commit-t-e appointed at the convention last week to conduct all negotiations look-in.- toward a settlement met General Manager Kobinsou here. The situation was fully discussed and before adjourn ing, an article of agreement was sign-d by Mr. Kooin-on aud the members of the committee, which is mutually agreeable. Tin proposition made by Mr. Kobinson is being submitted totn mi: eis at the company's various col-1- ries, and if acceptable, which is very likely, worn will be resumed at n'i ui.nes tomorrow. The agreement is eminently satisfactory to the com mit t-e It provides, first, that a committee from the miners go to the Pittsburg region and elsewhere and get fully posted on prices tor machine mining and other labor aud the company wi.l pay tiie hignest proportionate cale paid in any competitive region . also that all niiues resume Sept. 9 and what ever s. ale is found to be actually settled on will be paid by the company from that date, lhe committee will report to Mr. Kobiu-ou within a week. M'KINLEV WARMLY GREETED. Secretary Alger S the I'rople Art t.rxl illf.l by Itrluroiur Prosperity. Washington. Sept. S. Secretary Al ger is as;ain at his desk at the war de par: incut after bein with the presi dent since the latter began bis vacation, lu an interview he said : Wo found everywhere multitude! of iwopie turning out to greet the presi dent, and all the testimony we got showed the happiness of the people over feelintr that tne tide had turned and that there was enough work to do and enough food to eat. Nothing closes the mouth of the grumbler so quickly as work and food, and now there U work ana wages for all. heat .Nearina; a Hollar. Coioaoo, Sept. 8. Wheat is getting close to tne dollar mark again. Xto. einler closed at HaJa, LIVES brCAliSS AN AMERICAN. A Cul'm Sympathiser ICeleaed Through Kflortft ot Consul (.eneral I.ee. New York. Sept. 8.-The Ward line steamer Yumun, from Tampico aud Havana, brought Lorenzo ives, who was arrested last December at the Hotel Angloterre in Havana and im prisoned at Cabanas for five months. Yives is an American citizen. Tne hotel proprietor, F. Yillamill. reported to the Spanish authorities that Yives was a Cuban sympathizer aud caused his arrest Yives was held at the Cabanas for five iuntiihs. when he was taken out with a large number of other pnso e.s to be transporter to Africa, but Consul General L.ee interfered and demanded his release as an American citizen. Yives was sent to ja and later, through the efforts of General Lee, obtained his release. Yives admitted that he had been pent out on a secret mission by the Cuban junta, but the Spanish authorities are unable to prove this. He says the only thing that saved turn from death was the fact that he was an American citizen. EXPLORER WELLMAN. The Journalist to Start For North Pole Again In Jane. New York, Sept. 8. Walter Well man, the journalist and Arctic ex plorer, has arrived on the New York from Europe. He has been to Norway and Russia to consult with Dr. Nauseu W ALTfclt WELLMAN. and to arrange for a steamer and for a large number of dogs. He said that efforts would be made to reach the North pole until the feat was accom plished. At least three expeditions will be in the field next year." he said. "One will be that of Captain Sverdrup in theFram; another that of Lieutenant Peary in Greenland, aud the third the one that will be niada by myself in Franz Josef Laud. "My arrangements are to sail from Bergen. Norway, in a staunch ice steamer on June 15. Ten men will comprise the expedition. They will be Norwegians with the exception of two or three Americans. We shall estab lish a supply station at Cape Flora, leaving two men in charge. We shall set out on our journey toward the pole in the early part of 1S!I!I aud shall be equipped for a journey of 100 or 110 days. It will be a journey of about 3.10 English miles from Cape Fngely to the pole." EUROPEAN WHEAT SHORTAGE. The 1'iiitt-il Stairs Will lie lirqulred to Furui-.li a Vastly Increased Aiuounc. Washington, Sept. 8. W. P. At well. commercial agent of the United States at Kobaix. France, sends to the state department a report on the short wheat crop in France. He says the wheat crop in France, and in fact in 11 Europe, has fallen much below the average, and it is estimated that the United Stares and Canada will be called upon to export from 120.000. mk) to H.0,000,0 H) bushels, more than they exDorted to Europe last year. France will require about i0. 000.0 0 to meet the deficiency in that country. Consul Heenan at Odessa. Russia, has made quite an extensive report to the state department concerning the failure of the crops in Russia. in many di-tri.ts it has been the wettest season ever known and grain has been destroyed by both rain and hail. Much of the grain was not worth the expense of binding. The wheat re ceived at Odessa is of a very inferior quality. The report predicts that little will be exported from Rnss a during the season of IsMI-s, as there is little available for that purpose, the old stocks being practically exhausted, and the new crop little more than sufficient for the home demand. The failure of the wheat crop in Austria-Hungary. Ronmania and Bulgaria, Consul Hee nan continues, has brought buyers from those countries into Russia and wheat which would ordinarily leave Odessa by steamers is destined to go by rail from the interior into the countries named. BETTER WHEAT PRICE PREDICTED Secretary Wilson Talks After an Ei. tended Tour ol Observation. Washington. Sept. 8. Secretary ilson has returned from his tour of the trans-Missis-ippi states. He went as far west as Montana and Utah, giv ing especial attention to the agricul tural interests of the states visited, with particular reference to irrigation, horse raising and sugar beet growing. "I found the farmers in especially good spirits wherever I went," he said "There is no doubt that confidence is restored and that the country is justi fied in its anticipations of better times. The people are all busy in the wst Indeed I do not believe there is an idle man west of the Mississippi who wants work." Mr. Wilson predicted a still farther ad ance m the price of wheat, due to the tact that tlit-re i not only a short crop aoroaa. nut a:so becau-e of the fact that according to his observation, the crop will not l,e so ex ensive in this country as has g neially been antici paid. "With the improvement of the times, he said, "the average Ameri can is going to have all the flour his family can consume, even though he may have to pay a little more for it. 1 believe that even w thout the shortage in the foreign crops the conditions in this country would ha e forced wheat toll a bushel. But." he added, "the improved condition of the farmer is due not alone to the enhanced price in w heat, but there has been a correspond ing improvement in all farm products." CROKER FOR MAYOR; He Arrire. In Ktw York Inclined to He Candidate. New Yohi. Sept. 8. Richard Croker has arrived by the American line steamer New York. Mr. Croker's fel low passengers have come to the con clusion that he is to be the Tammany Hall candidate for mayor of Greater New York. The understanding among Mr. Croker's friends is that he is very strongly inclined to permit the use of bis name. i:-Oufeu I.il In the West. Chicago, Sept. 8. Ex-Queen Lilioua Va ani of Hawaii, accompanied by her traveling companions, J. Heleluhe and Mrs. Wakiki." arrived in Chicago yes terday from Washington and spent the day in sightseeing. The party left last night for San Francisco. Armor Hoard In Washington. Washington. Sept. 8. The naval board, which has been making inquiries as to the establishment of a govern ment armor factory, has returned to Washington and established permanent quarters at the navy department. NEHS Delegates From Competitive j Fields In Columbus Today. rOXSlDEKKj PITTSBUIMJ OFFER. President Itatrhford Thinks It Will He Arcrpted He Says Ou.-rators Would Keep Their Mines ( low I, f Striker Held Out lor G9-Cent Kate. Colcmbi-s, Sept. 8. The delegate convention of miners of the competitive coal fields to Tote on the offer of the Pittsburg operators of 65 cents a ton for the rest of the year, as a basis of settling tne miners' strike, convened here today at 10 a. m. President Ratchford says he believes the miners will accept the 5 cent rate and return to work. "The miners will meet the proposition like men." he t.aid, "and will be guided by their judg ment rather than their desires. Our executive council was unanimous in its recommendations, each member, like myself, feeling that it was his duty to make known the actual condition and recommend according to his judgment With this done, the case rests in the ban .s of the miners, and if they see fit to continue the strike, the responsi bility of their failure will be their a and uot their orhcials. -l do not. however, anticipate any such contingency. The operators wii never ray t cents, the price demanded It would be cheaper for them to cancel all contracts and keep their mines closed until the first of next year Now my advice to my fellow miners is to accept the recommendation of then officers. If they reect it thev will have to fight it out to the end. and I fear the result. The advance demanded by the miners' organization is 15 cents a ton. I he proposed compromiss gives us 11 cents a ton. or 4 cents less than our demand. "The gain to the Ohio miners alone. by multiplying the increase by the number of tons produced annually would amount to f 1,4:50.000. Add to this a proportionate advance to all branches of labor around the mines and it will increase the amount to nearly 000, ooo. to be divided between 25,00 i miners and mine laborers in this state alone. Carry this line of reason ing to the other states, and it will be fuund that the total gains to the miners of th.ise states will exceed iH.OOO.ooo, or in the neighborhood of i5 or Mj per man. On Jan. 1, another increase in my judgment will take place, though I am unaole to say what the amount may be. ObPUTIES DRIV.N AWAY. Women and Strikers Prevent Kvictlons Nfir r luleytllle, I'a. PiTTPiaitu. Srpt. S. The staking miner of the Pittburg and Chicagc Oas Coal company, at Orangeville. one and one-half miles from Oastonville. ou the Wheeling division of the Balti more aud Ohio railroad, will stay in the;r houses a while longer. The at tempt to evict them failed and resulted in a riot. When 20 deputies from Washington. Pa., in charge of Cnief Deputy Joseph lleiiiDhill. reached rinleyville. they were met by a large crowd of strikers and forced to return to (i..stonville where they took refuge in the orhce of the company, where they were kept all night, stones and bricks being thrown at the building aud an occasional shot tired. Each deputy was armed with a win cheter ritle and a revolver, but m spite of this the strikers, headed bv about 100 Polish women, closed in on them and the deputies received tough treatment. One deputy, who left the building, was driven to rinleyville. In the morning the deputies started to march to Orangeville. tach mau carried his Winchester in his hands and his revolver vi as exposed, but the weapons had no terrors for the besieg ers. Headed by the same women, the strikers rushed ou the deputies witn fctones, clubs and pick handles, and the blows fell thick aud fast. A number of the deputies were badly injured. They took refuge in an empty house mt finally agreed to leave town. Thev then returu-d to G-aton ille. but were ariven from that place and returned to W ashington. uuvm ana janies an Lman. mem. bers of the company, said that for the present at least no more attempts would oe mane ro evict tne strikers. Liater ii. w. au tuian announced that he would pay the district price, as urro it rra1 a r t r 1 i --. ..-.-. 4 I. WAIAAUUU3. STRONG POINTS AGAINST LUETGERT Letters He Wrote to m Widow Read In Court. Chicaoo, Sept. 8. Two strong points were scored by the prosecution in the Luetgert trial, aud unless the defense is able to impeach the testimony of cne witnesses their evidet ce is likely to have considerable weight with the jury. The two witnesses were Nicholas faber, who testified that on the night or Aiay I he saw Luetirerr and his nir. enter the sau.-age factory, and Charles IJaiiit., ...1. . icunji, yiiu swore mat on the night of May 1 he passed the factory am. beard a cry from within as though some one was In pain. The reading of the love letters which had been written )y i.nuimM . - J fcVF .U 1 9. 1-eldt. a widow, was great fun for the crowd in the courtroom, and it was very emoarrassing for the defendant ... micni ,(1 mem ne had spoken in a Slltflltlutr III a fin or nt ih, !... ...i are now conducting his defense, savins; fl-lOV- BAs. ... . 1 . . J .ua inrjr were - greeny and "notable tnai oi sucn importance Aslgnee'a Report on Gardner Failure. Hollida yshl'ro. Pa., Sept. 8. The assignee's report of the suspended banking house ot Gardner. Morrow &. of. Holliday8burg has been filed in '" ""ir county court. Tne assets fn distribution are $14,055. This showing ,uu,l4lc "ai me tioo depositors will receive 8 per cent of the amount of men uiaims. wnen the bank failed one year ago a notice ported on its front door informed creditors that they yVM.i ijum uuiiur ior dollar. American Woman la Jail, uos .sept 8.-The Duke and "uuie OI orande have been ar raigned in the Marvlt one police court charged with defrauding hotels aud boardinghonses. The duke is said to be a brazilian nobleman aud the duch ess, it is asserted, is a niece of ex ,T a9 Senator Omar U. Conger or Michigan. The prisoners were re manded to jail for a week. Hre la Cairo, W. Va. Cairo. W. Va.. Sept. 8. A fire which started in the engineroom of the Cairo Manufacturing aud Lumber company destroyed it and half a dozen other establishments, including tne chief business portion of the town. A num ber of dwelling houses also burned aud 0 people are homeless. Total loss, $0,000. Will Resign to Mayor Harrison. Chicago, Sept. 8. Members of the Chicago civil service commission will tender their resignation to Mayor Har rison immediately upon his return to the city. This comes as a climax to the struggle between the commission and the Democratic leaders which has been waged since the election last spriLg. Hawaiian S-nate Called. Washington-, Sept. 8. The state de partment has been notified by Minister bewail at Honolulu that President l)ole has issued a call for a session of ..o iauau senate on Sept. . The object of the session is supposed to I u lhf pr' Psetl auuexation treaty VfUh the United State. SESSION f)EADLY NrffiGGtYCERfSJ. An Eplo.lon Killed S.m Known and Others I'uknows In Ohio. Cyovet. O.. Sept. 8 A terrible ex plosion of nitroglycerin has occurred here, which resulted in the death of six people, whose names are knows and others at present uuknown. The killed are : Sam Barber. Allen Fa lis. John Thompson. Charles Hartel. Henry Lansdale. Havens, a boy. Grant well, located at the rear of the Nati' nal upply company's office build ing, in the village limits, had jnst been ehot by Samuel Barber, the shooter tor the Ohio aud Indiana Torpedo com pany. The vell was a gasser aud when the 120 quarts of glycerin let down into the well exploded, the gas ignited and with a terrific roar the flames shot high above the derrick. As soon as the drillers saw the flames several climbed into the derrick to shut off toe gas. but they had hardly gotten there when there was a terrific explosion. The burning gas ignited cans of nitroglycerin in two wagons nearby. The drillers in the derrick were killed. Their names are not known. The damage to the Ohio oil company hill amount to $i.OOO. Eight buildings are a total wreck and mauy otheis damaged. The town has a population of about 1,200. Mauy bystanders were wounded. T M t PRESIDENT HAS CALLERS. A I'abllc Keoeptlon to Occur at Somer set. I'a.. This Keening-. Somerset. Pa.. Sept. 8. A great number of people have called on Presi dent McKinley. including George W. Pullman, the Chicago millionaire, and Senator Thurston of Nebraska. It is thought that Attorney Oeneral Mc Kenna will be here today, ana many other distinguished visitors are ex pected during the ween. Among them Governor Ltowndes of Maryland. Tne president . and Mrs. McKinley took a short drive to the country in a carriage drawn by a team of ponies owned by their niece. Miss Mabel Mc Kinley. It is probable that people from all parts of the county will come here today to attend a public reception to be held in the evening. ROW OF THE ARCHITECTS. A New Man May Ite Selected to Maks Capitol Plans to Suit. IIarrisbiko. Sept. 8. The capito) commission has held a short session in the executive chamber, to consider the selection of designs for a uew state house. A communication was read from the Philadelphia chapter of the American Institute of Architects con detuning the attempt of certain archi tects to overthrow the piourani of com petition f architects. John H. Weiss of Harrisbnrg, - co usel for Furuess, Evans oc Co. of Philadelphia, asks that the noard of experts be ordered by the the commission to make a more careful examination o' the brin's plan. It was finally decided to adjonru until Thursday afternoon aud iu the meanwhile the experts will go over the plans of the Philadelphia firm and Hardin & Cooch of New York and prepare a report to the commission as to the material used in making the drawing aud other technicalities. The prospwets are that at its next ineetiug the commission will ei her select one of the plans recommended by the ex perts or reject the experts' report aud agree upon an 'architect who shall make a plan tj meet the wishes of a majority of the commission. RITTER DECIDES TO ACC6PT. The Ieuiocratlo Candidate Will Make m Toar sf the State. Williamspokt, Pa., Sept. 8. Hon. Walter E. Ritter of this city has de cided to accept the nomination for auditor general tendered him by the Democratic state convention. He has made this announcement. This decision as arrived at after a thorough consideration of the matter and consultation with his friends throughout the state. Later on he will make a tour of the state. Pennslranla Uay Oct. 13. Harkisbl ro. Sept. 8. A meeting of the executive committee of the Penn sylvania commission to the Nashville exposition has been held here. It was decided to make Oct. 13 Pennsylvania day. The commission, with the gov ernor and start and supreme aud u perior courts, will leave here Oct. s spending two days at Chattanooga at the dedication of the Pennsylvania liiununients. l'lttauur Slitters Accepted. Pittsbi-ro, Sept. 8. The miners' dis trict convention will accept the tia-ceut rate, ueiegatee to uoiumbus went un instructed. Manufacturing Plants Starting. SpuiVfinviri K.ui U . w . ... BU..W, .uais,, nc . o . .1 B U U - facturiug industries in this vicinity are iuu n (Jiraiiai bile pros- tjecta of a heavr f&vll kn.in,ad . ..... . - J M THE MARKETS. I'lTT MHI'Uil AaiI V WHEAT-So. 1 red. hjuju; No.'l! red. COKX-Xo. 8 rellow ear. 372.rr.-i- Vo shelled. SKitVc; high mixed (.helled. iWi OAT'S V 1 l, i . .-..... .. . ZvZ&IyC. extra No. a. white, Mi:'ir: lhckt HAY No. I timothy. tlO.O u J: No g 1 . ItttJt w i... x-. .... . - --r ---". .10. 1 i-iuver, uiixeu. S.I w-l.nu; pickln. ia.a(Sa.rX); No. I feediiuc prairie, t. 0.. a i; wagon hay. Ill.u3,12.0 . for tlmo th v IOLLTRY Lire Large spring chickens. - K iwr IiBls nail .a -fcw I a chickens. MttttSc per pair; small. Oa;-; ducks. MaVyc per pair; turkeys. 3lc per UOUflll T 1 vJ , . : . ... - t-iinun ciui'ivmi, lc$.e per l-uund: old chrkens. 1.49.1c; ducks. 14 0.15c turkevs. i:is Bt'TTEK Elgin prints. tfiia21c: extra 7; . ""-"'-; "aio i&iicy creamery, I7 0.ISC-; couo- roil. lao-Mc; low grade and . . rw 1 or rail crem, new Make. WalOVsc- . r'UL'L.'L' V- -a . ,Tr "'i,?!: W,8 nB,n S'.n tubs, im tub-. lt.Hllc: S-iaa. to brlcka. 6-pounJ Mn,i'S'.Si,',t,Ilr ,re"h ""Tlvanla and ... 3. mni: IUM, 1"3.1JC. lQ a lob- Ui.g way, lti-Hfl Pittsbi-ro. Sept. 7 7J cars on sale; market ateady for gtJd 11" . T "upply tooay r 1 .. ";"ngea. We -ute w-.ua priL-en: rruue, -.U (aVi.ll)- Kood 4.,o;4.l,; tidy. 4 4 t: good butchers'. I4 25a4.ft.; fair, t-1.8 4 .); com mon. .J.4ia3 70: heifere. W.V.! H6; bulls -'tans and t ows. $3.10 1 75. t-ommon to good I-.rn- 2"40': bo.otrna cows. $5 V ,,V,:..'oCOW" "nd sPrinrs. 3).i0(4.V0u xii-Mt-Ke eiptB on Monday 3il double-dock cars: market a shade lose; supply today fa.r. 10 car, on sale; market dull and lower. He quote -the following prl, e. Prune pls. U.uai.S.; bit light yorkers and mi-diums. 4 40.4.50; grassers and stub-tt'k-- h'"ky'' ": roughs. KHEEP AND LAMBS-8uPpy on Mon dav liRht. lu cars on sale; market firm at unthaiiitt-d pri.es; leceipta today light market for sheep steady; lambs strong' Vm quote prU-ea aa fol.owa: t'hoh-e. 4.1ui9 4.S-: good. ,.S4.i: fair. 3.5u(ei;.r5: com mon. tio Wl.4.1. LambsChoice. au(5 6.. common to good. . ia5iii: veal calve-,' t6jS.1.0J; heavy and thin calves, ta.Ou94.u1' Cincinnati. Sept. 7 HOOS Market qniet at ti. sua 4. 45. CATTLE Mark, t steady at V i t A,NU LAMBsiMarTet teady .1 . -a.gJ...,. Lambs-Market steady at M.7S.U o.i. New York. Sept. J. W!1,EAT Snot in.rl- - 1 . II , i. ' """ o. s rea. ytiyfpot mrk't m; No. . STHc. . . mies quota Aluer- kHvi'U VvrVr.rLo- oer Pound. fcHEaP AND LAMBd-Shoap. SaUuMA- iiOUa-Jstiiraetlowratls.464.i. Worth Remembering. This Information Will Save Many a Dollar and a Heap of Trouble. Whrn Kutherin; UcLetM on a train, a frl-iiHlui-d con.liKtor Botio-il a i:iss-u-irer futubiiug and ftisKiiij; in t-vi-ry MH-ket for his tii-l-t. which he ni;ircui!r held uuconsciouxiy tic-twc-ti liif t---Ji. Kn joying the euilnirr:iiiiieiit of th lravt l r along with aotue fellow ..isst ti-rs iu the adjacent acats, he liu:illv. uauli to the astonishment of the gi-iiili-iiiuii. reached forth lii haud. tix.k the- li. ki-l. lKikel at it. iuuch-il it, auiili-d. Ili-n ir--i-.k.l tlowu the iU- to lli- uexl car. When lie cIomhI the door a iasM-tigiT. who had enjoyed the Munition. s:iicl i the l.r.e hohl.-r of the ticket. 'A pretty fair sam ple of aliKeiit-uiiinliMliM-sn. i-hY" "IWni't J'i'tt foil yourM'lf," was the reply; "the ticket was two uf k old. and I was suck- J ing the dale- off it." Now this aut-c-dote : has nothing earthly to do w ith Conductor CJcorjre McKinley. of Wasliiiigtou Street. N'ew Castl. lu.. hut it si-rvcn to iutriHliicv him to the reader, and makes him in a mcumire atiiuainted with a t"l. reliable authority on the question he dis cusses tlow. Mr. McKinley says: "The jolting and jarring of a tiain in iruve'.ing a thotisnud miles each uy-ck i-auv.l my ki.luers to make- Ihems4-lves manifest. I had Revere pains in my back, which nearly all other railroad men sufTer from, for when standing iu a uioviiii; train tlier, us a cotisiant strain on the muscles f the back. 1 heard such hit:h reeoiiiiiienda tions of Iiimu's Kidney Tillx tliat 1 U'tight a Ikx. and list I t'heni as dir.--tel. The kidneys soon eeased KriiiiiMiu. ami my backache dia--ared. I have- takeu pleasure iu rei-oiiiuieinlin I loan's Kid ney I'ilU to others who I know were suf ferintjr from kidney troubles." Ioan'a Kidney Tills, for sale l.v a!I dealers. I'rice .Ml .nils. Mail.-il be oKter-Milburu Co.. Hufl:il... N. v.. s..f. agents for the I". S. U.-iueiiiU-r the ujuio Doau's aud take no substitute. Constipation Demands prompt treatment. The. re suits of neglect may be serious. Avoid all harsh and draatic purgatives, tha tendency of which is to weaken tha bowels. The lest remedy is Ayer's IMlls. Being purely vegetable, their action is prompt aud their effect always beneficial. They aro an admiral. la Ijver and After-iliutier pill, and every where endorsed by the profession. " Ayer's Tills aro liichly and nniver sally siMiken of l y the pc.-l aU.ut here. I make daily use of them in my practice." Ir. 1. E. Fowler, bridge port. 4'oun. "I can recommend Ayer's Tills above all others. Lav iii lou; proved their value as a cathartic for myself aud family." J. T. Hess, Leilbsv'ille. I'a. " For several years Ayer's IMlls have teen used iu luy'fauiily. AYe Cud thetn an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestion, and axe never without them in the bouse." Moses Greuier, Lowell, Mass. " I have used Ayer's Tills. f.r liver troubles aud indigestion, during many years, and have always found them prompt and eiiii H-nt iu their action." L.. . Umilh, I ti. a, N. Y. " I suffered from constipation whlrb assumed such ail olKtliuate form that I feared it would cau.te a stoppage of the bowels. Two Im.x.s of Ayer's Tills ef fected a complete cure." IX llurke. tiaco. Me. " I have used Ayer's Tills for the past thirty veais and consider II. em an in valuable lamily m-.lu lue. 1 know i( no Isiter niin.lv tor liver troubles, and have always found them a prompt cure for ls-e.i;. " - .1 nines tjulun, U0 Middle St.. ll.ii II. .1.1. I'oiiii. " Having lieen troubled with costive tiess, winch seems inevitable with ver aous of sedentary habits, I have tried AVer's Tills, li...il. f..r relief. I aiu ela.l to sa that tl.ev have servel me Letter than any other u.ediciue. I arrive at this coitclu.-ooii only after a faithful trial of llo-ir inerils." - Soon u el X. Jones. Oak nt , Huston. Mow. Ayer's Pills, rKKmuiiii hv Or. J C Ayer & r.o. lowed. Mas Koid by aui Uealers la MeUtcUM. POR WILLING WORKERS f either sex, any age, in arc part of the courtrr at the employment wiii. h furi.ivl. You m .V not he away from hoiueovtrniglit. A 011 r:m j-lv. jrourvvboletimetotli.' work.oroi.lv voiirr-;.. :. 1,.,. ments. As capital is not requir .1 you run 11. 1 i k We supi'.yrou w-lih all that ' 11.. ,!.-.!. It nil .3t you nolhinic , try- tin -..i-n..---. Ai:y oi do the work. Iteinm-rs uc.Li- umiiev Jr.. the start t failure is ui.knon 1. a it I. ....r vnoikt rs. K.rery hour you labor you can ea-ilv make a .l. ilur. Ko one who is a illi..,; to work fail money every day than can he made in three davi at any ordinary eruplov men I. Seud fur tire hook ooutaiuing the f jlles'. inforiuatiou. H. HALLETT & CO., Box 88 O, PORTLAND, MAINE. Steel Picket Fence. THAN t WOOD itaK f isB; ??J" "i ii sum) MHO H. 4 all kin4a r WIKK Wukk. TAYLOR & DEAN 01. 203 a 205 Mrtit$u Pitlbur,b, Pa inch a Vi tr. Robert Cassidy's Shaving Parlor Iorated on Ontre street near It'Hara 1.1 v ery otic NhaviDK. Hair ('qIiiuk and ShauiiNN- 1 . . . . . u uwuv ,u ui nosteab anu ivnv manner, ihara at lonr (islrouaae solicited. K IHK.N I' 41AiK1liY. FATPolks&i! M Ts lT U1.41I1. I a lu.ru. gm tra .. . t . . Ie-sir.-auu.-i.il.. ,rc- V-if f; 'Iclns phralrlan .4 M.r' npeileutx-. j V) tabs.leitet-Ui..ru.-ieiiii,4,ir..iuiiL-liMu X NnstarviiMC. arli.kie.H- ttaM.UH-s. I in I Vil iiron-so-uentl heaiiii aiiu heaiilinea c...iii.eti.H1. it, aclans aim s.-lel la.li.-e limorse it. 1 1. uaii.l- -ure. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL cmifldeutiallj. I-.t par K-iilani lilma. it Maui- DR. SNYDER. ZlE2Z?SZ:ii. OCt'ia.ttt lv l7RI0HT8v For all Bilious and Nasvotrs Discuses. They purify the Bijuod and srive Hkaituv action to the entire system. Curs DYSPrDlA uriniKue CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. April lo Til ly Mountain House Shaving Parlor, Main Strec!,Kear Post Office ftS-Tht HBdMlnl . 110 that ha has m.ki . . r Canlra street, near tha nat m k.u L.. . . in all 1 La rv - "or.n fu . u r. I- 7 . 7. J ' " rr' o lo the v-... . du clean. imnrnviii sniicnad uraurs ci keu a FILLS LADIES! are yu reckless etjurh to vct.ti:re If m. srtri two c-llt- iu stI..a to tne Mark JvtltfiHJ . . . i-js an I '". lu-liin-ton Slr.-t. w- ra V . lo w of their la-aulif i! illustrated ItciltrH Hooks." It i a ii.-v. i. niiKote. mi. I interesf lutz sou t.: cveiy wi..u of rertnein-iit. n ie-ei.t of ten o uts in -'an'p thev a iT aei:.l Htit:.l a fu:l l of tu. ir ttuoouii house hold ictku s Vt-rla. Korit-n .-.-t.iiii!..-T will a!s..s-ii.l Im m .k rontainiiii. coin;l -le wools oi" '! le- Vikim.l.,.M and mu-n- ..I !i" no n-t a.iilur voiitfi. toiM-iti. rv uli t. 11 rxii:si!e ciinmiti ra'il-. aiJINEPTUS i A Vi'Ty U,n-iiiiLr. Ii a nn - r:vyrrl'd nmniMfr' rMiiMHiinl ft r il.-irnijiiii." tli-iM quiniitf ni oth-r bitt r iiru-.r. -it r to!i J 4r fu i-l I'ihx 4 I prIn ir I'ihI UItl. lr-M n!vti ij li Hiiiflf ol phyMit-itiii in l.uroiN mini Aiti-ti n. t-oriuithi bc iuuiuut tvry lxtiif. !ir JuU ly lniniti. Xmiuf acTnil hv The Academic Phaimaceutic Co.f I.OMMrN AM VOKk. 532-5iG WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY ELIXIR. . leleirant 11ut''ili li.irn.Hi. v .rerkaraiiot fo.- OI..OUS. umlariul HI..1 I.I.mmI Ii ll.le-. ; Hie re ai.tt . -v.-r tv. entv-live yeat s f ni.t t-uoueni o.eiiti' . res-nrcli Arove! l.v tin-hiuli.-r-t iin-.Ii.-al authorities In use in Ike li.wf.it.-t's in every ynn of l.uit-N--Ks-cially helplul I.. I.t.lies. cluMreii and - p'.e .r ae.lenlar lull. its tntireiy vevcUiijie ; tree from harmful .lrutr. In H.iiiJioi!ie Patkae, Piicc tU Cts. Irr;ire.l solely l.y Tl(e Joyal '1 Ijarinru'cutii Co LONDON AND NEW YORK, Chemists l.v ap.imm.-iil to Her MajeMy ll.e yu-u aud to the !'..yal ramily. M-.W VnKK FKANCH : ISO, 132. 134- Charlton St ROYAL IMLLS. Same nielii-inul .r.-rti-s ps Iti.v il Kliiib. is boxes, : j.iils t j l.-.ix, for a i eenis. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCGIbTS REMEHBERTIffiBIC FOUR! Vinegar Bitters j '''j".)';'1" SOr. Vinegar Bitters P0WDEES, &u do--s. so.-. Vinegar Bitters, u.-w rtyle, ''ri;"'' J 1 ." Vinegar Bitters, old style, hir.rr tarte. rl.uu The World's Great Blood Puriflar and Life OivinR Principle. Only TeinperancQ Bitters Known. Tbrna.t .ifth r."n Onlurv t!n- l.rndias l-amilr Mcticlne ol the World. R. IL McDonald Dru Co., Proprietor. A Quick PLiEr for every Type of Hf ACME Fuur CAwniNA'. Points Respcctinq Headache. A' hC..L lirs (tt tiuli n rv.iiis. -Sf- int-t- privr i t the rnn l j ticr-r tc-r ltfcr. Srrthe them tij Ko P AL1M. the hcjitijhc hfn chiK1r?n luri'e. hedacht riKlic, Cyisrjn:. r caused by ony, jiim eiy. fiCfvsci ol an v kin. I or brain wcariucsi. KoKr A LINK - 3 - .. '' - -M matter. u-c Koi miinb. the best reinetty ever ol t. re!. Sate. sute. w ou tlet fully quiik in icuon. try enc else lor kui f aUNB cure every iv, rf headache, espec ially that ditrcs-in;iv painful type pevuliat tj la.heii fculTc-nne Ir m irregularity or uterine irri tation, or ho-e duller require them la tand tar loii perif-Kls. 5 KOPFLINE CURES NlftMlUt SMOCK. Niavoul DKiim, MmwTAi. WO ART. DiOl STI V AiLWIMfB. rlITTIOH. Wl. CINCUV.4TION, ALCO-OA..O o OTH. CtH.. s H C M ailmeut& aud erudition. 1,, tc bcivc.i.te oe on KOPFALINE Is inrilunblf f.ir Trj.-h.-rs. SchoUrv, Prra. hen Stu.lnts. Mmhii.u. K.litor. Men. Women and ( hil.lrc. tvrtvUi.lv whose ucrvrs are at all hkely to ct l ...it tl ord. r. It is ut-..,lniiv ., u.i.W all . iraira-tanm aad coii.litions. Price. 15 cents. Sul.l y druu-L'.sis V' l.rrally. or ienl to any dms uu receipt ..t rice Son sofv.sTea. WINK ELM ANN & BROWN DRUG CO BALTIMORE. Msu. U. S. A. HALLS 5m The great popularity of thU preparation. aftr iu tea: of tnauy years, should be an a.uran-e, eveu to the uiot skeptual, that It U really rueritori,u. T hove who bavo used Hai l s Hair ltKMttkBgW that It causes new eruwth of hair nn K.l.l U1M 19 L'laiUlTU. i i . L . . '. UB,r i"'vles are not dead, whhh Is seldom the case; reatores natural color to pray or faded hair; pre- 1 .. lu . ... 1 ... 1 idtnl the hair folliiles are not " , i "v-,i' "v-aimiui ana clear of daudruff; prevent the hair falling off or ehangtn,? -olor; keet, k soft, piunt, lu. trous, aad cauae. U to grow lonif and Hall's mm Rexkwkr produces Ita effect, by the healthful InflwncSTf S Tepetable liurredi.-nu. which Invhrorate and rejuvenate It U not a dve. ind I. a delightful article for toilet iie t'on! tainlu no alcohol. It d.M-s not evatw orate quickly and dry up the natural oil leaving the hair harsh and brlttJe as da ther preparations. Buckingham'! Dv roa raa WHISKERS produce a permanent natural color; and! belnjc a slntfle preparation. Is more coa enient of application than any other. ru?isiD IT A. f. HALX, CO, N , K. M. sW4 by all Daalare U Mstl4i, PCak-Merr-a I all.a HIMN. Rraaa. ENNYROYAL PILLS one.-..! Mi i.i.e. TC. rrftbise. uotll k nrm. 1 tn ti r Ktvl U-Ud aetavlle --1 cub riiasM Tsalk- fher. Vrsa sfstaitTw J laaTiJm. "fsHse At I aalMa. mr Tll 41. In Mmi lu riieii.ftr. '-"i-ftiili u4 KelU-f fWt lstl-sB," ts Iritrr t r-m, MaalL IH.IMMI t . w.. 1. a T? M faal LKi ita.... MWtllaS ir 9 The Big E3EST Our now stock of season. lc styles ;s ni open :inl rcaly. Such (jualitics nnd such prices have iH.V(.r j tore heen ollcied to customers. A Thorougly New and First Class Stock mill titiilitr ilin1ilv flllll kllMrn nci. v.I.I V.I llll lllll lip .. ------ - - . . . , , y 'llll Jf- strictly low. Come in at oncj and sc.- th designs and finest styles of the season in (;,, iiijir. Hats. Caps and dents r uriushini: The newest i.leus, the lest-ni:ule ol. the :re:itt vrvv the lowest iimes. Prices within the rearh .f ;,U. r,,i the time t buy. We stuml at the top in stvle an,l drirtv (." irint ii1e lair ilenlini;. One -rire anl that is Ijvmt thautj est. Our welc me word for all is I5ARCJ AINS. 1 FRAILEY BROS THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS, Fofieits Emlfl U, Bit! Strtil, EEEN. EUI.G, FA. never wants ti .tarn, but tha reads that OLiD Honesty CHEWING TOBACCO is the best that is made, and at ON0E tries it, and eaves money and secures more satisfaction ttuin ever before. iVOD imitations. Insist on having the genuine. If your dealer hasivt it aak m to get it for yom. HO rami BROS., lonIrrHk.lj. B. L. KIBD. ATS1UT I 1U1. REED & READE, A.ttt-ii'!s nt Jjiav, I.HINsHl K.l. - - - rK N A. - lOli-e on Centra street. . S KITTELL & LITTLE, Attorne.VN at 1-i.av, tHUSSBl Kll. fA. im?e In lra Hoaw. l.B.tn ATTCIKNEY-AT-I.AW, tBismiru. t'caa'a-r-Speolal attention to given claims lor f ton KonntT. etc. Ctol- Hwi JF. McKKNKK'K, irruikiY .khi..i ITTUkklY KD(..l'K.LUlI AT UW, t Mt.iNrii ,i. pA ar-t ttflre on Centra street II II. MYERS, AntlK.NKY-AT-I.A fc tlaaasarjaM. a. sT-turiea la ktioaade Kesr. oa atr atrael DONALD E. HUFTON, amiKNEY-ArLAff, -. Kmssicss, fsisn , f ifflw l t tira Hnaaa l '.nwaiMi Do Yen Want Employment At bou.e or travelina -lib itMiirA ' li so. write t . as lor t-artirnlars. givl!. aae and owo latifO. Yuu ran surk all or .art tioie. and tne ork Is 1.1UI1 r AMI r.ASY. AJJrrM. tilt HAA KS M'hSKKY ItlMPANY. Ku.sa.Tu. r. Y. Mar 1-i V- tai. TRESRASS NOTICE. We. the ui..1ri.lr.el rltlien of Klarkllek """"I'. In-rtt.y .1 e no - to me i.oMlr a..t 1.. ires...s , . or oU. Ai one Lm.j trs-usn Uw ' l,r'tJ t Hie lu.l extent 01 the SianM. Pe'er Waaner. Henry l amuhell. J..hn inutr.J.iiKi t KmUdJ and K.4rt lra istari Fire lasarance him rl AV. DICK, General Insurance Asent. KHKXSHftta. fA. JOHN f. STRATTCN CELEBKATED BANJOS, lafalntnl WWUiIM-kti ka ,. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. I.olins. CuiUrs, Ban)es. Mandelines. Accerarens. Harmonicas Ac. all kinds ot Strtna e terete 411. M3. yi5. M7 East Inh St.."erYoS?t rRAZERMLE Best !a the World! GREASE Bet the GenuiBe! Chance AND THE - PLAO TO BUY GOOD GOODS CHEAP! PENNSYLVANIA RAILED Schedule. In eBoci Nj.d, it ...smsT;,,,,.., Mam t,nv Jui .dull Ku rete, Jaliv PtstiAJeiuLla t-pnss. ..... " ! I Pr0r l-.ij.rr--.. uu I my Iicdm cr dkiH I'll ij-lrtjrK r.Brr ,Uit Ki! liu. .laily "... ilk I ... : ; .1 j Tk.l ikKjkc, rum 'rr..n : Y nuj tuuiidte I-ftsiu t "rr-tit b -im r '--tii krtu iiit..ti.iai. k I uui tlie-.ou Kor re'rn Iur H-tinM u-l iiw N .rit r tr .bi i ; Kr tc-.... ... Fuf Ita.olKl'K.. tor Clat4ft.air' auj ItiC It jTlli Fur rn..n r - h mm ft IfcrlH lr.u ml t 4j a. Hi i j, & r lint at CitaU miaua Qa. BLJ ; . jv j resfuu v .v- a a, mua u hi arr r j uu ml . I 4t ui aud 6 j, ai For rst- Baps, etc , cmli ui. un: j u Ti. K. a i-i . r. A. . 1 . jfc f u I fiUet'urm.. r. I. B. HI rt"HIN IN, tieocrml Miiiuii ' SUM I CARTER'S fLE 2 IVER PILE.S. CURE Plrk E2srLe ar.d re!it-sU imsl Cant to a r-iiioua i.K'.T--t tn.sii X.izit.t-M, N.uw. It .:um 1 .1 c.mi-(r. I aio iu tue if. 4 trt a; raiuaraaiaa: surceM lum lu. rnLda) I Hoa.aa.rbe. xt barter "a Lir:, ur Msl quaiH mliiat'lt?itii'-vnit:;i:i. t. c .m;-:' I curea HEAD Af Lather -:lJ laloi at prvxaau-tiaisl liitlfcly tt.eirf: .-liitwn ..I I.. :-.-'j. - StM la SO Uikl T '. Vi t Lt : jt .J lll.tf to MtUXMlt tln-Cl. 1U sft ACHE Is the bane of sn nar.T href ths: v lusse our pneal Lk1- UiJ-11 A.tlAl s d. ZiOt i artr s Little Lltr Fls i- t-" ct- I tfr. Arl.-ake ij . r - l!it 5 strictjy vn-r-ts' lriJ in j ilt". I utl UjoJ .1. k-Uji " - llj-a to .,lv I- riat-"cr .-are. ur u i- " " r!l!J1f CO.. tee Is stamped in me best cases made. It is the v mark oi" the AVu.V Ca ,v Company, oi Yh'U- th oldest, largest ari : known factory in the 1500 employees. capac:-- cases daily. Its prou sol J by all jewelers. I'fr the celebrated rJS.P:" J talc A Cases, now 6::ei the only liow ( rin) whi:- not be pulled oil the case A WATCH CASE CPEkEI e.sT.Vr.AT ADI w t- cop T.icr F. tnf.wtnstKm ai. t f- Df,. "t. Ml V V . 1 '..T - trn i.u in tasn at u'xJ& tit i-utJn- hy a .;"" if rifiitifif tn? Iarrt et-mlt.-B of v -i. at- I auaa .h.mlJ t- ;iti.i 1 jer: l.sls ro.:i. 'J:V Vl IU.nua.Skl Kr-.! -,' JOHf.r!lTf r-a i i SICK MaM . 1 ri'jor 1 a ' mmw 1 1 -rps utsv"" Piccolos and Band SufP t a T . . rnys. lrs tiairiost a H -mM a ma Sola Eienmlieri Scnj for JOHN r ' " $ V -rf? XT 1 rri