The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 10, 1897, Image 3

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    t,K2rmm ii
fjfltaia f reman.
. Kim.l.
iit.l friinii4
I ...... ( ,;iirifc -
stern'." '
" . ... TLiirxUy-
t. r irjrns on the 14th
, U-'E ' f.,ir m th -Jlsl.
, ,,f McKresuurl
1" -.-r Mr. Cvrus Jones, of
. .' iivrr i:.i iHp!e
-::B1 f r ,1 Jol.iilovn on
.- ,,,-Moner I. K. Uil-
. . it,, t.nililinif of the
. . irft
I i ,i - ..i.i Cambria House,
' . i i.. J A Shoeirker.
f this ulaoe.
lS-r ... vv ...I n.-il.v a a
.itfc. I'-'--
I'- .... of Johustowu.
f.i K-vorder II. F.
. ,, . j. e. viMlor to r.ueus-
li, it-v . of tll'ti" town-
. . ....4 . V
n.i'ar.-idt..ii.iTrase i:s illdel.l-
'.".rH.rI...- ii-- iu l,y a v" f
"tref KJward CJrif-
f i.roiv i'ri'-e. i" t.'auiiirii
. ,u MuiiJav nielli.
' tl,e 'm!c Uiivk yt-ar old sou of
M hum., of i:.-tiuiiigtoii, was
',".". fr bV havii.Koue
X:ruu mrr t.V a aiou.
4, . a Miaul'"". P'U'ular
jitr.-baul i.l CaiTollluwu, who
cii ,i, iu Nf Voik the past
i :u ti- fall toi-k. ha a urw ad.
..eilt Mr. Mi Kinley, acium
v:. -ciieiain- and Mrs. Mi-
l J rlil U' .nIIielTel, l'a., )U
' . Lrrc il.y ,,e ltic usls of
J.t.ii.rV. l!if invrideiil's. brother.
MiiiiiuiT li. inr- al tliat plac.
;t.Sc or- unili-i llie new law, will
li. uii tUt-ir lii.-in.ial a-st--uieuts
. VLr 1 I oruit-rly Hie trien
a-eiit i' 111 December.
rr.o.n,t h! lliela.vat.le valtia
: ,trL fur the cai !-.. law auJ
..iiiJry in Ailouiia was burned at
L i t.jur ub al ti ! J a uii.ruiiiK. 1 be
j .L.Lrf destroyed. Mr. tHlo
UuriitrJ iu it-s.-uiiiK bis horse.
I ii.-ini'ii. '1'bt- lire is
-ii :w Ur slal 1.-J iinui lliefuiuaoe
l(r Jia-5 Muiileilb, enine-r of the
i . A jr t oiiiai.)' while assisting at
al I'atloii on 'i'hurs-
: i-t rri at I'alliili. was slruik by
! .!. uiu Li U-fl ankle, caiisiu
I.'j. Inn-, lit- was laii-li to
: V.uii Lusnitai the same day.
i-, in.a slio.jl tu.ik plai'e at t'res-
.t: Jj) piiUi ipaieJ in by a lariCc
i rf : f .ilsL.ur i'urt-liieii. The
. (.ie. a i:j .-up vaiu.-J at t'.'.Vi.
I ut ' ( 4 a. ii. iiaiiir'i Mi I'hcrsoii.
.-rr -irril uttiT prizes. The cou-
L. j r Lear i lie M urn lai ii House.
ii.i-.rr tn-Ut-ral tiary ha issued'iiij tliat the attention of
M.'' has been called to ili
?.! rut: ul i aii and lock Uixrs lo
I"! Tlie urdrf a s such IxlXes shall
't:ri i'.ti.illl the written -ou-
l.'jrfireuls ur tfuardiaus of such
hm.ih I'ruin. widow of Oliver
L-ui-il 111 Alidel v I He prisou.
'.: Lcr Luiue In .iiunuerhill
t- ui-ar W- iii.ire. on Saturday
N-,aijer ".. '..7. aed t'C, years.
M . sun.v.-d by tliree sons,
rsi.e, J'a , and Newlou and
i Iixjfia. l'a. v-uii.if while Miss Clara
" i.ia iu. f. air county, accoin-
! W taiher .-re returuiiiif home
'' -fwud a'. M vMinlaiiidale this
::r tursr- tin o3, tt.ruw ini; both
J " b Killr roFilr.l iiiinris wlin Ii
Jealh tLe next morning. She
- rra..t-y llrutliers, clottliuif
tli refi-Mt'v ulietieil nil
i 'i-r- iu tLe Kuhvris loom, on
ipu-!!e tl e t rntral Hotel,
'-"ii ill tills , ue of the FliKE-
I iLc Me.,... Kra.iey are hlifhly
r-" lies- Uieli ,i rvinm fr..m
' '- . ail.e ai.,1 I I .. I..
- .ii, j iu. , tc trojitr
'It. l,i I,, alJJ jUsp,.ct
pr.ce. Tliey will do the
" M J.-.1 wev daughter of
Sawui.u. .1 ...ii
-vv..rj. in ivocnuie,
-.rJ tl iLe Imme if ber uncle.
-.i. .ii t.a. inin township.
-uii.(. September S. lsur, from
-J'.. ird Is yt.4r,. Hrr reIlliijU;l
' U1 Gael's cemetery, at
. , . . .n u
"i-Nl lm l-u , elehrl.l f..r
4k 1 tt.rct. i, lili.. .1.:....
. , 1? u'r" l" ibe Alioona hosi-
i u in a helnless
c i cuipiv. ou lU(J new
! jf. ....
a , ' and aliout 1
'i-Jty l,e a, struck by a
I,.. f i . aunt .1 .
"irt L'il'1'" a "J several ribs
,5l""Iit A - -- ----
hs.ul. 8 tyJ" Mr-NV"-
,S!4D it, ,. "asiuuK-
. . m.iiuy. at the advauced
f-r ,"'s- :s,'e w
-- ..e,lW Myers, who
i.wms the old
-!., 4 ..... .
niiif west of Lilly.
'MV.Ved t.v . .. .
cuii.iren 'nu
, ., ' ' ' ''. A sou was
fr.'iii .I. , i .
Ie nesapraKe a:iu
. 'I'll! i lv .1 .
' inii ur many
Vr! tl..l .1 ,. . . 1
f-v.,t, - - eieis are prear-
. "p'vierthe report-
' HiM.i ,, co.JDlry
, pieear., 4 livelihood as a
- .-:. i . ...
." " ', U.edredim.u and
'as,,i, lasts until
-' TLe
f. I .
, 'I'-t'i., Trunin sa.s-
"fir aiil secretary
'"'"'-Mr. I'auiel
r-V;.'11 ,';""t"u this inorn
1 '"' former is the
'J,J-1I. u .
''Vi. " "ers(. Walters
fi !t'- latter is with
-. : ..f the lai iJr. vv. W.
. lie ,ip. ...
r a rl- ft rei will
' Vi-Ur HaVis . I'.rnA
"r1""' Ly l"K members of
!(... . 1V oliS of elerali4
Wi lt" incuiu-ra of Emory
Farly one morning rei ently as William
HeflVltinsty, of Hlairsville. was walking
aloni? the Indiana branch on his way to
the Maher coal pits, he found a tie on the
trat ks and a few feet further found a
eoupliiiR link that had been carefully
placed on the rail. There is no doubt but
that the obstruction was placed for the
purpose of wrecking the train.
Mrs. Karbara Crum. wife of Hiram
Crnui, died at her home near Wilmore, on
Wednesday. Auzust 2.. lS'.C. of droosy,
aed fifty-nine years eight months and
twenty-two days. She leaves, beside her
husband, sis children. Johu, of lireens
burg; Sherman, or near Wilmore; Leyiua.
wife of Elmer Hrown. of i.,ri,.
Alice. Henry and Sophia, at home.
The Mountaio Coal company, of Duo
lo. this county, is preparing to open a new
mine at that place which will furnish em.
ploymeut to a large numb -r of hands ai.d
cause a little boom iu the business of the
town. The tVuusy Ivania Railroad com
pany is outting in a siding extending from
the Henrietta Coal company's mine, which
will before long be ready to shiw coal.
Miss Maria Crawley, a sister of Mrs.
Judge Johnston, of this place, died at her
home near Irwin, Westmoreland county,
on Saturday, September 4th. 1..7, aged .5
years. The deceased was a daughter of
the late Divid Hrawley, and was born iu
Cambria township, two miles west of
Kbensburic. w here her father resided for
many years. Alexander Hrawiey, of Karr
tow nship, is a brother of the deceased.
Sometime before daybreak Saturday
UluriiiiiK a thief pried open a back- wi.,.i..w
of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ake.
an aged coupie liviug iu Altoona. and
secured Mr. in gold, that was locked in a
drawer iu a spare room upstairs. The
theft was not discovered uutil uoou Sat
urday, when Mr. Ake had occasiou logo
lo Ihe hiding place of his treasure. He
found tlO that the burglars had left him.
Ou Tuesday of last week while Chas.
Kairau was helping wall a well on the
properly of Captain V. M. Flanagan, at
Coalporl. he received an ugly cut on the
sii!e of his face by beiug struck with the
crank handle of the windlass. He was
letting a load of stoue into the well when
the handle slipped out of his bauds, and
in tryiug to regain his hold, was struck by
it. It required seven stitches to sew up
the cut.
Shortly after 4 o'clock Saturday morn
ing ihe night watchmau at the Altoona
Iron comuany's rolling mill, discovered
the Altoona irou foundry, just west of the
iron company and located iu a building
formerly used as an ice house, in Haines.
He telephoned to to the ci ty for aid and
one company startJ for the scene,
but the lire gained such rapid headway
that the foundry was doomed and the tire
mau turned back.
Mitchell Veach, a farmer who resides
near West Middlesex, Lawrence county,
had a bull at the fair at New Castle, 'a.,
las- week. Ou Saturday afternoou he was
leading the bull, w hen the animal became
enraged and gored Mr. Veach in the right
side. The victim was tossed over the
bull's head and was afterward draeifed
along the road for two or three hundred
feet. Oilier people w ho were iu the party
drove ihe bull away, physicians aud an
ambulance were sent for aud Mr. Vea-.-h
was taken to his home. He cannot live
through the night, as one of the horns
went almost through his body. He is u.
of axe.
On Monday morning between two and
three o'clock, Johu A. lieuder, of Carroll
tow nship, discovered his barn to be on tile
aud so rapid was the progress of the
flames that it was soon a mass of smoul
dering ruins. Everything iu the baru was
burned, including all of this year's crops
of hay and grain, harness, farming imple
ments, etc. There had been no lire about
the baru aud there, had been noue of the
faaiily iu the barn afier dark.
The Pennsylvania Railroad company
has issued an order directing railroad
policemen to break up the pracliceof steal
ing rides ou trains. The order is not aim
ed at tramps oarlicularly, but at uieu and
boys living along the line of the road, who
who presume on their respectability and
acquaintance w ith iraiunieu for exemption
'roiu the general rule against railroad
trespassing. Arrest aud imprisonment
will follow every violation of this order.
It is issued because of the frequency ul ac
cidents to train jumpers.
While Constable Iiolierl Royle, of Uol
ivar, was out picking elderberries in the
ridge a few days ago. his small pet dog
came running up to him whining piteous
Ia. Mr. Hoy le at ouce discovered thai the
animal had been bit lei: on the shoulder by
a poisonous reptile. Having mi aulidole
for poisjn aud being a long distance from
auy house, the poor canine succumbed
within a short time aud died. Its body
was terribly swollen aud turned a dark
livid color. The snake is supposed to have
beeu of the copperhead species.
Fatal Burulpg Arrldrnl.
A frightful burning accident occurred
Sunday uiglit near Oak IJrave, iu I'iue
Creek township, Cliulou county, which
resulted in the death of Mrs. Margaret
Yearick. a widow lady, aited 7li years, who
wa the housekeeper for W. J. Ilenrv.
Mr. Henry is employed on the farm of
lieorge Tboinpsou, near Clinton, and Mrs.
Yearick was the only occupant ot the
house in which the accideM occurred.
About 9 o'clock she was ascending the
stairs w ith the intention of retiring for the
night. She carried a coal oil lamp in her
hand, and before she Lad reached the top
of the stairway the lamp exploded aud
threw the oil all over her clothing. Her
clothing was all in a blaze iu a moment,
and being alone in the house she was help
less. Mr. Sohleisiuger, a neighbor, who
lived about oue-eigbtb of a mile awayt
hnard the old ladv screamlug and lau lo
the Henry house, where he fouud Mrs
Yearick enveloped in names. lie lore uer
burning clothes oil as quickly as possible
aud summoned other ueighbors, who did
what thev could for the sufferer uum a
physician arrived.
Mrs. Yearick was frightfully burned.
almost all or her body being burned to a
crisp. She lived until about 5 o'clock
Mouday morning, wheu death came to her
relief aud ended her sutTeriug.
Mtrriu ..
The following marriage licenses were is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court
for the week endiug Thursday. Septem
ber 9. 1SU7:
Tromas II. Kelly. Tnnnelhill. and Grace
Logue, lialliuiu borough.
... .... I k .. I P..
N her in an liarueii,
county. Pa., aod Magkfie Kuhns, Johns-
David A. Helsel. Hopewell. Bedford
couutv. la., aud Laura Orives, South
I'barles A. Long. Crovle township, and
Alice E. Mullen, 1'ortage.
Frederick Frick aud Carrie Owens.
Frederick F. Griffith. Stonvcreek town
ship, and Carrie E. LefT. East Couemaugh.
Moodey S. Paul aud Jennie M. Shaffer.
Beiiiimin Thomas. Elder towuship. and
Jt. 1'l.u.i i.ivnsliitl.
Agnes h tin". -----
Jonathau Gardner and Estella lierkey.
Charles E. Troxeli and Susie h. Glas
gow, . Ii-"
A H. Widman, Pittsburg, and Julia
Edwards, Johnstowu.
J A Irviu. Uawk Kun, Clearfield coun
J A. irviu. u ,..., 1 loll.
lv, l a., tun o -
William KerkebilK aud Cora A. Masters,
Joliustowo. ...
Thomas Ditoo aud Ada Fonst. Jobos-
Albert Stephens, au eighteen-year-old
youth of South Fork, had his head cut
off by being run over by a freight train on
the Pennsylvania railroad at 2:30 o'clock
on Saturday aftern wn. Young Stephens,
with some companions, had jumped the
freight train at .South Fork, and when
they reached Summerhill he tried lo
alight. In jumping otf he tripped and fell,
and the wheels passed over his neck, com
pletely severiug his head from the body.
The young man's father is a butcher and
is employed by C. A. Dimoud at South
Fork. His mother died about four mouths
ago and it is said he was the only liviug
child of the family.
On Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock
an accident w hich terminated fatally oc
curred a short distance from Wilmore. In
company with several companions. Gil
more McCloskey, aged about 19 years, and
w hose home was in Lilly, endeavored tw
vet on a freight train iu charge of Con
ductor Hrantliuger. The train was going
at a good rale of speed aud McCioskey
failed in his attempt. He was thrown un
der the wheel with the result that one
ami was torn from the socket, and the
other was terribly mangled. He was also
injured about the head. He was taken to
his home on Mail Express, but died at 7
o'clock in the evening.
Harry Clabaugb, who was a clerk in
the Second National bank, of Altoona.
when it was ooted by Cashier Gardner,
three years ago, and who was arrested it
Ihe time for having changed figures in his
books at the cashier's dictation, commit
ted suicide at uoou on Monday by shoot
ing himself. Clabaugh had been partially
demented since his unfortunate couuectioii
with the bank scandal. Of late he has
been employed as a clerk iu the Pennsyl
vania railroad storehouse at the Juniata
shops. This is the second suicide as a re
sult of the failure of this bauk. Hank Ex
aminer Miller having shot himself while
trying to uulaugle the defaulting c isbier's
Charles Mucbell is dyiug at the home
of his father, in Indiana, from the effect
of a pistol shot in the head, aud Martin
Fleuuuing, au uucle or Sluchell's w ife, is
in ja. I lo answer for the shooting. Flem
ing had trouble Willi John Dodsou. w hose
wife is also a niece of his, aud Sunday
evening Fleming was at home wheu
Sluchell, Dodsou aud John Horner passed
the house. Fleming hurried outside and
a hatchet was thrown back aud forth.
Fleming rau into the house, returned with
a revolver, fired, aud Stutchell fell. Flem
ing Iheu ran to the fallen man, picked him
up and carried him into the house, putting
a pillow under his head. Ho got his pipe,
lighted it aud proceeded to enjoy a smoke.
Thursday afternoon the large barn on
the farm of Kenjamin Lo man, about four
miles southeast or Indiana, was totally de
stroyed by lire. The lire, it is supposed,
was caused by sparks Hying from the en
gine operating the threshing machine Ihey
were running in the baru. Mr. Lovvmau
lost :tA) bushels of newly threshed wheal,
"-MM bushels of old wheat, "0 tons of good
hay aud all or this year's crops. The
the threshing machine, the property or
Hales George, of Centre tow nship, was also
burned. Harvey George, of Homer City,
was burned pretty badly while assisting iu
Ihe attempt lo put out the flames. Mr.
Low man's loss is estimated at l.."Am, ou
which there is au insurance of f Too. Mr.
George's loss is about trMXi, on winch there
was no insurance.
Krai eiai Iran.lrrn
John Kartell, by the sheriff, to James
Noon, Munster; consideration, $:kt.
Administrator of Elleu E. Saxton lo Wil
liam 11. Miller et al.. East Couemaugh,
James Noon to W. W. Amsbry, Munster,
Inler-State Building .t Loan associa
tion to Susau Kuutz, Stonycreek, t'lf.
F. H. Audersou et ux. to John Edgin,
J. E. Shields et ux. to Luke T. Sanker,
Allegheny, (yi:.
John Ashcrofl et ux. el al. to David M.
Uu off tier, Cresson, f'.1.
Thomas W. Suiay -t ux. to Bird Mangus
Croyle, 1479.
Marko Puhek et ux. to Daniel Leu.lel,
et ux. Juhnstow n, !.." I.
Daniel Leiidel et ux. to Marko Puhek.
Johustow u, tl.l.'iO.
Charles Jones to Pennsylvania Railroad
company. Portage boronah. $-.'."o.
Ami M Knit .to John N'eirauer et ux..
Johnstown. $..(.
Treasurer of Cambria county to George
liraut et al.. Washington. $lo.
Administrator of Samuel J. Horner, to
William Maser.. Dale. $1J.
Administrator of John L Auiigh to
Rache! E. Amigh. East Conemaiigh. iei
Heirs of Jacob Horner to heirs of Peler
J. Gerhardl. Johnstown. f'.'.'iO.
John II. Otierberger el ux. to Emma
Gerhart, Carroll, V).
Chest Creek Land .t Improvement Com
pany to John Otto, Patton. t'MO.
Philip J. Sanders et ux. lo W. W. Ams
bry, Munster, $307.
John 11. Clark et al. to Thomas Clark.
M u lister, tl.
Amanda Davis et vir et al. to Thomas
Clark, Munster, tl.
Henry lilough el ux. to Albert L. Miller,
Ferudale, .'.-.
Cambria Iron company to George II.
Masters, Coopersdale, l.lmt.
Lizzie A. Hammer to Calvin M. Ankeny.
Roxbury, f .tio.
Johu Fisher et ux. to Cambria Iron Com
pany. Upper Yoder. f43.
George J. Schwaderer et ux. to William
Schwaderer, Cresson, t-'tw.
Ilrownnl In m Vault.
George Franklin Fisher, a young son of
Jerry Fisher, of Coopersdale, this cuuutv.
was drowned on Tuesday in ihe privy
vault in the rear of the parents' home.
The little fellow was nearly two years of
age. His mother left him outon the porch
and went into the house lo attend to som
duties. Upon coming out of the house ai d
being unable to find the child about the
house, Mrs. yisher called upon some of her
neighbors, but they reported that he had
not been seen. Finally, afler the boy had
been missing aliout thirty minutes, she
called her husband, who was iu bed. Mr
Fisher. Ihiukimc his son might have falleu
into the vault, fastened a hook to a strong
pole and began to explore it. He had
made but one sweep or the pole through
the vaulr, when the hook caught iu the
child's clothing and he was lifted out.
The vault is tilled to a depth of about
three reel.
A 1 1 no m a ttltln Uamt.
Jacob Hyle, of Altoona. was arrested
Saiurdav and bound over iu the sum of
f -J, io on ihe charge ol consyiracy to de
fraud wholesale dealers. Hyle has been
working with Lin wood Browu, who was
arrested Tor the same offense early in the
week, and although now charged with be
iug t he organizer of the scheme, he in
formed on Brown and telegraphed tie
United Stales ofiiceis for authority to ar
rest him.
Hyle was counting on turning State's
evidence and saving himself, when Brown
forestalled him by making a confession.
The pail had secured several hundred
dollar's worth of goods or various kinds
rrom wholesalers by rlse representations
and had disposed of them. They worked
under the tirm name of "Robert Ulsh,
dealers in butchers' supplies."
The Portage Iron company, at Dud-
cansville, B!air county, will put a uew
eighl-iccb hoop mill in ooeraiioa about
November 1st. It will give employment
to tifty men, beside the usual helpers and
Conn Proertilaa.
Court met on Monday at lo o'clock with
Judge Barker on the bench. After calling
the roll of graud and traverse jurors and
hearing a number of motions and petitions,
the following cases were disposed of.
Commonwealth vs. Marcus Wohl. surety
of the Deace. Court directed the costs to
be divided between the prosecutor and the
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Doooueb,
surely of the peace. Defeudaut ordered to
pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. William F. Wertz,
Commonwealth vs. John McfCenna, Ed
ward Gaiiancy and James . C. Bradiev.
Settled, the defendants to pay the cos'.s.
Commonwealth vs. Frank Su brow ski,
ioZ ini entered.
Commonwealth vs. James Rhodes. Geo.
Bomgardner aud J. J. Rainoud, electiou
oflictrs of Dale borough, refusing to give a
certificate of electiou to William Slick.
Jury tind defendants not guilty aod the
prosit-utor, William Slick, to pay the
Commonwealth vs. William Anderson,
fornication aud bastardy. Defendant
plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a
line of tlO; J JO lying in expenses; the costs tl a week lor seven years.
Commonwealth vs. Frank Monthe. forni
cation and bastardy. Defeudaut plead
guilty and received the usual sen ten 'e.
Commonwealth vs. William Potter, yio
lation of the liquor laws, three charges.
Graud jut y ignored the bill.
Commonwealth vs. Webb Potter, illegal
liquor selling. Defendant plead guilty.
Sentenced to pay a liua of (50, costs, aud CO
days in jail.
Commonwealth vs. Richarn Lewis, lar
ceny. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced
to pay a line of t."0. costs aud fix mouths
iu jail.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas . Williams,
larceny. Defendant plead guilty aud was
sentenced lo the M organza reform school.
Commonwealth vs. Johnston Fitch, io
cestious fornication; iucestious adultry.
J nry find defendant guilty. Sentenced to
-ay a line of t'Joo, costs and two years iu
the Western penitentiary.
Commonwealth vs. James Rowland, as
sault and battery. Jury find defeudaut
not guilty and divided the costs between
the defendant aud the prosecutor, James;
Commonwealth vs. James Goldberg,
forcible entry and detainer. Jury iiud
defendant nut guilty and the prosecutor,
James Roland, to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. James Goldberg, per
jury. Grand jury ignored the bill and the
prosecutor, James Roland, lo pay the
Commonwealth vs. Jesse Whitmore, lar
ceny and receiying sloleu goods. Defend
ant plead guilty aud was sentenced to pay
a tine of $.o, costs and six months iu jail.
Commonwealth vs. Fred Denison, point
ing tirearins and carrying concealed deadly
weapons. J urv iiud defeudant uot guilty
of the lirst offence, dividing the costs be
tween the defeudaut and the prosecutor,
Samuel Crissy, aud guilty ou the second
Commonwealth vs. James Fiudley, as
sault aud battery. Jury tind defeudaut
guilty. Sentenced to pay a tine ofllo,
costs and lio days in jail.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph, Austin and
William Rutter, assault aud battery. Set
tled ou oayruent of costs by the defend
ants. Commonwealth vs. Adam Nilch. assault
and battery. Settled ou payment of costs
by defendant.
Commonwealth vs Matilda Lindenburg.
assault and battery. Settled ou payment
of costs by defendant.
Common wealth v. Lawrence Voik, as
sault and battery. Settled uu payment or
costs by defendant.
Common t eallh vs. P. F. Jones, seduc
tion, fornix et cel. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Domdern, as
sault aud battery. Grand jury ignored the
Commonwealth vs. Ilenrv Hoos. larceny
and receiving stolen goods. Defendant
plead guilty. Sentenced to pav a tine of
f'jo, costs aud six months in jail.
Commonwealth vs. John Spangle, forni
cation and bastardy. Defeudaut plead
guilty and received Ihe usual sentence.
Common wealth vs. lobn Rullege, as
sault ani battery. Setlled ou payment of
costs by the defendant.
Coiniii jri we t!th vs. Charles Siani, false
pretense and fraudulent iusolvt ucy. Con
tinued. Commonwealth vs. Albert Little, larceny
and receivi-uz stolen goods. Settled by de
fendant paying the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Johu W. Porter, lar
ceny and receiving sloleu goods. Grand
jury ignored the bill.
Commonwealth vs. Janiis Cruse, assault
and battery. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. James Slump, as
sail It and battery. Jury Iiud defendant
not guilty but that he pay one-half of the
costs and Lucy Nagle, the prosecutrix,
ihe oilier hall.
HherlfT'a hale.
On Monday the properties advertised at
sheriff's sale were disposed or as follows:
The interest ol Andrew Long iu a farm
of one hundred and forty-four acres of
land in Susquehauna township, taken in
execution al suit or Porter Kiuports, was
knocked dowu to M. D. Killed, Esq., for
For S'tO the plaintiff -theGallilzin Build -ing
fc Loan association purchased the
interest of Thorn js Muuroe iu a lot aud
buildings at Galliizin.
The German National Building fc L tan
association, plaintiff, paid f J.") for Samuel
Ivirkpalrick's interest iu a lot iu Pallou
A house and lot in the borough of Gal
liiz ii, sold at the property or Augustine
Sutlou, was purchased by the Galiitziu
Building Jc Ljau association, plaintiff, for
Is I.
W. J. Jones' interest in a housi and lot
in Portage borough, taken in execution at
suit of the Galliizin Building Jfc Loan as
sociation, was purchase:! ti Joseph Knep
per for JS.U).
The sale ot the interest or Jchn Bergen
hollz in a house and lot in Elder towuship.
taken in execution al suit of Fred W.
Hauk. was adjourned until Friday at the
court house.
The Equitable Building & Loan asso
ciation, plaintiff, purchased the interest of
Benno Such in a lot iu Carrolllown for .'5.
The sale of the interest of William
Towusend aud S. R. Kirkpatrick. tt-rre
lenuaut. iu a house aud lot in Hastings,
taken iu execution at the suit ol the Equi-.
lable Building &. Loan association, was
stayed by thecouit.
Foi 2j dollars the Equitable Building 3l
Luau association, plaintiff, purchased the
interest of Matthias aud Eliza Jaue Sbort
encarrier in a lot in Susquehanna town
ship. The same association paid f."0 for the in
terest or Orville Keough iu a house and
lot in Hastings, taken iu execution al its
own suit.
The Equitable also paid f .'j for the in
terest of Andrew Logerbaum Iu a bouse
and lot in Elder tow uship, taken at suit of
its own execution.
Hlnrcllaiiraaa Valirn.
About -M copies of Smull's Legislative
Hand Book have beeu sent to Superin
tendent Gibson for distribution in the pub
lic schools of Cambria county, incompli
ance with au act of the legislature. All
schools except primary schools aie entitled
to a copy or this book, aud will be supplied
w ith such duriug the auoual visit or the
Superintendent of tne schools. - '
lirUY pay retail j.rice. ! 1.1.1 li m taka
11 your order tor r ir?i t i- tem ma
coiu. warranted t tr i.r l i oi)
rfHR Eunfburg Bui Id I n a. Uun Am tattoo
I will otfel lor ala at tte Khey Huildl Kl
n(borK. on the lounh Moo1a la Al'iilsr,
I'juiuwi. THUS. 1A VIS.
L.BMTBB LiKixu, Secre'-arr. President
fl'WO oowa atrayed away from the Hoer farm
1 Id Cambria i wnnhip. about ten rayiauo
Tocy are D.ef-l lo have raivea hy th" time.
Any peraon lnu h-Ir whereabout will eon
ler a laor sur .rn ling url t
Aug. 13 Kteouunc,
Everybody, aid e.-e; the orster-lnrlnK
people ol Unrturie. are Invited to call at Ki.l.t.
McHrreo'a Hid knlablc Kualanraot. wl en they
want Kond. Ireab Oyaiera, by Ue pint, quart or
gallon Or you can bave them sttweii or Fried,
all at the lowest price. Kreata Oyiters every day.
Time to Get Samples.
Fall is approaching. Thin
dresses must give way to heavier
fabrics lefore long. It is time to
send for sam pies or the N E"V FA L L
DRESS GOODS. Send Tor as
many a you like, aud as often as
you like. Just remember two
things wheu you write for
samples. One is to give the
best description you can or the
quality, kind, i altern aud price
limit or the goods you desire; the
Other is to MKNTION THK TATKK 111
which you saw them advertised.
Our Fall Assortment is In. We
have the new goods rrom 45c. a
vard to as high as you wish logo
Bui better assortments, belter
goods aud low ei pi ices thau ever.
It is the aim of this store to give
you belter goods for the same
money, or the same goods 'for
less money, thau any other store.
Try us aud see if we do uol do
We meuliou only one bargain this
week, for the assortment is so
tremendous that it is impossible
to give any idea of the varieties.
A line or line new Fall Suitings.
Cashmeres. Cheviots. Bradford
Suiting. Fancy English Varus
and Plain Serges. All uew uoods
aud new patterns. We are making
a special drive on a special lot,
selling them at less than they
cosl al wholesale 4."r. A VAiu.
Plenty of other offers like this.
The above will probably be gone
in a week. Be promul if you
wish any.
No. 5,084.
Til K
First National Bank
.4 I. Ii .V Et J.S, ITmi.lrMt.
M. It. K ITT El. I, f. l-rrnt.
A. H. HI I E. iathicr.
It. SC.t Ml. A fi, Aw. VAMnltirr.
lllKtl KIHO :
I In liaaa. H It Klllrll.
F II Harkrr. r. w la l.
Hrbalrr orintlli K J aiuri.
A. V). Hark.
A general banking business transacted iu
all its brandies.
Accounts of merchants, farmers and oth
ers solicited.
We the nnuVralKnr.1 citizen el Allegheny
and 'iearnll township here'iv arive nutlre t
the publte n.t to lre.iti in ur laiida Any one
l.iubd iicm. a.rli,K will be preveouted to the lul.
extent ol ihe law.
(-Ufoed) John Sutton. 11. S Steut. T.
M I er. Jatuea T. Sutton Ja J. U tlwr II II
Conrad. K.lwar.1 Ivoty. Ieib A. Krie. Mr. H
Will. John M'lkBroiiif . Iiwe h Sutton. Aukui-i
Shiitlner. 1'he.Mlore sttortn. Alex Ivory
leak. Jacob Khtliu A i 5 ray . 4ico. M M Krai it H-nry .1. I'vnrad. W il
1 1 am Mortn. tteo. f Kiuk. K.dert Johnston
John K MansDel.1. Krauei II- Ka-al. Jam-s II
Mai may . Jehu Kanua. ilt i. Set more. Kridarl
Touilmaon. Mr. Albert Kho. ti ti Woven.
Jiwepmne liuttmao. Kranto Keicht. Itr. V. II
suuunrrvllle. Simon I. MeMulicn and I nn Mr
iy. Mrs. Corbeling Satlon. May 1. ISH7 I jr
I desire to inform my customers aud
strangers that I will ohrse my stock ol
Harness and everything in the Harnett
line. If you don't waul to buy, come
and take a ieej at my goods. Your
neighbors may waut to buy.
Harness, IJridles Hiding and Work,
l'ads of all kinds. Fly Nets, I -up Dus
ters, Halters, Buggy and Work Harness,
Whij. Curry Oml?, Brushes, llings,
B"Kry Cushions, Harness Oil. etc Now
is the time to buy Harness (.iooda. lk
not miss this) opportunity.
TKBS AT CO.ST. Come lo see me.
High Street, Kneof-hurg.
r M avers,- 55 Hl
and la the result ol
cold" ao l aii lden
climate rhana-e.
Koa Yocf Protcctioh
we iKisacivel; Mae that
thli remedy doe not
contain mercury or any
other Irjnrl.m drua:.
l acknowledged to be .lie tuort .... u u.e
NU!UHTh Told In Head and 11 ly K.vero'
II reined lea. Ir opens and e tmiri the nal
laaea. allaya pain and InHamnistion. heala th
Mires, peotectn the membrane imo cld a. restore
the ae ol taate and amell. r-rlce rate Itruir
gluts ur oj mail Kl.Y HKu I'll Kits
M Warren Street. New York.
Jane 4 VT. ly.
In the matter ot the estate f Ieri Kurkett.
la'e ol A-bil e boro in. roeae
It I fcdnlntstratlou ,u aaid enta'e harlnv
been sranted to the undersla-ued, all perr.ina In
deliteo to said eriale are rr.ioea'e to make I ui
mediate payment an I Hose harina- claim
attain t the same will preaeoi lus properly piu-b-tted
lor settlement.
K. A Swimiiu. Adtum airatoe.
Attorney lur etato. Asbwllle. l'a.
Ashvilie. fa., Sept. lu.H T.AU
letters tetmentar on the uliti ol Itemet
rlus A Metl.n an. late ol Ailnch-ny townablp
-rabria eo iuty I'enna . deceaaed. ha dm
n axra'tia to the onderma-ued, notice I
bsr- by wlven lo all persona owing sild eatle to
llt,ae make lmmdiate payment and t'.uee ba
ina: claluia cr Ucmai d imu at said eatate will
present theni, propeny autbe t .-ated, lor salt e
uiencuL FKANK U. I.IITI.K.
.o.riN t .M.allU UH.
Executors n U meirlus A MIjukU, deceased,
luret'o. l'a.. Sopt to. 18WT ot.
OITcrs in variety of stock, quality and prices, the greatest indueemenls for Casa or strieily fancy
I roduce to be found w.thm 30 miles. J ia-ul-j
Wc Buy All Heavy Goods in Car-Lcte.
We have a larSe outlet for Fine Color, Worked Solid
Fruh Clean Ks, Choice Clean Vegetables, etc., etc.
We will not buy uiu-Ienn egss. or Rutter that is soft
and white no matter how clean or frc,h, as we cannot sell
them, and we bel.eve a fair understanding is only just to
he persons who take care and ex,.ene to ,.roiluce the
best results. A poor horse does not brin- the price of n
good one, even .f he sells at all. Why .should produce?
Occasionally markets will be overcrowded, even with
good goods or produce. We handle
Whenever Possible.
This spice will kfep you in touch with our store by quoting ,,ri).es :in., ,i(.ribinf. . , WE
m s Trnrm ipt Tin WTPTm nrm cmAnn ... 1 viium ' o. 13. VT Xa
wAx iuuit viaauuttDiuiUa ecan Wve you money on heavy goods aud givey
verv low tirices all through this frreat store. c J
y i o o
Mooflisig and Spoufing.
Tread Powers, Threshers and Separators, Iron and Wood Pumps,
Fence Wire, Etc., Etc.,
Don't you know that you ran liavp tlioe
iteravrd anJ olli-n-iv- trelli r-slirel to a
tiealihy c i.udi t ion at a
Very Moderate Cost ?
Iioii't oii know that I can do your den
tal work a ur.-al deal -h-jper llian you can
yi-t il Uoiii (!! hT-?
Iioii't you know that it i a vtry ilanecr
oiik 1 1 1 i 1 1 if lo take Chloioforui. Kllit-r or
l.aiiKliiiii; lias?
If yon iioii't know, coiiif in niv ortir ntui
I will di iiiontrate to toil lh truth ot lh
atMive. Odontunder !
Tlii N llifonly s-af? anat h-lii- known
to-day lo the dental rofi"iiou. 1 have
the ei-nive ritthl of Klwiilmri. Teeth
e.xtrai-ietl tmsiiively without pain.
Teeth tilled w itli Cll. tl and up.
T.-elh tilled with alloy. rents and Tt
Teeth filled w ith Silver. 2." l ents and
Teeth cleaned. 2." rents and .Vicenls.
Tee lh ex I raeleit. i-ent.
liULlHKOff.VSAS l.tiV ASf.Vm.
Gold Fillies, Crown ni
Bridge Wo rka Specialty
is about over, hut we still have juite a lot
on hand that we want to dispose ol' before
putting in fail i:oods. There are nianv
things in what are considered Summer
Goods that are suitable lor fall wear just
the kind you will need for this time of the
We want you to 1 .k over our stork of ClMhinir. If there
is anything you need in the line we may be able to save you
some money, as our stock is lull and we imi-t in ike room
for fall and winter rooU which will soon be in.
In Shirts. Overalls. Hat, lii.iv.s. arvl in fi erv thins: in that line
you need, we etrrv a Utz sv. -k ,.f You will n.-e,! Fruit J trs. Tin Cans,
Jelly Olasses, Tuml.ler?, etc., for alliui; ui. iru:t We havt- a lart- r-tK'k
of I hem.
This lieine U meen fs.s uis. it w called, it is ln-d .i tn iw jut what
you do WHiit. I.tll we re k.t (.me ii;. h full s-s irtiu.-iit iu all liu., aud
tihall take pleasure in tin.w itig y.u through tin -.h k.
I'eelinir ronlident tliat holh jirii c- and
woik will prove satifa. lory, 1 solicit your
Dr. Richards,, BARKER BRO
for. ni Cctlrc Streets, lhalm. H
Julian St., Ebensburg.
May I. l7.
Of a"l the Ills are due lo Constipation.
rnres-onsti:itioiiandii-k hidu-he. l'lejis
ant to take, dm not r ip'. For srtle hy :i!
voiir driirL-ls, KVaii'ltt-V. Saiiii- free.
Manuf:uluie.l hv THE JOHN H. Mi ld,
CO., Warren, l'a.. 3 12 "7
Glm a pecimlied Brrnd- winninr EdacmtKa.
r citcvimm aH.v ro
P. DUFF Ar SO VS. 244 Finb Avenue,
fl TTSts VUG, PA.
hw enjoyed a convtant patnruire for over
nirtr ran. It In wniirfullj efficMcioafl in mil
iLttw , ravh m
KheMMail-w, l.iMbtc,
4 ftlarrh, 1 mt kiirhr.
N trartmlfxlav. Kitiirb
and othr ailmentd where pain to an attend
ant. Try it. At It-iik mores, or tv nuui on
rvreilt of nan adslrean and Z& eenta.
BaltlMre. Md.. V. a. A.
Fall Announcement!
We are nw prrp trel to show you th 1 ir-rost and het selected
stock of Men's, Hoys' and Children's (Jlo hiu and Overcoats in
Cambria county, w i'h jir cs as low as ever.
We bought our tail rods befote the advance and will give our
customers the benefit of early purchase.
We have by far the lariat assort met of
'Tis a whifF
from the far oflf
wuotls of Spain
that greets us when we seeli
repose upon a bed of clean
and the best of it is the price
is low.
Your dealer will supply them.
wa have ever h il, and at prices aw ay d iwn. A'l our fill and
winter lilothiny; was m lie expressly for us by firt-class t tilors and
and are npial to the fin;-it mrc'int tail.s' uinke We hive h
complete stick of ihces, heavy and fine jjoods. It will more
than pay you to bay ymir I'lothi-i, (Jents Furnishing- and Shoes
from us. A vi.-it to our store will cocviuce you that the best p!a-e
in the JState to bu Clothing is at
C. A. Sharbauch's,
. . ,
Tea Clubs
Wo will Intctw
von. Send na your
aUlrran ou a I'ua al
t ar.l.
Pittsburfr. Pa.
aiaaaaaaalaaaaAAlAjaaa1 aa a a - - -
SfffSfifSS-"1 m WW WW W W W
5 -x?
Z 1
: mm .
aft' " -''.- W, aa Wmt M
r.I 'lie ?"
Aud r-atilat-tiiii in
. iiK-f. nn,- is a
asui'e 4
a Kuod -M.kinir in- 1
k.mhI haUt-r anj a
hmhj im.I
Who ran think
f f mm aiinpa
ttUUK tt patent f
Wanted-An Idea
. 1.1 lhT mar lina- ai weailth.
Wrlle JOHS Wk I lUKkbCKN PaU-Dt ill.-
asra. VW anhinKUKi. i. c.for ihir fl." pno B
,nti It., t it Biutur! laTsa" - waui4.
Aim in an iir, win, a
vi. of m--iii.e ext-rv want of the bottle-k-.-ri
nuKl.raie oi. Tlirv liavt all
Hit-lm--i inipr..v.-ii. iu-. ,i, i ar i!,.i 0f
lt.. Ii nuier'al. ai..1 l.v itf t i work-
no-ii. I ii-v lmf uiaiiy if.a.J
fu.Mul in t.tlu r .i.iv.-i.
W -ii.ii,1 v e aim f..r tli CIVIil'I'I'l I a
w hal -u .r.n-uo more. Judge fVr
Your t'toiiev li.-k if .f t ttL.1
lT Sold liy Ihe followiriK d.'al-r-.
Ekknsui-ko - H. A. Jh-makT. l'a uitoi.i.tow s I". J. llietri.-k. IIstin,4 w
I. I. ISoi.i.-r. M-AMil.l n K. M. lou.l.-r. Iattx A. M. 1toma. Liiiv W
v liriri-. Sil tilKiKK-.. S. (;re vu. I'lksson -l'r-.i m,.u
Store. lft-lciCi J