The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 27, 1897, Image 4

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    S" II I III 1 II I II I
Headed the G. A. R. Parde In
Buffalo Today.
I omiiiaiKler-In-Chief Clarkson nd Staff
Artrcl as Erort - Norabfr tif Itettnlons.
Attxliary Orcanimtlnn Hold Meeting
ami I'aratlea The lluineii Transacted.
Bf ffai.o, Ane. President Mc-
Kinlcv rode at tlie head of the line in
ttio G. A. it. parade as far aa the re
viewing stand, where he took the seat
pr.-viously assifined to him and re
viewed the veterans as they pa-ed by.
The president occupied a c;irriape with
i. neral Hofrers of Buffalo and was
escni-ted ly Commander-in-Chief C'ark
B )ii and his s'atf.
A notable feature of the encampment
was the arrival of r resident MeKiuley,
j.rcnmpanied hy Secretary Alger and
( rt.vprnor Biack of New York. A ban
quet to the president last evening and
the paraue of the naval vetetaus and
ex-prisoners of war were also great
features. During the day there were
in. re, than 3 corps, brigade and regi
mental i.ud company reunions. Last
e. iiiiitr there were a number of cam.
tin- f ( r t ;e men and receptions auc
musical etitert iinments lor the ladies.
I'he first parade in which Grand
Army men took part wua a notable
ev. Ti"r.
The Naval Veterans' association anc
the ex-l'M-oners of War association
teiorh.-r with the survivors of Krit
rour.fy regiments and other organiza
tions, compiled the Grand Army con
tingent of the parade. The naval yet
mns wore tlie uniform of the United
Stares n ival service :md made a splen
did appearance. As they rolled throng!:
the streets in the swingiug gait of men
o "-w:trsmen the crowd cheered them ti
the echo.
The ex-prisoners of war from the
rank ami hie of the G. A. R. wore the
uniforms of their respective posts, and
on each coat was fastened a bad?,
li.'annsr the name of the prison in
whicn the wearer had been confined.
As the nani.-s of the Audersonville,
l.ihbey. Sa.isb .ry. Belle Isle, Florence,
Castle Thunder and other places of his
toric horror were read the cherrs De
came iteafening.
'1 h..' National A-sociation of es
Priseners of War met in annual con
veunon with Commander Charles F.
Sn'ri "t of Pirtshnrsr in the chair. The
:itteii,l;ii!-e was the largest since the
organization of the association.
Tie- report of the adjutant general
showed n:l loeal associations, with a
membership of i,'Xi , and 7u.' individual
members, a total meinbership of 2,-204.
'1 ie-re was a substantial cash balance in
the treasury.
Severa: speakers advocated Jhe tiass
nsre of tl;e ex-prisoners' relief Tiill to be
presented to congress.
These ollicers were elected :
Commander, Charles b Sheriff,
Pittsburg; senior vice commander, J.
Li. Kilgour, Brooklyn ; chaplain. John
S. Fergu-ou, Keokuk, la ; historian,
Jjewis K. Fortescue, Philadelphia;
quartermaster general, S. Al. Bong,
Fast (trance. N. J.
Kxecuiive committee, ex-Mayor Do
ra n. St. l aul ; .lames Atwell.Pittsonrg ;
Isaac O. See ley, Minneapolis, and John
P. Douahoe. Wilmington, Del.
Tiie Boyal Home Workers held a
meeting w:th 1( delegates, represent
ing lo states, pre-ent. The annual re
ports showed th".; the order was mak
ing steady pro. ress.its membership now
exceeding l'i.txxj.
When liear Admiral Sears called the
twelfth annval convention of the Na
tional Association f Naval Veterans to
order al out :suo delegates were in at
tendance. Daniel F. Kelly of Phila
delphia was elected rear admiral for
the ensuing year over Will E. Atkins
by a vote of !4 to 13.
A resolution was adopted urging tha
eeietary of the navv to accept th
plana of Baerer it W'ebb of New York
for a statue of the late Hear Admiral
David B. Por er, to be erected in Phila
delphia or Washington.
The committee on resolutions re
Iorted againar the removal of gold
stripes from the uniforms of the naval
veterans. After a tierce fight the mat
ter was unanimously laid on the table
for a 5 ear.
A resolution approving the project
of the late General William B. Hazen
to establish a sanitarium on Castle
Pinckey island in Charleston harbor
was unanimrusly adopted.
Another lignt arose over the report of
4he committee on the revision of tho
constitution, which proposed to amend
the coiistitut on regarding classes 2 and
:i. which consist of sons, grand sons
and assoc rates of the veterans, so that
these might be expelled from the na
tional association. A leugthy and
somewhat animated discussion ended
in tablinc the report.
The National Association of Army
Nurses met with Mrs. Kmily E. Wood
ley of Philadelphia in the chair, and
after listening to the addresses of the
president and senior vice preident and
tne various reports, ad.ourned in order
to allow the members to take a ride on
the lake.
At the opening session of the Ladies
of the G. A. K. every state except Iowa
and Indiana was represented. Mrs.
Catharine F. ILrst. president, presided.
Colonel Sexton of Chicago has with
draw n as a candidate for commander-in-chief.
There are now three eastern
and one western candidate for the
( -f Cincinnati's success in her race
for the next encampment there appears
to be little doubt, although Denver has
loomed up us an aspirant for that
At Colonel Gobin's head. Barters,
Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Dela
ware are claimed for the Pennsylvania
laan. and his friends say he will be in
the fight to the end.
Among the prominent arrivals were
General Iew Wallace and Former Commander-in-Chief
Thomas G. Lawler.
Two AeH Women Murdered.
Bki.ix, Aug. 2.. Mrs. Augusta
Schultz. a wiuow 71 years old, and her
daughter Clara. 51. worth about :1,(MK),
ooo. have been murdered and robbed
by an unknown shoemaker, who is Sap
posed to be on his way to New York,
win re o .tieers have been notified to be
on the hxikout. Thev lived in a fashion
able residence district.
Ilrown Not Kenmed, but Hanged.
Fayettkvili.e, W. Va., Ang. 25.
T try Brown has been hanged for an
u-wirilt committed on Mrs. Hadford
last Februarv. Two thousand people
witnessed tho execution. Brown's
neik was not broken, and h died
unuds groans ana Troops
were called out to prevent an alleged.
HI tempt at rescue.
tip M
A Brilliant Alr ilvn by Columbia
"Post of Chicago The President's Warm
(irrciine ti amiA The 1 ctor ln
mii Ovatiou by the Crowa.
lit FF'i.o, Am. 25. From the mo
ment that the special tnjjji that bore
the president and his CKinlre to the
city arrived he retired last night
there was one glorious and spontaneous
demonstration. When the Niagara
hotel was reached the president made
a neat little speech to the enthusiastio
Shortly after 5 o'clock Columbia post,
dressed in fatigue coats and white
duck trousers, arrived at the hotel and
acted as escort to the president to the
Elliott builAing. where the post enter
tained the president at a b;in luer.
At the guest taile sat Commander C.
H. MeConiiell of Columbia post, toasj;
master of the occasion ; President 5lc
Kinley, Commander in-Chief T. S.
Clarkson, Archbishop Ireland, General
Rasseli A. Alger, Governor Frank S.
Biack. Chaulaiu-in-Chiet Mark B. Tay
lor, es-Postmaster General Wilson S.
Bissell. Governor Hazen S. Pingree of
Michigan and many others.
When an elaborate menu had been
discussed to the satisfaction of guests
the toastniaster called for Governor
Frank S. Black, who extended a wel
come for Columbia jtost to President
At f : 45 o'clock Senator MVgjr, Hauna,
who had just arrived in the crry. came
into the banquet hall. His entry was
noted by applause at the further end of
the hall and. as the proceedings paused.
President McKinley rose from nis seat
and moved along the hall to me6t him.
There was a snout of applause as the
two men clasped hands and the ppesl
dent's left hand went upon Mr. Hauna'i
shoulder. Both took their seats amid
applause. Mr. Hanua had to hold a
Closely following Mr. Hanna's en
trance it was announced that the presi
dent, desiring to hear Archbishop Ire
land and other speakers, had decided
to make a brief v sit to some of the
camp hies and then return. He left
accompanied by Commauder-iu-Chie
Wbiie Mayor Jeweft was apeakinp
the president returned and for a few
moments pandemonium reigned su
preme, somebody yelling '"wheat $1.04,
silver 40c" a cry that was taken up and
repeated again and again.
When Mr. Jewert had finished bit
address President McKinley was intro
duced, and for fully five minutes ii
seemed as though the roof would havt
to fall or the side wialte bulge with the
roars of applause and greeting. Tht
president made a patriotic speech in
which he referred eloquently to the re
united north and south.
Hundred Wading the Streams I'icklm,
lp the Oelns.
Little Rk k, Aug. 25. New discov
eries of valuable deposits of pearls rri
lakes and rivers in Arkansas have added
greatly to the excitement already exist
ing over similar discoveries, and thou
sands of people are wading through
the water in different parts of the statu
searching for the precious gems. The
latest aud most sensational discoveries
were m.ide in the Arkausas river and
the creeks, lakes and bayous near Lit
tle Rock, whMe pearls have been
picked up ranging in value from $10 to
ifMMi each.
Hundreds of people are working the
Saline, White and other rivers ami
many valuable finds have been re
ported. Additional discoveries were
made on tlie Fourcilie river and hun
dreds of people are swaruung to that
ftreani. A staff representative of The
Arkansas Gaaete, who has spent much
time in investigating the matter, says
there are - streams in the state that
are rich in pearls of large size.
Eears Hate an luui. aud Force I o w n
Chicago, Ang. 5. Tto bwars had
an inning in wheat. The September
option at one time sold 9 cents below
the high point. December beat this
by a cent aud a quacter. The closing
figures show a loss for the day of 54c
in September and 3c in December.
Heavy and long-continued liquidation
was the cause of the break
Nkw Yomk, Aug. HV The disastrous
result of op r:ious by eleventh hour
bulls was demonstrated in the action of
the wheat market. Failing to secure
the necessarv assortment of bull news
these lelated holders punctured the
hull bubMe aud prices fell with a crash
to a point over S cents a bushel below
the top notch for the year, reaching
the lowest figure when December, after
havmig opened at $1.00, sold at SJSc.
Daughter of Liberty.
PiTTSBi'RrJ, Ang. 25, The twenty
.rst annual sesion of the national
council of the Daughters of Liberty is
meeting in the supreme courtroom, in
the courthouse. There are about 2o0
delegates and visitors present. Most of
the delegates are w. men.
II arid Slowljr llrcoveric-
Xew Y'ork, Aug. 25. Tim Hurst,
the baseball umpire, who wiy injured
in the second game between the Brook
lyns and Pittsburg at Eastern park, is
slowly recovering. He is suffering
from a hemorrhage of the braia.
- -
Miner Our at Itultols, I'm.
DrBois, Pa.. Aug. 25. The Lancastet
and London mines, at this place, have
quit work, notwithstanding that they
decided at a meeting held to continue.
The agitators from the Pittsburg region
had been working unceasingly for a
week to get the men out. and have sue
reeded, in the face of the fact that a
majority were opposed to striking.
lleolutlona uloa-ced llryan.
Lock Hates, Pa., Aug. 25. The
Clinton county Democratic convention
here nominated a ticket and delegates
to the state convention. Resolutions
endorsing the Chicago plat orm aud Bryan were adopted.
l'..or Free Sliver.
Tow ax rtA, Pa.. Aug. 25. The dele
pates to the Democratic srate conven
tion have been elected. Af! are in
favor of free silver.
Ill From M tui Ikitea.
Wii.wixc.ton-. Del.. Aug. 25. The 8-months-old
child ot Jolm Cochrane of
o Townsend street was severely bitten
by mosquitoes. Rlood pyisoning set in
and the child Is in a orUioal condition.
Kngiiah Invented WtjOOO.OAO.
London-. Aug. 25. Mr. Edwin Cm
bin of Chicago has closed a de tlfnual
jvamating the United States and Cana
dian lakes fisheries compamesrfom areby
the control of 20 companies paJsfluto
the hands of a British company with
$5,000,000 capital.
Mary Hanrahan. 55 years, committed
snieide by svvnllowing stryehnme and
paris green at Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Atkinson, while
driving on the Bristol pike, near
Holmesburg, narrowly escaped being
killed by a trolley car running into
their carriage.
W. E. Snyder of Chambersbnrg
claims to have been swindled by a
Philadelphia sales ageir whose adver
tisement he answered.
The Grangers' interstate picnic ex
hibition at Williams' firora has opened
and promised to be a great access.
Judge Bechtel was unanimously nom
inated for judge bf the Schuylkill
Democratic convention.
The commandery general. Patriotic
Order Sons of America, met at Beading
wnere tney nominated officers aud
transacted other business.
A Urge number of orders have as
sured employes in the Pennsvlvania
shops at Altoona. ideut of work for
aouie tuuo to coiua , J
Pittsburg Operators Say They
Will Start Their Mines.
Presides Katchford ! clare the At
tempt to Kna the Mlnea Will Prove
Futile and That the Striker Will Win.
Labor Kepreaentatltea Meet.
Pittsbcro. Aug. 25. Coal operators
ot the Pitt&burg distriot are goine o
operate their mines at once. Within" a
ajrek notices will be posted in rouspie
uous places about the various pits of
the district notifying the strikers that
they can return to work if they care to.
Such an announcement will be gienr
in due time, and if it does not bring the
miners to their work employes will be
engaged from other parts.
Such is the policy of the operators of
the Pittsburg district, as a result of the
conference with the head officials of
fllie United Mine Workers of America.
No compromise was reached and there
was but one thing left for the mine
owners to start their plants without
the aid of organized labor. From the
standpoint of the two sides of the con
troversy the status of the whole situa
tion up to date is as follows :
President Ratchford of the United
Mine Workers of America says that
the last straw was broken at the con
ference ; tnat the operators cannot do
anything but give in to their employes,
that the strike will be kept up untiil
the wages demanded, til) cents per ton,
is paid.
The official statement of the oper
ators is a diplomatic supplement to the
strike. It is intended to give a who e
lot of information, but few facts can
be found in any of the paragraphs. It
tells of the meeting and its sad ending,
and predicts that the mines can be run
without further parleying.
The conference ended in failure.
The niiuers' officials would not recede
from their original position to settle by
arbitration aud to start the mines at
the BU-cent rate. The operators offered
to divide the difference between the 5-1
and H'.t-cent rates, making the price at
which the mines should be started BIS,
cents, but this was rejected, and then
additional propositions were made. One
was to start the mines without fixing
any price for ;;o davs, and then pay the
rate agreed upon by a board of arbi
trators. This was also refused by the miners'
representatives, as they said they had
been fooled too often to trust the oper
ators again. '1 hey declined to w rk
for a month, giving the operators the
output for that length of time without
knowing what wages were to be paid.
A preposition was then made to oper
ate the mines for ten days without fix
ing a price and allow a board of arbi
trators to fix the price for that tune.
President Katehford insisted that
pothing but a '.-cent rate could poss
ibly be accepted. '1 he operators were
firm, but the miners were equallv de
termined, and every argument of the
mineowners was met by the miners'
leaders. Neither side would concede
another point, and it was decided to
end the conference.
Repr.-seniptives from 85 lalor organi
zations in Western Pennsylvania met
last u.ght at Knights of Lalor hall and
adopted resolutions advocating a gen
eral upriing of the workingmen in a
peaceab.e marfator and a general strike,
ir the in;uuetiou of the courts relative
t the mineis encampments at Tartle
Cicek are continued.
A. Geuaral Uprising of the Afrldla Seema
to Have Occurred.
London, Aug. 25. An official dis
patch from Siml'i announces that Fort
Maude, in the Khyber pass, has been
saptured by the Afridis after desperate
fighting. The garrison, which waj com
posed of native levies known as the
Khyber Rifles, retired with the loss of
three men. The Afridis afterward
turned the fort.
The fate of Fort Ali-Mnsjid. which
was simultaneously attacked by the
Afridis, is not known.
A general revolt of the Afridis was
what the Indian to ernmriit feared
the most, and it now seems to have
taken place. The government has re
ceived a communication fVoui the ameer
of Afghanistan, in which denies all
respousiDility for the rings of the
mullahs or fanatical priests of the
different tribes.
The Afridis number about 20.(XH) first
class hill fighters. A feature of the
situation is that the Anglo-Indian army
is largely recruited from tho Afridis.
Whit men Sara So and Icllnea to Con
sider 1'renldei.ey of Ilrown,
BrtsTOx, Aug. 25. Rev. Dr. Beniah
L. Whitman, president ot Columbia
university at Washington, who has
been mentioned as a possible successor
to President Andrews at Brown uni
versity, said of the matter :
"In my judgment the misconcep
tions ;whK3h are going around on this
mutter will be corrected when the cor
poration of Brown meets Sept. 1.
"The memlrs of the corporation are
all scattered now, but undoubtedly thev
will all meet at that time, and I am
fully persuaded that President Andrews
aud the corporation will find ground
upon which mutual respect will be
maintained, and that all difficulties
will be adjusted."
When asked if he would accept the
position if Dr. Andrews refused it Dr.
Whitman replied : "To me the ques
tion has no meaning, as there is no
vacancy at crown, and in my judgment
there will not be any."
A C 8. Consul tiovernment Ownei-
hlp Is a S irom There.
Washixotox. Aug. 25. Consul Mon
aghan, at Chemnitz. Oermanv. ha
sent to the state department a report on
Prussian railroads. '-State ownership
oi ranroaus,-- ne says, "plays an im
portant part in Prussia's finances.
Earning enormous sums, serving com
merce and manufacturers in times of
peace and all strategic purposes in
times of war. tfiey have more than jus
tified tlie aignments that urged the
government to own them and liberal
policies that have put them down and
pushed them out into all parts of the
Organisation Formed Thsl Will Practl
cally Control the Market.
Chicago. Aug. 25. The windowglas
manufacturers have formed a combine
at a meeting here. The product of all
manufacturers will be paid for at an
agreed price and turned over to th
niauager of the association.
The manager will distribute the out
put to the jobbers and the production
will be pro rated according to the num.
ber of pots operated by each manufac
turer. Ihe new organization will prac
tically contrarl the market.
Won a 943.000 Purse.
New York. Aug. 25. The unex
pected happened at Sheepshead Bay
and the fihy L'Alouette of the Thomp
son string won the futurity with some
thing to spare. The purse was worth
$4. , 000.
Jam Ire fuller's Itaochter Itrlng.
TaCOMa. Ann- f -o n i nr.,
wCflL-d?,atrh? "r of c,1p' Justice Melville
1 .r ""V ot appendicitis at I
jVshforda farm, at the Lase of Mount I
QUA-V AOAm la) CONYft&v,
Cplonel Clayton Me. Michael Nominated
lor TivMiirrr of I'lilladelpbia.
Philadelphia. Aug. 25. For the
first time since the control of the Re
publican organization in Philadelphia
was wr. sted from Senator Quay by the
defection which prevented the nomina
tion for the mayoralty of lioies Pen
rose, uow United States senator, a
regular Republican contention repre
senting every faction in this city has
nominated with practical unanimity a
pronoun ed Quay partisan by naming
Colonel Clayton McMichael, proprietor
of the Philadelphia Korth American
and a director of the Associated Press,
who is one of the recognized Quay
leaders in Eastern Pennsylvania, as the
candidate for city treasurer.
The senators from Philadelphia and
members of congress interested had
united in naming Colonel McMichael
to succeed the Democratic postmaster
iu Philadelphia and he said that he
entered the contest for the city treas
ureship only because the friends of all
factions united upon him to perfect the
Republican harmony which puts Sena
tors Quay aud Penrose in what is re
garded as undisputed control of the
Republican state organization.
All of the newspapers. Republican,
Democratic and independent, make
complimentary comment upon Colonel
McMichael's selection, referring in eu
logistic terms to his career, beginning
with his entrance into military service
at the outbreak of the war before ne
was 17 years old as probably the young
est commissioned officer of the regular
army, and continued to the present
through a lifetime of prominence in
military politics and iu active
Other nominations were : Register
of wills, 11. D. Hackett ; common pleas
judges, r'. A. Bregy, Charles Y. Auden
reid and William W. Wilt bank, re
nominated. For treasurer in addition to Colonel
McMichael's name that of J. Hampton
Moore was presented. Some discussion
followed the presentation of Moore's
name, a delegate jumped to his feet and
shouted to the delegates to throw off all
allegiance and vote for Moore. He
told them to throw off the shackles
that lound them and vote as their
judgment dictated. Moore withdrew
and harmony waa restored.
Placed a Wreath oa the Tomb of the
L1 Car.
Sr. Petersburg, Aug. 25. After
placing a wreath 'and a golden olive
branch on the tomb of the late czar,
Alexander III, in the cathedral. Presi
dent Faure drove across the Neva and
laid the cornerstone of the new French
hospitaL The president afterward vis
ited the house which Peter the Great
built in lTo:i, on the bank of tho Neva,
in i rder to superintend the construction
of St. Petersburg.
The j resiueut then traversed the
garden leading to the riverside, where
the czar was waiting for him in a
launch. M. Faure embarked in this
vessel, which had the Russian and
French flags riving from her stern, and
rro-sed the Neva. Tb penal and
presidential party landei. n the other
side of the river and took part iu the
cere nony of laying the foundation
stone of the new Troitsky bridge.
American Har Aeaoclatlon Majr L'rsre
Iitr'ct of Columbia 1.M w.
Cleveland, Aug. 25. At the meet
ing of the uniform law commission of
the American Bar association John C.
Richberg, Esq., of Chicago, as chair
man of a special committee appointed
for the purpose, reported a draft of a
divorce bill for adoption in all the states,
to be submitted to the National Bar as
sociation. if the association approves of it the
members will urge its adoption by
their different state legislatures. The
bill is modelled after the divorce law
in force in the -District of Columbia,
which of necessity was drawn by com
mittees of congress, which represents
tne entire country.
M Using Broker's lludr Found.
Detroit, Aug. 25. The body of
Aaron C. Conn, the missing board of
trade operator, has been found on Belle
Isle. Around his neck a handkerehiel
had been knotted aud then twisted
with a load pencil. Conn is said to
have lost considerable money and was
partially deranged.
Panic In Constantinople.
Constantinople, Aug. 25. There
was a panic here owing to the police
chasing and arresting two Armenians.
Nearly all the stores in the quarter
where the arrests were made were hur
riedly closed and remained shut until
the police reassured their proprietors.
Iluler of Tunis Mar Ab Urate.
Paris, Aug. 25. A report that Sidi
Ah, the bey of Tunis, will soon abdi
cate in favor of hi-i son and take up his
rteidence at Nice is circulated.
The Price of Stiver.
New York. Aug. 95. At the New
York price for bars the value of the
silver in the standard silver dollar is
39.04 cents.
Armor Com mission to Pittsburg.
Pittpbi-ro, Aug. 25. The naval
armor commission is here to inspect
tne Homestead plant.
PlTTSBhRG, Ang. 21.
WHEAT-Xo. 1 red. ;&USc: No. 2 red. IW
Vic: xpnng wheat. W'44e.
CO US No. IS yellow ear, C53Hc; No. 2
shelled. I.i0c; high mixed sheiltd. M
OAT Xo. 1 white. 2V25Vic; Xo. 2 do. Sf9
24".c: extra No. 3 white. r ole ; lluht
mixed. xitfLZSc.
H AY No. 1 timothy. 111.1111 5't; Xo. 2,
IU ..V Xo. 1 clover, mixed. S (w..l;
packing, lit. Uxa.S i ; No. 1 fee ling prairie.
ii 5g.7 i); wag-uu hay. I12.lji,13 oo for timo
lOlLTRY Large spring t hickens. 3nr$40c
per pair; KiuslL. KUUIUo: large old chit-kena.
iVvatHK- per pair: small. 3Ui Aci dufks. nvi"c
per pair; turkeys. 7(tsc per pound. Ilreued
Rprlng rhh-kenn. i:j,lc per pound; old t hick
trna. loallc; dmks. 14(1.V; turkeys. 1 4c.
BUTTER Elgin prints. tlMaic: extra
creamery. ag.ilc: Ohio fitncy i-reamery. KH
lirc country roll. 121 3c; low grade and
Cooking, tVaSu.
i.r.i-..-.r. ew iorxr run cream, new
make. Ig.tfi4c: Ohio, full cream, new make.
SMrO.'.H-; Wlm-onsln SM. n tuba. Ilva.l2-;
iMiiM-rger, new. WflVftO: Ohio SSwIks. in tuba.
Hr9llc; Swim, bricks, 5-pound average
KtHJS-Xtrl.tly frenh Pennsylvania and
Ohio. In case-, large lota. l-HqUc: In a Job
bing way. Italic; selected fancy stock.
PlTTSBCRO. Aug. 24.
CATTLE -Receipts light; market steady.
We quote prices aa follows: Prime. IS ll$
5.15; good. 4.S M Itt: tidy, ll.S t4.75; good
butcher. 14 3 (04 .Ml; fair, 3.WeW.0, heifers.
$.! ( :2V; bulla, etags and cows. $2 tJ T5;
common to good fat oxen. Ii.i. o: bologna
tows. $ . (a15.lJ; fresh cows and Kprlugcra
: ((!.. n .
HOUS Receipts light, about (m i; quality
poor; market steady. We quote: 1'rirae
pig, light Yorkers and aaaorted mediums,
44.4ti; fair mediums. $4.4.35; graas
ers and stubbier. $4.LV4.125; heavy ti 1IR4
4.15; rough. 2.7V&:t Ml.
MIEEF ANII LAMBS Hupply light; mar
ket -steady. We quote price a follows:
Choice. S4.HVal.10; good. itrttM; fair.
H t3 75; common. l!.S(:ti: choice lamb',
tVUktcVKl; common to good. 14. 0 veal
talve. M.5;Kft.;5; heavy and thin calves.
fJ.ll ISIOi.
Cixt-ISWATI. Auk. 21.
IIOOS Market Arm at J.i5H l.
CATTLE Market Hteady at $:.ZSttU 85.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market for sheep
stea.iy at iS.M.J.6 . Lambs Market steady
at J 5 i S J.
"New York. Ann. 24.
W HEAT Spot market wtak; Xo. 2 red
CORN Spot market weak ; No. 8, 8 c.
OATS Spot market lower; No. 2. 2!!3."
CATTLE No trading. European cables
quote Ameri. an steers at 1 Mile per pound
dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 84a.9o
per pound.
lamb. tl.iOr$a 10.
iiUQa Msrrat ataaa at HAtJa,
Are you reckless etottrh in vevir-re I . -n'
two ivuln in Ktain M inc J.'urt. W7i.jn..
in and ".'Uxtiint;t4.ii Sir .1 w i ,o
one of their lieauiif i: i lustrrited Indict
Hooks," It is a nov. I. uiiKi'i.-. ni .1 ii.u i. ff
iutS wora to every p- ix.n ot .. hn.-i... i,i
On receii of ten cents xii III. v vri
end p)Kt-ai n full wt ot Hi. i: 'ruh'I.s bonne
hold tram verba.
For ten cekis tli.-y will alt-oeiHl iidmili -(iituimi.L
conil.-te womU of "!li M Ln.t.i."- ni.d mil-:. ..(
Ur niii"! M.iilar Kpin'f, totreiix r ith . n . x.iiisiie
curotuo raid-.
A very iWiiiL-. Iinrm!. s- flyvnlu.-i-d nroniHtst
COlllMitin. lor .lisiruinnr Id.- l.l- oi
other bitter dni. eitn. r wilid or Hiri.l l"rie 7 i
Ceat per Pint lUtllle. I'reM rih.d hy lli .n-mi.!.-..!
pliysiciana in l.ur..i- and Auierh-. Koriiuiln iu
autupauiea every bottle. For fait-by Ilruyit-tB.
Manufartuied by
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
I.OMHIX ami m:w OlJk.
v-i elegant English j'hnniiiK o rrepriiiioM
for bilious, mnlarial and I.I.hnI ti il ; tli- r.
ult o: over to entv-hve year of im!t liun. ui
Bient.r . re-art-li.
Approved by the hit.-li.-Kt medical nuthorili.-s
lu ue in ike hoKpitH! in every luin of 1 urt'
Kxpecially heltnl to Indies, i-liiMn-ii and -o-pln
t.f bel.-iitar habits
Entirely vegetable ; tree from harmful drugs.
Sn Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
IVefiared ol !y by
TQ foyal '1 ?if mhtcutic Co
Chemiaita by appointment to Her Maj.-stj the
Queen and to the Voynl humilv.
130. 132, 134 Charlton St
Same medicinal pronei-tic es !!vai. F.i.ixih, in
boxen, 3U i.ills to box, f.r ti ct-tits.
Vinegar Bitters CORE.AL. -J ) ftor.
Vinegar Bitters POYVDEKS, doses, six-.
Vinegar Bitters, new- Htyle, ''j.','"' 1 .U
Vinegar Bitters, oidntjio. bitter tat.-. ii.tio
Tho World's Great Blood Purlflsr
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
Thenaar OftH c' 'cntnrr the I.endine
Family Jleclciuv el' the World.
e . . - k .
5 ttuai
E. H. McDonald Drag Co., Proprietors,
SAN nm ,iF.Y Y'OUIi.
1H A
nil Ii th rMiir o
coltl tiO't tJea
lliniilf rlinnvM
Kor Yon l KrrK-rnN
we MMHlvly tvite th
fetnetty riot not
titiiiailn mercury or any
other If tiri"ii druat.
"O-Ca. C.-nreC0ll"l
srkn.iwle.lned to be 11 ui.. t .1
t:trrh. In H.l aud II ly K-ver n 1
all retnedie. It cens sn.t e e-tiJM the nnl
". aiiarr pain n l Innamniail'.n. healu Hi.
-"'. 'olo.-IH the nienihraiie rM. 'etare
ne t ei ol taste aud iMnell. I ri.- &.10 Nt Itruic
Kl!.ls or tiy mall KI.Y KK I I'll KKS
6 Warren Street. e Y ork
June 4 ?. ly.
Steei Picket Fence.
U 1 b- sj .. I,. B feu. i ri".Z f.
"" Flttln... r.r. .riKK -Sl"rV EhEV
01. 203 A 206 Market SU Pittsburgh. Pa.
inch 8 t6 ly.
Ofa'l the Ills art tint' t C.M-tij.ali.ui.
fiires-.iisti.:ili..iiati.lsi-k li-. 'lt:is
ant to take, I.hi not tr !). I-or sale hvall
voiir .lriij."'ist.H, lilt- an I -.'."m-. SuniI-s fnt;
" l.v TI I K JOHN II IH'I.I.
CO., Warrt'ii, l'a.. :. PJ !7
Robert Cassidy'3
IjoeaUNl on fentre street near 1 1'Hara's I.lvery
othce Shsvlnn. Hair t'uttit.K and Sh4tno
Invdone In the nettest and lst manner. A
snare ol your atnnane solieltel.
Kt 1 KK K r si 1 v .
M a I " r tu-Miii, l.y a l.arni. a
le tr.-atiiH-nt lt i.r.-- I
Mnl... ..kll.H ... .... ... . V
4- S O rL
U. Il
tinnc Physician of -Jl iMr . vi- tl...
Nla.l elterlii..rik-teiitl..ii lr .ni l.'isiiiesM sT
l.xnMi.iiiK. liaiHlHM-H. ftl I I 11
pruvea e-lleral liesUli awl ln-aulltirc
.l-lMt. ,n.l .. -l.-l . 1 . 1 1 . .....
- - -r 1 1... , HI.W4IHU, rui
ennnuentlailj. -..r narieuisn stl.lreMt. mnh Main?.
UK. DIN i UtK.
oct-6.W6 ly
rt'l.L... lk..i iiiii km it.
Url Mr ,..,. ) UUh I lit.
For all Bilious and Khvoits
DtsBusas. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy
action to the entire svstcm.
April m Tu ly
Mountain House
Shaving Parlor,
Ian Strce!,Ncar Post Office
, Tba undersigned desires to Inform the pob
llc that he has opened a hsvin
-en ire street, near the xit ottlos where bartrinK
In all Its t.ranrhess win te earned on la Uia
Yaar (taUBaaa sulleiied.
r. X. FEES.
t.MiiLiD nt at uc fliun
. a ! n n
If. y, 1 6 H jt ft W n ff M ft 1 . &2r$
I "UUf
The Atlantic Rcfin'm Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of m:tnulacturiri: tor the ilouies
tic tratle the fiuest brands of
Illuminatins anJ Lubricatinj Oils,
Naphtha and Gasoline
That can ba
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : DniTormly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market for ours.
finSHfHH liKPT
pirrsBi'Kti. pa
etl nly.
a -a sm m m atVav v
HALL o hair
The irreat po)ulritT of this preparation,
after its test of inauy years, should be an
awirant-e, even to the most skeptical, that
tt 1 reallv meritorious. Tboe who hae
uiod 1Iai.l's Hair Kenewkh know that
It does ail that U L-laiiuexl.
It causea new prowth of hair on bald providtxl the hair follicles are not
dead. Wblfh la sel.lom the; restores
natural color to frr? or fadej hair; pre
serves the wcalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
chHtiin color ; keeps tt soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes tt to grow long and
Hall's FIaiii Hkxtwer produces Its
effects bj the healthful Influence of Its
osrctable liurrexlients, which Invigorate
and rejuvenate. It Is not a dye, and is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol. It does not evap
orate cjuickW and dry up the natural oil.
leaving the 'hair harsh and brittle, as da
other preparations.
Buckingham' Dy
roa tbi
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and Is the bert dye. because It la harmless ;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
feeing a sirutle preparation. Is more con
venient of application than any other.
mriuD bt
R. P. HALL. & CO.. TiaahasL, X.
Isld by all Daalars la Hadiaiatsav.
Owens & Makin,
BOTCH 13 its,
All of the liest Meat
from selected stork kept at their
Daily Meat Market on Ihiih
Street, Ebenshur.
Give us a call.
Bicycle Sunjerv.
Wanantod cures
for all eases. Full
line of medicines
always on hand.
Ai;ent lor Health
lie ;torini;- Crescent
Julin Mreet,
Ebenshuru-, Penna.
May If 17. 4m
17 1H7.
Policies written at snort notiea in tha
auriT HK THE
01L.0 ;VimOlT
EoeniMirK.Jaiy 21. 1SS2.
T . .,.i i,,,.,.,;. ..rir'.r'v- " '
."'J-'"'- A wk
No. 4 i-.iii. .......
HTt.Ll'-T.;. ..: roents, .
e- . .- - . ' ''rill. I -11,1a.. I. I.. A
tt:i! i.L. j., v,.,,... ..f .. 7 1 ':'re. an. I
'..,. .. -!-r " I'fiirliUirs
l.u. I lie-'. .'. " !''' ' V -fl:.e Kc-levt-nre.
t -" lk '"' " 1 Vlr.:; lull iut..i.
Tea Clubs
will 1ntemt
Send u tour
aiMrens on m 1', ai
rd. J
Pittsbunr. Pa. !
Cfcb-OT-ter-a I H(ll Ma
j-V ,v niaai mmm rmlj Sell
A(fi-J !. rrbt. t.o
Orlsiaal mm trmlj eate.
ut fta .
fJWU. . 1.. ....
In -; I- T rtfcl.r.. t.tiiMiat. ..4
kt k-rt krakll,I.HIu. a
never wants ta learn, but t,e
reads that
OU) Honesty
Is the best tLat la made, and
at ONCE tries it. and savea
money and eecures more
satisfaction than ever before.
WO ID imitations. Insist on
navirig the genuine. If your
dealer hasrrt it ask him to
get it for you.
JXO PUZKR A BEOS.. Lontiffle, 13
fiiy 'j-s. It in wtnil'-rfuUj -rbaaaoua in mA
Jaaviliful di-a-aW-r-r.. rtu-b aVd
Ii Ist-Mtsami lasa. I btc,
alarrb. lalbarlir,
N -m rm!( !. lla.-L be
avrnl fhr ailmerit's whirr aaiti 1 an Tt-t3-tiit.
Try if. Al lT-iiar t4n-t r tT nuui uu
Kalllaar.. .. I . S A.
Caveat, and TraiA-Mark '.btaiDed. and mil
eui rutin- ronrncittl for Moderate F.
Our Crfhce Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and e rn mr i?i?i;T in time1 Than tboe
r'mtp fnTn Wa-lnnirtn.
S-ni mii. ira iiiir r I ioto.. with flrrif
in. Wo rlA i-f. jf .affiiT:t) r iit. fr f
ChariTr. tir f- nnt tiu Ti:l iifTil i rrl.
A Pamohrft. " to OMam I'atent." with
ram f artuil riu'.it?- in yurSt-ile, cuutit y, a
town, wnf fr-. -il1rf-
OpnosHe Patent Office. Washtnotaa rv C
S. L. . SITSIUTl Sllis.
Attorney! ait la-v.
KKKNSKI K.I. - - - I'EN .N A.
a" ttlice on "entr" streeu 1
Attorneys sit Iiiav-
tKt'JSSKI'Kti, PA.
m?e In ti-era H..ue. S.K.W
a"S.etal attention to siren rlaims tor r
tun K-.onttr. t ch7
' invmiiv aiinoii Ktuni it Us,
tHKKI'lvt. - Pi
4V- tBce on Ontre street.
a ATTt K K Y - AT-l.A W
tBiimru. Pi.
imp la t'ollonsda Kom. ud t entx airrn
A n uK.N EY-AT I.A W,
EsKHHarBu. Psar .
Sr "t Iftll In IHi Hiwm lmr .trail
Do Yea Want EHploymiEt
At hi.uie t.r traTelinx mh itiMili I'AV r It so.
write t. a lor particular, k'. idk a and orro
l.ation. Yt-n ean work all or time, and Iht
worh la l.ltlHT AM EASY. Address.
KiH MKJ-T1CK. . V.
Mar 12 97 4m.
We. the nnitrrii.c i citlrens of t4larklik
t rihliii. Iirrtt.y i e to the utlir not to
irni..i n i.ur nn,. A it one l trr-i,a.r
in will t i.r.awruted t. the lull esienl ol the
Sutn-il. UXiirr. Hrrt l'arn.lll
anner.J awes r Ki.arland and Kol-ett r't-'KU
Eteisliiri Fire taraace him)
rr. AV- DICK,
General Insurance Agent.
KntsxsHrna, pa.
amawiataafaas VUaailWmhul kiaaiaf
Iiolms. euiUra Bsnios. ManHfilines, Accortleans.
Harmonicas. c. a'l klnot el Strtnot rtcetc
41t. 813. fc!15. M7 East Jth SC. New York.
f to nrnwit tt- Mtao o nt4-u- Nurvrn
1 "I AnTx t. i. aiilHl k.nrni .,,.
I. N.rrte. KweSw-rr. H.
MUSICAL aa-Duaa.n.a..-
aa a,II L.A.
Vislint, Cuitars.
o.c3" lsalStrtaBs.etcate.
811. S13. MS. an l.t inh SL. NwYorfc
Tj1:Lrh,"!- r-lel N,.rrrS,or.
and ornaw.".".' v "led ol
our rran.: kmrnn and bv .,.nlrr
' " 'V r kftissrr. alwaia .irrrrd ith
a. mm riarrmrrs A a rat a Saaklr ikrir
isrsstr. Ntna m th nnu. ... .....
111 I -
M.tti Ki..r. '. -' -,
-Mali I i...... . :
rnilMnl.1,1, Kl
ii. a.,
"a rat-r,,.. . - -
r-ill-l.ura .
r al 1.1 m ...... ' '' .
Jobnu,t. A'aa,-;
. "t
r H.Mt. .. , , " 1
Iniini-,..,, "-1 '.;..
Imu Vii;: , -
r ..tu t re.,.. i,
K tu rr...,.
V:t.:..-,. ' .....
r.r 1 'T-f ,ti
r..r Ha-ii,..
1 'hn;;
r ir it.-,.,.., .
K-r rr..,.ri
r'r Vinti.ii.ij
lf rt...i, L
I Ua
Ina at O i.i, . . V
-raouo :-, , x , .
ona at :..4- a a. ,V '
Eorrt.-f , .
''' E. W ,-,,.'.
PltLrtl.ura. l'a.
1. M. HI I. !.1N.,,N
tiIjrral .... '
4- a .
.... i . :
.:u .t-l!atV..fR: aT
r.TTt;i.ti, rj ..-JZl
I . n aud rt' ujot u,s
a. iucv
cr.(!r.irw.T: :t-al2,
auf:.rf- "itj:.,:..-..-,..;
vraoi :..-t:j trt m... "-T"
In ... ...v .. .r
It;:e!ir.--f snn:-.rl:ww
w"; r .r-t u
ot: .!,. :. i
a I- y a . K T-.rf.-. .
- - - :i : -.-..--x
oh! mm
sad B'Sxl; rauu n.
tri Ta-
FBrlrWet ikr BlW. .
1. J L M.CIv r A:"-frd 1
tirs o t st-u H:u if
bkTv ltiD IV n. -a - ;'-rlt
aaClaUi tsfMrwtK ia iri tr'"a ;- ''
Uld ID aUl OeUILt.;4 bjR--j ".-aV
oc tot ---m I " U. .-" at
MsV W F r K-t X
taa)- I atava cxsti;ir-t. J
UKlt4a4 allii 1-aJIM IS It. I
fcitta-rs mnunus Jw
Gfcain vi--T- W M
T -k- mm, irT. sW
I J.-irf t.i iiif-.rni n y ";
Ptrantt-r lii.Ht I i i "'
Hariit-!- ai.J .v.-ry ."
line. If i a ii i. t :: :
xiul takt- r --! ' -'"
neithiairs iirsy !-.
Collars, Sill
Hrne. I'.n.i .r- 1. -i -:i 41
Tati.- .f a:i kiu-if, I ;'-
lens. Ha!!?!. r.:::cy !'
Vii:. I'urry I'.'
Ruccy l'iWM'-i.Hi';'HT''
is ttif time t-i i :;y
nit mi-- ti.:- ..$!..:
lr, 11. AM N H AN
i i:i;s at or 1 ' ;, : '
C0TSC7 !
Ivrrr tut. "I !-
nuui -rt''ti'i '"
memhership ir
accidrnul i-ju: .:
lie Mur on
n"7rn X
Best In the W.-r!-!
Est tts 6erii:rs I
Sold EiEnwe!
Wanted-An Ideas
final your tilTa. tr.-J ,
Write JlH UrHl;t-l ,a,r J
nes. a-tilii-t-" ' "
, 1 im at ! aaadJw
iztr-l 1-1 l-l
l-l K
. . i ..IT"