The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 06, 1897, Image 6

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Heavy Decrease In Goods In
Bonded Warehouses.
lint tlit Mala Ciidik For the Unusual
Withdrawal. Was la Anticipation of &
i li:ttit;t lu the Duties An Interesting
Ktateiuent Issued.
Wa!iivgtov, Aaff. 4. The following
statement has been issued from the
treasury dep rtinent :
"The advance sheets of the monthly
summary of finance and commerce for
the month of June, 1S!7. about to he
issued by thehureauof statistics, shows
a heavy decrease as to (roods held ill
lnjiided warehouses as compared with
preceding years. The causes for un
usual withdrawals have been mainly in
anticipation of a chanpe in the tariff
and also an increasing demand for con
sumption. The value of eooda remain
intr m bond June oO was $18.1o5,72o.
As compared with the same day of the
preceding year there is a deciease of
.:.!. ::is,tii!. The lowest point to which
(Hinds in warehouses fell was in j. eb
rnary, lsi.", and, since July. lV.t:i, tke
highest iowit to which the value of in warehouse has reached was in
juiy. 1M;. 5.'.041,U. in anticipation
.t the Wilson laritf act the value of
roods in warehouse rose from lyo,
(Kitiin lts'.M, to $.l,'J!t2,000 in
June of that year.
The value of doods under the head
of chemicals remaining in bonded
warehouse June :iK, l ;, was il,-4d,
as against s..!, :.." game date l'i'.u.
The preut increase in this list is in
opium, which increased from 10.7:2s
pounds, valued at ?no,13. to -I.J.l.i-6
pounds, valued at fclos, 113. There
were heavy withdrawals of cotton
manufactuies in anticipation of tariff
chances, tin June 30. 1 VIC, the value
of cotton mauutactures in bond was
rl.i.'t.-'.iJ'.ts, as against the same
day this year. In cotton rloth the de
crease was almost $4ihi,ixo. in earthen,
stone and china ware the decrease was
$ i.".JIi : in the manufacturesof hemp,
flax and jute the decrease is heavy in
the higher grades, amounting to about
!oo.(km. The value of fish remains
about the same. The total value of
fruits held was $ j:!0,-jim last year.against
'.U-i this year. The decrease in
plums aim prunes was -i.mni.'miii pounds.
Tln re was a failing off of about 4o per
cent -in the holdings of currants, and
only :!,;,: pounds of dates as against
,..,:,t;s )ounds on the same day la-t
year. The holdings of almonds de
creased from l,iiol,.".S7 pounds to
pounds. In class and glassware
there has been no marked deciease ex
cept cylinder, crown and common win
dow glass, from 3,i'hh.-joj pounds to
l,;-',vi:l pounds. Plate glass, how
ever, has increased from :'.i,M7- to
?4. !.' square feet. There has been but
a slight decrease in the manufactures
of iron and steel.
'Some particular items under this
head, a marked decrease,
as, tor instance, tinplates, terneplates
and taggers tin from Xo.S-T..o0 ouuds
to o.-sf.,oi." pounds. There is a small
increase as to bar iron, rolled or ham
mered, and ingots, blooms, slabs, bil
lets, etc., of steel.
"In lead of all kinds.except manufac
tures thereor, there is a decrease from
1 l.'i3.',45ii pounds to t;,)S4.til pounds.
The value of leather not manufactured
decreased from i'u'J.lOi to ii-iOA 'A. In
the manufactures of leatner the de
crease in gloves furnished the heaviest
items from 4I0.0M to tlT.7Si. Malt
li ) uors decreased from foO.friH to ilO,-
o.n. in the oil schedule the onlv de
crease of importance is that of salid oil
lolivei from M.iVi pal. on-; to 14. Oi!
gallons. Under the head of provisions
comprising meat and dairy products.
there is an increase in the value of
meat and meat extracts from titi.S37 lo
f 1."!,S4(. ihe item of cheese under the
head of dairy products remains about
the same.
"The quantity of rice decreased from
In. .i..4, :.: Munds to lI,S(0,4o! pounds.
The salt in warehouses about doubled.
There is a heavy decrease in silk and
manufactures thereof, from 11.
771 to ;i.'.ir$l. There is substan
iiauy no cnango in the quantity or
value of spirits in warehouses The
decrease as to sugar is particularly
marked. On June MO, lHtt;, the valae
of all sugar in warehouses was fl-t, 567,
17." and on June 30. lsiiT. $l.h9i,402. In
the raw beet sugars not above No. 16
lutch standard there is a decrease
from 40..1M. !!." pounds of the value of
$:r..-t. to 2t;.!ti.o.0itj pounds of the
value, of $4ii'.',3l!i. The heavy decrease
is of cane sugars not above "it; Dutch
standard from 54.'.!M!,4'J pounds val
ued at f lo.(K:t,!73 to .S,751,ftjl pounds
.ilued at $l..'73.:tM.
"Sugars above No. If. Dutch stand
ard decreased from .'1,5.M'33 pounds
to 5.173.4.M pounds. The quantity of
tobacco in warehouses June 30, IVjG, in
the leaf, decreased from 30.1M.S.V,
pounds (1.".Jmi.i7:) to !.-,';;!, 79 pounds
'".41,;!'S). Xo material decrease is
shown in the holdings of manufactured
tobaccos, such as cigars, cigarettes,
etc. Under the wool schedule there is
another marked falling off particu
larly in the item of cloths. The value
of wool in bond on the last day of the
fiscal year is shown to have been de
creased from ,"Ht'js: to $1,470, '.him.
"Dutiable g ods have decreased from
'.'.ii.oi.'i.lso toii,N:,7'Hiaiil free goods
from i.4o!.lt:; to l,-.'."il,!:W.
Two causes have combined to lower
the stock of goods in bond, namely,
an awakening demand for consump
tion and changes either actual or an
ticipated, in the new tariff which is
now a law."
I'owderlr Takes Hi Flare.
WaPHIVOTOV. Anir .1 Me TV-
v- Powderly of Pennsylvania, formerly
iuiisi-r wiirtmau oi me Knights of
Labor, has taken the prescribed oath
and received his commission as coin,
linssioner general of immigration, suc
ceeding Mr. Herman Stump of Mary
laud. Mavac Trainpa In South Ilakota.
Aberdkex, S. D., Aug. 4. Over 100
t....ii, ami narvesters took possession'
of a freight train on the Noith western
ami sidetracked it. After an hour's
delay the tramps were dislodged and
the train proceeded. Sheriff Kitter
was called to liroton to arrest tram mm
who were terroiizmg the town.
Miners fan Their :..i
Aitikixa, Pa , Aug. 4. Although the
Mitchell coal operators of Hastings sun-
posed they had made satisiactorv terms
with their miners, the men are still oat
because of a rumor that the mines are
about to pass into other hands. The
trouble at the Sterling mine Xo. 8 is
still on. Thirty-two men have taken a
new step by sueing the officials of the
mine for the va.ue of the "fifth ton
taken off them. The suits average 10
Free Silver Resolution Adopted.
York. Pa.. Aug. 4. At the Demo.
cratic county convention resolutions
oi me most pronounced free silver char
acter, drafted by Chauucey F. Black,
were adopted. They also arraign the
Republican administration of state af
fairs and denounce the tariff legislation
of congress.
t'ranklln Coontr Democrats.
CHAMKEKSBtRis, Pa.. Aug. 4. The
Franklin county Democratic convention
adopted resolutions which indorse the
Chicago platform, saying that William
J. Uryan is the logical candidate of the
Democracy in mx., and closes with a
strong denunciation of the legislature
of 18!) J.
Killed by Kerosene Fxplosion.
Eastox. Pa.. Aug. 4. Mrs. George
Pteutake of Eat Bangor has been
burned to death at iter iionta My a ivar
ooun expiooUsB.
A Denial of a Protectorate Over the
Hawaiian Islands.
Waphixotox. Aug. 4. It t declared
positively at the stute department that
there has beeu no change in the in
structions given either to Minister
Sewall or to Admiral Beardslee touch
ing tneir attitude toward the Hawaiian
question. The admiral's instructions
were to prote?t American interests at
ail points and to establish a protectorate
only in the event of serious disturbance
or the coniuii-sion of some overt act.
it is not understood that the execu
tion of this order was at all dependent
upon the action or non-action of con
gress upon the annexation.
At the navy department an even
more explicit denial of the story that
the flag was to be hoisted was obtained.
It was said that Admiral Beardslee's
orders only contemplated a landing in
an emergency to preserve the status
ono. ana that the landing in that case
would not be for a longer period of
time than was necessary to restore con
ditions to their former shape. It was
said that as President McKinley had
referred the whole matter to congress
along with the annexation treaty it
would not be courteous to that bodv for
the executive to act of its own volition
until congress had expressed its will.
It was further said that there was nc
truth in the oft-repeated story that the
battleship Iregon was under orders to
go to Honolulu.
Sax Fkaxcisco. Atig. A. The news
received from Hawaii here was that if
word was received that congress had
not taken favorable action Minister
Sewall was to raise the American flag
and declnre a protectorate, owing to the
attitude of Japan.
Kea Much I'leaae.l With the Outlook la
West Virginia.
Fairmoxt. W. Va., Ang. 4. An open
meeting has been addressed in Palatine
by J. V. Kea and James Woods, vice
president of the Cigarmakers union.
There was a good attendance. Rea
spe.iks of a secret conference of the
miners as very important, but refuses
to give an account of the reports ren
dered. All of the mines were repre
sented, and it is learned that the ex
penses of all the men were paid to this
city and they were given their (tinners
and suppers. The following imues
w ere represented :
West Fairmont. Montana. Lnther,
Aurora. t)Donuell. Cilen Falls, Pin
nickiuuick. Nioaland. Xew England,
tiastoii, Monongah Xos. 1. '2 and 3,
Hites, Double X. Hutchinson. Pritch
ard. Despard. Ftaminm, Wilsonburg
and Opekiska.
Today Kae and Woods left here for
Clarksl'urg, and all the men near there
will meet in i monster massmeeting
tomorrow. Kea says : I am greatly
encouraged. The conference today
makes it evident that flie Fairmont
men will come out. anrt'as Ciarksbnrg
is already tied up it looks like the strike
is nearly over, if it depeads 911 the men
of this district.
Atkinson Says If Miners liaa't Trespass
He Will I'rotect Them.
Charleston, W. Va.. Aug. 4. Gov
rrnor Atkinson has writtea a letter to
Messrs. (lompers. Sovereign and Hatch
lord, a committee on behalf of the
striking miners who called on him to
inquire concerning the injunction
against theyi and to ask what were
their rights in connection with ad
dressing miners. The governor re
minds them that his office is executive,
and he cannot therefore interfere with
the action of the courts, but he goes on
to say that in his opinion there is the
utmost freedom allowed in the discus
sion in public places of any subject.
The only restrictions being that there
must not be trespass uixn the prooertv
of others nor incitement to rioters or
un'awful violence. He assures them
that he will protect all citizens in the
exercise of the right of free speech,
warning them at the same time that if
ther abuse that right by interfering
with the rights or property of others he
will just as energetically use the power
of the state to repress all lawlessness
and preserve the peace,
Dan Stnart Will Try ta siring Than To
Kther Again.
Xf.w Yotik, Ang. 4. Representatives
of Peter Maher and Tom Sharkey hav-e
again met iu this city and made a
second deposit of $3,800 of the $10,000
for a fight between the pugilists. The
offer of Dick Abraham of the Knicker
bocker Athletic club of San Fraucisco
of $.'0,000 for the fight to be pulled off
in San Francisco was taken up. An
answer was returned, saying that the
nrfer would be accepted if the condi
tions of the articles were satisfactory.
In the message the club expressed the
desire for Oct. li as the day for the
fight, but Maher's manager wants the
time extended two weeks.
Dan Stuart said that he would not
offer even fl5 for the Maher-Sharkey
fight, for he did not think it would be a
good drawing caid. He said : "I have
an idea of giving another. boxing carni
val at Carson City, at which 1 expecr
to pull off three fights.
'One. I hope, will be between Corbett
and Fitzs.mmons. another between
Maher and (.ioddard and one between
Dan Creedon and Kid McCoy.
Conntess or Crars a Mother.
Newport, R. I., Aug. 4-Xews is re
ceived here of the birth in Knglana of
a son and heir to the Earl and Countess
of Craven. The countess was formerly
Miss Cornelia Martin, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin.
Man and Wte Snlrlde.
New York. Aug. 4. A supposed
suicide by inhaling gas
has occurred at 4.VS Lincoln street. Jer
sey City. The victims were Uenrv
Aubert and Mina, his wife. Business
reveises the supposed cause.
By Marrying Amelia C. Steel. Mor
ris Cooper, against whom she had tire.
ferred a charge, secure 1 a capias and
was released from jail at West Ches
Joseph Valine?, arrested as a tramp,
refused to leave jail at West Chester,
and says he will sue the county when
ms term expires.
The campmeeting u4 Simpson grove,
Trevose, closed after having been in
session three weeks.
The Philadelphia and Reading Coal
and Iron company's catfieries have re
sumed and there are plenty of cars tc
transport tne coal.
Ex-Treasurer Dechert f Schuylkill
county has ret u red over $i,OOotothe
treasury, representing amount sur
charged, including interest on coin
missions. Young women ran the trolley cars of
Stroudsburg for the benefit of the
Ladies' Aid society attached to the
Sons of Veterans.
Thomas Phillips was stabbed br G eo.
Colbey while attempting to prevent the
latter from teasing some small boys at
Mount Carbon.
the York county court refuses to ap
prove the new $14,000 badge recently
built in the city of York.
In an interview at Pittsburg Senator
Magee denies having had a conference
with Quay people, but says he is not
opposed to harmony.
Captain Skinner and associates in the
Chickamauga-Chattanooga battlefield
commission are making preparations
for the dedication of " Pennsylvania
The new law relating to the payment
of bonus on charters is proving to be a
remarkably remunerative measure.
State Treasurer Havwood denies that
he lias, as reported, advanced money to
legislators whose exiMuiaa Lull .
killsxl hy I ha gwwax.
Th Operator's Mines Almost
Closed Down.
they Held a Prayer and Praise Meeting.
Operators (is on the Hail f Mia
Leaders Arrested through Action of
DeAruill-Strike Situation.
PiTTsBt KO. Aug. 4. District Presi
dent Patrica- Dolan rested last night
after his labors of the past few days
and attended to his correspondence at
headquarters during the morning He
is much encouraged by the situation at
the mines of the Aew 1 ork and Cleve
land Gas Coal company. Mr. Dolan
said :
"Only three men are at work at
Plum Creek, one man aud four boys at
Turtle Creek and the Sandy Creek
mine is entirely closed. We will not
abandon the camps, however, but will
have a force of men at each mine until
the fight is over. The miners are
lonnd to win. but the strike may con
tinue for a mouth or two. It certainly
will not be ended this month. The
situation iu this nistr ct is in good
shape now. and we will devote our at
tention to the cential field. Cameron
Miller and organizers from the United
Labor League will be sent out in a
few days to o-ganize these men. We
had a committee wait on us from the
miners ot the Westmorelaud and the
Pen 11 Gas Coal companies at Irwin,
asking that men be sent there to organ
ize them.
I received a telegram from Presi
dent Katchfo.d, in which he sajs he
will come to Pittsburg if his services
a-e needed, but I toid him it was not
necessary, as he is busy at national
headquarters. He counsels modeiatiou.
The re no ts are not as encouraging as I
would like to see them. The organiz
ers are making some progress, but as
they are handicapped by injunctions
the work of closing the mines is neces
sa ily slow."
Turtle Creek merchants are doing all
they can to feed the men. bnt to satisfy
the hunger of '4,0 .0 men is no easy task.
The leauers are considering the oues
tion of thinning out the cump so it will
not be a burden to their sympathizers.
The men were pleasautlv surprised
when a dozen women, half of them
with children, walked into camp. They
are the wives of miners, aud when they
said they had come to stay as long as
their husbands and brothers were there
aud would cook, they were given three
cheers. They are from the hrst pool.
District Secretary William Warner,
who was included in the information
made by T. li De.Armit. went befoie
'Saiuire Semmens and furnished bail
for his appe u ance at a hearing this
afterno n. Captain J. J. Steytler of the
lilyth Coal company became his bonds
man. James W. Shields, who operates
the Osceola mine, went on the bond of
the other defendants. Cameron Miller.
CharUs Shaw. En ward McKay. Paul
Trimmer and Jacob Affolter.
The marchers claim they have won a
greaMrictory, and in view of this fact
a praise and prayer meeting was held
in the gospel tent at Turtle Creek List
night. Father Cutinitiirliatn of the
Koraan Catholic church at Turtle Creek
made the opening prayer, and the min
isters of the Lutheran. Methodist Epis
copal. Presbyterian and United Piesby.
ten. in chuiches took pait. lonr brass
bands furnished the instrumental mu-ic
and the choir consisted of about 5.000
A llritish Vessel Taken br a ian of
Sax Francisco, Aug. 4. The steam
ship Belgic arrived from Hongkong and
Yokohama via Honolulu bringing the
following Oriental advices :
"News has been received from Hong
kong of the capture of the British
steamer Pegu by Acheenese pirates. A
gang of Acheenese took passage on th
Peiiu and, while at sea. murdered Cap
tain Hose and seven of his crew and
wounded IK others. They looted the
ship and then tied to the Acheen coast.
Important Cnaoges Mad In the Consti
tution. Philadelphia. Aug. 4. Considerable
time was taken up in amending the
:oustitutioii at the L. A. W. state meet.
The most important changes were :
Chaugiug the club representation to
1 for every 50 members iusteai of SO;
district representation to 1 for every
3oo league members instead of 200 and
the abolition of -voting by proxy.
A. D. Knapp, Wilhamsport, George
H. Lakes. Philadelphia, and T. F. My
ler of Pittsburg -were appointed a com
mittee to nominate officers of the di
vision. The division then adjourned to
meet in December.
Originals issued and m Restoration nad
Kelssue Oranted.
Warhixotox, Aug. 4. The following
Pennsylvania pensions have been is
sued: Original George W. Meek.
Natrona. Allegheny; Henry Wray.
West Elizabeth. Allegheny; Hobert A.
Patterson, Enon alley, Lawrence;
Tsaiah Warrick, Smith's Mills. Clear
field. Restoration and reissue George W.
Blackney (dead), Bellevne, Allegheny.
Increase John Lewis, Smicksburg,
Original widows, etc. Ellen Black
ney. Bellevne,' Allegheny; Barbara
Auld. Homer City. Indiana ; Charlotte
L. Hendrickson. Graceton. Indiana.
(ianeral Snowden Conferred With Adju
tant General Stewart at Harrlsburg.
Harrisbcro. Ang. 4. Governor
Hastings.who is at his Bellefonte home,
did not have a con faience with Adju
tant Geueral Stewart regarding tne
strike in the western part of the state
and the precautions to be taken to quell
me not snouiu tne snentx 01 Allegheny
countv call for
General Snowden was here and had a
non coniersaice with Adjutant Gen
eral Stewart mil returned tn vhiiii-
phia. It is not expected that there will
""j rn tor troons. Dut it trouble
iulucb 11 wui ne promptly met.
Chines Destroyed a Mission.
Sax Fraxcisbo, Aug. 4. Word is
brought here -bv the steamer Belgic
that on June 9 the Chinese at Vuchen
attacked and des roved the mission of
the Plymouth Bretnren and were
about to attack the Catchohc mission
when the soldiers interfere 1. The at
tack on the Plymouth mission was
brought about by the report that the
missionaries had killed a child.
Fatally Ileatea by Strikers.
Cor.xth. W ya.. Aug. 4 -Joseph
.Ginzaniu. an Italian coal miner ha
been baaten so badly by a gang of
striking Hungarian miners that he can
not live.
Driven Out by Strikers.
Petersburg. Ind.. Aug. 4. March
ing strikers have driven the men out of
the Wooley mine here and closed a
mine at Rogers.
Dlncley'a Father Ikaad.
Lewitox. Me,. Ang. 4. Nelson
Dingley. father of Congressman Nel-
in thlS CltT Mo wo wU .
" "'n0 jfunot age.
Death was due to a stroke of paralysis.
y Vlsitlu Hi. n...
Pittsblro. Ang. 4. -Senator Quay Is
MS "-lSj--
A Sister Restored t Health After Be.
Ins Ulvn l t Die.
Daxvtlle. Ky.. Aug. 4. Sister Al
fred of the Loretta academy, who had
been given up to die of appendi itis,
has entirely and suddenly recovered. .
On the ntuht of the recovery two sis
ters left her to take lunch and. on re
turning, she said the Bleased Virgin
had aoueared to her.
Later she said that the Virgin had
appeared to her a second time, told her
that she was cured and ordered her to
oner up communion the following
morning: rrora that moment she was
Only a tew days before a "novena"
to "Our Ladv" had been ended for the
benefit of the sufferer, and, as a last
resort, water of Lourdes had been ap
H Watched Game, but Could Not Be
Induced to Plav.
Hotel Champlaix, N. Y., Ang. 4.
The president has witnessed a golf
match on the Hotel Champlain links.
He was attended by Smith M. Weed.
Mr. McKinley cannot be induced to
try his hand. It is probable that the
Twenty-first regiment of infantry.
with the regimental band, will parade
on the hotel ground every day that the
pre-ident is here.
The presidential party, with the ex
ception of Mrs. McKinley and Secre
tary Porter, took another long drive to
riattsburg and on the roads adiacent.
Mrs. McKinley is not quite well enough
10 accompany them.
Vice President Hobart. Mrs. Hobart
and Master Hobart arrived on a special
tram last night. 1 hey were grteted
witn a display 01 fireworks.
Insurance Companies Wilt Kefuse Risks
of Intended ivoldseekers.
Ciurvuio, Ang. 4. Inquiry develops
that many of the principal life and ac
cident insurance companies have issued
positive instructions to their general
agents in the United States and Canada
against assuming any risks npou the
lives of persons contemplating a visit
to the Klondyke gold fields. These
rompanie- have found, so they say, that
the business of this character is 'not a
profitable i nc.
They fear that the great influx of
prospectors aud persons totally unac
customed to the extreme cold of the
Alaskan country would prove too great
a buiden for them. Many of the gen
eral agents representing eastern life
and accident insurance companies in
Chicago have received letters from the
home office of a prohibitory nature
aaiust these risks.
H Will Not Keslaja In rvor of White-
law Held.
Amaoaxsett. Ia. I.. Aug. 4. Secre
tary of State Sherman was interviewed
at his cottage here. ' He would not dis
cuss the report from Hawaii that
United States Minister Sewall had
been instructed to -declare a protector
ate over the island.
Referring to Whitelaw Reid's visit
Mr. Sherman stated that it was only
111 regard to the submitting of Mr.
Reid's report as special ambassador to
The question of my resignation.'
aaid Air. Sherman, ' was not men
tioned. I get tired of denving these ab
surd rumors that arisa from time to
Mr. Sherman declared his friendship
1 or Air. neia in vigorous terms. Mr.
Sherman will leave Amagansett for
Washington on rriday next.
Two swindlers Arrested.
New York. Aug. 4. The rolice have
locked up at headquarters two men
wanted in New Orleans for swidling a
weaitny saloonkeeper ont or 17.000 and
also 6usDected of being members of a
gang who operated extensivelr in South
American countries and the large cities
or tnis country, ine prisoners are Ivan
Antonio iiagan. oa years old. aud Ri-
lelio Gutter. iaz, 2t yeais old.
L- A. W.'Meet Opened.
Philadelphia. Anir. 4 Th T. a
W. national meet opened today wben
the tours and runs committee con
ducted runs to a number of picturesque
all the visitors are enjoying open house
at an tne i cai clubs. Tomorrow will
be the banner day for runs and the
racing win Degin on r riday morning.
Found Dead In Her Home.
New York, Aug. 4. Mrs. Li 7 we
bchurman has been found dead in bed
in the cottage where she lived with her
husband, near Secaucus. N. J. There
was a bullet in her head. The cottage
is in a very lonely spot. Frederick
achurman says he slept in another
100m. He declares he heard no shot
xnere naa Dee 11 domestic differences.
Convention of Kind's Daughters.
Oceax Grove. X. J.. Anr. 4, The
King's Daughters are holding their
tenth annual summer convention on
camp grounds with the president. Mrs.
vsi(Bici duiiuuic, in cnarge.
Reckless Bathers Kneed. . .
0PE MlT. Anir J. Tie Tna T 1-
gren of Washington has heroically
saved two reckless bathers from drown
ing. Miss L. E. Sears of Harrisbuxg
buu irviug iuarun oi fmiauelphia.
PlTTsnr.n In. 3
wHEAT-Xo. 1 red. T5a:Sc; No. red. Ua
----- - J i . ; AO. Z
belled. iiaJJc; ki(h mixed shelled. .31 1
OATS V. 1 .
, - , ;- ii a ao. -
W-4HK ; extra No. a while. 4Zjytc ; light
HAY No. I timothy. Ii.8VbI3..H0: No t
f 10 .V fell Ml- Vn I
iuitu. -.. tips.? :
pecking Sti; No, i fe4.dn)t praire.
wngun ur. for tim
othy; new No. I timothy. . (s;
l-Ot'LTKY-Uve-Large surln chickens.
Vfl Wbl . I . . . .
. pair; sniau. ?jc; laree old
cnicuens. -Vatiic per- oair; small.
docks. ;.: per pair; turkeys. T4I per
pound. Dressed -Spring t-hk-kenft. Ial8c
per pound : old chickens; -; ducks.
ftsT ft lis Ir ASi-sa V'ls a s
i i CK-Clgin .jrlnt. 1618 17c: extra
iiHc:oiiiofsBc crMtui-rt, It
Hr: country roll. eVoc; low KraU and
conking. Vatic.
CHEESE - Sw York foil cream, new
;,T I T." cream, new make.
. . . m tuww, 1 1 wma' :
Su'ViT- - "hCi 1,io 8'-
Wlc ncxs, a-ponnd average.
EtHis-HtrWtly freah PennsylTania and
VltllO. Ilk VtLSrM IstrsT. Infa 1,tt hi - t a
bins; way. JkftliWc: selected fancy slock. 11H
CATTLI Receipts light: market on
change 1. We quote: txtra. tl.w (M(
Drime. 4 Hill oji. ... ., . .
'.!: rood bou brrs'. . (; f air.
v 7. ."s.:w neirers. t-l.liia
uuiis. stags and rows. Ural in
Dion to tfltlkit T I n.un . ... .
- - T-.wi-.4'i: Doiogna
S,r.ri.-..?n-U" "" Bd "Ping.
t, ?,l?Jtai1 ,teh,: Jn'rk' "low. Best
light Workers and pig. M.xi4.3u; beat me
dium. M.Bm.S): common to fair. Il.,4..u
heavy, n '(t ); roughs. 3.tOo3
HEEP AND LAMBS-Suppiy light: mar
ket slow on sheep; steady on lambs. We
J"'" noiee. i.lrf.2ll; good. 4.0(l lu
.... . .... iaj common. f3.Ata ;i
: i r.n if
aiiiim. s-i..o(9..ui: vsal ralvra,
heavy and tliin calves,
Cla-oiMATl. Aog.S.
HtX.S Market lower st M.3 fM.W.
SITKliMmrk,-t 'ey t$.'.s4.S5. i
8HEEP A'll MiimJu.-L.. ...
-- ..i i k cfc jor snee-
a-tive aud higher at $2.3.7. Uubt-
Msarlrav hdrLas . 4 Kusz
Aagv 8.
red. 85ic.
market stronger
COKN Spot market stongyr ; No. t, 84c.
OATS 8pot market atronv v
CATTLE European cables quote American
- ew. u.Lsuua weiaat
rcfrlir.tnr lw.r sn.' .
SHEEP AND I-tBS-J&kst to,
M aVsss Kasa saosV 1 sbf . s ' j. af
mvwm N.-aF-t-p .w; 4tam 4A. 1
Are you m-kless enon'b n venture !.. js-tM1
two ornto in xtam to Mm k y'ii6ixAifi; t u
bin and Ukl V syOjin-u .o Str ,-t. N. to
erne of thr l-t-aulif .n i.Iiwtruteil ul.ndltrN'
Raoks." It is a m. I. iiuiqiH-. aiu u.u n s
iug work to every prn-on oi r. din-incut
Ihi rex-eiiA of ten o-uIh iu Maiiis iIm-v mil
send poettjaid a fml M C of tli ir luuHHiti buuM!
hold gauid VrrtA.
For ten ceMis cliey will sbMitnd a k i-onlatiiiiifc
complete worils i.f Tlii Ml kudo."' and um-n .
its uioot xjular solikT, Iol'i-IIk r willi I. u -ni'iiM-c
tiro 1 1 mi card'.
A very U-sIiil'. linrinh - s.-H rit. nronmtii
COinpolllul lor dii-nuifll. Hi,- taxi.- ol qlili.ilu-alio
other bitl-r drill's, it.i. r .oliil or fluid I'rin 7i
t'enta per I'tHt Hotlle. Prrx ritx-il l.v ll. .uni,iU.,
physicians iu Kunn"- and AiiM-ii.a.' I-or inn lit ao
aruiauieK rvtry holtle. For !--uk- hj- PruiMs.
Manutnrtu-d tr
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
.t elegant Fucrlish pharnmc ' tr.-iruiio.
for biliouH. malarial and l.loxl I, il.kt. ; tin- r.-
sult o: -ivit toentv-live t-aii .f tnivit nun. i.i
Mienu. . rewari-h.
Apiroved l thf liii:h-Nt meilirai autlioritu-K
Iu uaein th iiwpita:H iu-er i nhnf I iin-M-EoiMx-iaily
helpful to Uiiies. ., un.l .
pie of aedr-utary haliilH
Entirely vegetable ; t'rve from harmful .Initfs.
In Handsome Packages, Price fU Cts.
Pr-art-l liy
Chemists by apoiiitiuut to H.-r .njt-t.v U.e
"ueu audtotlie I'oyal Kumily.
130, 132, 134 Charlton St
Same metUcinal pro-rtis pk lint l rXixia. in
boxes, SO pills Ut bux, for 'i 5 l-hi
ine&ar Bitters C0HE.AL. J ,,:!i,jf!n" i
5 Or.
Tlnsgar Bittsrs F0wDS, 'm d.-s. (-.
Tlasgar Bitters, new style. J It","1 J I .to
Viasgar Bitters, old style, biiv-r tar-a-. i .00
The World's Great Blood Purlflar
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
The past dftb of a Century the Lending
rnaxlly Me.lclue of the World.
B. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors,
la a
In:aI. I1EAE
od Is the remit ol
eulds aal su.tdea
eltmate ehanve
EOB Ytll'H 1'IUITKI-Tloa
pursilvrl; state tha
his doss not
e ntaln mercury or tot
other Injurious drua.
acknowiedaed to bn ha .
Nsta.1 :tarrh. :.!.! In Hes.l and Hit K.vr i
ill remedies. It opens ai.d eense the nam
passaees. alias pals an. I Inflammation . heat the
-res. pruterttt the membrane ."rotn lils mum
' sen es ei taste and smell, t-rtee Sor st tlruit
Clsis or oj mail ELY HKIII IIKHS
66 Warrrn Street. New York
J una 4 W7 It.
Steel Picket Fence.
nsasoes sat skees Ftrkst Fws srHk Oats, mis kui
IUr.. sru saa Ira, Urlll, ls l,,l,,ii . , '
iIH BCksnvs. M siikia..rwia woi
mi Lun as utAN,
t. S03 A JO. HsrtM JU PitUhh. P-
men e v ly. '.f- 1
ami enjoy it, tne niiu-t lir-4 have l'.hnI
cleaiuses the system, aitls .liin Mk.11. rnrr
Cuii-tipatioii a 11. 1 sit k !.-. rie-.Lsant
lo take, la-( 11 i(h-. Kt.r sale l.v all
your lni"visls. 1(V an.J L'.'a-. Sumpl.Vree
Manufacture. I bv Til K Jill I II ill I I
OO., Yarren, fix.. :i 12 i7
Robert Cassidy's
Shaving Parlor
La)eated on Cantrs mm, n . 1 1-,j .
ttlc Ol.avina'. Hair t;utti.. an.. k. .......
laa dona In the aeateet aad tst manner. A
ar Tonr pairunaaa suliolted.
FAT E L. K s is
aa ID' UVMUIfll WaC W- :f C7
Jfc.baileaertsucUeeuU.ajfr.,uuiau. v jr
-- iimj.- iu IsiwuKli curoL
emlMti.iu"i.r .L?L "f 1 m'-
nn . , . . "" auiims. sun stamp,
OR. SNYDER. 2ll2ZlI'l2ttt?
For an Bujovs aad Nsavovs
DnaasBS. Thee Durife th
Blood and give - Hbalth
action to the entire system.
April 1 7 Ir "
Mountain House
Shaving Parlor,
mar .
tain street, Near Post Office
' lb,?!? "'"""'d dsslras to Inform tb pub
IiL..i ... "? hM a sbsmK par "r oa
tatlrl earnw . In lis
ntara. feesrvtaiaa . n
r iMMTttaas 44Mtd .
asvt nnn
Demands prompt treatment. The re
sults of neglect may b serious. Avoid
all harsh ami 1 rustic purgatives, tb
ten.leucy of which is to weaken tha
bowels. The best remedy Is Ayr'a
I'llls. purely vegetable, their
a.'tton i prompt and their effect alwaya
beneficial. They ara an adinirabla
I.iver and After-dinner pill, and erery
where endorsed by the profession.
" Ayer's PilN are hiphly and univer
aally si h. ken of by the iepla atajuk
here. I make daily tlse of t hem in my
prat-rice." Vr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge
xrt. Conn.
" I can recommend Ayer rills abora
all cth.-rs, having loujf prove.! their
value at a calhitrtic for mvself antl
family." J. T. Hess, Leilhaville, Pa.
" For aereral years Ayer' Pills hava
lxeu used iu uiy'family. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, anil
are never without thern in the house."
M.fS Grenier, Lowell, Mass.
I have used Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and indigestion, during many
ears, and have always fount! theut
prompt Hud etii.-ient in their attion."
L- i. Siuiili, I'u. a. N. V.
' I aiitTered from constipation which
aHsiini.'d sin-li an isfi!iHte f.irttt that I
f.-ar.-.l it would t-Hiise a stoppaj; of the
lnw.-M. Tut. 1nix.-s nf Ajm's l'il la ef-fi-i
i.-.l a complete cure." X). JSurke,
tSa. . Me.
" I have used Ayer's Pills for the past
thirty years and consider tlieui an in.
vaiiinhie family nif.ii.-iue. 1 know ot
no Ix-tier for liver troubles,
and line aluavs found them a prompt
cure f..r 1 .-n.i;t. "" .lames tjuiuu. i
Mi. I. lie I lai llor.l. Conn.
I la in.; 1 . ii Iroiihled with ciwtlve
tiess. u hi.-li ..'eitiH inevitable with ier
Sous ( ..leiitary habits, I have trie.!
A.i-t's Pills. Iii-i'in for r.-lief. I am
pla.l to sa they liae servetl ma
ls-tier than any other I
arr'.e at tins only after a
faithful trial of lli.-ir merits." Samuel
1. Jones. Oak l . Itoalou. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
l-KKi-AHrn rt
Or. J C Ayer &. Co.. lowed. Mas
Bold bf s-1 teaJera la HeUldss,
. JtHs itt.S. M. J. Kit A. j. . Hlfk
iiiTiBi ikikii n'.l.
Johnston. Buck tt Co..
HANK Kits.
A . Ki t K. aaliler.
teTABLlriHSK lsHM.
Carrolltown Bank,
tlAKKIll.l.lllHN, PA.
T. A. XII KHr.ll. stall ler.
General Banlin Bdsiel'ss Transacted
The lollowtn are the principal features ol
reDeral bat-iins t ulnei :
nr. !. th
Koeive4 parable un .lemaod. and Interett beat
ln certiorate issued t time depositors.
Rxtended to rnstntuers on tarnraMe tetms an.
spproved paer .llsoounte.1 at all times.
Madetn the l.wality nH umo all the bknkln.
lowns In the L'nlted states fliarues mtxlerate
lnu.l neeotlshle in all parts nf the I'nltno
states, ami li.reltn exchaoife luxue,! on ll part,
ol Kuroi .
A -l"N rn
ill merchant, fanners anil others solicited. t
arh.-m rea..onal.le a.-eotnilatltin w.ll t extended
Pa irons are MS.urml that all tranaartion shal
be held as slrlrtly private and .etnndentlal. an.
that they will he treated as l;l.ra:i as auo.
tanklnK rales n ...r!uit.
Kef .ert lull; ,
Owens & Makin,
mir i
All kintls of the Best Meat
from selected stock keit at their
Daily Meat Market ou Ilinh
Street, Kbenslur7.
Give as a call.
Sept. in;
Policial written at snort nocie m the
d " rirnl l lssi t onapnailea.
1 794:.
KbsnsDara.Jaij 21. mi.
.inti.-. i.u.-,.iiw
anaVen to lin.l ih
. i ......b ua in i ai..
'it.-M-..f al.-obolism la-teue-l
ll.t t 1... . . . a . L- ..... . .
II' 'I. tt.el.l rn.i.i..
V ...em m, r.Niiirullc a vlrur u
c""rse to-slui.-nt at tbe
.'en. iit.ui to manage af
WrT.SBfiMi K.,:, i:y INSTITUTE.
". i-,lf. Fifth Atenue.
" t.a II,,.,,, ..'""r1 ,,v'e.l bere. atet - .1 .. e..t,li.. t,.-e as I., tbe
ri..- I ibl, . Z.T":1. 1 " '" 'f 'e Keelev litre
lit- t,.r i Ti . . '"vet:et..rt, is
r i.n, -1.1,-t; lu lu lull iul.-ui.
aoir J A4
-pATrvr vai-iTblr kicToNFrcD
beat Set Works In the World.
Saw Mill & Engine
yrJL l2f.0f'd 3 Columbia'' Eros,t,o.
,1- at L V' . 'nienruts of Krt Ou.l-
sl.ker- dlbt tHa.-seai
l( 71"-. " raia. .o..a ut
I J-f-sSJL l'"t't It. ,. i
' ia Ked aa. ..-WW atallicV
'-. Will. 1-.L
Mtlrr. Mr Aim 4mrrwM akiiiw.
mmtmm a. i na.,a..l. J
"taU-rr f IjuHn." wlaur br ret.
ISaJl- I..MMI - - - - - .. .
tiairaeMOTt aesBSealCMaelMe R,aa7.
as itfrm.i VtsasasWvT-ea
nevtr wants U lurn, but tha
reads that
OIjD Honesty
is the best that is made, and
at ON0E tries it. and tsavea
money and eecuree more
satisfaction than ever before.
WOLD imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. If your
dealer hasn t it aak him to
get it for yoL
iio mm i broi. LonL-imij
hat a-n a cistft.-int ATTxTtur fr tt
nt xty vtmret. It la wonils-rfuny "i-ing in ul
l-tuiiful UiKt-Am-. tttM-l. awi
It h-MBtls-a. 1 kafw.
4 alaarrtk. 1 asait kass-bc-.
rarmlcla.' ilt.-twM b
arrd rthr ailinrtitfi b-r paui lt an tt-rikd-
nt. lrj it. At lriiir 1oit. r t Bitui ku
rrtpt if umMt-. mUimm ukJ s& emu.
Blilr. I. S, A.
Cat-eat. ad Traile-Marka '.btatiied. and all I'm.
eut huine-.s citi''uf-iel for Moderate F;.
Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and we cm retire latet.t iu leoi- time thaii thuae
remote fnni
s.-nd nt.Mlel. drawmir -r l hoto., mith Iwrlp
Viim. Vi- aii. ire. if JiatentHtile ,r Tint, free of
ctianre. tlur f.-e nt iue till ttstent is seeared,
Pamphlet. -Ilott t.. l.tam fatem." with
nam. a .f -iu.-.l it. t ..urtste, county,
tow u, n'. fr.-e. .-l1rr-.i
Oooe&its Patent OSes. W.saiata. O tV
a. L. bbsp. siTsinriuiit
Atlorneys t 1 .ii"v.
KHtNSBI' K.I. . - - - HENNA.
r- imi-e uo Centra street. 4 ia k
Attorneys nt Lnv
sl im w In Hr Hiign. u.i
KBsaasraat. Paaa'a
ar-Scial attentloa to iitss elaims tor fe
i.m Konnt ete ebl- Nmi
' anxaaav n iirtr.i:uiii ituw a. pa
art me on Centra street
times la Itoilanada Kow. . a et tr. stres.
A rrtiKN EY - AT I.A W.
.. . . fc.asar.acaa. Pbstj
" """ In Hvr. Ttnnse t -enter atnwl
Do Yea Want Employe nt
At h.-nie or trarellns; with tlimli PAY r II so
writ tons lor Kartlralar. .iti. ... . .
uatlon. Yun ran worK all or art tine, and tbe Address.
K.Htt sanaa. A. y.
Mar li V7 4tn.
We. ttie -ut.,1rrlrfne.t eltlren of Huu-kllck
t. wrn-t..,.. brt., e e w , ttm t.ut.t.e , "
ire....;s on . nr laods. a ay case Ion tat
jr.. wl ,.r.eaiea t tb. tail
..! P-er W.ener. Mearr t stt.,11 Jyjbu
Manner. fc. K-l.od aad kJrtrVrgV
Etejstan Fire Insnrance him
'1 AV. DICK,
General Insurance Asent.
EitKxsHrna. rA.
awsswfaaa ,lml.IW,, -
Iialms. fi.itar ban o. Accsrdsos.
Harasonlrst. c- all kinds at Strisjat. rtcetc.
U. t13. bl5. M7 Kost t:h St.New Ywb
I hLt AGENi s
I 111 tvptvseni the M.wt t . ui4ete Niinrtn
. in Atuera-a. Nia t, siiIH. aovntiwit tittt
t year., ammo ami ...iej It vr center
i aal . fc kriisarrs always aweeeeal s it k
fanerseneesl Aaenta staakle Iheir
- e. sss inewaae. Now a. Ute lime lo mart.
li. ilesve wrweelew. Kelm-,r, .. y
wn r. la i KATTOM'S
aHlWVttaalilwUraa allka.
VrSllas, Guitars. Bants a. Accardeaaa h.-..i.
cat. Ac, all kinds at Striata, ate. ate
811. 8X3. 815. 817 lOUiSu.wYork.
tjssell our hlah srade iaa.eetrd Nuraerratork.
"w M-eaalllew olfrrv.1 tin. tbe
nrat 1 1 Uir aa i. -l I . ku w . . . . . '. . . .
S asawr swj a-W BUH. aa.a.ay Ba 9LC a
r- A Tneasaa. Haais tseaa Barsarssa !
Ms sinsir.fw
BiiiTsr-T ; rvq
Seashor tipres,,
AIUo .ul.Ul K
Main l.tne Lipi, . w -i,t
Altooaa Aor
Mali fcirefe. dail.
fbttadeiubia txpre. T., ,
.lottnstowo Areonia,,
Paemr Klj,re,.. aall,"","' d
Was l',r .Uil
Hlttst.ura fc.spre -..!.','," - J""-
Ksst Line, dally .
jiB.w.n AtB,..",---
rb Br.
- .fen
r enin Hastinas an.i u,f
fc rotn i VcpMin. .... " -,ita
fcr-.tu V.
fc r.Hu t'reniM.a.
riiiui resKon .."
fctoui Uies.uu
fc'or t 're.f,n
fc..r Ha-tiu.s'.'u.'t il, N
rut .utou.laie
fc'-rr itwm
fc..r .iMtiG., au."iiie .,';
fcor t:rcri!.ii l"
..IP. Bl.. tw
I K. Watt, f a
PlltsUurx. fc-.
. li
I. B. Hi n nNM,v
tiefcral M,Lvt, '
J k s
" 1
SSclt TIrd.vr, -kt-1 rv. ,
- . . awu . .
IViutuos, Ka
Stltin. fcaiu IU te K it, t-.
u. ul
Ha...l.. . r ,
-juaii - laailelI..,.-ti;.."u11, f
Tt-DULib i- I
crrer I all Jiw. .ri. r. f .:.Sx. Zl a"" I
li tTnaro8uutoti,tU,M. ., .'" I
s. sa Jj-l
AfKtheTwaoliU-alia.t1ir -lw I
aul.vr f i.,w lUm I
tllTILr:irt' ..loc-i J .ai'TT- I
booucetrj tttii a uj c ti: ,
Bl4e Id rwtuau. a lat
lutodow.ttioutturja. bat'aSe:,
iatliebaneof so bisut lirej ut Ba,,
Veluaat.oliri'ttaa U.t. (Jur ij. I
otuers d not
m Carter's Lull. lJ-r Till are t-r
aert -ay to o v . r t i .
Hi wa-ri..! ......
- - - "i .-- j j j ; I
.lir-c l.ut l,J IL-il (ft-LU. s.-! '
..-etuetu lui.l.s!...ts- S.TTl.
Tflt MEOlwIMECO.. .a.
" '. SMALL D0f S1UL1K
"t as wss srsatisj l LaM-ftt IMl I
Firifkft the Bl4i. .t-a m
IB. J U MTUI lavirtl.ld It
" brXPBfD I lrt. nittO t tLrr lasast If aMtlr-Ml
bv kl4Brn in my a rar trmctat 1 La law-. I
tssBr-la.Ly basansvbcaaVI Ua IsT. I T t-g 1
sVOal tm aUi dtllllAt.Lk( sVistlValaLa) ILnU (rakT Sk :)
m ttm strati tat L a ffwn oi tuy b hiai.
tsfar. "1 mm eiis.(Hii Iai ivhi A,mm -niasi
arxaubltsfi Vsti (atUlasl M ft. laV k hrjL f
ksafl aalo--sTVti v- M -i mbcrmw4memm
tiMk C MKHliii.iit mALltamtLL
$40 &
.t tlrf t.t(.toV llirlil W1il.ii fUTLl?Ii "
oof tN- away I rum tt.iut e-r iiu.'i f
Tourwbolettti.'totti.-..rk..rMiii' --.-'
UM-nt. ACbr i:U i- r-uirt-J i .t, -
W: tupf.Wjow r;h u'A nr- : : I -
avOt TCU t tr T! ""..-ilr-" A 1
"n da the mark Hr:iiii r o. .ir--
tit Mart ! ttilure ui.kui- i. . t. r?
Km lMUr 4MJI lut'l.r lt.Uni.t a-i . tt.AA- ml
SO 0e- itiO M ..t.. to M-'-.k v. :..
naooev; -rrrv dai tiiab ai. r .....t .i.
at tir orditar -nt.Kv ur i.:. wLrti--.
OuulaJuiiAg tbe fa Ik?: miit- -i
Bos 880.
'.rniatt.-a an 1 fr- mo.J-.. Z
s a iu, . ii. .
tairrau f.s- ti-ur.u.- -i ' ! :Jt taten .nil t ' ,r J.jiSi
. . . . . . . f rv ul Jt
Oklet tair
lvn taken
Sue tHiUuc- Vj a av s'l.
Lan-vt rtrrulatl. m of an t r.:
kaTsAl. tM-iaiti. l..uIrtrJ
tU4Va labaMilat l-f k "
veair; $l.hal mwnr.. A : ir -YLkUMMmmtmm.
Jl -arvl -
v.. -rj".
oembership fe H J--'J -irr 1
accidental injuries.
Be your ovn Afent.
Best li tie Wart!
Set tie Genclie !
Sold Eienrwhtre !
Wanted-fln Idea
w-so m
ot srfS"
ir Men.: theT a.a - ' '""..a;
Wnu JOHN j a j ,.-
Nbadale I
'""iMll 4
l-ea I,,,.,,, tr 4 '
in. at Cres.uu at , ul . "'"Jii
:r-..o 34 a. u.. , ' - .
sou. at .,.., a in. .uj 6 j," .
1 xifps . !
avaat aLT