The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 04, 1897, Image 4

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Senate Is Now Down to the
Metal Schedule.
the Minority l'rnpoel Numerous Amend
n.riit. I'.ut ttVrr All Defeated An
Altai k on ?krr Ileert In the Ilonse.
S .ii.e Witty Talk In III npfort.
Y.mnTON. June 2. The senate
ii-:(! i:nol rfiirp ss ou the t:iriff lill,
julvaii'-inir to the nuixirtant metal
M-ln-iiule. Iiuriiiirthe day the para
r.i.hs cnvpr marble and stone,
ch.n.i, plas-i. urir k'aml tiles were com
!tvI, with a few minor exceptions.
.Messrs. V-t an-t .Jones (Ark ), in be
half of th mtnoirty of the finance
cinimtt.-', in p s-it uumerous am-ml-ineiits,
wtiir-tv wt-re defeated by majon
of fi) 14. The votes were on partr
line. in th- main, aithouph Messrs.
i:av in ami Wlute. liemtxrats. voted
vith tt.e K-imblicans to increase the
l on onyx and Mr. McKuery, Demo
tr:it. votei with the R-.tiabUcaus
:iMinst Mr. Join's' propositioa for a re-lu-rim
if t hf rates on lima.
As a sequel to the recent sensational
f-;.e ih of Mr Til. man. Mr. SMinth (X.
.1.1 ro-- to a 'itiestion of personal privi
l --e win!'' the tariff debate was pro-i-.-i-iiin.;
and made a brief but pointed
ilenial of alt spei tCut.on in suar stock,
either recently or at any tune when
ninar was the subject of legislation.
Mr. Tillmin was among those who
heard the denial, bat he made no rom
iiient on it. .-'euator McLaurin S. (.'.I
was sworn in early in the day. raising
the membership of the senate to S!.
The tantV bill was taken up immedi
ately atter the disposition of business.
The rimmittee. amendments were
withdrawn on the paragraphs covering
ail other china not specifically pro
vided for," leaving the house rates at
.o for decorated and .i." for nudecor
siteii. Mr. Joins auam offered an
Miiendni'iit. lie snpnorted it in a
hpceeh statuiir that at the rates of the
)n es nt law the producers claimed to
be doing a prosperous business.
Mr. ewe.l (Kep.. N. J.) answered,
reailmir a statement showing that many
otterie ha 1 failed and a large number
of potiery ork rs were out of work us
a result of the present low rates.
The committee ottered a substitute,
which was ;grecd to, on the paragraph
t-overinsi tiles, gla.ed or ungiazed. It
is practically the same as the house
Paragraph f', covering articles com
posed of earth and mineral substances,
w is taken up. ami Mr. Cattery (La )
I-tiered an amendment reducing the
rate from '-'.a to 'M per cent on audeco
ruted ware.
The Catfery' amendment was defeated
" r. .', Mr. Heitfidd voting with the
J 'eniocr.tts in the aflirmative and Mr.
Jones (Xt'T. i with the Republicans in
the lu-gafive. The cc mmittee amend
ments to the paragraph were then
agreed to.
tin aragrapli U4. covering plain
gTeeu rlnit or lime bottles, Mr. Vest
proposed an amendment reducing the
rate on lo: ties holding more thau one
pint from seven-eighths of a cent per
jund to three ouarters of a cent. Mr.
est Held. in s4ipjKrt of his amendment,
that the American producers controlled
the ni.irket and couid export goods witli-t-nt
a duty. Mr. Vest's amendment was
(lisaurei-d" to yeas, ".'l ; nays, ;J'J. The
paragraph was then agreed to as re
jiorted. The consideration of the bill pro
ceeded from the point reached at tho
last session, viz : paragraph 105, relat
ing to spectacles, eyeglasses, goggles,
i tc. Mr. Vest opposed the proposed
r.ites, saying they ranged from B5 to ISO
jrt-r cent on articles of necessity.
Mr. Aldrich argued that low-priced
sjiectaeles from abroad were so poor
that it would be of advantage to ex
clude them from use in this country.
Mr. lute (t'al.) said this was the
iirt time the "sanitary ' argument had
been used in snpport of a high tariff,
:.ud Mr. fa fiery declared that the
American peoole did not ask that their
spectacles be tried by Mr. Aldrich.
Mr. White offered an amendment
substituting the rates of the present
law.' Mr. White's amendment was de
feated, and the taragraph was agreed
IO as leliorted.
The remaining paragraphs relating to
glass were airreed to as reiorted, except
!ie paragrph covering stained or
painted glass windows, which went
over at the request of Mr. Allison.
When the marble and stone schedule
was taken up Mr. Vest made a contest
ii the paragraph relating to manufact
urers of agate, etc., moving a reduction
of the rate from ."0 to miJ per cent. Tne
amendment was defeated, yeas 17;
nays .'!.
The committee projiosed a change in
the amendment rel it:ug to marble and
onyx, leaving the marble rate as ro
ported. and placing onyx, in block, at
ut --'l.-'iO per cubic foot.
Mr. Vest remarked that this was a
raise of ::0 p-r cent over the present
rate, to which Mr. Aldrich assented.
Mr. ('artery spoke against 8uch heavy
increase-;, warning Mr. Aldricii that he
was "digging the grave'' of protection.
Mr. Aldricii answered that the pro-po-ed
rates were required in order to
pive the Ameiican producers of onyx
adequate protect on agaiust Mexican
Mr. White and Mr. Jones (Ark.),
lth minority members of t lie finance
committee, hail ' several colloquies
which disclosed a divergence of opin
ion between them and in response to
jocular remarks by Mr. White, Mr.
iones said a ;iOl per cent increase conld
no be "laughed into respectability."
The committee amendment placing
onyx at per cubic foot was then
agreed to yeas, ai ; nays, IT. Messrs.
"White and Hawlins voted with the lie
pnblicans in the affirmative. The com
mittee amendment as a whole relating;
to marble and'onyx was agreed to.
( n dressed freestone Mr. Vest moved
a reduction from f0 to ilO per cent. In
This connection Mr. Vest remarked that
it became his melancholy duty to refer
to another duty raised above the Mc
Kinley rate. Alreudy. he said, he had
jointed pu; aUuf 3o instances of the
kind, although Mr. Aldrich had claimed
there were b;it half a dozen rates aliove
those in the McKiuley bill. It had
reached a point. Mr. Vest said, when
the advocates of bill had lost all vener
ntion and respect for -that taritl act
Ix aring the name ot the president of
the United States.
.Mr. Lodge (Mass.) and Mr. (ialliuger
X: 11.) sioke of the greater labor cost
in the quarrying of granite in the
V'nited St ites over that in Scotland
and Sweden, and Mr. Gallinger ex
pressed the hope that when the lull got
iuto conference the protection afforded
American granite would be greater
than ever before. Mr. Vest's amend
ment was then disagreed to, yeas l'J ;
nays 2S.
'i he other paragraphs relating to
itoue and slate were agreed to as re
ported. This brought the senate up to
schedule C, relating to metals and
Manufactures of metals.
Mr- White suggested th-U as the sen
rite was drawing near to the sugar
schedule any new schedule, even iu an
embryotic form, ought to be presented
:.t an early day. as senators desired to
Make calculations on it.
"The senator will receive ample
coti. e." responded Mr. Aldrich smil
ingly. "We will try so accommodate
The senate then held an executive
session and 'Oim after adjourned.
Spr-i:tl Aiulntudor I'eid Sails.
New York, June 2. Amonp the
pa-sengers who sailed on the Majestic
today from this port is Whitelaw Keid,
ti e spf cial ambassador to represent the
I'm ted States at the queen's jubilee,
lie will be accompanied by Mrs. Ktid,
iisa Jean Heid and Ogden iiilla Eeid.
t -
The CtMiimtttf e to lnv-i ig ite thr Con
dition f Minrrs Kcaii) to K port.
II.Rflsni K-..June. 2. Both branches
of the legislature held short sessions
last evening.
The Western penitentiary is to be in
vestigated when the legislative com
mittee pets through with the Eastern
penitentiary. A concurrent resolution
wa adopted bv the .senate extending
until June the time within which
the committee shall report. When it
came up for coneurrence in the house.
Chairman SeilVrt said the committee
had not completed its inquiry into the
management of the Eastern peniteuti
ary. and that the puri use of asking
that the time be extended was to give
the committee time to investigate the
Western penitentiary. The resolution
was cmi' urn d in.
The report of the committee to in
estigate the condition of the miners of
the Pittsburg district is r;ady to sub
mit to the senate, but Chairman Savior
has decided to wait until next Monday
befo. e tiling it. Mr. Savior says the
report is an interesting document and
does not mince words in giving the
cause of the deplorable condition of
the miners.
A resolution was reported from the
rules committee and adopted iu the
house that the order of business tor
Thursday be revenue bills on second
reading, local and special bills on sec
ond and third reading and final passage
and the general calendar of house bills
on second reading.
There were three of Quay's reform
bills on the senate calendar which had
originated iu the senate and were
umeuded by the house and passeL
They returned to the senate to have
the amendments concurred in. They
were the nou-interfereuce, non-pol.ti-cal
assessment bills, and one prohibit
ing free pool tax receipts. Mr. Oslxmrne
was primed for tne bills and upon his
motion they were noii- oncurrud in,
and the batch was thrown into confer
ence committee. This will give an op
portunity for them to be still further
The state treasury interest bill was
called up on second reading. Mr. Grady
to; k it in charge and suggested a num
ler of amendments, which he styled as
corrections of typographical errors, lie
also amended tiie title as suggested by
Attorney General McCormick.
The criminal libel bill was called up
on linal passage. Senator Grady pro
posed two amendments. lie struck out
the word criminal" from the title and
made it read "an act relating to libel
and its puui-hment." Amendments
were agreed to and Tuesday next set
for the bill's final passage.
The house bill imposing a tax of 2
cents per day on all unnaturalized males
over 27 employed within the state was
amended by the senate so us to impose
the duty of tax collection on the em
ployer. There was a lively fight over the Fair
eight-hour bill, which came up in the
house on final ftassage. Mr. Bliss in
opposing the bill attacked George
Chance of Philadelphia, president of
the Pennsylvania Labor association,
who has been here during the session
lalioring for this and other labor bills.
Mr. Woodruff spoke for the bill and
d'-iending Chance. Mr. Farr in de
lending chance attacked Mr. IUiss and
was caded to order by the speaker. Mr.
Bliss moved to amend the bill to make
it general in its application. The mo
tion failed and the bill passed finally
by 10S to 7:5.
The senate ndjourned until next Mon
day. The majority of the senators will
attend the business congress banquet
in Philadelphia tonight.
The Insurance 1 n vest igiit iiir Coiuinlttre
llvard Startliitt; Testimony.
HRRisr.i Rs, June 2. The joint leg
islative committee, appointed to inves
tigate the f.jO.CtK) insurance scandal,
has held a sensational session.
Haley Fiske. vice president of the
Metropolitan Insurance company,
stated that Frank li. Leonard of the
Clearlieid Coal company, who said he
represented one or two Pennsylvania
state senators, called on the secretary
of the Metropolitan company in New
York and laid before him a plan where
by the bill could be killed.
John French of Oil City, district
ngent for the Metropolitan company,
told of a visit he paid to Senator Shortt
of Sugar Grove. Warren county, in ref
erence to she bill, and he said: "I
have no sympathy for von people. I
had the bill recommitted thinking you
people would take your cue." He said :
"You want to get after Judge Durham
and Senator Andrews. Andrews is in
that business and he does not make any
bones aliout it. As for myself, 1 have
plenty. Y'ou know the country members
are square and honest and they would
not do anything of that sort. Still, that
is not saying that I can't be touched."
Senator Shortt took the stand. With
much feeling he said that French's
statement was "an absolute. vicious and
malicious lie." and. turning to French,
he said fiercely : "And you know it.
You partook of My hospitality and then
manufactured such a low-lived lie."
Another hearing will be held Mon
Calhoun Will Mnko No OITi. lal Report
Outside of That Cue,
Washington-, June 2. While no offi
cial communication, either letter or re
port, has come to Washington as vet
from Mr. Calhoun, the special counsel
sent by the president to Cuba in con
nection with the Kuiv. case, private ad
vices received hero from him indicate
that he expects to leave Havana for
Washington next Thursday or Friday.
He will go directly to New Y'ork by
steamer instead of coming back from
Tampa by rail as he went, and it is ex
pected that he will reach this city about
ne.t Sundav.
It is said at the department that no
ofh lal report iimui Cuba, is to bo ex
pected from Mr Calhoun : that all he
will have to submit officially will bear
upon the Ruiz case, which was the sub
ject of his official appoint nieiit, and
that anything he will have to commu
nicate respecting 1 1ns general condition
iu Cuba as affected bv the war will be
in the shape of a verbal report to the
K'Hi Mclf Won 1o
Washington-. June 2. The inter
national chess match between members
nf the hons? of representatives and the
British house of commons has so far re
suited iu a draw, each side having won
and lo-t two games and one being
drawn. When the match was con
cludea by Mr. Shafroth winning his
game and tying the score hearty cheers
were given on each side of the water
for the president and her majesty, the
Frljhtrnrd the I'axrncr rn.
Cleveland, June 2. The State of
Ohio of the Cleveland and Buffalo
transit, line broke her machinery off
Ashtabula and l-came helpless. She
was loaded with holiday passengers,
Who became badly frightened. Help
summoned irom .Asiitaimla ami the
steamer was towed into Cleveland by
the tugs.
Snrlr Acquitted.
Washington. June 2. In the case of
John E. Searles, the sugar trust wit
ness. Judge Bradley ordered the jury
to bung in a verdict of acquittal, hold
ing that the questions asked the witness
by the senate committee were not per
mit nt, and if so were not within the
jurisdic tion of the committee.
I'roinineot Kewapaprr Man Dead.
Boston, June 2. Charles H. An
drews, one of the proprietors of the
Boston Herald, has died at his home
here. Mr. Andrews was born in Boston
in lfvU and has been connected with
The Herald, with the exception of a
few years, Mnce 1S57.
The Committee on the McAllis
ter Case Reports.
the Report fauwi a I.ivrly Diculon.
The Standing Cnnimillees Named A
Ke4lulion l'aed Condemning Suuday
Trains and streets Cars. -
Braver Falll. Pa., June 2. The
Reformed Presbyterian church was
packed with an interested audience, as
it was generally exiected that the syn
od s committee of conference, to which
bad beeu referred the Willson-McAllister
heresy case, would rciort during
the session.
Kev. S K. Wallace of Brooklyn. T.
Y.. chairman of the conference com
mittee, announced that the reiort was
ready and everything gaye way to it.
As the chairman began to read it a si
lence almost painful fell upon the audi
ence, for everybody realize! the im
portance of the reiort. It was as fol
lows :
"Your committee to which was re
ferred the fourth item of the retort of
the committeeof discipline would make
the following report : We have given
prayerful and careful consideration to
this important matter. It gives us great
pleasure to say that your committee
has been in perfect accord iu all our de
liberations. "The following was unanimously
adopted a a basis of settlement : Re
solved, that without passing judgment
on the merits or the case it is our judg
ment that Dr. McAllister, in the inter
ests of peace aud of the cause of Christ,
as represented oy the Refcrmed Presby
terian church, should agree to cease the
publication of articles in the line of
those referred to in the charges, and in
case he so agrees it is our judgment
that Prof. Uson should agree to with
draw the charges.
"We have to report that this was uot
agreed to by Mr. McAllister. Your
committee feel that the peace of the
church is greatly disturb! d by the agi
tation of tins question, and we recom
mend that iu the interests of peace and
of the cause of Christ as represented by
the Reformed Presbyterian church Dr.
McAllister be enjoined to cease the pub
lication of articles in the line of those
referred io in the charges, and that the
charges be dismissed."
Before proceeding to a consideration
of the report the synod was led in
prayer by Rev. Dr. Stevenson and Elder
John Hunter.
A motion to adopt the report precipi
tated a discussion, which lasted the re
mainder of the session aud is still un
der consideration.
Dr. McAllister said he had told the
committee t'ney had begun at the
wrong end of " the case. They had
taken it for granted the articles in
question were libelous. "The libel,"
he said. "1 c haracterize as aciubheld
over my head and I would not as a
matter of compulsion do anything of
the kind suggested. If the libel re
mains, 1 first demand a trial."
The moderator announced the stand
ing omniittees lor the year, which
were as follows :
Order of business Rev. J. C McKect
ers, K. M. Blackwood and Elders J. P.
Mct'lurkin, Rohinsoii and Johnston.
Devotional exercises Revs. R. M Som
erville. T. .1. Allen, R. J. Dodds and Kl
ders S. R. Rogers, M. R. Mahatfey.
Evangelistic work Revs. T. M. Slater,
E (i. Klsey, J. K. Crozier and Elders
Robert P. Anderson, David Edgar.
Presbyterian reports Revs. 1. Paris, J.
C Reed". .1. M. Wvlicand Elders .1. V.
Pritcbard. V. S. Wylie.
National reform Rev James Patton.
W. M id is-ow, II. P McCUirkin and El
ders John Hunter and Adam Waekiu
shaw. Printing and publishing Revs. D. R.
Wilson. D. D.. T. t". Sproull. W. J. Cole
man and Elders E. Milroy. R .1. Ward.
sabbath Revs. R. J George, D. D., C.
D Trumbull. I). I) . i. Mt Fall, and
Elders William McKimu y T. Duncan
Sahhalh schools II (i. Foster, .1. C
French. R. E. Reed, and Elders W. R
Wallace. John Aiken.
Secret societies liovs W. C Paden, J
R II nl, R C. Wylie. I) D. and Elders
E. V. Ilosick, John McCiillongh
Systematic liencliceiice Revs S. (J.
Shaw, P.J. McDonald. S. M. Stevenson,
with Elders J. A. MuAteer, William An
derson. Temperance Revs A. KMnatriek. S
Kingston, J. McCnickcn. and Elders
Iluili Scott, II A. Young.
Psalmody Revs. R. A. Paden, T A.
Rush..!. R. Iitimer. ami Elders John A
Russell and .1. McCartney.
The committee on the Sabbath, Rev.
3. J. Crowe, chairman, brought for
ward a report which had b. en pre
viously presented aud recommitted for
abbreviation. The item of the rejiort
which condemnes the use of street cars
and livery turnouts on the Sabbath
created a lively discssion. A few mem
bers hailing from large cities thought
there might be circumstances under
which their use was necessary and ad
mitted that they used them occasion
ally. The resolution as finally adopted con
demned "all Sunday trains and the
running of street cars, livery stables
and postotlices and open s;ores and
rhops and all manner of secular read
ing and carnal pleasure on the Sabbath
us inconsistent with the law and detri
mental to the well-being of mankind in
all relations of life."
A business session was held in the
evening, ut which the work of home
missions and other matters were con
sidered The synod resumed business
this mominir. and an effort is being
made to reach a final adjournment.
I'roduclion or -old antl Silver.
Washington. June 2. Mr. Preston,
the direc tor of the mint, has about com
pleted his figures of the gold and silver
production in the United States during
the calendar year I MHi. He finds the
production of gold to have been about
$d:. 000,000, an increase of over i,2:o,
000 as compared with 1M)5. The pro
duction of silver is given as o7, 700.000
hue ounces, au increase of l.iioo.0.0
ounces over lb!.".
I.uetgert Held For Murder.
Chicago, June 2. Adolph Lnetgert.
the rich sausagemaker charged with
the murder of his wife, has beeu held
to the grand jury without bail. The
examining magistrate said that there
was strong circumstantial evidence that
a crime had been committed and that
it pointed to the conclusion th.t the
defendant was guilty of the crime with
which he was charged.
The Anierlran Medical Aoe.'tion Cele
brating It In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Juno 2. The Amer
ican Medical association has begun the
celebration of its golden jubilee and
will continue four days. The conven
tion was called to order by the presi
dent. Dr. Nicholas Senn of Illinois.
Members and their wives to the num
ber of over 3.000 have registered.
Mayor Warwick welcomed the associa
tion on behalf of the city and Hon
Charles Emory Smith on behalf of the
After the committee on arrangements
had reported President Senn delivered
his annual address. The report of the
committee on the Rush monument fund
which followed, was an appeal for
means to erect a more suitable memor
ial than the present amount iu hand
The Firt or thirty Imuiee Salts.
Hoi'GHTON. Mich.. June 2. Suit has
been begun by the widow of Peter
Malmstroin, a miner who was suffo
cated by the great fire iu the Osceola
mine in September, lS!f, for tsO.OOO
damages against the Osceola Consoli
dated MillillC ( oilman v Tim cmr i
the first of a series of 30, that many
"nvitiK oeeu iosi at the tiuie, lor
wnicn ine same amount of damage
win ue uskeu.
The Minority Agxin Ails Sir. Heed's
3 I'oliry In the lloue.
Washington-. Jane 2. There was a
lively session of the house, at winch
the policy of Speaker Reed aud the Re
publican majority were again made the
subject of attacks by members of the
The appeal of Mr. Lewis (Dem..
Wash ). taken last Thnrsoay from the
decision of the chair, that a resolution
relating to foreign affairs did not con
stitute a question of privilege, was laid
on the table, and after the skirmish
over the methods of procedure three
special orders were successively adopted
by two or which the senate bills mak
ing a special appropriation for the gov
ernment printing office aud for grant
ing the secretary of the navy authority
mutripi unr 'tmi vessels to carry
contributed supplies to Iudia were
The other provided for the considera
tion of the Frye bill to prevent col
lisions upon harbors, rivers and inland
waters of the United States connected
with the ocean.
Mr. Richardson opened the attack of
the inaction of the house and protested
vigorously against the present method
of doing business. Here we are," he
said, "with our hands tied with uo
committees, none of the conveniences
or the necessities of the legislation ;
nothing except the committee on rules,
which dictates what we shall do and
shall not do. The house never was iu
such a dilapidated and disorganized
condition for such a length of time."
Mr. CirosvelK r (Rep.. O. followed
in a similar strain. The other side, ho
said, was treating the majority with
gTeat unfairness. Every now aud then
they spring something new on us in the
shap of a new leader. Laughter.
When the talented young Texan
(Bailey), who inherited his leadership
rather than earned it, was in command
a little flattery and a few kind words
sufficed, and we got along very well to
gether. (Iaughter. ) But when the
great leader from Kansas (Simpson)
suddenly Hashed upon the horizon and
swung the minority into a solid phalanx
1 thou'-'ht. perhaps. Cod Almighty had
decided to wreck the Democratic party
under his leader.-hip. But he dropi ed
out. 1 never knew exactly how. Per
haps his time was out. Laughter.
Mr. Simpson, replying to Mr. (Jros
venor, said there was need of leader
ship on the minority side as "they
were all loaders over here." They
were not Lke sheen who had to be led
over tl e fence every day by the "lead
ing billy goat." Mr. Simpson at
tempted to lead from Senator Mor
gan's speech, but the speaker would
not permit him to do so."
Ibe house than adjourned till Thurs
Wintersteen's M:mv Threats Brought
Out ut His Trial.
BLooMSBlKii, Pa., June 2. The
courtroom was crowded when the trial
of L. S. Wintc rsteen, who is charged
with au attempt to murder by dyna
miting the residence of Devi E. Waller,
was resumed. Several Philadelphia
and Reading conductors testified that
Wintersteen had gone to Reading on
their trains. W. H. Snyder, a promi
nent lawyer, swore that Wintersteen
told him that he would willingly serxe
2d years iu the penitentiary to put a
bullet through Waller's heart.
Theodore Connor, a bookkeeper for
the Keystone Manufacturing company,
of which Wintersteen is a director,
corrolorated Snyder's testimony. 1.
D. White, a piominent merchant of
this place aud a former manager in the
Bloomshnrg Car company's store, of
which Wintersteen was one of tho
owners, swore that he heard the de
fendant say he would like to meet Wal
ler in a dark alley and kill him The
pro-ecutioii has ciosed its ca-e. The
defense will call 75 witnesses.
Ilnnse Itelieved to lit. s-t on Fire While
Parent Were. AM:iy.
Welsh. W. Va., June 2 Five c hil
dren were burned to death in the resi
dence of J. II. White, two miles fiom
Keystone. Enemies of tin? family are
believed to have tired the house. Both
White and his wife were away on a
visit aud their five children were left
alone in their farmhouse. The c hil
dren had retired when the hie was
The children who met death were a
boy of 12, one of IO, one of C. one of 4
and a girl of '. Bloodhounds are being
used to trace the ticinds.
senator Tettigrew Introduces a l.ill For
F.lertiou lay I'opular Vote.
Washington, June 2. Senator Ittti
grew introduced a bill to provide for
the submission to a opular vote at the
congressional election of lS'.IS of tho
following questions :
-Shall congress at once enact a law
providing for the immediate free and
unlimited coinage of silver aud gold at
a ratio of Hi to 1.
"Shall the constitution of the United
States lie so amended as to provide for
election of United States senators and
if the president and vice president by
direct vote of the people."
Pittsiu-hi:, June 1.
WHEAT No. 1 red. STiossc; x. j rt, Nvi
8tc ; sriut; u lieal. JCpusih:.
COKN-N.i. 2 Yellow ear. :tlt il-; No. 2
Rlielled. V-J!4;; hiKli mixed shelled,
OATS No. 1 while. i'BUyaiTe : No. 2 do. 2i
f'-'h!-; extra No. 3 white. -lc ; linlit
mixed. iT-'l'a. .:!.
HAY No. 1 timothy. t l.T'xu 12.(1 No. 2.
l'J ;.Va ln.2-; .ui k int.". i.2Tu..T.- ; No. I ft-t d
ititf praire. $;.5(ns.UI; wagon hay. m.iiUia;
14 ill for timothy.
roL'l.TIJY Ijirvre live chickens. (VVaTV per
ymir: mi ill, .'iUat; c ier pair; springers, V to.
'c ier pa r : dressed. Penile per pound ; live
ducks. iiOKiiiie per pair: dre sseil, 1 l(I I.V per
IMiuiid ; live turkeys, Jm He. k.t ikjihuI ; dressed.
I ie.
Hl'TTEIt Elirin prints, 17c; extra
creanuTv. Ilia 17. ; Ohio fani-v creamery, 14
uxl-V; fancy loiuitry roll. !q Hie ; low mde
and cook he;. :ViSe.
CHEKSK New York full cream, new
inake. iiUja. m-: Ohlos. full cream, new make.
7u.iSc: new YYiseonsbi Swiss, in tulm. ll.U'
11 !; Iiiiilert;er. new, SinsUc; Ohio Swiss, in
tubs. lKuimj,.; Swiss, in bricks, 5-pouiid aver
age. Hill He.
KIHJS Strictly fresh I'ennsvlv inia and
Ohio, in cases, larire lots. ttUu lm-; j a jobbing
way, lux nil-; selected fancy sto k, lliollu.e.
Pittsiu-ko, June 1.
CATTLE Receipts fair on Monday alma'
32 cars on Bile; pricet firm at last week's
quotations; today run liicht, mnrket steady.
e quote as follows: Prime, .VHa 5 2'. Kood
4.7H.l; ti,y, $I.naI.I; good" liutelier-'
.a.!: fair. :!.. a 1. lit; he.fers. StM 2.V
bulls, stags and cows. 2.a:t.7.-; i oiiiiii .ii to
Mod fat oxen. s2.iiirai.lii: lMlona cow s. mi
utl. .!: rresli cowsand springers, yjti. Oal", ui
HOciS Keecipts fair on Monday, aU.ut :l
cars on sale; market slow ; price in haiicitl
today supp.y liKlit; market steady at Mon
day's quotations. We would quote as fol
lows: Prime us orted medium weight ! 1T
cuut.711; Uest Yorkers ami pins. l. iVi; common to
fair Workers. ...V.itJ mi; heavy, Fl-uno-i r5
rouidis. 2.--5i-1.mi.
SHEKI AMI LAMBS-Supply falron Mon
day ; ears on sale; market sow; prices .V
lic lower on fhi-ep; yearlincs ste.idy ; today
reeeipt linlit. market steady; prices un
changed. We quote the following price;
Choice. kimmI, 4.(i mo 4.1U; fair. :.ftl
a:i Mi; common. '.;io:l ;m: choice lambs. K.ut
(a-VI'i; common to kihmI lambs. 4.ia 4 7."i;
Hprini; lambs, -V(a;.li; veal calves. HU
.M; heavy and thin calves, ..ll.a.4.UU.
Cincinn ati, Jnne I.
HOOS Market active and higher at l.0
: i.(.7u.
CATTLE Market steady at .'.5 (a-l.Ti.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Market for shep
du I at 2.-U54.3i. Lambs Market weak at
New York, June 1.
W HEAT Spot market weak.
COKN Spot market stealy; Xo. 2. &i'm
OATS No. 2. 21 U c.
CATTLE No trading. European cabl-s
quote American steers at 111111 per pound
dressed weight; sheep. l.U'Mic per pound
dressed weight; refrigerator beef at iKa'c
per pound. - ' w
SHEEP A N Tl LAMBS-Market for ahep
tedj -at $ I.75.M 25; iauibu, l.uu(o.75.
BOtib teady m.1 J.u(j(4.1a.
1 & hJ I iC- O I
Are you r n v, t : 1 - u n,
tWO O'TltS Ml M:i!MIS l i .''( '. I I h. ., i
54 ami a-lim.-t( .1 S;r l v v v '
one of thfir Intuitu . i in? t r..tVi 7" cr
ItOUks It i. a in i. i. 'J j : . -it i i u i. v
iiiiZ worfcv to rvi'i v H r t:t . . til
i n r"Mpt of l'n c ! o 1. 1 -. ' h v
fund jms?ii; I a lr. I I t'i !: ti im.-- ii u
holti airj Verlia
Fortfii o'lit! ill. y t.i!;i!?m.-. ..'. ih-'t,!-.'-:.") .
roni!ti: womN i !!(' !:t. ; i .n- -ifj
iiiwt im:ir Koti.'-. rL- ! r it :. i. in ..; t -i ;
CliroiiM :!! cl
A VTV lV:iMII.T. Ilin.iU ? - ; ft ! . ;:..-?;
mmjMiiiint tor l:?L'ii"w M s-i .i r.
ofhT r drn:'-. it . r rt.'i i l ,
4nl' rr Vtnt Irth-. Pu m r h ! 1 1 --. ,.
liVFH'iMtirt ill .Mt,t A .-. i
)iiHaui. wi-ry h -t'i. J'-r i!.- lv u-m
MrdHtl:.t :u.m ic
Thc Acaderiiic Pharniaccutic Co.,
532 5jG WASHINGTON ST., f.5W (
j i iXc
i FnirlisTi -Ii:ii-iii:i - j,n ,:.t.u'."
for iii!ious. innJiirial mtd !,! si i. -.I.t ; !!. r.
Stllt c'. -v.r tw-litv-llve etls !' i.i s! lull:. I.
SClenlir . rsc:irclt.
Appnvil j flu- hu!ir. I in. i, ; : r It--i-i t : ;
lu uw ill lic hospil.t s i i , , t j .1 , f I l.i ,
KKMViaii llelpllii t,. ;i.H-s.'r' !l .1!. I ie
pie of Kedtut:ii- hahiis
Entin-iy vevetaliie . tree from li u n.fiii ,!rt.-s
In Handsome Packages, Pi ce Cls.
l'n pared soi-!y l;y
Tle 5iyril ' )Ji.irin;n.cti1ic Co
flu-mist hy apiiiiitiii--iit to II. r -! :i 1 tl.
"uoi u undtotli- I'l.yul ramiU.
NEW Yi 'K K I li A N ( !i .
130v 132. 134- Charlton St
Game meiliciuul prop -rt is l: m. ri.ixiu, in
Ikixcs, :l pills 1 1 l:":v, for i 7, i !.'s
Vinegar Bitters C0KD.AL. "fXi.'T r'i'Cm
Vinegar Bitters FOWDtRS, : doses. ;,o. .
Vinegar Bitters, new style, -j ? ! .vv
Vinegar Eitters, old t-tylc, iiier ;.i.-t.-, i.oo
The World's Croat Blood Purifier
and Life Givinrr Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Kcovm.
The past aifth r.-: (Vnturr tho I endine Alecicll:. l llie -jrlii.
fsj-trte iicisjCivl.?!.!
EL IL McEonalJ Bm Co., Proprietor!,
ami l! Hi re.-nit of
rM Q l u t,-n
litii-ii4 rtiHnu-a.
Kor Ynl'i I itoTm-i in
w .Mit ;vly niHTr fhn
tills iine1y U ran
contain mrrvury or any
other lTj'irtm iruic.
:m'.s 5
I ackni-w e 'nfil to b he i.-1 li u .---ioe - r
.Nnii ';ilarrli. -Tol.l in H-i l a). II n F-i-.-ri
a I reuif.lie" It i rn n-l ce-ns-i tie no-l
I a-faneJ. al'aTu pxio :m t ir tla i. in .1 1 n . -1 h-
Tf. preteetn the iurriit":ine :r,.tn i-. .e(-r;s
the il- nl U9te kml MiirM. l-rirp .V'.-. !,l llriii;
KiMfvr uy mini KI.Y l:K 1 ! II Kl;-s
ft5 artc-n Streel. New V'rk.
.Inre 4 V, ty.
Steel Picket Fence.
Un tArLrt . 7K
: '1
ThmhOTeeottiowPlrtrt Vmpt!!! Oatf. TTMj arta
rttinul -n bravl ua Irunor H...1 u. ri,'. n .-inr. 1. r
fris I51e Vu.utitT. Nui.ilT of l-.t. .. n,..,hl t, I s.t ,l.
U.nwsl. TTc .Im itiiBoN-rnrc h--vj Ir.-n K-n. inr fr.,1.,.,'
sul-N Klttinc. fir. Miull-ra snl f I ick sr u-V-i ivi'-t
llocr. mnd Kftilinc.. Bn-i tn4 In-a Cirilia. Mil r I'liolCAu
lWif toCUH VS. ,1 ilk,nJ.-.(l lKK Uukk.
0I. 203 A 205 Market SU Pirbur8h, P
inch 6 y6 ly.
iiinl etijov it. one must first have "mwl
cleanses t lie system, ai. Is ili-j-stinn. eires
ilisli. iliiiii an.l sii k In-a.laelie. I'leasant
to take-, Iim-s not iriijM'. l-'or sale l.v all
ymir ilriiir-rists. lilean I L'.'m-. Sampliss lV.i-.
Maiiiifaeture,! l.v TIIK .loll. II III 1.1.
(XI., Warren. Pa.. :: H' ;i7
Robert Cassidy's
Shaving Parlor
I.ocatel on "entrt street near (I'IUm'i I.tvo'j
oftice Shaving, Hair ('uttmK "'l Sli.iuipvi
init: done In tho nelnt ami manner. A
nhuro 01 jonr patronage ("oliolte-i.
HIIHKIIT ' s;iliv.
H ler to. ot ii 1. a li;lr:-i- i; -l
Ii-h tr';ilitiiit Im .r.-c- t-.-f Tr
tlrlnir iili slrlrio i.l -jo .-:ir.-' m m. i.c-.-. S7 v A.
Niilia-I ellit It.. .r 1. 11. .11 1 ii-tu, s 7 ;
N Marviiii:. riiiku-s ,r ii:,!,!.!!!, i-i, il f j
proven feinnl ii.-altti ami tM-;:iiiiti,.s -.:iU'l-'.i. 11. rii
liclaiiK ami WM'ii'i U-l:.- lmi,.r-- 'u I li-loan-! -111:1;
confidentially. K-r par iruiiirs ;i,i,!r--ss. w.i st::m:
HP CWnPD Tt.-lrr. I llll l.l. II I..
lr!W;iUJ),.Vl1 ll'l.kllll
octi6 H5 ly
For all Bilious and Nprvous Pty S R
DisBASits. They purify the L jjSI V
Blood and give Hpaltiiy fa S fc
action to the entire system. E fen!
April id "9 y
mountain House
Shaving Parlor,
Ham Stat,Jioar Post ClTice
nTI,e n1';"'l'n' 1Plrei to InTorm the pt-
HO hit had . 1
- ..v ci m PiiavidK par or o
iiC ?.trt1' De wr lhe M,(,t offico whr hrlei In
ill All I tit tkrmmha in . .
fatur.. KverylhVDVnt antf c"eQ "
our pAironag vile lied.
-7 V
t WUU"
! 3
e .
r ss-x
never wants to Isarn, but tho
reads that
QLsD Honesty
is the best that is made, and
.at ONCE tries it. and eave3
money and eecuxes mora
satisf action tluvn ever before.
IV OLD imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. II' your
dealer hasn't it ask him to
s:et it for you.
m FIKZER & BROS.. IcnL-TiUfi. Ky
i. I.. o.VS I OS. M. J. hi I K. .1. I . HI 'k
r-sTMiLlsiimi IxTi.
Jolmsloii, l)iick it Co..
li.N K MKS.
ki:knm;ui:;. - - - i'knva
A. V. m C'li. ( aitilrr.
KTA Bl.l.-H Kl lVSS.
Carrolltown Bank,
i:akiiiii.i.1(i., fA.
T. . MIAKIMI till, ililrr.
icnerai Cas5ic2BBsintss Trensaclci.
rtie lillowin are tiie .rmMpil fe-liir"8 ol
.'.neral lai fcit tti.-:
(-icclve-I iivi-le ,n '1eman.. ap.l Intrint hear
ok crr'.ih. :19S ifH-je-t t. tin, leHf iters.
0ten'et t- ennniei- on lavor:il le leiir.n n
ipprnve-l paper ll-i-ntits t all tl-nes.
ii id" tn 'h l-.-:.iiv an-l iij.oii all thelmnWIr.i
-sens in ihs lTnlte.l sTe.. charuen miHti-rate.
nmi rs
Is-ne.l ioicoinl-le iri aii part.1) of the ''nit;
st i te-. ari-1 lore-y n c X"l-ace i; -ue.l on ill prtt
t l.u re e.
M inerf mr.t. tar-nr a:i-l etlierfi 8eiIrlto-l. I-h--n
rea-'T-il-le a -i'--iua.:ai i-iti w.U to exien-le-l.
I:i:r. i:fi are -itir.-.l ih.u all tr.n.K t'-lii-ns .-hal:
-- i.l i as "ir-.-tiy private hi:-! Miti.'-iitinl. uil
t.:ii tl.ey I-': trrste.l us ilt-rrally a uxW
'aniiiw inks wn pi-r-ult.
li fffir--t tutlT .
Owens & Makin,
i u
' ' lv.-. I i I ' I
S y . ; i I -
i r -
All of tho Ilest Meat
from pekvie.l Ftork kepr at their
Daily Meat Market on IIirh
Street, Kben.luir";.
Give as a call.
rotlcle wntlen at short no ice in tha
n.l Citer r'trnt 4 la oiiipitnlea.
KhnhnrB.Jni at.
DESIRu r..- !
F.r inf.,,.i . ,r;. ' Blc-
.... - " "" in-- ii.iniimNiR Knti-l-i
v . ,",,rrr! f"r "ninn.:,t.-nlinAim.rlo.
ii .V.., UX3Knn "ut ' r.Mii.-l.i l r..r
in.- pui.iic l. a li.-u.-v- givi n free of ;luin,-o u Uie
cf ricutific American
lrr ""sTT'lri! ?nr rr-r m the
Uorl-I 1 In, I nil,-. . N,, Im.-m
Tear: m.,.H A-l-lre-H. Ml VNJ co"
r. n v..... 1,;
t. 1 '."-t f II -I I.i ;, I:.(t..-.l
u. i. in. r- ! ::; ,lUl , lltmi!tl.1.
i -s 's,.Ii:i: a ii, ;r l-i A .vk
i-iir.v. i ire-mni-nt i the v.
rnTnrKo ki hi i:y ivstitlte.
N . -i.'li; ri,':! Av- timo,
'.wctfl tl.-ri n'l th.-ir . -vv. rs. rnrr-tM
t ;. : ,c a ' -i -.nun 1 r.;.i- , ,!
T - lii.--:i ., I.,.. -,f;..jl --u Itirv vn-n-inl---n-!!!.
y i;..l'i;.-e I mi si .umlauts. T!i is !::, .
:1 ,,,:in I r.-.-s s tn-u:.--i Ii. re uil-1
: -i- i!i--r S.-1..,- c.f y-.ur ..iv n iK-i-liNm to
I. .-ii v ,- , n r. l-T vtt!i c-i.tuM.-n.-e os li.'ih,
I. -. ut.- - i(,!V mi-1 , :,-n,v ,.l I lie K.-.i.-v fun
li.- I :,n i 1U.-I ?.;:r lill:vT I :i V.-sI t iTli I i. . U
ua fur l-oii Llti fcivj lull iuioruia-
i Scientific American
ii .i rf
ho woni cacTcr.s fch vtei
rhT Mill I ws rr:i iin.;.!':re. eT-t in
B,.-,.t. ami ..o ,tc..:,U. J 1; - If iia Fiji f U 1 '
to ll.-.,"it!i. l y Mic jt-J t 1 . e ie f it ,, .
fj.m.1 cut .ii'"l -., wr .. "
Itt. r0 a !veir rev v. T" j
ilo. and 1 am ii. F' -lJ ,,r - ;' ' "
ivrm r njvr'fMff!? vcpetahi .
LlUlM L. ri:!A!lii:.l O cotnr
r,noiier aH l!'o-.p nMkifC' ai
,o preTaiei: with t:. sex. uJ n
lert liea.lii.
For "the rr- 'of Ni-'iiy f.ri.'i,,
piti.r eT, t' a I r:.i-v.'i-. 'l I : tmr.-i.
J.'.rs. 1-n.khim fir. !v v t-t ,c-.ter ot
rnr iirr. Iliici.jso .::i? f i V-
(Sei(Jti?-CfMii -.-.sicr' .-- -,fi,'"r
"VVI'JZ '.U iiti-Ml:l ;-3 r' " - J
l!cor.i3insav,;.m'o!v-,;. f .jrr.w. ja.
It has ?r-i fie -
LyMia E. Plnkim
a. Co., Maa
&a i IT-1- i ' m '
Ltrrj slrin cr r.-l-t ':.-r'-. fi.-.f --W
mil .-!. J .nsi-.i-s .
pie "TVIi"
Mrriiiilhi-r.i t'.T .:!?-.!.
I..) ! tl
I nrirl-e tlte i:'.o-l.
1B -I 1. M l i s V ii" - !
Hr-.-n' Ir- ii I', tl-.- '
tiar- k ii.' n in i - ' '
s-i. WT. -- .1: I
in all !--t':iH' :'i r
on li. ..-si.-r.i I 't ;
Mr. V. Y :i:..i. s :. : .
Mi. -I ' -
tr-.-. l.l-l -.-h i.n.- ... iv
Hitlr- wilm-'l - -
C ntim hi b!-'T.T I- '!
-n rai--er I i.l.. -1 .
- :v -v. V li.r.
is stamped in tne best watch
cas's'. It is the travic
mark in the tysr?:e Water.
Ca ;e G'vr;r, i'hiladclj iiia,
th oklest, largest and Lcst
known factory in ti.e world
I 500 employees, c:i i ?.clty Z' vv?
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated jits. !lss Fitted
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (rim;) which can
not lie jiu'lcd oil tiie case the
.-r.-- x.
MUll Inl 1 1 . li 1 1.1 '
11.: r-n.i- to a t.'T ;
-i. v ,.-,.rv. It .
ulMrrh. I 00: h t, i. . ,
Nmmljiu. iiu v u. u-
:t. ! r it.
Hull ia..r. KJ . I . . .
'nven--. nii Tr.i.le M irf .?-ts'i:.-.i. st,o ii: IH
ent t-.:- ti. - ..n-M;. t.-.j f. Mora'e r--.
Our Off-re is 0?on$i!s 0. S. .T?ir.t
nil we .--tn -n: i.r mi t iu-1 ,:' f-,e
r.-m..i. fr.itu Wn-li iu:...,.
-n 1 1 ni.-i.-l. lirn-.v --r : Vftr... w ;:. ,l.-rr!r-
V'-Ii. We j-f. if j. :.-.: -.1 . s ..r - r, ,.
rh-ir-.". r f- .- n-; : ' ... l.'.,-,. '
A Pamnhlct. -U.-u : , f-,-..-. "' h
rinm. r -f i n - ii, v.-:;r .... -..-'my ,.
Ui li. Heii free. -i,ir. s.;
Opivoslte Patent Office WashincUm. C
K L KEBD. t;;;-t i k I
Vtt!-!-? ait 1 -;i-v
KKKNMtl ii.l. - - - rr.NNA.
iiti,-e on I'eatie -Ti e' (4 jj..
-cVttoi-iM'.y.-: lit l.iA'.
- 'ttise In c (,er H-u -e S.s.W
Ai rt'iiNKV-AT I. AW.
r.r.i:si:, I 'kkk a
-S.o-i3l nttentt-.n te s'l(n r: i !r er ) e
'ton H,.anti. ete vy1
T F. SlrKKNItfrK.
J ATTOilSKV ,,M-i lA-ttl. 4 T LAW
l.lil NMil i.ii. . ' ,.A
-liftir on I er.:rn -i .eet
1 It w. mm .. U .
yNAI.l K. ni'l' JoN,
All 1 .Vn-Hs, 11 !t a. -:."' nr.l rf!- . N.-fl.U. Out In- .,-s; ,
rl, or fiii I'T m.ui. ri '-"-i f' i :" of "? - p-, k- :- . .
T- I I
mi pai mm
rm - '-vj
l-I :
Da Yea Wait injldimU '
At li.-uie i,r Iraveiim: ith ; ( ! I' a V '. 1 1 f ,.
oniet.o. l.-r ,. iri,.u::irs. s:,ic JC i:.le-'
'tl..n. V,.., e,B Tk a!1 f ,.4r,
work l I ami t sv. A,t-:r.
KHK II A 'A K .Ml ski; "l ill lN y.
IC.n iii:tki:. . y.
Mar li ic im.
Eteisoari Fire Insurance ipej
rr- AV. DICK,
General Insurance Aent.
k n si: 1 j; a , rA .
tk..tfi iit . at Tl. w
JOB: : PRl.YriXf
a in:
! 1- tt.e p.a-.
jnn )-?'.
! - -
; n:il M!i-JHl.-( , ,
! ' 1 .' -i. -
Wlit Client I !,e p! .-. , .. '
i'iiii-;!'i ii. We ,'. - , "
I1ISI-C.-I..S . .
! Mlllrf l-!..-e , . 4
Vl.K n
II ; Lowest Casli Prices
i H'e. ? i ; t ;(.t
Pr-1 K!!-, I'l.lM l V :
lit SI N ;- 'All- 1 ,
I'N Hi.Y 1 i r. i- .
I. liKi.s. I i.i r , , ,
Vivi:v. ( J.- :
!im.1 k. i : i-; .
l.K! ! -r.i. AN,; ...
H-'!' ASu T.a ;
We ran prn;; j i, i .,. .
:imf i' fii:-si Vi'!':t. )
1 i-t.-r c-t s"-r t i
ti.t.-1 I: -Hs:., ..
- i Ii.'
:Jl!:h! !
i ' M '
! v,
j I A I i-' ,'
' !.:: I-Jif-.
i i-l.;l:. l.-.i-M..
I ! -t r-.l . A
. ! - .
I ' - - -.
1 ' f
i . . . I
I r-i-i
' I-. !,!.."
I r mi M
1 I r- in -
I I r -in
! It
I h -
' . . t
ri Tt i I
! 1-':
I!:.' .1
1 . T .- -
1 U. i-
1 '
i - .
1 --
t -
t . 13
1 P Er I; f ' fi
CtJTTS t ;ioT;i;an-1s nr;r
Jla:tif p. r.ilin-.-vu ss. .;
Fia, CnTiStipttti 'ti. J-'.
rrialt-fn.jn an T'-,T:.' -"'"
other caiisi. W r c '
t cured ? Pr. S -rt
or i a cpr'"it 1 f -
l I ii:i ;.! I w : i i.
Sity : -v
4 ',.;
mrni-er-hip fee. 1' s '
acci-ienlal i:-junts.
Be jour on X;;'-
NO MFDICAI. 1 '.n s
Best ir.t.eYcr!d!
Bet the Gsncire!
Sold Efenrwe'.re!
.... m,-wr- T
" .... :. .. -
To cr'l i nr hich tm
M ny ne ie"tii I'
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Jili-t i r:i..:t.. .-r.-Is .r. i."
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Wanted-An Idea
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