0 I . V. U 1 1 The Illinois Senator Made a Strong Speech. FAVORS MORGAN'S RESOLUTION. Hf St the Rrpuuliran Party Stand r!edi;ed to Io niiiethiiifr Far the Slmcelini; Patriots Hoar Speak Acaintt Orantlr.g Itellifreretit Klhta, Wa-itix'ton-. May 19. Cub. has a?:tiu occupied the foreground in the senate. It drew large crowds to the galleries and brought "two notable rieerhes, the one by Mr. Ma-on (Ills.) in favor of the Mortran resolution, and the other by Mr. Hoar (Mass.) in oppo sition to it. The Illinois senator pi-tared in fer vid term the distre-s in Cuba, dwell ing particularly upon the starving con dition of mo I. Hitt-rt States ritizens. as reported by the presuipnt. anil called upon the nate to throw off it letli sirpy and pa-sthe Morgan resolution. Mr. Ma-on had several sharp tilts with Mr. Wellington Md. ), the latter p oteitinir that h- was being niUreDre (ented. It i d to eiinit!er.ible commo tion in the trail- ri-1. during which Mr. Wellington declared that he could not be clinked o:f by the rudeness of the g.:!l-ne. Mr. Hear spoke in his nsnal calm and iiigni!i' d -tvle and t iolt occasion to irri'l l-unrombe appeals to con tfif aent-; ami I ragadocio as to our na tional strength. Mr. Hoar's criticisms, :tlr!iough impersonal, were e'early aimed at Mr. Mason. Senators Gal inger (N. H ) and Hawley K'onn.ialso sp- ' e. the former for the resolution uti'l the latter urging that thj United Mate- should not rush into war while our r..;t-t defenso.s are manifestly in-ad'-'iuate. Senator Ma-on began with sarcastic r-fereiiee to the "polite delays" of th senate, which had taken the place of tli" "old game of filibuster." On one pretense or another, he said, the oppo sition to this resolution had succeeded in delaying action day after day. Day utter day the American people had awaited that action, had expected that at least the barbarities of the Spaniard would be checked, until at last it seemed as though tho voice of the American people was to remain silent while the "sale of girls, the murder of children and the barbarities which the Spaniard calls war" proceeds in Cuba. The senator cleclar- d it was time to act. to carry out the platform of the Republican tarty, and to speak here and now in behalf of (Juba. Mr. Ma son referred to "that splendid gentle man" in the presidential chair and to the j.r.-i.leiit's Cuba message in proof of the serious condition prevailing in Cuba. "Here is the proof," exclaimed the senator. "In the communication of the presi dent stating that o citizens of the l' tilted States have been forced into towns are destitute. Who forced them th-re - Was it the insurgents? Then there i- war in Cuba. Was it the Spaniards': Then if there is uot war there ought to be. and with us. Eight hundred Americans driven from home starving, and still some senators say it i. for much of a war." The senator aid that with this state ment that soO Americans were suffer ing we pa-sod a resolution in substance saying: "Idease. kind Mr. Spaniard, let us bring home our Americans and protect them under cir liag." And yet thero is no war in Cuba. "If si . American citizens are being driven like swine." exclaimed Mr. -Mason, "compelling us to send from our shore to protect them, if it is uot war, what is it r" Mr. Mason turued his attentiou to the remarks favorable to England made by Mr. Wellington (Ma.) the day be fore. "Yen, we owe her (England) a good deal." declared Mr. Mason, "but we settled a good part of it at Bunker Hiil." The senator read newspaper extracts showing tho condition of affairs in Cuba. "Is that the kind of information," interjected Mr. Wellington, "that the senate of the United States is to have us a basis for a resolution of bellig erency ." Mr. Mason replied that the senate mut act on its t e.t information, and when tho Spaniard sells his daughter, murders hi-, boy and conceals the facts the people must rely on tho American correspondent to get at the facts. Tho senator paid a glowing tribute to those correspondents, some of whom had risked ami given up their lives to pre sent the facts to tns American people. He referred to the deatn of Correspond ent Cro-d.y. who fell on the field during an engagement. "And yet." suggested Mr. Gallinper. ironically, "there is no war iu Cuba ' inferring to the Cuban plank iu the St. 1-ou.s platform, he said : You remembtr how the great hall rang. The great, struggling, hberty loving p"ople of tho world said at la-t tue lie j uhiican party is ou tne high ro i 1 to success. McKinley sure. Lao t rry tor Cuba. Tho Kepublieau party poke, and from the days of Liucoln to the days of McKinley they have never Stepped backwards from one plank of their platform, and tlityshi.il not do it now." Mr. Maon closed as follows : "Mr. President. t;o one fears war. but if to keep our promises with Cuba and protect her means war, let it come. If to protest aguin-t the butcnery of women and children means war, let it come, if to defend the hone.-t daugh ters of brave patriots means an lusuit to Spain and war. let it come and come quickly, for I tell you whether we t-pealc or not the civilization of the azarei:e is upon ns whether you sleep bound hand and foot by the rules of oioer, or whether you shall speak like American brave men, the march of the Nazarene is upon us, liberty shall prevail and the island of Cuba under the providence of tiod shaii be free." A Sharon .Mn' Itrport. Diroit, May 19. According to the report of Supreme President P. D. i-trattoii of Sharon, Pa , the member ship of the National Protected Home Circle lias gLiaed 7.000 since the la-t reinvention of tu supreme circle of the onh r two yeaiH to. This is a net in crease of u-i per cent. l-.a-"eiiatiir Mrl lirrm.n irlv Murdered. Nkw Your, May 19. Former United States Senator J. K. McPherson of New Jersey lias had a narrow escurto from being killed at his oilice in tliis city. William Yon A ken attempted to shoot him and was prevented from doing bo by Edward F. An accomplice of on A ken's escaped. Yon Aken, who is partially blind, was arrested. Busi ness differences. A Murderer Sentenced. Lxscastkh, Wia.. May 19. Mark W. Townsc nd. who was arrested in Adams county. Wash , and brought to thin place for trial on a charge of murder ing his wife about eight years ago, has tetn found guilty of manslaughter in the fourth degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. J!..jr Killed Four and K I oped. Monckova, Mexico, May 10. Mace clonio Kransto, the 17-year-old boy who murdered four p. rsons here and then eloped with the daughter of a ranch man, has Iteen captured in the mountain- near Yillaldama. The girl was with him. A Royal Marriage. Cettinje, Montonegro, May 19. Prince Francis Joseph of Battenberg. youngest brother of rrince Louis of Battenlerg, and Princess Anna of 3lontenegro, a younger sister of the crown princess of Italy, have been jiiar f led at the cathedral. e V BAPTIST HOME MISSIONS. , n e ' ' -n by the CotiTeotion at i'.tia,.u. treasurer's Iteport. PiTTSBVRrs. May 19. The second day's session of the Women's Baptist Home Mission society opened at U : 15 a. ra., in the Fourth Avenue Baptist church. The committee on nominations made the following nominations: General officers President, Mrs. J. X. Crouse, 2231 Prairie avenue, Chi cago ; corresponding secretary. Miss M. (j. Burdette, 24 11 Indiana avenue, Chi cago ; recording secretary, Mrs. W. E. Wamslev. Brookivn . treasurer. Mrs. A. H Barber. 2411 Indiana avenue. Chicago Vice presidents Arizona. Mrs. Win field Scott. Phoenix; California (south ern), Mrs. J. F. Jackson, Station K.. Los Angeles; children's vice president. Mis Louise Yickroy. 534 St. Paul's avenue, Los Angeles ; Colorado, Mrs. F. 1. Smith. 2631 Humboldt street. Denver; Illinois. Miss Ellen M. Sprague, 300 Marshheld avenue, Chi cago ; Indiana. Mrs Keubeu Jeffery, 5M N. Capitol avenue. Indianapolis; Indian Territory, Mrs. J. S. Morrow. Atoka, Choctaw Nation: Iowa. Miss Laura Mason, HVi South Ninth street, Burlington ; Kansas, Miss Mina S. Everett, Hi5 Harrison street. To pekn; Minnesota. Mrs. H. D. Gates. 114 Summit avenue. St. Paul: What I Can director. Mrs. H F. Stilwell. loOt) Blaisdell street, Minneapolis, Minn. ; children's vice president. Miss A. Celia Morford.t Jwantonna ; Montana, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, 725 Breckenndge street, Helena; Nebraska, Miss Martha Van Ness, 29 Sauiisbury block, Lincoln ; New Jersey, Mrs. H. F. Smith, Mt. Holly ; What I Can director, Mrs. Ida Altman, 1 101 East Broad street. Eliza beth ; New York, Mrs. Rachel B Tay lor, 1224 Dean street, Brooklvn ; North Dakota. Mrs. M. F. Hall, 1433 Fourth avenue, S. Fargo ; Ohio, Mrs. S. M. Fulton. 13 Washington avenue, Elyria ; Oregon, Mrs. J. F. Watson, Portland ; Pennsylvania, Miss Fiances M. Schajler. 017 Grace street, Will iamsport ; South Dakota, Mrs. Walter Ross, De Smet ; Utah, Mrs. J. J. Comm. 13 Eagle Block, Salt Lake City ; Wash ington (eastern district), Mrs. E. T. Trimble, Colfax: (western district). Mrs. S. W. Beaver, Burton ; Miss An nie Beaven, assistant. Burton ; West Virginia, Mrs, Anna Stone, Fairmont; Wisconsin, Mrs. L. Smith, Darlington; Wyoming, Mrs. J. O. Churchill. Chey enne. On motion the secretary cast the bal lot for the o.hcers named, who are the same as last year. Thi- was done and the president, Mrs. J. N. Crouse. re sponded for the newly elected officers. The treasurer's report was as follows : The report showed that $(jO.U71.- had be.-n received from the various state or ganizations during the year. In addi tion to the amounts contributed there was received OVJ !i6 tor deficit of Ib'Mi, bringing the total receipts for the year up to $'.3,lil.5S. This, with a balance on hand of f2,95 10, brought the grand total to t t. lo.iH. Of this sum the general disburse ments amounted to t0.778.41. The liabilities consist of a fl.700 loan, emergency fund. $2,000. The debt at the close of the year was f 7,200. not including the emergency fund of $1,500. On the total was paid during the last year $5,0b0. leaving a present deficit, less the amount of cash ou hand, of !3.?U SPANIARDS DINED CALHOUN. The I'nlted $ta(e Coininliiluncr Enter tained fti line Style at llavaua. Havana. May 19. W. J. Calhoun, the special commis-ioner of the United States, who i.s investigating the death of Dr. Ricardo Ruiz, a naturalized American citizen, has visited the Spanish Casino, which was decorated and illuminated in honor of the eiav rath birthday of King Alphouso. Mr. Calhoun was accompanied by the Spanish consul at Philadelphia. Dr. Jose Coneosto. the mayor of Havana, Senor Michael Diaz, and Dr. Jover, who acted as interpreter. Mr. Calhoun admired the building and expre-sed appreciation of the courtesy with which he was received. After the guests and their hosts had partaken of refreshments, the secre tary of the Casino toasted "peace for Cuba and sincere and unalterable friendship between the United States and Spam." Dr. Jovcr then toasted "President McKinley" in English, which was re sponded to by Mr. Calhoun. The first words which the latter uttered on gain ing his feet showed him to be an ac complished orator, as well as a discreet diplomat. After some preliminary remarks of a compliment ry nature Mr. Calhoun said that when he received his appoint ment to come to Ouba ho formed the Idea that he wa going to a foreign country, but the hospitality he had met with in Spanish territory had made his residence here so pleasant that he be gan to believe himself among his own people, and yet was almost forgetting his own country while longing for the approach of peace and progress for Cuba. THE AMALGAMATED CONVENTION. Humorously Threatened With Arrest If 2ieht Session Are Held. Detroit, May 19. Delegates to the twenty-second annual convention of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers of America were welcomed felicitiously by Mayor May bury at the beginning of their sessions. He warned them, however, that if they persisted in night work that he would order the polite to stop them. President Garland responding said that a shorter workday was exactly what the association was after. "We try," said he, "to give the best that human hands and skill cau give. We ask in return the best wage the em ployer cau give u-." Routine business occurjied the re mainder of the sersion. The wage scale will be reported today and will then be discu-sed for a week or more. The attendance is larger than last year, abont 1 delegates being present. Canada is not represented AMERICAN LADlfcS PRtSENT. Mr. Uay 1'reseuled Them a K. rpt ion. Royal London, May 19. The Princess of Wales has held a drawing room at Buckingham palace in behalf of the queu. Mrs. Hay. wife of the United States ambassador, presented Miss Helen Mor ton, daughter ot the Hon. Levi P. Mor ton, in the diplomatic circle. Aliss Morton wore w hite satin, embroidered with sprays of silver and trimmed with azaleas and snowballs. In the general circle Mrs. Hay pre sented Miss Elsie French of New York, who was dressed in white satin em broidered with snowballs, with a train of white brocade lined with pale rose ; Mrs. and Miss Ogden Goelet and Mrs. Yanbergen of New Y ork. Women Dele sir I'retcot Toledo, May 19.-At the Uc.ted Brethren conference devotional exer cises were led by C. C. Bell of Oregon there were nine women delegates elected, but only six are present Two ef them are wives of delegates who are present, one the wife ot a minister id I he conference, Mrs Geister of Musca line, la , the wife of a merchant Mis Dora Scott, daughter of a decea-ed minister, a teacher and stenographer Miss Roark of Upper Wabash, a sten ographer. They are accorded all the rights of delegates. Colored Applicant Failed. Axnapolis, May 19.John Smith, the colored candidate for the naval academy, has failed in three out of four branches of the English examination Under the rales of the academy ho will be allowed a re examination. STATE ODD FELLOWS. Their Convention In Session at Williamsport. HEBEKAHS ARE ALSO IX SESSION. Reports Show ltoth ltranches of the Order In I'ennsylvanla In Good Condi tion Action on Constitution by the Ladles News of the State. Williamsport. Pa., May 19. The seventy-fourth annual session of the grand lodge of Pennsylvania. I. O. U. F . opened in the Lycoming Opera House, with 1,000 delegates present, who represent 1,090 lodges throughout the state. The meeting was called to order by Grand Master Amos H. Hall of Philadelphia. Mayor Mansel de livered an address of welcome, which was responded to by Grand Master Hall. The executive session that followed was taken up iu th; hearing of several reports. The statistics show that the present membership of the order in Pennsylvania is 107,I2, which is an increase of 910 during the past year. The total amount disbursed for relief was J5so,3ti. id, an increase of 2?2.9s. The state assembly. Daughters of Rebekah, opened their eighth aunual ses-ion. The report shows a present member ship ofc 12,5:56, an increase of 1,512. Eighteen new lodges have b en insti tuted during the year and four have surrendered their charters. The total of $"i,044.oti was paid out for relief. Amendments to the constitution were reported and adopted, being ne cessary to make that instrument con form to .he charter which was granted to the state a.-sembly at its session last year. W-lERE IS THE RIPPER BILL t Senator (jnajr Only Seems to Know Its rate 1 lie Legislature. IIaruisbiro, May 19. Conflicting stories are current about the ripper bill. Just who is right will not be known for a week or so. Tnere is no doubt that Senator Cjuay can pasa the ripper if he so desires, and there seems to be no doubt that he has made up his mind what he will do. As the matter stands now the ripper is as dead as a doornail, and tuay is the only man who could resuscitate ij, and it is doubtful if even he could pa-s the ripper clause There was not a lame attendance when the senate was called to order. The first bid taken up was a :i act to provide for the better protection of fema.t insane patients in transit, which was returned from the governor tor amendment, and was passed finally. The next bill was one of vital im portance to the laboring men of the state as well as the corporations. It is entitled "an act to protect employes of corporations in their right to form, join or belong to labor organizations by prescribing penalties for any interfer ence therewith." There is no question but that the corporations were opposed to the bill, but no tight was made on it as the bill passed unanimously. It is said that the corporations were positive the bill is unconstitutional and for that reason permitted it to pass. A bill entitled "an act to authorize the issu" and service of warrants of arrest on Sunday when complaint is made of certain violations of the liquor laws or of maintaining a disorderly house was also passed finally. USenator Gibson s bill entitled "an act to require the u?e of automatic safety controllers oh hoisting engines for the prevention of loss of life and limb of employes and other persons over hoistinacr runaways it; the shafts, elopes, strippings. quarries and mines, ana providing penalties for the viola tion thereof, was called up on final pas eage. The bill was defeated once be fote fcr want cf a constitutional ma jority. The bill was defeated. It ha? teen reconsidered once and is now dead The act to Drohibit the public exhi bition of photosraphic reproduction of prizefights failed for the want of a con stitutional majority. Mr. Keuuedy called up senate till SSS. which permits county comm-.s sinners to authorize tli6 construc tion of cads for the use of bicycles Mr. Ken nedy explained that the people of Alle gheny county favored good roads and bicycles. Senator Fliun also spoke in favor of the bill, and it passed finally The final adjournment and the mcas. ores to be passed before that time wert the subject of conference at the ese:u live mansion last night. The final adjournment was figured at about June 17. It may be a week later, but un etlort will be made to prevent i hi Niaht sessions of the house will brgin neit week. The Keator ballot reform till was killed on third reading in the he ue. The house, alter two hoars debate, oopteu tr.e report of its committee en rlt-ctiuns. unseating Robert L. Robert? as tne member Irom the Third Phila delphia district and .-eating Oscar P. Saunders, the anti-combine candidate at the fall election. The vote was 10J to 53. Two reform bills endorsed ty the last two state Republican conventions were reported from committee. Tnty are the non-politicai assessment and non-interference measures. The former was amended to allow voluntary con tributions. KENTUCKY SENATORS QUARRELED. Holloway Tried to Strike Itronston and the Latter I'sed Ilia Tongue. Frankfort, Ky., May 19. The sil ver Democratic minority with posses sion of the senate. Goebel in the chair and Bronstou an the floor, held the floor through an eight-hour session and promises to continue it until the cud of the present session on Friday. The Gold Democratic-Republican majority of each house is still determined that the fusion bill shall pass the senate at least, and that it shall go through both houses this summer if there is any way to persuade or force the governor to re call the session. Senator Holloway. a Gold Democrat, tried to Strike Senator Uronstou, the Mlver Democrat who is holding the floor, and while he was being held away from him Bronston said : 'Damn you and your demands," and then : "Turn him loose. I dare you to lav your hand on me, you cowardly whelp." Had to Call the Police. Lancaster. Pa., Mav 19. The third annual convention of the Afro-American Republican League of Pennsyl vania is in session here, and was char acterized by such disorder that the po lice had to be called in. This was a consequence of the bitter contest for the presidency between the present in cumbent. I3!ackwell of Steelton. and Fir?t Vice ? "resident Catlin of Monon gahela City. Medical Men Meet. Pittsfi'ro. May 19. The State Med ical society's forty-seventh annual con Tentiou opened successfully yesterday morning at the Alvin theater. About 400 delegates attended, which number was swelled during the day and con tinued to increase last night. Argued i t,lmf of torbett. Washington, May 19. The senate committee on privileges and elections has heard an argument by Attorney C. E. S. Woods of Portland, Or., in sup port of the claim of Hon. H. W. Cor bett to a seat in the senate, to succeed Senator Mitchell under the appoint ment of the governor of Oregon, bat the committee took no action. PRESBYTERIAN FOREIGN MISSIONS. The Annual Conference. Preceding the Assembly, In esiton, Warsaw, Ind , May 19 The an nual conference of the board cf tcr ?ign missions with the chairmen of th synodical and prsbj -terial con.mi'ie?? and representatives of the woman s boards, which is held in connection with the one hundred and ninth gen eral assembly, is holding its session ou the Winona assembly grounds. Rev Frank F. Lhenwood. D. Li.. L U . pre siding. - Rev. Cleland B McAfee, Ph D . cf Park college. Missouri. Rev Dane an Brown. D. D . of Larko Mo . &cl Rev. Hunter Corbett. D D . of Che too. China, were on the ptogtamir.a DR. BRIGGV SMART OAUGmTE First t'nion Ctrl Oriduate r.d Took ItiCh llnnots New- York. May 19 The first woman to be graduated by the facu!y of Union Theological seminary re ceived her diploma last night at th sixty-first annual anniversary and com mencement of that institution Th interest in the event was doubled by the graduate being Emily Grace Bnegs. daugh'er of Prof C. A. Briggs, who was suspended by the general assem bly after a trial for heresy in 1S:4. Mis Brigas. who is in her ilst year, carried off the honors passing all the men Cane -r Cared by Prayer. Cleteland. May 19 Mrs. Joseph Morris of Ashtabula has suffered sev eral years with a cancer. Two weeks ago she was at the point of deah. when 6he was induced to try faith cure. Mi applied to Zion church in Chicaco for treatment. The people wrote her at what hour each day they would oiler prayer lor her. and instructed her to pray simultaneously, which she did Mrs Morris avers that ner pains ceased with the first prayer and never re turned, and in a few weeks' time the cancerous growth went away. The patient is now able to take her meals at the table; United Itrrtliren Church Conference. Canton. O.. May !. The general ccr.ference of the United Brethren in Christ is being held in a ountry church east of this city and is being "attended ty a large number of delegates, includ ing 34 Pennsylvanians and the bishops ct the church. The sect is very similar to the Dunkards. The men wear semi clerical garb and the women (Quaker like gowns of somber black. They are a picturesque group. The men in greet ing each other embrace and kiss. For mal handshaking is the greeting of the Women. Snpected of Destroying Itody. Chicaoo, May 19. Additional de velopments in the murder mystery sur rounding the death of Mrs. Louisa Luetgert, the imprisoned sausage man ufacturer's wife, have led to the firm belief that if Luetgert killed her he did so without any help. The vats are being examined, iu one of which Mrs. Luetgert's body is supposed to have been destroved. Klected a College President. Cincinnati, May 19. At a recent meeting of the Methodist board of Freedmen's Aid society Rev. Dr. C M. Melden of Brocton, Mass., was elected president of Clark university at At lanta. Dr. Melden has not yet ac cepted, but he is expected iu Atlanta today to look over the field ana then signify his acceptance or declination. Scotch-Irish Congress Postponed. Chattanoooa, May 19. The Scotch Irish congress, which was to have been held in Detroit, Juno 10-13, has been postponed because of unavoidable de lay in making certain necessary ar rangements. It is not probable now, says the secretary, that the congress will be held until fall. A Compliment to .Morns. Paiiis, May 19. A deputation repre seiitmir the American chamber of com merce in Paris has presented to Samuel E. Mors., the retiring consul general, an illuminated address and a large rilver repousse vase bearing allegorical figures. Foster's Trip For the Seals. Washington. May 19. General John W. Foster, the special agent of the de partment of state, charged with the negotiations concerning the seal fisher ies, will sail tomorrow tor England. It is the purpose of General Foster t.i esutjune nie. negotiations Willi the British government. He will extend his journey to St. I etersburg to deal .1 .....I . . L. .1 !i uueenjf wiin me itctsian government Silver Men il ror Orient. Boise City. May 19. Ex-Senator 1 J t - . ... liuuiiis, Dcnaiors oannon and Petli Brew will sail .lulv 2 for f "hin- iwl Japan. It is understood they go to . 1 .1 c 1 . . eiuiiy me financial question irom tue eii ic ii Lai Biauupuini. Twelve Firemen Ilurned. Chicago, May 19. Twelve firemen were frightfully burned by the exDlos- ion of a tank containing ho gallons of gasoline in the grocerv of W. H. Mau ley in Forty-third street. THE MARKETS. I'lTTSBlTBO. Mav 18 WHEAT Vo. 1 red. SHWic; No. 2 red. t7 B.-V-: sirinc wheat. n.cco. COItN N'i. -J yellow ear. ii iOUL.-; : No 5 helled. hiirh mixed tdielied. -S -, OATS No. 1 white. :6Ji:r7c: No. 2 do. 25 tt.&V: extra extra o. a white. ii44c light mixed. 2Jt2le. HAY No. I.I timothy." $12 (KiaiJ.St; No. 2 do. iiu in.i". m; parking. ftf.m&T.ioi: No. I fea-dine prairie. $T.75aS.l; wauoti hay, $14.0(1 ill.i.i for timothy. PtH'LTUY Larire iive chicken. d;.V per pair: live t hickens, email. :.i.t ic: BprinnerK. 7Tci.siir; drewd. 1'HrlllV k.t pound: live dueki '"; tui ir per pair: dressed, lo.tli- per imiiiiuI - live turkeys. ifcUx: per pound; drenaed, 13 toir. BUTTER Eltrin prints. 17c: extra cream ery. l."Vi icitl''- Ohio fanry ereauiery, !!- .i, itc,: faney country roll, 1&.11U; low tcrade and roiiklnic. i"v!T. I'll KESK New York fnll rream, new make, Illl4t'.lc: Ohio, full rreain. new make. 9Vy.olm-; new Wisconsin Swiss, in tubs, ll(llV6c; limburKer. new. SSivc: Ohio Swiss, In tubs. Il(i.lle: Swiss, in bricks, u-pound average, Mui.llr. EtJtiS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, in cases, in lar lots, Uittfo; in a Job bing way. lil&lHtc; selected, fancy stock MHaiic. Pittsbcro. Mav IS. CATTLE Receipts IiKht: market stron. We quote following prices: Prime. $.Vlti 5.2V. good. $i.7oii,4.l. tidy, $4.4ia4.Iu Kood butchers. $4.2'4j,4.4 : fair. $:..4.1U: heifers. iVI.KCkrtl.2-V. bulls, stairs and cows, $2.i4l!ft3.75 ronnnon to irood fat oxen. I.iii7.4.1(; bo loerna cows. .lKi 15.11; fresh cows' and printers, fat." :Mt. HOtJS -Receipts, of hoirs on Monday lib eral: market dull and lower. Today receipts litfht. Prime medium, $-1.Kir.l.is."; bet Yorkers. $ l.7.Tft:t.8 1: heavy, $.1.7i&: 8 1; com mon to fnir Yorkers. $3.7. G.3.7V, pi(s $3 7Vi 3.8: roughs. $2.4i I.S5. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-Thirty car, on sale on Monday; market dull and fully 2 c lower on sheep, steady on lambs. Receipts today llkiht: market steady. We quote prices art follows: Choice, S4.1.V&4.2": Rood, $4.UK34.ti: fair. Jl 5.V,&:J SO: common. $2.Mi,3.4(). Lambs Choice, SVCKfcVl."); common to good, $4.10 f.4.KV. sprimr lambs, 5.no,jfl.:i: veal calves. $j.iUi5.j'; heavy and thin calves. 1. 5o! :iNCiNtATf. May 18. HOOS Market dul. and lower at at $3 00 3.70. CATTLE Market fiynat $2.8.-)a4.7. SliEEt' AND LAMLS-Martel for sheep steady at $2.75UI.ii. Union, steady at t-l.j New York, May It. WHEAT-Spot market weak. COItN Spit market easy; No. 2, Clffjo. OATS Spot market quiet: No. 2, 2.1c. CATTLE No trading. European rabies quote American steers at liai2c. dressed w.irut: sheep. 124131:. dressed weight and efriirerator beef at aPHc. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Market quiet for sheep, steady for yearling and lower for iambs, sheep, $3.0.414 Su; yearlings. $4 Otf 6.2S. lambs. $d.04Ha.5H. HOCiS Market steady at $2. 90 Oi-301 1 GAZE Oil THIS THEN ON THAT ! If von value nioncv call and examine our line of Sprini; aii(l Sum mer Clothing made ex pressly for us and which we will sell you for less money than those peo ple who are advertising Clothing at less than HALF THE COST OF hUHUFACTURE. Our flock is not Uttiht from Tom, Dick ami Hurry luit from iin-t rlass Clothing manufacturers tvliero t-very garment is rlcpely itistK-t-t l In-foro leav ing tlieir -tal'lisliini, t T tie (stock is complete net made tip of odds aud ends l-ut of fr-p-i, clean stock. ytndy the price lift, liring it with you and come exHt ling more for your mon ey than ym would get from SXIDK firms traveling aliotit from place to place with a line of rhnddy stuff. WHAT Sl'KAKS JIKITKU THAN I'KICKS? Wen's Clothing Department. I'nion Cissiiiiere Stiit, single hre.-iKtcd. This is not a . 0 suit reduced to J'.is hut it is a mit generally advert ie.l at t'2 oil and (Ml, which ve w'l at 2 I mi. (ood SuhMaritial Wenr-tJiving Suit, not a $14 (Ml suit reduce d to ;.", hut a good fctiit, we offer at .". Klegant Cheviot Suit, Mark and mix ed colors, Sacks, uot a If. otl suit re duced to .." :;.", hut we will give you selection from several different styles at i; 7 ami $ 1 oil. Corkscrew, Diagonal and Fancy Mixed Worsteds, Sacks and Cnttways, not re duced from $1S (Ml and $J0 (Ml to i"7 :'.U. hut a suit we have U-en Se lling all spring at f; TU and 7 (Ml. Fine Clay Worsted and Thihets, guar anteed all wool, not reduced from $2S ((i to $'. CO, hut have hee ti selling them right along at $7 (Ml and $s (Ml. Kvening Suits of the very finest ma terials, and Custom-Made, the- regular price never was from $1S (Ml to :;7 ihi, hut has Uen sold all spring at Jf, .u to fl-J 00. Men's Working Pants from l."c. to '.Oc. Children's Suits. 7-V. up. I-' Make No Mi stake. Keep tour tyo on Your Pocket book. J. B. Miir & Sou. crfam balmCATARRH J j Mick Itf Xnsa I 'fH4Mt$fM AUutf i'aii ft tff tit tnttit49 iitilit tit ft Srm . t'rrtrrt the JlffnrrffMr 'rom Ifr.Worj , "-n . i ' . It Will Cure COLD 'N HEAD A lmrticle l arplie.l lii ra.-h n.-m i au i m KrwNehle I'rlr'.MI -eMi ait lruKiclrt orliv idhiI r.lt KKOTHhKS, je; Warren .itrt. Nrw orfc nov.iuie4.ly Steel Picket Fence. CHEAPER A 7K A ' iS ti " ' ' ' i' I' Miii till ill TIetDoreiitati'nrar'!etrtF-n-ewltli Oate. rTh' f. Brttiuel , br ..! on It,.. , u .1 H..-U. -,, .ritlr," prk-. I Sdi.M ,10,1,-i. nol.l.. ., Sum, Kltt.nc r-.,. (.hu.t-r. .mViI V K IS, Io. r. nj kxillnn. Br. Imo Orill,. M IKK luutlld UNDO kCKKhS. n.l .1 1 M, ,.r M IRK kk TAYLOR A. DFAW '01. Z03 205 MarkatSU mcli e V6 ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. TO MAKE MONET and enjov it. nne linivt liri have l'immI he-alt h. " LAX A TEA clcaiiM's the system, aids ili, sli-.n. eiirrx 'ollstip:itiin anil siek lie:i.l:i. I.e. Pl.-.isant to take-, 1h-s not 15, i j l i.r sale l.v :il your Irut.'jii-ls, KM- and 2'h: Samples fre-c. Maniifaelured l.v TIIK .loll.N II Mill. CO., Warren, Pa.. :; l- :7 Robert Cassidy's Shaving Parlor located on Ontre "trevt near trilBr-s I.lveir ottoee. s.havinic. Hair Cnnimt an.l Sluin.o. inicilone la the nnieil ami I-b-i tnaoner. A bare ot yonr iatronaice KitliAitext. KoMKiireiAssinv. aTSV B l"r in'Miiii i,j a tiarni If- In aliiH-.-it ir;i 1 1 f 1 1 1 Ir nhVMliH.n . .f -1.1 ... . lal flliH-lKi.r il. I. -lit (...I lr.-!!i Im-in,.; :-.'.iarnilk'. nrilihii-, ..r Hal.l.iiM-ss. I Ml ilcUns an.l it-iv laili. In.L.r-.- it. I li..unaiils t-nrnl PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL mntiili-iill.tlly. r..r far-., ulars mlilre-Mi. wi;!i :.ee:n fir? sWTlpr? TWW iim e.MMi il, -ll 1 Lf L,IV Ur IK.." Ilrl.,j, Ml, .lk , 1 1 ocfJ.5 ly For all Bilious and KitRvoes Diskasks. Ther purify the Rlood and trive Hialtiiv action to the em ire system. Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and PIMPLF5 April 16 T ly FRAZER AXLE Best in the World! Get the Genuine ! Sold Eienvhere! GREASE ST IF I..i. t fail to visit the Croat Manufacturer's Clotlnna Sale which tikes place in the larire steire r.eom. UKl. ."li MAIN STKKKT. JtlHXSTOWX, PA., between Franklin Street, next door to U . It. Dlbt-rt llar.iwai. eiavs otilv. f I . T.im Wholesale Stock Fine Tailor Made Clull.inir lor Men. Poys and C hildren all made etire-siy f,r th,. to tie sola at re-tail at less until nan tue I ratie. 1 lie storK e-onsisis o: i nousanu 01 co.us fr Hoy, thousands of Tailor-Made .... . . j . I'mivs. All made exi.re'sslv for thii season's This is ihe stock of Nathan. Stern & Co.. lart'e wh-lesale rIolliir.tr n.annfacl'irers of 111 Kallinmre street. p.a.. ., have I 111 Miid tin ir iiMial custe.in of inantifacnu ins a laipe and vaiied stew k e.f Spriiuf and iiiiiiii.-r Suits. tv. r , , '' . . Men. lioy and Children. The stea k is e ouipletel v made up and only l o 1 hinls e.f It i sold. I he -aln,,.,, ... . I'mted States diirinir t)i te.lMr. Xovenil-r and l)ee-emter siit.ulyu.C the nee-ds of the retaile rs. Iin;s t(..h r,. ,.. ,.J disposed e.f. Since then t he salesmen have hee-n discharged, llie t.rai.ch e.tliees .11 ew rk, Milwaukee. n. ,. " " ' . have U-en rle.s.-d atul ihe retnaininir third of the stK-k. aiiiMiiitii.ir to l.C.oiMi lM-inir ollennl t.i the put.ii.- ai..l " ' - within lodays without regard te est or value. Il'scash they want and cash they must have. 1... matter hi. jr.. - : ... 11: 1 i 1 1. i...,.i i.jj ..,. ire fur its nieh stan lar.l of 'I a I lor- M ale t lotniiitr a.lai.t.r - - . - ...... ... - - .... j ... . . Eccollect Scle taeECEs Ttaisiay, May 20, 1697. t 9 a. XuTltK - This build in it has been leased for in days. No jt.khIs sold nfr anyone allowed on premises mail K:A-.. Tliis Sale will last but 10 Days, No More, No less. Positively no misrepresentations will le permit led. and all sales made satisfactory to the purchaser. In order to show what Ciifanlie Uaraius will be offer.-!, a few price are in :iii.ned. and rem -m r th-re , ir tin that we e-aiimit iiu-ntion. " ' Study the Pricelist, bring it with you, come expecting more f.ir your money th ny.,u ever,t!,.r, "WHAT SPEAKS BETTER THAN P1UCIX MKNS" SI IT DEl'AKTMENT. Ciiion Ciisimere price, f.i i. . . . (lood Siit.st a n t tal Silicic anil Ilouhle Wear-tJivius Itusine price, f 1 1 t o. for "5 Kli-tiiti.i ( l.evial Suits. Hlack ami Mixed colors. Sacks, n mini uinl Mpiareciit. regular price. l. " Ueitulatiou Heavy Itlueli A . K. Suit, regular price fls; . . ." toikserew. 1 ii;iu.u;tl and Fancy Ml Mil Worsted Sacks and t utawu s. regular price $s on and oo. for 1. 1. ! iti.d llht. K I'ilot Heaver and Fine Whip-Cerd Suits, n-milar price t.'.l oo Fine fhiy orsteii ami Thihets. regular price fii, now.. . Kvet.i n' Suits of the very Finest Materials and t'u-toiii Made, rcsiiilar price, tls oil lo f.'.T oo, now fei .". to Jl.'l M KX'S PANTS DKl'AKTMKNT. M e n"s t ;...i.l Urn Winn Pauls' regular price.! t, for 7 Tl.i- t'lolhint; House a No had a very succe-slul Custom l-prtmeiil, and accumulated a few elegant Nn! i or anoiher. 11 on can Im lilted you can s,-,-ure a line suit l less than e-o-t of material alone. The st.x k n extra si.e -;aruieiits. Silmil men cau l suited at boy prices. lyiake No Mistake. And Ih sure you are at th e rijfht place, as we ate iu dead e artiest alMiut tfivinir you U ai .. u.aI. .. tlieir actual e-osl. Come youi-e! and tell all your friends. MOTIIKKS AVILL DO AVKLL TO (OMK EARLY AND AVOID TIIK kl HI. This a bona tide M aiifacturers saie. To aconimodate every U id y. store will remain .lavs until II p. i. Car fare paid to oul-of-lo u purvha-ers. N . It. Men hunt- sold orly in the forenoon and fircash. KEMKMI5KU WK HAVE NO DIIANUI STOKES n. i.. juhss ro.s. .v. j. un a. a. . mrt. t-JlTABMKHEO 1872. Johnston, Buck & Co., HANK I'iHS, KIlENSllUIUi. - PKNN'A. A. W. HI t K, 'ablepr. rjTABLlMHKI lSSg. Carrolltown Bank, c,mtui.i.TnwN. pa. T. A. SHAKKtK.II, 4ltler. General BanliEBnsiness Transacted. Tbe lollowlntt are the pnncli&l lutnru ol Keneral tai.iciDir .ugioess: i:pkith Keoelve.l pajat.le on demand, and Interest hear Init cerltDrates Uiue-t to time deosltor(. Kitendeil to ruftomer on Imvorahle teim and 4).pruvrd paper .Mxnxintesl at all time. (I.I.F.TI05iN vtxdrln the lorahty and anon all thebanklnn towns In the Tnited States- t'harxee moderate. DKilTh lsao,l nexotLible In all .ru of tbe t?nltd sisi-ik. fcn.l tt.reivn exchange Issued on ill part of Kuro e. AttlUNTf (II merrtiant. termers and others toilltd. to iriiom rea?onatle aeeomolatl.n w.ll re extendetl. Patrons are HS-urHl tbat all traDtuu-tions aball he held as utriclly prtvat and onti.lentlal. and hat they will te treated as lilmrally aa ttood hanktmc tales will ruiit Ke?ievtlully , joiix.vro.. ki t ii t . 17 51. 1U. Policies written at snort notice In tne OLD RELIABLE ' ETNA" .nel other t'lrwf ' t'eiapanles. T. W. DICK, .m rR the OLB HARTFORD V1RB INSURANCE OT "OMMENCEll HI'SINKSN 1794. Kivenshora. Jnn 21. I8a. eitniM TDinc u . DESICN PATENTS. ,.. . WfiRiOHTS, estoJ ii '":'"" n-. Tree Handl.. w rite to C'l.l.-st l.urvau for afmnn- patent In Amerlra. r.vrry (..-ib'tic taken .ml l.v us la l.rouvht l f .n tlie pul.liu by a iu.i.t Klveu free t.r charge la Uae 'ncntific mwicau Tjtnreat elrrmtntlnn of anr -lentlfle raner In the li.aii hotil.l lw v. iit,.,ut U Weel.lv. imp a year; !.:.. hIt m..,.tl, A-ldrewe. SU VviTi" 1'LBIj.iiKiui. 3 1 ltroadway. Yura cftr fHE KEELEY CURE imurh ..f tn-nttaent at the r Heek PITT5BCRU KEELEY INSTITUTE. Xo. 416 Fifth Avenue. ro;(rrrvi to tTiein all tl-eir nmri-w ,. , M-.r ,ho,n to the conditio,, VheV , nllJ. loretltey iti.ltslir, I i KUnn.lauU Th U l!L I JT ".fs Mi. i.i m.i.. of y.mr own tteiirl tA. Alu.m w, refer with ee.nil.ienee T'.i - ..e.. .-.-u.l ,ur Luiu.Ue.t eixin fuA iu. anir 2 e Mountain House Shaving Parlor, Ham Street, jtar Post Office The nnderslrnet desires to Inform the nub ile that he has eened a shavlna: par'or on t entre street, near the p.st office where barberina In all its branrbets wilt be carried on In the future. LrerTthlnir neat an eleaa. Y our patronage solicited. F. X. rtis. jk Scientific American I tli 2.X w T YOU VALUE MONEY e-osi eei hhuimh ui..-. : . . m .. t j ,..1 I L'i.r.ii , I s I, ,r 1 ,-ti a. mm -.- ...... . . Suits and Overeoats f..r t hildren. thousands trade. No old Mock, but all strictly this - -- 5l6Main Street. Eeilsteln Building. Worsted Pants, regular price, : and : ; T Cheviot ami t a-simere Pant-, regular ir .-? Men's Fine I Iress Pauls, regular .r: -e ii .n , f. ,, ' YOUTHS' SUITS. Youth's ( js-in.ere and WorMed Suit- reirijr . , .... Youth's F.xtra t ll.e I Iress Suit-, m ( ,.- ,, .. . ' ; , v ed-and Fancy Ctfuiueres. regular pn,.. , , '.' 5:( 00 Pairs Ecy's Im Pants, 11: Sl.t.S ill. 14 t ,1;. oi l. I'l-.ie re-uular t - reicu lar v.. - llre - asted. - ss Suits. All the New and -.1. ' imni .- ii.u. Noby lie-s Si.ii. Fine 1 iress sniis lar t.rice. fl oo Keep Your Zye on tlie Yellow Sitn, Owens & Makin.jOH: : PRINTING HTjTCHKUS, I!1 Wt'ort All kinels? of the Test Meat from selected stock kept at their Daily Meat Market on Hieh Street, Ebenslmrjj. Give ti3 a call. sepl.;". IKiuful dnau. fu.1i a. '"-l.ai. l aakan, .l.rrk. 1 I k.. -aewlala. Ua-ka.lic lilLi.l . ' At ,ur "--. -r l. nji 1M, rl .f tuou.-. adj .jkI ;i -m, WINkKLMANN & BltOWN lUli CO , -' M 4.. V. M. A. Caveats, and Trade-Mark, obtained, and all 1'aC ent hu!tie-s mnrarted for Moderate Fe Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office. !TwT,I7n ,f?. !'tent in Ies time than those remote from M anhinirtoii !end model, draw ine -.r tboto, wi-li ae-rrlp- I m a a.7 a ' 1,11 H,eT1i 1 -farMX m ramnhUf kll..a- .k. . . . . - - k.u riicni. with C.A.SNOW&CO. Ooooaita Patent 0(5 c. Watttitvolim. f C a. L. HID. ATEleTT I Illll REED & READE. KHKNSIII'K.I. - - - PF.MNA. r ttl.-e on 'entre streot. " (4 2 tu KITTELL & LITTLE, wrVtti-no, t lJXAV, EBEMSBCKtl, PA. -Om3e In Opera House. t WM rP W. DICK, ATTOKNEY-AT-KAW, hT- tb0 T F. McKEXKICK, ATTOKNW - w .. . . . . ATT.HS.T aKtXH.VWKBLUrtB AT Law LltW.shlKtl, . pA ' ,rl" on tntre street. H II. MVE11S. ATTtlKM CY-AT-I.A W HONALD E. HUFTON, - ' AITOKNEY-AT LAW. -. e K,B;;r.v.,:.l:'7 At home or travelinif with iiimni.iv. .... wne. t . . " ' ' " . r lntruiar, ttivlnc ae and Wn I-tlon. Y ou ean work all or part time, and tbe work ,T ANII EASY B to US kr liani.nl.H HA'A KS MTKSKUY tXlMI'ANY, KtH HKKTKK. ?. Y. Mar li UT 4m. HBSBlnri Fire Insurance Apcj . AV. DICK, General Insurance Agent. SL ""(t 1-iT t'lotniiiir thousands if Tailor-M'. ,f 'I n I li.r-! ,l I - - -. - tana sea-ou s product mils. a, Eni Itfls Falnfej, iE : i . i CHILDREN'S SUITS. Nol.y Pattern-. Sii.irle ai..i 1 .-.lit, M ll:id. i.l,(e ; regular price t . .. in l am y I a-MUi.-n-- ai:i U tejf'.t ."to. exir price, oix-u every e em IN THIS ( I I V. Tilt: tn he mAs Printing Oin:; Is tbe vlaor to vvt ji,ur JOB PFLIKT1KZ Piomptly aul sti.-factoti:y ttn-s.ri . will meet trie price- .f a il toi; i:t cotupetion. di.u l do r j first-cia.-! woik and w.st t living l'r f.-r it. i.- Witn Fast Presses ra mfc We art. prepared to tu:u i ut J ;. ! r : every di-criptieti in tt.r f 1JT STYLE and at :r,e- Lowest Cash Pi pi a, Xt.thtue out tne be: iua:rr;l i t: u our work .-peaks ter it-- f. rt; Iared to priut erj t' e -rcrte-. t PoTERS, rReViKAMMK. Hl'MNKtiti t'Ahl.. Ti;-, :n I. t!t Monthly tatkmkm- Ksieiovs.; LaBK1. t lKe l LAK. V ti i ; ev: VlMTINQ CAHLr. t H f . k. N..TE-. IKAKT!, l;Ee'EIPl. IU)M)H..&, 1-KTTRK AMI NeiTE llttlMM' Hop amiI'aktt Im hatu; It: Vecan print anythititi fr.-m trtii-. and neatet ViritiDtf Carl t. tv n r- Piester n short tmti.f ar.a si i tno-it liea-olil t.:e f.airr. The Camltiia Kieri::r. KUKXSl;ri:.. 1T.SM PENNSYLVANIA RAILECM. Schedule in efiect . .:: '' l'esSie-rllaal re a a-T. Seashore Kipress. weet, ,1 - - Altoon orsnjtn. latf.n. r-. -Main Line Kxi.n-H-. ;la.i Altoona Amu... week Jiv Hrr-l-ur Ar atui:i-'U. '.&' ool Mall Kl.re-. .lailv - Hhlladviehla ti.re-. Jul y w aT. .lobneitown Aoremnii.1i i-n. ee -a.' Pat-me Kxpnes. daily ay I Va-enver. .laili - Mail 1 rain, dally I'll trLurc hTf -f. Ji ! r"at l.i be. dally Juhnuwn AceuaiaioJkt'. ti. " -' r.te tn re Brfr TAI ekl: 't From Hailos and ti.e ill. r rota Cre.n r'r..n Yinloudale F'rutu 1'iT'H.n r rem 'rson r rim Y'lntt.ndale Iryto Oresstfon..... TKi- t:. For "reon ror HaatinttK and (he St.!. Ki.r tntondale "or re!M.n ..... . "r Y'lntondale - Ke.r Haettnas and the tu.r::, ror t rrsofi ...... ( rrnu mmd le rela lare lrronit at f i a m ln at Creason iiluit tn r.,1 1 - t l'reson . a. m. an J .-' I 1 at ".I t" a tn. and ti x' f n Kor rates. atajHe. etr . ral! -n Thh. E. Wan-, t. A. W. I filUl.ura. Pi. J. K. Ht'Tl'H I.NSe , (General .Manurr. .1 K ' t Draeax 1' - " Ury of the ' rri;!"1: A"'",J. :r ance. M'"-'- -'" ; Pv o 1 Vs '.'.'a ; membership fee. Hj rjlJ ' rI '"" accidental injuries. Be your own Apent- era Mrnii-t rviIVATIi' a: 4.v.A - Wanted-An Idea trb.- . H-a' mmn your loeaa: iiw " " - p.e Write J6hn Wll'EKlirhN XM tev tnT T'I Pa"11'. as eya, Wa-blnatam, l. e. f. thetrj ad Uat ot two tre4 tuvaw" A