VMI-.llIA CO.. PA. ... - - MAY lS'.C. i , 'f l."ruo' a , , ,.f tlii- pla e. i in . , fr. ii.l-- a ut C.aiport. was a .!,.! i.!-' M'llldilV. v. ..f SpantrW'r, was a . ., .!..!.- on Tu.l;iy. . , K.-ar.-r. of SpaiiL'liT, M:,.!.in-ll. tin' -lllllil'U ' , ' . ,, vi. i- in i;i'iilnir on , r , ., voi.-.l favorably '. ,v,. :.v more trn'ts al a II. - l'l'OIIM. Of , -ut ery low with j.,,. i n i-l.i!jii-ii'ii at William 1 Saver ,. . i.rim-ily of tliis I' ; i.I -'. V l-lti-H f.liflis- i . of i 'i i"tin. and ... ! -i hi -j. iti' visitors , .... Tn.-iiay. I; ,.,,.-.mh. I.cin'iri.v and , n-ii-tiiii'. arc vir- . . I. -: "- pi, ;.. :ii .1 f.iini'y. of I'itt- u-' vn-K ami arc ur- . ... :,,!!,. ; t . -! ' 1 IUM-. t pilt, M (. Mi-Coy, of Tu ii . , ,.f i. - .i: iii- I'i'oUi'ii on I'l'i . i i !:..:- In. in a u airoii. ... ,! tin: ' I aniln ia House i i , . ii iii. Iia-i-il tiv it svn- . ,i i M i .' Ii- I 'iiny. , ,j,.r (..Ml ion- to ( (Mini y .. , i , 1 ...i. I. r a ropy of the ,. - r. . -1 1 ! -1 1 1 of I'lililii" I II -'..i;:,- .una foi '.. , , Jirii al InT Inline -ii.. lay inoi niiisr. Ilt-r ;'.m...! in thr '.'alholir !!..-!..- " 'I'ii.-lay. ...,:!., V. K. titntii will . i a, ii. i ..i. SaiMi.lay. May , ... 1 1 . ; ; l.i- i-liiirrli from ,'i ; a: iii- . i I -ti to roiiir. ... . ,: i - -.i 1 hat a ii ii lit ) .-t :i ,t , i.sii.iv a i f ! in if la-1 . . . 1 1 ! 1.- j f 1 1 In in ,-,-: :..r i t ul..-r at any : ; Mi Kay. in ,i. v j- -!!.' hy iluhiiiihii on ... : 1.1 . : h T 111- l-iltit loll ! t u! :ii ill- liutiiaue . . .! al: 'i l ii-'iiii-rr i i. I ..ia ai.il Kie Strell --.it. :. t I., in a n a It.iUI win : . ; .i-.-ii l-v oliii-iaN (it i; . ,i: . i ! of M r. and i . a . i - ft i'h! I .i ! . i v li It i (i - ; i.. M i . :-C in 1 la- I'. Ii j.--. Ii- i i. ii a 1 1 - vvi-ir iiilrr i - i j ' Thrn-ilay i -. i . : i-' i-i-l, -i-v ni'iiir i M K-a-i . -mi! y . w lnlt- ;i. r i- .ii-i '. nit v - four ji : .-.iit-ii -i pound- : II :-: : - i,a- a t " 'i n :(! Kllt- lis -; .-1 1. to It- a Iiirlii j . i :; i -..It In- I't-nn- il- a '. I I . I. t I n linn, tu - .1-. A. . I.ainli-. rf V .V ... .1 .1 I' ; I-.- ii ..-i '. ..i k-. at I Iiiii- i- .in.' to a l :. :i-i; ' I'i-!.ii-y I vania ' - ! I: in ran-; A- 1 ' ai ii. in"- M I 'l. wa .1. :i' ::l..i y. M .IV . ...... . . i . . . l . . ... .1" l . III ! I III ' 1 : ' I..I-I Mi.t I.- Ml.-il pl'o- ii. i ' .1 1 III po-M - ! i v -:ir-ltl M' ii. I Mi-. U r.h.nu - ' I'-.t.-. - i ..v.-. i:.-,ifiird - in- :,y ., ,1,, '' - . aii i ! hr '-hild ";"- 1 1 ' ''' Tu iy. May . - i 1 1 i 1 1 i , - i" i ii i iii- ii 1 1 ru .i'ii! llnrty iu- : '' ' a - w til -.inn In- ' ' ' I 'i v ani.itiilor J 1 - t'." ' l.y I lavid '" ' l'h.- ilo,-t.,r. to "'i i" ; !'i a .-vv days, '-I ...-.,1,.. k ' ' ':- lnt' n pr.ipo- ; i I :.-.-., rr.-.-u I:- '"n.''i i - i-i, I id.- latl.-r A ' A ay of U,,. Al- " -tiiij hnr and ; " 1 1... i:.-,-s, cifi-u 1 ' i.- inn i i-iu . ' '' K '' . I i.diana " ' i ' " " r id Iaai: i.i- w.-.-k. and ' 1 fi mil inn- of 11,1 had t he -am,. . ' ' '' ' y i a . I In- pnr- ' ' ' ' l!- i In- ..,iil,,. ' ' " " "-irk i r.-i-k in . i . -. . , . - . I .1 V I: . l..n. " ' ilAlllflltiTS of ' M ::l n l ount y. ' " i !.r hor-c. 1 " t! aii-i nvi-r ' ' H'V 1 V.- f.M-t hiuh " 1 ! !: from tin- ''' ' a- !,; , ;,,! ' i inaii w Hi -a w ! a a- ilt.n n,-,i. ' ' ' f-";r haiikinif ! '".. ..Hi,,),. irnt i !,.-.. , il,,i,tr ;l In r.iiiri on - .i,i-.,1 Ui:tl our ' ' :..r a lii,,i ti,,. '; K.ainl that 1 ' ' 'i ' a liiniiftl -' .ii- i i.iii(i.tiiy. "' !.i-t t),,. t,ji -' i.-.. .,f private 1 ''"iii -1 ;t u, , af. pi DlMr-Mfe Ii ad Vi-rti-r- , . ' S d. Th i.iil j ''"pari in. ut. an .' '.'I , "' ' : ' aid-. t,...i,I,.s r A !'' ' ri.iii'-nt of U,i ' ;h card- and ... i ' .-t. . :i .....I . I .u ., " iii mure. l ily . ' ' "'' ' ' !W' a f.-w -.piare . n i,,-,.arv ,i ;, ,. ,. , ..j.i. t x. ' - inainire. w ,eu -lV t' ''--f "f t,,. Mlliney's " - 1 ' I anil ImiA lr..il ll-, I- l.t.,.r a.l le-V f m I,' I. . i si aii a L i li . I . . - -. I'lio-iiiiiirie - t-u il"'"' ar '" ''If t tfert, illiliiedia'e- On Sunday Frank Kelly, a youns man, had one of hi va rut off on the Pennsyl vania railroad, near Ilpnsrrpok, w hile at tempting to board a fast freight train. Il wa taken to his home at Jamestown. Very few persor.s of the present day have ever seen a ?T bill. That, however, is not snrprisinsr. as money in that denom ination ha not been issued during the present i entiuy. A bill of that kind has entne into the possession of the Westmore land National bank, this place. It was secured from a resident of Salem tow nship. '1 he. unique note is about 3x.1.'a' inches in si. and in a (food stat6 of preservation. It was issued by resolution of congress sittini, at Philadelphia, in 1TM. Persons desiring to gaze on the curiosity can do s at the bank named. Wixtinvrtland Dcm- orivif. Mrs. l!e Williams, wife of Josoph Williams, of Oliver, near Uniontown. Pa., banned herself to a lante nail in a door facing her room Sunday morning. When the children relumed from Sunday school ai.d went to their mother's room, they were told to take a small child and o down stairs. They dij so. and, on return ing a few minutes later, discovered their mother hanging, with life almost extinct. She was immediately cut down, but it was thought last night that she could not re cover. Family troubles, it js Ulieved. caused her to attempt to take her life! She is highly respected. -William, the 1 year-old son of Samuel Hague, of Altooua. lost his t-iilii f..... .... Friday morning through an accident that happened while he was gathering coal ii. the upper yard hi thai place. According to the boy'-, story he had a w bee. harrow on t he track and was picking up coal t i lill it, when an engine came along. It at tempting io get t be wheelbarrow olT the track before the engine struck it, the en gine struck him and smirked him down, the wheels crushing the rjglt f() )t T,i)f unfortunate boy was removed to the hos pital, where it was seen that the foot would bate to be amputated. The opera tion was performed in the forenoon and the injured lad is now progressing toward re covery. A Xrw liiilii-lry for ltell-riii'r. The announcement js made of a new in induslrv for P.ellefonte wbirh is to be started within tlienext two weeks. It will be a plant for the manufacture of Acety lene gas and tanks for production of same. This is u new discovery on the market and if it meets with the success expected, tht. establishing of a plant at that place will iiiran it big thing for liellefonte. Then- is only one fa.-lorv of the kind in the country and that is located at Nigara, Falls. X. V.. and is operated by- the com-' pany ex-Secretary of the Navy William C. Whitney, is al the head of. Acetylene gas is f comparatively re cent discovery and is made from the chemical action of w ater upon bicarbonate o! lime. The bicarboii is produced through tin- fusion of bituminous coal, lime, and several other ingredients by means of an electrical current. U is the principal agent in generating Ki,s and i suspended in a basket in a small galvanized iron tank. To generate gas by this process three tanks ale used. One lili.-d with water, one h, ililing ihe basket containing the bi carboii and the other being the receiver for the gas. The water fi.un No. 1 runs into No "J. where it comes in con tart with the birarbon and gas is at once generated. It is returned through No. 1 to No. :i. w hich i merely a receiver and when I1., pounds pressure has been produced an ail louiiiiic s.,H.,,;r stops further generation until the pri -Min- is reduced. The acety lene g.4s i, a pet-feet white light, without a tlivki-r or sni ike. The most crucial tests have proven it t. be far more powerful in penetration and il'iiiiiination than either eh-i-tricitv or e,,:il gas. Ii is itiinated that the new light can be made for otie-tenlh the cost of ordinary coal gas. and ca n be used for all kinds of heating. light and motive purposes. It can be consumed through the ordinary gas fixture- now in buildings, by merely ad ding the three tanks mentioned above. The carbide will be place! on the market in solid form and people who have the fix tures can add the tanks, buy the carbide and geneiale the ga- for themselves. Oliiinary. ITKI.L,. Iied al his residence in Por tage township, on May 1.1. lvC, Joseph I tell, ag.-il r." years and .1 months. The deceased was born in Switzerland and came to 1 his country with his parents w hen about In years old. He resided in I ii-law ai e for a w hi le, t hen in the eastern part of Pennsylvania and came to Cam bria county in Is-;.-, ;1 ,d located near I.oretto. In Is.ui I,.. w as married to Cat hai ine F.herlv, sister of the late Francis F.berly, of Mini ster township. The ceremony being per formed by Kev. I. A. tJallit.in. Prince priest of the A I leg henies. Iii lsT. just .in years ago, he removed to the farm in Portage township where be cot. tinned to reside till the time of his death. His wife pi eceded him to the grave in ImTii. (if several children born only three sur vive, John and .lames Itell, well-known citizens of Pottage township and Mrs. (iallaher. wife of .lames (iallaher, also of Portage township He was a grandfather of Thomas J. Itell, K-ij., and Mrs. Frank O'Neill, of Johnstown, ami also of James i. Pender, of (i.illil.in, and Mrs. T. A. Coons, of Allegheny township. Dining 'ife he was possessed of the noble qualities of charity, industry and honesty. In politics hi; was an indent Democrat and often referred with pleasure to having voted for Andrew Jackson, the great Dem ocratic slalesmai.. In religion be was a consistent member of the Catholic church. His funeral took place on Monday morning at Wilmore where :t High Mass of Kiiiiirin was cele brated and an impressive funeral discourse delivered by the pastor, Kev. Jas. P. Ta haney. after which interment was made in the cemetery adj. doing the church. May hi? rest i n peace. nnrrlaur f.lrrn. The following marriage licenses were is- s I by tin-Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the wt-ek ending Thursday, May ftl, ls'.C; William H. Ooughnour and Kettie A. M akin. Adams township. Isaac Miller and Marriet Wagner, Jack son township. Hat vcv Thomas, Johnstown, an-J Jennie W issiiiger. .1 arksou township. (Hlo Sen 1 1 and Catharine Shellhamer, Cotii-uiaiig Ii towiish i p. Kaviiiond O. Kagei, Moi rellviile, and Frances C. .1 null ling. I triish valley town ship. Indiana county, I'a. M ii h id Tovalsky and Pertb t Zainbor, Jo!:litow ii. William Skiduiore and Alice N. Palmer. Duiiio. Sosi-nh Spennl and Kosi-na Kennel, Pat ton. Kuiland Wirks. South Fork, and F.Ha M. Karuelt, Johnslow ii. Owen J. Murray and Olive May P.erkley, Job IisIo A 11. Joi n C. Wwods and Cora J. Iyey, Johns tow n. I harles J. Hammer and Catharine M. Krolz. Johnstow n. W. II. Jones. Cambria township, and Minnie P. Cameron, Flue township, iu diana county. Pa. Henry Theodore Moflit. Chest town-hip, ami l.ucy Taylor. Pat ton. Koss S (irilfiih. Johnstown, ami Alice Poyi-r, Myer-dale. Somerset count y. Pa. Charies llovannk and FJizabeth Stela haski. IJariiesUiro. iepheii F. Spruni. Johnstown, and Mi neiva K. Dull. Ferndale. Maurice A. Kirkpatrick, Carroll town ship, and Laura A. Ager, Karr township. Joseph 11 uber and Margaret Mantling, John-low n. C. J. Fairfai and Anna Jackson, Johnstown. Ttarl-era' F x am I nations. Following is a list of the time and pla;es of examinations for the teachers of Cambria county schools: June 24 Fiske school house. Tor White. June tM Mountaiudale for Keade. Juue 2'i St. Lawrence, for Chest. July 2 -St. Augustine, for Clearlield and Chest Springs. July 3 Loretto, for Allegheny and lor-etto. July 0 Weaver's school house for Kich land. July 7-SaIi.v, for Adams. July s -Coopersdale, for West Taylor, Kosedale and Coopersdale. July H-Morrellville. for Lower Yoder, Westinont and Morrellville. July 10-Cotieniaiigh. for Coneuiaugh township. Franklin, East Taylor and Coneuiaugh. July 13 -Karnesboro, for Susquehanna and Karnesboro. July 14-Spangler. for Spanglcr. 1 Nicklow n, for Karr. July Hi-Hastings for Klder and Has tings. July 17-(Jallitzin, for Jallitzin. (Jallit.iu township and Tunnelhill. July 23 Koxbury , for I'ppcr Yoder, Kox bury and Ferndale. July 24 Wal;iut tirove, for Daisytow n, Stonycreek and Dale. July 2i'i Carrolltown, for Carroll town ship, Patton and Carrolltown. July 27-Dysart, for Ashland, Dean and Ashville. July 2S Noel school house, for Minister. July tti-South Fork, for South Fork. July 3o Fairview, for Jackson. July ::i Khensbnrg, for Ebeiishurg and Cambria. August 3 Kelsano. for Klacklick. August 4 Cresson, for Cressoii. August .1 Summerhill for Croyle and Summerhill boiough. August b Wilmore, for Summerhill township and Wilmore August 7 Portage, for Portage and Por tage township. August '.i Lilly, for Washington and Lilly. Septemlier 4 Special examination at F.bensburg. All written work must he done with pen. KdiK-alional foundations with ljuick's Educational reformers, Kerkey's Manual and Ouide, and White's School manage ment, will form the basis for examinations iu theory of teaching. - Applicants will present their last year's certificate to the county superintendent, together with a stamped en velope address ed fur a report of the examination. Certificates will be mailed to teachers not later than ten days after the examina tion. Certil-cates will not be issued to ap plicants under seventeen years of age. Applicants from other counties must present a valid certificate from their own county superintendent before entering the clar s. Teachers should be examined iu the district where they expect to make appli cation for a school. Filiform examination paper will be fur nished by the county superintendent. Applicants for professional ci-rtilicales ill take the regular examination. Secretaries of boards w ill kindly see that school rooms aie clean, well ventilated and open at s o'clock on the morning of ex aminations. Examinations will liegiu promptly at s A. M . ;,,! each applicant must be present at that time. T. L. (iiiisnx. Superintendent of Cambria county. Ehensbuig, May 1. ls'.7. Krai llalr Iraunlrrii. Executors of John Ulass to Koherl L. Johi.stoii, Cambria and Allegheny town ships; consideialion, $l.7m. William P. llanna et ux. to Weber Wheelork company, Kovbury, 1. Adam Makin et ll. to (ieorge Elllptield, Jackson, film. Chest Creek L. A I. Company to Joseph L. KIooiu, Pat ton, f.ini. A. W. Luck hard l et ux. to James M. Walters, Johnstown. $!. Chest Creek L. A 1. ( otiipauy to Kirhard Kowland, Patton, floi. Security Kuilding A. Loan association to Mary A. Maher, Johiistown, fcj.vm. Francis C-impbell el ux. to Carl Korger sou. Patton. $s.1. Eli Li -flier et ux. to Daniel Caulliel, Stonycreek, 1. .';.". John Kruget ux. James M. (iiamley. Spangh-r, $37.1. Martha Kightnoiir to People's Kiillding A Loan association, of Altooua, Morrell ville, 1. Executor of James H. Dysin t to Martha A. Dysart et al. Wasliingtou.fi. Daniel Laiighman el ux. et al. to Penn sylvania Railroad company. Washington. '.li'.. Cyrus Letller et ux. to Charles Lenten Johiistown. 3fMl. Executors of John P. Linton to Ida L. Sell, East Taylor, fstf. Margaret P. McConaughy et al. to Ma thias Arnold. Lower Yoder, t3on. II. K. ShalTer et al.. trustee, to Jeremiah S. Horner. Adams, $1. T. Karnes et ux. el al. to Alfred Tucker, Siisij iiehannna. fl. T. Karnes el ux. to Alfred Tucker. Karnesboro, ti. T. Karnes el u et al. to Caroline K. Tucker, Karnesboro, (. T. Karnes et ux. to John Tucker M ur- dock, Karnesboro, f 1. Alfred Tucker et ux. lo Harry E. Kird, Kirnesboro. f inn. Cambria Iron company to Edwin Kurk harl. East ('(ineinaiigh, f::."iil. William .1. Dawson to W. W. Amsbry, Cambria Iron companv to K. P. Uankin, East Conemaugh. 3.1o. T. S. Davis et ux. to Samuel D. McCart ney, Keade, I,2i. Thomas Sellers to Joshua Auraudt. Washington. '.". Kate Chandler to Henry J. Schnabel, Morrellville, M.K). illlril al I rfiman. Frank (!. Dunphy was killed at Cresson on Saturday afternoon al3:.m o'clock, near McNally s crossing, on the main line of t dp l'ennsvl vui.ia railroad. While tran sacting business in that vicinity he had occasion to cross tne tracks irotn the south side. An east-bound freight train passing obscured the view of the track, and after il had passed he stepjx-d quickly over, not noticing train No. !. 1 iltsburg express. w hich w as running at the rate of forty miles an hour. Jusi as he siep(ied on the west hound track, the No. 1.1 struck him on the right side and threw him a distance of several feet forward on the east bound track, on w hich the work train was run- tiiior The engineer of the latter tiain dis- - - is - covered the accident in time lo reverse his engine before reaching the prostrated bod v. He was picked up by the crew and taken to the drjiot at Cresson, where he expired without regaining consciousness. alHJiit fifteen minutes after the accident. The remains were taken to Altooua on M ail express and conveyed to the under taking establishment of Joseph Stevens, after w hich they were prepared and re moved to his late home at UM Seventeenth street. Mr. Dunphy was 22 years of age and was a member of the linn of M alloy i Dunphy, manufacturers of mineral waters in Altoona. He is survived by his mother, oue sister. Mollis II., and oue brother, John C, of Altoona. Crrpnincf'. Lilly, Ia., May If. IW. En. Fkkkmax: The past week we had lots of rain mingled w ith cold nights and frosts. Ky virtue of the new schedule w hich went into effect on Sunday we are de prived of one of the mast commodious trains in the passenger service, especially to those having business to the county capital, who must i.ow walk or learn to ride the bike. We trust, however, this state of affairs will be reconsidered soon. We don't envy our sister, Wilmore, in her good fortune in securing the stopage oftlis gilt-edge train. Hurrah for old Jefferson boys, lirst last and all the time. Our dear old land mark. John Kelly, w ho resided here for upwards of forty-six years, passed calmly into the bosom of death last Friday evening, surrounded by relatives and friends. He washout in Ireland and had passed his seventy second mile-s.oue and was a citizen of the noblest type of manhood. His funeral was one of the largest that ever entered i he Catholic church of this parrish. Kesides his vener able wife he leaves to morn his loss John I... William and James, single and at home, and Mrs. Mary Lehey. the wife of Thomas Lehey. Many representative railroad men from nearly every town of the Pittsburg division, of which he was a trusted employe for more that forty years, were in attendance at the funeral. The family has our ((immunities' heartfelt sympathy iu their sad lierea vement. Peace to his immortal soul and consolation to his bereaved friends. The same night Morgan Campbell's spirit took light and passed away after a long seige of sickness, in the23d year of his age. Hi! was a promising young man and miu h admired by the entire community. He is survived by his father and two brothers who have the sympathy of the community. His funeral was largely attended Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, interment in the Cat bolic cemetery. Kest in i.ace. Our town was shocked by the sudden and accidental death of I-rank (i. Dumphv who was a frequent and admired visitor to this town from his early childhood. He was the oldest son of Mr. Frank and Jo anna Diimphy, the latter having been liorn and reared about a mile east of the head of Plain No? 4, on the Old Portage railroad. His father died about six years ago at Al toona. Kesides his grief stricken mother he leaves to survive him one brother, John, and a sister Mallie. Kest iu peace. The Col. Dick White post i. A. K., are in session iit this writing making final an ange ments for the suitable observance of Me morial day which is very appropriate and commendable to do honor to the illustrious heroes who fought and died so that our Hag should wave over an entire nation. We have a dea'h-trap lor man and beast at the West end of town, keep your eyes open on bridge No. 2 West. The street commissioners attention has been called to this fact over a Week ago but he is not bonded of course. Editor James MeCann, of our Shjnlil, reports a boom for his journal. We trust James has a clear vision. Among the visitors to Altoona at the funeral of Frank O. Diimphy. we note the following: Herman Conm-ll, Wm. and John K. Kelly, Daniel Lea hey, Wm. E.ar. David Krow n. (Jeorge Krant, F. J. I ieorge and Misses Fannie and Edith Lahcy. LU zie Krandt. Mary Kradley. Kridgel M ull.-ii, Scott Ermire. Mrs. Margaret Kyan. Jennie Krow n, Winnie Krow n and Susan Krown. K. J. Kend.-r the linsihng merchant has put up a new aw nli, g. the n.-xl will he a new ad in the Fl:n man lo make his store a h-a.ler iu tow n. John It. Kel'y has opened a new invoice of elegant new shoes Our veteran friend John Sharp, who has been a sufferer from rheumatism nearly all winter, we are proud to state is able to ! up and out. The new fence a ron ud t he Ca t hoi ie r h u rr h is ceilanily artistic and durable and adds much to the appearance of the four-acre plot. It is stated that wot k on Hie new railroad will be resumed ,y June 1st. On i ii k Winu. S York I'aolilon l.etlrr. As the season advances we lindthat Eton jackets and the (micro are hecomming too ordinary for the ultra fashionable and iu order to get away from these shapes double breasted effe.-ts are being rapidly adopted. Outside coats, dress waists and even even ing bodices are being fashioned aftei this style. The evening bodices are draped in fitst folds which cross at the waistline, and are fastened with fancy buckles or buttons, giving much the same idea that the surplice used to have. This style is vei y becoming to almost any figure and gives an opportunity f showing a V shap ed piece in the front of tue bodice, which can be made of line lace or embroidered cli f ton. Mosquitaire sleeves continue to be very popular. Even l he summer law ns and or gandies which an not lined are made up or this style. In making up these sleeves it is necessary to use a tape iu the inside seam of the sleeve to which the fullness can be tacked. Another idea is tu make a seam on the back as well as the front of the sleeve and slit.-h the seams double so that a cord can be drawn through the seam, and the fullness distributed carefully ami then caught lo the cord with invisible Milches. The hand trimmings are made of lace, chiffon or embroidered muslins and iu many cases fall dow n over the hand almost to t he k nui-kles. I he collars for light summer gowns be come more and more elaborate as the sea son advances. Dies-makers now spend almost as much time originating new ideas for collars as they used lo spend in design ing a whole gown. A pretty neck trim ming, beyong a doubt, is a very necessary feature in tin summer dresses. One very pretty imported gow n is now on exhibition at one of our promiennt mo distes. t is made of nile gren organdie over heliotrope silk. The boli.im of the skirt is trimmed with three rows of inch wide ribbon, each row being of a different shade of heliotrope. Three rows il the same ribbon are applied aiound the hips, and bows made of loops of the different shades ot heliotrope are used to trim the waist and sleeves. The effect is ery pleasing and artistjr. For the above information we are in debted lo A. McDowell A. '.. 4 West Hih street. New York, who publish the only cheap impi.rted fashion journal sold in this country. "La Mode de Paris" is f3..1o :t year. 3.1 cents a ropy, and "French Dress maker" is ! on a year, ;to cents a copy. These journals-make a special feature of lessons on practical dressmaking each month. During the next six months they will give a series of lessons on bicycle cos tumes which will be ul great interest to boib professional and amateur dressmak ers 1 f vou cannot secure these books at your newsdealers, send direct to the publishers. hnrrMo lrlr Tratrl In Klylr. A t w o-horse carriage was drawn up in front of Congressman Hick's home, ou Eight avenue, last evening. It was a handsome turnout and would become a -ongresstnan. Inquiry within the Hicks mansion eh-cited the information thai it belonged, for I he tiin? b -ing at least, to a gentleman from Loretto, Cambria county, who is anxious io be postmaster al that place and wants the Hon. Josiah to ix the thing for him with President Mc Kinley. I f there is any advantage in be ing a high llyer Congressman Hicks' guest last night should soon be a postmaster. lllHitlll 'J'imi. Archie Colliert died at the almshouse on Saturday evening al o'clock, at the ag of alxiut tdi years. He was admitted on Septemlier 23, I ..!, suffering from para lysis, and that disease was the cause of his death. Previous to becoming a county charge he resided at Delaney, or Kaker's Mines, w here two sons live, his w ife hav ing died some years ago. A brother lives la Frankstow n, Klair county. The sous of the deceased visited the almshouse on Sunday and viewed the remains, vhich on Monday afternoon were iutened in the cemetery connected wilhthe institution. THV pay retail price ! LttTiJ 1 i tta V T your order lor a r irsi .;ipi jewu 4 ma chine, warranted Tin TBrs lor tl3.0d finiK Klxostiurv Kalldtn a l.rfan Aflftoclatloa X will ofler for al at the Hij Bolldlhif. Kl- eoshnrK, on tne fourth Monday In May, r.uou.ixi. THUS. DA.VI5. L.BnTKR i.iki cm, Serretarr. President. AT THE OLD RELIABLE. everybody, and epe-lally the OTitr-loior peitile ol khentburK. are Invited to call at KoM. MeHreen's ('Id Kei table K(Uturant. when they wnt Koed. I recti Orter. by tne pint, quart or Kauon. r you can nave mem atewea or rneu all at the lowest price. Freeh Ojraleri every day, octiiu JOS. HOME & CO. Destroyed hy Fire. Our store-buildtiigand its entire contents were totally destroyed by lire on Monday. May 3. This will explain the delay which may have occurred, in some cases. Id tilling mail orders. We have secured new quarters, only three doors from former lo cation, aud shall be doing business as usual within ten days. Mean while, we are filling mail orders again with usual promptitude. If your requests fur samples were not attended to, il is because your letter was destroyed. As all records have been lost, we would ask our old mail-order customers to send us their names aud ad dresses 011 a postal card, in order that our Special Announcements aud other mailer may reach them as usual. PENN AVENUE AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURG. OILS! OILS The Atlantic Refining Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty of manufacturing for the domes tic trade the finest brands of Illuminating and Lubricating Oils. Naphtha and Gasoline That can be mi FROM PETROLEUM. We challenge comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the 1st : Uniformly : Satisfactory :0ils in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO., ortH Stfly. rlTliiHlTKO HEFT.. WTTSBUKU, PA. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. K-tnte ol John Irrln; deceased. liicm TrMmeotarT uxjo the ertate of John Irvin. ilrreaeJ late ul t'urweosvllle. lertleld count: Pa., having tiet-n granted to the uu.-ier-rlttne.l. all wimns Indented to paid eitale are hrrrt-y null (led to make payment without delay, and thuee huTlnir rlaitui Kalnal the fame will .i-f--tii them properly authenticated lor settle ment. 1HK I'KllVIPKNr 1.1 KK at TKl'ST IMI.M l'NV. te-ulor. -lib X i'heatnut Sis., t'hila . -a S. V. U iLf.,n. Attorney. Cleaideld, I'a. April 3) IsvT, 61. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. F.-tate ol John Kar-lieim. deceased. l.-tnT- testamentary lo the estate of John Karlheliu. deceased, late ol tiarrnll townshlo. lo :mhr'a county. Pennsx Ivania, harm iieen K ranted in us, all persons Indebted to said estate are h-rehy notified lo make payment without de lay and tii.ie tin v I nit claims aicalnst the said en tale, will present them iru,erlj authenticated lor settlement. JOHNulT, Wl I.I.I AM KAKI.I1MM. txeculors. Carroll township. May "in. 1SH7. (It X. ADMINISTIUTOK'S NOTICE. K-tate ol James A. Parrlsfc. deceased. letters 01 administration on the estate 01 lumen A. Parrish. deceased, late ot the Town ship ol Monster, In t'atnnrla county. Pa., havloa Ixen k ran led o me, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indelue.l to said estate to make payment without delay, and those harlotr claims airainst tha same will pre ent them properly authentl caled lor settlement. J A. SCHWAB, Administrator. Iiretto Pa.. May TlMSv: f5t. X EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Kstate ol Michael Farabauieh, deceased. letters testamentary In the estate of Michael r'urahxuuh, deceased late ol HUrkljoK townohlp, in t'aml-rla couuiy, Pennsylvania. haviriR been it r snted to me, all -ersoo Indebted to said es ate are hereby notlhed to make payment to me without d lay and those having claims axalnst the said estate wilt present them properly au thenticated lor settlement. I'HAKLtS FA K A BATH H. Kxecutor. Klacklick township, April . '07. Bt X. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice il hereby lven. that, tiavln- been ap-IH-inled aubltor by the Orphans' t'ourt olt'aiu I rl county . to distribute the lund In the hands ol Michael Noon, executor ol the Itst Will and Testan.eut ol J nine Noon, defeased, as Miowo l y his account. 1 will sit at ru v office Iu the Sor oovh o I Kb nsburx on MlOl'AV. MAY 24TH. IM;. at in o'clock, a. ft., lor the purpose ol dis charging the duties ol said appointment, when and where all persons Interested shall attend tr be lorever debarred irotn eoiuinir In on said :uod. 11. Ii. MYKUS. Auditor. May 7th. 1W7. CAUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby elven the public that on May lfiih. 187. the uuderxlKned putchhsed I rum it. B. kuitb t.i Mountaiudale. Pa., at private sale, the following; pfrsoual i-ropertf. vie- inn vrar u are one iron a ray mare. o bug(tie. uues r-ui( waaon. three sets smale harness, I B-t double bsrne-ig. miu I bate leit the eame In rareolitie iiiild B.KuKD, sul-ject to my order at any tine Ail persc.DS aie hereby cautioned not to middle wiib said property In any manner what ever. J. W.U11.L. Ooalport. Pa , May 16. 187. 31 St. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Letters ol administration upon the estate ol Frank P. Mover, late ol 'resson township. 1-am-bria county, deceased, havlnar lieeo granted to the undersigned , noltce la hereby given to all peions In. lei. led to said estate to make payment witboct delay, and those havlna claims against the Same will present them duly authenticated, lo JAM. K-MOY'r.r . aduitntetralrls'a. Thomas J itkil. Attorney. (..'reason. Pa. Johnstown. Pa., April 30 11u7. 61. Offers in Produce WESTON'S T CALLITZIIM, PA. En NOTICE. Not re is hereby tttven Ibat the appllcatloo ol Flward liloies. ol portaae borouab, lor the translee ol the liquor Incuse tjranll to Allien Ibibi. 1 Poriatte borouarh, has been bled lo the Htce 01 the t'-ierk ot Quarter Sessions in and lor tJjin'irla county, and that the same will 1-e pre sented to the said court lor 111 cunsideratioa on Mendav June J.1W. S. W. IAV1S. tbensbure .May -il, 18W7 St. Clerk U. S. variety of stock, quality and prices, the greatest inducements for C , h , , r to be found within 30 miles. Yemeni lor Ctsh or strictly fancy Wc Buy All Heavy Cccde in Ca r-1. etc. We have a larSe outlet for Fine Color, Worked Solid Fresh Clean E""-s Cri..i,.n m ... ' cnoue Clt-an e-etables, etc., etc. We will not buy unclean es or V.nii i, n. .... ... c uv.iu a uur un.lerstand nff s onlv iust tn the persons who take care m.l .r, ,J . iiL-n., . e ,ind expense to produce the dry ftonns FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIE CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, Salt, FIELD SEEDS, GROCERIES, best result A i V a-umc io proluce the ,,, " uul unnS i'e price of a Ven if hn cnll., . L ii .... " . goo.lgoo.l-. or iirodm-c. ffe han.lle CHOICE STOCK Whenever Possible. This space will keep you in touch with our store by tiuotin- i.ri, es tn 1 l , , WANT YOUR TRADE. VISIT OUR STORE. Wei-ins-u e vm, i nbln? sK,Js- very low prices all through this great store. 3 " IUney Q he'ods aud give you 17. H. WESTON, iGALLITZIN, pAi DEALUR IN STOVES. RANGES. FIIRNAlTS i Mo offing; and Soufhiir. OP wA-ILX. KI3XT3DS, Tread Powers, Threslicrs and Separators, Iron and A oodTumns Fence Wire, Etc., Etc., 1 ' ' EBENSBURG, - PENNA. OP o 02 d o 3 CO o o a III i c o e3-cQ K H H o Lsj P w ft o a o o in DENTISTRY ! Don't you know that you can have those det-ayed and oflVnr-ive teeth restored to a healthy condition at a Very Moderate Cost ? Moii't you know that I ran do your den tal work a treat deal i-beaier than you can yet it done elsewhere? Don't you know that it is a very danger ous thing to take Chloioform, Klht-r or Laughing das? If you don't know, come to my orti.-e and I will dttuonsirale to you the truth of the above. Odontunder ! This the only safe anaesthetic known to-day to the dental profession. I have the exelulve right of KU-nslmrK. Teeth extracted positively without pain. Teeth tilled with gold. $1 and up. Teeth tilled with alloy, -Ti cents and ro cent. Teeth filled with Silver, 2." cents and 5ti ents. Teeth cleaned. 25 cents aud fa) cents. Teeth extracted. 2." cent". GOLD CRoWS AS LOW AS ..). Gold Filling, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty rn,.l;.. oiM.hMant that tu.lt. i ,riiu woik will prove satisfartory, I solicit your patronage. Dr. Richards, Julian St., Ebensburg. May 7. l7. SHM-iiiI lYot ir to Evervlioilv. To inform all the renders of (his paper and the puhliV- in oenera (lat w jave opened out a large new line of goods in our New Store room. Corner High and Centre streets. Our lirst floor is devoted to Drv Hoods, (iroceries, Hats, Shoes and all such articles needful in everyday life. On the second floor we havea iarge room for Car pets, oil cloths, window shades, trunks and goods of that description, our roomsareall well lighted so you can sec what vou are Inlying, and we invite you (o make an in spection ol our rooms as well as our goods, we want you to come and see us whether yu want to buy or n..t. We h.tll take pleasure in showing yoa thr..uh the luiMinr. an.l sh.,w y.,u what we thhiok is one. of the most complete huiMings in the cuntj. Every boily is invited ami all will be made welome. arker Sros. s NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual maetlno- ol tbe stnrkfaoMera ot tbe KI-cdiI-ok HuiMmi a Una aroriatim Kilre belt! on NUMUY MAY 24, A. D, 1W7. at8.3--. r. al.. at the oltlee In KHKY builUIDK. lor the l-ur toe ot elerlintf nttlrera and director lor the en suing year an-i to iraunact noi-h ot er t-u-tne m mil oe newaary. I.ESTKK LAKIMtK, Nil H. V7. . erreuiy. EXECUTOR S NOTICE, Katata of iNtrid Ryan, derrare.1. Leilera tsstainentar lo tlie eatata of I)ivll Kyan. deraacHI. late ol the towu-l.lp ol i Ivmr- tield. in Cambria county. I'enur Itania. havinic leen aranteal to ma. all ieron-i ln-leltej tu I aiale are beretiy nolinixl t- make ;iytnent t.i ma without delay and thoae bavimc claims aaalnrt th. tald estata will l'reent ttieui prier ly authenticated lor aettlement S. A. KYAN. Kxarutor. St Augustine, Pa.. April 90. IWT.tLX. TOR PROPOSALS. Sealed proponala will he rerelved up to -J4th. for plaaterin tbe St. Mcholas rburrh. fm and tiarailona can l- ren at Kev. Kuiert Traaaaser. Ntralowu. I'a. Tbe roiumiltce ie ervj the rigbl to reject any or all bids. Spring Announcement! "We can now show you the best assortment of Fine Spring Cloth ing in Cambria eonuty an.l at prices that will surprise you. Men's all-wool Suits from $5 up. Children's all-wool Suits from 1 to $5. No matter whether you are lean or fat, short or tall, we can fit you Our increasing business compelled us to enlarge our room and we have also increased our stock. We can now show you a much larger assortment of fine poeds than ever before. Our this season's Clothing has been made especially for us and is equal to any merchant tailor's make. Our Gents' Furnishin et Stock was never so complete. We also carry the bast line of Shoes in Cambria county. A visit to our sion- will convince vou that the best place :.. it . ..4i ti i - ... i ut ttiu t-uumj io uu weii-maue, nice Mtmg l'lothin, Gents' Fui- nishings and Shoes is with us. C.A. Sharbauch, CARROLLTOWN, PA. Let Fs Reason a Little. If your ii.r t-.tsts a shoo, ymi i-t a Iitv- lm-rtn r--t it. if y..ii iiwl a -rU-xiiif Jti,--:i,,ii ..lvl, vou L'o to a lawver. if you f.tll ill you liave a 1 Kn-tor to t 11 you w Iia to take. It is their Experience and Skill You Pay For. Tli.-n why make an e ivilioii in the .im Ikix- of votir lrn.'-? If Vou liave a familv re. ij-.r a i.i i ifiioii Ui till, .i,t-s, llavot iiiL' Kxtra. t, 1 riur, IWui M1h ui.-s, or am tliiiis; lo iiur.-lia.-- thai a More .U-Vote.1 to Uru- n.av keep. 1,1 it f illy o -..iif. inn) oiuiluv wait .juaiuilv ami -t an inferior article loru i: have ti ik i:kt. DAVISON'S - DRUG - STORE Wanted-An Idea Who can think .... iiiloir to iu-ntp . . V .... . . . . Write JOHN l.MifKHl k "o.. Patent alljr. neya. tlai-hlnauD, l. f r th-lr $l.ri rao wfler aud llat oX tu buudW luvenuwiia wauled. MMIK Kuian and tbe Semi Weekly Ptttabara L Pw Moon tnlrw. AHtbaat aSEMTSWiiTEDfci mU wiwii a . i. . .