The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 05, 1897, Image 3

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! .- M,a-I. l ol Julilis-
a ...i,' a raiiroad 111
' rlty. in a fi iiUilfolly
- -. !.!. iiioinin. He
' Tin- nii.'lit was
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: -im ii i.-ath i- i-iect-li.-
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''; -tii.ter.
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- i.aii.. i a- t he dare
''!'out 1". years of
' .i a I - K now n and
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S'" '.iiiay, Fehriiary
: I nine i!a, asri-d
"- : .- -in 'vi veil tiy his
a- !;;-: ( ieorfie
i .jli. engineer and
i: Mary Kirhy, of
' olhers.,
v 11 il.. Andrew and
r -lie i f the olilest and
! - of t'res-oli. died
! o rtiH-k, aed
- ii!ne-s of several
- i- -nrvived ly one
1. .ll.k.r Willi u lin.
' ' '" "I los death. He
" - Mr-. Klianetti Whar-
L luies. holli of Al
- v . . - were held in the
' ' !. uiiiii,ii on Friday
-' a I. 'l.!y re-pected rill
- ' in .si. Aniru-iiiie, on
'-'a: ,!.".. of the inlirniilies
'1 he ilecea-i d was
" ;. Iimiiii; ln-eii born in
i. May I. ls-.'l. His
" x ai- airo. Hi is sur-
Jm v Mr' Margan-t Mc-
I I ' -ii I'liinkett and Mrs.
I r!; 'ianahters, Mrs. Wil
: .'..i Mjs. Silas Uyan, of Al-
J " - I.-. ( harles, of Saiiinaw,
j , ' 11 '""ia, John. Frank and
1 ' t- AllL.'llliii 11 i. o
rr it mans
- me eeiuetery at St. Au-
i - .
oiu in mural Ian
Ebensburg, March 2. lS'.C
!u. Eiitok: In the last Issue of the
Fkkkmax I see a communication from Mr.
il. II 'intley. late school director, and I am
.'tad to note the facts set forth in my farm
er communication corroborated. There i?
me little difference in the details but
anyone reading eiiher my communication
or that of Mr. Huntley w ill come to the
roi'.clii-ion that the Ebtiisbnre school'ding is not what it should tie, and in
its construction the interests of the con
tractor were belter looked after than the
interests of the taxpayers. So much so
that Mr. Huntley concltidd to resign, as
he say, rather than "have any hand in
uikiiifr the job off the contractor's hands."
I presume this resignation, without a pro
test or a warning to the people at the time
that they were being buncoed, is sufficient
in his mind to relieve him effecting any
responsibility for the "jjb"' when rom
p.etid. If some chiid should, at some
time. Ret knocked down with a chunk of
the piasterine that "has not the elasticity
and suppleness that lime mortar has" and
which at times has fallen, Mr. Huntley,
like Macbeth, can exclaim:
Thou raot not .ajr 1 did it: never shake thy
Kory lock nt me."
Mr. Huntley cites specifically as ex
amples of imperfect work in building. City
Hall, in Philadelphia, and the slate- housR
in Albany. N. Y. These two buildings ar
noted as being two of the mo.-t notorious
j..iw in thew holecouniry. Politicians and
lobbyists have fattened on the plunder
tliat their building has fur i,UI,..,l .i,i.
taxpayers in either case cannot get the
buildings completed for the reason that
when once finished the plunder will cease.
The people of Kliensburg had no expec
tations of buildin;; a school house on the
lines followed at either Philadeiphia or
Albany, and the comparison by Mr. Hunt
lev is a doubtful compliment.
1 see it stated in the Mi ntahm-r ol last
week, that the school building has been
"thoroughly inspected and found to be per
fectly sound." I don't believe anv compe
tent man, with any regard for his reputa
tion, will put that statement on paper over
his own signature. If it 1(t.ei,
thoroughly inspected and found "in f;-(l y
xmnuir justiceito the directors ami con
tractor, as well as for the information of
the parents who are sending their children
to the Ebensburg school, demand its publi
cationand I hope the Mmuthti ,r. II, nil, I
and Fkkkman wi II give t he statement w ide
publicity. If theia; -hould be any charge
for the publication I will see that the
i KKKMAN'sbillis paid and 1 triistsomeone
equally interested will do as much for the
other papers. If there is, as H. .V,m.
'"i"irr s:s. only a crack "between Hit
wall and the ceiling "I am certainly get
ting color hli ml. bu t as a "thorough in
s eetion" has been made and in nnlili
tion will settle the matter to the satisfac
tion of every one, I will a-vait its appear-
a,"', llT.KX.
1 he Fkkkmax will publish the state
ment without charge.
A l irf.fl liuirlo I'rrlVrl llon.u.
As Florida at this season of the year is
the mst attractive and delightful section
of the Atlantic s,,e. so the Pennsylvania
railroad at all times is ihe most attractive
ami deligbtful route of travel Firt in its
equipment anil service, it is also first in its
tourist systeni. Admirably indeed does it
,vey its patrons to its land of health
aid beauty. Special trains of Pullman
palace cars are provided, all con veniem es
afforded, and everything possible done to
add to the ease and cociforl of the jour
ney. The next and last tour of the season to
lacksoiiville -v i 1 1 leave New York and
Philadelphia March .ith. Tourists may
return by regular trains until May :si, jv.c.
Hound-trip ti kets. including Pullman ac
commodations and meals on the train, will
be srild at the following rates: From New
York.; Philadelphia, f ts; Panandai
gua. f.-.L'.s.-,; Frie. f.,4.s.-.: Pittsburg, .,. on,
ami at proportionate rates from other
For tickets and itineraries apply to
ticket agents. Tourist agent, ll!; liroitd
wav. New York, or Ceo. W. Uoyd. assist
ant general passenger agent, Proad Street
station, Philadelphia.
MrKinl.? Pantie TlirnnKh.
President William McKinlev, in a sup
erb special train, passed through Altooua
at :!:or, this Tuesday morning. There were
but few people at the depot at the time,
and ;io demonstration was made whatever.
A few or the presidential patty gazed
sleepily out of the windows, and a few
members of the guard of honor descended
to the ground, but that was all. A sipjad
of the ( leveland liop National guard of
Ohio is acting as a personal guard lor
Major M Kinley. w bile a number of de
leclives. lynx eyed and alert, are constant
ly close to him.
A special train hearing the ("leveland
troop, w hi. I, w ill consliiule the president's
guard of honoi on inauguration day. pass
ed through the city al 11:40 last night.
The troop is .-." strong and is commanded
by Captain li. K. Puiket. The train was ,
tnaue up of eleven cars, livestock cars con
taining ihe horses, one baggage car. a din
ing car and four Pullman coaches. The
troop will lodge in the train while in
The pre-ideiitial train remained at the
depot bin live minutes and then passed on
eastward. Itmiia Tribune.
To BrUureKalarlm,
On Monday Senator Walton introduced
in t he Senate al Harrisburg a bill reduc
ing the pay of county commissioners,
prothotiotarics, county clerks, county
treasurers, and registers and recorders of
the several counties of the commonwealth,
not including counties having cities of the
lirst, second and third class, nor counties
having special law s fixing the salaries of
said officers. The salaries per year in
counties having a pounln tion of T.Voiio and
upwaid shall be as follows: Prolhouo
taries. ti.iH 0; clerks of court, ::.: regis
ter and recorder. t:f.0oii; county commis
sioners, tl.uio; couuty treasurer, $4.(io.
In counties having a population of :" .
and upward these salaries arelixed: Pro
thonotary. t'.'.UKi; clerks of court, f I, .":
register and recorder, $1,. Km; county com
missioners, fsoo; county treasurer, $.'.( mi.
In counties having a population of It -s
than .V,im these are the salaries; Pro
thonolary. fl..Vi; Clerks of com t, l.'Joo;
register and recorder, (l.iai; county com
missioners, Ji'mi; county treasurer, fl,ji0.
Solomon I liiinni, an old and respected
citizen, died at the home of his son, Joseph,
in ISarr township, on Wednesday of last
week, aged V years. Mr. Diimm was born
in Perks bounty, Pa., April IS. is 13, and in
'X., when but eighteen years of age.
moved to Carroll township, this county.
There, four years later, in ls::7, he united
in marriage with M iss Margaret Flanni
gan, w ho preceded him to the grave forty
eight years ago. To this union were born
six sons, live of whom are still living
Thomas P. Duiim, now in West Virginia;
Daniel, of Carroll tow nship; Henry S.. and
Joseph A., of Parr township, and John S ,
the well kuown I unifier dealer of Spangler.
One son Peter died in April, IsT-i. The
deceasrd is also survived bv thirty-live
grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Mr. Ilaniel Damni, a brother of
the deceased, died about four weeks ago.
Joseph Flynn, aged 'JO, a dryer iu the
Uenoldsville woolen mill, met with a hor
rible death by scalding on Friday last.
Flyun fell inio a dye vat which was six
feet deep and tilled with dye liijuor heated
to the boiling point. He was quickly res
cued but when tkeu out every part of his
body was scalded soliadlythat bits of flesh
fell off. Death resulted iu a short tfbie.
-( of l.lrrn., K-i .......
On Monday Judge Parker handed in to
the Clerk of Quarter Sessions the list of
licenses granted and refused. Pelow we
give the names or the applicants refused
and withdrawn, all the others were grant
Kobert P. II u-e. Ounlo, retail; Hugh C.
Moore. Eiton, retail; Peter Seymour,
Ounlo, retail.
it a kn Ksn i:o it id r , it.
Marcellus WeakUud.
J. M. OTlonnell, Summit, retail.
E. H. (iray. retail.
James Flinn. retail; P. F. Kirby, retail.
Fol tnil WAKII.
John Kirby, retail.
Samuel Wagoner, retail.
A. K. (leiselhart, retail.
Nicholas Murton. retail.
Louis Stinely, retail.
Charles Hofmann, retail.
Victor Faith, retail: August Heine, re
tail; Morris Lefkowiu, retail; Ferdinand
Pezold, retail.
James M. Frederick, retail: Joseph
Watcher, retail.
Frank X. Fees, Prow nstown, retail.
m.i:i:ki.i.vii.i.k i:ii:h on.
Edward C. Kingeil, retail; Francis
Leckey, retail.
John Boyce. w holesale.
I'liliTAliK To W N S 1 1 1 P.
W'illiam H. Edwards, Jamestown, retail
Joseph Wilt. Figarl. retail.
Oscar M. Hamp. Scalp Level, retail.
KOXKl'KY Boltol Cill.
James M. (iillespie., retail.
fll'ANOI.KK lUlI'OI'till.
F. II. Hearer, retail; Uichaid Itowen, re
tail; Daniel C. Sullivan. U.I.
lohn Cohly, retail; T.J. McUuire, re
Carl C Hoc hstfiu, retail.
William Leap, Cassandra, retail.
M. D. Eberly. retail, Ebensbirrg; John
Kyan. retail, Lilly.
Patrick J. McLaughlin, Joliustown.
W. S. Confer, Jamestown, retail.
tlnrrlaiir Urrann.
The following marriage licenses werp is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
for the week ending Thursday, March ".
Morgan Harvey and Mary Uiinler, Cal
litzin. Pichard Wilkins, Johnstown, and Emma
Hess. Coopersdale.
Joseph Uovan, Diinlo. and Mary Papez.
Ualph 1'. Kichardson and Xclla Perke
bile, John-tow n.
Henry llriflitli. Pine township, Indiana
county. Pa., and Ada Kinler, Parr town
ship. Jame P. L. Mcfiivern and Mary Edith
HotTmau. J ihii-lown.
Thomas Conrad, Ashville, and Sarali
lirove. Wild w ood.
Peter T. O'Prien, Duiilo. and Mary E.
Lloyd, Osceola Mills, Cleartield county.
Daniel E. (tindleslierger. Jolinstow n. and
Clara II. Westley, Jack-on townsliip.
(eorgn Lilly and Katie II iluier, Alloona.
Ezra A. Davis and Elizabeth C. Helniau.
Adams low nship.
Francis A. Lauer aud Josephine Marlett,
Dean township.
Uobert J. Karns. Jolinsiown. and Sadie
E. liardner, Stoystown. Pa.
Olaf Sanderson and Elsie Lodgren, Pat
ton. Frank W. McTigue and Annie McNeill,
Ed wara Holt and Posa Dobbs, Duulo.
Franklin M. Wentz. East Conemaugh,
and Sarati A. Samuel, Franklin.
Albert Weakland, Dysart. aud Agnes J.
Pickard. Frugality.
Clay E. P.eal and Minnie E. Dull. Johns
town. Ira Noon and Edith Yearfass, Jolius
town. Samuel Clawson and Mary E. P.enden,
Archie M. Durkhart and Mary J. Mc
Kenzie, Chest Springs.
Daniel E. Will, Stonycreek townsliip,
and Mary Zimmerman, Johnstown.
Mark Kabik and Mare Murar, Carroll
tow nship.
Elas Vrabel and Mene Dzeadas, Pens
creek. John W. Makin, Pallon, aud Annie A.
tiettis, Eliensburg.
Rral Knlale Trmnafors.
Samuel S. Stutzman et ux. ct al. to
Susannah Findley, WnstTaylor; consider
ation, tl.of'C.
Samuel S. Stutzman et ux. et al. to
Emanuel Stutzman. West Taylor, $sos.
Samuel S. Stutzman to Ephraim Find
ley, West Taylor, ,'.185.
James Kirkpatrick et ux, to Stephen
Campbell, Hastings, (I.
J. F. Waretietd et ux. to V,. W. Lloyd,
Jr., et at., Susquehanna. $'.G0.
(iuardian of Elmer Strayer to Pricilla
Schnabel, Morrellville, f30.
Joseph C. McMullen et ux. to Ueorge
Baker, Folder,
Cambria Iron company to School District
of Franklin borough. Franklin, loo.
(leoige Meier, by sheriff, to C. C. Hor
nick, Johnstown. M.".
Anna Seeberger to Chrisl C. Hornick,
J o h n s lo w n . t aS..
John B. (larrison et ux. to Willis J.
Nugent et al., Susquehanna, $1.
Willis J. Nugent et ux. to Thomas
Barnes, Barr. J'.'.ooo.
Willis J. Nugent et ux. to Thomas
Barnes et al., Barr, tMiai).
Margaret A. Pringle to Pennsylvania
Railroad company. Portage borough,
Phiiomena Simemliuger et kl. to Penn
sylvania Kailroad company. Portage bor
ough. Mill.
J. L. Spangler et ux. to Elialwth Ilob
erts, HasUiiRS, $1J5.
II. Nixon et al., assigne, to John Hash et
at.. Cambria couuty. t.X
Henry Ager et ux. to Henry K rumen -acher,
Carroll township and Spangler Inir
ollgll, (l.
David Bracken to Mary Stutzman, Jack
son, t'CZt.
At the vetinary department of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania a series of experi
ments is being conducted on some cows
under the direction of Dr. Leonard Pear
son, state veterinarian, that will attract
the attention of dairymen and sanitarians
all over the country. These cows are af
flicted with tuberculosis and are being
treated with Koch's lymph and kepi under
good hygenic conditions. The experiment
has been' in operation for about two
months, and the general appearance of the
cows is very much bettei than when they
were brought to the hospital.
The work is carried on under the aus
pices of the stale live stock sanitary board
for the purpose of determining whether
cattle thai are but slightly tuberculous cai.
wiih profit and safety be applied to auy
practical use.
Con r I ProrrfdloKi.
lourt met im Monday morning at 10
s'clock w ith Judge Barker on the bench
iiu inner oi motions and petitions were
presented after w hich the (Quarter sessions
cases weie called up and disposed of as
tonimonwealth vs. Thomas Siophel,
Traudu.ent assignment. Jury acquitted
the defendant but directed that he pay the
- Common wraith vs. Joseph .lavas, forni
cation and bastardy; Mary Il.trliiett
prosecutrix. Defendant plead guilty and
was sentenced to pay a line of f.ii, costs.
f'.'o lying-in expen-cs and the sum of 21
per week for seven years.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Boyer, for
mcation and bastardy; Florence Thomas
prosecutrix. Defendant plead guilty and
received the usual sentence.
Commonwealth vs. Patrick Cronan, sell
ing l;qnor w ithoul a license. Defendant
plead guilty but ow ing lo the illness of his
wife lie was allowed to enter bail for his
appearance at court on the 17th for sen
tence. Commonwealth vs. John Bullia. rape;
Mrs. Susannah Varek, prosecutrix. Jury
found defendant guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Hetzel, for
gery. Defendant plead guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Edward tJallagher.
fornication and bastardy; Ellen Mishler,
prosecutrix. Defendant plead guilty and
received the usual sentence.
Commonwealth vs. John Feathers, forni
cation and bastardy; Lizzie Mooore piose
cutrix. Defendant plead guilty. ITsual
sen lence.
Commonwealth vs. Harry Hamilton, as
sault and battery. Jury tind defendant
guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and
Commonwealth vs. Sanford P. Church.
defrauding a boarding housekeeper. Jury
find defendant guilty and divided the costs
between the defendant and the prosecutor,
Peter Scvmour.
Com mou weal lli ys. William S. Confer, of
I linage, selling liquor on Sunday, selling
to minors, et cet., seven indictments. De
fendant plead guilty on three indictments
and the district attorney entered a no
;'o.s on the other four. Sentence suspend
ed u.Hil March 17th. On Monday Confer
had tieeu granted a liquor license and upon
his conviction on Tuesday the license was
Commonwealth vs. Annie Dawson, per
jury, selling liquor without a license, and
selling on Sunday. J ury found defendand
not guilt y on 1 he charge of perjury and
directed tnat the costs be paid by the pros
ecutor. F. S. Maloy. She was found guilty
on both the liquor charges.
Commonwealth vs. J. II. Scruder. forni
cation and bastardy; Susan M. Kimball
prosecutrix. Defendant plead guilty and
received the usual sentence.
Common wealth vs. William Morris, car
rying concealed weapons, fe'oniuus as
sault, and pointing a pistol. Jury found
him guilty of carrying concealed weapons
and pointing a tilol. but not guilty of
felonious assault and battery. On the first
conviction he was sentenced to pay a 'ine
of $.", co-ts and twenty days in jail and on
the second conviction $." fine, costs and ten
days iu jail.
Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Nellie Dove, as
sault and battery. Jury found defendant
uoi guilty and divided the costs Ix-tween
the ib'feudaut. and Mrs. Maggie Thomas,
the prosecut rix.
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Wilson, lar
ceny. Jury found defendant gui'ty.
Commonwealth vs. Andrew Keith, felon
ious a-sauil and battery. Jury found de
fendant not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. tJeorge Mangus, lar
ceny. Jury tind defendant not guilty.
Common wealty ys. Daniel Wilson, lar
ceny. Jury tind defendant guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $li). costs and lliree
month- iu jail.
Nlierlll'ft Snlrn.
Sheriff Coulter disposed of the following
properties at sheriff's sale at the court
house on Monday:
All the right anil title- of Michael Papez
to t he surface of a tract of land in Sum
merhill aud Portage townships, was sold
to the plaiiilitT, Mrs. M. A. Pringle, for
CFor?:iothe plaintiff, the Altoona Build
ing and Loan Association, purchased the
interest of Puih Hichmau in a small frame
house and lot ol ground in Barnestioro.
The Ex -elsior Building it Loan Associa
tion of Altoona purchased the lots of Erick
Bmberg, in Su-quchanna townsliip, and
John Bergqiiist, in Hastings borough, for
$10 apiece. Each of t he lots have four
roomec houses on them.
Wallace Plummer paid f'.tio for the in
terest of Mary Ann Aulters in a four
roomed house and lot of ground in Sum
in. i hill borough. It was seized at the suit
of J. B Cireen. assignee of John Brown
And w ife, of Siimmerhill.
A tract of fifty acres of laud, with a
frame house and farm buildings, located in
Portage township, the property of Law
rence Prockley, was seized at the suit of
John H. Cramer and sold to the plaintiff
for J-,'5.
The sale of the property of Thomas
Mu n roe. in borough; of J. F
Marks, in Carroll township, and H.J. Con
way, in (iallitzin townsliip. was stayed by
the court.
The Callitzin Building & Loan Associa
tion, the plaintiff in the suit, paid $r0 for
the title and interest of Michael I). Wills
iu a tut of ground and a nineteeu-rowmed
bnilding, an ice-house, ware house, etc., in
the borough of AshyiHc.
The sale of two properties of Thomas
Dodson. located iu Washington township,
and of a tract of laud and a house of John
Uoseiihainer, in Cambria township, was
stayed by the attorneys for the plaintiffs,
the Callitzin Building & Loan Association
and the Conemaugh Building & Loan As
sociation, respectively.
The plaintiff, the Westmoreland (Juar
a n tee Building & Loan Association of
Pennsylvania, gave $.'." for the right, title
and interest of Clarence M. and Jeanuette
SliiiukwMer in a lot of ground, storeroom
and dwelling iu the borough of Hastings.
John E. Ilolnbcrg's house and lot in Has
tings borough was knocked to the plaintiff,
the Excelsior Building & Loan Associa
tion, of Alloona. for f'J3.
A tract of land in Susquehanna town
ship, seized at the suit of the Hastings
Bunding .V Boar. Association a the prop
erly of Edward Eager, was sold to the
plaintiff for f-'".
The title of Anna Shoenwalder in a
house and lot of ground on Highland ave
nue. Jolinstow n, and the interest of Fran
cis Leckey in two certain lots of ground in
Lower Yoder township (the sale of which
were postponed on Saturday), were sold to
the plaintiff in the suits, the Citizens''
Building & Loan Association, of Alloona,
for t'"0 apiece.
Mlsrellaaiaa notices.
J. at Iretto. Cambria county. Pa
A lilnw MKS. tl.LA B. McIM IN AL.D.
Jany. all
Al'ANI F.Ii A neneral representative In tbla
I f couDiy to ore an lie local iHtarda lor ttai
Arilgami' avlnK BDd Loin Association. Ad
dress vi Klith Ave.. Pittsburg, pa. mehi
At'ANIEn A reliable man to represent a loan
I f inmiution in i:atntria county Money
leaned In sumn ol f loo to tio.uuo. for particulars
I'piy 10 v . sn. ua is, uoaiiKiri, ra.
A destructive tire broke out in the resi
dence of John Boyce, in Palton, at an early
hour on Saturday morning, caused by the
upsetting and explosion of a lamp, and be
fore the II allies were gotten under control
three frame buildings, the one in w hich
the fire started and two others owned by
Max Rabinawil.. all on Fifth avenue,
were reduced to ashes. The first floors of
the three buildings were occupied as stores
and the tipper stories were occupied as
dwellings. The occupants were John
Boyce, pool room and dwelling; Ed. Severn,
harness shop; A. tJ. Anderson, dwelling;
Evan Anderson, dwelling; Young Ameii
can Clothing store; Mrs. Book, novelty
store; Mrs. Davis, dwelling; John Elliott
dwelling. The loss is estimated at fcoou
- artially insured.
THE Knensbunr BulMIng Ji Lrfan Association
X lll Oder lor sale at tbe Key Hulldlnir. Et
eiisbunr, on tbe :ourth Monday In March
ti.oou.oo. THUS. HAMS, I.iaiMER, Secretary. President.
AIOES a Oil Keotlemen's salts, monrtl In
strument ! all kinds, sewinn niacblne.
vehicles, dress uoods, etc., etc.. at inanufactarer's
prices. School and Sunday school libraries and
standard sets ol books by the world's best auth
or at less tlitn cost ot printlnc. T. W. L,EIVIS.
represents inanulacturers. Feb. ivn.
lrE the underslrned wish to make known
f T the public that the mem
Ire street, lormerly run by K.
be run by the brm name ol
1 L.I-H . and that we will also
public lor their palronase
Kben?burx. March 6. 1ms7 lt.
market on Cen-
W. Jones, will now
be tbanalui lo the
Everybody, and especially the oyster-lovlnir
eiple ol Ebensbunc. are Inyited to cail at Kobu
McMreen s t nl Keliable KnslauranL. wfceo they
want Kod, iresh Oysters, by toe idul, quart or
gallon. Or you can nave them stewed or Fried,
all a: the lowest price. resh Oysters every day.
In botli these lines we claim the leader
ship of this end of the slate and we take
second place to no establishment in this
country in assortments and choiceness of
tyles. Claims are easy to make aud we
do something more than makeclaims. We
demons ti ate that truth.
You will need either Dress Coods or
Silks, or both, this Spring.
In justice to yourself, send for our
samples and prices before you buy.
If it is an inexpensive but reliable fabric
you are seeking send for samples ol the
tine dependable sti icily all-wool goods we
are are selling at cents. 35 cents and 50
cents a yard. All the new styles of the
If you wish to iay as high as $1. no a yard
we can give you as w ide a choice at that
prieu as any store in this country. We
can particularly recommend the "LANS
DO WN E.V a famous mixture of silk and
wool w hicli is the silkiest and softest of all
the combinations.
In Silks our line is complete in spring
goods at prices from 'Si cuts up.
Iu the Wash Fabrics we have beautifiii
designs iu Dimities and Baplistes at S
cents a yard, and the imported goods in
Organdies, Dimities and Embroidered Lin
ens at cents a yard.
Whatever you w ish, send to us for sam
ples of it ; it costs you r.othing but a stamp.
Notice is hereby s-iven that P. K. Kirby. et ux..
Ilv decu ol voluntary assignment dated January
.i, IK'.'T. and ol record in ambrla county. In Iteed
Book Volume II . mue 18'.. conveyed to the un
dersicntl assiKiieeall their prrperty In trust lor
the I enehl ol the creditors o I P. K. Kirby. All
personn owmir said estate will please make Im
mediate payment, and those bavin claims or
demand attains! the same will prre-jt them
properly authenticated lor settlement.
a.w uri-K.
Assignee ol P K. Kirby. et.
Ehensburit. I., February 4. 18j. ia tsi.
Notice Is hereby iclven that Henry Aer et ux..
by ilred of voluetary assuenment dated February
tl. IS'.iT. assigned and transferred to the under
signed ill his property, real and personal. In
trust lor the henellt ol creditors. All persons
owing said entale will please make payment,
and those having claim or demands against the
saue will iireseut them properly authenticated
lor teltlement.
Assignee ol Henry, et ux
Nicktown. Pa., February lsv7. a ct.
Notice Is hereby given that the Register ol
Wills in and lor Cambria county has granted
letteis tesramentarv on the estate ol Oeorge
Ko.'siein. late ol Ioretto borough. Cambria
county. Pa., I'cceased. to the undersigned. All
person owing sil.i estate will please m ike Im
mediate payment, and Ihose h aving claims or
ilenmn's against the same will present iheoi
properly authenticated lor settlement.
B W. l.lTZl.NtJEK.
Executor of the Last Will and Testament ol
Oeorge Korsieln. deceased.
Io'etto. Pa . February 18v7. W Bt. X
Notice is hceby given that letters testament
ary In the estate ol Ilaniel Iiuinm, Sr.. late ol
Ciarroll tt wnsbi. have been granted to the un
dersigned by the Kegister ol Wil.a in and lor
Cambria county. All persona owing said estate
will please make Immidlrte payment. and those
having claims or demands against the same will
Ptesent them properly authenticated for settlement-
Executor ol tte last win and testament ol
Ilaniel I)utnui,Sr., deceased.
Ioretto. Pa., Feb 4th, I8w7. 12 Bt.
Is a special lioon to business men w ho, havine uiirons. ioii.s1y into the drink habit and
awaken lo tind the disease of alcoholism fastened
U.n them, renderimr them unfit to mauaire af
fairs requiring a clear braiu. A four week
Course of treatment at the
No. 4216 Fifth Avenue,
restores to them all their powers, mental and
physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and
restores them to the condition thev were in be
fore they iinlulcf l in stimulants, this has been
done n more than ir0 cases treated here and
among them some of your own neighbors, to
whom we can refer with confidence as to the
absolute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure.
The fullest and must scan ning investigation is
Uoii tiCU'i t0t "uul,ill,:t Kivius full iuionna
aug 2 94.
In qMclif
('cnnm the
A'flSfll ftJMl(7ff,
ii fin mm tit inn,
II f ',lm 1h Aorea.
Mrmhran Vwm
Hrntarn th
BMr nf Tnnte
Mf Smell
It Will Cure COLD 'N HEAD
A particle Is applied Into each nnstrel ana is
agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists orby mall
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street. New York.
I ...
Mountain House
Shaving Parlor,
Ham Street, Kear Post Office
aThe underslgne.1 desires to Inform the pub
lic that he has oiiened a shaving par or on
Centre street, near the post office where barberlng
In all Its branch es will be carried on In the
fnture. Everything neat and eiean.
Your patronage solicited.
F. X FErJ.
EtastaE Fire Insurance Apcj
rr. AVr. DICK,
General Insurance Agent.
IISo o Hi n - and Spouting.
or ai.. 3k:ik:i3s,
Tread Powers, Threshers ami Separators, Iron and WoodU'iimns
Fence Wire, Etc., Etc, " 1 '
The Atlantic Refining Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating and Lubricating Oils,
Naphtha and Gasoline
That can be
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : UnlforiDly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
We have some lines of goods that we are 1:0-
inir to
oetla 8ly.
Schojole In effect November 10. 1SSA.
'OBetlUBll .
Seashore Kr.r(i, week d ya e m
A I toon rroromoilation. eeK days t'i.1im
Main Line Exirem. dally In fry a m
Altoona A coo in., week days 1 no p m
HarriHbuix Accommodation, Snndaya
only , , 1 07 i m
Mall Kxpress, dally 5 17 m
Phlladelubla Ezpress. dally...... ........ 8 11pm
.lohnntown Aecommodailon, week days . 8 14am
Paonc Kxre daily 8 ?7 a m
Way Pasi-enner daily.... ,, ... 2Wpa
Mall Train, dally 3 .V. p m
I'lttrburx Kzirers, dally ....... ....... ...3 an p m
Kat Line, dally . ..... I'iftp.m
JobDKUiwo Accommodation, week daya 8 34 p m
Ftnwln rar Rrnrta.
From Hasilnm and tbe North 7 M a m
from ree?on. ...... o a m
From Vlntou.lale : ji p m
From 're.Kon & u6 p m
From "reMon 6Mpm
From Vlntondale 7 -JO p m
From Uresaun..... , lo p m
Tkl!d LKATB.
For I'reypon
lur Havtinics and the North...
For Ylntondale
For reiMin ... .. ..
"or Vlntondale
and in order to do so we have made some verv
iuMuic .n mess i, onus, Underwear, Shoe
etc we invite all who want to save some money
and got some good bargains to call and see
goods and prices.
We can't tell von much about them here but
the prices will speak for themselves. Come
early before the best are picked up
7 3 a m
...lo OS a m IS a m
. . . 'Mi u in
a ifc.
.... : m p m
jrr ------ "
For Ha5tiDKS and the north
ror 1 'reason
t'reanoa aad Clrarnrld.
Irrona at 6.45 a. m. and 1 2i p. m. arrlv
Init at Creon at 8 06 a. m. and 3 'lo p. m. lrare
Dresson V 3i a. m. and 5.30 p. m.. arrtvioK at Ir
vooa at 11.40 a m. and 6.5u p. m.
For rates, maps, etc . rail on atrent or ad.lrera
Tboo. K. Watt. P. A. W . 3W Filth Are..
PltUbnnt. Pa.
I. H. Hl'TtJHIN-iON,
lleneral Manager.
J. K. WUt tit.
Oeoeral Manaxer.
! H 1 1. A OEI.VHtA
THE TIMKS Is the most extensively ir
c ii I a led and widely read newspaper
published in t'eiiiiylvaiiia. Its dis-us-sion
of putilic men and pulilic measures
Is in the interest of public integrity
hiinest love rnnient and prosperous In
dustr, and it knows no party or per
sonal alletrienee in treating public is
sues. In the brotdest and best sense a
family and general newspaper.
THE TIM ES aims to have the largest t-ir-ciilation
by deserving it. and claims
that it is unsurpassed iu all the essen
tials of a great metropolitan newspa
per. Specimen copies of any editijn
will be sent free to any one sending
their address.
TERMS. Daii.v. f.'i.m per annum; l.i)
for four mouths; Ml cents per month;
delivered by carriers for six cents per
week. Si xitA v . Eimtiox, X! large,
handsome pages 2J4 columns, elegant
ly illustrated, beautiful cc lured sup
plement. $',.ii per annum; 5 cents per
copy. Dally aud Sunday, $.". i per an
num; .VI cents per mouth.
Address all letters to
7 - Tl
C s:
2 ZZ.1
e cr fill
S3 E S E
t a
E -
a P
i t - r
Lance tract Kood ic aril en land In Sonih-eat
-n Florida. AtttNI'S WAM'tU to fell option.
Apply quick
Jnly 31..9m.
both oexee. Write no
tO.A.MWTTlin TarkOHtv
J In Key and Stem Winders,
HTMy line of Jew ell y la unsur-T
pased. Come acd see for your- X
self before purchasing else here X
HTA11 work guaranteed. J
For the next 30 days we will sell any of our Winter Suits, Over
coats, Underwear and ali winter goods at
Grcally Reduced Prices.
We must make room for Spring Goods, and to do so have have re
duced our prices so much that all Winter Goods are bound to go.
Our Loss Will Be Your Gain.
We carry the best line of Shoes in Northern Cambria and some of
them have been reduced to less than cost of manufacture.
Uall soon and get a bargain.
C.A. Sharbauch,
of Furs, Capes and Jackets, Winter Dress Goods
and Woolen Underwear at QUINN'S 134
and 136 Clinton St., Johnstown.' Fur
Capes sold at half cost. Xew Sprint Dress
Goods arriving1 every' day.
Carriage and Wagon Shop.
Havinsroijeneliipiiitlieshoi, lately A. Ronev in the West irard of
hU-u-sIiuiy, I ain .retre,l to lo all kin.Is o! Wa:on an.l Carriage Work on the hortt
noth-e and at rea.sonal.Ie ternw. t'rn:ure Trimming, Cushions and bide Curtains fur
nished to order. Orders taken for Sprint Wapjns and HiJrjries.
ftf-Special attention given to Keiur Work and I'aintint and satisfaction guaranteed
5 9531 Formerly of Carrolltown.