!N0 CHANCE FOR CUBA. The Cameron Resolution Will Be Defeated. BOTH HALE AND THURSTON SAY SO. The Maine Man a Strong Enemy, bat the) Nebraska Senator Creatly ravora It The Latter Says the Obstacle Cannot lie Overcome. - Waphinoton. Deo. 2:5 T.ic oppo nents of the Cuban resolutions ass.-it that Senator Vest's failure to talk on the question in the senate as exjierted is due to the fact that, he has been in duced to look into" authorities which Io not sustain his view of the question and that he has concluded to investi gate, farther before srieakint;. The question is one requiring close atten tion to precedents and to constitutional points and all recognize that it is nec essary to proeed with care. Senators agreed generally that if Vest and Hilt did not speak the entire Cu ban question should go'over nutil after the holidays. "We've got them beat," said Senator Hale sententioasly. He spoke for the anti-Cubanites. "On a vote?" was asked. The reply was in the affirmative. Cleveland. Dec. 'iX -Speaking of Cuban affairs. Senator Thurston, while in this city, said : "There is little doubt but that the Cameron resolution is strongly favored by a good majority in both houses. I believe, however, that the opposition will throw so many obstacles in the way of the pjvssitge .( the resolution that it will be found im possible to get it through. I feel, how ever, that eventually a compromise will be reach.ed. in which the insurgents will be accorded the right of belliger ency. "Personally. I favor radical measures. The United States has vast interests at stake. The island is being rapidly de populated, and the people who remain are in many cases actually suffering foi the necessities of life. There are many excellent reasons why the United States should iutervene without delay." CONGRESS TAKES A REST. An Ailjoirnimrnl I'nlll Alter tttm Hoh. lays House anH Senate S4km. Washisotos. Dec 2:1. The senate, in its closing session preceding holiday adjournment, was miexectedly di verted from Cnba to the Pacific rail roads. An unusually lirge crowd was in the galleries, anticipating that Mr Vest would continue his speech, liegnn Monday, on the attitude of Mr. Olncy toward the Cameron resolution. The interest this had awakened was shown by the presence, in the diplomatic, gal lory, of First Assistant Secretary ot State Rockhill, who is next in rank to Air. Olney in state affairs and who has had special charge of t ho reports com ing from consuls in Cuba. Tho foreign delegation also was well represented Soon after the session opened Air. Pet tigrew of South Dakota culled up his resolution relative to the trust notes of the Pacific rnilrojid. The senator made a savage onslaught on the Pacific railroad system in gen eral, charging that, a combination of private interests was seeking to atsorb the roads and close out the government . This opened the entire question and Mr. Morgan (Ala.) followed with a bit ter arraignment of the Pacific roads. charging them with fraud and crime on a gigantic scale. The speech lasted nntil the morning hour had nearly expired, thus sending over the Cuban question until after the holidays. Mr. Call secured the adop tion of a resolution asking the secre tary of state for information relative to the killing of Charles tiavin. an American citizen, by the Spanish forces in Cuba Furt her than this, the session was uneventful and the senate ad jonrned for the holidays, lasting nnti Jan. 3. STEEL POOL STILL BROKEN. The Effort to Patch It Cp Failed Id New York. New Tork, Deo. 23. The steel and iron men have adjourned, and it is of ficially announced that no agreement bad been reached. From an unofficial source it was learned that the harmony committee had failed in Its purpose to bring about an agreement between the rail and bil Itst men and declared itself unable to go ahead. It seems that one element favors the making of concession to the Bellaire Steel company and another ele ment opposes this. This is the rock on which the meet ing split, with the result that the situa tions, as regards the pool and prices in general, is just the same as it was after the withdrawal of the Bellaire company- For Mrs. Stowe'a Character. Lexixotox, Ky., Dec. 23. Alaym Simral has received a letter from Chas. Umbers of Duuodin, New Zealand, in forming him that a subscription of 70 would be sent as a Christmas gift for Georgo Dears Clark, who is understood to le the George Harris of "Uncle Tout's Cabin." Clark is near starva tion. Pring i ee Alleged lirlbery. Detroit. Dec 23. A temporary in junction has been granted by the cir cuit court on application of Alayoi Pingreo. restraining the county super visors from confirming a proposed con tract for erection of a county building. The mayor alleges bribery against 11 of the supervisors. Labor Officials Discharged. New York. Dec 33. The officers of the Journeymen Stonecutters' associa tion, who were arrested on the charge of conspiracy preferred by William Mahony, who had been thrown out of work when a strike was declared, have been discharged. M ordered bj a Hired Man. , Madelia. Alinn., Dec 23. Farmer Fred Joblinski and son have been mur dered and bis wife wounded by the hired man. The murderer is still at large. Joblinski had opposed the mar riage of bis daughter to the hired man. Failed Banker Made Postmaster. Washington. Dec. 23. Robert A. Smith, who was largely interested in the Bank of Minnesota which failed, was nominated by President Cleveland to 1 postmaster of St. Paul and the senate confirmed the nomination. S2.000.000 In Pnblio Requests. Bostox, Dec 23. The will of the late Henry L. Pierce, ex-mayor of Bos ton, has been filed in probate. Upward of $3.1)00,000 in public bequests are dis tributed by the document. Wealthy Man Murdered. St. Joseph, Mo.. Dec 23. Alfred Wilson, aged 70, one of the best known residents of Andrew county, has been j ordered by robbers near Avenue City. A Negro Lynched. Birmingham, Ala., Dec 23. Joe James, colored, has been lynched at Woodstock. He attempted to assault Fannie Smith, aged 17. To Give Unemployed Work. L.TXK, Mass., Dec 23. To set the un employed at work $10,000 has been raised at a meeting of the board of trade to establish a shoe industry. Poisoned by Alcohol. Mattoow, HIsV Dec 23. Two deaths, tho result of alcohol poisoning, haa oo-' purred La this ci.y. , uj j THE M'KINLEYS AT HOME. Every One of tl:e l arty Got New Clothes In Clilcaeo. Castox, O.. Dec. 23. The President elect and Mrs. McKinley have arrived home. He left Chicago shortly after 10 o'clock last night, poinp by the Pcnn svlvania railroad. He left the home of Air. McWilliams at : 30 oclock and in company with his wife, Air. and Mrs. McWilliams and Captain Heistand was driven to the depot. Ahead of them went a baggage wagon loaded with six trunks, evervone of them heavier than when the McKinley itarty brought them to Chicago. From the president-elect down to Mrs. McKinley s maid, every one of the party had some new clothes. In one trunk was the gown which Mrs. McKinley will wear at the inaugura tion and in another was a new suit for Air. AlcKinley. The most exciting part of Air. Mc Kinley's last day in Chicago was when 4.(K)0 "persons surrounded his carriage in front of the wholesale house of Mar shall Field & Co., at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and refused to let. thetsir riage move on till the president-elect had shaken hands with several liun ciren of them. He was linally rescued by the police. Just before leaving Chicago Air. Ale Kiniey declared that his health was much improved and that his rest had done him "a world of good." MORE FAILURES IN CHICAGO. Rons on Three ltanks Owing t Mon (lay'A ltutiltH ('llMl4-. ClllCAOO, Dee. 2.i. Tho failures of Angus te Cimlole. general contractors, the American Brewing. Malting and Elevator company, the CJeorge A. Weisse Alalting anil Elevator conipany and (i-orge A. Weisse. individually, all of these being due to the collapse of the National Bank of Illinois.;, and small runs on three banks were the echoes ot the big bank failures. Huns wi re made on the Garden City Banking and Trust company, the Hi hcrniaii Savings bank and the Illinois Trust and Savings bank, but none were of much imiort.ince. THE MINERS ALL ESCAPED. No IH-aths From I he Kxplnsion In a IVilkraliarre Shalt. Wilkf.sbarre. Pa., Dec. 23. A can vass of the homes of miners employed in the Baltimore mine, whore the ex plosion occurred, shows that all the men esc.a)ed from the mine. It was at first supposed that four or five of the men had been caught in that, portion of the mine where the explosion occurred, but now all have been accounted for. The men who were taken out are getting along nicely. The hospital physicians report that all their patients are doing well. Then: is a small (ire burning in the mine, and the oflicials hope to have it under con trol before long. Every lunly is rejoio ing over the gallant work of tho res cuers. TO IMPROVE THE ROADS. A Conference Calletl by the fioverninent to He llrlil lu New Yoi k. Nkw York, Dec. 23. Charles Free man Johnson of San Francisco, special agent of the United States ollice ot road inquiry, department of agricul turo and acting secretary of the Na tioual League tor Cood Roads, is in tin city to attend a meeting for consulta tion on good roads matters. Branch otliees will be opened in New York. Atlanta. Chicago. Milwaukee. Omaha and San Francisco, which will co-oH'.rate with the Washington office having a full supply of literature pub lished by the. government. WENT DOWN WITH A BRIDGE. One Person Killed anil Others llnrt at Littleton. W. is. Wheeling, Dec. 23. At Bittleton. Wetzel county, a wire suspension bridge over a creek broke down while crowded with people returning home, from a church entertainment and about ito ot 40 jeople were precipitated into the bed of the stream. Wilbert Hammond, aged IS. was killed. The dangerously wounded are : Ali-s Artie Brown and Harry Anderson Less badly hurt: Aliss Cra Murphy. Simmons Fox. William Alays and son and Newt Carman. The. fact that the creek was low pre tented greater loss of life. DAN H ANNA AGAIN SUED. Another Election l'.-l Make Trouble r'or the C'liHiniiaii. Son. Cleveland, Dec. 23. Dan. R. Hanna, son of Hon. Al. A. Hanna. has been again sued on an election Ix't. Young Hanna wagered $'."iO with Allen A. Armstrong that AlcKinley would carry Ohio by more than .Vi.tHH). The money was turned over to Hanna by the stake holder. Armstrong makes the point that Bryan should be credited with the People's party vote as well as with the Democratic vote. Air. Hanna was sued on this same point a few weeks ago. and settled out of court to avoid the annoyance and no toriety entailed by the litigation. Kate Fitlu's lsfly Arriverl. San Francisco, Dec. 23. The t amer Belgic arrived from Hongkong and Yo kohama via Honolulu bringing to port, the remains of Aliss Kate Field. The funeral services will take place at Trin ity Episcopal church on next Sunday afternoon, and the body will be irnme diately afterwards conveyed to the cre matory, where it will be incinerated. Ponnd Ieal liutler a Tree. Sandy Lark. Pa, Dec 23. The friends ami neighbors who have dili gently searched for John Piters of Atillhrook. since his sudden and mys terious disappearance from his home on Thursday, found his dead Ixxly pinned ntiderueath a tne in the forest about tine half mile from his house. A Preacher rillr Years. PiTTsm no. Doc. 2::. The lifticth an niversary of the R.-v. .loh n (;. Brown. D. D.. in tiiii i:i.in.;:;;i!ii'l.i pieshytery, has Imh-ii i--lcli:il'.i in tin- Seventh United lr-sl tci lan luiiih. I'oity fourth Ft reel. A lai sc aiiiiiem.e was present. nl,t Kii e ni l lie Orate. Greenswko. Pa.. Dec. 2:1. Four-year-old Sarah Harvey, living at West moreland Citv. has met with a horrible death. Her clothing caught, tire, at a grate. She then ran from the house, but assistance came too late. Armenians Orlerel Keleasecl. Constantinople, Dec. 23. An irade has lieen issued granting amnesty to all Armenian prisoners except those sentenced to death for murder. The terms of the amnesty include about 10 Armenians under sentence of death for other offenses than murder. A Woman's SnfTrae Dinner. New York, Dec 23. About 200 members of the New York city Wom an's Suffrage League and their guests partook of the fifth annual dinner of the Pilgrim mothers, at the Tuxedo. Lillie Devereaux Blake acted as presi dent. Sixty-Eight A nan hints Sentenced. Barcelona. Dec. 23. An additional batch of anarchists has been sentenced. Forty of them were condemned to 20 years' imprisonment and 2S to eight years in prison. Won't Iteplr to the Message. Madrid. Dec. 23. The cabinet de rided at its session not to make any re tdy to President Cleveland's message through diplomatic channels. Small Revolution In Madrid. Madrid, Deo. 23. The Correspon dencia asserts that the gendarmes have dispersed a small revolutionary band near this city. TO PREVENT A WAR. Europer.n Nations Want to Set tle the Cuban Question. WKYI.ER TAKES THE FIELD AO A I". Hit- Spanish Minister of War Oives Artnv Ottif-ers lnlormation n-j;rliiic I nilnl States' Militarv Coiwltl ion Wev ler tlvi Word to Horry l' Matters. London. Dec. 23. A special dispatch from Paris says it is suggested -that Great Britain France and Italy, the thro; jiowers most interested, offer their services in the Cnban question in tinier to prevent, a conflict between Spain and the United States and to terminate the revolt. AlAORio. Dec. 23 The newspaper here praise the activity shown bv Gen eral Azcarraga. the minister of war. wlu-h. according to the reports, in eluded the distiibntion of pamphlets among leading .Spanish army officers describing the military condition ill Ihe Dinted Static. Havana. Dec. 23 Captain General Weyler has gone to Marie on Imatd the Spanish cruiser Legazpi. north of tho military line, across the province of Pinar tlel Uio. with t he intention of re ruining personal command of the opera tions against the insurgents in that part Of Cuba. Generals Arolas and fiasco, as well fir. the rest of the Spanish generals in tho province of Pinar del Rio, have assem bled al. Artemisa where they are await ing tin; arrival of Captain General Wey ler in order lo commence a new plan of campaign Captain General Weyler will combine the movements of Gen eral Arolas' troops with the forces of the military line, all I hose troops begin ning active movements in the province, mill it. is nnderstood that there will bo no cessation of activity until tho cam paign in that part of the island is fin ished. General Arolas, however, will le sent lo take command of the mili tary line, extending from .lancaro Moron, in the province of Puerto Prin cipe. The captain general is disturbed by rejHirts of insurgent operations in Santa (Mara. Beside a strong hint is said to have reached him from Madrid that something must, be done by .Ian. I to forestall net ion by congress on the Cameron resolution. Affairs east of thetrocha grow worse. The Spanish officials there cannot, cope with Ihe insurgent, bands in operation in that, section, using the hi Us as their base of ocratioiis and they are con fined to t lie towns. Khv Wkst.I ee. 23. Passengers from Havana sav Gomez is advancing rap idly, ami it is thought that Weyler will, if possible, prevent his coming to the gates of Havana. It is stated that, from Cuban sources the. Cuban leatler is wild over the murder of hisonly son and his lielovod chief lieutenant, and is burn ing to revenge their fall. The Cubans in the army are infnriatcd also Dr. Zertm-ha is a marked man too. and it is reported that a move has been made, to atiduct him. He is now in a fortress some miles from Havana, with a strong Spanish guard. His trip to Spam will lie postponed, the Cubans say. and if he goes over there they have friendly hands in that country who will avenge Maceo ami young Gomez Alajor Cimjeda also comes, in for his share of hatred and revenge. Strong insurgent bands are now so close, to Havana that the Spanish soldiers seldom venture far nut of thf1 gates of the city, except in strong fnrc A company of 25 were attacked Sund.i night not over three miles from I ho palace by au insurgent band and sev eral of them killed. This audacity has worried Weyler, but he cannot capture or disricrse them An American named Amos .lohnsnn. from Texas, is their most prominent leader. WONDERFUL ANSWER TO PRAYER. A Wiiiiihii 0ilrklr HeMteil of lone HI it- at Kilinl.oro. KltlR. Pa.. Deo. 23 From Fdinhoro this county, comes a wonderful story of a faith cure. Airs. Orpha. Tnttle bad lieen ill for IS weeks wit h lieu ra Igia ami pleurisy. Th other night she asked Mrs. Talliott and Airs. C. C. Culbertson to pray that, she might get well. They did so. and when they finished she rose from her lied, dressed herself and walked altout. In less than half an hour from the time her friends entered the house Airs. Tuttle was on her feel and walking about. Two hours later sho left her home and walked JO rods to a religious meet ing. She walked home after the meet ing. On Sunday she walked to the Methodist church. Since Sunday she has been doing her Own housework as she did lict'ore her sickness. Alouday h was on the streets and making f-H 1 1 4 Sit;. i::iu; tli:tt. t ...... feci I y well and that the Lord has KMII'IJ HIT. SPANIARDS BADLY THRASHED. They Sent Out Falne Kepnrls About ICattle In the I'hillippines. Ran Francisco, Dec. 23. Private ad vices from Manilla, Philippine Islands, have reached here and are verified by an account that appears in the Hong kong press, received per steamer Belgic. The news contained in the communica tion deals with the attack by the Span ish on the Noveleta isthmus, and the attempt of the Spanish to dislodge the insurgents in Cavito and Vijo. At tho end of the campaign, the Spanish authorities sent out. dispatches reporting that the attack had been suc cessful and that the rebel loss was very heavy. The Spanish claimed to have lost about 35 killed and 100 wounded. It is now learned that the great, victor that the Castilians predicted ended in ignominious defeat. The rebels hold Noveleta against warships and troops. The Spaniards retired after suffering heavy loss. DRILLING TO FIGHT IN CUBA. Three Companies Organised In Ohio Towns .to Join (ininrt Defiance. O., Dec. 23. Three com panies of Cuban recruits are being hrganized here and at Napoleon and Paulding. Thirty-seven men have joined the company here, and they are partially armed and eqnipped. They are beng drilled nightly. It is believed the three companies will muster about 150 men and they are expected to start, for Cuba as soon as they can get. transportation. Most of them are members of the national cnard and of the Sons of Veterans. They expect to join the Ohio legion, which is a part of the command of General A RECENT CAMPAIGN ISSUE. It Fig n res 1D rehate llefnre the Hoove Judiciary Committee. Washington. Dec. 23. The issue which was known in the last presiden tial campaign as "government by in junction" has been the subject of do bate by the house committee on judi ciary. The committee has before it a substitute for the bill which passed the senate last June dividing contempts of court into direct and indirect classes and permitting trials by jury in the lat ter cases. This substitute is not so sweeping in character as the senate bill and the sen timent of the committee seemed to be to restrict still further its scope. There was a general expression, however, to the effect that United States courts showed a tendency to strain their juris diction on the irronnd of rm.ln.,i . ... . the point ot infringement on the right of trial by juries and a bill probably will be a reported. DEBAT' D THE CIVIL SERVICE. It Came V P For lis Venrly Innine I" the Ilnnse. Wvshin ton. Dec. 23. The house has pasM-o the legislative, cxecitne and judicial appropriation bill and then nd journed for the holiday recess. This is the first time in the. history of en press that the legislative bill hxs been passed before the holidays. The day was devot ed to the annual debate of the civil service law. and. a" usual, the attempt to strike out tin pro vision for the commission was over whelmingly defeated There was a good deal of IbrrshinR over old straw and sparring for politi cal points. Air. Brosins. chairman of the civil service committee, defender! the law. Others who participated n the debate were Alessrs. Baker (Rfp.. N 11). Walker (Rep.. Alass.). W ill- iams (uem.. u.i. """"'"" Cal ). and NimI (Item.. Ark.j. Mr. set tle ( Rep.. N. O. ), made the motion to strike out the paragraph relating to the civil service, which was defeated to tvi The bill as passed carries 21. . tit.02. $3.K7ft more than the current LilL WORK OF DAWS' COMMISSION. Cboctaws Accept Terms and Others Are I iklt-y to Do So. Washington. Dec. 23. General F. C. Armstrong of the Dawes Indian com mission baa reached here and presented a report covering the work of the com mission up to date. The reriort was ac companied by the new treaty with tho Cboctaws who have agreed by tho treaty to break up tribal relations ami hssume the new form of government within eight years. General Armstrong reports that tho surveying and allotment of lands can not be completed for four or live years ami outlines plans formulated by the commission for the disposition of vari ous intricate questions that will follow the change of conditions. The com mission believed that the other Indian nations are likely to follow the action of tho Cboctaws at an early date. PACIFIC RAILROAD D 18TS. The Secretary of the Treasury Senls a lie port to Congress. Washington, Dec. 23. The secretary of the treasury has sent to congress a computation of the Pacific railroaW debts, as made by the government actu ary. The statement shows that the. ad vances to the Union Pacific, including the Kansas Pacific, by the government will, at maturity, the 1st. of next July, amount to $!2,S4;.2S:, of which sulli i lent has been repaid to reduce the amount to J.r.::,-'S,l.r)'.). The balance due on account of the Central Pacific on the 1st of July next will be $i;o.:!ik,:',77. ONE MINISTER OBJECTED A Sc.n al llin liinrrtall t the A rt h- tkn.ii. ,f rmiiniiiiif. ItONijoN. Deo. "&:. During the ceta inony of the consecration of the let l!.v. Frederick Temple. ) I)., hm ar h bishop of Caiiterhiit y al. Bow chiiti h. Ihe l.'ev. Air. Browujohti. chaplain of t he late hishlop of Bath, rose ami pro test ed against the consecration on I hn ground that Dr. Temple was a self-confessed lH-liever in tin; full doctrine of evolution and that this doctrine was m uimpatihle with the fidelity to tin? lunik of common player and the. arlichrs of religion The, royal commissioners declined hear the l.ev. Mr. Biownjohii After leaving the church Mr. Brown john distributed leaflets to a few per koiis outside the building and tho olice-mt-ii made them "move on." as reading the leaflets obstruct mI traffic ANOTHER REDUCTION IN COFFEE. The Arbnrbles Say 1 her Will Not Meet Sugar 1 rtist lriees. Nfw Voiifr. Ih:. 23. As an evirtenco that the American Sugar Refining com pany intend forcing operations in I ho co I lee trade the anlioimcemeiit has been inadi; to the colTi- trade by the sugar cople of a further reduction of cent tier xiund in Ihe price of the cotfee if the Woolson Spice company. This makes a total reduction of I cent siiM-etliopiirclia.se of a controlling in terest in I he spice company by the sugar peopli;. Thus far Arluicklo Bros, havo not met tin; reduction, ami say they will not. as their customers will stick withlhem. The feeling in the coffee trade is that the reduction of 1 cent per pound is merely preliminary to a much novel c.r one. Accused of Arson. New Your. Dec. 23. Joseph I,. Har ris has been arrested at Alonmonth. Ills. Harris was indicted here in July, ISilo, for arson in the third degree. Killed by Kscaping flu. Boston. Dec. 23. Donald Donovan has been found unconscious and his wife dead from escaping gas in a room in the Hampton House. THE MARKETS. Pittsbiiiio. Iec. 23. WIIEAT-Xn 1 rerl. HVfv.inc. No tml. tftfl 4-: s.rliiL.- wheat. IHvJtllrin. I'llltN-Vo. 2 vi llow ear.ntil.CfKVJKlc; No 2 slii-ll.il. LTVliisc; Mil hich mixed lieheil. -T(Jfc iniicl ear.:!rV3;;: new No. 2 yellow ear. aB:JK!4r,. I IATS No 1 white. 2Ti4'rsic: No. 2 while, 24tMfr; extra No. 3 white, SS-'HJtajc: light tniieil. 'Jii.VTSr. HAY-Nn I timothy, f 1 l.2-Vll .SI; No. 2. fs.siwtn.5il: parkins, $i.fi,H..T0; No. 1 fee.1 Inc prairie. 7.ii7.ftll; wacon hay. fll.ima I5.li for timothy. POirLTK V l.arc live chickens, Sf&.Vic per pnir: live chicken, small, ml'm; ilreseil. V'XWr- per pouinl: live ducks, 7tt3,)r per pair; tressed, lifetime; live turkeys, wg.llli- per puiuifl: urrtseil, in3Mo: live Beese, S1.UH&I.25 er pair. AMT3 Pheasants. S5.GntFfr.Y5n per rtoz.: nnail. S1.2.Vl..iierrioz.: rabbit. KH,S-x- K-r pair: snnirrels. lifftlSc; wild turkeys. $l..rm. prsirie hens. $7.mfft7.t per rtoz : whole deer, lnjl'i- per pound: saddles, Hl'TTKR Khiin prints. 24c; do creamery, Z-'H'tfcSf):: Ohio fancy crea,merv,la2lc; fancy ronntry roll. lr-ai7o: low grade &dU cooking. R3Hir. CHEESE Fancy New York, fnll cream, HHftllWr: new Ohins. full cream, late make, OHinc; Wisconsin .Swiss. In tiilm. IIM3tl2c: limbnrcer. new. lctllc: Ohio Swiss, In tubs. IJJtjc; Swiss, in square blocks. 11H3 IUr. EOfSS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, incases, 104k2uc; southern. J6Q.)7c; stor age. Ifi&lric. PrrrsBrHO. Pec. 22. CATTLE Kerclpts were hchl en Mr.nday: Vicars on sale: market active: tur-i iy today Is light, an. I pri.es unchanged. We .jucte the prices as follows: Prime. ft "ii:a 4 70: goiwl. fi.Zfl4.Xi; tidy. f.YfluQ.4.10; good butchers-. S-l.Md'Ct.An-. fair, f I .tin-, feelers. f'i.wftti.W: bulls. Dines and rows. S2.iIl3.4ii iM.lojina rs. fYnnai.S.H): freh cows and printers. SHiMti.4r,.li. HO.;S Heeeipis liberal on Monday: mar ket dull nd lowrr. Tnnay receipts were fair and market steady at Ihe following quota tions: Prime light Yorkers and pigs. (.1.4mA 8 45; best medium. 3.3.Vft.1.i: common to fair SWiaSAV heavy. i.a3.3f; roughs. SHEEP Supply on Monday light: 15 cars on sale; marke t active: receipts todav were light: prii-es. steady. We quote the fol lowing prices: Prime. f.I.uV(i3.:5; good. S-l-&3.r ; fair. fi.6.va.1.2: common. fi.O' .i; colls. $l.2l.5ti. bambs Choice, $5,253 ..VI; common to good, f t.KKYOn: veal calves. .i&A.2.-; bea ly and thin calves, 3.004.00. Ciscinkati. Dec. 22. HOOS-Market firm at $2-10(3,3.35. Re ceipt. 3.9i bead: shipments. 2.7'i head. CATTbE Market steady at f l.34.0. Re r.eipts. fion head: shipments, won head SHEEP AND LAMH.S-Market for sheen strong at f2.ii&3-3n. Heceipts. 4Ki head: ship ments none. Lambs Market higher at S3 2b &5.U1. ' New Yor. Dec. 28. WHEAT Spot market firmer; No. 1 hard KPc ' CORN Spot market firm; No. 2. 2Sc OATS Spot market inactive; No. 2, 22c. CATTLE No trading. European cable quote American steers at 10Hitl3c per pound dressed weight; sheep at jilc per pound dressed weight; refrigerator beef at SWe SHEEP AND LAMBS-Market steady. Bheep. f2.5ta3.75; lambs. $1.75(5.75. HOGS Market steady at $3.5Ai-0a m m enae bbs si em aas ss saa sal a a saas aM at m eBBBassnB Toara 'alirrnltk. California hss been nnst fittluftly termed ihe '-ItIy of America." All the delicious balm, the cloudless sky. aud the rich ver dure of the great European peninu!a are duplicated In this sunny land of the Pa cific. Here nature basks In the sunshine of her own beautv; and here she has es tablished her own sanitarium, whtire i-iernal spring iusoires cvei lasting youth. With the snow man tried peaks of the Sier ras upon the one hand, the calm I'acitic with its soft breezes upon the other, and a varitable paradis-e of ll iwers. fruits, and plants' lietw ecu, man can find and needs no lovelier laud. To visit such a country Is a or! vi lege, a blessing. The Pennsylvania Railroad company re cognizing the need of a more comfortable and pleasant way of crossing the continent inaugurated a series of annual tours to California, running a through train of Pullman palace cars from New York lo the Pacific coast, and stripping at the principal points of interest en roubs. The great popularity of these lours demon strates the wisdom of the movement. For the season of 1S".I7 three tours have been arranged to leave New York. Phila delphia an Pittsburg. January 27th, Feb ruary --ith and March 37th. The first tour will run direct to San Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and return from San Francisco via Salt Lake City. Denver and Chicago, al lowing five weeks in California. The second tour will run via Mammoth Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, slop ping at the "Crescent City" during the Mardi tJras Carnival. This tour will re turn via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha and Chicago, allowing four weeks iu Cali fornia. The third tour will run via Chicago, Deliver and Salt Lake City, allowing pas sengers to return by regular trains via dif ferent routes within nine months. All of these tours, either going or re luming, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Ulenwood Springs, Lead- ville and the Oa.'den of the (Jods. Rates from all points on the Pennsyl vania railroad system east of Pitts'jurg: First tour, :U0; sacond tour, X"i); third lour. -JH) round trio, and $150 one way. For detailed itineraries and other infor mation, apply at ticket agencies, special booking ollices. or address tieorge " V. Hoyd, assistant general passenger agent, Iirtiad Street Station, Philadelphia. 12 H tt. Med need I aim In Wanhlnrlnn. For the benefit of lluse who desire to at tend the ceremonies incident to the inaug uration of President-elect McKinley, the Pennsylvania Railroad couipany will seli excursion tickets to WashinglJti March 1. 2. 3, and 4, valid to return from March 4 to 8. at the following low rates: From New York, $S W; PbiladelDhia.$.V40; ISaltimore Sl.iiii; Harrisburg, $."..; Williamsport s7.i: Hulfalo. $11.20; Rockester, $1J.4S; Allodia and Pittsburg, $1M); and from all other stations on the Pennsylvania system at reduced rates. This inauguration will be a most inter esting event, and will undoubtedly attract a large number of people from every sec tion of ihe country. The magnificent facilities of the Penn sylvania railroad make this line the fav orite route to '.he national capital al all times, and Its enormous equipment and splendid terminal advantages al Washing ion make It especially popular on such oc cassions. 12 4 3m. JOHN PFISTER. Itr.Al.t'K IN y.wm mmmii Bariware. Cacciisrac, 31ADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, RQCKBISS AND PB0YIS10K Vr:JrTTA"I.R I ! sF. tMIX, It R X F.S, trr. OPPOSITE JUNCTION ROTE , CRESSON, PA. HlM ilr yy . t. I -ffi f ' ''-1iw pint i:M $: rvnr- rn.ei -v7i Hrcst rort!j.:r f r all klitis of soil. I -. t frtr; !ii:iit r.n-t:rr tit farni. r (ih J New price list mailed frve. Mountain House Shaving Parlor, Kan Street, Sear Fust Office aTbe undersigned dralras to Inform the pub lie that ha naa opened a "bavin par or on eat re atrect. u-air ma p tt otQce who e barter ng in all Its tranche's will tie carrteu on la 'fir fa tare. Evervthlng neat anrt eteac. Your patron vge toliclled. F. X. TVVS4. represent us in the ra e ul Our t'liuiee Nun-ti Stork. Specialties controlled by o. Hi theft -I 'lanr or i'-oni mission paid weekly. StsadT eui uloyment the yer ruun.t. Ouiht .rrr; excltiMve territory: expo tenee not nepesry: bl py it--ureil wurkrrs: rderial tndncemenis to hegiuners. Write at on?e tor parttui.ir.- to ALLEN NURSERY CO., HDCHl-Sl l U N. Y. July SI lM5'n. Niibwi fifi-t'W.Tdi-ti-iiii.in (r.ni 1.U..1U. w.s. No;iar:s!e. tirinkH-H nr r!:iilinfsri. itn pnv-s giMiiTJil h.'-altli ! NT.n.iti.-s (-.:m.-T--:ii iiciaus aim w. loij liuu-. iu'.:..r' iu 1 h. ua:k :.r PATIENTS TREATEli 3Y MA. eonaai-ntlally. r'.nr par. Iriiinrs :.l;:n-. v..;1. -;o ns rvnpp "" -'Tw.riiinio . - I aLIy Or IKi; Urmuammf, Jkfc.U lilKkCI octtf .Bt ly AGENTS to represent the Most Onapk-te Nunenn In A m. n. .k mih.1. .-i.iui. ..j . . . . j- wi.vnimi II II - roar years: known and warned by evt-rr iiiont.-V That In why beariaarra alwaya narrrrd withi am, and experienced Acrnta double their tTmwmw. ow is tne lime to start. ? ELLWANGER &. BARRY, Tit. ilape Naraerlea, Uacheater, K. V. CUGGIES st 1 Prist iw iopllnituj. . Iff T.XMt 1 . tJS ruc:on .... PKIChS nU 4 Pai Top Surrey. u outsell ALL, aau lumd Wagon. t-U. ooi.iuetltrx. 1 Koad Cart . I &v But of fac Bucvy Haraeas 3 M torran.1 mre l Hujrfry - 4.Ty Middleman's sTeam " 12 U proflu HorKaa Saddle, $1 fc (Sil V'e Free. r. nr v cakt r. t to U Lawreuus at, cioclaaaU, U. 1 Q IT nimitii by a hsnti- Tt lurirratini-:it l.v prao- W- ? f I v vf WANTED vv 4VfVV VwWV t.X-. HARPER'S ROUND E.uk of ftr lw- itumh-rs ef t',i Vrr viW t. . r - f .tuition L-f. fl ''' fortraus vj y ' -j THREE ta.T A LOYAL TRAITOR A t.x tk '1 of ll " By J tuaa CORPKRAL FRKTS CClVMISinM By CH- L'aai.a ti.l, I SA. 5 j t Alm-Tf-nl you art not " enf, mi l r.v.w r." r in tin- torn ft it V , for a ft f 4 V HISTORIC BOYHOODS ALIOMK .H'llAS. ALEXANIIKR P IPE I. l-.-i HvAlTI !... L"il:i BVU S w t. lti.t C!G-aAME HfNTINO nl3 :i: U.il. TIIK WliiHTT ELK H-. 'l-rt. IHM..IX.K R..MULI TM t:ll iivvtix.; bkr mi ntims t . ..'I ' .1 in is . ana jor a siimpie yy Subsc.'ip ian Price, S2 per year. H. C. lJxcr Atvlrrw tnf I ANNOUNCEMENTS - . a. - -w r 1 aaa. lite first ttf A twrirntx tr pnpertt, CHAKLES A. itASA, Editor. The American Cansiitnfioti, the A mer tea n Jilea, the American Spiriff these first, last, ami all the timet forever. Daily, by mail, - - - - $G year. Daily and Sunday, fry mail, - f S a year. The SUNDAY SUN is the grenest Sunday Newspaper in the World. Trice "c a copy, I5y mail, f 2 a year. ililrrTllt:sA. fcew York. ia'!! lv.n to lu-i:ie; mon xrhn, hnvin---i n ---i mi. o.:-':.- j i.. f,.- .Iriri'i i-il. t at!-.vukt-n lo t:snl ti-.e .l.i-;w f aio.hohst.i fusteneu n :h; ii-. rfn-Jeriii tlu ju mint tu i.iai.are af :rs r.-i:.irins a cWr orain. A fjui wotkt :rso fi :n-itmjnt at ibo PITTSBURG KEET-EY INSTITLTE. Xo. 42i- Fi.th Avenue, t.-s to them all their rs, mental ni - -al. doiriiys the at.r.nrml aj.pctito. an i :r.- thnrr. to the corniiiion thev vetvin l ili.'y iii'luU-o in sfium:ants. This has Uvn u ii mv.h; ll-un l.VO tn-aicl h.r-e. ap.t '.!!; tlii-m hum of yiur own iu:lgl:bc, t.t u we van nfer mI;!i c.-ntH.'iine aa ti th- i'ti'- sifi :- !:! ,-tTii-i, r.:-y t.f !ie Ki-vhr Oirc. f ".- :.n. I tii..t 'i.r h'!i- invcTiiralimi '. :or iP!i4lvt givim; full iuyrcia uk 2 M. CRFAM BAtteCATARRH 1 quirk jf nhmarbii. (It-a H the Atfil l'tiMMtif-nm AllntM J'trif Mff tn1ifnmitiot9 lifnim llrn Unm. frnlrrtn the MrittbrtiHf mm AdiiUimtal OW.f. SrMHrn nf Tamte awa! iMr. kfBA.A It Will Cure COLD 'N HEAD A iarttrle l i p'.le.l into cuu i wuti aua Is mrrrahle. Prx-.&0 'U al llruKicl't nrht na i KI.Y BKorHEKS. S6 Warren street, Kew Y ..rli. n.ir.lowiy SUU COOKING "MADE EASY. IPriTQ MAKE BIO WAGES &U L. Hid SELXIMOTHE ARNOLD COOKER NO HEAT. NO BO THE. Cooks a Dinner all at cru time Grand for Oil or Ga; Stoves. Liberal Terms. Exchi rive Territory. Let us tell you all about u. 5 WILMOT CASTLE & CO 206 Elm iU Rnchester. N V (T inOO worth of rh ! M . . Cents. c ' kvcty Music lor Forty ? . cons'stinj; of xoo passes ' - full siie Shwt Mnk- at h fc latest, briglitest. liveliest and most popular SelfH-tintIC hnfh vnr.l an 4 1.. . . - : mi potten up in the most elegant manner. In- "" g; eluding four larpe ite Portraits. CARMEHCITA. the Spanish Dancer. ST: PADCRCWSKl. the Great Pianist. W ADEUNA P ATT and m. ZZZ UIHSE SEUGMAIt CUTTlt3. ? aooacaa .ls. okoi.i to THE NEW YORK MUSICALECHO C0.: Broadway Theatre Ei Jg.. New York City. o CANVASSERS WANTED. JOHN F. STRATTON'S ira- amxrtmm n i , , teieDraiea KQssian Gut i Violin I?triiiizs The Finrst in the World. Every String Warranted. John F. S!ral!onA'2?' Send or 811. 1S Ric o,- Cataloeuw ' -- i. "iu Ol. NEW YORK. FOR SALE. Ianre tract l Kom1 a-arden Ian4 In Nontheat ern loiida AtltNTS WANTtD to fell epllona. Apply quick. r " FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO., J.y.uBa.OCHt8TEK,I-Y- REMARKAULIi TWENTY-PAR T THE MINTED DESu-JT A U'r r-i f'.r 1 in'. milt ' - -By tAO- a.il V . 1 " t Oarca WrrtCT W ilium mack fcj W.l M J.fc. i irtRPFk'S ROl'XP TABLE cff.rs. to th sus.r, ,m.r. 4.? oo ,r rn -ft II I A AA Ai t - -,.,-,., .- Story (Mfttihcn. l?o.'K, ; Anat.ur ...... of thret tiiss,;. to f" ai.-tUttt ' '" 1 ' titiru. I2;. i.r.ifUv (omf.-- tirm.' ..." Phz-M so!,,- ..AMCV DDI7P wrirr.,,,-., . J f . i I 1 ll ion. S.nd at ome for fn-con.. si (ireu. "f our ,6-V7;V Illustrated lioot-Lht This . fREE BOOKS "UuZr our cffr MA r Lumt Utrttt-a THE PITY OF THE YOCNO VOTER VHIT A VllTK MtANS. WHIT A IKIVAKV 4tAS ll E K H... K H. H ' 1 I'lUTY AU-ljultM AM I"KI1M.U h n ci ft FAMOl'S AITHORS" RECOLLECTIONS A -B.IV-S T'.W X !-T.iiV. T.IK 1CV. ;...' Mli'HURS H Wiuik ! H. ..in. H " r." tAKLV iirai Mir TKt .;;Lt- H ..fcOKu MKIil-ITH 4Wrv if K-tt.-r - .f,. -.- .vr.7V, liook-Uit tvitui"'", - HARPER BROTHERS. Publishers, hem Yoriu if. A Quick :uic for event Type or HCADACHZ. ht.ii-rhc .-.r" r-i'-n- - f: river .f h- o ri ttallv nm-iw l"v rn: t- i-ii ii'-rve i r wft.- the faea'ijwhe. alixk. 5houJl your h"a'iach :m nervou, si ii. jv caused by morrv, an' Whr-n children u:r. any cne el- t.r iSat tn-itc ur Kor-FAtKF, tne r'et.t rmeilv ever cl- etv.excefivec of r.nv u i ! or brain wcanuc. u..- : f.ml. Sa'f, sure. Koi iAUNB. j lUrlul'y tuick in act. on. KorFALiNit cure ivj-e rf haiach-. espec ially that diMrcssinch j.amful type pecuii.it t ladies suflVrinc front irreculanty or utrnne i-n -tation. or who-e ciuii-. rjuire ihcra t? xb long periods. laft W 3 KOPF LINE CURES Ntkout smock. "invoui oi-.itt NIRVOUI MtaOACMC. NlMVOUS WOSTatTiOa. MtNTAL WOY, DiOlfTlVI AlLWItin. raattTaTlOH. WC CIACUUTI3). aicomouo ho othi r nciuts. an: ailments acti cooditioi . lnrcninc wistcfHs 01 K0PF ALINE Is invaluable tor Tcachrr-. Scholars. Preach 3; Students, Merchants. FUiitor. Men. Women and Children. Krerybody whose nt-nres are at all IiIccIt to pet out of order. It it absolutely afe under ail circumstances at.d conditions. Price, 25 cents. Sold by druiiiTrMs peneraiiy, or -cr.t to any l drcss on receipt of pntc Soli Pkopwictchs. WINKELMANN A. BROWM DHUG CO BALTIMORE. Mb.. U. S. A. Poll 01 wnttB at iton a- in trt OLD RELIABLE. ZTKW '" rirat t'laai rmpaal.a, T. W. DKJK, riT rK THE OLD H VUTFOR1) PIRBIXSURAMKniMI Khannnr Jqir l. igm 'fM SO YEARS - EXPcSIENCE. TRADF MARX3. DESCNS. COPYRICHTS Ac. 3nic pnl conn. nl...f . nave a .-.Mi.n .n .th-.. rni wien throutb Aluiia l .1 nii penal notice in the - .o. reoeiv SCIENTIFIC AMERiCAH, f' "J,"1,n"- flwi..'n o.pi ,,d lUxu UwtK ON FaTtvnt aeut free. Addrtaa MUNN & CC, Ol Bre.lwv. New Vark. 1 I " iraae-.Marks oMained. and all i'at, TOt '"urted for Wodera'e -n(,"r Office is OpoosHe U. S. Patent Otr.M. re5m.ne?rorrwr,hVn,W,,me,h" chiU n V- ,f or not. fr, if AT;-ilr.r?'.,n"t d,,c ,U1 V"-nt ' scared narn.. rrP'-. H"w lu Obtain I'atcni." with C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppoa Patent Office. Waihinotrwi. o.C Robert Cassuy's" ShavingFarior Iieatexi on centre atrrn neat M-ontn Hoine othee Shavinn. Hair tTuttinK ami Shamioo lnirdone In the neatest and l.'t nanner A bar ol your patronaaa anhctted Ki IKKKT "A ttT. WiAHTED SQL!CITOaaFav Kk. .r Ihr V and'.! ol...Uao in SiS ii5Li.'"i,lnVv,D w'" t,a " Kaclualve u rri vrj Kivrn. 8.nl for liarxlaomeilearritivecirc!ar W. B. CONKCY CO. Publishers. Chicago. II U Marqun of Lwnc . aa. aoa a tt a t . i, i . - ! ut?tT ,h mil rrijiT . t i&3 t ( 1 ( $ 0 c SERSAI S TH tOcK OF T r. Vrmr. ffi . i . -V ent-T cue ef . .f.-r r2R;;7il c I A -rr ava V .;:-. c 1 f - ft '$ 9 ? e A t - i e 0 r Ansna Kttni . . lllfc, Mill I 111. : ' .'.MiM.ii. !.: Till. I:;!.-'IL' - J .... HISTORIC CAVALRY -0 AT il -UiiJ. .- AT .1TTY-.' M r. l.t.n.L i . i. , , ..-. - - h.-t I ':. atlJ I'nzs t ' '7 r 4 s nzf t 'j.-r: Mention tnis paper FOR i E M - A J at HALLS HAIR EENEWSR The preat pp)uiar!:v r . after its tes; of ihlv jtir. tiui;;B MHiraurf, efn t tLu! '-:. tt i really roeritf.ri..'.:. 1 i ao a u-whi 11 ai l. 3 ii air i r ti knoa tt does all tliat i t i. It causes n w rri :': r-f v,. p. heaiis j rt'Tid the t r itu dead, wbirb in v j.j-.:u rw: natural cxilor to frrsv r iij. j w ervea the fcoai tkhi.fu! n-s t d&adruiT; i.revt c:tiic Ltr Vlii- ii i ctianiug color; k-t! t: trous. and cauaea it to grvw t. a thick. effect by the b'-arhfui ; Teretal.le Irurredi-Ti-.. wbi h inct and reiuvenaie. It i tv-i iye. al.i a delightful article 1lt t Vt ii-.. i taininir no ajch.'. ?t j c r orate quickly ani dry U7 t!. trurv i, leavimr tlie"hair harsh aaU br.Ujt.au tiler ,'rei'araik.ns. Bucklngham'a , ra roa tii I WH1S !CLMS Color them brnwn r r I ."a. k. tn di and 1 the bet dye. t . u 1 tmm. r.roducta a ft-i-rcaDc. r.-urk: rcior: BL telrur a flncie r,rej'ar:i.-c. i n;t enient of ajpUcaiion u.ki acy euct. rurtiu T K. P. HA T.T, & CO, aafeea,I.I SgU bj All Daale.-. ia Maijsa. is stamped in tne be?: x-rs cases made. It is the tr ma .-k of the A'crs'rve Ci c CcttTfany, oi l'hilaic.: th oldest, laret a::J known factory in the wo:.: 1500 employees. cr.;ac::y:jl cases daily. Its rrJ sold by all jewel e s. 1: n: the celebrated jus. Fes. rt : JfaUt Cases, now fitted the only bow ( rin-) which not be pulled oil" the case 5 mm t ujsa i iua t i W. 'fu. , .liiifit A WATCH CASE OFEHER SEW FK2. Steei Picket Fenct S ! II r 7 ri-- cl V"aautr. Jutir ; .'a Waaler. WtU8DBB!.T-.r-b'V ' : " 1 '' :c.r1. FHtlnrt. Fir lhov.-. - I f . ' '. v4S Pwn. ard W.;linr. Brm. -.fc : T- - - ' ' SlMHI'ivt'-vi n1 i :k . -.. TAYLOR i CFAN. 0U 203 205 MarVstSt. FCt. mrh e Ir. . af 1 tV-VJ IJ lii!rlC!j B-L- -f : - , IMaLaiyi haa rn.r a coT.xr-.- n- J" aiitT tir-. It L ..T-1. ? lauiiful luirm. 5u.-b as Karaa.atl.m. I .r-.V alarrk. 1 ..i a. . ..r( . and cOhrr ailnu-n! .h. " ' " , l anu itt ii. At l'T-;c ....... . . - mMil'lU' It.lll.rr. J . I - - IVfiNTEB 'T'"rt uert; ii each Viuut tu take crJers t'-r llld in. W.lllrir In I!1T wetl I'" ' .... aaree to litPLAi t r KtK an:..i Ip'm imortl mow. ., r.1' We alN bare aeboic line ol '-c TtlKS. GIVE I S A TK1 Al- v THE HAKSM'KKKV fi'Vt Auk'- CANCER anu urn " .r fT I r - iu 1 if