Mil xtcman. .i:I K AMUKIA- CO.. PA. f. Kj!"'1'1" ' TOliER'J. 1"- ;l lio..! holiday visitiiiK friends A . are now fashion- ,-ir.a k.r is viv.tinp N if inli'ii . y -' 'IV (. J fur a hotel is .1. ' . iz 1 11 i 1 7i n i in r.n'-""-' , iv .-liville. spi-nt a M..H.UV. township, is it 1 V.I an ''1 ..i i ;imt'ri;i i i:':i'i i f"v,'r- uf Crimson, vis a ,,, Tu.'sdaV. r i,, ,.ri:i 'n Wedncs- i y V,T ."". Iv. .f Johnstown, mi aiuiunj . R.a.i.- li.wiiship. ; ii "ii Thursday. l.-n Kacl are K--i.ii ti'-'" .. --,.f t! (. I. ii 1 j-tirt, in Ueaile ! , r. of Harnes KI nt-nrK on Ml hi- minus a farm one .iMin-'ii-ed flyinc ,. tin.' approach u l.. rt n Saturday lie will re- Ka- a.i.i II -t'fiit a ft-w C. Kirk- hours T -I .1 !.! i..r. familv I .1 !ll"nei I to Wa who h- :u-.-r , t.v.i r. rL.'.-iy nf C;-nihria ill during the J. i: .-r... i- ..:n It-.-I:. .ii ' in a lai Uf one and i tit-iiii; tMiulit ;.la.-e. ,ik. at .Johns- t-venins i ' i t-t. airs. I . t : i . v - "I Mountain ., w r.i'. ia- i" Philadelphia in.ii.-- -.ii Monday. '. ji -..-nl the summer .ii M.-M...I -.,n..-i 1 uil Home, m-ar : 1 1 -ln rvr on Wed- It is proposed to (rive postmasters the right to open letters on which postage stamps have riot been placed; that thev may be returned to their writers without having to be sent, to the dead letter office. Mrs. Musa Madera, daughter of a Bed ford cuuntv farnter. has been arrested at Hollidaysburg for abandoning her infant. The child was left on a door step and died from exposure. The coroner's jury placed the blame on the mother. A Lloydsville correspondent writes: "It is currently reported that the Harbi son and Walker Fire Hrick Co., proposed building a new brick mill next summer in oider to supply the increased demand for i tire brick manufactured from the Lloyds ville and Hammer tire clay. John A. Marshall, Maria, of Bed ford county, was run over it is supposed by an empty engine on Monday night near Ktttanning Point. His mangled re mains were found lying on the track a short time after the passing of the eu gi 112. He was about 53 years of age. Abraham Rhine, of Fulton county, has just applied for his eighth divorce. The tirst he received in 1SS1. The causes which have prompted him to apply for a separation range from such a general one as "domestic infelicity" to "Lis wife's at tacking him w ith a pair of scissors." The Presbyterian Synod of Pennsyl vania will hold its fifteenth anuual meet ing in ISellefonle. October 15th to 21st. Over two hundred ministers and elders will be iu attendance. This synod covers all of Pennsylvania and West Virginia and comprises twenty-four presbyteries. A man giving his name as Samuel Vine and his home as Cleveland, Ohio, fell from a train while stealing a tide across the mountain last Wednesday night. He fell under the w heels and had his right foot ground off, besides being otherwise cut at.d biuised. He was treated at the A I Union a hospital. The incomplete flood channel at the Kittanuiiitr Point reservoir, was damaged to the extent of flo.ouj by the Morui on Tuesday night of lat week. A great deal of the bank is washed out and seme of the stonework and cement bottom torn away. The loss will fall upon the contractors, .lute A: Foley, of Pittsburg. Johnstown cily councils on Wednes day Might passed a resolution thai if the Pennsylvania railroad company docs not at once r-pair the Wootlvale overhead bridge the city will proceed to reopen old grade crossings in that part of the city. Trouble is expected if the railroad com pany does not come to time. John Snyder, a farmer living five miles northeast of Sharon, was cleaning his Winchester rille a few days ago, w hen the piece was accidentally discharged. The ball went through his wife's stomach, kill ing her instantly; passed over a child's head and crushed through a window. Airs. Snyder's death leaves live chiloren motherless. M er, I,-!. : Ii in:: I'- puiili-is was .l. iin Haw ksworin. oi ii, il -hipped to 1'liila- f. v -r i atients there are strong will follow from of Pitt-burg, who ith hei sisters. returned to a; H.V 1 I' ll! -.1 i' , - i.r..:i - t... Y.i - . v Ami - A ian.- : j.-ir-. Mr- V-v .1. 1 . Mi ft. ,. (.f ii, .. i. :n K cii ai.'l Wriiin-.lay. ,1 family returned 'i:t,nrg on 1 uesaay : -,l. -uiiitner at their col li,,! avenue. , ( ,,:iiii,i ii.ii- r John Fergu f t ami na county, are visit- llr i: i. r's No. 213 Seventh ...mi Ti il'ii in:. ,i. r .ii- .l at his home in Pnr : i,:jt.t of ia-t week, aged lie is survived by his wife i.f .-hiMreii. A. l-hai hauslh, Andrew I 1". .1. Ietri.-h, three of ,;itet)t Misiness men. u-hurtf on Tuesday, t.nini'jiing died at her uAii-hip, on Monday, . (irunibling was a sis r.ernaii. of South Fork. .i;:;a!.. - provide that all ti..- -ir.-ets after '.:3i p. : till morning, un- ,.h! excuse for being out. earrieid has silenced the i:' i- iri,.-i of his neighbor uf a lio.-n guinea h"ns. ji,,r3 have asked the ia.-;:on. lr. I!. II. Warren, has -J - i ay;. ii.-s of the army I. i'h little prospect of i,.t -ea-in. Kstimated -r r i,i .i;,l il- ; I f, a- I'm years, a well- r in I'.arr township. recently by being w a- throw n about a blow. ex-sheritT John Orr, icked with typhoid a ith a blood clot on i has set in and his amputated. 1 ' k farmer went to Hunt Mli: a load of choice ap-a- oh'iiged to sell at 10 The fruit seldom, if ever, at -ui-li a low figure. .a- t.. t a, a am, a- sounded in Kbens--lay iii--i:t. It was caused by i- ft. -m a i;rate in one of the inn . in- ,,f Maple Park. It 'iii--iii-hed with but little Il of till id at i I'.ih ir rai -d i- 11th regiment r polio. Pa., on :-t. Company in Kbensburg iAar-1 v. but we understand ! . of this place. Is ivixiug member of the in Kbensburg. M. iiuvern died at the - Ii, ..,,.. Somerset, at 3:3 o'cloik r-i.i :if'. i noon of last week. The -J i- a in. uiher of the lirm of John !-'-.... i, -(i.. contractors employ s .i,:!, l-eiiu railroad work in My. ' ' M-'Millin. of Dixonville, will a; llarin -huro. Cambria county. " -'i-'M : he oHi(.( and drug store of 1 'r. K i r U . who died there onlv a s-" Hi. J. H. WooilrulT. of A I". -'! ailuated this year at a i ,n: L'e. will locate at I.arnes- - Ill, (,!,, I'rtHJICXH. "'-in Walters, executrix of Va::.-r-, (ieeeased, will offer for ,reu:i-e j Allegheny town-'-l.a.f southwest of Chest 1 '"-iay, Octoljer 2Ulh, lS'.Ki, at A i . the farm containing 115 f w hicb are cleared, with a lot of timber, and a lot 1 '"I--rty. See advertisement 'Ii.n.ri. Ii.' '-(l.u .'.l,er A n r, r.d-t.. i.'iy went into effect in Vir- liiilf the sal, if liniinr til ft "t f at.y institution of learning in 't'-. whether the student be "over at- ol age or not. The pen- ' ,,f fr(J,n ,o- t,,!;, aJ m. 'i ' i:t f,,r mx months: in addition the -r mut itive bonds in (500 to be of "liavior 1, -T tor a vear. -'w.-e io the act a and a subsn- forfeiture of the The Kane lleimblivan states that John Ityers, of Uenovo, w bile out chesii.utiug a few days ago discovered a large rattle snake coiled up -and ready to spring. He Killed the rattier, which measured 4 leet and 11 inches in length, bad 2S rallies and a ouiion, making us age vears. It was the largest, rattlesnake ever know u to have been killed in that region. .i aines urecr, a coal miner at t lierry- tiee. lost two lingers the other day by the explosion of a dynamite cartridge. In ex amining the dynamite to see if it was good lie III one ol lle luses, intending to throw it a good distance before the explosion. l.ut tl.e fuse was short and the cartridge exploded before he could drop it, and he lost two lingers and had iiis hand badly mangled. 1 lie state superintendent of public in struction has issued circular letters re garding tin; enforcement of the coiupul sory education and vaccination laws. He suggests tbat directors must use discretion in euforcing bo-.h acts, but adds that school boards should make every effort to gel uoiiatlendants into the schools. He says school boards have the power to tu- force vaccination. A llarrisburg dispatch says: J. D Hicks, of Altoona, Francis J. Kooser, of Somerset, and J . T. Thropp, of lied ford, for the Republican nomination of congress in the Twentieth district, have tileduomi uation papers. Thropp's papers contained over 2,2ii signatures. Kooser and Hicks have brought counter suits in the Dauphin county court to determine which is the regular Republican nominee. The change in Pennsylvania railroad agent at Crsson tcok place on Thnrsday of last week, as already noted, Mr. J. W (iore stepping down and out on accoiii.i of ill health and Mr. William Colbertson, formerly assistant station master at Pitts burg, assuming the duties of the Cressou station. Mr. Gore will leave shortly for Philadelphia and Baltimore, and from the latter place will go to Colorado. On Wednesday of last week a small oij stove in the residence of Mr. Peter t.ut- wald, of tlallitziu. was accidentally upset by the children w hile a.t play, and inime diately exploded, throw ing the 11 antes all over the room. Mrs. Outwald quickly carried the children from the room ai d seizing a blanket threw it over the stove and nickinir it UD threr it out. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done. Thomas McKiernan, Jr., is the owner of a curiosity. While excavating for the the new blacksmith shop in the upper vnrd a cnnir of his workmen discovered a peculiar shaped stone about the shape of a man's fist. He had it broken open and on the inside found the petrified liody of a large grub worm. lie. has the halves of the stone bound together with rublier bands now and will keep the worm in it as a specimen. Altoona Mirror. Farmers in Rayne township, Indiana ennntv. renort a strange and fatal disease that has broken out among the sheep in that and adjoining townships. Some farmers have lost their entire nock. I he disease acts quickly. The animals are taken suddenly sick, become stupid, mope around for several days and die. The at attention of the state board of agriculture should be called to this disease, as they miglij. suggest a cure or preventive. Friday, while James and Charley, the r. and s-year-old sons of Isaiah Myers, of near Kecksburg, Westmoreland county were cleaning out a stable, James acciden tally struck his brother in the temple with the pitchfork, one of the prongs penetra tinir Mo sku'l. It required the efforts of both boys to remove it, Charley assisting i .. .rul task. He was removed to 111 Lll bis home, but grew rapidly worse, how then? is little chance for his re covery. Farmer David Uerkey, aged G3 years died at his home in Paint township. Saturdav from the pffect of wounds inflicted by three masked burglars on the night of June?. James and John Ilhoddy. bi others, and Richard Jackson are in jail at Somerset charged with the offense. The victim's daughter, l,ucy, died from the result of a broken lee, Inmninir from a window on the night of the robbery in a fruitless attempt to summon assistance. Thero are people who believe the bi cycle craze Is dying out; they may well read this: A certain New York firm of fered to sell an unlimited number of high grade bicycles for eighteen dollars a piece. On the day In question 40,mi almost pack ed the store in their anxiety to take ad advantage of this chance. Andrew Long of near Barnesboro, had a narrow escape from death "Tuesday of last week at his boms. He had just hitch ed a large grey horse in a cart and drove to the watering trough near the barn when the horse grew restive on acconut of the harness chaffing a sore on its neck and it backed over an enbankment. Mr. Long was thrown out of the cart and the horse fell on him. His shoulder was broken and he was bruised about the body. The largest ear of corn ever seen in this sectson of the country was placed on exhibition at the fair by D. A. Luther, Jr., of Carrolltown. The ear was 31 inches iu length and 15 inches in circumference. Mr. Luther had many calls for seed, but the price of $1.00 per pound looked rather high for the farmers, besides the seed would be useless to a man who did not own ' a planing mill. It was a very jne en of corn, however, and had many admirers. Carrolltown Xcu-8. Mrs. Samuel Closson, of Gallitzin, aged about sixty years, on Monday after noon committed suicide by jumping Into the well on their premises. There was a trap door on the well which she lifted and then made the fatal leap. She was dis covered about a half hour after. She ii survived by her husband, who is employed as an engineer at Taylor & McCoy's coal mines, five sons and one daughter. Her remains, were Interred in the Union ceme tery at Gallitzin on Wednesday afternoon. James O'Connor, Esq., a well-known attorney of Somerset county, died at his home in Forwardstown, Somerset county, on Monday morning, October 5th, his doath resulting from injuries received from falling down a flight of stairs at home the day previous. Mr. O'Connor was 70 years ol age. He is survived by his widow and live sons, two of them being the well- known attorneys. James It. O'Conuor and Francis J. O'Connor, of Johnstown. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Forwardstown on Wednesday morning. The superior court has decided that the act of assembly passed in lsT and known as the Livery act is constitutional. The act makes it a misdemeanor, punish able by a tine or imprisonment, to wilfully damage the property of a liyery stable keeper. The law was made to cover cases of careless r reck'ess driving, but in num erous counties of the state th courts have declared the act to lie unconstitutional on the grounds that the purpose was not clearly expressed in the title. Numerous prosecutions have been awaiting this decision. A heavy freight on the Pennsylvania railroad, parted at Donahue station twenty-six miles east of Pittsburd. about 4:3U o'clock on Tuesday morning, and came together again, smashing fourteen cars. Peter Cavanaugh and Reuben liar kins, of Homestead. Pa., were instantly killed and Noah Green wood, also of Home stead, died at the Greensburg hospital. while amputation of his mangled arms was n progress. Michael Holliday, a brake man, was fatally injurta. 1 he three dead men were en route to Johnstown to attend the firemen's convention. Assistant Treasurer D.J. Jones, of tin Cambria Iron company, and Mrs. Jones parents of Register and Recorder F. It Jones, of this place, and both well known iu Ebensburg. where ihey formerly resided were badly injured in a collision lietween their buggy and a street car at Morrell- villm Friday night. Mr. Jones was nncon scions nearly two hours. Mrs. Jones ha been an invalid for seven years as the re suit of an attack of rheumatism. Her knees, which had been stiffened, were ben nearly double as a result of the accident causing tier intense sintering, notn werr taken to their homes and will recover. Joseph C. Hale, of Summerhill, was a South Fork on Monday and after doing cousiderame orinKiiig starteu home in mi evening on a freight train. Just west of the Summerhill station he attempted to jump off and missing his footing tell with both feet under the wheels. The limbs were both ground off between the ankles and the knees. He was taken to Johns town and thence to the Memorial hospital where the physicians in attendance be lieve he will recover. Hale is about 34 years of age and has a wife and three small children depending on him for sup port. The Altoona Times of Tuesday says Joe Morrello, king of the Italians, took about forty-two sons of Italy over to Pat ton on Johnstown accommodation yester day morning, v here they will go to work on the new Cambria county railroad, which is to run from Patton to Spangler. The Cambria county railroad is said to be an extension of the Iteech Creek in the direc tion of Pittsburg. George S. Good &, Co., have the contract for building the road from Patton to Slangier. The length of the new branch is nine miles and when completed will make the entire length of the Iteech Creek from Williamsport to Spangler l.VJ miles. Mr. William Glass, a well-known citi zen of Gallitzin. died at his home in that place on Monday afternoon, from paraly sis. 1 he deceased was ooru in iM mister township, where he resided on a farm un til about ten years ago, when he removed to Gallitzin where he resided until the time of his death. He was twice married and is survived by his wife who is at pres ent seriously ill, and five sons and three daughters, viz: Gallitzin, of Milwaukee, Ed ward, of Loretto, Frank, W'intield and Sherman, of Munster, Annie, of Loretto, Mrs. H.J. Eberly, of Munster, and Mrs. John Noel, of Lewistown. He is also sur vived by twosisters, Mrs. Susan Gallagher, of Pine Grove, Munster. township, and and Mrs. Sara McGuire, of Loretto, both agea widows, the latter being 4 years a widow. His remains were interred in St. Michael's cemetery, at Loretto, on Wed nesday morning. The signs of good water are that it soon heats and cools; that in summer it is cold, and in winter has a slight degree of warmth; that a drop dried upon awhile handkerchief leaves behind not the slight est stain; and that it has neither taste nor smell. It is also a sign or good water, that, when boiled, it is sooner heated and afterwards cools sooner than another, but this sign is not near so infallible as the judgment that may be formed of the quality of water by the fele. A hard or soft water is a water the particles of which adhere more or less elosely to one another The weaker the adhesion, the less they resist the touch, and they produce less sensation in the hand, because they may be much more easily separated. Hard waters render the skin rough, but soft ones smooth. T he lormer cannot Don meat or vegetables tender, which the latter do without any difficulty. John B. Stonehraker, ex-supervisor of Rush township, Clearfield county, was waylaid and brutally assaulted by some as yet nnknown person or persons on ihiirs- riav nicht of last week, near the Osceola bridge. He had delivered a cow to a resi dent of Osceola and received f20 in pay ment for the same. He visited some of the hotels during the evening, drinking with friends, and started on his way homeward about 11 o'clock, having, however, left the balance of the money with an Osceola friend. Shortly after crossing the bridge he was suddenly attacked, the culprit hit ting him with a club, or other weapon, over the head and leaving him in an un conscious condition by the roadside. where he was found the next morning He is terribly cut about the head and face and other pertions of his body, and it will be some time before he will be able to leave the bouse. The offenders have not yet been located. Real Estate Transfers. Lyde Lenhart to .Epbraim M. Kuntz, Johnstown; consideration, 1,01)0. Frederick Kuebne etux. to Daniel Judy, Johnstown, ?5. School District Portage township to Pennsylvania Railroad company, Portage township, $75. Hannah Jane Groome et vir et al. to Pennsylvania Railtoad company. Portage borough, $3,250. William H. Pruner et ux. to Henry A. Quartz. Cresson township, 1,'.)0. Mathiot Readc et ux. to Harriet Inman, Washington, $30. Administrator of Ella -Smith to Philip Smith, Johnstown, $200. Cambria Iron-eompany to Charles Ras- baugh. Franklin, t'KM). Georgh II. Brown et ux. et al. to Sarah ane Cranston, Johnstown, $1,500. Kate Chandler to Eyanna Shay, Mor- rellville, $1. Margaret Baker et vir to Lewis B. Keip- Jackson, $1,S00. Henry Goldstein et ux. to Joseph Zim merman, Johnstown, f l,4xi. F. Wilham Biffinger to Barbara" Bifiiug- er, Johnstown, fj.soo. Hannah Bunton to Charles T. Bunton, Croyle, $550. John S. Wicks et ux. to Simon Philips, South Fork, $'j)0. Thomas Giltings et ux. o Thomas J. sittings, Clearlield, $.ko. Assignee of Francis E. Itehe et ux. t3 Charlus Miller, Allegheny, $1,550. Mary C. Myers to Pennsylvania Rail road company, Washington, $?45. Sheriff of Cambria county to D. L. Ivrebs, trustee. Carroll. $100. Margaret Zentinyer et vir to Thomas Barnes. Carroll. $2,250. Cambria Iron company to Harry W. Miller, East Conemaugh. $.K"0. William B. Osborne et ux. to Lizzie II. Linton, Johnstown, $375. Starr las Lterasos. The following marriage licenses were is ned by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Thursday, October 8, 1 .'.: Thomas A. Conway. Derry township. Westmoreland county. Pa., and Elizabeth C. Glass. Juniata tow nship. Itlair county. a. Mahlou M. Beightley and Bertha-J. Lolir, Johnstown. Andros Zuravisik and Catharine Minha. Morrellville. Henry RiCer, Cambria township and and L.izzic Schmidt, suinnierniii townsnip. El ward Bytheway, Herminie, West moreland county. Pa.. a:id Kate Wishart, Iteiiiniigloii, lsla:r county. Pa. C.J. Anderson and Eva Johnson, Has ngs. Ai.ton Crapla. Lilly, and Josie Menek, Ehr-infeld. 4loward Berkstresserand Faithy Lowry, Lilly. Benjamin Gibbon and Mary Griffith, Johnstown. Samuel Stiles, Nicktown pnd Augusta Trout, Spruce, Indiana county. Pa. William Dunmire and Clara Kelly, Jack son township. Edward Evans. East Conemaugh, and Susar. Zimmerman, Franklin. Theodore P. Bantley, Scalp Leyel, and Emma J. Strati b, Stoystown. Leo Makawiski and Olean Wisniski, Patton. Ernest E. Dobbs and Sarali Richardson, Don Iu. Mlseellaavoas Hotleoa. A in Pr month and expenses paid good men O 1 U tor taking order. Steady work snd will lumlsta fine outfit and cbolee territory. Apply Protective Nurseriei, Uenera.W.Y. Jnly3m. V TAN TEI A general representative In thtt y county to ornanlite local boardn tor the Artisans' Savlnin and Association. Ad. dress 1 Firth Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. mehat WANTED A reliable man to represent a loan inuitutlon in Cambria county Money loaned in sums ot $100 to 10.0U0. For particulars apply to W. M. DAVIS, Coalport, Fa. mcb'Att. 'IThe Ebenburst Hull.llnit at Ioan Association I will offer for sale at the Key Building, tb- enobnnr. on the fourth JHonoay in i"-"", txono.oo: THUS, L.BSTBR L,KiB, Secretary. DAVIS. President. AT THE OLD RELIABLE. Everybody, and especially the oyster-lovlnit Kiopla ol Ebenabunt. are Invited to call at Kobi. eBreen's Hid Reliable BusUurant. wben they want good, Iresh Oysters, by the pint, quart or gallon Or you can have them Stewed or tried, mil at the lowest price. Fresh Oysters every day. ocillti OILS! OILS! The Atlantic Refining Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty of manufacturing for the domes tic trade the finest brands of THE,, ,3k JSS: HEEEEfc DEALER IN rilRMAPFQ Mooffing and Spotsthi; STOVES, RANGES or A(&!1IC1JLT11JI1AIL OIPE,IEM1EjT Q2ET A-T-T EJJKTBS, Tread' Powers, Threshers and Separators, Iron and Wood Pumns Fence Wire, Etc., Etc., 1 ' ' EBENSBURG, ... PENNA. Illuminating and Lubricating Naphtha and Gasoline Oils. That ean be f.UDE FROM PETROLEUM. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 17. IStt. Cenneetlonsat Cr canon. BAST. Seashore Express, week dys......... 6 3" a m Altoona Accommodation, week days tni Main 1-lne Express. dally 10 W a m Altoona Express, dally 1 1-0 p m llarrlHburn Accommodation, Sundays only 107pm Mall Express, daily 817pm Philadelphia Express. dally.. lUpm with Johnstown Accommodation, week days.. 814am Pacific Expres. daily IJJim Way Passenicer. dally.... .... 2 3fi p in Mall Train, dally IHpa at .lne, dally . B p. m We challenge comparison 3 i. r 1 I asi i-ine. daily . .. every knOWn prOCIUCt 01 peirOl- I Johnstown Accommodation, week days eum. If you wish the . Most : Unirormly : Satisfactory : Oils in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, PITlSHUKd DEPT.. P1TTSBUKO, PA. OCtl8.891y. EbensbnrK Brs-nrti. TKA1HM ABKlVk. From Hastintcs and the North Prom llre.oson Krnn Vlntondale. ......... Km in CreMn Krora 're.on Prom Vintomlale.. Krora Oresson..... ..... TRAlNrt LKAVB. For C'resfon For llaetinus and the North For Vlntondale For ;refuon.... Por Vlntondale ... 7 34 i in ..10 iJ a m :t 05 p m .. iospm .. 6 56 p m ... 7 SO p m .. 30p m For HastinuTS and the For Cresson...'... .. north .. 7 no a m .lun3 a ra ....H is a m : os p in 6 no p m 5 p m .... 'oOpni JOS. HOME & C0. sli The Way Mail Orders are coming in for the New, Ail-Wool Tufted Suitings there must be extra merit n and Clearfield. at 6.45 a. m. and 3.10 p. m. arriv- boSa, m. and 4.1o p. m. Leave and p.m., arriving at Ir- vona at 10.56 a m. and p.50 p. m. For raus. wiaps. etc.. call on aicent or address Thou. E. Watt. P. A. W. 3i-o Filth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. S. M. PKEVOST. Ueneral Manatier. K. WOOI. Ueneral Manager. 0ur Semi-Annual Clear Sale is now on. St will pay you to aJtc..S. Our entire stock of Spring and Sum mer goo1 mtist be closed out by Sept. list to make room for oiw fall stock. MTIJjLILIEN, The jLeadsna; Clothier. JLilly, Pa. in Kxrnrslo lo HnpnononiK k. Pa. At this period ot Hie yar there is no innri' ilrlinlitfiil place for a short outiii? than YYoposiionock, situated on the top of th Allegheny mountains, Jii.'iO feet ahove tidewater. Wopsononock affords a mapnilieeut view of the country for miles around, now made more beautiful by the au.uuin foliage. The scene from 1'cint Lookout is not equaled east of the Rocky mountains. The railroad north of Al toona assends M- in the distance of eight miles. On Saturday, October 17, the Pennsyl vania Kail road company will run an ex cursion to this delightful resort, for which round trip tickets will lie sold at an ex ceptionally low rate. A special train will be run on the schedule given below: Train Rate. Pittsburg :.i Johnstown 1.25 Cresson Til Altoona Ar. Altoona Lv. Stops for dinner. Returning, leave Wopsononock at r:00 I', m., arriving at Altoona at 5:45 i. M., stopping for supper; leave Altoona 0:20 p. m. making same stops. Tickets will per mit of stop off at Altoona on return trip, and will be good for return passage until October l'.nh, inclusive. leaves. 8:m a. m. 10:4O A. M. 11:. 'to a. M. 12:05 i. m. 12:40 p. m. them we claim that there is, but would rather have an expression from vou individually. Will you write our Mail Order Department for samples of these etmnrrlinnrv values in newest uD-to-date styles in Dress Goods and Suitings? 3G to 50 inches wide 35c, 50c. and 75c. yd. All we ask is fair investigation and an unbiased verdict. Also send name and address fcr New Catalo'nic out of press this week. If you come to The Great Exposition don't fail to visit The Great Dry Goods Store, right on your way to Exposition Buildings. PENN AVENUE AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURG. EXECUTRIX SALE OFVAl.lTABI.E REAL ESTATE ! Silver and Gold. A verv small amount of either will get you a dozen of . Pine Photos AT Wright's Gallery. We have come to stay for one year and may be longer. Give us trial, and it we cannot satisfy vou it will cost you nothing. Ballot this Fall. The ballot which wilt be voted in the state this fall will contain nine columns. The Republican party will be first, then will follow Democratic. Prohibi tional. People's, Socialist-La Silver, .leffersouian and a blank column in the order named. The surnames of the presidential candidates of each party are placed in the column just below the cir cle above the electors. To the right of the names of the candidates Is a large square. n which the voter by making a cross votes for the entire thirty-two candidates for electors in that column. A voter de siring to vote for any other candidates be low the electors, in any other column, will be required to put a cross mark opposite each name. This form of ballot differs materially from any form used since the enactment of the Itaker ballot law in isui. Colonel John A. (ileiin, corporation deputy auditor general, lias prepared the plan, and the ballot is expected to give more general satisfaction than any yet adopted. Political KnlldoEluK. Leonaid Keck, one of the leading busi ness men of Greensburg, had an experience with an eastern firm a few days ago that will open the eves o'f a good many as to the methods employed by the Republican party to discredit silver coin, and, inci dentally, create a sentiment for McKin- ley. Mr. Keck received a large invoice of goods from the firm referred to. and ac companying it, by mail, was a bill for the same, upon which was stamped; "This bill must be paid in, gold or its equivalent." Mr. Keck- is not a man that is easily scared, much less can he lie coersed or bulldozed. Accordingly, by return mail he peremptorily demanded of the pre sumptuous firm that unless the obnoxious condition were recalled he would ship the goods back at the firm's expense. It is un necessary to state that his demand was speedily compl ied with; they had "waked up the wrong passenger, urccnuburg Araus. The ndrlirnel will exposa to public tale on the premise la Allettheny townsnip, one-uii mile Bouth-wesl ol Chest iSprinit. on ition,' Na- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1800, bor. I ree I t f o'clock, a. w.. the lollowlnir real estate: All that certain piece or parco. di huu "'" township of Allegheny. eoTiiaininir 115 ACKtS. more or less, aout 60ACKKS cleared and In a hlifi-state of cultivation, aod bavlnc thereon erected a nood TWO STUKV PLANK HOUSE a bank barn and ail necesry outbuild inns, the place la well watered and ha a lare orchard ol choice Irult. . Ten ner cent, el the purchase mpney to be paid m han.i m.i thn time of sale, the balance of one- third at confirmation ol sale, and the remalclniz one-third In two Tears, deterred payment to be secured by )udgment bond and mortgage of the purchaser. . . , Also a lot ol valuable timber, several thousand leet. coniistinn of white pine, cherry, sh. pop lar, cucumber, nn. nemijca. iwm . ' . sold separately from larin.or both together, ll to a better advantage. . ... Ten per cent, ol purchase money to tie paid In h.n.i nn hv nf ai. the balance ot one-third In thirty days, one-third in six months, balance ol onr third In one year Irom day of sate, timber to he secured by Juft?ment. exemption notes liearinK interest Irom'date. with approvtd security; no tim ber to be removed until the above conditions are complied with. Also all the personal property, conslstlnn; ol two roan mares, two much cows, four head of yoanic cattle, four sheep, three hiiirs . two shoats, lot of chickens and Keens, hay by the ton, xrnln In theKront.d. wheat, rye and oats by the bushel, corn In the shock, a lot of straw, one two horse waicen. one huiocy . one two horse sled, one mow ing machine. one hay raUe. one hayfork and na tures. one urain screen, tanninic mill, corn shell er, two sets heavy harness, two sets buifny har ness, plows, harrows, cultivator, whitfletrees, chains, and other articles too numerous to men tion. SUSAN W AL.TKKS, Oct. 9 It X. txecuinx. Opposite County Jail, Ebensburg, Pa. JOHN PFISTBR, DEALER IN GEI1ER&L IiURCHMIDISE, Hardware. Qneensware, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TEUETABLES IH KEASOH, HARKENS, ETC.. OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL, CRESSON, PA. maM-SOly B. L. RBBD. M ATSIOT HEADS. HEED & READE, AttorneyH at law, EBENSBUKil. - - - PENN A. Iffire on Centre street. 4.28 83 KITTELL & LITTLE, Attorneys at Iiiav, EHENSBUKU, PA. 9Otfi?e In Opera House. 2.9.94 W. DICK, ATTOKN EY-AT-IjAW, Kbishsdm, F'a -Spectal attention to given claims for Pen sion Bounty, etc. - chT- Nno T. CARL EI. VINT US, PRACTICAL WATCHftm&EH & JEWELER, AND DEALER IN liraTniibO t JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, IMOSICAL INSTROIENTS! J " i i. 77 : ASD 0PTICALJS0ODS. SOLE AGENT FOR THE : : : ! CELEBRATED ROCKFORD: WATCHES. 1 t Colunil3ia anfl Freflcnia Walcies i In Key and Stem Winders. LARGE SELECTION' OF ALLS : KINDS OF JEWELRY AL-Z WAYS OX HAND. S"Mv line ol Jeweliy Is unsur- paed. Come and see for your- self before purchasing elev here C2FAU work guaranteed. : CARL Eiymus. J. McKENKICK, ATTORRKT A UD OOVKBKLLOE AT LAW. EBK1SSBUKC. - PA Ifflce on Centre street. The Tyranny of I he Dealt. We will suppose that your occupation Is seden tary that you are chained, so to speak to the the desk In some counllnK bouse, or perhaps to the loom In some Taut mill where you are com pelled to lhbor from morning till niicbt. Sunady Is your only day ft r relaxation. You return home every evening wearied mentally and bod llr. Your health and strength beitrln to fail What will most elieetually recuperate Tour Tita- eneriy 1 he welttrnt ot evidence point ton j ot he- evidence than that Hoe tetter 1 stnmachl Kilters Is your salent, most reliable sheet an chor. I'se It tiersistent'y, and your system will won realn lis prestine vigor. Kvery function will receive a healthful tmpulaa. Titers ia no remedy to equal the bitters lor nervousness aud want ol sleep, aispepaia, constipation ami Dinous ness. It averts anil temedies all forms ol ma larial disease, and Is a preventive ol rheumatism and neuraUta. NOTICE. Notice Is nerehy given that the application of Albert J. Hoi. pie. of Spangler borough, tor the trans ferol the retail liquor lilense granted to 1. U. Sullivan, In Sprngler borough, has been Died In the office ol the ;ieru oi viuaner sessions in and lor tJambrta county, and tbat the same will be presented to the tkiurl lor Its consideration on Monday, October 28. 1W. S.W.IJAVlS, rrottionoiarj i umoo, .ier vi. s. Oct. Oct. ai. Orphans' Court Sale 01-VA1.UaKIE REAL ESTATE! Rv virtue ef an alias order ol the Orphans' eonit ol Camlria eountv. to me directed. 1 will ex- liie to public sale at the store ol 11. ti. r.nerly. at Munster In the townsnip ol Munster. Cambria county. Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1800, at one o'clock, r. sc.. th e following described real estate, vis: All that certain piece or parcel ol srronnd situ ate In the township of Monster, bounded on the North by land of Samuel Noel: on the East by land ol James Noon; on the South bj the Cam bria fc Clearfield railroad and by the turnpike; on the Wet by land ol the etate of Cornelius liever, deceased, and by land of the estate of AuKUtilin llurbln, deceased. containing 48 ACRES and 118 perches. Kf-servlng and excepting, however, two small portions thereol agxregutiug three acres, more or iesx, which Philip Karrea In his lifetime sold and conveyed to the Cambria a Clearneld Kallroad company. IEKMSOKSALE. Ten rer cent cl the pu'ehase money to be paid in hud at tne time ol sale: the balance ol one- third at the confirmation of sale, one-third In one year from the confirmation ol sale and the re maining third In two years from the continuation of sale. Iieierred payments to bear interest, and to be secured by ludgment ixina ami mortgage oi purchaser. H. P. I'AKKKN . Administrator of the estate ol Philip Karren, deceased. Mupster, !., sept. Zfi. iir-'o. -e at. rHE Kbbbmah and the Semi Weekly Pittsburg Post at only Yi-UU a year. All the news. H. n. MYERS, ATTOHNET-AT-LAW. EBBHSBtTBa, Pa. Ofce In Collonade Kow. on drain street. DONALD E. DUFTON, ATTOKN EY-AT-LA W, EsisnsfRO, Pbwi KVOfflne in Opera House, tlenutr si-rant. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Inciters testamentary on the estate of Ilennis Cawley. late ol the borough of Ashville. Cambria county . I'a.. having leen granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby not I tied to make payment without delay, while those having claims against the decedent are requested to present them properly authenti cated lor settelmrnt. JOHN CAWI.EY. Ashville, Pa. JAMES CAWLEY, Altoona. Pa. Executors. Ashville , Pa.. Sept. 25, 18!, 6t. X. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate ol Emmet V. Byrne, deceased. letters ol administration on the estate of Em met V. Kyrne. late of the townsnip ol Allegheny, In Cambria county. Pa., having been granted to me, all-persons Indebted to said estate are hereby nolined to make payment without delay, and those having claims will present them, pn-perly authenticated Icr settlement. JOHN S. MoCOY. - Administrator Allepheny township, ct. a. 1RU6 6L X. WANTED SALESMEN, AT C. A. SHARBAUGH'S ! You will find the most complete assortment of Fall and "Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Boots and Shoes in Northern Cambria. You will find a complete stock of Fine Suits at $5.00, $0.00, $S.50, 10.00, si 2.00, $15.00 and S J 3.00. Overcoats from the cheap est to the best in the markot. All well made, nicely trimmed and perfect in fit. The Most Complete Line of Gents' Furnishings and Underwear at prices that defy compe tition. The best line of Footwear in the county from the heaviest Brogan to the finest Kid in all styles and widths. A visit to our store will convince yoa that it will more than pay you to buy your Clothing, Overcoats and Shoes from us. C. A. Sharbauch, CARROLLTOWN, PA. r we want one or two men in for Nursery stock, lor good work. We anything, that dies earn County to take orders and are willing to pay well agree to KEPL.ACE KKEE from natural causes. - We also have a choice line ol SEEI POTA TOES. OIVE I S A TKIAL. THE HAWKS NVKSFKY COMPANY. KOCHESTEK, N. V. Au. 'it Irt 4m. Let Us Reason a Little.- If your horse ists a slit?, you jrt-t a !irrs' sher to re-t-t it. If you m-v a pt'rj.lexinp: leipil )tuMin -oIvel, vou t:o to a lawver. If you full ill you have a lKjctor to u II you wliuT to take. It is their Experience and Skill Yon Pay For. Tlu-n why make an exception in the urt-h:Lse of your Iruir? If you have a family rtvipe or a ir -script ion to till, Sj.ices, Flavorinir Kxtra-t.s, lrtis, l"atent .Meili eines, or anything to ntirhne that a tre .levoUl t lniirs may keep. Isn't it follv to ronfonml ualitv with uiiantitv an.l tret an inferior itrtiele. WrWK HAVE THE BEST. DAYISON S - DM - STORE.