LABOR GREETS BRYAN Great Lafcor Demonstration in Chicago. MAM A .rAKTISAN SPEF-CH. An Enthu-Sasltie Andlcnw ! Many Thou a .tl- rrrwat-llh Speech In lart. I silver I'arly otlfiou Meeting Liiiroln Toolsht. t'niCAKi. Sept. . Th cron rath-t-reii at Sharjishoorer's .-.irk, the spot se leetetl for t):e lal-ir pieuie, very slowly. At ::. o'clix k a mighty shout v"-t up in in tli- outskirts of the crowd and there wan u Kfcat rush for the carriaire i i i ui'i. d by Mr. Lryan. w hich had jut tli- ti ..rrivtV. within the eudtwnre of the l-.irli. Hundreds of jw-ople preM-d for ward km, to shake -Vr. Uryaii by the hand, and the passage of the carriage t!irnni:h the rnil was snevhut elov? il -.m--juoIit-e. lie finally rem-hitl the rj :ik r s stand, w here he was r--ive with JToionced applnu. Outhe stand ir -etU.l Jild'e M. Vmnell. Judtft innti and a LirKe number of repre sentativt s of the trader unions of Clii Cairo. At 2 :VJ Mr. Ilryau bei:;.ii his r-.-ri, N-mi; intrmiui-ed by Edwan t 'uroil!. pn-sideut ot the Building Trade oiiim ll. in a brief und appro priate adtiresM. Mr. Hryaii wtid : I iV-ire to tlumk the 1 tiiililluK d Tra.les miu il for this opjs.rtmilty which ti, v h;ivV extended to me '. sjs-ak la-fore tliw';.-.--iiiMi-d uu Ilmr ilnjr. Ijlsr day ha-. tteeuiue a tii-d thin? aiimiiir our lnstl-tutinli-t, and It is well that it has, t 1 1 so n this day all over this nation those who lire enajrsl iu the production of wealth meet iu order that they may commune with each other, discus ttmse questions in which they areesMt ially Interested and emphasize Iwfore the world f has t hero is not'hinir dishonorable in tho ftict that one earns tils bread in the sw-et of his fact'. I am glad to stand on tlds day In tho pirs cmviif those to whom this nation Is so largely Indebted for all thatit has had, for all that it has now and for all that it can hoH-to have. Iam not indulging in idle llaltery when I say to you that no part of the people of the world SPuao importaut to the welfare of mankind a those whose laltorand brain convert natural resource into material wealth. Applause. 1 1 miht quote to you what Mr. Carlisle aid of these Ieople in 1STS. lit descrilied tin-mas the struggling iiiiwu'S who pro duce the wealth and par the taxes of the country. He did not praise them too highly. The struggling masses not only produce the wealth and pay tho taxes of the country in time of pence, but the struggling "masses have ever Ix-eti and must ever he the nntlon'ssurest protection in time of peril. Applause ana a voice: Good boy, Willie.'! Let me quote you what another Ameri can has said. In speaking of capital and litltor Abraham Lincoln, in a message to t'ongress, used these words; "Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted at as a possible r fuge from the power of the jvooplo. Iu lay present position I could scarcely lie .untitled were I to omit to raise a warning voice against tlds approach of n-tiirnliig lcsMti-m. It is not neethtl nor Jltting here that a general argument should Ik made in f.tvir of public Institutions; but there is one point with its point not no hackneyed as mist others, to w hich 1 ask bru t attention. It is the effort to Jil.ui nmital on an equal footing with. If Hot iiln.xe lalar. In the structure of govern incut. It Is assumed that Inltor Is arail-af-le nlv tn connection with m1tal; tluit uolnslv I.i't- unl's s.nnel1r l com m.iiiiling cil'ltal imeh'w by the u-e f ti itiduts- him to latsir." And tli-n In ndil: l-iil-.r l on- .r to and lnd.-.-udenl f capital I'apitalis only the fruit of latMtr. anl cuid never have existed If l.i(ir IumI not tirt eil-teil. ApplikiiM, L-tI-t i t he oiiperior of i-aplil and d s nis iiiileh higher entderatlon " The nre the Wi-nl-of ,lrahaiu Lin coln 1 1 y an- not intended to iu' al.t iii.lTT g-ont c.ii Iut they t. it great truth th-t l always to rrmnn l-ritl th it (npital l ' ut the fruit of lalior, and von cannot destroy lrt.r without tie stn-ying the MNsiblilty of futur- capiU. :App.U-.-. : Ami tin- o'liiiimn Mple are the only tN-otlc wtn have t-er ti-tird gladlr aiir i-rvn w tio pD-iu hed humanity and equal right-, i Appiau-e. I I do not mean to Mir that then- an- nociceptions to the trciicr-tl rule. Ther- liave alwavrt b--u ound among the richer class thosv who w ,n tiltetl with thcsniritof fhllaiit hrolir : there hac alwars ls-n found among Uiem tliose who wen- willing to stx-nd their liv-s in th- uplifting of their fellows; but i am siM-.tking of the rule that reforms! do jiot come from and an not supjort-d by I iioc v no c-Jiisiui-r i nemeives imeu aoovc the common M-'ple. A voice, 'That right."" Xordo I mean that you have le ver found among the common people thoe who would iietmy tnetr I-ltows Then- an thre" forms of government l-t known among men. Then is tin liionan-hv. when! a king rules bv right di vine; there Is the aristocracy, where a few control, and then- is the Democracy, which means the real people themselves. Why is it that the stn-ngth of Democracy I do not use It in a jkh ty sense, but In a nr wider ens- why Is it tliat the strength of Deiu-iH-nu-y has always Urn found among tho rirmmnn pciiplr; hy!" hv it Is simple enough. If a man has high position or great wealth he may Is able to stand tMid keep on the gool side of the king. If he has great, inlluciicu he mav lie one of the ruling classi-s in an arlsto-ra-y. But you tire not willing to leave any form of giv rrnment to your children except a Dem iH-racv in which i-su-h citizen Is protected In the enjoyment of life and liberty and the pursuit or Happiness. I Applause. The great common tn-oplo believe in I llem.x-ratic form of government, 1kcuuso It Is only In a Deniocnitto form of govern ment that they are ablo to protect their rights and advance their Interests so far as government can advance human Intwsta. l-t me dwell for a moment upon the ob-ji--t of government. Our government is the bi-st form of gov ernment known among men. t)ur go-A ernment is the best form of government know n among men not liecauso every law Is gsl, not liecause wo have upon thi statute iKxiks every law needed to protect each citizen in the enjoyment of his lights. Our government Is the best form of gov ernment known among men tecaiwo It Is possible under our form of government to have just as good a government as the people deserve. Ours Is tho best form lie cause it is iiosslble for the people to make it n-ili-ct the best intelligence, tho highest virture and the broadest patriotism of all the js-ople. lA-t me warn you against confusing government with the abuse or govern luent. Andrew Jackson said that there were no necessary ills in government; that its evils existed only In its abuses. Let mo dwell for a moment upon the object of government. In this land it is our lioast that our government derives ita just power from the consent of th gov erned. What kind of government will people? consent to when they are fife to consent. There are two things to be con sidered In government. The first is that In the enactment of legislation you Shall be careful to give no advantage to one person over another If that advantago can be prevented. In ot"ter words, it in the duty of government to avoid acts of ailirmatlve injustice; but that is only part of the business of government. Juilcrson has stated the other half of it. fie says tliat government must restrain men from injuring one another. That is one of the importaut duties of government, to rest mi n men frem injuring one another, and the government that falls to restrain the stronger arm that can be lifted from injuring the weakest citizen lv-all the land is a government which fulls to do its whole duty. Applause. My friends, if you Und a largo number of men out of employment you have a right to inquire whether idlencus is In flicted uMn the human race by rat und laws, by the act of the I'n-ntor, or whether it is due to legislation which is wrong. If it is due to legislation which is Wrong, then it is not only your right, hut your duty to change that legislation. Ap jilause.J The greatest menace to the em ployed lalxm-r today is the increasing army of the unemployed. It menaces every man who holds "a position, and if that army continues to increase it is only a question of time when those who are, ns you may say, upon the ragged edge shall leave the ranks of the employed and Join those who are out of work. Applause. My friends, I am one of those who bo. lievethatif you increase the amount of idleness, if you increase the numlier of those who mot work and yet must eat, you will drive men to desperation and in-en-use the ranks of criminals out of those who would be earning bread under better conditions. Applause.) Whenever a man offers you pay for you vote ho insults your manhood, and "you ought to have no respect f'jr tho man who tries to do it Applause And the man IT ho instead of Lusulting .your manhood by"an olTer of purchase ntteiiipts to 111 timiilaWTju, crww you. insults! your citizenship as v.-U as your manhood. .Aii plaus'. 1 ' LoSwie- leave with yoa just one part in jr v5M. Whatever limy be your vii ffs on vulltlctal vju.-stionJ. wlmt.-vt-r may lie your as Withe policies prviett-jd. iroiti tunc to time by various ii.rli.-s, let lue isrjreyt.u to m.ifce it your ambition to provo TourlviK v,.rthv i.f thai nTfi.t.-st of all Lames tin American citizen. .Air.Ui.e.J Sliver Party Not Wiearlirn ToniRht. Lincoln. Neb., Sept. .15 Hon. V. J. Eryan has arrive here, and will h fofmallv no-itied by the national silver party of hLs presidential nomination to nifrht. and the formal lu.tirieation will probably kike placa iu front of the state bouse. THE ARKANSAS ELfcCTION. Tii Ketnrna Coming Vry lo1y Ho Littk Rxk, Sept. J. Conservative estimates based on partial returns re ceived now place trie tot;u vote ar i . oho, ani cive Jones a clemr majority over all opposition conitiiuc-d f from 6O.0OO to tW.tHnk. The figures are com ing in slow, and uianr enthusiastic Democrats claim tbat when the lack counties are all in Jones' majority w ill run aoove ".. Mauv countl'-s iu Arkansas nave no WjWrapu office, and it w ill be JPft before the oUioial rotarns are all iu. Tho unusual length of the ticket in io the process of counting very slow. Loc-4 optiou contests served to bring oui a heavy vote in many districts. In l'ulaski couuty the iu the total vote cast was nearly 80 per cent over fhat of two years ago. and correspond inir Increases are reported from many tt her counties. It was a verv quiet election. nis- turbauces of any Und have been re ported, and only a fey arrests were made. The Bepubllcai and Populists are making uo claims, but are awaiting offloial returns. Local tickets are Hi doubt iu a few counties, but in most th nnlv nnestiau is as to the size -' ---v j L of the Democratic majority. A BUSINESS SESSION. teiii rrlra fans Fleolor New Italic to He Uraftnd. Grand RaPiDS. Mich., Sept. 9, The first business seesio of the Lettercar riers' couveution has beeu held. The president reported 05 votes iu the cou veutiou, 420 delegates actually present. 118 represented by proxy and officers with 87 votes. Two contests, in volving Brooklyn aud Pittsburg, were nettled amicably by withdrawal of Brooklyn, Some warmth was shown relative to the rules, tb second class cities dWring less powW given to the chairman. John (Joodwin of Branch 15. B. J. Curtis of Lynn, and John Parsons of J ew York, were appointed a committee to draft new rules. At he caucus of second class city delegates resolutions favoring a tenure of oinee bill giving security in position during good behav ior was adopted, and V. ft. Hasbrouck of Corry, Pa., was directed to bring the matter before the general convention. Willlaiu B. King of Washington made au address iu relatlou to claims for overtime. New Orleans presented Grand Rapid with a handsome standard in recognition of hospitaiitb'B tendered. FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. Kim rmaoa HUM mU hy FalMng- Uvrr mn litwnknifiil.. ARsw, Ind.. Sept. tt. A frightful aeideut hi oiiurred to a couching party tf young ieole which etarted ut from this ctty. When atxut five mlW north of this city the hordes took fright at Mme object in the road. They tnu-kHl tlm mar wheels of the t.dlyh over an embankaient, aud th ix-op'e . horse and vehicle were rolled dowu a hillaida la a tuaujfled and bloody mass. Six persons w ore killed. Their names are as Tol'.ows : James Pritzhugh, Frank Metieh-r. Mary Cumllffe, Francis Conn, Ague Levest, Edward Siuythc. The iujured : James Ilolloway. fructuretl skull; May Morrill, broken til. Frawk lKnahtie, driver, internal iujurles ; Victor Brie. broken leg. The remainder of the narty escaped with more or less painful bruises. Que of the horses was killed in the fall. The remainder had to bo shot. THE VERMONT ELECTION. Itubll Ml Ticket Wou by 30.00 Majority. Whitp. River JrxcTiox.Vt., Sept. a .Toslah Gi out for governor and t he Re publican state ticket are probably elected by 3u,(XM majority, the lurges: ever giveu a governor in this state. H Henry Powars ami William M troni tor congress are elected as are tnajorltit.-a in the state senate and house Practically the full Republican vote was fcust. On the other hand t)ie lack of wganlzat io in the Democratic ranks was very apparent. Many Democrats who clo not endorse the platform of the Chicago convention remained away from the polls while th mor dissatisfied one, voted for the lie publican ticket. The Populist and Prohibition vote was pmcticaily the same ua four year o. . The Typothetae In Reunion. Rochester. N. Y., Sept. !). The United Typothetae of America kas be gun its tenth annual convention here. About 2tK delegates are iu attendance from all parts of the country, the south being largely represented. Strong reso lutions hJrVe been introduced regarding the government's printing of return en velopes. The election of officers will take place to-morrow, the last day of the convention. Bradley For Three Speech. Chicago, Sept. 9. Chairman Ilahn of the Republican rational committee announced to-day that Governor Brad ley of Kentucky will de'iver three speeches in Missouri during the week eorameucliig Sept. 14. It has not been decided In what cities. Lit d n't Know It Wat Loaded. STii Lancaster, Pa., Sept. it. Harry Bneghurst,, a conductor on the traetioi line here, handed John Wilmer, a col lege student, a revolver supposed to b not loaded. Wilmer pulled the trigger and the bullet entered Bringhurst'f heart. 1'opullnts Cry For Cash. WHiorox, Sept B. Chairman Marifti Butler of the National People's party committee issued a lengthy lett t to the people for funds. PITH OF THE NEWS. Senator Voorlu-es is very ill. Ills friends fear ho will be unable to tnke part in the campaign. Knormous shipments of sugar are on fhe way to Philadelphia from tho East Indies, Honolulu and Hamburg. The body of Professor naevewilck, who committed suicide in Italtlmore, was brought to Philadelphia for burial. Sew-all Killnm, father of the late Ber nard Glllam, the cartoonist, lias died at his home at Mount Vernon, N. Y. Several heads of prominent bureaus of the government uri expected to present their resignations to Cleveland in a few days at the president's request. A Bcrlly dispatch says thut Herr Kmpp, the inui manufacturer, has dismissed all fonrlgn workmen and otlicials from his employ on the ground ot betrayal of s crets to foreign governments. The officers of the steamer Seneca from Havana, which has orrived at New York, declined to make any statement concern ing the arrest of Samuel T. Tolou bv the Spanish authorities beyond the fact tliat his passport was not correct. At Gleneoe. Minn., Dorntan Musgrove nd Charles Clingmars paid the penalty for murdering Sheriff Rogers. A de termined mob of luo men took them frem the county jail, dragged them to a bridge half a mile from town, tied hempen rope, tightly around their neck and swung them into Lernity. STOLE THOUSANDS. Man Accised of Rifling Law yers Mail Arrested. LIST OF SlTr0SF.i ryW.IT.IES. r.'illiara Ureer. fierk of (irnlre lhiroasli. In Jail liarerd M Itli Car rying on a Systematic Work of 1 heft and uiuillin. Pittshi'ko. Sept. !. A sensational arrest has been made by Superintend ent G. B. Perkins of th Perkins' Union Detective nireiiy, and Constable Morris. They took into custody William Breez, a young civil engineer and clerk of Lireentree Ixnough, who was later lodf -d in jail in default of jSo.ihk) bail on chan s of forgery. Bn-cz is supposed to le the man who has made life wearisome for a large number of local attorneys during- the last two years, through stealing letters fmm their ortlces and obtaining there from checks, whose signatures lie after wards imitated. Detective Perkins thinks lie may have cleared $10,000 in his operations. It is possible he had accomplices and other i;rrests may follow. For months there have been a num ber of mysterious thefts of letters in law omees on Diomond and Grant streets. Fourth avenue and other points where the legal colony is mo.:t closely grouped. The thefts were annoying and embarrassing, as many of them conrained checks of great value, some ranging up to nearly 0O. The puz zling manner in which they disappeared iu liowise helped to assuage the annoy ance. ' The police, who were notified of the losses, thought tliat the solution of the trouble lay in the postollice, their thory being that dishonest employes were responsible for the losses. United States government detectives, who were put on the case, believed that street mail boxes were entered. Many complaints were made from time to time to Postmaster 0"Donueil and In spector Hooteii, but it was liiijiossible for a long time to get at the Inittom of the mystery. One of the most sensational thefts was that of some mail from ex-Judge Brediu's office some months ago, when, among other letters taken, was one con taining a draft for Kit), which was subsequently returned to Judge Brcdin. the puiloiner evidently being of the opinion tliat the attempt to realize on it would involve too much risk, and further that it was of such an amount as would justify a keen search for the thief. A large numlier of letters, as devel opments dt-moii-t rated, were slo'.eu from lawyers' ollices. which seems to have lat-u aliuo-t exclusively the chosen field of ojierations of tile sllek operator. A numlT of banks l-caiue involved in the ojx-ratioii through cashing the ex tremely cleverly forged checks which were foisted ou tlioiu. Alrf-Ut seven months ago a tmld attempt was made to soenre fmm the C National bank the money e on a check for over $7oo. The cheek was ind'T-cl by Attorney K. B. PetfV. whose signature followed that of tin- f-rsoll to wle-m It Was mude payable. The heck Was II. tended by Attorney Petty to p:iv a luml r bill iu au eatern town. This check was pre sented uf the hank, hut Tuiyment on it was refused until Mr. Petty could 1' communicaied with, us there was obvi ously something wrong uhout it. Iater one of the bank omcors was called to the telephone and informed that the clp-ck was all right and that the man who was t;-ikit)g to him was Mr. Petty. The ofliiial was familiar with Mr. Pettv's voice, and untliinkinglv called back that the voice was not Mr. Pettv's wherenixm the man at the of her end of the line h-ft the phone and made his eseajje. TRADE UNION CONGRESS. It UUtntHru Committee Kenorta and I'Hssrs HftfolutWili. EnixnruuH, Sept. it. The congress of :he British trade enions to-day dis- russed the report of the parliamentary committee, which opjKises furthi-r jar ticipation in international congresses. Finally the delegates adopted lien Til- Vet's motion to the eff-cf that all future International congresses should le con stituted of representatives of loiia fide labor organizations, :. ; that Jhe ilele- satvs should L-e iletr-riiiined on ilie Hues of those attending the British trades anions congress. The delegates voted to exclude the reporter of all non union paiiers. " Counsellor W. Thome, a memlr of the parliamentary committee and a del egate of the Gas Workers' union, moved and the congress adopted a resolution declaring for the limitation of the work day to eight hours iu all traues aud oc cupations. K. Harford, a delegate of the Amal gamated Railway servants, moved a resolution calling for au amendment of the employers' liability act, particularly m regard to the resp-nsibility of sul- coutractors. for the extension or period of notice und the removal of the maxi mum limit or compensation. - The congress also adopted a motion favoring bills to amend the law of con spiracy and the law regaling breeches of the peace, and resolution in favor of a number of amendments to the factory act. THROUGH A BURNING TRESTLE. Engineer Traiu Lost Control of Wrecking aud Two Were Killed. Clinton, Mo..' Sept. U. The trestle across Tow:, creek, on the Kansas City, Osceola and Southern railway, has been burned. A farmer went to the roundhouse not a mile away, to notify the company of the fire, and an engine and six men started to put out the names. Within a few hundred yards of the burning trestle the engineer lost con trol of the engine aud dashed into the fire, and went down with the trestle, falling 2o feet to the ground, and was totally wrecked. Four of the men had jumped off. The engineer and fireman staved on the engine and were killed. The engineer, Kdward Smith, leaves a wife and four children. Richard Bar ter, the fireman, leaves a widow and five children. RAILROAD REPORT. Wade Hamilton Has Returned From His Tonr of I nnprt-t ion. WasIiinutov, D. C. Sept. 9. Gen eral Wade Hampton, the commissioner of railroads, has completed his annual tour of inspection of the land-grant railroads in the far west, and turn to Washington the latter part of the week. .The results of the trin he savs are satisfactorv. and his rennrt. vrill d.ntr that the books of the roads indicated a material improvement this year. The inspection t ip covered several months. Between 8,000 and 9,000 miles 01 railroad were traversecL Ticked 1 p AU Hand. London. Sent. 9. The KethM-ianu and Amercan line steamship Spaarn dam, Captain lionjar, has passed the Lizard, and signalled that they have picked up all hands of the British bark Perfection, Captain Loonier, which sailed from Quebec on Ar.g. 1 7 for Rio Janeiro, and whic h had been destroyed by fire at sea. To Consider Freight Kntea. Ciiicaoo, Sept. . -Tlie lines of the Western Froight association are in ses sion to consider the question of the de moralize ion iu rates that exist in their territa.v- - TC INVESTIGATE. j Interstate C mnierce Commlmlon Will - lake I Railroad Casea. Washington. Sept. 8. A series of important investigations of charges against railroad throughout the weft will be made by the interstate wni ruerce commission, beginning at Chi cago, in the United States court house, Sept. 17. Many of these cases are of great significance to railroads and ship ping interests generally. One of the most imjiortiiiit is that of Paine Bros. & Co., of Milwaukee, vs. the Lehigh Valley railroad et al. The hearing of this case will le on charges of reason able rates on wheat, corn, rye and liar ley in cargo from Buffalo to Philadel phia, New York and other points. The Paine company form the lake shippers of these cargoes. They will be heard at Chicago Sept. 17. The dates of other heal ings iodow : t I '.liie.nm. Sent. 1H. S. B. Iloira- boom of Creston, la., vs. the Chicago. . . - I Burlington v tuiucy ruurouu. involv ing alleged excessive rates on hard coal iu carloads from Chicago and Streator, IU., to Creston, la. Suffern, Hunt & Ca., Decatenr, 111., vs. Indiana, Decatur Ar Western railroad, involving alleged exclusive rates on corn in carloads be tween Gai ret ts and Cumargo, iil, ana Indianapolis, and alleged overcharges for shipping shelled corn from Lintner, IIL, to Cincinnati. The commission also will investigate on Sept. 21 alleged unlawful rates aud practices in the transportation of grain and grain prod- nets by the Acnisou, AopeKu oc oama Fe and others, to be adjourned for further hearing at Kansas City Sept. 24. SEALS BEING EXTERMINATED. A Memlierof the Iterlng s- commlHitlon Oivrs His V ir Ms. San Franc isco, Sept. 8. C. II. Town- send of the United States fish commis sion and temporarily of the Bering seal commission, iu an interview expressed the opinion that the seal herd in north ern waters is beipg rapidly extcnniT uated and the sealing industry ruined by the unrestricted pelugic sealing now indulged in by a large fleet of schooners. He maintains that tliree-lonrtns ot all the seals killed iu the open ocean are fe males, and that thousands of pup are dying on the Pnbylof Island rookenes- on that account, vm tne jujkiu coast the conditions are even worse, and he thinks that sealing in that section wii. never ugain be profitable unless the seals are given several years of perfect rest. Kreelver for a Street Hallway. Ft. Wavnk, Iii.L. Sept. 9. The Con solidated Electric railway company of this city has jiassed into the bauds of a receiver. John II. Bass and il. S. ltob- k-on were appointed by the court ou the motion or at'orneys for rrank De I lass Robisou of Cleveland. It is alleged that the appointment of a receiver was made neci-ssary by the fact thut a runner president of the comioiuy diverted 1,- 500,000 of bonds to his own use, which were to be useu a collateral wi uri. for that pnrTot'. The company is cap italized at f -.tJtiO.tXiU. F.teni.u ot the Railroad War. W'ashinutov. Sept. M. There was n significant extension of the railroad rate war in the south when two or more roads made schedules of new tarih" freight rates to conform to those of the ScaNiard Air line. The Atlantic ('-oast and the Norfolk and Western fihti formal notices with the interstate com mence commission. The coast line new tariff is from Richmond and Pe tersburg and the Norfolk and Western from Roanoke. A t-rearnt For Hoke .smith. Atlanta, Oa., Sept. . E-S-cretary Hoke Smith has been the recipient of a hauosome Drescut from his assistants in the department of interior at Washing tou. The token of remembrance was a magnificent punch howl and ladle. It is of figured silver, lined with gold, and on the outside these words are en graved: "To Hon. Hoke Smith, from his mends in the department of the in terior, Washington." Red 31 en In Sensiou. Minneapolis, Sept. . Tho great sun council of the Improved Order of Red Men began its sessions here. There are some i00 Red Men in the city. Great Inc-ohuee Andrew Patton of Dan- vers, Mass., made his "long talk" re viewing the work of the year and com mending the handsome growth of the order. Raseball Magnate Married. Lrie, Pa., f-ept. !. t'Uns on Der Ahe, the millionaire president of the St. Louis baseball team of the National League, has been married at the home of Mr. Julius Koenig. one of Erie's most promi: mt jewelers. His bride is a young woman of iiO years named Miss Delia hi. V ells and resides in St. Louis. Tonr of Innpection. Washington, D. C, Sept. 9. Gen eral Miles lias started on his tour of in spection of the araiy posts in the north west. He stops first at Chicago and goes thence to Fort Custer and as far west as luget Sound, where he will pass upon the sites for seacoast fortifi cations selected by the fortifications board, of which he is president. THE MARKETS. PlTTSBl'RO, Sept. 8, WHEAT No. 1 old red, K?!.T0c; Xo. 2 red. WV7I2IC. CORN No. 2 yellow ear, 2'.j'?-T"c; Xo. 8 stielleu. Llft-.TH--: high mixed shelled, Stikft ic: nuxeil ear. :scU3c. OATS Xo. 1 white. 2.Vti-.Ue: X0. 2 do. 24U 3?-V: eitraXo.3 hite,24aatc; liBht mixed. HAY No. 1 timothv, Sll.iWll..Vt: No. 2. ?s.oia..-il!: pi.cktng, $A."aift,7.nM; No. 1 feeding prairie, $; wagon hay, 14.l04i,15.U' lor timothv. 1JUTTKR Fltrin prints, lHtrttaip: do cream ery, lStfUiic; Ohio, fancy creamery. l.jbMAc: fancy country roll, 14&1.V; low grade and ciM.kinir. tKf?ti(-. f'HEESE-Fancy New York full cream. kitsc: new Ohios. full cream. TMTrTUjc: Wisconsin Swiss, in tubs, 1ii.12c: litntmrirei. new. Tjwtsc; Ohio Swiss, In tul. 11c; Swiss lu square iiocK, liie. tiii.s strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, in cases. 1.VTM5W-: seconds. 12ritl:ic. I'OL'LTIiY Ijirye live chickens. 7uri.7.V per pair; live nuijKens. smull. iKiAic: snrintr chickens. 20ftini per pair; dressed chickens. 12WU jier pound; dressed spring chickens. PiTTsnrno, Sept. 8. CATTLK Iteceipts on Monday, IV. cars market was active at an advance of 10 to 1 on all grades. Kereipta today light; market sieauy. v e qume: t'rlme, Si.7iXi.4.,:t giMsl, $4,4114.(30; tidy. H.HKiSZ: goo.1 liuch ers. $:i.S"rtr; fair, $:1.7(Vrt4.on: conunon. $ t.t ft:i.5o; bulls, stags and cows. f2.iiffi:i.3e bologna cows, per head. fo.oi7c.lo.lMi; fresh cows and springers. $l"i.KJr4'l.(l. HOfiS Heceipts on Monday, 20 double-deck itus. ninrsei. was active ana lixrtl.ic hlghci than clone of the week; the run light todar market shade higher. We quote; Prime light and mediums. Ki.7rrr.l.Hi: enmr..n to fair. :.rtoa3.70; heavy, $XSi(&; rough SHEEP A!7D LAMBS Supply on Monday ' eitrT ninrKoi active ana 10 to Kic hlirl than the close of the week. Receipts today light; market steady. We quote as follows: i-rinie. e-.K!Vi.ti"; good. i.St&3.aii; fair. $2 Ci3Si: eommon. St!-(W2 .Ml- . i.ll aiin .Ml Lambs Choice, $4,511(0.75; common to go lid i am oa. n.wM.zt; veal calves. neavy sua una calves, f i.i&3.50. ClwrrsitATI. Sept. 8. HctOS Market active and higher at $2.Sll f?..4.i. Keceipts, t.WM head; shipments, 1,WU head. CATTLE Market steady at $2.24.30. Re ceipts, l.MW heail; shipments, oun bead. SHEEP AND LAMBS Market firm at $1.50 &UU. lte-eiits. 1.7WI bead; shipments, l,a head. ' Lambs Market strong at $2.ao4j,.3n. New York, Sept. 8. WIIEAT S;iot market opened weak, closed steady: No. 1 hard, HTVfcC. COKX Spot market easier: No. 2. 25-4c. OATs spot market dull; No. 2, IMo. CATTLE No trading. European cables quote American steers at Hnillc per pound drea-wd weight: refrigerator beef. Tltfl&e; sheep at fcluc par pound dressed weight. SHEEP AND LAMBS Market dull but tlnu feeling rJl around. Sheep. S2.6uaa.TS. Lambs. $3.Hi-..O0. HOUS-Maxket firm at $3.0044.00. sgew MRS. ELVIRA HATCH. 'HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. ZH-. UiUm JTedleat Co.. Xlkhart, Ttut. Dbar Pis: For 20 years I u troubled with bean dineae. Would frequenily have falling r nave uui Had to sit ui gpelm and smothering at uusbi. leniis at nixbi. tiaa to ut ud ot grt out of bed to breathe. Had pain in my left tide and back mort of the time; at lavt I became dropsical. I was very nervous and nearly worn out. the least excitement would cause me to THOUSANDS faint. I wm much abled with fluttering. For the last fifteen years I could not sleep on my left side or back until began taking your n HtMtrt Cure. I bad not taken it very lung untd I felt much better, and I can now sleep on either side or back without the least discom fort. I have no pain, smothering, dropcy. no wind on stomach or other disagreeable symptoms. I am atile to do all my own housework without any trouble and consider myself cured. Elkhart, Ind.. Mas. EijfiaA Hatch. It is now four years since I have taken anj medicine. Am in better hcultb than I have bees tn 40 years. I honestly l-a- a a lieve that Dr. 3HUo JVeto Tl IRPG Urart CWa saved my life W nd made me a well woman. I am now 62 yean of ape, and am able to do a good day's work. May 29th, 152. Mas. E1.W1U HaTCH. Sold on a Positive Guarantee, Dr. WALES' PILLS. 50 Doses 25 Cts. AL. JvttAMUA. M. J. IS lC'K. A. H.bUK. &8TABI.I8HBD 187U. Johnston, Buck & Co., liANKKKS. EBENSUURU. ... I'ENN'A A. W. Ill 4 H, Casblrr. fTABLIBUU 1H88. Carrolltown Bank, UAKKOLl.Ttm'N, PA. SIIAKHAIdll, ashler. T. A General Banting Business Transacted. The lollowtiuc are tna principal fetu;S ol K0Dsr.1l tLKlQr hUSlBCKS : i:i!si th !ecetve! iTt.le on Imand . and tntereit heat tnic eerUOcates Usued t time loiKMltors. f vtemled tv rnnromer on taroraMe tatnis anr Simetl pa-er d I mounted at all times. rWI.I.F.TIWSi MkIiIb tha legality ana anon all thebanktm. It. wan In the rollt states. I'barKa noOerate nKtm lsnJ nmrntlsMe tn all ru of the t'nttac s't- :! lorcUD czrhanK ixoad ob ill part 01 r.nroi e. ( t nl T Ml merrhaats. tirmeni snd ott ers solicited. t hra rrainal'l areniaifsilnn Will t extenll. I'atrnu ars ii'arnl that ail trsosactlons rhall l belj a trlrilT pilvatraDi! -Dh Jntlsl, and tnst ttiey win i e treaiel as linerally as kooc raosinit luies win peraiu jiilyttniiy , JOIISt. KICK '. is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keyslo?ie Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and best- known factory in the world 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. Its' products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated yas. Boss Pilled Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can not be pulled off the case the A WATCH CASE OPENER SNT FREE. LEY CORE 11 a rccidi imnn 10 t:r.--.iics mn who, Imvinij lrill--t u:i,-iiM !rm.!y into 1 he drink habit and twaKcn liinl t;ic li.-c:ii-..f nii-dlii.iism l'atciicd ii 11 .iicni. n-nilcnnir litem iiuia ii hiO'ihu-c itf- H-rt r.-.: : a t l.-nr brain. A fjur wci ki ourc or treatment at Hie PITTSBLTiQ KEHLEV INSTITLTE. Xo. 4JI6 fifth Aventte, -cstr.rps to them all their power, mental ani hy-iical, tleinys the at iiorniiil ainet!l:, Hil.l v.-iort-. tnein in tne comtitioii lln-v were in lc- '.ce tiiey iimulin.' 1 in stimulants. This has Im-ii itiiic u ini.ri: l.iiiu l i treated here, ami uiitii t!:e: i n-mc or your own neighbors, to lm-!t ie un refer wi"ih conti.i. m-e us to the h-o'.tite .f ty i-nicienrv of the kct-lev "nre. lie i-iiiesl aiitl most senrchuit; lnvetitfHtjiin is vi!. - i . ti;uit lot iuni.aiLt ttvuis lull mionaa- auic 2 04. fctitl all pprins cmi will '! 1$ "n"K u-'lt,'r aiitl -ivltl fur uuiff. if you Kinent lertl!!::er for all kinds of soil. I'irr-ct fmm luannfucturer to farmer (110 aticiiis). s.ecml prs-es for eurloa.l tuts N-w price list mailed free. T0RK tllkJIUAL ItOlikS, lork, Ta. SALE SMF, t usniriK trugt wi m sbbi wrhty men to 1 t iu iiivnie 01 uur ;noice eJnrierr Sioek. Speeiaities cootrolieo li us. HUtiet S tliirr or t'omuiision pl J teeslV. Stea3y em ploTtnent theyesr roond. Oatnt'lree: exriuKlve territory: expe lenee not necessary: hi iy an. ruiu woiams. wimii inoureinents to liFKtnners. n me ni uor- itir psniruiard to ALLEN NURSERY CO., KOCH EST! K N. V. Jnly 31. t 5m. JUHW F. STRATTON'S - lapsmnasaWkokasuiDnlmis stlkbubot MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Violin. 6uitars. Banjos. Aecordeen. Harmoal cas, Ac, all kind of Strings, etc, etc. 811.813.bl5.8l7 liastlltliSt..NewYoraV FOR SALE. fnre tract i f ieoh1 trarden lantl In Southeast ern lori,U A(LMS WANl EUJUrr-oiUoni. FLOEIDA GARDEN l'y morn in tr Iti liA JOHN JFm STRATTOl".1 be 8enJ CELEBRATED .y ' le sent frti BANJOS, mail onlW r vertiV- lasartMafaad ffUliDalmail1t tiii EE llolins. CuiUrs Banjos. Mandoline- It Las a oitP Harmonicas. Ac. all kinds of Sfe' j?lr . Ml. 813. 815. 817,i;ast-ARIOT j llAiiKiBiKa,NewYork. Vous Fsoe Will be wreathed with a most engaging smile, after you Invest In a MlsSewMacMne CCUIPPEO WITH ITS NEW PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AND AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, The most complete and useful devices ever -added to any sewing machine. The WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Built, Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, Sews ALL Sewable Articles, And will serve and please you up to the full limit of your expectations. Active Dealers Wanted in tin occu pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND. O. VurSnlr ty J. W. Sll IK BA Villi. VnrrolllnfJ do 1 3 em A Quick Pecicr ro event tyfc or Hf ADACHC Fcur Cakdinal Points Rcspcctimo hcadachc. TLf rv-r f .t that all ' hc.vt-at are c vn t atly nrr-ftitH. :vjui-t-Iig ihe firrvr you tp the heaJach. Every We.achr K a rkyer l lh cran ial lirr--S I' T lifcsT. Soothe them Mh Korr- Should y" houM your heartache Whn chililrrn uiit. with heait"hf, ur any one rte tr that mutter, use Kothlimi. tiic let ever 4 r rrj. Sai-. ure. won-(if-ttully quh.k ii anion. OU, M' k. T-- notiic. !yfx"iti4". rr rr Caused by worry, anxi ety . rmCKSse cf anv Lin. I or trruin wnrtncM, use KUI 1ALIM. fcloi r ALtNt cure nrcv tyj ff heaLrhe. espec ially that tiitre.sirii:ly p.ktnlu! type peculiai to U'lir lufTrnnc fr-m irreitulanty or utertue irri tation, or whoe tin tie require them to tUntl lor 1 0114; cri"Hi. m KOPF-L1NE CURES N KM SOU a (HOCK, MIHTAL WOnT. NKVOUI Oain' UTT, NmOUI MOITNaTlO), OiOttTiVI A.ktftUT, WtK ClOUkTiOi, ALCOHOUa AMD OTMtFt .SCIt. AlC A&UV ailments anil coutiitioit u hrre nerve wate not on KOPFALINE Is invaluable fcr Teachers. Scholars. Treacher Stutlmts, Merrhatits, rUlitors. Men, Women and Children. Everybody whose nerves re at all likely to pet out 4 orl-r. It is atoutely ae under all circumstances and conditions. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Uruckiisi generally, or sent to any d drcs ou receipt cf price. Soli Fromiitoms. W1NKCLMAN N St BROWN DRUG CO eALTiMone, Mo U. S. A B'xk ITeadache and rolievealt tho trrmblws tncf clniit to a bilious suite of tbe syscetn. suoh aa Iiizzlnesa, Kansca. DrmrstuoKS. Distrros after eatiuK. I ain In tue hiilu, ka. Wlula tUeirnioat reuiarkanlo success has been shorn in curing Headache, yet Carter's Iitito Liver FTTlfl mtm C'tualty valnatlo in Constiatiou. curing sutl pro vntiuR thinannoTir.ceouplaiiit Lilu tiie;alsa correct a!I ilisorJersof thestonuu-btuniutato tha liver and rugulata Uio bowols. vcn if they only curea n ti Acltalhny Tronld bo almost vtriceloesto thoswb aulf.T from tiisIi..t!-M!.'itn;comiii.iint; butforto. liatelv tbeirpoo!iif.wttoes notoutl hereina those vboencetry tbeinaill It ad Uiese little itls vain. al-le ta soxuany Trars that they will nt bo rt. ling to do without them. But after aliaick bea4 Mas Is the bane of so many lives that hero Is where e make our Rival buabt. Our pills cure it whiia cUi-.-rs do not. Carter's Little liver Pills are very smalt and ery eay to taka. One or two pills make a dctsa. Tt y ai strictly voretalile aud do not gnpe or rnc". Lutly Uioir pan tie action please all who iSo liieiu. lu vulsat 2 icents ; tivefor $ 1. tiold "'t evcrj wheru, or Bent by mal Z.'-VTZR riZDICIMC CO., New York. i-.nj'SLL.SLLDOSE. SMALL PRICE na enjoved a eonaUnt patrvmar for over ""tr Jn It is wonderfully cdicaickHia in all painful diaeanen. mrh aa Khramail.a,. l aatVac. alarra. Iwtlkarltr. mral(la. Itaeaaelie and other ailment where pain la aa attend ant. Try it. At Kntr Koren, or hr mail ua reeflpt ut uiua, atldnaa and fenla. WINKELMANN & BROWN DKDO CO.. K.tllrr. Md.. V. S, A. ly CT.teae.trr'. KaclUh Wumii. Rraa rENNYROYAL PILLS tUwrnTS rVaatoto. LADIIB auk irtv-lrt tor ca.retra Fno, tfrat. aa-la wtik Mh ritslsM. TaLat ' iker. Ara sisntftTwu titWir ritotuaNrfMtifiMN. Air-mi,trwft4 4. n sism roc ftartteular. utUOMWali nn.l Kellef fnr 11 m Irttrr. t retat Msa.lL 1.M TettaiMtak V .ET BUGGIES at h Pricp iiWl i: AIM'S V HAKNKSS . -W Von llutnrr VTr Wrnl the . tun i-1 1. . ..... lUd Katcon. Ji cul.tiietitora. '. h.aul Cart Hi j Uu of fae 13 fti; t.rrand wave t.7Y Mulct teiuan-a n-S.,Bj7 :0Teain " i2 Ki i,n,nt nuinry MttrsTui Saddle, (1 ajiCatye Frre. rnBtfjr- r. Bttev jt rtCT cn. Vj-jJ S W It human at., Cincinnati, o. A4m M. sk sssst aw CARTER'S Iiver -gre I PILLS. iJ ORE nana' instrumeii DRUMS.F1FER. Piccolos and Band Supplies. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON. Culou.. 811. 813.816. 8I7E. 9th St.. N.Y. T pays to.dteruee. Try tbs Itutiia. LADIES! . V l. t. vei.ture If f. TX' ro cent., iu Mimt I-. lie- U.ptK ruU,.,, . one of tbeir I I'mtr-te-l lr"" . Hnokn." It ua i r. I. i n:.ri-. aii-l utirr-. tujf wim to rv-ry i"'" ' - en I po4it.l a full f t of til. ir liu:tftui ti.-u-e hol-1 trains rriM. Ftiri.-n rente lle-v wm ai 3 tat. k t fUtM t.lfl r.mipl-le wt,ls -f Ut- M-aJ. ..- '- ' H:-t i--iarst.,,. ii-r.uh,.,nr-ii. cnntin i aid". OTINEPTUS! A rerv pleaetii?. l.trmUe- t 'H"1' '"1 r.matM rftnitatiiixl I'T .ii-ti.t. tl-. ,-,.-.: . i-.v .e vc outer eil t.r t-.'.tl ..rfl. i.i Irrt et per I'm lUiltlr. P ' 1 ' 1" .niwii'le ............... in Ijinii.- atni Aiiti-iii-a. tifliiumo .iniiaUK- t very bitttie. For J by Im;:'ets. by The Acadouc Phanaaccutic Co., IIMKIN 1M1 M.Y, 1UK. WASHINGTON ST, NilW VOfiK Cin' w ELIXIR. Aneleirant Enclis'i i-h.inuaf f.te Ltiiitu Itialitnill llllti l.ltrtl tl e T.rettarnu.ti. il W : t r.- suit if tver tueiity-IH-e jt-ais .f n;.-M -ni.n-tiS fc-it-nntk' resi-nn-li. Airve.l ! th.-lii-li-t tiietlit-niaiitlK.riti. Iu iw in lat-'liosjtitaiR is.eiet v juti-l ' mt-pe KIieTally lit-iitul t.t bi.lies, . lnl.lrt u kihI --o pie of nrl.-iit.-ir baltiis Eiitireij vrvt-btbir ; I'rv- fruin li-tnitfnl tlrus Jn Handsome Packaats, Ptic SO Cts. lYejutn-d Mtlt ly by Yle TJoyM 'lirn. KcnlL1 Co LONDON AND NEW YORK. l"heiiiists by appointment P: tl.-r Taf-ty Uj Vuat-n ai..l to lb- J'oy al 1 -uiui KMV VitkK I.R.Wt 11 : 130, 132. 134 Charlton SL. ROYAL PI LI Fame nlu.-iiiat prt.p. rti -s x Ixixm. In tXeS, ,-t J.lll . J !-.t. f-tr a j tell' FOR SALE BY ALL RfiUCCIV-TS REMEMBERliOIG FOUR! Vlnejrr Bitters C0RU.AL. "yj' Viaegar Eittcrs P0WCEB5, . 6r. Tinejar Bitters, n- '). , '7';'' ! I Vinegar BitUrs, o:d tt K i it-., r ta-t. . 1 .00 The World's Great Blood Purifier and Life Ol-'1nr Principle. Only Tenperanc 3 Enters Edowti. Tar va.t itth f a I rniutr the l.eaaiaa I- a wt i ' .Mdi. la.- l I He VlaiU 0im R. H. McDonalJ TJrr. Co., Proprietors, SAN FRANMS1 sii NEW YOUK. Polletei wntteti at snort noie tn tbs OLD RELIABLE 1 ETNA1 atd other Flral 4 laa 4'ompaisilea. T. W. DICK, rK TliF. OLD HrVftTPOUT) ?IRB IXSURANGF. CdU'l ttlMMENOEll K1TSINfS 1794. t-:hnr.or..tTiT' m istt-i CaVTITC TIAde Misrc. DESICN PATENTS. r, , t-uriRtcHTS, etcJ i,-i'V. a "n re wnre t.i tX3 OK.HDW.T. N-w Yoik. Oltlottt bureau for aeenrtntc tni..nts in merlea. J. very 1--ttt'nt taken out Py u t Pmucht tn-fom tlie public by a not tee given free orcWve in Ute e.V. " 1 rd'?-''-s obtained, and all l at, eat businetts mneurted for Moderate F . .i-ur M ,s Pnse U.S. Patent Office. m.T-rr?n Mr""'1ltei.t in less time than thoeo remote from aithmirton .ifndJmo,lo.,-.dra,nir r pboto.. with de.erln- Villi. W aiK-iaa if ... - 1 1 ' C.A.SNOW&CO. Opoosite Patent Office. Washington. 0. & F. X. FEES' Shaving Parlor Mam Street, Near Post Office 1 B -a -vl WSa -e -w-ss w. i V- 1 J AT - -sw J Scientific American ni vr -n v-:-e- Larcert etrent.-itlot, of ar ,ttflr paner tn the wortd ...11.11.1 ly l:i,,,truu-.l. N.. iut.-lli.-ent man tA.mU t It. Weefclv 4.1 Ma year; 1 1.5.1 aix ioo, h,. A.t.tre M V VNi "o Pvauttuuu. 31 lsiuaJw. v vork Cut; charge. tnr fee not due till patent i erare.1 niph,e, ,"Uow btain l'atents,- with nams of aetual inyourState, coauty o town, sent free. Addn-s; y' -;The nnderslened desires to tr 110 that It ti a a r.. . 1 form the pub , - - viTHCTi -11 a v i n if L .Vs ?.tre,!t- Ilrr the po-t offlee vbe-i par or 00 barber! ok iu m 1 1 its Knnrh. mat fat nr. .- . on in ue v; . . ' neat anc clean. our patrona solicited. K. X. I KVN. Eteistan Fire Insurance Ape T.AV. DICK, General Insurance Asent. i.Et kxs it ma. M ol ths rata I Mt 4 ?.m. in 7- Iffountain House Shaving Parlor treated on f sntre street near Mountain House otneo. iNhavina. Hair futtiriK and Shaniitoo Ina done In the Bftatest and l-est manner. A share at yonr palronaxa sotietted. Kuili-KT CASSll T. JOB Till' a.- .... . Printincr It tbe p:a-- eet )'t: JOB P ?:v.t rromiitiy a:, J sati.f.r 'ill lun-k iitr inre ,,j in . . ottnpt-iKtti, jlir. &fiI-CIS w.tik V art prepared to lurt , , 1 ' ev-ry d.M-ripti..ti M'YI.E and a - it. i ti Lowest Cash fe. Jothii.(t nut the I turner! u our work n-ak f..r Dare-rl tn nrtnt .... .1 . r 'Ke,-;rt 0TF.KS, PltfM.KAMMKa Hl'M N F! tlAltltS TA,. Monthly Mati.mwv I .A 11K1.S. C'lltft . . . I.Rl V IMTINU :. t;lt I IlKAtTS. Uki mi H t.. 1 i e I.KTTKH AVI IUr AMI I'ah.1 i- V fn print ii tl.:i,.. t., and W-ilW Vi-itr ,c ( r1 U1 Irter on stiort t,..',ry ... ITKwt lefc.iTi.S a. r- . riio Caiiiluii 1,. reads that OLiD HONESi CHEWING TOBACCQ is the best that is nadc at ONCE tries it. aLd &. mcnev and secures r-c satisfaction than ever bet A.VOID imitations. Lsst: having the genuine. Ify- -1 v. . 1 .. it V: utNUCJT t. iw oca. ret it for yom. JIO. raiSR 4 BROS., tdiTTDtt HALLShI Vegti RENEWEE The creat populuritr r -ip" after iu tes: of tuany ye. t" assurauee. t-vrn to ilie f-rr-"-' 1. 1. .ll.- a..eft..n. .1!.. Th-m- I-.,! Hal" f 1IIK ll EN It dt-es all thai is t-ianueii. . It causes new tn-vuli of St K. ,aH r.rnvi.ieJ the hair U.inl ' deaU. w.Ll.h is wi i m tb" f natural color to frxy or 1 . rr. the aahi lieailliful . danaruff; prevent tlie k-k-' r chanslus color: ke t ''" ' fc trous, and causes u w k--- thbk. 11... -n n.en rrnrwH r""-1' . 1 ax. a - . . . ... delhrhtful lilnimr nn aleohoi. It crate quickly and tirr up tili. leaving the niir iiara ---Other preparsXion. BucKlngrtam's tr WHISKERS Colors them brown or "-"V" and Is the bet dye. N-rsu-flt - . ..n.-t nrnnirs. beini, a sin! J-Tf'i,rV'""- "Tau venient ol af-plUation Uta- J riru i . j aU by all Dwsleis U H-"' Steel Picket Vt THW in Tliealawaeatrttt-r.rirl-tr--'--' - -etuail eaa bra-rj oa lr,. r - reice. (flt VttaaotT. tM a mui wwaii.rt-'W StaKta rttttac. fir. (.h.-.i-f It 11 1 . aa. Kl.atrJ TAYLOR A DAfL OU 203 A 205 UsttstSt. tncb6.t Jy. smm. mm a.r.i Sotiee In here! .itttert NftifS '-t A rt.1 re w l. tt e,l In lite ',!.oii to and k l a and . m neYtrwantitiliaini,bia;i TV" eff'ta by the beaiihful f Tcxretahlo Imrretlien:-. whtl"J;l son. reluvenate. It 1 " ,3 a .leluihtful artl.-ie fir t..'!" "T It- ' 8 (' il ! 1. 1, " ' ) -" ' e? 1 F'tliliii!'1