tiibrixi - Freeiuan Advert tsinRatcs. The lara-a and rel anls eirrtttkti., n.At.. . t . iUBBIHO., PESSA., nmnirnil II U lit IITmM contuderaiiou of m. erttiwr (bow linn wtil r-e lnrt1 Ml tt.A Ir. I 1 . . . - i I In.h . 1 ; -.- ...... i m 1 Inrh, month. .... iM 1 tech, 6 mon'.hf ... .. ."... g t inch . 1 year........... ...... ou ,,ori!'- ""lb- ItK-r-ej. 6 monUil ... ( 1 lncbo. I year ". Y"Y""".'.' n.. i coin m n . fl mon t i . " " 1.', S column. 6 month;. v jtdolumn. 1 year I.."."""" H W . COlUIEO. C HJOTJt!!.............. OS 1 column, 1 year . .... 111111"!! 1M Ka?1rjt itwc - . kJ Circulation. - 1,200 I,l,-rt',"n Half. II III I II 111 III I .li io advance fl.SO T 1 : t pant sriinin a uiuuius. i..o ',,,1 within uiuntb. IHO n ,.t paid within the year., a-ai ..itjmn ontslde of the county il. .! I er year win 1 w .. '"Tiimii, iut. per tise '.r.nt will tbe ahove terms be de- E, no hll!!e wno ,ion I oonuli tneir IT"m , t . vln in advance must not e-tre?t.- same fuotlnir as ttioae who tl''I ., i.e distinctly understood froc tit is 1 ....r1- , .'"r,U5 r.i ecu lor 2V Mice RM Auditor i Notice ..... ..... .... t 6S 'ra and rlmilar Notici ." ."..."" a 00 ,, "Kesulutioti r .roce4;uot .nTeori;rm tU.n or woj and ca:B1iiniat!.nt de.fcd t. "I " nto any matter of limited vr mdl idual Interest bum paid l,.r a adrertlFmenia. "d Joh l r,2,n1 f all kind! satly and MMInOM; execte.l at U.. lowest tirloee Ala don tyoa lorxet it. " JAS. C. HASSON. Editor and Proprietor. HI 18 A rSKKMAN WHOM TBS TRCTB MAIU Fill AUD ALA ABB IUTU BUIDB.' 81. DO and postage per earln advance, . . f..ii,r von (top It. if atop volume xx: EBENSBUKG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1806. NUMBER ffn" s.ne i'-ut cal:iwa .to otherwise. h-itL lmtc is too ahoru 4 KU"' n I II III! if I 11 III 14 I. Mrs. Campbell Wishes Her Letter Published 5o That the Truth May Be Known. 1 THERE IS NO SECRET I if IN THIS WOMAN'S CASE. 0 U G 0 0 0 a o 0 a a a a a 0 lt tn-n uriny ut D F the thousands of letters re ceived from women all -over the world by Mrs. Pinkham, nt one is given to the public unless Uu- wish oi ine writer. liius . ilute confidence is established Mrs. Pinkham and her patients ; and she freely letter from any woman, ikIi or poor, who is in ill health or itilinjr. In the case of Mary E. Campbell oi Alliion, Noble Co., Ind., her suf k rinu" was so severe, her relief so -ml.lcnly realized, and her grati tudc so great, that she wishes the circumstances published, in the K: ; that others may be benefited tii.-ivbw She says : "Mv physician told me I had lr. psy and falling of the womb. Mv stomach and bowels were so 1.1. ;it t-t I I could not get a full breath. Mv face and hands were bloated Lttlly. I had that dreadful bearing i!..vn pain, backache, palpitation ol tlu- la-art and nervousness. One of my physicians told me I had something growing in my stomach ; and the medicine that I took gave me relief only for a short time. I thought I must die. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it worked like a charm 'After taking the tirst bottle I could walk across the street; now I am well. I advise all my friends to take it, for it is surely the most wonderful medicine for female ills in the world. I feel that my cure is miraculous.' Mary E. Campbell, Albion, Noble Co., Ind. A LITTLE HEATHEN. Never in the history of medicine has t!ie demand for one particular rerjpedy for female diseases equalled that attained by Lydu t. ''tnktjm's Vegetable Compound, and never in i9 history of Mrs. Finkham's won Jc-rful Compound has the demand for it been so great as it is to-day. Druggists say it IS wonderful. From Maine to California, from the Gulf to the bt. Lawrence, me the glad tidings of woman's suffer ing .eheved by it. All intelligent women now acknowledge its reliability. Lydia E. Pinkham fledicine Co., Lynn, Mass. n Q 0 0 Q 0 Q 0 0 Q 'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE- I FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH HIS FIRST LION. SAP OLIO The Indestructible "Maywood" BICYCLE. THIS S75.00 COM' PLETE BICYCLE lit Cel .KU i St I 5l0BflT uble WITH COUPON. i-irrviM I lh. II. et. 3. IHftS .Ian. 21. lHSHt Ollirr. fcii.llnir ..of IKIH !,-- I- M th ttrnnrjrtt nmt nmftet bu-trle ever made. A.l.i.teil for all kinds of M of material that 1 i.r. to'nth ttnU uir. Hiii.ile in const ructano. an 1 put toirt In-r; lu ten- i.arts: if of .iit-h iry cunirui-tioii tiiat it vrt v. n in an a.-ci l-nt : no Imliow till. 11. ir t t-ttih in at fverr rontmtt: a tiami k-n: ho Dinii.lc tl.at its a. I lulliikT l artw si ive as its .-onriwl lln; .art; a wn- :i liuv .f a ilocn i.irts: aias rl.lv toirivr r. lial.le au.l rnl.l.l t rausMrtaXlun. r.-v.-.l .l..nl.lM .li ,i.l marjut.il i.r I It rt-f iyi. Mmlot K-iucn coltf I :.. 1. ..ni ,t jin, tr..uK-ft mrtal for it s weii-lit known.: uti-i tK-tbT withk M..::i.. lutings 111 mucIi .1 muni, r I li.tt it is iii.ohiIIi' to l.rrak or any Iart work -' i f i;..vl! y. iiuillnt V ami ilural.iliiy: t ti treat t coini.iiiatlon of ingenuity 1 -ru ktii.M ii. t. huii.'l a tranio without Lrazt-u joint a an.l t uI.iiik. as you know '"'""!: 1 r.irtl I v t.re.ik a:i.l fracture at l.raien ji.ii.is. an. I ttioet: when they are l,ucklit r ',..ir.- 1. t 111. K I. s iiu-h: w:irrante.l wool rims, piano wire tangent syokes Ml ItH-Larire btrrei patrern. II K US "Arliniflwn H.ej.i)e Mor-Tl:'-' ini, k U.i.air. or some otner hrst-rlass pneiirnatic tlte. HKA KtNt.iS hall r l rt. 111, 1 .i.li 11 wheel., t-rauk aile. steenmr hea,l an. I i1hIs. l rs Milnv t.H.I steel, raretnllv temuere.1 ami hr.lene.l. II I MS Hk'h irra.i. r- mr adjustment, tit A M li 1 tur eelel.iate.i oiie-iie-e t-rauk. lully uro- aticK -lu. lestruotible: fork t-rown tna.te from nu-imrrrl steel. 1 'ar- . .''tT-ir.lt- nn.l ..I .... .....I... 1.. 1 .. ... n.. . au.iti.t. .iui r..l mn.'a l.nrn f II r- j. 1 . ' ' ijub..ir, 1 1 . . " " .... 1 - .. ... ....... .. ... ' AIMU.K- P ,v ! (.illi.ntii or some other flrt-class make. I'KOAU '.l'.irr.-.t ........a .1.1... II .. ... .11 , I ... i, , . -'-r. iii'i riall larlllir. rilfi r.uailieien in u.aa- vtit-naii in ocm m.v. l.i.... ' 1 ';n.-y-le eompii-te with t.ioi tixu. pump. - '' 1-, T 1-3- 1 1 r.i- Hunter StMnd. btill and Mm ply Stare, at the Ueust. In "Lion Hunting- in Somali la 111J," 'apt. Mellis t-lls how he met his first lion or, rather, two. He had bei-u out on a hunt, finding- nothinp Ix'ttor than iazelU-s and anW-lojH-s, and at nightfall, after supiier, lit his pijie and ttiolled to the river bank. After a few ii.inutes .spent in meditation he started to return and saw a lion and a lioness, not more than 2o yards distant, e.veintr hini attentively. Cajit. Mellis luid not. evin a knife with hiui, and felt certain that, if he called for help the bea.st3 would ounce on Liln. So he did the only thing osjible he stood stock stilL hopinij'thcy miht take him for an in animate object. They grow led once or twice, a.s if they suspected t;omethin(f, but finally drank and went may quiet lj. After tluitlie never stirred without a weapon of some kind. y A RUSSIAN PHILANTHROPIST. AN LLArJOrtAlL Executed for Palace In r..-M-n liicyele eomplete with t..ol t.if. is- ms. saddles, etc. -7 to J pound. WliolrsAle I'riee. Never !efore sold 1 11. klv iiitrixlnce the "M irwiHsl" Kn-vi-le. we -I 1T1.- "u tlrr tl. . our ... I,.. 1 it. . -Vr.r.i "lake a spts-ial couih.ii olfer. rivimr everv . 1,1 'Hi i.a,.r , ..1 :. . ..1. .... 1., . I.J lirTrA.I i In .. ..i tl-'. .Nl I.IJIMin 'a. 1.. .......... .V- -1 1. . ... .i rlr .. , .,..ur uie aoove liirvi lP. nn-uii-M i -lo-,nr 1 . x' delivery. .Money -eiutnled if not ') .,," " arrival ami examination We w il mini "11-1 4. ' 'i.-tre 01 examination, for t.M- ' and enupou "I . .... . . . . .... 1, riltn 1 " i.u v.i tie r io a ftfoaiatii ee k,.i , , ... '''ftiifV 1 warranty with each Kicv.-le. This 1 a :L. -" "'iie and you cannot afford to let mm opuor A.lUre Ji or,ien, lo cash buyers union. t Van Buret. Street. B HoA CHICAO. II.U. wrench ami oiler. eiirht, ac- Coupon No. 2006 good worn IF SENT WITH ORDER FOR No. 5 Maywood ...Bicycle... VAN v. TED AGENTS -"t Jlie Mint O.mieie Nurwnee m-K wuiely advert imsI rifty wa.ued by every punier, r. always nacm-4 w ith Aceai. double their f. , 7 uw " "e lime u Mai .ANGER4.BARRY, be. 1 flBfe.. FR1ZER r'""t K-lieaterf li. fSPted-An Idea 'n- f-,)r . u tnimf to patent f k-I nl ltfillH.s y--. ' . oner I AXLE GREASE BEST IN TUB WORLD. Its wearing qualities are unsurpajmed, artnally outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not. ' AflVcted by beat. irtSKTTH K (JKNiriNIU. Vanted-An Idea ulLard laveaiioua waaleo. a. Wanhlnun, D. C. for their 1.8lw prise unUic llist tt two iiuaured laiMUiw wanteil.. Who can shlnav of nonie-aniiple thiiuc Paa4ent?- brlDg yota muia tioagbt tbe Freedom of the Serfs of Ui. Native Village. 1 There died recently in Moscow a man w ho in the last 20 years g-ave $5.1Ho, (njo to charity. He w as State Councillor Jcrmakoff, who came from a poor fami ly. His first public act windi excited peneral attention was the purchase of the freedom of all the serfs living- ia his native village. This cost hint $120. ooti. He came to the rescue of the poor eople time and tune u;:iau when the harvests fuilel. His funeral was one of the laryest ever seen in the old burial place of the Kussian czars, thousands of the oor of the capital following- the philanthropist's body to the grave Stupid Litigation. A stupidly obstinate piece of litigation has just been settled by the house of lords. Two Aberdeenshire land owners quarreled over the rig-tit to lish in the lliver Dee, which borders their estates for 150 ards. ltoth admitted that the; fishing was of no value, but they had swt $15,000 to have their rights de cided. -Tbe Sett Cucumber. The'sea cucumber, one of the curious jelly bodies that inhabit the ocean, can practically efface himself while in dan ger by squeezing- the water out of his body and forcing; himself into n narrow crack, so narrow as not to be visible to the nak-d eye. He can throw out near ly the whole of his inside, aud yet live and grow it apain. I Listen for Ansel Musle. The children at Bethlehem are told by their mothers that on Christ mas eve a choir of angels sings above the place where Christ w as born. . Travelers say that on this evening scores, and some times Jiiuidreds, of children may be seen in the open air, looking up iuto the fcky, waiting to hear the angels sing. Ancient Maker, of Shoes. Shoemakers were at first called san-dal-uiaLers, aud there is little doubt that sandals and rough buskins, or sochs (covering the legs like gaiters), were the first speenrten of shoes. 1 Ueautlful Vienna. Tbe British vice-consul in Venice in his last report says that mosaics still continue in great demand there, says the Loudon Times. A well-known com pany executed last year a splendid mo saic for a palace now in course of con struction in Vienna It measures 1,000 square feet and is copied from cartoons by the painter, Edward Weith. It rep resents the five parts of the world. Eu rope stands in the center of tbe frieze, represented by the symbolic figures of its various nations, having on one side the emblems of industry and trade and at the top the emblem of the flying genius of light. On the right are the figures of Asia, India, China and Japaji, with their rajahs, mandarins and the allegorical chrysanthemum. Next fol lows Africa, with camel-d rivers, palm trees and other African symbols; on the left, America and Australia, with natives on horseback and on foot, foli age and other emblems. AH this variety of types, from the fair Circassian down to tbe negro, and the display of costumes, from the most decorative to the simplest, have enabled the painter to arrange 24 figures with great delicacy of color and in an artis tic manner. Over these figures, which rest on an ornamental base, a blue sky reflec ts all around its light so as to unite all the tints of the mosaic and to give the whole a harmony of effect which is said to be most delightful to the eye. The same company is execut ing another important mosaic for the apse of t he Guards chapel at the Wel lington lKirracks in London from cartoons. Imprudent. But Ua.hiuf. Young women who take books at the circulating library are imprudent to use their pages a.s blotters. They are doing wrong also, for it is against the rules. A copy of "Lord Onnond and His Amiuta," which has been in use in a i'hiladt-Iphia library, held in front of a mirror revealed the inscription: "I send you my heart with a kiss. All women finish their letters with that phrase, which cannot therefore betray anybody, but in this case the signature was there. Shoes of the Gauls. Before the Gauls were conquered by the Bomans they bad boots or shoes with soles in which were silver-headed nails. Rome of these have been discov ered in late j-ears. The latter kind of boots and shoes the long pointed ones so familiar in pictures of the 14th century, and others, are more generally known. Sabbath In Scotland. Scotland's Sabbath is losing its sanc tity. Driving, cycling and golf on Sun day have now been followed by a vote of 'the Glasg-ow corpora!", throwing open the public bath-houses for four hours on Sunday morning. Cincinnati. Cincinnati is worth $1S3,751,350, and has a debt of $26,240,197. . B HONTUUMERV At. IOUOX. Jack was a heathen. Oh, the little imp, how tough he was! I was a model boj. I was, for a fact, you may be lieve it or not; I used to hold down my head when grace was being said; I knew the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer by heart, and I was a child of many virtues. Jack was as mean as the old scratch. He would cut his eye around at me and try to make me laugh while the blessing was being asked; he would Mick pins in tbe little boys as they knelt at prayers; he would roo birds' nests, and when remonstrated with would say: '"Why, my gracious, let the old fool bird go lay some more aiggs. she's got the whole summer and 'tain't much trouble to lay a few little old aiggs like them." We used to. read tales in our reading books about bow bad boys cauie to bud ends, and Jack would laugh at them. "Shucks!" lie would say. "them old book men can't fool me. What makes gran'ma kill chickens on Sunday, if it's a sin to go in washin'? I notice one thing: ol brother Kicklighter al'us eats mighty heart)-, and if itwusasin tokill 'em it'd be a sin to eat 'em. They can't scare nobody." Ah, the dear little old freckled face! v orlds would I give to hare it come be-" tween me and the sun again ere I reach the vale of shadows. He would whip the stuffing out of a boy for my sake. I remember once a fellow- -called me "wormy." We were coming home from Sunday -school, and I had resolved not to reeent any intsult a vtry convenient way of resolving, by the way and the big boy would have gone unpunished but for Jack. What did he do? He Lit onto that fel low, and he elted him in the burr of the ear and got him down and such a thrashing that boy never toted liefore. That was Jack's style. No foolish ness about him. He was of that par ticular type of ugliness that denotes cussed n ess and original sin. I used to pray for Jack when the preacher would tell us to pray for all those whom we thought needed our prayers. Jack was cutting a jagged "J" on the back of the seat while I was praying for his conversion. Ah. the days, tbe golden days, w hen the summers seemed so long. I won der if the summers of paradise will not possess that same sweiet, delicious lingering when the pathos and the pas sion of mortal life are past? Sometimes I dream of Jack, now. The other night, I don't know what got into me. but I dreamed that we were rambling along the banks of one of those winding southern rivers, whotse languid waters were murmuring, whis pering, lisping among the reeds and rushes. There was a flash of shining sand around the bend, and wecame to a place where there waa a thicket of cypress saplings. I saw one that would make the finest sort of a fishing pole, and Jack went to cut it for me. It grew right on the bank of a slough of black water, on whose sheeny bosom the tuelo gum ln-rries were afloat. I was timid good boys are not al ways brave boys and Jack went to cut the pole for me. I saw him open the little old rusty barlow knife, and he reached far over the treacherous bank. He had cut it most in two, when there was a crash. "Splash!" The spray flew upward in a shower and blinded my eyes, and when I opened them Jack was gone! 1 was sitting up in bed gasping, struggling, choking, in my efforts to call help. Such dreams are our lives made up. Sometimes as I sit gazing up at the summer heavens I am startled by the illusion that I see that boy's face through a rift in the clouds. Jack was a bad boy. Popper Joe used to shake his head and mutter: I tell you, dat boy's sho' ter cometer some bad end." Then he would point to me and re mark: "But dar's a chile w'at'H be somebody. Dat's er good chile, de Lawd knows he is, an' folk'll make much er him w 'en be gits ter be a growed up man." 1 was so pitifully pious in those days. The fact is, I think I was not well. The chariot wheels of time rolled noiselessly on, and poor old blind Fate sat in the doorway of the future, with her palsied fingers untangling the skein of destiny, her withered lip all the while crooning those weird ditties whose echoes now and then thrill our souls with the warning of prophecy. Jack was as tough as light wood knot, and nobody ever thought about him getting sick. He was too full of devilment to stay in bed, but they we. c very careful about me. One winter we had an awful spell of weather and the stock suffered severe ly, for we had no shelter for them in the country in the days when I was a boy. Jack had a favorite cow- that had a little calf, and one cold drizzly after noon the cow and calf failed to come home. Jack went in search of them, aud it was late when he came back. He had brought the little calf in his arms a good portion of tbe way, and he drove the cow into the lot aud gave her a big basket of shucks and nubbins, and put the little, weakly calf in a warm place. It was dark when he came in, cold and tired, but he was. a.s joyous and light-'hearted as ever. He went over the rigmarole about "A mo daree my, romp stomp domi nie ker, shuck back, penniwinkle, instep nipcat, sing song kitty kin you kimee, O," and he cut a shuttle aud turned a handspring as he came through the passage. Before we went to bed we sat down before the lire and took the wet rags off his toes and tied them up with some dry cnes, jokingly celling his big toe "biff Ike," and the little toe "little Ike " os he fixed them. During the night he woke me up tell ing me be was so hot and that he ached all over. I told him to go to sleep aud not turn over and kick so much. Next morning he said he felt too bad to get up, and asked me to see about his tow and especially the calf. I grumbled a goodi deal, and . went and told grandma that Jack was too lazy to get up. She went to see about him and she said he had a fever. 1 went out and attended to tle cow, exectiiig to find him up when I returned,' but he was still tossing about in bed. and he began to talk foolish. I scolded him about it and told gran 1 raa. She looked very grave w heu she went in and felt of his face, and she went and told one of the boys to &n after the doctor. Then I began to get uneasy. The place seamed so lonely and 1 never missed anyone so much in my life. The cat dozed on the hearth in eaoe and the house was so quiet and still. The old doctor drove up to the gate in his sulky aud took out his little leather saddle-bags and walked into the room where Jack was. I watched him anxiously and when he took grandma aside and talked low to her I just caught tbe word "jmeu monia." It was unfamiliar tome, and I felt a premonition of coming sorrow. All day long I hung about the lUx.r and late in tbe evening they told me that I would have to sleep in another room. I went in to see Jack, and he was tossing about, muttering something about his cow. "I fed her. Jack, and I threw down some straw for her to sleep on," I said He looked at me, but he did not seem to understand. His eyes were s bright and his cheeks were so red that I dMu't know what to make of it. That night I could not go to sleep aud kept staring at the ceiling, thinking, thiukiug, thinking. At last I got up softly and stole into his room. The candle was burning low- and grandma and gram I a were, sitting by the fire. Jack v as K ing st il1, with his eyes half open anil he was breathing hard. "Is he any better?" I asked, with a great lump in my throat "No. my son, he is mighty sick. G.- back to led now." I went back to my room and I got down on my knees. I never w ill for get that night. I prayed; prayed as never prayed before, as I have never prayed since. The words were broken with sobs. Oh, the anguish of those dark hours! I would pray, awhile and then I would stop und wonder if the good Ixrd heard me. Perhaps He was too busy at the time, aud I would ask Him again in my childish simplicity, hoping that I might attract His attention. A way long toward day I fell asleep, and the sun was shining when I awoke, shining in the cloudless heavens, and the day was real mild. I went into the room where the sick boy lay, and I saw- that there was jt change. His face was pale and his eyes sunken, aud his breath came in gass. I gulped down a sob as I looked at that shaggy head, and thought how often I bad seen it bobbing about the house Such a day as this we would be out about the lot. and you could hear his whistle as merry -as a mocking bird in May. And now The candlestick with the half-burned candle, three medicine bottles on the mant?l; tbe cup and the spoon and all the sad reminders of sickness and suf fering. Aunt Ailsie walking softly about tbe room, keeping watch while the old folks got a little sleep. "Is he any' better?" "No chile, he ain't no better, honey. De doctah say ef dey ain' some change po little Jack won't be heah long." I couldn't lear it. The good old nuuumy came and put her withered arms around me and kissed me ami told me not to cry. I went out to t he lot and Popper Joe was giving the cow some nubbins, and tbe calf was skip ping clumsily around. The sight of them set n.e to crying again, ami I turned away. Ah, the dismal day! Better the clouds and the dreary rain with Jack well, than floods of sun shine and he so sick. I .ate in the aft ernoon grandma called me. "Come in here, son, Jack wants to see you. I went into the room. The lingering rays of the wintry sun struggled in through the windows and fell on tttV snowy counterpane. His face was allien pale, and his eyes were no longer restless. He looked at me and a faint smile played about tlie piuched features. It was like the dy ing light of the wintry day. He motioned me to come closer, and 1 found that his voice was so weak that he could but speak in whispers. The old doctor sat with his hand on the little wrist, and the family were gath ered around the bed. Then the fountains of my heart were broken up and I gave way to my grief. "I want you to have all my things. Good-by," he w hispered, aud then they took me away. As I lay sobbing and moaning in my room. I heard a cry from Aunt Ailsie: "Oh, God bless my po chile. Dey's one mo angel done gone to glory!". Now, I have told you the story. I cannot, even unto this day, dwell further on the sad theme. But it is a mystery to me why people should keep on harping about good lioys and bad boys when I know just as well as-1 am sitting here tbat my boy itmra,le has gone to a better world than this! And look at me. I was a model boy, and have lived to make more mistakes, suffer for more sins, and weep over more wrecked hopes than I can ever tell. Dear old playmate, here is a tear to your memory, to the memory of a bad boy whose wantonness was mistaken for wickedness. Had you lived who knows but that your strength might have walled in my weakness, and kept these erring feet from straying. Southern Farmer. A Double-Action Joke. Dumas fila tells of a double-act ing joke which he played on Meissonier, who was a botanist in his hours of leisure. The famous dramatist sent him a paper containing the dried roe of a herring, telling him that it was the seed of a very rare plant. "How are the seeds coming on?' he asked the great paint er the next time he saw him. "Oh, beautifully; I have planted them in a circle." And he took the astonished joker to a corner of the garden where the heads of young herrings were just peeping out. Titled Thieves. A princess, a countess, a duchess and the daughter of a reigning prince were among the 4,000 thieves, professional and unprofessional, arrested in Paris during iho first six months of last year. ADVANTAGES OF LIBERIA. Prof. O. Cook Swak of the Afnemn . Republic. Prof. O. F. Cook. f Iluntiiigi4.ii. 1 1., who has sieut t he wint-r in !..' riu, Africa, -ltil ing the pl.int and a-nm.-il life of that region. h;u returned i4j ri. home. He say, according to the Kepi.it lic. that the adxautages of Africa as a pla-e of residence, een for the w hiie race, are but iniierf-ctly iiiiilerlat. Lilteria is naturally n- more uuh. .Jt h ful t-hau other tropical count ri-s, in which cixiliatiitn hiui taken riMit. such as India and Smith America, and. as in these cases, the h.-.dlhf uIik-ss in-r.-:i. as t he forest !s are cleared aw a v and I 1 -ter conditions of life rendenil through improvements in tnuisjx, na tion. Mr. Cook has sj-nt n-n ral sea sons in Africa in pursuing his investi gation in the interest if the American und the New Ytrk State Coloniat ion eieties, with a view to ascertaimno the tossibiIity of resuming, under ij.-v plans, the colonization of LUtcria wild uegrties from the I'nited States. Jl,. says former moveiueuts in that direc tion have failed through w ant of printer management rather than on account of any rivsurmoiint<le difficulties inher ent in the idea of colonization or in tli.- 1.1. tiirvof the country where Kcttli-tiren' of American liegries were a1teinite.. Tluit something is Mtssible. be s:iys. is demonstrated by the fact that niaav colonists w ho left America 15or2 v.-ars ago with nothing have now co:Tc farms, yielding incomes greater than their owners can send. while other have achieved indejtetidetwe in much less time. MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT. President MrCosh'a Novel Method of t'ora plylns; with m Request. President McCosh. of Princeton, is the subject of this story, says the New York fail, which is vouched for by old Princeton men: "The veneral.io doctor was accustomed ti lea4l ihe mornine exercises in the cliapel every clay, and luring the eerciss in thechnj--! gate out the notices to the students. The closing exercise was a fervent prav.-r by the doctor. One morni'jg, after iie bad read tbe notices as nsiiai. a stiniem came, up with another notice that Prof. Karge's French class would le at nine o'clock that day, instead of .i::;n. as usual. Dr. McCosJi sa id it uufi too late, but the student insisted that Pi. -if. Karge would be much disapjntinte.1 if the notii-e was not read. The ecr- ites went on, and the doctor forgot all aliom the notice. He started to make the final prayer. He prayed for the president of the Cnited Suites, the memlters of the tabinet. the senators and representa tives., the governor of New Jersey, the mayor and other officials of Princcto'i, and then came to the professors :md in structors in the college, lu the mean time Prof. Krage's notice came int4t bi mind and the assembled students were astonished to hear the venerable presi dent say: 'And, O Intnl. ble.s Prof. Karge, w le French c1:ls.s will le held this morning at nine o'cl.tck, insu-ad of at 9:30, a un.il. " WHALE ON A CABLE. The Insulation lftantajced by the Flounder ing of the UlR t-lsh. Submarine cables are usually im bedded in the slim) bottom of tho ocean, but at rtjiin jtoints they Lang like w ire bridges over deep submarine vallevs, st that whale and other largc inJiahitants of the leep may Itecoine dangerous to the cable. Once in awhile it is the cable lhat licooiiie: dangerous to the whales, as recently show 11 in an accident to the western Br:iz;!iap cable. There was some trouble with the wire, and after many futile efforts the seat of the trouble va.s discovered 70 miles north of Santa Catharina. The repair ship Viking was sent to repair the damage, and ttegan to take up tie oable near where the seat of trouble had leen locatd. After the cable proper had lteen grappled .and was takeu up 011 the large drums provided for the purpose it was found that it floated very much easier aud w as more buoyant than was .r-.Iiuarily the case. The reason was discovered w hen in a loop of the cable the carcass of a whale of more than t0 feet in length came up with it. It aptears that the whale had lieconie caught under the cable, and, not lteing able to lift it nor to go forward or Itack. it suffocated, since it could no more rise t4 tbe snrfa-e. By its last spasms or attempts to free it self the whale had damaged the cabl" so that the insulation was rublted otT aitd the wire liecame iis-l-ss. This is the third case of the kind, since a sim ilar case once hapjiened in the Persian gulf and another on the Peruvian coast. PEACEFUL BY NATURE. TWO SKELETONS. One Is Over Fur Times a 1 jtrice u the Uier. I he largest and sniaJlest skeletons of humanity e.-r preserved are kej.t in the 11, us. 1,, 11 of 1 ... K. . ulC. .Ih-ge 4.1 Sur Hti,s. i,, .,iin,;;; uil Kinds, lmd.tn. says the ST. loins Post-l islatch. One i-eiin feet f,.ur inches iu height. The other is less than two fe-t. fhtirles I'.vrtic. ilie famous Irish uiant. who was more gent-rally known :is ! I'.n. n. died i i7s.: !.,", . wa 1." ears ,,i,l. li s enm ity for liquor was i k.. pit.i- :i!i Lis Ul-i, phx d..; rt .n.s. So keen was liis anirm-h over losir... a!! l is proM-rt- to wit. a C::imi i.i... tl.-,; he drank's cask .f :.le in one day. i lie .lay follow inc be was dead. l!ryi;e had a t-r.-.n dread of ltecoinint? a diss.-.-! imr-rtt..;.! id.j.s t. 11.. made a l..-iriraii, with a lis),, ri.i:.. 1, Iff., re he .I.e.! to take his l...!t o,n into the channel aud throw it nn r'-,ur!. 1 1 1: nl. r. t ! !".! U sure-.:. 11. learned of t his arm-.--.! ;,,. .y oay ifir t he 1 : iiern.t n "-to ! prevail, d V. .11 th. 111 to carry mi tl..-., ' :v-ah, 1 . the letter, but lo attach a ..;e to t' U..3t and drajr it j, ..iier it had tteeri im- ni.-jsed. Th- TM.erm.ti served two masters and li.nii. r the ixtdv. Tiie tim si,. J, ; t tint of Caroline Crathami. the ;. ;!;.-, dwarf, who was exhibited in i: :r..j- in the eatlv part of the century. The child did not ,.r,. after birth. :m..1 U fore she reached her teens she died. Herltody.it is said, was sold ttta Brit ish surjr..,,,, ,y J, r parents. B-side the f:::titV frame stands one of the Ixtots h" wore w h.n he died. The skel.ton of the dwarf cm I, slipjd into it as east! v ;.s a pipe stem. A MASCULINE WEAKNESS. Kvery Msn arri.s. ill. Favorite KeiuedT AlMay with Hint. It is custom. ir for men tat snt-t-r L-ood-n.il II red I at the pllVsical Wear iless of the oj.p.tsite sex. but Women v oiild doubt!. -ss '. surprised could th, v kl:ovv how Lr.''!.-!':i 1 1 v 1 he m.-di. -i na.1 1 . m cdv habit rui. :iics the ranks of tl, ;r ii..-i.-ci:lii,. friends. Tlrnk oxer v our b-l of male ac.p;aiiita!i-es .11. d pick out the f. xv wh.t have 10 ailments and eai ri I no ln.ttl.s Hixviies ttr j.r. pai at ions. '1 hey will 1-c u n f-,-xx indeed, unless xonr list 11:. in.;, s but vtry few xoiiur.- lliell. Sins iht- New Yolk I!, laid. It has h.t-11 said lhat ex. rx woman 1 now s the In-st face xx ;ish o!i earth and is v. i ! I 1 1 : r io part xxitii 1,. r sc. rt t 0i.1v oti com J ii.'s:oii. but wlil ;iy ai-;. I hinir Cls: Sllire, sled b .1 flletld. But 111.11 are the in i.-: obstinate lw-lievers iu sox -eicign rciiieiiies. Kv,-i v man carries at IT -i one leim-. v i!i his inside ack-t :.i..l is wining t, unload it on an.vl.odv v. ho xx ill listen or dan- to test its in fallibility. I h;:ve known four or live liea 1 1 h -l.n .1. t'.is men in a irr.u: p. tn.t . me of whom Would le sUsjctet (if ever 1 iiiif ill. ilra.v eom-ea!d xjal.s or Jul iets and lit I !e 11 II - I is pec tc. biX.s .f p;i !- titid astonisliini.'-! v worded prescriptions (mill their com';. ji nl ial l.idim.' place, and discourse most learnedly upon their Piiraciihms xxer. In every case of this kind there has lcii at some lime, more or less remote. n apis. rent i'l.-tific.-iTion of merit Tbe Egyptian Abhors Warfare, as Uld li In Fathers lie fore Ilinm. The onlinary Egyptian is by instinct utterly opposed to military life. The last thing he wants to do in the world is to tight. He liales the ftonip and cir cumstance of glorious w ar, and n.( hing in his nature is appealed to by the idea of strife and coniltat. He is u pood-temered. pleasure-loving man, and for 5,oo0 years bis ances tors before him have loathed the clash of steel, (io back as far as you like in Lgy ptiau history and jou will never find a trace of the Viking spirit in the inhabitants of the Nile valley. The suc cessful wars of the Pharaohs wen waged by mercenaries, and the iapyri show that the military calling was always described as pure evil. The rec ords show little delights in battle, but plenty of pict uresque cont rast s bet ween the horrible mixries endurel by the soldier in the field and the pleasant, snug life of the civilian trilte. The spirit of the old Dane w ho when he felt death approaching put on his armor, because he would not die like a cow in hi house, has no echo in the past or in the present of the true Egypti"-". The Keal Thins;. "Yes." saitl the meek-looking man. "I've no doubt you've had some great hunting experience iu your travels abroad." "I have, indeod." "Buffalo hunting?" "Ye.s." 1 "And bear hunting?" "Of course." "Well, just rome round and let my wife take you house huntintr and l.ar gain hunting with her. Th n you'll begin to know what real excitement is. Washington Times. claim. -d. from xxhicb tone ;o..l li.-t.... fort h forever that part i.-uiar indi v id ual LTites contentedly and iv.ii Itoast int'l v itound to that medicinal chariot wheel. OUR DAILY BREAD. The Kind Mtst ( atmnton Nttw Was I n k no tt II 1 jt-t ( entury. Much rye bread xxa eaten in this count rv in the 1-ginning of t h- cent ury . and much r and Indian-- healthful con'oiind that disappeantl xxhen st..xes sii(ers4-ded the huge brick oven ill w hi. h the maie ingredicft was rendered di iresl ible bv lieing cooked all nit: lit. The snowy wlieaten loaf, as t he sta pie bread of the land, dates only Itack the cul tivation of the wheat fields of New York in ihe early iart of t his t tit ury ; and siiimltati.-o-.isl v there sci-ms 1t arise a "fashion" of white bread. The using of bread made f roiil anyt himr less than "the ltest tieiiesee lloiir" w a.s thoui'ht a mark of poverty. About 1-4" tle-re ae p-arcd alout an even distribul iou of dvspepsia tlintughont the liort lit I n .1 lid ensl.-rit stales, more cspe. i.i llv those v. ell-to-do jteoplc who Used only the "Itt-s-t (ieti.see." One ilivestiiralor announced that the root tf the mischief lav in robbing the w l-;it of its In st fit inent.s in the prt-.i-s of milling. :Mid taking away its ou1-r coating. This man was SxIvest.T liraham a mono maniac on his own bobby, but he rcli dentl an iuiHrtjint. service tt the sci ence of aliinelit.it ion. though the epi thet "bran bit-.-id" was derisively : plied to tJ.e sort that still bears hi name. TEN AT A BltTH. Recorded ( ttsnt hit h Heat That ft the Indiana Farmer'. Wife. One of the best-know n phxsieians in the city, aprx'os of the -ase reported in I iidiana of the Icrimui farmer's w ife who presented him with six children of practically the same age, said: "1-ven triplet; are.juit rare, and sin h cases a.s tbis are still luttrv rait-; vet in stances are recorded ill medical aupals of Uie btrt It of si . seven, eight, nine .and even ten children at one time. It is very rare, however, thstt any of the chil dren live w here t here are nit.re t hau tvv.i at a birtli, all hough a case is recorth-d by Chamlioii of ipiiut upl.-tsall of w hom survived their luiptism for a sli4trt period. 1 heard not long ago of a'l exas woman who gave ltirth to six children, and there- is a -ase in Chicago where four fully -deA-li-d children w-re ln.ru, who lived for some time. Acconlingto statistics kept by 1 r. Churchill, of Kng land, tvx ins occur once in births, but of 3T.-1 1 1 births live cases only were tl.tvse of triplets. It Might Have lteen tied Ink. A certain nclor who wished to intro duce innovations into "Hamlet" pro posed to J-Iay the jwirt of the Banish prince in a red cloak, w hich intent ioit he communicated to Sir Henry Irving, who sail: Very well: I do not .-see. anything shocking in that." "But is it right?" inquired the interlocutor. "I dare say it is." repli.il Irving. "Ked w as t he color of mourning of the rov al house of IVnmark." "But b .w tio xou get over this?" .crsiste the other, quoting the words; " Ti- not alone my inky ctiat. gotttl mother." "Weil." re plied the Nha'xcsiica-rean. calmly. "I supjHtse there is such a thing as red ink, is there not?"