The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 12, 1896, Image 2

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    tote tcfmaiv
Very many citizens, says the Phila
delphia Thnr, though' IrtFsly advocate
Ka froa anil lin limitttl oinatre of silver.
helieving that thereby the volume of j Cimp of th jubilant Mokinleyiteg by the
I POP l live auuuuuini"i' ....... ,
JUNE 12. 1-
Owners of the Cimbria coal fields.
Dfar Cheyenne, Wyn , have discovered
that the coal which they have been sell
ing for f 2 carries from f 5 to tS worth of
gold per ton
The adoption of a universal standard
thread for screws and bolt is one of the
p nihilities of the near future. An in-if-rn
tlional conference is about to lw
held in Europe, having for its object the
adoption of a uniform system. Thif
will be in line with the proposed adop
tion of he metric system of weights and
Oxe of the greatest inventions ever ad
deJ to the granite business is being giv
en a test in Montpeller, Vt. The mi
chine is for sawing granite, and if it
proves satisfact. ry it will go down in his
tory with the c.tton gin. The machine
contains $4,000 worth of diamonds, and
the t it-il construction costs in the neigh
lrhood of 10.000.
Joas, of Bucks county, was
was last week sentenced to 40 years in
in the Eastern penitentiary for burning
barns. Judge Yerkes, in sentencing
liim be did not wish to have the
people of Bucks county annoyed with
Hogan, and it is not likely that they
will be, for he is now .43 years old and
by the time he serves out his sentence he
will be IfSS liable to burn barns. He
burned four and received 10 years for
each, making 40 years.
Arsns C .rbiv. the millionaire bai ker
and railroader, was killed at his forest
and game preserve at Newport, X. H.,
on Thursday of last week by his team
running away, throwing him out and
injuring him so that he died. The
coachman who wfs with him was also
killed, and two persons who were in the
party were injured, but not seiiously
Mr. Corbin was well known as the pres
ident of the Philadelphia & Reading
railroad. He had great success as
banker during his lifetime.
The purchase of eighteen acres of land
at Congress Heigh s for a summer home
for the President of the United States
and for other purposes, says the Wash
ington JW, is provided for in a bill in
troduced by Representative Penny. The
amount of the appropriation designated
is $1,000,000, and the land specified is a
portion of Wilson Park, which overlooks
Washington, Maryland and Virginia
The plan of the bill is to protect the tim
ber growth there so that it shall
be adjacent to the proposed summer
The American Manufacturer in last
week's issue says concerning the iron and
steel trade: "The last week seems to
have tieen unusually quiet in the local
iron and steel market. General inac
tivity has been the status of the trade
for numerous weeks past, but the last
week has been decidedly monotonous
In all branches the waiting policy seems
to be general. Nobody is buying any
thing they can do without just now, con
stiuently the volume of business
small. To further delay the expected
improvement, troubles over the wage
qjiet-tton are ft are I. Accoiding
present indications, there will be dim
culty in arran 'it e te.ras for the comintr
year in some departments of mill work. I
However there seems to be the same
faith in the future and the same belief
that a big improvement is not far off."
Washington letter.
bombshell has
June 5th. ISOr.. A
been exploded in the
money in tho country would le greatly , jx
enlarged, when in point of tact jus uie
reverse would be the result.
We have now io round nunilers about
$l.f! M,000,000 of money in circulation, i
over $000,000,000 of which are g'-Id. the j
remaiuder l-ing nemly equally divided
between silver and paper.
If this government were to adopt the
free and unlimited coinage of silver, it
would at once bring the United States to
the pilver standard of value along with
he other free silver countries of the
world, such as China. Japan, Mexico,
India, etc., and gold wou.d cease to
circulate as money and would be simply
an article of commerce.
Thus by adopting the silver standard
over $"00,000,0ti0 of our present circu
lating medium wonld be at once retired,
and remain out of circulation as long as
the silver standard wasi maintained
by the government.
The remaining $l,000,000,0Hl of our
circulating medium would be at once
reduced to just one half its present value.
and it would require f-' or our snver
Standard money, both paper and coin,
to buy the amount of any commodity or
necessary of life that can now le bought
for one dollar that is maint lined on the
gold standard.
Thus the silver standard would lessen
our money circulation over $000,000,000
of gold, the only alisolntely sound mon
ey now circulating among the people,
to half that amount of money at our
present gold standard of value.
In short, free silver would retire over
$000,000,000 of gold. from our present
circulating medium, and would reduce
the other $1,000,000,000 to $T00,000.-
000 of actual value; and instead of $1,-
000,000, of money, free silver would
leave our people with only $500, 000.0(H)
of paper and silver money, estimating it
at its purchasing value.
Instead of having over $1,000,000,000
as we have now, free silver would re
duce the circulating medium of this
country, in its purchasing power, to but
$500,000,000, and the more silver mon
ey we issued, and the more paper mon
ey we issued on the basis of silver, the
cheaper our money would become.
Thus free silver, instead of increasing
the volume of our circulating medium
as many thoughtlessly assume, would
not only absolutely deprive us of more
than one-third of our present money,
and the best part of it, but would rednce
the value of our remaining silver and
paper just one half in its purchasing
The free silver advocate who urges free
coinage to increase the circulating me
dium, must be either fool or knave, as
the facts are as elear as the unclouded
sun of noondav. not under any circumstances
play secoud fi-idle iu th MiKiuleyor
chistra. Mr. Ri-ed is a thor..unhly dia-gu-Ued
man. He thought lie had Lis
party in hand as well as he has had the
Republican innj irity of the h 'iis, and
it hurts him to he knocked ut by the
man wh i has less alii:y than auy if the
prominent candidate for thu nomina
tion: and makes him mad to s-e
" I IT i TT C C.ntr't U rf)rt
III- .best of all in Leavening rower. .
M l,oul- b KftlVlMg.
u tmIo .Tune 6 Affairs in
who had plJB.i their support o mm f 7huI L The
HIT I " - -
The Southern delegates to the Repub
lican national convention, who with the
exception of two or three leaders are
colored men, can find no shelter in the
Republican city of St- Louis, not even
food, unless they resort to the low ne
gro dives. They cannot obtain tempo
rary lodging in the pullman palace cars,
into which no colored man can enter
except as an attendant or waiter. In
this kind of treatment Republican or
gaus may find a reason why the masses
'of the Southern negroes vote the Demo
cratic ticket. Since the enfranchise
ment of the colored people the Republi
can politicians have treated them merely
as "voting cattle." Democratic politi
cians may not hold them in higher es
teem, but they have more respect for the
rights of the "man and brother" under
the constitution and the laws.
Xo mas in his senses, says the Chica
go iTimex-IIeraul, can deny that the
countries in which wages are lowest and
tbe social conditions of labor the most
degraded are the countries having silver
as the monetary measure of value. The
most conspicuous of these countries are
Japan, China and Mexico. The little
new spurt of activity in Japan means
nothing yet for labor. It is but a bub
ble in a sea long dead. As rapidly as
the country advances there will be the
inevitable drift to the gold standard, ac
companied with a rise in wages, which
will have the effect, in due time, of so
increasing the cost of manufactures in
Japan as to lessen the possibility of ever
becoming a rival with the Western ooun
tries possessing in their soil in unlimited
quantities the raw materials that are the
basis of the great industries of the world
the metallic and the textile, in which
xnereiore, japan, even when it shall
reach the gold standard, can have no
hope of competing with the United
States anywhere, nor with Great Britain
except in Asia.
The second most obvious fact in the
progress of nations, and in their condi
tion to day, is that the greatest prosperi
ty is coincident with the gold standard
and that the country which was the first
to adopt it exclusively and has main
tamed it longest without vacillation
presents the highest example of national
progress, excepting the United States,
whose most remarkable progress is also
associated with the gold standard.
A Washington correspondent of the
Springfield Republican, in speaking of
the silver question says:
If the silver frenzy finally sweeps the
country and makes possible the plunge
to a siiver basis, with the scaling of obli
gations which this will imply, the people
and the politicians of the Northeast will
have themselves largely to blame. That
there is something wrong with the ex
isting economic system, which impov
erishes the south and west for the lene-
fit of special classes, few will deny who
have traveled through tho6e sections or
come in contact with their people. The
demand for free coinage of silver is but
the groping of a blinded and imprisoned
giant who is seeking some means of
freeing his limbs with the purpose of
using them in caring for and protecting
his own. The vast extent of country,
the con Uict of interest between the sec
tions, the incompetence and dishonesty
of politicians, and the predominance of
n o-al over economic issues after the
moral issues have been decidt d, have
ground the south and west between the
upper and nether millstones of a high
tariff above and a wretched currency
system beneath until the victim is mak-
ng a last effort for freedom which
threatens to pull down the entire fabric
of our social and financial system.
Whatever may be said for the protec
tive system in developing y uig indus
tries and in raising wages under tempo
rary conditions in particular cases, it is
hardly a subject of dispute that it has
continuously taken money from the
pockets of fie farmers of the west in the
enhanced price of their agricultural im
plements, their woolen clothing, their
implements of iron and steel and even
the tin utensils of the kitchen. What
ever may have happened in recent years
as the results of that violent competi
tion which high protection engenders
within the protective wall, it was the
avowed purpose and result of the pro
tective system in the beginnirg to , raise
the prices of manufactured goods. He
who denies it denies the purpose and ben
efits of the system. This being the case, it
becomes easy to make arougtVcalculation
of the toll levied by protection upon the
i,000,000 farmers of the south and
falling over eac h other to annou
ailfgiiMv-e to McKiuiey.
President ClevcUnd was not surprised
when rongreMt p.i;scd the. River and
Harbor bill over his veto, nor has that
changed his opinion of the merits ..f tbe
bill and predictions are freely made that
a verv small portion of the money ap
propriated by the bill, now alsw. will be
paid out bv the present administration.
There are m ire ways to kill a dog than
hangine him. .
The Rutler bill prohibiting the further
issue of bonds without the consent of
cougress was pissed by the senate, the
vote In-ing S2 to '25, Silver lieing the di
viding line, but was qiickly shelved
by the house, which voted to lay it on
the table, after it had be.-n adversely re
ported from the ways and means com
mittee. Unless the difliculty of keeping a quo
rum present in the house, which is tie
coming greater every day, shall delay the
transaction of business congicss will ad
journ by the midd'e of next wsek, pro
bably a little earlier. But there are sev
eral memliersof the house who stop every
thing by raising the point of "no quo
uruai" everrjttme theyget the oppor
tunity. There is no exjiectation of do
ing anythiug else thau to fiuish up the
regular appropriation bills
Ex-Uov. Campbell, of Ohio, who is
considered by manv to stand a good
show for the Democratic nomination,
isiu Washington. He doesn't believe
there will be a split iu the natty at the
Chicago convention. Speaking aliout it, j
he said: "I feel quite certain that when
the Democrats meet in national conven
tion at Chicago thev will exercise good
enough wisdom and moderation to frame
a platform liberal enough and broad
enough for all memtiers of the party to
stand upon. I believe that conserva
tism and good sense will prevail, and
that differences of opinion will be sub
ordinated to party welfare. The silver
men appear to be in the majority and
will doubtless exercise the lights always
accorded a majority, but that is no rea
son lor imagining mat tne party win
split into fragments, as has been so cheer
fully predicted by a good many people
who don't in the least know what they
are talking about. The Democratic par
ty has survived too many ordeals to
dread shipwreck now, and it will con
tinue to exist and to win victories as it
has been doing from the beginning."
It would be amusing, if it were not
such a really serious matter, to see the
care with which the Republicans in con
gress are guarding their talk in Cuban
affairs. Such men as Senators Sher
man and Chandler, who were talking
nothing but ripsnortiug jingosim a few
weeks ago are now as mum as Quakers
on the subject. The reason is that some
how or other the Republicans have 'be
come convinced that President Cleve
land is getting ready to lieat congress at
its own game, by an early recognition of
the outright independence of Cuba.
Whether the president has any such in
tention is a matter about those who
could sjeak by authority will not talk.
It is probable that the Republican scare
grew out of President Cleveland saying
to Senator Sherman and two other mem
bers of the committee on foreign rela
tions, who called at the White House to
discuss Cuban aff iirs. that he thonght
recognition of the independence of Cuba
was preferable to recognizing the Cubans
us belligerents.
It is now openly conceded even by
such sturdy opponents of silver as sec
retaries Smith and Morton that a large
majority of the delegates to the Chicago
convention will lie silver men, but there
is much less talk of a Imlt by the oppo- j
nents of silver than there was when the
control of the convention was in doubt.
in fact, a numlier of the strangest advo
cates of the gold standard in congress
have voluntarily stated to silvtr Demo
crats their intention to support loyally
the ticket and platform of the- Chicago
convention. So far the Democrats in
congress are doing very little talking
about any particular candidate for presi
dent, and while most of them have a
personal preference there is nothing like
concentration of sentiment upon any
one man. . m.
r.t ,.f li.-f i over, aud there is
I l C. V' vm . of a ireneral improvement in
the condition of tornado sufferers at the
j: .l...f Dtalinni Ttlfr( IS a nO-
ticeabte decrease in the number of ap- I
plicants for aid, aud it is the opiuiou J
that the sUtious in St. Imis will be
closed today. ith the abandonment
of the district stations, however, the re
lief work will be far from finished.
Whatever remains from the general
fund will be left in the keeping of the
merchants exchange committee, who
will continue the work wherever neces
sary. The relief fund coutinues to erow
until it has reached $1S3.531. In all
parts of the tornado district houses are
being made habitable once more and
demolished buildings are being rapidly
rebuilt. IuEistSt I u is the work of
restoration goes steadily, aud there is no
abatement of the releif committee's work
many people who were compelled to live
in tents until their demolished homes
repaired, are liecoming accustomed to
their new environments. In some
places tenants live iu box cars. None
of the patients in the hospitals has died
during the past two days, and. accord
ing to the statements of attending phy
sicians, no more fatalities will be report
ed from these institutions.
Pennsylvania Heroes.
Gettysburg, June-5 A large number
of veterans of the late war and others
assembled on the battlefield to day to
witness the unveiling of the equestrian
statues erected by the state in honor of
Generals Meade and Hancock, l'ennsyl-
vania's most prominent soldiers in the
The ceremonies began with the u; -
veiling of the Meade memotial by
George Gordon Meade, grandson of the
dead hero, at 10:30. As thedrapery fell.
a salute was fired by Light IWtery t.
United States army. This was followed
bv dedicatory services by grand Army
At 2 this afternoon the sUtue of Han
cock was unveiled in much the same
manner. General Gobin transferred the
statutes to the state and Governor Hast
ings received them.
Many People Turned Away
From the Concerts.
It Was B Jrrat Triumph A :rt Pi
grain In lhi Fretiing -Tl ritle
Take I'lat Tomorrow Many I'ruiui
aat Singer Take Tart.
, A I'onviel'a Revenge.
Jefferson City, Mo., June C. Officer
Zera Kay burn, of the Missouri peniten
tiary, was shot and badly wounded yes
terday by F. A Norvill, a convict who
was released froni the peni entiary the
day liefore. For some infraction of the
prison rules Rayburn had Norvill pun
ished on Thursday morning by being
tied to a post. At noon he was released
from the enitentiary. He immediately
bought a shot gun, loaded it and hid
himself near the house of Rayburn. At
about 5 o'clock vesterday morning, as
the officer stepped through his gate to
the sidewalk, Norvill fired at him. He
was about sixty yards distant and the
shot was scattered, striking him in tiie
head, breast and abdomen. Norvill
was chased ten miles by hounds and
PiTisntTRO. Jane 10. The second day
Of th Sueiiuerfest 'wus Kraml suors-s,
and was only niarrl by one incident,
namely, that thntiHi ids of mI. were
turned away from tin hall last iMKlit
unabln to guilt nlmirt:itir owing to the
crowded condition of the hall. This,
in the faoe of tuid weather, remark
able word. The doors were. -los-l
promptly 8 a"'1 fn,1T l"M'e
were standing mitsidn K-kiiii? tnliint
taneo. many of whom held season
tickets. Musically the festival is
nou need by coiuieteiit judges inag-nifi-tnt
The children' part of th? prouiam in
thn after noon was earned out with
nicety and precision, ami gave great
aatisfartioii This feature of the. Saen
gerfest hiul only bnn tri-d one; befor.
At MilwaukiHi aliout K.OOO children sang
a selection of an opera with all tin; tthad
ing in tones. This event is considered
the trreatest attempt to train achildreii's
choma ever attempt el in America
The most popular and attractive feat
nro. which brought hundreds to the t on-
cert, was tho singing by the children's
chora of 3.OO0 voices They completely
captivated the andience. and when the
choms of "Our Pair Iiiiid Forever"' was
sung amid the rythmic, waving of 3,000
United Stata flaga
The musical feature of the afternoon
concert, for many was the quartet fiom
"Rigolette" y Verdi, the quartet of
siugera including Miss Lillian Bluuvclt.
Miss tiertrnde May Stein. A. L Guille
and Kmil Senger.
Fran Katherine Dohso-Klafsky's ap
pearance was the loadstone of the even
ing. She sang the aria from "OUmoii."
by Carl M. von Welier, "Ocean. Thou
Mighty Monster." Thongh in this se
lection the singer Rang with great.
powr and excellence, it was not until
she appeared iu ''Tristan and Isolde.
in the most acceptable role in her en
tire repertoire, that of "Isolde." that
she showed the greatness of Ker tiuperb
voice for Wagnerian rols.
We're going to do the greatest June
busiuos-s ever done iu this store, and bare
are some of the values that will brini? it.
Zephyr Gingnams
2oc on-, Ii-oaes.l-'ic
neat styles ol stripes aud checks Iu
choli-e color hits.
Imported Grass
Iiinens, 15c.
Natural linen grounds, with clusters
of three line stiies In yellow, red. black
brown -30 inches h ide -uuuul Mvle aud
1.V 1
Ate 31 in-.-hes wide All the same
i- good quality UiftVreiice in price is
:K- on account of difference iu styles.
w ide new aud
ones at 2.V white grouLds flee Wed
with white pin dols s-mall piuk. red blue
or black stripes-3u inches
f Cheviots.
".Of j fhecks.
T.m--; Homespun,
tl.lii l Niik aud Wool
choice new productions of the best tex
tile manufacturers.
Samples if you ak for them.
New things in Pres Gooils. Fancy ami plain. New StlK 1E
Wrapper Gooih Musliur Silk Finish Henrietta from :'.. f , (
per yart , entirely new. New Lining of all the latest kin , lE
the market.
IftHew Embroideries,
Laces and Trimmings.
Full assortment of Prinls, Ginghams ami Muslins Full lice of
all the latest styles in Ladies' ami Ghil.lren's Shoes.
27. JUTE)9 WEUt
we carry all the latest styles in Shoes. Shirts, ll:it
low prices. Come ami see us when in town.
at verv
Allegheny, Pa.
For mmr Prlrrl liM. t'atarr.h -IJurer
or Tonic lr l"tarrli In liquid form to l liki o
nternallf. uiMntly enialn thr Sleicurj or
totllile ot Pouts, or both. wMcb a'e Irjurlout 11
too Ion takro. t'atarrah In a local. Dot a IoihI
tirease. caurd oy a md.len rhaoye to cold or
damp weather. Ii ilrl In itaimlv!M.
affecting eye, ear asd throat, fold to the head
rauae exeesaire ft w of mueua. and If reeaUdly
tieK.lected.tbe renulls of ralarrah will lolluw;
revere ialn In the hea l, a marine sound In Ihe
ears, bat breadth, and ol ten time an fTeaalre
dlwharite. The remedy should be quick to al y
In Oammatlon and heal the membrane KlyV
'ream Halm la the acknowlryed cure lor these
roubles and contains no mercury nor any In-
urlous drag;, frice, SO eents
nov 10 M ly.
ft On.
.Man and Woman Uronnrd.
Pittsburg, June 8 Yesterday four
men and three women, residents of
South Pittsburg, visited the McCoy fish
in"; camp at West Kun, on the Monou
gahela river. The day was ppent in
drinking, and at a late hour last night
the party, very much under the influ
ence of liquor, started up the river in an
old 11 it bottom boat. They were run
down by the packet James G. Blaine,
and one man and one woman were
drowned. The other five were rescued
by the crew of the tow boat James
Crown. They refused to give either their
own names or the names of the people
whose lives were lost. This morning the
liodies of the man and woman drowned
were recovered and the coroner notified.
ClnrlnoaM IMmnnnil Man
PlIILADF.I.PHIA. Juno 10. lloriuan.
Keck, a nieinlier of the t Vm-Ii-i man
Keck Diamond Cutting rxmi.uiy ol
Cincinnati. vho was onvi(l.-l in the
U S tllstriet couit or ;it iiipluiti to
Rinucuk- dliiiiioiuls into tin t-ountiy.
has lii-en ent-in el liy .Imlux Itutb-r to
on ye;ir'K imjiriouuM-iit- anil a lino of
f-tKl Ki k' j.ri' ut ion vi liioiilit
altout by the Diamond I miortes- union
of New York, and bis invi lion vas
duo iiiiiinly to the evidence of Cnit;iin
IrfMisewH-. of tlio xti-iuner Kliy nl.wul.
who li-stitied to having received i iu-k-ui;o
rotitainiuK $7.ooO worth ot di:i
iikiikIs fiom Kiik in a restaurant in
Antwerp which was lo lie nivcii to V
Von Iti-ith. also of (linciiinal i
Ki k Milis4Hui'iit!y sailed for New
York on tins steamer All-r and was ar
rehlcd ly U S treasury nll'M-ials on tlio
descilplniil nivmi by C.ilain I -uose
Kj Mind and f'ltiudburM.
Ijup City, Neb., June 0 The worst
hail and wind storm and cloudburst ever
experienced in Sherman county struck
this place at 7:45 last evening. The
daughter of Joseph McCoy was drowned
in the flood. The Catholic church was
blown to pieces. The Baptist church
was moved 40 feet off Its foundation.
The barns and outbuildines of T. L.
Pilger and Mrs. Bower are strung out for
40 rods. A GO foot bridne across Dead
Horse creek was carried over 1,000 feet.
At St. Taul the Loup river rose 15 feet
in a few moments, flooding houses, but
doing no great damage otherwise. The
country districts suffered the worst,
many families in the lowlands being
forced to flee to higher ground to save
their lives Much live stock wns drowned
near Ord.and a dispatch from that place
says there are fears of loss of human
life. The. roads are impassable, too, and
it is impossible to investigate.
13 utter making in one minute, with
economy and with many valuable safe
guards from disease as compared with
a a. a
tne oia-iasnioned cnurmng evstem, is
something that United States Consul
O'Neil, at Stockholm, tells of in a report
to the state department. This is done
by a simple machine known as the radi
ator invented by a Swedish engineer and
described and illustrated by the consul.
It makes the butter directly from steril
ized milk.
Chicago's tilirul Criminals.
Chicago, June 7. L. T. Klein's dry
goods store, at the corner of llalsteod
and Fourteenth streets, was robbed last
ntght bv highwaymen who entered the
store while it was open and well lighted.
and forced the cashier to give up money
estimated at foUti, a tthe point of a re
volver. Klein 6 is one of the largest
dry goods stores in she city, and at the
time the robbery was committed the
building was not onlv brilliantly lighted
but niied witn customers.
The robbery is supposed to have been
done by the three men who killed Mar
shall, proprietor of tha Golden Rule
store, several weeks ago, and who have
robbed nine stores since. The men have
used the same methods in everv case.
and have so far managed to escape with
out tneir inuentity becoming known.
The Fourteenth regiment, Ohio na-1
tional guard, on last Sunday decorated
the graves of the 2, CSS confederate sol
diers who died in prison at Columbus
during the war, and are buried on the
site of Camp Chase. This is the first
time it has been done, and it is the re
sult of the cordial reception given the ie were heavy losers. .At Hastings,
Woman too Cole for Bnll.
Flemington, N. J., June 8 Harry
Scudder, a well-known farmer, living at
Nevius Mills, Hunterdon countv, was
crossing a field near his home, where a
bull was grazing. The beast attacked
him and tossed him about in a frightful
manner and then held hint upon the
ground between his horns. Scudder's
cries were heard by his wife. She grab
bed a piece of red calico and ran out to
the field. She waved the calico franti
cally over the fence, and the animal then
left his victim and tried in vain to
break the fence down to reach Mrs.
Scudder. Scudder succeeded in' escap
ing. He was severely cut and bruised,
but not dangerously hurt.
several Figure la a Family Tragedy.
Jamestown, N. Y., June 8 A fam
ily tragedy occurred at Cherry Creek Sat
urday and Sunday. Some weeks ago
Mrs. Wallace Persons, of that village,
accused her husbaud of undue familiar
ity with a woman who lived near by.
Persons assmlted hiswifeand was sent
to jail for three months. Saturday
1 a - a a
mgm .-lire, l ersons ooservea ner son, a
young man, in company with the same
woman and went home and took an
overdose of arsenic. The son, when he
heard of this, was filled with remorse and
took a dose of strychnine. The mother
died Sunday and the son is in a critical
Noltill'C linMillaiil In 1Vllic 1 rial.
Nkwpokt, Ky. June in Twenty
two leiOsiHoiis were lead in tin? fm
ikmiii and ha.f as many the aflcl nn
in tin Walliuir trial. Two exiw il w. 10
presentiil hv the defi'iisn KaHi of
these was skilfully and tlioiuuiMily
flammed lv t'-oWmel Nt-i.-soii fin I lie
i-oiuuuinweullh as to make I heir dual
testimony invaluable tn I lie laeoecuf Km
All tli Iitsl liimii v the lust lew da lias
been fur the defeusn
At Adrian, Minn., 100 head of stock
and one man, E. V. Hunter, were
drowned in tha storm. The St. Kilian
mail carrier tried to cross the lake north
of the town, and was submerged in the
rising tide. He climbed a tree for safety.
At Baldwin, Wis., the greatest down
pour of rain in the history of the town
occurred. A great number of families
were compelled to move out of their
houses. The railroad tracks are washed
out for about 200 feet. There are sever
al other bad washouts between Knapp
and Roberta. The damage to crops and
bridges in the country is very large.
BiffMorm Oat West.
Sioux City, la.. June 7. Residents
here were driven to their tornado caves
by a high wind from the southwest about
7 o'clock last evening. Snade trees and
chimneys all over the city were blown
down and a few small frame buildings
euiiereu. ineiocai telephone com nan-
regiment, while in camp on the Chica-
mauga battlefield last fall by the south
ern people, and particularly the ex -con
federate soldiers.
Minn., the storm was the greatest of the
year, tearing up streets, washing out cul
verts, aud doing great damage to crops.
All trains east and west were sidetracked
Hashed Down a Mount am.
Parkersburg, W. Va., June 8. A car
on the Harwood Lumber company's
reilroad on Big Run, Webster county,
suddenly started down from the top of
the mountain with five men Saturday.
James Moffett was found still further
down terribly cut and fatally hu. t. Ja
cob Holcome was picked up 400 yards
from the starting point, also fatally hurt,
and Cal. Long was found unconscious
and horribly injured nearly a quarter of
a mile from the top of the mountain.
N Lialatlv Aid For St. l-ul.
St. Louis. Jane 10. Governor Stone
-has reDlied to the letter of Mayor Wal-
t.iidtre askine him to call an extra se
eiou of the legislature to submit to the
neonle a constitutional amendment en
abling St. Louis to issue bonds for relief
from the damages by the recent tor
nado. The governor, after piving tne
matter very careful consideration, de
clined to call an extra aesion.
KarrlK Llrenaea.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court
for the week ending Thursday, June 11th
Frank W. Jones. Ebensburg. and Alma
Roland, Hlackiick township.
Samuel Weakland, Patton, and Elizabeth
A. liiiik.Carriilltuwn.
Ralph V. Jackson and Lizzie Davison
Charles Varner, Morrellville, and Bertha
I. hitork. luised&le.
Roliert Myers, Snow Shoe, Centre coun
ty. Pa., aud May Igow. Glasgow.
J. A. Breth, trant, and Clara Hammond
Nick town. .
John Lundy and Mary Lee. Jamestown
Martin Koovics and Susanua Sarog
Cornelius Bunn, Dunlo, and Lizzie S.
I- arreu, Lilly.
Walter J. Weakland, Patton, and Ida
J. Scbriiig, Cambria township.
Paul LeoKgal and Katalin Petro. Vin-
William J. Ilettle and Teresa Ann
Smith, Sum merli ill.
The aggregate of this year's maple
sugar crop of Samerset county, which
stands second in the list of maple sugar
produciug counties iu the United States,
Is 2.000,000 pounds, the value of which Is
f 13i,t". The maple syrup crop is 50.0UI
Wen put in
turns out
the 01.1
not Lin :
m m aa aw v
HALL S hair
The great popularity of thli preparation,
after iu test of many years, should be an
dKurance, even to the most skeptical, that
It ts really meritorious. Tboae who have
used 11 all's Hair Kimwu know thai
It does all that Is claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
heads provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which is seldom the case: restores
natural color to gray or faded hair; p re
ar rr pa the scalo healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevent the hair falling off or
When you wunt GOOD FLOUR take your Exiin to
the OLD SHENKLE MILL in Kbensbur- The
for the manufaeture of Flour has
Shenkle Grist Mill in Ebensbur
Bring in your grain ami give us a trial. E.-uh uiunV
grain in grounil separately anl you get the Flour ot your
own wheat. If farmers wish to exchange rain for Yl.r
they can lo so. The Mill is running every tlay with the
changing color; keeps It soft, pliant, lua-
trous, and causes It to (row long and
0). LUOW
Hall's Hair Rksewek produces its
effects by the healthful influence of lU
vegetable Ingredients, which Invigorate
and rejuvenate. It Is not a dye, and la
a delightful article for toilet uae. Con
taining no alcohol, tt does not evap
orate quickly and drr up the natural oil,
leaving the hair harsh and brilUe. as de
Other preparation.
Buckingham's Dy
Colors them brown or black, aa desired,
and Is the best dye, because It la harmless;
' produces a permanent natural color; and,
being a single preparation. Is more eo
anient of application than any other.
' nirun by
M. TP. BALL A CCk. NaaJssna, TsT.
14 by all Dealers la :
A 'Lji J
Ioni rriiiU
Of watiiii! time -r pic!..r: :i.
otli-r have though! t.m .r t...j.
GOOD If l.i s ' I rs
t'oiiu' from linn i'uneh.v.
Tfcc Cicflerflla Stoycs 2Efl Idi'i
Ar- tlic rviill of ovi-r t hiru - ! v . y. i'- f-N-rii-iii--.
Tln-y ar m-l.-.! fi.r t i..-1 r a .ra
1'ilify. -ii-aiiliu-- and it'ini-uiiv.
S;--ial aH-liUi-n lia U-n (.j.J !.
Illtf Stoves tfje WaV the p.-npi.- wjM Mulli.
w ith a view id melin - t-i y rv..tri!i-i.'.
at a mnieraie cw-L
; am t
lam d
t a W.
kmn t
I I Lo.
II? ii.
J ins a:
I a iui
N'- ai.d t.
50 Shoats lo
from 75 lo 100 pounds
each. Address,
Mountain House,
Cresson, Pa.
1 quickly
(tntawn thfi
Jinmal intmnQ99
Allay 1'niM mmti
i ttflnmt war iont
Hntlm lha Mvrea.
I'rolrvlt the
Mrtnbrmm Vom
Additional (W.
Kemtamt the
Brmttrn nf Tnnt
and imWI.
Is the Individual who persistently neglects hla
health, and tbe means ol preferring aud reator
loir It. Many persona wbo are not conititatlonal
Idiots do tbis. Tbey are irsnnine objects of eom
pasaioa as well as eenaara. A failure o! a etlie.
losi ol slaep and flesh, impaired digestion, an
uncertain condition of tbe bowels and symptoms
vt blllloasness are so many warnings ol the ap
proach ol disease. To disregard them Is abject
lolly, which offended nature Id doe time ponlnhrs
severely. If not fatally. That genuine and
thoroughly reliable preventive of bodily m in
ch lei in tbe rbape ot chronic dtaease. Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters, will. It retorted to In time,
avert those disorder, to tbe removal of which It
is also fully adequate. Among there are chronic
Indigestion, liver complaint, kidney troubles,
constipation, nervousness, rheumatism and malaria.
Tlu-ir -lean!in' le-i,- Ui.
Tlit-ir -4-tttiitrii v v . tn..i-i
(WSiM by the following dalr:
Khknshi K H. A. Shoemaker, ("akhoiltowx- P. J. IM.-tri. Ii. Hv-
1. k,. Helider. Sl'ASMI.KU K. M. llili.l.-r Patthv A M Tl,..n,
T F. C. I ieorire. Soi-tii Koi:k-.. S. (iiri .t S,m . 'uu
eMMM.MvMMHvfH l p"
of Furs, Capes and Jackets, Winter Dross (Jool
and Woolen Underwear at QUINN'S, 134
and ldb Ulmton St., Johnstown, i-urg
Capes sold at half cost. Xew iSprinir
Goods arriving everv da v.
Dm.mjiLm.aLN om safe
It Will Cure COLD 'N HEAD
A particle Is applied Into each nostrel and is
aareeable. Prlc&O -ents at llrugelsts orby mall
tl.Y BKorHtKS, to Warren SUeeuNew York.
Carriage and Vagon -Shop.
Having oneneil tin in the shon l:if-lv nmu.l t,P i r...- tlie 1
:Uiislmry, I am preparcl to do all kinds ol Wairon and Varrhi-v Wmk
notu-e and at rea.sonal.le terms, t'aniae Tiimminsr, fuldoiu, and ! l'":'--"lr
nished to onler. Orders taken for Si.i iii W
'Siiecial attention piven lo Ijutir Work' and Paintinpand satif: -lion r.wv-
r 3
I ( f
- u.
Formerly of Carrolltown
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all I'aV
ent business conducted for Moderats fZ.
Our 0ce is OpposHs U.S. Patent Office,
and we can secure patent in lesa time than tnoae
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with desertp.
Mun. We advise. If patentable or not, free of
charpe. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A Pamphlet, "llow to Obtain Patenta, with
names of actual dieuts in your State, county, o1
town, sent free. Address,
Opposite Patent Ones. Washington. D- C-
UsmkI Me wa laderd.
A good many of our Influential eltlzens have
been trying for for some time to get tbe well
Down Specialist on all
Uhronie and ;i'rlvate in
eases. Hr. M. Slm. ol
t'olumbos. Ohio, to return
to fcbenshuric. nd wake
retcular visits, aa bereie
fore. The Institution to
whteb he belongs has at
last- on account ol a detiKe
ol petitions and letters,
euncent-d to iclve us hla
valuable services aitain,
ever lour weeks reirnlarly.
on 1 nesilay. betdnulnu;
Tuda , JuneZ3d. Tnoa
sufferlnir with ObronK;
Disease ol any kind whatever, bad better call on
blm the above date at tba Cambria House, ilea
saltation and examination tree. sua la n
I run. i utivr. iirt
vri utf.iut vj a iiarui
Uji t r-ai i.-t.i ...
Inff phrstdan of -jo yearn- rxvrl-iHW.
NoHiarviiiK. wnnkmor naia.iiHv. im I
provni KfiM-ral fieallh and Iwaiiitnre cih-ii.. Mi
HclaiaiKl arlHi ladm lud., it u. wot. Kb. cund.
eonftdt-l.llally. F. parilrulan aUdma, with Ktamp.
fiR NVfiPP ""W.rilHiw, ill,
J v I LL.ra r aw .)..,, kkn loka uti.
Schedule In e fleet November 17, 18S5.
.'extlwaiMatt t' re-Ma a.
Seashore Kzpress, week d y ,, , a Sn a m
A I toon ceommoilation. week days. v t a n
Main Line Kxprra. dally i Mam
Altoona Express, daily 1 1 p m
Harrlsburx Aceommodalion. Sundays
only i iT .
iu.ii v...u. 1 1 ' 1
fblladeluhla Kxpress. dally.....
ncAi.r.K is
... ft 17 p i
... (lip!
Johnstown Accommodation, week days
Pacific Kxnreaa. dailv
Way Pasteover. dally.....
Mall Train, daily
ast L.lne. dally
8 .17 a m
4 28 p SB
8 ' p. m
www. DIIOPICO . 1 D.Ios
uuduili) at 2 rinra
Jii T..p KuifKJ . S-T' Wfl-ittlicl
PhaM4H S.4 pkii-u and I
4 Hu Top Surrey . S7 oaurll A IX
aw Koaa n airoo. V
SIS kesd Cart . S !l But
ilumry UarutMW S3 S6 toryand aare
Hutory M.TiHlddlea
.IS Tma SI 2 to: uroSt.
V. B. Bl UttT CAKT ). W. M
la Lswraaos DC. flar laastl. O. W vj
..prtitora. f4!
uy of fao- Vay
Johnstown Accommodation, week daysl. 8 34 p" m
F.Sfaibsri Rrssrh.
Trains leave Ebensbare; as follows; 7.20 and
S.30 p. m. and arrive atfresjon at T.47 a. m. and
4.0 p. m. Iare tresson at V 3u a. m and S.UA
p. m.. and arrive at rJensburt t a. m
ana o.iu p. n.
Ieave lrvona at S.4a a. m. and S 10 p. ra. arriv. !
Ina; at Cresson al 8 06 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. Iare I
Cresson Sts.n, and 5.:o p. m arrlvliut at lr-
1 vona at lu.oa a m. and 6. so p. m.
Kor rates. saaM. etc.. call on aa-ent or address
Tbos. K. Watt, V. A. W. 3W Klith Are..
fiusbura, Pa.
Oaneral Manager.
Oenerel Manager.
Hardware. OKCtsraCi
Tr.4JFTABI.rJS 1JS tr.Mis.
11 r n rvv. 01' .
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