The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 27, 1896, Image 4

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If TJot, Cuban Resoltuions Will
Cc Hung Up.
Smator Mill, Kiwt M'rvli'l In a crt-'h
. Siak Acaic TliP
W .shivotov. Murcli 25. Th r r.nfrr
tH.iif the two houses on the CuUtti
re.olnf ions have not y-t reached a ion
elusion. The entire time of theionter-fiH-p
was -iwiit in canvassing the situa
tion ami in living to arrive ;it lOimiion
proniid upon which the two houses can
stand. The senate ronferree explain' t
tlie dittienlties they Viad encountered in
the senate and made It clear to the house
lnc iiiIhts it' the conference that it would
Le m-eessaiy Tor the house to yield some
thing. t prevent leaving the question in
the air litlwffii the two h-ss. The
house eonferrees accept el this explana
tion and expressed a willingness to make
rr.is4iualili' concosions. agreeing as they
said, fully with the senators that it
wt.nlil place loth houses in u ridicnlon
dttitinte to have the matter fail in con
ference, after lioth houses, hy such ex
tensive majorities, had agreed, each in
its own way. upon an expression friend
ly to I'hilia!
" Two alternatives were presented,
which were those of the house accept
ing the senate resolutions without
change, the modifying of the house
r-solul ions ly leaving ont the scries
providing for intervention. When the
conference adjourned no decision had
liecu reached as to which course should
le pursued or whether some other
course might not In- taken. If the sen
Htf resolutions are accepts hythe house
if will not lie ncci-ssary to bring the
question into the senate again and some
of the senators think the conference
will finally result in their acceptance
Although the main Cuban nsolnfions
have tx-en recommitted to conference,
the subject came up incidentally in the
senate on Senator Mills resolution for
the forcible occupation of the island of
OuIki in order to aid Cohans in securing
local self-government. Senator Mills
strike for two hours in support of the
resolution. He was nnspairing of his
arraignment of (iencral Weyler as an
"atrocious scoundrel and villain" and
of his recital of Spain's bloody record
in the Old and New Worlds. Senator
Morgan also st ike briefly in furthe
KiipjMirt of the Cuban resolutions. Sen
ator Mills' resolutions went to the calen
dar after the speeches.
Hill's Kill t'asfl Removing Disability
Ki-Ktlvl Officer.
Washington. March 25 Senator
Hill's bill to remove the restrictions
against the appointment as officers of
the army or navy of persons who held
commissions in the regular army or
navy before the rebellion and who sub
serjuently took yart in the war on the
side of the Confederacy, which passed
the senate during the height of the ex
citement over the Venezuelan boundary
question, passed the house today after
two hours' delwife with hut one dissent
ing vote, that of Mr. Boutelle (Me.)
The Democrats, except Mr. Cuniinings
(N. Y.), who spoke, as he said, "as one
of the sno.noo Northern Democrats who
fought in the Union army," and Mr
Wilson (S. C), who was drawn into
the debate by Mr. Boutelle. refrained
entirely from participation. Mr. Hull
(la. J, chairman of the military commit
tee, who hml charge of the bill, ad
mitted that it would subserve no prac
tical purpose and was largely senti
Mr. Boutelle, who led the opposition
single-handed, thought it would furnish
a laI object lesson for naval and mili
tary cadets who were about entering
on careers in the service of their conn
try, and when he got warmed up to his
subject, called attention to the fact that
many southern men in congress in the
past had obstructed legislation in the
interest of l;nion soldiers, dwelling par
tieularly on the opposition to the retire'
ment of (Jeneral Cirant Mr. (irosvenor
().) and Mr. Crow (Pa.), however, sup
ported the bill ardently as a graceful
mid gracious act to the vanquished, and
when the vote was taken Mr. Boutellf
alone voted against it. The bill to abol
ish the death jetialty in certain cases
was passed.
Bills were also passed to make the sale
of spintons liquors under a false brand
punishable tiv tine and imprisonment
to turn over the property of the Mormon
chnrcli. now in the hands of a receiver.
to the trustees and several others of
minor importance.
Traii.raxl Itntrh Aiming For War With
UfMl lliiuin.
IVivnow March 25. A dispatch to the
Pall Mall aactte has been received
from Johannesburg, which says Ilia
the Transvaal Burghers are assuming
an alarming attitude. It is added that
a strong feeling exists among the Dutch
throughout South Africa, and that they
are nerving themselves for a supreme
ntruggle with Great Britain.
No reason is assigned for th sudden
withdrawal of the hail of four members
of the reform committee. They had
lieen permitted to go to Johannesburg
in ordi-r to attend to their private
affairs, but all have now been arrested,
and are kept under guard iu a private
house at Pretoria.
Eogland Cannot Always Protci.t New
Wellinoton, N. Z . March 25 Hon.
Joseph George Ward, the colonial treas
urer, speaking at Winton. said that a
large increase of the debt of the colony
must be expected, as New Zealand
could not expect Great Britain always
to protect her.
The time would shortly arrive, he
said, when it would be necessary to
obtain millions of rxmnils to provide
their own fleet.
The Naval Appropriation Bill.
Washington, March 25. The naval
appropriation bill for the fiscal year,
which begins on July I next, has been
completed by the house committee on
naval affairs and may be considered by
the house this week. The total amount
carried by the bill is frll.61 1.034. of
which $12. ;?!.! 33 is for the increase of
the navy. The principal features of the
bill have been printed in these dis
Con id Com factors Fall.
Com-m bits, March 25. W. E. Joseph
ami Harry B. Arnold have been ap
pointed receivers of the Columbus Man
ufacturing company, operating at the
Ohio penitentiary, on the failure of the
company to comply with an order of
the court to pay in part or give bond for
a claim for $.o.0oo for convict labor due
the state.
Accused of Enticing Child.
Cedar Rapids. Ia . March 25 Mar
shal Farmer has left to secure the arrej-t
of D. Hemphill at Findlav, O.. on the
charge of enticing Gofdie Neighbor
from the home of her father, P W
Neighbor, in Winn county. Ia. Tho
child is now with her mother, the wife
of a prominent attorney at Findlay.
Won't Mm la San Francisco.
Chicago, March 25 At a meeting vt
the general officers of the Nation:
Woman s Christian Temperance nnio
it was decided not to hold the next na
tional convention in San Francisco '
is probable the next convention will b
he'd in St Lajuis iu October, or No-ia
Aioikei Ftal M ak Made hy Ttiwpf
In Cuba.
Havana. March -jo. Another terrible
mistake, attended with loss of life and
resulting in many soldiers being
wounded, lbs taken place. According
tr. the ffw details received here, tne
columns of troops commanded by Gen
eral Goricy and Colonel Holguin at the
Santa Rc.-a rli'i-i'''"-'"' "near Esprrfvr."a,
,ir.viiire of Santa Clara mutually mis
t.r.k en h other lor insurgent forces
iwing. if is said, to th thickness of I he
Each detachment opened fire upon
the other and for ten minutes shots
were exchanged, resulting in the killing
of 1 1 solciieif. among them being Lieu
tenant Colonel Fueniuavorof the Navas
hattalirm. In addition, five officers and
M soldiers were wounded Two of the
l.ittn have since died, sis others are
liiortaily wounded and 32 are seriously
Manufacturer ot Kmpire Mnwr ami
U.-aiT! o to that Wall.
Akron, O . March 25 The J. F. Sei
berling company, manufacturers of the
Empire mowers, reapers and binders,
have made an assignment, to W H
Carter, one o' the employes of the com
pany. The failure was precipitated hy
an attachment Tor 10.0o( in favor of
the First N""onal bank of Ravenna. O
resident .1. r Scihcrling said that tliH
liabilities would reach J'oO.lKIO, but he
refused ir ke a statement of the a
selsof fhecmpany
It is said the linn of Seiberling, Mil
ler V. Co. or iViyleslown, t)., will also
beafTe ted. The "plant was e-stablished
early in the 1'0's as the Kxlsior Mower
and Bi-aH-t works. There was a failure
iu the Til's, but in lN4 the J. F. Si iln-r"
ling company was organised with a cap
ital of f I.H0,(00. The comiany wa
Ciiught iu the panic of IMI3 and has
never fully recovered from the slunk
The company employed 350 men.
MJnistrr Assigned to Their Place Next
MrrliiiK at Clearfield.
"Wmiam.-pokt, Pa., March 25. At the
closing session of the Central Pennsyl
vania M. E. conference an encouraging
report of the Christian Home society
was read. The stewards' fund dis
tributed $10,000. Resolutions were
adopted condemning the Armenian
atrocities and asking the nations of the
earth to take some steps to stop them.
The conference voted to hold its next
session at Clearfield.
The conference closed with the read
ing of the appointments. The presid
ing elders are : Altoona district. David
S. Monroe ; Danville. Ezra H. Yocum ;
Harrisburg, William M. Evans ; Jun
iata, John B. PolsgTove ; Williamsport,
Milton K. Foster.
The Laid Body Recovered.
DrBois, Pa.. March 25. The body of
the last victim of the terrible explosion
has been taken from the Berwynd
White shaft. It is the theory of ex
perienced miners and mine bosses that
the explosion was caused by the dust in
the mine lielng ignited by the firing of
a shot. The funeralsof the victims will
be held on Thursday morning.
A Moravian Minister D-ad.
Bethlehem, Pa.. March 25. Intelli
gence of the sudden death of Rev Rnh.
ert W. Herbst, one of the widest known
pastors in the state, has been received
by the bishops of the Moravian church
here. Mr. Herbst served Moravian
charges in Maryland, Ohio and Wiscon
sin. He was 50 years of age.
Appointed by Governor natiof.
Harrisbukg. March 25. Gov. Hast
ings has appointed Peter E. Buck of Ash
land a member of the board of trustees
of the Harrisburg State hospital. He
succeeds Colonel F. Asbury Awl of Har
risburg, who resigned to become treas
urer of the board.
Pennsylvania Officers Re-Elected.
Philadelphia, March 25. The an
nual election of the Pennsylvania Rail
road company has been held here. There
was no opposition to the present officers
of the company an I all were re-elected.
Morris' Iar to 1)1 e.
Harrisbi'rcj, Pa., March 25. Gover
nor Hastings has set Tuesday, May 26,
for the execution of Frank Morris, at
Coal Operators Fall to Pool.
Pittsbl-r, March 25. The Ohio and
Pennsylvania coal operators have failed
to form a pool, the conference breaking
up in a row.
A Riot In Mrnn
Guadalajara, Mexico. March 25 A
riot has taken place in a lumhei camp
west of here and resulted in three Mex
icans being killed. George Roberts, the
American superintendent was seriouslj
wounded. The riot was caused by a
demand for higher wages.
Rsuiutil liy a llrave Fisherman
Hoioinox, Mich., March 25 Five
Finnish fishermen drifted ont to sea on
a large ice float here. Constant Rem
bach, a fisherman, south of Jacoltsville
in Kewenaw. succeeded, after great ex
rrtions and n.nch danger to himself, in
saving all five.
A Rank Cahler Arrested.
Siperior. Wis., March 25. John
McLaren, c.-shier of the defunct Doug
las county bank, has been arrested at
Chippewa Falls, charged with receiving
deposits knowing the bank to be in
solvent Murdered In Their Borne.
Alma. Wis . March 25. An investi
gation shows that the seven members
of the Oldhouse family, who were
found dead in the ruins of their burned
home on the Kth inst.. were murdered.
I'hotocrapheri His Own Ribs.
Cleveland. March 25. Prof. D. C.
Miller, of Case School of Applied
Science, has succeeded in obtaining a
photograph of hi; own ribs and back
bone by mc-iis of ISoeiilgen rays
The Rerd-A llinon Men Confm Kqctn
S4II tlr (lllivrlliim.
ACSTIV. M;.rch 25 The inciter of
who should lie temporary i humual n
the Republican stain convention war
definitely Kittled by the (lectlun (.1
Ciiny. the Allison negro leadu. by a
vote of 40I to 205 for Rosenthal. bi Mr
Kiuley opiiotient. The fight wa mane
strictly on the color line. Cuney 7, lead
ing with his race for support His talk
was successful Ixyond all expectations
This action gives the Reed-Allison
men control of the convention, though
the McKinloy men claim the vote will
not have any effect, as lots ot negroes
who voted for Cuney did so on rare
lines and that when it comes to the vote
they will vote for McKinley men It is
aaid the McKinley men will make an
arrangement with Cuney for a divined
uninstructed delegation.
T.hf,ixV- Miss10,,,r' republicans ncrni
Ttated McKinley delegates
.r,Thve x,,tv in ,he Huntingdon county
(Pa ) convention rtsulted 64 fot McKir.hv
and t3 for Quay.
The : South Dakota Republican conven
K?nletyday likely instruct for Mc
i.iNe YoT !port thl Mr Piatt
deFetnmfnl-T,,thaUit.s,nd ie"nant to
B Reed ' nominal. Thoma?
HtT. county.J "l"-. Culiom'. own
district, instructed for McKinley
Hnrico Vrnngv, Augusta and Staun
KinleyUD ' 'nstruct'id M
Delegates who are favorabU to McKin
!2trR2uiSL!iMLttietu T" ,
Coal Operator Langdon Ar
rested In Philadelphia.
tight een-Ver-llil Annie McOratli Fonnil
a -orpe In the Kstahlisliineiit I.uincdon
5Iint.iliic.l For Her He" Was Witli
Her IVfurr Her Heath.
PinLAm-.LPHiA. March 25. Samuel P.
Langdon, a wealthy coal operator, hes
been amsted 011 suspicion of having
been implicated iu the death of Annie
McGrath. who was found dead 111 tier
bed in a Girard avenue house. Langdon
is 54 years old and the girl was IS. Al
though he has a residence in Powelton
avenue he and the girl had been living
ing in the Girard avenue house for
about a month. The only other occu
pant was a colored servant.
Langdou was in the girl's room nearly
all ciay and took dinner there. After
the meal he went out and did not re
turn. The body was discovered by the
servant alsont three hours later. There
were no marks of violence 011 it. but the
physicians say she had Ihhmi dead 24
hours. One hand was clasping a. hand
kerchief to the breast and a wet towel
lay over the forehead and eyes.
A postmortem examination has been
made, bur the coroner's physicians de
cline to disc-lose its results.
Miss McGrath was the daughter of a
well-known business man and very
Laugdon is reputed to be one of the
wealthiest coal oiK-rators in the state.
He is also financially interested in a
number of southern railroads.
Langdon is said to have a wife and
children living about 14 miles out of
It has lieen ascertained that the girl
had been employed as a stenographer
and typewriter iu Laugdou's office.
When searched at police headquarters
Langdon had a solitaire diamond ring,
a dia 11101 id and opal brooch and a small
diamond ring, which the authorities
think he took from the girl.
One of the detectives states that the
first suspicions of the colored girl.
Bertha Stewart, were aroused by a pierc
ing scream, and for that reason she dis
trusted Langdon's injunction not to
disturb her mistress. The dead girl's
stomach and other portions of the lxidy
have been removed for the purpose of
analysis. She had blue eyes, light
brown hair and pearly teeth. Landou
is a distinguished looking man, tall and
The story of the Stewart girl is that
they occupied the house only for two or
three days at a time. On Sunday last
the girl became ill and the servant hearu
her moaning in her room upstairs all
the day long.
Langdon cared for the girl, telling
the maid that her attention was not
needed. Toward evening Langdon left
saying he was going to New York and
told the girl that the sick woman merely
had a bilious attack. As the servant
did not sleep there, he told her not to
go near the girl and to leave the kev at
a neighlxir's. She disobeyed the order
and found the girl dead.
Langdou stated that he went to the
house bundav morning and remained
all day. He savsthe girl was taken sick
in the afternoon, but he fell asleep and
never went downstirs, and did not wako
tip until 1 1 o'cloc k 011 Monday morning.
He thought the girl was sleeping and
left the house. That night he stopped
at a hotel, and iu the morning he was
surprised to see an account of the girl's
death in a newspaper. Langdou was
loc ked up in a cell at the Central station
awaiting the action of the coroner.
The lielief fur Aimenians Coining In
Tnu slow.
New York. March 25. Brown Bros.
& Co . treasurers of the Armenian re
lief fund, received the following cable
gram from Phillippolis, Armenia. signed
by the international relief committee, in
acknowledgement of a remit tauce of
"Your two remittances most timely,
Th auks Distribution by Harpoot com-
mute reaches 54. (KM) souls. Over 1.0(H)
tave died of exposure and starvatioi
there alone. VYc are supporting 15 othe
centers Nocd appalling. A nation i.s
threatened with extermination."
Spencer Trask. chairman of the exec
utive ronnniftee of the Armenian relief
fund said concerning the foregoing
cablegram "No appeal can be stronger
than this statement of facts fresh from
the field 'i he gifts received thus far
from all oi.r cs. both in England and
America, have leen entirely inadequate
and now seem to be dwindling. The
control of all funds is and will continue
fntlrelv 111 the hands of most trust
worthy American residents and British
The Carpenter' lo He Orilered Out hy lite
Indianapolis. March 25. At today'
session of the executive council of the
American Federation of labor the sub
committee on the eight-hour day prob-
era suumitteo its report, it recom
mended that May 1 be set as the day to
inaugurate the eight-hour plan through
out the country and that, the carpenters
be selected as the union to make the
The committee recommends a strike of
all carpenters' unions that are forced to
work over time, beginning on the day
mat, tne eignt-nour pian goes into effect
It is expected that the council will
unanimously endorse the action of its
At the session the protest of the St.
Louis trades unionists against the
Knights of Labor was heard, and it was
decided that trades unionists must leave
the Knights of Labor.
lr. Jameson's Trial.
London. March 25 Sergeant White
ot tne tiechuanaland mounted oolice.
testified in the trial of Dr. Jameson to
have refused to join Dr. Jameson's ex
pedition and added that Colonel Grev
questioned the troopers prior to starting
and informed them they were not going
10 ngnr ror tne queen, but for the su
premacy of the British flag in Soul It
Africa. The leaders refused to turn
Hack when ordered.
Surer. fill Filibustering rT pert H ion.
ifcw 1 ojiK, March 2.-. The Cuban
junta has received news of the success-
ri 1 k : .. r ....
u MtiKiuiK hi vuua 01 an expeaitic
led by Braulio Pena with 600 rifle. 6S
00O rounds of nnimniiitmn t..A n
... ........ u.,.1,v1,i 1 u
fire Hotchkiss cannon, several hundred
pounds of dynamite and a liberal 6up-
fj mruniiirs uiiu uospitai stores.
This makes the eighth expedition which
landed in the last 40 days.
VeIer Ignores the Application.
Washington, March 25. Consul Gen
eral Williams at Havana has telegraphed
the state department that he has made
two applications to the governor general
of Cuba for information as to the case of
Walter Dygart. a citizen of Illinois, ar
rested hy the Spanish officials for com
plicity in the rebellion. So far he has
received no response to his applications.
Sentenceil to lie. Hans;.
Cleveland. March 25. Judge OnR- In
common pleas court has sentenced Bush
rod Kelch to be hanged July 23. Kelch
brutally murdered his divorced wife
last November and then made an un
successful attempt to suicide.
Paonrerte Summoned to London.
London, March 25. It is reported
here that the British ambassador to
Washington. Sir Julian Pauncefote,
M-ill shortly come to London to discuss
with the government certain features of
UM Venezuelan question.
Teife :aiSER IN ITalv.
maintenance ihe Triple Alliancs L'k!e
'. Ha Considered.
NaFLEs. M rch 25 Eir.p'rot Wil'.iarr
and Ercpresf Augusta have arrived br-
and have receieved a great cvaticn
Gr?at pohncai interest attaches to thi
visit to Itaiv of the German emperc:.
0? 11 has leen generally expected that
wh:ii i.e met King Humbert, tha Eni
peroi Frano Joseph cf Austria vovild
le the gnt cf the king of Traly at th
t .me time, if i- assumrd in all public;
il-..-russion f tht- visit that the subject,
tf the 1 onf-r-iice . between the thtee
sovereigns. r 111 the absence of the
Austrian cn.percr, between two will be
tne relations between the three tcuu
tiies ot the 'reibund
The Tesv.lts of the recent visit of
Count Goluchowski. the Austro-Hungarian
premier to Berlin, will all be 111
favor of the maintenance of the drei-
bund The work begun there, it is ex-
pec-ted will le completed during fc.111
perot William s stay, though it is freely
surmised that the German emperor de
sires some modifications in the triple
tone! which will leave him freer to
place Gem-,-11 y in accord with Russia
in tht far at.
The Advisory Idmril Considering Ilia
IWmIji' I'olitiral Conrts.
. Washington. March 25 What is re
garded by its memliers as tho most im
portant meeting in the history of the. A.
P. A. is lM-iug lucid here by the advis
ory board of the order. The miH-ting
was called to outline the political policy
and future alnus of the organization,
and to forim late demands 011 the old
political parties for the insertion in their
respective plat forms of planks opiosii:
Kectarinii appropriation of public mon
eys. The Itoard is expected to adopt resolu
tions favoring the; bill of Kcprisciitat ive
Linton of Michigan amending the con -It
it 11 1 ic n so as tc alisolutely iuhih'it sec
tarian appropriation. Mr. Linton, it is
understood. ill push this bill and trj
to secure a favorable report on if at this
session of congress. The pro) msec I
amendment is identical with that inlio
duced by t he later Secretary Blaine when
in congress in ISTti -
SPAiNb prompt disavowal
'oi Ie :ouelblr9 For Fiery Ntwii.rt
ll leiabce.
W ashington, March 25. The Spanish
government has officially disclaimed re
spotisibihty for the fiery viewb ex pressed
tn the columns of the Madrid news
papci Kl Kpoea The article which has
called lorth the disclaimer was one do.
rounding that the. United States cease
talking aliout the Cuban insurrection or
else di'elare war al once 00011 Spain, and
the. government felt that it might
lie harmful hec-arise it was intimated
that the- article, was inspired by it
The disclaimer apjiears in all of the
publicity attending theoriginal publica
lion in the. Spanish orgau. El N'acional
Kpanith Claim to Ilve Captured t'.nnin
liinonniful Archive.
W ASHivii iox. March 25 A Cuban
reverse that may harm the insurgents'
cause more 111 its moral effect than in :
tangible way has just been sustained in
Santi Spirit ns province, according to a
cahh-giam icceived at the Spanish lega
It says the Spanish force have cap
tured all the archives of th lusuigcn
government. A Woman lioked to Death.
Boston, March 25 Medical Exam
iner Harris has made a post mortem ex
nmination of the Imdy of Mrs Florence
H Morrison, who was found dead in
her rooms He states that the woman
was choked fo death.
Mutlu Among rlngllrh Soldier
Di PLiN, March 25 Mutinous con
duct on the part of the Thirteenth hus
sars is rep rted from Dundalk. The
cavalrymen are said to have hacked tn
pieces 24 saddles and bridles
The Kaiser In Italv-
Genoa March 25 The emperot and
empress of Germany arrived here em
barked on board the imperial yachi
Hcheiizollern and proceeded to Naples
To Connect All mile aurt Lakes.
Washinoton. March 25. Representa
tive Hepburn (Ia.) has introduced a bill
providing for a commission of five
engineer to report upon the best prac
ticable route for a ship canal having 2H
feet depth connecting the great lakes
with the Atlantic ocean.
Condition of the Treasury.
Washington. March 25. The trea
nry has lost JIMi.JtoO in gold coin ami
$27,200 in bars, leaving the true amount
of the gold reserve. $127.577.H03.
I'msnei'ii March t
WHEAT-No 1 nil. ISO. No. a ,i ?,:
spring whi':il. 7 In
-IJN-Ni v.-llnur csr. ttVt'". j.,
O.-iled. .tl'.4':iijc. high niLKd hllrj Hjvvt
mixti Y'ft-'loo
imTs-No I wlnt.. asviirio. No do
i4!i'(i-c. extra No a white JV8ii,C. Ht
n.ixwi 22'jqiiic
HAY No I tiniotbr. 1 . No r
timothy. I4 :il.i uu: mtxud nloer. Uwi
($lo.(Xi. iw kmuv S 5CVI190O. No I teedinc
prairie. $r iwn u a: wafon hay llbU0(alu
for timnthv
RUTTEK Elirin creamery. -UHe: )hn
ancj :rcam.-ry. i?523c. rancv country. oll
llVoirc. low frd mid cooking. 7&So
LHEEsE Fancy New York, full cream.
1arv nizt;. H,luc. New York Hats. HX$IO'.,c;
fancy Ohios. UgHc. Winconsm SwU id tubs
13ql3';c. liiiibnrger, I ir-i'$ 13c . Ohio Swiss, in
tnbs. lll.'gUc. Swim iu qur blocks ly
Eii.lS Strictly freb Pennsylvania atd
Chio in cases. Il'fgl.'c: sou t htm HXllc
POL'LTRY Larse live chickens. 7-Vo.S6. ie
pair, live chickens, small. u"Uc. orinp
chickens kt:tx:. a to Mze. dreed chicken.
I 13c per pcmid: liv duck. 39Uc ret pair:
dressed ITiftlsc. live turkey U5I4. pet
icund. irtf,a ITQlbo. Hv te ll wjl
pet pair
PiTirBrno Varcb f
CATTLE-Receirt talr: hi rare on !:
nr.arkri steaav W. quote w folic wr frn.
4i5yiw. e-.o 4 16?. lowl rtictert
jpant. ronKb ta mU ?U bnn-. tg
and c.wH. tl :.Vu4DU. Iitil cow. .od sprinr
tr lodX(T '-XH
llOi.-S-Keci-tpt. very llsh. market -ttv
ar.o prh-ev a to ton i.tbei all aronnd witl. iti
Ci; erM.rteil easy We do look tn. tl,cr.
to l.i,l. WrliiLe- l'nm mecliuiB w-iglris
" U-t orker. 4 4-4 SO. '.-iKict-
t. lair Yorker 4wl ni(i MiIW heavt
bi. 4 3u :. ...ut-u,. n.xxai uu
SHEEP-SnppiT for Monday iiti It car
on Kale, market wan active Kud ,rie liw
tigher on Kbeep. market steady w- Uicrx. re
celi.t toiiay. Keats We onot price C hoice
wethers 44 ItK" 4 a), prima nheep f4(HX(4lo.
irooct. :is.Vcc!J (o. fait.fa 50 75. common J ui
&.V40. . nils. locra;i60: obole lambs. U iMa
W.. to itood lambs, 603,4. Mi. veal
aivee.t.ju.. i j heavy and tbJb alvcs I'.'jui
HiciitiiaTl. March ?
BOOS-Market weak at tVlSoxflllU Xa
reipts I.I0U head
CATTLE Market stronr at S3 509 15 he
reipts. ami head, shipments. 2Ul head
SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Market trorf for
tu.l t.'ty,(UU Iteceipts. mm head.Hbip
menu none Lambs Market hlghei l U
New Vori. Marcb 24
WHEAT Spot market dull. No t hrd
'4c fob afloat
fORN-Spot. market dull No. , 27jr
OATS Spot market easier Not 2H?124;c
CATTLE Laropean cable quota American
kteer at ft&9?4o per ponnd dressed weight.
refrigerator bref, 5Ha?c per pound
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Market vary quiet
'7'!n1al Poor to prima.
3aug4 & Lambs, cominoa to choice. 4.50a
& 15
BOGS Mark! steady at t 40Ji.
CtTUUiiaiB 187.
Johnston, Buck & Co.,
A. W. BF K, CaMtiler.
I-riaLiHt;ii lns.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A NHtRBirull, lathler.
General BanlM Bnsinbss Transacted.
The lollowtns: are tba principal features of
general bat-Clu business :
Kocoived payable on demand, and Interest bear
Ing earUfleatas Issued to lima depositors.
Extended to customers on larorable terms anO
approred pajier dlsonunted at all times.
Mili In the loemlitv antl ntion all the Dankln
towns In tbe United Stale Obanree moirat
Issued netrotlable In ! esrt of tbe I'm fx;
Stateii. and lorelicn ezcbanice tssueil on ill paru
of tarope.
UI merrhant. farmers and others solicited. U
wnom reasouatiie aooumouaiion win oe eztenueu
Patrons are siured that all trananrttonf bal
be beld as strictly private and etntldentlal. an
that ther will lo treala.l a n lltwr&Mv as mimmI
tianklDK tules wn permit.
Respectfully .
A. K. fjrrO, WM. H. JJV ll' f,
frtmidoHt. Vnnhinr.
FirstNational Bank
OF fATT.-Ri.
PATTON. Cambria Co., Pa.
Capital, paid up, - - $50,000.
Accounts ot Corporations, firms and Individual
received upon the most favorable terms
consistent with sale and conserva
tive Hanklaa;.
Steamship Tickets lor sale by all the leading:
l.ioes and Korelvn Itralts parable In any
of ibe principal rules 01 tbe
old World.
All correspondence will have our personal and
prompt attention.
I st teres Paid Time Itepoalta.
Orphans' Court Sale
virtue ol an order of the Orphans' t'artol
tlsmbrla county. I efnjlvanla. to me di
rected. I will expose to pub lie sale al the Hrmnt
Hotel. In Lilly. Pennsylva nla. on
a. I o'clock, p. M.. all that certain tract or piece
l land situate in the tornMp ol 'A'a'hlnKinn,
In tbe souiity ot ambrla and State ol Prnnnyl
ua'.la. bounded ad described as lulmw.'. yiz:
BeKlnnlnv at spruce; thence by land ol heirs
ol leremlah McOonlgle. deceased, north seventy -lour
deirrees aest two bun-lred and fit'een
- erches to a post: thence by land ol Catharine -I.
Noon north lorty and ooe-lourih negrees eat one
hand red and torty-one perches to a poet: thence
ny land of sstue north sixty nine and one hall
drttree wet one handr-rd 01 d Olieen perches to a
I -ot; thence north forty dexres twenty teo mln
utes east east elichty two anJ tour-teitbs ierrhea
to a post; thence south seventy dearees east tarn
hundred and twenty elaht and eue-teuta iercl e
o a maple; t hence south 1st ve dexrees wert oue
hunred and eiahty lour and two tenth perches
to the place oJ. I-ckiddIok. containtoa- two liin
dred and ibir'.y-six acres and one hundred anil
lorty-slx perches and aliowaooe. bavInK thereon
erected a two-story
Frame House
eoctalnina 10 ro ms, and a 4ank Karn 40 t y 60
and Shed 20 by 60. Also Wanh House, ersri en
terShnp. Wskoo Shed. Wood t:hed. and other
necessary outbutldinics.
Ten per cent, of the pnrchare money to be paid
In ha lid at the time of sale; the on lance ol una
iltlrd at the ci nhrmaimn :d the sa e; ooe-thi d In
sx months and tbe lemalnins: thl d In ore-eir
ir- m the cuinrmatlon ol ssle. lielerred psyuieutii
to bear Interest ad to be secureil by judgment
bund and mortgage ol Ihe purchaser
Trustee '.o se'l tbe real estate o I Joseph t'rlste.
a e ei
Crceson. Ps. March 13. 1S96 3t.
Orphans Court Sale
HY virtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Court
ol Cambria county, lo me directed, tbere
win oe axposed to sale by penile vendue or out
cry on the premises InClearneld township. Cam
brla county , on the
at oue o'clock, p. M. tbe following, described reil
estate, vis:
All that certain mejsuaa-e. beln tbe mansion.
r.onc. oarn ana tract ot isntl. a lartu situate In
tbe township ol Clearfield, county of 'amrirla.
bounded by lands of J H. Cougao and Jo eph
Haker on the east; Krank Lumadueon the south:
frank Nagie on the west; Pat Lynch and Dou
iv ii Lei i on tne nortn. containtnfr
more or less, with tbe appurtenances, ail bclnic
underlaid wUn Coal, and la a state ol itihmI rnlti-
ation. and bavins: thereon erected a two story
m AM fc UW KLLINCI HOL'SK and Frame
tvaru. .
Ten pereenL of the purchase money when the
proirty l knocked down, balance o'r one third
wben sale Is connrmed by iheOuurt, one third In
one year, and oalance of on j third In two years
with Interest, to te recurad by bond and mort
ol tbe purchaser.
Administrator, etc., ol Christopher -Jailhelu. de
ceased. Kkukl Suwcrvillc, .attorney.
March 3u. 3t
laniractnrtrs't A'fnt fur
The Ellis Keystone Threshers
and Gleaners.
Champion Binders, Reapers and
Hoosier and Crown Grain and
Corn Drills.
Wagons, Buggies. Carts, Plows,
Haiiows and Cultivators.
WEe Sewing Mings a .peciilty.
For information concerning any
of the above send postal card to
feb-.c8.2in Carrolltown.
Ts astieclal Iioon to bu-inesrt jnen who, havinir
iniuil uiioon9eiou.sly iut.i t'..e drink hnb.t aixl
makeii to and the Uiaeascofaic-olioliam ta.stenil
p 'D them, renderiii( then, uutit to maiia-o af
aira n-quiniiir a clear brain. A four weeks
ourse of Ireattucut at the
No. 42-46 Fifth Avenue,
tores to them all their pow. rs, mental and
hyacal, destroys the abnormal aptwtite, and
.T" U?e'? f '.he condition thev were in bc they lndulfre I in stimulants. This has been
lone it more than ir0 cases treatol here and
ram? them some of your own neighbors, to
.hum we can refer with conndc-nce as to the
J., cm nfety n efficiency of the Keclev Cure
Ihe fiillest and most searching investigation is
i vited . tiead for cunpUlet giving full ioloniuv
Sweet Peas
Mixed Varieties
Lb. -tfr. Half lb. X&e.
Quarter lb. MSc.
. . .'L lie Only
Bride of Niagara.
Packet 25c.
Half packet 15c.
Tji "Wonderful
Only 15 cents.
These Floral Novelties are described in
. The Piomer Seed Coafogue," Vick's
Guide for 1896, which contains lithographs of the
Iknible Sweet Pea, Koscs, Fuchsias, blackberries.
Raspberries, New Leader Tomato, Vegetables.
Filled with good things,
old and new. Full list of
Fachiia. Xcaaa,
Pearl Oiwmniii,
Lr Tswate,
Fetatoss, stc.
Flowers, Vegetables, Small
Fruits, etc., with descrip
tion and prices. Mailed on
receipt of 10 cents, which
may be deducted froia first
order really fkeh or free with an order for any
of the above. In the noral world it is the only safe
Rochester, N. Y.
The Atlantic Refining Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating and Lubricating Oils,
Naphtha and Gasoline
That can be
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Host : Uiiiroriiily : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
Schedule in etlect November 17. Ittttt.
t'OBtarrtloBaatt .
Seashore Express, week dys , 6 l a n
Altoona Arciimmoilatlon. week d airs. ...... V '2-1 a ui
Muni Ltne Kxi.r. as. :llly ..." lb W a m
Altoona tlpr-ii(. daily ...... 1 11O p in
HarrlMtiur Accosiuiodatloa. Soadsjs
onlv 107pm
Malt tzprtsss, dally S 17 u m
Philadelphia Kxpress. dally....... t 12 p m
Johnstown Accommodation, week days .814am
Pacific Kxpres. daily .......... ..... 8 ?7 a m
Way Pasrenirer. dally.... 2 3d p or
Mail Train, dsily 4 'J p ss
Fast Line, daily 8 p. m
Johnstown Accommodation, week days 8 34 p m
Cbrasburc Brrnrh.
Trains leave KtienFbura; as follows: T.20 and
S.00 p. m. and arrive at t : region at 7.67 a. tn. sni
4.06 p. m. Ieare Hresson al 0 30 a. m and 5.36
p. m.. and arrive at Kbensburic at IO.06 a. m
and 10 p. m.
t'rsnea and Clearfield.
Ieave Irvnriii at 6.45 a. m. and S 10 p. tn. arrtv.
I nar at Cress on at 8 05 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. Irare
t'ressoo 35 a. m. and 5 30 p. m arrivlntc at Ir
vona at lu.ii a m. and 6.50 p. ui.
For rates saapg. etc . call on airent or addresr
THoe. K. Watt. I. A. W. It.. 110 Filth Ave..
PilUbnra. 1'a.
S. M. PKtVtlST. J. K. WOlill.
UeDeral Manager. tleneral Mananer.
Harifare. Qncensware,
mm soly
1 ' 4. lHO.
Policies written at tbort no4oe la tbe
ad albsr rirat C'laaa I'smpsalsa.
EbensDura. Jnly l. 1B81.
ELY'S REAM BAI.N IM Is a sore Kerne-
J - ...iu., svio uirvei ana ior astbma.
It soothes. emVsy
abates the uKb.
and renders expecto-
raii"n easy.
onanmptl sea
111 Invarlablv de.
berellt I rum its
n-e. May wbo sup
pose tbelr cases to be
eonsnmptlon an only
tulterlPic from a
ehronle cold or deep
stated conab, oiten
aaitravated by ca
tarrh. For catarrh use Ely's t?ream Balm Both
remedies are pleasant lo use. tlroam Balm. bur..
Ir botte; Plneola Balsam. 8&e. Sold by lirua.
EUY BKOTHEKS.M Warreo SL. New York.
nov.10 Wiy.
A rare
w m m i as m .m a mm mm a. lt a.
f. m. v.
Til is space belongs (()
MILTirlTEW, Iili.y's Uai-esj
(CioihieB9 Iilly, Fa.
When you want GOOD FLOUR take your pram to
the OLD SHENKLE MILL in Ebensburg. The
for the manufacture of Flour has Veen put in the O! 1
Shenkle Grist Mill in Ebensburg and turns out nothing
Bring in your grain and give us a trial. Each mnn's
grain in ground separately and you get the Flour of your
own wheat. If fanners wish to exchange irjain for Floi.r
they can do so. The Mill is running every day with the
of Furs, Cacs and Jackets, Winter Dross (.noils
and Woolen Underwear at QUINN'S, 134:
and 136 Clinton St., Johnstown. Fur i
Capes sold at half eost. New Spring Div-
Goods arrivinir cverv da v.
In !1 ils Latest atd
BK1UGE H OKK. to .lool llollli
Ilw. fl, W.6.6m
We have a full line of TRUSSES and SUPPORTIES
of every description. A rupture is of such vital im
portance that we keep in stock all sizes and wakes i
We solicit correspondence and can fill orders 1
Carriage and
5.31 .ftS
A M KK li'Ri: I'OK
Will ImmetllatelT Strenatbeo Stotna.-h ma
storv Aitlu. For Bale by Itravsis s or sent
prompilT ty mall on rerelpt ol -rtr. . a hz
BltlKD BKIUCO., I'hiladrli fcia, l'a .
Not. 1 6m.
Having ojnel up in the shoj. lat-lv oviipiel ly J. A. lVmey in tlif N -t ,v l 'j,
Kbetislturg, I am prt-parrl to lo all kinds ' W:u;oii and i. arriaire Work J j
notuv and at rti.sonalil tcnus. C"airi:ure Trinuiiins, C'uhiors and Side ...
nLslied to order. Orders taken for Spiinsr Wajms ainl lUiynes.
lOjT Seeial attention pven to lU piur Work and Jr'aintiiij: and satLfartioii '
aim Ttimon cmn am feat-,
buot f tn-. trn AimTtaur Jt Ki-tu
Host lurorcd Heltsis.
Ttt lh t'xtt:ift! with..nt pain ly u.-in lr.f. MavV 1 I' "
tilitiat ltt-ili wit I ii mt .late jiis. like ih- iuitm;J ItVlh. 1 a:-.
r-iair tl:-m a;il n-p.atf tin m in ih ir n:iiii!:il i--;
Kirst--l; work !iiu- at the nur-l rca-iiiul-l( rat-.
CTA1I work Tt-mis Cu.h. C'tliiv M ''-:-
of M. K. C!ilir ll.
VVagon Shop.
H. H. BENDtri.
Formerly of Carrolltown.
JkJ General Insurance Asent
i 1,0
I do
!r. nee
I -
1 sVsd
..a 10'
act v
i f
i km-;,