The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 13, 1896, Image 4

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Lodge and Teller Score
Spanish Minister.
A l--ring ( roml Follnnrd the? Remain.
He II l IMtiniiril the Wholesale Mur
jkr t His Neighbors His Fight to
Jr-v-iit Arrrft.
Washinhton, March 11. Two new
plias.s f t!:r Cul-an snbjt-ot have made
tln ir :ii-.-ar;iiiv in the senate and each
. jitfori'l a del.ate which aroused sena
tors ami sjnTtators to a high stage of
inti-rt-st and excitement.
Mr. LMl!;-e (Mass arose to a qnestiou
of wronai privilt'ne and in vigorous
words nhuked the Sjuinish minister,
S nor Dujiuy tie Lnnn-, for his recent
crit ii-isms of senators. Senator Teller
added ids opinion that a repetition of
The miui.-Ter's action should lie followed
lv his dismissal. Sanators Grav and
Hale maintained that senatorial privi
lc'e and jirerogative should not be
strained to (lose the month of the
Spanish minister. Mr. Ivlge did not
press tor any definite action.
The incident was hardly closed when
the subject came up in another form.
Mr. Hoar had asked that his resolution,
poMKi,iii!; the entire ("nl Kill subject
until April ti. go over until today. This
aroused Mr. Sherman to aft energetic
and feeling protest. He declared that
Mr. Hoar's resolution was a retlex-tion
on the committee on foreign relations
ami was an effort to shelve the Cuban
resolutions after weeks of discussion
and overwhelming votes in loth houses.
The two venerable senators, Sherman
and Hoar, engaged in a vigorous col
loquy. Mr. Morgan and other senators were
drawn into the discussion and for half
an hour it raged, sometimes with deep
earnestness, but more often with amuse
ment caused by the white-haired par
ticipants. Mr. Sherman finally with
drew his objection and Mr. Hoar's reso
lution went over until today, but not
lief on- Mr. Hoar had made a brief tint
Telling sieeeh againsr what he termed
the jioliev of congress in foreign ques
tions. Tie- latter part of the day was given
to a e.muiniaiire ,,f jr Tnrpie's speech
in opposition to the claim of Mr. Dn
The Governor ;iva-s a Iinner to the Sb--rior
C'onrt Judaea.
Hakrisbiku, March 11. A dinner of
10 covers, given in honor of the judges
of the sujKTior court by Governor and
Mrs. Hastings last evening at the ex
ecutive mansion was the most elaborate
wx-ial affair ever known in official cir
cles in Hai-risburg.
The governor sat at the head of the
table with Judge Kice, president of the
Hew court at his right, and Judge.Si
iiioutoi of the Dauphin county court at
his lett. Other guests were the judges
jf the sujH-iior court. Judge McPher
soti of Harrisburg, Judge Love of Belle
fonfe, Kdward P. Allinson of Philadel
phia. reporter of the suiM-rior court;
Private Secretary J lei tier, John II.
eiss, M. L )nisti-l and Senator Mc
t 'a mill of Harrisburg. The superior
court is holding its first sitting iu Har
risburg. A Itiiltois Man Killed.
r,RrFii$n, Pa., March 11. Harvey
Ihinlap. a resident of DuBois, has been
struck by a passenger train on the B.,
li. A: P. Duiilap saw the train, bat
waited too long before stepping from
the track.
Accept a. Call to Detroit.
PifiLAOKLi-niA. March 11. Rev. Fred
erick Bulges, rector of the churc h of St.
Asaph at Bala, has accepted the call
which he received some time ago to the
pastorate; of Christ church, Detroit.
A Democratic Politician Ife-ad.
P.KTiii KilFM, Pa., March 11. Chris
tian M. Anstett, one of the best-known
Democratic politicians in Northampton
county, hiis died of paralysis, aged 68
Another Kililiit-rii Kspedition.
Iiill..T)Ki.rill., March II. It is stated
on reliable authority that another ex
M'ditioii will leave this country today
for Cuba. It will consist mainly of
c.uii8 and ammunition.
"-Senator Ahttott Found Guilty.
Coumbis, March 1 1. Ex -Senator
John g Ablotr. on trial for accepting
a brilx- while senator two years ago, in
connection with a pharmacy bill before
the senate, has lieen found guilty by the
jury. A motion was made for a new
trial t
Corn and Wheat In Farmers' Hands.
Washington, March 11. The agri
cultural department crop report shows:
Corn in farmers' hands, 40.8 per ct rit
of total crop, or l.OTi.lXHt.Cso bushels.
Wheat in farmers' hands, 20.3 per cent,
or 12:!,0oO,ixi0 busheLs.
Lived With a Ilead liody. ,
Martinsbi-rc-,, Mo., March 11. The
l;ody of Pat Cronan, ati old Irish far
mer, has lx-en found in his bed ia an
advanced state of decomposition. His
insane wife had lived for days in the
house with the body, but has since died.
The MoiimliMtrk on Her Trial Trip. ,
S an- Francisco, March 1 1 . The coast
defense vessel Monadiiock. the keel of
which was laid at Mare Island navy
yard, has made her first appearance in
San Francisc-o. She was on her trial
Againt the Anti-Option Bill. '
Washington. March 11. A sub-com-'
mitteeof the house committee on agri
culture has decided to recommend trf
the committee that the anti-option bill"
be reported adversely.
Illown Ip With Dynamite.
Oklahoma Citt, O. T., March 11. A
whooiiiouse 13 miles from here, in
which bcvcral score of colored people
were holding a concert, has been blown
up with dynamite and several oecupanta
shghtly hurt
A Shortage of 3f,0O0. '
Concord, X. II , March 11. In report
to the city government. City Auditor
Lyford said that ex-Tax Collector Fos
ter's shortage for 18l- and 1805 would
amount to a sum over 134.000.
Khode Island For .Reed.
Providence. R. I., March 11. The
Republican state convention renomina
the present state officers. Sentiment
for lioed prevailoijy -
5 XS
Th Ohl He no lean on vent ion Pledges
Support the K.x-Gorernor.
CoLtMBLS. March 11. The Repub
lican state convention reconvened at 10
o'cloock this morning, with Senator
elect Foraker in the chair.
When the convention opened late yes
terday afternoon. Chairman Ickes said
the Ohio Republicans last ye ar promised
to make Bushuell, governor ; Foraker,
senator, and supjiort McKinley for pres
ident, and they were here to carry out
Ihe third part of the agreement.
Senator Foraker devoted his speech
on taking the chair to eulogizing and
nominating McKinley, during which
the wildest scenes were witnessed. It
was some time lie fore the routine busi
ness could lie proceeded with. Then
telegrams were read from other state
conventions and greeting sent in reply,
all pledging supimrt to McKinley. After
the apMiintmeut of the usual commit
tees, the convention adjourned until
this morning.
Among the Ohio congressmen and
other prominent Republicans on the
stage sat ex-Sc-retary of the Treasury
Charles Foster. Oovernor Bnshnell oc
cupied one of the boxes.
The planks in the platform on tht
tariff and finance were adopted as
written by McKinley and exjiress his
views on protection and bimetallism.
The currency resolution is the same as
in the national platform of llsiKi. The
resolution endorsing McKinley for
president ia as strong as it could be
The embarrassment on certain tem
perance state legislation was covered in
a general indorsement of the present
legislature, which defeated radical me;i
Ftiri'S and increased the liquor tax.
There is nothing specially new in the
declamtion, but the preamble is a caus
tic indictment of President Cleveland's
In the contest for chairman of the
state committee, H. P. Crouse of Find
lay, an appointee of McKinley, was
elected over Vivian .1. Fagen of Cincin
nati, by a vote- ef VI to fi.
Kurtz is elected for national commit
teeman. Besides the telegram pledging the
support of Kansiis, one has come from
the McKinley Business Men's club of
Chicago, saying that !X) per cent of Illi
nois Republicans are for McKinley and
the state delegation will be nearly solid
for him.
The following have been decided on
for alternates-at-large : Dr. J. E.
Lowes. Senator John P. Green, colored.
Senator Charles Fleisc-hman, Congress
man John N.Tavler. Electors-at-large :
E. F. Mack and" Albert Douglas.
A slate was also agreed upon for the
state ticket, including General A. T.
Wykoff for secretary of state against
Doty and Kinney, who were making a
close race. Williams for supreme judge,
Blackburn for food commissioner and
Stillwell for member of the board of
public works are also slated.
GrosVenor, Judge A. C. Thompson
and Hon. C. L. Kurtz were appointed
as the committee that sent the following
telegram to the president of the Repub
lican convention at Wichita, Kan. :
The Republicans of Ohio, in their an
nual convention assembled, send greeting
to the gallant Republicans of Kansas ana
assure them of the distinguished apprecia
tion of the Ohio ltcpublicans of the earn
est supiMirt given to Ohio's great lender by
the time trii-d Republicans of Kansas.
Ohio will jo;.i Kansas at St. Louis and in
NovemluT next will celebrate the victory
for McKinley, protection and prosperity.
A Fnbllr Hearing to lie Held Informa
tion Alced For.
Wasihxotox, March 11. The sub
committee of the committee of ways
and means, having under consideration
several bills relating to reciprocity and
commercial treaties, will have a series
of public hearings at the capitol in
Washington, commencing Monday,
March 10, and closing Saturday, March
21, to which all persons interested in
those subj(!cts are invited to appear.
The committee desires practical infor
mation concerning the operations of
the reciprocity treaties that were nego
tiated by the last administration, and
the effect of their appeal ; also concern
ing the obsiucles in the tariff or customs
regulations of foreign countries tending
to retard the extension of our export
tr.ulo. Tin inauiry will be confined tto
those two points. The committee lias
mailed about 5,000 circulars of inquiry
to merchants and manufacturers.
Reform Liquor Selling In New York.
New York. March 11. The Raines
bill has passed the legislature. Accord
ing to Senator Raines the effects of the
bill will be to prevent corruption in ex
cise boards, to stamp out low gin shops,
and to greatly reduce Sunday selling
and other violations of law by saloon
keepers. He holds that the increase in
the license fee will prevent loss of reve
nue. Sailed With Arms For Cuba.
Charleston-, March 11. The steamer
ComiiKxlore, which has lecn in port
hero for several weeks, suspected of
being a tilibnsterer bound for Cuba, has
cleared for Tampa. She has aboard a
cargo of arms, amniuiition and ma
chetes. It i- Ix-lieved that the Commo
dore will discharge her cargo npon the
Cuban roast, before reaching Tampa.
A inert, n Imprisoned In Cuba.
Washington-, March 1 1. Acting Sec
retary of Stuto RivHiill V...
- - - - ni'lll lit.-, IdLltTtA
Consul Gem ral Williams at Havana to
investigate id report as soon as possi
ble on the c so of Walter Grant Dvgart,
who, it is said, is a ritizen of iilinois
and confined in prison at Guines by the
Spanish authorities.
To dinit New Mexico.
Wasihxotox. March 11. The sub
committee of the senate committee, ap
pointed to consider the bill for the ad
mission of New Mexico, has decided
unanimously to report to the full com
mittee in favor of the passage of the
Superintendent Waton Head.
New York. March II William G.
Watson, suju rintcndeiit of the Hudson
River division ,,f the West Shore rail
road. h;;s died, the result of a pistol
shot wound inflicted bv ex Detective
Edward C!i(7oad. at Weehawkeii. N. J.,
on Thursdav
Suicided lo I'rrtrnt Arrest.
Daxvii.i.f.. Va.. March 1 1 George
Evans, the negro convict who killed
Deputy Sergeant W. A. Cook Saturday
night and then made his escape, has put
a revolver in his month and killed him
self. He wjis surrounded by officers.
To Cheek Oklahoma Divorces.
Washixotox, March 11. A bill has
passed the house making a year's "con
tinuous residence" in a territory a pre
requisite to obtaining a divorce in such
territory. This is a blow at the Okla
homa divorce mill.
Confexed He Stole SIS.OOO.
Rutland, Vt.. March 11. Joseph A.
Mclntyre. bookkeeper at the Howe
sealeworks has confessed that he has
stolen lo.OOO in cancelled coupons and
$100 in cash from the company.
Venezuela's Itonndary Kvidence.
Wasihxotox. March 11. The Ven
ezuelan side of the boundary dispute
has been issued here. It is very com
plete, but like the British blue book
brings out no new points.
Can Kemott Police Officers.
New York. March 11. The right of
the board of police commissioners of
this city to remove police officers for
cause has been affirmed by the court of
appeals, sitting at Albany.
Indiana District Indorses McKinley.
Kokomo. Ind., March H.-The elev.
enth district Republican convtmtioa
endorsed ilcKiuley for president.
His Heart Torn by Ballington
Booth's Action.
IlnsSeiit a ( terrain .klnB III Son to
Come to London That He .May I'ray
Villi Ilim-IKuri Tear Di-riipt ion of
lie NalvulMOi Army.
I,on!on, March 11 General Booth,
of the Salvation Army, has cabled a
manifesto to the headquarters of the
Salvation Army in New York.
Uraniwc 11 Footh also has a manifesto
in the War Cry, in which he says that
the; -Fidelity of the American trootis is
niishaken." and warns the army against
the "Misrepresentations of the anti-
English American press." He also says
that the general's heart is "Torn and
sorely wounded, but he is determined to
carry on the government without re
sjiect to persons."
A reporter asked General T.ooth for
an expression of his opinion on the
trouble in '.he Salvation Army in tin;
United States.
The general replied: "Callingtou's
action is inexplicable and is a heart
breaking blow to me. I still hope that
the differences may lie smoothed over,
and I have cabled to IlallingToii The as
surance That it was still not too late for
forgiveness and 1 logging him to come To
England that I might pray with him.
lie has, however, not answered."
General Booth was asked what effect
he thought Ballington Booth's new
movement would have on the Salvation
Army. He replied: "I do not think
the movement will affect the army,
which I hope will nnitedly pursue its
work on the original linos."
General Weyler- I'romi-tes of Klr Trials
Not Carried Out.
New York. March 11. Fidel Pierra.
in charge of the Cuban news bureau in
this city, has give n out the following
statement :
From a letter dated Santiago de
Culm Feb. 2k, the following paragraphs
are copie d : "Although General Weyler
says that nobody will Ik' punished in
anyway unless he is convicted of some
crime, assassination proceeds on a larger
scale. In order that you may jmlgo to
what extent it is carried on, I will give
yon a tow instances:
"On the morning of the Uth inst.. in
the ward of Maravilla, in the town of
Gnaufananio. lo Jiersons wen; found
"Numerous murders by Spaniards in
other districts are rciiortod. nearly all
sulistantiatcd by the iiaiin-s. At least
JJO people are known to have Iwen
butchered altogether, including the 13
at Maravilla "
Two Organization at One Meeting In
(Georgia Knded In a Uow.
Gaixesvillf., Ga.. March 11. The
Republicans of the Ninth congressional
district have had an exciting time here.
The two factions engaged in the light,
the whites on one side and the negroes
with a sprinkling of whites on the
The convention ran with two chair
men, two secretaries and two commit
tees on credentials. Two speakers were
frequently on the; floor at the same time
and everything was in a state of con
fusion. The convention finally broke up with
out expressing any preference for presi
dential candidates.
Itaised the Spanish Flag.
PoroHKEKPsiE, N. Y.. March 11. A
Snanish tl
Eastman college in this city with the
wortis .synonymous ot Butchery
painted in large letters across it. The
police heard of it and an oflioer was
sent to pub the flag down A crowd of
students jeered the officer when he
took the flag to police headquarters.
Eastman college has ulmnt ::iK students,
including alxmt a dozen Cubans.
. -00,000 f ire In Cincinnati.
Cixcixxati, March 11. Fire in the
uu-cenars oi rne live-story warehouse
and dillery of Milhalovitch, Fletcher &
Co.. at 514 to 5ls V.HKt V.!.rl rf.,.i a
. . ,x a en t i-i , nt
stroyed the entire fremt part of the
structure- with its ceinfe-nts, but the lire
was limned to that building expect the
Pearl Street Me-thodist church ndjeiin
ing, which as damage d couside-rably
Total loss 200,000.
Mere Formal Vote For Senator.
Fkaxkkort, Ky., March 11. The bal
lot for Unite-el States senator was a mere
formality, cm account of v..;;.
death. Representative Adams voted for, J-e-pre-seniat lve iJaml for Black
burn and Po ulist Poor for Pe ttit, whi
the re-st of t ie me inlH-rs refraine-d from
voting. No ineimm having voted, there
was no election.
Iowa Republican Convention.
Des Moines, March II The city is
filling up with dole-gates. The Re-puti-lican
state- onvention will meet texlay
to present William B Allison to tl
country fer president. The feiur de l.
gates-at-large will lie Senator J H
t;' ?rA J, Clarkson- W p- -pi.nrn
ami D. B He nderson
An Abandoned Woman Strangled.
Sax Franc isco, Marc h 11. Another
woman of the town has It-en straii"le-d
nude r circumstance s ide ntical witlfthe
two other mnrelers that have taken
place ri-ccntly in the same lex ality.
State of the Cold Keaerve.
Washington. March 11 The treas
ury has lost lti4,;oo in gold coin and
rii.JOOin bars, which h-aves the true
amount of the gold rose rve. 120,2(15,010.
King Humlie-rt will tuit alidioate. The
feport anise through bis saving his sem
ini(cht negotiate wilh tli Xe"gus, but he
never would.
Dispatch from Berlin said neither Em
peror ilJiain nor Km pcror Francis Jo
soph are like ly to question Italy's position
In the I)n. bund at the pre-s nt time.
The city council of Baltimore passed
over the mayor's ve to the ordinanee de
priving him of the powe-r of making cer
tain appointments.
Armour & Co. of Chicago have been
?ue-d in the enrts eif .I. fTersoii eonnty N
Y., for .Y7t..noo fr violating the olejol
margarine: law of that state.
Winni.M g advices y that the threat ot
parochial scImm.Is in Manitofm mav haul to
seevssion if that province- from the Do
minion. One- man vv.v kiDeel ,nul his son fatally
wouneb-ei in ;, liattlcwith re ve nue olhejera
at Kernervilic, N. C
Durrani', il.c eonvi,te-d murderer of
Blanche 1- t nt in San Francisco, baa
taken to Uw studies in the pe-niteutiary
The Kaid i Severely Arraigned A4
j rned For a Week.
London, March 11. There was a
large and pronounceiUy jingo crowd in
and alnut l!ow street jmlice court at the
formal arraignment of Dr. Leander S.
Jameson and his rompaiiions in the
Transvaal raid, c harged with violating
the onlistme-nt act, passed in
ls?0, "to regulate the conduct of her
majesty's subjects during the exisience
of hejst ilitics be'twe-en foreign states
with which her majesty is at peace."
Sir John Bridge, the chief magistrate,
presided. Sir Richard Webster ojK-ned
for the; crown. He. dwelt in forcibl
language npon the gravity of the charge
against tin- prisoners, contending that
the South African re'publie was a friend
ly state within the meaning of the for
eign enlistiii'-nt act.
The first witness called was Sergeant
Hay, ef the Beehuanaland lice. Hei
testified to the mustering of the troop
ers at Mafoking ami to the endeavors of
Dr. Jameson and Col. Grey to induce
him and a few of his comrades to join
The- ImmIv of men being rcruipped feir the
march towards Johaiiiiesburg.
Corjmral Smith of the Be-chuanalanel
police, stated that Dr. Jameson made
a speech to the troopers at Pits;inipitlogo
on De 2!!, aiiel read them a letter
signed by Messrs. Hammond, Fairer,
Phillips ai-d Leonard of the Johannes
burg r-foim committee, re-que'Sting as-siste-nce
njion In-half if the )-ojile of
Johanncsliurg, who. it was claimed,
were iu danger from the threateiie-d at
titude; of the Boe-rs. Ac-cording to Cor
poral Smith, Dr. .Tame-son told the
froowrs that he diel not le-lie-v. a shot
would lie- fire-el. Later amiinition ami
rations w-rc served out and the trooK-rs
starteil on their march across the frontier-
of the- Transvaal.
After the formal evidence had been
submitted, the examination was ad
journed for the week.
Four Miner In I r i son .
Dl-bois, Pa., March 11. The main
heading eif Thomas Johnson's ceal mine
has cave-il in, ami John McNamee, Mike
Haran, licit. Mnnshawer and an un
known Italian imprisoned. A large re'
lief crew is at work in the shafts with
abundance- of aiir. The men can lie
he-aril, ami it is reiMirteel all is well. A
driver narrowly escajied being buries)
under the fall.
No Hope For Mr. Mayhrlck.
Tn-iox. Mare-h 11. Inquiries made
at the- Unite-d States e-mluissy c-onfirm
the rexirt that the; senre-tary of state- for
the liome- department. Sir Matthew
Wiiite- Ridle-y. has refnseel to rt-ojie-n the
case- of Mrs. Flore-nce Maybrick, the
American sentenced tei impriseiuiiiout
for life, after having lieen convicted of
poisoning her husband.
Snl ro to Iter Sued.
Sax Franc-ISC o, Marc h II. The local
antlmrities are' awaiting instructions
frenn Washingtem ln-fore e-ntering pro-
ce-e-elings against .Mayor utrti lor se-nd-ing
defamatory matter tlirough the
mails. The- e-iivelojie'S aildre-ssenl to con-gre-ssmen
ami iK-arjug the inscriiitioii :
"Collis P. Hnntiiigton woulel not ste-al
a reel hot stove," are to be made the
basis of the-ceimplaint.
l'rohulily Trouble at Honolulu.
VlCTOKlA. H. C. March 11. Quite a
little stir has lie-e-n cause-el in naval cir
cles bv her majesty's ships Pheasant and
Cennns re-e-e iving wore! to put to sea as
soem as lHissilile-. It is be-Jle-veel that
there is something in the; vie-inity of
lionojuiu to demand tneir attention.
Milli' en' Trial Tomorrow.
WASiiiNeiTox. Marcli 11. Benjamiii
11 .MiiuKen, a wen Known young Ten-lie-seeaii.
wiil lie plac-ed on trial here To
morrow on the charge of house break
ing with inte nt te commit a criminal
assault on a daughter of ex-SolicitcV
Ge-neral Phillips.
Fudor-M-il (iovrrnor Morton.
OwKoei. N. Y., March 11. The Re
public-alls of Tioga county in conven
tiem eb-cte el a elcle-gatien to the state
convention, headed bv Thomas C.
Piatt, ami passed resolutions endorsing
Governor Meirton as a presidential can-
Sure eif a l'eacerul Sift lenient.
Nkw Yoisk, March 11. Jose Rojaa of
Ve nezue la, wlio is on his way to Eng
land as a re-iire-sentative of bis irovern-
lnent. is in this city. Mr. Roias savs
that thebouniiary dispute with England
will be amicably settled.
The Fartb In Now Safe.
Pisixe-KTeiN-. N. J.. March 11. Pre.f
C. A. Young, chief eif the astronomical
departme nt of Irine e-ton university says
that Perrine's eimiet is rapidly receding
irom tne e-artn. 1 lie come t will never
lie- visible to the inhabitants of the earth
PlTTSiuritej, Murch 10.
W H EAT Ko. 1 rod. 81c; No. 2 red. 7o:
spring Vi hi-sit. T.Vs.
COKS-N.i. 2 yellow ear, X'a.lTttci No. 2
Hhe-lli-el.ICili :(!; high mixel she'lle!d,:i:!i aJElo;
llixi-tl e;ir. :,fo:tVr.
OATS No. I wlnto 3nra2i4c; No. 2 do,
ff'i"i?4-: extr: No. 3 white. 24!a2.-ic: licht
mixed, ii'j'K-j:.
HAY No. I timothy, 1.V75 C lfi (); No. 2 tim
othy. (I I i-ia 14 M; mixi-d clover. ;t4.Utl5eJU
pwkiQ, $!io..!i..TO; No. 1 f.-eliiut prairie-!
II00Ii.el: wHKon hiiy. 18 UWalli IX) Tor timer
BUTTER rcijrin cre-ame-ry, 24H.'Sr.; Ohio
fancy ere atnery. 2hl':U ; fancy country, roll.
16tl7c; low crude and e-ouking. TioSc
CHEESE Kancy New York, full cream.
larK- si..-, II.1KIIJC; N,-w York fl.-l. 10'Uc
fancy Ol.i.,,. !l',al0er: Wi-onsin Swiss, in
tubs. limburi-er. VaUic; Ohio
Swiss, in tnbs. IP,l JC; square blocks
ECMJS - Strictly fri-sh Pennsylvania and
Ohio, in e-ius. . VV al:lu
11IU1.TUY live chickens. (ViranW per
pair; live rl-Vke-ns. small. 4tr45e-: spring
hick. ns. 4eK.i-.H-, as tei size; dr.-ssel e-hieke-ns.
IU.. lie jut pound; live ducks. Ht'jjiWc per iur;
live turkeys. IJri:ic p,.r pound; dressed. 15
SKIc; live s,i-se, Jl.oual .TO p,rr pair.
TiTTSm-Bo. March la
CATTLE -Rc-j-ipts f.iir::t) cars on sale this
w.-.k: pries l.VAi cents higher: market
steady. We oueit- as follows: lrimi-. 4.40 ft
:: r.khI. $4 ii,i4.40; k.k1 hiitche-rs. 7r
4 IU; r. i,Kh fat. :ai,i 3l; bulls, st-igs and $1.7.a;ft); fresh nw9 and springers.
IICKSS K,ceipts light; market active; de
mand K'hkI. with favorable reports from other
markets. We eiiote pri.vs as Tollows: Prime
riiilaeb-lphia. S4 .Vxt4.tW; lt Ye.rkers. 4.45
4 .; heavy hos. 4 .H;a4.40; bewt pigs. $
4.40; roughs, Hi at it 4.(ft.
SHEEP AND IVMnS-Snppl, light for Mon
day. Al cars em sale; market active and pri
l.m higher on sh.--p; lanilw shiulo stremge-r
Wo jiu pri.-es as follows: sh.-ep
l.Wi4A0: g.Ml, a.75..t;ie).- fair. f:i.40iao5
common. 75 53.13; .hoio lambs. 14.70 a 4.9U
common U g. k m1 lamlis. $ro44 flU; veal calven!
.U0fl6.73; heavy and thin culvu, $i5U43A
Oixcismati, March la
HOGS-Marke-t arrive and higher nt L75
Keceipts, 1.40U heal; shpments, 200
CATTLE Market firm at 2 5024.10.'
Ke-ee-ipts. aw h.-a,l ; shipm.-nKs. 2u0 head.
SHEEP ANl LAMBS-Market strong at
2.U.W-,5. Ree-eipU 4eW head; shipments, Lambs-Mark jt firm and higher at
$3.7534 9J.
New York. March 10.
WHEAT Spot market dull and weaker: Nex
1 hard. 7eSl$c. f. o. b afloat.
TORN Spot market quiet and firm ; Ne. 2,
4 1 c.
OATSSpet market dull and easieer; No, 2L
CATTLE Market steady. Steers, 4.00a
HS" 3-1584U5: haiiS' 43J0: cows.
SHEEP AXD LAMBS-Market 8teady to
fi m for sheep at $a.0U(ft4 25; lambs steady t
nomin.illy firm.
He HJS Market uuoted at 4.)ii4.8a
Offer Made to Desperado
Etlinger's Wife.
SUE CAN tf.ET .0 A WZT.K. !
The Proposal Maele by a Mnenio Man
ager In Philadelphia The lH-:illl of a
Young; Girl at Wooelwarel AnrrilKil
to l'oiseii.
Beixf.fontf.. Pa.. March 11. Frank
Zano of the Continental hote l of Phila
delphia has te-le-vraphe-d Mrs William
EtliiiKcr, tlie wife; of Wooelwarels l-:
pe-rarie. an o(Ve-r of $.V jkt we-e-ks for six
we-e-ks' exhibition in his mnse um. It is
not known if she will aee-e pt. or not
although it is like ly he r frie-mls will e-n
deavor to tievsnaele he-r to elo so. owin
Ut the intense fee -linj iif-ainst he-r in that
The de-ath of a young; tzirl in that lo
cality-which has occiii-rcel nnele-r some
what mvsterions circnmstanc-e-s has
Ik-c-11 the caused for a new se-tisjition
Some think ler ele-ath was the re-snlt )
the fright she re-ceiveel, while others
arvinc-line-el to the; lie-lje-f that she-was
jxiisoneel. The authorities will hole! an
inoest ami atitojisv to asee-rtain the
true cause; of her ele-ath.
The 4'atlse of the Anli- Inn riran I; lots
at ltarrcloii:t.
JJakctelona, March 11. Careful in-
vestitration shows conclusi ve-lv that
Spanish jwvlitie-s have had a hip hand in
the Barcelona disturbances. The Re
publicans are heartily opposed to the
present povernmcnt ami are- makinp
demonstrations he-re against the Unite-el
State-s with the direc t jmrjieise-of caus
ing its dowiifall.
A serious anti-American rieit has oe-
cniTeel at Salamanca. The- students, as
usual, wc-re the; le-aders of the- disturl
ance The-y c-arrie-d Suinish and Ame-r-iean
flaps and burned the latter.
A clisjiate-h from Barc-clema says that
the; me-rt-liants of that c-itv have apree-d
neit to sell Anie-riean preieluets in the;
event of Jri siile-iit t'le-veland approvinp
of Cuban liellipe-re-iie-y re-solutions of
-impress. 1 he-v bavealsei iiiieneel a sub
se ription towarel a fuml whi h is to be;
devote-d to the purchase of warshijis.
A K ittaniiing Man's ltody romol.
KlTTANMve;, Pa., Mare-h II The
lieely of Jonathan Se-hrenpast has ls-e-n
fejunel svsviib-l from a tre-e- on Ihe; hill
near Slabtown, a suburb eif this place,
lie- le ft home; on Tuesday. Mare-h o.
after le-avinp a note; sayinp: -l elei this
liecause I am a biirib-n to myse lf." 11
was a me hiIht of the- A. li.. 1
lolipe-el to the; Metheielist l''pisi-(iial
church ami was a hiphly re-sjs-e-leel c iti
zen. -No oilier cause 1 1. an Unl health I
surnuTi'il as the reaxm for haiipitip hiui
st-lf. Id' was Ibi ye-ai-s old.
Ttlnsrille Alter Maiintartnrrn.
TlTtsviLlK, Pa.. Mare-h 11. The
Titns ille board of trstdi; has ls--ii re
orpani.e-el iinel I bin. J. A. MeKiniie-y.
prc-siete-nt of the Cennme-rcial bank,
ele-e-te-d liresiele-nt. A popular snbse-rip
tiem was ori. iuate-l to e-re-jite- a fuml of
$'oo.(Hio. tei 1h i I to maiiufaeturers
de-sirinp to legate he-re-. Much e-ntlin
siasm was maiii feste.l and a larpc; bum
was pb elpe at the- mi-e tinp.
Fa reel I Hi lil ynr Meinler.
Altooxa, Pa.. Marc h II. James Far-
rell. whe is one of the- iiartie-s suspi-c-te-i
of murele-rinp old He-nry lUuinee ke. em
the; nipht of April last, was pive-n a
preliminary he-armp by Mayor Hover
and he-Id for eemrt without I mil. He
hail oripinally lie-e-n arresteil em the
charpe of inbls-ry ami assault. Hi
case will come up in court this we-ek.
Masonic I'niversily site Seenreel.
IiiiAvr.K. Pa., March 11. The Mor
row farm of .'i :u re-s at this place has
been ptire-hase-ei. njiem which to e-re-e-t
the Masemie National unive-rsity. The
de-e-el has lee-en traltsle-rre-d. Kami will
lie- purchased when reasonable arranpe
me iits can 1m- maele-. Work on the- build
inp will lie; starte-el just us soon as t lie
Weal her will iM-rmit.
Killtel 111 tn anil Ihe I'ain Ton.
Pittstox. Pa.. Mareh II. William
De-lin of Wiikesbarre- has elie-ei as a ri--
Kult of a dose; of arse-nic, taken with
view of alle-viatiup piiin h- snfTere-el in
consecjue-ne-e of an injury re-e-eiveil
few days apo. lie-fore- eivinp Mr Ih-nu
stateel to the; physician that he- hail
taken the arsenic iimui the advici eif a
Aks l.-,,eHMl or Ilis Injuries.
IIakkispi ici;, March II. Thronph hi
attorne-ys, Kelward A Ke-pner b:u-
bronphT sniT apainsT The llarnsburp
Trac-tion company, oj-e-ratinp the; Fast
Ilarrisburp lasse-nper Hallway com
pany, claiminp I. -,.,) for isisonal in
juries sustaine-d on July 20. I.Sit.'i, by the
breakinpeil tin- mam trolle-y wire.
Killed Ilis Wife nnel Shot Himself.
Ai.LF.xtowx, Ja., Marcli 11. Fidel
Tritsc-hler, ape-el ye-ars, a preimim-nt
biike-r anil a memlier of select e-ounc il
of this city, has murele-re-el his wife; and
fired two bullets into his own brain
He cannot recover. For more than a
week Tritse-hle-r has Ik-cii sulfe-iinp from
Accnseel eif Kioberrleineiit.
Stkoi-ijski Ki;, I'a.. March 11. Will
iam II. Ke-esler, a married man of alieut
51 ) years, was arre-sted in Jm-w York by
Memroe; County De-te-c-tive N. II. Shafe-r,
on a c-harpe of -ml-zzleme-nt. A true;
bill had been returne d apainst Ke-e-sle-r
by the prand jury, and he. was brought
Klinn'n ltrother Held For Court.
PlTTsitrRes, March II. Philip Flinn.
brothe-r of the senator. V. J. Wallace
and 1). J. Owe-ns were hehl for ctnirt
yc-sterday by Alderman Keilly on the
charpe; of cemspirae-y to publish illepal
tax re-c-eipts in e-oniie-c tion with the last
lnauiciial election.
!y lndered For I'rrsident.
CiiAMUKKsiU Re, Pa.. March 11. The
Ke-pnblic:in county conveiitiein he-Id here
was the liveliest for many ve-ars. ami
resnlteel in the comple-te reint of tho
combine, (nay men wc-re nominated
and the senator was iudors-e-d for presi-
Organizlng I. New I'arly.
PiTTsniuei. March 11. Twenty-ciph-dele-pates
are; here; from throuphout tho
Unite-d State-s, eirpanizinp the; new re
form party, as yet nameless. jTohib
tion and free silve-r arc the main princi
ple. C boMe a Onay Man.
GETTYsm-Ko, Pa.. March 11. The
Republican convention choso L. 1j.
Johns of McShecrysown. a Quay inaui
delepate to the JSt. Louis couventiou.
McKinley For President.
WieniiTA, Kan., Marc h 11. The Re-X
pnblican state couventiou has declared
for McKinley.
A t.clcl-rjtcd
5 nii.
ts oana instruments
x nmiMQ fifcc
Piccolos and Band Supplies!
Caulogue. 811,813, 816, 817 E. 9th St.. N.Y.
nsHrrs wiMTEDTvr'Ter;
awmmuf. Uw. A t, Ms MrMdwa, M. .
An Ordinance
l-rovl.linif for the. laytnit of terr-cotta pipe un
der Jone dtrert, anil through land ot t'b. and i iement ol the uie.
That whereiee heretolnre ttiie Beirouvb of I.ltly
ba by reifoa ol repair made on Jorjea aireet tlio po.nt at the Hut Sprloir. cemri a
li renter l dv el vurtace water to be turned on the
land ol chae studl than usual and Hcw through
t e e'han Mailt.
And lire to save the land from future
eltf inuirfK tir rta-eon ol the euro rurlace water te
tnir turned no the raid land, aoef lo cave the Hor
ouich friim future daenatfes,
lie It niHi-ied ann i-rddloed by the Council ol
the Komuith ol Lilly.
Seetiun l?t I hat the Street (tomoatttioner be
authorized and I nr-tiuct cd to l leria eotta pipe
ol the diinenMon id lm thrvuieh and under aaid
Jonea street. atl thrt.uKu and under land cl aald
t!hn8. tudt. aatd pipe to be laid Id the ditch now
o.eried oo ald l.-eud.
eet ion Snel. That tbe ezpenpe of laylmc aaid
1ipe te paid c ut ot the Koruunb treasury aa other
e Kkl iteMn are nut paid.
ri-d nnaily In tVuoc 1 thia tb da, ol I-cm-ber.
A. I lri
Approved r'et ruary lo 18K.
A i tet: A. B. K K E BS.
t lerk.
March IS. lS.W at.
An Ordinance
P.-ovidinic lor the ltln of te ra cofta pie nnder
June-nirol.iTiil throuieb land ol Fred. Yelgle.
aLd paai-nt ot Mine
'I hat witerea I eretolore the Borough of Lilly
baa by rc-Mu ol repairs on Junea street alnive ihe
Miint at ihe Km prtnic. eaured a it renter IkkIt ol
surlee to t e turned into the natural water oourve
ariMUK at ut i-prma: than uvual. and Down
ibmuk-b the land til Kte-I YeiKle.
And whereas to "are the aald land from future
dainaicea t.y reacun ol the extra rurlK-e water ie.
lute t'irne.1 into raid wter ciiurne. aud to save
the Borouich irom future datuaa:es.
lie u e it-ted and orda.ned by the Council o!
the ItorotiKh ot I.niy.
:-fiion i-t luai the Street t-otnmlsloDer be
autin.rii -.1 and luttructed to lay terra cot la pipe
l the dimeuFi'itia ol iMin. ibrouich and under
sid .lom unci. lirmnlnir at the said Bm
Si.rltiir. and ilirouieh and under the land of said
Kre.t Ve icie said pipetote leiii in the natural
watercourse taadiii from sid sprina:.
Sti-i ..o Vnd I Imt the expense ol ItvlDic said
p-e l e pa id cut e.t II. e Boruuah treasury aa other
ietral del'! are now paid.
l'ae finally In e.'ouocll thin Hlh day of le A l. 18'.i
Approved let.ruarj 10,
Attes't: A. B- KKKKS,
Jems W. Ka:ev. Burgess
March 8. 1S'.6 31.
The Atlantic Refining Co., ol
Pittsburg, P;i., make a specialty
of m.'inul.icturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
lliuminatins and Lubricating Oils,
Naphtha and Gasoline
That, can ba
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
M : Morally : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market txdk for ours.
r-lTlSMl'Kej I i KIT..
S. L,. H It It I J
a t 1 jjiw,
KBKNSBl'Kel. - -w-ftticeon
t'eutre street.
(4 V?
Attorneys jit Iir-vv,
- 'tti.e In Opera House. Z.y.t4
'p u mvk.
Kflsstii, 1-KHlr'A'
"spe-lal attention to afren claims lor Pen
ton Bounty. te ehT
KB1.NB1'11. pa
)t Iffice on Centre street.
Ebbmsbuho, Pa.
irnne !n (lotinnade Ko. not eM r. at--
ATIOKIS ey-at law,
Kiihuri-,.i r-. .
tr" Itnee In e lim House. 'D(er tret
geheru immwmi
Hardware. Qncecswarc,
man 2nir
Maniifai-turriVii kzni for
The Ellis Keystone Threshers
and Cleaners.
Champion Binders, Reapers and
Hoosier and Crown Grain and
Corn DriUs.
Wagons, Buggies. Carts, Plows,
llanows and Cultivators.
Whits Seii:: i!::ii:ss a Specialty.
For information concerning any
of the above send postal card to
tct.i.2tn Carrolitown.
1 J A- 1895.
Policies written at snort notice la tbe
nl oilier First Clans Conapaatea.
Ebensnnr. Jnir l. ISM.
aiw Tumors rtHni ; m kntvi
nutk in. lra. t,naTUiKT A Bcaa
; i
; i
) I
I i
i I
; i
: '-
i ;
k i
; 1 1
; ti
; i
1 1
) i
i i
1 1
; i
; i (
i ;
You helped us to double rur !uicefs for Fprirr ' .", ';
Now fur Fall . nl Winter. We :ie reii'ly anl vi;i; ; ,t :;
Men s 1 '.lark :::i.i I".! f IV:mi ( -r-n: . ::i-j-.- a-. I ), .. J
l-.t.-iiM,-.1.. - - - - - - , 1
A!i-V"i ni Krr c v t 'v-!i--i.:ts, 1:1. -rk r.'.m-. ; '
i - 1
IJillll-, ..... 5-N.lai . , ,.
Mi ll's ii;i v 1 hi Suits, ....
Mm" l'.hti k t 'ln- ii! ails. :i' w . ,,!. - - i
M-I1 I'lili- (."l.i-v ti! ::i s. ;,!l-tmj - - (
Mi-ll's ;ill-v. i! iz. j;!:n k I'll,-. i..t -i::t. tli.- 'i-.-:-t.-t -u.i . J-
-li :it v f i" tin- tii!:v ti i:!.:i t ;! iti v i i-t. -; . . ;
.ur -i n i -, - - - - - -
A1I-W.H.1 flay W..---.-.I --tilts, S:i. Is ,. Ki.-k. -i-i.-
l r-in !i I' k V."ii-st--:--. :tJi I li. - !' " i . - '
liiMivnV S:ii s. .... 7 : -
Vt .ill 1 Siii,. .... "ji ,
is full up in sill lh iii'Wi-st :iinl r-..ols mi-i ...j . . , J-
get (hem at prit-cs yu i-.-m .-liVuni to p.i'. i
Kvt-r ni Ytur 01 ii ',
T "w F-w i - - a a -a
ss w ta
TAKE irvi g
Whf-n vou want GOOD FLOUR take vour
the OLD SHENKLE IVliLL in KU-n,burg. Ti,
for the iiiaiiutaf tun; of Flour has been
S'nenkle Grist .Mill in Ebensburg ami turns
Bring in your grain and give us a triul. Eat 'n u.-.l-grrtin
in grouml separately and you get the Floor. ! :r
own wheat. If farmers wish to exchange ;raiii !..r F; . r
they can do so. Tin- Mill is running every dav w ' .
i.1 : j
1 A '-1; f .h - -iT . .-1
rTSold liy tlio f,i'.v i i: it .1 i : "
EHKXSI-l K.i H. A. Sl1M-!lltl... r. AKK.ll 1 T..WN- 1 .1 ll . ;ri K H- .- I
I. K. Mt-tioi-r. M-AMiiKi: K. M. l;m i -r Cat i . -A. . Tl ..i. r
t-. t.. (!eiirir. Sunn K.:;k - N. S. itM-r.-.v S .ti. ' '
Sweet Peas
Mixed Varieties v
...The Only
Bride of Kiagara,
Packet 25c.
Half packet 15c.
The XVoniln-t'nl
Only 15 cents.
These Floral Novthics are tV-sc-rilx! in
. The Pioneer Seed Cuttit'ct,"' Vick's
Guide for which contains lithr.m;.h: of the
Double Sweet Tea, koscs, FucLsias, r.i.ickbciTies,
Raspberries. New Iaucr Tomato. Veetal-les.
ruled with rood thinct
old and new. Full list of
Flowers, Vegetables, Small
Faehfiaa. Soaea.
Pearl boosebcrry.
Leader Toaisto,
PoLuc. eve.
rrutts. etc.. with descrip
tion and prices. Mailed on
receipt of lo cents, which
may be deducted from first
order reallv rnpvor rr.-- W;K i t
of the above. In the fl jra world it is tie only safe
Rochester, N. Y.
EtastnrE Fire Insurance zblc
General Insurance Aent.
11 GRFflSF
cn a- 1-1 ik WORLD,
Its veannir qualities ar unsurpaR-d, actnallT
ouO8t,nK two boxa of any o. he-r brnnd n"I
i r - m mm . .
Eza Ussa ii Vi bIV
1 :
in n;
out n..:.
fe w WEs.
ti 2 vi M h Si
Kji? ts' W w L
mmmm4nH e
it is a brent loiiiioii
:i 1 ;.Iy 1. ; , , ; , t . .
-iix:i,tf a-; ;.:i:. -.
Th'1 ri'-fi-ri"''- Srrp rvr) I ;r. -
i l)u I. ll.u i-iulii Cliu .
a r.- - i: i- t a ki r ii i ! ; . 1 . - -
NuT.-ij f..r '!n-;r ti ,! .i .
I'-liri- a ,.v., .( . tt y .
K I I V t I; j T. t J j,,, 1 ,..t - . j ; i . .'
MATKi:i.l. Kll.l'..
Tli.-tr 'i nn I! ii. !, ...
'I I.. :r ..... 1
-clclo!t- in cf:Tt ..
4'anitrrt ml t res(n.
EAST. l'xi.rrf. tivt 1 '-..
Ait. sir Ary..njru lati'.n. wV-i.
.M.iisi 1,-rr Kxit --:. In..
il:.--r-a r.j.r--ii. ijaity. I
l:.l!rltur A-r-3iut.latiifl. :.' -
-Van tif-reTis. .lailV.7.. ia i. j.rr.-. dnv..".
.f .hr?t'-wt) Ae-.r!ifDHt i ten. a f-. .
I'Mr.n.- t- !!--... . ,Jn:i
W ay CiN-rnerr .u;;i....
Man l'Min. -'"iSr....
V a-t Line. .!!. -" "
Ji.ha(U.n Acci.tcnjo latum. w.t :
i - tlm rc Hrrarli.
Trains Irat e H-ru. tur a !
S -. ;n at. 1 arnte at t 'rr.-ii . :
4.U.S t. m. I.-H.e rr-.-ti a: v :- . -I'-
"a.' at KtK-u.-t'ur- i ;
ana 6 10 rc.
I'rroaB anti le-xrti- l-l
Iearr lri- :,.i at r. 44 a. m .an I
lr.e at C(-on a' (t OS a m. an,i i -
rcj..on "A a. m. ant . : i.m.. r
lona at lu ii a tn. a:..l fi Vi ;.. ;u.
Korratf mi;k rtr . r.-ii; . n .1-
1 H-s. E. Watt. I'. A. w. p. !' t
l'it:..t.urit. r.
M. I'KtVt 1ST.
Uet.erl Mana?r.
Shaving Parlor
Uri'et. Shavinir, liir I'uttir. uu :
hre ot ytiTr iatiMtiaVe i ri.!.
ImricTVrt mi Wtclei. IVtlm :a : k - f ;
Violins, buitars. Banjos. Iccordeors. Hik
tic,'l dinSsof .t:- 1
BU.S13.fclO. Ml lioitt-Jii?'i..::c-.v Vc:i
Um Plants aM Col IT-
ltrrnl mt Short Xotir .
JOHXMOWX, l'A. f U5. I