The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 24, 1896, Image 4

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This Is Suave Dr. Chauncey
Depew's Opinion.
I'nitrd State Slionlil Try to Ite an
Intirnit ioncil Arbiter Ttie rreteiilent's
-Messatjo Invito lrt of Trnnhl Inter--tin?
Aililrrn to Lanvrrn.
Albaxt, N. Y., Jan. H-2. lion. Chann
ooy M. De-pew's aeletros t)tt "Patriotism
ami .Tinpi ism Th' Lawyer's Duty" be
f-ro tin- State Bar association, was a 110
tal;lo offurt. In parr, he said :
The ovt-iits of the past few weeks
li:ive demonstrated how easy it is to
sire mm the fijrhtinji MknI among onr
own K-ojle. A feneration has come
npoti the stage since the civil war who
are caper for battle.
'Now is the time for the legal profes-t-ii
ii to perform a preat work upon the
lines i -.f the iiiwvrr of the centuries in
7rmotiiiir ititi-riiatioiial arbitration.
The present dispute lx-tween the Eng-lish-sjie-aking
races which is agitating
tl'e v.orld calls for Ixtthiiraetieal wisdom
ami le-gal acumen for its solution. There
is 1:0 dL-sent in this country from the
Monroe iitH'trineas promulgated by Pres
ii'.enr M'otinn sitid interpreted by Jeffer
son. Madixiii. We-lwter and Calhoun.
"Yet anyone who stnelie-s the Monroe
dot trine will see how. in each individu
al ease, except where there is a fl.icrrant
violation like the French invasion of
MiAi.11. the applicable interpretation of
ir siionld lie the subject of judicial de
ts rmiiii.rion. The president's message
to eenirress jresents a novel view of the
principle. If there is n dispnte as to the
1 i;i.!.i'-y lim. between a South Ameri
ca 11 republic and a Kuropcaii power, no
matter how insignificant the territory
involve 1 or how distantly it affects the ; i:d". i!ee of the country or how re
iuot. lv it nmv int. re-it us. we must de
maiid that the two tover:ini-iit arbi
trate t!v line, ami if they refnse. we
imit find out. as 1-e-sf we can, what the
line i- and en fore it by war. If. how
ex. r. jM iniin onr inquiry, the two part
ies a-ree. we have no further rights or
ihiti'-s. This se-ems to surrender the
iii--trine. if Venezuela or Itrazil chooses
to 11 a portion of its territory.
A skght extention of the principle
oii:p !s ns to assume a protect orate
over ail these republics. Their enter
prises ami industries are almost en
tire ly owned or controlled and carried
on by Aim rieans, Knglish. Germans,
Fr. iieh and Italians. Their govern
ments are in almost perpetual revolu
tion, and the military dictator of the
hour confiscates proerty ripl-.t and left,
except that of fiiniglie-is. If lie could
t ly 11 1 - ti the United States to protect
him. he would treat the foreigner the
same way, and at his whim we would
In- continually in trouble with foreiim
outitries ilemandiii
reparation. This
would require an immense navy and stamlintr army.
The United States is the only nation
m situated that it can with honor and
safety move upon the pathway of peace
for an international court of arbitra
tion. We have no fear of the
eoaefries to the south or the
north of ns. and it is :5.oix. miles
across the ocean to the nearest seaport
of any Knropcau 1 newer. So great has
Ken our prosperity, because of 102
y ars of euce and only five of war, so
free hive we been from the strife
which have exhausted the resources of
Knrope. that the taxing power of the
pivcrnmi'iit has not yet touched for any
purpose the real ami personal proierty
represented in these of
accumulated wealth. According to the
census of, wo have !i,2tN),0tH) light
ing men.
"The experience of the civil war has
shown that from them could le drafted,
mobilized ami instruct ed in three months
iJ.oeio.ooei soldiers All the transports
and navies of the world could not land
upon our shores an army which could
march loo miles from the sear-oast or
ever return to their shijis. With all th
world iii anus against- us. the vast in
t 1 ir of our continent, except in its in
dustrial a iid economic phases, would
know not bins of the trouble and never
see a foreign uniform except on a pris
oner of war. Secure in onr isolation,
supreme in resources. uncqnalecl in
our reserves and free from dangerous, ive occupy among the nations
of the globe a xisition so exalted and
safe that to compare us with other conn
trits would absurd. The statesman
or the politician who really fear foi the
safety of this country is a fool, or wbo
does not fear and preaches it is a dem
agogue This great reservoir of force for all
pnrposi-s the American republic this
miirlmcsf engine of and most be
netieeiit mvi r for M-aee on the face of
the glolie can extend the right hand of
fellowship to warring brethren across
the Atlantic, ami promulgate with hon
or and dignity a scheme fot an interna
tional tribune and lead 111 the move
ment. "We, the lawyers of theUnitcd States
and our href 'ire-11. the lawyers of Great
r.rirain. fait ful to the traditions of our
profession a' d the high calling of our
order, can a--itate and educate foi the
creation of mis great court.'"
l iqlit at m t liri-lriiinc-
IT x7t eton. Pa.. .Tan - At a Hun
garian christening at Ilarb igh on Sun
day afternoon Andrew Hooleck, the
spon-or. was attacked by two of his
countrymen and almost mnrdered
(;:- llolop.- and George Pucbor en
tered the house when the festivities
vi if in progress and wanted to mn
thing to suit themselves, but object iohm
wi re raise i to their capers by HixliK"k.
Tlie Ilrifl I. tlissine;.
P.!i:osH.i:r. Pa , Jan The toys-tenon-
ilisapp. araiu 1- of Miss Jennie
P.. lie.:. 11 who was to have lieon mar le Waller KVimv f Philadelphia. i
causing mil. b excitement iu this town,
an. 1 to. t .tliir ot the girl. .Inbn Bell"
R1..11. i in .i lv ;itrai 1. 1! with gnef
Pint ir 1 eniA. Tan i The Mid
Sleil has ;.i.
or.lei is.. 111 the ; o-. . nun. i, f f,, .-,) mm
Wiirtli il tir-t class shells It is stated
that all older for a cry large iniuilx-r
of low. 1 class shells was given to the
Prooklvn lrojectile comp;iny.
!.- 119 CiMinn IVlF;lft.
Wit kksfukur. Pa , Jan 22. Tha L,u
z.ine comity Ki'publican convention
elected (4 ingressman John l'isenring
a nd Morgan II Morgans delegates to tho
St luis convention Hot h are said to
Im- tavorabU- to St iiator Cjnaj' leader
ship Va sWt u York.
I'iiilaoki im,. Jan 22 Frederick
W Siittcrie. the head of the Ki-en Sut..
Icvle coniumy. whose sensational fail-i.ri-
was lejxirled last week, and who has
t.. 1 1. missing since, the alignment. U in
New York
llic fiilt la Hospital.
Pittshi u.i. Jan 22 If the last will
of Mrs Anna Ii Aspinwall stands, the
bo-j ital of the Protestant Kpiscopal
church ot Philadelphia will receive her
ei.tiit- slate., valued ;,t f I.IMXI.OOO
Will Work Full Time.
Wil rksbI!Re. Pa . Jan 22 Th col
l. ries ot th Delaware and Hudson CoaJ
ci.iiijiny will work full time until fnr
t her notice Sis thousand iiien art af
J e ti d
tiiilrl htwrx Heavily lirdnred.
Washinc-.ton, Jan. 22 The treasury
has lost 2.r.(0.(H)0 in pold bars for export,
(.s.(Hio in coin and sfM.fioo in jewelers'
bars, making the total loss for the day
f.s.(K0. This reducta the trold re.
litrve to OOp;:o.l21.
Important Snlijett I'mlrr 'onidermtlon
at the Convcoliiiil at CliiiaRo.
Chicago, Jan. 22. The first annual
convention of the National Association
of Manufacturers is in session at Cen
tral Music hall, fully 5X) delegates be
ing present from all sections of the
country and representing every branch
of trade.
Among the principal subjects to be
discussed are the devising of ways and
means for the re-esfablishm-iit of re
ciprocal trade agreements with foreign
countries, the recognition and control of
the Nicaraguan canal by the United
States, tin' extension of tho United
States commercial marine ami the es
tablishment in South American capitals
and other desirable points of expositions
for the display of American products.
Nearly all the delegates are strongly
in favor of the exclusive control of the
Niaraguaii canal by the United Stafes,
and it is probable that strong resolu
tions on that subject will be introduced.
Recognition of the Cuban rebels will
likely be urged.
The references of President Dolan in
his address to tho policy of protection to
American industries, the need of a
more equitable tariff and the advantage
to 1x obtained by a return to the reci
procity system Of" trade with foreign
coiintri. s" were greeted with especial
A riiKlaioalion .s.iiit Tlifiti Posted In
a C'liins4" I'rovime.
San Francisco, Jan. 22. The steam
er Coptic fiom Yokohama brings the
following advices: The China Mail
says: Another proclamation of the vil
est natore has been posted throughout
the province of Ynman, inciting the
people to murder all missionaries against
whom disgusting and disgraceful charges
are reiterated. The matter is of the
gravest iinimrtance and the whole of the
powers ought to insist npon the punish
ment of the officials of the province.
The Japanese Gazette says thri-e Ko
reans, tried for complicity in tho murder
of the Korean qmuu, have been found'
guilty and hanged.
A Canadian St uti-siiian sy tlie Cana-
iliaii Art- ly lit of War.
Halifax. X. S . Jan. 22 A disiatch
from Noith Sydney, Cape Rreton, says
that Attorney General Lingley of this
province has addressed an enthusiastic
Liberal meeting there, in which he, ad
verting to the controversy lietweeii
Gnat Britain ami the United States
over the Venezuelan lonndary ques
tion, said :
"In the event of armed strife, the
Dominion of Canada would le fore
most in the field, as she was also fore
most in loyalty of any of the Hritish
colonies "
The utterance was loudly applauded.
Be RefUM-A to Ilestrov the Fstate of an
Agfd Spanish latriot.
Havana, Jan. 22. An incident of
Maximo Gomez's countermarch through
Havana Proviuce is reported. The other
day he was encamped with :i,0oo men at
the plantation of Amalia. While there
he sent for the administrator of Port
ugalite and told him that he came to de
stroy Portngalite with dynamite, in view
of its disoliedience of his orders against
grinding sugar cane.
Put, he added, if the garrison should
retire from the plantation he would
fcgre.e not to dynamite it. This was
agreed to and the garrison refit ed, but
only as far as San Portngalite is
a fine estate, and Gomez has given a
written order not to burn it. out of re
spect to the administrator and owner,
tl.e pTominent and aged Spanish patriot,
Manuel Calve.
No Menace to Any Country Intended by
ItH Mililiatoii.
London , Jan. 22. Rt. Hon. C. J.
Goschen, first lord of the admiralty,
addressing the Conservatives at East
Grinstead, complimented the admiralty
staff upon their splendid organization.
He declared that o menace to any
con n try was intended by tho formation
of the. (lying squadron.
"It will lie ready," he continued, "for
any em-rgeiicy. and will remain under
the orders of the admiralty rather than
of the foreign office. The disjitisitioii
it will lie guided by naval, not political,
Thref Kircam-n CrnMifd.
St. liCii is, Jan. 22 The four story
building at 4 15 Broadway. ccnpied by
Aloe & Co., opticians and dealers iii
surgical and electrical instruments, has
been burned. Iss, -.-0.O0o. Three
firemen who were working in the base
ment were crashed lwnoath falling
floors, and are thonght to be fatally in
jured, if not dead.
Governor Clonli I-t Ont.
St Pu t., Jan 22 S A. Anderson,
the attorney for the plaintiffs in the
suits brought for damages
against Governor D. M Clongh, Tarns
Bixby. his private weretary, D. R.
JCoyes. president of the Humane so
ciety, and T. L. Wilson, in connection
with the suppression of the Needham
Moore priefight, has decided to dis
miss the actions so far as Governor
Clough and Tains Hixby are concerned.
I rcent I-Arirnry Kill la4d.
WASHlNOTON.'.Tan. 22 The house has
passed the urgent deficiency bill. The
bill carried 4.-ll.V.-2. i,2t2.5S2 of
which was for excuses of United
States courts. The abnormal growth of
the expense of federal courts came in
for a good deal of criticism and there
was a general expression in favor of a
salary system.
Vote For Kentucky Senator.
Frankfort, Ky , Jan. 22 The vote
in the two houses of the legislature for
senator is as follows: Hunter (Rep.)
7. Blackburn (Dem.) 6S ; Carlisle
(Di'in ) 4: McCroarv (Dem.) :j : But kner
(Dem ) 4 ; Some (D'em ) 1; A. E. Wil
son (Rep.) 1 : C. K Bate (Pop.) 1.
lie Hauled Abraham Lincoln.
Washington, Jan. 22 George W.
Feeuey. aged 01 years, one of the oldest
and best known locomotive engineers in
the country, is dead. He was? th en
gineer of the locomotive that drew Abra
ham Lincoln to Wasbingtou for his iu
augural in lsf.l.
Governor Otice liitngnrntol.
Trenton. Jan 22 The inauguration
of John V. Griggs as governor of New
Jersey has taken place in the presence
of the morulwrs of twith branches ot tho
legislature and a large concourse of
Killed Two Desperadoes.
CttATTAXooiA, Tenn.. Jan 22 A
posse of ten Hamilton county deputy
sheriffs has shot and killed John and
Thomas Mossengalo, two mountain des
peradives, wanted for murder and horse
stealing in the Raccoon mountains.
Mr. Cnrron lla ttanghter.
Lnvnos. Jan 22 The Times today
announces that, the wife of the Hon.
George N Cnrzon. who was formerly
Mis Mary loiter of Washington, has
leeii delivered of a daughter.
Rnptnre K-twen Italy and Hrall.
Rio dk Janfiro. Jan. 22 It is stated
that, a rupture between Brazil and Italy
is imminent, owing to Brazil's tardiness
in satisfying Italian claims arising oiit
of the civil war in Braril
The ew I'lab Senators.
Salt LakpCitv. Jan 22. Frank J
Cannon ami Arthur; Browu have leoti
Hef ted to the United Stati senate with
but two dissenting voices among the Re
IMil.ljcji' m-inhers of the. legislature.
The Davis Resolution Likely
to Be Sidetracked.
A Helirt That It I nnecessarily liieas
tlie Tension IMnrHl Cireat llrilam
Tlila Country--Likely ( lie Sirtt I rfct kt d
bv the House Committee.
Washington. Jan. 22. The predic
tion is freely made by meml-crs of the
house committee on foreign aftans that
if the proimsi'd reaffirmation of tlu'M'.n
xoe doc trine is adopted by the m i.ate
and wnt over to the house for action it
will Iks allowed to rest quietly in the
committee files. A canvass of more
than a majority of loth Republicans
and Democratic members of the com
mittee failed to discover any member
who endorses it.
Courtesy to thir colleagues of the
senate impels the memliers of the com
mittee' iu the other house to refrain from
putting themselves 011 record in inter
views as opjiosed to the resolution, but
in conversation they do not hesitate to
criticise the verbiage of it and to depre
ciate the policy which brings it
forward at this particular time. One of
the foremost authorities on diplomatic
matters in the house said that he deemed
it very ixior diplomacy to fake any steps
tending to increase the tension lictwecn
this government and Great Britain in
what practically amounted to a crisis.
Tho committee memliers think it will
bo better jioliey to side track the re solu
tion without any demonstration of dis
approval than te make-an adverse report
uiii it to the house. They say that it
will 1 imjieilitic to evoke any apitear
anee of dise-orel iu congre-ss upon a ejue-s-t
ion of fore ign liolie-y. ami that if the
concurrence eif tho house is not t be se
cured fen- the resolution, ami they l
liev- that it will imt be, the fi ictiou over
it w ill lie minimize d.
LI is l'nuiial leeiioii l.ifcelv to fie
IMiki-il lnl ley C.iiinrcsw.
Washington. Jan. 22 The house
committer on judiciary ha taken ste-ps
to investigate' the action of Comptroller
Bowler in v.-itlibobling the; sugar 1-onnty
appropriation. A ieolutiou advocated
r'als as follows :
"Resolve-el, That the committed 011
jueliciary l" and is he re -by ant horizeil
ami dire'c-te-d to ineinire a to the f omli
tion of the law on the snhji'ct e.f the
right of the executive eitl'ui-rs of the
government in the several elepartments
there-eif. to re-fuse tel -iifeire-e. execute; eir
comply with the provisions of any act
of the' congress of the United State-son
the grounel of its alleged unconstitu
tionality or fir othe r- rea--on -ami to re
port to tin- house' by bill er otherwise. "
If this resolution lie adopted by the?
house? the committee will investigate? the
whole matter. If can re-comim-iid a stat
nte to prevent any future action based
on the Bowler pre-e-e'de-nt, ami can pro
vide for the payme-nt of the- withhe-ld
bounties. Whether any aetiem would
lie possible was a matter of iliscnssion.
ami it waa preelie ted by im mhors if the
eommittee that congre-ss would adopt a
resolution declaring that Comptreilie.i
Iieiwhr had escce ele-d his anthonty
rfernirft lliie Klee-tinii W;i4 Ciiscil by an
A lli.soii-.M-Kiii!iy A lliane--.
St. Loris, Jan. 22. A local paMr
Pays: The; easy victory won by Colonel
Tim Byrnes of Minneaieilisfor sergeant-at-arms
of the' Republican national con
vention means more than a iie-rsonal tri
umph or the? recognition of section. It
means that there is a distine-t agreement
among the McKinle-y and Allison man
agers to help one? another. This in for
mation, it is stated, is given out by one
of Mr. Byrne-s' closest friemls.
The; following resolution was adopted
unanimously by the- e-ominitte-e :
Resolved. That t he- .VKIiulmission tickets
to the ltcpuhliirau national convention set
apart for t he- (iranil Army of the Kepublie
lie t lirnetl over t.o t lie- ineiu tiers of t he e-iu n
cil of aelminist ration eif that organisation
re pre si-nt i ng t he se-ve-ral slates anil terri
tories for (list rihul ion at the said conven
tion on t lie luisis of the memlN rshii of the;
saiel organization in each stale unelterri
C'llonel Byrnes was shown the state
me nt. and had this te say : "The story
has no fonmlat ion. In fact, my s.-le-c-tion
as se-rgi-aiif at arms was iiit brought
oljout as the- result of a combination be-tweM-n
Mc-Kinley and Allison managers.
Politics had not hiugwhatevcrtodo with
the matter. It was my personal friend
ship with the; memiK-rs of the sub com
mittee that S"cure-el me the iHisition.'
Three M-n Killed and I r Injured at
' lliiven. ( i.nti.
aew haven, dan. . three ne'ii
W!-re' killed and four ri-ceived serious in-jnrie-s
by the evplosion of an acelylim
ga rex-civcr in the; four-story brick
building owin-cl by Kuglish & Me-rsick
and oc-cupie-el by tin? owners, who were
engaged iu the manufac ture' of carriage
hardware, and F. P. Plh-gar V Co.,
hardware manufacturers. The build
ing and contents burned. Loss, 100,
The chad are: Joseph Ha user, ma
chinist. William Ste-ve-ns, bookkecjHr,
and loot, workman
Th injnri-d are: James T McNeil
machinist, badly cut aliont head and
shoulders: F. P. Pfle-gar, baellv biirne-il
Alexis Krah. fore-man. burned about
he-ad and upper portmii of the lioelv.
and Frank C Rielittr, lal-orcr, bruiseel
and cut
Archbishop Kin' I'alliinn.
St Inns, Jan. 22 A c able from
Rome to Archbishop Kain announces
that, the pallium, the insignia of bis
archbishopal rank, is now on its way tei
St. Louis The papal messenger. Bishop
Stanley of South Dakota, ami his
pre-cions burden will arrive here next
Oet a One-Cent Hate.
Mlvvrimiu T-i ) Tl,n 1 1
.... ........ -'-.. . j 1 1 . - j.n .ii
Knights of IVthias have played a trump
caro 111 meirgami' lor Cent-a illlle? rate
for the national f-iiraiiiiiiiK-iit ti..i c.,...
nier by the announcement that the Soo
1: ii.. .. .
inn-. .1110 ir.s connections had agreed to
grant the ninch -wanted rate.
liavard and ChaenlM-rlain to Attend
London, Jan. 22. The se-crctary of
state for the colonies, Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain, and the United Slate
ambassador, Mr Thomas F Bayatd,
have accept e;d invitations to dine with
the Benc hers at Gray's inn.
Kingston, Jamaica, advices say that
fears of revolution are entertained in
The case against, the steamer I-mrnda
for engaging in illegal traffic with Cdia
legale 1., i,h l.-niWd Slate court ut
I barliwton
fJeniral Ballington IVnith said in Xpw
York that he and his wife; expected to obey
the summons torel urn to Kngland iu uliont
timet weeks
liovernor Hastings and party are at. New
The death of Charles Harris at lV.ver
IJel . njiensthn pros)M-ct of a light ovei tl,a
rtisposilioD of his estate.
Raymond Elroy and .lames K THoore
suspected of killing Kichant Poie in New
, or j ,n Nove-mU-r last, were- se-nu-nce il in
Hjiltiinoretoten years' imprisonineiit for
Ti9"iw 9,ony is now convinced that Otcil
Jthodt?s h.ul planned a revolution and to
set up a republic.
New York Republie ans will hold an ear
ly Stat ceincnlion and boiu ilertt,i ior
the presidency.
A Mettinj; I Arranse Campais" P-
- aiu Heine Held.
Washinc;- . Jail 22 A meeting of
prominent silver men from all parts of
tlie country l"-gaii today.
A pre-limuiary conference of the mem
piers of the executive committee, of tho
Ri- Metallic Tx-agnei was he-Id. ut whic h
sti is were taken looking te- the consoli
dation of the- several silvei organizations
iutu one h'idv, with lieadiiiare-rs at
Washington. Chc a"0. San Kianciscei
aieil at some point in the south
Om- purpose; of today's imcting is to
fit niion a time and place for holding a
national silver convention at which a
national silver ticket shall be nomi
nated This action, however, is contin
gent upon the failnrf of lioth of the old
parties to recognise, silver by nominat
ing canelielaf e-s nneepii vocally ph-dge'cl to
its rehabilitation on a basis of Ml to 1.
It is not necessary, it is saiel. that adheT
enf s of the propeVsc-d new arty already
shonlel have se-verc-d all e onne-c-t ion with
the- old partii-s, but it is essential that
they lie willing to do so should the old
parties fail to nominate candidates
pie elge-d to the silver cause.
The Mini Will Contineiiee to Coin Them
Net Month.
WT ASiiiNejTON. Jan 22. Aliont Feb 1
tb- treasury de-partmcnt will resume
the coinage; of silver dollars and con-
tuine until aliont S.000.tH0 have- lieei.
coined Whim the present administra
tion came into power there' were- in the
treasury almt 2il.OKI.(MH) in silver dol
lars coined from bullion nnde-t the ae-t
ed" ls!M and available- for the- redemp
tion of treasury note-s issue-el in viy-mi-iit
of the- bullion purc-ha.sed
Sine e August. IS'.Kl. alwuit IK.flOO.OOO
of tin-so notes have, lieen r-dee-me-d in
silver dollars and cancelled The sw
tclarv of the-treasnry has now clccide-d
to coin from the bullion ou hand ami
pnrchasc, under the act of IMhi. aliont
ils.oem.non. which will restore the
amount of dollars in the treasury to
what it was on March 4. IMC
Oppotee Free tlnmefrtead Art.
Washington. Jan. 22. The house?
rommittee- on public lands has re-ce-ived
fmm Se-cre-tary Smith 11 strong adverse
re-liort against the- fre-e homestead bill.
The bill absolves all M-rsons completing
live- ye ars" rcside iie-e eeil the- lands taken
ami oc-cnpii il under the; home stcael laws
fiom making further uvimnt to sc-e-nre
the ir title- either than fe-e-s incidciit to
tiling and obtaining proof Lam) office;
oflicials est imate- its passage: would in
volve at U ast 'iO.OOO.IMHI eif cost to thee
government and $ l!S,HH),K.H) to Okla
homa alone-.
Itriclit Outlook for h Calele.
WASHINeiTON. Jan. 22. From tho ac
tioii if the bouse coinmiltee 011 commerce-
there si-ems tolie little doubt tliat
a bill authorizing the. Pacific Cable com
pany to lay a cable from the; Pacific
coast totlie Hawaiian Islands ami Jap--n
will be- favorably tepoi ted wit bin a short
time. The commit tee- clll ec Uel a sub
committee le. prepare a bill embiae ing
eeilaii. clianges considered desiral le
I10111 the bill outlined by the? 1 nmpany.
Slierne:in4 Proposed A ineii.leeietit.
V siiinuton. Jan. 22 Se-nateir Sher
man has givi-n notice of amenduie-nt.s
to Senator Pngh's coiicnrre-nt re-sobi-tloii
providing for the redemption of
I'liitcil Stales bonds in silver coin.
They provide for t he- recognition of the
law de-c larmg t he jiolicy of maintaining"
the; i.avily of -lolil and silver
r'oui teris.iiii etl'cer Wounded. l. Jan 22 The- North German
Ga.e-tte- has a dispate h from the- t'ani
cieions saying that se-veral days' lighting
has occurred near the- statiem of Jaude
wit h t he- insurgent natives. Four Ger
man otlie-ers were wounded and seven
native; troi. rs killed
Tlie Kai-ee-r'H inpati-h Ceinilemneil.
Oapiv Town, Jan 2-J At a nu-eting
of the; Ge rman re-siiie-nf s of Salisbury,
capital of Mashoiialand. a resolution
was pa.sse-d comh-miimg Kinjeeror Will
iam's dispute h to President Kroger as
an act of interference; with South
African affairs
Tnro Wounded liv ltoliliem.
Flandkufai-. S 1.. Jan. 22. Four
masked mem broke into the? bouse- of
Amlre w Krickson. aliont 14 miles south
east of Flande-reau. and ilemanded his
money Being told he had none, they
badly wounded him and his son.
A Victim of a Knnaway.
San Fhancisco. Jan 22. A. Page
Brown a leading architect, has died at
Bin liugame from injuries received i;i ti
runaway ac c ident last Oi Ii.Imt He was
a son in-law of Juelgc Rogor A. Pi-yor of
New Yoik
I .ne. I With the Ourrn.
Ionihn. Jan 22 Rear Admiral
Dale-, who has lioen assigned tt the
command of the flying semadroti. dined
wit b t he. epiecn last night. Thu squad
ron is expected to sail today.
Nominated to Sen . . ! ;ihon.
Annai'oiis Mil , Jan. 22 Congress
lnar. (M-oige K Wellington has lie-eu
lie. initiated l.y the Republican le;gislativi
canens to snccce-d Cluirles H. Gibson i 11
the United States senate.
riTTsucno. J-.n 21
WHEAT-.Vo 1 re:l. Til?c. No 3 Iri
CORN No. 2 yell ,w ,r. 34. i r. 31,. . PW
No 2 sh-li. ,l. :iiu,:iv: MKu mixl sh.-lle.l
.-li:il ; miT.-d .nr. :i:i4c.
OATS N,, 1 white. 41' !-: No 2 .to. 21
Zi i-xtra No : white aa(tS!2ic. tCt, 2 it JI 1
HAV-Xei. 1 titn-thy. tit .ITr.l6 T5 : No 2
tinie.thy. tl.i7.iali. mixed el.iv.-r $1 4 Sl
14 7..; parkin,-. !OI!i;i; No I f.vdinii ,.rairv.
1ilrtlJ jll; hay. JlSUualilu- tut lllim
Hl'TTF.R Fl(.nn cre-ame-ry. 23i-t.. Ohio
fancy e-re.m,.ry. Ju a. . fHcv oonntry
I3M.V; low L-rad.- and .-.w.kiiiL', "Icl -c-
CHKKsK-fancy New York. September
milk.-, full cream, larj;.-sire, lu'-llp- N. w
York flats, llUnlUo; ,ne )hms. S, t.terr.her
make. H'jn I i; Wisconsin Swim, in tnlea 124
l:w;. Imihnru-. r, ll-alPy?; e.ln., Swiss. In f.b
U'-tilJc-. Sj. in Stuart l.l.ioks Malabo
KiiOS-Sinetly fr.-sh I'e-nnsvlvania and
Ohio, m ease-.. lso.KIr;: olel MoraRi, l.Vrtlrte.
I'CiPl.TKY l.ari;.- live chickeris. lOaTec pet
pair; liv ihi U.-ns. sni:ill.4el 5 . sprinit e.hick
ens. 4SiV.:w t si.-; dresseel chu-k.-n.. Una
b!e per pound; live dnclcs. 7:VnS-lc i pair. Hv
tnrkeys. "e-ttlae ier iMmnd : dres.-1-d lrtKe- live
Ce-e-se. 1 iaitt 2.1 nor pair.
UAMlv-Hal.hiis. 3ia:iV ne-r pair , onni, 75
C2eio -r )... n. pheasairl ft hitumft ,M.r
d..-o;1nirr. U. SeietlSo jr ,),.. g,..w.
Si. ;l.7 enj per dozen; veni-on whole l2iloc
a ft .lies,. lTitt Isc
T'ittsbcro. Jan SI.
nATTT.E Receipts nU.iit. 7.-. ear or. ale
Market at. mi.ine i nt ,-),,sa rt H,,W Mn
prices were-only fair. Weeinote. I'm,., k.4 4,1
(14 75. cooil. 4.4 li4. 10. food l.nt. I ,r,' $.j.tii
4tJ; roiich fat, W (1O.1 S H. ln,ls, stj.K. Hnd
-own. jei:ia): feeders. $-1 i.Tc.3 8.1; t.esh
enws and springer, (jmn.40 00
, tie NiS-l.Vi-.-ipts Hunt, market steady Tkte
dliin. weiKl.ts. MJet a.,; best llKl,t 1,,. and
piljs 4 344 : nervy hogs. J4 104 15. roeieh,
CteKI.:i )
SHKEP AND T.AMBS-Supply fair on Mon
day, about :(u cars on sale: today's rrreipts el
ra" rricwa a shade higher this we:k fri.m
la-d week's (jni.tatnejs. and the market rinsing
Kte-aily We nuote: Export wethers. .! TiktO
Hw; prime sheep, 8 4uu3(UI; ckm1. $h Hi ait :U;
iair, ti 4drt2 M"; common, l 75ai J(l; culls.
fal 25; UmlM. tt.OO ao IKl: veal calves. t5
em. betavy and tbin calves. VJ.50a3 all
HOGS Market active at t:i8J4ii R
eeipts. 2.ecm head. Sh pinents, 1.4.NI head
' t'ATTI.E Market Hendy at j(it.3 H
creipts. 3J0 head Shipments. 2,m he-ad
SHKEP AND bASIBS-Market firmer at
ri l.Voato lie ceipts. 2110 head; shipments.
bead Lambs Market stronger at -f 2.V.44 Ml.
Ilr . Nw Y-orr. Jan 21
WHEAT Spot market firm: No i red 7l'i
Nj 1 hard. 7l;c f. o b afloat
t "OR N Spot market steady : No. 2. 3fic
K)ATS Spot market quiet; No 2. 24'4t24A.
CATTLE European cable, quotej American
steers at. 9a lejc per pound dressed weight rev
fric-rator leef at 7:aHc.
SHKEP AND LAMBS-Market steady but
slow : she-ep. poor to prime.$2 87ii3 Ti, laD,ka
tnnmon Ut choice. $4 V5 4 ' Drai t Si 2.V4 eHX
A Convict's Fearful Death at
One Arm llridly hewed and I'-lnnd
I'niw.riiti e : In 4i.e LsMieil I-r.en
tl.e Western t'enitent lary at Allegheny
Cily ai.el I- reii.i NeemereiiH .lailti.
Philadelphi a, Jan. Si Frank
ford, a prisoner at the state? jie-uitcn-tiary,
this city, who was one e.f the?
most daring ami sue-ce ssfnl hoi so thieves
of his time, has died in awful iieony.
Frankford's de ath was the re;sult of
an attack l.y liloodhnnnds. He Ji::d
charge of the 111 at the; jienitciif iary, and
shortly lnfove Christmas the? animals
lie-fjan field m; a 111 on tr themselves. He
atte-nipte-d to separate them, wh. 11 tin-y
tnri.e.d upon and savagely ,-dt.i-ke-d
him. He was l.tidly liittcn, osi e-ially
on one arm. which was all che wed up.
Blooel jh.ii seining set in, resulting in his
Frtinkford operated in this and adja
cent state-s. lie was ftcerncntly capr
nrccl, lent his suc-ccss as a jail ire-aker
was phenomenal, ami it was for a lemi
time Is-lieved, hy his assert ions that ne)
jail in the country was stiem; enough
to hold him. was tme;. He e-se-ais-d from
tlie Western i-nite-nti;:ry at l'itlslnirr
ami a nnmlier of jails in the- west as
will as a numlH-r in Pennsylvania.
The Stale Meeting Held at liar rislmre.
New Oni.ers Flee led
Hakkiskikij, Jan 2 A meet ins: of
the state council of the:- Catholic Benev
olent union has leeen lie-lel he-re. with 7-1
dc legates in attendance. These- officers
we-re elec-teel for the -nsning year :
-Spiritnal dire-c-tor, Kev. V. C Soulie-rt.
Harrisluirg: president, Frank NniK-r,
Erie; vice- pre side-nt. A. J. llaire. Hazh--ton
: chancellor, John W. SH-ckniaii,
l'hiladelphia ; orator, Joseph Iler.
Ceilumhia ; se e-re tary, Fre-d Ijoreii7.. Krie :
tre-iisurer, F J. Bnrye-r, Philadelphia ;
marshal, H. T. Spicsmaii. Erie, guard,
John P. Sc-heid. lmeaster ; financial
committc-e, Ceorge Schmidt. Philadel
phia: J O. Hi-aly. Snsiine hanna : T J
Ifnglies, Eastern; trustees. (ImrK"' A
Kinde-r, Me She-rrystown ; W S looser,
T-lianoii; William Dwvi-r. Oil Citv ; lj.
J Wolf, Philadelphia'; . I. A K hm.
Ijancaste-r ; repre-se-ntative to supte-me
e-onncil. John J. t'ovlc. Mahonoy City.
The; next me-c-ting of the- state-council
will l- lielel in Erie.
Iii solutions we-re adopted upholding
the? Monroe- doctrine; connatnlating
General lioim iiii his Cnhau victoiii-s;
prot'-sting against the; Aline imaii atroc
ities, etc.
Smirk Ii a "al.l- Car anil deceive. I
ratal liij.ii ie.
New York. .Ian T The death rf
(ieneial Thomas Kwing. cx-iui iuls-.r f
ceengress fiom Ohio, cause d great sur
prise. :is his injuries we-re: not consid-
re-el fatal Nevei I he-less, although his
physicians we re; hope ful, he rapidly Ins-came-
worse and expired.
(je tieral Kwing's de-ath was thercsnlt
of injuries received accidentally, which
was 1111 id ioiicd in lhe-se elisjiate ln-s yes
tcrday. He had left his home; intending
to go elown tov 11 ly the; e levated road
As he reached Third ave-nue a c.-ahle car
passe-d and he; ste ptsel directly l.eliind
it, not noticing that one from the eippo
Mte dire e tion was right ue.n him Tlie
corner tif the e-ar struc k iiiiu ami threw
him hack several yards. He landed on
his he ad The. gene ral was e-arricd to
his homo.
Fits Orchestra leader .-Mtarl.- Iliut twl
He Is 1 lisle. I
Oltvtl.I.E. Cal., Jan 22 I .ord Sholto
Ponglass, son of theMarejnis ot Qvic-ens-l-nry.
is not having an e-asy time, as the
mauagi-r of a theatrical troujee When
JLaely Douglass, nee? McMtne-y, i:ave her
song and elanc-e act he-re Ioril I hmqlass
nislieel nion the stagocrying : "My wife
cannot sing to such Tinisic as that "
The? anelie-nce hissed ami later the
leader of the; orchestra, nice -tint; Dong
lass mi the street, asked if he wanted
troulile. Eord Douglass answered in the
negative. vv'ierenMii the 111ns1c11.11 at
tacked Dong lass, striking him as he- was
entering a carriage. l-idy Douglass
made a great ont cry and lioth I tonghos
and the musician were arrested Dong
lass was snhsoeim-ntly released and the.
orchestra leader he-hl for trial.
I'lkimporlaiit Senate Session.
Washinotov, Jan 2'i. Tin- scnatopnt
oside finance ami fori-igu allairs ami
gave; tlie day ti work on comparatively
minor hills on the calendar Almt o
l.ills we-re passi-d. clearing the cal'-tniar
of much accumulation ami h'aving only
inniortant measures ie-neling. Tin-(Gillian
finest inn rcet-iveel brief and incon
clusive at ti-id ion
- No Troulile Over Trinidad.
lnno-. Jan '11. It is se mi nflicially
stated that the ne-gotiatiems lictwecii
(ireat Britain ami I'.rail are jie-rfectly
friendly ami that there is no threat
hatee-rof a tiilciuatic rupture over
New Maniqi-r 1 or tlie ISiomih
Atlantic; "ity. X J. ..Tan. . Henry
II Dielell. lHM-k of Philaili-lphia has Urn
signed he-re? hy President Vim de l Alee
as manage r of lhe Kt Ivonis haselall
Arrnwed til l-anlieyrleliient.
Bf.atkicf.. Neb . Jan The county
attorney has tiled a warrant in justice
court., charging J W. Williams, presi
jit-nt of the defunct Blue Springs hunk,
with emlie-77leini'nt
Visiouut Mmra -.iiit t ed.
Yokohama. Jan 22 Viscount Mnira,
formi-rly Japanese minister to Korea,
ami the. others charged with complicity
in the- Korean coup d'etat, have been
ae quit ted
. City Treasurer Short.
Moxctox. N. B .Jan 22 City Treas
nret Ceorge Johnson Rol.b is a defanl
tet to the extent of .!.(M0, saiel to IsmIuo
to speculations in the New York stock
Not C'reilileil l.y Cnliana.
1Ikxicx Citv. Jan. 22 leading
Cubans here? do not. credit the rumor
that Spain intends to sell the island to
General lleaton litail.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 22. Joseph Hor
ace; Heaton, major and brevet brigadier
general. U. S. A., re tired, has died here,
aged SO.
Senator Allison lSe-rleeted
Des Moin-rs, Jan. -11 The le gislatnr
has re-ele;cted Uniteel isiatcs Senator
; Shaving Parlor,
Mam street, Jfcar Post Office
-Th nnderslftned deglrtM to Inform tbe pub
lic tht bo baa oenl nhavlnn par or on
Main Etreet. near tbe post offlcej wborej barberlnir
In all iu brancbaea will be earned on In tbe
future, tverriblnie neat and eiean.
Yonr patronaice solicited .
rite now
Ebensburg School Report.
Report of Eliensburg School for the
month ending Jan. lo, IS'.MS:
hole No. in
A vei ane
Z : 47 1 4
S7 ! 4-. j 4
17 : n.1 . o
17 i 2
I 41 2
Is j : 11
6 j Id ; 0
Follcnving is a list of tlie pupils who
were present every day during the month :
Kooxi No. 2: Lizzie Classer, Alliert
Meisel, l'hilip Meisel, Conrad Brown, Hon
Council, Maliel Jones, (insie Owens,
Claire Darragh, Mary Tihleott.
Class Ieaelers : A class, Carlotta Ijitt
1 iiiit-r; B class, Mabel June's.
Boom No. 3: Mabel Barrish, Margaret
Conne-ll, Vera Williams, Mildred Owens,
Viige Kirsc-liner, Willis Davis, Karl Jones,
Seeelis l'each, Kearon Iidwig.
Class l'aelers: A class, Mildred Owens;
B class, Vera Williams.
Boom No. 4 : Annie Uuber, Ada Mei
sel, Nettie Meisel, Mabel (iant, Dorothea
lVae-h, Arties Council, Kva Carman, Mil
dred Klrerly, Maggie Llewellyn, lV.'wsie
Darrali, Je-sse Davis, Tommie Kvans
Jeee Kvans, Bichie Owens, Willie Craver,
Harvey TibUitt, Balph Davis.
Class leaders: A class, Martina Lutt
ringer; I! class, Kva Carman.
Boom No. .": June Davis, Certie Fer
guson, Kiiima Craver, Clara White, Annie
Duncan, Alliert Ix-wis, Alvin Kvans,
David lidwig, Frank White, Ittsleric
Bitter, Joseph Davis, Dannie Thomas,
Irvin (JckmI, WilU-rt Council, Walter
Class leaders: A clasp, I 'earl Krii's;
li e-lass, Annie Duncan.
Beio.M No. ti: Floy Stiles, Bessie Shoe
maker, Floie-nce Kvans, Keliili Barker,
Mary Ceinuell, llerbie Kvans, Abnt-r
Llovd, lVter Ludwig, Clillor.l Junes,
Walter Jones, Klmer Davis, Harry Hulier.
Class jeade-rs: A class, Jennie Kvans;
B class, Florence Kvans.
Boom No. 7: Mary Me-Calie, Kliza
J ine-s, Ollii' Davis, ('has. Kvans.
Class Ijeaeler : Kliza June's.
The attendance in the schools was iui-ie-rfect
on ae-c-ount of measle-s.
rlil Report.
B.-port of Fisher school. Allegheny
township, for school mouth e idiug Jan
nary 14. 1 St :
Nninlrt-r of pupils in attendance dnrit s
imiiit h - males. IS; feniah-s, 10; total, 44
Perfect in attetidaiice: Kdwin llertzog.
Jjset h llertzog, Klla Sharp. Bose Herlzoe.
Minnie Cisavek. te-ao! er
Demands prompt treatment. The re
sults of neglect may be serious. Avoid
all harsh and drastic purgatives, the
tendency of which is to weaken the
bowels. The best remedy is Ayer
I'ills. Tieiug purely vegetable, their
action is prompt and their eCect always
beneficial. They ara an admirable)
Liver and Aftcr-elinner pill, and every
where endorsed by the profession.
' Ayer's Tills are highly and nniver
ally speiken of by the people about
here. I make daily use of the in in my
practice." Ut. 1. E. i'owler, Bridges
port, Conn.
" I can recommend Ayer's Tills above
all others, having long proved their
value aa a cathartic for myself and
latiiily." J. T. lless, Lcithsville, I'a.
' For several years Ayer's Tills have
been used iu my'family. Wo find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
Moses Greuicr, Lowell, Mass.
" I have used Ayer's Tills, for lirer
troubles and indige-stion, during many
years, and have always found them
prompt and eilie-icnt in their action."
L. N. Smith, Utiea, N. V.
' I siiflVreil from constipation which,
assumed such au cdistinate form that I
feared it would cause a stoppage ot the
IhiwcIs. Two Ikixcs of Ayer's Pills ef
fected a complete cure." 1). Burke,
Saco, Me.
I have used Ayer's Pills for the past
thirty vcarx and ctmsiele-r them au in
valiinbie family meeiii-iue. I know ot
no lie-ttcr re-inedy for liver troubles,
and have always feuind them a prompt
cure for elsM-i.sia. ' James Quinn, yO
Mid. lie st., llartlorel. Conn.
' Having liecn troubled with coBtive
ness. which s.-. ins iti.-vital.le with per
sons of si-.'.ciitary babita, I have tried
A.wr'a Pills, heipins for relii-f. I am
f lad to sa that they have served me
-ttcr than any other medicine. X
Rrr vo at this only after a
faithful trial ef their me-nts." Samuel
T. Jones, Oak si., Ikjslon. M ass.
Ayer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Maw
Bold by .J Llealera lo McmUcIm.
Write to T. S. QnscEY,
DrawcM 156, Chicago, Secre
tary of the Star Accident
CoMPAxr, for information
regarding Accident Insur
ance. Mention this paper.
By so doing yon can save
membership fee. Has paid over fJOO.OOJ.OO for
accidental injuries.
Be your own Agent.
eietll. Urn
Shaving Parlor
l.onte1 near the efirner ot Centre and Simple
firc-en. St aviDK. ,Hir 1 nitlnic 1 nil ii4uivo-
iok ione id u.e iirsiet( inu r-esi uiaDner.
share ol yonr patronaice miliclieU.
Celebraled Russian Got
iViolin Strings
1 he Finest in tlie World.
Every Siring Warranted.
John F. Slrallon
Send for S1 1 n hik at- -rs .-.
Canelogue. ci. r.. "Ul Ml.
Best in the World!
Bet the Genuine!
Sold Ererywhere!
GUGG'.ES at Pric?
I A. US & llAltM.vS .
ii i..p l:uj:ir;. . --7" .. PUH'm uiJ
l-iuu l-pSurr.- 7 ul.1I Al-l.
l I e-nre Hu .f C-
!'. I.iit-iry 4. 75 M i.l.l Mau i
lTiiii " 1 12 5"'.ri.flt.
M.uvmii Saddle, $1 f-e'ae ir e m
t Uf tot Lwrtaoi &L, Cim-ennavi. ex
A III.- I.lnv.l 1 -JH j 5- -J4
Annie Hue ii.m .... '1 ' IS : j r:i 1",
At vra Ki. hauls.. ii ;-: j 'l i; . 47 lei
Mai:kii Slienkle. 4 ! -Jl 41 is
K. Ali-Keiiiii-k... 5 j -'ii 22 4S 'Jl
Ainiu-.Inin-s l. I IU 'il .T. 15
T. I., e ills.. 11 7 I & li 11 4
m Zm m Zm mm Z mZmm m'm mm m mm -mm
1 i
i 1
i ii
i i
You helped us fo tlouble our business for Spring '05.
Now for Fall ..nJ Wiuter. "We are ready and what have
Men's I'.Iaek and Ilhie leaver Ove-rc-eeuts, Single ami I'onl.le-Ure-.L-tcl,
.... - ?4.7"i
All-Woeia-ii Ke-r e-y t Ivere-oats, I'-hu-k atnl I'.ltie-, Italian
Ijnin, ----- and j'.'.ini
Men's (iiay I'r.ion Suits, - s-.(
Men's r.lae k Suits, all-wec.l. - - - ?-". i
Men's I'.lue-Chev ot Sui s, all-iveil - - Ke.''
Men's all-wo.rl Jcjz. l'.lae-k Clieviot Suit, the vr,-atet Suit in tlie
tv nnty for the- lneiiie-v riinilar jiriev c-e-rvwlic-re, jltl.lHt
our jiriec-, ------ J-7.."
.Ml -We il flay Wotse-el Suits, Siie ks end Krea ks, fs.mi to j Hum
Freiie h lUae k We.rsteeK, all wo .1,-n, - 1.J t-. sl::.ei
Children's Suits, .... T."ie-. to Sei.t I
Youths" Suits, - . - - -::.. t. glu tei i
is full up in all the newest and latest goods and you can
get them at prices you can allbrd to pay.
Ever at Your Service,
Vour Face
Will be wreathed with a most engaging
smile, after you Invest In a
WMte Sewing Machine
The most complete and useful devices ever
added to any sewing machine.
Durably and Handsomely Built,
Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment,
Sews ALL Sewatle Articles,
And will serve and please you up to the fall
limit of your expectations.
Active Dealers Wanted in unoccu
pied territory. Liberal terms. Address,
dec!3 V5 6m
A Sure Remedy
in every case and every
kind of Hemorrhoids cr
Piles is
This statement can't be
made too strong" or too
It is a simole, certain,
speedy cure fcr
nhtumalis.n, Eczsma,
Convulsions, Chilblains,
Sera Eusc!es. Burns,
Toothache, Cuts,
Faceache, Sprdns,
Neuralgia, Coils,
Sere Threat, Ulcers.
Twj F!zc. 25 an J 50 cents.
At dnigists, or iy ir.ail.
The r.r.MJSL-H Co., 374 CU.nai St., X. Y.
i tU 9
ItlS,10-1 l'nnri mm who, having
up .11 the 111, rc-mleaiiit' tli. iu einfii. to inaeuure af-
.UWiIi,n,"r a lenr l,ruiu- A fuJr vk
course of trvauiucntat the
Xo. 42ir, Fifth Avenue,
restore to thrm ail their p"we-rs. mpiifal and
physical cierstn.ys the alinnnual at-pe-tiu-. and
require them tet the con thev vrn-in le
tore they iiilulir.- in s'imeilants. Th is has U--n
done n more than liv oasea tresu-el he-re. an.l
anioni; them of v,ur own lu-ichlmrx, to
whom we e-an r-rt-r nith cemfi-iinie as to the
alwolute safety ami eflieie-nrv eif the Kee-iev 1ire.
The fullest ami iai-t M-an-hinir iiivestiirati..ii U
n viteU. ticua fur imjui'iacl. Kiving fall lulonu
taon. 1 Og 2.04.
ytmnm the
Jinmnl fiJtf9
lint la thm Snrr
hffM He ftn9l
firmrn f Tnte
ti Will Cure COLD 'N HEAD
A particle l applied Into ea-n nostrel and i
aureeaMe. Prtee&O eents at Iwueulsts orhy mail i
fcl.Y KKDTHLUS, &6 barren Street. New York. 1
mm fmm mm 0,m P f.m pmip
- Ii
I :
t :
' .
I :
; .
Tiitz r lit: em as
Printing Office
Is the place to uet your
Preempt ly and satisfactorily exprute-d.
wiii mtfft ttx; tiriccs of alii honnraole
coinpe-tioD, We don't do any tut
first-ci-s work and want a
liyine prece fur it.
Willi Fast Presses anfl New Tips
We are prepared to turn out J-b Pruit nf o
every rtisrription in the FINKST
8TY1.E arid at the ve-rv
Lowest M Prices.
Nothiijij out ttie best material h u-e-o aij
our work p-abs tor iUself. Wearer
pared to print on the stiortes. nnlirv
Pojterp, PReXiKAMME?,
IIlSINES? IAKllS TACisl. lill.I. HeaIM.
Monthly !tatf.ests Esveixii-k.
1)RFT9 KrXF.IPT HoNle elliK.
1-iKTTEH ash Note Heais, and
Hor ami 1'artt Inmtation Etv
5v fn print anything from the enia!
and neatest Visiting Card tee the lae-t
l'cwter on short noeice eep.-t tli
nieee-t fieascmable Rates.
The Cambria Freeman
Scientific American
Agency for
Fr !T-f.rmatlon f-rr- HnTHjeniok m r:t e
MINN ext. :: ii! r. Nrw V 1 .
'l i-t hem-au f-"r wvnrmc u nt in Ann -! i.
tii-rr rtaU'Tit tafce-nieiT -y u l l-r-"eitht I- -v"
fjit- .ullic by a ci-iM-e pivt-n fre tf cliar.-e in Uiu
j? ricniific utcricau
Imt c-lT-nl!i,1"n fT nrv (.tu1P- prr in tv' i--n li.iiv t lu,trat-J. N.i ml.-:!:.-- : t
man iouM wiilui it. uvt lv. P) em
ar; i.-.isiTTn-.n!iis. aMimv Br'w is c
IXlil ishi et-H 3K1 liiMdv. VvrK Citv.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks ohtained. and '
fret hnsincss ronue-ted for Moderate FZ.
Our Offic is Otiposite U. S. Patent 0rf.
and we ran e-nre i-at-nt in le time thsii tl "
rt-mute from Va.-hiTurton.
Send model, nrm ltiir or photo., w ith d--t:
Von. We advie. if jmteiitahie or not. fr- - '
chanre. lnr fi-e not cine tiil patent ; e--i.-i
A Pairohlet. "How to fihta-'n Pateij:-."
name of ar-tual clients in vonr5-tate, ruuc'.y, J
town, sent free. Address
Ofoosite Patent Oficc. Washinatoa. P- C
Is erent lor ail tbroat Inflatnmaliocs as i '
asthma. foriu3
tlves will ' ?
oerive t-eTn-rt a
ies use. a It vj - J
dates ttie .-
ernier eij-er t '
.em ey. s'-t
nature in if -t''"'
wasted tissue
1 here i a lrit- l'"
eentiice tl tru-r "tJ
fO--e tbeir -'
ti le enmir i t s
wbo are enly
lag irtiro a chr -r f
ottii aravatrt !-
eeild or deeii seated t-ou h.
"ftarrh Fur eatareh use
Keith remfMjies are i-irasar . use. C"rem H
.toc. prrliottle: Pineola rtalsam, V ai liruai:
la quantities ul Si will deliver vn reve I
KL.Y BKOTHKKS.J6 Warreo St-.New Y
nu lei W4iv.
WANTED. St-veral faithful per:t
inen ami laclios to lravt-1 for cstaiilis
house. Salary, $780.00 and Expenses-
; Position f.-rnianent if suited; a!?o ic
j crea.e. iState re? fert-nce and entire'
wlf-aeUressel ptampe,! envelope.
I JCT-J7-.7S Onciifi lUiUiihiy. CHIC-1';'1
hc Tm.
hpwi mmt Wi.ImW Pski aii le
VioHm, Cuitars, Banjos. Accardeaas. Haewaaj-
caa, &, all kiexSsel Stringt, etc, etc
811. 813. 815. 617 t-ist Jtth bU.Iiew Vort