3 4 -it ?! 0 " ! r A"- b t ' hi3 - f; -pi- la lojS ' - tS;f 9 : . 4 rep 1 goof t v 8 4 to-. i 4 4. Jc; J 4 it i t i i aiubrin xumm. T .1 . I ;i ;iv. ' , A ; v..,;.,-.'i.iy It I. I"""1 i; v i- .I v. AMIlHIA CO.. IA. JAM'AKV -'4. f Carriilltown, was M(ii.liy, of MiintT .i.-k lit. wh.i-'.t. nf Lon-tto, spent a ii mi Monday. . of tJiillitziii, spent Monday. uiia r;ii!roal employs ,,,, it- entire system. !.-ens. of Allegheny r.U-n-tniri; on Monday. ! , v. of Allegheny tow n- hoiir- in !;.!-' H o The new convent at Cresscn of the Sisters of Mercy, which covers about three-fourth of an acre of ground, is near iiiir completion. The roof, in the covering of whi ;h one hundred and four tons of slate was used, has been completed, and the interior work can now be pushed mpidl v. From ten to a dozen splendidly ex-et-iited counterfeit bills were passed on Williamsport, i'a.-, merchants on Tuesday afternoon. The counterfeiter is an Italian, and he entered the town at one end and passed out at the other, after making brief slops At the stores w here he made small pun-liases. In each case he tendered a bonus t't bill. town on Muii- ,i i i .iiTity commissioners on fo and mink , M.-N- to mes Kb.n man of buri; on I : .Hii !- fro'-ii known by to deatii the Miller ami Frank V iMtors to Kbeus- .1 U. i-r. oi ,i t a the Kast ward. clerkhip in the .1 .1 .:, I.anty ami C. A. Lane l l - M. i ere viitors to Wed lie-day. ... . k i 'atl:o!iel"hurch in Mth . 1;. w ,i! tie dedicat-d for di- .I:ihiiurv '.''th. 'I'll. ma-', of Carrolltown. is ti.i- w.-ek alien li"-' a meet . l:.i.ird of Aurii iiHiire. ; i. r.i. o! t lie iinrollirll of 1 1 nil ... , . .1 rated on September S, paralioii nrc unuer -.it I1'' r.t of this n a druu fl on M pla:-e, has ac--toie at Hume outlay for that .! in' ! i!ll I- II, .I..I.II . ..-.:- i i. - i; r.- SI,. ..f I'a':. iy. -Ir.. of Klder town , ii t '.o Linn county. Ure ;., to lake up the oc- iriner. ,a:Ter. of ( iailitin, was ar t..vMi l.y iiiniahle Loan ." wife desertion. He save ;.. .n aiii'e at court. ,! r. a miner, from the vi .!,. i- in llie almshouse suf- fi. .in i;.iW!i his f''t badly frozen, may I,.ie lo he ainputat -d. .ejrea: i lit of wul.intr llaiinels so I. .:'! not shrink is to dry them v U !.--.. nearly dry lln-v should be P ! with a not a very hot iron. Mr. Hra W. -tovi-r, an employe of tlie ' '.i,,ii' and a former resident , i.-i.iii .'. a- a iMttir lu Kbensburti ': .l.iy . At K.d r-Ml'.e. Washiiigtuii county, . l'j!:.i-o! iu found apparently I :ii Led. In tin-mi. 1st of j Ti' a ra i OI1S . - fme-i.ii I i' arose and went about ,-t. .iii.u y k. i . A sliarhaiiiih, Carroll . - ..,.i,.ur i-lotiiini! man, and T. A. ii.'i,. ri-lii'T of the t'a 1 rol i tow n , a, r a::, ,It' the xisjiurs to tie seen ,r tre.-! on Tuesday. M. .-es entered t he I "or t a s- II o t el on -.lay n;.'l,i of I; -n ' le- Iholiey , . . t..i:,--, . Th y t. ,,f hi: of Mr. !, -I. .1 - ; isi week, ami break - 1; a wer. iiol 1 .."" in alsiicallied oil about key. .1 . I. Lucas, in this i, '( nl l y the sheriff on Thurs ieek. Mr. Lucas was also i -ii.r, in liutlcr, I'a.. and it -hen tl's hands. Meik. a car builder in AI , -n idediy of lu-arl failure while 1 i. lay. He was ajed I'd years, in, mtier of company M.ii- I'enn i,. nt diirinn the war. i l'avis, a former Kbensbiirir , i of Kansas City, Mo. He is '. 1 IV is, shoemaker. ho left ;:i and settled in Missouri, .i- ! oi n in K he us burg on J utie 1, ' ar I: . i. Haw k hi A d worth accidentally shot toi.na on Sunday afu-r-ss.y lrainllil.ll ' revolver, .rk in the forehead above -:io! a painful and d in- 9i i I'r;'!-, ihe f .iritive murderer '. t. the Nuiiiei-et county tnoon- -i-ver.il hours in Cunieils . s-.itnrd.iy. ai-entiipanied by a : : in ,u:,taiiiees, ;md iw at - made to ;u i-I him. M ' r. an Australian. was 1". U. K . opposite the Guatier I. !.:- iAti. i u Monday morn 1 o i . I, -; 1 1 vv ii ao-omiiiodaiion. ii- ,,f u.,. a,i a ife and two v . v ,- in hi in Austria. A . letter, one of the oldest resi-r-ii.k-.i! b r-U4h. died Wed ties . i.-.i .s j .-.ii-. Mr. Autrelter, ' iv aria in eouiiiit; to t his : t; n.d locttimr m Holiidays i '-I.UM- in l-'rauklyii borough. - i i. d the Catholic aison- : i'. -t.'.i on Friday nielli, but ! -' a- yl.tfii they entered the ' " a fi.io.-e and destroyed the 1 It is hoped the vandals i -i t al, 1 -eeeV deal'. VMlll bV " 1 M ile division locomotive - i ' m ro'iinl house No. I at i ! ' .: -lay of last wi'ek, it wa ' ' '' -!. and plowed lis way ' ' ' r , . k wall into the railroao 11 ' -' ho.e j the side of the ' l " tor of Cambria tow n - at ti e township sehuol house ' i.t llt ensliiiri! on Saturday, in J until .". o'cliKtk, V. M.. !"'!! of r.-.-eivin; school tax. i ; j ,., ,.,.,,t w i i)(J atjjef to Ilussia, Sunday. The deceas allnshouse about a. a native of a inshouse on years. to t i: 'I t - l;., i ; r, v :il,.,!l ' r i, ;. mi the vicinity of Diii.Io. i d'sy. He leaves a w ife Iiissia. Valley railroad had a 'f eoal last week than any " its history. The entire ats that came eastward was '' e d and To cm tit v cars ' is PC, more cars than the "-v reported. i i olinnii w ill be found a neat w ad from that well-known Wm. F. (Jahle .t Co.. of ir mail order department is a and if you have neverlricd it, W i te f.,r samples or send for oii ! t. sllri, t(, suited. (leorge Minosky and Mike Kasoky, 1 1 ii nirarian miners were struck by an en gine on the I'ciinsy!vania railroad in the vicinity of Ilenscreek on Thursday night of last week. Minosky was instantly killed and Kasoky had his left leg ground off. The injured mail was taken to Johns town where his leg was amputated at the Memorial hospital. Wm. C. Miller, of Somerset county, w ill make application to the Hoard of Par dons at its meeting in February for a par dor.. Miller was convicted of murder in the second degree, in connection with the killing of Jonathan Hochstellcr, in lS'.C, in the "moonshine" district, of Somerset county. He was sentenced to the peniteu tiary lor 10 years. Mr. tiideon Murray, eldest son of the late William Murray, a prominent mer chant ot Altoona. died at his home in that city on Monday morning, aged 47 years. Mr. Murray was born in Summerhill, this county, on April 17, 1S4S. He is survived by his wife, his mother. Mrs. William Murray; otiu brother, William W.Murray, and one sister, Mrs. tieorge A. Houser, all of Altoona. Arrangements have been made with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company by which a train will be run from Kaylor's to i.oenstjurg, connecting w uti the Hastings train from the north, on the morning of February the 14lh, the day of the meeting of the farmers' institute in this place. The special will thus reach Kbeiisburg before y a. m.. in time for the opening of the insti tute at U::i. A shocking accident is reported fro:n the vicinity of Jones Mills. Westmoreland county. While a sled load of people were passins along the mountain road on Sun day night, a huge tree fell among theiii, killing Datiit 1 Sheets instantly and per haps fatally wounding Harry Maker. Two ot Sheets' children had their legs broken and Jjhn Hhodes was slightly injured. Katie Saylor, who was badly hurt, died on Monday night. A Tennessee court has decided that telegrams are privileged communications and refused to order their production, as evidence. This is the invariable rule as to sealed letters, and is so well understood that nobooy thinks of asking the postollice authorities to produce letters in their cus tody. A telegram is simply a letter sent by wire, and it is ridiculous to discrimi nate between them in this vital point; yet it has been a common uractice heretofore An exchange says some mouths look like peaches and cream, and some like a hole chopped in a brick wall to admit a new window. The mouth is a hotbed for tooti hache, the bunghole ot oratory and a baby's crowning glory. It is the fountain head of patriotism and the tool chest of pie. Without it the politician would be a wanderer on the face of the earth, and the sweet singer go down to an iiuhoiiored grave, it is t he grocer s IrienU, the ora tor's pride and the dentist's houe. On 1 hcrsilay morning of last week at an i al ly hour two burglars effected an en trance to the ofhee of the ( resson Inn at Cresson. They were heard by the propiie tor, M r. Sut bet land, before they secured anything of value, and on his going down stairs, they scampered off. Several shots were exchanged, however, between the thieves ami M r. Sutherland on the former's retivai. The same night an effort was made to rob the drugstore ot W. W. M AtiM-r, but the parties got no further than the cellar. A corps of engineers recently took the level of the north branch of the one maiigh for a distance of three miles lack ing M feet, to ascertain the practibility of laying a pipe to carry water to the cis tern of the w ater plug at ilmote station It was found that at that distance the eievalion is only 70 feet, whereas the cistern is m; feel above the river al Wil more, hence, although the supply would be practically inexhaustible, the improve ment will hardly be made, as Wilmoie i not a regular water station. Fire on Sunday night destroyed the principal uart of Ipenhelnier, a small tow n several miles south of KcdforJ. The dwelling liiiusi s, tenement, store, and post (nice belonging to M r. K-rt Openheimer, of ISedford. proprietor and owner of w hat is known as the Opeiiheimer mines, went up in the smoke, causing a loss of about ?4,:nxi. In addition to these structures, four dwellings near by were added to the conflagration. No goods were saved from any of the houses or storerooms, but the government properties in the postoflice were removed to a place of safety. The number of rafts that will come dow n the Susquehanna next spring w ill be considerabl v larger than last sprina, says the Lock Haven Exirtss, if snow enough falls to enable the timber-makers to get their tiig sticks to the river. Mr. W. 15. uigley, the well-know n !og scaler of Lock Haven, scaled at Deer creek last week five rafts of round pine logs, which he say s w ill be the finest log rafts that ever came down the river. The rafts are being made for the Lecont estate and the live scaled 310, ( feet board measure. The largest slick in the lot is lo4 feet in length and is IS inches at the top end, and 'J ." of the sticks measured tio.-,M) feet board measure. The length of the platforms will be as follows: )ne SO feel, one one tVl, three 4S, three 40 and nine .TJ feet, long. Oneof the sticks, 32 feel long, scaled t-VJOo feet. Preliminary to the proposed changes in the line of the P. II. It. at Portage, the borough council has agreed to vacate a portion of the New Portage railroad bed lying in the limits of the borough and used for many years back as a public highway. on condition that the company open up the street from the New Portage to the Old Portage, at present laid out, but w hich w as never opened up. i lie company lias entered into an agreement to do so. At the point w here the new railroad crosses Main street an arched culvert 20) feet long w ill be constructed near the track, w hich at the point will be about MO feel high Hundreds of men are already distributed over the route and the preliminary work is being rushed forward witu surprising raniriiiv. Therailroal company has not yet succeeded in securing the right of w ay through the improved portion oi me town but an agreement with the property own ers w ill no doubt bo reached shortly. Joint Inatittitr. The Joint Institute of Ebensburg and Cambria township, will be held in the Ebensburg public school building, Satur day, February s, ism. Morning session 9:30 to 12:00: Chairman, T. W. Dick. Esq. Music by Institute. Five to seven minute biographical sketches of Locke, Mann, Pestalozzi, with a statement of two of the leading princi pels of each, followed by discussion of these prir.ci pels Locke. Edward O. Jones; Mann, Fred Jones; Pestalozzi, Miss Francis McKen rick. What social obligations should be ex pected of a teacher? Miss M aggie Sheukle. Arithmetic after we leave school, Lester Larimer. Music by Institute. Friday afternoons. Prof. R. II. Biter. Twenty minutes with the little folks. Miss A Hie Lloyd. Afternoon session 1:30; Chairman. J. L. bvans. Music by Institute. Written spelling contest. One hundred ordinary words will be selected by the ounty superintendent. All pupils, teach ers and patrons may take part in the con test. 1 he person mispelling the least number of words will receive the original souvenir. Symoathv between tinoil and teacher. William Tate. Poiuts in Civil (iovernment that pupils ought to know, William Davis. Esq. What ouoils should read. Herman Jones. Kecitation. Miss Blanche McKenrick. What renumeratiou should directors re ceive for their services. (. J. Jones and I . W. Dick. Esq. Remarks py Stipe rintendant J. W. Leech. Commendable features of the English Schools. liev. It. S. Jones. All persons having Prof. S. (J. Smith's school songs will please bring them along. A cordial invitation is extended to all teachers and friends of education to at tend and lake part in this Institute. Arrangements are being made for a oou- ular entertainment, on Friday eveiiitia. Febuary 7. delinite announcement of w hich w ill be made later. T. L. (JiitsoN-, Chairman of Committee. Krai F.Mf ate Trunnfrrn. Arnold I). Koontz to Philip (Jens, Sus quehanna; consideration, f'.xio. 1 nomas Scanlau el a . to John Ititchev. Washington. $30. John Ititchev et ux. to Joseph Helsel. Washington, $:v. Joseph Helsel to Joseph Itichev. Wash ington. $'-'.o. JoseiJi Ititchev et ux. to E. W. Mentzer. Washington. ?'. John C. Martin et ux. to Desie Lemoine. Portage, i;V. Heirs of Casuer Glitsch to Lena Wertz. Johnstown. f".i7."). Heirs of Casoer Glitsch to Lena Wertz. Johnstown, $7."i). Trustees of Presbyterian church and congregation to Prespyterian church and congregation, Ebensburg. fl. Presbyterian church and congregation to Harry D. Pryce, Ebensburg.fi. John Ashcroft et al. to J.J. V lllis, Cres son, f I Cambria Iron Company to Thomas Hurdick, West mont. $."oo. E. Assignee of A. H. Hurkeyetux. to Enoch Short, Paiton. 135. Campbell Hess et ux. to Fidelity Build ing iV Loan Association, Coopersdale. t-1. H. H. McCurdy et ux. to Fidelity Build ing A Loan Association, Taylor, fl. Cicero Judsou to Fidelity Building & Loan Association, Morrellville, 1. James A. Shelly et ux. to Peoples' Build ing .V: buan Association, Johnstown, fl. Walter J. Weakland to August C Fish er, Patton, f3.it). E. Wentz et ux. to Cambria fc Clearfield Railroad Company, Patton, f.V). John P. Layman et al. to Ml. Carmel Cemetery Association, Conemaugh, $!;. J. Louise Apple et vir. to Jonathan C. Gardner, Johnslow n, f too. Margaret P. Mc( onaughy et al. to John Lambrecht, Johnstown, fl. Administrator of Labias Blough ta Frederick, A. Miller. Jhnslown. f72.". Held for I'omonliiir. One death from poisoning, two others probable, and a 15-year-old girl under ar rest charged with the aw ful crime is the latest sensation in Altoona. Mrs. Mary McGrcggi r. a widov, aged 7!i years, of 1 Eighth avenue, her son William. Carrie Sill, a ,1-year-old grandchild; Mrs. Mar tha Johnston, a friend, and Minnie Swanger, a school girl and niece, all sat down to dinner prepared bv Mrs. McGreg gor at her home on Tuesday. The hrst to notice anything wrong with the food was Mrs. Johnston, who felt a burning sensa tion in her stomach and soon became sick. The others of the paily were also affected in the same manner. Dr. E. S. Miller was jent for and also a brother, anil upon their arrival they found William McGrcggor and Carrie Sill prostrated and beyond speech in the kitchen, while Mrs MeGreg gor and M rs. Johnston were in like con dition up stairs. Dr. Miller lelieved the sufferers to some extent, excepting Wil liam McGrcggor, who aied in great agony early on Wednesday morning. Mrs. John son has about recovered, but Mrs. Mc Grcggor and Carrie Sill are not yet out of danger. Minnie Swanger, the fifth member of the party, left the house before the doctor arrived. It is said she was also sick and vomited along the street on her way home, and that she was there given whiskey, w hich brought her around all right. The poiiceauthoi ities have learned that she had been making inquiries as to the cost of rough on rats; that she had tried to pur chase live cents worth, and refused after wards purchased a full package for cents. These and other facts were deemed suffi cient for her arrest pending an investiga tion, and she w as taken into cuspniy. Oprnlns ol a Mnrilfr t n. One of the most interesting trials, based on circumstantial evidence, that has ever Iteen held in Blair count y, liegan at Holli daysburg on Monday when Frank Wilson was placed on trial lor the murder in Al toona nearly a year ago of lle.iry Bunnak- er, an aged and eccentric miser. The deed was committed on April ."th and the old bachelor miser, w ho lived all alone in a small Altoona tenement, was up posed to have a large sum of money oncealed in his house. The house was ntered about midnight and the old man stricken down. About twenty-four hours afier the mur der the old man was missed by his neigh bors and the house was entered and the body found lying on thefloor with the back of the head crushed in, the mouth gagged, and with other marks of violence and rob bery. Several persons were suspected bv the police and a couple of months after the murder detectives arrested Wilson in Scranton, where he had eone after the murder, and charged him with the crime. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court for the week ending Thursday, January 3. 1 ': Josef. Letdlaveryk and Quaccia Ginsep- pitie, le:aney. Anthony jsetiierein, r.arr townsnip, aim Mary Matilda Gray, Susquehanna town ship. James Lewis, outii rorK, ana Annie Hopkins, Hermine. Thomas Lester ana Marina weaver. South Fork. George Marlett, Sonman, and Catharine Hall. Jamestown. Walter M. Thon pson, Topeka, Kansas, and Anna E. Keim. Johnstown. Grain Nead and Levena Howell, Gal- Htzin. Frank Karnsaud Annie Lininger, Johns town. William E. Bell, Johnstown, and Jose phine Reed. Dale. John L. vvissinger ana iaa busier. Conemaugh. TI li !'f th, -i j fs. laboiers and other em- in ton Colliery Company at are out oil M si riL e Tl.o I.rin. ' ''''"' of the strike is in the employ- a i.hv-ieian by the company and '"'! on ,,f 1 1 per month from each " "" for hi. ,ei vices. Semi-nion t hi v M atj advance in wages are also tdrd for. "The nixol" at lh pra lloo-f a i-jriTo :m.l ttimrccialive audience wit nessed "The Mascot" at the Opera House i..-t r.icht ami seldom has a Jackson an tienre tieen better pleased. Miss Georgia TointiUins as "Bettina the Rosebud, cap livated everv heart with her innocent i ill) II : It I V Hal Stephens, as "Loienzo v in " iiil Bert Si. John, as "Rocco.' lii Vv-ervnne in good humor with their ......i... ....ti. Mis Alice.Mavhew (Fiaui .it:i"i made a charming princess in word and act. Indeed. he was the prettiest ....... in th rust and this Is no small compliment, for there were a number of .lecidedlv uretty women. The minor parts r.. iel! sustained, and the performance , i, .,ri t w, ns excellent. Jocktum I'a At the Opera House. Ebensburg, Tuurs day evening January jo. I.lat of Jurors. Following is the list of Grand and Tra verse J urors for the regular March term of Cambria County Court; also, the Tra verse Jurors to serve at the Ejiecial term, commencing the third Monday of March ; CRANDJCKY. A nun. Pins, farmer. Clearfield. Bowser, Joseph, hlacksmitli. Portage twp. 1 '.asset t, Joseph, fanner. West Taylor, ltuiim, liaviil. farmer, isus4)tiehanim. Cru in. Sylvester, farmer, l'ortagetwp. Costlow," James J. lalxirer, Johnstown. Dunham, Samuel, merchant, Jnliustowu. Karhaugh, Frank, earjienter, Carroll, (iiislon, John V., laliorer, K-ast Conemaugh. Hoover, Jiiitih A., fanner, Carroll. Hopple, Alliert, liveryman, ltarneiloro. Hummel, Milton, lalMirer, lale. Kettern, AukiisI, miner, Heade. I airliner, 1-sler, clerk, t'amhrlii. Iuig, John K., foreman, Cainhaia. Miller, Howard, lalvorer, lolmstown. Miller, 1 ait her, miner, l.iiiy. M isl.aek, .lolm v., la I Mirer, Johnstown. Keam, William K, mason, Kasl Conemaugh. Nloan, John, latxtrer, Johnstown. Troxell, A. K., lalxirer, (Jallitzin lior. Wall., K1., lalMirer, liaHlings. Vinsinger, K. J., h-ilwirer, Kiehland. Yoder, Hiram, teamster. South Fork. TKAVKKSK JfKOKS, FIRST WKEK. Itnckley, llaniel, laliorer. Johnstown. Berkcliile, lieome M-, lalnirer, Johnstown. i!umi;arliier, Hiram It., lalxirer. Adams. Campliell, Frank, lalx.rer, Johnstown. Cosier, Jonathan, farmer, Jackson. Oister, Jacoli C, fanner, t'royle. f uuiiiiiTitrs, Samuel, miner, sioulh Fork. Iavis, Charles !(., t-lerk, Johnstow n. Itietrick. Anthony, farmer, I'hesl. I laley, James W., farmer, Allegheny. Davis, Koliert, miner, Washington. F.vans, W. II., lalHirer, While. Karhart, Kussell, lalnirer, Ixiwer Yoder. Kerner, Altram, lalMirer, Johnstown, liillen, F. P., innkeeper, liallitin I5r. I I uirlieM, J. J ., Oisl iller, St my creek. Hill .el, Lester, farmer, Adams. Ilasson, John, lalMirer, Johnstown. Jones, John .V., niaeliiiiist. Johnstown. Jones, 'iiarW-K, carpenter. Portage lior. Jones. John U., carpenter, Johnstow ll. KeiiMr. lieorge, elerk, Johnstown. KiMitit., Joseph, gentleman, Johnstown. Little, Bernard, lalMirer, Portage tw p. I.arkin, John C., gentleman, Johnstown. I .nt her, Thomas I '., farmer. Minister. Makin, Martin, farmer. West Taylor. Mil 'larren, Win., mason, Siimmerliill Bor. Miller, Daniel I'., farmer. Adams. Miller, Levi J., htUirer, Klchlaml. Miller,.!. D., lalMirer, Dale. Miller, Alex It., farmer, Itielilaml. Meiiough, Kdward, foreman, Hastings. o'Hara, Frank S., livery man, resworn laks, Samuel, ear-nter, Johnstown. Paul, W. 1 1., farmer, i 'onemaiigh. Peer, J. M., millhand, Itosedale. Powell, David W., lalMirer, Cimiliria, KilitiU'lt, I ieorge W., fanner. West Taylor. Boherts. Henry, stonemason, Johnstow n. Heynohls, James T.. lalMirer. JohiiHtowu. Snyder. W. ;., landlord. Dean. siie, Mahlon, -arM-iiler, Koxhury. Sell, Anthony, farmer, Allegheny". SiH, P. P., laborer. Stimmerhilt. sheehan, James lalMirer, i 'MiKTsdule. Smith, Iahi, miner, Washington. Simmons, F.liner, -arieiiter, stonycreek. Tyler, Frank, miner, lieade. Weaver, Jessie miner, South Fork. TltAVKltsK JI KllKS, SKI'ONU WKEK. Anna, Jaeoli, liotel ke-M;T, Khler. Arthurs John, ear Imlhler, Johnstown. Bciter, I iis)mt. farmer, Portane twp. Bender, Kd, farmer, Carroll. Bowers, Charles farmer. West Taylor. Boyle, liarl., lalMirer, Johnstown. Bishop, Val., farmer, Allegheny. Brow n, Wm., lalMirer, Johnstow n. Byrne. Win., lalMirer, Kl-nsliurf. Carroll, Michael, clerk, Johnstown. Davis Daniel J., farmer, Camliria. Dick, James A., clerk, Morrellville. Dimond, Appleton, farmer. Fast Taylor. Dorian, Neal, lalMirer, Johnstown. Dunmire, .aek. lalMirer, Siiiumerhill Inir. Fealhers, Moses B., lalxirer, Stonycreek. Fisher, liust, stationer, i'attou. Friedhotl', Henry, mason, Morrellville. IwillMTt, Andrew, farmer, Ijower Yoder. I i lass Charles, farmer, Clearlield. UogKin, James, lilacksmith, Johnstown. ro p, Jolni, lalxirer, Cresstm. Ileuliner, lieorge W., physician, JolniHtown. llolsoiple, August, teacher, Kiehland. Klinefelter, Daniel, clerk. Franklin. Lalimer, John, Jr., farmer. Minister. Lehman, Xack, lalMirer, Johnstow n. I.ihhy, D. A., fanner, Klder. Lohr, Aaron T., lalMirer, Johnstown. Lmlwig, Kelix, carder, KlM-iisliiirg. Luther, Jacoli, lahorer. Portage Ixir. Maucher, J. V., drugaist, I'arrolltiiwn. Montsioinery, John, miner, Cresson. Murphy, M. I'., hotel keeT, Johnstown. Mel lonald. I harles, elerk, i hest SjirlnKM. McNully, Henry, constahle, BarneslMiro. Kay, Frank, lilacksmith, Johnstow n. Uaeer. J. It., latrer, V iiitondale. Khoils, Jeorge W., lalMirer, stonycreek. Kipple. Jaeoli J., farmer, Bieliland. Itiiwliinil, Janui K., farmer, Blacklick. Bow ley, J. B., lilacksmith, Hastings. Smith, Kin., carK-nter, Dale. stiner. I ('., stahle boss, liallitzin lxr. Sloy, I ins. latMiriT, Dean. SI ill I, L. D., farmer, Kiehland. Trefl, Allien A., teamster, Johnstown. Wess, William, lHlMirer, t'rovle. Wizard, Kolrt, lalMirer, JohnsKiwn. Yothers K. .1., machinist, 11 as tings. Following is the list for thesiiecial termi btnrinning Monday, March Kith : Sl-Kl'l Al. TKltVf . Altemus, ('has. K., dent ist, Johnstown. P.loiigh, Milton, painter, Johnslow ii. Bengele. Joseph, merchant, (iallit.in iMir. Bensholl. John J., lalMirer, Koseilale. Blotiirh. M. .1., painter, Johnstown. Cramer, Wm. S'.. lalxirer, Morrellville. Campliell. Marl in, lilai-ksmit h, Lilly. Callihan, L. J., elerk, Wilmore. Douglass, Milton, farmer, Clearfield. Davis, M. ii., lalMirer, Johnstown. Dale, Walter, clerk, Button. Fiierly, August, merchant. Minister. Farliaugh, Michael, foreman. Minister. Fr , Cvrus, miner, South Fork, i.rillilii, Arthur, muchinisl, JohiiKtown. I ore, ieorge, niolder, Johnstown. Horner, Jaeoli I '.. lal Hirer, Johnstow n. Kraft, Frank, lalxirer, Johnstown. Krehs, Andrew, lalMirer, Johnstown. Kirkpatrick, H. C.. tanner, Carroll. Ijintv. Wm. K., farmer, SiiHiiuehanna. Lamlierl, I.estiT, inotorman, Johnstow n. I.it.el, I'eler, lilacksmith, Johnstown. Miller, Arthur, miner, Keade. Mils,, in. c. 11., miner. Portage. Mock. Isaiah P., carx-nter, Johnstown. M iller. Cyrus s., i-arfx'nter. Low yer Yoder. McCartney, J. s., merchant, Keade. Median, James mine Imiss Spangler. Moshohier, J. s., hricklayer, Johnstown. ildham, Wm. II., fireman, stonycreek. Primer, W. II., painter, Allegheny. tjiiartz, llarr, emrineer, Creson. Ble. D. s., physician, Hastings. Kein i Hirer. Fred, collector, liallitzln Ixir. Kiehards,ni, It. J., elerk, Johnstow ll. Khoadis, Jaiil. farmer. AdaniH. Sanders Joseph, J. P., Washington. Sin it h, c. I'., lalxirer, Johnslow n. smith, l.ihu F., uiaehiiiit, Johnstow n. Sho.'le, F. K.. lalxirer. Dale. st itler. Thomas J., farmer. Susquehanna. Slrittmalter, Andrew, tanner, Carroll. Wright, Joseph A., farmer, Siiniliicrhlll twp. Warner, James, miner, Keade. Williams, T. K.. miner Spangler. WalK-rs P. C. -iliimlH-r. Johnstown. Wissinger, Dennis. carienter, stonyiTeek. WiiiviT, J;ii-iili.l., In I Mirer, Summerhlll twp. Wharton, Demetrius, lahorer, Keade. Jnallee Otrrteoh Illm. Quick and retributive justice has over taken an escaped murderer from Shamokin, Pa. 1'eter I'riam and George Martin were suitors for the hand of Mary Marizzie. of Green Ridge, a mining hamlet near there, She accepted Martin and married him, ahout a mouth ago. While the wedding festivities were in progress, I'riam, in a drunken condition, fcrced his way into the house, and when ordered to leave by Mar tin, struck the latter down with a club, and fled. Martin died threedays later and nothing was heard of I'riam uutil news was received Sunday that during a drunk en brawl last week in the Clearlield bitumi nous coal region, he was killed by the man with w hom he was righting. A fike occurred In Bedford one n!ght last week which destroyed $15,000 worth of prop3r'.y before it was gotten under con trol, s MlMiellaarooi Notices. T?V KS WANTED. r i Highest price paid for all kind ot Fart. Bring them to OKU. L. I'HtllKKICKS. Nor. 1, 1SV5. Etxsusburg. Pa "r AN TED A general representative; In thla IT county to organise local board lor the Artisans' Saving! and Lrfn Association. Ad dress wi Filth Ave.. Pittsburg;, pa. meha "Tf ANTEil A reliable man to represent a loan ll Institution in Cambria county Money loaned In snms ol $100 to tlu.Oin. For particulars apply toW.M. 1AV IS, Ccaloort, Pa. mcbttutt. T'HE Kbensbnrs Building fc Iian Association will oiler for sale at the council chamber. Kb- enghurg, on the fourth Monday In January, ll.ooo.uo. THUS. DAVIS, L.B8TBR LiKiM as. Secretary. President. AT THE OLDRELIABLeT" Everybody, and espoctilly the oyster-loving people ol Ebensbunr. are Invited to call at Kobt. Mcbreen's Did Kellable Kuslaurant. when they Hint good. Iresh Oysters, by the pint, quart or ration Or you eao have them Stewed or Pried. ill a: the lowest price, fresh Oysters every day. octlllf Julian VIS IT Street THE Restaurant A.isrisrTJjLT NVENTORY A. J I Kill of Pare This Week: Chicken and Oysters In every style. Ham and Coflee. Bread and Butter. Served every day and nluht until 10 o'clock. Polite waiter. Bring the ladies. Ice I'ream and Oysters bv the sal Ion can be had at any time by notifying- us two days In ad vance JAMES H.UAIS'T. Nov. 1. 16. See wtat we can do wl you in doing for Men and Boys. Men's Overcoats for $3.00, reduced from $S and 11. Men's Overcoats for $5. reduced from sl2 and $14. Men's Overcoats for $8, reduced from $10.50 and $1S. Boys' Overcoats for 33 l-3cV on the dollar. Thus: $0 Coats for $3; $G Coats for $2; $4 Coats for $1. Men's All-Wool Suits " all sizes, for $6.50 Men's better All-Wool Suits for $S. Scuff Suits for 3.50 and 4 50 Dress Pants for 1.50 to 4.98. Men's Scuff Pants from JSc. to $1 50. We have the best Jean Pants in the world for fl. 50. We have other Jean Pants for G5c, 75c. and fl. Boys' 3-piece Suits size from 12 to 19 years, from 2.50 to 7 48. These Suits have all bc:n reduced over one-third in val ue. !,ome ana examine lor yoursell. J,oys 2-piece Suits, a-es 4 to 14, at prices ranging from 75c. to $4.50. These also have been reduced away down. Boys' Knee Pants from 15c. to7-j"c. per pair. NOTICE. State of Pennsylvania, .q County o Cambria, t The t-'oinnionwealth ol Pennsylvania To Airnes Zern. widow, resldlna: at Oarmlliown: Ann ChrlstinaXern.resbllnir In Carroll town ship; Catharine Strlttmatter. residing In t'arroll township; Mancaret Strlttmatter. re sidinit In Carroll tuwnsblp; Elisabeth Hoov er, residing In Cambria township; Treja Noel. residlns: In Cambria township: James Zero, reoldinic In Alleitheny City; Annie mannion, rrsldlnv in Allegheny township; ChrlstiLa Zern, resldinic at Uarrulltown. Ma- ttl.ta Ieonard. resldsoif at Altoona, Blair county; Elisabeth Burk. residing at Ha- tlnus: Ada t'hatham, res Id I our at Altoona. Pa.; Emma Zern. resldinic at Carrolltown; Henry Zern, whose whereabouts are un known: heirs and Icsal representatives ot Jacob Zern. UK EETINti: You are hereby cited to be and anuear before the Judges ol our Orphans Court at Ebenshurtc. in ana ior saiu county, on the 7th dav oi Janu ary next, thea and there to show cause. It any yon nave, wny an order of sale should not be granted to the executors ol Jacob Zern to make sale ol the real estate ol seld decedent. Herein tall not. WITNESS the Honorable A.Y. Rarker, President J adice of our said Orphans' Court, at Ebensboix. this Din uay oi January. A Ii. iwt. K.B.JON IT'S. Clerk O. C. Notice to be given by the Sheriff to non-resi dent parties in Iterest by publication In the Jobnrtown Tribune and Csmbkia Frkxas lor three successive nee lis prior to the Argument Court, and by mailing a copy of the paper con taining such notice to all such i in-iesloeol parties In Interest whose whereabouts are known or can be ascertained. D. W. COUL.TEK. Sheriff. Sheriff's office. Ebensbunc, Pa., Jan. 10, ltM 3t. FUfl&NITUJIlSJE FOM lEVairilSOllDY. Best Kitchen Chairs, $2.75 per set. Best Hi rh-Backed Dining Chairs, 5 per set. Sinks, light dark, 4; former price, 5.50. Cupboards, Sideboards and Safes at cut prices. Full S-niece Oak Very Fancy Single and Double Beds, 2.75 up to 5. We handle the Im- or Betlroom Suits for 25. proved Star Bed Spring, which we sell at the smalt sum of 4.50. Use it once and you will use no other. Cots, Crib-beds and Single Bureaus at low prices. A full line of TrunKs and Valises always on hand. Seal. J IDIUjjT &a!D. We have our shelves crowded and we mean to reduce our stock of Dry Goods by selling at cut prices all over this department of our big Store. Here is a few of our prices to show you what we are doing. We are still selling Ginghams at 5c. per yard; Calicoes at 5c. per yard; Dress Plaids, lUc. per yard; Crasht 4 and be. per yard; Sateen, 12c. per yard. Other goods and notions are sell ing at the same proportion as above figures. ear it and be comfortable. AVe sell the celebrated R. & G. Corset for 75c. and 1. NOTICE. SJfflODlES T To the heirs and legal representatives ol Philip ioie. aeceasen: I'a ik Niitk . That an Inauest will held at the late residence ol Philip Noie, deceased. In the township ol Munstei. In the eountv ol Oamerta, on THl KSDA Y. TH E 201 H UlYUF t'EBKV- AKY next. at 10 o'clock in the lorennon that lay. lot the purpose ol maklOK partition ol the real estate ol said decedent to and amon his heirs and leiral representatives. If the same can be done without prejudice to or spotllnir of the whale: otherwise to value and appraise the same accord In k to law. at which time and place you are requested to attend II you tnlnk proper. I. W.COl'LTEK. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ebensburg, Pa. January il. I4. Our Shoe Department is already well known, but we have reduced a great many of our prices just one-half. It will pay you to come 15 miles to deal with us and j ou can save 40 per cent, by doing so. Yours Very Respectfully, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county. In rethe assigned estate of John A. Marsh. The undersigned having bren appointed audi tor to report distribution ol bands In hands ol T. j. earl, assignee, as shown by bis tiartial ac count, and to pass upon exceptions filed to said accoont. he win sit lor the purposes ot his ap pointment on t KIMAY. I KHKUAKV It. IS. at i0 o'clock a. M at his office In Wool I Block. City ol Johnstown, when and where all parties Interested shall appear or be lorever debarred from participating In said land. EUWAKU T. McNEELlS. January 24, 18yfl. Auditor. GAIXITZIN, PA. OILS! OILS! The Atlantic Refining Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty EXECUTRIX' NOTICE. Estate of William V. Ooenner. late of Johns town, deceased. Take notice that letters testamentary In above estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted thereto will make immed iate payment and those having claims will pre sent the name without deljy duly authenticated lor settlement to ELIZABETH HI EN NEK. Executrix. No. ."V-o Clinton street, Johnstown. Pa. FhwardT. MrNgKLis, Attorney. January 17, :i5. for the domes tic trade the finest brands of of manufacturing Illuminating and Lubricating Oilst Naphtha and Gasoline That can be NOTICE. Ilbllnarj. Ll'THKU. Died at :he home oflier son. Mii-hiii-1 J. Lntlii-r. in KlH-nsbiiri; on Wed nesday afternoon, January '!, lAi, Mrs. Susan Luther, aged 57 years. The defeased was born in Carroll town- shiu. and was the eldest daughter of the late Jai-ob SliarbaiiRli. one of the early settlers in that locality, and was married to John . Luther, who died a nun.ber of years ao. Mrs. Luther, with her daugh ter, Klla, resided in Cat roll town, and when her son, Michael, of this place, was strick en with typhoid fever, a couple of months ago, with a mother's love, aud devotion she h:steued to his bedside and day and night vas untiring in her watchful rare Id nursing bark to health her stricken son. About ten days before her death. Mr?. Luther was attacked with the same dis ease and although she had been in good health, the strain of the continued watch ing of the previous weeks had weakened her physically and she continued sinking until death ensued. She was a women of many virtues and the sad ending of her mission of maternal affection is deeply re gretted by the whole community. She is survived by two sons, Michael J. and Edward, both of Kbeusburg; and three daughters, Mary, wife of Adam Leib, of Nicktown; Emma, wife of Isidore Hinder, of Hastings, and Ella, who is single and lived w ith her mother. She is also sur vived by three brothers, John W., James and C. A Sharbaugh, of Carrolltown, and four sisters, Mrs. Valentine Thomas, Mrs. W. C. Severin, both of Carrolltown; Mrs. Casper Leib, of Nicktown, and Mrs. John McDormltt, of Johnstown. Her remains were taken to her home ic Carrolltown on Thur-idav morning from whence the funeral will take place at 10 o'clock to-day (yriday.) Notice Is hereby given that the followlug ac counts have been Died In the Ikiurt ol Common Pleas In and for the county of Cambria and will be eonhrmed by the said Court oa the Kill' K TH MONDAY OF JANUAUY. unlets cause tie shown to the contrary: Mrstand final account of 5. A. weimer. as signee ol W. H. Osborn and wife. r Irst and final account ol teo. w . citottman. Assignee ol Eiixa Hick worth. J. V. PAKBY, Jan. 3. ISue. Prvthoaotary. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Ietter testamentary having been granted to the undersigned In the estate ol Peter Stoltx late ol Barr township. Cambria county, deceased, no tice Is hereby given to all those indented to saia estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly aainenucaied lor settlement. hahhasa i im.i NICHOLAS LAMKHl'KN, '. A. Shoehakkr. Executors. Attorney. Jan. 10, lovti. LUDE FROM PETROLEUM. We challenge comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the Most : Uniformly : Satisfactory: Oils in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, octis.ssiy. P1T1SBUKO 1 1 KPT.. PITTS BUKU, PA. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary In the estate o! J. I.. Buck, late ol Allegheny township. Cambria county. Pa.. deceased, having been grantet to tne umlerrlgned. notice is neieoy given to an persons indebted to said estate lo make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same wl.l present them troperly authenticated Inr set tlement. JAMI-Si BITK, A I. MM BICK. Allegheny Twp., Jan. 17. 18J.X Executors. JOHN PFISTBB, DEALER IM B. U RBBD. " ATZIOT K BAD B. REED & READE, Attorneys t 1 iiav, EBENSBUKa. - - - PENNA. 49-Offlce on Centre street. 4 2 W KITTELL & LITTLE, Attorneys ot Iuav, EBENSBUBU, PA. M-()IS In Uuera House. 2.9.M W. DICK, ATTOKNEY-AT-L.AW. EBBBBBcaa. Pbmb'a 9-Sneolal attention to given claims for Pen sion Bounty, etc. ehT- nW T. H. GEIIERU .eCHUIDISE, Harilware. Queen-ware, HADE-UP CLOTHING, I L BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, McKENRICK, imiRHIT aRD OOt'HBBIXOB AT LAW. EBEINSBUltl. - rl WOfflce on Centre street. J. H. MYERS. ATTORNEY -AT-L.AW. Ebissbuss, PA. UfKee In Oollonade Kow. on tlentre street. ONALD E. DUFTON, ATTI IKN EY.AT- L A W. Ebbksbcbo, Pbhba HPOffloe In Opera House. Center street. TEflETABLEfl 181 HaRHENH, BEAHOH, ETC., AccouiMNO to the Tribune, the new railroad hich for a DtinititT ol years has iM-eu tryiDft to et.ter Alioon, ha- taken an other lease of life and se?ms in a fair way to gain its end. A new route has b-en se lected down Mill Uun (lap. Two courses h ive been laid out, one on the riphi and one on the lelt hank of the Mill t're-k Uun itream. The timber aionir me protoeu route has been rut down and some ftradiiiK already done In the mountain districts. It l said that the riuht of w ay through Miil ville has been secured by the company, w ho propose to erect somew here in that suburb the necessary buildings. Nothing definite reparding the latter projects has as yet been learned. OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL, CRESSON, PA. maKI-SOly Loral fnatilnte. Following is the program for a teachers local institute to be held at the Kuntzman school house, in Susquehanna townsnip. Februnry 1, IS'.Hi, at H: a. m: "Address of Welcome," It. R. Williams. "Response," J. I. Myers. "Methods of I Teacuinsr History." F. S. Hauni and Miss Jennie Ulenn. AFTKItXOON SF.SSION". "How lonn should a successful teacher be rtainiHl In our common schools?" Annie M KIwoikI. "Klements of Ciovernment." j. 15. Stalb. "Recitation," Mrs. Elmira llarvev. "Ilow to teach Patriotism in Our Schools." ids Xupp and J. E. Woods. "The Art of Questioning-." Bert Mock. Friends of education are invited. CoMMITTEK. Hotel for Sale. Owlnn to huslnes not betn congenial to fam ily 1 w'l sell at a harwaln Hotel property Known as the CKESStIN INN (lormerly Callan House), located alOresson Spnntts. the famous summer resort of the AHoKhenles. It Is the nearest Motel to uepoi, u nranorwuij furnished. anJ ilolnic a paying huslnes. Open all the year, tlood Bar ano irannem iraue. Alo quite a numneroi reraineni dwuhb, Pr uertT eonslt ot about three acres of frround. m.ninipnt ou tbul Id I nas and nice shade trees .. tw,nt house main buildina- has 29 rooms all nice- i In-ated. everTtblna: in itood onler. bouse sup plied with pure mountain sptina- spring wtr ..tn Hinvt from anrlnv to hotel and harn. Ibis U a rare chance lor a wood paying Investment to ri ht party. Eor terms a nd lurlher particular e.llonorldre.. stTTUERLAN D. Jan. IT.2C Creeaon, Pa. policies written at short noice in the OLD RELIABLE ' ETNA" (ad of br Pirac Claws Cennpaiailea. iSEHT FOB THE OLB HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COM Y COMMENCED BUSINESS 1794:. EbeniDttrg.Jaiy 1.1883. CloicB Plants aM Cut Flomrs, fWaeral Demignm mt Short Hat fair. 'w -w-k w w- fr. m a -v -v -ar NO. 432 MAIN STREET, Johnstown, Pa. 4.11.1. ,71',- "-; "IT 1 i-i- ji i tiv-a t--fi-- - I The Quickest Mail Order House in Central Prnns) It aaia. eVV Shopping By Mail . People who do not live -" ' near an up-to-date Dry- Goods House usually suffer great inconvenience at times by being- compelled to make a long journey, at considerable expense, to supply needs which could have been filled in two days with perfect satisfaction, if their order had come to us by maiL EVERYTHING THAT A MODERN DE PARTMENT STORE SHOULDJIEEPJN STOCK IS HERE IN GREAT VARIETY. Samples and prices will be promptly furnished when ever requested. All orders filled same day as received. Wm. F. Gable & Co., ALTOONA, PA. 5ati start ion Alay Guaranteed. Your Money back if in any way l nsatiiactory. Fall and Winter. We are now displaying the largest stock of Best-Made Fall and Winter Clothing, Overcoats, and Gents Furnishings and Shoes in Cambria county. Our line of Overcoats is immense. We sell well-made and perfect-fitting Clothing as low if not lower than anyone in the State. We have all sizes to fit the small bey as well as the largest man, no matter whether you are short or tall, lean or fat, we can fit you. All we ask is for you to examine our goods and learn our prices, and you will be convinced that the best place in Cambria county to buy Clothing is at C. A. Sharbaugh's, CARROLLTOWN, PA. Carriao-e and Vagon Shop. llavinjr oinel tip in the simp lately otvupieil ly J. A. Ti Klwiislmnr, I am prelum-.! to lo all kin.ls ot Wm.nn anl "ar Vinev in tin w-m warn n : . 1 1 - - 1. . .. . 1 . 1 . . .r . Flwnslmr". I am prepare.! to lo all kin.ls ot Wiuron anu t arria- h.hk yn -"- notitv ami at reawinnl.le terms. Oirnaue Tnnmiinj.', tii.-liH.t t. ami Ml wnaini. lur nUlie.1 to or.ler. tr.h-rs taken for Spring V;ipw an.l l'.turi.-s. . fx-Sie-'uil attention jnveii to lUiir Work aiiJ l'ainting aiid KitLfsu-tion fniaranteed. 5.31.95 H. E. BENDER, Formerly of Carrolltown.