The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 17, 1896, Image 3

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    uilmn gxttmrn.
Mil U'
1 .;.
41. PrHMS.4L.
, j;.-:ir.T. of SpMNgl.T, visited
l'.onifao ha?
M.iif, i'f Indiana, was
,.ii.,in an.l daughter are
ot Lilly, sH-nt a
, ,, Ut-iliii'sday.
,,f MitnniiTliill, died at
i'Lt.-i- tn Monday.
,.f ttii- plaiv, brought
f,,x one day last we.'k.
,f ( ;iinlria township, lost
Kith one day last week.
,. ,.f this jdace. has se
, '.!,. railroad as lireinan.
, h. r and wife, of Uarr
. f,w hours in town on
2. .,. I I.. and Harry huther
i".r:i! I mi mess of lN.rtajfe, has
' f 1 i. -.jiiat'oii of lln-olliet- to the
J. .1 .1:1 IM.-k an.l A. J. 1 Stick.
.,.,; t.n-hip. were vi-itors to
i'ir.-,',u M ..M.iav.
I ,.. ;i eoal per day are now
I ; Yr.-Mi ' .; ' 'he vicinity of
net U. r. Mistniaster at
4 in i; tnwn-n'l'. spent a lew
i ,. i: ..i: Monday.
4- K l; (ivsil has eoinmeiie
-A .-lion f a atiii.JJ mill neat
. 1 i-i t i.laM in tli place.
Jf-. lither. mother of
.'t ii I.-. v ;" will' ivphonl fever.
J 4 "? , .... i ii
, (!.i:Mi'I 1,1,1 I I" ee-iiioni n-oiu
ml Kiien Kirliy, ol Wil
li. ur-ii.iv -veiling ol last weeK.
i. A. ll 'over. tme otLarroIl
1 i , -t iti'. ii- ami an old I nelid
fC4 i'i:Hvis w a-in town on Monday.
35 lat.n!i r;re iumi;ui. o
c4 a i : i l,..i. a i mm on next Tuesday
2 t .: i...r...... i.f lit .11. i II I i It ir
-vi,B,' l'-r 1 "
W.-iiR.and. ot tins plat e, tias
i . , . u ill, .m.'.-.f lilt. I'.iMtniC
c: -
lonii"-' :lie rk on the 1". II. It. near
'Ji.iiatii "ai ms, son o! Mwaril Owens,
lfj(,r;at..ti-l.:p. is vi-iiii!? his par--j
jf . r an ai -i ii. e "f nineteen years in
: -r -i
II l.o
Messrs. Mieh-
if this place.
.sal l'a:r:
;ir l Hi. -'In s. of the almshouse
- i 'ii... to tiini L'otid homes for three
iittii' .ri-. atreo respeei i eiy .
p'il.'i-. v
:i nd hT daughter, Julia.
. went to I'hihtdelphia last
tiu-v ii.teiid to spend the bal-
tin- i inter.
4 .-rv . ;. .-ti..ii district in th? state will
l rniita !! at the r elit uary ele -non.
", j i addition, alt the boroughs wi'I
i "!i i-..n-tat.I''s.
nil... i-ni ifil house on a farm in Car
; . i.-liiii o ned by M. I). Kitlell. Ks..,
tii- i.tiiT. w as destroyed by lire one
"1 a-t iil-t Weeh.
tiiit-ilay as tl.e ..'nil anniversary
' 'Jk in. ori.oiai ion til Ktjensliurt as a
i-l., ! act havincheeii aeeoniplish-
t ".lli ..f .1 .'limit t y. ls;l
-Ii -s Am ie liie!d. of this place.
j.. ::li tl.e measles, contracted while
t 'are of her brother. I.eonce, in
jl ir'. a oti'ile of weeks acu.
-X tow n council of Huntingdon ha
a i oiin:i it tee to ascertain the
.-re.-i . i ir an electric lisMil or j;as
.. under the borouuh control.
i --an e of live miles will hi', savei
n riit-l'iiii: and Altoona when th
i. improvements now in progress on
ui-yiv anu railroad are completed
tew hedule from ressoli to
iiiiii.r,; ill j:o Into effect in about
l'.i--. i.L'ets can then iro direct to
id -Latin i place without chatmitiK
i t v.v ll-nry. who was shot by
Tin iii.-on. near Deltnont. West
iii-j ci.iiiiiv, January th, oieil on
.v. Tl. irni.-. in remains in a critical
r MMaim-. the Philadelphia con
. Iia-Uiu.'lit loo acres of moiiiitain
nd near Niiieyah. Westmoreland
. ii oi.l. r to procure s tone for hi
. I . i:oi i -t at 1'oi-tairi .
' .1 iv - a.' . the residence of Will
1 1 "iiia-, in lliiiitiiiedou. was enter
mi . v.- and ..'0 in ca-Ii. a sjVc
i ui.lihaiii. ivith tuochatms attach
4; il r... riic-s were taker..
iiu l.-.iiert-. in:. .! .0 veai's. an tn-
f tie- a m house from lol.nstown.
; I'l. lay iiioniini; from hemorrhage
.Mi:.'- The deceased was admitted
i.n.-l: -ii-e on Aiiiiust 11th, !'..'!.
-i.ifi uj . .ir- at t be ' I.y"' tower
lay !iion. i,r ti e Lilly coal train
..i le.i ear I., l.-ave tin; track, blo knm
t li'i ' !. f..r al oiit an hour I):iv la-
s an 1 ; were delayed by tin;
r X..s.
1 for a
'..I !.e Ii.
j.l . ..iiir
II- .v .:
en. of ( has eon -I
vce amount of building
d in bridge wurk on the
id between Lilly and lor-
l.tnethe s t illie Oil I (W 11 tllC
t 11,
! ar !-.
--'Ot;. !
'- ii.'- has appointed II.
Northampton county, a
represent 1 'en ns v 1 van ia
Natio i. a! Ki.i-itiuii which
ill tile ( i I V of Mei.'.. t.el'ill-
l fi :t.ii I. .-xt.
'"" I'lvtiiiwti persons re.-ently ex
i 'an ..!' i.ow.ler iiiiiler the house of
j'u t.ia-.. at Ii. rry. The house was
-haKen and a hiit holt: was
''! j, o, ,,.,. Foriuiialely Mr.
"' ! fiti.iiv . -. aiieii injury.
'i a'.-- of nomination of cantli
' or ;i,e ,.,r eiei-iion must be tiled
k. !.. county cominisslolters
''r r'ri'iiT. .January 31st.
' an U- tiled up to and
l'l liriiarv :td. '
'" "'' "' Internal Affairs at
"a'uriiy i-s-d a patent to
ll-i 'I..-- f,,r (7 acres and n ticr-
oii l.iwiis!,ip, c:atnbria
t attiarine (. hriste foi
rches iii the same town-
" a','! ii, ,
. l-.A r,
r,-s di.ii ; ,( j,,
'"' '-vi'Iiiiil' while attendinc
Amos (ilass accident
'evulver which he had
' Ldl ile
r-'e 11,
. ii. tl.
:" hi- pocket. The ball
, ho whs silting be-
. inllictin a slight
'''l.ard lV Wi
-aviiv t
y th,
e. 'he contractors who
tiurmi.j- of i be in aiu
' I att, m Clay works on Fri
l'e. I-II.I,,,,
"" Mninif the debris away
'"ir to rebuildi,,.'
have a crew of
iris away,
the destroyed
T 1 . . .
-.oi.iisii.n reliirmil
4 visit to her mother,
who resides in We-tmurc-
ISraAley, who was
i.t ol t an.oria township. Is 8
just recovering from a
Ir-. J.i.i ...
'lav fr.
a Ii v
'""lily. M,-
t r.-.!d,.
- ,. t
U1 and j
" 'lilies.
I'U II, lli..... .. .
, , -VIUII-. are tbat In tbe near
- i .di,-.- Held of Indiana county coal
"oj the hands of a compauy that
it at once. Judge Beaver's
d-r .... "
week was in the interest of
Prepared t. .t..
.. . . " . t a.. ' .
r jii-,-,,.
-rfo ,
The Democrats of the borough of Eb
ensburg are requested to meet at the coun
cil chamber iu said borough on Saturday
evening, January 25th, lff'Jti, at 8 o'clock,
for the purpose of placing in nomination a
ticket to be voted for at the ensuing Feb
ruary election.
The salary of the Stewart of the Bed
ford county almshouse has been reduced
from Snoo to MX! per year, and the wages of
the farmer from ltj to 11.23 per month.
The office of superintendent of the insane
department has been abolished, and the
stew ard required to attend to these duties.
In Monday's New York World a list of
the banking and Ihiancial institutions of
the country that have subscribed to the
new loan of the United States, was pub
lished. Among the list published the
name of the Indiana County Deposit bank
cretuteu wttu suDseripuou or fjt'iwo
We return thanks to the publishers of
the Philadelphia Tunes for a copy of their
excellent almanac which is filled with use
ful information and statistics, reference
matter of great use to the business man
scholar, the farmer ami the mechanic.
rice 23 cents. Address the Times Phila
delphia, l'a.
A counterfeit ten dollar bill has been
discovered at St. Louis, made by a coun
terfeiting gang there, w ho are said to be
flooding that citv with it. It is raised
from a genuine two Dollar bill, which
bears the portrait of William Windoiu,
ortnerly secretary of the treasury, and isf
level ly executed.
Samuel Ureen. whose home is at Al
toona, escaped on Sunday evening from
the ilarrisburg insane hospital and was
still at large at latest accounts. (Ireen is
a dangerous lunatic and is said to have
epealedly sworn that if he ever escaped
from the asylum he would go home and
kill his wife and children.
Judge While, of Indiana, has recom
mended from the bench that prisoners, af
ter being tried, convicted and senienied to
the county jail, be required to perform
some labor. He urges the commissioners
of Indiana county to provide some kind of
jobs for the prisoners. It is a good idea ami
should be adopted in every county in the
On Monday evening the Johnstown
Republican city convention met and nomi
nated Knoch Jones, for oiayor: John J.
Hrow n, for controller, and Charles Wehu,
for treasurer. On Tuesday evening the
Democrais met and nominated Dr. (Jeorire
W. Wagoner, for mayor; Samuel Lenhart,
Jr., for controller, and K. F. Speedy, for
A corps of engineers, in the employ J
M. t'atneroii & Co., of Ilarrisburg, was last
week surveying coal lands along the north
branch of the Conematigh in Suiumerbill.
l'ortae and Minister townships. This
led to the tumor that it was a corps of en
gineers of the Keech Creek railroad, loca
ting a proposed extensiou dowu this stream
to Wilinore.
On Thursday morning while Carl
Jus ,v.ii is employed in the black
smith shop of K. J. Luther, in this place,
was shoeing a mule belonging to Judson
Reese, the ani mal kicked and threw Mr.
Jones" arm out of place at the shoulder.
The arm was put back in place by Dr.
Jones and the yjiing man is getting along
as well as possible.
The committeeman for he semi-cen
tennial of I'iair county has secured so far
two relics of the old canal days. Oue is
the old bell that was hung in the cupola
of the old Leech Line wareho use in I loll i -
daysburg, ami was rung on the arrival of
tbe passenger cars from Johnstown over
the Old Portage, also on the arrival of the
freight boats or freight cars.
C. A. Funk, a resident of Johnstown,
and until recently an employe of the Cam
bria Iron Company, made information be
fore an alderman in that city on Monday
charging the cotnpanv with conducling a
"company store"' and compelling its em
ployes to deal at said store, in direct viola
tion of the act prohibiting such stores
The case will be argued within a fe,v days.
Thomas Mcliabaii. who has been an
inmate of the almshouse for the past
twenty-live years, disappeared from that
institution on Sunday I ast and his where
abouts are unknown. He cannot talk, i
childish, and the steward is much concern
ed about his safety. He is about forty
years of age. of n ediiitn height and wore a
a gray suit of clothes and a black hat when
he disappeared.
A frightful accident happened at Dig
Run, Clearfield conn tv, on Friday. Sam
nel A. Creeu returned from a hunting trip
and stood his loaded gnu against the wall
while he pulled off his overcoat. His -
year-old son got .he weapon, laid it across
the table, w here tbe baby was asleep, and
pulled the trigger. Three other children
were in the room, and one boy, 4 yeats old
was shot dead. Two others and the falh
er were struck by some of the shot, but
were not badly injured.
Three months ago David 15. lieider
man, ol Altoona. ana .Mrs. 1 1 nam .i aeons.
of Tvrone. eloped. Heiderman left a w ife
and family, and Mrs. Jacobs left her bus
band and a large family. Warrants were
worn out for the arrest of the erring couple
on October 2'., but the officers failed to lo-
ate them until Sunday morning, when
they w re arrested in a hotel at McKees
port. They were registered as Mr. and
Mrs. David Plummer. They were taken
to tbe ilollidavshiirg jail to await a bear
Mrs. Margaret I'.rown died at her home
in Wilmore on Tuesday, January U. Is;".,
agetl atioiit Mi years. The deceased was
the widow of Henry ISrown, who died at
that place a number of years ago. and who
about twenty years ago resided in Cambria
township on a tarm about a mile east of
Kbensburg. She was the mother of Mr.
Joseph Urown. of the East ward, and of
the late P. F. lirnwti, of the Central Hotel
iu this place, besides several other child
ren whose names we cannot, at this tim
We have received from C A. Snow
Co , solicitors of L nited States and foreign
patents, of Washington, D. C, a pamphlet
recently published and copyrighted by
them entitled: "A summary of foreign
patent laws with information and advice
about foreign patents, giving the cost
of same in various countries." The pam
phlet is concise, well written, and contains
In plain statement much that will be of
Interest to inven Urs. patentees and man
nfactiirers. A copy will be sent fiee to
anyone addressing 0. A. Snow A. Co., pat
ent lawyers, Washington, II. C
It is estimated that about lO.ooO horse-
ears formerly in use on the street passun-
ger railways of this country have been
tin r.erc wie-1 bv tho trolley. Each of these
cars supplants eight horses, w hich would
eat half a bushel of oats per day. That
makes a difference of 4,ux bushels of oats
nerdav. or nearly 13.(X)0,fX)0 bushels per
annum. Horses are so numerous in Michi
can and feed so scarce that the owner are
turning them into the highways w ith tags
attached to their necks, which reau.
"Take me, I am yours." It is cheaper to
give them away than winter them over
with hay at - a ton.
Work on the western end of the pro
jected straight line from below Portage to
Lilly has been temporarily susp tided
pending the action of the Pennsylvania
railroad officials on the suggested exten
sion of this Improvement to the western
eiftl of Flynn's curve, with but a slight
curve below Portage. This will necessitate
a very heavy fill and the changing of the
course of th Conemaugh for half a mile,
or two stone bridges over that stream; but
as Flynn's curve Is oue of worst on the
road, the advantages to be derived would
be immeuse, and it is probab'e that tho
Improvements may be made at this time.
Dr. J. L. G. Myers, of Osceola Mills,
up In Clearfield county, Is the promulgator
of a scheme by which he proposes to erect
in his town a grand church, to be known
as the ISaptist National Monumental
Church. His plan is to build a church of
brown stone, every national, state and
county officer to contribute a stone with
their name engraved on it. He has begun
with congress and says that many senators
and members are so taken with the idea
that they have taken two or more blocks
of stone with their names nicely cut on
the face. It is barely possible that Dr.
Myers' church will be built by congress
men aior.e unless the plan is enlarged.
James McCann, who is employed as a
brakeman on the Cresson &. Clearfield di
vision, had his right hand badly mashed
at (iallitzin on Thursday evening of last
week. While in the act of coupling cars
his glove became fasteued to the pin and
before he could release it the cars came to
gether with the above result. He was
taken to the Altoona hospital the same
evening where his band was dressed. All
the fingers of the hand were either split
open or crushed, and only the middle linger
was amputated, as the physician thought
he could save the rest. A few months ago
McCann had his leg fractured and had re
turned to duty but a fev weeks ago. He
is a resident of Altoona.
On Monday Htm. J. J. Thomas, mem
ber of the State Hoard of Agriculture;
Hon. S. D. Patterson, representing the
Ebetisburg Agricultural Society; 11. J.
Kru.nenacher, representing the Cambria
County Agricultural Association, and Jos
eph O. Thomas, representing Pomona
Urange of Cambria county, committee on
farmers' institutes, met in this place and
made the necessary arrangements for
holding two farmers' institutes, one at
Patlon, February l:t. andone at Ebetisburg
on February 11. An effort will be made to
have a special train from Patlon to Ebens
burg on the latter date. A further an
nouncement will be made hereafter iu ref
erence to the meetings and program.
Arttonirnl I. Int.
List of Tcauses set dow n for argument
at argument court. January 27, isur,:
Mahan vs. Jones; Fearl vs. Clark; Com
mon wealth vs. McCurdj : Stitts vs. Jenk
ins; Commonwealth vs. MeDermittet al.;
same vs. Miller et al.: Henrietta C. M. Co.
vs. (Jutridge; in re exceptions to report of
auditor in Joseph Heslop estate; Johns
town I. & L. Association vs. Shoemaker;
iu rule on school directors of Allegheny
township; use Hurley vs. Cresswell; Oit-
tings vs. Clearfield township road district
etal.; use Carman vs. Xotley et al.; I!.
Selig & Co. vs. Karr; Stifller vs. Sickles;
Kiihn, trustee, ys. Ogilvie et al.; Stutz-
mau vs. Cook et al.; Sloan vs. Hurk et al.;
Haynes, Jones, Cadbury Co. vs. Lilly Wat
erCo.; in re road in Allegheny township;
L. Harshberger fc liro. vs. Hopfer; Con
urich v lo. vs. iucAamara: in re road in
Suturaerhill and Croyle townships: Eliel
Lougheimer & Co. vs. Schrenlield; Ranch
vs. Lavely; l.arnhart vs. J rt-County Ag
rictiltural JL Driving Park Association;
use Lanty vs. Langbein; Geiser Manu
facturing Co. vs. lliindlei et al.; City of
Johnstown vs. 15. fc O. R. R. Co.: in ro
extensiou Walnut street, (iallitzin; use M
Reade, executor, vs. P. M. & R. C. Georgt
James Sharbaugh et al. vs. Chrysostom
blither etal.; Rev. Wm. Horn el al. vs.
Rev. A.J. Ilealeetal.; Rev. C. Mankmy-
er et al. vs. J. M. Domer et al.
Tour In I'lorltln..
It would lie hard to find anv condition of
human ailment that a winter visit to Flor
ida would fail to improve, while those who
enjoy good health cannot realize, without
experience, what true etijovment there is
in life passed under the golden skies of the
Land of Flowors."'
In order to give the public an opportuni
ty to visit 1-lorida at a very reasonable
cost, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a series of tours to Jack
sonville. Since the system of personally
conduct, d tours inaugurated by that com
pany has been in effect, none but words of
commendation have been received. It
unexcelled train service, experienced tour
st agents and chaperons, and above all
its moderate charges, leave nothing to be
The tours to Jacksonville, allowing two
weeks' stay in Florida, will leave iew
York and Philadelphia on January 2s
February 4, 11, IS and 23. and March .'
is;;. The rate, including transportation.
meals en route, and Pullman beith on
pecial train, is 30.xi from New York, and
fis.oo from Philadelphia; proportionate
rates from other points.
For further information apply to ticket
agents or. address tourist Agent, H.i
Kroadway. New York, or Room 411, llroad
Street Station, Philadelphia, to w hom ap
plication for space should bj made.
nrrlsa( I.lrrnfi.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
for the weeks ending Thursday, January
10, IS'.h,:
Joseph Pelegrend and Xena McCune,
David S. Eehenlanb, Elslie, and Annie
M. Wilt, (iallitzin.
Joseph Skeba and Victoria Tremsink.
Joseph D. Turner and Agnes Jane
I'.i-yan Walso.
George V. Shaffer, East Taylor, and
Amanda Jane Brown, Jacks-ju.
Frederick P. Coontz and Lydia Layton,
Walnut (irove.
Thomas J. Ivey and Nora Hartnett,
John H. Ripple, Geistown, and Ida Kel
ler, I'pper Yoder township.
William F. Zipp and Christiana O'Neill,
Alphonsu? Horn, Altoona, and Rulah
Houser. Summit.
Frank Kirrish and Elizabeth Godnsick,
Krai Ei ate Transfer,
William M. George et ui. to Cyrus
SmeUzer, Washington; consideration,
Joseph A. Gray et ux. to E. W. Shar
baugh, Spangler, 300.
John Lockard to Peter Garruan, Susque
hanna, 3,3O0.
T. Harnes et ux. to Joseph Fabian,
Harnesboro, ?nx.
George Kurtz et ux. to Adam Kurtz,
Stonycreek, (330.
Joseph A. Gray et al. to Sydney Chand
ler, Susquehanna, $172.
Cornelius Mulherron et ux. to Edward
O'Brien, Lilly, 3U.
John Geis t Rt. Rev. Richard Phelan,
Johnstown, $1.
John Messenger to C. L. Messenger,
Johnstown, fi'itx).
Martin Custer to Frederick Custer, Rich
land, 227.
Thomas Hayes ft ux. to George Gradosh,
Johnstown, !':
George II. Jtoney et ux. to Edward J.
Luther. Ebetisburg, 2xj.
Francis J. Byrne et ux. to Ernest La-
ball, Susquehanna, fo.
Jonas J. Weaver et ux. to Daniel Stat-
ler, assignee, Richland, tl.
L. S. Van Ormer et ux. to James Wof-
fenden. Reade, f 1.
Mary Mason et al. to John A. Hamilton,
Lilly, 1.
William Kitteil, administrator, to F. A.
Shoemaker. Cambria, 24.
C. J. Mayer, assignee, to Brown & Otto,
Morrellville, fc'SO.
Ann Findley et vir. to John Thomas,
assignee, Johnstown, 51.
Executor of David Mills et al. to Anna
F. Denipsy, Gallitzin. 1.
Sheriff Cambria county to F. A. Shoe
maker, Cambria, (23.
Heirs of Abraham Makin to I. V. Stritt-
matter, Blacklick, flos.
Samuel Reed, trustee, to David Williams,
Cambria, (:523.
J. L. Spangler, trustee, to M. D. Kitteil,
Spangler, $2l.
Matthias Kessler to Hon. John Dean,
W bite, t2,o0.
Ellen R. Glass et vir. to linn. Joiin Dean,
White, fH.
Ann Mary Rickard et vir. to Hon. John
Dean. White. $34.
Viola C. Shomo et vir. to Hon. John
Dean. White, f 14.
Mary S. Noel et vir. to Hon. John Dean,
White, f.x).
Executrix of Pearson Fisher to Frank
M. Shaffer et al., Johnstown, ?2,30fi.
Marcellus Weakland et ux. to Joseph A.
Gray, assignee, Bart-esboro, (1.
Stephen HaJdeii, assignee, to Sherman
W. Crum. Summerhill township, (4.
Executors of Rt. Rev. Michael Domenec
to Rt. Rev. Richard Phelan, Clearfield, 1.
David Atherton et ux. to Emory Kolo
nack, BarnesUiro, f 13(1.
Jacob . Smay to Thomas W. Smay,
Croyle, l,50t).
Charles A. Vore et ux. to Sarah F. MilN
er, Stonycreek. 1,130.
Alary A. d'lnvilliers et vir. to Henry
Connor, Bamesboro,-$125.
To f lie CJoltlen .al.
Undoubtedly California offers more gen
uine attractions to the pleasura-traveiiug
public than anv other part of the Ameri
can continent. The fame of its climate is
world-wide, and it is sought even by Euro
peans, who find it more charming thac
their own southert. slopes. To Americans
its worth is too well known to necessitate
a description oi the many advantages to be
Personally-conducted tours via Pennsyl
vania railroad will leave New York and
Philadelphia on February 12and March 11,
'.". In additilion to the many other
points of interest visited on the first tour
a stop will be made at New Orleans for the
Mardi (iras festivities, and four weeks will
be allowed in California. On the second
tour four and one-half weeks will be al
lowed In California.
An addition to the magnificent train
heretofore used for these tours is a through
Pullman compartment, car. The car,
which w ill be the very best that the Pull
man Company can supply, will contain
nine inclostd compartments two drawing
rooms and seven stale rooms and will be
attached to the special train at Jersey City
and run through to San Diego, Cal., on the
tirst tour, and San Francisco on the second.
This will be the lirst car of its kind to be
run on a trans-continental train, and that
it will lie thoroughly appreciated by par
ticipants in the tours is evidenced by the
fact that that already several of the com
partments have liecn reserved.
Applications for space or itineraries giv
ing all information should be made to
Tourist Agent, IP.", Broadway. New York,
or Room 411, Broad Street Station, Phila
Alio rf w (Jrrgir f'nrlln.
"Andrew C.regg Curtin, His Life and
Services" is one of the latest literary works
to reach this office. The work is by Dr.
William II Eugle. stale librarian of Ilar
risburg, while chanters by such well-known
men as Henry C. Hickok, Colonel A. K.
MeClure, Wayne MacVeagh, Ex-Governors
Patlison and Beaver, General Fitz
John Porter. Senator M. S. Quay, Judges
Craig, Biddle and Harry White, Hon. Gal
usha A. Grow and some others, have been
contributed. It is an interesting book to
all Pennsy Ivanians, who should be familiar
with the history of the famous wai gover
nor and in this condensed volume much
that is new in the his life and services will
be found.
For this valuable work Walter H. Barr,
ofllol Chestnut street. Philadelphia, is
the sole agent.
A Walter of Opinion
A gentleman was greatly surprised and
pleased the other day at tbe reply a lady
gave to he question: "Do you plant
Vick's seeds? Her answer was: "I
always plant Vick's seeds in the front
yard," but we get cheap seeds in the back
yard, which 1 know is a mistake."
It pays to plant good seeds, and we ad
vise our friends who are thinking of doing
anything in this line to send lo cents for
Vick's Floral Guide for 1.. This amount
may be deducted from the lirst order.
James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y., are
the pioneers in this lice.
IIIirellBBreai Nullcet.
CMHi-STEK White Hon. fall blooded stork, run
j be purcbued at tbe Ulli Home. 1.3.MS.31
r Hiirhest prices paid for all klmt ol Far.
Bring them to
Nor. 1, 18U6.
Kbensburg. Pa
Vir ANTED A neneral reprerenlatiTe In tbls
II county to organise local boards lor the
Artisans' Snvlotrs and IjOn Association. Ad
dress VI Filth Ave., rittaburu. Fa. mch'i
fANTEl) A reliable man to represent a loan
loaned In sums ol f 100 to f lO.ooO. For particular
apply to W.M.DAV IS, Cealport, Fa.
T'HK Ebensbnnr Hutldtna; h. boss Association
will otter for sale at tbe council chamber, En
engbunr, on the tourtb Monday In January, - THUS. HAV1S,
LttflTRit L.-.KIM br. Secretary. President.
Everybody, and esnyially the oyster-loving
people ol Ebensbursr, are invited to call at Kobt.
McHreeo's Old Kellable Kaslaurant. when tbejr
want good, tresh Oysters, by ttie pint, quart or
gallon or you can nave mem Mtewea or rrtea,
all at tbe lowest price. Fresh Oysters very day.
A tHANHK for you to save SO cents on the dol-
X lar. Tbe last two weeks ol warm weather
has lelt us stick with a lot ol Sleigh Bells and
Sleigh Kobes on band. We are not going to car
ry them over II a big reduction In price will sell
them, as we need tbe room and money lor other
lines ol goods. So you can save 20 cents on tbe
dollar by buying; now. Also a large lot at Oarpel
Sweepers bought lor toe holiday trade leu on
hand. We have reduced the price from $3 down
to Sz.M at Song as the preset lot lasts. Trey are
the best quality, mate an irotn lancy and eouj
woods. Also one swelled Body and one Port
land sieign at reduced price.
(1 2 W3 31 . Ul'NTbEY.
Tnlian StrAAt. Ppetnnrnnt !
W tSa ay WWW aVV Vjs Mi V
Bill ol Fare Tbls Week:
('hlrken and Oysters In every style.
Ham and Coffee.
Bread and Butter.
Served every day and night until 10 o'clock.
Polite waiter. Bring tbe ladles.
Ice Oreain and Oysters by the gallon can be
had at any lime by aotily Ing us two days In ad
vance JAMES H.UAN'I'.
Nov. 1. 18V5.
State of Pennsylvania, ) Sa
County ol Cambria, i 3
The Commonwealth of Pennsvlvanla
To Agnes Zern. widow, residing at Carrulltown:
Ann ChristinaZern. residing In Carroll town
ship; Catharine strlttmatter. residing In
Carroll township; Margaret Strtttmatter. re-
siaing in .;arroil township: Kliaaieth Hoov
er, residing In Cambria township: Treia
Noel. residing In Cambria lownebip: James
Zern, residing in Allegheny City; Annie
Mannlon, residing In Allegheny township;
nrieiita .em, residing at uarnlllown. Ma
tllda Leonard, resident- at Altoona, Blair
county; Elizabeth Bark, residing at Ha-
1 1 nice: Ada Chatham, residing at Altoona.
Pa.; Emma Zern, residing at Carrolltown;
Henry Zern, whose whereabouts are un
known: heirs and legal representatives ot
jacou s.ern. 'tit r.r.i iMt:
You are hereby cited to be and appear be tore
tbe Judges ol our Orphans' Court at Ebensburx.
in ana lor saia eonnty, on tbe rlin day o, Janu
ary next, thea and tuere to show cause. II any
you have, why an order of sale should not he
gianted to tbe executors ol Jacob Zern to make
sale ol tbe real estate ol Bald decedent. Herein
tall not.
WITNESS the Honorable A..
Barker, President J udge of oar said
Orphans' Court, at Ehensburg, tbls
etb day ol January. A. 1. ll.
Clerk O. C.
Notice to be given by the Sheriff to hod -reel
dent parties in Iterest by publication In tbe
Johnstown Tribune and CaifBBtA Fkkkmai lor
three successive eeeks prior to the Argument
turt. and by mailing, a copy of tbe paper con
taining sucb notice to all such iibii-iesideol
parties in interest whose whereabouts are
known or can be ascertained.
Sheriffs office. Ebensburx. Pa., Jan. lo, lsvo St.
county. No. A
Term, leva.
F.nlrtl lilt Lire Win, Rnllrt.
Wm. 15. Stewart, a leading shoe merchant
of Tyrone, and one of the wealthiest men
in the place, committed suicide on Tuesday
afternoon by shooting; himself in the head.
A little after one o'clock he was seen to
enter the Elks' Hall there, and it was
twenty minutes after three o'clock when
he was discovered sitting on a chair in one
of the rooms. The room in which he was
found is the purlor. He was slightly re
clining in a chair, with a revolver in his
right hand and a bullet hole In the middle
of his forehead.
Mr. Stewait was a widower, his wife
having died several years ago. He leaves
three children to mourn his death one
girl and two boys. He was a brother-in-law
of W. Fisk Conrad, the present post
master of Tyrone. For several years he
had been in bad health, and there is little
doubt that this preyed on his mind to that
extent that at the time he committed the
deed his mind was unbalanced.
In the Court ol Common Pleas of Cambrlt coun
ty. March Term. 8!S. No. 137. I.IBKL IN
next friend. wiiuam Kllnsmao, vs.
And now. to wit. the nth day ot Iiecember, A.
I). 18i5. on motion ot M. B. Stephens. Esq.. at
torney lor llnellant. THOMAS J. ITEL.L.. Esu.
appointed Commissioner to take testimony aud
report tne Bame to -jouru
Notice Is hereby given tnat I will sit lor the
purjioee ol the above appointment at my office.
Koom No. a. Alma Hall. Main street. In the Ity
ol lohnstnwn. on I H 1J KS1IAY. THE SEIKII DAY
OF JAMJAKY. ISud.wben and where all per
sons interested may attend n tney see proper.
THOMAS .1. 1TKI.L. Coin mis-loner.
Johnstown, Pa., lec. 30. ltS. (1.3vf
f-itl f T WV-J
k i'l ' I.. .'.' . In the t'out of Com-
YifZ V. it V-ITut ! nion Pleas ol Cambria
ai'uanw in vy a ai-t r a a f
vs. I
Having on motion ol John M. Hose. Esu.. at
torney lor I org E. I.elR, been appointed Com
missloner to take testimony and suggest a decree
in tne above statea case, notice is Hereby given
that I wl II sit lor tbe purpose ol said appoint
ment at my office. Koom No. 1. Alma Hall.
Johnstown. !'.. IK1IIA1. THE 24TH DAY Or
JANUARY. A. 1. lK-0,at 10 o'clock, a. M. when
and where all parties Interested may attend If
tney see proper.
Jan. 3, 18m 3t. Commissioner.
In tbe Court of Common Pleas of Cambria coun"
ty.No. 4. Itec. Term. A. I). 19. Mary J
Magellan, by her next friend. Michael Mc
Cann. vs. S. J. Magehan. Ltllel in Divorce.
Having, on motion ot Horace K. Kose. Esq..
attorney lor W.J. KlMeasn. been appointed
Commissioner to take testimony and suggest a
decree in tbe above stated case, notice Is nereby
given that 1 will sit 'or the purpose ol said ap
pointment at my omce in wool I moos, j.mni
lswn at lo o'clock, a. .. when and where all
parties Interested may attend II they see proper.
JAOlbS IS. UAllilrtUn.
Jan. 3. 1S99. Oommissloner-
I'.l'CK. Died at his home in Allegheny
township on Monday, January t'., is;"., Mr.
Jacob ut'k, aged 4 years.
The deceased was a well-known and re-
spectfd eiti.ed and stood high iu the esti
mation of his neighbors in the community
in wliK-h he lived. He was the father of
fourteen children, ten of whom, with their
mother stir vive him. He is also survived
by three brothers John and Frank, of Car
rolltown. Htid W. J., of Allegheny town
ship. His remains were interred i n iSt.
Monica's cemetery at Chest Springs on
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Ob. lather, thy gentle voice Is hushed.
Thy warm, true heart is still.
And on thy j ale and peaceful lace
is resting Heath 'scold chill.
'I by are clasped upon thy breast.
We have kissed thv .oveiy brow.
And In ur aching heaits we know
We have no tamer now.
(ieneral st. tilnlr'n If on.
"It is a matter of public gratification lo
note that the old residence ol oenerai
Arthur St. Clair, western Pennsylvania's
great patriot, warrior aDd statesman.
which stands on the Johnstown pike, one
mile east of Ligonier, has been restored to
its original appearance. The house is now
on the Denny Morniugside farm, and the
work was done by the Denny s. This old
house is a most valuable relic, and was
built two decades before the opening of the
present century. In it were entertained
Washington. Jefferson. Jackson, Albeit
Gallatin and others proniinently identified
with the formation of our republic, in
1815 (Joneral St. Clair was sold out by the
sheriff and the estate was bought by Gen
eral O'Uara.
liallilxln MrlkeOver.
The strike among tbe coal miners at Gal
litzin was finally terminated on Monday
morniug, and the last of the striking min
ers, numbering I.lijO, employed by Taylor
Jiz McCoy, the Kast End Coal Company,
the Mitchell Company, and by several oth
er companies in that vicinity, returned to
work at the same prices they were receiv
ing w hen they .juit work about two weeks
ago. which was 3f cents per ton. It is
claimed the men made concessions on the
promise that the operators will consider
their demands favorably in the near fu
ture. . . .
On Ieal, tbe Other Dylni.
During a tire at their home at Clanora,
Clearfield county, one day last week,
George Keachnack was burned to death
aud Paul ltaker sustained burns which
will probably cause his death. The house
in which the men and their families were
sleeping was found to be afire. ISoth men
and their wives escaped, but Ilaker went
back for his two boys and iu their rescue
both he and the children were horribly
burned. Keachnack returned to the house
tor a small sum of money which he had
forgotten. While searching for the money
the r of and floor fell in and Keachnack
was burned to death.
The Atlantic Refining Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating and Lubricating Oilsf
Naphtha and Gasoline
That can be
-aw 1 1
We challenge comparison witn
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : UiiiTormly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
Fall and Winter.
a. 1 BHD.
Attorneys at 1 jiav,
fcBENSBUKJ. - --Otfice
on Centra street.
f I'M 93
Ectate ol William F. Ooenner. la'e of Johns
town, deceased.
Take notice tbat letters testamentary In above
estate have t.een ajraoted to tne ODderslicnetl.
All persons Indebtea thereto will make immed
iate uayment and those bavin- claims will pre
sent the same without deUv duly authenticated
lor settlement lo
No. Clinton street, Johnstown. Pa.
Kuward T. MtiNasLis, Attorney.
January 17, '.K6.
Notice Is hereby Klven that tbe following" ac
count have been Hied in tbe Court ot Common
Pleas In and lor tbe county of Cambria and will
be oonbrmed br theaald Court 03 tbe I'llUKTH
MUN HAY OK JANUAKY. 18W0. unless cause
be fhown to tbe contrary:
First and dnal account of S. A. welmer. as.
si i; nee ol W. K. Osborn and wife.
First and final account ol Oeo. W. Stutxmaa,
assignee ol Eliza Hickwortn.
Jan. 3, IBtM. Protbonotary.
letters testamentary harlnir been granted to
tbe underticned tbe estate 01 reier iuiix laie
ol Barr lown-hlp. Cambria eouiity. deceased, no
tice Is hereby given to an moae maeoiea vo um
e-tate to make immediate payment- ana inuaa
havinK claims atcainst the same will present
them properly authenticated lor settlement.
F. A. Sbobmakkk. Executors.
Jan. M, 181.
.Atto 1 n iy at I-iii "v,
J-Un-I In Opera House. 2..M
Kbhkiibs, Pans' a
a-Speclal attention to given claims lor Pen
sion Bounty, etc. cbT- aw
Office on Centre street.
EBBK&?ttB0, Pa.
rriirnii la Oollonade Kow. on Centre street
Ebbmkbcbo, Pbbba,
Office In Opera House. Center street.
Letters testamentary In the estate o! J. L.
Back, late 01 Allexheny township, Cambria
county. Pa., deceased, ha v Inn been arranted to tbe
undeiit:ned. notice ia beieoy given lo all persons
Inriabied to said estate to make immediate pay
ment, and those bavina; claims suralnst the tame
wll present tbem iroperly authenticated wr set
tlement. JAMfS Bt'CK,
Allegheny Twp., Jan. 17, ltwo X Executors.
Came to tbe residence of tbe rubserlber la
Portas.0 townsblp. on or about December 1st,
IttvO. one lame whl'e cow with reddish ear about
6 years old. wltn no marks. I He owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property, pay
cbaricesand take ner away, otherwise she will
be diaposed'ol aooordlna. to law.
Portage Twb., Jan. 3, 18V4.
tr4. 1 -$.-.
Policies written at short notce in the
other first Claaa CompaBles.
t. w. -dick:,
EbenaDunc.Juiy l. 1882.
Choice Plants ani Cut tars.
Funrrtil Da-rff-ia at Short Aoffcv.
Johnstown, Pa.
We are now displaying the largest stock of Best-Made Fall and
Winter Clothing, Overcoats, and Gents Furnishings and Shoes in
Cambria county.
Our line of Overcoats is immense. We sell well-made and per-fect-Gtting
Clothing as low if not lower than anyone in the State.
We have all sizes to fit the small bey as well as the largest man,
no matter whether you are short or tall, lean or fat, we can fit you.
All we ask is for you to examine our goods and learn our prices,
and you will be convinced that the best place in Cambria county to
buy Clothing is at
C. A. Sharbaugh's,
Go to QUINK'S, 134 M 136 Clinton St., MnstowL
You will find there the Greatest A'ariety.
Fur Capes Reduced in Price.
Hardware. Qncensnre,
if a K5 Efis, ere,
Schedule In efleot More-ober 17.
'TtlOMa-tt C"reaaa.
Sra-bnra Ex-ress, week djs
Hotel for Sale.
Owine to taine-s Dot belne ronseolal V fam
ily. 1 el -etl at a harvaln Hotel iropry known
as tbet'KKSsoN INN (lorrnerty t'allan Hon-)
lorale.1 at t'retn S.rin-. tbe lamuus sammer
resort of the AHevbrole.
It Is the nearest Hotel to Iiepot. Is eomf. rtably
lurnlf lieJ. and iolnic a faying 1-u-iners. Open
all the year. ool Bar and I"ranMent Trade.
Alo quite a numl-er ol Permanent Hoarders.
IT pTly conitl-u ol about three acres ol ground,
eonven'ent out mldmirs and nice bale trees
ulKut house, main hutldinie has roms all nice,
ly locale.!, everyibini- In good onler. Ikum sop
plied with pure mountain -prime rpiinit water
piped direct tnim surinic to hotel and turn. Tbls
in a rare rnanre for a auod ayirc Investment to
rln hi party. For terms and luriber particular
call on or address
Ian. IZJtt. CrestuB, Pa.
6 a m
A linont Arexmmottatlon. week days. tfsis
M am Line E err, daily 1 Warn
Altoona txpre-. daily 1 p m
HarriKhunc Accommodation, r-onJajs
onl 1 17 p m
Mall Express, daily 5 1. p
Philadelphia Express. dally.
8 Up m
Johnstown Accommodation, week days- B 14 a m
I'aclhe Expre-. daily..... fl a m
Way Pasenver. dally -. lPa
.Mall Train, daily 4 2 p sa
Kast Line, dally 8 2 p. m
Johnstown Accommodation, week days IMpn; Brsarh.
Trains leave H-ensburs as follows: 7.50 and
3.30 p. m. and arrive at t:reson at T.7 a. m. and
4.uft p. m. Eeare Cresron at So a. m and 6.3&
p. m.. and arrive at Kbensbaric at a. ..
and 8 10 p. n.
Iare Irvona at .4t a. tn. and 3 10 p. . arrlv-Ina-
at Creon at 8 06 a. tn. and 4.10 p. m. EeaT
Bresson 34 a. m. and .V30 p. arrlvlna; at Ir
vona at lo.&i a m. and S.S0 p. m.
call on aarent or address
W. It.. 110 ruth Ave..
J. K. WMI.
Ueneral Manaa-er.
Kor rat4s. maps, etc
Th.. K. W att. t. A.
fittsbunt. l'a.
Ueneral Manager.
Eteistoi Fire Insurance Apcj
General Insurance Aent.
huofe inr Ira Guthii M bcaa.