The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 10, 1896, Image 4

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Our Gold Still Going Europe
No RrrardT Tet. the New Roml )n
rinnut IU- Clo.ert For SO Ily-Th-7.eerve
" w lKran to I .
l.ikrlv to io Mnrh Lowfr.
Wavhinoton. .Tan S The treisnry
has lo-t $ lM.Otnj iD goia bars, aud
$1. (!:, n0 in sold coin, and r?i.-eivel
from the Mercantile National batik of
New York .X. in exchange for cur
rfiiPT, making the u-t loss for th iay
f-i.T-VMxio. This leaves the true
an.nnut of 'he rt-erve at the close of
biiMD" ' Tl In financial cir
l.s here i he fe;ir is exj.res-ed that
tin- Lonvt witli-lrawaN are but the
bk'innitm of Ivavv exportation
It i ret-.ll ti.if dun nt; lann
arv the it!iountil to
aK Ut 4"." 1,1 u.i. n( which .. . ""
wi. wirhli n wit hin i vo wh-kv anl
n-.-r t. " "u day. I ho fact
tha- i iv mu-t Uis l-f. r in new
b-.nd I-.-U-5 'U rl.M-d. Hkll m fOD-
tr- is a war led -!!! to aid o li
a.ixtctT hwr.-ti.f. rc t-lt. and in oni
iart-r h- ...iuiti n e.raed that
I. : .r-the !-t .l February arrne-th
V l r -rv" will have been rediced
- .n-ider tl'lv tjlow any ixnrjt it ban
r-.u h-d hitherto
A New V -rk special av- Consider
a'.le mde.-ision ha hen manifested hy
k. .m-..f the gold shippiuir houses, and
a lliti .ml orders h;v l-eU given Th
actual .mi. .unt to b shipped tday w
f ..; .'.".. ho, and tin total is below Dr
ion:, estimates It U currently '
li-v-'d th:it th exports for the wek
Will exceed ".KJ. xr.
Ho Attach the I're.i.lent and Secretary
arlixle Ol Iter Senate eian I'Mtn'M.
Vahixotdn. Jau S. The sonata
has been treated to one of Senator
Vest s characteristic speeches. He ar
raigned the supreme court for thein
come tax de ision: he laid the respond
bility for the lack of revenue at thei
door when they exempted the "sordid
wealth of the land" from taxation; he
contrasted the records of the preset t
and past a 1 ministrations; he threw
some lij;ht npon heretofore unknown
chanters in the history of the McKin-
ley law; b
deuouuced the financial
ol this country, ana or
others npon
"he moneyed influence: he
attacked th-'
president and the secre
tary of the treasury for their proposi
ti' ii to retire the greenbacks and plac
the circulation in the hands of the n:
tioual hanks quoted Secretary Carlis
airauist him elf and. in conclusion, de
clared that the conflict ltween bi
metallism nnd the gold standard wn-.
irrepressible and that the sooner it was
decided th better it would be for our
public and t -ivate life.
The other eature of the session grew
out of the ir "roduction by Mr. hand
ler of a bill .or a popular loan through
the issue of tOstal savings certificates.
In the couTs of Mr. Chandler' re
marks the cable replif of the I'rinc of
Wales, tiie itothschild and other o
the New Y rk World Were alluded .
and Mr Lm ' rlaiii'-d th.l the edit-
i.f The Wor
I h.l leea guilty of vio-
i . 1 1 1 T eCt"
at .it lit.- in I
n ....;. of the r.ied
l.Ili! C. lllUiDUli all .11 W 1th
. .t'l l lif
am-tl.i-r g.'ternment. tho
r. - i I wliii li "Wa- to intern'
With 4 lii'i-ni ot the I'u ted states
Mr tirsr ot Iv!awr- i il.utol both
Mr 1, !. and Mr. t l.tu lVr f ,r that
sUrfe ti..ti that puhlic coo t
li..l i- .n. i' d eit!.r lere or abrnt I
uu any ignri n an I r uel thai a
ju-l v.l-.ic t.j'iuiou in all eivi.iied cen
t. i tnu-.t be the tiuil arbitrator of ail
d.-J li'e Millar .Mtrt I ullrga Hum.
Mn;. m, I'a.. Jau The district
attotiiey has made a motion that a
H"lV pris l all.'Wtsl in tha cacea tif
li;js. Unwell and Flower, the Westmin
si -tndeuts charged with af.sault.gro"
n.i: out of the hamg of Student Mahon
Jinlge Miller rfni to entertain the
motion nntil the student charged with
the :V. iis were in couit He said:
1 will how those students down there
ar New Wilmington that there is a
t ;.xl in Israel, even if the faculty
can't." It is probable that the motion
will be granted, bui the judge evi
dently wants to give the boys a lecture
before dom it.
A Fire at Monongahflla.
Mononoahela. Pa . -Tan. 8. The
Con Una brii kyard, located at this place,
has lMen totally consumed by fire, in
cluding the dry sheds and machinery.
Thc-Jiire department was unable Ito
reach it. The wind was blowing ver;
tdrong and spread the flames to the pot
house of the O'Leary factory, it being
purtly consumed. The total loss is
f -'.Ooo, with no insurance.
Taintera and I trrnriiton' ConTantlon.
Rfadino, Pa., Jan. 8. The ninth an
nual convention of the Master House
painters' and Decorators' association of
lYimsylvania is in session here, with
Titus t'.erger, president, of Pittsburg in
the chair. The delegates were wel
comed by Mayor Shanaman, and Presi
dent IJorger responded. Committees
were appointed and reports submitted
showing a rapid advance in the craft
Found I -) and Robbed.
Cleveland, Jan 8. Albert Wolf a
wealthy f "met of West Dover, has
been fount1 dead under the Nickei Plate
railroad t 6tle, two miie west of
Koeky riv-. A bloody ccat was dis
covered a r-Mle away and foot prints in
in th snow leading to it from the
trestle Wlf had had a large roll of
lr.GLey with him. but on bia dead body
ciiy i(. cents was found.
S-rid bt a Fel IWar.
Lofivn.i.F.. Jau fc The people of
St a have been
alarmed if the pa.-t tt( days bj ll-e
lavage ! a pet Lta; wr.ii.ii iscvp 1
from its o'viiti ii; Lcv.:sv:lie iwt I
ti.ret days ap. The t,i a? i.a: Leer,
tackeo by dv.L's ar.ri it. evert it,-tar- e
retaliated. r i.ei ai.-y KiIiilu hi
aLt! He aisc tv'eJ a ttaitare t-r.
Spaclard Tried to nin IIiid.
K a vs. At City. Jan 8 fiecrge Leas,
formerly the proprietor of a bouer
works in Kansas City, lut now travt"
ing for the CretKect steel works of
iiradford. Pa , with headquarters at
Chicao, was one of the intended
victim of a gigantic ewindie, whb b
b t been unearthea by the authcrltie
of Valencia. Spain.
Kn(IUh ra). Justine On Eland.
London, Jan. S. An editorial ir. The
Chronicle justifies America" aspira
tion to oom;nate the formarion of in
ternational law on tilt American con
tinent as England, in her time, com
luared Europe It says that it must be
recognized that America never a s.
tjuired an inch of civilized territory
tritacut tht consent of its cwner.
CTarke a Gubernatorial Candidate.
EiRMnontM, Ala. Jan 8 Con
pressman i .. H Clarke ;f th6 First
Alabama district, ha formally a.Ti
nonced huuelf a candidate let the
Democratic gubernatorial nominatiou
.v.i5 a sound money piarform. li:s o;v
fnther acuOf''1 Captain Joseph .
. j'ae candidate cf the silver
closures made iu
ington dispatches co ;
zuelan dispute have enc?TafJw,n,,P0,
leaders in this movement to pailonee
their propoeals, which amount toadvos
racy of the establishment of a perma-
t of arbitration.
The Couatrv Ootside the City Abandoned
to the Itixiirgenta.
Havana. Jan. . The insurgents are
tiil in the vicinity of Havana, but
their movements are t ot of .sufficient
in;portacc to chronicle in detail. The
number of insurgents at Managua aud
C a:abazar, l-l miles from this city, has
beiD increased, but it is now believed
that Havana itself will not be attacked
lor some time to come. The statement
that- Hav.-ma had faileu was false.
Campos' resignation is also denied.
The infinxcf refugees from the who1'
cf the territory surrounding Havan
ccurinnes. and apparently it is not po--Fible
to obtain sulbcieut means of
transtortation to accommodate the flee
ii:g families and their household goods
The country seems to be. entirely aban
doned to the insurgent army, and no
movement apparently avails to check
A Washington special says- At the
state department it is said that no in
formation has been received concerning
the reported critical condition ot affairs
at Havana As the navy department
has no ships in Cuban waters, no infor
mation comes from that source. The
intelligence from Cuba is of such an
alarming character that some surprise
Is e ipressed. even by i tlicials. that no
word to tne gov.-nituetit as to
the .ituatiun
American Won Iterant;"!
tlwi.illMa. et With I I .(MM)
Lonwin. Jan. . Your reppresenta
tive ha called at the St. tieorge's work
house, to iminire into the strange story
of Mrs. Cornelia Seihels of Urookhaven,
Mis . who was found wandering in the
htreets of London, having; apparently
completely lost her memory. Mrs. Sei
ll is about M years of age. evidently
a lady by birth and bad over $15,(100 in
her possession when taken to the wo k
house. When seen Mrs. Seibels was dressed
in an ordinary workhouse blonse. nd
she was able to talk connectedly on
every subject except that of the fortu e.
said to be f."O.0O0.0O which she was on
the way to (Jermany to collect as her
share of the great Seibels estate. She
also has a claim to the Temple estate
in England. Mrs. Seibels is. she sars,
a cousin of the late Justice La in at of
the United States supreme court, : nd
she has in ner possession letters of in
troduction from tJovertior Kton and
ex-Governor Lowry, both of Missis-
An Electric Car ltun Into a Carriage at
St. Loo is.
8t. Loris. Jan. S. An electric car on
the Lindell railway has run into a car
nage at Twenty-seventh street and
Washington avenue, and severely in
jured four f its five occupants. T) 3
carriage was turned over ar.n It an I
the horses and those inside wet
dragged mo-e than half a block tefot
the car conid be stopped. The injure
Mrs. Daniel Bergan. head badly ct
and back severely bruised, may die;
Miss Mollie Williams, badly cut; Jehu
Egan, one leg broken and other bruised:
John Lgan. Jr.. a boy. shoulder dislo
cated and ether Injunev serious, and
John Williams, only slightly hurt.
Ilaildlas and loan Man Arrested.
Cincinnati. Jan. h Edgar J. Shaw,
prsinei.i ana manager ot ti.e Arc!"
t .r-1 ' r ,t P.xl.l... o. . , .......
ha fen bound over in t-'i.ttt't bv I'nited
riare t oiniui.i.iuer nopj-r, in cielauit
ol which Shaw to ia.1 has
kn doing a b;a tusines. at.d adt'
tid !i" capital -f.K k Itc.ev.!
opd that h hail no capital t k k ai.d
!. dirwt'"-? mt mrreiy nn-in..'.
Mary com 'a;i.t were re e.P,l,f ni
rturn i aw rir the for ail 1 win arierted fur using
tt. mail i fraudu'.ei,t parj,
Rlown t p or r onndered.
rnii.Arr i i-iii a. Jan s. The well
known British tank steamer W-ld
Flower, Captain Stonewall, wh ch
ailed from riuladeipnia ic. II or
Koueii, France, with 1. 1 Til. '.'' gall n
of erode oil in bulk, valued at -5,
and manned by a crew of Ho men. all
told, is believed to have blown up or
foundered at sea and all hands pr
ished. no tidings having been received
from the ship since she left the Dela
ware breakwater that day.
Mra. Davidon Admits Her Identltj.
San Francisco, Jan. 8. At the re
sumption of the preliminary exami -a
tion of Mrs. Marv A. Davidson, char ed
with extorting -f i(H) from Kev. Dr. C.
). Brown, in the police court, Mrs
Davidson gave the story of her li'e.
which was identically the same as t' at
told in these dispatches in interviews
with Boston detectives, with the
ception of her term iu prison and other
criminal features.
The Indiana on Her Maiden Trip.
fiui.ADEi.PHiA, Jan. H. the new
United States battleship Indiana '-as
sailed from the League Island na y
yard ou ner maiden voyage. rlie goes
first to Newport for her torpedoes and
guncotton and will then formally join
Admiral Bnnce s fleet at Hampton
lioads. Then she will go to Port
Royal, 8. C, where she will be. placed
in the big government drydock.
Killed Hla Gnilt.v Wife.
Spokane, Wash . Jan. 8. Frank
Denison of Rock ford nnexpectedly re
turned home and found his wife in the
company of Patrick Hickey. The en.
raged husband ran into auother room
for his shotgun. Hickey escaped. Mrs.
Denison was about to follow and bad
reached the door when she received the
contents of both barrels, killing her
almost instantly.
To Colouixe Armenians.
Santa Fe. Jan. 8. Am ado Chaves
terntorial superintendent of public in
struction. addressed a letter to Edward
F. Cragiu. chairman of the Chicago
executive committee to aid the Arn.
tiiana. thanking him for his suggestion
of colonizing these people in New
Mexico au ' offering to supply the
ner estuary .and free of cost.
Kantnrky I-egislaturn Organise.
Frankfort, Ky.. Jan. 8. Both
houses of the general assembly have
been organized, the Republicans elect
ing a full line of officers in the
aud the Democrats doing likewiae in
the senate Charles Blanford of Brc -kv
inndge was elected speaker of ihe
lionsn. The Populists voted with the
rear For a
Witchita. Kan
Kansas Village.
, Jan. 8. The prairie
fires which lit up the sky west of here
bave been located in Pratt county, and
fears are entertained that the village
of luka is within the district. It is
still impossible to get definite details
from the scene, however.
Hotted to Heath In Olno.
Philadelphia. Jan. 8. Boiled to
aeatn in a vat oi seething glue, was
the terribi fate which overtook George
Weiian. 4f years old. of 151 Elizabeth
street, at the glue works cf Delaney He
to. tucker and Bermuda streets,
To Keduee the Number of Saloona.
New York, Jan 8. The excise board
has increased the fee for hotel saloon
and storekeepers' licenses about one
half per cent. This was done because
the board believes there are too man
saloons in the city.
A Hebrew Philanthropist Head.
London. Jan 8. President Julian
Golsmidt. the well-known Hebrew
philanthropist who has been ill for
some time past, is dead.
Stonecutters on a Strike.
Chicaoo. Jan. 8 Eight hundred
stouecntters have been ordered to
K throw down their tools and axe out on
La. I lill
i a
England Likely to Declare War
Against Her Neighbor.
He Declares His Turpone to Refuse to
Recognize C.reat Hritain Smeiain'r
Over the Tinnvaal Kcpublic, Abrogat
ing the 18s Treaty.
Berlin. Jan. 8. At a special audi
ence which Dr. W. J. Leyas. tne secre
tary of state of the Transvaal, had w.tH
Emperor W 'ham. his majesty declared
that he woud not recognize any i
of suzerainty over the Trausvaa .
tireat Brita i, bv the treatj of 13 .
claims suze ainty over the Transvaal
A London special says: ihe ir:or
prints some -ensanoual news unaei the scare neau r.ue:
Activity in tne vt ar omce.
"Anticipated Military Measures."
The tilobe then .-fates that the war
office has snt a special military mes
senger to the colonial office and that .
is rumored important orders are im
A dispatch received nere irom me
military camp at Aldershot. says inai
the general belief, almost backed by
proot. prevails there that the authori
ties are considering the mobilizing of
the army reserves and part of the mili
tia. The men employed in ti.o ord
nance stores are all very busy.
There is scarcely any doubt but that.
after due investigation and delibera
tion, England will declare war aam.-t
tiermany for the emperor's refusal to
further recognize the suzerainty of
Great Britain over the Transvaal re
public, this right being accorded by
treaty. The action of Emperor William
in telegraphing congratulations to Pre
dent Kruger tor his victory over Jame
son a torce was a serious oreacn oi
diplomatic usage.
fopuiar Ieiing in iavor oi ur. .'ame-
son is runni.ig very high iu London.
The Times, tor example, says: In
march will remain a glorious tradition
for the Ang.o-Saxon rute.,:
A dispatch received by the colonial
secretary, Mr. Chamberlain, from S
Hercules Robinson, says that the arm
and ammunition of the Bntis Chhar-
tered company's forces at Buluwayo
have been placed in the custouy of ths
representative of the queen if Great
The feeling here against Emperor
William and Germany ou account of
the former's dispatch ot congratula
tion to President Kruger. apparent. v
ignoring British suzerainty ever thr
Transvaal republic, continues umoi:
all classes of people, ana the war senti
ment against Germany rise a- ti.e
tune r asses I-ady Warwick has writ
ten a letter to The Times -.,n the sub
ject. It is nnder-tood the arsenals anl
dockyard :;re being overhauled.
Emperor William is a member of
several excMsive English club, iiiclu
ing the Roy u Yacht squadron. ..n l
some of th m the demand tor his n-pul-ir-n
is a ready very li.d.
Letters have ais i been;hed :a
the uewspaper demanding ti..i I.e re
sign his colonelcy in tt.- It yal dra
goon Th. re is no truth la ti-r story
that the Br ti-h government hur
riedly iir:n,' troop, to a;e!ovu
frcm iieighoornn British ei,l ,nii-a l-i-stead
jf trcm ru uisiant a country its
tall-Tru.l Ij 11. .1 '.
Washinoton. Jan. h An itl-.or brief
ain of the hoUM? wa. held, at wbb h
the only impjrtant business trausac- 1
was tiie admission of ihe new member
from the ne-r state of Utah. Mr. Alien,
and the adoption of resolutions calling
upon the attorney general tor iuforma
tion coucernmg the enforcement ot the
anti-truot la v aud for the recommend i
tions of new legislation on tin subje t,
aud ou the ecretary of the treasury
for statistic concerning the seal lish
eries of the Bering sea.
The Tariff Hill In Catici.
WaiiinoT'x. Jau. 8. The Republi
can senator, il caucus ou the house
t.irifT bill l.:ia Ar.rr)iiirkltsirl liiirlcimr
The prevailing sentiment appeared to
ii against a.i ameiiiimeuis umi tut ren
dency favorable to reporting the bill a:
ir. came from fhft honst Several sn
tors expressed doubts as to tht wisdom
of the bill ill hiiv sh.llM' noil thetei
au evident disposition to regard the
oiii as purely an emergency measure.
Plnnged His Hand In Molten Metal
Puii.bli'sid KO. Pa . Jan. 8 William
H Faust, employed at the Andover fur
Iinji met. A tr.rribl ATrw.riAni'A
He was enraged scraping cinders from
a pit of mi ten iron, when he slipped
and fell, pi ingiug his left hand deei
into the hot metal The hand and
forearm wore terribly burned It ii
feared that it will be necessary to am
putate the hand.
I'om Alleged Oleo Healers Arrested
H rrisbiro, Jan 8. Dairy and Food
Commissioner Wells is after the Mar
risburg oleomargarine sollers. Thoma
Likens. M. Aronson, John Behruig anr M rTifeTnflii wnm arriiit.Ad t. rln
iiiktaiifA nf 11 V. -TnlititThli an 5 t.. 11 1. fir
Cmmissioner W7ells. aud held in jl)0
bail tor a nearing.
Another Strike Expected In Philadelphia
Philadelphia. Jau 8. The street
railway situation has again assumed a
seiious phase, and it is possible that an
other strike will be the outcome iu the
near future if the Union Tractiou com
pany and its emploves do uot come to
au understanding.
Met a Mnckiiie Heath.
Mahanoy City. Pa., Jan 8. Mrs
Michael Ryan, aged 30 years, a reei
dent of Buck Mountain, fell across
reunot stove in ner home, btie was
uuable to rise and was so badly burned
that she died several hours afterward
Prospective Hride Wants Damages.
Reading. Pa.. Jan H. Miss Mary N
Smith of Philadelphia has employed
counsel to bring suit for damages
against Jesse Davies of this city, for
refusiug to keep his promise to marry
An Ex-Mayor Suicides.
Akron. O., Jan 8. J. F. Scott, ex
mayor of this city, has committed sui
cide by hanging himselt in his bed
room He had been suffering from
grip lor nearly a year and lately had
au attack of nervous prostration, lie
had made several previous attempts to
take his life. The deceased wa a
pro minent Odd Fellow.
Two children of Abraham Leonard
were burned to death mx iii.le? south of
Dallas Tex.
A Trenton (X. J.) hotel keeper while 111
was attack-d with a violent fit of hic
lougl.s .'roin which be died
Joseph O'kins of Hussiaville, Ind a
aiaoiao. kiiid an officer and wounded
several persons with au ax while beinu
Tbe Nevada bank cf San Francisco was
roLbed of r-LUOO by a raised check said to
have been passed on it by a
named A. If Holmes
Warden John J.Fallon of the Tombs
prison Jvew ork c ly. bus been sus
pended on charges of t-ri.eliy arm conduct
prejudicial to good order.
The Swedish Republicans of Kansas
have decided to place one of their num
ber in the fi Id as a candidate for delegate-at-large
to the national convention
At Wapakoneta. O., the residence of
Mrs. Lillian McFarland was destroyed by
fire Ruth, a 6-year old child, received in
ternal injuries which will probably prove
A suit for S.2.Y),0U0 has been begun iu
IV ork '"aiuht the Atchison. Topeka
and Santa J a road for alleged conspiracV
to wreck tl t Prescott and Arizona raii
read company.
In Washing! n lryiug to Secnre Kecog.
nltlc i For the Insurgents.
Washing. ox, Jau- 8. It is learned
that the chief purpose of the leaders f
the. Cuban revolutionary party in trp
United States in coming to Washinj
tou was to J ash vigorously the move
ment to secure recognition of the revo
lutionists by this government. They
made to Se retary Olney a brief but
forcible pre ntation of the claims of
th iiisurget-ts to recognition. Iu addi
tion, they presented to the secretary a
great uum ir of documents bearin ;
npon the oi gin. abuses, conditions an I
present status of the Cuban uprising
collected from official archives and un
official sources.
Recently the house adopted a resolu
tion npon the recommendation of the
committee on foreign affairs calling
upon the state department for all iu
furmation ir us possessum concerning
the revolution. President Palma and
his associates at once began the com
pilation of evidence in justification of
their cause and are determined that
congress shall not want for iuforma
tion .
There is a 6trong sentiment iu the
house which has been advanced by the
receut successes f the Cubans that
this government should do all in its
power consistent with international
usages to assist the patriots. Mr. Sul
z.ei and several other members are eu
deavortng to assist the cause iu con
gress President Palma predicts that the in
surgents will capture Havana within
three mouths, and that a Cuban re
public will :e established in six mouth
if it has the recognition of the United
Sir I'd ward Clarke Nays This, anil I atora
a Mutual Mediator.
London. Jan. 8. The Times this
morning publishes four columns, ex-
plainiug the historical origin ot tne
Mouroe doctriue.
Sir Edward Clarke, speaking at Ply
mouth, iu referring to Venezuela, said:
'We mu-t not be too impatient or
angry with the Monroe doctriue. If
we refuse o arbitrate except outside
the Schom' urck line we should have
war with t t Uuited States and a wn
in which w should not be right. Each
idn must -ield to some extent. We
must ignorf- the American commissie
but to say t at a hue lixed iu lf4U w s
unalterable was to adopt as unreason
able an af tude, as the United States
Adopted in Presideut Cleveland's mes
sage." He hord. he said, that the govern
ment woul'1 resume negotiations with
Veuezuela .irect. aud that some ued.-
ator would ne found whose jndgment
could be ac -pttd with honor by both
A Pee sjrlsanlan'a Confession.
Lost Ano-lf.s, Jan. 8. At a prayer
meeting l' South I'asadeua C b.iirl'H
Crawford r-ose under deep excitement
aud auiiou'cHi that he was Albert De
feudorter, son of a wealthy merchant
of Hunting "ou, Pa., and a fugitive
from justi-. under aeutenc lor bo -glary
and larceny in IVniiylvau. -
He later c me to this city aud ga. i
Ii uiwll up ) the sherill.
Pel May lie President.
Art ant a. Jan. 8 A rumor is cur
rent in railriad circles here, apparent'
with a sf ug basis of fact, that Mr.
Samuel JlcM" Felton. receiver of t)
CiiiC.nuati. New Orleans and Tn
Pacific rail vay. is to be cl.o-eii presi
dent of tne Baltimore and hi Raul
road company.
Kaorka lut IHatuage Suit.
BfTTL. Mon . Jan 8. An important
ruling by Judge Mcllattou virtually
knocks out i score or more of f-uits ! r
damages for death and injuries at tbe
great expb siou a year ago, when s
were killed and hundreds wounded
Tried to Rnb Pauncrfote.
Washington. Jan 8. Two men.
giving theit names as Henry Phelps f
t'hicagc an tieorge Williams of Broo -lyu
have l-eu arrested while attemj
mg to eute- the residence of the Brit
ish ambass tdor.
Compelled ti. Sigt, Kipitai Checks
Los- anokles, Jan 8 A. H. Brown
ley of Londcu Canada, was held up o
tht beach at Santa Monica, and at t) ;
point of n pistol forced to sign ten
American Express company check of
fG each
Willing m Invest a Million.
Minneapolis. Jan 8 Inquiry among
the Minuet olis banks develops a de
position to uy 1, 000.0' 0 worth of t e
bonds if tht premium is not pushed too
Paid Well Fo His Divorce.
Columbus, Jan. 8 W. C Erown
has been granted a di voice from 1 s
wife. wl.c. was given fia.OOO alimony,
lie is a wholesale druggist.
A United Statts Consul Head.
Vienna, Jan 8. Dean B. Mason.
Tire consul general of the United States
here, is dead
Pittsbcbo. Jan 7.
WHEAT No. 1 red, 6&; No. 2 red. 67
CORS-Xi'w Sa 2 yellow ear. o8fic; new
" siituea. auodc; nigh mixed shuile.1
blr.314r; mixed ear, .
OATS No. 1 whit.,, 24c: No. 2 do. 22'4a
23c ; extra No. U white, 2S v&?c ; llht mixed
21 921 '
HAY No. I timothy, tI8.rai7.00; No. 2 tim
OthV. S15.5(d l(i fju nil verl r-l..- lli7; Kiil
packing, $9i0at:a: No. 1 (ceding orairie!
"""it , wajjon nay, aio uu 51a uu ror tim
BUTTER Tlgtn creamery. 2a8 2Tc: Ohio
auc-j cream, ry. ac; rancy omntrv ro
1 - 1 - . ,. . .
CHEESE Fancy New York. sV:r.tpmrM.i
make. full rff-ftm Inrva di,. Inl'.ll.
New York fiats, l'V41ic: Oi.l..-9. Sete
lemuer mi. ;aiuc; Wisconsin Swins. :
tubs. Ii:al3c; lunburger, llalPc: i,i
Swiss In tubs, ll'SlUc; Swiss, in squa-
SXHia Str-.ctiy Iresh Pennsylvania an
Ob:o. tn ca-e- 23 g 24c; cold storage. ia,trjn
POULTRY - Large live chickens. Cw&"
ber n&ir! lttr. rltb.i.. c 1 1 1.1.,.,
ch-.cker.. 4oi Za, as to frii ; dress-d chickens
j 3 9. toe per p una. live aanKs. TftSUo jx-i pa turkeys. 10 11c pei pound; dresxrd. 1
14c: !:. ger..e, 1 0o( 1 25 per pair.
OAME Ral.hit.s 2xra f r.w ,.u... ..
- t" - . . " 1 1 ' 1 . E
(ti iX' rter do7en - nWuntq Vi .vi'.m n
cozen; .vjjlrreL-, k9T5c rr dozen: grnan
la.oiT.OO per dozen; venison whole a,M
vaddles, i'.'siiio
PiTTRncnr. Jan 7.
CATTLE Peeelpt-, about Tu ciars on sale
thl week th attendance of bnyir. was large,
weather col dnmand steailv; market fair;
prices a t de higher on all grades We
3ote: Prim. 4 23.A4 oO. good. 4 s.'ii4 :u. good
batchers. I3-344.U0: rough fat. Ml5.tti.;
bulls, cows e-id stags, tl.dir.3uu. freh cows
and springer- 1 13. 40.(10. feeders, iVi3 J
HOG; Re -npts light; demand light, pro?
pecta lower; few sales at opening at yester
day'? prices very few good hugs here; mn
Alum weight selling best Philadelphia. 4.2i
Cl... York, rs and pigs. 4.15t4 25. hearr
hogs. 4.(MS4 15; roughs. .' ;5rd .TO.
S-HEEP A! D LAJIBsSllrpir tlneri . 2
loads we aai. ; market dull We quote prices
ac follows: t ctra fcheep, $J 5ix?3 65; good. J.1 15
mo. 40; fair. JiiiazHO; mils a-.d common.
l Jr :j Ljuiibe slow at j3i.ilo Veal
raives 57.a'5.;.50; heavy and thio calves, i3.i
liti 00.
ClNCIXKATl. 4an 1.
HOGS ilrket oteady at i3uaS8S Ke
celpts. 4.100 head: shipments 2.100 head.
CATTL--Market quiet at iltU.M Bo
eel; ts, none shipments, none
SHEEP AND LAM B.'S Market for sheep
strong a 1.2ig.sT5. Receipts, none: ship
ments, none Lamb, market lirm at $3 0ua
Ngw York. Jan 7.
WHEAT Spot market strong: No. 1 hard.
70; ic
ORN-Fpot market dull ; No 2. 3oic
OATS No quotations.
t-ATTLE European cables quote American
teers at 9luic per pound, dressed weight:
refrigerator beef at I'aS'ic
.SHEEP AND LAMBS-Market active and
JiHo higher. Bheep, poor to prime, ji.TonJ
4.uJ. LauniM, common to choice. 14 Oii.74.
UCKiS aUrket steady at J- Wa J.
Lirorimrs EXPOSE
Police Rottenness Developed In
Interfered Tn Flections and Fired Mt-n
Under Tl an Who Ild Net Vote
Dictated t Lively Session of the Sen
ate Lexow Committee.
Philadei.fhia, Jan P Mere testi
mcny of a decidedly sensational char
acter, directed aga;nt the relief, in
Mayer Warwick's ward, the Fifteenth,
has teen given before the ser.att Lesow
committee. A number of f-hcmn
aud ex-policemen were exatr.ii.ed th"
latter having all been discharge'! r.on
last August's delegate election, when
the administration opposed Senator
(Quay's election as state chairman The
witnesses not only told cf the active,
participation of the police of the ward
in politics, but charge! that .Sergpnuts
Green and McManus were partners
during the latter part of Isiri in m.iin
taining a house of ill-fame on tireen
Ex-Policeman James W NayW pave
this information, ami aid he was also
a partner. He said the phaco broke up
in about three months, ai,i he ainl th
sersieants were compelled by the woman
who conducted the place. Molly
nrd. to pay her money under thients of
arrest. Charges were al.-o mad!- ;sanst
House Sergeant William Francis, son
of Lieutenant Francis, of intoxication
while on duty and bringing limner ir.t''
the station house. The te.-timotiv
against the iientenant was in the main
bearing on his activity in the lec.cnt
election, when he is alleged to have
made an active personal canvass for
the administration and to have ordered
the men under him rosupport the s;uiip.
Many of those who did not were dis
charged for most trivial reasons
It is being claimed by friends of tho
committee that attempts aro Itmng
made to intimidate, certain witnesses
who are expected to testify.
Lawyer Pettit was 111 cnnrl and had
the notorious Jr.lia Crowe case post
poned for one week. Shu is under in
dictment for keeping a disorderly
house and will give sensational evi
dence before the committee, in relation
to the Second district She chums shi
is now being intimidated by the jolice
Lawyer Ivttit also endeavored to h;vc
ex-Policeman Johu Davis lischatgcd
from custody. Davis wa arie-ted
charged with having sworn fal-ely l-c-fore
the coiiiiiuttee as to hi-. einc ap
pointed without passing tho civil serv
ice 1011. Davis In 1.1 111
:,.V0 bail for court.
family r.ovtn.nii'l ami taitii..
Ati HI-o, Kirn., Jan A
teen received in Atci.iscn .
the Lm.uv of lraL.k McLait..
a hire. 1-. s:.i-.tb
tarv.iig in the mountains i" 1;
WiLtLr 9. Vash. The letter
ti r:
. I. .
; . 1 . s
r h:
tvr: i.'1'e
e 1
e?Toit got ti.r. ugh the eloit
It.. .1 II i ..... 1 J v.
:i..r .
An I tr.rortatrt Indian I)4:nn.
(ImaIIa. Jan. Judse S:.;rs of
Iowa, in feiter:il fi v.rt at )tu:i! ... has
rendered a tiecisiou declaring nut ;n
cases where Indians have becme 'iti
ceus. with all the acroninaiiviiii! l.nvi-
leites. the government is still bmiri by
all treaty -tipuiutlons existing whin
tribal relat us vcie sa? tamt-il.
Three Tiampa Killed.
New ORiF tNS. Jan. S A freight on
the Louisville and Nashville road hr-
plunged through an opi-u draw ou tl
bridge .scanning the Rigolet. The en
gineer and fireman escaped by juiuiiir
and ewimming to the lighthouse. Th: -t
white tramps were aimed. A l.raKtuiaii
was also hurt.
fusion In Louisiana.
Alexandria, la.. Jau. S. The Popn
lists are arriving for their convention
today, which, it is understand, will en
dorse the Republican nominees for 20V
ernor, secre.ary of state aud attoiii'v
general, completing the ticket wim
noiuiness ol their own selection.
Major tot Dead.
"Washington, Jan. Major .lamp?
Clarence Post, who was detailed to suc
ceed the late General Poe. corps of en
gineers in the important goverumei t
public works ou the great lakes, h
died at the nonie of his father-in-law iu
New York city.
Diaz Out For He-Flection.
City of Mexico, Jan. s. The move
ment for the renomination of President
Diaz for a term of four years, begin
ning the first of next December. i
growing strong, and clubs and news
paper; favoring his re-election are being
founded all over the republic.
Two Huildincfl Collapfttd.
Winteh.sET, la., Jan. 8. A large two
story stone bailding. occupied by C. D.
BeriugtonV- Co., hardware dealers. h;vs
collapsed, i .irrying down with it an ad
joining building, occupied by the Smith
Drug company. Several were injured.
Italtimoreans Want Hondo.
Baltimorf., Jau. . The loral
rn and for the new issue of government
bonds is growing rapidly and it uo.v
teen. s probable that -l.ttoO.OoO or o,
000,000 will be taken here.
An Old
Sport Dead.
Kansas Citt,
Jan. 8. Charles C.
Basset, known to the sporting fraterni
ty all over the country, a prominent
f.gnre in th' frontier days of Kansas, s
dead at Ho. Springs, Ark.
To Ma .t an Kafaibit at Kiel.
Washington. Jan. b. The interna
tioual exhibition for navigation and
fisheries to be held at Kiel lioni Ma'
13 to Sept. 5 , lsia. to Sept . 'i(i, lhi,
under the at -picee of the German gov
erument. is leginmng to attract alien
tiou in V: shiugton. Within a fe
days an estimate for fjo.w-u will U
submitted to congress fur exhibits
The Fleet liifi Knoueli.
Washington. Jau. s. The coutriued
reports of the assembling of a large
Uuited States fleet iu Turkish waters
Is discredite I by those in a position to
know at th navy department. It
pointed out- uhat the fleet already the'e
is ample to give any moral effect to
such urgen demands ou Turkey : ;
this government might determine upo t.
No Alarm Orer the Italtimore.
Washington, Jau. 8. No alarm ir
felt at the navy department over t'-e
U. S. S. 1 altiuiore. reported at S n
Fraucisco to be overdue. She w
under sailing orders to stop at Vok"
hama. aud . she had laid up there
week for any cause would not yet In
due. Entertained the President and Cabinet.
Washing on, Jan. 8. Secretary o"
State Olney and Mrs. Olney gave
dinner to the president and cabinc
last night -at their eletrant home au
Seventeenth street.
Write to T. S. Qctncev,
Drawat loG, Chicago, Secre
tary of the Star Accident
Cosipast, for information
regarding Accident Insur
ance. Mention this paper.
Bv so doincr vou C3n cape
membership fee. Has paid over $000,0u).00 for
accidental injuries.
Be your own Agent.
Are you n-ckleys enough to vc:-tre ? If i-c peril
tu cents in st-ani t the 1i t i vfiUung CV
52S anil r.' Vixshii!i:i.n Sir. ct. N. w iC. 1..
one of th.-ir !enutif.ii illustrated 2tdi.-is
Hooks." It i a e.ivi-1., and uilervis?
iutf work t4 cvt-iy i in of 1. Ilueuieut.
On iei-i.t cf t-ti .-. ia.4 in tamM lb.-v iri
send tMK-iixt: I a full b.-: .f tin tr famous bouse
hold i-i:ue Verba.
For ten c.-iitMtiry :.l u.fstH.-ml n buok -4ntiniiip
coiiipk-tf! ,i!.. .t ''In- M ikdi!." ai.d imiir .(
Its mini 'i.;iil:ir Ktniir-. totrellu rwiih t. uexijnisite
Climino ::iMl-..
A vi-ry ii1.-:isiii', leirm'. s i !vr yrrl-.-l nmmatii
coinixiiinil lor li-iiiiiiL- tin- t::t. 01 qiiieiiie aim
otln-r hilt r nrn.. . it... r .n'i.l or ll.ii'l Trice. 70
Cenl ier 1'nil lio'tli-. Pr .- 1 il. il hy ih.nsrniK!!
pbysit-intm in I'tit-otM :itkI AiiM-iii-n." hiiri!iu!n nc-
Soiu,aun.-s cvi-iy b:.n:i-. Fur ulc by Unij.-iiisla.
M:intii:iciii'.i-d ty
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
An eleeanl Fnp-'isTi i lmrniai. ic prvparaiior
for bilious. rialari:il :uui i l n m I t, ibl.-s ; tbe r.-
Biilt of .v.r twr-iiiy-livc cars of moril ciiut;-ni
Approvisl I y the lii-be.t tn.tlicni anthoritu s
In use in ilii- hospitals in r-xei'V pnii of r.uri.e
KsiK-c-iallv belnlni to la. lies, childrvu und
pie if sed.-nt.-irv habits.
Uiureiy vevetabie ; tn-e frnin b:iniiful dniirs.
In Hatidsome Packages, Price 5U Cls.
Prtpar. il tiolely by
TlC $oyal lipirnihccutiii Co.
Chemists by appoiiitne nt to Her ?tnjesty U.e
tjuu.-u aii.ltoll-.' Royal Family.
1 GO, 132, 134 Charlton St
Same medicinn! projvrtirti as l: il Euiin. in
boxt-5. pills Vt l ox, for Mi ceuls.
Vinegar Bitters COKDAL. -J SOc
Vinegar Bitten POUDERS, r.j d.-s. sor.
Vinegar Bitters, u.-w r-tyh-, ',, I .ou
Vinegar BitU-rs, oiJ style, hitter taste. i.uo
The World's Creat Blood Purifier
and Life Gi ing Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Krovm.
Thcpa-t vfth of a Onlnry I tie Lenaiag
ruMli'jr .tlrdicinc ol the World.
R. H. McDonald Brag Co., Proprietors.
Demands prompt treatment. Tho re
suits of neglect may lie serious. Avoid
all harsh and drastic purgatives, tha
tendency of which is to weaken tbe
bowels. Th best remedy is Ayer'a
Pills, r.c-ing purely vegetable, their
action is prompt and their effect always
beneficial. They ara an admirable
Liver and After-dinner pill, and every
where en'lor.-J by the profession.
" Ayer's Tills are hiphly and univer
sally spoken of by the people about
here. I make daily us of them in my
practice." Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge
Krt, Conn.
' I can rcormmonil Ayer's rills above
all others, having long proved their
value as a cathartic for myself ami
family." J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Fa.
" For several years Ayer's Pills bave
been used iu uiy'faniily. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
Moses Grcuicr, Ixrwcll, Mass.
' I havo used Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and indigestion, during many
years, ami have always found theui
Iirompt ntul otiii ient in their action."
j. Smith, L'lica, N. V.
'I suffered from constipation which
assiiuifil sui-h an lsiinate form that I
feared it would cause a stoppage of tha
liowcls. Two boxes t.f Ayer's Pills ef
f.ftcil a complete cure." 1. Burke,
Sacu, Me.
I have used Ayer's Pills for the past
thirty year-i ami consider them an ln
VahiHbie. family medicine. 1 know ot
no Initer iiiiictly for liver troubles,
ami have alw.-ivs foiiml them a prompt
cure for tlysiM-psin." James Quinn, a0
Mi. 1. lie st.i llai tfiinl, Omn.
IIavinr lcen troubled with costive
ness. which fii cins inevitable with per
noiiH of si-tleiitary hahits, I have tried.
Aj'-r's fills, liopin fur relief. I am
cla.l to that they have served mo
better than anv other mclicine. I
arrive at tins conclusion only after a
faithful trial cf lln-ir merits." Samuel
1. Jones, Oak si , llosUiti. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.. I o well, Mas
Bold by K..1 lcaler lo MedldM.
MB t-a. ve.KTavoi
HALL b hair
The great pojrularlty of thU preparation,
after its test of many years, should be an
assurance, even to the inot skeptical, that
It Is reallv meritorious. Thosse who bave
used Hall's Kexrwer know that
it does all that is claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
heads provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which is seldom the case; restores
natural color to gray or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
changing color; keeps It soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes It to grow long and
Hall'9 ITair Rfxtwer produces Its
effects by the healthful influence of Its
vegetable Ingredients, which invigorate
and rejuvenate. It is not a dve, and is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol, it does not evap
orate quicklv nnd dry up the natural IL,
leaving the hair harsh and brittle, as da
ether preparations.
Buckingham's Dy
roi tbi
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and is the best dye, because It is harmless;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
being a single preparation! is more con
venient of application than any outer.
I rairiuo bt
SU P. HALL A CO., Itaahaua, H. at,
- .Sold by all Dealers La Madieuasav; ,
s i
; 1 1
i ;
1 1
i i
i t,
) ;
; i
i ',
) (
a i
i $
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1 1 ;
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! Li
You helpotl us to double
Now for Fall Winter.
Men's 1 thick ami ln-avcr i v-rcxats, Simrle ami Ioiill
ItrcaMf.!, ----- 5-4. 7"
All-WWeii Kit i'V Ivt-KiKits, 1'hu k and Itlue, Ilalian
Lining, - - - - - ?S.U and .i.tM
Men's t inty I'liimi Suits, ... - -l.i
Men's I thick i lir-viot Suits, al'.-w.:ol. - fc-Yini
Men's l'.llle Clii'V el Sui s, :i'l-iil - - f-.ltl
Men's all . 1 "Jl-'o.. Ulack Cheviot Suit, tin- irnntf-t Suit in the
untv for tlif money regular pr'ni- t- eryw ln-re. JIO.OO
oiirpriiv, ------
AH-W.k.I t lay Wois .sl Suits, Sacks sii-1 I nn ks, SVOtl to Jl(
l i-eiii h I'.lack Worsteds, all wo .1. n, - 1'.ini t,, j-i:; .ml
t'liililreli's Sui'.s. .... 7V-. to Sti.lHI
Youths Soils, ... - C',..Vl t . lti ttl
is full up in ;ll the newest ami latest rooils ami you can
get them at prices you can attortl to pay.
Ever at Your Service,
Will be avreathed with a most engaging
smila, after you Invest In a
White Sewing MacliiiiB
The most complete and useful devices ever
added to any sewing machine.
The "WHITE i
Durably and Handsomely Built,
Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment,
Sews ALL Sewable Articles,
And will serve and please you op to the full
limit of your expectations.
Active Dealers Wanted in unoccu
pied territory. Liberal terms. AUJrcss,
ilecl3 vTt rn
1 I
Ss NN -. a
It cures Catarrh, even in
serious cases. To g:ct
immediate relief in Ca
tarrh, or a hard " cold in
the head," just put a bit
the size of a pea,
each nostril.
It's the quickest remedy
Skin Diseases,
Sere Throat,
Trv sizes, 05 an.) ;o ccrns.
At druists, or by :n:ul.
Tat P.BWDsti!! Co., St., S. V.
ctll 95
iMcci:il ln to 1iimii.s: m-n wln liarinrr
lnii.Nl iiiicnx-iouH- i:it.. the .lrink Icjil.n an.l
uwitkcii to t: 111 1 t'i.-ili-;i-..f n:.,,!M,;lslu iaCT;,Nt
111. mi m, rcn-lcririir Ui.-u. n:;:-r t.. ,IIUi1!K,(.
luirs r.-.iuiriii a c!.-nr i.rj.iu. A l.nir weeks
oiuru.- . irvuuucut at le
Jfo. KVS, Fifth Avcime,
ir-stnrps tn thi-m all their .w. rv. rn.-n? J anil
pliyii-al. ili-stn.ys the alir.orinal .n-tite, atut
rc-tun ihcm to the coii'litii.n thev ucrv in
fort- tin y;,. I jn .-tiiniilanf. Thi hus l.vri
ilmie 11 more llmti rases troat.-. h. r,-. an.l
miti..:i- tlu-in s.nne of n is.ilri. tat
wli.vii e i-Hii refer v illi ci.nti li-m e' as t.. the
''"' "" ami ctl.i-icncv ci'tlie Ki l. v 1m-.
The fuliot ami lu.r-t s.-ai liin-.' invent itrtiioti is
n vitcd . X'ua lur inaui-klcl Kiv Iul- luii iuiuniia-
a ok 2.94.
J'sTeWt itHM4t feji.
Atltp i'rrin
m jUi m nt "t m
Itr-nl tht &trr-m.
rmirtinf wtt
Krmtorm the
&r nf TtxtC
ON(( .SssweV.
r-v -c-t nr..
It Will Cure.COLD'N HEAD
A particle ta apile. tntu earh nnstrel ami 1
airreeahle. lrt-eM) ienl at I Tiirirtut orbf mail
tl.Y KKiiTULKS, W Warren Street. New York.
A. 11 7
' 1
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our business for Spring 05.
We are rc:uly :ind what have
T r
) a t
I rut: ri:nr.MA
I Printing Office
I t p arr lo vet jour
l'i.tni(tlf ar.d wati.farlor h earute.t VI
ol ni.--! t'e rrs- i.f sill tK. a nie
j d.:ii;-li. V V al.ib't ! at. y hut
tif-t an-k and want a
i liiri irw- f. it.
Villi Fast PresiiSEti Stwlire
are rr art-1 tii tum out J t Pi mi.n o
e-vr-fy rlicri.Hin in tf.w KINKST
TYLK "i1 at tlw v-rv
Lowest Cash Prices.
N'tthttjaT rut trie- hest material used aid
iHir work -t-aks lor itself. We are rre
lare.i to vrint on tti shorten, notice
iTKKi, rno;BAM!alKf,
ItrsiNKs Cahiis Taos. Itii.L Hkjm,
Laiiki.s. t MK'l I.AKS, Ukiidino and
Vimtino I'a k ns Checks. Notes,
Lkttkk AM) Note Heads, and
Hop and Paktt Invitations Etc.
W ran print anything from the smallest
ami tieal est Visiting Card to the lansrst
IVrster on (ihort rioMw rd -1 th
moat Reasonable Rates.
iTho Camlnia Frepman
j c'entifi0 American
Kr Inf.rrnar!'u an fr.- Hantlrw-.fc rit t
).lt".t la'.inAu fr !MNurine .ii4-niei in Aint-rit.
Kvt tat nl taken ut l y is lnnctit t-f.'r
Uio tutlic ly a uoiu-e plvt-n fn-e f ciuuve la Um
ricntific American
I Jircs-t ctrrnlst'on of anv --ntItV parser tn the
wori.l. iiiiirraltsl. N.. mr.-lli.-- ::t
Iitaa shoul.l l. uli. .ut It. Week Iv. m
voar: l.."i six monies. A !dnss. M l"S V e w,
l'L,. 3kl ilrvaUk ay. New V.rk Cur.
a t i v. m .
Caveat, and Trado-Mark oMainod. and all I'Mo
ent rai ronn-tHl for VMrxlf rale F.
Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and we ?tn emre jainT in ler time than ihor
rrmotf fr'm Wji.hinirin.
Mnd mt hiI. draw in c r photo, with decrlr
Mm. We advice, if j'att'ntahle cir not, free f
chnre. ur f'e rtt due Tul patent i erar-d.
A Pamnhiet. IJw to Obtain Patent." ith
name f ariaal riiv-tit- in your Slate, count y, o
town, teiit free. Addre
Oroosite Patent Office. Washinotoa. D- C
I Treiient iir all tbtuat iotluiinationf an.l inr
asthma. tonum;
live, will Intana'. y
oerive tenept rr.'m
it ore, a It qui -lily
't.te the cv.uh.
enilers exi-t.ra-
I i.lLrLlVl.llJCiT
Ifin eay. ar-itir
nature in tetrirj
wasted tt.aae..
1 here l a larve r-cent-uee
vt U we alio
FPpsse tneir cs-e
to t-e o.Df omtio
who are only aHrr
inar m.m a cbr.iie
. ''.il or deep r-ea'.el cutb. ottert aa-cravate t t'V
' alurrh K..r catarrh ue arram Halm.
1 Kalh rrme.lie re pirvai). .0 ar. Ieim,
'tv. ir iM.ttle: Pinejj -ilrrj. at Irrua-el'ts.
j' 1 atuantiue ol ? st will deliver vn receipt c I
t.Y liKl ! HtKS, M Warren St. New Yors. '.iiy.
VVAVTKI. Several faithful pentle
nnn atJ hulics to travt-l fur ttal.lisliexl
Salary, $7S0.O0 ami Expenses.
l'-.ition jTtii.ineiit if suitrnl; also ia
crease. Slate rt-fert-uw and eiii'lose
jsf'f .HvLlrcvl st.inijxl envrlojie.
i1'',-::i r,lX (ua!,.t lluihlimj. CHICAGO.
u w Dm.
lafmnaWVagkwknabia Ikiiaf
Yiofcis. Cuitars. Banjos. Acceedeaits. Harmeai-
as, ac ail kinds ol Strings, etc, etc.
11. 813. 8 13. 617 LiitUtiiSt,.Ncw York.
d 11 not
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