uu o (Cambria rrriaaa. mil t riKMOtu bid tor i'sley. ! ;S Carro." t a S-ru:. i -erv ::g ii.s -."VM a try ;u tc 3 :1 . i- a ir-.r. 0"LU.t. Lo-tt-r i Pi.-. J: ' -.-?: en it til iv.tr. :.s a hor- iy death - - 2.l i.T- i Mr. JL. J. L.e'c. cad cf N titc-an's en--.c -,-S. -X cit. ievi. s H ,:of W fcltetii- J '.V . in M . ;---ug 2. c-f L " i.4;:.-.'r'.i:jw. . b iu-Tu :, o! Le.rette. a-.d j Y.. -tee -J Tyr;as. !-. tre :-.:or : . il;ei:c;irg oe. iV ei:2c.-ii. - J -i'iu. Ya.sser. of 1 i-r zc zi'f.i, ! -.-.i. -ever-A. day :a ".. ws tt. ia ! .i:U43i- at -.-o.-r; as a .tc---. ( r - - M...-ii? Mr. v.-tt r.r'fi. c: i V . . - a o:isi-:u2i Is the i - t .i. ..- cci: that p:a..e. ! t. . : ii. A. .- rf. ti.. i.- . i- -. tteu v.a t.e Lan.i ct a a g a ! v nv tg. N . r. .'is r---- ".- i i -.. ,. a '.!. .'... v-r. : ct Co . :i- : '. m xc A ' Si'- j-r K-a- j -. , . .lie . ar-d. J..-r.uto'v n. i- ; - . : "..1 e i"a ' --:. ia. ev ct.Lg j i . 1 2 - loll'l .'-tl 0- cnt.-.a . j I" :! ' lit T". icr a a :, ic L g--s ; . . t --;..r"f i" l.r-"..v .ii w -ir- u-.r.-v-rii ty .1:1 I : j ii; JX--U . a -.-x , i : : tr-iif; :xr :i L'r-y m a a. r; . L i'i x:x .: sr-l-x1. Ut j a i.- :u 14 oi . :i t:.e Zi a:.-I : .: j :'-.a : a 'oau-.u car. t T1:- ao:s; vf t'.'Vf ::"!: : -r-j-r.-;i i ix .1" a ;o j-j 'r'- tiui:; cu Tes-.1-" 1 nocu f i d.r-n't. e r! iu . ; v i- c:-iJ. . 31td. t7 - - Ti.tr.iiol. :- .;;a to t 21 i-:- ! :. -.iij ...1?- i.'e Ke . -rri".! f-.'ao-a- i a. 7 '' '-ii' : ; :.. y w r- :r j Mr. J ii-e-.u t i.-im ::" hi- ru:.:ved ; : .- saa: C ..-.""?..-. e K.c. ."i to 'r.-oa an-: - is ' tae -irt i:"-r of ' Crtss-.u t: t-ie 1; -j-a.""i : ! I". - neat.y jr;. h; ad :' . . -f .-..a. ae . : . " -a it s:;-.xe-. i ii-Sa-rf ,' it.1 Myr. :::h p!a-:e. t .;c T';-": iv. - ?c-ri a.ii r- . vere- ' i i : .-: ::z one -. i-e .r l-.. ..e, -'' ! M iThew K ac v . f A -..::: i"s .;. i- 1 e-t -.i.-c. - aid f- . 1 ::- : 1 :; r.i:::v :n ty i'-'t .; ; ii: 7 :--d that h- - 1 i - he -irr'-i : ; t. - 2 Mr. I- i---. - ?-rar- r ax - i 1 -lie ,0 j :17s ax; j i 1 v .: t: e t o r . ! .-rx" -1:: ;p h s wax : ot t v . uaxs .: ira. t t z . pr.e r. x : ar: 1 1 feit.-t ft.: t 2 1.1 ".t-r 1. -i.:t t -.r.er. :-v-..;f a,ea-s of th-- a--.:.. 'ix jr-t : i-.a 2 a 2 12: 1 1 : r r. ! f-T '2. .;fili - 2. - a- 1 .-h vnxe -: f 1 a: t tit - :e .: tc- r:i:-., a. Tr. - j 2 . .-e " i- het-n t 4 ie e-p-c-a 7 l""-1 " ve j .' r .-.e a., day -e i-.,n ai : a . te- c v- i .: -x " ". at 2 a-'e u -ir:c .-- to t-2's 1 i:i " i.t - 1 ..os 1: tee -.a- e."- y a.-ri2X-d I : 1 i-. -i 1 x ,o.:s. j A- ai ear 7 :r or S-indty 1- : -o'-v-re-i ia the n-at 'ti j - -' i .er. 1 M .r-i.' v .. e. re the 2 1 Ties '--r '.i:r c--rr-'. :i-t- j ax- : t.ie x-. i I : I- t 'r.e it.-.. .- - j -.' . a.i-i th- tu. .;.2X. h t. he .-: xs ti j :e exter.t f. t : :. rr..-r A. 1 2. s. . -22 " r.s : 1 -1 1 s j ; i -e. '- is 1 ..iixht -. 1 - 1 : 'A'ea'r: -n. - . " 22- : : -', v t "he ' :,-r-r . ,;f ! 2 '.V1 - 12 1 -'-I a 'j t.2 a- 2 a--'- iid ' ae I -. Zhes2-:r-x as a j a x !.i " :.-i i2-i ! Xa - ' -r, P 11 rirs1,". in 'neremr r'. 2 " 2- ' - : "e I- 1,1 1- .01 : 1 h? a f 1 ' :i n T i-s-i 17 -i""-r2' 2 a :2 -..:- When ra -r. :u: It is ond -1" - - '-ft :l.-m wa.- T'i-hed and that he j 1- 2:--J r.vr- il 7. FT-? -.il,.-". to j ' A "....n.a hi pr;il wLere t::e 12; ;red j a " ii - a.s it 1 1 t.i'.'d. j i - 2 - .2.: 17 21' ri 2X 1 tre o. e-i-r'-i! ii ; .ar r-.. ni ,f "he Be: n oit 11 ;ei 2 A!- j 1 .-.a" 1 d a li.-s ma-eti : IVi j ---d 27 . r.s:;r ii.'e. The bar had been - -a'ed : ct.'.v.a to represen- a w i-sf-.ow aid 'ce h 1 soiie 2 1 : :-r ca IX it ir . The bar "1 Vi:r 01 .X -i.-v.-r i. .1. X' nhrrors -. .-- ie- er n ,2d-..T- !"";. rsTTT. IS next "!. r.-e'll -.Vret . i : n i-1 nx 1 l"te-,'" -j -;;e l"'Keri 1! U-e iv aid T.V1--.1 ' " i ! 1 :. T " le v i - i ' ; 1 - I 1 rr..lT: --I"4i ar a ' : r f hr:-"m:a- pf ect. A ' 'ire j ' 1 1 : :v ted. i I - At ' n.' 22il-i J ldX" Wilso,-! ieeld-d j " i" -2 -::i-.-.n in the-ir-cn; iov.ts Hi i i '" . ii he'd that rt-rv-"i s,-t I -:- -in'.' ;e -,,:, ' ,r a certain per j ' - i. i v.- i:-r-r "hoatr. d-ir ar open I T "o I r" jr . . e. A pern hfivi.u a ! t : f.,r x --ler-il a ! ir-si -- after : bo' i.-,.,rs j a'- .-,-;i s ,n- ?I) lnj at ii tie . ". .-e no - -n -e-r- -d. I -The jrap.d ; i-v on T'.".ii- f ond trie j - axa.ast J--.tr. Wa: 1. harx-ni him j i it. .r- ,:n fo. r-ij 27 -:-M-h of chii.I: 1 f..,r. :".j,..,-eil r.y .jear.a .,ni an and I ' -it '.--. (,.r ni-i.-e a-e..r-.;.-,n W ard i J ' V Tl:11 ho : Hip. Oil'.-d 1.1 the ' '-" -'2 f M - f.iz.i.e D ixi.1. uf W: rn. ro. j 10 lo - i.-e h ii-e: f up jnd i.rt-kefj -- 2 a.l a oup e of week, axo. He is " - .u r.a.lt " Mrs. Kate Gilleo-jie. J ed at the home r -i-.-.n- a. A --ar.der Hi a ley. in wi-n 0. jo Thursday morr.lr.? i-ra n. aje-.t -1 yen.--. Mr. J roe s s.,-v ! by three sin-. Vfar i ".u ri:r.t:n. -jf Siv,cx-it.wa. Indian j ' '.: aid Franco-., o.f Al'ona: one; a ix-.-er. fa.-7. ,(f A Vxandr Br" -2. iu.-r -.-.washi p. H-r histian.l d d I 2 .T: r r.f S'llIN WO. - The r-ded ;,in if St. Joseph's ir- 1 1 a" ,-huri' h, at John--..wn. ha .ee-i t f ,r ,1:i,ii7 D-i-ember x2. The ;-' -v R.charl Pheia.i. hihop of the -"" -t.urx d o-e-e; ReV. J"iier "2 i-rr. ar "haiti...-. f Vincent's run and a iarxe nimber of the cierxy 1 .d la.ty areexpeeted to be present. The ' . -n ix t-.u.-he of the mirror decora---...is ar of th rhui!i editice ara now be iag ai ade. F4.-v wist:c:f ict:r (:? to . iij'citii? Ioi?r 1 fciii-i corner t-.j i.h. ii- frv;o ijzjps ironcJ :vv T. Tb ir:vr whij hi hor.?s :'. i bri r-.i;. pas:ni-rfr dirv-'es a i :; r.'C.- irni ruc f irri ti i r.; tls-? z.vvr lo CiiU the thrt;; ; !i At-i r -. -T: -i-fjirr.Tji-c- of put': icr:r-;:oa i-, II rr;car? k iSiitsi th. til'.owicf x? ".;r: Tb ?veril boari of 'H't.'ri !X3 it .iertr f :r t h rr. ' v : a : -A-t- fc;c' iiy 0; a ty U vs fit L o .ciy rhili ofcrvetl t:hi! :tyia th'.r rspft: driirt.'. Ia a tt cho werv cfn for n?ii!ir ia :r'ici on oi the iiy si2:-d th t:n-i caa b- rpi-rtHi icd for t e".L-r ixj-y cotitui:a a ioho-jl E;c:'a." T. D Sv's. st P:.ufcirz -'nil operator. ! h-zxt ir. "rti;cz fir atccce :a th- crix:ra! cocrt; f;r tBd;:9j t:'s rrr-i at Iiii ty uinz fa'se weizht. Ju.I - K'fr lc;p;-siJ a of and -T:t Str-in thr-? tnr.nth to tb- ooccty Ji:!. Th-1 oiv ii ta'ea to the superior frttrt. tur JS fistot "r irr ithout a' a c- a'.ur. S:in ::! tav t i z-? to ja;I lit . tn a ,'VUMr ani-j ora--r .lmitt:c? h'a '..i K-iiT : craotrii ty a j!;Jz of the r court. Mr. Harrah F..-.T at the home h-r Mr. aa-i Mr P-rrr Troir-;!. f a F.--1 i e f.-LTr. or. Wfint-ia" ev-n-i.-.a S yf'-m'rr "jTta. of r.ir-A'sia of the t.-irf.. Mr. K--r was a tout year -f - a.d !ivr hre '.:".tV orphan f:y. h- r ir.tar.-i M. O. li.m hivinj died i-ss '.l.in a year ir;a trtto;d fev-r. Her r- ca it -re ip-.-r-e.i ic P"eaant H:Ii e.-'ery ot: F'ri-Jay fat. foll.ntwl 'o the'r la.-t r-::zs f by a larze ,ccc-ur of i.rrv :-;z ri i;;v-- and frirnJ. j The Tyr-Je fi rje c! d down in a'l :'.s d -pirtmec. on f itr.rday for ten days, w'th 1 p r.pect of it iVini the shut-down i 'e. A !a "f order i the cau-e. Be.-ee i sevea'.y-rivo and on hundred :e'i ar 3 cf err p ioy Tien t. Bar a -id cr-ip ..- -a and are the principal .''I'P ;t "f tr.-'-e f 'czs. wh.i'h are the last of a " :rr:ter w lr ;h ':-d to be iu active ;?-ri'...-rt r fi-t v ".1:7 of Tyrcne. the c-ther hiv-x tea c'..-el -evera! years xx i a-.d cev-r p;; ;nto cp-ra:;on aaia. "-.i e h - have !"eec rrated at this of -r:: f.r D '.V. Mi-: -, a-t-e of Ros' M :'f..z-.. h; . : r at p;"! saie at r1- i-n.-e 3 i'---r M .-j;;zh. ia Porta-'-'. -i a,iria7. J-n-iary t. IS'V. it 3 t r v . :' 1 we:! ,T pped v -rv r 1- ' Z'. .'. - -t ti of t h jr-e-i. 5 ear r ax-s. s.r'.z 'ix-:.- w u-r. 3 s'eixhs. 1 -.-:. t !-:-. i-i t : e. ha. .es. t'acket.. r-; t-. ev. A .r.e h-are aad :adr- ta-.er- -. . 1 .0-5 :: f'irr rtiire. par.ir rr; s:X bed rocs ,u;:s. S-v-4r-i. 7-i-i ix-:- a :.;t:m of Perry t.: r-2 D f i"- -r- r-nxht a h :,--ie of tfrtc. 1 Nj - Y r- ta:e. He pr;.ye,j -0 f- n. x n v t-- -.- ays. The fir rs fcf OLXhi - ..t axa T. L. J-.-hr.st,c. f.-in wh-'-a. the r.- rse hi: -. ixht. oh irx.r. x th-m 11 aid fi'-e prv-te-ise. The 1- !.-ari A .j :-". .r.-r. .tc.1 tee :' ,ci L xx -tt ar-.i Convr--- :ty as Tt-? : ave tx , a . M.iii the matter (. : th -? w-rr -er.te2. -1i to pai a S.ie of j 1 - vo 1 r-i t- -rve -i t-rm it 2ve : :tt ' - : 1 t .". - :o : .1 ty j a. .. A :. :'. l 1 : p as-, f-.ur o"c'o-k or, Mon ti? 1 "" '. k. -2 1 - j rc;-;; x: r.xea-t :'-. 2: ill .1.2. - to HiriirliLi v we--- i. ..- .2 "1 e - k - . i i t.-a i at "he rr-l-".-.-: - r. 1 f t'.e '4 tU' Uei and ti;- -i "i-t: :- 22 'he tract. T2-7 w-re walt.2X : "--" - ir -tiucxar in sty;-. o:.e -e2.:.-i "2- t'.-r. a-d cit.-er k-.e of tee 1 2 ' r- a - -' x ' r 2 i : r. t rruok. '".e was i -ai 2 -2 z -: :.j a2d the oti.er. ho xiv- '.; - - i:.e 1- reter C r -to. was had v : j t- ; a. 1- -.a-n u; th A'.:r..-,ho-.pi-t.ih Tt- :-a: m ah i 't ...tea Ka-:ar,;;n at: hi: heel 2 t:: c.us-ry about ;o A : -tat.-h T . .; 1 7 - iy s : f- 21 f ah affey 'Jate-i on Pr-s:i-n- vVatts. Vice -retary aid Treasurer Bro a 2 a : C 2X" -r Fatter-oc. a - .-f Pi tt--.'. rx -t ELaste-n noroai. a.!'-:-i:p.a2i-: by J iht thtca.rn. nianax-r .f t.2e ::e L. 7 t 2 ana ."o.al jc Co fie I'oa p.1.27. at: a .2 'ttr-rested c apitalist in -he .2 -;f P:tr.-2urx jfe Eat-ro. are a ; -v , 2 s L E.22 c- C-.xs.zr- a 2X tr..? pr.-po.-se.j traa. h from -irhe -i oour.t7. to pa2x!-r. .2.7. a distance of about 15 t: e Tit's bran.-fc. hich will open cp a va. ;a" e i.-d e.xr-r.-i v- 'ca! tte:d. . to be xr i :-ti and .-,-itr-i-:tt-d at an early date. A i.sp-v.ch fr .m .7ohnston un T d ay -iy- a x-r.era! -riite oc all the house -.xr- i,-. th it o:ty ha- bee a iiauxur- a L.a.-t tce operator xranted a -:.-:Ti.a2d f.r a x.'neral wae advance of 10 ce::-s pr -..-!. after rals.r.x pr. ces 10 con--::urs. A d:-:ov-ry that the Wiiiiarns m .ue rr.en were u..- receiviix th ad vatic: a- ax-et-d to led to the ret u-ta! .men t of the ....j waie aid then the x-nera! str.. The ,iperat..rs w.li ho.-i a meeting to :'.2-id-r the 2. ie-t;oc. of renewinx their xre-m-r.'. .. pay the ad v ace axr-el upon iad--.ead-o-.-jf Operator Wi.lmns, a.i of wcoe m-c are w-jrilux bei-ow the soa.e. A 'arxe xr-ay oif has been s-en by a a u -a her of people oa Chestnut R-d-re and on the r.dxe in the vici aity of Lixoa;-r. It h.a a.-o teen seen near Yc-unx-to n on two occasion, and the other ev-ninx it i :e-f,r.ei to h.tV- Cl.lV'i SeVerai people tO their no-no--. I; is !.arx-r tnan an ordi nary -,.:ed -a.f a. ;d wh-re it came from is a ruy-tery. xr-at the ex-item-.it that -i;m- p-ople are afraid to -end their cn.id.-ea to -ct. except when under Xdiird. HuntiP.x parties bave been formed to hunt the an.mai. cut ali attempts so far have pen futile owing to the fact that the d-jxs iii uoc foilow the tra'ks. Sixns of ot:,er woiv-s are reported. Wili.'ani M. Drake, axed. lo. residinx ia Lc.xaa township, Blair county, waa str'ic and fatally injured aaut five o'c io.- on u:.day eveuiax at 6--11 wood, ty f,a.-t Ma.i wet. The nnfortunate with three con: paaions ltft Juniata about 4 o'ii.. i in the afternoon to ! to church at Bel; d. takinx the watet train for that point. In al'.xhnnx from the water train a- B-i i w .od younx Drake stepped on the et hs..iind iraok. direi-tly in front of Mail tran. which sir tick him and hurled him 15 feet alonx the tra.:k. His companions p.cted him up and carried him into the s-,aL:on. lie was afterwards taken to the Al'. p.a hopita! where hedieii a few mic it. after his admisfon. A Hi-ktr H-r-r. Friday nxht VViiiiam Vertican was waylaid at Ir'aulton by two men named J ames Kei.y and Ir ran Miiier, who rot hm of a I hi money, watch, etc., and then to cover up their tracks hot him. leaving him for dead. lie was found shortly afterward, mortally wounded. A po-se start-d in pursuit of th robbers and wou id-be murderers and shortly after ax resten them. They were taken 10 Apollo and kept nntil r-artiniay and then removed to the Green-burg jail. Verticaa Is a your- farmer, whose Lome is in Cone manxh toaship, Armstrong county. He is unmarried. While still living, at last ii'ro'inls no hopes are had of hi) recovery. Kel'y and Miiier are both tramps, and have )n wandering over the country. lilairKiU Courier. j Court, met on Monday with Jade Bar- I ker ca the fc?ncfc. ! The fo!:oini caes were d"spoeti of: romtnonwealth vs. W. Horace Rose, jretT cf ihe p-eaee and oocpiracy. Court I d'rected the proH.atrii. Mr. -Acuie ! i".-:h. to cay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Jacob Meyer, surety of the p-r:e. Defend aat ntecn-ed to pay the cost. "aaje v. Chr:-t E. Blouzh. surety or the pace. Court divided the ctta between the defendant aud th crosecutor. Eichard Cobaurh. Co tD 31 on wea'th .t. M. S. Mt-Jirry. de sertion. tWfecdani d:n?cted to irive bond for the payment of J per wee for Lis wifVs upport. Comcionweath Ti- Christ E. Bloujrh. aiaciit acd hatterj and agrayated as iauit and battery. Court enwnc?ti the prosecutrix, Mr. Kate Forbes, to pay the costs. Commonwealth y. C'.aude T. Mtle-J, for ci. ation and bastardy. Defendant plead suiity. Sentenced to pay the pro-?ecu-.r:i, Etta J. Merritt, tX) lyic-in eipense. Sue. costs of prosecution, and 1 p-r wck for even years. Coaiasjnwea th . John C. Herdmaut fornation and bastardy. The child b;c i dea-1 the defendaut as sentencird. to pay I a tine ot tlj and costs. ! Common wealth v. Xioholas Boyer aod ,' V. !I. U. Rob;noa. a-au!t and battery, t Jury rind defendaat not emity and divide the co; CetweQ the defendants, ai-d the prj-eciur; X. Mrs. Maiy Piummer. Commonwealth vs. Huih MoAnaity, assault atid battery. Jury CaJ dpfendacit zuiity. t-ent.-need to pay a line of and costs and g to jail for three months. Commonwealth vs. W. F. McCurdy, con rtabie uf Coopersdaie boruiizh. voluntary cMjip e, aid:cir pr isoner to escape, and es cape by Deirlizeuce. Jury Cud defendant guilty. .4 bta4l. City Solicitor William Ambrose, of Al toona. has absconded. He left that city Friday a week axo, presumably for Pitts bury, and since that time no trace what ever can be gotten of his whereabouts. The amount short in his account is entirely unknown but it is said that the nxures will axx-eg- fully f.3,iM) or fcO.JuO. The dis appearance of Ambrose under these cir cumstances has caused a decided sensa tion, for he was one of the most widely known lawyers in that section of the com mocweaith. Besides beic? solicitor for the city, he was solicitor for three Dromi cent local institutions known as the Se curity. Mutual and Provident Buiidiex a.id Lo'-an associations, and aiso 'he State Biildinx aad Loan association. Outside of !.kinx after -o many public institu t.ocs. he erj;yed a larxe lucrative law practice and was one of the most hixhly re-p-eeted citizens of Biair county. He is oc!y ac:ut it) years of axe, a !eadiox mem ber of the Merbodist Episcopal church, and leaves behind a heartbroken wife aud a beautiful i'-year-oid dauxhter. Flor ence. The reason xiven for the surprisinx act is attntutr-d to recent di.--ipat:on aad not beicx acie to face creiii-ors who were pu-h.cx him. I: is cocidently beli-veil that had Ambrose stoppeti short in his downward course, his cany iciuenlial ids would have rai the shortaxe wi.iicx'y and there would have betrn no neces-ity for his departure. rarairi' l-iill-ile. A farmers institute i.i be he'd in Pat ton on February l.-.a and another 00 the day f .lo icx ia Eb-nsburx. The om cii'.tee havir.x them in charxe. Hon. S. D. i'at-erson. Hon. J. J. Thomas and Mr. Ai-x. Strittmattei , tare concluded to hold a third but have not as yet decided on the time and place. Amonx the prominent people who wi'.i prt-sect are Thomas J. Edxe. S-retary of the State Board of Axricu.ture. and Prof. John Ham;. ton. deputv; Senator Critch tio.d. of "somerset county; Prof. S. B". U ix--s. pomsloxist of the tare Board of Axricuiture. Vahic?toa. D. C and Hon. ieo. B. Powell. New York. Dr. J. T. Eothrock. secretary of the State Forestry Comai ssioa. will deliver an illustrated lecture on forestry at nixbt, and Dr. B. H. Warren state orcri thoioxiis, wiil sive a lecture on birds, illustrated by calcium !:xhts. Bevld- tte above earned xeatlemen from abroad tte institute wiil be treated to es says by the the foiiowinx named gentle men from at home: Superintendent Leech. J. F. McKenrck. Es., and Prof. Gi bson, of Ebensburx: Prof. Biter, of Giliitxin; Prof. John McCormick, of Wilmore; Prof. Foley, of Carrolitown. and Hon. S. D. Pat terson, of Barr township. Frixhifal UI Mtle. The report of the supen'ntendent of the bureau of rail way statistics of this state for the pat year is out. The section ov erinx the aeeideiw on steam railways is interestinx. It show total of "JV pas senxers killed aad ril- injured; 447 em ployes killed, and .34" injured; 1.107 oth er peron kiiled and 1.6-r. injured, a grand total of lv3 kiiled and lO.-HlC injured. The statistics for the vear show that to every 412 employes there was one killed, and to every i3 one was injured. Amonx passenxers oce was killed out of 4.."J-7,T1 earned, and one injured in every 24.y77 carrieii. Tie Philadelphia i Readinx Company carried the greatest number of passenzrs for each oae killed, and the Per.nsy ivania was second. The axxregate Cxures of the nine leading companies operating in the state show that 4.xT.).H'. passengers ere carried to one killed, and 147.4il carried to one in jured. Of the employs there has been one killed for every 3KL employed and 17 to one injured. A coenpanson for the ia-t five years shows clearly the results of the bus iness depression it number of passengers carried and railroad m-n discharged, the number dropped from the roils in 14 be nx about i4,'-tj. A tjr Cot-a n Is 1st 11 r Fired. The motion of John Hurd. one of the Biair co unty commissioners who was re cently convicted of malfeasance ia office, for a new trial was heard by Judge Bell in the Biair county court on Saturday and refused. He was directed to appear before the court on Monday for sentence. On Monday when Mr. Hurd appeared he was sentenced as follows '"The sentence of the coort is that you pay a line of f to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the use of Blair county and costs of prosecution, and it is further adjudged by the court that defendant be removed from the office of county eomaiis- icner of Biair rrounty, and. as part of this sentetce, he is removed and dismissed from the office of county commisstone." of Blair county.- A writ of allocator u afterwards granted by Justice Dean, of the supreme court, and appeal to that tribunal will fol low. Dlr-t-Un' A I I -- Th Directo"--' Association of the teach ers" institute, have chosen the following officers for the ensuing year; T. W. Dick. Ess-., president; John Itell, of Portage township, vice president; ti, J. Jones, sec retary; Col. S. V. Davis, correspooding s-nrretary; R. R. Davis. treasurer; Messrs. G. W. Bowman. G.M. Wertz. P. M. Browa, William Davis and Alexander Lang, exe cutive committee. Messrs. P. M. Brown. 3f Wilmota, aad Alexander Lang, of South Fork, were chosen to represect the Asso ciation; at the meeting of the State Direct ors Association at Harrisburg ia January next. KeaJ E-tait Ti-Basfer-t. Ephraim M. Kuntz to Car! A. GriCtlx, StonycreeE: consideration. f32S. Isaac E. Chandler et ux. t Archibald Fiodley, Morrelivilee. 4oOl Joph P. Miiier to David J. Bocjher et a!.. Barr. UV. Henry K. Stauffer et ax. to David J. Boucher et ai.. Barr.. Ilii. Charls? Jones to John T'ckerhoof. Por tage. tSiO. Ignatins Ondrjeiek et ux. to Howard Bergstresser, Lilly. K53. John A. McGuiiw et ux. to Henry Hag an. Gallitxin township. $4. John C. Martin et ux. to Benjamin Mill er. Portage, ti. Benjamin Miller et ux. to W. H. Moudy, Portage. WJ. Frank M. ShaTer et ux. to William L. Trail. Johnstown, f l.CX. Michael D. Koontz. administrator, to Arnold D. Kooau, Susquehanna. tUX Sheriff of Cambria county to Teutonia Loan A Building Association, Johnstown. l,47i Teutonia Lan A Building Association to ia. M. Alienderfer, Johnstown, tl.6T5. John Reinhart, guardian, to W. A. Zipf, Johnstown. 4.SaO- Biackiick Land A Improvement Com pany to A. J. Miller. Vintoudale. JliiiJ. Darwin Cassait et ux. to Thomas J. Bracken. Morrellville, tJ.Oi.J. Henry Strayer et ux. to Lizxie Strayer, Morrellville, f !an. Lizzie Strayer to Sadie C. Strayer, Mor reilvilie, II,fjiJ. Mountain Coal Company to George Grambling et a!., trustees. Adams town ship. 1. John Harshberger. et ux. to Adam J. Keifer. L'pper Yod-r tonship, $1T5. Joseph Snyder el ux. to Joseph. Taylor, Patton, $i.)00. John Davis et ux. to J. A. Shoemaker, Glen Glade. rJMJ- J. A. Shoemaker et ux. to Edward P. Shoemaker. Ebensburg, . George Eichensehr et ux. to C. S. Ickes, Adams township, tiXX James A. Kirkpatrick et ux. to M. C. Westover. assignee. Spangler, $1. Joseph A. So an! an et ux. to James C. Scaaian, Cambria township, f 1. Rachel R. Farabaugh et vir. to Frank McAnuItv. Barnesboro, fXO. Jennie A. Benfor el vir. to Mary Cauley, Johnstown. Il.tj-iw. Sheriff of Cambria eoantr to John H. Likens, Washington township, t-33. J. H. Likens, to Francis M. Leap, Wash ington township, t-00. C. J. Mayer, treasurer, to A. W. Lee, Chest township, $1. Albert C. Hopkins et ai. to Henry S. Frank. Chest township, tl. Henry S. Frank to William A. Criste, Chest township, 11. William H. Dill et ux. to A ai.. Chest township, tH. Oscar Mitchell, assignee, to W. Lee et A. W. Lee et ai.. Chest township. $1,1X6. John C. Hofecker et ux. to David A. Costlow, Upper Yoder township, tru. A Wm-i Ktllesil. Mary Ann, wile of Peter McGuire. of 4oS M.-ore street. Johnstown, was instantly kiiled about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon on the railroad near the Cambria Iron Com pany's blast Furnaces, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. She had taken her son's suppei to the closet at one of the furnaces and was on htr return home, when she was run down by a car that had been side-tracked. She was walking on the siding and the brake ma a who tad charxe of the car endeavor ed to notify her of her danger by shouting, but she d.d not hear him on account of the noise made by the engine in the furnaces. The car struck her in the back and knocked her to the track, and then passed over her breast. Her Beck was broken and the ends of her lingers on the right band ground orT. The Cambria ambulance was at once sent for and the remains were conveyed to John Henderson's undertaking establish ment on Main street, where they were pre pared for burial, being conveyed to her late home on Sunday night. Mrs. McGuire was born about 40 year? ax in Eng'and. and came to America In Itsb, locating in Johnstown. She Is survived by her husband, one daughter. Miss Nan nie, and two sons, Peter and Patrick. Hart U Kallrvsarf. Patrick O'Brien and Michael Fury, two miners whose homes are at Gallitzin. went toAltoonaon Saturday, and after sam pling a considerable amount of Attoona liquor, started homeward about midnight on a freight train. The train stopped at Eittanning Point and O'Brien got cS to walk and keep himself warm. He was right in front of an approaching east bound freight train. Fury saw O'Brien's danger and dismounted from the train on which ihey had been riding to save him. He reached his comcacion before the en gine and gave the Utter a push, knocking him to the side of the track. Before O'Brien could crawl out of the way of the train the engine passed over his left foot, crushing it. The toes of Fury's right foot got under the wheels. Both men were taken to the Altoona hospital, where O'Brien's Injured foot was amputated and the twr toes of Fury's foot. O'Brien is also injured about the face and his body is bruised. Neither of the men is in a serious condition. Xcrrlace llew--B. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court for the week ending Thursday, December 3, 1j5: Hugh W. Orner, Strongstown. Indiana county. Pa., and Laura M. Davis, Cam bria township. John Cressweil and Anna B. Burk, Nolo, Indiana county. Gotge Statler. Scalp Level, and Blanche E. Weotz, Pava. Bedford county. Laurence Constable and Sarah E. Heller, Johnstown. Adam W. Carott. Altoona, and Stella S. Douglass, Chest Springs. Noah Gordan and Jennie Dumford. Johnstown. U. D. Ragor and Sarah McCormick. Bel -sano. Robert E. Horner and Julia Hurley, Johnstown. James Fuliard Dukes and Sarah Ann Birchall. Barnesboro. D. L. Waxner and Annie Annie Dearmin, Jackson township. John E. Ardel and Minnie M. Brown. Patton. Robert Purdy and Clara E. Smith. Mor rellyiiie. Atteaa-Mesd Swlelw. Miss Lottie Pringle, aged seventeen year, danghter of Constable George D. Pringle, of Wiimore. attempted to commit suicide by shooting herself with a revolver in the bacx yard at the home of her par ents, on Friday night of last week, about ten oclock. The ball, however, struck one of her corset stays and glanced off, inflicting ooly a slight Cesh wound. She wa.s carried into the house by members of the family and laid on a couch and Drs. Blaisdeil. of Wil more, and Armltage, of Liny, quickly summoned. Aa examination, however. put at rest any fears of a fatal termination of her rash act as the wound proved only to beatrifiingooe. This is said to be the third attempt of the girt to shuffle off the mortal coil, the other two attempts having been made by taking laudanum and frustated by a timely discovery in each case. XOTICB l hereby srtvea that th ppllcatloa i ot Nictiola I Boyer tor the traair as! the retail license mated to C- Weatrotli at Wu art bonui h bewa Sled la the office ol ta Clera ol the Cuwrt iaoartar Ssjeswo ta aad or Camoria euaaty aad will te actad ai-t 0 be said Coart oa atoaday, Ls-embsr 9t1. J.C. DAKHT. Nov. XI, 16. Clara VL S 31 1 - T1SOLE: Jtn!er Ji-.it! THer-i mrt dandy - Si! Bi j tor ss t e. 'v.a. o&j. hrMi.n. CHrNCF LalllsM. HT-rf-in-tu aaJ Tallp. all Flowering BaiC. a -,. fa. OtAJ. HrTt-T-. D SUP la aa4 twC a took ax tk a haadJcm Sis-seti Kr um a rSl cr!- s 'of.a Ofcaj. 111. Mlii JrT ot-i ot th ate-rt lot of lTs-lta:J Oral ud Ton r eea tn Et-aonc a ow.aa. aiJJ.Hl"IUV. I ILL tT yo-i th monfrl-r'- five-year wniieo caaiwatee wxia Ue Lttvell a toCa Wrtn. Faby OEU. El'MLET. v. an. MAKE -r-hla d" a -Itann to your wf ty cavlas her a Wai-i Mrtai-i. Seera kiedt lor iie at OU. HL'.MLEY'S. ov. Jt. HATE -m ctw f- Ukus) 1m Hiuu a-Kl Bsaaqaec L-f Thtj woal.l make sice lb nftati iesjeau a4 tney are efieao ac t 3. OLU Hl'MLLfS rwai-oety--iactht-urta-tep 19 ud lo-k at taoee Sue Ssvseu-fc-r-.a Sl-ni Booea. Taey are 1 ace? nor ca ue tun- Banto Koe. At v. 23t UtU. Ht MU.I'S. FCKS WASTE1. Utxeeet pners paid for at! ktn-ii f Fan. brlnic taem ta GUI. L- I KLl'UKI' KS. ISar 1. 1j6. Ebtaioar-. Pa W'AXflU A aeaeral repr-a-eotat-ve ta tit ty eeaacy to M-iaa:xe Kxai txrvl j tor tae Artiaaas' Sarloct aad L0-.D Aseociauua. A l 4naM l Firta Ate.. Pttuoan- Pa. mctl-3 tl'A.NTEn A reliaMe ran to rer-reseat a faaa vf ta-t'tacioo ia Ciaif'-i n t t Maey Kiaaeti ta aaia -l Sot to f !.)..-. tor pa-tHraiar-appty t- W. 31. 1A lS,aalij-)r- Pa. 1 " i t a! emu (oae o f thoe Stair ! u. I o--VT sersi t be pat on jur Stair Thy ae bfuuais mal Laawr. tsailes -a i.-nt-int te y.ar rt..-eat tto. HO rLEt'S. Hot. . 1'HE tln.sf.--- H-rl.t'M k Loaa A-tatlon w.li eller for laie at the e.-Beil rht-i-T. Et eneltanr. oa tile oarta Mooriiy ta Iw---DOer. ti.iw.u-. ruos. li.W IS. Lbtu Liuau, Secretary. Pr-Mideot. THEKE ts no nicer Chr.Jtaia present toe can asaae a your i'e. d nv eter sinter nmrner r la.ly mend than a Bl-v-ELX. 1'AKPk.T S w LiFtJi aai tnere is a.) cCsntper place to Da; oi la. n at tarn Hiue-Far-iiiiiir of ov. 3. UtU. hl'S LEY. AT THE OLD RITTJ ABLE. EveryOoly. and especially the oyrter-loTinir people ot ienoinr. are laviied tn ea.il at K.xt. JleUrven ' i id beilaCie KMUirul. wtea tttey ant ol. trertx OyJters. by ue pint, quart or lion Ot yoa caa Bate them stewed or Fried, ail : the lowest price. Freh Oysters every day. onlHl VISIT THE Julian Street Restaurant ! Bill of Fare Tats Week: Chicken and t 'ytters In every style, ham and '?. breau and Bauer. Served every diy and nint antil I') o'clock. Polite waiter. Bnn ta ladies. Cream and Oysters bv the -: kin can be had at any time by aodirjinc a twt asj ia au vance J AdEs H. iAT. Nov. 1. 1S6. "T2f "E f 1 special attention to the tact that we T 1 bat epened a C lota in Sture ia tee E. Kooerts a Son stureroom oa Uiah street. Erens oarz.and we positively sell gratis saen a ilea's S01W. Children's SaiH nd Overcoat. WE H AVE ONE LOT F VfeHiMiArs AUES la TO 1. WHICH WEI FFEK CHi 'ICE FOK u v WHICH CANNOT BE UNCALLED IN THE STATE. Hats. Caps, titove. oirt. Single Pint. Children's Knee Pant, etc. at eaasly tow price. Call aou see a. Erdcii cf Tcnri AssrlCui ClstMuT Co. llfl ELEVENTH AVE.. ALTOON A. PA. i. W. EBB8T. H. O. STaanrr. 1. C Amis. Nov. ia. sT. 1 JOHSTO. M.J.BUCIi. A. mjCCK. LsTasusaia lt2t. Johnston, Buck & Co., BANK tlliS. EBENSBURG. ... PENN'A. A. W. BF( K, tssklsr. EsraausaiaolSSS. Carrolitown Bank. UAKKUIXTUWS, PA. T. A. sHIRBirtill, Caahler. KJiem zwn wmi lnMacici. The following are th principal feature ol eeneral baa.inr bosine : DEPOSITS UmIviJ r....O. nn H n. . .t . n Kaa lag eeruficatea Ual to Uai depoaitora. Ezteede.1 ta rastomer 00 tavoraMe terms aad .pytvvms ymK ttmituwu A . mtl 1 1 Bill collii-tioxs Xade (a th locality aa4 upon ail thebankma town ta th Called Stat, Charxe aaodei-at. DRAFT Isened aesrotlaM la al! parts of th vsltd State, and (oreuta excaaae lasued oa all part of Earopsj. AfCOr.lTS Ot merchant, farmers and other solicited, to whom KSMiiiMa accumulation will t eateade.1. Patron are assared that ali tranacutas shall he held a strictly private aod oondcnual. aad that they will b treated a liberally a good baaklnir role will permit. Respectfully, johsstoj. ircK x ro. JL. B. FA TTO w. WM. H. MJJfDFORD. THE First National Bank OF PATTOX. PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. Capital, jaii - - $50,000. Aeconnts of Corporations. Firms aad Individ uals received npoa the mut fmTiirtM term consistent with sale aad cuoaerva Uve Baakieg. Stwamstitp Ticket tor sal by ail th lead in Lane and Korean Lra.'t payakie la aay oa ue principal ciue oi ue Old World. All correspond esce HI a e oar persoaal aad prom i at. itioo. I sitereat Paid Time Df OMlti. oetiaaa a. i ixid REED &KEADE. Attorneys at 1 ..n-vv. EB EiS SBC Ki, - -saer-Otfic) oa Centre street. PENN A. 4.2S 83 ET1TELL & LITTLE. Attorneys t Law, EHEKSBrRU, FA. tsHiffl la Opera House. 1J.S4 TW. DICK. ATTOK.N ET-AT-LAW, EaaaiBCa). Pasw'a Spctal attantlon to sriraa claims for Pen rloa Bounty, etc ehl- Nui) T F. McKENRICK, I irrousT iiD conresoavoa at Law, EBENSBVKcr. - PA Ir 1 "gee a Centra street. HH. MYERS. ATTTJlvNET-AT-LA W EisitsuM. Pa. av-Otr e ta Colleaad Raw. ea uitn striec. DONALD E. DTJFTON, ATTUKN ET-AT LA W. EBBasa-cass. Paw a. ta-f )Ba ta Otvera rioaaa. Cratar street. ALHlITIATOi- NOTICE. Letters ot admtnistrattoa ta th estate et Edward Bark, lat or Clcartild township. Cam prla eoaaty. deceased, raviair been created hy ahe fcieiatver ot Caosona eoaaty ta U aader-sta-aed. aoetce ts hreoy arlrea Uas ali person ta-tetxed to said estate wilt pleas make immed iate payment payment aad thosa savtaer cla ms aaaiast tae same will prisent ua daly aaraeta ucatad tor musneat. ANNA HCEI. Administratrix r Edward Barfe, la rwwatiwta Avobm, Altoosa.Pa. Nov. L. lautV NOTICE. There will be a maertac tae stockastiden at tls Crwan fc Cwsrllsld t oai a CokaCoespaay at tA ama t ta Coaipaav at r"raity. t,am bna eoaaty. Pa., oa to rLNn HK-T (Ut) KAY UF bEt'tlMBEH. 1"6.. at 3i r. . ter tne parptM et eecermlalna- oa tke advlsatHltty f ecrtata a!anremot et the plaot aad Im provements et tae Compear, aad transacting important osutaaea. U. U. HA(A. Inc. Jc Secretary. SANTA Will Make NT No M Where you will And A FjL, A T of To your shopping with us. where you will all Departments at Lowest Prices. Yours, for a Merry Christmas ami a DENTISTRY. Do you know we are taking out teeth every day without one particle of pain? Weil, we are doing this very thing w ith "Odoctundcr." the only local anjE-?;heti.-that has stood the test and to-dav it is the only one that is usevi universally by den tists who are up to date in the-r calling. The price for W.-ntunder" when pain less is cents, bat if you exper eLoe the least pa: n. we on'y charge you the usuai price. o cents. How about those tseth that need S'ling1? VVei!. you say they don't aohe. Tr.at's just the reason why you should have tbem niletl dow. After they have ache-i once you will prr.bsabiv have to have the nerve killed and the tooth treated if you are de sirious of saving it. I only charge .) cents for amaigum fillings and from il.) up for gold fillings. These are har i-time pr'ict-s but they iro just the same. Why procras tinate'. that's a big word but it'sanood one right here because pr'tcrasiination means to the patient ioss of -irt-p, neural gia, ear-ache, tooth-ache and g.xiKiness knows what else. We know of a goi many young ladies of our acquaintance who wouid have been marrid long ag if it hadn't been for thoe horrid -lojk;r.g teeth. Remember, to everv patient na vie z teeth filled I givt a box of Dr. Richard-" tcoth powder and full instructi:-ns for the care of the iveth. On the 13th of each month 1 wiii extract teeth free of charge. You say why on the 13th. Weil. now. that's my business. All you have to do is to come. Remembs-r I won't lae out yoir g'Dod teeth, becau-e 1 don't beiieve in it. Then you s4y suppose the 13th falls on unday. Come right along and we w.li r only too glad to relieve you of the offend ing member. T.M.RICHARDS, D.D. 5., JULIAN STREET. jn'.lt V -- 12 : Ej " CT? 5 S -5 Ci w 8 s'- "0 O in 30? -r- a H - 5 I 3! 3 2 O 2- 05 r 3B -- - c tateiri Fire Iiisiiraiicg Aiehcj General Iiisiiraiice Aent. EBEy'SBURG , FA. DIllrrKATlla. aCE. Lcaers ai adatiaiatrauoa la th estate at P. t". Brawa. lata et cetvensOarsi DursHtak. liawti eoaaty. deceased. Ba'lna; beea araatad ta ta aadrsined. awuca t lepenv ? taat all per oasna ladeoted w aaid estate are requested ta mak tmmedlaaa parmaot. aa tasies) kartn: eaaim aaaiast tae same will pi seen t taesa 4aiV aataesiuataa lar stuiearaa MA TIL-PA BKOWS. Admlalstrarrlx ot P. r . Browa. dsjeaaarad. EbBbarg,ra-. Jv. a. i i - 0 VJJLJ His Appearance at Ouv Store on Make the Little Ones Happy. Fall and We are now displaying the largest stock of Best-Made Fall and Winter Clothing, Overcoats, and Gents Furnishings and Shoes ia Cambria county. Our line of Overcoats is iminene. We sell well-made and rer- j fect-fitting Clothing as low if not We have all sizes to fit the srriill no matter whether you are short or All we ask is for you to examine ; and you will be convinced that the . buv Clothing is at C. A. Sharbaugh's, CAEE0LLT0WN, PA. EBENSBURC MARBLE AND CRANITE lYlONUlVlENTAL : WORKS ! i fcif"We are pr -iiJVil to defy tn .tl;J-titisora I sg r t x MARBLE Ain) GRANITE MONUilXXTS, HEADSTONES, VAULTS AND POSTS WHAT WE I": K-t t. "rstar.t'v on luir..! r.r.e cf "he Lart-W and Fsrsj St-lecir-I rm-k f acy i-i-ncerTi in thr Cfur.ty. tiive ; r-s .nai ?oi:rvioc lo tle n.&sullacture and !-L:r nw-nt (.-full order-. I -e- n ue l-iit ti'.s? T-e-t Stock, an.7 ray j';-rr;(-!:lar arr-n tiou to tl.e settir. of a'l work.- Alio avrf-s fo-r the fa nions C i-nir ion iron Fence. ALE COKRESl-UNDhCE ANr-WEKED. J. WILKINSON ci SON, EREN.-Bl'KG, PA. BEHIND THE CURTAINS We have a full line of every description. portance that we keep TRUSSES. We solicit correspondence aad caa till orders by mail. Ii sa it- Latest s:l Te-th eTtr-s.tNl witlismt pnin by it-in late ju; Lke the natural tseetii. I extract natural r-i:ioa. t irvt-.-i.i-- -k d. r.e at CAll work arraiUo.1. Teru C-.a,-ij M. t Churvb. Dec. 6, LsVo.ClBa r RAIriD jHI- find a great variety in Happy Xew Year. Gallitzin. Pa. Winter. lower than anvone in the State. bey as well a the largest man, tall, lean or f:t, we can fit you. our goods and learn our price?. best place in Cambria county to f.:rr.i.-h on short notice and at prU'es that of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS A rupture is of such vital im- ia stock all sizea and makes of WISON'S - DRUG - STORE. Isst tn;! X:ti:l5. lYof. May's K. IV lo-ih. rvi tt-r u i:i A-..;kiai Tevth ailimt iii rv ij-e ueuo ia tiieir tue tit rv-at i:jt .e rtt:. I'lMcv ou Main Sft 1r mrta of DR. A. LAINO, GALLITZIN, PA. . f : r t is ii J '-;f t- 4. i . hi t : c 5 -1 t r i. t e r r t r r. f t k r