i) iU Carlisle Says Its the Evil cf Our Currency System. FREESILVEU SIIOl"Ll BE VOTED ON II Says the People Onqht to rx-oiilc Onr Financial Policy Permanently, So as to Firmly EstAbliili Confidence Addressed New York llusiisess Men. Xkw York. Nov. 20. The ore hnn drod and twenty-seventh animal l-:n-qner of the chamber of commerce of the stare of New York was held at IVhiioniro's last evening:. Secretary Carlisle spoke on ' )ar Currency Sys tem." Senator J. C Burrows of Mifh ian spoke on "Onr Domestic Com merce." Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia, ex-minister to Knssia. poke ou "National Development and Opportunity." Secretary Carlisle said: "Two years a?o, at your annual ban quet. I said that the disposition and atiility of the government to maintain its own credit at the highest standard and to preserve the integrity of all the tonus of currency in circulation among the people could not be reasonably doubted and ought not to be the subject of further controversy. But the task is both diihcu.lt- and expensive Since that declaration was made here, inter pst-hcariiiir bonds to the amount, of i ', :51."i.4' have been issued to pro cure gold for the redemption of United States notes. The notes still remain 'the same as at the b ginning. Tii; notes are redeemed, bnt tliey are un paid. Our If-gal stundard of value is a- sound as that of any conn try in the world, and if we had such a currency pysrem to guarantee its permanent maintenance no government woul rommaiitl a larcr credit or ri--al:e irreater benefits from it than ours: but the great investors of the -.vorid apprc ciate tlie difficulties under winch we are laboring, and until these d;t?iciiitii are removed we cannot reasonably In to see irfe-t coufiih nee restored homo or &Vr .ad at "The fundamental vice rency system is tnt 1 jal redeemable"iii coin by the in onr car- tender u te euvi'i nnit'Ut and reissunbie und.-r the law. Then- are other defects, bur tl threaten." the stability of the wholo volume of our currency. So hns as these notes are ont-t.nding, the s'.iglifc-t dimiua tii m of the com reserve at ..in-e eiite..- a fi-eliuit of appreh-n.!o:i and distrust. affects tiie values of all securities, ' 'ir tails investments and lii-n e i.t i s: surelv emuarrassos all tlie rusiiies- arfairs of the i.eunle. In atten.M'.nsr tc provide a circulating medium "Lsist idl' of its own notes reileinaMt 111 ciu on tiresf utation and rei.ssuabie after re tie million, the government of t l'nited States is in a business fur which it is wholly unfitted, and whicl was never for a moment com-undated bv its founders, it has a right to bor row money and issue evidences of the debt, but it was nevt-r coiitemp'are that it should convert itself into a ban' of issue and furm-h a lmal tuin-; paper currency for the use of the peo ple. "No change made in our nrtency system will uiiord relief, unies- it j-.ro vides fin the n tiremeut of the ! ga' tenders. The circulation ot legal ten ders has a tendency to drive out -if use ui.d out ot the country the very '-(.in in which the government is compelled to redeem them; ami it ha.- expelled mill ions of dollars from our boriiers Al though the government aim our owu people are compelled to receive them, thev will not discharge obligations, and gold must go tint to sttle all final i,;d anees against us Nc other govern ment in the world is requ.rtfi to up ply gold from its treasury to discharge the oliiigatiuns of it; citi.elis "Wtnle the pecuniary Ins to which the people have been subjected by the issue and continued 'in r.iatni. of legal tender has t ten almost incalculable, this has not been the only injury inflicted upon tlie country The theories that the government can create money by placing its stamp upon paper or other material; that a legislative enactment can make ,"o cents e-.ual m value to loo cents; that artificially inflated prices paid in a depreciated currency, are let ter for the people than natural prices, paid in a sound currency and vai ions other vagaries now P.oa ini: likt bub ble in the i ohtical atti.iwpi.ore me a'.i directly attributable tc. the l.i,g contin ued use of legal ti :.!er paper "The agitation for the free coit.ngF of legal tender silver is prertiCtec upi L the same vicious prim :pl that ni.ctr lies the let'i.-lation making parti prom ises a lefcal tender, but ti.tie l1 a rrac tical difference betv.eer. the two sys terns The l'nited States not was a forced loan from the people to the gov eminent, which the government j.r -m ised to repay in dollars but the free coinage of legal tender silver at the ratio of lti to I. would be a forced loar. fioiii the people to the owner- ot silver mines and silver bullion without a promise of repayment ly auvi.odv The campaign agaiust the r.rc j,o-:t.t'ii to debase our standard of value sr.ouid not be abandoned or snsf.er.ced 11 the friends of a sound and stable meas ure of value aie v:gi,aiil and att.ve this effort cannot possibly succeed ai.d the question wij soon recede tree tie public view "But the United St&t- legal tender notes will remain to complicate tr.e currency system and eml arras the covernmtnt Jn in;.- pinion the. ,tis l.itiun at the i-:iee jc-sible cay is Imperatively ieti.ai.oto by every s-h etantia! .interest in the country, and its postptceuient upon any pretext of po lineal expeu.ency in advance tb.it no satisfactory result can be acccnipiished would be a very grave mistake "No nation can reasonably hope to control thtj iradw of any considerable part of the world uii.es its exchange? are based upon a recognized as a'r.r.r of ct mn.trct 1 made Loi:f'...n n-'. market b .i thr- t:. world I.i.glnr.o statidard ct value '. in ai! the centers p u!.r. s-rl!tie has C;.y tie ir.ncira; 'ir.i.u h ".r. o! tr.e i rea.izts truf.t but i".. i si lrf.de great proh- r ': t , tase! tc.i o.-.t o' i:.- :l: -of ali othei cdii.tr.r t'erior currents wt e Cfcsfulu 2'".I.tesl i,el -th Lehef tr.as wt- ; eur.ch tcr-s.vi- I i va.Uc ol oi.i .w L ir.cntv . i . a r. I.f VI 1 ...!' y l.t : riLS in sue an ) a i! i has iea.arkl oe.us.ct.- o" i.t Much of our financial trouble been caused by doiibt and speculation, here and abnxid. concerning the view? and purposes cf onr people at large and the policies of tbo political parties to which they are attached. It is of vast importance that these doubts and spec ulations should be set at rest in order that the world may citainly know what is to be our permantru monetary policy. Let us have no more ambigu ous phrases, no more inconsistent and Irreconcilable clauses in party platforms or in pubbo utterances, but let us make onr meaning so clear and our purpose eo plain that they can be neither mis r.iidtrstood nor successfnlly misrepre sented. If a majority of the people of the United States are in favor of the maintenance of the present standard of value they ought to have an opportuni ty say so. Ou the other hand', if a ma jority of our people are in favor of abandoning the present standard of valrte nd establishing silver monouift allism they should have an opportunity to say that when this i-sue is directly piesented we need not fear the result." Dangerous Counterfeit Ortiflr-aten Williamsport, Pa., Not 20. Conn terfeit f bills, so well extented a to b dangerous, have made their appear ance in this city. They purport to he uvei certificates. One of them wm presented for deposit at the Merchants' National bank, and was detected by tb ?aehier Merchants ar keeping 'fthar) iookout foi them. , LEGAL TEN!)! SULTAN REPORTED POISONED. The Amfinil Mirt:on nt Klorpnt l'm aBrI l the IJM-nt -f sJKMt.lHIO. Bkulin. Nov. 20. A dispatch re ceived here from Sofia. Bulgaria, says that the sultan of Tr.rkev. Abdul Humid, has been ix.isoued. No details are given. A Constantinople dispatch says: juin- sfer Terrell has received wrrd that the . . . . . i American mission Has Pecn tlesiroyeu Kharput, causing a 5 o s.ovo loss. Haiders, protected by 1 urkisli soldiers.. .red on mission houses and joinea in the plunder. Special malice was shown missionaries. A sneii was Missionary Barnum's house. linrst in The mis Troubles sionaries are now prorecieu. are reported as beg;iiniu in Marsovan, Van mid Aintab. A dispatch from Home gives addi tional information concerning the ne gotiation between Austria ami Kus- a so far as tlie i urKisn empire is con cerned. The cm respondent says that Austria propped that tlie com omen feets of Russia and Austria should force the Dardanelles and tnat tneir jnnit arn:ie shoald o'Cupy Constanti nople, it i:eccs-ary. loinese proposi tions Knssia dec.'.uec! to agree. An Odessa correspondent says that it- is reported in "tfial circles that in view of the possible disruption of Tur key Russia and England are negotiat ing an agree inert winch will give the czar a free hand for the occupation or annexation of Anatolia, while r.uciann will have the right to establish a per manent protectorate in Btiypt. WALLER CAN GO FREE. fht In I'roviileil He Won't Sue FrADra lor l!ll!4gi. Washington, Nov. 20. It is not true, as has been stated in dispatches sent from Washington, that the l'nited States government has indicated a pnr- pe.e of asking the release a an act cf grace of ex-Consul Waller. Ou tlie r- ntrarv, ho stat-j department has re frained thus far from acting on an inti mation from Trance that the prisoner's release may be obtained as an act of comity, prcvided Waller surrender all - r r i . claim itr indemnity ior ia;se lmprisoo n.tnt. This proposition has been sub mitted to the state department, tc the family and attorneys of Mr. Wai.er and tiuy are considering tlie advisa bility of "submitting it to Waller him- Keiiarding tr.e matter as one entirely personal to Waller, and taking the pre carious eonditi' -n of Ids health into con sideration. Lis attorneys agree that he fchculd have an opportunity to decide whether to aectpt release upon such condition Mrs. Waller has advised against the course. It is understood that the terms suggested bear no rela tion to Waller's Madagascar land claim It is also understood that France persists is rrsthholding the ma terial part of the record in tlie Waller court martial, which has been de manded bv this government. The French govei T:ii.ent takes the position that the United .-"tates has no right to make demand for the document, but has intimat-d that nevertheless it would be furmshtd upon a friendly re quest for it. ALASKA BOUNDARY DISPUTE.' Enelar.d'ft Survey lake In Valuable I'art of Our Territory. Port TiiWNSKNI), Wash., Nov. 2 If the British government insists ou the permanent establishment of the Alas kan boundary line as mapped by the Canadian engineers, the city of Jeucan and Dougla.-s. where the richest geld mines are located, will become apaTtot the English territory. Your corre spondent has visited Victoria. B C , and was permitted to examine the new maps made by tlie surveyors for the boundary commissioners and the au thority upon whi- h the Canadians base their T-.gnt to claim a strip of Alaskan territory. Dr. Damson, chief engineti of the CfeLaiiian corps of surveyors, made scientific observations from a range ot meur.tains which, together w.lb the treaty stipulations hie the foundation upon which the claim ij marie These drawings clearly show the mining t . wu of Jeneau to be fully seven miles inside of British territory Not only that-, but Chilcat Pass the favorite and most generally travelled route tc the Yukon mines and the principal bays and inlets of Southeast, ere Alaska hre claimed to be part of Canada The location of the boundary is based upon apparently the clear wording of the treaty of Feb 2V iSUS, between Russia and Oreat Britain a certified copy of which is id the hands of the British engineers. The K. eff I.. Convent inn. Whin:tvx, Nov. 00. The general assembly of the Kniclits of Labor has taken cognizance of the opinion ren dered by Justice Brewer of the l'nited States supreme court, affirming the de cision of Judge Ross, sentencing Clune and three others of the California rail road strikers to Ih months in prison for obstructing the mails. Mas ter Workman .-overein presented : resolution condemning the action, which was adooted. Muy I-yn h the Negro. Emporia, Kaa., Nov. 20. David Hen derson, the Duulap township colored school teacher who ran amuck after trying to assault one of his girl pupils, has given himself up and was taken back to Dunlap and jailed, (ireat ex citement exists, and there is talk of lynching the negro Mrs. Tom Starkus and Mrs. Ray. two of Henderson's vic tims, cannot lne. while Tom .-starkus' wounds are considered dangerous. llnstem I'aslia Dead. London. Nov 20 A report just re reived here from Constantinople says that Rustem Pasha is dead He was fornie.-ly Turkish ambassador to (Jreat Britain Cardinal ftnnaparte Head. Romf., Nov 20. Cardinal Bonaparte has died of apoplexy. Cardinal Luci'en Bonaparte was a cardinal priest, the tecoud in order of precedence. Town Nearly Wiped Out. PfKCFi.u I. T.. Nov. 20. This town bas been visited by a disastrous fire which almost wiped it out of existeuce. Loss. $ii0,iO0. A l-Moueer Dead. Lyons. N. Y., Nov. 20. William C. Dickit, a pioneer landowner of the city of Minneapolis, has died here. Cholera In St. Petersburg. St. Petf-Rsbi ro. Nov. 20. Tho Oa ftte ,'seru-orficiall announces that chol era has reappeared here. PIT H OF THE NEWS Mississippi Kepv.biic&C! are tc ehf' ace a ccngreaiona. t.tkel in tht fc uex i year Cable advice from Caracas stated that the Venezuelan revolt Lad hctn put iowu. At Providence K i'. veaf stated thai An agreement ir. it Colt divorce uit will soot be reached At Union Springs. Ala., a westbound passer.Ker tralo collided with o freigtt and two traincer. were killed Bills for national ownerstip of the Xic aragaan canai ai.d a vre-terr. military academy are to Le introduced ic Con gres Emery Vinton tried to commit suicide by leaping from a N'intb arenut "I' sta tion at New York, but only spraiaed his ankle. A cipher di'patch received in New York announced ite lauding in Cuba of a fili bustering expedition ied by General Jos Aguii re. The Pacific steamet Lord Brassey. 10C dayt overdue, left har.jrL&i vml an In experience: crew and is thought to hav foundered A I fc tc ibl rcu Mrs Hester Bailey and ill :r. wtrt 'nrown Ic t iuillrK by vice-w Lji aiid tLe children win dlCWLtu THREE IM WRECKERS Ditched a New York Central Train Near Rome. THREATS OF LIMITING JIAIIF. Doe of tho Hoy Told About the Wreck ami Eeautiful Sigtit Two r Tlnee Injured. It: Sweetheart Said It V' it . rsonit Killed and Albwv. Nov. 20 .lohn iindroth and I-rederick Bristol, two boys, have j been arrtsted by detectives at. Rome, j charged with wrecking train iso. cn the New York Central near that place AfteT the arrest young Hikirttu broke down and confessed that he and Bris tol in company with two other bovj named Herbert Plato and Theooore Hitbard. had broken open the tod bouse and with the aid of tools thus sh cured. Lad removed tr.e f.sh plates from the rails. No cause is given for the deed. , . , The city hall at Rcnie. in which the police station is located, is surround, d by a large crowd, who- express treely the opinion that the train wrecsers should be lynched. The night and day police force is on duty to prevent trouble. Several witnesses have been taken into custody for examination, in cluding a yung lady with whom Hib bard kept company, and to whom he told the story of how he and his chums hud wrecked the tram At the coroner's inquest over tho bodies. Miss Ctlia Perry u testified that Hildrttb came to her home oa Cottage street and ate breakfast. He told her all, acknowledging that he took part m wrecking the tram. Win n they parted he told her she would probably not ee him again, for he expected to be ar rested, as he had lost his hat contain ing his name. He a.-died her to tele graph to his father. J. Homer lid dreth. New York, and tell him he was in trouble, and to come immediately, and she said she did a.s. directed Wluu Hildrtth left her. he said he was going to see the wreck, and he told her she ougnt to go. tor it was a B i-Kt. He tola i.er also that they did it to rob the passengers, he did was to lead the He said all the bovs tc place. The engine and all ot the cars on the train weie ditched and completely wrecked The engineer cf the train, Nate Hager ol AA tiny, and a tramp were killed. The Pieman, Chris Wag cer of Albany, and mail clerks" porttr. M J. McCarthy, and a tiamp were in jnred. This is the second attempt within three weeks to wreck the same train near the same spot, which is an ineal one for the commission cf such a ciin.e. It is on a heavy nown grade, and tiams usuahy run down it at the rate cl l.r. miles an hour. This tiau. not stop ping at Rome, gent-rally goes down the grade at a create r rate of speed and it is believed here that it must have been mnning clost to ' miles an hour in order to make up a lew minutes' lost time when wrecked. The nam con sisted of four mail cars ana three s;etp ers. There were 11 postal clerks and 1-i passengers aboard, besides the mem bers ot the crew. The Murdered Children Hurled Phtnixvili.e, Pa , Nov 20 Fully 4.000 persons attended the services at the grave, of Agnes and Tboiiuis Kiwyn, the murdered children. They were laid in white caskets aud were buried in one grave Sis boys acted as pailbearers ior the bev and as many girls br little Agnes They were carried to the. grave in white hearses, each drawn by two white horses Thomas Klwyn, tbe fat I.er. who murdered them and who attempted suicide. coLtmues to im prove May Uave to Drink I'olltited Water. Lkbanon, Pa.. Nov. There is but two days' pupply of water lelt in the datr.s supplying the c ity and in all probability llu-re will be no way ont except recof.rse to the Quittapahilla creek The latter ereek has lo( n re cently inspected by the local health board at the vicinity whence is drawn city water in surh emergencies and has been declared by that body unfit for public consumption. Unless this water is csen the city will have no water whatever Inspected the Tli-tlilehein f'lant. Eftklftiem, Pa., Nov 20 Major General Miles, Colonels S Haines and FTunk. Major Phipps. Captain Ayres and ex-Ccr.gressn.an Ov.thwaite of'the board of ordnance and fortifications, have been inspecting the ordnance works snd armor mill of the Bethle heii. Iron company Four hours were sprt lti tbe plant, and all expressed thrn.seives as well pleased in govern n-tnt work iu progress tbcre A Witnen Die Ir a Cab HRRiiM ii(i. Nov. Mrs F.lia betr. A .lack son of this city died sud denly iL a cab at Union station she was r her way to Philadelphia to ap pear as a witness in the United State circuit court against ex- A idei man brecKinrioge. cnarged with pension fraud, and her 9011 bad left her in thp cab while he bought her ticket On r-.-.s return he fcund her dead from heart disease Tried to Wreck a Car. Shamokix, Pa. Nov. 20. Ignatius Paluani and Giusepp.i Taman. Italians, attempted tc. stab Condui tur Cook and several r assengers on a trolley cat be cause they objected to foul language. After the Italians had lieen forcibly ejected near Centralis, they made an nusuccesj-ful attempt to wreck the car or. its return trip by placing obstmo tu us on the track at a spot on a heavy grade Four Out of 1!) Saved. San Francisco, Nov. 20. Particu lars of the loss of the Italian bark Brom Carle off the horn have reached this city. The bark collided with the British ship Condor, and it is now known that not only was the Brom Carlo sunk, but that onlv four of hr 19 men were saved. Two College Student Thieve. ScnENKCTADY. N. Y., Nov. 20. The mystery of the bnrp:!arie8 that have been barbing the poiioe for three weeks has been solved by the arrest of C li. Humi.hrey of Uuadilla and C. C. Miller of Hatavia. two Union college stnrionts. A wajronload of stolen pmperty wa lot nd in their room. Number of Kiotrm Indirtel. BfFFAi.o, Nov. 20. Four indictments for mnrder in the firet decree and 12 foi riot have been reported by tho grand jury, which had the Tonawanda canal riot cases under consideration for three weeks. Rejected the IMan. Eacfala. I. T., Nov. 20. The com mission appointed by the Choctaw and Chickasaw councils to consider the propositions of the Dawes commission, reports against- accepting laud in ur rality. A Standard Oil Fire Chicago, Nov. IC Th 6r at tt Stacdard Oil comraev's work at Wh:t ing Ind . has been broucht trol No lives were lost, iirrr.rr.ir. tr. th company's repoits and th dia.i a.ottu tc about fCO.000. A Bad Thelf taught Chicago, Not. 20 The police have arrested "Kid' Hnbbell, ana -bultalc Kid'.' charged with assaulting atd rob ting Mrs E F Mack of Detroit, .sert 1. on the sleeper of a Wabash train H hat been identified. Couditioo f the Trcanry WiSHISOTOX. n OO Tl . ruent of the condition cf the treasury Available ra.i. l.-.'- 4:-- . - - ai.c stain- hows SsSi.STe. gold reserve, Mf.4tj3.2io'. ' ' CLEVELAND. The forpiio tl,. - In vest isat inr the Caoae ol stieel Car iiacr. Ci.F.vFLA..t), Nov. 20 At the coro net's iiiquest id eonuectioa with the terrible strett car accident at the Cen tral viaduct Captain Charles Brenner, who was in charge cf the drawbridge on the night, of the accident, testified that the bridge gates were closed and a red light displayed over them when ' the car came up. He stated that the ekctiic cui-oil which is supposed to bhnt off tlie cuireut ou the trolley wire" r.od feet from the drawbridge when the latter is open had been out ot order for at least ten davs. Brenner testified that it was a dark, rainy night; that he first noticed the car when it was about 40 feet from the gates. He yelled at the inotorman. who jumped to the bridge just in time to save himself fiom going over with the car. Philip Beck, who was with Captain Brenner on the bridge at the time of accident, corroborated the latter s testi mony. Motormau Rogers refused to testify in the absence of his attornev. aud when the latter arrived he declared that it was unjust to his client, who had been charged with manslaughter to ask him to testily. FATAL TENEMENT FIRE. On Man Horned to Ieth and Serl Injured In Xt York. New York. Nov. 20 Fire in the basement of the six-story factory build ing of U Clinton 6treet. in which about 2u6 persons were employed, most of them in tailoring sweat shops. hs caused a punic Meyer Lipschutz, an emoloviui: tailor. lumped from a lourth-story window and 6truck the pavement fairly on his feet, bat fell back limp, his right foot smashed and there was a comrxiuud fracture of the left leg. and he is suffering internal m mries. from which he will die. His brother, Louis Lipschutz. leaped from the rxf cf the burning building to the roof of the three-story bniidiug adjoining on the south, and received severe contusions of the back aud seri ous internal iniur.es. A woman was run down and hurt by the fire chief's wacou. Mie is Marie Belsiuger. A dead body, unidentified, was; takeu from an upper floor of the building alter the fire had been subdued Two Murderous Cattle Thieve Hung. Santa Fk. N. M., Nov. 20 Jesus Vialnando aud Feliciano Chavez, con viewed of murdering Thomas Martinez, a ranchman. Jan 20, iM" have been executed here in the presence of l.'i'K) people lalpaudo and Chavez Martinez because he detected killed them ttt-uiing his cattle. New Minister to Switzerland. Washington, Nov. 20. The presi dent has appointed John L. Polke of Kansas City United States minister to Switzerland to succeed Minister liroal head resigned, and Otto Munchmeyer as United btates consul at San fcial vador. The Ilostou lion Iu Commission. VaM.k.io, Cal., Nov. 20. The United States steamer Boston has been put into commission. I he Boston will go to tht Chin-i station to relieve tlie Con cord, but the exact date of sailing has not yet been determined on. Charges Against a Sheriff. Albany, Nov. 20. Henry Grasse of New York has preferred charges of misconduct aud incompetency against Sheriff Tamsen of New York, and has tied the papers with Governor Morton Fatal Iletult ot a Fend. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 20 A? a re suit ol a ieud between the Hand'.ey Joiits and Kilgore families .loe Kil gore and John Jones are dead and Johi Haudiey is fatally injured. Slnitlied Ilia Wife and Frer.d Nahvili.k, Nov 20 Jolir, Phillips colored, has cut his wife s throat from ear to ear and perhaps fatally wounded Joe Salter, colored. A Laborer Cruwhed to Death- Hazi fton. Pa., Nov. 20. Mike Scis- roe s labcrer at Oneicta breaker, was killed this afternoon by being caught :r. the coai dratrs His bodv was crusn&d tc shapeless mass ravored b Letter Carrier. Washington, Not. 20. John Hammond aud W. R Hasbrouck. 'escuc.ng ths letter carriers of E. rep the United States, have called at the post of!icr dep-irtuient and approved ths Tecrmniendarion that, the order of the rostmaster general, granting ill oar tiers a hearing on charges before re oioval. be enacted into law. Vptoti Keicii a President. M anckkster. N. H., Nov. 20. Hon. Hira:r- D Upton has resigned as presi dent of the New Hampshire 1'rust com pan v. Foster R. Clement of Min ueapolis wiii succeed him. California League a Failure. San Fkancisco. Nov. 20. Captain Ccrv.iskev. who came to San Frauciscc tc revive interest in baseball, lias re turced tc Chicago, and the California League ha been abandoned. THE MARKETS. PlTTBCBO. JCov 19 WHEAT No 1 red, fc-.:uc: No 2 red ft COEX-Xrw Xc 2 yellow oar, XMMo, No 2 fht'Ili-d. j3'io4f : kipb n-.ixe hfl!ed, iot.Sbc W-c; t-xtra o u wuit, fc;,iirj4oi l.lit HAl-o 1 timothy, tlG.00416 25: No. 3 timcthy. tlo.tAJt:5.30, mixed clover ina 14 o.'. I V-.ii, 7.iXrJi7.5i': Xo. 1 fved'.ng prairie. f lU...-iaii.ii; wa)OC bay, ll7.UU9l7.ai foi f.motl.y Kl TTER Flin crwiraery, 2&42Cc; Ohio fncy crtan,t;ry, Sl&i-Jc: fancy country rcn in,i.c: i w gntum arid ctMKig. ao" t'KEh..-sE Kaney Ohio, r.ew, 9-, .1 10c : Xr YorH new, Ii'410;,c; fancy New York, full cream, lliallsuo; limUurftr. tew. 10 5l0',c; W lsconsin &w.a. IIjc, Ohio Swlaa Lt.tJs Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, in caws, l3Juc; oold storage, HVal7o PO oLT H Y La r if e live chickens, 60a7i per pair; live thickens, small, 40.50c; spring emckens, 4'-5tc af to size : dresseo chickens lialic per pound, live ducks, 7ugdoc pel pair; live turkeys !&9o per pound; dreaded, Ujll2o per pounl liAilb hatbit. 2530c per pair: guait. ti 7f per otzen; pneaai-.t, JtW-t. 6 per dozen ; squirrel $1.65,3 1-SC per dozen : grouM?. Ic.oL,, .ou per dozen. Km Liberty. Pa, Nov. 19. CATTIE Receipts only fall this week: about V oars on sale The market i steady or ali grades, b'it light grade. Xing rr.or readily W q-Aote pr.ee as follows. Prime t4.A-2.4 60 good l4.0ict6; good buloher tboJZi.OtP: rough fal. ti.5ua3.oo, bulls, cowi and stags tl 6Oj43 0ii. freh cow and spring er $;i.M3f,4v 00, feeders. t3.26(i t; heifers li.2..cj.io. HOtif-Receipts fair today ano th demand is steady for extreme light hogs, bnt al. other grades are slew sale. We quote market at foi lows: Prime light, tS.7l!). 75. medlcrr. grades lod6aS.rO; heavy hogs, i3.603s.6f- common f fair Yorker ..50-ao.5S! roughs $biXi.i5 SKEEP AND LAMBS-Surply fair" derr.acr fair, market steady but feeling not quite ac itroag W Quote- Extra liC3o.l6 goiKi 2.3wia.; fair. fl.70&83. tomtnon. 9beti.00 larabs. t2.26a4 25: veal AUree. 18 004.74. deary and thin calves. ti.JO,a-00 ClSCIiCBATl Nov 19. HOGS Market fairly cteady sad tewei at sSOMijdo. receipts. 6.AK head UUlpmesta. .20C h-ad CATTLE Market strong at 12.2534.25 r jelpts X hei, shipments i head, SKEEP AN E LAMBS - 6heep market steady at H.iX 3.0s receipts 9A1 head, ship ment. 6ut head Lambs, market steady at Nbw Tobk, Nov IB WHEAT Spot market quiet No 1 red. 05,c, iv o. I hard. 97?io. CORN Spot market qr.Iet No 2, 86a OATS t-pot market drJl No a, 23jl23i4e. CATTLE Eurojan oables quote American aieers at djili.i4o per pound dreased weight, refrieerstor U-et at fcHEEF ANP LAMba Market quiet and a trifle weak. Sheep poor U -ood tl0(Ki$dU, lambs, common to choice, 13. .V q 4.6'J. HiHJs Market dull, with General sale at NQU ST AT THE VICTIM OF A TRAP Holmes Attorney Blames His Trouble on a Detective. HIS ST0RI OF THE AFFIDAVIT. He ay Schweckler Approached Him and Told Him of What Mil. Blanche Hao- niran Knew Then He Wrote the A ai dant and the Woman Signed 1U Philadelphia, Nov. 20. The sensa tional developments in the Holmes case. which culminated in the chief counsel. Lawyer Shoemaker, becoming a pris oner on the charge of subornation of perjury, is the chief topic of conversa tion in legal circles. As yet the judges have made no further steps in the case of the accused lawyer beyond holding him in bail. Mr. Shoemaker has 60 far recovered V.is coniD06ure as to deny most em- Tjhaticailv the testimony of Detective rschweckler. He declares he was the victim of a trarj set by Schweckler. who. he claims. aDDroached him and 6aid he had discovered evidence in the shape of a statement made by Mr Blanche Hauuigau. In which she heard Pitezel speak of suiciding. Shoemaker eays Schweckler said he had found the woman in Woodbury. N. J., and that she was willing to make affidavit to what she knew. Shoemaker then, on the strength of the woman's alleged statements, pre pared the affidavit and told the detect ive to bring' her to his office. When she arreared he had no reason to be lieve she was other than Mrs Hanni gan. He said he intended to question her. but she said she was in a hurry. Eventually 6he signed the affidavit and was paid i0. PRAISES THE INDIANA. The Jan NaTal Attache Sara She' the Heat Afloat, Wasainoton, Nov. 20. Commander Miyaoka, naval attache of the Japa nese legation here, has made a strong report to the naval department of Japan on the merits of the United States battleship Indiana. This re port, coming at a time when Japan is looking abroad for battleships atd cruisers will, it is beliered, be favor able to securing some of the contracts for American shipbuilders. Commander Miyaoka spent an en tire week on the Indiana while she was at sea and in dock. He is a naval expert. Mr. Miyaoka sums up his con clusions in the statement that the In diana is a magnificent ship, equal to if not superior, to any battleship ot hei class afloat. SCARED BY WILD BEASTS. Escaped Circus Animal Terrorize People Near Delaware, O. Dflawakk, O., Nov 20. Citizens of Thompson township, this county, are. being terrorized by a lioness and two leopards, which escaped from a circus some time ago and traveled from Ma rion county. Many sheep and calves nave f.eec killed The farmers go to then field work heavily armed. Travel alter night has been entirely stopped A neighborhood hunting party will D or ganized to slay the beasts. Murdered the Two rte. Washington, Nov. 20. Indian Agent Day has telegraphed from Ipr.oc;o. Cclo.. that the murder of the twe Ute whkL caused such excitement on tb boutherc Ute reservation, ha beec traced to a renegade Indian, sol of the notorious Hatch, who was killed about three years ago in San Juan Th gC'vercoi of Utab has offered a reward of t-CC for his arrest. Mot Refund Fraudulent F Washington. Nov. 20 Assistant Secretary Reynolds of the interior a partmeut has necided that where a pen s.oc has been oDtamea trauauientiy. the attorney procuring ths pension u cot entitled to the fee. aud must re fend it The decision Is expected tc Lave the effect of makiug attorney more particular In looking ictc then cases A New Gold Field Discovered. Denver, Nov. 20. Major W. S. Pea- body has arrived in the city from Arch uleta county. Southern Colorado, bring ing specimens of ore taken from the largest vein ever discovered. If the discovery sustains the claims of those who have been upon the ground, a new gold bearing region has been found which will eclipse anything known in the world. Affiliated With Chlce tTnl Temlty. Kalamazoo. Mich.. Nov. 20. Ar rangements have practically been com pleted for the affiliation with the Chi cago university of Kalamazoo college, one of the oldest Baptist colleges in the country. The college will become a member of the nni'versitv and be furnished lectures and teachers when needed from the university faculty. Fintertained Orange Delegate. Worcester. Mass., Nov. 20. The entertainment of the delegates to the National Orange, by ) e city and citi zens of Worcester, which commenced on the arrival of the grangers for their annual convention on Wednesday of last week, culminated iu a reception and banquet tendered by tbe Worcester board of trade. Says Rev. Hyatt Smith la Insane. Boston, Not. 20. Counsel for Rer. Frank Hyatt Smith, late pastor of the North Avenue ('oiijrretfiitional church, Cambridge, -who is under indictment for sending scurrilous and defamatory postal cards to the Members of the church, has filed a motion for the dis missal of the indictment, alleging in sanity od the part of the defendant. Cleared of Charges of Fraod. Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Under in itructions from Judpe Butler a verdn t cf not guilty has been rendered In the L'nited State? district court in th ..... ti Frederick Baldt. manager, and Jamea Anaerson. roreman of the Peno Steel Casting and Machine company of Chester accused of attempting to de fraud the United St a t-e 6 government in t soatract for gun casting. Attempt to Settle Wttb Cuba. Madrid. Nov. 20. Tbe premier, Senor Canovas del Castillo, declares that the persistent rumors regarding peace negotiations between representa tives of the Spanish government and the insurgents of Cuba are untrue He also discredits the report that the rear guard of Maximo Gomez's forces was defeated in the province of Santa Cl ra and the newspapers discredit the re ported submission of the insurgents. Five Theaters Closed. Atlanta, Nov. 20 Five theater cn the Midway have been closed 5n ac count of immorality. The proprietors wer fined f 100 each. JOHX F. STEATTO.t A .403, 43 A 45 Walker 9t. HEW TOBC. Imvortort sa4 WteUul Dnlwa la ll kiadi of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Harmonl cas. Ac a kinds ol Strinas. etc . etc - FRAZER AXLE Best In tbe World! 6et the 6enalse ! Sold Empire. GREASE Rub your poor, tired feet with Salva-cea (TKASB-MASlt). It takes all the aching: out of sore or tender feet, instantly. Strained or over-worked muscles, chafings, or any soreness or stiffness they're all relieved in the same quick way. It's the best remedy for PlltS, Catarrh, Sere Throat, Boils, Sprains, Rheumatism. Meuralgia, Burns, Bruises, Skin Diseases. Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. At druggists, or by mail. Th BaAKoarTH Co., S74 Cu St., N. Y. etll 1)6 Register's Notice. The lollowln account have been examined and r"ed by me and remain Died ol record In tbls aittlce lur tbe lnectlun ol belr. lectteee and all olher ItUer ited and will t-e presented to rihan Chart ot tlamhrla count for eon. urination and allowance on WKUNEslliY, HE CKM KKK 4TH. A. IK 18V6: 1 . First account of I). K. Hess, executor ol Jane H Her, late o !ooperdale, deceased. X. Kirrt ani Hnal account ol Klisoetb Miller, eiecutrix ol I'billp Miller, late ol fclder town sbip. deceased. S. First and nnal account ot ('barlei H. Hoff man ituardion ol Mary HcHman. minor child ol F. Wm. Hodman, lata ol OonimauKh borough, deceased 4 First and Onal account ol lanlel Ha. eie tor of treorge Ulass, late of White township. leee ie I. ft. First and finsl account ol Elisabeth Walters, administratrix of Thomas Walter, late ol I'-oop- ersdale bwion h, deceased. 6. Account ol I'sul Yahner. executor nlJohn Hellrtch. late of Klder u-wishlp. deceased. 7. First and tlnxl account ol Annie Hulnsa-le and Auk. F Kirscb, executor ot George Hul aaKle, late of Barr lownsblu. deceased . M. First and tinal account of D. W. Ctjulter, Trustee to make aaie ol tbe real estate ol Evan U Bennett, late ol 'aml.rla tiwnshlp. deceased u r Irst and final account ol Catharine Flsb, formerly KeberK, admlnlstrai rix O. T. A .. ol Jobn Keberit. deceased. 10 First and Bnsl account ol Jobn P Scbeett, aotulnisttaiur ol (reorKe Kaucb, laie of Johns town . deceased. 11. First and final account of Daniel leather !dmtnltrator ol Stewart F. Kracken, late ol Johnstown, deceased. VI First and final account ol Owen Darby, ad- niinistrator ol Mary A. Darby, late of Johnstown, decoa-ed. 13 First account nt lleoexe Flltr. Ruardlan of Jeanette May l'nverKt. minor child ot John t'nveisaiet, late ot Johnstown, deceased. 14. First and Dual account ol Peter Hutlman and Peter Keller, administrator ol Frederick Ivel per, deceased IS Account ol Kllibeth T. Cnnnlnxham and Wm. F. Ciunnintrbam. executor of James Cun ningham, lateot Carro.l township, deceased 10 Second and partial aceuint ol Henry Ienx. tusrdian ol Jobn Henc. minor child of Jobn and Mary Bent, late ol Woodva'.e boroUKb. ueceased. 17 First and final account ol Howard Harts, tdminlstrator of Michael Hruwn. late of East t 'oneruauicb. deceased. IB Flrht and final account of tlmna N. Hueb ner, executrix ol louts Haebner. late ol Johns own deceased. DAM I EL. A. M'UJUtl II, KoKlater. Keiclster's tn1c, Ebensbur, Fa.. Nov. 4. Isva- Widows' Appraisements. Notice Is hereby ytren that tbe following ipp-aisenenm ol property appraised ami set ipart lor wl.lows ol -decedanu aodor the Act of sembly ol the 4th ol April. A. 1. 18M. have ieen filed In ibe Ketcister's Dtnce in and lor lne ra.unty ol 'arabrta. and will be presented to tne rph.ina' 1'ourt ol rai.I county tor confirmation iml allowan-eou WLIINLSDAY. DhXifcMHLK tlh A. It . 1. Inventory and appraisement ol personal prriy appraived anil set apart to Kacbaeic. .--ldy. widow ol Samuel M. K ddy. late ol -. iootrsdale borouirh. dec-eased. tMO. 1 Inventory and appraisement of personal .roierty am. raised and set apart to Mar K. CtiKh. eld w ol Wilson W. Puich. late ol Klcb aud township. doresed. fituo. s Invenu ry au.i appraisement ol real extaie. ,ppraited and set apart to Kelecc Ricer. wid ow ol Martin M. Kaieer. late ol West Taylor luwoshlii. deceased. i3o0 4. Inventory and appraisement of persona! property, appraised and set apart to Margaret Waiters, widow ol t'brlstaln Walters, late ot White townxnlp. deceased. :. 6. Inventory ind appraisement of personal property appraised and set apart to Eittabeiu Moyer, widow of William Moyer, late ol Johns town, ueceanea, zjuu. 6. Inventory and appraisement of personal property appraised and set apart te Mary I. Lilly . wltlow ol ladore Lilly, tale ol Munsler ownshlp. deceased ; 7. Inventory and appraisement of personal -roerty appraised and set apart to Akook stolis. widow ol Wl liain Stoilx, lata ol Ashvllle (HtrouKh, deceased. .'kw. IJA.MLL A. M"JOU(ia. Kearlster. Keirister s iinice. Lbensbam;. fa.. ISov. 4, lows. ''..ial li.-t. L List o I causes set down lor trial '.he second week ol Itoct mlr term. 18V6. U ass Tk. Schwab. Slits rs. Jenkins. Mai. so ts Jones. Hippete Lloyd rs Crarer. Same vt Same. i. av i. Vai a. lloke (la. vs. Stiles et al. Hicks, asslsnoe. r. Hlunsell. lHtvis 8 Loklns 6l Hanpt. M'Kay's Kzrs. vs. Uroome. ltavls vs. Krebtis. Krueuar vs Koyle. ISotley vs. Wesiover. Weimer vs. Krck. Shook. Anaerson Miir. Co. vs. Snppes. LaaiDiDK vs. Farrtsh. r-irs. liven el al. vs. Snyder. KeUbard vs lllty of Jobnstnwa. Kubn. trui-tee. vs. Oallvee et al. 'res well vs. Blair. Oallitsm Water l)o vs. Oalllula Elec. L. Co. Neel vs. I 'rod well. Moore a. an 1 Hi sen vs. Moshannon Uoal Uo. Fairs Heirs vs. Sell. KiKtner va. Lauetirlck. Cover vs. Korrocks. J.O. IKHY. Proibonotary. Protbonotary Office. Nov. 4, 18V6. LEGAL NOTICE. r the heirs and leaal representatives ofKLV 1 WAKIt BI'KKE. deceased: TAKE NtJI ICK. that an Inqoest will be held at the late residence of Edward Bark deceased, in the township ot Ulearheld. In the county ot t'ambrla.oo KKIPAY the TWENTY-NINTH lA Y ol NOV tMHtK next, at eleven o'clock lo the Iwrenoon ol that day, lor tbe panose ot mak ing partition ol the real estate ol said decedent lo and among bis heirs and legal representa tive!, if tb e same can be done wlihjat prejudice or speilina- of the whole; otherwise to value and appraise the sane aocomina; to law. at which time and plao you are requested to attend II you think proi-er. I. W. 001'I.TEK, Sberld. Sherlfl's Office, Ebentnbrg-, Pa., Nov. 6. lsvs. - 118 31. VOTIUB OF APPLICATION I'OK CHAK i. 1 TDK. Noll.se Is hereby plven that aa ap plication will be made to theCouit of Common Pleae ol tbe County ol Cambria la tbe state e4 Penosy Ivan la. on Monaay tbe 'ind day ol Ltecem ber. 18yi. at ten o'clock lo the forenoon, under tbe Act ol Assembly, entitled "An Act to Pro vide lor the Incorporation and Herniation ol CerUin Corporations." approved April 2th. 18T4. and the several snpplemenU thereto, bv T. Mason Klcbards. Pblltp O. Penlon, A. W. Buck. Webster Onffltn and Hubert Scan Ian. for tbe charter of an Intended eoruoratlnn t hoMii "Tbe Kowena Boatinir Club" tbe character and object ol which la the cultivation ot aquatie sports, and lor this narpO' to have, possess and njoy all the Mghtsbenenu and privilege eon lerred by tbe Act ol Aseemoly aforesaid , and Its supplements. ALVIN EVANS. v .. &M)itcitor. tbeniburg. Pa., Nov. 4. 1WS. V"OTKiE is hereby elven that tbe followlnc ae- a.v oounis nave neen niea In the iinnrt alllon. tuon rieas in and for Cambria county fa . and will be eonMrmed by the said court en less cause oe stiown to tie contrary, on the Aionoay or lieeember nexu rirst and final aocouot ol Aaron Statamaa siitnee ol Ul Hensboof and wile. r irst and ttnal account ol 8. L. Heed, assign Second and iartlal aeceoot of T. 1. EearL aa alirneeof John A. Marsh. t Irst and nnal aocounl ol W 'm. O. Schrolh, as Slcnee ol Cbas r'aaan. First ana L.nal account ol J. J. AT Donald, as signee of Thomas Ltonaboe. J.C. UAKBY. Not. 4. 1895. Frotbonotary. l;Iil8MWAtPJi illllllrnili'f ll A.awayrr Jtew Ieitts . . ! You helped us to double Now for Fall ..nd Winter. we: . X H 5 . u, . . i . H l X X X A X Men's l'.laok and Blue lVaver Hrvastol, AH-Woo fii Kcr.-ey vercaLs, lining, ..... f s.HO and . ii Men's tiray l"nin Suits, .... 4.ii Men's r.lack t 'heviot Suits, all-W4iol. ... Men's Illiw? Chev ot Sui s, all-wuol - - i-" ti Men 8 all-wool 22uz. lilai k Cheviot Suit, the vreatest Suit in t!lr o unt y f r the iiMtney n-viihir pricv everywhere, tlo.in.i -our pritv, ...... vi Ail-Wool tlay Wc.rn'e.1 Suits, Sacks nd Fr ks, ts.im t . lo i.i French lihuk WorsteIs, all wo.len, - frj.lsl to ii: no Children's Suits, - - - 75c. to ; m Youtlis SuilK, - - .- - fo.Ml t.. t!o mi OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is full up in all the newest and latest goods and you can get them at prices you can afford to pay. Ever at Your Service, &mu ILfL f U W U aw' I THE CLOTHIER, LILLY, PA. OILS! OILS! The Atlantic Refining Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., make a sjiecialty ot manufacturing ior tne aomes- i tin trade the finest brands of Illuminatlns and Lutricatins Oils. Naphtha and Gasoline That can be (.UDE FROM PETROLEUM. We challenge comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the Host : UniTonnly : SatMactory : Oils in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO. PintsBUKtl ItPT FlTTSBt-'KtF OCtlS.BOly. PA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In effect May iff). IBM. MA8T. Seashore Express, week diys Itun Altoon Accommodation, week days l l a m Mala Line Expreas. dally lu if a m Altoona lelspress, daily . . . l oo p m Harrlebonc Aocosimodation. Sondays only .. 1 07 p m Mall Express, dally ....... 8 17 p m fblladelphla Express. dally 12 p m VIST. Johnstown Accommodation, week days . 8 14am PaclOc Expres. daily 8 ?7 a m Way Pasxencer. 1ly . .... iMpc Mall Train, dally 4 'Ji p m Fast Line, dally .. 8 p. m Johnstown Accommodation, week days l&lpn r.beaiibari; Bresicti. Trains leave as folio s: 7.iM and 10.2O a. m. and S.3U p. m. and arrive at Cres.n at 7.67 and 10 ii a. m. and 4.oa p. m. Eare tiresson at V 30 and 11.10 a. m and 5.30 p. m.. and arrive at Kl ensbnrn at lo.oi and 11 45 a. m., and -0i p. m. reaaww avwl 1 1 eavrflel al . Iesv I rvona at f i a. m. and s 00 p. m. arrtv Ins at Cresson at 06 a. m. and 4 ao p. m. Ieave tiresson 0.3 a. nt. aud S.JOp.m arriving at Ir vona at 10.64 a m. and A. 40 p. m. Kor rau-a. map, etc rw. E. Watt. P. A. PltUbura. Pa. call on w. u. aent or address . 110 Filth Ave.. S. M. PKKVOST. Oeneral Manager. J. K. WOOD. Oeneral Mansker. JOHN PFISTBR, DEALER IS GEHER&L LltRCHlllDISE, HaTgWare. Qneensvare, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TEUETAULES IM sEtSOX, HARSIWi, ETC., OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL, CRESSON, PA. aatiSJly 17 94. l?Kjr. Policies written at short notice la tee saassMk.a I U n tfcer rirat C'laxia rBaBilt. T. W. DICK, irnr rui the OLD HERTFORD PIRB INSURANCE COin'. OOMJAENOED BUS1NLMM Ebensbont. Jaty el.lssa. F. X. FEES' Shaving Parlor, Main Street, Near Post Office The nnderslKned desires to Inforas tbe pen ile that be ha opened a sbavina: parlor oa Main street, near the post office where LarherlCK la all Its branch ess will te earried oa la tha fniore. EvervthlnK aeat and eiean. Tear patrons solicited. X. eTKES. 5 '; ' ; - 'Ki t 'l ' t ' : ' i . . :. X : v t. our business for Spring We are ready and what i0. have t HvrontatN, Simple and UrtibU Italian l'.lack and lllne. 4. 1 I 1 JOB:: PRINTING. T11K fit K K M v . rr hririting OftlC- JOB PRINTING Piomptly and Batisfactorlly executed. will meet the prices of alll honoriDi competion. We don't do any but firt-cias work and want a living price for It. o With Fast Presses and Kei Tyj; We are prepared to tarn out Jib. Print, n every dlsrriptlon In tbe FINEST STYLE and at the ?err Lowest Cash Prices. Nothing Dut tbe best material used U our work epeabs tor itself. We are pre pared to print od the shortes; nulire PorrKRB, Progbamme?, Busts Kf?8 C'akds. Taos, Bill Head, Monthly Statements. E.svEU)Pt, Labels. Circulars. Weiidissaso VifciTisa Cards. Chlcks. Note. Drafts. KECtiPTf, Bono Woke, Letter and Note Heaps, asd llop and Tartt lsyiTATiost Etc We cao print anything from tbe iEiihr? and neatest Vi-ltlng Card to tbe ls'trst Poster on abort notice and at ti most Reasonable Kates. The Camlnia Freeman, CN aI EBEXSBURG.rEX PIXEOLA : CREAM : BALSAM Is excellent for all throat lr,fiirniii"ia ' sti.o;. IVBfLB i tives wMl lnr aerie tne:i r- A Itf Uft. U oi- ' .te ti. 4 esaen etn h t. !-: ' nsturt m tsU'--H tied ti.itt't 1 bere If s ism C'i cenit fl tr. suj-jks it r" U. t e.B-ca!' bo I Its- rr. m fir cold or deep sealed cvu:h. oiien atarrh Por catarrh ue tiv i Tee r - Both retried te are i.le.rjt t- ue. t'rem b 5ic. per bottle: Pmclo isie.-.V a: irvtt in quantities ot n win aemrr - --j am KI.Y KKII1HKKS M WarreoSt.ew I ' s t i nov.10 Wly. Steel Picket Fencd CHEAPER O i m n ? 1 TtteKMrtmmarWv)ia T? """J MlalwlNltniriai " " KVn & QuaUtf. IM il CiW h.Ml'V Vuvt. WaimsfcrmiByl-tl tttto rllUx,. r.r. tum r.ki 'T . . !m. mm altlc. liMUlIra Hrvit V .! I11.IIV K. 1 ul ,l!k L f TAYLOR A DEAN. f rOL 203 205 at arts! St. retmn- PERSONS TO TRAVEL WANTED. Sever! latitbful pr-- men aud ladies to travel for ee! -' house. Salarv. S7S0.00 and hxi Poeitioa rrnianent if uitJ: ' create. SUte reference and to sell-addrsd sUmped envelope- THE yATIOSAL, 316-317-318 Ihnahtt Vuildiuj, Lll' auK t 6m. . PureTallowSoap. Is perfect: In other wordi Jt U iaUj the best for laundry Pon. s wanted to sell to private 'JUJB. geoeral club order aceot In act i w S38to6FirtliAve. riTTr WANTED SALESMEN. " la eacti etot to 111"- l' line nf M'KStKl M'" j TUBS. Jitk and Jiet '""..jTl. ' s;lv.yoSTsi.v .T . trsi lTiVr--- - iJ; The Hawks Nursery w- .-J0.W4.6m bel'r ljllaj,wF HHP THAN I 0i AM - 1 1 r . ) it i. t. jr.y : ( I. M (. -r'j W :i!ii!it: ftN m tts4 I. I Wllla" I