The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 15, 1895, Image 4

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Witness Addis Eefore the L-px-owers
ac Philadelphia.
Ihe Contractors Dil Not
of Material Iti-quired ly Law,
the Kind
the People Paid
lict of tluty.
t'i,r It Mirers Dere-
FuiLAi-Ei.rHiA. Nov. 13. The second
session of the senate invtstiij.itiiijj com
mittee to inquire into lo;il municipal
affairs was taken up Vy the examina
tiou of Central Agfit Addis of the
Citizens" Municipal ii-s-wi.iuni, con
tinued from the !irt M-ssion His n-sti-mony
d-alt with the contracts and
sietifiaUons r-lativj to sre-t cl-au-iu;,
parlta ci!l--ctin and strt t 1 pav
1114;, and the nn cot .pl'.!-' villi tlir-e
liy the r.ntra t'lis. l. . lliT wi;h t!u
imii ufor !.. Ill 1 i tm t. run t X"2
t-otitracM ly tli- ai.t:..nt'--
rroi-v .uduiid lit- . 11
In str-t 1-'u:ii? Wi'ii
l.riuht out tint t e
trurw-.l t-i 1 i. d was nut
u-- 1. and m tif !'. ti' f
in.i; .on.
nt-ry t-uii-nvr.illy
;-h th.y
l.ui.-.l 10 t .yU-liiiiii; 1 1-1 - on tho
t arts, a rrvuir-d. A- i.. 1: ar!. pre
vious to !-; . t.'ie ciitri' t-.r- w- re j-r-unit
V to -;-- .f it a- iln-y s.iw tit.
run-- tlun tti-v wen- r- uired to in
c,u rate it utilize it ;it-idt- f the city
limns. l)i- Winn m' t l.itf n pHMit
ut pr-4 lit w as that u 1- n-it uu in-r-ule
l. Tlic . rt lict!iiis wt-re brought
to thf attention t.f l)ini t"r ff I'uUiic
W ..iks W mdruii by the C'iti. -ns' asso-
iation. .'Hid the rntracts were asked
to 1 annul. e i. Th:s a cot done.
The wit ne.- ca-.d he had been familiar
with m-et paving since 1."0. He said
un nr.iiuance of councils adopted in
April. l:o. rcjuired the use of fitted
o attempt has been made to enforce
this regulation, the bix-ks u.-ed bein
irretuiar. The dilVereaoe in xri-9 le
tweeu these two kinds of blocks, he
said, was about $i. (.." pf-r sjuare yard.
l)uring ll'o. 1 1--,8:.."5 square yards of
paving and rx-paving was done and ir
regular blocks were used. The prop
erty owners, for their share of the ex
penses, paid in the aggregate f 140.(HX
for what tiiey diil not K'-'t, titled blocks
Vh-iiiu required by ordinance. In 1'.4,
if:;.or. s. -unre yards 01 wors was aoue,
the contractors paying
the ordinance.
no attention to
not Matter Will Fight Any Other Man
In the World.
Nr.w Yokk, "ov. l.'J. J. J. Qninu.
the manager of Peter Malnr. who
knocked out O Doiinell so readily, has
made a i-tatemeiit in behalf of the
fighter. lies-lid:
Maher chal.euges any man in the
world to fight for the t hamniouship.
and he will not put the stakes so hich
that no -ne exctpt a man with three
millionaire- b hi:i 1 him can a crpt.
Maher Will f:g!:t l.r i "sO ' a side, in
public or private, uud h- will t!' any
p!.ce to d bait!.-, '.ut!l Afri-a not
b.rr d. F'-tcrcl.-.iiii- that h ha- a- much
runt t- ti.'- t:ile of c-..i;t!T.i. 11 a- any
M- num. and he is participial ly aux.ous
t mt et- Fit -uu Miuh-."
taiini sal M:ih-r w-i! l not
ch.tilet.iJe t ortt. U-ca.,.,. 1,1, ! bad
a.-k il bun a - r-' itl lavor iwt to do
fo, a b had r-t.t-l.
flariooii l'rr;.rii 1IU
Kr , t.
m tli- prt p-
V -HlN',T- 'N
Harfioii 1- I
arati.m if h:-pr.-M-L
nt "1 in
ft 'i uu ml in
Nov. l.t
T Hi; -it-d
a:: :i r , rt to t be
n-'..:i:, v ;.!:, r.'l mil
hi- r- !- rt an aiiit nd-
inrul to x:-t.:ig 1 i -. 1 v wh'.cli ali
ir:minl 1 a-. t. inM ivn. io'.ai.ons of
I lilted tte. .aw- 1 ! l-.i r t'l.n iMpltal
r;it-, now -nbj' it to .!(; .U Itci.i the
lo'-r ! 1 r.d c in .i.:l! go to the
M-Teral United Mat-s circuit courts til
apt al for filial li- arm. a- such ca.-ea
take up much valua'.l- tiie in the su
preme court.
No I prittuiK of I Irf Feared.
Wa-iun" Nov. 1'?. The rexort
of the killing of two southern I'te In
dians and a s ;uav near the head of
Lo-t t'anon. t'olo.. has been coulirnied
in di.-patches received at tho interior
depaitment. Agent Day ti legraphed
Indian C'onmiisMoner Drowning that
he apprehended no danger, however,
despite the story that the Utes wero
making threatening dnimn.-irations.
Fight Indian have t;one to the
eceiie of the murder and will make a
thorough investigation.
lnherilanee 1
Chic-aoo, Nov.
Sight t liallenetl.
I'm. The friends of
Kob uon, formerly a
tho late Curtis K
prominent real estate dealer o: this
city, and who died in I'-'.iJ, liave been
amax.ed to learn that he is charged in a
suit brought here with having deserted
a wife in Massachusetts in the early
sixties, when he came to Chicago, and
his three children are probably sur
prised to find their richt to inheritance
challenged by their Massachusetts rela
tives. The estate is represented to be
worth about $1,000,000.
F'.dncation of the Indian.
Washington-, Nov. 13. W". N. Hail
man, superintendent of Indian schools
in his annual report iii.-t uses at some
length the proposition to enlist the dif
ferent states in iiu.i.iu education. He
nays there are in -oi::c casts an unwil
lingness to admit Indian children to
schools attended by white childrtn and
in some cases he thinks it mijjht become
necesary to continue f-peciiic Indian
schools for limited periods.
The Christian WnrlierV ('irnvrntioo.
Nf.w Haven, Conn , Nov. VI. At the
Christian Workers' convention the
speakers wi re Mrs. (Jeore L. Clarke,
of the Pacific (iard-n m s-i. n, I'liicago;
Kev. A. C. i)4on i f oUyu. N. V.,
utid Tracy Mt-Uri-jior .f I itroit. Mich.
The latter spoke on his v.oik in aid of
a-e I fhi jine'I.
Nov. !:;. The
state coinii'erce tv.
to com Dei ltIJ!
criminating oue-i.
: rail
id set
invoivif g ti:
tn iin-M at
I. i Siivl lll.i!
road rt'es. has been r -: .-n. d u
for the l.rst Monday in ".!.;:. navy.
A Fair to Aid Wounded Cunnnn.
Xnv Yohk, Nov. lo. On Dec. 2
there will be opened in Masonic Tem
ple a fair he'd under the auspices of
the Daughters of Cuba. The object is
to raise money to aid those who ate
wounded while fighting in the cause of
Cuban independence.
A Irel Inherits Sti.cno.OOO.
Pforia, Ills.. Nov. 13. J. Curr.mings
Diesel of this city, a Eephew of the
late Anthony Drtxel of Philadelphia,
has received information that by the
dath of an aunt iri litrhton. Eng
luud, lie is the heir to an.eHaie valued
at aboat $ .,ooo,ooo.
A Summer lintel Iturned.
New York. Nov. 13. The Lawrence
Beach hotrl at Lawrence, one of the
largest summer hotels on Long Island,
ha been destroyed by fire with its con
tents. The total lo9, it is thought, will
not fall short of $-'00,CO0.
I'i out rated With Telluw Fever.
Xfwcastle-on-Tyne, Nov. 13. The
Norwegian ship Minder, Captain Chris
tiansen, from Mobile for West Hartle
pool, has been towed iu here with 1 1 of
her crew prostrated with yellow fever.
A Monument For Wolsejr.
Nrw Haven, Nov. 13. At a meeting
of the Yale corporation it was voted to
eiect a bronze statue of President
Wal&ej on the campus.
She Man ies Aluirric Paet In the rrcs
tnrc of tl.e Prescient and Others.
Xr.w Vn?i:, v. " The marriape
of Miss l'a-jline Payne Whitney, daugh
ter of X'ou. William C. Whitney, to
Sir. Al:r.iric I'l-zet at St.- Thomas'
chnrch v.-as celol-ra-ed in tho presence
of miny notable people, anion;? them
l resident L leveia:i-i. :-ecretaiies w-
lllont a.ld Uerlrt. 'c.venior Morton
an.i wift
Sir Julian i'.inucefiiro
members of the British
Channcey M. lJepew.
Whitney household.
in.-inhers of the
Lady Colebrook
and Mi.-s Alice l aet. si-ters of the
bridegroom: Lord Westmeath and
many others.
The groom is the yonngest son of the
late General Lord "Alfred Paget, who
was personal aide-de-camp to the queen
and grandson of iho hrst Marquis of
Ldouard De Resyke, Mme. Nordica
and Frank ttndricek. anted with the
mn-ic. The regular b.urcli choir,
under the direction of Dr. tieorge W.
Warren, al.-o sang.
To the -tra ns of the wedding march,
the bridal party proceeded to the chan
cel in the li.llowiug order: Ushers
(iould Ilovt. John U. Furman. 11. Mait
lanl Kfrt-v. W Cut:. tig. Jr.. W 111
throp i;u:i:. rford .lared Howe, Craw
ford Liviiiton. and the bride's
broti er, Mr. Hurry
came four
little flower maidens. Miss
Carney, Miss Laura Whit
ney, 3liss r rancis i.iiigii.nn i'i
Dorothy Whitney, the bride's sister.
Following th se came six brides
mifls. Mis- fiertrude Yanderbilt, Miss
V niilv Vanderbiit bloaue. Miss Azuba
IJairu'ev, Mtit Beatrice Lend. Miss Susie
Dimmock and Miss Edith Blake
The bridal party were met at the
chancel steps by the groom and his best
num. Mr (ieralrl facet. I ne onae
and groom were met at the chancel
steps by Bishop ; Potter ami Leonard,
ami the rector. Dr. John Wesley
Brown, where the charge was read by
the rector of the church. Bishop Leon
ard periorming the betrothal service
and BisLon Potter oUlciutmg at the
marriase ctremonv proper at the altar
Immeiliatelv after the ceremony the
newlv wedd-d pair were accompanied
to the vestry by the president and Sir
Julian Paimcefote. who subscribed
their names to the marriage rtgistry as
witnes-i s.
A no i tion was held immediately
after the ceremony at the residence of
the bride's father. No. West Fifty
seventh street, to which 4xj guests
were bidden In the inner hail an im
mense bell of white flowers was hung,
beneath which the bridal coi-pie re
cuved the congratulations of their
The wedding breakfast waa served
at -mall tab!- -et in thf ballroom and
the ilmit'LT..! :s Ti e bridal t.artv was
vaii-il ;.t aii" -cent shap-d table, ar-raiik.-.
d aiTo t :.- 1 av w uni,.w.
The bridal uty w.'.l pa-s part of th
hori. vm -!! at .'lr. hitney s country
eat nl W.-lbi.ry. L. I , and latel Will
tour thr i. .1: ti i i-t rn st ate- euroute
to .-t. P..u.. M. !:!i. w hi re Mr. Paget
and his bride Will make their future
h Lao.
A -r,,, Uu l.l.
I'urned in Meiiroand
.11 IVr.hrd.
iiO"N.UA. Mexico. Nov. 13. A school
building here, m which 1.10 children
were pres. nt, caught tire and befori
anvthin ' could rx done the whole build
ing was abia. and in spite of the he
roic etforts of tho people the building destroyed.
Thirty one charred bodies, including
the teacher, h ive so far been taken out
Tho lire is believed to be of incendiary
'origin, and two boys who had been se
verely punished by the teacher an 1
suspended from schxl are believed to
be the authors of the crime. They
have been arrested, but so far have not
K. of L. Convention In Sewilon.
Washinuton, Nov. 13. The Knights
of Labor are in secret convention here.
(jeueral .Master Workman tsovereign
says that questions on credentials have
been under consideration and are set
tled. Those, he said, did not involve
important issues, but arose mainly on
whether credentials should bo received
pending an .appeal to the grievance
committee. The master workman's
report and other general business will
likely be taken up today. Mr. Sover
eign's report will be brief and mainly
extemporaneous, showing the present
satisfactory condition of the order.
A Swindl-ni; Investment Compony.
Boston, Nov. 13. Henry Wyman.
receiver of the Globe Investment com
pany, has fflcd his report. It shows
not only that a double set of book--
were kept in order that the company
miglit lie given a better showing on ex
amination, but also that loans made by
the company amounting to at least
$.100,000 were never paid over to the
holders of the paper on which thev
were paid. The company negotiated
more than .j..00,000 worth of loans.
A Double Tragedy Mystery Solved.
H;oix c ity, la., rvov. 13. The mys
terious double tragedy which occurred
in this citv early on the n.orning of
Aug. 2-1 the murder of" Miss Ora Min-
tet of Nebraska and Max Noack has
been solved. The police have indis
putable evidence tnat tne dual crime
was committed by Kid Gallagher and
Alex Chapin, sentenced to the Ne
braska penitentiary for lo year9 at
Papillion. in that state, for a murder
ous assault.
A Hig Failure In Minneapolis.
Minneapolis, Nov. 13. Surprise was
created in business circles here by the
announcement that C. M. Coring, con
sidered to be financially one of the
solid men of the northwest, had made
an assignmont. Two years ago he was
worth $v),0o0. The statement filed
with the deed of assignment shows the
total assets to be $;.V,000; personal
liabilities, 105, 000; liabilities on ac
count of indorsements, OLi.000.
Two In.menae tiold tlrirlot.
New York, Nov. 13. The Bank of
Montreal has received from Kootenai.
British Columbia, the second largest
block of gold that has ever passed
through the New York assay office. It
weighs 2,4."'5 ounce?, aad is valued at
fit. t-.i. i ne bunk uas also received a
cold brick weighing 1,511 ounces, val
ued at $26,154.
An Army Oftlcer Married.
Otarksrcro, W. V., Nov. 13. Lieu
tenant Melville Jarvis; Fourth I7nited
States inttntry, now stationed at Fort
Sherman. Ida , has been married here
to Miss Marv liaymond, daughter of
Major Lee Haynn nd, one of West Vir
ginia s most cistinguished citizens.
Two Children
Probably I'erished.
BfFFAI.O, Nov.
13. A frame cottage
on Geneva street has been burned and
it is feared that tho two small children
of the tenant of the house, Mrs. Kurtz-
man, were consumed.
Condition of the Treasury.
WajtMINoton. Nov. 13. The state
j ment cf the condition of
j shows: Available carh li
1 41J,0i!j; oid resoive, Jf'-2.i
ment cf t!ic condition of the treasury
. alance, $178,-
W hituey.
(3. ,
They Capture Turkish Troops
and Kill Mussulmen.
The List of Armenians M ordered In Ke
cent Massacres Now TliiiKt tn ,u"
10.XM Shakir 1'asha- Jlision a Failure.
1'orte's Keply to Ambassadors.
Constantinople, Nov. 13. Accord
ing to official Turkish advices received
by the government the Armenians of
Zeitcun have capture-it a I attaiion oi
Turkish troops an 1 practically tibtaiu
ing possession of the city, attacked the
village of Tchoukourhissar, killed 33
Mussalmen, pillaged a house at Dun
ghel, ami carried olf the arms and cat
tle" of the inhabitants of that neigh
borhood. Tho Armenians are also saui
to have assassinated the secretary of
the collector of cjS-ouis of that part oi
the country.
The Yali of Adana, a town situaroa
some distance from Zeitouu and nearer
the coast, telegraphs that --00 Arme
nians, disguised as Circassians, have
attacked and plundered the Mussulman
villages of Zeitounbell and N arl, killing
a numlier of the inhabitants.
It is lelieved in some Armenian quar
ters here that the estimate oi io.ouu
Armenians killed during the recent
massacres may t arn out to lo considera
bly under the real total, ami that the
number may come nearer lo.uoo uiu
Diplomats here regard the massacres
at Erzeroum and Bit lis as being especi
ally flagrant since the first appearance
there of Shakir Pasha, the high com
missioner appointed for the purpose oi
carrying into effect Armenian reforms.
W hile at Uitlis the police nreu upon
every Christian passing in sight ot tne
windows of the French consulate.
The porte, replying to the identical
notes of the ambassadors oi iiermauy.
Austria and Italy, simpiy said that in
formation regarding the scheme for re
form in Armenia would be forwarded
to the representatives -of the powers
without delav." In other words.
these three ambassadors, at least, have
obtained no satisfaction at ail.
Escaped PrUoners Supposed to Have Got
the S'iO.OOO at Colorado Sprint;-.
Colokaiv) Sikinos. Nov. 13. The
Wells-Fargo Express company's ofiicials
believe that the robbery of Messenger
(ieorge Krout was committed by A. J.
Gray, alias Sam Wells and .). i. Stu
art, alias C. J. Starr, who vt re arrested
for the theft of ? Hi.o: o from the ex
press wagon at Crii pie Creek April 11
and who recently, in company with
Tom .McCarthy, escaped from jail in
this city. K. T. Montgomery, who was
B prisoner at the tune of the e.-cajie, no
tified the police at iK-nver -everal days
ago that (iray and Muart pl.-tud while
in jail to rob the expres- oinpany again.
The officials of the company believe
that the robbers had an accomplice in
the bank.
Twenty th.ou-.and dollars was sent
trom I-K-nver totue First National bank
of Colorado Spring- and w as rec iv d
alxiut 4 o'clock and P-o late to L de
livered to the bank. The package con
taining the monev was t la- e.l in the
anta Fe depot safe an i both doors
! ked. There was nothing to indicate
its value. I videiiflv the tloevi s knew
of its existence. W'hen trim No. '"
came in at 4-1. thr,. srp other pack'
ages aboard wiib cum ic-v to the
amount of consigned to the
same bank. These packages were de
livered to the agent and placed in the
afe with the other. Alt- r the train
had departed the agent, ( ieorjw Krout,
went to the platfoim to straighten the
trucks, and when he returned to the
office he was met at the door by two
masked men with drawn revolvers.
The roblers demanded money and he
handed out the j'JO.noO pad. age.
Krout's action in handing out the
t.' package alone saved the com
panv 35.(rio. The robliers compelled
Krout to go toled and pull tho covers
over him, while they escaped, mo
depot agent was not 100 vards away
from Krout's office while the robherry
was being committed, but he did not see
the robbers and know nothing about the
matter until informed bv Krout.
. Consolidated Company tn I '' Organized
the First of Next Year., Nov. 1.3. Such prog
ress has been made in a proposod con
solidation of the Brice lines of railway
that it is understood here that the con
solidated company will be organized
Jan. 1. The Lake Erie and Western
as a separate system and name will be
wiped out and its lines merged in an
aggregate of l,6so miles of road as fol
Lake Erie and Western, 7".M; Cincin
nati. Jackson and Michigan, :4'1: Cleve
land, Akiou and Columbus, JO '.; Ohio
Southern, 243; Northern Ohio, Ho.
The Lima Northern will also be
taken into the combination and com
pleted to Tv-ledo next season. The
Northern Ohio extension to New Castle,
Pa., is to be completed. 1 here a
traffic agreement with tho Buffalo, Ro
chester and 'Pitts-burg, to be extended
to Jsew L astle, will also be made, the
headquarters of the system will be
at Indianapolis. Terminals will be
maintained in Cincinnati. Toledo,
Cleveland and St. Louis. The Clover
Leaf, by consolidation or traffic agree
ment, is to afford the desired St. Lou us
and Toledo facilities. The general offi
cers of the Lake Erie are to retain
charge of the system.
A Mutiny on Itoard Ship.
San Francisco, Nov. 13. The Amer
ican ship Bohemia has arrived from
Philadelphia with stones of mutiny
and disaster. The crew, headed by
Second Mate Egan. mutinied after the
ship had been through a storm off Rio
Janeiro, and against his will the cap
tain had to make for jiort. With, the
exception of the chief officer there was
not a skipper. The second officer, who
led the mutineers, deserted at Rio de
Janeiro, but the remainder of the crew
are aboard. They will probably be ar
Captain General Campos will take the
neld ptraonaUy against Maximo Gomez
in Cuba.
A combination of soft coal operators in
Western Pennsylvania was rumored at
Di-patclies sent
rid stated thai a
exists in Cuba.
from Havana to Mad-
very critical situation
r.x-iiovernor Campbell in an interview
ni .-pnjiKnein. w.. nt-ciareo that Scnmnr
Brice's contribution to the campaign had
equaled expectations.
Charles W. Dayton, 42 years, of 130!J
South Third street. Philadelphia, coiu-mittt-tl
suicide by drinking a mixture of
arsenical poison and beer.
It is expected that war against Ashami
Will be declared at the next British cabi
net council. The authorities at Wool
wich arsenal have received orders to for
ward all the necessary stores to Accra.
The jury In the cne of Frank Clem
mons. in Breathitt county. Ky.. for the
killing of Colley Whittakcr. Oct. 22,
could not agree. U vol inn for a life sen
tence in the penitentiary and one for ac
quittal. Claus Spreckels has announced, at San
Francisco, that he intends to establish
at different points throughout the Mate
three new beet sugar factories. He has
not yet selected sites for the factories
but says he will invest SI.ouo.OiKj in the
beet sugar industries ol California.
Will Jacobs, colored, was shot to death
by H. . Orr, also colored, at Ahhemer,
Ark. Orr had heard that Jacobs had
been intimate with his daughter, and se
curing a Winchester, hunted for Jacobs
and killed him within ten feet of the
township conutable. who permitted him
to escape.
lilshop Tloai
late 1
j Say It Would Then Keto--elf
and I-oe Ita F-vil.
Albany, N'ov. 13. Bishop William
Crosswell Doane, in his address to the
clergy attendant upon the Episcopal
diocesan conference at All Saints'
church, spoke at some length on the
question of excise, expounding a novel
principle. He said: "The temptation
is irresitible for the liquor dealers to
elect the legislature, or at least a ma
jority of it. in their interest; and as
irresistible lor the .average politician
land there are very few politicians who
ri-e above a very low average) to pros
titute their offices by pandering to the
liquor dealers to secure their votes.
If the state let the whole matter
alone and merely included in its crim
inal code certain offenses, drunkenness,
selling liquor to minors, violations of
the Lord's day and the selling of liquor
in the immediate neighborhood of
schools and churches and polling places,
I believe the matter would regulate
itself by the law of supply and .de
maud. There would be no more liquor
saloons than the thirst of the neighbor
hood requires, and there would be no
temptation on tne part oi poiiuuiaus
support them as place" in which they
could secure imiueiice, or to liquor
dealers to establish them as centers of
political power. It stands to reason, it
seems to me, that beer and spirits and
wine are articles of commerce in the
same way that bread and butter and
beef are."
Japan Frovidea That No Other Country
Will Occupy Fort Arthur.
Washington. Nov. 13. The purpose
of Japan is to evacuate Port Arthur and
the Liao Tung peninsula by February
10 next, which is tnree mouths irom
the date of the payment by China oi
the 30,000,000 taels agreed upon for the
evacuation. While three months is
fixed as the time within which the
evacuation may be made, it is probable
that the Japanese will not take the
limit of time, but will set about retiring
from Port Arthur immediately on tne
payment of the B0.O00.OOO taels on next
Tuesday, as the cost of the maintenance
of an armv there is very heavy.
It is understood aUo thataiortner
feature of the treaty for the surrender
of Port Arthur is that its evacuation Dy
Japan will not be followed by a cession
of the fortress to auv other power. An
unofficial statement to this effect has
been made and is credited here, but the
Japanese legation has recived no official
Annual Hrtptint C'ongreM In Session.
Iitovnr.Ni-F. Nov. 13. The thir
teenth annual Baptist congress has
opened in the Central Baptist church
here, with a largo attendance of dele
gates from all parts of the country.
The one general subject to le discussed
during the congress is that of missions.
e-pet-ial!y home missions. evangel
ical work will also receive considerate
The Natire Itepulsed.
LwnoN, Nov. 13. A dispatch from
Lortno Marques. Portuguese Last Af-
ri a, says that tne roriuguet-e troops
have attacked the army under com
mand of Chief (iuuguuhana. near Lake
Coohra. The native were repuUed
with great los of life.
One PrrUhed and Others Hart.
Chi-ao, Nov. 13. John Haromiski
has been burned to death; his wife and
24 vear-old son. Martin, fatally injured
and three other people badly hurt iu a
tire which destroyed two buildings, aw
and U'JJ Noble street.
The Plurality of Haywood Is Now Placed
at 114,-';4.
IlARRisr-rno. Nov. 13. The official
vote of the belated Pennsylvania coun
ties has been at lat received at the
state department. The vote for state
treasurer is as follows:
Haywood, Republican, 450,745; Mey
ers, Democrat, 2i2,4M; Perry. frohiDi
tiouist, 2o,77S; Dawson, Peoples, 7,02;
Anton, Socialist Labor, 1,32'J; scatter
ing. 31. Haywood's plurality, 174,204.
The leading candidate for judge of
tho superior court on the Republican
ticket is Judge Rice of Luzerne coun
ty, who polled 400,822. Smith, Demor-
cat, is elected over erkes, his closest
competitor, by 0,214 votes.
Incendiarism Is Supposed.
York, Pa.. Nov. 13. The plant of
tho York Wallpaper company has b-en
destroyed by fire of supposed incendiary
origin, entuiling a loss of $1. .0,000.
Forty thousand dollars worth of stock
ready for shipment this week, was
To Create an F.plscopate.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 13. Clerical
and lay representatives of the Lutheran
churches of New xork, New Jersey,
Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and
Ohio are in session in Grace Luth
eran church for the purpose of consid
ering the creation of an episcopate.
WHEAT No. 1 red, 7ig,71c ; No. 2 red. t
COltN No. 2 yellow ear, oM, 7Mlc; mixed
ear, old, htiiJc; shelled, 5ligy7c: new vel
low ear, ilaJJ.' jc; new yellow shelled, 3J',iJ
OATS No. 1 white, 2JV324"ie; No. 2 do. 23'
rai.a; extra No. 3 white, ,ii.'a,ii?c; light
nnxi-il. 21-aul 1 .2r.
HAY No 1 timothy, lla.ySia.0U; No. 2
timothy, 15.rt fa 13.30; mixed clover, UluQ'j
14 00; racking. t,.U)'t,ii.jU: No. 1 feeding prairie,
Il.uuUl.i; wagon hay, tl7.Uoal7.jO for
BUTTER EiKin creimery, 25-tJ6c; Ohio
fancy creamery, 21Q,Z!c; fancy country
roll, lv-il.c; low grade and cooking, 5a 7c
CHKESE F:iny Ohio, new, 9',-ilO!-; New
York, new, l'J jlO'jc; fancy New York, full
cream, ll:al!Uc; hmburiier. Dew, lOilil'c
Wisconsin bwiss, la;,alac; Ohio Swuss, 114
KCKSS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and
Ohio, in cases, 175?.17J!C ; lc more for candled
cold storage, LVodo'e,
POL LTK Lame live chickens, 55 -j6ic per
pair; live rincRens, small, 40-i4Sc; spring-
chickens, Agi.iOc, as to Bize; dressed chickens.
loallc per pound; live ducks, 60i70t: per pair
live turkeys. njJc per pound; dressed, 12flhlo
per pound.
OAME Rabbi ta, IS "35c per pair; quail. ti25
82.jO per dozen; pheasants, o.UJia5.50 per
Uo. n ; sijnirri Is, l.iV 31.a0 per dozen ; grouae,
.uu per dozen.
East Li bertt. Pa., Nov. 12.
CATTLE Receipts only fair this week; 85
cars on sale. The demand is fair and the mar
ket is o;.eninp up steady at almut last wctl
prices. We quote prict-s a-t follows: Prime,
$4 SjrfTJ-TJ; pood, (4 Oo"t4.2o; good butchers,
ooja-iw; rougn iai. i.oua.-Jo0 ; bulls, cows
and stags, l.d0a3.00: fresh cows and spring
ers, -1j.ws40.oo; feeders, J.U5(sa.KO; heifers.
nod-Receipts heavy this week; some 50
cars on sale. The demand is only fair, and
market oin ninir slow at a shade lower Dnees
today tht market is stead- at yesterday prices.
t nnatitripnias, to w; a lew extra, Hi; be:
Yorkers, a ,0'i3.7j; common to fair Yorkers,
m., a 3.13; roughs, I3.ooa3.25.
s-HtLP AND LAMBS-Supply fair; about
Is cars on sale. .The demand is only fair and
tne market is very alow at unchanged prices.
v e quote tne market tor sheep at tho follow
lug prices: Lxtra, ' $3.00 ; go-id, 2.30(; lair, "l.40?2.10;coinmon,50c a.1.00. lambs,
liftittl a; veal calves, i.UOjj6.26; heavy and
mm c&ives, 4.uo3.ou.
Ciscinsati, Nov. 12.
HOGS Market strong and higher at $3 005
3.70;receit.ts, 2. SOU head: shipments, 2,3u0 head.
CATTLE Market strong at 2.25$4.25; re
ceipts. 2.0 head ; shipments, luo head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS iheep, market
strong at tl.w)u3.25; receipts, 50J head ; thip
ments, 200 head. Lambs, market at
New York, Nov.
V HEAT Spot market dull. No.
6Kc: No 1 hard, 61? c delivered.
2 red,
CORN Spot market dull. No. 2, 3&36c
OATS Spot market firm. No. 2, 2Uc.
CATTLE--Luropean cables quote American
steers ut ttVAluHc per pound dressed weight;
r frigerator beef at dasc
SH EEP AND LAM BS Sheep market steady ;
lamfw opened active and higher, closed dull,
bheip, poor to prime, tl.5ug,J.00; lambs, com
mon to choice, $3.50 a 4.37 V.
HOCIS Market firm at 14.00s 4,25.
Insane Man After George
M. and an Employe.
Ihe. Said He Had Secret Knemles and
Described the Magnate and His Build
ino; Manager Hesitation as to Who to
Kill First Saved Them.
' Chicaoo, Nov. 13. The life of George
M. Pullman and that of John B.
Griffin, the manager of the Pullman
building in this city, have been men
aced by an insane man. Both men
were to have been shot and killed on
or before the 17th and 27th of this
month. The delay of the maniac in
making up his mind who should be the
first victim gave the police time to ar
rest him. Ihe prisoner is William
Sherman, who has been employed as a
window cleaner around the Pullman
building. A woman fortune teller is
at present held responsible for the sug
gestion that placed the lives of Mr.
Pullman and his manager in jeopardy,
and the police are now endeavoring to
find her and ask why she advises her
patrons to commit murder.
Sherman, when captured, said he had
consulted a fortune teller, because he
was unable to sleep. The woman told
him that he was troubled by secret ene
mies, and that unless he killed them
before Nov. 17 or 27 they would kill
him She described the men to him
and the descriptions were those of Mr.
Pullman and Mr. Griffin. The woman
would not tell him the names of the
men unless he paid her $25. This he
declined to do. as he knew the men by
the description, he said. Sherman said
that he would have killed one of the
men if he could have made up his mind
which one to take first. The man was
palpablv insane and was removed to
the detention hospital. He was going
about the Pullman building making
To Aid the Freeilmen.
Chicaoo, Nov. 13. At the closing
session of the Freedmen's Aid society
committee the amount decided upon as
being sufficient to meet the require
ments of the struggling schools in the I
south was $.(,00O over and above the
regular apportionment. The confer
ence then adjourned to meet in Novem
ber, lV.iii. at some point to bo desig
nated. The bishops and the other j
delegates have left for Denver, where
the missionary society is to meet.
An Increase In Exports.
Waphinoton, Nov. 13. The burea of
statistics in its statement of domestio
exports shows that during the month of
tk-tober, IV.i.'i, the exports of breadstuff
amounted $12,313,3. 3, as against $0,-
N51.0H4 during i ctober, iv.4; cotton.
$.'7,sos,425, as against $30,754.501; min
eral oils, $.".'jO,514. as against $3, 0H.
0J1; provisions, $13,174, U2. as against
$r2..'...3i4. making a total of $.V..15:.-
524 for tJctober, li"5. as against $57,-
(HKl,io5 during October. lsi'.4.
Cant Haul buna to I man.
Washington, Nov. 13. The cable
report that an expedition of three
Slaiim cuus. uO men and ten canoes
bad teen dispatched by British Guiana
to Uruau. the seat of the trouble with
Venezuela, leads officials here to say
that the expedition, if started, will
Dever reach Crnau. It is pointed out
that it is impossible to haul Maxim
guns to Uruau through the dense trop
ical ioiests.
Saw Her Child's Death Tortur.
Wheeling, Nov. 13. At Tilden
Ridge, this state, the infant son of Mrs.
John West has met with a horrible
death. While plaving about a stove it
suddenly upset, falling upon the boy.
As the little fellow lay pinned down by
the hot stove a pot of boiling bean9
emptied its contents upon him, scald
ing him to death. Ihe mother, who is
an invalid, was unable to rescue the
Mormon Elders Ridden on Rails.
Ashland, Ky., Ivov. 13. A report
from White Post, Pike county, states
that two Mormon elders were taken
from a church there Sunday night and
ridden out of the state and into West
Yirginia, on rails. The eloers, who
have been in West Virginia for some
time, crossed the river in defiance of
the warnings of the farmers.
Condwiuned Lynching aud Iturning.
uosvroN, rsov. 13. nearly peo
ple attended a niassmeetiug iu Faueuil
hall last night to protest against the
practice of lynching and burning ne
groes in southern and other states.
The meeting was held under the
auspices of the various colored societies
of Boston aud vicinity. The speeches
were by both white aud colored men.
and were vigorously applauded. A
strong resolution was adopted.
YVananiaker Pays the 8I0.0OO.
Inpianai-olis, Nov. 13. Members of
the Indiana Republican state central
committee say that John Wanamaker
has sent to Indiana in settle
ment of a claim the Republicans have
urged against tho national committee
since 1M2. W. T. Durbin of Ander
son, depending upon the national com
mittee s promise, borrowed the money
for the committee aud hits been trying
to secure settlement since.
The Itattleship Texas Injured.
Washington, Nov. 13. The battle
ship Texas has come to grief in the dry
dock at New. York and has sustained
injuries, the exact extent of which is
not known here t present. The ship
went into dock a week ago to be cleaned
nd painted aud to remove an accumu
lation oi seaweeus wnu-n had crown
In the pipe gratings leading to the cir
culating pumps.
Wants Soldiers Arrested.
Sacramento, Nov. 13. Alva Udell.
a Los Angeles man, is here for the pur
pose of securing warrants for the arrest
of the United States soldiers who killed
Charles Stewart during the railroad
6trike a year ago last July. Stewart
was not a striker, but was shot when
he refused to halt when ordered to do
bo by the soldiers.
10,000 May Make the Dash.
Julie att a, Ida., Nov. 13. Two hun
dred ana fifty home seekers are in
camp in this vicinity waiting for the
opening of the Nez Perces reservation
Nov. is. It is expected there will be
10,000 people ready when the word is
given to enter the land.
Conlin Will Succeed Ilyanes.
j ew york. Jn'ov. 13. The police
iuaiu, 11, is unuerstooa, lias decided to
appoint Acting Chief Conlin and Act
ing inspectors Cartwnght aud McCul
lougn to the places which they have
wvuyiea temporarily.
John B. Drake Dead.
Chicago. Nov. 18. John B. Drake,
the widely-known hotel proprietoi, ia
johs r. stbattos sos,
4SA45 Walker 8U SEW TORS.
lmportm ul Wl.ll tWW, Is tilkiaasof
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Harmonl
cas. c kinds of Strings, etc . etc
Best lathe World!
Eet the 6emiiHe!
Sold Eieryrtere!
An Earache is about as
painful an ache as
anything that
has to deal with. But it
stops it immediately. Big
pains 1 ittle pain s it
stops all of them.
Salva-cea is the quickest
to relieve and cure
Fi!s, Boils,
Catarrh, Chasings,
Sore Threat, Ulctrs,
Ce!ds, Rhsumatlsm,
Sera Musclss, Burns.
Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents.
At druggists, or by mail.
THS r.KANDEETH Co. 374 CaXAL St., N. Y.
eci 1 1 &
Demands prompt treatment. The re
sults of neglect may be serious. Avoid
all harsh and drastic purgativea, the
tendency of which is to weaken the
Vowels. The best remedy la Ayer'a
Pills. Being purely vegetable, their
action is prompt and their effect always
beneficial. They are an admirable
Liver and After-dinner pill, and every
where endorsed by the profession.
" Ayer's Pills are Lishly and univer
sally spoken of by the people about
kere. I make daily use of thein iu my
practice." Dr. I. E. fowler, Bridge
port, Conn.
' I can recnmmorid Ayer's Pills above
all others, having long proved their
value as a cathartic for tuvaelf said,
family." J. T. Ilea, Leithavllle, Pa.
For several years Ayer's rills have
been used in tuy family. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
Moses Greuier, Lowell, Maos.
I have used Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and indigestion, during many
years, ami have always found them
prompt and ellicient in their action."
L. N. Smith, L'tica, N. Y.
I suffered from constipation which
assumed such an -list mate form that I
feared it would cause a stoppage of the
bowels. Two lwixes of Ayer's Pills ef
fected a complete cure." D. Burke,
Saco, Me.
" I have used Ayer's Tills for the past
thirty vears and consider them an in
valuable family medicine. I know ot
tiu better remedy for liver troubles,
and bavu always found them a prompt
i-ure for ilysM-p.sii." James Quinn, HO
Middle st., Hartford, Conn.
" Having Ih i ii troubled with costive-ries-,
whii h seems inevitable with per
sons of sedentary habits, J have tried
Ayer's Pills, hoping for relief. I am
flad to sav that thev have served me
etter than any other medicine. X
arrive al this conclusion only after a
faiilifulinal of their merit-." Samuel
X. Jones, Oak hi., Boston. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Ayer Sc Co.. Lowell, Mat
Sold by all Dealers In Medicine.
An of en tetter to women. No. X
Laurel Ave., San Francisco,
May iS, 1892. ,
' Dear friend of women :
" When my baby was born,
five years ago, I got up in six
days. Far too soon. Result:
falling of the womb. Ever since
I've been miserable.
"I tried everything : doctors,
medicines, apparatus ; but grew
"I could hardly stand; and
walking without? support was
"At last I saw an advertise
ment of Lydia E. Finkham'
Vegetable Confound, and de
cided to try it. The effect was
astonishing. Since I took the
first bottle my womb has not
troubled me, and, thanks only
to you, I am now well Every
suaenng woman
should know how
reliable your
compound is. It
is a sure cure."
All drui.t Mil ft. ar f
y mail, is Ibna of Pill t
Loungra. on rmlpl of SI t .
CamapvadciK friv u.
-"r-o. Addna la coat. r . s -..
lnc. I.I1U K. e,.S- S
Mb-ioai. CO, Lthh. - O & SS
w rius, as "
1" the heir- and leaal repre-enUtlve- of ED
1 WAKH BI'HKL. deceased:
l AkbMUICK, that an inquest will he held
uu uu rtdaence oi toward Hark deceased.
in ti e township oi Ulearoeld. In the county ot
. . rnri'Ai tne iwiullt-liiilH
i'A.1 oiniiY eleven o'clock In
the, ol that day, lor the pun ose ol mtk
tnic partition ol the real estate, ol said decedent
to and a -non it his heirs and leiral renrenenia.
tives. if th e rame can be dona wiih-at pr judice
ir 1 - - vi i, u utm iso value and
appraise vne same according to law. at which
time and placs you are requested to attend It you
vuiua )UDia
Sberifl's Ufnce, Eben-nbrtr. Pa.. Nov. 6. 11V5.
11 8 St.
o.- 1 1 r.iv. noii-e is nereby (elven that an ap.
- ' .ne ',IUI i 111 v.ommuD
Pleas id tbe t'unty ol (lamhria In tbe stale ol
"'' iTauia. on Kionasy tnexnd day ol Uecem-
oer. imi. at tan o'clock in the forenoon, nn.ier
tne Act oi A8-embly. entitled "An Act to Pro-
tiuc iur mo inctirpcration and Ueaulation ol
tyertain I u .ra , li.n . ' . . . t . i .
, . kv,,"wi npru tvin.
Ii4, and the several supplements thereto, hv T.
. nirinnili. 1'Ulllp t. rctllun, A. W liuck.
ciiCT'inrain ana KoDert Seanlan. lor the
i;ii,ncriiiiiD iniiDUM corporation to be called
"The Kowena Koatloic Ulut." theebaraeur and
object ol which ia the cultivation ol aqua tie
i-iwii. aui ior in i- punm-e to have, poasess and
nfiiu iTueuiii ana priviievea eon-
ecu vy me Act oi AseemDly aforesaid, and iu
. . . , Csolldtor.
ucu.-i.uiK. i a., no. , Sa.
N'OTICE Is hereby a-tven that the follow I nir a
counts hare been n led In tba Conn m i v.
n.on Pleas In and for Cambria county Pa . and.
wn, nmainieii ny ine said court unless
"i lr enuwu 10 ine contrary, on the ft t
mwuuiij vi iT-vx-wiier neat;
riret and tloal account o Aaron Stutsman as
slKnee ot Ell Ben-boof and wile.
r irst and nnai account ol 8. 1. Keed, a-slirnee
..... aifcv-a.
Second and partial account of T. J. Fearl aa
slftneeol John A. Marsh. '
r'lrst and nnai account ol W tn. o. Schrotb sa
il v nee ol C'has Favan.
First ar.n tinsl account olJ. J. M'lVinald . as
signee ol Thomas Donahoe.
Not.I froihonoury.
rite now
I W -n-nn-n-sr-i - .JV . M
You helped us to double
' - - -T II 11
inow ior ran
nd Winter.
j .
Men's P.lack and I'.lne IV-avcr
All-WiHM-n Kt-r-t-y
( Ivi-niiats,
lining, -Men's
iray L'nion Suits,
Men's P.lack lu-viot Suits, al!-w--ol.
Men's I'.lne Ch-v ot Sui s, all-wool
Men 9 dl-wool -'2y.. P.lack Cheviot r
-unty for the money regular
our price, -
All Vhi1 Clay Wois etl Suits, Sacks and Froks, fs.oo t.. f!o on
French P.hick Worsteds, all wo U-n, - fl'-Mnj to jl.: i
Childri'ii's Su'rs, .... 7-"m-. to jj;.ii
Yollt Its' Suits, .... ;.i0 t.i
is full up in all the newest and latest goods and you can
get them at prices you can aflbrd to pay.
Ever at Your Service,
. -
The Atl
lantic Refining Co., of
, Pa., make a s,-ecialty
of manufacturing for the dome
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating anJ Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and Gasolinf
That cam be
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : Dnifonnly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
PmsBl'K! KEPT..
Schedule In effect May 2. 116.
t'ssnerllnn-al l rm-on.
Seashore F.ipre--, week dy 6 " a tn
Altoont coommo lation. week days V -i a tn
Main Line Exprrag. daily.. lo At) a to
AlioiiDa bvpre-s. daily. ........ 1 10 p in
HarriHliur Accosiiiiudation. Naadays
on I- .. 107 pm
Mall tapress. dailT ....... S 17 n m
Philadelphia Lire. dally....... I 11 i n
John-town Aeeonimodailon, week days .814am
Pacific daily 8 ?7 a m
Way Pasteniter. 1illy .... 2 36 p n:
Mail Train. .Injly 4 24 p m
Ka-t Line, dally 8 'i . tn
Johnstown Accommodation, week any? tsipm
Ebrn-birn Rrs-nrli.
Trains leave u lolluvs: : iml lO.o a. m.
D'l 3.30 p. m. and arrive at t're-nn at 7.57 and
10 ttl a. m. and 4Mb p. m. Ieafe t'resson at V 3u
nd 11 10 a. iu and 5.3" p. m.. and arrive at Kt
eueburic at lu.nS and II 45 a. m.. tad S.0S p. m.
rresasa ssd t'lear tielil .
Leave lrveim at 5 44 a. m. sn.1 S do u. m. arrlv.
Init at Cre-Kon at 8 oi a. m. and 4 li'l n. in. Ieave
're-son V 35 a. in. and 5 Jo p.m.. arriving at
vona at iu a a m. and 6.4o p. m.
Ker rates taaiis. etc . call on airent or ail.lresa
ri. K. WTT. I'. A. W. I. . no loth Ate
PilUtmrK. Pa.
S. M. PKKV ST. J. K. WI M lf.
tirneral Manacer i nervl Msnsiter.
mm r.iERCH&HDisE,
Harilware. Qnscnsware,
F E ETA ti I. I i Str.. .H4-,
II K5i KMi, KT' ,
tnaZ 50ly
Policies written at short notice, in the
Ebonsburar.juiy UI88S.
Shaving Parlor,
Mam Street, Near Post Office
?7Tb- nndersla;ned deslrce to Inform the pb
Iie that he has opened a ahavins: par or oa
il?i"I-V Be"th postofflca barherlna;
1S. hrancho-s will t carried en In the
future. LverTthlnc neat and eiean
Your patronage solicited.
r. X. FEES.
' 4 ;
our business for Spring
Vie are ready and what have
tlvercoaU;, Single and
H T.-i
I'.lne, Italian
3 -lack and
$. and ini
- - - s..ll
i -"l 00
nit, tlie tm-atest Suit in th,
priif everv ahere,
: ;
rut: ti:tKM.t
1 .
w w
Is the piiM-e to s-rl j, tar
PiomHly tui u,liri,Ki ) n-;:i
111 tunet the prw-es .f a . r..-u..'f
rut-ipelMm. We il.,u t !., tw;
fcr-t-cla.-s siiMk a:,.l B
i Virst prvne f, u
Witt Fast PressS:iS.wT.)i
We are prepared U turn eul J .ti l'r n t.t t
9rtj d:r rtptioo in tl.e h 1 N KST
STYLE sn.1 at the w
Lowest M Mces.
NotbibK out tbe tM-st material is uj
our work sp--aks for iLse f. tVearrpr--pard
to print on the shortes. Dotir-
DisiSE?e Card?. Taos. Bii.i. Hkam.
Monthly Statemexts Esveuh-es,
Labels. Circclars. kuding sd
VifciTTNG Cards. Checks. Notes.
Drafts, Receipt. Ikind Woks,
Letter asd Note Heals, asd
Hop and Party Ismtatioss Etc.
We ran print anything from tb cmaKest
and neatest Visiting Card to the la'eest
Poster on short notice and at the
most Reasonable Hales.
The Cambria Freeman
1 e-rellent lor all thtoat Ictl itcnulu-DJ asJ or
a-lhuis. "onu-.--tivc-
will ln--.''5
ii-r;ve l-enrci r- a
i- u-e. a? It qui-y
r-iit-' tti -.-mt.
fno"i mtr
: .on ev. i-: t
ualure in reT--L
wa-lrd 1 1 f n e f .
f li-re ( a li-i-f
et-nt'tn- i' u a10
U l-.-e It-ir i-i
to t fl'D-UB I I'
win. ae i-Diy o"f
l!J(f tr.-ui a" rrr.-'t
etld or deep sealed rv-ub. i-i'rn atumttlel I'J
-tarrh For catarrh u-e tij ' r-
Both reme.lie- are .!esan! t" u-r. t'-eim h a.
5oe per tnittle: Pin-.lo Hl-an . -V s: lrui fa.
In ijuantmej ol b will deliier i-u i- '
am. .an1.
KL.Y BKOl HtKS.W V arrea St . N '
nut in wiy.
Steel Picket Fence.
1 1 a i
V , li
Uinnlnmrlirtrnn-l'(St. T
Klliitlml.u4Mlrrtirllrli STl'a : M
-KM Cl V ...ui,, Kmaibcr r Gtr. rv.r,, i " -"l-t
We tlM auiTvrtf, hra.y I - e '-..r-.'l
'wifcw Flttifcx. r,r febatbrr. mmi T li. -".rts ' r
Poat. aoS Kl .inm. Bra and 1r tin' a .KK I -oa
"Upu.r ,.. v. mmi mi i k .li : uaa.
0l. 203 A 205 Market St. Pir.-ssis.ri.
WANTED Several faithful -:!'-men
and ladies to travel f t es'-ai'
Salary, $7SO.O0 ami ExjnstS.
Position permanent if suit-nJ; a 1D
crease. SUte reference anJ eaci--"
rielf-addreet-ed stampd envelojw.
THF y ATI'. iS A I.. (
auge (a.
Is perfect: In other words It t Sof
the best for laundry purr-s 'V
wanted to sell to private
geaerml dnb order arent in earn "1WB
Address AMERICA.-, i t-
938 to 346 Fifth Ave.
FtTTSKt Bo".
" In each eountr to taae
I- !:'r. ,.!-
llne f NFKSEKY SIt K u, .
TOE5. Stock and Seed a-Tmn,?1'..p I '
ar I area r
Tt fj-rill nut ton 1-M.tfalDat to ll
lv veu StsDV Fsruisi
hstfk tnT-r-iBin'ar mhieh TiD frer t-.
The Hawks Nursery Co
-aO.W.m Ksehealrr. . a
I C JS . aai f-""-. -." TTt- ?
I r. UllT Am- . m .-l
V L? Mail.
V rklkMM
MS k ail I n Vraaaia