The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 23, 1895, Image 4

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Thought to Have Won 22 Dele
gates In Philadelphia.
A l!-li-f Tlint lie Now Ila Fnoiifh Il-rcl-
t t Him liairmaii of Hip
Stair f'miiiiiiltfP Tli- I f l-;at- s-!-t'l-l
In frrjil C"ountit-A.
Pmi.Ai'H.riii , Anir. -1. The imlicn
rioits are that at the Kepuhlioan j.rima
ri-s, hi !d to select 1 delegates to t.'ie
stat.- eouvi-Htioii. and :!-. to rhioe
iii liilati-- for various citv oliiees. the
i,c:iv la tinii liave certainly ele. ted i
d' lepafes. and ji'i-ibly "J.', with one or
two ih-tricts with five additional i:e
(;;itis in doubt. Tlie anti iuay peopli;
eotneiie the senator lii Vi.-tes.
The result was in swic respects a
pnrj ri-e to Senator (Juay, him-eil". v ho
dul nut exii ct to overcome the mtlu
eme that would he brought to liear
nirainst him in certain localities. The
wards of the city are ronjied into
Vs h i'i!ativo districts and these elected
from one to seven de'erates each. The
hottest lights were in the Fifteenth
.ward, in which Mayor Warwick re
" sisles. and the West f'hiladi liiliia wards,
the Twentv-fourth and Tinrt v-fourth.
In the loiunr t!ie mavor w;'.v
beafiTi. tlie (.may forces, headed by
Alexander ( row, Jr., carrying '-'7 out of
4 '. dr. iii iiis. with contests in two. In
West Philadelphia, St;ite Seuatoi
Thomas, the nay man, von his fii-lit
haiid-ome!y. liotwirhstandintr the fact
that 1 .'avid Martin, the auti-l lay leader
1:1 this city, took personal charge of the
lii:! t durinj,' the a-t week.
The inav men i laiui to have carried
2; out of
divisions, with seven in
douht. If this version of the result
verified, tiiay will have JJ delegates
from tins city. Tie- Jn:iyitt s also
claim that tin Twenty sei ml. Twtnty
tlnrd and Thirtv-nfth wai ds, ele riur
five tie li t:itc, are in iiin.l t.
Tlie ci nfest practicall closes fli
til.t in tiie state, I el.ith l'-ilir the r m..i!.ii!r county to elect dele
gates it at ear-, a'nin.- certain that
Sei.ator ','u iy i.a- wi.ii his fi-ht for the
state chain: .unship, with votes to
spare A ci.iit rvative estimate gives
liim l'o votes III the conventi .n. l."
ui-re than the mimher necessary to
elect The senaf i l:i-f ni'!it occupied
hi- -r.ite if r- Mi in th Metropole
li-tel and .1 rii!;-'.,it stream of visit' is
pa--t il in ami ;.t, cor:f.rTartt!afiifr h'm
i.j on l:i vii t'-ry. li-- d dined to In
iiit rviewed saying that ii- would not
svea foi ;m! In ati. n uni.l after the
con vent ii .11. which meets at liar ristur
en All;.' .'s
was elated at the result of the
primaries and r-"!io I r-n id naturedly
t- the i : m.hnii I.;.- that were showered
upon h;m rI he ci .litest atT racted to the
c.ty politicians cf all i! s from all
over the srt-'. These crowded the
l.e..l, iinrters ot the two factions and
eaj'-rlv wiit le d the return-
S. nator I'-nro-e. who. m re than anv
me i-e pr- i lpit ted the h-ht. carried
!.. vv ard. tiie Kit-'lith. l.y a v U of i: to
arid will o to the convention a-a
: 1. L-ate.
.''in Kiis-.-ii Yonnir riiii as a ,uay
cannula' in his ward This
war-- is i.r--id d ovei , eritt lem
eiit whoihil in t jieniiit Mr. V en" tc
(airy a -inrle division
It Wii- stated at tlie th;ay head, nar
tt r- that twi. i.t t! teat r. ei-:.tes from
i . at!
..1.1 ti ! at. 1 one tr- mi
e .1 counfV.
H ! serteil t..c
anti 1,'i.iiv r.iii fo Mutt hair
li I- i .'r - M il
Ii siiils a Tcl-f;r;tiik to Holmes Attor-li-r
I nun I'rin tiU-tiet-. Is. 1.
1'iiii.AiiKi.i-m a. Auir. "il. W. A. Shoe-riakt-r.
the attorney for H. H. Holmes,
licensed of a si ore of murders, has re-i-eived
a telegram purpoituij; to conn
I .-mil Minnie It. Williams, one of
Holmes" alleged victims. It w;is sent
Irmu Providence. Ii. I., and read as fol
lws: Kepoits that I was murilered
t-lisiird. Am alive andwel:.""
When the llleSsilire v;ts shown to
Holmes, he said excitedly: "I kliew
xii v story that I did not kill the nirl
Would ! continued.""
Attorney W. A. apps. the Fort
Worth attorney who lias I. een lu re in
the interest ot tiie Texas people, who
tin trying to prosecute Holmes, was on
Ins way to take a train from New York
when told that Minnie Williams had
li'i'ti reported alive. He said: 'T
never thought she was dead. The Fort
Worth jn-ople think she is alive; hut it
seems mi(-hty hard to locate her. She
may be si nn where near Roston. She
has many friends there. I would not
he surprised if tiie telegram, you say
has hei n received from her. is correct."
Assistant lUstricl- Attorney liarlow
would not say whether he thought the
telegram was genuine or false. He ad
mitted, however, that he would not he
astonished if Minnie Williams appeared
tin the .scene at uuv time-.
i'iglit Killed ami l.if;lit I njuretl at I'uriiHcr
II. of the ':triit-Kie 'ouitaiiy.
1'iTTsin k. Anpr. 2i. The explosion
at furnace II. of the ("arueeie company,
at Braddoek, was due to a "han" in
the furnace. A force of If. men were
sent to tiie top of the furnace to pet the
1-ell iii workintr order. While they were
at work an explosion occurred inside of
tie- furnace. Tiie list of kdead is as fol
lows: .lohn I'rokopovi, aped JT, married,
wife in Austria: .Jo-eph Luckai. a'eil
4"i. married, wife and three children in
I'.raddock: Stefan Havril.i, aired 32,
niarr.ed. wife anl three children in
I'.raiidock: Joseph t"-op. aed ol. single
Michael Kapinos. atred 2i. wife in old
country: Am'.rew llnl.nak. aired :.".
w ife and t.'ir- e children m I'.i addock .
John Mika. a-ol -. n:.irr: I. f.i :aiy m
Austria: .iohn (iii r.e. u . Wile and two
child: n in i .-:e! '. i
The injured il! tie- M'TCV h-'s-ital
are .lohn ra.i. .! i -i SI. i tii. Mii i.aM
luri. . rn'.v w l::c ..i:::s M.rri-
si ii. Mi. :..i i K..;.i.i. -. .h.m iasn.y
autl -o.i.n 1 .i .iv.
All lnil ri '. .lis :-li:rr -i-ii t liei-il.
rmi.Ai'i I .in . Auir. 21. Tlmmas M.
lir.u'.y. the former cashier of the Kir.-t
National hank of Marietta, l'a., has
I.e. n found iriulty in the I ruted States
ili-trii t court of emhez.len.-nt and mis
apl lyiut; funds ot the hank, and has
l.ei ii s nteiiced hy Jmlire 1'i.tler to pav
a tine of -fjoouu the f.r-t charge and
iiinlereo isonnient cf seven years
i n the charge. irady's elul.n-.-zienieut
amounted to $.10,000, but he
laaiie fcood $-0.ii.h of this amount.
S. He sir ink the laUl lilnir.
PtTR-HT, An ir. 21. Frank A Fass
nacht lias announced to the jnilice that
l:e wa th p tmiii who struck tiie blow
wmch resulted in John Matlerson's
tleatli eiirly last Sunday morning.
as-nariit say Stafferson jersisted in
f. .liow :n h.mself and the laly whom
l.e was e-- rt;nr. until his conduct lie
came unbearable. Fa.-nacht h;is not
Lteu aritsted or detained.
Virion of Ktiiiaway llorei
SHAV kin. Am- 21 1. W. FtrshinR
ot Mt is scfferinir from cwi
ci s-s,,r ot tr.e brain s- the re-nlt of hav
int? beep thrown from his carriast w hiU
J. lu rses wert dashing down the sttt t
ii.i-i.i.taii: roa-I from Natalie His con
litn L i critical
Fi.ilorf.eil tuay Ini Cliairinan
Lfw!s-t..n l'a., An? 21. The Re
tubhcai. coiinty convention was a ecu
tinuous f piit Resolution were passed
enooisiiiK the Hastings ailinn.istiation
:u.o Sciiiiloi iuajr for of the
lattr ccuiuiittee.
Ohio Demorral Will Nominate Hiin at
Tlieir "onviitioii Ttnla.v.
Spi.i.ii 1 :i.i. ., An?. 21. The Ohic
Dtniocratic convention convened at 1C
o'clock this morning. Seimtor Brice
piesidiiii; as temjH-rary cnairmau and
later as nnain iit chairman.
The llrice men control all the cont
mittees. but did not exercise their powei
in unseating op.jioiienfs in the commit
tee mi credentials. They made Senatoi
lirice ptiniiinent as well as temiorary
chaii man of the convention and con
tinu. d the temporary orjranizatior
throughout. So far as the ticket is con
t trued the talk is for nothing but th
old tickets of lVi and J"!I, whict
means Camplxdl for governor and Mar
quis for lit uteiiiint jrovernor. And it is
understood that ex- iovernor 'ampliei:
has leeii assured of sucli linanciai anc
other sujijiort as to secure his accept
When the committee on resolutions
met, ex-Cou-rres.-maii Frank llurd, whe
is as radical for a trold standard as foi
free tr.ele. was maile chairman, and it
was found that .1. M. Lewis of the
Eifihth. A. W. I'atrick of the Seven
teeutii and K. J. Biandm of the Twenty
fir-t district were the only free silvei
men on that committee of 21 members.
The committee on resolutions appo uted
a sub committee of five to draw up a
platform, on which the opposition was
triven a representation, and which was
instructed to re.vthrm the national
financial plank of lV.i2, which Senatoi
Rnce says tiie president and Secretary
Carlisle had interpreted to mea'i a gold
It Wiis also instructed to endorse the
tarirf bill passed by the last congress
and the national administration anil
the ncord ot Senator lirice. Stronp
speei hi s were made for the resolution?
of the silver men, but it was not incor
porated in the instructions to the
frameis of the platform ! It will bejn
corporated in the majority report ol
F.landiii. I,evis ami Patrick, and it is
thought I he vote w ill be 'iOMor the ina
bility report and 2 00 for the minor. ty
report. The platform will arraign (iov
ernor McKinley's state administration
.-even ly and point to the revival of bus
iness as the etlect of Democratic rnlt"
and legislation, ami to the depression ot
y. and 1 s'J4. as the effect of previous
Republican legislation. Tiie recent
Repu bean legislatures will be severt ly
i:ri ii :"'ied on chatjies of extravaanct
and itstrictive lesri.-hitiou.
The Ki it yo hnml Toiivent ion.
C ii.t'Min s, An?. 21. In tlie Krieper
bund convention National President J.
Wall 11 tV welcomed J 42 deleaates ami lie
livereil his annual address. Treasurei
Julius Kptrers of fhicajro reportec
money on hand last year l.!'til; re
ceived duriti? the year, $1.K1; dis
bursed. '.':'; balance. $1.! M Amoiif.
the questions up for debate is this one
"Shall members be compelled, as now.
to accept life insurance and subscribe tc
a St. Louis paner, the ctyau of the
The Porte IN jei Is Imtign Control.
Ci nsta vtini ri.K. An?. 21. Tht
p irte's last rej-ly to the envoys of tilt
powers on the su?ject of refcTins in Ar
mt nia, 11. 1 lit ions only the reforms ol
secondary imiortaiice and rejects tht
demands of the powers for the extrcist
of fortipn contiol ever the eiecnfior
tif the 1 iojMised reforms, that
it weuid lie fatal to the sovereignty ol
the sultan ami the iiidepe ndeiit '1 in kisl
t in pi re.
To Ki-Kiitate liar lien I'riee.
Ci fvi 1 ami, An? 21 Pursuant to r
call suit out by the secretary 17 mem
bers of the Pat Iron asMieiatioii fion
vane us parts of the country, have heir
a secrtt li.tetin? at the Weddell House
Those prest nt inaintanied ?reat secrecy
as ti tht j 1:1 pose f the nieetinp. It 11
understood, however, that there wen
called t .i ther to re?nlate the price o:
bat irci and discuss tne present condi
ti"L cf tht maiket
.nilnfi l'riif-or ltein 1 nveMtii;at4-l.
AMvn!. N II., An?. 21. Fron
present indications there may lie a re
optnini of the celebrated controversy
which breutrht the famous Andovei
Tin t Io-ii ;d seminary into snch premi
Hence in recent years Ti e 1 c ard c-1
visiters ha.- 1 een coLeuctinp ar ii.c;uiry
si net June 12 The case beitp invt-sti
?ared is that if I rcf William lieiuj
Kydei. usj:ected iff heterodoxy.
l;i.v Ifi.inl a Coin t of Itiiiiry.
V.(siMviiTn'. An? 21 Ac-tin? Sec
re'ary cf the Navy McAdoc says tha
bf had not decided what course tc pur
sue in repaid to the ciuiser I "olumbia
It is pi -sd It that a court of inquiry
may be aj pciiitt-d tc iletennine w in thei
tht in;,i.iits received by the impropei
declii.p af St tthamptoii were due tc
the rt?lieei,ce or inefllciency of Cap
tail Sunlit t or any of his subordinates
liair I: l-ht-il In Ncluaska..
NuiiTH Pi .MTF.. Neb , An?. 21. Ran
dits captured the easthonnd iverhme
Flyer ab ut midnight- The enpine war
cut oft and sent foi ward in the re?nla
tion Jesse .lames order while the out
laws looted the train at their pleasure
No particulars as to the amount ol
bet (lit secured are obtainable.
I'tiiliAlity skipetl to ieriiiany.
Chk Ami. An? 21. Conrad II. Beyer
president of the Chica?o Lookinej.-lasr
c inpany, has disappeared ami it i
thought he eone to Frankfort-on
the Main It is alleged that he ha
with ! i 111 a larpe ainoi. nt of casl
wl ich tl e creiliti rs claim should be di
vk td an c n? tht m
S'tn Afliiisrl of Artnn.
Kfm.mia, Wis, Au? 21. Anothei
anc-st 1. as leer, niade in the arson am'
ccrr-j iracy c rise in connection w ith th" of the factoiy of the Chica?t
I'tr.tiiii? c"iiipany. Tlie j riscner ir
Pen-aid Hi.ttltr, a wealthy t hit a?oau.
T bis n.akes teven men new under ar
lest err the same charge.
li-l.n Iialy Loiter a toot.
IicvroN, An?. 21. Jchn Daly, ex
n.niiber of the honse of commons tci
( c.rk, while aliphtin? from a train al
Syt'.nty. fell Wtween the platform am"
the ciitriape and had his left hand badly
injured He yvas also obliged to havt
the left foct amputated.
A i.reat Iilrtina;e to Lonrtlefl.
1'Mhn. An? 21. A dispatch to The
Chronic le from Paris says that a preat
pilgrimage l as started for Lourdes. It
presented a thorough reproduction of
Zola's word picture in his novel of that
name. The number of sick and para
lysed was far greater than in ltr94.
(iomer 1 Not Head
rim jtrvi rniA. An? 21 Frrilio
"i.r.f4. of lj hia. an act f
wt rkei in tlie cause of Crbat mdi jtnd-i-Lvt
stale.- he has -csitive!on
that MiiXimo (ii tucz, gt ntral in-chiet
of the Cuban armies is not dead and
ti at all rtpcils to the contiary aie
Klertctl a Jr.ay Delepate
E'-'KMt M, Pa , An? 21 At the
( an eioti cotnty Republic an cirven
ti n the CJi.ay fKOtle elected tl fir dele
pate to tht state ecnventiou bv a vcte
of ;;t to 2;.
The On Man Klrrltil
Wfmi i:t stkk. Pa.. An? 21. At the
Republican county convention tht ciiu
cuciates of Senator Quay were ejected tc
tne convention bv a vote of !'e, to "ii 2 5
I'nuirt tti hallenge MrAullfTe
Nfw YtntK. Anp. 21 John Vahan
tit:e au Fnplisli pu?ilist. has t cme to
Ann rica w. h the intention of chahen?
in? Jack McAnlitte. the li?Ltweight
ci.ampicm of the b'nited States.
Ief, nilcr Ditln't Kinldh.
Panv H.-MiK. N. J., Ang. 21. The
first trial race lwtween Defender and
Vipilant ended unsatisfactorily, as De
fender wrhdrew after makin? one
touiiil. iiTilant was then called in.
Says Waller Case Documents
Are Hard to Get.
eistis to be active.
he State Hepai t uient I!eolvetl to I"res
the flatter to a Conclusion Wooilfortl
Keiif-uetl 1 aller' l-amily to I'ri-tent
OutraKi-j tin llin llatij;liter.
Paris An?. 21. The Ciilblas says
that an important conference has taken
place between I'nited States Ambassa
dor Eustis and M. Benoit, in which the
latter .-aid that however desirous the
povernment mi?ht be of satisfying the
demands made from Wasliinpton it
would take time to pet the documents
bearinp upon the case from Madagas
car. Mr. Waller is reported to be in an
advanced stage of consumjitiou.
A London says: Mr. Ethclbert
Woodford, tlie American who assisted
Mrs. Waller and children out of Mada
gascar, is here. According to Mr. Wood
lord, the sole evidence against the ex
consul was embodied in letters to his
wife and from a Nova friend, wherein
the occupation of Madagascar by the
French was d scussed and description
given of alleged outrages upon women.
Mr. Woodford declares, however, that
the real cause for the French act on
against Consul Waller is the factjthat he
liad obtained valuable concessions from
the Hovas, and that Mr. Waller had
received his exequatur from the Ilova
government though opposed by the
French, who hold the right to deter
mine who shall be the consul at
Said he: -'The he avy additional ex
pense of rescuing the Waller fatuity w as
unexpected to me. I could not. how
ever, do otherwise. There w ere- grown
up girls in the family, and I knew the
fate that would lie "in store for tlx m
when the French should occupy the
capital. So I took them to Mauritius."
A Washington special says: The
state department has not abated its in
terest in tlie Waller case, but it is
firmly resolved to actively press ti.. '
matter to a conclusion. A di-patth in
line with this policy has been sent tc:
Ambassador Lustis.
St. Louis itl tin Trial.
SiHTHAMiTus, Aug. 21. The steam
trials of the American line steamer St.
Louis, over a measured course in the
English channel, were a complete suc
cess. The course was from Portland
liill to start Point ami back, which is
a distance of 10-1 knots. The time in
which the course was covered was 1
houis, 41 minutes ami 1 second, which
gives a mean .speed of 22,3.10 knots.
Kight Arrested For a Lynching.
El i.KNsHi itti. Wash., Aug. 21. Eight
persons are uudei arrest here on a
chaige of N ing implicated in tlie recent
lynching ot the Yinsons, father and
son. They are Mike Lauder, Frank
I'be locker. William Kennedy, John
Biisey, Frank Fiegcle, Keibert Linkel.
Frank Schulle-r and Hc-nry Dewes
coin I.
An Apparition That Stattletl Vteitor-4., Aug 21 Visitois at
Bath Beach were startled to see- in the
preat throng of bathers a giatttul
young girl, clad ii bloomers. She wa
a conspicuous figure 011 the beach for
several hours. The girl, whose name is
Lottie Hermann, is quite preity. lle-r
biothei is a local drygoods im it hunt.
.lapan'tt ltine Llloi ts li
St l'KTKi:si;i nii, Aug -.
. Formosa. -
1. A sjiecial
to the Novoo Vremvii states that the
Japanese only occupy the coasts of the
Island of Formosa, whence they dis
patch punitive expeditions into the in
terior. Several of these have pieved
Inst rut tett for Vuay
M'ru'i. Pa , An? 2i
tht Fulton county Kepr.blii an c r.vt p
tion M Kay Shaft uer was cl cted dele
gate to the sta-e ci i.vei.t:ou with n
structions tc suj port (n-verncr Hast
ings for chairman of the state ci r.ven
tion and Senatoi tjV.ay foi chairmar, c
the, Republican state committee
The Ket-ley League Convention.
Hakhishi ko, Aug. 21 The annual
convention of the National Keeltv
League is in session in the operahoue.
with ."m delegates in attendance. A
large delegation of old soldiers fiom
tlie Leavenworth Soldiers' home ait
here, and were welcomed by Co'om 1
II. C. Demming of Harrisl ur? en be
half of the local (i. A. K. posts Tl
formal address of welcejine wa- deliv
ered at a massme-t ting by liovernoi
Still Ahusinu Armenian..
CoNSTANTlNDl l.K. Aug. 21. The col
lection of the arrears of taxes m the
Moosh district is accompanied with
deeds of revolting 'cruelty. The Ar
menians liberated undei the amnesty
have been rearrested on tiumpeiy
C'oxey's Latent Itlea.
tttTMRlK. O. T., Ang. 21. (Jeneral
J. S. Coxey, Populist .ciindidato tor gov
ernor of )hio. is, according to the state
inent of a leading Oklahoma politiciai ,
after tht; congressional nomination from
this territory.
Train lleltl l p In 7l it hiean.
(IRANI) KaI'IPs, Ang. 21. A C. t& W.
M. train has lieen held up near New
Richmond by five men. The exptesr-
car was blown up with dynamite, and
one brakt man was shot.
China Will I'rotert Catholic.
Vifnxa. Aug. 21. The Chinese conrt
has sent an official to inform the- Catho
lie bishop at Pekin that the Chines-gov-rnment
would watch carefully foi
the safety of Catholics.
liig 1'aring
Ciiif Aiio, Ang.
tare Tomorrow
1. The piospects at
that the great pacing race tomorrow be
tween Joe Patehen and John K Oentry
Will bring out a great crowd.
Light I't-rioim Itrovvt.eil
OtVI.OONE. A Tl '1 A tqaur nsi
. r I - - " 1- ' i
R'eanier ran intc and sunk a baige neat
-VUliruru l-.;glit persons were drewnta
Solicitor General
Lot Irelaiitl
William Kenny
has been appointed solicitoi geneiai foi
Tb Hovas threaten to burr dewr. theii
eajnal city, Antananarivo. Matifo;a..cHr,
to inevetit it frou. failing intc ll,t Lands
f tht Fiench
Five victim ci tht Ocean City (Mi) 1
rfiniiiii accident were buried ai Silbv
I.lle Del.
Ih-structive forest fires are reported
frcm the Kaslo-Siocan. t be Kuf.ei.n, and
other distric-ts in Waahii: ton ami lintish
Justice Van Syckle of New Jersey an
nounced that the decision as tc t he con-eiitution.-tlit
- of the elective judiciary bill
would not W rendered till aftei the jatls-e
were elected undei it.
Cumlierland county (X. J ) oyr?tei men
are talking of puttim: tin a steamheat line
to carry their product owing to disagree
ment with the railroads
A gai.x of thieves roblied the granary of
John Ktibinson. in Hunterdon eountv, N
J., and farmers are organilng against
The seventeenth annual convention of
the Federation of Trades of New Jrsey
met at New Brunswick.
Several attempts at burglary were made
near Morristown, N. J.
A forest burned over 3n0 arress of
ground near May's Iuidinic. N. J. SeriU8
losses also occurred near Medford, Ca.w
du county.
Hie 11 an R-fuetl Before to Allow For
elKnen to Inveslinate lilotn.
Washington, Aug. 21. The state de
partment has received information con
firming the news given in f J i'is
patches yesterday, that there is o 10
disposition on the part of the C: ti . e
officials not to allow the American r-i.i
British olticers to be present at the in
vestigation of the Ku-Cheug riots.. In
very case where there has been an in
vestigation of the kind proposed the
bailie objections have been made, the
Chinese officials feeling that they will
lose prestige with their people if they
allow foreigners to participate in their
courts. These objections have always
ended in the submission of the Chinese
lifter some delav. It can be stated au
thoritatively that the instructions to
Minister Deuby cover all questions now
in controversy and that the investiga
tion will Ihj conducted in such manner
as to allow the American representative
to secure complete and full information
as to the cause of the riots a the per
sons participating in them, whether
high or low.
The assurance is also given that this
will be done in t-uch a manner as to
leave nothing for complaint by the
American people on the score of failure
to obtain the facts relating to the dis
turbances. It is understood that the
Chinese minister has informed his gov
ernment that the best interests of China
will Ihj served by according to the
American ami British officers, the most
thorough facilities for obtaining all in
formation desired. The attention of
China has been called to the fact that
when the I'nited States government
was investigating the Chinese riots in
this country officials of the Chinese
government were aked to be present to
obtain all the particulars.
A Loudon special says: Sir N. K.
O'Connor, British minister at Pekin,
has been armed with full authority to
demand the issue of the necessary in
structions to the local Chinese otlicials
there to insure the presence of the
American and British consuls at the
inquiry which is being made at Ku
Cheug into the recent- massacres.
Tlie Mora Claims Seidell.
Wa-hinoton, Ang. 21. Au agree
ment has lieen signed by Secretary of
State Olney. Minister Dupuy de Lome
of Spain. Antonio Maximo Mora and
Mt. Morn's counsel, providing for the
settlement of the Mora claim on the
basis of $1,500,000 on the lath of Sep
tember next. By the agreement tht
claimant waives all demands for inter
est and accepts the amount named a
full satisfaction of all claims.
Will Operate the K. pai.vv I'lanta
1mi an, Aug 21 The Ameri
can Plate tilass company, which is to
have headquarters in this city, has
lieen organized with C. T. Doxey of
Anderson, president, the I'nion Trust
company treasurer, and Henry Eittl,
secretary. Its capital stock is fljuNi,
(kj;i. It is a reorganization of the c:d
Depanw Plate (ilass company, ami will
operate the Depanw plants at Ale-xau
Una and New Albany.
Two Chi lil re us" Fatal l'lay.
Ti nki.anncm k, Pa , Aug. 21. Fred
Doty the I : year-old son of N. A. Doty,
and Lcnford Love, tho lu-year-old son
of )rin Ive, a farmer, both living near
Mehoopany, this county, secured a pis
tol anil went out into the field to play
"Wild West." Doty hade Love to open
his mouth and fired a bullet down his
throat, severing the spinal cord ami
killing him instantly. They did not
know it was loaded.
American Machinery For Chile
Xkw Yi:k, Aug 21. When the
Iteamer "aicic sails next Tuesday she
will carry a shipment of American locc
motives to Valparaiso for use on the
Chilea i Sta'e railway. They are to
supersede Eghsh engines which have
been found to lie wholly inadequate foi
the work required of them. The total
tender, is 1 1 T.ihkj jmiuikIs.
I'lanued For Cincinnati,
Washington, Au?. 21. Assistant
Superintendent Masten of the ay
Mail service has returned from Cincin
nati, where he went to ascertain the
possibility of putting mail cars on the
ftieetcar lines there for fast service
He found the railroad people expiess
a willingm-ss to co-operate with the
postollice department for this service
Thern is ty l meeting of the directors
of the Consolidated shortly, whet the
mutter will be discussed.
A Saloonkeeper Stahhetl.
Nfw Viiiik, Aug. 21 Theodore F
Maty., a saloonkeeper at al? East tine
Hundred and Seventeenth street, has
leen stabbed in the abdomen in his
saloon by an unknown assailant whe
e.-caped Matz's wound may prcve
fatal The man hail ordered a-giast of
bee l loi which he refused to pay, and
iltz tried tc eject him
The vapkets
PtTTsri RO Ang 20
VrF.i1-Xo 1 red i.evv.To j,;4;. No i red
c;K"S 2 yt'.lcw tar Wdioc, No '
jehew ht.elleti. 4(j4oe ; ir.ixtd ear, 4i
(a -tic
'ATS No 1 w-b-'tt 26 i2Tci No 2 do,
Z'.r. cxtrfc No i w hilt Xc ; 1:1.1 mixed
HAY No new timothy, 16 DOS 16 25 , No i
t-.n.t.tht , li 1.1415 J5, mixed tiover. Jlh.DU.1
l4ij, j,:u kir.ij S 'i0u.h5u, No 1 feeding prairie
tli.ticmi li 35, wukod hay, ;ti.uoi K.Oci f.n
HL1 1 Kn Elgin creamery. 2ti 1 r
lant-y ereamt ry lg-1ic- fi.ney country
lA'rfl.V, low glades and ctiokinit . fHZc
( HEKSK-1 ihi.i, mild, new, sn&.'.p
(.rk new. 9'('.i'4c , lin.lertit-r. new 10ijl0-2c
VV isccr.s.i, fwiss lcal-it;, Ohio iswisa li';
EtiCi.S Str.rtly fresh Pennsylvania anc'
Ohi ii. case,, Ual.J'jc, JaSiic more foi
fOLT-TRY Iarire live ohloltens arp.rvk p-i
Ii . live i-h:rki-ris. small Juc.Vic, st.r-.j.g
chlrktiis A'tiM. aa ti si7,-, dresseO chickeiis
litia iei pound, dressed bprmt chickens
lij, i 'K . ducks liil lc
East I.irrBTT Pa.. Ang 20.
CATTI.F- Heot-ipt- l:l;rra. this week c.-n-sistn.g
.1 l.V. c.-irr (ir si!o Very fev c.xh.I oi
prime trri.i'.i-s tin Kiltr Mustij lii: I.t ai-.ti ecu;
n. tn irrailcx Price- will 1 a full quartet
! vvti i.i lmht t-iimnxii. grades Wi quote
as vvs Prime .i iV35 40, irtHul. $4 m?
(-; trmitl botchers. 14 2.Vt4 4i; rouv-b
iav eAio.; i.ulls stairs and ctwn, II 5uj4
U Ti . f rtsh cows and sj;rinf?rs tib (X) 4tl.irj
H( iC.-s hi t. lj ts lniht today, and with a
littit Ix-ttt-t demand juices art a shadtr tl.nn the latter part tif last week
Wc. qu- tt I im liyht attolMt-ila im
lalvij In avy grufis 4;ev4S0.
to fail Y'trKt-rs 4To4S0, r..i.(.-hs kaia
MIEEP ANP I.AMR-s-Ktc-ipts cf fresh ar
rivals fears while several loads left ovei un
1c. from y-t-rtlay Tht dt-mand i dul. foi
el.eep litmljs sttaily at unchaiiired prict-s
Wr cini.te as follows: Kxiiorts. j Hon
oso extra uujui; p.Kitl I i lira 2.50. fair
tl 3t 1 tj, ciimmon. SVJtl 00, spni.i- lambs
tiOLa4 -Jj. veal talv.-, Xi.OJgboO, heavy and
turn calves. 2 oogij do
ClcIJ,Tl Aug 30
ncvjpJjarket strcr.w-ei. iuloc hiirher
- liaise rece.iits, l.loC Lead . shipii.tLt. Im,
C ATTLE Maiket teidy at n2aii-2o- rift-';
ts aiA.1 lit a 1 ; sljpmelits, 2U head
SHEEP AND LA.vlBrs-Shep market sit w
but sttady at li.uifebTi; rect 'ptn 2.HU' t.ea I :
tii.! ir.t-nts l.joe head market lugh-r
at i:ii;.OJ
New Yor,R Ang 20.
WEEAT-Sp-t market dull anil weak
No 2 red store, and elevator, Gso atmat ;
f o l. ii.V af.uat ; No 1 northern. TuJc deliv
ereti ; No 1 hard Ilc
CeiRN Spot market dull and lower.
No . 4.v. i levator.
OATS ripot market qniel and about steady.
No a r.Ka'o.-r.c; No. 2 delivered. 27c; No 3,
2-''t:: So 2 white, 2J'ai.tUc; No. 3 whi; .
2T-:c: track white, 27V; track white western,
l7iid.V: track white state, 27.5.
CATTLE European ratio, quote American
steers ut lla-iU'r, dressed weight; refrig
erator lieef at S'lt'ilc.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep very du" ;
lamb fairly active and jm4e higher. Abu
b.WjO unaold. tsheep, otir tv prime, Jl.i.Hi;Ui:
lambs, coin nton to choice, tLuia,5.30
UuSy Market firm at t5.UVs5.4U.
Prevents Gold Seserve From
Going Below $100,000,000.
Thli I lliinr to (Ift'set a Heavy With
drawal MAile l-'or Sliipiaient tt l-:uri-.
;.N.-0.(K Taken Out Front the New
York hub-Treasury.
Washinotox, AUsT. 21. The pold
Fyndicate ha prevented the trold re
serve from falling lurlow the I00.(mk.
(HH) mark. When the treasury depart
inent received word that ti,s.")).lKic in
pold hail been withdrawn for exjiort
from the sub-treasury in New York the
treasury officials found tho reserve had
thus lieen reduced to t'.!.(;?7. 1 is. A
few minutes afterward, however, Act
iiifj Secretary Curtis received a telepram
Baying that Mr. Pieriniiit Mor-ran of the
syndicate had ileposiretl ? i.iMKi.iHH) in
jold in exchaiiije for preenhacks. This
deposit swelled the reserve Ut $iOI,t;7 7.
14. The officials at the department dis
play 110 apprehensions as to the Tld re
serve, and intimate that the syndicate
will continue, to make deposits to off set
withdrawls. Hut they decline to ex
press their reasons for their faith, and
the question raised constantly is as to
the pledge under which the symlidate
Is making these deposits and tlie period
it- covers, as well as the ability of the
eyndidate to continue to protect the re
serve. Hut little li tlit can be shed 0:1
these questions, however, as it is said
that probably only two iroverniiieut of
ficials. President Cleveland and Secre
tary Carlisle, know the written part of
the agreement made with the syndicate
which secured the last issue of ImukIs.
The syndicate has so far voluntarily deposit-id
atiout s,iKH),ui in jrtdd.
The manner 111 which the syndicate
has acrc-umulated the pold which it lias
voluntarily exchanged at tlie treasury
for greenbacks is not absolutely kimwii,
us the syndicate dos not make public
its operations, but at the treasury de
partment it is tielieved that most of it
is obtained by giving; exchange on San
Francisco and by buying jiillnni checks.
The circulation in San Francisco is prac
tically all gold. The movement of
money is east, as a result of which San
Francisco exchange cm New York is
usually at a premium, equal to the cost
of the transportation of trold across the
For the same reason New York ex
chantre 011 San Francisco is often at a
slight discount, although just now it is
at par. Hy offering exchange 011 San
Francisco therefore the syndicate can
accumulate large quantities of gold in
San Francisco at practically 110 expense.
The syndicate can also procure gold by
buying bullion checks issued for bul
linn deposited at the assay oltlct s and
the govei limeiit mints. These, at the
present time, will result in a demand
for gold, bringing a premium. It is
not believed, however, that t he sy ndi
cate is put to much expense in accu
mulating in this fashion, practically the
entire product of the American gold
mines, which averages usually aliout
t.l.",ooO,ooo a year.
Department f .1 111 ice Anketl to Investi
gate Milriler of ItanniM-k Indian.
Washington, Aug. 21. The question
of what action should Ir- taken by the
government in connection witli the
killing of the liannoc-k Indians, in the
Jackson Hole; country on July 1'-' last,
has been referred to the depai tmcnt ol
justice. It is understood that a com
munication on the subject has been for
warded, which recites the circum
stances' in the case and ends with a
strong recommendation for an investi
gation of the matter by the department
of justice. It is understood that the at
torney general was asked to send spe
cial agents to Jacksons Hole and that
tlie services of the Indian inspectors
were offered as assistants.
It is lielit-ved that the arr'-st of cer
tain settlers by the I'nited States au
thorities has been recommended, so
that tho case may be brought into coin t
and the relative weight of the tieaty
with the Haiiuot-ks and of the laws of
Wyoming may be judiciallj detel
No Hull FiKht at Atlanta.
Atlanta, Aug. 21. The bull fight,
which has been so extensively advei
tised to take place in connection with
the cotton t-'ates autl international ex
position, will not come oir. Tht expo
sition directors withdrew the coi.cer
Soldiers After Indian Outlaw.
Wnxox, Ariz., Aug. 21. A troop of
oavalry has U-eu sent to the Horn Has" 1
country in pursuit of a band of Indian
outlaws who have been committing
depredations in that region for several
To lev.-lt a Canal
Piui.APFT.rHiA. Aug 21 A syndi
cate which includes a linmVei of I'hil
adelphia capitalists, ha purchased the
right of a power company, whi. h wa
recently formed to develoj tht Sault
Ste .Marie canal, ami has organized the
Lake Superior Power companj witl a
capital of f i tKiJ.0(H).
Mountain House
pillS well-known and Ionic entahliKhed Shavin
M. l'a rlor i now located en lntre street, op
IMistie the livery Mahle ol li'Hara. lhtvls . l-ulh
er. where the hupmexft will Le earrleil on In the
luture. SHAVIM:. IIAIK l'riIN AMI
Stl AMl'OIUMl dune in the neaten anil oiml
artlntir manner. Clean Towels a specialty.
.Iiule waited un at their residences.
JAMfa ll.lAT.
Shaving Parlor,
Mam Street, Near Post Office
-The undemlicneil desires to Inform the pnh
llr tbt he has ened a rhavlntc nar or on
Mam ctreet. near the poet office where tiarherlnK
in all lt hranrhe'8 will he carried on In the
iniure. r.vervtninic neat and clean.
Your palronaKS eoliciled.
BUGGIES at i Price
.i.i ltuirKJ - :.' VWt-utt.i-(i.
n.iu-i..ii a-t M:lt'r.s nu. I
4 l'ai Tup Surrey-! i; tmlit-ll Al.l.
VVaifun. (CJA tsiitiiN'lit.irs
14 Kil Cnrt tK.-rfi Mut if fas
lluirirT IUmei S.S tort ami .ive
tl'iKniriry " .; Miilil It-nun
(HiTtritiu " $1 . pri.tu.
M.itvmi Ssdille. tl i- Cst V'e Knv
I. S. Ill t.CiV A C' VIST -.
i to 12 Ijiwn-nce St., Ciue-uiuati. O.
6 1
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Eierjwhere!
anil Tnmnn tt'ttm . ma bw.
tHok inr, lrs. (.HATiavir Jt Beau.
MAW. ier year.
The Eljensliurg Fair,
Anonst 27, 28, 29 anfl 30.
Tin m;tn;iij TM'nt of tlio MtM'iishiirtr Fair
... ..f t I .....)... .. f i .i-I ln-t ttll - i
Ul I i li'll Ki inr f'tunn tin 1 1
ing Kifth Annual Kxhittition. pnnni-iiiji
that it will Im- the trraiuii-sl and liiiTire-st
ever lield ill tills plai-e.
For a Parse Aggresatins $1,000.
Bicvcle Races !
mill l'lirat-hiiti- l.i:iis fnuii tin- Cliuuls I y
I he i-.-ii-lii ;i liil K iiitiinii ki-rs. .Ii-im-II Kins.
m Im have iilaeeil with u a forfeit uf tl l ti
as a uu ;ir:i nlee thai lliev will lie on liainl.
Many new a ! 1 ra t iim'iav lieen sectirt 1.
:ini. 111' wliieli will In- the l.ari-'est Live
A 1 1 i'.i Im now in I 'a it i v it y .
lrr. Sl'Ki I.M.TIIAIN will leave Kh.
ensiling at aliout 7 o"i-ini k i-. vi.. on Weil
nesilav. Tinu -ii.i ami l- inlay. makiiii;
i-oiiin-i-1 ions i ami west al I lesson.
l:.'J:ifMj;, Nausea. J'r nv -in., 1 n.-t r-i iiitor
ratin;-. V:tii; iu ti,i Si .:r. Wl.ii.; :r ::;.xfi
r&iii&rkallt tixr.u 1-t ii Hbvv. n in cmipg
Ta2vhe. yot Curtr r's Litllo l.ivr rmi ar
ei;u:illy iluul'lolTlCJ-ilistil-ali. 11. rui .Tiaiul rr-j-
v iiiniR ti.iaannt y;ii;'r,n.r.!;;:i.f. . yal
f-rr:: iiiliiii.'n" r' tbort--rnii' ittir-mlatfthii
livi-r and rt,-;!uiito thub-iwdd. tv.u 11 tlii y ouly
curoa aw fi tjrrj
euTi-r 1 r i: t!iis 'l. : . coin i laiiiL; 1atft.rtn
r.atoly ttiflC iui lit ! ;! Inaemt !:t r?.nii ttK.-4
whoiii' otfril,( !i' wi" t nt hf little pilUvalri
eljle in om.ny was ttui tit-y will iit.t In wil
l:uj to Jo u it bout !lit.n.!.'rr.l8ick bea4
sr.i ts .
Isthplmnoof n many lives that lirro It trhfT
Wfiuaket'iir pr- Loost. Our xullncuruit vtiilo
OtluTN d not.
t urti c'a I-itlo I-irrr TiM arc vory FTnaU anJ
rry r:u-y to Utko. tJte or two villa make a d-l.
1 ix- y a.o fitr:rtly Vfv-tall.i tn l Jo not r:po or
pur". 1 ut hy L'u'ir p.-ntloartioa plea all who
usflfcoru. iu vi.tiat ". utH ; iivof.rl. iSolJ
' di uj,if ji everywhere, ur ut l;y :::aU.
RT!-r? KroiCINE CO., New York..
Ther aid I was consumptive. Bent me t
Florida, told mn to ktp quiet, no excite
ment, and no tennis. Just think of it
Una day 1 found a littlo book called iuid
to lloaitli,' by Mrs. 1'iukliam, and in it I
found out what ailed mn. So 1 wrote to
ber, pot a lovely reply, told me just what to
do, and 1 am in splendid health now."
i Compound
conquer! all those weaknesses and ailments
o prevalent with tha sex, and restores ier
fect health.
All Druggists sell it as mutanciard arti
cle, or sent by mail, in form of 1'iUa et
Lozenges, on receipt of 51.00.
For the cure of Kidney Complaint,
either sex, the Compound lias no rial.
Mrs. l'inkhain freely answers letters of
Inquiry. Kncloso stamp for reply.
end two ?-ctnt ttamnt lor Mrs. Pinkham
beautiful 8B -jaq? illustrated book, entitled
tilllUfc IU HtAUIH HO EllOUtllt.
It contains a volume ol valuable Intormation
It hat saved lives, and m, tivt yours.
Liw t, Plnkhim Med. Co., Cynn, Maae
faVian'"" imT- UmA
.u.k wlr.. I1HMI net . .
lttlil)(l' ASDEXSIOXS
liU tin
; i ;
w i
I '
i 9
I ;
m i
' i :
; i
The seo-nnl week first two weeks exct'ci-. ,, ; : .,
est :intiripHtins. Mibt clc-ir out stuck !y ...1"
1st. As Jus last as one l it pies an ;tluT takt-s j-. .
is beiiiniii to eomc and we must have roma, - , ;
iuuuense stock of Men's, Hoys', Youths ami (
Clothing :itJ,l Gents Furnishings inut ro
This is the Greatest Pi lce
Lilly. If you have not heen
eoiiie hefore the jroml things
Strictly Cask.
One Price.
Good Exchange
l y To fraile with us
fTTf JJHI. All 1 I
ttm.n n n p 0
ii.ler t- ?
--I 1.1 i l.iiiir-l i:i-it.i ri.. uirt-r-i 11. A
:..:..-. .. 1. - I i:.r-i.- -n -
; 1 v 1 1 -- T-i I- li'ii!.,. . ,r 11 V : f. ; . .
. " I t -Ull V llMf ll.'t -i.t.. ,
V.'i: .-t ,t I - I i-:ir- VV !i T l- v ;m Jfc i -i!-...r
: rl r u' VV'r.i.- . .ur i-w :i
:'f.''-. V" u lfc'- IX i nk ila::... 1.
r;:rincr V.'.-.-ins, S3I to sso. .-.t :
- 1 i : 1 i. j! t-1. Surreys. S3 tc i 'OO
'.1 : c 1 . 1 ... 1 op Eurpifi;.
S'7.5", Ir, :. -. 1 .-r..-i. Pli,-eton.Hi
t " ' :""). Fjrm Wocons. Wjti)ni";(H,
ff 1": 'V.icons.Oclni ry W.i pons Uo.i il
Corts. l-ii 1 . i K l . mini v 1 im t'l.i .
No. 37. Surrey Mariitsi.
f5v 7X
Our TJ.
Nil. 7l;t. Ti p Riik'K.v-
$43.00 5
V V " "J V' L ' '' '-i
ldn-r'11 V
N . 1. r .
Address W. E.
- - , --w" - S ; ) j'Sti
t 1
We h.ive vviu-'ii. ru-:i-.s. surre s. -j
Strung. Jaul-!.'. Mviis-i. a Iv.unisui'v ii;-,:-!-..-.J 1 ill e pi ..iiii'i'. Built -n li- r V: r
exjvi ic'iu-e. Ii- .iu-mv is nur pi.lii v; pi. -i. i
1,if'.- j speviahy. We vv.nit t. kiinw
nutliini:. .M.iy L-.iJ tu bu.viness by a:;J by.
uiaK-cue. It is tree in every r--aJt-r ..f V's ;
lumtun W'a-..n ... I'.in;;lumti m. N. V.
1 JiM:
Tlie Heft Shoes
tor the Li itt
. TV
; IV. 1
I tT.k
- 1 ViV
Jj0ft j
J?This IS THE RfSv
Girls who use
8APOLIO is on nfli
is used an hour is saved. On floors .ables an J prAinted w.-: k :
a charm. Vor scouring-pots, pans and metals it has no :"
store-ket.r docs not ke.-p it you should insist upon his i-
always pives satisfaction and its immense sale all over tho V::
makes it an almost n-essary article to any well supplir-il s-: "
thing- shines after its ind even the childreD delight r-
their attempts to help around the house.
w 5, v -1 Sr
kaVrt Aji m. 3e.
' 1? VllVf
It ABSOLUTELY rrcvents siirpinc.
ami iii-un-s n.i t s.n, iv ami ..ininri i.
lior-e ami ilrit-r.
hliiMl willi tin- NVv-r-!:i " v...
sli-s for sliiirjH-iiin.
Steel-CcnlereJ andSfcLF-SHARPTXING
When worn out ii.-w '.ilt nn 1- M-ilv in
jertcMl wiihoiit riiii ilii- sln,-. savin-"' an
""""sea nut ot time- UMiallv l..-t aftlio
lilartsniith rImiji.
On rori.ti.f iost.'il will mail f roo our le.
scTiptive circular rum a in in,; .i i, alke.l to Ih liail.-.l ,.n. r trjai ullrnxt
Uua wuiurr at try u j.rit-.
i ''!i
- Re'lucin - x S ! , ;
in to see us, vm
are ji kel out
, . .- ,,.r
No Credit.
No Discount.
Money Back.
means iro.-perif v tu .
- fur " I Te el". '
.1 r- i-i .l:t. VV , ; r. 1 '
m IU:'.
un.! I I V M T-.
- C ": s
ynu. Write u--.
' fx.
' m i
Ove r Cine ,'VliIlicn IVoi-N- w .ir -:r
W. L. Dourlas S3 .m ,i $- Shoes.
Ill mi - .iw.- -. r .. a . ' ii.:u: i4irf.
They in.-1-t .. r :;
1 li- iU i! .-u-i- l : -
-1 n.-.r,:u ,. , ;.
s '
.... .
a.. ...
SS.m S5.S4.S3.50
v- --s.. r.nn mi 1 ii-fi c -in 11 11 i -11 - nnn'.
SS.KO P.-:-.-- 3i:ri
S35.50 ?r. S"2:--:-t
S2&SI.7& i.-.l s.-:- v
if - - -':"'
VV. L. CDJ as,
.-MIS fcf
-v V. k
-V rt?
1 ,. ; o-n.l A-i. h t:;r.e a i
Scientific A.n?ra!l j
Agency "r
. i.rlTO.
TRADE mkf-- i
For irforTniifi.-iTi ani fi - H
MINN '- '- 1 '
CM. lift tmnviii t"r s.s ir - - I '
Kvi-rrrsli-iil tnk.'ti ' 1- -
tlie public Ly aiiniit e cim
Scientific amenta"
L.wet crmliriiiTi of tit si-..rid-
Si.ieu li.l..! iltu-in'.
man i-hnuM 1-i;i" ui '
Ti-nrs llsix mmiltis
s I.I"!
Ir.imlCTiinJ'.'"" " nlCr.
Violins. Guitars. Bai0S. accordt-on.
CIS, Ac, a' kinds ol SI nna
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