The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 19, 1895, Image 3

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initt! a nunibor of people liavn signl
tii'il thMr intention of takinc sto?k in thi
. iiKipri-f of I' out the Shenkle
tlam and then; seems to lie no doutil tliat
ll.e project will be a po.
--Keiijatiiin Harris, m announced at Old
I'orjre, N. V., on Wednesday that "under
no cireiiiiisiance- will he become a eandi
daie for the presidency." It is the old
-lory of "sour crapes."
The county auditors of Schuylkill
county have surcharged ex-SheritT Wool
upwards or fl.-jm for ciedits allowed him
Tor horse hire and other incidentals claimed
by him in his lust report.
The 1. II. U. agency at Cherrytree has
l i-en changed from passenger and lirst-class
fieiht lo pa i-tiiT, bauuae and lir-t-t-la-s
freiiiht. and t'larence 11. 1 looks ap
pointed aent, rice' L. (1. (Jor-uch, truu--f.
i red.
The -on of .lohn Slopien-ki, aged ."
mouths, died at ireen-biiri; on Thursday.
The lighted candles placed around the liody
iniied the drapery covering the corps.-,
and the coilin was burned and the Inidy
charred black.
While playing carelessly with a loaded
-'"--calibre revolver in company with sev
eral companions. Tuesday morning, Cyrus,
the 14-year old son or Mrs. Mary Long, or
Morrellville. was shot through the palm
oT the leTt hand.
The Stafford Lodge I. O. O. F. was
established al Viuioudale on Monday and
a large delegation or members of th. order
were in attendance from Klu-nsburg. A
special train was called into service Tor
their transportation.
A recent issue or the ( leal field liriub
li;,n said: At a family gathering in the
home of William A. T.-rpe. at Uedr. ri.,
this county, last. week, there was uresent
Asaph Kirk, of rampain, the head of live
generations of hi- family.
An exchange remarks that people who
are timid about traveling on the railroad
should be rea tired by the fact that last
year only one pas-enver was killed out of
each l.'.'jL' carried, and only one injured
out of each "JtU.-ls carried.
A common wo.mIcii bucket is traveling
by express over the Pennsylvania system
of railway, which was started from At
lanta. Kvery ines-eiiger who handles it
attaches a tag, and at present the sides of
the bucket are covered with stickers.
It is reported that during the month
of June the Pennsylvania Railroad i'uiii
pa.iy handled more freight in .lohnstown
than in any previous month in its history,
and the Cambria Iron Company's bill alone
amounted to '.'l-J.oon for the month.
It has just been announced that the
Philadelphia company which is opening a
new coal mine at Hastings, this county,
will erect l.urn coke ovens. It is proposed
to euip the mine with electric light and
machinery driven by electric power.
Mr. Simon Fisher, an old resident of
Allegheny town-hip. was in town on Mon
day and left on the bevo train Tor New
N oi k. intending to take a steamer from
that city on Wednesday for Haded, Ger
many, his native place, which he lelt about
.".o years ul'ii.
Pavma-ter .1. P. Wll-on distributed
l.i'as two weeks" pay among the miner-
of the Concilia ugh Coal company, at
t'on.-liiaiigh, and among theArgyle
Coal company's miners at South Fork on
Monday. On Tuesday he paid f."iii to tlie
miners at Dunlo.
Freeman and (iood, the condemned
murderers w ho are to be hung in tireens
hurg to-day (Thursday i. made their wills
lat Saturday. Fret-man beijuealhs his
body to his I rot her. w ho r.-.-nles in Pitts
burg, and (iood 1 eijiiealhs his to the Keys, j
Meek and Funk.
In the ca-e of the widow of IJev. .lames'
Walker, of Uoekdaie. w ho w as crippled for
life in the South -tr-et railroad acciieut,
a jury in Philadelphia awarded her j?.'a.-
but t lie com t made a ruling reducing
the verdict lo $1 i. and Mis. Waik.-r ac
cepted t he annum I.
The be-1 of the laws of widespread
int. rest in IVnnsy Kama signed recently
by the governor :- that fixing -.-40 pounds
a- a ton of coal. 1 eaiei s w ho sell le-s than
that can i:ow Im- lined. In some parts of
the -i ale dealers have been giving only
-.( pounds for a ton.
Mis- Mary-Strilimatter an estimable
yotmir lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Angn-tine St I itUnatl.T, of Carroll town
ship, died at her home on Thursday, .Inly
1-ih. from pneumonia. aged alx.ut 17 years.
Her remains were interred in St. Ilene
dicts cemetery. Carrolltown on Saturday.
One niglit last week Charles. Tomlin
soii, of Ali.L'heiiy town-hip. while return
ing from iai lit i. u, was knocked down on
the road near i hri-ty's mill by some one
w ho dealt liim a biow from behind which
rendered him unconscious. Hi- watch
and chain and poi ketbeok containing a.7.
w ere taken.
The Iielaw are peach harvest promises
to be abundant ai.d is now estimated at
about baskets. Such a prospect
i- more than comforting to the fanners, as
a good peach crop means the cancelling of
many obligations and a general straight
ening out of the shortcomings of the past
three years.
This year will go into history as bicy
cle year. The grow th of the w heel's pop
ularly lias been that ll seems
a- if ull the world had discovered that the
wheel is a good thing and is trying to get
on one as soon as po. ible. The roads aie
alive with cycler And one meets them
ey cry w hi re.
.lames S. McClemmons stole a banana
from Mrs. N. Satit's fruit stand al .lolins
town. Mrs. Sant, who is an Arabian,
caught lit m at it and knocked him down
with a chair. Then she proceeded to
maul him good and had him nearly dead
when ntliccr Miller interfered and took
U.lll to the lockup.
(oivci uor Hastings has signed the bill
pa-sed by the recent legislature which re
ijiiires county commissioners to buy all
blank forms, letter heads and stationery of
every description used in the sheriff's of
fices in the different counties of the state,
also to provide all necessary furniture.
Hub. ito this has not been tin: case.
Mr. William Wright, of Figart, who is
suffering with a tumor on the left jugular
vein, went lo the West Penn Hospital,
Pitt-burg, a few days ago, with a view to
having an operation performed, but he was
told thai he could not survive it, and was
a.lvi-ed lo return home and take things as
ea-y as possible in order prolong his life.
.Inst as we go to press we learn that a
;-var-oId daughter or Mr. O.-lcn, who
lives across the river from ItarnesUiro, was
burned to death this afternoon. Her
mother was ill and she attempted to start
a fire with coal oil. The can exploded and
she was enveloped in flames. Heath re
sulted in a couple of hours. SntniiUr
Sciitim I.
I luring a recent severe storm a sycamore
tree was blown down at Sandusky, .,
w hi h was noted for the reason the In
dians hollowed it out and constructed in
side an apartment large enough for two
dozen people. In it a small detachment
oi '.'olon. l Crawford's army encamped i !
iiiuht preceding their disastrous batile
w i'h the Indians.
Whenever you hear a man lindin?
fault with a local paper open it up and ten
to one he hasn't an advertisement in it:
five to one he never gave il a job of work
to do; three to one that he does not take
the paper; three to one that if he is a sub
set iber he is a delinquent ; even odds he
never does anything in any way that w ill
a-si.-l the publisher to ruu a belter paper.
Mary Taylor, eight years old, grand
daughter of General John I. Taylor, was
tramped to death a fewd iys ago at Lewis
town, Pa., by a savage bull. Her skull
was fractured, her jaw, arm. and thigh
broken, and her chest crushed. She died
in an hour after the accident.
A bicycle has not the right of pave
ment, but it has the right of streets and
roads, as wagons have, and when run
dow n intentionally or by carelessness on
the part of wagoners or others, damage
may be obtained by process of law. The
cycler should not hesitate to use his bell
when about to pass or in meeting vehicles.
It gives warning and may avert a run
awav. Emmet Thornton, a slater employed on
the Laiighlin Memorial Home, near this
place, made a misstep last Friday after
noon and fell from the roof, a distance of
forty feet. Strange to say, no bones were
broken, and with the exception of being
badly bruised and shaken up. he wa- not
seriously hurt, but will be able to U about
again in a rew davs. His home is Clear
field. Pa.
Perhaps the biggest apple tlee in the
country grow s a r.-w miles from Johnstow n
on the farm of John Custer. Its circum
ference is lo feet, three feet from the
ground. The tree is well propoi t ioned. the
limbs extending : f.-et from the trunk on
all sides. Four years ago there were 4
barrels of cider made from the apples that
grew on it, and from its appearance now
there yill 1m; Several barrels made this
A new trick is Wing .layeo on the un
suspecting farmer. Two prepossessing
men paint a sign on a farmer's fence or
barn and give him a few dollars to guar
antee them that no one else w ill be per
mitted to paint a sign over it. The farm
er is a-ked to sign a receipt, in order thai
they may return the same to their em
ployers. The receipt that he signs t urns
out to be a promissory note for i.niiir i:K
Don't bite.
During a meeting of the Johu-t iw n
board of school controllers on Tuesday
flight of last week a communication from
City Supei iutetiilent Johnson was read, in
which he openly charged that a number of
teachers, and particularly those of the
high school, were incompetent to fill tin
positions and that the standing of tin
sel. ool- is at present lower than at any
time f-.r ten years. The communi -at ion
was tabi.-d and kept from the public.
This w ill lie a busy week for the farm
ers of Westmoreland -ountv. and il will
finish up the wheat-cutting, and, in the
aggregate, will show three-fifths of a crop
of a good iialit v w hen all isgathered; the
oats, that was almost despaired of. will
yet yield one-third of a crop, but the hay
crop cannot be estimated; the corn and
potatoes now give prmise for a fair yield,
and the pasture fields are show ing a green
cast once more . (J ict tixhu nj Triliiinc.
The control of the Altooua, Clearlield
.V- Northern Kailroad Company, which has
been in the hands of Receivers Sain in 1 P.
I.angiloii, of Philadelphia, and Prank C
Patterson, of Altoona. for two years, yva
iim Monday afternoon surrendered to the
officers of i he corporation by a decree of
the Rlair county courts. New
stock has been sub-cribed to relieve the
company from Us indebtedness, and t In
line will be merged shortly as a feeder to
the Pennsylvania system.
James (irasso. a crippled Italian boot
black of Altoona, on Sunday night at
tempted to kill David Mumma. an Ameri
can, at the home of Mrs. limner, w ho-.-place
both freiiueii'cd. irasso w a-drunk,
and, becoming jealous of Mumma's atten
tion to a girl in the place, pulled a revolver
and shot tw ice. (Hie bullet vM-nt wide of
its mark; the second one pa-sed through
Mumma's coat ami shirt, but. -H iking liie
br.-ast lione, turned its course and pro
duced only a llesh w ound, lira-so w a-arr.-sted.
The engineer on the pa enger train
was horrified a few evening- ago while
taking coal at Frugality to - the form of
a man come through the chu'e with the
eoal. Ater shoveling him out it
was discovered U ht none other than
the night watchman, M r. (ieorge L.-aper.
who had lost his fooling and fell into the
chute, just as the fireman opened the
gate. Mr. Leaper came out with only a
f.-w bruises, but looked as though he had
taken a trip ihrough the infernal regions.
i 'lull nu t Stmnhii'd.
On Thursday evening of last week a
pa-scnger traiu on the Cambria V Clear
field railroad ran into an open switch at
Hastings ami collided with several freight
curs standing on a siding. The baggage
and express ar.d a smoking car were par
tially tele-coped and the engine badly
wrecked. Conductor McD.-rmott was se
verely cut about tiie head and the mail
clerk and baggage masters were bruised
and scratched but not seriously injured.
Several of the passengers received
scratches and were badly shaken up.
While a freight train going east was
passing through the tunnel on the Penn
sylvania railroad near on Wed
nesday night at 7:.'Ki the coupling of twoof
the cars near the centre of the train pulled
apart. When the two sections of the (rain
crashed together again ten cars were
wrecked and about '.'.) feet of track were
torn up. Fortunately none r the train
men were injured. Philade'phia Kx press
was delayed one hour, having to pass
througiit the mountain by way of the Old
Portage tunnel. After live or six hours of
labor by the wrecking crew the track was
and cleared repaiied.
At two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon
of la-t week while Mrs. Henry, wife of Dr.
T. I. Henry, of Apollo, with her lit'le baby
in her arms, was crossing the West Penn
railroad brige, which spans lieaver run at
Paulton, Westmoreland county, a heavy
freight train came dashing along. There
not being room for cscapo at the sides of
the bridge, and the distance to either end
being loo great for the affrighted and al
most paralyzed woman to cover, she was
forced to stand and await a certain and
fearful death. The engine was running at
great speed, and could not lie checked after
the mother and child were seen. liolh
were killed instantly, and their bodies
mangled almost la-yond recognition.
After a long illness from consumption.
Mrs. Kli.abeth (iood. wife of Mr. Levi
(io:l, died al her home in Altoona, on
Tuesday, in the thirty-eighth year of her
age. Her maiden name was ( iriuies, and
she was born in this county, goiiii: ( Al
toona when about eighteen years of age.
w here she met and married her husband.
Resides her husband, the deceased lady
is survived by six children, as follows:
Sadie, Frank, Charlie, Rei tha, Kllie and
Ray inoud, at home; also by four si-ters.
namely: Mrs. Susan Morris, Mrs. Lillie
Williams, of Alto na; Mrs. Jennie (iroom.
of Portage, and Mrs. Sallie Rines. of Ply
mouth. Pa., and by two brothers August
and Michael (iriaies both oi this county.
Our readers may not lie aware of ihe
fact that at the last session or the legisla
ture an amendment was passed to the mar
riage license law, which was signed by tin
uovernor on June isth. The amendment
maks a marriage license now good in anv
county in the state, instead r simply in
the county of issue. The party performing
the ceremony niu-t make the return to tin
officer w ho issued the license. It would be
well for clergymen and othets authorized
by law to perform marriages to make note
of the almve fact, as there is a heavy fine
for a failure to properly report within
thirty days all marriages performed. The
aci went into effect at once. Ill all other
respects the law remains as it a as.
Mrs. Laura, wife of Jonathan Jones,
of Cambria township, died at Dixmont in
sane asylum on Friday last, aged about 4."
years. The deceased was born in Ebens
bnrg and w as a da tighter of John Rrook
bank, deceased, an old resident of this
place. About twenty years ago she wus
united in marriage to Jonathan Jones, a
prosperous farmer, and up until about a
year ago was a careful and prudent help
meet and an estimable lady. About that
time h.-r mind became im pared and con
tinuing to grow worse it became necessary
about a mon'h ago to lake her to Dixmont
in hope ihat treatment in that institution
would prove beneficial. It was, however,
of no avail and on Friday death came to
her relief. She is survived by her husband
and seven children as also by two brothers
and on sNtcr.
The lierlin says that Mr. Ira
Miller, w ho lives just east of Roxbury. on
the Somerset and lied ford pike, while
clearing a piece of ground a few days ago.
scratched up a nest of spurious gold coins
of the denomination of f.". There were
forty coins, all bearing the date 114. The
tarni.-hed appearance of the coins indica
ted that it was many years since they were
buried at the root of the tree which stood
where they were found. A little bit of
rubbing sufficed to brighten them up and
give them the appearance of genuine coin,
perfect enough in their imitation to de
ceive any but an expert. They were taken
to the lierlin bank, and after a careful ex
amination, pronounced spurious. The
,'. cnnl says that in a co-ifes-ion made by
Davy Lew is, Somerset county's notorious
robber and counterfeiter of by-gone days,
he spoke of having hidden some gold in
the neighborhood of lierlin. This may be
some of Davy's hiddi u treasure.
Slirrltr-n Slf.
Sheriff Coulter has advertised the fol
lowing propel ties to ! sold at sheriff's
sale at the court house in Lbi-nsburg on
Monday. August ".th, at one o'clock, v. M.:
The interest of Martha McVick.-r in a
lot of ground in the Fast ward of Kb.-ns-burg.
The interest of Kdw ard Farabaugh in its
acres and :il perches of lain! in Allegheny
township, having thereon a dwelling house
and barn.
The interest of same in iv.' acres of laud
in Carroll township, having thereon a
duelling hou-e and log barn.
The interest of C. A. Farabaugh in what
is know n as the Julius Slich brewery prop
erty in Carrolltown borough, having
t hereon brewery, dwelling, ice house, sta
ble and oulhiiiL!ing.
The interest of Jan.- Ann Hoyl.-s and
lieiijamin P.oyles in '. acres and Km perches
of land in Dean township, basing thereon
a two-story plank hou-e stable and out
buildings. The iiiteres', of the same in one and one-
half acres of land in I Van tow nship.
The intere-t of John Kdward We.-toyer
in i.l acres and S perches of laini situate in
Sii-ijiiehaiiua township. Cambria (Minify,
and partly in liurnside township, Clear
lield con nty. having t hereon a one and a
hal-.-tory house and a barn. Excepting
water right of said premises.
The interest of Henry S. Harker in '.'
acres of land in Washington township,
having thereon a dwelling house and barn.
The interest of I-aac J. Weakl.-n in Jo
acres and '. perches of land in Carroll
town.-hip, haying thereon a two-story
frame house and stable. Excepting the
coal rights.
The interest of James P. Kirkpatrick
an.l .la.-ob (i. Kirkpatrick in 1 1-acres and
7'. perches and allow ance of land in Carroll
towii-hip. having thereon a Iwo-stoiy
frame house and frame barn.
. Tlnrrluce l.lrrnM.
Tin following marriage licenses were is
sued by ihetlerk of the Orpha ns' Cou rt
for the week ending Thur-day, Julyl'.t.
1 .!:.:
Ralph 11. Veil and Susanna Weaver.
Richland township.
John J. Hughes, Walnut drove, and
Maggie E. (rumbling. New Florence,
Westmoreland county. Pa.
Edward Kcpple and I arrie Haliel,
Johnstow u.
(ieorge o. Hi!. -man, 11 a-t ing-. and Mary
E. Sower-, liarne-boro.
John E. Seller-, (iallit.iu. and Teresa L.
Leap. Tlllllielhill.
Charles Alvar P.row n and Carolina Scott,
John A. Lulay. Susquehanna and Mary
E. M iller, Carroll town-hip.
Jo-eph F. Coni ail. New ry P.lair county.
Pa., and Rosauua Charles Chest Springs.
A. W. Nicew aiiirer, Ch.-rrvhill town-hip,
Indiana county. Pa., and Ella Mahau,
Cambria tow n-hip.
William Fear a lev, Johnstow n and ust le
Hayner, Tanawando, N. Y.
Patrick Fogarly, Uarnesboro and Mary
1 il anon.
Fulitel TlionnmxlH ot Year.
Jo-eph Johns, a miner al Wyoming col-
iery. ilkesbarre, made a remarkable uis-
covery. Me w as Poring iow u coal in ins
chamber w hen the light of hi- lamp fell on
omet hing in t he coal. He stooped dow n
and touched the object and was surprised
to find it soft and yielding. With his pick
he very caiefuliy chipped off the coal all
around it until t be cavity or cb amber w as
fully op. -ned, and there in the hard coal he
be lound a frog mi bcihleu. 1 lie trog was
at once pul in all airtight jar. At first il
showed no sign of lite, although ll was
warm, but after being in the jar about six
hours it began to move and when it had
been exposed to ihe light ten hours it was
unite as lively as any modern specimen
w hich can he found around the ponds in
summer, (ieologists admit that cases of
like nature may and do exist, but they are
so very rare that the discovery of a live
animal w hich is thousands and thousand
of years old and v hich has been entombed.
with no communication with air, water or
food for age- is quite an event.
nanj Lnroinof Ivrw
The shops of the Pennsylvania railroad
company al Altoona were never more busy
than at present. Jn addition to the largi
number of cars in course of construction.
between seventy-live and one hundred lo
comotives are to be built as fast as possi
hie to be used in replacing the locomotives
worn out in seiyice during the past year
Among the above order will likely lie
some two-cylinder compound locomotives
Twoof these will be out of the shops Iw;
fore the close oTiiext month, when it is the
intent on of the company to experin e
with them. If they prove satisfactory p-i -
haps a dozen others of the same sort w ill
be turned out before fall. It has already
Im-cii decided and the order calls for some of
the modi lied class -p" with eighty-inch
driving w heels, and some shifters of tin
class "M" type. The two cylinder com
pounds w ill be used for freight service i
they prove satisfactory. Should the ex
perimeiit prove successful all the freight
engines built at the Altooua shops this
year w ill lie known as the class "R"
Ihrwibiric hrhwola.
At a meeting of ihe EU-n-biirg school
hoard on Monday evening the following
n lined teachers were selected for the el,
suing term: Rom 7. principal. Prof. T
L. (iibson. salary. i: room Miss Annie
Jones. $lO; room 5, Miss K ratio's McKcn
rick, ?.'t.-: room 4, Miss M atrgie Shenkle.
1X1: room a. Miss Myia Richardson, ;
room 2, M iss Annie liey lion, f.'tl ; room 1,
Miss A Hie Lloyd, t'.i.
These are the same efficient teachers
who taught last year, with the exception
of Miss Frances McKenriek, who has been
selected to leach the extra room that the
directors have round It necessary to add
on account r the crowded condition oT the
schools. The schools will open on Monday
Scplcinlier 'i, lor a term of seven mouths.
RoImtI K. Jones has leen appointed jani
tor at a salary of f-tu for the term.
Heal Kalate Transfers.
Elmlra Iiuck et vir. to Frank Dono
(iallitzin; consideration, $3.V.
(ieorge Lentz et ux. to Francis J. Don
ougiie, (iallitziu. '..
August Hoell et ux. to J. E. Menges,
Spangler. t'i'Mt.
Solomon E. Dorer et us. to V. Scott
Iiheain, lpjer Yoder, fi.nn.
Jacob Erb et ux. to Cambria IJ. !fc L. As
sociation, Dale, t'M.
(ieorge M. Reade to Margaret Dixon,
Washington, f4.V
David J. Rougher et al. to Marie De
nappe, Rarr, $10o.
David Rracketi to Christina (ioiighnour,
Jackson. 1.4i.
Ellen McLaughlin et vir. to Theodore
Eichler, Johnstow u. f l.-.V
Margaret Riiddcn to William X. Kurtz,
Lower Yoder, finm.
Margaret Kunkle et vir. to A. J. Mox
huin. Richland. t'X).
S. I. Fries and Joseph Schmitlle to (Jeo.
W. Cree et al.. Reade. tl.
Henry J. Eckenrode el in. ta Cambria
t Cleai field Railroad Company, Carroll,
Joseth Schmittle et ux. to William C.
Lovell. Reade, $1.
Anson Ii. Cooper et al. to Catharine E.
Waltermire, Coopcrdale. H.
Leonard Hook to Catharine E. Wallei
iii ire, Coopi-rsdiile, f 1.
Ii. F. Walkins el ux. to The Johnson
Company, Johnstow n, tl.Om.
Mandella Cium to William J. Jones,
Portage, foil.
Chest Creek Laud .fc Improvement Com
pany lo James M. Speicher, Patloii,
Charles H uber to Salvatora Montiiano,
It is rumored that a bicycle factory Is
to Im" started in Johnstow u.
'burn 3 f(.r salp at
VIJtT iKiul.le Shovel Plows Ju-t rtrelTed at
S HlNThtV'S.
VI-OT Wing Shovel Plows junt receive.! nt
A KINK lot ol Table fill (Moths jnst reoelvjst at
MiTHKK lot of
just arrived at
Kissel's artet liweepers
(J. Hl'NTl.tV S.
I.AU. !R assortment or Oar.len Tool" just
received at U. HlMl.KVS.
ONK new Champion Mowing Machine lor sale
cheap at Uuitou'g 7.14
ri'HY Mcllreen fee 'reiiiu iuKde at home and
X Kuaranteed to l utriclly pine. ti.7
Ar tw b unities ol Manilla Minding
rents a pound at liuttoa's.
Twine, 6
V KINK assortment of White wash. Paint and
arnl.-li Krushes just received lv
iw. HI TST1.EY.
I CST received a lot ol
Steel Prame. tooth
ultivalors at
ma l.i $
, T I -M.I I .... I- A. .. . ll'..t.l... XI
j have two ol the test kind In Ihe market.
ma:;f (1. Ill .M l.tV.
I.AIiIK assortment ot that celebrated Anti
Kustlm; Tinware warranted not to rust
for A years just arriving at
aprl.-tl it. ltrll.tYT.
AN rKIi A keneral representative In this
Artisans Savfnits and lon As.soclatlon. Ad
dress VI Kllth Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. meha
VI.AIOSK assortment or icranite enamelled
ware with another '.ill per rent, reduction
winch makes It almost as eheap as tinware. Just
received at UKO. ItrNllKY'S.
tViN't loruet I am headquarters tor Base
1 Kails anil Hals, all kinds ol I- Ishtn Tackle.
.Hies. Hooks, Keels. Kods MBit Holes. Kaskels.
etc. t. HI N 1 1.tY.
1 A!. I. at Huntley ' and buy a Tree sprayer
J and Spray your trull trees. Iherel.y Increas
ing your trull crop enouicn to ay lor the spray
er three times over t Ii. III'Ml.KV.
The hesl Ply Paper in the market Is Tanitle-
liMt. l-our sheets lor 4 cents or ten sheets lor 10
cents at 111 MU.i S.
may IT
r ANTKll A reliable man t represent a loan
loaned in suing ol thai to lu.iw. r or particulars
apply to w. 11.W is, i;oaioon. ra.
HA K the attency lor the Kcllofe Hioyele. ac
knowledued ty all to Pe one ol the lest Hi-
cycles 011 the market, (tin reduction on regular
price wnl l a iven to the party vivinic me the
nrst order in is season. 11. nrnuxi
The Mrlionald
14 n.oms.
cellar. A hue summer residence. Apply o
1'K J.
A lKitKNtK.
I'umUerland. M1.
L Your attention Is kindly called to the hest
hay carrier on the market and al a reasonable
price. Call and see it at
oto. m n 1 ir.i
1 will otter for sale at the council chamber, th-
enst.urif, on the fourth Monday In July,
(l.OIMI.OO. 1 HUS. iia is,
I.bstkh Ij&kimkk, Secretary. President.
t.AKdE assor'ment of Family Ready Mixed
l Paints. Paints lor r arm Implements. 4'ar-
riKe Paints of all colors and shades. In S' pint
to 1 icailon cans. If you are xoiutr to paint your
house call and look al my sami. es. I can save
you monev. (I.HI
;;akmeks ami kcii.pkks.
I have nut in a car load 01 steel wire nails
and lence wire neiore thd advance wnicn 1 win
sell lor a limited time at prices hefjre the ad
vance. As there will likely be another advanee
by the 1st ol Ai rll. 1 would advise you to buy l.n
mediately what nails and wire you want I t the
cominif season, thereby savinic money iy not
bat Iiikt the advance prices later on. A word to
the wise Is sufficient. OE . IH'M I.KY.
Sealed iiroiMtsals will tie received by the Coun
cil of Ebeushuric Borouuh at the otbee nt the
County Commissioners, Ebeusbunt. Pa., until
at VI o'clock neon, lor turnlshinir the material
and construction a Sewer from the County Jail.
I- Pins and specifications, can be seen at said
47ommis8ioners office.
The riKht lo reiecl any or all bids Is reseryed.
Bins must be accompanied by bond with al
leant one Kood surety In double the amount of the
Hill A. KINKr A I.
President of t'ounctl
Attest: Wat. H. CosidiLL, Clerk.
Kbensbura;. Pa., Ju.y 1. ls5 at.
J The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Ornhans nurt ol Cambria county to report dis
tribution I balance ol funds In the hands ol John
Fount. Administrator ol Samuel 11. Miller, laie
ol Blackilck township, deceased, as shown by his
second and hnal account, hereby a Ives notice
ihet he will sit at his office In the bomuitb ol
EtM?nsbunt on MONIIAY. J tTEY a. ls6. at ten
o'clock, a. m., lor the purpose staled in the aloie-
said order 01 court, at wn en time and Mace an
persoDS Interested may attend or be lurever de
barred Iroin commit in on said fund.
Kt-ensburif , l'a., July 12, lsy5. Auditor.
The annual meeting ol the stockholders ot the
4'resMin Si.rinKS Company will be held at the
Mountain House. res.-on. Pa., on TUESDAY
Al'dlsl 6TH. Ihvt at 10 o'clock, a al.
Election lor Prts-dent and lnreclors same time
and place.
K. Ii. FY I.E.
July 19. ihusI 3t. se-retary.
KKI.IAHI.K MKN to Fell our
-hi, Ire idiI cumulete line ul Nor
ery Stack. HlKbent salary aoil
mui mien Ion iaid weekly, ray
inif ami ieruiat:ent iHisitiun iiaraitrel aud
9uc?ea assured 10 kimhI men. Spoial Induce
meuta 10 lieiclDners. I-xpertence Dot necesary.
Kxi-lusivo territory an.l your own choice of same
riven. IM not delay. Apply to KI'KSKKY '..
mrb8.4m. Kocheter. N. Y
I wiph to annnnnre to my that I am not
In anv manner connected with or Interested In
the Ire rream narlor tielnie oinducle.l In ihir
nlire Mf TlnimM Mi'Krwn, lud that thoe who
ant tbe genuine, bome-made Irerrem In torn
mrr or winter, e in always itet it at tbe old rella
ble ylant ol KllKtHf McKKttN
lal.Vi tl
VOTH'K l hereby lven that K. I. Kranta ba
1.1 bled In the m.-e ol tbe cieit or uuarier
..Ii.d in Cambria county bli petition aeklnff
lor tbe Iranrter ol tbe liquor liremte granted t
K mar K Nairle In Ha ln boruutcb and tnat
th ni alll be urmmm ulhe raid t:ourt lo
lu cn.'ider -tton m tbe Drtt Monday ol August
Jul It, lvi.
merk U S.
V MAN. l.fco per year.
Lilly Borouith lor the Tear l&M.
HtNKY tHKlMLLP, Tax Collector.
To balance trotn Jat j ear
To & per cent, added
Hy Treasurer's receipts f
By commission of a per cent, on
; 00 .
By exonerations
By exonerations -doit tax
Hy balance
Jrl -l
lo U
3fl 00
1 so
Ui oT
'.l-ioo t
HtNKY EH K EN -'tL.Il. Treasurer.
To balance from last year
By receipts filed ....$ M 11
By balance... 1403
f TO 14 TO 14
Tax Collector.
To amount ol duplicate.
t 4M 51
By abatement on fwi 40 at 5
per cent f u 77
By amount collected 340 0
By commission on fo4d(ei at &
percent 1730
By exoneration 13
By balance too 4T
f 44 41
JOSEPH KINtY. Treasurer.
To kmouni Irom liquor license..
To amount from H. Ehrenield..
To amount Irom Burgess
To amount Irom liurrowinK. .."
To amount Irom room rent.....
To amount fro in Col lex-lor
By orders redeemed l.:in
By Ireiuht on sewer pipe......"" ' 33 7-
By tax on loan :Z
4-.e 6i
ST.) O0
v - t
li'0 OO
I5 0U
34d ihs
B- commission
X per cent...
on tl.?4 u at
41 85
Balance due Treasuer..
tl .65 OU
1U M3
HbiKi (1.
To horouicb tines
To borough license
By Treasurer's receipts ( 7--' SI
By amount to balance 24 s-t
&.1 J I
44 VJ
y: To
To obliirationt to has Bender.
To ohllxailons to Auieustine
Toi.bliKalions to All.inus YIiik-
linic .'.
To ot. titration to Ievlna Brown
To outs andiuic orders
To balance uue Joseph Kainey,
Treasurer ....
By balance due from Collector.
loo 00
! (Ml
pNI (Ml
tMMI ( l
lud 47
A lo
13 '.14 "
8 T4
J -'O
lul 07
14 03
24 "W
iy iaiance due tram :. A-
Wd lolilKle. Oilectu
Hy balance due from C. A.
M-H iuDllf te. Htire,a
Hv balance due from Plrck ii
By balance due Irom Joshua
By balance due Irom H. Bolev..
Ey balance due from 11 Ehren
ield. ;oiecior
Hy balance doe Irom . Eureu-
leld. Treasurer
By balance due Irom A B.
Krebns, Buraess
$ 370 61
M 61
Liabilities lo excess ol A f sets eauJuo
We certify the atxive statement Is s.rre't.
I. Ii.sTll-H.EK.
I-llT. Pa.. April -2. Auditors.
Jul la Ji.
Do you know we are takini: out teeth
every day without one particle of pain?
veii, w e are (loiiuf t his very thin-; with
'( Idolitunder." the out V hx-al aii:ethelic
that has stood the test and to-dav il is tin-
only one thai is used universally by den
tists w ho are up to dale in their calling.
The price for "( klontundi-r" when pain
less is ."si cents, hut if you experience the
least paiu. we only charge you the usual
price, cents.
How about those teeth that Heed tilliiu.'?
Well, you sav thev don't ache. That's
just the reason w hy you should have them
I lied now. After they hive ached once
you will probably have to have the nerve
killed and ihe tooth treated if you are de-
sirious of sivintf it. 1 only charue cents
for amalifuiii fillings and from f l.oo up for
told lillint's. These are hard-lime prices
but they m just the same. Why procras
tinate? that's a biit word but il'sair.M.d
one rurlit liere because procrastination
means to the patient loss of sleep, neural
Kia, ear-ache. tKth-ache and KiKlne-
knows what else. We know- of a iroo.1
many young ladies of our acu,uainlaucc
w ho would have been married I0114 airo 11
il hadn't, Im-cii fot those hornd-looknm
teeth. KeUiember, toeverv patient naviim
teeth tilled 1 iriye a Imj of I r. Ulchards'
tcoth powder and full instructions for the
care of the teeth. (n the Kith of each
mouth i will extract teeth free of chariTe.
ton say why 011 the nth. Well. now.
mat s my business. .n you have in do i
lo come, uetiieuiber 1 won I lake out v.iur
i;ood teeth, because I don't believe in it
1 lien you sav suppose tlie l.'.tli lulls on
uiiday. Come ritfht alotiir and we will be
only tint iflad to relieve you of the oil. -mi
ni 1; tin-in Ix-r.
8. L. HUSO.
EBENSBl'K.4, - - - PENN A.
ri ifflce on t'entre street. (4.v3
VttOl'nOr'S" Jit AV
-( itti."e in ( Ipera Honse. 'i.v.'M
Ebkmhbi-rs. Pbmh'a
Special attention to alven claims lor Pen
tton Bonnty. etc. ch7- Hwi
ifflce on Centre street.
tBiassi'is, Pa.
Otnce la Collonade Kow. on ;entr street
ISOfnce In Opera House. CeDter street.
Policies written at short notice in tne
Ehensbnra..luiy (.188l
j Estat e 01 James Eckenrode. deceased.
letters testamentary on the estate of James
Eckennde. late ol Allegheny township. Cambria
couu'y, ra, deceased. bavinK been vrranted to
the ondersiicned notice Is hereby aiiven to ail
persons indebted tc said estate to make Immed
iate payment and those having claims aarainst
the same to present them ro erly authenticated
lor -eltlemeni.
Jane It. 1S5.X Executors
letters of admiointratlon upon the estate
01 .losepn A. cunrw, ime 01 Aiieanenv ton-
sbip, Cambria county. Fa., deceased, bavtnie Peen
aranted to ttte underyla-ned, notice is tieret. kIv-
en to all peronMni Indebteil to said etata to
make Immediate payment, and those harir.ii
daimK atcainvt the vaino to present them proper
ly auiDenuraied lor setiiemenl.
JIIHiM t:. fliNKAIi.
1010 10th Atp.. Altoona, Altoona. Pa.
Altoon a. I a.. Jul VI. lfv&.
Ij Notice is hereby alien that letters t c ta
rn cotary on the estate ot Isidore Lilly, late ot
.Mu inter townsblp. Cambria county. Pa., deceas-
d. have been sranted to tbe undersliened. All
persons Indebted to tbe estate ol said decedent
will make immediate payment, and all rmii
bavlnie claims aaalnsl said estate should present
tbein duly authenticated lor payment to the un
dersliened. MAKV l.l.ll.l.Y.
May 1. 1-W5. txecutrix.
ietlers testamentary on the estate of Sarah
Campbell, late ol the borough ol lorettu. t'am
brla county. Pa., deceased, havinu been a ranted
to tbe anderslaned, notice Is hereb mven to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make immed
iate ayment. and those bavin claims aaint
tbe same will present them properly authentica
ted lor settlement.
El (1 EN tIJI Z1X KK,
June 14. 186. Executor
I watlSliLlsUWmlA-VVOw A.Mvnew IsrlUd
TO 14
Ml 7 s X
; .y
I J I .te-
I: i il
When you w.-mt GOOD FLOUR take your irrain to
the OLD SHENKLE MILL in Kbcnsburs. The
for the nianufac' ure of Flour has been 'iit
Shenkle Grit Mill in Kbeasbur and turns
Iirinrj in your pr.-iin and jrive us a trial. Each man's
Triin in ground sc'iarately and ou iret the Vlour ol' your
own wheat. If farmers wish to exchange rain for Flour
they can do so. The Mill is running every day with the
v 1
2 -
"-!x--'i-.-; , iLiL'L-
ITtr S..M t.y tin- follow i
Ki:t N-l:l l:. II. A. M.
le-IKII-r. Sl'AMil.l 1:
r. ('
K. M
It Will Pay
The Atlantic Refinir.g Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating and Lubricating
Naphtha and (laxiiiae
That can be
tr : :ii
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : Uniformly : Satisfactory : Gils
in the market ask for ours.
imK Kn I'Kcr..
Geo. Li. Frederick,
Harness, SaMles, WMps, Betes,
aGu General Horse CnmniE:s.
1. tin" muli-fiUM-il. ili t.i :iiui..inn
tin-pulilii-aii'l in v '.i'.ri.n that 1 wul
duct my luiiin - mi a
JSrirtlv Cash !5asis
on and After July I, 1895,
and tliat "ii ami afi- r I ii.n ila;.- tl
liniai!ililf I'r uu- to i-i.'ii.i any i n il.t.
Tlii will i-nal'M- nn- t.i it i - at :
Hiimt iiiartiii mui iM:ii!.-r .'M. ainl will
! an ailvaiila"' :nv ri.-!"'iin- a- well
a li wyn-lf. A-kin y.i'i f .r a miu-iiaii-f
of vi'ur iair-.!ia'i' in t!..- f:.Ti;f. a
in tin- at. I rcinaiu
Yinir-i Truly.
Imosical instruments!
A "
s( l k a ( ; 1 :n t k i: t i i k
: Cclumliia antl FiecLGnla Watclies
J In Key ami St-m Winders.
!l.m:;k sklkction ok am,
, IT. 'M V line if -lew ell y is uiiM:r-
p;i i. oine and sec fr your-
eif lefi.c J.lin iias.-ti 1-NeW lu te
.T"AII oi k uiiaraiiti'i'd.
in the Old
out not hi 11 r
A 4 W A. W '
s;..M - and K.i !-' are
'ia ' ei 1.1 1. r;i 1 . ! !i i enr
ol : l e W a lit- of t l.e llo
'. Ill.lne t hi- kiU liell -t.
l'e!let than ..' li
lt nc: 1. in. and :i
lseke. i-.-i aie a .t
e a sneees-.
tllade I" tIM et
! Pa ,i-fs a l:d p.
ieei a i a t ten ' I- il
e . rv re.: ilirellient :
1 lei-t roa-'. r-.
i- paid to cleanliiM .
lay a lei li. r. 1 1 1 . i y .
Mad- i 11 aii !r- and si. -. i 1 1
jny lie- tiio-l critical at a ii:tdi-rut
a VleW
e. i-t .
::Ndhc Better Few n Goal"
AKI.ol I T N V. .1. Ilietli, h.
r. 1'ai icN-A. M. Tlioina-.
I I.'.
To go to QUINN'S, Clinton street, Johnstown, to
buy Carpets, Linoleums, Mattmcs, Oil Cloths,
l.lannets. Feathers, &e. Trices Reduced on rMl
Goods, and FREIGHT PAID on All Lnr-e
nrtiiK ix
GEiiERii mmmii
EarSrae. Qnccnswarc,
.TV .
Cooks a Iiir.iu-r ;'.! "'-f
lime tiranj f..r r ...-.
Sloven L!tor.l Ti rn. F i -u-s'.e
TerriJory. I -ft
al al iu
j-o I Im ;t.
Rochester. N. V.
Hll 1- t
Eteastoi Fire Insurance Zpcj
rr. AV. DICK,
General Insurance A?ent.
WlHIlO-SllBHlHMi l Nurwrt t.-s. We riiim-i mi iiw
rich in a ui..iith"but cn tve rm.l' nii-nt
and pav vc wt-ll or It. 'ur prices corrrMud
with tlie time' rite tr. terms n-1 tnr i.-ry to
mchS-am. Kochester, N. Vs
' rr-i r i