The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 28, 1895, Image 2

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. . f U- j.'il .e.u cl'.il'p
V.-'.Uk!. Ohio, !;Kt Week
"ii thf -omul nioniy
1 then-.
!. II. i'1
r. ti;..'
t.. I.. ;
SlNMi'K V t ip
!h ;( thee alxiiit on.
1:1 tin' tariff Ut sti. .!i.
.s ine opinion
!tiop campaign
A treitter man
in In-' thought thai thi-re was
til one !ii..r-pri , nt y in the
::t. a:ai foim.l that lit- was mi.-takf-n
vi ry ii:;!i.u!t for some (.oliti-!:;.-
t.i know w ht tian i.-sue i- worn out.
r k. m ah ? jarters roii.t the report?
f n.-iv'.ii jruhi.striea ami
t'i lit''1.! has rt tnrtieil to the
i.ii r.- i !' i 1 1 r ! s- tra.Us The hahit-
u.i :!y i i ir.. rvatiM- man, slow to see the
M-n of U-tter tin. i s, is i oiiiiei!eil to
r-- i.'!iie the fatUthat a fee.ini: of hope-fii'.tier-.-
I'i rvaili s ail flas-e- in the I'Ollilin-
1 1 was t.
rmu.:v an iiimuteii uv ex-
i i
invusenil of I'.eaver coun
tv a few ilav.- aro
tliat I niteil Mates
i.anr ',' iay is to l-v a tit it gate to the .-tate ronventioi; and an ae
live I,. for tiie chairmanship of
Hi'- i-tat- i i ntral l oiniiiittee. Mr. Town
s nil i.- a at in jx ronal frieuil of the
senator am! knows whereof he sjieaks
I'ai.iiuKSIa i.- earefuliy stocking all
the rivers ami ai c S?ih!e lakes of the
state w ith the U st varieties of K:istern
j;aine li.-h. A week airo a carload of
many vani tit- of ti.-h not f"Utid natnr
ally in California waters arrived at Oak
land for tlie hriedini; station at Sissons.
There were many thousand.- of li.-h, and
Mime of the varieties were hlack and
white has.-, perch, s-tmti.-ii and China
Tiiomasion, Mail e. has been invadid
by an army ot black worms, which
seems to have taken complete possession
of the town. '1 he worms hive stripped
the foliage from tin-elm tn i s that bor
der the streets, as well as Ire ri) the apple
trees in the suburb.-, all of which are as
a.- hare as in midwinter. Pedestrian?
are obliged to cany umhrelhu- as protection.-
from the worms which fall from
the trees. .-inguLir feature ot
the visitation i- tii .i no other town in
Hie c h...- Li I'll thus invaded.
I' I. IN
gtl s- 'ae' ;.!.
iii i- ;
the b.-.i:
.a!s reat pro
thc Matter of the
ty as a motor
iccirii: roads in about loo
:n this country
;c railways, ag
i '
ears 1 : .
In -! .. ss i , .
go U i'.li-
at.:c L.t
! ti .u and oj er
ii.s i- a simple
st at. I: a nt . i i.t : t na a i ..-
1 1 lias i I ! r li 'I.i, :
ioca! travt '., '. 1 th r -w
;re:-t deal as
lot thoiis of of
th. n.-alals i ! i.. In .- out of u.-e, a fact
that ha.- 1 . 1 1!'ii by every farmer
who has had a hor.-e for sale.
Tiik American barkentme Pnscilla
arrived at l'.altimore on Tuesday from
loo and Santos. When the I'riscilla
left Santi s. .Mav -. yellow fever was
laging on every side, and the scenes in
tiie city and harbor weie harrowing.
Men were dropping dead in the streets,
and dying by scores m tiie city and on
the vtssei.- in port, tiie dealti boat wa
U'lng rowed about the harbor day and
night, eol'ei titig the dead and taking
them a.-hore for burial. Some of the
vir-els had cuiy one or two men left of
tii ir entire clews, and many of them
unable to gel away from tiie pesthole of
fever oWiiil: to lack of men.
TilK statement of the business of all
lines, of the Pennsylvania Ihiiiroad com
pany was i.-.-ued on Wednesday. All
lines east of Pitts! urg and for May,
1 as compared with the same mouth
in l'.'t. show an increase in net earn
ings i f sl'7s. p.: ;;o. The five months,
of Iv.i as compared With the same pe
riod i f lvl. show an increase in net
earnings ,.f jv,;. nil, si. All lines
we-t of Pitt.-bursr and Krie for May,
1 -.'. a-compared with the same montli
in 1 I. .-iiow an increase in net earn
ings of J.l'77,0-. The months
of 1 a compared with tiie same .e
riod of 1 J, sliow- an increase in net
earnings of .".. l.
A ..t aim i.i. of a million dollars is now
mentioned by t-onie of the friends of ex
.S cn tary of State John W. Foster as the
fee paid him by the Chinese government
for hi- services in securing the treaty
with Japan. The $ 1U(MM fee which
wa.- announced at the time when
''' 'eft f .r China is now said to
have Ucn merely a retainer, while the
adduiomd jloMjHHi is said to have been
paid to him after the conclusion of the
treaty. He was also offered, it is re
l-.rted, any decoration in the gift of the
emperor of China, but apparently de
clined tins honor, since no announce
ment lias U en made of any decorations
having l-een conferred upon im.
The New York Chamber of Commerce
has asked a numU r of representative
men in various professional lines to say
w hy ti.i y oppose free silver coinage.
Henry Clews sent ten reasons, which
are lUcause it would debase a large
an 1 ultimately controlling portion of
our circulation medium, drive out gold,
contract a Volume of ,,ur money, reduce
the bullion value of silver, make papei
money fall to the sun. value as the sil
ver dollar, create tne most sweeping
monetaiy ri volution in hi.-torv, depress
prict s.ii.d w ae, s, diminish the means of
del. tors to pay d. Pts, break up our for
eign commerce and ruin the credit and
the reputation of the l uited States, and
because no ffective restraints could he
enforced to conhne coinage to the home
i so: -iaiider suit tried in our Common
court hi re on Fritlav hist, in which
vi iv. rnor ll;tstinus was the plaintiff and
F. .1. O'Connor, Ks.p, was the (h fondant,
and in whh-h a verdict for three thous
and dollars was sriven to the plaintiff.
may answer the purpose for which it
was intended.
It has since I e.-n heralded all over the
broad land as a vindication of Covernor and he may regard it as heinu
worth the powder r pired for the shot,
although it was evident to all nearby
spectators that the ammunition was fur
nished by the plaintiff.
The trial from the berinnini: to tin
end was a legal travesty and when the
governor of a great state sets the exam and shows to what a trillinir use the
courts of his commonwealth can be put,
it is but small wonder that judges are
considering the propriety of wearing
gowns for the purpose of impressing
common jwople with the idea that courts
are to be regarded with a respect that
such fiascos as that of Friday tails to
The trial had all the accompaniments
of a first class circus. The street parade
a special train loaded with an ex
governor, generals, colonels, majors and
other like attractions fresh from their
native jungles lent a glamour aud glit
ter to the iuceptiou of the great trial for
JoO.OOO damages which was sadly out
of joint with its finale and close, which
however, resembled the ten-cent concert
at theclo.-e of ail fh.-t class exhibitions.
Any of our readers who are at all fa
miliar with court trials will know that
when a slander suit, involving damages
laid it the sum of $50,1 K'O, can lie fin
ished in live hours selecting a jury,
two Ofiening Seeches from the. attor
neys, the examination of witnesses, the
charge of the court and the usual trim
mings, it must have been tried with a
vim and defended with a vigor worthy
of the importance of the case.
Tiik iron trade is the business baro
niete , i ecause its activity o- depressio i
retlects similar conditions in other in
dustries. I'nless the distribution of pro
ducts te large, and the people and the
railroad companies well employed, the
building and construction work which
the makers of iron and steel are chielly
dependent for custom would not be car
ried forward. The late Jay Gould, who
was one of the most successful bear spec
ulators that wall street has ever known,
is credited with the maxim that it is
never safe to sell stocks short when iron
is advancing in price. The present
flourishing condition of the iron industry
is a signal of danger to the speculators
who hope to fatten upon the wreckage
of values.
There are indications that this iron
trade barometer has only leguii to ri.-e.
The substantial improvement in iron
prices and in the wages of iron workers
thiit nas atreauT neen esiannsneii na.
come w ithout material aid from the pur
chasing departments of the railroad com
panits: and larger buying from this
quarter is likely soon to give fresli im
petus to the industry. The carriers
have been economizing for two years
past. Track replacement, new mileage
and the requirements for full equip
ment have been so long held down to
the "hard times" minimum that the re
newal of demand, when it shall b.-gin
in earnest, is likely to be very large.
It is evident that the recovery in iron
trade condition.- as yet retlects the effect
of business recuperation still in its in
fancy. The bulletin ot the American Irou
and Steel association announces that the
price of steel rails at the Pennsylvania
mills has litcu advanced from 22 to
$24 per ton, salt s at the latter figure
having heeu made w ithin the last week.
It is added that it would be diihcult to
place orders for immediate delivery at
any price. The heavy purchases of
rails by the railroads during the past
three weeks give unmistakable evidence
of the return of activity and prosperity
to the great transportation interests of
the country. If the railroad companies
shall now undertake to carry out all the
construction and repair work which has
been ostponed because of unprofitable
business during the past two years the
iron industry will receive a very large
volume of trade. Every indication
shows that the irou trade is entering up
on a jieriod of tremendous activity. As
an evidence of prosperity in the many
branches of manufacture of which iron
and steel are the basis this is a most en
couraging sign.
The Altoona Tritium', whose Republi
canism cannot be questioned, draws the
line on the questionable conduct of the
last legislature. It says: The tre
mendous Republican majority in Penn
sylvania at recent elections was apparent
ly interpreted by the Pennsylvania boss
ami his numerous following to give them
a brief to increase salaries, create new
othces, legislate away valuable franchises
and in other ways feather their own nests.
The result has lieen to arouse a feeling of
indignation which is not likely to die
out so long as a single one of the men
who have taken part in this carnival of
misrule has not been retired to private
life. Indeed if the voters of Pennsyl
vania were to condone such crimes
against good government, such wanton
violations of the constitution as have
lately occurred, they would be unfit for
self government.
The formulation of a superior court,
says the Harrisburg l'otriut, amounts to
a political crime. There is no necessity
for it. It is useless and extravagant
There has never Ieen any combination
of circumstances which could Ik? con
St rued in- a demand for an additional
court. No set of men have ever made
themselves so valuable to the state as to
be supplied with such fat berths at the
expense of the people. The superior
court Ls mearly a treasury parasite. It
was created essentially as such, and if
appro veil at all as such, it will be consti
tuted and buch it will always remaiu.
.lilll!gill heller.
Washington. Jutu- -2. I-'-'
tary Carh.-;e is probably ii.t.
man in Washington
and I ii. ikes him :
for the
in u.i nat
This has be.-n an a:ii. -os week for l.;e
lb puhheau bred. rn. Although eviry
eonct lvabie expe.Lcnt ha- if.-ij res Tied
to to prevent tia precipitation of a :i'l.t
over the silver question in the conven
tion of the ii- p. iiea an league at Cleve
land, t:,io. they ii.iV- hiei, in a .-tate . f
dread every hour that the convention
WHS 111 .-ssa t: lest their . lai, s si. oli d
miscarrv alio tin- in- .-la:l..i vvna o
Would spread like wildfire through Hie
entire pariy
1 he Kepubi:ean enemies of Mr. Heu
j imin Harrison regard htm as a formid
ably ciin.hdat. for the presidential nom
ination, and are t"'iniii;ig to :ine up to
accomplish his defeat. Kx Pension
Commissioner lud:ey, of Indiana,
w hose i fforts towards carrying that stale
for Mr. liarii.-on in p by means of
the notorious 'blocks of live' system,
which altenva.d.- cati-. d him to find
e a
than Indiana, and who becau.
enemy of Mr.
gentleman, alii
the benefit of i.i
associate with
.ough Wi
s t richer
toin or
In cause that
lim; t" accept
l.-clined to
even to rex
cognize him afu r he became pri sident.
is again posing as a lb -pub.icau leader.
And it is no su n t iti a.-hii.gtol; that
iHiuiev's object in ayain entering pol i cs
i- to work ag niisl Harrison's nominaliou.
President Cleveland went to (bay
(hihles on Monthly, to remain for ihc
summer: ."-ecu tary l.amont ha- gone on
a trip to tin lioj-thwe.-t' Attorney (ien
eral Harmon is in Cincinnati straigliteii
itlg Up his private l iisii.e.-.-, but tin; re.-l
of the cabinet are on duty, although it
is probable that Secret. i:y iney and one
or two ot Ins to: league-: mhi go away on :
their vacations in a few days if nothing :
occurs to prevent. j
State department ofheiais regard the
stoiv that Groat Hrit.iiu i- r paring to j
forcibly obtain control of the Nicaragua!
canal as belonging to the class which i
always become mo
or less frequent ;
during midsummer, which is also known
as the" -silly season.'' Such a course .m !
the part of Great Kritaiu would beoquiv- j
olent to a declaration of w.r a gams' the i
United States, and few men of common
sense could be made to hi li. vt: that i
Great Ilrilain
desires a war with tiie
United States.
Secretary Carhsie has completed the
regulations under which the So.t oi'.l M 1
appropriated by tne last congress to pay
deferred sugar bounties will be distribu
ted. Copies of ti.i-se regulations will be
forwarded to the si; gar planters anil as
soon iis all ti.e reijoiremetits have be n
complied vvitii the money wii! be paid
Jt is probalie that 1'iere will not be
enough to pay the full a; oiii.l intended
by congress. Snoibd that ! the ca.-e
when all tl..- claims are in and tabulated
the claim.- will ai, be .-ciii tl down. It
wi:l lake si !!; :.;!,- !
thf-e tlet.-ils and trea-u:y
tiiiioc ihi y w .11 be -mpi
.a v iin i , is iio l i i :!
tin year.
I 'i mnc. -si' in r : t n
nt thing to .ota v.i .::
the ilislc ssai of one 1::. 1
I' .ill
a ia's !: n. -t
id itiid tiie
luc last of
i '
i f the i n t : - i ; i b . o a l . v. i... :. .ird-
t s
into i liei l ) ... y 1 -". . a la : v. :. i. h ha- . ie
:lbd a sti. .!!! .ng th- iii" lai- of tie. st
dismissed. I'M'::.:- s'-'.c'.li e l'li!..Ilso.-
iln r- and M K- y . a gr.u.ddaughtei of
tne wt:ti r of "1... Star Soangled iliii
i:i r, w ii "U l. ...-t .li: :ge l,,,i t r-n
says of ti. i matter. "In making tin m-
selections We Ivi K lh. se to V, i.oni dis-
niissal Wi.r.;d tiot be ,-o gri at a ha.rdsiiiji
as it would have been ett.ers ;:i tin
othi e. (io pi ruaj.s in some instances
did not stand iah as ck rk.. In
making up tia. ii.-t . t tie -e w ho wen to
gO Hit We Wire goVirtli'l bv tin' th .-ire
to kt ep our best i ii 1 k s ill the ' tiiae. As
to publishing :
judgment ti.-.-t
Atal my re. i.
that we did n -t
any win. wa o ;i.
lice. It is not ;
clerks that th.-v
it was i. ti my
was not give:, out.
i- r not i ! : i .g so v. as
si. to ca.-t a .-' igma t -n
- L' : . ' .i . 1 i -ilt of of -.ii:!.-;
many of ihes.
: if if t as ell., lent as
othcr clerk.-, ami it .-';
them from getting
l prevt lit !
I li.pii v iiiel.t el.-e-
A II i.rsc and a I 'a by.
A number of n .-idi-nts of the sotith
western set tion of tin- city i f Lancaster.
Pa., were horrified bv the action of a
horse which was in a pasture lo tn-xl to
the home of Christian Wiugt i ling.
Thursday evemn
had wheeled a
threi- moiit "is-i .hi
and then walked
Mrs. Wmgerling
oach containing her
baby t 1" to the fence
iiw-iiv :i short thst. nice
to talk to some niighlnis. The horse
Went to the fence, reached over, and
catching the baby's clothcx between
its teeth, trotted acn-.-s the pasture lot, to
the great consternation (.f Mrs. W.nger
lingantl the other women.
They started in pursuit of the animal,
which gave up thebaby without resist
ance, and totally unharmed. The horse
isa great pet with children, and it is sup
posed it wanted to piay with the child.
Locked Fp U ith Ihn'li.
P.rewstcr's, N. Y., .June ill. Con
ductor Cameron, who runs a train over
the Harlem road between New York and
Chatham, was greatly surprised when he
n ached Philmotit station this morning
by (hiding it closed ami that Agent and his assistant, W. J. .lacobia,
hail loocked theinselvts in the oll'ice and
then taken their unit lives by shooting
Kroose had hi en in the service of the
Harlem roati for twenty six years. He
ivas to have been discharged to day.
The auditor was on his way to Phiinumt
to make tiie transfer. The reason for
the dismissal cannot be learned at pres
ent, but it is believed he killed wimself
btvause of it.
Why Jakobia killed himself is a mys
tery, as he had not heeu discharged.
Sewed Up the Eyes of a bull with ttire.
Syracuse. June !:. Special Ollicer
Casey of tiie Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals yesterday arrested
Prks Parsons, an lUisco farmer, for a
case of shocking and inhuman treatment
of an unruly bull which p"isisU"i in
knocking down h o, as Parsons sowed
up the eyelids of the unfortunate animal
with two ph ces of heavy wire, sharpened
at the points, which he inserted as a
physician would a m cd-e. After he had
taken tnree or four .-'items in each eye- j
IM lie IWisleil lie ( litis ot (lie wire to
gether, ami in this condition the hull
was found, will, hiseyes terribly swoolcn
and bleeding. The justice of the ieaee
at South luomlaga let Parsons off with
a line of $10.
Mcre- j 3S
t est p. i a.-.-u
fri.-n.Is ami I fcWg
enemit.- alike a-"-.. ir. i-i.o..s ...... .... , 3 T
credit for the ;:,i:n;:os! n victory
which ha- I" -. :. l i n.t election ol jpij
(!eieg..t,s to t:.. K-:.tu.-ky .- it- Iemo-
era tic cnv. i.ti-r. r-wu me. 's n-xt ,
j week, a'.d ne ! beio- ..V, r,U- ,X-.I Willi j
I coii-Tiiu a: i 'i s. ei per-m and l.y mail j
I i.v v.-1 re Hi- fr.en.i- declare t i i I !
! it nu an- his cerl.tin return to the senate j
pi'e.i.i.-tng candidate j
m mi nation ol the
t of all la Leavening Tower.
it. I SS2?v.V& A
a l'..wilcr Mill Kxpudex.
Shenandoah, Pa.. June 2:h The
p. wder mill operated by Ilobi rts. lb ese
A H-lea containing l,h't kegs of the
xplosive blew up last night, tiemohshx
ing the buildings, shook the valley for
tw.-ntv five miles around and causeti a
loss of S4"i,0H. It is supposed to havi
been touched off by a firebug. It was
locat.d in the Catawissa Valley foui
miles from here. No lives were lost so
f ii as it is known.
ti,.. vi!!-nr of Kingtown, two miles
from the scene of the disaster, suf
fered terribly from the shock. The in
habitants were thrown from their beds
and some lied from their homes in ter
ror. There is to-day not an unbroken
window glass in the town, and many of
th" houses are so badly wrecked that
they have to he abandoned until repairs
are made.
In Shenandoah, which is four miles
from the mill, hundreds of jieople were
awakened by the fearful slun k. Many
ran out upon the streets, thiuking some
great catastrophe had occurred. The
powder mill was new, having b-eii put in
operation on May 1. It is completely
demolished, as are the outbuildings at
the place.
Hie Price of Coke .tlnj li" l.
Connellsville, Pa., June '23. The con
dition of the irou market warrants an
advance in tiie price of coke, which
would have been accomplished at the re
cent meeting of the operators in New
York but for the opposition of W.J.
Kauiev. All the other producers were
willing to put the price up to iJl.oO per
ton, but Kidney claimed that he had not
been treated fairly and was able to sell
all the coke he could produce at a profit
able figure. This put a damper on the
syndicate scheme and nothing further
has been thine. If the price of coke is
advanced now, the H. C. Frick com
panv will have to make the move. And
thev are reluctant to do, because as soon
;IS they put furnace coke up to t'l .oU per
, the wages of the miners ami coke
workers will have to be advanced ac
cording'y. The Frick company would
have no hesitancy in making such a
move were it not that they have no
cuarantee that the onerators would fol
low tlieir example
1 hero woulil he no
advantage in advancing coal to tl
ami wag 'S iu proportion, anil then have
the other proprietors cut the rate down
tweiitv or thirty cents.
.Mysterious l,j ncliing.
New Orleans, June 21.- Gretna, a
small town ju.-t across the river, was the
scene of a mysterious lynching last
night. The victim was John Frye, a
young man twenty-two years of age.
His dead hotly was found dangling from
a telegraph pole at the outskirts of the
town early this morning.
Frye belonged to a gang of young
men who made it a business of stealing
ami si ttiiig lire to anil burning down
prop rty it. Gretna. In the gang were
Frank r-traid. a nephew of the sheriff:
, hunts Whil". a nephew of the chief ot
police, and l iustave Kaphaeh
ha.-! ::;ght ti." gang was caught in the
act ot si tloig lire to a disorderly house
occlip;: d by negroes. They defied the
police and did their work right under
the ty i s of two policemen. Later Ka
phai i. Strahl, and White were arrested
arid lodged iii jail. Frye was captured
some hours afterward, and while being
t.iKi-n to jail, his capiors were over
p.. wend, ami tlieir piisioner taken from
ti.iiii. That was the last seen of Frve
unto his
dead body was found this
I lie pa ii is h ( laims.
Washington, June L'J The under
standing that Spain would regard with
tavor on international commission to
adjust pending claims, brings out the
tact tiiat on Nebriiary 1 1, lS'.'l, Secre
tary Grc.-ham submitted to Spain the
draft of a treaty providing for such a
commission. I bis offer of a treaty was
j never withdrawn, ami it is now before
i the Spanish authorities, So that if they
j regard such a plan with favor, there ap
; pears to be nothing in the way of an
j aggrt enieiit. The treaty provides for a
l eoi;imi.-siiin consisting of three men,
i one of whom shall lie named bv the
prt si. lent of the United States, one by
tiie ipieen regent of Spain, and the third
by the president of the United States ami
the ijiieen regent conjointly. The claim
of Antonio Maxima Mora against Spain,
having been already settled, shall not he
within the competence of the commis
sion. The draft provides that the com
mission shall meet in Washington ami
complete is work within six months, etc.
Haltered Steamer Hrhlgeton.
New York, June. A cablegram to
the II'.,;.f from Kingston, Jamaica,
says: The steamer Pritlgeton. which
arrived here yesterday in a sinking con
dition, reports that she encountered a
violeirt storm. It must have been a
storm of cannon halls striking her oh
li'jticly from the windward, judging from
her general appcarauce and the character
of her injuries.
The Pridgeton, about whose move
merits since she left Philadelphia there
nas been much speculation, came here
following the ocean gi iag tug George
W. fluids, also bought in Philadelphia.
She took on hoard before leaving the
states the remainder of the supply of
stores and munitions of war for ship
ment left after the Childs hail taken on
all she could carry. JJoth vessels landed
near Santiago. The Childs reports that
the expedition met with an tn enthiisi
astic reception, and that men and mu
nitiotis were put ashore without a hitch
From Affluence to Mant.
Dr. E. II. Crittenden, a cousin of ex
Governor Crittenden, of Missouri, and
General Crittenden, the IUlni'l leader,
died iu a police ambulance in Chicago
Thursday night on the way from a lodg
ing house. He had taken an overdose
of opium, he being a habitual user of
the drug. Dr. Crittenden had in his
experience drifted through nearly every
part of the I'mmi, and had known every
station of success ami failure from the
proprietorship of the Auditorium Hotel
in Cincinnati, which burned and luined
his foi tune in to the occupancy of
!..dgmg house ipiarters at iiis death
At tne time of the outbreak of the oil
fever in Western IViin-.-l.-..,.;,, n
Crittenden went t
' M A -
O TlttlSVllie. Ih-oiii,..
the proprietor of a hotel there, which
was also burned, and he was known a
one of the bigge.-t sj-ecuiators in oil
property's in I he stale. It is said that
he cleared .'mHI.inN) out of that business,
which he sulis-ciueutly h..
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
7 v wara
: I
Nt.W AMMlMIKK H I ..".
J The Maryland sn el company will le
taken o n of tin-red iva r s nai u- uiun r j.
sluing rem giiiii.alinii.
Silver men claim to have st-metl a gn at
victory in the convention of Kepnhlii aii
clubs at Cleveland, O.
.I0I1 11 Lincoln, a near relative tf Abra
ham Lincoln, i- dead at the llerks county.
Pa., alms house, aged "l.
Two masked men knocked the cashier
-..-.-le ami rubbed the Kadicy Lake
i Citv. Minn . Iank of ?:'.ti.noo.
i -
line of the biggest cotton nulls in
America w ill lie erected at North Adams,
Mass.. at a cu-t of I. ,.
The l i atbi stale Demoeratic oun
veiiltiiii will meet at Denver, .Inly lo
consitier the tinaiii-ial iiuestioii.
L'niled Stales ii.tlituiul hanks have
been warned not tn become depositories
tor funds f..r Cuban insurgents.
A committee of Philadelphia ctnnifil
incii w ill take the Liberty bell to the At
lanta Georgia exposition on .Si'iitemher
There is a negro hoy living near Madi
son. Fla.. w hose head measures lifly inches
in circumference. The Ud is only three
feel lull.
Iiiilignanl college students at P.loom-
iiigltui. I II.. hanged oiveiinir A 1 1 geld in
elligy because he signed the bill to aboii-h
l he high school.
CiuigresMiiaii-elect W. C. Owens, who
defeated P.iei'keiirulge in the Ashhiud,
Ky . tiistrict is in an alarming condition
from a spider bile.
Kx -1 nspeclor McLaughlin, of New
York, ha-'heen breaking ilow i: siii'-e being
sentenced In two years ami six month- In
Sing Sing for extortion.
Secretary Carlisle has appointed
Hubert Wali-hurii, of Harrisburg, Pa., w Im
was stale factory i n pec tor under Governor
PalU-ou. an immigrant in-pe -'an .
W. Mil. 'lay, the harbor master of Har
wich. Kugiaud. is the last survivor of I he
oirhest expetlitituis sent out untli-r Sir
James Kti.-s to rescue Franklin explorer-.
The Denver and Kio (Grande rabtnaii
ha- leariietl thai two luemheis of the
Coloiiithi legislature have Im-i'Ii renting
t heir annual passes to traveling men for
a moiilh.
John Mt.tiisl.ied, a trapper buy in the
Wesiiiinielaiid shaft, ul Irwin, was run
uyer by a loaded coal wagon, Thiirday.
ami had his right leg broken, foot ma-hed
and was otherwise injured.
Christian ll.iugi.lnali. nf II I. Plea-anl,
aged ''." years, was seriously injured. Wed
nesday, by falling down stairs. He re
mained iu an unconscious condition f .r
some time and hi- lec ivery is doubtful.
At Ci eensburg .1 udge Doty sentenced
John Petre, wlui -hoi and killed John
Lane In the 1'l-hiT House la-l December,
and w Im wa-en v icleil of niiirili-i m 1 lit
-eco lid degree, to lx years ill the pi llilfll
liai V-
A singular eiiincideiit cniuiei'ted a lib
the tieiiili i.f Siiinu.'l Street, by an accidi-iil
i II l he Lilt Itlbe steel Works, last Week.i
the fact that his father wa- al-o accidenlly
Kiiieil.tiii the same day, at hi- home Ui
' Ohio.
Plea ie Culbel't-otl, of Totlion. 111.,
one of the I'icbesl young W.illH'll in Central
1 i liia.i-. oh Tu. -da y urow iii-il herself in a
cistern. She had been sick for -ccr.l
day-, but h.-r "imdit ion w a- not c.ii-iuei etl
David Y.i' -hoi bis wife three times
ami killed hei at F.ivvt.od, ImL, on Tues
day. He tl.ell tiled til mill der his I i 1 1 le
girl, but friends rescued her. Tin mur
derer i- :n jail and threatens to kill luui--elf.
He had iiceuseit hi-w i fe of i nlidel i t y .
Nannie, the Ix-yeiir-old daughter of
W. I-'. Peels, of Pen II, was struck by a
l'eiiii-y lvaiiia rail roati engine while walk
ing on l he railroad near .leimetle and in
stantly killed. Her lit'le si-ter, who was
v ith her, w as knock, d olT the track hut
not hul l.
In his fourth trial against Pus-el Sage
fur damages. William K. I.aidluw- has se
cured a verdict for $lo,nno and costs. Sage
held Laiillow as a shield between himself
and a boom which crank Norcr.iss ex
ploded iu Sage's oflice several years ago.
Sage will appeal the case.
A special meeting of the Coal Oper
ators" association has been called at Pitts
burg for Friday afternoon to here the re
port of the strike committee. D is rumor
ed that the real object of the meeting is to
make a uniform rate of .V cents per toa
throughout the district. The rates now
paid vary from "." lo Co cents.
I)n ring the thunder storm m Monday
afternoon last the house of Thomas Criss
mau, located up the Dry Gap Kuad. near
Allooua, was struck by lightning, but for
tunately no tire ensued. The holt came
down the chimney, scattering soot all oyer
the house, but beyond that and fright to
to the inmates no trouble occurred.
The United States government has
made a demand on Spain for $I..Mni. inki t,,.
amount of the Mora claim. Should Spain
fail to pay the same this government may
ocetipy the Havana custom houses. The
Mora claim is fur the seisure of sugai
plantations in Cuba, by the Spanish gov
ernment, belonging to Mora, an American
ci tl'.ell.
P.urglars broke into the store of P.ortz
Urns., in South Greensbiirg. early M. .inlay
morning, and, blow ing open the safe, s
ciiretl l.Mi in money, sumo checks, deeds,
and valuable papers, and carried off :l
ipmiitity of goods of various kinds from
the store. Several shots were exchanged
between Mr. Samuel Port, and the burt
lars. but they escaped. One of them, how
ever, was seen to fall, aud is believed to
hive been wounded. Mrs. llnrtz came
w ithin an aee tif being hit by one of the
robber's bullets.
There are t wenty-seyen h'ghway
bridges (ivi-i the Mississippi between
P.raiiiard. Minn., and Muscatine, la., a
distance of five hundred miles. Those
above M inneapolis are seldom above four
hundred feet long, while one at Muscatine
is twentv-t'Ve hundred feet long, not that
the river is ordinarily so wide at that
point, but to make provision against
freshets. Of the fourteen highway bridges
between M inneapolis and M useatine, only
i. in? is a drawbridge. It is only in its in
fancy that the river has lieen bridged fur
ordinary highways.
I.Ike n Sieve.
The chief In net Ion til the kl.lnev Is to pei.ttrate
Iroin the IUimmI. in iti pasi-ato! ttirt'Uith them nl
.oriain impurities ami WHteiy .:iro.-lei which
innkc there himl exit through tne l.l.i.t.irr. t he
retention t.l these, in conrn .picn.-e t.i inaot Ivitj ol
Mie ki.lneys. in pro.lufiive t.l llrncht disease,
.tropsy . .lUbetes. alhunnnuria una other main
lies with a Imal tendency. It :elter"s smuuarli
Killers, a hiv h ly s.mctinet tliiire.ic an.i Motxl
lepurenl . impels the kidneys when Inactive lo
renew tl.eir si tunic tunctioo. and strain irnin the
vital current impurities which inlest p. and
threaten their own existence as oralis ol the
the lodv. Catarrh ol the Madder, icrvel an I re
tention t.l the urine are nlni maiadick arrested or
averted l.y this l enucn prom.. inner and restora
tive et organic aciion. .Ma. ria. rheumatism
c..ustiption. I.ililousness and dyspeiMiia als.i
yield l.i tli Kitleis which iiilto speedily tieue
nrial to the weak and neryous.
If You
Can't Come,
the next l'-t way we know of to prove to
you I hat t his st., re sells choice goods ami
charges less for them than stores generally
do, i- to send you samples with the prices
marked plainly on. and if you'll send us
iir name and address and say 'ou want
the samples and give us some kind of an
idea of the kind yon are mo-l interested in,
we'll send them to ymi, and you'll -axe
money by the operation.
Ten Thousand Yards New
Jaconet Duchess, 12 I -'2c.
Choicest styles and colorings.
One ca-e blue and white and brown and
cream, solid illernale stripe Duck Suitings,
". inches wide, are on salt- at lo CKNTS.
Aud a general collection of Fine Wash
Goods from ."e. Scotch Lawns to the tiuest,
are here for you lo pick from, with prices
that will save you money.
A KIG ri'KCIIAMliif Fine Handsome
India Silks, regular .Mi and W. ones -line
g. mils. .!.". AN D !o:;. a yard.
A big tablefnll of inc. Corded Kaiki
Wash Silks are to go at "J.". CKNTS.
It w ill pay von to liuil out every time
what t his store's got for sale Ix-fore you
spend any money for Dry ohhIs there's
that much di ITereuce bet ween its goods and
t li. general run of goods, and a tli ITereuce
in the price- that you can just as easily
mii e a- not.
Allegheny, Pa.
5- 3 --
O CTQ 5-
EL o e lz
.o it?
p 2
3 o 2 -
if) mm
o M
3 2
CD . -
n -n 1
K. L. JiHISSTOS. V. J. Hit 'K. A. H.HHK.
Johnston, Buck & Co.7
ei;ensi!Uf;;. - - . tenna.
A. W. HI I K, 4'aHilrr.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A. SHlKKll lill, atil.r.
General Banting Bnsiness Transacted.
The tollowlnic lire the principal feature! ol
iceneral habKinir huniness :
Keelved pavrnMe on demand, and Interest hear
in certificates issued tu time depositors.
Rzten.leil to rnstnmers on lavorahle terms and
aj. proved paper discounte.1 at all times.
Made In the locality and Oon all tbe banking
towns In the United States. ('nances moderate.
tHsne.t neicotlahle In all parts or the ITnltnd
State?, and lorelicn ezcbaoKe Issued on ill part
of Kuroi e.
Ol merchants, farmers and others solicited, t
whom reasonal.le accomnlatlon will be extended.
Patrons are assured that all transactions shall
be held as strictly private and cnbdential. and
that they will te treated as liberally as Kood
t.anklDK rules will iiermtu
A . K. V. i TTO V. H-.H. It. HA X f Fit K It.
First National Bank
PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa.
Capital, paid np, - - $50,000.
Accounts of Untroratlons, Firms and Individuals
received ux.n the most lavorat.le terms
consistent with sale and conserva
tive Kankloic.
Steamship Tickets lor sate by all the laa.llnc
I. men ami Koreivn Oralis payable In any
ot Hie principal cities ol the
tld World.
All c.rresKntlence will have onr personal and
prompt attention.
Inrrrral Inl, Tlmr Orpoalln.
Cloic3 Plants and Cut Flowirs,
t'tirrnl Orni'jM nt Short Aolir..
adoi.imT sirrviii.,
JtillNMiiWX, I'a.
4.1-2 Wi.
O A TIP ITS "mmora ITHWl , no knr.,
u All U trt"-iniiilir
. . . M. J.
m JL
Ttraillcy's Cash Store, Main Street, Gallitin. i,
best store in town ami is fillel with ihoit-c, ;i,.n:.h'lt. "1
gooils at the Lowest Prices.
50 piei es of Lancaster Gingham, about 2,"(mi :ir;s ?
at 5 cents. lilue Prints at 5 cents. Mii-lii . Z.
Print at 0 cents. -?
Wi The liest 50-cent Corset in
t-l( n i i i
r3J Wall Paper b cents uounie
Full line of Embroidery,
m White
Spleniiitl assortment ol llats, renins an.i Mi..,-. fv. 2"
fonl Ties fur hulies never more tylih or chctip. i . g.
We exteml an invitation to out-of-town buyers i,, ,
SI ami see our :issortuient of
Thos- Bradley,
fsi Gallitzin. Pa.
Iliivh Art Clotliinn; for Short, Stout and lumih:
Sizes, and Furnishings.
Stylish, serviceable jrools the correct tiling in moifs ve:.r
money-saving prices. 'hiblren's Suits in till frr;ils tiow .n
Our spring stock of 1 1 i irli Art Clothing, the pi-k an'l llmvi-r o! :V.
country's clothing, especially selected fabrics, tailor-iti.i '.e I'ani.
in all the newct anl most fashionable shapes. Our iii. n'- an r !
is niaile on the new principle every irarment is titti .l to ;i w
model ami conforms to the natural lines of the human ;r- . .;
a result we i-au guarantee a perfect fit.
US?" I am the only clothier that sells High Art Ci..- :h -lilair
i:tOO iit li Ave.. AUoonn. 1 ;.
(VIew Spring Styles.
We have a full, new ami complete lino of the tr
best fitting Sprinr Clothing in 'Jfiinhria county vA:
that lely competition. We have the l irpct iok r.
ern Cambria ami the mate-up of our tine Lrt'".- i
custoni-niaile. We have the new JSprinir f?h -i'. "
anl our stock of Gents' Furnishings is t ninpi. tt .
Our stock is larger ami prices lower than -rr
All we ask is that you call anl examine our -o...
prices anl we will convince you thai the h -t ! i"'
State to huy your Clothing is at
t-i?" nif tviuril to furnish on Miorl n. tii-i : i- '
lifly i-oiiih' ii i hi
what wi; i k ;
K. f ii .nstmit 1 y on ii:in.i on.- . f ' ! 1 : -Si
i.i-tf,l st. m k t f jhiv i-oiii-t iii in tin l.i.- :
ii i i-s. 111:11 siih 1 isiou lo t in n.iii.i :. :
liu nt ol ;ill t-s.
t's. nollf iillt tin' I V I Slot k. nil.' ): '
tion lo tin-x ttiiiif ..f ;ill wt.ik. AN,.
lllolls l !l;lo.i..I ll..Il I t ll. o.
ALL ltU:i;i;s.pttMi;.i i; .N i:i:l l.
Easy to Wear.
Retains t Ko pressure on
Severest V Hij Pr Bark.
Hernia J No undrrsirajs.
with Comfort. I Never tuovt s.
inTcnrn at
2oO H.lQ St., BUFFALO. N. Y.
Carriage and Wagon Shcc.
Ilaviii-j .ii,s ,,,, j ,u. v!M j. ,,( ,v (l.(.uij ,liV , x l-...v in l!i v
LlH iil.ur- I ; ,,.,,;,. 1 ,,, ., k ill(i ,,. W:!-.'.!! an.! ':iri-i:iL-.- W k 1;
lloti.v an.i at i-ls.,ii;,1.1,. t, rnis. r;un:i-,. Trim inin-, l'ii-hi..!s :m l "!:.
nisln-.! t.ioi.l.r. I ir.ifis. tak.n f..i s,. 1 i. :,,1 p.,
S- i;tl :ltU'iiti..ii ..ix,.,, ,, I;,.,..,;, v.,rk a.l p;,i,,t in.. :m.l s;u i-f-i. I .
".r.i .or,
It Pays to
town, well worth To
i n i t . . . i.
iou up to j ccms i r (, ;.
Laces, Lace Curtains i
. i' iV
1:1-1 N-m i.
American Silver Truss.
Reside the ahove we handle t it ':'
Hard Rubber, the IVnfield O 'I A
and all other Standard Trusses.
TXSrSpeeial attention iriw-ii :!t
proper fitting of Trusses.
Formerly of Carrolltown.
& -
i. r '
i -.1
Vih 1 :