u .'ANTE IN "VAUES. Ten Per Cen: Increase Givei Carnegie Err.p'.cyes. J.0''l) ME AUK MA I K HAITV. T!.e ComrariT's ;iip His: I' '' Kffrr'.l Ily tlie t;i-e--Tlie -n-.-i.t I'.us.n. u:o..k .lu-tilies 'lie la. rc:ce - (t li.-r Mul.K'tuirK lak. iv to I nllou. FiTT-?rni. M.:v iv-TV r;irije:ij C.;:,i-.-.!jy h.is raised thi '.v.es f l ..-. ! mj-loy- - i it- :! -:it ii.i-l.-l'1 in i o lit, to uif. "( -'am- 1 The plants in which r::e n-.-w scale ' m't -:1f. r Mr--: V-- u ThoiiiM.i! turn.in -. E Uur Ti.i'iii- 11 -ted work-. ! hi-na -in- -feel works H.i! i!e;i'l -'if I w.,ik, I.ncy mi naces. KtY-tiie liri'i works. Upper I'ni'.n nidls. Lower lH on mills. I'.eaver Falls-mills. l!i their notices Iln- c :ui :my .-avs th t the present outlook j'...-tiiif-s hut- v a"i-s Now that tin Carman- company has tak. n tin- steii with the many other -l-a.'iufacturi r.-' wh. aic rinuiiiK li.n ui;i :i i.anf-. it is lik-ly . lav nunit er . t oth. r iiiamifii' t;m is wi.o have not a- y. t -.'ranted advance- to their work men will It- i 'iinl to do - Tl;.' acknowledgement f the eum-p-.iav that pries warrant -noli uu ml ..!-.- is rakeri for much i:i the business wnii l. and a pt in rai tithi.inji of prices ,:i f! - many lim-s i'f -teel inanuf.ic ;,;r. is I y this company is 1 jokuil lor at a:i i al ly date. SEVEN MEN KILLED. H.urilile Hoiler I xlsi.ii nt West llitifr- llllm. I'll. All.itlier Will ll,e. Wf'sT L5in;ham. I'a.. May ).". P.y the explosion "of a boiler ii a sawmill near lir-re, five ni-n wire killeil ami three fatally injure. 1. tw of whom hare sinee liecl. Th-' ti.iit s of those killeil outright are: Clav.de liiiphsh. .Tames Mowers, Kc jjene Merrick. Lyman P r:y ami Charles i irovcr. 'a!el Converse, who was badly scalded aii'! Albert I- (irayot. who was fearfully m ii:!-d. died a few hours after the ae.ii-nr. Dell iridloy will not survive. All l ilt '.!' were married ; nd lived in the vicinirv f West ii:u- ll 1 T ! I - T!i-' mill, which is ownel by Feck. It.i-kel v CM. ..1' I'U---. Va .. em ployed t ii men. who. at the time of the accident. Were sitting near tin liciler w.i.tinj.' for a belt to be l -paired, and only two .seape.l ! at!i. 'L'Uf mill was e .nu t d with an -'i-!: .rs ti-iwcr boiler vh:- !i !:a ! t--n c sjiei-ti ir i ri'.v a few : 1 by an in s ! fore, as the t-; a:n caa" fai'.-. -l to rec.-i'-l accurately within ' p. iunds. THE MANITOBA 3.OW. Tli Tito r.ovrrniiii'ii!4 II;iv .lont i:-;-rh-l an fn.It-r.; iiuiinir. Ottawa. May l'.. If is -t.if.-d "n ap pan nrly p od authority that the Io-in:ii-oii an I Maiiit..Ja .'ovt r.ir.n-iifs h.ivt a. :ii -r ;.rr:v--i ar a i und r-tamlimr on the .Manitoba -eh mi i;aetion. IVeiau i iii away an 1 Attorney i -n.-ral Sift -it i. ; Man t'.b.i 1. 1 arriv in n-owa m a ft w days to i -or. -ait w:h l'rete.ier I'mi x 11. .-tr t'i.avi-s 11. T -r. t':" nun: t'T of ju-rie.-. liii.; L.ini At r't -i-u. .M in:t !..:. U sar.-:t. ;'.l n t -bj-ct ton;;. IC-Ma:l '".''e.1, - til" ptiv ii. -.-:- or" i--;:.-i i-;.i!ir s-p.:a:e se;:i..i. -.. h i -.iyii.' :h :a uu: "t taxes n; a: :.'.!-. Arc-iibi-h p l.:n.-i-v!a ..f Sr. b. oi'itae-', Man., m-..-ts r'n -t the s;-tT-.' ": ar.tv be ali-jw.-l to t ich in scH'i i- WU:1- ear ra-.-li' i !:ers ex anun it To this n -:rh. r ' tie Man: to'm nor Ilomini n irnv-r:::-:'-!it is lik- ly to 4-on-i nt. 1: l- ;r. 'a'-l t:;at a co;n-I.romis.- wi'I be cfl'f ; t -.L. INDIANS ON A RA:0. Tmmjw Snt .Hicr Tlt-ni Iti Arixon-. T-rrit n-y. W s!i;n:;ton. May l.". ieneral Scho field rei-e,vi d a fe',eTa!ii fro: a the c .ia m.'. nl.n o'h. . r .-f the department of Colorado, saying r'.ar several miner- liad arrive! at Colfax. A. T.. an 1 re ported that while 2 mib s southwest ot th it pl.ice. near o I I l"or- 1. :wie. they had been attacked ami Ji r. i upon by 1; In lians. They w r - aiih t kee: th in bans away a:;d r.vurn 1 at once tc Wilcox. A in-rchant that ia-1 vou'-iii i! fur the in'crity o' the miners. 'leiural Selioti-1 1 i -r U'! ed a troop ol cavalry from J-'ovt Hayar 1 to inve-ti-fiare the disf nrbance and subdue the Indians. If ;s b- lu-ved th.r t':e indian are marauders lp;a tie- Anaehes. who froipaeuliy make trouble in tiiat coun try. l-iltliti',t'r-rH Itna Ii: Culm. (firt.MiA. Cuba. May I.Y It is said the insurgents have complere control over the astern end of the island, that i the provinces of IViracvi and anti iik'.i. l-'ortydive Americ;-ns ami Winchester riM s have h, en lamied a! Nip liay from th" yacht Corona. T're lilibnstcrers are said to have ritt l oal near Sarilla riv-r. a. Tl ey are uar anteed all tile puiij ! r th -y can take This is th sixth expedir.on that h.i? landed fr-im soatii.-rn states during tin J.a-t two weei.s. Y. M. C". A. s,-f-ri-lrtrit'' Meeting. Hhtkok!, May 1".. At the Interna tional Y. M. C. A. general s-e, r-t arys (nfereiiee, jap-rs w.-re read during tiie day by Charl- s K. b r of Chicago, A. L. l'arker of Ivtro.t an 1 others. A publi - s, -sion was held at which paper. were r-ad by (i. K. e'ne.rtl. tt" of Cleve land. W. .1. 1 laser of Si-nnirtieM. O., and W. M. Wood of Chicago. Illirb v;lit, I;iy Suci.t.,.,1 Lslnfi Coi r-ii i s. Mav c.Th re is a hint here ti.af ai:io..i;: s t a cm .viction that 1 i lore ;!:is y. .ir ep r. - -x ('iniirri-ss-it.i n -lo-t-ph ii. i a :i:.mi :s to be nia le seer- '::ry of war. Th sto-v is no-de-ii:ed. ii-.- i- if a-!-: irte i ia -oi:deiitia! Uutl-.waire !!- e- . ; r. ' eitiiwaite i eiiro;.:.. f.. 1 , i. r:1 .Inlv Tie- .:c a :.r. : -i . . ::- and Mr uthv a::- kiiov. ;i -,. I ,. ,;,);, fr-e...u. Th n".; :.: tlii-en.! of the line Las !., . n !-, jo-a. s T-rinfed i:: full, s-, far a- it int.- i. -. wi-ho.it violat ing i-oulidellee. Sr:ir-l : Man t Iltath. P.'wuv; iUK! . Ky., T iv .-. Mil ton Whit", a wealthy "farmer, has l.-ii in arte,; f.,r i:-,i:r er. Dr. Wright has . -riried that WiHiam Hines )iasd:e.t Ir r.n fright. Wh;:e me: i Tines tlie Tii . riling be-or hi- last ilhs-.'ss. ami pre sei:':n' a 'ou '.. barrel 'd -.-iotrui with ln.fh hainrni rs c-ck- d. commanded Hniesi to -iirn a c: ck f :r l.'io on I f of his J..,.. H-.nc--' -verknieii lnferf' r : d and Ffirw s i nv-o..,l..,i cfiarct;. lf-coiuin'r io!.-i;t!v dl within a f'-w ininat. s. White claims that Him-s was indebted to h;m in the sum stated. .taftli- rn v. nl Km iiic-. Inpianai-m.is. Ma I.,.The Lake county -ir.-uit court hnvi-i- dissolved i:.- t- inporary n -tra iling i rdor aKaiust ii. y. the .-fate wii! at .:ic take action to put a st. p to racimr at that place. The !r..l a;:thoH:ies have exliausted t!ie:r ri -oun-. s and bv. m-.r Matthews says he is determined that 'he Kobv as-sociar.oii- sh.i.l be -.uppres.-ed. .-r, flls as I't-i-clx y;njj the law, cf tJ.e .-tate is con cerned w Oil T..rritr.v. Vax Wk.kt, O , May la. The Evans oil well, drilled in this county, a few .ay- aco. i, j r . iuciu- at the rate of ?JuO barrels a day, beii;L' one of the V-st in the state. This sf r:ke op.-;:s a new ter r.tory and a'.l the land is leased. Drill ing will l.e-in in earnest w thin a short time, and ecme yood welli are ei- JILL. v.rner H-li..e- H- M.-a.nre In H iikI Tlie ! K sianiie. Harrisbi-R.8. -Mar la -The Farr comp.ilsorv elr.cational 1 ill has cone to the governor. TheKo-ein r willprol ablv;n the bill without delay. Ho M . - l.-i-f -i.L- .mil went over it can iu.i.. i.---- -- his -ujesfioii the title was amended t j me -t a lecnnii a. imji oi-.-n i.. Attorney (Jem-ial McVriuirk. Tie- iuavement : prev.-nf the pr-jo-ed cut in th- sr-ho d appropriation is prowixiff. A et;t ii i appealing f ' ;o -ernor Hastings that n reduction of the sipi.ropriatioil be made was circulated anions: the rural members of the ho, se y Representative Dambly. Many ginned it. The revenne b:l! frame 1 by tl state tax conference pa--. d finally in the hoa-e. The vote was ! 17 to lb The fo lowiiii.' bills assed finally. To prevent the placing of dynamite or xp!oives in stre mis for the pnrposo of cafi-hiiif? fish; lixin.sT the term of no taries public and reimlatisi? the ap pointment thereof. The bill tixinej the time within which assessors of the sev eral counties shall file their reports with the eountv commissioners, was do- f. ate-.l. Senator White reported from the sen ate committee on new counties and town-hips the Motionahela county b,il as committed. The.-ena"or s.ivs the bill will be amended on second read:iifr sa as to apply to a y three t-nntifruous counties havintr a population of Tt'O.ooc instead of four counties with a popnla of TaO.Ot'O. This ehanp will excln h Fayette, as Alb-pheny, Westmorelai: 1 and Wash'nrton are the three c .unties of the four that will meet this require ment as to population. The classilicafioii bill put in the honsr by the late Represent ative Lemon was amended in the senate by Senator Vauphan to prevent Scranton from be coming a second class city. I5y this cb.aii-:e the Lackawanna senator re duced Allegheny fo a third-class city. Cities are divided as follows by the measure: Popnlati n 1 . o,o or more, firsf-elass; all between l.ooi.o.io and leo.O M), second class; all less than In ,. otM and more than lO.noo. third-class. Senator Vanphan raised the minimum on second-class cites fr.m loo.on to sOO.oon. This would exclude .Mletrheny City. The main b-ll annexes third-ciass cifies, lmroue-hs and townships. The religious parb bill passed second reair.np in the senate. The senate passed the Cuban. Xic arapuan and Stone ia-mipraf ion resolu tions, adopted by the b.ou-e la-t Thurs day. A bill rep. aline; t!. fenco Iw for P'ayefte county was introduced by Sen ator Walton of (ireene. TROOPS A8 NuD. Governor O'FfrruIl Im-ti:ls Affair At Pocahontas, a. I'i-aiiontas, Va., May 15. Covorncr (V'Ferrall has n turned to Kicliinon 1. He made a thorough in vestieatioa of t e troubles hero. He is satisfied that I he presence of troops wa- neces-.-iry to ir-ser.-e order, and says tle y will remain as loop as the coii tition now existing cuutinues. His ixTistence in keejiinp tlie military here is bitterly contested by local men. West Virpinia miners are closely watched, as tiring on the picket lines has increased. The mili tary duty has been especially st v re to day on account of the cold weather, and it has been necessary t relieve the men by orderitip new companies. In an interview with Colonel May. attor ney for the Norfolk and We. tern com pany, he savs the situation is decide ily pmmisinp for the op.-rat.irs. and that the mints lure will Ik- k pt at work an 1 tlie militia will i-.-maiti ad -u::i::e-r it tie- attitude of the West Virginia u:in- rs remains the same. The miners have held a 1 ip barbecue at tli- Keystone, We.-t Virginia, darm - t!.e day. and steps are lo. ki.np to an adjusti.- nt tuity. If is reporte-.l her ident Kimball, of the Western will meet the 1 1 " : u p ta of tin ir drr. that ex-IVes Norfolk alii ojM-rators. t- apree upon tern.s (turnip the week Riotinp is rermrted at Thackers. W. Va. . and operations have been suspend ed there. The miners are solic-itinp aid from the citizens and receiving it. May Try For thp Kiclit. San Antmmo. Tex.. May 13. The matter of offerinp a purse of i 10,0011 f.r the Corbet t-I'it.simmons ti-ht has been revived here, and the citizens at the head of the movement claim that tie otirire amount has been subscribed, an that the backers of the two principals have consented fo pive the proposition consideration. It is propos- d to pv. .1 the tipc.t oil" in Laredo. LV miles south of here, if the oiler is accepted. May Consolidate "ai!io!ic Societies. Omaha, May 15. The Catholic Kniphts are 111 convention discussinir routine bu.-iness. IV'siib-nt shine was asked what the chief nuestions before the convention would b(. . He admit d that the movement for the consolidation of tlie Catholic Kniphts and the Vor.np Men's Institute would t one of them, but hazarded 110 con jecture as to what would be the outcome. IlatiiHCt-tl by Hot Winds. Hfnnkssky. O. T.. May 15. The dry, hot winds of the past few- days have had a disastrous effect- on pram and if it continues will kill al. than -es for wheat, which are very slim. The effect on corn ami oats is also pronounced I'nsiness is almo-t at a standstill owing to the uncertainty of crops, A Strike leader Arrested. H01.1.Y. Mich., May 15. William II. Smith, one of the leaders in the strike 011 the Grand Trunk last summer, ha been arrested charped with causinp th fatal wreck on that road at Battle reck in duly last. Smith has eluded the de tectives ever since the accident. The Maeoalwe Convention. Poht Hihox, Mich., May 15. The biennial session of the Supreme Tent and Supreme Hive of the Maccalees is beinp held here. Delcpates are present from i!0 states and from Canada. Itailnay Commissioner In Session Washinc 'on, Mav 15. The annual convention of state railway commis sioners is in session at th" rooms of the interstate commerce commission. Ilidn't IH-nianil Increased Indemnity. SiTANniTAi, May 15. It is announced nt l'ekin that the .Japanese renounced their claim to the Liao-Tunp f ninsula without demaiidinp the payment of an increased amount of indemnity f r so doinp. It is added tha' the conduct of Japan in this matter is warmly praised. It is feared that the disbandip of th Chinese troops will cause disturbances. PITH OF THE NEWS. Train wrecker Sourwine, whose act killed two Hip Four trainmen at Fonta l.et, I ml., received eipht years in the peai tentiary Tw o men and a woman are under tir-re-t at Indianapolis, ch.red wiih at t!mptin to blacK.in.-iil ijm street car com pany by demanding damages for falling o!f car. (lovernor O'Ferrall of Virpinia says that non-union miners at Pocahontas will be protected Since that declaration I'vt more men hive pone to work. Over :l. oOO. noo nances of silver have been ordered hy Lond m bankers). F.x -fiovernor Ca!iibeds son of Ohio has Ifen appointed mineral land inspector, at f 1" a day and expenses. Justice Jackson is said to have talked over the subject of his rcs:pnat ion from the supreme bench with President Cleve land. Major OT, rien, who (list inpuislied him self in Ameiica during tlie civil war. is in KmdHiid. tryinp to revive the Karldom of Clare. Ixid I:s4-tery. the premier of Knplnnd. has embarked on a short sailiup cruise f.)r the iH-reJit of l.J, health. The rinht ef an earl to sit In the Tirit jsh hou-e of cotimions is now boinp enn-l.-sted in the case of the Karl of Selbern, Who recently succeeded to lii tiUu. COMPULSORY . MEADE WON'T REPLY." Herbert Says He Has Refused to Explain. THE SECRETARY S SIDE OF IT. The Admiral Didn't .I.ilse an Order Ke (arflinc the IlisjMsit ion f -it:iii Vs Kels -Tlien H- ll signed - I.n a ( liaue Could lie .Made. Washin(;ton. May 15. Secretary Herbert, in response f,( nio-uir:es. has dictated the foilowinp of; cla! statement , concerning Admiral M.-.le: 1 "At th" navy d-.partment it is ; learned thar the department had ad dressed, a letter to Admiral .Ve.tde. s atmp that it desired t- kie w if he was willinp to answer whether he had or had not authorized what purported to be an interview with him, published in the New York Tribune, and that he had replied, acknowledpinp the recoil t of the letter, ami dechniup to answer the euestloiis. 'The facts in relation to the failure of the department to praut Admiral Meade's request to have the Cincinnati ord red to the New York yard instead of the Norfolk yard are that this vessel was ordered to p.i to tie- Norfolk navy yard for some la-v-sary repairs. This was done upon the recommendation of the chief constiuc'or. who desired that work, which is now scarce at hot a yards, mipht be ciuali:'.d b- tw en the Norfolk and Rro kU 11 yards. Admiral Meade, who had selected the Cincinnati for his llapslnp dur.iip the absence of the New York, was thereupon ordered to hoist his Ilup upon that vessel upon her arrival at Nori'olk. in the interim hoistiup his liap on tie- Minneapolis. "He aflerwant forward, d a second request to tlu d I :uf ;: cut to have the Cincinnati ordered to New York instead of to Norfolk. hi the day when this later request was received. Secretary Herbert was not in the department at any time. Assistant Secretary McAdoo beinp in charp" did not act upon the request, as he d:d not think if proper to take any action in the matter until the secretary's return. in the next moru inp, when Secretary H--r'"-rt came to the o.iice, this 11 a:f. r havinp bei 11 broupht to liis aft -ntion. he nt once suaiiiioned before him the chief (-(instructor, and, after oufi rrinp with him anil Assistant Secretary McAdoo. joint ly, decide I to order the Cincinnati to New York, and at once ordered Ad miral Ramsey, who was pres. nr. to make oat orders to intercept the ship at Hamntnn Roads aial ord t her to New York' He also dir--cted orders to be made out to Admiral Mcaue, iiotiiyinp him of th's chanp-' arid onl -rs h uh t the al miral ami f- the ship v. re written and ready to be sipi:, :l when a lett-r canu in th- n-ion n: :il i -m Admiral Men ;e. askitip to he .': ; ache i f rota ;h.- -q.iad-r 'ii. which re ;u -st the secretary piaiite'i." This constitutes all the information that could ! e',:aii.ed. a:: ! leaves th infer- nee that the a.-tion. if a:iy. to b tukeii apaiiist Aoiairal Mead.-, is tint yet dctcruiiiiu-l. St. dohri Won't Irf.i I'r?iiliitlon. Kansas City. May 1 Kx- lovernor John 1. Sr. John write, Th. Star from N.-w York, rlenyinp that he is to drop 1 Vohibitii ii and juivrM-at free si!v-r. He says: have riot laid ad b ln hib.tioii." an. I don't intend to. Nor have I .'.is.-. ur.:; ! th- 11 i :; i.,r: in of a I ro'nP'it! .ii f-ck't. an-i i: v- :: t .v"ii th-eipht of .'.o v.s a-.y s;v-i, tt.:., :. N.-r am I a bip : 110 ;p.i fool to 'a 1 v. if . - f r, 0 silver as t ! - a. r t:e dv b r the ills wh ch af lict the :trv (Ireenhat Snid to Oj.ptis, lti-irii.iiit:tt ion. N'-'.c Y KK. Mar 15. A report iscur-n-nr in Wall str -.-r tl-.ir ' -Pr si-leaf .1. B. (ir.-enha- of t:,e Ihstiionp and Cat tle F'M-'liiisf co::;o ,;- lias coin- here f.r th parpo-e of 'a':-.lnp -'ei s looking t the .lefeaf .if the ;,re:e:;t plans for a r--orpaniz.-.ti-.ii of the i ompny. ir -,s snid tiiat tins inovemi nt lias been i.-'aturinp in the west and has good backing in New York. Ohio Man Claims ,n K.stnte. San Fi!AN ts( ( .. May 15. Tmlpe Cof fey has received a tier from K. W. Clark of Medina county. .. relative to the estate of Captain Fr-d "lark, who is suppose ! fo have been lost ar sea wit li the ill-fated sealing L-niicr Dapmar in Isl Clark asserts that the captain was Ids uncle and claims his estate, which is valued at j.'Vi.i. Condemned the Mini u itient I leilieat Ion. Bi-ocMiNoT'iN. Ills., May 15. The stiite cam; Sons of Veterans has adopted resolutions, .", to 41. denounc ing the proposed d dicat;oti of the Co 1 fed. rate monument in Chicago on Dec oration day. decl.irinp that no pa;rioic organization should participate. The Vote was made unanimous. A Drink of Di atli. Shamokin, Pa . May 15. After 1 av- 1 lip secured a quart ot wii'tky at place. Joe Swart z turned to a cr.w men and holding un the i ottle. t iiis 1 of aid . "Boys, I'll diink this without st(j 01 stand the tnats b r tin crowd.' swallowed the liquor, sane a s. danced a jiarr of a jig and tiiei, f: C nscious. lie di -l without ha. nig pained con-ci' m-m-ss. mp lie ng. u li re - A l ead Iit-uits In Murder. Ht"NTlNG;o. Pa , May 15 A long standing feud between Wesley Mis Cracken and ( reorpe ilawn. neiphh'. rs. living in Oneida township, this county, has resulted in murder. Hawn and a party of fnemls w re removing a ht:e of fence in McCracki n . prep, rty when the latter op -n d fire With a donl-b.-fcan-Ilel shotgun, killing Hawn iu btautly. To He Sold at Auction. Pii!i.Ari:i.!'HiA. May 15. By ord or of Luther S. Bent and the (i;rard Lib- In sv.rance. Anncty and Trust cempany re ceivers. th" entire property of tin P. n: sylvania Steel company will be sold at public auction today,' at the Philadel phia Exchange. Ancient Order of Forester Rt vniNii, Pa., May 15. The Ancient Cult r of Forest, rs of Pennsylvania is in annual convention here William Kirk of Philadelphia is grand chief rauptr The reports show that there are llC lodges of the order in this state with a uu 'lnLership of nearly Is!, 500. IIlooil 1'oisoning Catiseil lv a Thorn Hi'NTiNiitxiN, Pa , May 13. Edward Daniels, son of Newton Daim-ls. lt years of age. while plowing, ran a thorn in one of his lingers and d.ed of blood poisoning caused by the wound Weavers 011 a Strike. (Jkefnvii.i.k. N. II.. May 15 A strike of the vj iv. rs of thi?- PIimmux cotton mills, at i'eterboro. ovei a dis nr.tment in regard to wages, has caused the suspension of tho entire works. I'nion Seminary's Comniernremrnt. New York, May 15. The com inencement c-xercis s of t 'ne Union The clopieal seminary of tne city were held last night 111 the Adams' chapel, mi tlie st-cund floor of the seminary biiild np Verdict In a Will Case. R;cHMM, Ind.. -May 15. The jnrv in the Morrison will case has returned a verdict in favor of the plaintitf. lien eral Harrison is at his home in Indian apolis. t He was the plaintiff's attorney. A Steamer sir. Is s Another. Buf.st, France. .May 15. The British steamers lisim-ialda and Martina have collided off Armor lightlionse. The Martina sai.k. Lleveu of her crew are uuisrinp. ENGLAND GETTING UGLY. She K.fasen to Curry Out Orlain Ilerin Sen Herniations. Washington, May 15. Anucly crisis has leeu reached in the negotiations letween the United States and (ir at Hritain, lookinp to liie ad iption of uni f .rm r?pulations for the povernnieiit of the seal fisheries this season. The Untish povcrnnient positively refu-es to re-enact the regulation f liist year, which prohibits the carrying of fire arms by sealing v.-s-ci- through the zone north of the thirty-fifth parallel during the closed seasou. The United States olric'als look upon this as disas trous to the seal fisheries, hoi hng that the result Will Ik? to relieve the p dapiC sealers of the only restrict 1011. wh ch has oj)erated to prevent an unlimited slaughter ot the lieros. whiio niio.rr i.v tire-inns remains ll- lep d, it is realized that it will lie impos sible to enforce this prohibition if arms can If freelv- carried, for tlie s-alers would kill freely unless they should hapix-n to bo under the very eye of a revenue cutter. Meanwhile, the Uir.ted States cutters have pone out tinder the old instructions to seize all vessels car vyinp arms not under seal. These must be modified speedily by orders sent through the Alaska Commercial com pany's steamer, which leaves San Fran cisco in a day or two. or else there may be another big claim for damages 011 ac count of illegal seizures filed by the British government. The attitude of the latter is viewed with much dissatisfaction at the state department, where it is regarded as an evidence of unwarrantable concession to the Canadian pelagic sealers. It is also held that the effect of the British action is to practically nullify all meas ure of protection for the seals that was conferred by the Paris arbitration, and it would not lie surprisinp if this course is persisted in, if it resulted in a decla ration by the United States of tho ab rogation of the treaty. Serious Charge Against Them. Phii.apki.piiia, May 1-5. Robert C. Machesnev of Baden, Pa.; Albion Crabbs of 35:(i Smedlev street, and B 11 jamin J. Bailey of :ioii Aspen street, this city, have lieen arraigned before United States Coa missioner Craig and held in tfl,O0 bail each, for a further hearing tomorrow, charged bv Post office Inspector Moor', with car rying on an aileped lottery scheme to defraud and using the United States mail for this purpose. The defendants are officers of the East, in As.-uranco company. The Crcaler New York Iff II. At many, "May 15. Tlie preatcr New York bill, which was defeated in tho senate last week, has again lwcn taken up in the assembly and passed. s to :il. It is still asserted" that tlie bill cannot be passed in the senate without the referendum amendment. To Illovv I' I.-il' Kewidem-e. Poi.ti.ani, Me., May 15. This city is excited over the discovery of evi dence which leads the police any many citizens to believe that- some crank had planned to blow up I lie resi dences of Hon. Thomas B. Reed and Mayor Henry Baxter. Short Nearly a Half Million. Tacoma. May 15. Facts have come to l.pht which indicate that the late Paul S.-hulze's defalcations amount to nearly "n. 1.000. making his total em bez lenient the largest known 011 the Pacific coast. Hotel Men In Session. Nrw YeitK, May 15. 1 .resident E. A. Thayer lias called tho sixteenth an aunuai convention of the hotel Men's Mutual P-eneSt association to order in tia- banquet hali of Delmonico's. theie iieiiig about lot) delegates present. .lohn Kodcer llivtirred. Lovixin, May 15. John R Rodpers, tin theatrical manager, has obtained a decree ol divorce a u a 1 list hi? wife, Min nie Palmer, the actress. Smallpox In Mexiro. Wasitinoton. May 15 The United Starts consul at Nogal Mexico, re ports to the surgeon general of the ma run hospital that a severe epidemic of smallpu.x exists in that locality, le say- tlie disease was introduced by per sons coming from the interior of the .-tatc ot be nor a, Mexico Killed His llrother. Skkofnt. Ky.. May 15 News has re a -he ! here that Ned Rose has shot and killed his brother in Dickinson county. Va The brothers lived on ad joiu ng farms and the quarrel resulted over the pasturage of a horse. Rose e.-caped but the officers are in pursuit. Ifailvvay Condm-tors Convention. Atlanta. May 13. The convention of the grand division of the Order of Railway Conductors, is in session here. Three hundred and fifty delegates are 1 re-ent with some 00v) other conductors 111 attendance. THE MARKETS. FlTTSBrno May II WHEAT No. 1 red, Cirroj,.; j0 a n-d, M 4 n-.-. ( HRX Xo 2 yellow car, Tv.Vx-; mixed . nr. Sin.-)--.-: No. y, l.- ll-.l."51 .tS,. lATS-No. 1 white. '' ::,2e: No" J do. f I extra Nu. 3 white, Jj.-.tj' jc; niixil. 843 II AY Xo. 1 tunr.thy. p.'. in) -liii",: No 2 timothy, tV iT" lb V); mix.Kl clover anil timothy, f ll.(r.l 1.5; jiaekinjr. 7.00'ft7.."il): No. 1 f Imsf prairie, s "Uiii.lW; vvafion hay, tl7. fu 1- III. b UTTER Klein creann-ry. 21-is3c: Ohio fancy creamery , 17 i 10o fancy country, roll, 1.) rliV: lew er.-vles ami C'H.k'.n.'.V-lOc. CHKESE-hio mild, !. l.h-; New York, fall make. Hj(ille: IiiiiIk ts'. r. fall make, 1J4 l'J'..c: Wis-onsin Swiss, la l:t'..c; Ohio Swiss, lo U!e. r.'. n JS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio in cases. 12..-i lie; cam!!.-. I::T. !:i sr.. H iULTKY-Larce live ehi. k. ns. fi.V70r fx r pair: live chirkeiis. small. .Viniyic; ducks. ts4 ti.";c in r jiair, a.s ti size: dressed chickens. 12 t i:ic per pouiiil; turkeys, 1-fu.loc i,r pound: ducks, lle'lAr per imund : live turkeys, Uglw: per pound; live p.s -e. sue t1 per pair. East LimaiTV. Pa., May 14 CATTLE nwij.ts very li-ht this week, and with a 1 tter demand tlu- market opened active, and prices a shade h.h. r for me dium and pood butcher prades, while heavy en others We quote mark, t as follows: Prime. 5i f 00; pood, Jol05e i,xi butchers". f4.70a5.lM; Touch fat. o."-t4 LO; hulls, stas and eows, 2.UU( J trf: Ir- -b cevvs nnd springers, 15aa.V IR; Ki veipts lipht. demand is steady nnil market firm lot medium and pood York Kraa.s at- shade ln-tter prices, while heavy prades are slew at unchanged prices We quote Philadelphia. f4.Sjf.l4.ll5; be.-t mixed and Yorkers. $4 75 Jl.SU. common to fair Yorkers, 44 o.iJ4.ivi, pigs, f 4.5uCi4.0i; r.-UL-hs. f3 Ui-T.4 'O SHEEP AND I-.AMr.si Receipts lilKral this we. k and demand fai: market steady on sh p at tinchansred prices, while lamlis nre a shade lower. We quote prices a- Pillows: t-.xtra. 4 OJC' 1 2v: v.mkI :ftC'.o.!H: f:dr. tJ ( "r :t 40 : common. tl..VKl) 2 'M. l.e.-t lainhs, 45.102.2 ; pe.Kl lambs, 44 4"5 4'.w:fair, ?2..HK,4 OJ; veal caives, f4i.Vrto.26; heavy and thin calves. S i."Jlt3.uu ; spring lun.bs, 44 jo U.7.UU Cincinsati, May 14. UfHJS Market weak at f4 1VJJ.4.75; receipts, 2.3 v bead; shipments. 1.S.JJ head CATTLE Marke t steady at I2 75O.5 50; re ceipts. i.injO h-ad; shipments, COJ head SHEEP ANI LASIbS-bh.-ep. market in Coed demand and steady at 2.7o&4 iJ. re ceipts. 4CO h.:.d: shlpmcTits, 4.4) head. Lambs, market firm at :t.Orj,4.75. Nkw Your, May 14. WHEAT SHt Market, dull No 2 red store and elevator. 70c ; anoa. CfS'- f. o. b., (.:' i.tieat: No 1 hard, 74' ,e iieliveiiil .OKN s-p.it market active bu easier. No 2. 54sic elevator. Hi-o ufloat ; yeiiow, 5!-4C. "ATS-Spot market ea-ier. No 2, 31'jD No 2.1. liv. red. o2'e No. 3. 3tic : Xo 2 white, No a -hiUs. aS'c; track whit western. i'..;f.4IV CATTLE European cables quote American s.i-ers at IPal-k- per pound, dressed weight; re! ri aerator beef at l-?- per pound. SHEEP AND LAM!-.-?. -.Market active and firim r all around: In p.d sheep fairtofrooti I4.J.U, i4.ii: : choice clipped lambs, fifci; o-.ithern sprinit lambs, ;.a;s.25. KCKJS ilnrket fcteady at t4.9v4 j 20. WILBER'S COLUMN. YJEAIl OUT1 Through Sjirino;, Summer, Strike or TuriiV OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW. The scale doesn't jjo up :ii;il down like a UllUlUljlLU Fact is, we haven't daily rea sons for .selling "BELOW COST." COULDN'T LIVE IF WE HAD. And we've cur own ideas about the truth and you are not likely to hear us telling in scare-head accents about our "AT-lllTLLYG, CK. ASVAVf . sruxrviiLva. i'i:i':i:-i)i;oi- Our prices are lower than those that have been 1JR0KKN IN BITS. CLOTHING. This Department has just )(on enlarged, and was never telti-r prepared than now to io business larm-r selection of I eiter troods at lower prices than ever Ijefore. There are a lot ol Men'K Skits of u.ki.i, hard twiste.l. har.l wearlmr elotti tlie liest value v.iu ever sw I r f2 Tt. We have a variety . t Sa -k Suits, dresyy. laie.-t ny l-s. 'I'hey are douhlr wurili our pri-e, f4 ;0. We are i-ellimr the best Suit your mon ey can buy lor tlie price in any store in tne unty. in atl-w.H.l oieviotK. I.l:,.-H and hrowu mixed, opul to any fs Suits ottered elsewhere, our pr ce fit. ( ur tI'I die pen a n-ie neld lor Clio -e In tine Hrcs-i Suits. E.ery tsijmlar lal.ric represented. line line ..r the money. Heaii. ai.ytlonir y.m ever paw or t..u it. I'erterti.ni in tine lress Suits is aiian.-.l in our line el liaiilMu: f.it.ri.-M nt lh Kit a d.I I" nish run't be Improved up .11. no mailer what you pvy. (ai-pua w.nk at tleuble tlie i.n.-e uiveA no sun; e point ot advMiiiKe Seetliein. A J 'Ol'.YG ME.YS SI' ITS. I'or Ihijs 14 lo l'. years old ve are inakiit lh' greatest drive conceivable. i'or in slanc': Broirn Cheviot and all wool at the unaM pi ice $2 .' 0 Can mi .lealer .n e.rtli l.eat ttii.-f And f :i mi l..r tre.y tray flia.lf in all wool. Our 4 '2S suits are made ..I strl.tl. 11 mi Worsteds and Kssimercs. In to. tlrii hand .rki:i,n Riin. :hey are lully up To the ino?t ex,eri fne i-u-t, 111 laiii.r .,rk These are ln-ts easil) 1 roveii if you will make what we most desire, a personal luveetialii.n. e'll bi.le by your dee: sum. i.Y om r.oi's- Di:r.iiiTM r.YT. We are sine to "ive sa t istuct i..ti. e have puri-ha-ed a hip line of I Soys !o:h iinr that every mother for miles aieiiTei who has a hoy to dress ouirht lo s.-r. Hav intr such a la rite demand for Children's Knee Suits, in cheaper itrades, we have been able this Spring to supply all the wants in this line. (lood stroptt Suitx at 75 eentf: a btrer trade at 1 "-'. an.t l..r il -.-5 fi fj. j isi. f 2 5" an. I W.isj we will fliow you uimhIs that dely c.nui titiun . MK.YS J'. I.YTS. All that are new in style are shown her at the lowest prices. The assui ttin-nts an not conliiiei! to a few styles biC. embrace t he fullest to be found in an v clot I: in stun in lh' county. (lond rtmnir I ants, lined throiis-i-out. 85 rents; a better isr ..le In W orstrds 1 . U; all w.m.i p nts. a Kreat baricain. l.:u: all wool Pants, neat paliern in fmicy slvles, m.ike a nice dress pants. 2 mi. llou want the very lest dress Part, tn the market at lowest prices. K.x-ouine our line al r2.au. :i ro j:j 60. 4. (1 and 5 on. They can't he leat. rorrirs .i.yd ririujiu:.Ys J'.I.YTS. We have an immense line of youths' and and Children's Tants w hich we will now offer at very low prices. Oood ftronK Youths' Pants, ltned throughout, make a koo.1 every .l:iv Pants, 75 cents: better ura.le In Worste Is. i 00 r l as. 1 1.50. 2 uu. r2.50. we m show you a tine line, all siylen ai.d pat terns. In t'hil.lren's Knes Pants we have a laine assortment , ranging In pri.-e Iroiu '25 cents to 1 1 2T. siioi:s. Can't brap too much about om Shoes. We know they are just riirht in leathei. make, finish, style, comfort and tit. And the price, too, can't fie tieat, no mailer where you po. Wemen'g tine IHmicola button, patent tip fl.ui. Women's fine Itonirola lace, patent lip. dres-sirM thlnif In spring lootwear ! 'i Women's fine Ikii.iia. an eleicar.t Srn.e, well made, look stylish, all sizes . ft 5u Women's tine lm ola Kid. all g res. ran't he l at. 1 75 Women "s tine Kid. latest Mjles. a treat leader. 2 Ol W omen's tine French Calf, square and opera loe. all sizes, r2.5U. Men's veal call, congress, made up to t-ell lor 2 no. f 1 25. Jlen'i lace and eonitre'g Shoes, latest tyles. all alzes. f 60 Men's Vlca Kid. lace and eopurtas. al sizes fiis). Hoys' and Youths' Shoes Iron) 75 cents up. swj-: at: 1 ? is, To aid yon in makinp a selection we quote you these prices and descriptions of the liest values we have lice 11 able to tind. These are handsome and stylish. a- Hoys' eream carded, full sizes, finished, double collar, sizes lti to 32. 25 cents. Bs rcru Egyptian (Vrul.e.t 4'otton. are A 1, icoo.1 sweatnr. serviceable, e n 1 wastie.1 and made ho.k1 as new. 4ni-. Men's Cream Oolton 1'ar.le.l. lull sizes, finished uoutde -oliar. sizes :l to 44. -.'ij. Men's all-wool medium wearht Swemer, without doubt the lest value in 1 tie mar ket. 1 25. HATS, We have opened up a la rce line of Men's New Spring Stiff and Soil Hats in all the the new colors; very si y lish, ci.tnfoi table and durable. Come and inspi ct them and satisfy yourself. Our Straw lii.e is com plete. We iKitmht direct from the manu facturers, thus savins you ti. mi,!,ie man's profit. The Dress Hats rain-.' in price from ,. cents up. We can lii all size heads, fKith preat and small. Your Heavy Underwear is lieuit.ninp to feel a little linccmforiable. You are p, t tinp ready to chanpe perhaps. We are ready to fielp you to do it. Our shelv s are loadi-d with spring weights. Tlie as sortment is preat, the prices arc low. Men's silk tlnlsh tlesh color 1'n.ierwear In a grate that usually selU lor :i5 rents lor 25 cents. Men's Kalbriggan t'n.le.-we ir. j ..t the thing lor summer wear, regular price 511 cents, lor rents. -Men's tine Frenrh Halhrlgan I'nder wear. bcrt tlnlsh . 5.1 rents. Men's medium weight. IViturat Wool I'nderwear, just the weight. 60 rents. J. B. WILDER Ebensburi - . . .. t f .-E, A U OI-iT Ifj-TArLiua 1S72. Johnston, Buck k Co., BANK KKS. EUEXSBUliCi. - - - l'EXX-A. A. W. I H, l aslitrr. 1-s-TAKI.ISH Kl) lHSI. Carrolltown Bank, CAHUnlJ.Tt'HN, PA. T. A. Ml KII I 'H, sillier. General BanimBasint;ss Transacted. The tolh.wli.g are lhe principal features ol general I al-fcing ba-iness : i)t:isiTJ. Kecelved pavable on demand, an.1 Interest ear lug rcrtiticates Issued to time depositors. LOANS Fxten.!?.! tn customers on favorable terms and approved paper discounted at all times. t'l.l.H'T!(S Made In the I.K-ality an. I uon all the banking towns to the United States. Charges moderate. IIK4IT Issued negotiable In all parts of the I'nited State, an.) loreign exchange Issued on "ill parts ot t.uroj e. AKIIfMK Ol merchants, farmers and others solicited. U whom reasonable arcotiio.lntlon will be extended. Patrons are i.f-ure.l that all transartions 'hall b held as strtrtlv private and eintldentlal, and that ti.ey will be treated as liberally as good banking rules will i-railt. Kestrtlully. JIIIISTII4. Bl K I. .4. t:. r.inio. 11 m. ii. .ia7)' ier, frrsulriit. Otso'e-r. Til V. First National Bank OK IVVrTM.N". PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. Capital, paid up, - - .$50,000. Arn.nntu of Cerporatlons. Firms and Individuals re-eived upon the oust tavornhle terms consistent with s-,iie an.l conserva tive lblRkllg. Steamship Tickets lor sal by alt the lend In l.iDes and toreit-n Mratts p-tyablo in auy of the ;.rin.-i ai ritiesot ttie (Md World. Ml roTTei-.nlenre will have our personal ana prompt attention. Ititerexl I'hII oil Time- lepltw. (r.l.-..y:i OILS! OILS! The Atlantic Refin.r.p; Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., make a sjiccialty ol nianubn turinj: for the ibnneR tic trade the finest brands' of (I'lirninatip.!; anl Luliricatirs Oils, Naphtha ami (iasoline Tha' can bo HADE Mil PETRQLEDH. We challcnpre coniiarison with every known product of jetrol suin. If you wish the fuGst : Daimly : Satlsractcry : Dfe in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, PI nSKl'KU HKPT PITTSBl'Kd, I'A. ooTlt.!y. KYOURiiORSESHOER kqjvg FOR THE M fVn W; ' jaiL u fr Shoe for a - - : VINtCKUbt. It AESOLUTET-Y rrcvcnfs ElirrintT, and insiir. - p.-rti-.-t -.!.- au.l miort to horse ami en ;-r. Shod villi t:. ' N.'vnrslM.,' your liors.'si feet are always ia -.x.d . i.'.l it i -i kept tun by not !.:- :nu' to eon-t.imly remove the sh.H.-s for sl';,i:.eiii;.e. The CALKS aw REMQVAr.T.F. Stccl-fertjix 1 r.rt.'. fd'LF-HAR PF.MKG A'hcn ..irn o:it i .-w C.i'i.s e.iu c isily in serted i:':eiir rem. .vine .-h..,.-. sa-iii an imsm i-.se niiioiint d J:;.:e usu.illy lo-t at tho black-mitt: .-i.-'ji. (Ill r.-.-ei' tci ixi-l.'l v. ;'l 11. ail froe our do scrip;ie 4-iicu!.trc:t:ii-.hp-i-i i.es,. ( alke.l SSIi.k s. re.ely to i n...:. .1 on, l.-r trial, ollered this winter ;t vy low ; .-s. Policies written at short noiee m the OLD RELIABLE ETNA" (ml olher KlrMt riass 'ompsn ie. T'- W. DICK, rUIXT FOK THE Obi) HARTFORT) FIRBILVSURAXCBCOU'l. It M 1 K.N (J K I BCS1IM KMS 1794. Khenr.nr..lniT I.182. Mountain House mB SHAYIHG P&RLQR! CENTRE STREET, EBEKSBDEG ''HIS well known and long established Shaving I Parlor is now located en Ceotre street op K.sle the livery stable ol Hmra. Ihtvls & l".uth er. where the I u ' ne-s will t-e rnrrie.1 on In the ,u,t"rt...S" AV,N,:- ,1Alk ' 'ITIMl AM. tsli AMPiioin.) done tn the beatest and mm ar'ist.r manner. Clean Towels a selalty ta.IKiies waited on at their residences JAM lis H. nHT. Prot.netor VAHTED BY SA'L VCLLG & CO.. 67 VINE ST., CINCINNATI, 0. LtRGEST EX?CP.TERS CF CirirMC IS THE U. S. AXLE Best in the Vorld! GRtAS; Get the Genuine ! Sold Everywhere ! FKFf rite now KCIU m m s LSI I5l l5l SI We ni h t.i :iiii-...i!iice t.. the ..j.'- f.ir :uid wile tl.:it we -.-; , col ss;il ;;"'!'i"-:lti:i i.f -t;ir. line; w , .1 e !--, j.i :i.i-iiiMi:i:,te '.!..; .... time :m i ju lniu-n! ha . - Kelt r.sjiiii.sl Tin- limis utt. ' ild titid II iiili:d't-d jnti-!.-. t!i- Afrienti iu..tiUes. tl,,. , .. :md l!ic l. pl tinis ft'.ni Indi.i wiii x. iti- n.i ..ii,i. r !i.-, , ,, ill- 1 1 I 111 1 ii ii. le f LSI 3 on 5 vol MONSTtb NOW ON EXHIBITION. Ilclin-liilx r, this ( ir.nt Slmw ssts.s nothing tl,:i: e. ; l'-- rin mi i.l tli 1 :i 1 ..fits s'M I'l'.M ' US ! I'. A 11 l:i... : , '. . est tind w ill i'f, :illv l in lit you. I.'. -.id tin- li-t f :itt r.ie-:. , . . voiir iiisHi-ti..ii mid in li-- vnv -nitli of tlii' I 1 : 1 1 I ; ;.u -A we 1 s. I i-t.sl st . k ..f s-lMMM ; AM s-l'MMI'.l; . m i - , ' .' ' ' : f.ml l-s in st . I.- mid ii n-i-i il in pi ii--. .Join cat 1 ..- Free Street Parade t. olir stoic so ilia t v. ll wi'I lot in'.ss one .ft lie l'.;il-'.i;.., .: . tollisllill- r-slllts ill LTI e. t '.lie .1. liuiitlsl (- e oil e. I y -! , . : . WeII-I5ouo.it J umbo Sfork ! CTI DrLI LSI L5l LSI 51 Now- is tlx- time to ina'-c yoiir--ll" a. line i-olli-tion of l.ri.-'il e slyl.sin ( i.-iits" Kui tii Jiini; ( i.s.ds. It n.i-.ls no fi-'l No di-x-i iptiv- li-ciiirc I- nc. ssiirv EI i-a'tis all tlnoiijli lli. show . 1731 Br& Adniissio.-i 1 in. re than lr.s 151 SJ 151 CiotMer ani 3 CIetcM 151 rEljlP''j'-sira Hii ij L i el m 3 CARL RIVIN1U PRACTICAL WATCMAKS8 $ 4EWELE8, AND DEALER IN- s - it fc:- sk. f ' V ffm r I I br--7-" jf jfj i ... J3 . - J FARIVIERS! When you want GOOD FLOUR ako vour rni n to the OLD SHE1MKLE MILL in Ebeibur-. The FULL ROLLER for the manufacture of Flour has lecn y in the '' Shenkle Grist Mill in Ebensburg ami turns cut iii'.! ::.; but FIRST CLASS WORK. Brinr: in your grain and give us a trial. Y.-.ah nidi? grain in ground separately anl you get the Flour ct y nur own wheat. If farmers wish to exchange r.iin tor M r they ean lo so. The Mill is running even 1 tv with tte It EST OF FOW Ell. PROPRIETOR. The Best Shoes lor the Least Money .3iTV . v. r'i m-i v. v"-i-k 0 Zi is..' C Ik- Isj- K ' -'eV Tor Sale by J. In all its Latest and e -"V -j1fyv.i:;:.;:; Automat.,. Suction Cavhi.-s, Iliiminnm I'lates, Cr..wns and l'.ii.L-.-''"U.'! ' rs't! -M.lnt. K- W ithoiit Pain l.v ttsinir l'lcf- M:"' ,. f 'r ,f1,,,,Vn '''"' --x xi icii.f. 1-irst Uasx Work lK.nc al ii luites. All Work Watrante,!. tiijjrTcriiis- Striclv I'iLsh. 12.14. M Oll'u-e on Main Street, second doin- iK.rtJt of M. h' II ATTRACTIONS v 1 u !' 1 little U tt. r ..:!". M n's and I n. . . anal i. .-i as to your .lain tin wewil :iy you f. . Gents' Pnntislisr. St., LILLY, PA. tl" S. IW&TCRIS. CUCDj :JVF.l.l;V.siLi;i;n',! 1 MOSICAL 1KSTEDXI5I: I -. J-' - OPTICAL GOODS, J i l MH.I-; A'.l.N I i t - 11 ! CELEBRATED ECCIftLi WAT. Liti2a:i!F:5.Ln2T:zi la K. I. A i: ;i; i:i.i: t: .n a: KIM.s d .M. m.:. i.i .1. I. I s..::- ...f..,. ; -: : - a v. . CAEL FIT: MHHw PROCESS W. L. Douglas $3 and $ ShW ... ? 11.- sallsif si. , .11. Ml'S'" UTh .si. oar -ii - mar -. They riTe (he lss;t aiue f. r i: .- iaal cu&i D. XTJCAS &; CO. Most Improved Methods. DR. A. XAIN0. 111 .l.t'11-'" y j DOUGLAS UB ft?? t i ii.-ir weariuc .Ualiii.si an- - . i L i. 1 3 4 ' .IT -"- S--" 'o' v-i :- Alf el- i V.jn --Kyn-f- Jllet 1 K,k. I' t - M ha ' 1" ;jl '" t'.n . lie-.. Hat ' ; r.it - W : illl . rer Gr ("I,.- Hum J.: . - Jo ... J',,.. Uei. Li & . -I . . p. I Kli .1 Si ... St- 1 Sfc . Tf .: H s W - TT