The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 15, 1895, Image 4

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La cr Reports Give Five S the
Number Killed.
Two NiijropH, Who .1. milted Into the
Kiver. lielieve.l l ll:tit Hern Dronnfci.
White ni!er Kil e.l ul the -f;re-
iiiir Tli. v Wi rt- at Work.
Nfw Oiu.rAN-i, Marli 13. The thick
f in tlw early mrni:i was the veil
Uliin-i whieh fle-lr:ite white Wee
l;i'"T'-r- ;itvrt'il ami which they jiene-trat-il
w;th Winchester rifle halls ainieil
;tt tlw lor -1 n-m-uuion men at work
a: th- -hips.
Tl:- atnek was mad' at points sev
en! miles aji.trt. just In-fore the arrival
of the jxiliee, and as a result there are
lia'.t a dozen corpses and a dnzcn or '
wounded men. The Tlief saw the at
tack, hnt no arrests followed, they
claim:iif they were tM few to cotw
with the nnexpeeted onthreak. The
da.Vhefore the mayor said all was quiet
and the governor saw tin rrumiils for
interference, Im? now the business men
are (:eno-,inciii' both. Tlie militia is in
readiness to move. An appeal to the
federal trovermiienr lias virtually been
made and even tie- foreign consuls havti
derided ro join in tin; move for peace at
any price.
Tie- cause wlvch led to the troubles
have Ken of lotisj standing, and rew
our of the attempt of ship agents and
otiiers ill. create 1 to reduce rates. Tin
vhie si-rewnieii claim that the colored
men who were fjiveii a sliare of the
w.-i k mi ler .m a-jreenient , ma le secret
cuts and violate I the agreement in or
der to obtain moje work, and rradually
crowd the while men out. The white as
sociations then severed all ties with the
blacks and refused to work with them,
or for the men who employed them.
The white lonj.'-lioriiuen joined the
screwmeti in this.
Since then the steamship lilies have
leen jrradually oinr over to the ue-Hi-oes.
Lately tlie white screwmeii quit
work on the lines still loyal to them,
stating that they would not work until
tlie whole a'i'air was straightened out
Several more lines then took on nepro
lahor, from in re-sity. Tlie whites finally
determined to retaliate on the steve-(l,.r--
by offering to n-ilui-f rates and
deal with the ship d red. Ships in
hate ai-i-epted the offer, but the agents
sTimhI by the stevedores. The latter
offered to pay more than the screwnien
asked, but the screwmeii refused to deal
with them. Tlie agents offered to pay
the screwmeii their waires and place the
stevedores over them as superintend
ents, but the serewmeii acraiii declined
Then the stevedores Iwau importing
i-o'.ored screwmeii from l ialve-toti, and
tlie whites. rrowiiiK desperate, broke
loose in riots.
The dead are: William Campliell.
colored screwman. on 1'hillip
street; Jules Calico Carrabe. shoemaker,
shot in front of Lyon's clothing store,
unknown, sii-it in vicinity of Cromwell
Line; unknown iiejrro. in same vicinity,
not yet identified, Leonard Mallard,
colored, sraleman, shot over the riht
The injured are: James A. Bane,
wh-te. pur-i-r. steam-hp eti-:nper,
in tin- head twice, arm onre. dani-rous;
Henry I'.rown. i-ulun-d, si-rewman. shot
rive time-, : oth arm- and both lejs. will
leeover; T.m IVr-tell, c-.lored coal
wbeeU-r. shot seven times, both le- ami
thitrh and may r.-rover; Lull's Ca.-t, col
r ie '. employer sutrar refinery, shot in
hip, will re-over; I'.lly Williams, col
or--d. s'-rewniau. shot in let;, will re
.over: Frank Lihfliall. colored, driver
for cem- nt linn, shut in lejr. dangerous,
liobert Hrook.-. white lonjj-horeman.
s1 ot with Winchester m rij.-ht leg btlow
ihe knee
Two in Error's. names unknown, jumped
into the river and it is believed were
Xf Orleans Authorities Mnl First Act
International ( otiilirntlnn.
Washington. March 13. The intima
tion that trorips were neeiled at New
Orleans came from the United State
district attorney there, atnl Attorney
(ieiieral i ilney has replied that the state
mn-t first exii;:u-t its resources or deny
protection efore tro .p- can lie used
The British o:icials here regard the
pre-ent trouh'e a.- pai t of the racial agi
tation which ha- been e-oinpon for some
time and which tir-t broke out in con
nectioii with cotton slnps The white
lafir of that section object to the em
ployment of nepro labor on the ships
and to this is attributed many of the
incendiary tires which have occurred
The progress of the trouble is beinc
closely observed by the British officials
a'tholiirh they feel confident that the
local authorities in Louisiana are doiti"
everything lxi-.-ibie to suppress the (lis
order, and if the trouble passes beyond
local control, the feiit ral authorities will
take such steps as are necessary to pro
tert foreigners and Americans alike
It is said that the complaint of
the Kmdishman. Hun, injured in
the riot, would first lie submitted
to the British consul at New Or
leans, who would communicate with
thi- foreign otlice at London ot
direct to the embassy here, according
to the emergency. If the offense was
shown to le Against Bain because he
wa an Kniilishn.aii. it is said Sir Julian
I'anneef .te would demand an explana
lion If, however Haiti's nationality
iial no part :n tile affray and lie was hit
becausf; be wa- in the mob, tnen no
attention would be pivt-u to the inct
Tho action of the Italian povernment
at tlie tune of the New Orleans lynch
i:ifi!scit- d a- showing the diplomatic
aspect of the trouble The lyuchiiijjs
were aua n-t Itahans. as such, and not
against a iiiisv.-l.iiiei.iiis mob including
Italians J'.r t!i t reason Italy pro
tested and then -u: iimirily broke off
diplomat -c r -'.:sf n.tis wit Is th" l"nifeI
States by hav:n- I'. ir .11 Fava deinaii'i
his pa-s; oi . s. The l'nir--l State nlti
mately J at : an -: -;. j : i ' y to the fam:
lies ,,f tii !-!;.: i It is s-aid th-
sari-.' rule wo-d 1 -w apply to a!fr ly-again-t
liviri'shn.en. ;is such, bat not t
Illlsce!:.!-!, t) ;s CO1 - l!:cl'.i'!ini? sOIli-
A lt-ittr ro-tiim-tn In Trouble.
Toi fin, March bl Jason B. Elliott,
deputy pi-tmu.-ter at M niticello O.. lias
been bound over to await the- action Df
the United States federal grand jury,
charged with violating the postal laws
rtla'ive to mailing improper pictures
ami literature. He is accused of being
in partner-hiti with O-car Saemaun of
O-cen'a. Ia . who was fined imni and
sentenced to eight years imprisonment
!a-t D -cember The violation of the
law was trac.-l by an agent of the
Natl .nul Humane scietv.
Want, ti He Honest It Klected.
Atlanta. M arcli 13 The resigna
tion of .1. C Black as congressman
from the Tenth district has been ac-
pted This is the ili.-trict represented
in the Fifty s-c-,, n l congress by Tom
Watson, and in !- Black defeated
Wat.-un a!i 1 in the last election again
contested the ssat. Black was elected
on the face of the returns, but frau Is
teing charged on both sids, he has
resigned and the race will be run ever
Th Situation In Cnba.
Madrid. March 13 A di-patch from
Cuba states that the five western prov
inces of the islam! are now tranquil.
Tlie dispatch adds that the rebel chief,
Tanayo. and other insurgent leaders
who are at Manzanillo cnufiniis the
statements that there are Jiist-nsioud la
the rai-ki jf the rcbuU.
A Ii
1! (e-s Tliror.eli Hie IVnnsylBni
I.ccisliit lire spaiiIer's i-e-li.
H ARKIsHl'H-;, March 13. The house
has ;asse 1 finally, by a vote of 151 to
2'',, tiie f ili prohibiting tlie wearing t-f
any religious insignia or garb by teach
ers in the public schools. The big guns
of the eatriotio rders were conspicuous
on the floor, while In- galleries were
filled with intete-te.i -in-, tatiirs.
Before The bill came up the Republi
can leaders of the house and some oi
the officials of the patriotic orders held
a conference. Some of the former
feared that the measure would prove to
the party a gun that kicks, and favored
its withdrawal. Tin y were overruled,
however, and the bill was kept on the
In defending the bill. Mr. Spangler
(Cumberland! made a speech denounc
ing the Roman Catholic church and its
head, to whom he referred as "that
man. Pope Leo. the twelfth." He said
of Pemocratie Chairman Harrity: 'Fol
low this man up along the Allegheny
niounfains, and we hear that he was in
consultation with thr -e Roman Catho
lic priests, who said to these men: 'De
nounce the orders and we will give yon
the votes of our church.' "
In closing his speech, Mr. Spangler
took from his desk a small Aiiu-r.ciii
flag, which he waved triumphantly
until called down by Speaker Walton.
Mr. West put in a bill in the house
protecting employes from being com
pelled to take out accident jiolieies of
insurance. Mr. West says the bill is
directed again.-t tlie voluntary relief as
sociations of the Pennsylvania and
Philadelphia ami Reading Railroad
Mr. Cotton present d a bill to license
game dealers. It provides that whole
sale dealers shall pay a license of .;oo,
retailers, hu ksters and peddlers. .;oo,
and those who malfe it a business ro
hunt or employ others to hunt, $!00.
No game, dead or alive, shall be offered
for sale outside of October, November
and December.
A general lcal opt:on law was pre
sented by Mr. Penmwell.
A bill was introduced by Mr. Bolard,
making it unlawful to kill or destroy
raccoon, skunk, opossum, mink or
muskrat between Apr.l 1 and Dec. 31.
Mr P.nneroy put in a bill paying a
bounty of 50 cents for each weastl
A bill introenced by Mr. Cotton pro
hibits the wanton and willful destruc
tion of game.
In the senate the bills to repeal street
improvement laws in Allegheny were
reported favorably These bills were
introduced Hardenhergh (Waynei, to
authorize under the corporation act of
174 the ineorporatio.i of a society for
the improvement of the streets and
public places in any city, borough o:
township, their income from real estaT--not
to exceed f.'O.Ooo; Meredith (Arm
strong), authorizing the construction of
military highways in the statu. The bill
to establish a superior court at an an
nual salary of $ T.ooO each, was discussed
at length aud passed finally
Mr. Burrell (Mereert, requiring the
publication of sheriffs' proclamations
in three new-papers in each couiry, two
of which shall represent the majority
party, similar to the bill defeated re
cently. Mr Pennewill (Philadelphia), prohib
iting the issuing of liquor license in
cases where a majority of the voters of
a district have signed a remonstrance.
In the senate the new bill relating to
the bonded indebtedness of Pittsburg
and Allegheny was passed to third
These bills passed finally The Craw
ford count v fence bill, extending the
provisions of the act relative to the pay
of burgess f boroughs, whether incor
porated under general or special law-,
extending the county bridge act relat
ing to bridges adjoining cities and bor
oughs to townships
These bills also passed finally in the
house Authorizing notaries public, pro
thonotanes and clerks of court to ad
minister oaths and take affidavits in
divorce proceedings; to provide for more
effectual manner of collecting board and
poor taxes in boroughs ami townships:
amending act of I .):. prohibiting chief
burgess from holding anv other borough
office during his term: requiring plans
of all sub-divisions of any lot or piece of
land into building lots not exceeding 1."
acres in area; providing for election of
two assistant assessors to as-ist in mak
ing the triennial assessment
A local paper prints a poll of the leg
islature on the presidential question
Many senators and members declined
to be quoted Th jkiII shows (overii ir
Hastings to be first choice. Democrat
seemed at a loss , suggest any Demo
craf of national prominence There
were yotes for Vice President Steven
sen Postn:a-ter Cem ral Wilson an I
es Governor Pattison
Japan to Have Fnrnn-n. Itiz Money fktid
reat Privilege.
Washington-, March 13. As a result
of the negotiations between Minister
Dun in Japan and Minister Deiibv in
China, the terms of the peace about to
be concluded between China and Japan
are now known with little short of ex-
aitness. As understood in high official
circles, they are as follows:
First The treaty between Japan and
China has ceaed to exist by reas, m of
war. but on the renewal of peace the
new treaty. will grant Japan extra terri
torial jurisdiction over China, but the
latter country will surrender the extra
territorial jurisdiction she formerly held
m Japan.
Second There will be no extension of
Japanese territory on the main land of
Asia, but the Island of Formosa, a Chi
nese possession lying off the coast, will
be permanently coded to Japan.
Third The Japanese will by treaty
be granted the right to continue the oc
cupation of Port Arthur and Wei-Hai
Wei, the two great naval stations lead
ing to the tiulf of Pechili, for a term of
Fourth The claims of China that
Korea is a dependency of her's shall lie
forever relinquished and Korea shall
henceforth be independent.
Fifth Tbe cash indemnity to be paid
by China will not exceed $ 0,000, 000 lu
Harrr I.ane In Manitoba.
Washington. Pa.. March 13. Th
Lane murder mystery, so-called, has
been cleared np. Lane's brother now
say that Harry went to Zedikers sta
tion the night he disappeared, where he
took the tia.timore and Ohio railroad
for heeling. Staying there for some
days, he went to Chicago, where he re
mained three months and then went ro
Dakota. From there he went to Mani
toba, where he is now hauling lu:nlier
National Fraternal Legion Convention.
Pittsburg. March 13 The hi.
convention of the National Fraternal
legion is in session in this city The
order was organized in Baltimore 13
years ago, and the present officers in
clude: Supreme Commander Henrv
Allers of Newark, N J.. Supreme
ireasurer ri l nomas and Supremt
Medical Direct r J. P. Bates ..f
timore Tlie convention will adjourn
on rruiay morning.
A I'roininent llusineot Man Suicide.
Asm.ANP. Pa March 13. Henry
Troutm..:i. nge.i 4", years, a prominent
bu-iness man -,f this place, has commit
ted suicide by .-hooting himself with a
revolver Troutman was reported to
be wealthy aud no cause is known for
the suicide.
Aaaltert by a Convict.
PiTTSBt-R?. March 13. Warden
Wright of the Riverside penitentiary
had his nose broken and both eves
blacked last Sunday by a blow from tha
fist of one of the convicts, John A.
Iihi' Formal Resignation.
Wa.hivston. March 13. Henry Bohl.
United States iintishal for the Southern
-List rie; of Lbiio, has
Gresham Informed of the Firing j
on the AU'anca.
The Spanish (.tinbont lla.I No Kisht to
Fire on tbe . nit-rit-an es-.-I. Aeror.I-
Ing to His F.l:tnatiii-.- n h Action
Justitiable Only liuriiis War. 1
WA-tliNi'TON. March 13. A report
has reached the sta'e department of tlie
pursuit of anl firing at the American .
shtp AlHanea. off' the Cuban coast, by a
Spanish warvessel. The official-
irively decline to r:i- judgment in '
the matter. Tiie questions involved are
those touching the right of search f
merchant ve-sels up -n the high seas
and on this subject there is and always j
has been a great difference of opinio:! j
and practice among nations. j
In the first place, the right of search
is a strictly belligerent right, which I
means that it cannot u-ually be used 111 j
times of peace. In the present case.
tin re has been no (leclarat.on oi ai recognition of t lie bi llig.-rmcy
of the insurgents and no notice to our
government of the existence of a block
ade of tie-Cuban ports by the Spams.i
naval vessels. Consequently our mer
chant ships are bound t-. assume that
there is no state of war aud that there
are no lielligorents.
The impression here is that the Span
iards had heard of the fitting out of fili
bustering expeditions in Central Amer
ica with arms supplied from the United
States, and that in this case they had
reason to suspect that the lililcisterers
of supplies would be landed by the
American steamship at- some po.n
on the Cuban coa-t. It
here that the Spanish
the right to satisfy
to the nationality of
ship, and according to
is aoniifte i
cruiser had
herself ::s
tlie stear.i
the prinei
, she in ght
have safelv
ot international law
have signalled aud e'
g me so far as to have- fired a shot across
the bows of the -teamsliip but further
than this, the cruiser, it is said, was net
justified in doing.
Secretary (Jresham has received the
letter of Captain J. A Cr issinaii. cap
tain of the Allianca. explaining the in
cident. The letter in .-ubstauce says.
The American mailsteamt-r Alhanca.
under my command, while on her home
ward bo -and voyage from Colon. K C.
to New York, was on the morning of
March S oil" the coa-t of ( uba At ti :;o
o'clock a barkent'iie rigged steamer was
sighted under the land, steaming di
rectly for us. At I:l." she set her colors
proving to be a Spanish gunb ..t I im
mediately ordered the American ensign
hoisted on th- Allianca and saluted the
Sp iniards. which salute was duly re
turned by her. I then sainted once
more ali.l supposed tlie matter was at
an end.
But. alniut five minutes later the
Spaniard tired a blank cartridge and a
few minutes later an oth- r one. followed
shortly afferd by three solid shots, ail
of which fell sh'-rt of the Allianca. but
showing very con-lusively that the
Spaniard was tiring at us It being
fully six miles ff shore aud on the high
seas, paid no furl her attention to tlie
Spaniards, but kept my cour-e. The
Spaniards kept up the chase, although
gradually dropping astern, for fully
'I desire to kii-iv if the Spaniard has
any right to lire on my ship, with the
possible chance of endangering the
lives of the oiis-enger- and ci ew un lei
hit charge, or to compel me to heave to
as h-probably intended. I respectfully
ask for information on that subp ct. a
I diil not and do not pnq o-e to
heave to, ili r-'.v lining tim- on inv
voyage, to u.-I:ge the Spani-h g-inb i.its.
01 iny -xcept in case of distress "
A Cont rovcrsv Over Cotiiimiliinn Cups
Bvi.TIMohk. March 13. A resolution
offered at the Methodist conference
characterizing as unchristian like the
use of individual cups at trie Lord s
supper, brought to th-ir feet a !urg--
portion of the delegates Ht-y Dr
Richard Harcourt. pa-tor of (iraee
church. Baltimore. which recently
adopted imlivi cups had a tilt with
Bishop Andrews. The former
te I that th-use of one-up wa- filthy
The resolution was on the. table
The confer-tiee rejected a propos:t;oii tc women
The Men Or-leied Kelea-e-l
Chahi.ktox. March :3 Judge Si
n:::nton m the l"n:ted State- circuit
Cetirt delivered a decision in the habeas
corpus proceeu tig brought by J E V
Jrvey. ,a.ter of the s -hoonti Carolina
and other- ot the crew, arre-tel for
transporting wh'-ky from Savannah to
Chariest ,i: ,u vi !at;on of the dispensary
law The petitioners alleged they were
held in custody in v.c!at:on of the
United State- ronstitnt.on The men
are ordered relei ed
An Oi.l Veteran lle.-t'l.
Ga!.i.!1'oi.s, () . March '.3 Joseph
Pierre Drr.ui'.Iard. a veteran of the war
of h-as .pe l at his home here, his
demise leaving hut four surviving vet
erans of that war Mr Dr.Hiillard
fought :n !s pitched battles m the war
of and had he lived until next
September would have been '.'"J years
cM He was a descendant of Napo
kon 1 and ha I held .inmerous govern
ment positions, having been postmaster
at Oali:j;olis for many years.
Ohio I'e.iple Are I!cir4.
New York. March 13 A telegram
received from Springfield. .. says that
a letter has lust come from the lawyer
sent to Brazil by the Buffenbarger heirs
of Sringfieid. ).. in which he e.-timafes
that -state at $l(i.000,0oo. aud says that
the heirs will get their money iu a few
months if nothing unforeseen occurs.
The share of Mrs. John Crawford of
th;a city it put at f
Cleveland on His Waj Home.
Caik Hattkkas, N. C, March 13.
The lighthouse, steamer Violet, on
which the president and party of friends
have lieen for several davs, anchored in
Pa.:!ieo Sound, dnekshootiug, ha-4
s .irtcd on her return trip. All the
! arty are well, notwithstanding there
were spells of bad weather during the
stay here. Mr. Cleveland did a great
deal of successful hunting.
Can io It:u-k and Fight.
Washington, March 13. Tha navv
department has decided to permit Ta
kasaki, the Japanese cadet, now at the
naval academy, to suspend his duties,
at his own request, and go home to par
ticipate in the war. He mav resume
his place in the academy if his term of
absence is not too long and his standing
in studies is satisfactory.
A Itiif rtuildini; Ilurned.
Brooklyn, March 13. The 4-story
brick building occupying a sp ice of !o"o
feet square on the northwest corner of
Fifth avenue and Second street, owned
and occupied byCharhs Feltman an 1
known as Tivoii hall, has b-en totally
destroyed by fire. Loss, $-o000.
Will Open Indian l.antlt.
WAs-Hixr.Tox, March 13 When Presi
dent Cleveland returns it is expected
that he will immediately issue a procla
mation opening up to settlement the
lands ceded by the Yankton Sioux In
dians in South Dakota.
Governor Marvel Very III.
"Wii.minot in. Del , March 13 Gov
ernor Joshua H Marvel is seriously ill
at his home in Laurel, although word
comes from there that lie is m no im
mediate d nig r and that his condition
in slightly improved.
lie Arctic In llebalt of the Income.
Wastun-:ton, March 13. Attorney Olney, in his argument in sup
port of the income tax before the sr
I reme court, s id that the constitutional
contention or the plaintiffs simmers down
to two point. CiK' is that the income
tax 'is a dire.-f tax and must U imiiosed
n cording to tne rule of apportionment,
and tbe other is bus -d upon the alleged
Violation of the coii-titutiou With regard
to un forinity.
He .leclar-d that wheth-r an income
tax is what the constitution de
scribes as a "direct" tax is a question
as completely concluded by repeated ad
judications as any question can be. Tt
is not a direc t tax within the meaning
of the constitution, unless five c incur
ring judgments of this court have all
been erroiie u-.
m. i little .1-voted considerable time
to the meaning of the word uniform"
as appl'ed to the collection of impost, ex
cisesetc, declaring that the word had
a territorial application aud no other.
The power to tax, he said, is for practi
cal use aud is necessarily to be adapted
"to the practical conditions of human
life. These are never the same for any
two persons and as applied to any com
munity, however small, are infinitely
diversified. Nothing has b-en oftener
declared by courts ami jurists, than that
absolute equality of taxation is im
She May Leave the Country, l'robably to
o to Falkland.
Vk'Tohia, B. C, March 13. Hawaiian
advices received here state that the ex
queeii has been sentenced to five years'
imprisonment and to pay a fine of
$."),on0. She is still confined in a room
in the executive building, where she
was placed on the day of her arrest, and
is under military guard. Just what is
to be done with Liliuokalani is a ques
tion which the government has not yet
answered. Certain it is that she will
not be kept in the executive building
for five years or placed in the Oahu
Undoubtedly before the end of the
month some proposition will lie received
from the ex-queen's representatives
whereby she will either take up her res
deiice on one of the other islands, or
leave the country, doubtless to go to
England. She lias a private income of
about ten thousand a year, which will
not be interfered with.
I'olinh Factionn Fight In a Church at
On. alia.
Omaha. March 13. During early
morning mass at St. Paul's Roma l
Catholic church a party of Poles who
were formerly members of the congre
gation, but w ho were ousted by Bishop
Scanuell. entered the church and at
tempted to take possession. Father
Karmin-ki, who was saying mass, re
sisted the attempt to capture the church
and one of the invading party opened
fire. Father Karminski at once drew a
revolver and fired into the attacking
party. After a long fusillade the in
vaders withdrew, leaving their wounded
in the church.
Those wounded were: V. Dargaz
zewski shot through !oth legs; John
Ko.icka, shot through the knee; Joseph
Inda. one of the priest's supporters,
stanlH-d and beaten over the head.
Tin- jioliee were at once summoned
and after a hard tight they took posses
sion of th- churvh. Several peopl
were am-so'l. among them Father
Karminski. ami they are now in jail.
Four Hank Official Indicted.
Clin voo. March 13 Four of the offi
cers of the Evanstori National bank
have been indicted for the alleged em
liez.leineiit of funds of the institution
by the grand jury of the United States
district court. The aggregate of the
reputed shortage is placed by Receiver
William C. Wood at ?44,-"iiKI. The in
dicted officers are: President Henry
Wells, charged with the embezzlement
of; Vice President N. E. Hill,
charged with the embezzlement of
if-r.-oo; Cashier John C. Austin, charged
with the embezzlement of T3,."0t; Di
rector. E. T. Paul, charged with the
embezzlement of $3,.-)(X.
Fxcitcd Over Out Claim.
Colon, March 13 The claims of the
United States against this government
foi having stopped telegrams sent by
that government to its representatives
on the isthmus is creating the greatest
excitement here The Liberals av they
will see that no property of foreigner
Is destroyed or touched by the soldiers
and will defend tiie same if possible
against deserters and relugees.
To Impcirt American Nef-roe.
Mamh a. Nicaragua. March 13 The
government has arranged with an
Auc ri. an syndicate for the introduction
jf .."iOo able bodied negroes and then
families tn.m the United States to be
-mployed most of tliem. in agiacuituie
I Li the coa-t country
l'rcpiirin For a Convention.
Pitts m -no, March 13. The commit
tee of arrangements is in the city nre
paring tor the convention here of the
Society of American Florists, Aug. "JO
a. 4-z aii'i i. i ne committee is com
posed as follows: Edwin Lonsdale of
Chestnut 11:11, Philadelphia, president
oi tne .florists society; William J.
Stewart, secretary, of" Boston; T. B
Beatty, treasurer, of Oil City. Pa.; P.
OMara of Jersey City. W.N" Rudd of
Chicago. J. C. Reiinison of Siux City.
Elijah A. Wood of Deliver. Jack son
Dawson of Jamaica Plain. Mass.: cirove
P. Kawson of Elmira. N. Y.; H. Rattles,
Hon John Burton and (Jeorge C. Wat
son of Philadelphia. One thon-and
delegates are expt cted at the convention
in August.
The I'opiilist lemands Itlood.
Little Km-k, March 13. In a speech
in tne nou-e .1 C. South Dem ) se
verely denounced the Populist party.
Dr Crosby ( Pop. ) took umbrage at his
remarks and when he had finished
handed Mr South a note asking him to
select his weapon.? ami name a place of
meeting, tv.utli tore the note into tuts
and threw the pajier into Crosby's face.
The Popul st Mushed with anger, but
out not resent the insult. Returning to
his desk, he wrote another note to
South demanding sati-fa tion. but South
ignored the second note. Crosby has
oeeu looting ioi ront!i.
Accused ol h'mb.-izlement.
Kansas City, March 13 An exam
ination of the books of the Kansas Citv
Electric Light company has developed
the fact that the company lias been
systematic ally robbed of about $' Ooo
during tbe past few years A J Cord
let, who has bepn fwiokkeeper for the
company since lbi'J. is accused of being
the embezzler.
A Desperado Shonti an Officer.
Hl'vnxr-.TON.vV Va.. March 13. Wil
liam Ketchuni. an officer of Logan
county, has been shot on Big Ugly
creek by Milton (iross. whom be was
attempting to arrest. Ketchuni was
mortally wounded (iros is a desperat"
character and has figured prominently
in shooting affrays He is still at large
Itank Offlcial, Arreted.
Eroukfiki.d. Mo . March 13 The
officer of the Rank of Hmok field, which
closed its doors early in January are
under arrest on a state warrant sworu
out by six debitors of the defunct
bank They aie charged with receiving
deposits when they knew the baak was
in a (ailing condition.
Shut Diet Dog.
Ati.xnta. March 13. Near Hawkins
ville. Murdixk Pmkiii n vvhif fr.e
was hot aurl killed bv John Walker a
j neighlMir Pipkin had killed Walker's
; dog The murderer is at large and if
1 taptuxed a lynching is likel.
UeKrt of Elx u. burg Schools for montl
ending March oth, 1S'.":
Ebensburg School Report.
Whole V. ill AM-iSJ-
TEACH EltS. I 7 7 ?,?.'- ?
T : : j . : : : ?
Aiiie Ti...i77.7.T l . i- -i :;
Annie isc non ... a :ii "J 1st 1
I. I'-!. lot-,.,, . .'ll 1". i ! S 4 J I
.M'ntfKir Me-liMe. 4 -' . JJ .7 .1 -I i '
Annie .e. r, re :'i liT tT - 1
1. I.. i;iiMm ... ; u: ! -", 4-
Follow mg is a list of the pupils woo
were present every dav .'lining the nioulii :
l:oM No. 1 : A It-crlu laiiher. .lim-. 'Ii:ir:i.
Kthel Weak In lid. lieiiiinlc IscnU-i. . !--;
Owens, l'.MUOiie liiair, l'lore: A I Kaln-
A pel, Kdwin K'!lcli:irt. Uoy Kre-iricks. .John
1. utlicr, Philip lien. I . r.
IJoom No. -J: Annie Hani. Vera Williams.
Km inn ll.-rtli.-i Mnkie. l.dna linrkcr,
I nose liiair, Mausii1 Kvnns, l.i..ic Ola-i-r,
lill- I icll!l , ir.-iee I'ctlliv, Vila 1. 1. td, lleli
nie laitlriniicr, Ira lii iie, i N-ar W'cakN-n.
I'yrou I a is, A ri !iur ' el!. Allied l-i-n-lierir,
l'.cinnc I a vis, Alla-rt Meisel. l'liiii
Meisel, i in t it-r Williams.
Oass Lenders: A das, liutlcr Willtnms: IT
class, Al t hnr ressw ell.
li.M.M No. :i: Mildi.-d KIk-iIv, K a iai-maii.
Klla '1'iMx.ll, Miiln-I .:i!il. Mllill'ed iwens,
Itose I'roii-c, I .lit li s,iiiers, Annie TIM'oII.
Kthel li.-.vis, Katie (it.-v, lazic limit. Allan
liarker, I'liM'ord lanluii:, Iiannic .lames.
1 1 uh K ans, l-.-iilon l.udwiu', KIiiiit Iiaxis,
Kduin Uct-sc, Willie I 'raver, I lai-vcy l!'ijo.
Ka!li Mavis, Klelne iwens, Ali.u.o n
well, Waldo ss. n iT. John l-'er'iisoii.
I hiss Leaders : A class, Kv a (iarniai:.
Alolio I'reSKU'cll: li class, ( lul.n.l l.'.idwi-,
Kllicl I lav is.
ICoiim No. I: Anna luineaii, Wil
liams Flora W.'aklen, I'nrric .Mol-le-. . I. Ida
I lav ison, A mi ie 1 1 ulicr, Maud l-'olsoni. .Min
erva F.mtlcld, Fannie Lloyd. Nettie Mi-i-rl,
Kmma Kvans, Mary .Murray, Kminelt W.-ak-leii,
Curl F.imlcliart, Jesse F.vans, Ivan Me
Kenriek, J.-sse lmvis, .lo-. .i liavi-. F.ddie
Sli.K-ma k.-r, 1 an rile Thomas, llerl:.- I'onneil,
Waller A m-I, 'has. o'llara. Waller o'llara.
Frank (iates.
Mass Leaders : A class, Frank (Jat'-s; li
class. Flora Wcaklcn.
KnoM No. ."i : Harry ( 'oi:iie!l,( lilloi d Jones.
Arthur Kvans. Waller .lo.ic-, llarrv IIuIm i,
I'iirl Mick, Willie Leiuldy, Khoda Litter.
Alvic Kvans, Frank W hile. Mnieida lliii.i r,
Mary Conn. II, Nellie Llov.l, Lizzie Lmivi ej.
Ktiicl shields. Kdilli Marker, Lida l.udvv i.
M am ic Thorn soii, I llaliehc ia n 1 . Jinn- 1 a is.
lor:i Williams, licrlie 1 '.-ri;usoii. .Marie
Myers, Slhhic shields, Mary Kiiirleharl. Il.-s-i,-James.
"lass Leaders : A class, Kdilli Marker, l.i.--zic
Ludu li;: II .-la-s, lra W" 1 1 1 i.-i ins, iar
Loom Xh li: .Minnie Kirx-limM lus Mas
son, tall .McKi-in ick. Waller I'. rrv. Iv.ldn-
Joiies, Harry Wither. Annie .Mi llreen. M. i. r
Lud la, Nellie Hnvis, has Kvans, !!-.-
I lav is. Kdw in I 'raver. Annie 'I Kniiiv
I lav is. Joli n Killer, Floy S! lis. A ii - lie iHi-ie.
.lesse Fermison, Klmer Havis, .leiiuie II 1 1 1 1
liel-1, llessie Koiiin llerli.- Kvans. olln- i iu;-
I 'lass Leaders :-- .-la-s, Walter Merrv: I;
class, Nellie I'avis, Annie 'i ;l.:oii. Kniiiv
Havis; I ' class, I- Inv SI les.
Ten Cents a Week
-roi: tiii:-
- inch' mm; -
The Sunday Issue, 15c.
A Decrease in Price
But Not in Oualitv
!"' Every mitiiher i-ont,iiiis TWELVE
To TWENTY-1 '(H i; l:i;o.I. IIKK.HT
PACES, with
All of the News!
All of the Time !
No pa tier within lnindieils (pf miles uf
miles .f Pittsburg has stieh fai-ilities
the gathering and tuesei tatmn uf inieKi-lT.-liei
Tin- re:iilel is i-..-i:,jii .if ir..iiii,..
everything I hilt is g.iing-fnnu an aeen-
rute aci'oiini of a vv ard nn-i tnm o a nr.ijdi-
je desfiiil (if the latest hilt tie III the
Orient written by a coi respi.u.leiit i.u tin-
The Dispatch
holds that while the live news uf the dav
is nf the lirst ini.ui liiiice. fi jituies in a
lighter vein make an ;iL'ree;iMe vaii.-tv.
and to thai eml ui'lil liuetlieli 1 s hiive U-ei,
for a
Stries of-Short Serial Stories
bv t lie greatest mil Inn s nf but h i-out inenis
The lisi i eont i i bit tins inelmies such
names as A. Oman. Harriet Pi.-sei.ti S;u.
fnl'ii. dliliiin i I ,iw t hoi lie. Stanley .1 . We -lii
:t ri and a bust nf ol hers eiua 1 1 y
No sueh value has ever l.eeii plaei-d lie
fore t he people of I he i hree Slates nf w h ii-'n
Pittsburg is the t-eiitf r. Nut :i hoiisehnbi
can afford to be without the tiliKA'I'KsT
N EWsl'A PKI; beiween Ne-.v and
I'hieago al the tiguivs nameii.
IOCknts a vvkkk koiitiii: daily
I Nf l.tlMNIi TI1K Sl'NDAY lss .. i; .
?3J rUKIllfc.
! C ! I n r- f r
It ABSOLUTELY rrcventi 5:iri i;ir,
ami insures )--r:Vei sau-tv i.iiil e -inlort i.
iKir-e ami lriv r. with the ' NVvrr-lij. " v.!:r lir-rvo's
feet are nlvvavs in ir..ixi t ;; i'.-.i i.t so
by rmr. h.iviu- 1 . eeiisi;(i;tlv reli eve' tho
shoes for bliuroiii!i$r.
The CALKS are RF.?tQVA? !.r.
Stccl-Ccntcrcl ai-J ri.r-SIIA n rEKTS G
When worn c.-:t 1-; ': .:-s , irj I ea-ik i!i
Mrtoil vnl.eiit reiiii.-.-iii sii.-,--.,' :m
iiiiir.-:.! m. in: f r.i i.i:-. ;'.t at' the
blai ksiiiitl, siniji.
On receint posr ii v-i:: r.ia:l f: -c enr .If!.
Tiptive eit, nl:ireeii;.-'ie :e-.r i :r,- (,; ,i;el
Slims, reailv i. -.e iif, ;1 . n. l.,r i;, uliercd
this mtiUTir. r t
f I") 00 w,,nh lov.-lv Musk lor f crt
SIZ 1H U Cen, ci-nviiinr .f i- panes
7 , . , ull size Sheet Mjsic of the
m latest. Klittst. liveliest anj rsjpul..r
g; sel.--ti.,ns. hoth vocal anj Histruinenu .
potten up in the most elec-int manner, in
J; ciuJir.u t-nir lrge size I'oxiraits.
CARMtKCITA. Ihe Sp uii&h
S PADEREWSKI. the Great Pianist.
-- AbEUNA PA1TI and
gg BroaJway Theatre V I J. . Kew yjrk ity
Ilne ol N orrery torg Wo rui.nol mska you
noli la a uionlh hut cm iciv f emplov iu. nt
ittid i vco well to- It. tlur prleen c .rrrf nd
wliu ihe Uiiiri V, rite lo- ler.nt .nit tr:ii.iy to
mph 4in. Korhestor. N. Y.
F'l','f.HJ:: NEWS- "tAI THE KEK
MAJi. ir jemj.
Printing Office
Is li.e p;uce to get y ur
Ptienpt iy aiet satisfactorily executed. We
will Meet tiie prices f Hill hunorDie
ciuijpt I'i'ii, We don't do any t.ut
fn-i-ciass wo:k and waut a
living puce for it.
Willi Fast Presses and New Type
We an pu ptr.-d to turu nut J 'li Piiiinng ol
evciy d'scription in ttie FINEST
hl'YLF Hiid at the yerv
Lowest 3s)l Prices.
N!iing nut tne hest tuatc-rial s used ar.d
our work -p-aks lor itself. We are pre
pared to print on the shortes. notice
IfrsiNKsst Aims Taos. IIii.i. Heads.
SHi.nthi.y matkmknts En veloi-ks,
Laiiki.s. t iiitLUhs. Wehhinu and
VlslTINO (aiiiis Chi.cks. Notks.
DlIAKTS IvF.l fcH'T-- teli Wokk.
itor and I'AitTV Invitations Etc
We pnn iirint anything from ttie stnnllesit
in.l neatest Vi.-itinc Card to the lmnest
Poster fin short nitiee ami at lh
most Kr-asonable Hal PS.
KltF.XsmntC. I'KXN'A.
Pcmanih prompt treatment. The r
suits of iii-'crt may be serious. Avoid
all harsh and drastic purgatives, tho
Tendem-y -f vvhi: h is to weaken tha
bowels. The best remedy is Ayer's
I'ills. p-irely vegetable, their
ai tion is prompt and their effect always
beneficial. They an admirable
l.ivcr and Af'cr-dinner pill, and every
where en l irsed by the profession.
" Ayor's riiN are highly and univer
prdly .sooken of by the j.-opln aUmt
lu re. I liii.Ue daily use f tii.-m ill my
praitiee." lr. I. E. i'owU-r, llriile
'rt, I'oim.
I can recommend Aver"? Pills a'nove
ftll o;!i. rs, b:iv i-, bKr pn.Vfd their
value n-t a cathartic f--r mvs.-If aua
family." J. T. I less, Lciibsville, Pa.
" For -fral years Ayer's have
been used iu my family. We tiud theui
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indirection, and
Brc never vvilhont them in the house."
Moses (ireliier, Iovvell, M:ms.
"I have ns.-d Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and imli.-stioii, during many
j.-iirs, ami luive always found them
Iirompt .-oid - ii-nt in l heir action."
. . Snoih, L uc.., N. Y.
" I saiT.-r. d from constipation which
fissiiiocd sii.-h an obsi mate form that I
il it v.'.;i,.l i ilM.-i; il stoppage ot the
Two l-- s f Ayer's P;ils f-
a coinrk '-i inc. JJ. J.urke,
fca. o. Me.
" I have n-d Ay r's Pills f-r the past
thirty ycais a:- 1 oiii b r tle-m an iu-vaii.i-.ble
laniile meiiii inc. 1 know of
no liii.-r i..n,iily f.T liver troubles,
and have ,-ilwiiys found t l.i-m a prompt f ir : v - ; .sia " ,1 amcs VJuiuu, LO
Mi.i.i:.- st ". ::..:i.'o..!. t . i.ii.
"' Miiv i 1 1 r I-.-, ii troubled w ith costive
nrss. v !.:i li stems inevitable with per
sons i f sei'.ctr .!! I h.lVe tried
Ayi-r's I'ilis. 'n-j'iti; for r lief. 1 aru
(la.i to say t'-iit they have served ma
be'tt-r tl.:;ii .my other meilieiiie. I
arr: v at ibis conclusion o. y after a
fa:ti -fill tria: i! : in--1 uier.ts." Samuel
T. Jones :-h si . M;l-S3.
Ayer's Pills,
i-i:ki-i:ki. i-.t
Or. J. C Aycr r.o.. I owcll. rasr
Sold lr s.l I lealers In MeUiclu.
From Pole to Pole
pywtT of cur; i -r . if t.e 0iKxi.
Tho Harpooncr's Story.
rn. J. V Area c 'i. Tw.-nty yiT.m r.c 1
Whs it, tT-- -r in Ni-rt'i i:i !";.-, n t.m t:v
ottH-n of lbn -row n:ii iuy--(f t-r. 1 il up -viih
K urvy. 'ur o niu9 wi-rc 1.1- -iU il. ji.ri: w niit o
r..l t'l -t-fMr -;, t-v-t. I jum-, '-:t;1" I.u trh- al
over n:u" tir i-rt-ath jm- m d ruttrn. T.ikf U
fcy and iar:o vevt-re T't!y t :uiy t tl. A-l oui
Miica v t'-'ii1fnt.'ii!y Jftrvtil, ltit the
c:tpt:in lmi C'nr;e fl hottictf of
BAiAPAbiLi a nnd ir:io u l!uu We tcov
red rn it q;:i(-ki-r thun I ! i ;t i-rr ttvn mm
briui;!-t al.tnit l nr y otti rtr-atip -vl fr Survyt
nfj l'i "tr-n a d- ;iWf i:. Sfinc ii.i iiun-
ti.ti in y i.r A Im n;ir ff your ?r-airiiia linf
f'tr MMiny, 1 thontlit ymi u ifLit to kuuw ol
tiii-, n:. wrid yu 'iie1 f:tl.
Tho Trooper's .xpcrien":e.
tfam Earn! AanJ . Ar c,; JJ.irc K . 1 ?5
- Arm A: OfTiti'nin : 1 l.ave
ti;oU j:lc:iHtir ;j Wntiij V v"i ki -at v'.'ie of
your Sarnajmrill.v. Wo Lave Svvx. ttuiiont-d
Der fo vt r two vwi, du im; vliich tune we
hd to !;ve In trrl. Bfitf umur ( nva fw
i h a tim hr-jcttt on w hiv. ia called ia thi
rouittry vt-!lt-Mre. 1 !..! tlne yrr o lime. I wa niiviurd t Vike your
fiiMi'iii, two !:!, of wlit.-h made my torti
3iaj rar rapidly, and I am mw qi:tt well,
i'cur tru y. T. K. Honrx,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
f. t-.t? m.iy tit.-.rouetily efTVi-tive titovl purifier,
tin- t'H.y in. tli.'-ine that t-rutiieata the pulaoD of
s-r.'f-.:l-, No-rrurv, uid Coulmiuu DllMM
frm:i llie p.leto.
miiriRiD bt
Or. J. C. Aj er ft v'o, LtOvrell.Mi
Sola by all IruL-sim Prie VI ;
For inrtu ulars t Vl-k'i Floral Gcidt
f r 1 v w h 'nT:iint l..rt d ( lat- o;
Vil li '. Itmiicliin v,i-i-t I:is. X--
t, Hi Mm ti- :ti:d :.M ! k. r. Hon
"t ill'-.-iiuTiniis; U i tion tlmt Je-
rri. not inilfid : h:Ti!n .win and
:r;!i-i !an.inp. 1'rinTpil in 17 ci i 11 rvi. 1 1
'.1tv1 inkA. Mail-d rwfii't of l
oiits, w.ii-h may t-c dod;u tt-i from firt
rdT. VickM Sfcdi contain lh- ,
tfrm of lil'o.
Small Qaantitiea at WholeaaJa Prices
i 40 Cents a Pound 1i:-'rif'
! Hsl
VV't ltitre Frown ton. .f Swc-t T.-a-t lite tf
tusl film liter ot a v t ry Hue tUulily lo l-e
.iiiie t. i:ive our a nal trtii. 'S
varieties uu't e.tltnt mixed. Tlii:ik of it.
.1 pound only ic!.; h:.lf imi.l
-lets.; qunrtrr iuuizd l.rls.
oum-e iU ct.
.'"lilt vjoina isi-ter.
'lianiiiiig l ot rhuit, fclitl cxt-ell.-ut for
itr'iers. v
Tin: rv
Hi -t r..v
a t
r, Mlllli:rSDU
i:v. Ul'bUlf.BlKH
Jxslzs Viri's Zzr-jz Ssedsncn i "
! m:vi liK, -. V.
rhi.ier- and uil,i.i-te line ol Nnr-
II I LtJ P,TV S'-'"'k- Hlahent flary and
...... , -.. 1.1 -.iT. 1 n T -
irj and l-erill.t-ct r.-siti. n .. . . . t , to heuumern. Ex.erteDee cot riere--arv
Exclufivr territt.rT and vour ..n choiee or same
g'.veu. 1K Dot delay. Apiir:i
ALLhft Nl'KSKKYni..
mc,,s"c- Kochtter. N . Y
lUiaOLrl I 3 b..u, wVti, n. Z
tin. 37. ?urrc-T I iur.t.-s.
. ils'i. Tf Bi:n.y. SlmnnTsu- " , M-
$43.00 r
1 1: wr'a v
lrkc "
i' f frffs- f - s T- i
lr-.? w -"i -. p-.i :.';. ruriey. Ii-i
STr--: ;. .-..:.:':.'. si; 'l. e.l .liiluliv tn'..-i
r.u:i; - .-. Bu i n h' : 1
ex; .:..:iij. i.-:- y i : j - !;s ; p- : .,': ;
5;' J.'i : V- v .; u k: -v ,.u. V. t :l ? V:-.
n. '.ii:';:. X- . .- !. !".- ii- s ry an.l Y. -
..i-:t!' vt. h t-..- . .- v r-.'.ui-r i-t t:,ii ;
.;- luiir.. .a v.'.i . n ".,.. I,.-;-.::. :n n. N.V.
-J ! - .
These I win dls. as.-s cause unt'jl l suflertng.
IX t- rs a-linlt that they nre tlinieult lo cure
sotloth.-lrpai'.ents. rii.lne"8
Celery (-ou-lou:ul Liis rer
n;aij. i.t'.y i-.ji-l ho 'vt-rst
cast-s pf rueumatisra ui1
IK uralrTli so say Uii se wbo
biive used IL
Haviiijr ti.-n troiiTiltvl
W- h rht-uii!:it is'i: at lin- k;iee
a-nl f-stt tor live ve;.rs. I v.:ts
ali.ios' uii..liie ii.-.-.-i aroiinil.
.iii-l was t-ry tfi n i .,.,1
tn tuy tor w.s-iis .ti a
time." I W, (,1m- I:, it-
tie r::li.f's lery nm-p--u:i'l. vv:is .r't--iiy
t-iirt-l. I 1 :in :: -uu p
uro'itnl. iiii.l It- i : s It . t l as
aboy." I'usK 1 ik i 1.
K'in-k.i. Ni l aiii.
J for sale
Ino use to
f'..oo. six for f. 00. Pruz-'ls's.
SJaromoih p.ip.-r fr.v.
WrtJARiCBABttsostcio .ITops-.Hurllivloit.Vt
i'ii 1 1. 1 in: i.i' 11 1 .t
Tin: timi:s is ti..- ,-m. i,-:v.-
nihil. -il an. I vviil. ly l.-a.i in v
iiiili:is,,.,i j., l'l im-v i aui.i. 1
i-tissinii .f (iiililie hi. 11 ami pul iie
ures is in id.. inl. ie-t ..f i.-.i'i-ii,-
an v
-1 s...
l ity. liiMH-st iv .-riiim ii; :iml
mis iiiiiistry. ami 11 kimus n, (
(HTsunal allt-iiiaiit-.- jn n.-aiit!
issu.-s. Ii, 1 1,,. I,-i.a,l, -i ami ,...
a family aiul ci-m-ial n.-v. sji.ip.-i
Till: T1MKS :.i.ns It. I .e.. ,t.
Milat'ni li v ii.-s.-i i i! ir it. aiul it -hi
llial it is iiii-urj :is-,.,l iu
tials nf a un-at i:n I r..p. .! 1 1 .1 n u.-wspa-
-i. .jM-i-IIIH-Ii etipi.-s ,. rii.y e.!:!nii
will U- sent free
l ailVntie s.-lnl .im
llieir a.liln-ss.
TEIIMS Iii.v. in per aivintn: fl.ui
fur four hs: ;n ei-nis .i i., ; .u - ti -
deliv.-re.l l.y laltu rs l". ei-i;ts M't
vvM-k. Srvnw Kl'ii inv. 1 w .-Hi v-f.nn
larire. li ;t ni ntn- pa-j.- l''.- fit! 11 111 ns.
i-lei;aiitly i i I list ra t.-ti. ..'.ii r;
." i-.-nts per i-Kjiy. Ilaiiy aii.l 'iiniy,
$."..i p.-r annum: .Vi . .-u'ls p.-r month.
WKr.KI.Y Kl ! I l N . . veil t s a
Ad.Iress all letters to
rJ'li 'J'iinos.
l'liilaili -1 jihia
Mountain Ilouc
'I'HIS wrlVkoovn and lenit r1sl lihe, Shavir.)
A ra if nnw Ineated .-n tntrr- street -p
jHii-Ke the livery tal.le ol II'Him. I'avis & Iuth
er. here the huB.nesj will I carried .n In th
future. SHAVIMl. IIAIK t'l'TIIMI A.M
Ml AVrudlNi) dene In the biaieM aud mott
aril !( ir manner, tllean Tocl a scialiy.
LrfU.iaa walled on at their rcM.lenc.
J AAIES 11. .NT.
Clearance Sale
13 OVER.
Wv liavu closed out nil our I
old slock, hence vc arc ln:nl
uvj; up as last as possible with i
New j
Our Spring Aiuiouiicciiicut I
will be made about April lt.
Ckrdrcfl St.. LILLY, PA.
Bl R STfS 1 J !T; fgJ IS rgj LSI j7L! L5 Lsi pJ El RJ SlfrE 3: X"?"
a..d mnm mfq.
l i .'Iwm t-i for V 5 u r
. ..: it "i.a.a. '.crvr- im a : . - -
l .,.' i- . id : ii.ri- feus' - :
: : . . " ", -i :.m1I Iwt'T Tn-rf '.
. ' ' - : i Ii t. ft if fi-t it" -, -
. .r . r. y. a: .Uhri'-iTanB! m
' I ; I r i ' Wnt" j'.ur n-iV
;.'... i t tiuo all r.W o! tian-sr i:.
C rin'T V'?T.r C3I tO S50. .:jara: t.-l
' -. t"t Surreys, S6S to SiOO
: - : .11 r.t H Too
C. 7." a-- fire :d lor PreEtons,tt66
i- ' " "- Farm Werrons, Wagonettes,
Fr :"t Waeons.Delivi rjiWagons' Poaa
1U I
I Iloubir
-TSI is.
19 farm.
k::icw a4 n.v m:t r
tw rit tiL t . .r Th ri r. ! . in
W. B. PRATT, Sec'v
Ft rn -
rlle .' lery ' - ' -- '
setnl t in-. r"v t:.- ; ' "
f. r.-d !i i.e-or 1 j-: : '
tl,-uir t.iUttttr Tt. -.r- -
tiearly .ur 1-. ' '
tn-t-fmni Ui-i":; ; .1. '
tujuu." mis il ;.t ni - - - ' -
Celery Compound
Z hive I -rt lt- .1 ' :-' : ' ' " .
rlu'iimu'W.i. a:. i '.'"'
US.-.1 r.-nafs -ler : -six
litt:--s it::- !:.- : - :
rheiiui.til - tr- u'
SUl'll HlliT v- v '
Effects Lasting Cures
I": sCe'i.-rv 1 1 ; : " '"
MlHTflir S .:S !!: TV . .- " .
. -1i rs s- ill i" .-ii-v i "
.it-fc-jl not .it-"l'K : '1' ' - ' -" ' . . ;
ly v. ir.-t..':e; a,!: ::
use of sutl-.rt. i--:.--r -tieuritl.a?
Anrft-r: le'f-r '' ' - -laurel
Ave. S..r. l:r-"-'-Mav
iS. IS -.-
Dear frier. I ?
"When my
five ven rs a- ". I -
'A ..?
davs. Far too - '
fal'linp: vf the w :
I've been raise:-: ;-
" I tried ever. .': :: r
medicines, ar;a:-tus ; -vvorse.
"I cou-J h.-'"y
walking without t-i.
"At last I 5T.v rn -i.
ment of I.yui.i 1- 1 '.1
t 1 ir-
astonishing. S'.rce 1 "
first bottle rav v.,r.. r-5'
troubleJ me, aJ. tr
to vou, I am r. w
suffering woman
should know how
reliable yo :r
compound is. It
is a sure cure.
A" ar,ic;tt K. er
bv liu.: . Hi l.'im "1 1' fr
t,r.ti. o. w-t- l t t I .
l.ntJ AtlJirw l ct e- r'f
I tin E. lit- S -
Vlt::-l. ... !..
kUae. Lt
. . fi. 1 1. l
rt OTT'" ' " '