u u ,pi: . -au;kix CO., PA. a v. .i.Mai:y l.-.. 1S;i.-,. ;.,i!-in' i'iionrs in jail. . -? .1 .i.M A. Ulair, visitttl . , , .i.i:iv. ; I . i i i . uf Altoona, is visit ". . : V.' i -f'ii'ir. . ,. ,:, I. a had t',7 divorce " ., ! !, vi-ars. . .. ,t . rlii' In iiiuiiis of l-nt. i. ,.; r. iTiiary. ; ir'.v "f KtMilnrjr ladies . ,:, I l.uiMiay of last week. t llP I.-i "f ' lallitzin, was a ' -t.-H.! i v N "'Ili'"'- Monday. ' .l.iai. - M. SlniinukT. of ' A j-.1 -:!'r t KlM'iisburg on 1: , w . wlnf iii'mlijiiar- ,. a .! i; I 'K 1 ir was iii town V k . :i : of Wi'tnoiv was ad- ,-r hi ! Ik' (.'amliria county I t'-r-oii r-ttirmil Iinmi ti.-.'-.i-' 1'iiday last, goinsr V : ; ' . , A , a institute li.-M liy . !;. 1 :. :itnl Whiti' town- . . - 1 i'!. "f Lilly, dieil at i r 1 1 "ii Tim -day of last ;; ..M,. IUvi!I.. Pa.. Mr. and Mr. - ! . 1 ! of tin- iray - 1 : ii mi M mill ay - ' .1 1 . f r n i :i . v I': -iri-.-t. i I '. ! I In- c.YI loll ll With llili'. - Iiihii I l.liill. ll. i 1 1 1 11. .1 Kl- 1 ii 1 ri.uv I . . K.. !.! I il'MIM' llll '. ' 1 ! 4 1 1 y i njiij atili- ! hi 1 n 1 1 1 11 lions . : I-"I. Illllll- . ' .- '. I a- corn pared v .I..-1-. 1 ..riioitor in the 1 . , hot . paiii tin' . , . 1 1 1 .l-.u.t i-n w hilu in . v V- , A l:.iu.r. i-ditor of tli . I I' . S" nt a few hours . . 1, Mi'ii.iay and while here '. ti.i I KKKMAN. ;.-."!.! A-11 - i a new eandidate mi ;n journalistic lii-ld in .j 1 li.niy . TiiilM'ii as editor 11. i.--r. WV wish it success. "!.' i- "f cks have been .. .. :.!!. Willi a!l:iol everylnidy, ,: . '-ri'f mil llhcrilers Sei'lil IO : .i' ,'iii! ll.-'-iij' tiuie ever conn V -K . -,i K . w illow of the late - M. I: uf ;hi- place, has been ; j ;-!i-i"ii uf s! ; per uionlli and ?J :.'.!. jii iitinli.i; for each of her three ilrii r. i f Ituiii-r. pre-ided dur ;:: . :-!!! i-mirt ln-Ui Ihi- week. .Iinliie .ij- :i! -i-n; in Indiana sitting as '...,:.., n. ti ial of the I'.iair- M- V., -JIM- i: hard-, of anesville. .1 - 1 ; N'-w Votk uiii!eri;oiiii; 1 ' j'tii. -'..pp.-. .itT 011 hi- v ay 1 : - v - : i- ,.ii. Ir. T. M. i. . r .,! 1 . : .-ii. i,f .il- -' I l.-t week .put Mi- nt and ' : v h- -t ... l- fi.r.- I - 'I,.- I: ir- I ! i'ia iiu. : -. .1 ill that I. it t ,e M - J.r. 1 , it.n.iM,..! . : -I J . r i . -.ii . U.- ' ' 'l..'li!t..l ' II .1 an. w hi!.- 1 ; 1 : r . : . ,.t fwr I 1 :.t w ;i ''' I. it.-h alnl dit-.i 1 i..iur- hit.-r. " -' w eek st Imt -e ' ' -' ' ' ' ' 'to : I ii.iii;Ii a hi i l'e ! i ' I"..' h. i! Ii fore lejfs. ! ' ' ' ' -li'.t and Suiu " ' ' ' aiied upon to foot " ' ; ' i:.- iir.tpi it-tor of a ' t- in r.-i.-.l 1111 l'ri.lav : -1 ' iinplu-aled in the ' ! ' ' ' of 1 1. I'ei iru-on's .I iiiirht of il- :'.l-t r ,..r 1 y indicates an up 1. . i.. h'-n you -ee a " : 1 -tamp on 11- en- "ii can bet juiir proprietor is about ' ;i..r '' 1 ' " ' ' tun. ' ' u ' cek Hon. J. C. ' . introduced in the 't ' 'v ' ' f'tr the decision 4 ' '" A ' '' p.-r-ous -hall ., ' of Voles fur the ' i -i j - ami lxrotiitis. ' "-'r-1' vi.:..r-i,f the horoiiKh . i:" . -!. d to meet at the . "'.''!' '-.td.y eveiiius;. .lanu 1 "; a " -''o.-k. I-. i., fur the ' - I. tii.riiii.'.tti . . i '. j f .i"ii . lit net 'r M.i 1 li-,iii11? election. on l learfield ., '' v ' ' Le choice of three ' ..' .' 1 ' 11 face, cro-s-bar , . ' ' - 'he same tavern " ' '- kind- i,f "sas " ' " l." I'liilipxliiirtj X . . 1 -" 1 of Philip ltarkinan. t r " ' "'!' lied ford county, 'V . f ':' !' 1 1 ' nporary lit of :i"',"4 W', k- ""I'Tat'! her ., 'J' ' un.l set lire to it. ' ' " ' !ii hefuit. she was Tr..k.. , ' r ",1 ami ilu t.lootiifnsr -,.' j ,,t,;' t'ompany at ''-'h,"''"!''" I',':"'"ar' 1. wiH l'"ir- each. I)uriiiit :l-.,.m ,. v " M-' - have MU run '" hours each, w ith on. . 4 r bull ,V ((,.,, C.Mii.-inw t.f ' ., ' I '' t :, ell OUt (if I'S- i'.,''.'"'"" "" ri-''-J into UieCam . , '1,!",,i. of -lohti-tow,,. xti 4' , "1'erated tw-i coke V..:, .'" ''"rx. One stack is -'.m1 repair. 'n.. '"laims. Callitzin ,r u.j! ii,,. larceny "".M. a 1 :i p " ' r""i -.4:r '-"""ty e, nii-ylvaiiiariilroad 'V court last week ri '.w-fi.-.i . Ll. 1 .- . . 'U1""l ill. ' C,,SlS f ia ti ' ul" M ' VH ",le veir two A chicken fight to-k place near the fountain inn Uo:s on Monday afternoou 01 i.i-i weeK, attended by a nunilHT of sports from Johnstown. Altoona and Hoi lidaysl.urs. The particulars of the event are not obtainable. The Reading Ktuilc. havini? H?r.n . fused permission by Register SchafTer to copy a list of mariiaire licenses uranted. brotiitht the matter U fore Judae liland. who decided that publicity w as 1 i "men tion of the law and that access t, the docket should lie allowed to every citizen. J. C. Fairen. of Kbensburir, was in Pattnn on Tuesday perfecting arranse metits for a large iin-ciing of the 1'omona Krai ge w hich w ill probably be held in this Dlace alxiut the Jirst or second of April. -The Vuurler extends a hearty welcome to this enterprising organization.- I'ntton Cour'u-r. The Democrats or Oallitzin liave placed in nomination the following ticket: Coustable. John II. Wilt; council, Felix Heck and AucustiiieSpcijrlehalter; school directors. Dr. .1. T. Troxcii and James (;. Uender: judge of election, Thomas Kagau; inspector. John E. Hums; assessor, F. J. I'arrish; auditor, T. J. Stephens. Judge Lyon, of Juniata county, who was assisting Judge Itell in the Ulair county courts, last week ruled that a man ho rode on a railroad pass coti Id collect mileage. The ruling grew out of the case of Special Folk-email Dennis ODonnell. w ho charged the county of Ulair f 1.1 mile age fees, although he traveled on a pass. Mr. David Pryce and a couple of his grand-children were poisoned 011 Sunday last from eating ch.-cse. From the fact only those w ho partook of the cheese Were sick, their sudden illness was attributed to something w rung with the cheese Dr J. .ne- wa- summon. -.1 and afier a.tniini-- i it-ring the proper remedies, ali rc-oycr.-d. John V. Cook, a we!!-kuown citizen of HoiIi,ia-burg, die,! at the ho-pi;aI at II arrishurg on Saturday U-t after an ill ness ,.f au.ut two months, the la-t two week- of W hich Were spent at the ho-pital, where he had gone for treatment. Mr. .k wax inairi.-d in 1st;.- to Hiss Matilda K.-r. of t aiioiltoMii. who, with eight children. -urvies hiu. The miner of Maryland paid over a juait. r of a mil!ioii dollars lor the strike in which they engaged last summer, ll cost each man f-o, and brought him back nothing. One of the worst features was that these miners hail no special grievano.i of their own, but were induced to iiuit work solely for the purpose of showing their sympathy with the strikers in the West. Henry Mizener, of Hadley, Mercer county, a prosperous fanner and a veteran soldier, committed suicide last week in an ingenious manner. Hr went to his nam and fastened his rille to a beam, gauging it so as to hit a certain mark. He then lied a suing to the trigger, and placing "him-elf in front of the mark, pulled the siring. The ball passed through his heart, causi ng instant death. Farmer Henry 15. Shearer, of Man heini, Lancaster county, claims to have been buncoed by lightning rod am-iits. He signed a contract for a rod worth $7,.1t), but later discovered that he had bound him self to liny worth of the material. He comuromised with the sharpers for t'SM and was told by them thai a neighboring justice of thepeace had later purchased jf.-iUl worth of wire- through similar uu wariness. Captain H. F. Murines, a wholesale lumbei-'iian of Philadelphia, has just closed a deal with Heidrii.k. Coleman. Os born .V. Co., of this place, for lii.om.tMi fin-t of white pine i umber. The luuilier will he manufactured for the Philadelphia mar ket, at the rale of to ...ixi.hio f.-.-t per ear. This j- ,,n,- i f the largest deal in white pine lumber made in thi- stale for year, and represents alNiut t,ln.ii. l!nif.rillf. l'n.. lit im I.I i'it n . - Kbt-i. L. L1 w aid-, a w ell-k now n IhiM-.--- man of J.tliii-t.tw ii. while -1 a n.l 1 1.1. 111 fint of t ' p!.'grave' -h.- -tore m it,it ci t y on '1 u. -.l a uf 1 a-t w tt-h . ttet .tine io -Ifiitly iii-aiie. u I 11. lav at a ln-ariug in thi- .:a.e. tie W 4 - Co II 1 11 . . t I ed to I he ) - tn iii t iit-ane a- .'.'ii. Mr. r.l anl- h a- a Wife uliil hie ll.lltll.-li. e I- l.al.Vf i.I i iii I tu n-l,i. ami i- brother of John L Li aid-, of liaiko.k tuwii-hip. who a 1- I It! t4 l i l.illl to DlVlliulll. 11 . I .. .1 iirf in , of tie Juniata Iron I i.ti.pai.t at Ho i.Ui.l.i.uv I i, h have i. ii -tii.t t!on for tt..- pa-i iv ).ar-. -i ii 1 nt mi M'hi.Ui ni.'iiiii.if under the . ..I, , i , .1 . . ( , on: .al. y i.f 1 1 a r r l -1 ... I cnpi ta. -I- When ruiiiiiior f u i 1 - haiil-d the in i i- t h. r- i i eiii p' t) ;t.iit tl.r.f huii ilii d iii.-n. The -alio- c.ii.iiaiiy ha- al-o -I -ii red in option f..r t he purr ha-e of the o le lllllie- alili fllTliace of t he M K ef"s 4 iap linn ompaii). which will lit- operated in eoliii.-cli.it. with the rolling Iliii!-. The liridgeporl .1 a 111 near Ml. Pleas ant. V e-t nior. laiid coLinty, wa- the -cel. e of a -ad accident. Sunday, when Katie. Ihe eight-year-old daughter of Paul lia ker. w a-drow lied. She was on the dam in company with thiee I-'aust girls, and the latter were pu-hiiig and pulling Katie ii n a sled when the ice broke, and all four were thrown into the water. The mishap was seen by spectators w ho succeeded in rescuing all but Katie, who was drowned. Her body was recovered aliotit six hours later. William Mack, aged twenty-eight years, sou of Joseph Mack, a former resi dent of Kbensburg, w ho had been residing in Pittsburg and working in Armstrong's cork factory, was found unconscious at the corner of Twenty-third and Smallman streets on Thursday morning of last week. He was on his way to work and was stricken with a hemorrhage. He died in the patrol wagon while being taken to the West Penn hospital. His remains were brought to this place on the Saturday r.oruing train and interred in the Catho lic cemetery. Mrs. Abigail Simms, a native of Car roll township, this county, died at h-r home in Pittsburg on Friday, January fst ls.i.i, aged years. The deceased was a daughter of Jacob Yost, deceased, of Car roll tow nship, a sister of Augustin Yost, of that township, and of Mrs. Susan Will iams, of this place. The -deceased, with her husband, were old-time residents of Summit, in this county, but after the abandonment of the Old Portage railroad they removed to Ulairsville, where her husbitud died a number of years ago, after which she removed to Pittsburg. Mr. John Edwards and wife, of Shady Side, were walking alongside the Pennsyl vania railroad tracks on Friday evening on their way to attend the big revival meeting at ISraddock, and when near Co(M-land Mrs. Edwards slipped on the icy walk and fell on the track, directly in front of a fa-t freight train, which passed over her body, crushing her life out. The accident happened in front of Mr. Ed wards" eves, but he was powerless to help his w ife, as she was some distance ahead of him. Deceased was twenty-eight years of age and leaves a family of three little children. J. K. Myers, formerly of this place, but for several years past in the employ of the Crtsson Coal and Coke Company, on Fri day afternoon whMe engaged iu examining the quality of the coal being taken out of the shaft, unluckily placed his left hand near a pulley, w hen it was caught between the pulley and a w ire roue, and three of his lingers were badly injured. Although the doctors lu attendance have hopes of saving them, it may be possible thai one or more of the injured members may have to be amputated. We hoe the feats for am putation may prove groundless and that he in ay escape that misfortune. ThMoaalnlaf l rirHi. Last week, says the .South Fork Recurd of Jan. ls, the Argyle mine made a jumpof about I .mm tons, the output reaching 3.4?r. Si xty-tiv cars were loaded in addition to the engines coaled and other regular busi ness. It has been many months since they have reached the 3,n) mane, and from the general outlook they have good prospects of remaining about this pint. Dutilo and Coiiemaugh have been doing about the same as previous weeks. The Lukens & Hauptmine is a little above the usual amount. The Stineman mine worked steady, both shifts, and made a splendid show ing. This week they are only work ing the daylight shift, but both the "dip" and the '-level" are running, which amounts to about the same thing w lieu the output is counted. There seems to be no scarcity of orders and in some instances extra work is being done to keep in pace with the demand. Following is the output for the week ending January Z, lsui. in tons: Stine man Compauy, 0,iG2: Argyle Company, 3.47.1; Dunlo Company. ?; Conemaugh Lompany. 'Mi; Lukens A Haupt. 1,100. The (iallitzin and Mountain district shipped during the week endiug December -.tlh, -S.TCM tons. nt OUT in Own Fot. Iioliert Oalbrailh is a veteran Irishman, whose home is in Rayue towuship, Indi ana county. About three years ago. w hile hauling hay, he fell from his wago: and sustained injuries in his left leg. His physician has more than on'e suggested the propriety of an operation, but Ihe old gentleman would never agree to it. Last week he chaged his mind about the mat ter and toncluded hecould get along with out the foot, but he said nothing to his family or physician, but proceeded to per form the operation himself. A razor was the instrument used. His family Induced him to stop. The next day. however, when his daughter entered his roitni he informed her that be had completed the job begun the day lie fore. It needed but a glance around the room to lie convinced of the truth, for lying lieside him on top of the lied clothes was the dismemliered foot. The razor had been us 'd, the foot being taken off right at the ankle joint. Mr. (ialbraith, although 77 years old, is ap parently none the woise for the act. MarrlMC Llrrnan. The follow ing marriage licenses were Is sued by the Clerk of the Orphtns Court for the week ending Thursday, January 24, I sit.l : Malttise (Iszkiewic and Mary Narrizie wic, Johnstow n. l'.ernard McCloskey aud Ann McCabe, Job nstown. Henry M ilot, A Ibany, X. Y.. and Mary Saibott, Johnstown. Lawrence Kline. Hastings, and Lizzie Shorteiicarrier, Susquehanna township. William Palmer and Sadie Chrisner, Westmoreland county. Otto Shaffei, Johnstown, and Maggie Hochstein. Cambria county. Alex. Sesock and Elizabeth Dane, Johns town. Robert W. Jones, Ebensburg, and Allle E. Hennett, Carroll township. J. W. Vincent. Reade township, and Myrtle May Penrod, Johnstown. Michael Miller. Pittsburg and Sophie Uloomer, Johnstown. Robert Miller and Lavina S. Messenger, Johnstown. John W. I'arker and Jennie Ada Berk eyhile, Johnstown. A l.rical llrrlalod on Y Ques tion taratln. When you drop a nickel on the floor of a street car and it hides under the slats you ate not 1 mi ii lid to pick it up. It nays your fare just the same as if you had hand ed it to the conductor, and, if it hap.eii to In- a more valuable coin, lie mu-t give you the proer change. The point has Ik'cii judicially d.-cided in a New York court, w here a man who wa- arre-ted l t au-e he demanded change fur a dropied dime w a- exonerated and judgment given in his favor. It w as a ie decision. The -r lieloiig- to the street railway company tiiile as nun h a- tl.e conductor' xickt-t does. The com pari) employes can re eoer it il their b-i-ure; the p ellger is i without fatihtie- for doing so. The (oil I ha- long been a ecd Kile, and w oil Id II le created I ll lie tl ll 1 1 e t roll lile t-efi.re this time hut f..r the fact thai conductors gen erally reeugnled the light- of the c-- aiel lake pain- to recover the pa-cuger' money for him. At Ikt llprra Mas. Mi Friday evening the celebrated drama. 'The Confederate Spy." will lie produced at the opera hoti-e in this place by the uiemln-r- of Lieut. Hugh Jones Camp Sons of Veterans. Following is the cast of characters: O.-orge Waterman, a young Union ist S. L. Keed. Philip liradiey, a daring Confejer ate spy Iester Larimer. Fred Aiusley, a Kebel from Jack son's lines li. H. Langbein. Maj. (ten. Banks, L". S. A Ollie Slough. i ol. Willard. U. A S. C. Davis. Mulgarry, Irish otlieer John Dick. Clay, a gentleman of cofor Milton Itolsiuger. Sockberry Schneidliecker. a drafted Dutchman Walter Bolsinger. M rs. Waterman, mother of tieorge.. Miss Beckie Clement. Maud Bradley, a Southern belle, sister of the Spy M iss Annie Davison. Xorah McLaggiu, down on the Hathin Chinee. Mrs. S. C. Davis. Soldiers in Blue, Gray, Vallagers, etc. Llrrmn- Applicant Interralvtt. At argument court on Monday the fol lowing order was made by the court in re gard to bwndsmen for applicants for li cense: And now, January 21, ISKi, it Is ordered that there shall be filed with each license application and attached thereto a certifi cate in the following form, signed by the attorney representing Ihe apulicant: "I hereby certify that who have signed the bond of as sureties, are each the Jona tide owners of real estate In Cambria county worth, over and above all encumbrances, the sum of , ), and that said estate is situated as follows (naming ward of borough or city, or township), and that the conveyences or olher ev idences of title to said real estate are of record in Cambria county." Joseph Anderson, aged 38 years, of Coal lort, and William Aiusley, aged 19. of Ir vona, w ere arrested in a log camp four miles from Irvona on Tuesday by a deputy United States marshal, charged with pass ing countt.rfeit money. They were taken to Altoona aud lodged in the city lock-up, where they will re main until Monday, when they will have a hearing before United Stales Commission er liiaftius. It is alleged that the men have been passing counterfel silver iu one dollar and in 50-cent pieces. ' The Salary f aJadct. When there is only one judge in a county under ..( mo inhabitants, the salary is fl.OU) per annum. The Judges of Phila delphia get f7,onO per annum and those of Fittsburg .1,xxi. When the county con tains '., ) inhabitants aud over, and where there is only oue judge, the salary is $5,(M yearly, but there Is extra pay aud mileage for sitting In other counties, which increases the salary from .VIU to fl.om yearly. A farmer in a neighboring county could not afford to pay for a newspaper. Last week he received a circular letter of fering for flO to send by mail a recipe for making a dollar slick during every hour of the day. He sent the money and received the reply: "Grease it," Real Ealal Tairr. J. L. Spangler et ux. to Peter P. Yeager, llatlng; consideration.fi. Rebecca Jane Webb to Robert L. Wis singer, Richland, fsO. Administrator of Conrad Suppes to Alice M. Waters. Johnstow n, f 1 ,4O0. Frida D. Suppes to Alice M. Waters, Johnstown, 1. Administrator of Annie Stoy to G. M. Stoy, Ashyille. f.tO. John H. Veil et ux. to John P. Statler. Scalo Level. l.lu5. John McGuireetux. to Washington L. Jfc B. Association. No. 2, Morrellville. tl. George Grumbling et ux. to Washington Ij. & B. Association, No. 2, Lower Yoder, tl. Elizabeth Bauerlv to Elizabeth Ranerlv it7i Hansman, Johnstown, til. I'. Barnes et ux. to Edmistoc. Barnes- boro, f i.io. P. S. Fisher et ux. to James II. Fisher, Upper Yoder, t--i25. George Fockler et ux. to M. L. Lever good, Johnstown, ti.uto. John Manion et ux. to Martin Manion. Clearfield, rj.noo. Mary E. McCloskey to Catharine Me- Garry, Morrellville. tl.200. Mrs. M.J. Kennedy to Joseph E. Par sons, Johustow n. t7,:"ii)0. Michael Pfaller to Mary S. Pfaller. Johnstown, tl.2.10. Agnes W. Laying to Patton school dis trict. Patton t.K)0. Mary W. Paulson et vir. to W. N. Pringle, Peelorville, tl.12. Cambria Iron Company to William N. Pringle, Johnstown. f-.'.TO. Treasurer of Cambria county to J. J. Rhoddy, Ashville. to. Assignee of Daniel Marsh to Linn G. Rager, Lower Yoder. f73-1. Cambria Iron Company to Sarah Rees, West mon t, f.125. William L. Woodcock et al. to George M. Patterson, Reade, 4,UH). William K. Martin et al. to Cambria & Clearfield Railroad Compauy, Spangler, f.iou Jeremiah Paul et ux. to Michael Mc Cauley, Adams, f3,'Ji. Mnoollaaj Arrldenl. On Thursday afternoon or last week Mr. Lvnn Mcpherson, & prominent farmer of near Clearfield, took his gun from his house to shoot crows. After he was through shooting he placed the gun In a wagon box in the shed and for a vhile busied himself w ith duties that demanded his attention. In the meantime a gen tleman camo who had business with Mr. Mcpherson and together thev started for the house. Having passed the shed. Mc pherson said to the man with him, "I believe I will tano my gun to the house," aud accordingly turned and went back to the shed, disappearing from sight of the man, w ho, w hen he heard the report of the gun, ran back and found McPher.on lying on the floor of the shed in the agonies of death. He lived but five minutes after being shot and was unable to speak. It is supposed that he went to where the gun was lying in the wagon, catching it by the end of the barrel and drew It toward him with the hammer dragging on the bottom of the box, w hich, catching on the bottom of the box. was pulled back suf ficiently so that when loosened It had force enough to explode the cap. The gun was loaded with buckshot, four of which penetrated his breast, shattering the bones and passing through his heart, comingout of the back. He leaves a w ife ai.d two raaally-'4BMtel TcartiVIa lb PBilaala Hallra4. It is at Ibis season of the year that peo ple's thoughts turn to some method by which the rigors of our uorthern w i n tr r climate may le escaped, and a trip to the "Land of Fbiweis." if only for a thort time, ofTers the easiest solution of the tllle-tiol.. In order to give the public an opportun ity to vi-lt Florida at a very reasonable cost, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged foi a series of tours to Jack sonville, and the well-earned ropulalion acquired by that company for the super iority of Its personal! v -conducted tours w ill lie maintained for this year's series. Since the system of personally-conducted tours inaugurated by that company has l-en In effect, none but words of com m ndaiion have been received. Iu uxex celled traiu service, experienced tourist agents and chaperons, above all. its mod erate charges, leave nothing to be desired. The tours to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks stay In Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia on January 29, February 12 and 2ti, and March 12 and 20, lstt.1. The rate including transportation, meals en route, and Pullman berth on special train, is 9Tiii.no from New York. and t4S.no from Philadelphia; proportionate rates from other points. For further information apply to ticket agents or address Tourist Agent, ll'.ni Broadway, New York, or Roam 411, Broad Street Station', Philadelphia, to whom ap plication for space should also be made. N4BatloiiaI Testimony. Indiana, Pa.. Jan. 23. To-day's pro feedings in the Blair-White election con test were enlivened by testimony a degree more sensational than that heretofore given. A number of witnesses testified to the usual offers made on election day that if they would vote far White they could have a day's pay. Others testified to being offered money and whiskey for their votes for White, and a dozen who voted at the election eonfessed that their tax receipts were Imperfect. The sensation of the morning came with the evidence of Walter Myers, of Cherry Hill, who said that when in town, on Sat urday preceding the election. Judge White promised him t- for his vote. The judge told Myers to go to Watt, cashier of the Deposit bank, and get the money. Watt gave witness four silver dollars. Judge White is principal owner of the Deposit bank. Witness said he would not have voted for White if he had not come down with the money. Witness Xicewonger overheard the conversation and corrobora ted Myers. Other witnesses stated that they had received tenders of money in various sums for their vote9 for White, but had declined. OIHrera riberambrlalaaalj Uraace At a meeting of the County Grange at Loretto last week, the following officers were elected: Master, Alex. Strittmatter.Carrolltown; overseer, John Wright, Wilmore; lecturer, T. L. Parrish, Loretto; steward. A. B. Kirsch, Xicktown; assistant steward, M. F. Farren, Ebensburg; chaplain, Michael Noon, Loretto; treasurer, J. II. Rodkey, Belsano; secretary, G. W. Garrett, Mun ster; gate-keeper, W. A. Bower, Loretto; ceres, Mrs. T. L. Parrish, Loretto; pomona. Miss Ella Bennett, Ebensburg; L. A'. S., Mary Dimond, Wilmore; executive com mittee. M. F. Farren, Ebensburg; L. F. Sanker, Loretto, and A. S. Kirsch. Nick town; finance committee, II. H." Gooder ham. Carrol!town; Charles Parrish, Lo retto, and John P. Redinger. Nicktown. A I maul a New Tark Ially. That Democratic wonder, the New York Wetkly World, has just changed Its week ly into a tw ice-a-week paper, and you can get the two papers a week for the same old price tl.00 a year. Think of IT,! The news from New York right at your door fresh every three days 104 papers a year. The Fkeemas and the World will be sent to any address for one year 92:00. Kebaal Bapart. Following' Is the report of the A hvllle school for the fourth month, ending Janu ary 15th. 1SU5. Whole number iu attendance 68. Those perfect in attendance were John Bu goon, Sam Doyle. Chester Coyle. Bennet i teph ens, Robert Will. Herman Eckenrode. Ross Burgoon. Morgan Litzinger, Herman Lit zinger, Willie Dougherty. Gertrude Myers. Laura Will. Bertha Will, Rhoda Mansfield, Bessie DeLozier. Marea Ellwanger. Eva Litzinger. Carrie Eckenrode, Minnie Do Lozier, Lillian Doyle, Flora Cole. Joe Troxell Pat Dougherty. Henry Cole, Frank Cole. John Cole, John Parrish, Lois Trox ell and Virgie Troxell. Judge Enlicb, of Berks county, has deeided that bicyclers have the right to use all turnpikes free and that toll com panies have no right to charge fees except for vehicles drawn by animals. He o asses bicycles with baby coaches aud wheelbarrows. Hlaeellaaieaaa Malleea. 'I'HE Ebenabnnr HulMlna; a. Loan Association 1 will offer for amis at the oonncll chamber. Ktv eoeborg. on the :oortn Monday In Fetraary, il.wiu.uu. THOS. UAV1S, L.BSTKR L.AKIKBR, Secretary. President. VITAWT ED A responsible and'eocnietic man V V to handle Lightning; Kotta In Cambria coutitT. t.K.HHMkO.. )anll.J 8 Market St.. Pituourg. Fa. FOK SALE OK KENT. A new elitht room bouse on I.'oyd street, lor particulars call on fc. DI'FTO.N, EbensburR, Pa. FVRS. The hlKhest market Drloe paid for all kinds ul Fora ty tleorge L. Fredericks, Eoensburg, Pa. Is Early Rising Healthful ? It la If Ten Mart the Day by Read I a ar Ihe KlKht Klad of News paper, and The PatrlAt la the riaht kind. It Is the only complete morning news.aer that reaches "en- ui rennsyiTania at an early uou' ol tbe day. It la one ol tbe foremost Democratic uninMri In the State and the only one printed at the Slate Capital. the official and political centre ol the Commonwealth. It prima tbe news, recelvlnir It over Its own wires throoKh the extraordinary lacllltiea ol the ir re at Press Associations, aided by Its own correspondent. The fat riot It Democratic to the core. It la opposed to boses and and an enemy ol corrupt WW. .. w. .... 1 1 1 . ... : .. ... ... . . . . . mt r w a. idu ft IIISIU W UIUI IUO WfTjOg; It never hesitates to ieak tor the rlicht. ll makes a specialty ol department nm .! gives mi re each day than all other State paperj combined. The Legislative session ol 1RV.1 will he ol rMi Importance to the people ol tbe Slate, the Patriot with special reporter will keep lu readers tully Informed concerning this and all other political and economic matters. It haa ex clusive opportunities lor aecurinic advance newt ol a public kind. DAILY, every week day moralnir In the vear. So a year. w r tKLY.TiiMilit evening of each week. l a year. iHfc. DA1L.Y Issue will be sent four months on trial, by mall onl, on receipt ol $1. I u ralrlol is the neat advertising medium In Pensylvanla outside ol Pittsburg and Phila delphia. 'ree to tbe Unemployed: It Inserts without. cnarve advertisement of those wantmic employ- uuoui. ii neip irruer nu nrooicni assistance to bandreds. It haa a Cent a Word Want Column lor other Wants. Address. THE PATKIOT COM PAN Y . docZI. Harrtsburg. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In effect November 38. 1894. raaaertlaaial f reaaoa. BABT. Seashore Express, week dy 6 i a m Aiioon a.eeummodatlon. week days a m Day ExpreaM. dally 11 bltm Altoona Express, daily Iiopm HarriKbnra: Accommodation. Sundays only lATpn Mail Express, dally.. S IT u m Philadelphia Exprea. dally 1 1 p m Johnstown Aeeommodatloa, week days . 14 a m ricioe exprea. oaiiy .............. ...... I ; i m way raatanaer. week day x .18 D m Mall Train, week day.... ....... 4 2o p a Kaat Una. dally I w i, m Johnstown Accommodation, week days. 34 p m fEaeanaara; Breach. Train leave a follows: a. m and S.30 P- aa. and arrive at Creadon at 7.7. a. tu. and 4 o p to. Leave Cresnon at 30, a. m and 5.3" p. m., and arrive al Kbensbura- at lo.i a. m. and .us p. as. Cresaan aa Clearfield. Ieavc Irvona at t 44 a. n. and S 00 n. m. arrlv. Ina- at Cveenon at o a an. and 4.o p. m. Leave Creaaon w 30 a, m. and &.3o p. m arrlvlOK at Ir vona at 10.40 a m. and 8.M p. m. Por rate man, etc.. call on axent or address Tacm. E. Wtt. P. A. W. !.. 110 Ellin Ave., riiuDurai. a. S. M. PKEVl ST, J. K. WOOD. Oeneral Manager. (leneral Manager. F. X. FEES' Shaving Parlor, Ham Street, Near Post Office ,Tbe nndersla-ned desires to Inform tbe pub lic that be haa opened a shaving par'or on Main street, near tbe post office where barberlna In all It branche-w will be carried on In the future. Everything neat and etean. Yonr patronage solicited. F. X. FEES. 1 In the Court of Eva Johnatn.by her nest I t-ommon Plea of friend, J. A. Adoltxen, I Cambria county . vs. j No. 3&3, June term, J)hn lobnson. ISM. J Lin at. in Divonce. The Sheriff bavinir been directed to make pnb- llcatloc. did on 4th January. I86. return that be published a once to John Johnson as re quired by the Act of Assembly In such case made and provided. 1 be undersig-ned commissioner appointed ny tbe Court to take testimony and report a decree, hereby (tlvea notice that Le win sit tor the pur pose of such aiiroiolment at bis office In Ebens. bunr. Pa.. on THI'KSUAY, THE DAY OP FEBKUAKY. IttUn. between tbe hi nre of 10 a M., aud 3 f. sr., at which time and place ail per aona interested may be beard. J. F. McK EN KICK, EbensbnrK. Pa., Jan 25, lSva. Commissioner A UDITOK'S NOTICE. J Notice Is hereby clven that the nnderslitn- ed bavlnic been appointed Auditor to distribute tbe fund In the hands of M. D. Klttell. Esq.. Ad- mlotnrator ol tne es'jtie oi Bernard mccoiican deceased, a shown by bis se:ond and Onal ac count to thi Be legally entitled thereto, will sit at District Attorney's Office In Court Honse. Ebens- burg.on FKIDAY. JANUARY 26. 195. at 10 o'clock, a. at., when and where those interested may attend or be forever debarred from coming- in onsald fund. rt. tl. m Y r.H. Jan. 11.18U5. Auditor. IXECUTOKS' NOTICE. twt Estate of Ann Keatlnar. deceased. Letter testamentary on tbe estate of Ann Keating, late of Summerblll township. Cambria county. Pa., deceased, having been irrarted to as. notice is neresy aiven to an peraoiu indented to aid estate to make payment without delay, and those bir'.ni claims avalnst the same to present tbem duly authenticated lor settlement. rti tn htAnnii. KICHAKD KEA1INO Executors ol Ann Keatlmc, deceased Summerblll l'wp., Jan. xe. 18W. ADMINISTKATOKS NOTICE. Estate of Mr. John Leap, deceaaed. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. John Leap, late ol Washington township. Cam bria county. Pa., deceased, bavlna; been granted to me. nonce i nereoy given to an person in oebted to aaid estate to make Immediate pay ment and those having claims against tbe same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement, ritana. Lr.ar, Administrator ef Mr. John Leap, deceased Washington Twp., Jan. 26. 1W5. "'r ANTED. Local and traveling salesmen to VT handle our Hardy Canadian Orown Nur sery stock. We guarantee satisfaction to representative and customers. Our Nurserle are tbe largest la the Dominion over 7tn acres. No substitution la orders Exclusive territory and liberal term to whole or part time agents. Write as. STONE WELLINGTON. Head office. Toronto. Canada. The only Nursery la Canada haying testing orcnard. u.zm.. XTOTICE. ll We. tre undersigned, hereby all person not to bant. Bsh or trespass tn any way en our premises, aa we will proaecute to the full extent oi me law. n. r buil, JOHN EEHE. ALEXIUS WILL. J. A. tLASS. A.J. M'Mt'LLEN. Hl'OH M NEEL1S. Clearfield township. March a. lb4. FRAZER AXLE GREASE Best io tits World! Bettfcs 6ecoIie! Sold Eieryxbercl AND) N4PW IT9 EVERYTHING The months of Jann.irv jtnil Fohni Easier to carrv the push ihn ih cfnnh- Aiiir- ,,a tiirt cf on.) We have just finished taking inventory and find we have entirely too much stock, teruiined to cut it at least $5,000 to $0,000. Here are some of our prices: We are de- 500 pairs Curtains that sold for fl.50 at this sala for i .-..nt and $i.oo. 100 full ebs unbleached Muslin, ranm'nir from 31s.' tn V? In web, at only 5 cent per yard former prii-e, 8 cents. .4 mil rolls or Crash. 50 yards to the roll, at 5 cents per yard. Remnants of 10. 12, 14. and IS.-. Crash cut to Go. per yard. 1,524 yards Flannel reduced to 15c. uer vard it sold for rui and 44) cents. pairs all-wool ten quarter HIankets cut to tus-f,.rm..r price, .OU. ni webs dark Calico. 4S to 57 vards to the weh rut mi mnu i.r yard sold at rM cents per yard. TU Ladies' Coats, bruken sizes sold for .1..V to t..Tv- all rutit lio at !..". Other Coats cut from IU.s) and f l.Vni to t."..."i and f7.nl. (ients Linen Collars that sold for 15 ienl. at this :.ale you can itet four for Plti-ntH. tiloves reduced 25 ht cent. Men's and Hoys Clothing at wonderfully cut pricr fis.iii Suit for f 1 .:. Suit for T.ut. 7. Suit for 4.50. 4 50 Suit for 2.25. thu- m 1H1ATS AKB ' vre can save you lots of money as we are we are cutting them down to the Lowest Mark. 325 pairs Overalls that sold for 75 cents, at this sale for only 5o cents. kAiiy kind of Overcoat you want Men's or i:ovs-50 cents on the dollar thus: f lo.oo Coat at $5.oo. 5.00 Coat at 2.50. We have 359 pairs Men's Jean l'ants that we will s.11 for tWc. at this sale tl.ey always sold for $l.i. Men's scuff Tatits for $1.25 that we always sold for $2.oo. Men's Dress Pants at your ow n prio we have them a'l wool for $1.5(1, f l.'.is, $2.25 and 3.5U the-ie same Pants sold for $2.5 $3.5(1, $1.5(1 and $5.5)1. We are going to close our to make room for a heavy shipment that we have purchased for March 1st. One set Kitchen Chairs, $2.75. High Backed Dining Chairs for $5 per set. Bedroom Suite S - ii oven ire plngs ior y.j.uu. All hard wood Beds, light or pieces, all hardwood, for $22.00 dark, for $2.50. To make room for OUR SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, We will sacrifice our entire stock. This the way we cut prices: Men's Congress or Lace Dress Shoe, formerly sold for $1.75 now- at $!.(). sizes C to lo. Men's working Shoes, formerly sold for $1.25, now at :. cent. Men's Fine Dress Shoes. Congress or Lace, formerly old at $2.00, at this sale tor $1.25. Meu's Fiue Dress Shoe, baud sewed. Calf, Congress or Lace, at $3.25, formerly $". Ladi. Fii.e Dre Shoe. fi.!iier!v $-.' isi. i,.,w at ! Ladies Pebble lioat. Itultoii, formerly $1. i.,. fi Mi" ' i;i..f liraiii. SpriLa- lU l.-J, Kutt .n. b.ru..i tl now $1.15. '."hi Id" l..ni:..'. S.r i ii(f lleel.-d. ., , t.t. H. ORTH, - THE LEADER, Chestnut Street, Ciinllitjfi, I'ji. . 1 JOHSSTOS. M. J. Bit k. A. HBH IC. ESTAMUSHBO 187"i. Johnston, 13uck & Co., 13ANKK11S. EBENSBURG. - PENN'A. A. W. BK K, C aaliler. EfrraaLiaaBDnsSS. Carrolltown Bank. UAUKUU.TUWN, FA. T. A. MH ARB. 4 ITUII, t'aanlsjr. General Emu Easiness Transacted. Tbe folio wtnir are tbe principal feature! ol general baailng- business : DEPONITS Kecelved payable on demand, and Interest bear log eertlncatea Issued to lime depositors. Extended to customers on taroraMe terms and approred paper discounted at all timet. COLLECTION H Made In the locality and upon all tbe banking town In tbe Cnlted States. Charges moderate. nnirra I fitfttl.M. In . 1 1 .. r.f ITnltl States, and foreign exchange Issued oa ill parts of Europe. ACCOrHTS Uf merchants, farmer and other solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation will be extended. Patron are assured that all transaction shall be held as strictly private and confidential, and that they win be treated as liberally as good banking rules will permit. Respectfully, JOHSNTOS. BFCK CO. -sFALL AND WINTERS LTIHllliVl araaaaV A A J mm wWWW VS It"' LARGEST STOCK ! . FINEST GOODS ! LOWEST PRICES ! IN CAMBRIA COUNTY ! Our new Fall Stock will surprise all who see it by the extensive variety it offers in every line of goods which we carry. We will sell you fine Overcoats and Clothing at prices much lower than ever before. We have all the new styles in Hats. Our stock of Winter Underwear and Gents' Furnishings is immense. It will pay you to come twenty-five miles to buy Clothing from us. Call and examine our goods and you will be convinced we will save you money. A. K. FA TTO w. H Jf. II. BASDFORTt, iVrtlaVaf. CtoaAier. THE First National Bank OF PATTON. PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. Capitals paid np, - - $50,000. Accounts of Corporations, Firm and Individual received upon the inot favorable terms consistent with sale and conserva tive Banklag. Steamship Ticket lor sale by all the leading Lanes and Foreign Drmlt payable In any of tbe principal cities ol the Old World. All correspondence will have onr personal and prompt attention. Iatoreat Paid aa Tlaae Drpaalta. OCtlS.93 B. L. HID. MATHIOT ISADS. REED & READE, Attorneys at I-avv, EHENSBUKll, ... PENN A. ruffles on Centra street. 4 28 93 ETTTELL & LITTLE, AttorneyH at Law, EHENSBCKU, PA. sXar-Ofn: In Upera House. TW. DICK, ATTOKNEY-AT-L.AW, EBBBsacaa. PiwsV 49-Speclal attention to given claims for Pen sion Bounty, etc em- T F. McKEXRICK, "e ATTOBVBT AlDOOI'VSILLOB AT LAW. EBENSBVKU. - PA aVOffiee en Ontre street. H H. MYERS. ATTORNEY-AT-L.A W. umicis. ra. sVOIKei la Oollonad Sow. on Centre street. DONALD E. DUFTON, ATTUKNEY-AT L.A W. Ekhsicis, Piiu, tJFUfnoe la Opera House, Center street. T?OB ALL. THE NEWS. KEAD THE FREE- I a; MAM. U-o per year. C. V. SHARBAUQH, CAEROLITOWN, PA. OILS! OILSli The Atlantic ReOninff Co.. of Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty of manufacturing for the domes tic trade the finest brands of Illaminatin? and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha and Gasoline That can te MADE FROM PETROLEUM. every known product of petrol- Can m T f rAii Yr-ieri 4 WULUs A. A J S ItlOU liitj Most : Monnly : Satisfactory : Oils In the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, JOHN PFISTBR, DEALER IX ctlS.toly. nriSBl Kd KEPT- PlTTSBVKt. PA. Mountain House STAR SHNIIIG PARLOR! CENTRE STREET, EBENSBURG, rpHlS well-known and lone established Shavins; X Parlor i now located on t'-eotre street, op posite tbe livery stable of I Hars. !av!s at L.ot ti er, where the business will be carried on In the lutore. SHAVINO, 11A1K t VTT1N ANI SHAMPtKHNtl done In tbe teatet and must artistic maimer, t'lean Towels a seclalty. Iadles waited on at their residence. JAMES UJUNT. Proprietor GEHERU MERCHAtlDlSE, Eariware. CieetsTO, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TEUETABLES IX KEAftOX, HAES ekk, rrt'., OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL, CRESSON, PA. snaSi 9uly cancer; and Tamora n'RFT - tv VnM , buutt irvr lra IJutwiit bi'aa, sua du i nu laasn r Polleles written at snort neic la the OLD RELIABLE ''ETNA" Kmm alkrr rirat C'lstaa 'wwasaaile. T. W. DICK, I1TXT FOB THE OLD HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COJI'V. tXJMMENCEll BrSINESS 1794. TAensnarai. Jeiy t.ltts. r 4 VTL,T" fcnentetle soro to -U 1 v 1 our choice and eosaplete llDeul.Nurwry.siict and seed potatoes. Hlrh salary and eommisslon paid weekly. Pajriac and ennanent position arearanteed and socceos aasnred to siood men special indacemenls tc inner. Expel tence nut necessary. Exclusive territory and yunr eon cbolce o4 aemesjiven. lH not delay tnt ai'Ply tn AULENNCKSERYW.. Orower and irvpas;ators, KoHiester. N. Y. aag3 Asa a. k. J TT