The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 11, 1895, Image 3

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    u u
t,HI lai. C AJIHKIA CO.. PA.
- .J.aXI'ARY II. l ...-.
T, ...t aiL'uriH-iit court will be lipid
! ., u -n hruli:.' at Twin Rorks,
' .. ,.1 a:iv on Sunday,
v :.. h:i' ' Tliur.ias. of Klili-r town-
v ill with pneumonia.
. i y .K.nriik, Ks.j.. of this
. i ,. i , ;is :;t-! l a biiius visit lat
,. . . f : !i. i-ni' arc tiring circuit-
..nuili'ttis throughout the
i--.-r 1 ii is havini; a lot of
, i : . ::;.i.I- in tin; postotlicc in
v. ji .: ;.. r-."f Zan.-svill.'. Ohio, i
i .i. r. Dr. T. M. Richards.
7. ; lihtiiiiii? was one of the
.i .,.;inii at an early hour on
. , 1 1 . I'ii e Company will meet
, , ... . .. i, ami elect ottitvrs for
I I !.ii-nti. of this place, is
U - ! . lainl count y I his weeK
... : 1 -ni.
, j. ; , I. i. K-p. and U". V. H.-l-,
... : i ' . ; iid Klenliiirv a busi-
. ... : . that pp'vained last
: . tl.-recent rains hav
' ; w.
.. i;,-.-: i! .1 Messrs. l'.eehteland
... : liioniiale on Tuexlay
. ,. i r i: ('loperty.
y :. p...;. . . To yejsrs. tiietl at the
: V, -i. .:-i. She wa admitted
. .:. :' Morrellville.
... I. . . ; t . Hi old ci t ien of Ri-ail.'
:i 'l.e home of ( o'orire
, . . a !-h:p on the ' Itli lilt.
; A ' M l'-nald, of this place.
:.! re en Wednesday where
,4 : ,.... ' : ill a me of the w inter.
; ; : i- i.e output of C4al down
!:.,,. a ii t - the runniiiir of a
. i' i and that one w ill he jmt
v .1 . I. '. i. -enior niemlwr of the
I : ;: I. i A Sons, w ho was con
,.: : v : ,.- .i ,t It illness last week, is
i; : : i. I'atton Coiiritr.
. ! . ...i.t in town on Saturday
: :. i.. o- J. a d the FkKKMAN otliee a
: . ..-at.t -:;!.
J : ! .iiel two other ininers
.: - -A !.l:lid to learil We"e in
.; : ;i '.l-t W.-.-k ill the Hell's
, -I i'r. ! .1 i-t i "f ro,-l.
!-;.. .1. U i:,!y.W. J. Jones and
i !; ::;...'.!.! auditor, are at work
r '!.' . i.'.s ;liid xpeiiditureS
!:" M I he i,l-l yea r.
V - - -i!. 1 I. .mas. who makes her
vi .n. sun iiel Thomas of this
:' . .: .At. s'a.rsoiie nirlit last week
i ; ' -!.: ,i: in ,li t o places.
V'- .' : :ii a'i d lady of Summer
:. : .:-! .;. .i.e. ..n Thursday of last
Il r remains were interred in
I. .: -. .-ii,.-; . i - in this place on Monday.
A .lair.r has u-i-ii granted by the
i'. ; ai'in . lit to the Spauirler Jm
: v ::i. i: ' . .in .an v. . .1. 1. Spanuler
i :i, ,-r:i..i av .r are anions t iie sto-k-
' .a t :. j. of officers of t he Sons
: K! eiistcirir, takes place
. eeiin,t. "Squire T. J.
a .'Hi. is master of cere-
l!. ..:
" it :-! i f lasi week a wreck oc-
' ' l'eii!.yl.inia railroad In
h: i ai.ii S'.immerhlll w hich
; a i ii;; over an eiiLrine and
-.V -- KiMi,.- shoemaker ami her liroth
r" i.i. sj.t,t the holiday vaca-
' ! '! ' I'" "iflieli to school oil Mon-
M 1 a: i io M. Xa i.-r's and Dun-
4 : : V ;;
hi. A .t.':ith and family, of tliis
I J, A i'- on Tuesday for Florida
-i-elid the hahiiice of the
t. tte-;. l r'soranire irrove. We
::i a ( a-ai,t journey.
'-K i '.i " T .ii . an oi.i resident of
II -v--: .!.. .1 at his home in that
' ' s ..:.i .asi.aii.d -.". cars. The
i- : as a .,, i of Messrs. T. L.
N ' " Hie s M. Thompson, of
A ' '' ' ' caniiot legally bargain for,
i. .... ..r s;.,,. his ,enion in any
1-1 '' '!.!. it hei onu s due. The
11 r"- ! - ' on him for so
- t;..i .,. i,,,,. j),,.
: ' - ' I'- t.l:e.i.
t M " -! i I 'easy, of this place, sister
'' ' ' l'. .isy. who has been
" : : oiiple c f weeks
'" 1 ' a a- in Pittlmrt; receiving
returned tioineou Wed-
- : ; to health.
" v : '. I' a id W. Coulter. sh.-rilT-'
i: ii ;ii'.i luiit iiuin himself
" ' ' of sheriff. Messrs.
! i V . ii
,, ' ' ' "' loliiisi ow n. and An -1
' ' : l.lii. r township, were
:" ' com in issjiim-rs.
' V- i l'.i:t !. y. of Westmoreland
" ' 'er of Mrs. . L.
. ' c i. e. and a former resi-
i to. ii . )t t j has irone to
' !: in p. is,, of having a
: '''U her left side.
n "! was drivinif
. " '"' ' i i at rii.-stuut st reet. t Jal
' : ' :.i-t with a sled load of
- ' is s;,,,,. ,y cnjrj,,,.
' w as thrown to one side
" : 1 1 '. ! ha ! ,,ne l. ir broken.
, " ; ': '"a county, w here they sell
';'";, " " fs, sausages, etc., and
,. . ' winter, i very school
.. ' " 1 ' loii-'-post on the phiv
! ;' 1 that the neihlHirinu
-. ,, ' : I,, IV (,e spared.
' ' "' V'.-;.
i;..1.1'- '" V K-''.i'-k. son of .1. I-'. Mc
1 P ace. has i -en elect -
'r ' '' ; 'r' :,s.iy of the M incoC'oal
"f M Iddiesfiorouh, Keli
"Ini.allV is -t
" ' in, Li ai coke ovens, and
'"'is per day.
r.-. '' ' '.'hei, one of 'lie oldest
. . " "; , i'' to nshi,, died at his
' '! 1 1,1 "" li December ls'.M,
, ' l"' deeeased had been a
i.t , ; "; ' '' .'.eality ewr since lsi;,
' i: I , ' ' '' ,;:Haher, removed
.... . , al;, y. Indiana county, and
' a ' V -'' A' ,!"M' formerly of Al-
'' ' . ' V"T. U"v- F- 'i'obin.of
'',A"r' 'liufsday appointed vicar
! ... " "' V " ''",n:4,i ( alholic diocese of
' "' J Vl,ar ijenerals are deemed
ir ,, , . . . .
'on iii ine prow tn ol tin;
the a.iv
ancinn use of I'.ishop
- t','7'"' fays that thr
'"'" in that seetion of tiieCon-
a,.v" ls ,,rih,v at present than
-;;'; the strike. The Cam-
" pany, of Johnstown, has
V'" lull operation, and the
h UiJ L " r,'portorders on au increase
f -"ore i iit,.
Kx-SheritT James M. Shumaker took
his departure on Tuesday for Johr.nown
aft.ra three years" residence in Ebens
bnrp. Sheriff Shumaker during his resi
dence in the 'bun: made hosts of friends
who are Sony to lose him as a citizen. He
was a good oflicial. and with the exception
of his politics, a first-class man.
Mrs. Joseph Van Ormer. of Van Or
tuer, died at her home on Saturday even
ing at K:-.i). She leaves to mourn her loss
her husband five children. Mrs. Samuel
Troxell. I. C. Van Ormer and Mrs. T. M.
Gray, of Van Ormer. and II. C. Van Or
mer of i'ittsf.iirfr. and i.aselle S. Van Or
mer of Altooua. Interment in Pleasant
Hiil cemetery near (ilasiro-.v.
Mrs. Iucinda Kobhs. of iiannintr Mills,
Armstrong county, died Saturday nioruimr
of liydrophobia. havir.K suffered terrible
a sony since Wednesday. Mrs. I'.obbs was
bitten hv adoi; over live weeks before she
showed sians of the il'sease. The same
dog bit several other people. AM save
Mis. Pobbs received treatment, and so far
have escaped serious effects.
Miss Ann Jones, an old-lime resident
of Kbetisbnrg, died on Saturday at the
residence of Elias Jones, in Cambria
township, aged about 7.1 years. The de
ceased w as a sister of Kit-hard Jones. Esq.,
of the East ward, w ho is Ebcnsbunr's old
est inhabitant. The deceased w as born in
Wales and came to Ebciisburir in is::;,,
w here she has resided ever since.
John J. Stutcheil. of East Mahoninir
township. Indiana county, while cnsraized
at driving team near Kr jckw ay ville. Jef
ferson county, was struck by an engine on
the P. E. road on Sunday last ard in
stantly killed. One of the horses was
severely injured while the other escaped
Tin-decease,i lea ves a f am i I y of children,
iiis wife hayinii died about a year ano.
May I'.remen, a little V: year old srirl tf
Altoona, while returniiiu from the post
oflice in that city a few days ai after iret-
tinisr a ten dollar money order cashed, was
stopped by a stranger who told her that
ther..' was a mistake in the amount of
money she received. Taking her pocket
book and pretemlini: to examine it he
ban. led in bat-K to her. On her arrival
home it was found he had taken the mon
ey. Mrs. Martin Leap, an estimable lady
of Cassandra, died at her home in that
place on Monday. Decrmber 31, 1-. from
typhoid fever, and on Tuesday rnorninir
following her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Leap,
of the same place, died from cancer of the
stomach. Each of the deceased leaves
in ne children. The former was buried on
Wednesday in St. liridet's cemetery at
Lilly, and the latter on Thursday at the
Mr. Abel Uoyd, Jr.. clerk to the com
missioners, on Wednesday atleruooii about
one o'clock, w hile (loini dow n to the base
ment of the court house, tripped 'in the
stairs ami fell, fallinu on his head on t lu
ll i k floor below. When found he was
unions,. ions and remained in that con
dition for several hours, w hen he came to.
At latest reports he was on a fair road to
recovery and no danireroiis results are an
ticipated. -Mr. Paul L. McKenri. k. tf Middle
horoiiuh, Ky., who spent several weeks
with his parents in this place lust Mini r.
lias lately been elected secretary and treas
urer of the M inuo Coal .v Coke Company,
in w hose em ploy as chief clerk ami busi
ness manairer fie has served for the past
four years. This company is extensively
enuaiied in the coai and coke trade in
Tennessee and lias yards at Atlanta.
Knowille ami Eoiiisv i lie.
During the present year there will be
five eclipses three of the sun ami tw i of
the moon. The latter tun 'inly w ill be vis
ible in this laiitude: both are total eclip
ses, and come at times favorable for obser
vation. The first will occur on March
loth, be;:iniiiiii; at a few minutes before
S in the evening, ami ending at l:.'l the
nex t mornintr. The other lakes place on
the ::d of September: the looon w 'll enter
the shadow at exactly 11 p M. and emerire
at -J:."il a. m. on the lit li.
Ex-Jail Warden James Vouni; took his
leave of the town on Tuesday and will in
the fut lire make his home in Johnstown,
where he lias accepted a position in the
tinning establishment of Hay Hrolhers, in
that city. Mr. Younir served two terms
six years as jail warden and din-im; that
time filled the post with satisfaction and
ability. He also durini: his residence here
served one term as burgess, wore the hon
ors w ilh 1m- i i in i ii t: diirtiity and performed
the duties of the oflice impartially to all
who appeared before him.
A most curious affair recently occurred
at Fort Howard. A married woman of
that city ami her married daughter reside
in the same house, and one day last ween
both nave birth to baby boys of about the
same complexion, sie and weitrhl. A few
neighbors were in soon after, and in p iss
im; the baliies around for inspection they
became mixed, and now the mothers will
never know whether they brought up their
own child or not. The mothers don't cart
so much, but the fathers insist the dilem
ma isseiious. Irwin Stittnltinl.
It Senior Flinn's Greater Pittshursr
bill becomes a law: Tin' consolidated city
will contain nearly "miO.ikki people and In
die fourth city in the Fnion. only New
York, Chicago ami Philadelphia Uinir
lamer. Pittsburg will extend down tin
Ohio valley about twelve miles to a short
distance hi low Sewickley, up the Alle
gheny about fourteen miles to above Tar
entumaml Kensington, and up the Mo
nonuahela to atmve MeKeesport. or nine
miles in a direct line. It will contain
about twenty square miles, comprising
Pitts bum.
A fruit tree ak'ent has lieen swindling
some of the farmers in Tinea county in a
slick manner. His plan of operation is to
call upon the farmer with the ostensible
purpose of sell. ni; nursery stock and liirins;
men to work for the nursery company. If
the farmer const nts to accept the position
offered the aei.t asks what the name is,
and then always remarks that it is a
name he ne ver heard before, and for fear
he will folllet it lie requests the fanner to
write his name on a blank form and the
next thinn the victim knows lie is called
on to pay an cxhorbitant price for a large
quantity of trees he never ordered.
Dr. John T. Christy, a prominent Al
tooua physician, died on Thursday even
ing of last week, his death occurring at
the University Hospital, Philadelynia,
w here lie had mine for treatment the week
preceeding iiis deiibise. Tin; deceased was
born in Gallitzin township, this county.
almost 7( years ago. He studied medicint1
at Hollidaysbuig with Dr. Koderique, a
celebrated physician of that place almut
half a century ago, and w ho at one time
was a practising physician of Ebcnsburg.
Dr. Christy settled in Altoona about forty
years ago and resided there up until tin-
time of iiis death. He is survived by his
wife and one son. Dr. Frank Christy.
Piiprr Tlrrii for Hlrjrlrn.
liiLycle rideis w ill be interested in learn
ing that there is taik of supplanting the
popular rubber pneumatic bicycle with one
made of paper. The reason given is that
the latter is much less expensive than the
rubber ones. The 1'itjn r Trmlc Journal
says: "In fact, it is asserted that twopa-
iier tires will, on the machine, cost two
thirds or one-half what a pair of rubber
tires cost, and being less yielding the new
may last much longer. Its champions
claim that it will not break from constant
squeezing and inllatii.ii as &oon as rubber.
The PlilKbarcA r.anlrrn Railroad.
At a meeting of the promoters of the
Pittsburg & Eastern railroad held in Phil
adelphia one day last week. Vice President
Hicks made the follow ing statement about
the new road:
We shall begin the construction of our
line at MahatTey, or Keech Creek end.
t arly in April, or as soon as the weather
will permit. It will be pushed forward as
rapidly a possible, diagonally across In
diana sounty, and the work of construc
tion, although it will lie prosecuted from
the upper end only, would be finished
within 18 months or two years that is for
the main line. You see. to gt.t back to my
original proposition, it's tonnaee we are
after. That means that we will build
many spurs or little connecting roads
through the coal and coke regions, which
will feed our 115 miles of main line suffi
ciently, as we now-estimate, tocouiforiablv
II 1 1 J I.
The route? Oh. yes; as I have intima
ted, we have been feeling after the very
best opening through those generally
mountainous regions. Crossing the Clear
field county line very near Mahaffey. in its
south-westward course, the road will ex
tend as nearly as may be in uniformity
with that course, tapping the points with
greaiest tonnaae, until it bridges the Kis
kiminetas ami linally crosses ihe Indiana
county line and the West Penn road at
Saltsburg. and proceeds on down with
equally easy grades to cross tin; main line
of the Pennsylvania railroad at Latrobe.
From :here to West New ton on the "Pe
micky" the route is a!so an easy one; and
there we are or soon will lie, witii both
Vaiidc rhilt systems in Pennsylvania con
nected an-1 the easiest possible hauls for
long and heavy freight trains.
Our nreseni authorized capitalization is
..71111.11" m. We hall increase it. however,
as the necessity arises. Perhaps it may
be a 11 v a need to 1.000.000 f,,r id,,, n.-, miles
and blanches. You see our plan is to
operate it in sections. Just as soon as we
can complete a division of it that will give
siillicieiit tonnage wc shall run trains on
that division; then push further south as
each new division or section is ready w ilh
the freight.
We are not going to build this road for
fun. but fur business. Weexnect it ulti
iiialtly to be a double-track line. We
shall build all our bridges for two tracks.
Through passenger traflit: will lie a nec
essary outcome, if not a paramount aim,
of the new competitive system. Indeed,
we feel certain that in every way it w ill be
a railroad profitable to its projecting ami
to all its connecting lines.
M a til nicton. It. v. Sx--lal Eirumlon
Via frit iinjI inula Kallral.
There is probably no place that offers so
much in the way of sight-seeing and other
tilings of genera! interest as Washington.
D. C. Apart from being the nation's capi
tal, tin- magnificent government buildings.
beautifully planm-d public parks and the
country through which one passes in jour
neying to Washington would make the trip
an iib-al one.
With the object in view of allowing ev
eryone to visit Washington at a verv reas
onable outlay, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company has arranged four special excur-
ions to that city on January lt, February
-1, March Jl ami April 11. IM.1.1. Excursion
tickets, good within ten days, and permit
ting of stop-over in P.altimore in either
direction within limit, will be sold at rales
quoted In-low, good for use on all trains
exceiit the Pennsylvania Limited. Special
train of parlor and day coaches will be run
on the following schedule:
Kate. leaves.
IohnsUi.AH 7..'l.i li ::' . i
Cresson 7..i.-i 11:1-J a. m.
Altoona 7.:;."i r.'Mi.i p. m.
Washington Ar. 7:4.", p. i
Stop for dinner.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg it I'nion
ticket oflice. Fifth avenue and Smilhlield
street, and I'nion station and at stations
mentioned above. For full information
apply to Thomas E. Watt, passenger agent
Western district, 110 Fifth avenue, Pitts
burg. o:lf unry .
On January 1, is1.!.",, Mrs. James P. Mc-
Cans. of St. Augustine, departed this life
at the age of i"i("i years. When she was IS
years old she married her surviving hus
band and immediately afterward moved
into the then w ilttemt-ss alx-ut five miles
north of the present village of St Augus
tine, this county. Tci: children were horn
tn tliein, six of w hom survive her Mrs.
John Dietrich, of Altoona: Sister Martina,
of Greensburg: James A. and Kobert J.,
of Pat'.on. and Kenneit. of Austin, Potter
county, Pa. About a year ago the tit-ceas
ed was taken ill with jaundice, which cul
minated in a complication of diseases.
Every possible effort w as made to save her
life and the best medical skill was sum
moned, but all of no avail. After receiv
ing all the consolation of the Catholic
faith, of which she w as a most exemplary
member, she passed away, we hope, to a
better world. Her surviving husband and
family hac the profound sympathy of a
large circle of acquaintances and friends.
May tht? soul of ibis truly good woman
rest in peace. n.
MIln and ;oltl.
Something that everybody wants, some
thing that everybody can get by securing
a copy of Vick's Floral Guide for lS'.i."., a
work of art. printed in 17 different tinted
inks, with beautiful colored plates. Full
list with cescription and prices, of every
thing one could wish for vegetable, fruit
or flower garden. Many oases of new
novelties, encased in a chaste cover of sil
ver and gold.
I'uiisual ami and astonish jng offers, such
as sweet peas for 11 cents a pound, .'toil.ilil
for a name for a new double sweet pea, etc.
If at all interested in seeds or plants send
lo cents at once for a copv of Vick's Floral
Guide, which amount may In- deducted
from fust order, to James Vick's Sons,
Koehester, X. Y., ami learn the many bar
gains this firm is offering.
Hnokamlrv'n Hitting Plner.
A party of hunters who wen- hunting in
the mountains of Indiana county on Sat
urday last report that they found John
Pookamire, who murdered his father-in-law,
named Cunningham, near Glen Camp
bell, about a year ago. Whilein the woods
they noticed smoke, issuing from a crevice
in a rock and discovert d an entrance to a
cave, w hicii was comfortibly fitted upas
a living room. They entered and in a
short time Itookamire came in with a ri
fle over his shoulder. When he saw that
lie was ideniilieti lie aimed his gun at tin
party and forced them to w alk back w ard till
he was out of sight. They had nothing
but revolvers w ith them, having sent their
guns on a wagon. The county commis
sioners tif Indiana county offer a it-ward of
."-110 for the capture of Pookamire.
3larrlaic Llrrnim.
The follow ing marriage licenses were Is
sued by the Clerk of the Orph-tns' Court
for the week ending Thursday, January 10,
Alex Welier and E Sultzgasele.
Peter 1j. Swank, Somerset county, aud
Emma C. Orris, Cambria county.
Charles E. Kerry. Johnstown, aud Ester
Palmer. Morrellville.
Aaron Goldman. Hastings, aud Dora
Goldstein, South Fork.
Sylvester Plummer. Summer hill, and
Catharine McDonnell, Elirenfeld.
Kolliu Holsopple and Anna K. Schiving,
Johiistow n.
The jury commissioners are at work
this week filling the jury vheel with
names to be draw n out during the coming
year. TOO names will be put lu the w heel.
AfMon Hhonld B Csrelnl.
This beitg the year of the triennial as
sessment, the several assessors should not
forget that their work sustains a very
close relation to the state school appro
priation. The act of assembly governing
this is as follows:
"That it shall be the duty of the com
missioners of each county to ascertain,
triennially, w ith the assistance of the rep
resentative assessors, the exact number of
taxable citizens residing in each school
district in their several counties, and to
certify the same under their hands and
seals of the oflice. to the superintendents
of the common schools, who is hereby di
rected to adout the number of laxables
thus certified to him as the basis of dis
tribution of the state appropriation,
which said certificate shall be prepared
and transmitted on or before the first Mon
day in June in every third year, com
mencing with the first Monday in June,
A. I)., one thousand eight hundred and
It, therefore, becomes the duty of the
assessors to return along with their assess
ment the number of resident taxables for
school purposes. This return becomes the
basis for ths distribution of the state ap
propriation for the next three years. The
more taxables reported the larger will be
the state appropriation to the district.
Assessors should not miss a resident taxa
ble, w Inch is, as we understand it, all citi
zens of a district male or female who
pay tax upon property, occupation or
money. It also includes resident taxables
through undivided estates. For instance:
John Kaufman's estate is taxed but not
yet divided. There may lie one or more
female heirs, win), though not taxed in
their own right, are yet taxed through
their undivided share in the Kaufman es
tate, and should Ik; returned as taxables
in that district.
We know that much of the supposed
unjust distribution of the appropriation
has its source in the return of taxables by
the assessors to the county commissioners.
A full and complete return will insure the
full and just approrpiatiou. which now av
erages alMiut Xll to eyery taxable, and
omissions liecome quite a serious matter
w hen so much is at stake.
Krnl F.nlatf. Transfer.
Theodore Cover et ux. to Xicholas
ly, Coiiemaiigli; consideration, ".'."ii.
Paul Kreitzer to John Kopek, 'Jarroll,
Jackson S. Spangh-r et ux. to Cambria &
Clearfield railroad. Elder, 1.
Assignee of Frank E. ami Laura L. Al
ter to Joshua C. Duncan. Morrellville, J3il.
Thomas Karnes et ux. to W. I). Itigler.
Susquehanna, 1,017.
Cambria Iron Company toEphraim Wis
singer. East Coneniaugli, :i."-i.
Cambria Iron Company to Ephraim Wis
singer. East Coneniaugli. f4.--o.
Louie Courty et vir. to H. J. Vandusen
et al.. Elder. ."io.
Theo. Cover et ux. to John Yaruick et
al.. Coneniaugli tow ushiu, Jl.
Susan Conrad et al. to John Conrad,
Administrator of Orpha J. Evans to John
M. Schmidt, Wilmore, .17.".
Guardian of Mary Fieidhoff to John
Coi.rad, Lilly. 14.
Webster Griffith et us. to Tim Sheehan.
Clearfield, l,oou.
Jonathan Horrocks to C. F
Couemaugh township, t'2M.
Claude M. Johnson et ux.
to Win.
Schneider, Johnstowu, $1.
Annie Keiper el al. to Charles F.
executor, Adams, pi.
Joshua Kauffman et ux. to John
ti. A.
Hildebraud, Croyle, ."i.
Daniel S. McAnulty et ux. zo JacobCon
nor, Uarnesboro, 13-!.
Marv Pringle et al , to David J. Buck,
Washington township, 1.
Amos W. Kow hind et ux. to Dr. Abner
Griffith et al., Klacklick, .too.
Annie Stuveret vir. M. 15. Stevens, West
Taylor, tl.
J. E. Spangler, trustee, to John G. C.
KearcT, Spangler, -7.'.
M. K. Stevens to William Stuver, West
Taylor, 1.
Walter C. Steyer et al. to Malinda A.
Stever, Lilly, Lilly, 1.
Knad Bills.
The new road bills will claim the at
tention of the legislature shortly, as they
have already been introduced in the sen
ate, with the probability that they will
Soon be rcnortcd from committee snvs th
llarrisburg Tilojra)ih. The first provides I
far the construction, improvement aud
maintenance of public roads; the assess
ment and collection of road taxes; the
election and to define the duties of county
and township supervisors next Xovember,
w ho are to examine candidates for town
ship supervisors to be elected in February,
W'.; tor annual conventions of the town
ship supervisors; for the permunent im
provement of the roads by the use of stone,
wood, or other durable materia', and for
h;tiing contracts to property owners to
beautify and permanently improve public
roads abutting on their property, accord
ing to the uniform plans and specifications
of the road convention and supervisor of
the county. The other road bill makes an
appropriation of annually fur
road purposes, the fund to be disbursed to
the various counties in proportion to the
number of miles of public road in each,
and requires the road supervisor to measure
all such roads aud make sworn returns of
the same.
There will be road bills and road bills
by the score, and there will be good, bad
and indifferent road bills. from which the
legislature ill have to make a Selection,
but at all eveets there should be a new
road bill. That is imperative. The roads
of Pennsylvania are in a miserable con
dition. They are the merest apology for
roads, and this condition exists because
we have no good road law that will compel
the lieu in charge to keep the roads in
good condition. Give the stale this kind
of a law.
Arianral I.I la.
List of causes set down for argument at
argument court, Monday, January 21,
Fearl vs. Clark.
Edisoi. General Electric Company vs
Cressw ell.
LTse Sanford vs. Powell.
Drass vs. McCloskey.
Horner vs. Wilson.
Wolfe vs. Erie City Iron Works.
Lradley vs. Brown et al.
In re rule ou John 1. Hertzog. super
In re report of auditor to distribute A.
C. McClelland fund.
Excelsior IS. vt L. Association vs. Ken
Lvset vs. Ileslop.
Keik vs. Kick.
In re report of auditor to distribute J. A.
Marsh fund.
In re road in Allegheny townshiD.
In re Walnut street in Gallitzin borough.
in re rule on assignee 01 Keynolds &.
m ov n.
In re nile on assignee of M. Ii. II. Creery,
L. J. Amond Jc Co., vs. Itutterwortli.
City of Johnstown vs. Witt.
German Xational Kuilding & Loan As
sociation vs. Fleck.
Dunmire v.s. Dunmiro.
Evans, vs. Williams.
Ferguson vs. Davis.
City of Johiistow n vs II. &. O. It. R. Co
Borough of Morrellville vs. Homier.
J. C. llAKBT,
The following cases will be presented for
argument at argument court Monday,
January 21, ltf.O:
In re exceptions to partition of the real
estate 01 J lnlip Warner, deceased.
In re exceptions to account of John S.
Wicks, trustee to sell the real estate of Ja
cob Kelgard, deceased.
Daniel A. Mc-Goroir.
Clerk O. C.
Almost m Sew York Dally.
That Democratic wonder, the Xew Y'ork
Weekly JlVrd, has just changed its week
ly into a twice-a-week paper, and yo.i can
get the two papers a week for the sai le old
price 1.00 a year.
Think of P.! The news from Xew- York
right at your door freh every three days
104 papers a year.
The Fhkkman and the lrcrW will be
sent to any address for one year $2:uu.-
M Iwrllaoroaa IVotlrea.
THE Ebenstmrir BulMlng a. Lrfian Association
I will niter for sale at the council chamber. Kb
tOgbu'K, on the .'ourlh .Monday la January.
l.txu.0u. THUS. HAMS,
Lbsticb LiKmsR, Secretary. President.
WfANt KD A responsible an.i'eocrveMe man
Tf to handle L.iKhlDln Kixls in Cumbria
couuty. E. K. HtlMaOK..
jiDll i 8 Market St.. Pitutburic, Pa.
JL A tie eliiht room bouse on royd street,
t or particular call on fc.. IM'tTON,
Ebenaburg , Pa.
The hltthest market price paid Tor all kinds
ol Fnrs by lieorne 1. Fredericks, Ebenshunr, Pa.
The Atlantic Refining Co., of
Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminating and Lubricating Oils,
Naphtha and Gasoline
That can be
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the
Most : Uniformly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
Hardware. Qucensware,
maw Suly
Policies written at short noice la the
And other Flrai t'laaa Companies.
T. W. "DICK,
Ebensbnra. Jniy l. 188'i.
Mountain House
'PHIS well-known and Ion established Sharing
Parlor is no w located on ('entre street, op
posite the livery stahle ot O'Hara. Davis i L.uth
er. where the hoslness will l e carried on in the
SHAMPOOINO done In the beatest and must
artistic mauner. ('lean Towels a seclalty.
a.ia0iies wanea on at tneir residences.
Notice Is hereby clven that the underpinn
ed bavtnit been apiolnled Auditor to distribute
the fund In the bands of M. I. Kltiell. Esq.. Ad
ministrator ul toe estate ol Hernar.l Jlrt olKin.
deceased, as shown 1t bis second and final to
ennnt to th. se tettall entitled thereto, will sit at
District Attorney's Offlce In Court House. Kbens
1. urn. on FK1DAY. JANl'AKY 'ISt. 1SMV at 10
o'clock, a. m . , when and where those Interested
11 aj attend or be forever debarred trcin com.u
In onsaid lund. H. H. MY KKS.
Jan. 11, 1SU5. Auditor.
In the matter ol the first and final account
ol A. W. Buck. Ass In nee of W. K. Jones, for the
benefit ol creditors.
Hnvlntt teen appointed Auditor to report a
distribution oi tne lund in the nanus ol said ac
countant. notice Is berebv given that 1 will sit
at my mce in tne txruitb ol r-r.enat.urv on ai
urday. the ivth day ol January, li. at 10 o'clock
a m.. tor the purpose of discharging the duties
of said appointment, when and where all persons
Interested shall attend or be forever debarred
trotn coming In on said fund.
Jan. 4, ISVft. Auditor.
j Notice Is hereby iclven that the andersliin-
ed bavlnit Keen appointed Auditor to 1 if tribute
the fund In the hands of James M. Shumaker,
trustee to sell real estate of Joseph W. Iance. a
shown by bis first and Onal account, to those le
a-ally entitled thereto, will sit at District Attor
ney's Office in Oourt House. Enensrur. on r Kl
DAY. JAN. 18. lbub. at III o'clock a. v., when
and where those Interested ma attend or be for
ever debarred from coming In an said lund.
Jan. 4. 1SU6. Auditor.
lir k .T'Vi1?r Enencetlc men to sell
II 1 1 I j I our choice and complete
line ol Nursery Stock and seed potatoes. tliKh
. n .1 Mnmrnlaalnn . b 1 .1 -klv Pailnv
and permanent position guaranteed and success
assured to good men Secial Inducements to
beginners. Expetlence not necessary. Exclusive
territory and your 00 choice of same given. Do
O rowers and Propagators, Ko-hester, N. Y.
augj 10
i By virtue of an order of the Court of Com
mon Pleas ol Cambria county, notice Is hereby
riven that 1. John E. Burns, assignee ol James
W. Kll.lufl. I. r the benefit ot his creditors, will
on tne xistday or January, itwa. at z o c on, r.
at., appear In open court k r the purpose ol ac
knowledging- a deed reassigning to tbe said
Jamer W. Klldutl tbe real estate heretofore as
signed to me. JOHN E. HI' KNS,
Assignee of lamea W.KIIdufl.
Oallitiln. Jan. 11, 18V4.
XTOT1CE Is hereby given that the following
1 accounts nave been Died In the Court of
Commsn Pleas cf Cambria county, Prnr.a., and
will be confirmed by said Court on Monday. Jan
uary alb I, ltfi&, unices cause be shown to the con
First and final account of John Hanoan. as
signee ot John U. Iarkin.
Second and final account of Charles J. Mayer,
assignee ol John P. Klnta, J.U.IUKtit,
Jan. 11. 18U. Protbonotary.
II Notice la heretiy altren that an flection ol
directors 01 the Protection Mutual Klre Insurance
tiompany ol Cambria tJonnty will tie held at tbe
ottlie ol the Secretary In KhensuurK. Pa., on
MONDAY. JANl'AKY 14. 18V6, between tbe
hoars of 10 a. at., and 2 r. m.
llee. 14. Ism. Secretary
Beat AH of the Many Sfai'tliiig flDnes
We JHIavc Been GMIcriiiii.
A Word to Economical
Men's Suits.
For $.- ri wo will s.ll you a Suit equal in
make, material and style to any vou have
evei boiiiftit for for tr.Mur fcum".
At fm.m we will sell an elecant line of
of Cassimers. liotigh Cheviots, I nlinisheii
WorsiiHis Suits worth spot Cash Jl.l.isi
KoiikIi shifting Suits as low a I Kl
worth ai'tual value to any one t:,.M.
Clotting Department
Is one mammoth selection of all styles of
patttrns ami styles of makes at astonish
ing low prices.
Children's Doul.le-lSreasted Suits at
fl.'-'S to f5.!i0.
Children's Overcoats, with or without
Capes, ( 1.J5 to 4.:"i.
Hoys' Suits, all sizes, for tX and up to
Hoys Overcoats at anv figure vou want,
as we have them to suit everybody.
We have a line that will attract every
body. Men's working Pants for 73 cents.
Men's si-tilf or evening I'ants for !..
tl.-Ts i.T and f-'.oo.
Men's tine dress I'ants for $.l.tiiaud tin to
Hoys knee Pants for 20 cents, - cents.
tt cents, 75 cents, '." cents.
C2?We can save you lots of money by
buyine your Overcoat from us.
1 1 eav v Hersey Overcoats, blue or black
lontr. .'atest style, for ti.t to rr..
Moscow Heaver, all wool, for .(!.
"Anv Overcoat that we have left from
last season we are willing to sacrifice '
cents on the dollar on. thus:
tio.m Overcoat for only f.voi
5.t Overcoat for ri
'.'..Kl Overcoat for 1.75
We bought a job lot Laundried Shirts,
very fancy, worth will sell them off,
for 5o cents.
Outing Shirts, full yard long, for 2.1
Solid duck Shirts, all colors for 2.1 cents.
Black satine, extra heavy, for .10 cents.
tSTlSUSBID 1872.
Johnston, Iiuck & Co.7
A. W. Bl t'K, lasbler.
Establish bd'ISSS.
Carrolltown Bank.
T. A. Nil ARB A rUII, (ashler.
General Banting Business Transacted
Tbe followtt-uz are tba DrlnclDal faatnrea ol
teener Al bataaint business :
KerelTed paraMe on demand, and Interest haar
inn certificates Issued to lime depositors.
ftltmM (A mi 1
. vu iniun luv
approved paper discounted at all times.
MariA In th IfWsmlltW n J mnn alt Ka k .
towns In tbe United States. I 'halves moderate.
Issued neotlable In all parts of tbe t'nltxl
States, and lore Inn ezcbanice Issued on 1I parts
of to rot e.
Ol merchants, farmers and others solicited, to
whom reasonable accomodation will be extended.
r irons are assured tbat all transactions shall
be held as strictly private and confidential, and
that they will be treated as liberally as Rood
..u,iu bin win peraiu
Respect fully,
fmidr tU. Vashirr.
First National Bank
PATTON. Cambria Co., Pa.
Capital, paid np, - - $50,000.
Accounts of Corporations. Firms and Individuals
received upon tbe most favorable terms
consistent with sale and conserva
tive BanklaK.
Steamship Tickets lor sale by all the lead lot;
Lanes and Korelxn Iralts payable In any
of Ibe principal cities ol the
Old World.
All correspondence will have our personal and
prompt attention.
Iilsml Paid em Tine Dcpoalta.
Attorneys tit Iivw,
(dice on Centre street. (4 28 93
Attorneys at livv9
Aw-Offlie In Opera House. 3.9.M
Kbbbhbcbs. Pbwb'a'
-Speclal attention to given claims for Pen
sion tiounty. etc em- two
AavOOce on Centre street.
Esssssusa. Pa.
AwPUftee In Uollonade Bow. on Centre street.
Essssbfss, Pbitba
KVOOce la Opera House. -en ter street.
It I &CERTS SrthSplw.v'ritinuw
0. A. SMTT.w lark UU
Buyers CoDcernini Fall M Muter Goofls:
e can" cive you I'mlcn-Iothing to
suit the cold wea therefor ' cent iM i Mijt
These goods are extra heavy, verv soft ai d
non-shriitkiiig. Try it.
If you want to wear latest, we have it
at a price to suit vou. We s. !l ll..i f...;it formerly soltl for 1. .111.
caps, extra heavy, fur stormy weather,
2.1 cents.
Fur Caps, with peak, for c.-nts. Voil
never botiirht one lor less than
India blue ('ulinu.s ..II .. r -
cents. Other stores selltli. ui for 7 and -cents.
I lark Calicoes for .1 cents per yard
Turkey red oil Calico ? for t. cents for
mer price, cents.
Shaker Kl:t rtnt.l full .. ...1 .. r .-
..... ...... n un-, (ill
cents per yard.
.Muslin. t.Uach.Ml or unbleached, full yard
wide, for onlv 1 cents.
I.aiii-aM.-r (iiiiL'liain fur ' cent- per yard
Dark Outing ( loth. Mn nis M-r yard.
Crash, bleached or mil. le:.. I, .-1 f..V -.
Cretonne, 8 cents, former nrice 1.1 cent
per yard.
All ciol dress l'laids for onlv 12 cents.
Handsome dark Saline for 121, cents per
Wool Cashmere, all colnrs. for 21 cents.
Ladles' Cloth. 4s inches wide, for : 1 cents
Surah Silk, all colors, for 4o cents.
Velvet, all colors, for 4.1 cents.
Slocking Yarn, all colors, 4 cuts for "T
Saxony Yarn, all colors, 3 cuts for i
Kilihcd Vests. h,g I,.eve for 2.1 cents.
1-Jeece lined wool Vel. ."iOcelit.
Natural wool and scarlet vests for 7.".
Children's wool Hose, lo cents.
Trimming Hraid from 1 cent a vatd up.
All sizes and colors ladies" Corset from
4s cents to
Ladies' wool Skirts for 7.1 cents, worth
f 1 .2:1.
1-ply Carpet Chain, all colors, for 20
I r 11 1 .
tiray Hlankets, extra heavy, for 7.1 cents
a. 1 a 1 1 .
White Hlankets. extra heavy, 1'. wide
for il. in.
i"ovv Hlankets, all wool, extra heavy
Haps, all colors, from .10 cents to c':.2.i.
fY 711 TT71 ft rm
Of Dry, Hoots. Shoes and Rubbers at the popular
wholesale ami retail store of J. W. SHARBAUCH for 30
days only. We will ahvavs tlo what wr snv It xvHl v
you to come 10 miles to buy
fuftiu.eiy sue you o. we
you an idea:
1-inea.ster Clingliani?, 5 ccnL-s.
Int Prints, ." touts.
Irt-ss (;mk!s, r';,il:ir price 'J.""c.. "V.. 4-V.,
price now, 15c.f -h.:, ",.V., 1-V., rc. anJ 7k-.
Having opened un in the shoo
the West ward of Ebensburjr, I
Wagon and Cariage work on the
terms. Special attention given
A 1
1 jan 11. .--.iii
In all its Latest and Most Improved Methods.
Automatic Su, ti..ti Cavil i.-. Iliin.iinini I'lat.-r-. (..w:w aii.l I'.ri.l
1,Ti '1. 1 '"l"'- A1.S. Wit 1 1. .id I'ain l.v iLsi,, ',..f. MavV l
t"r KllMlt-!! Vl-ars" -Mn-I i.-ll.f. KirO W.'.l II "... .! ....
lUiN-s. All Work Warrant,,!.
Boer IcniLs Stru ly tUsh.
1'J.H.iM turv M;llI1 smvl-
siuntV o. -se a.Tm. ,e . Illy
formation wnt free to any addres.
W . II. KOW AN. tsecretAry.
Estate ol ti corse Hoolnacle. decew.1.
Ietters of administration on (lie estate ol
Oeonce Hontnaitle. late ot Harr t n-hlp. Cm
bria county, deceased, having tr-n s-mnted to
us. all irsons in.lct.tcl to said estate are hcretv
notified to maka lmmel'.ate pavment and those
bavlnit claims attain! the same to rercnl thecu
Iroerly aulbenticatcl li.r settlement.
Al tll'MIN iv KIKSt'H.
Barr Twp., Nov. 30. Administrators.
Special Drivo in Ladies'Coats
All new styles. large i.iitf sh-evi fur
trimmed, tight lining, extra large t.utiot s.
w ith very large roll collar, for H..V1 and up
to f 14.011.
fldlll kl 1 i-ri.t, v i ! I L. w.T.i .s- 1... If
till ! li: ill ;i I i. ilui: ir .:
a.."t- fur l.7.
We are M.M k.-d to our fullest capacity.
f-iiece I.eii-riHiiii Suit., -j 1 1 1 . . r. 1 .. ... ..1
CuiilNiards. with role i
forcil.01 never was si,i u-fore f..r
? l.l.i si.
A new style Sink. with two drawers, ex
tra large basin, w it li lid can be changed
til a iJelo:ird w I ...t it. ii. f.. ....I..
fs.iii. Iii fact, our line i all new and com
When in m-cd of S!JtPes vou can find a full
sebction in men's, ladies". .os' aid
bildren s. e ijiiote you a few leaders:
Ladies doligo'a tin i.n11..n I w.iril.
Lailles" lirt Huichorette. 1.7.1. w oi l 1.
Ladies' hand turned lnitt " "j u..rt)i
Men's tin congress or lace. 1.2.1. worth
Men's too sob- bidgan. 'r. cents, worth
Men's ton sole grain l:n e 1 '.". w ort I,
Men's calf till congress or I:o-e "(
w i t 2.7.1.
Men's congress, all r. in si,. 1 mi
w ori!i" .'.no.
Wecairy a full line of men's Kip Hoots.
ur line of KubU-rs is complete.
An Invitation.
oiirstIM k is as fair lo look upon a a
pretty maiden's face.
The newest, worthiest ideas of men's
and women's wear are always in our store.
Take our 2.7.1 calf Shoes tor iih-u for in
stance; also our ladies' 2..1oiutigola shoe.
They're made dy baud, which means
lamoiig other go.Ml things, that there ale
no naiis or -tllrlics to hurt the f.-et.
All new shapes, loo.
I imp in and s. e lln-m.
Yours truly.
s0 worth of poods, as we will 51
quote you a tew prices to give
v.. M. AS .
latelv occur.i.-d bv.T A ;
am prepared to tlo all kinds of
shortest notice and on reasonable
to Repair work and satisfaction
" "g i.-a..ii:il...
,.,, ,,,,,. Iltrtll lf M j, fl.ur.-li, ;ailitin. Vs
.K.M.'be.l.sp.rtMthe Western Ca.versi,.
TTur ,n ,h' ""T
atal.oe and Journal containinit full lo-
Ltv, , t tN D ,nrl(a
ll'ANlEii.-Lonii nd traveling mImio.i to
" nandle our Hardv Canadian lrc.n Nar
serv St.M-k.
Ue cuarantee sat:taction to rerrtwentatives
and coMomer. t ur Xawrfi are the lsrvet in
the li.'minltin over Tw acrts. 'o sul.stitull..n
In or.ters t.trluoe tere.t..rv and literal lruj
to hole or part time aircuM Write
SltiMCai WKI.MMilTt'N.
Head fthre. Toronto.
The r-nly Kurcery In auada navinK music