ill . tit ' -rJ-J tfnmlttin .freeman y ;f V-l'.t t:i. CAMISKIA CO., PA. "iMHAV. - - SKPTKMIJKU 14. 1M. 41. M PKKMOAI. I , f:iir uponi-il on Monthly. . i ii w:i horn at harp lair; with ; , lv;in. of IIo!!iia burs:. w as in A M..nti;iy. w.i- hi lil :it I In- Opera House on , , I.. ali y. F-:-i.. of Lilly, was at . . .. .! t on Mumitiv. i: . . ial -ay there is a scarcity of Thai"- nothing r.ew. . ; men of torei irti irth were i niirt on Monday. I . : - -re derailed hy a wreck on , n i.u!r'ad on Monday, yi .;. ii 'aiitl man. if I liicauo. :s vis- . r. I .1 li a-y. in this place. V A K lltiU-t. of I'atton. was a . I ;I IMA N oil ice on Tuesday. M ii I iii Hell, of llollidaystiuri;. ' I.. IX elllllll -"---liill uf I lllirt III! ; -truck tin roof of Maple - : i aii- rnoon. hut did little t ; ; i. ! Met 'a he and sister. Miss v . ; 1 1 1 1 ir t l.i- family of Mr. : s-'.iH army lias ?l.ut v l.ili 1 lo of the limit pre- Lank has clo-ed its : a-t i in-. 1 his time at i ' 1 - ! :n i (. ii printed for a . . . - -; ; i. -on evening. : ' ' -. ..I I i.'.i rfii 111. and .1 Uihe i i. wi ie in atli'iiduuce at v ..i-. - i - -joli- a lot of i hop from V ;n i uiit'iia town-hip. one r-ani .1 1 'h II-to W n people i - uet-k at tliet!. A. ;; !i ii. I .iiioiratic candi . a- in ton ii this week - . . !..!,.(-. ;. :. I -.Ii ol I". T. UohertS. - ; , .itt.-n.l tate l'o!li;;e - ! J " I III. - a ii. I u if.-, of New York . - Mr. and Mr-. - A. - : . ' - piai e. V ;...!. clotliier of Lilly. . . . : . ' :--ue. w Inch w ill in . .- ,... .. - .i t clot hint:. i. ' : .' lv l.a- lu eii -ecured for .l lii-t-t t lie low us of .- j- - ! and lio-Uiro. ' - ' machines have heeii .' n I v onh r of Mayor i . : '.: pie i olllpaiilleti. i . .'ed for peaches - . : a ... . ; in.i'.y a frugal lioii-e- ; , ' ' ''.. her u-uai aminiut. i - - ir .i I .t of Dr. M. li. V.. I a;, -treet. Klien-hiir. w ii 1 - : ;. t.. Mr. K. K. t r. --w. ll for T of Mr. Itart McCain . - i L.'!ad !. learn t hat he . : Venn from hi-.-erioii V ' ' ::.' ..f the Kheii-hurir - .' t , ii was derided to . ! for ls ". during the last II irli. -. a former re-i-.i i .t a I o ha- for many i'i Iowa, i- vi-i'.iutr ; i - I of ( ariolltow n. ac- - i daughters. Misses 1 .-!.. l-llo - lo LlieliS- i! i- : Kepiiitiiean riiii . ,- t i ; ieil f. .r a speech 1 1 ' '''! !l!h. and at Johns- i . -!.!... rl I of Ilenri- . . i'. . Acit.-d over the al- ' a "ii. -tlver an I copper '. 1 . ' ' ' ' I efol llled'" Welsh . ... . a .i- h ! . need at Lan- . en year- imprison ! iitiary. 1 1 ; . piayed in t he . II on Saturday . . : i.. e. Ii j- a iiood a ; , ,,; iie-t nil t here. i .i'..-..,.v for this ' M . I.oj.n, Ilou-e. Al- . . ! : i. ! of la-I W eek 'I . - a- leiiominated hv ' ii :T law dealer- in . . ! i pu I a t w o-Cell t i i. .1- r. t hev -ell. A -' ' '. i.i l.l III to t rollhle : - ii ove a horse to N i: the aui- t: i. . m without ! . . i; i tne.'t) lo I.' i . ! Mnith. of tie " ow n. ha inn ' . . After trettiiu: - .tie- -ln-ilii thief IV- - !. - w ad. t - I i ll r tow li-hi p A , 1' I. ;ti her- f. .r M I reel i a Kir-ch. M. Nupp. Mi ' 1 u a I li ii iii and ' !.. el.itjoll of the .1 lo , an -t 1 1 et . in ii n.i r.i a .lohns- t ! I I.e -1 ruet m e I'. . I .1. I lav i-. uf ': i i . of t hi- p'aco. ' t I teat t y. We-t -'! i.e w l i ! p ur-lle his - - ' . . lie was " " -;er. M i-s I'annie, ' ' ii. mi's Acade- ' ' ' 1 1 ! I i VVtl will lie '-' '-'? and . on t he ''"i. at that pl.n-i-. it.- now ! i ii ti ' he in Aiia'-T.-m.-iit ; 'he i,e-t fairs in the 1 ' i ' it;. ; : h.oir.iad ( ompatiy ' ii v ..f internal af- ' !'-r t w en t v ;n res of ' 'A '' '' 'his county. ''' many year- since. ' 1 1 '!lh had ;' ' '! ' ' he i uanis. II if Wiimore, I'a.. em ' .r i y t a o va!i-cs from '' : " to the I'nion de- ' 1 y alley and Fourth : ' Le lllie Of the t,:ir:..Ie j contained ar- 'l ""bill's fill, III ' ' .. '' 't.ree KU-iishuri. yonnff staiteil to walk to i .. "" ''' I ' ''atioii of taking a ' U,. '"' f"i the "w ild and '-v.r ri achiiui t 'lesson, NC; ,1'-'"'Ti-l hy Mr. J. -nc t . i. ineir llllenilons. J- II to ion. Mr. .1. T. Ailman, lecturer of the Pennsylvania Stale (Jrange and of the People's party for povernor of Pennsylvania, will deliver a lecture at Carrolltow n. at So'clock this (Ftiday)even iiiK. September 1 1th. The lecture will oe in the interests of the farmers' organiza tions and w ill W. oten to the public. Fourth-class postmasters have been empowered by an act passed at the recent session of Coiiirrt-ss to take veterans" affi davits and till out pension vouchers. This will he a "Teat convenience to old soldiers living in rural communities, w ho can go to the nearest postmaster instead of a justice of the peace or court officer. 1'apt. John M. Jones Post C A. K.. of EliensburK. and a number of other people from this neighborhood left on the Pitts burc Special on Monday niorninir for the Smoky City, where they went to take part in i ue e.veicises ol l lie national encamp ment of the Orand Army of the Kepublic, The delegation numbered about 75. William I leftletitiL'er. of Armstrong township, likely has the boss crop of wheat in this county. From two acres the yield was ft; bushels, machine measure. He weighed one bushel and it tipped ihe lcaiii at tv.t pounds. This yield is hard to beat and Mr. II. w ill hold the palm until some one does better. IlilUtlul Mcxxrtlijcr. A Washington eleprain says: Infoi mation received by Comptroller Kckels from the 1'nited States bank examiner, states t hat the Second National bank of Altoona. Pa., will probably be in condi tion to resume business shortly after the I".th iiist. The bank's capital, it will lie recalled, was impaired by the cashier ab sconding with its funds. Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock a lecture will be given al the Church of the Holy Name, in this place by Kev. Ir. Learning, of Yoiingstow n. Ohio. The lec luie is a defense of Uhrist iani ly. or a reply to Col. Robert Ingersoll. The leveiend gentleman is an orator of marked abilitv, ami no one should miss t his opportunity of hearing him. Admission, cents. The Peiinsy lvai.ia Railroad Company is moving slowly but surely toward ex tending a branch fiom Johnstown to Somerset i-oiinty's coal fields. They snm iimiied a couple of Johnstow n's business men to Ph I ladel nhia last w eek lo consult about the project. There is no doubt of the construction ot the line, hut tin exaci iniite is not yet know 11. 'ii-x(7 I ti lllm fnt. Mr-. Kila M. Farrelt ilieil of consump tion at t he residence of her husband. Archil- l-'arrell. near Spaugler. on SeptemU-r .'lid. isot. ai:ed about :!'. years. She is siir- iveil by her hu-hand. In-r father, four In others and iwosisters. The funeral set -vices w ere held ill t he Cat holic Church at Spaugler on Wedne-dav morning, after which her remains were laid to re.-1 in t he Nickti wn cemetery. On Saturday evening, while Mereh McCoimeli. an electrician of the Kh-ctric Light Company, at Irwin. We-i morelaiid county, wa- at the top of a poll' trying to fu-ea transformer, be came in contact with a live wire, and two thousand volts of electricity pa-sed through his boly. cau-inj him to inu to the ground dead. The unfortunate man was twenty-one years old. and made his home with his w idow ed mot her. In the 1'nited States district court in Williams-port la-t Friday afternoon. Wil liam Woodside was placed on trial for pas sing counterfeit coin at vaiious places in northern Cambria county. When arrested :! his home in Susijiiehanna township. Wood-ide had in his possession two coun terfeit dollars, but t he test illletiy developed the fact that they bal come into his hands while selling w hi-key at a picnic in Lang don's grove. He was acijuitted. A sad tragedy occurred in Johnstown on Sunday night. Miss Flora Marsh, the beautiful daughter of James A. Mar-h. and her companion, Sidney Callihan, were in the former's room at her father's, resi dence, when Miss Callihan. in looking through a drawer ina dresser in the room, discovered a revolver. She took it from its place and without warning the weapon exploded, the hall entering Miss Marsh's head near the temple. Heath resulted in a few hours. Harry Taylor, a young colored man. went into a jewelry store at Johnstown on Wednesday and asked the cli rk to see some watches. Two were shown him. when he asked the salesman which he could the lietler spare. T.Te clerk named hi-choice, and Taylor took the one men tioned, put it into his pocket and started on a run down the street. He was eap t n red by the police and landed in the Klien-hiirg jail mi Thursday, w here he will await trial for larceny. On Thursday of l.i-t week Alderman I'.lake. of Altoona. i.-sued a warrant for the arrest of Milton H. Ilolsinger, former inerlv of Ftien-hurg. who is charged by his wife with stealing '-" from a bureau drawer, w here -he had placed the money for safe-keeping. The -aine day an oflicer w as Sent Up to Khen-lill rg. where he secured hi- prisoner, and after placing him in the Li.en-I'iirg jail till the next morning, es corted him to Altoona. and thence to the Ilolliday-hurg jail for trial. There w ill be a partial eclipse of the moon to-day i Friday w hich w ill be visible in 1 his section. The moon will enter the cart h's hadow mi Friday night at lo:"J o'clock: t he middle of the eclipse w ill be at 1 1 :'J." o'clock and the noon will leave the earth's shadow twenty-one minutes after midnight. The magnitude of the eclipse wiil lie a trifle less than one-fourth of i be moon's diameter on the iioithern limb. The point of thelirst contact with t he -liailow w ill h: the north point of the moon's limb. The pluck of a girl, who jumped from a second-story window, resulted in the killing of a biirgular near Dubois. Clear field county, on Tuesday night. Three thieves broke into John Funk's house early Tiie-day morning. While they were gag ging ami binding Mr. and Mrs. Funk, the I'.i-year-old daughter escaped by means of her lied room window, and alarmed the neighbors. The men were .'.". minutes ran sacking the house, ami during this timean armed posse wa organized. When the burglars attempted to leave they were tired upon. 11. C. Itowser was shot almve the right knee, but his two companions escaped. Ituwser's leg was frightfully mangled by a rille shot, and be did that af ternooii. after it had been amputated. The newspapers have begun the an nual scare about the u-e of water, and ac cording to some it would lie a safe precau tion lo carry a tea kettle, so as to be able to start a lire and tmil the water before taking a drink. The effect seems to be to make the use uf water unpopular, vxceiit when boiled into a thoroughly disagree able condition. It is doubtful whether three-fourths of the advisers of such a course ever drink water when tin y could get beer. There may be something in the theory of the improved heali hful;u-s of water when boiled, but the scar- given to people by making them afraid of a glass of water, or a green apple, or a w atcrinelon. is liable to do more injury to their nervous -y-tem than can he done by eat ing and drinking every thing that comes along, like our ancestors did. It U not safe to say that drinking bacteria cooked, with a con stant fear and trembling lest some might not In- well do, is any healthier than eat ing them raw , in ignorance of their e isianceor oulidence in their digestibility. A good many healthy ;eople are made sick by fear of getting sick. MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE. J.4MF.N -tlrll.VOV tlVI(Tl:ll X Tl lAIIlT EVK.MX;. The Mcllvoy murder case from Tunnel hill borough was taken up in court on Tuesday morning and occupied the atten tion of the court all day. The jury was impaneled with little diffi culty. Out of twenty-live men called, the following were selected: Paul Prmgle, Fiank Stophel, John S. Davis, Tobias Moody. Samuel Arthurs. Harry L. Horn er, O. C. Hansom. Jacob Miller, George C. Diehl. John Fritz, John Rineoolt and Matthew Copelin. Patrick ISoylen was the first witness called and testified as follows: "I was home during the afternoon of Saturday, August is, 1S'.4. lietween the hours of 3 and 1 o'clock I heard two shots tired, fol lowed in a few seconds by a third. After a short period of quiet I heard a fourth shot. I went out on the street and met James Mcllvoy, who told me they had a fuss at his brother's home. I went over to his brother's and found Tillie Mcllvoy on the lauding of the staiis. I'.lood was oolng from a bullet wound in her neck. She breathed her hist while I was there." Other witnesses told substantially the same story. The defense claimed that James Mcll voy. the murderer, was 'trunk that day and had gone to bed. When lie awoke he drew his revolver and tired into the ceil ing. His wife asked Joe. his brother, to take the revolver from him, and. in the sen tile that ensued, it vvas discharged and the bullet found lodgment in the woman's neck. Several witnesses supported this claim. The jury, after lieing about two hours, found a verdict a.-quittiiig Joseph Mcllvoy and finding James Mcllvoy gui'ly of mur der in the second degree. The latti-r was much dejected at the re sult of the trial, and while on his way back to the jail, rema.'ked to the otlh-er that his conviction was "a d d shame." Krai tilnlrTrin-frr-. Lewis Mr Kinney to Agnes L Cramer. Siimmerhill township: consideration. Klmira Mellinger et vir to Charles Karnes. John-tow n. SMi. Carrie A. Dirk et vir to William Kis singer. Morr. lU ill... tl'K Kliaheth X. Williams et vir to A. W. Mycr. I'pper Yoder township. $r.i. I). S. McAiiully et ux. to Olaf C. Ham son. I'.arm ston. $ loo. Mary Swank et vir to II. II. Heimer, John-town. tii. Heirs of William Itaumgardner to Win. A. Rose. Richland tow nship. f."i7.". Lli.alieth Markey to Frank Partsch. Johnstow n, il. Charles Kane to Celesiine R. McCoaibie. Carroll township, $Hi. Samuel J. Ilclman et ux. to William II. I iratnhliiig, Adams tow nship. f-.'.Mi. J. C. Luke el ux. to William Fox. South Fork. j?'."".'.-!. Joseph D. Findley et ux. to Jacob Find- I ley et ah. West Taylor township. ?'!. ooo. John Thomas et al. to Charles Sesack et ns.. Jackson tow nship. $1..Vji. Frank Crissey et ux. to Fidelity Ituihiing. Loan and Savings Association, tl. Annie II. Keating et vir to Fidelity Iluihliug. Loan and Savings Association, Johnstown. $1. Ada Kennedy et vir to People's Ituihi ing and Loan Association, Johnstown. (. Albert L. Fisher et ux. to Caroline Wil liams. I'pper Yoder low nship. $1. Sarah J. Fisher et vir to Fidelity Ituihi ing, Loan and Savings Association. Stony creek tow nship. ?1. Josiah Robertson et ux. to People's Ituihiing and Loan Association, Lower Yoder tow nship, il. Walter Strayer t Hiram lles,.. Mor rellville. -? Kxecutors of M art ha Sills to Jeremiah S. Horner. Adams township. $::.-.'7."t. Mai ia ( linger et vir to Henry F. Horner, Johnstown, ? l.-Juo. Anna Moyer lo George Harbcr. St. Augustine. Paul George et ux. to Sarah Poller, Washington township. pXUi. Citizens' Cemetery Association to ('has. Karnes. Grand View, tl :.". William Switzler et ux. to Joseph A. Gray et ah. Carroll tow nship. t3.iV.Kt. John Itlannard et ux. to Lee Oit. Sus iiiehatnia township, f .'.'i. Cambria Iron Company to Charles W. Priiigle. Last Coiiemaugh. ?3."pi. Johnstown Manufacturing Company to T. C. Mitchell, Franklin. -f--'..o. Sheriff of Cambria county to Itcrnard Mcl'ulgaii, Washington tow nsbi p. $i)n. Administrator of II. II. Gardner to T. S. Davis, Reade township. f.Mio. L. S. Van Ormer, et ux. to Celuta Rice, Reade tow nship, SIMl. Mary Krand to John Smith, Clearfield township, tl John K. Lehman to Walter G. Hopkins et al., Richland lown-hip, i.i. Or, Himnrr lln-llnr-. The following letter explains itself: John-tow n. Sept. 4, ls'.ij. Hon. L. D. Woodruff. Chairman Demo cratic County Commitiee. Dkak Sii:: - In reply to the official noti fication of my nomination for the office of assemblyman bv the Democratic conven tion held Aug. "jr. Is'.'l. I have to say that t his act ion of the convention was a sur prise to me. and coming as it did. without my k now ledge or consent eit In r directly or indirectly, is an honor which I thoroughly appreciate. I realize the good wishes and intentions of my friends, but the duties of my pro fession are so exacting thai I could not make such a can1 ass for I be office as the party has the right to expect from its nom inee, lain therefore obliged respect fully to decline the nomination so kindly tender ed. I regret that you will Ik- put to the trouble of tilling the ticket, but it is through no fault of mine. Had I received an in t i mat ion t hat I was seriously thought of in connection with the nomination I should have felt it my duty to notify the (on vent ion of my wishes and thus have preventer, the present complication. Respectfully. ( J (:. W. Wamixkr. Tliniimi lioriin llnrl. Mr. Thomas Doran. of Siimmerhill township, met with an accident on Wed nesday of last week, in which he was bad ly hurt but luckily escaped from Ix-ing killed. He was taking a threshing ma chim to a neighlxir's and in descending a steep hill was jolted from his seal and thrown Ix'tween the horses. The team immediately started to run and Mr. Doran was dragged a considerable distance and w as unconscious w hen picked up. He was taken to his home where an examination showed that liesides a :iuinber of cuts and bruises about his head and body, one of his fingers was broken. Later information savs that Mr. Doran is rapidly recovering and will soon be abie'l to he ulxiut again. During the storm on Sunday afternoon lightning struck one of the wires of the Western Union Telegroh Company in the this place, w hose office is in J. D. Lucas .v. Co.'s store, and following the wire into the store, set lire to a lot of paper that was ly ing near the telegraph instrument. There was no one in the building at the time, but some boys on the opposite side of the street, noticing the flames, gave the alarm. Several gentlemen went to the scene immediaU ly, and after gaining en trance to the place by breaking a light of glass in the door, succeeded in extinguish in)); the fire. The loss la small. Coort Protrrdlnfi. The following rases were disposed of in court last week in addition to those al ready reported : Commonwealth vs. John Itodenshots, aggravated assault and baltery. Jury find defendant not guilty. t. Common wealth vs. George ft Pringle, larceny and receiving stolen good. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. A. L. Chestnutwood, feionious assault and battery. Jury find defendant guiley. Commonwealth vs. Porter 11. Miller, per mitting a prisoner to escape. Jury find defendant not guilty but divide the costs lietween the prosecutor, James Grimslcy, and the defendant. Commonwealth vs. George Whitby, for nication and bastardy. Defendant plead guilty and the usual sentence imposed. Commonwealth vs. George Myers, laire ny. Defendant plead guilty and was sen tenced to pay a tine of ?.", costs and (iodays i:i jail. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Canftiehl. as sault and battery. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. James Gillespie, sell ing li'iuor without lirt use. Defendant plead guiltv. Commonwealth vs. Santamita Campaua, adultly. Xot a true hill and the prosecu tor. Xichola Campana, pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. T. W. Letts, kid napping. Xot a true bill and the prose cutor, Henry C. Scanlaii. pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. T. W. Letts anil Catharine Letts, receiving and harboring kidnapped child. Xot a true liill ami the prosecutor, Henry C. Scanlan. pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Mary M. Reed, per jury. Xot a true bill and the prosecutor, John RitTel, pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. selling liijuor with out license. Xot a true bill and Mrs. John M. Calgan. the prosecutrix, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Vizo Yalena. adultry. Xot a true bill and the prosecutor. Xieola Campaua. t pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Jacob Kurge. assault and battery with intent to commit rape. Not a true bill and Ihe county to pay the cost s. Commonwealth vs. Michael Smith, for nication. Not a true bill and the prose cutor. K. J. I'.oi ing. to pav the costs. Commonwealth vs. M ichael Smit h. adul try. Not a true bill and the prosecutor. K. J. Koring. to pay the costs. Commonwealth Vs. Clara Nesbit. assault and battery. Not a true bill and the pros ecutrix. Mary Crolzer. to pay the niss. Commonwealth vs. Rachael Harvey sodomy. Xot a true bill. Commonwealth vs. William Cupples and Louis Cupples. larceny. Xot a true bill. Common call h vs. John Cost low. adul tly. Not a true bill and the prosecutrix, Kmma Sowers, lo pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Robert Stewart, ma licious mischief. Not a true bill ai d the prosecutor, K. P. Richardson, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. John Hatisey. tres passing. Defendant plead guilty. Sen tenced to pay a line of and costs. Commonwealth vs. Philip M in tie. fraud ulently making and uttering a written in strument. Defendant leads guilty. Commonwealth vs. Jacob lloltz, aggia vated assault and battery. Jury find de fendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Charles Rhody, sell ing and furnishing Ihjuor on Sunday. Not a true bill and the prosecutor, William R. Ko le, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles Rhody. sell ing and furnishing liuoi on Sunday. Not a a true bill and the prosecutor, Wil liam R. Koyle to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. George A. Yost, as sault and baltery. Xot a true liill and the prosecutor. Kdw ard Yost, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Kapfall Lombardo. larceny. Not a true bill. The grand jury before their discharge on Friday handed in the following report: To the Hon. A. V. ltarker. We, the members of the grand jury, re port as follows, viz: We ti ltd all the public hull. lings jn first class condition, with t he exceptions ,,f n,,. water-closet of the attorneys' room and the defects in the ceiling iif the court house, caused by faults in the roof, which demand t he at tent ion of the commissioner-. We further recommend the painting of t he interior walls and ceiling of the court house. Thomas J. Hi i.hks. Foreman. Commonwealth vs. John Jones, assault and battery. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commons r-alt h vs. William Kd wards, larceny and receiving stolen goods. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. William Mahan. John Good and Jonathan Mahan. larceny and receiving stolen goods seven indict ments. Jury liud William Mahan ami John Good guilty and acquit Jonathan Mahan. Commonwealth vs. F.lizahetb Mahan. receiving stolen goods. Jury liud defend ant not guilty. SKI ONK WKKK. John Hughes vs. Johnson Company Settled. Commonwealth vs. John Riffle, perjury and bigamy. Defendant plead guilty to bigamy and the oilier .hargi was iml ;i-i.hxi . Commonwealth vs. Michael Smith, lar ceny and receiving stolen goods. Jury defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Maliuda Itloiigh. malicious mischief ami cruelty to animals. Jury tin. I defendant guilty. Philip Mm tie, who was convicted of fraudulently passing time checks upon the Cambria Iron Company, was sentenced on Wednesday to pay a line of (Jinl. costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment in the Western pedili-nliary of two years. In Judge Kelt's court tin- case of A. J. So vder vs. the Cambria I rou Company, to secure tlo.(i damages for the loss of a leg, was to have been heard. The counsel for plaintiff made a motion to amend the statement of complaint in several import ant particulars Defendant's counsel ph ad surprise and case continued. MNrrliue l.lrriMM. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Thursday, Septem ber 13. ls'.M: John Liuharl and Sophia Kruscha, Por tage. Peter Kdwin Smith, Washington town ship, and M argarel Francis Krady, Lilly. Luke L. 1 '.che, Cambria county, and Mary M. Luther. St. Augustine. Daniel Dciiovau and Mary Paddon, .lohnstow u. G. W. Lambert, Spangle.r, and Laura J. J. Ksch. Fiiulon. J. I). Sample. Ftahville. Clearlield coun ty, and Ida A. &ch. Flinton. Wm. Stewart Wheeling, Spaugler, and Marie Klauche Flower, Penii Run, In diana county. James Howard Kid ami Clara K.Tate, Figart. Levo Thomas. Klder township, aud Sadie Sloltz. St l'.oni faro. M ichael Gesslur and Kridget Prosser, Sunimeihill. Silas D. Gochcnour, Conemaugh. and Delia M. Ashe, Wiimore. Killed at Lilly. Joseph Knrgoon, a young man 1.1 years of age, son of Frank and L-irctio Kurgoon, was killed in the mines at Lilly on Mon day, August 7, ISV4. He leaves to mourn his ii I i mely deat h his father, three hi oth ers and three sisters. c. J. George Shaffer, a prominent contractor and carpenter of Johnstown, died very suddenly at the L'nited Presbyterian church in that place on Wednesday eVe. ing. At the close of the pryer service a congregational meeting was held to act on the resignation of the pastor. Rev. J. G. Greer. Shaffer strenuously opposed an acceptance of the resignation and finding that such a resolution had carried on $ viva voce vote demanding a rising vote. He w as the only man left to vote nay but instead of rising to his feet he rolled out on the Moor and after a short struggle ex pired. 91 lore I lurna JVollrrn. 7-AI.CABI.E PKIIPKKTY Kl IK SAI.K. A lot ot icmiiin In the K.vl want ot Kliens tiuru, 66 hy 264 let. In ile-irable location. havltiK a two-storied irame 1 oiise. V roomy and (aM-meiit, In excellent repair. Will be nolil rlinp nj o re .oni'ile term-. M II. KITl'Kl.L. Ktieu.r.iirif . Pa.,AnKa't 'Otf THK Khengt.urir HuiMins 4t Ian AfKorlatlnn 1 will utter lor Dale at the rnunrll chamner. Ku ensbunt, on the .'ouriu Monday In September, THUS. HA Is. I.KHTBR I. akihkr. Secretary. President. Orphans' Court Sale -OFVALUAHI.l-- REAL ESTATE ! HV virtue or an wr.ter ol the Orphan' Court ol ttiiiuli la county . Pa . lo me directed. I will exixiM! to pulilie 8le at the St. Nicholas Hotel at Mlrktow n. In Itainnria county, I'., on SATURDAY, SKIT. '2m. ISO I, at 2 o'clock, v. M.. the IoI;owIok dewrlte,l real estate, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Hirr towriphie. - .'aoirma county. Pa . bounded and ile-cribed as tollown, viz:- Mviciuninir al a corner o p. Peter land, and thence north t'j decree -ast HIT j ien'lie lo a fiuicar ; I lienor north ss1.. deiireen went 1U0 iterches to a pofl ; tlience ii.uth I'i devrne went ln7 perche tia l-ost : thence south s"x dexrres eai-t tun perche the place ol beieintilnK, containing T5Ti Acres9 hailnir thereon erected a I1.: Mory IJMJ Hllt'SK KKAIUK HAKN . nd II '1 itl " IUM s. except .' iutr an I n .-ervlnit therefrom all tne coal ln.un.ler and UH.n the nine, which was conveved by Se bastian lirall. and Catharine lral, his wile, to kether vlth certain in inline mint and eriviieiiru lo John s. ml Hi e. al.. ny deed dated March :, 1-sT. and recorded iti the orhce for rec.rdlo dents, etc.. In and lor fimbria county. Pa, lu leed Hook No -17. paae 'M. ti kis or mi.i: : Ten f cr cent, ol the purrha.-e money to be paid in hand at the lime ol sale : the balance of one third at the continuation ol nale ; one-third In six momhs.and one third in twelve months trom Ihe conrirmalion ol sale. Helerrrd payments In near interest, secure.! by the judgment tn.n.1 and luorlicaice ol the jturchaser. AllAM .1. IJK. hxeciuor ol Sebastian Orafl, decna.-ed. Nicktown. Pa.. eit. 7. sw4. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In ettect May '7, IMM. ('onnerlliinmil rrrimin. BAST. Seashore K.xnress, week d ) .In a m Altoon Aceoinmo'tatlon. week days y-tt ui Kay Kxi'rva. dally n i. a m Altoona Express, dally 1 no p m Mall Kxpress. dailv 5 17 i m Philadelphia txpress. daily 8 12 u m WEST. Johnstown Accommodation, week days .814am 1'acitlc Kxires, daily 8 .'7 a m Way Pas.enicer. week days a :vj p m Mail Train, week days.. 4 '.6 p n Fast Line, dally .. ti V p. Ill Johnstown Accommodation, week days... ti o4 p m f.lenliiric llrsnrh. Trains leaves a billows: 7.'JO, a. m., and 3.:xi p. pi. and arrive at l res.on al 7 67. loss a. lu. anil 4.0.S i in. I.ea.e Cresson at w :io, tl :UI a. in and .").:o p. in., and arrive at Kbensburic at 1". "5 a. ill. and 1J 14 an. I 6 0" p. m. I rptniii ami I Irarlirlil. Iave lrvi.n i at P. 4! a. -1 4u p. m. nrrly. inif at Cresson al 8 oa a m. ami 4 p. m. Ieave Bresson a. ui. and 5 'ir p. in., arriving at lr vonn at lu .'5 a in. aud li 4 . p. ni. For rates m ipn. etc . call on aicent or address Thoh. K. Watt. P. A. W. !.. 110 t ilth Ave., Pittsburic . Pa. S. M. PKKVOST. (teueral Manager. .1. K. W M HI. Oeneral Manager. $40 vlERK FOR WILLING VOHKERS of either sex, any npo, in any part of the country, at the employment n nii-li wc furnish. You net d not be away from home over nilit. Youciin p'wn your whole time to ttic wnrk.oronly your. si.rc mo meiits. Asrupita! is not re.juir.-.l jou run no risk. We supply you with all that is n. . .). . I. Ii will cost you notliinp to try the business. Any om can ilo the work. Ite-i inters m ile.- money frmt. the start Kbilure is unknown u ii li our workers. F.very hour you latior you can easily make a d liar. tio one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can le made in three days at any ordinary employment. Send for lree bowk containing the fullest information. H. HALLETT & CO., Box 88 O, PORTLAND, MAINE. F. X. FEES' Shaving Parlor, Mam Street, Near Post Office eThe underslicneil desires to Inform the pub lie that he has oned a shaving par or on Main street, near the Kiit office where harhertnic In all Its branches will be carried en lo the luture. Kvervthinic neat and clean. Your palroniKC solicited. F. X. FF.F-S. Ete-slinri Fire Insurance ipej, rr. av. i )ick, General Insurance Agent, Kit KXS Ii i i:g, j a . l.MINISTKATIK-S NIHIC E. ljOule ol '.Vililam I arret t, deceased. Letters ol administration on the estate ot Wil liam tarrett. deceased , late ol Munster township, Cambria county. Pa., havinic been if ran led to tie. all persons Indebted to said estate are here by noiihed to make payment to me without de liy. and those hahlntf claims aiealnst said estate will present them prept-rty authenticated for set ticment. llr.iKHK W. I A K K K IT, M unster. Pa., Sept. 7, I sv4 X Administrator. IXKt'tlTKH S Mil II?E. j Notice is hereby iilvrn that letters testa u.enlary on ths estate ol eronica sipe'u ethalter. late ol Alieicheny township, ttambria county, Pennsylvania, deceared havlnif been icranteil me. all persuus linlelile-l lo al.l estate will please make payment, and those havlna claims or dtmanda axainstthe same will make them known without delav. FKANK !SKI,KI.HA1.TF.K. Fxecutorol Veronica NjieiKeltialter. deceased. A I let; In ny 1 wp.. Auk - ''U. ,BW4- VII.MINISTKATOK'S NOTII'E. relate ol Josenh t.'rlsle. deceased. ix-Uen ol Administration on the estte ol los e,ih ttriste, deceased, late ol Cresson lowuship. In 'amhria county . Pa.. haTlnn been uranle.1 to me. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified lo make payment to me without uel , and those havin claims airalnst aaid esiate present llieiu properly autnenticaied tor settle ment. JOHN . CKlSrii. Administrator. V!70'i Market street, Alleuheny I'ily, Pa.X VSS1UNKF. S MITH5K. iNoi ice is here! y iren that James W. Kll dull and Ellen, his wile, have made a rolunlary assiic-iueiit of all the estate and e Meets ol the said J a in en W. Kll.lun tor the heLeni ol his cre.1 Uors. Those indebted to said James W. Kililutf are lequesi-ed to make I lu mediate payment and those iiavimc claims aicalnsl him are requested lo present them proerly au'bentlcm-.ed i..r set tlement J . K. HI" KNS. tialllixtn, Ta.. Auk. 21. 13m. Assignee. "V OTIOK. My wife Sasan havinx left home, all per sona are hereby netified not to credit tier on iuj account, as 1 will pay o such bills. Mil HAH. lxN HHFS WashlnKiou township. Caiubrn 04., Pa. aeptemoer 1 , (j & ( & &j fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 1TJ BELOW WE QUOTE PRICES ON A FEW of our Many Big Bargains: Djirk wash caPooes .v. M-r yarJ l-:r":::::r:rr. I resS Kinehams. all unit ems ... Ilress Kinghanis, all iatterns. Lancaster : Ginghams at 6 Cents. Muslin full i-.inl u '.!. r., r outiiiir eloth. all patterns, at. and lk- aiM i ehain, r.-plv. all eolors jth. ion's vests, verv fiiiifv. at 1m- All the 1.4'l'I.Vl' Vnl'L'i 'i'i i.'s. Tl.niiin- " . i.niir,.-i j 1 Kl .M M INt.s, itt i lose tiiriires. KOlliKKlKs from ''c. mt yanl up. ClolMi anfl Gents' FninisMnis. Our stoek of elotlihii! was never as eoni plete as now. Any kind of eut or pattern you want. Mi u s suns in sack only for :.: ! Ilet ter suit s ill a n v en t ft-..ti, jm.... ! i om ii s.i-piere suns iroiu f-.'.isi t IHIiireii s iT-pieee suits from 7.-M Children's kner pants for TIT PPvnio. rnmiinmimn We Eicell Many Larger hi Faney lauudried shirts with collar at tai'hed for (it's' Latest style fancy lauudrh-d shirts with two collars for Window Munis tin two colors only) with natent sprim; for only t'ur'.aiu wiles complete for -joe Wall Paper-A Specialty-WallPaper iCsrFurniture, Trunks and Valises must go to make room. Kitchen chairs, lii;ht or dark, for $.'.7." per set. Solid hatdwood Is'ilrooin suit, eiirht pieces. for only s-'-'l.oo (.'tliilMiards. sinks, sidelioarils nul,.s at verv low prices. C'These u'immIs are all new and first k'rade work on llieni. . L. JOHS'STOS. M.J.HK K. A. H.HK'K. Khtahlibhkii 1872. Johnston, Buck & Co.7 HANKKUS, E1!ENSBUR;. - FENN'A A. W. HI 4 K, l anbirr. l-TaHLIMHUDmsS. Carrolltown Bank, OAKKH.I.TIWN. I' A. T. A. KIIAKH trUII. aoliler. General Banting Ensiness Transacted. Tbe lollowlnic are the principal feature' ol reneral babaiotr tiainess : IIKPIIMTS Keoelved payable on drmanil. and Interent tiea I Die cert locates issue. to time depositors. I.OA.NN Rxtended to rastouiers on lavornt.le term ani approveil paper dlimiuntel at all times. IOI.I.FITIOJN Made In the locality and uon all thebanklDu towns In the United States. 1'harices moderate. IN i ST InsneJ nevotlaMe In all parts of the t'nltid j status, and lorelicn exebanve Issued on ill parts. ui r.uru o. t merchants, farmers and others solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation will tie extende.1. Patrons are tissured tbat all transactions shall he held as strtctlT nrlate and rinndentlal. and that they will lie treated as liberally as Kid j banklnK rules will fieriit- Kespernuiiy, JOIISTO. HK K f'. A . K. P-i TTO V. H .W. II. g.4 X It Ft R It, THE First National Bank OK PATTIIS. PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. Capital, jjaii np, - - $50,000. Accounts ol Corporations, Klrtns and Individuals received uxm the most lavoral-te terms consistent with sale and couscTVa tlve Kankiaic. Steim9hii Tickets lor al hy all the leidincr 1,1 nes and Korelifn lrlts payable in any of Hie principal cities ol the Old World. All correspondence will have our personal and prompt attention. laleresl Fald on Time lrpolt. oril3.v3 H. L. Rn. ATIHTIIUI. REED & READE, AttorneyH at Iiiav, tBKNSBCK.I. - - - PF.NNA. - imce on Centre street. l as W KITTELL & LITTLE, Attorneys nt lmv, EHENSBUKtl, PA. M4 im-e in ipera House. 2.9.P4 W. DICK, ATTt'KNKY-AT-I.AW, Kbkkkh ro. Pkmk'a--Special attention to Klven claims tor Pen sion Knunty. etc. cb7- Hmi T F. Mt KEN KICK, t ATTtlKMBT AD 0t'JKI-LOR AT LAW, EHtNSBlKtl. - PA - IHlce on tntr street. H II. MYEHS. ATTtlEHEY-AT-LAW, tllSsBDU, fa. ss-(IIKm la tlollonade Kow. on :antra straet. DONALD E. nUFTON. ATTtlKN KV-AT I-A W. EBtSHBI'RS, Pkbika, tVOtftoa lo Op"rm House. Center siroet. DR. BUCK, SURGEON and SPECIALIST. Treatment al all Chronls A mictions. lMseates of Wiiintii and trouMes retiring urmical Ala iittlce kours U ! A . M. , I to M .l T lo 8 r. H. 2W WIH Ai tnliti, AtiltHIW AjTA. I ri- - s - y- . ALWIOST Beyowd Belief! A Hard-Times Benefit Irresistible in Force ! Tlie Eesolt of Shrewd Enying and Far-Seeim Kanaemcnt. Our Spring Goods are now in. We can show you the Latest Styles in Dry Goods. Clothing etc., at Astonishingly Low Prices. ' 3 In t ISpecial Dnve I I in Shoes. 15? Here is my cuarantH : IFNIIOKS 1 1 i "i" y j." I s a T I i "-" : !,.,;ll'Y' 1 WILLlllVKA XKW ': . I ill. I UKK. ........ '. N. --Shoes that I sell wear mt. Ladies' ilonifola tip. sj.riim heel Imtt. o ra or eoiiiess fl.'J.-i are worth i Kadies (linn; ):t. opera, tiuttoii. fl m-aiv worth l.7."i. WE CAN START YOU -IX- ""uuunuui ill u l ANY FIGURE IRIIH $20to$2:000. lllss,.l. I,m ,,n ,,r ;,,., ;l f,.w left . . . .l.."l are worth f;.:i. Ltldles" doliiTtila tip I'.lucher 'si ate worth :t.oo. Ladies' Oxford tie in Kusset. patent leather and dmiirola. all shapes and styles 7."..'. and up Ladies' Slippers, 50c. AND I I'WAKDS. r-i.;i.i i t i .... ... . - . s iiii.ii. il s r-i in- llf-."l. Iilllliltl. sj.i-s ., in ' .k- ! Infants" shoes from -.- up A very stylish sIhm' fur men. congress ,r ' lace l.J."i are worth i!.ii THAT MOVES CASH Has enahled us to mrchase at our own price a full line of sea sonaMe Dry Goods in Dress Good-, Sattincs, Dress Ginghams, Lawns, Challies, ami all the new things in Wash Goods, Lace Trimmings, Embroideries, Lace Curtains, "Window Illinds, Wall Taper, Cur tain Poles, Oil Cloth and Carpets. All the sew Styles in Men's Shoes, Still Hats for men and boys, OUrriNG SHIRTS, and Underwear. Full stocks to choose from in all Departments and at Low Cash Prices. Full stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed at all times. We handle Plain Meat all thrcuh the summer at low prices. When in town call and see us, where you will be treated right and where your Dollar will go further than elsewhere. Thos. BRADLEY'S CASH STORE, CALLITZIN, PA. Dt Will Pay Packages. lilSDUC'l'lOX IX OUTWARD : TICKETS TO QUEENSTOWN, $14. Omce in Mullen & Smith's (anir. Dt Washington and MNKTY HH KTHYKAK ons Se,.t. li. KUIIT c4nt ' r "'"' 7 , ,.,V. iu tiMvai t art ai.te.1 to iirei arelor stu.ty. lt he learned pr. les,!. n. lh.r.toHe K t ern l-try . M t"" T i.l Hti'lntT. w '.'-- ''--;, -iijasMfi . tv- A so' id leather wnrkins sjM. f,,r viear. n. 'I'"ddy ;m.. a pan II yon want a nice dress sh,' Satin calf eon-revs or lace. . . f 1.7:.-th.v are worth .l.ii. Men s vtyiish tip r.luchei calf....?.'..Vi-are worth fi.ui. Men's Fine Concordan Lace, Hand-sewed, for sO.dO they are worth -"). 0. Men's Extra Fine Kangaroo Lace or Congress, nL'.-jO. WE MAKE A LEADER on a hand-sewed Kangaroo, lace or congress, for $3. 25. You cannot duplicate this shoe in any other store for less than S6.00. 1X3 Give us a cjiII for Shoes and you will he convinced that we carry the Best Line in town j for Wear, Style and Low Prices, t Yours, THE LEADER. THE MARKET! You TogotoQUINN'S, Clinton street, Johnstown, to buy Carpets, Linoleums, Mattmsrs, Oil Cloths, UlanKets, Feathers, &c. Prices Reduced on All Goods, and FREIGHT PAID on All Lnrge James Qusnim. ST RAGE ! Clothing Store, Lilly, Pa. Jefferson College. in hums TrTT r? rn 0