The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 20, 1894, Image 4

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The Haven Par Excellence for Di
vorced People.
Census Fleare Whieh Show That the Na
tional Capital Carrie OfT the Laurel
an a Kroort for Matrimonial
The funny write rs will have to re
vise their jokes if the fi-rures of the
census otfice are correct. There is a
poo.1 deal of danger that the District
of Columbia will soon le pointed at
throughout the country and cartooned
in the comic papers as the haven par
excellence for divorced people. Kor it
is a fact, says the Wasliing-ton News,
that the liirures of the latest census
bulletin riven to the public sliow that
Washington city has more people in it
jer capita who have ln-en throujrh the
divorce court than has Chicago, that
liustlinr metropolis of the west, which
has a world-wide reputation for the
cheapness and dispatch with which the
lawj-crs can render asunder the bon Is
of matrimony that were supised t
le eternal when they were riveted at
the altar.
The tijrures that are reputed not to
lie are these: Chicago, with a popula
tion of,..s.-,o. has l.-VM men and
women in its limits who have ls-en un
married that is. one divorced person
to every r.To of the population. The
District of Columbia, with a population
of -JM . .'-. has -Plo H" men and 314
women divorced people, or one in
every of the inhabitants. So the
District carries off the laurels. Still,
throughout the I'nited States, there is
one divorced person for every f"JO of
Herniation. Jlut while this is a start
ling statement, there are a nrnnW of
other communities that surpass the Dis
trict in this respect. The little puri
tanical state of Vermont, for instance,
with a imputation of :Oi..VlO has l.-'i'iai
Jtoople who had to seek lejral separation
in order to ki peace in the family.
Virginia evidently has a climate lietter
adaptel to domestic peace than has the
District, for while it has seven times
the numlier of inhabitants, it contains
sliifhtly less than four times as many
divorced couples as does the capital.
Maryland shows up still more staid, for
its population is four and a half aslarye
as that of the I istrict. though it has
less than twice the numlier of divorced
people as has the latter.
There is another peculiar thing- about
the district its percentage of married
people is less than that which prevails
throughout the country. Taking the
I'nited States at large and nearly :tii
per cent. of the inhabitants are
married. In the district less than Xi
per cent, have Ventured upon wedlock.
l!ut more alarming than any of these
figures is the presence of widows in
the District. There are actually VA.'j-J'j
widows here dashing or otherwise
or one for every of the population.
This tiyure appears to be very large
w hen it is considered that throughout
the I'nited States the numlier of lioth
men and women who have lost their
partners in life do not numlier more
than one to every twenty-one of the in
habitants. Yet in the District the
willows alone move around in sax-icty
at the ratio of one to sixteen and one
half. An interesting- study is broupht up
in the effort to discover why it is that
the District has more than its share of
divorced jicople. widows and unmarried
inhabitants. It is answereil very easily
by the simple fact that one-half of the
employes of the government are
women. There are great numltcrs of
widows of soldiers who were killed in
the war who have snught this city and
Wen successful in securing lucrative
jrovcrnment apiiaiiiitiiients. Then there
are thousands of young; ladies who pet
places in the departments ami con
clude that it is Wttcr to hold them
than to (five their hearts to some fel
low w hose salary in their estimation is
not more than enough to support
themselves. The divorced people pet
there in pretty much the same way.
Women shorn of the protection ami
support of their erstwhile husbands
have tried their fortunes in the capital
and in many instances Wen able to
secure desks in the poverment work
Tu Pontinaater Uciirnl lljw liillmltax)
Passes on .111 Kallroad Train.
'"The postmaster general of the
I'nited States has at his command a
greater mimWr of railway mileapes
free of cost than perhaps any man in
the world." said a railway passenper
conductor to a St. I-ouis Republic man
recently. "My ipnoranee of this eame
near costing1 me my job a few years apo.
"Dver in Illinois one midnipht the
throuph train of which 1 had charpe
was Happed at a little way station and
a red-faced man climWd aWard the
front passenper coach. The stoppinp
of my train at that hour of the nipht
made me mad to Wpin with, and I was
in no pood hamor when I approached
my new- passenper to collect his fare.
Then, when he shoved at me a much
handled piece of pasteboard, sipned by
the postmaster pencral ami command
inp in imperious lanpuape that the
holder W carried free of charpe on all
trains carryinp I'nited States mails, I
lost my temper completely. I was so
inad that I would listen to no explana
tion from him. because I considered
him either a train robber or an impos
ter, and I made him pay his fare in the
coin of the realm, for which I pave him
a receipt.
"I soon heard from my mistake after
I reached St. Ijouis. The post otlice
authorities and the railway people
came down on me like a thousand of
brick. I learned from them that my
midnipht passenper was a post otlice
inspector, and that every man in this
mtv ice is provided with a card from
the postmaster peneral coinmandinp
the conductors of all railroad trains
which carry mail to pass the Warer
free. The name of no railroad com
pany or official appears on the card,
Lut the holder of it can travel on any
road in the United States as far as he
wants to po without payinp a cent."
Chemical lVrfuniery.
Chemistry .seems to furnish substi
tutes for the expensive perfumes now
made from dowers. It has lonp Wen
known that the exact odor of the ban
ana is produce! in the lalioratory.
There seems a possibility, however,
tiiat even when some fraprant plants
cease to W cultivated for the perfumes
many may In-come of importance in
surpery. It has Wen discovered that
Mme such plants are free from the at
tacks of insects and from funpous
prowths, and this may W due to the
fact that their essential oils have anti-M-ptie
properties. The eucalyptusyields
an antiseptic, and so do other familiar
National Wealth of Kuropo.
Holland still enjoys the distinction
f Whip the richest country in Europe.
The national wealth of Knpland per
tapita is S-4 .-', Trance. So.. 'no, and
Holland. .I-'.r.iii. The averape incomes
lcr head are piven as follows: Knp
land, France, S-'.."i. and Holland,
With one-tenth the population
of rJtiplarul. Holland has one-fourth as
f iuch aggregate wealth, ami with one
tvleveuth of the imputation of Franc'.
Holland has nearly one-third as much
wealth. On an area of oue-quarter of
Iowa Holland sustains 3,750,000 of peo
ple and wealth in the aggregate of
never wants te learn, but the
reads that
OLiD honesty
is the best that is made, and
at ONCE tries it. and eaves
money and secures more
satisfaction than ever before.
A.VOLD imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. If your
denier hasirt it ask him to
get it for you.
HO. PUZER 4 BROS., lonlrYile.Kj
Are you reckless fiiuuth 1 venture If mi sen
two cents in stumps to the Marl:; V.
5is and !V Wusliinirtoti N. Na.iir.
one of their leaiuif:i! illust rate .1 I.iKlIc-.
HOOkH." It is U novel, unique. ;tl,.l ilMrh .-.'
iug work to every eroii .1 iilim-nniit.
On. receipt of ten cent.-; in s' thev
semi (Mistimiil a full set of t heir lunums hoiis,
hold pau Verba.
For fen rent 1 1 i -- will :ilso,-ti.l :i hook eol it :til.i in
complete waini oi 4-'!'lie Mi.,;.;li' i;ml inri-ie . ;
it mo-t Mipnl:ir fon, ith ten in, (
ctiroino eat .1-.
A very ih-:ii-iiiL'. Ii-trm '. s- t :, i r: in.-e.l roiii:itn
COmpollIlil tor li"'lliili" the t.v-te ol ll'l ill, :III
other hitter iirii--. eit u r miI'iiI or th i l Pi ire. T.'i
lnt ier I'iul It. .HI.-. I'n-M r.h. .1 l.y :n -n- ni.ii-o.
pliysii mm in I'-urou.- ami Ainei !i a." I .,t niin:i ae
Cuuipuniert every hi.ttte. 1'ur r:ilc h I rii.-jri.-ts-.
Mlitlllt:.rtil'-el l.y
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
I.OMMlN ami KH 0:k.
All eleeant Fnplish ph;inn.-ic , -e pirparatioi
for bilious, malarial ami l.hxnl ti ll.les ; th.- re
suit of over twenty-live years of most einineu
scientitie research
Approved liy tiie hit.-h.-st m.slieal nnthorilies
Iu use in the liospita:s in every part of r.urcie
Espei-iallv helplul to ladies. t-hillreii and
pie of Heileutary hahits
Entirely v;etaljle ; free from harmful druifs
!n Handsomp Packages, Price 50 tts.
Prtjian-d Milely hy
Tlie fjoyal laru'ic'cutivf Co.
Chemists ly appointmrut to Her Majesty
Vnweu and totl- Koyal Family.
130, 132. 134 Charlton St
Same medicinal prox-rties as Uoyai. Elixih, In
iMjxes. l pills to box, for tr, ceuts.
Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL, - ,,,;!;!.tienf, SOe.
Vinegar Bitters PCWDERS, 50 Ues. Sue.
Vinegar Bitters, new style, j p,,V;"'1 $!.
Vinegar Bitters, old style, bitter taste, $ 1 .00
The World's Great Blood Purifier
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
The pant uOh of n Century Hip Lending
Faniifv Medicine ol the World.
B. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors,
, vurimcMTS, tc.
x ur mmnraiirai ana rroe uandhook writ to
ML.NN A CO. 1 Bkoai.wav. New Vohit
Oldest bureau for seeurins patents tn Ameriea.
if- JT!11 ,aken ol,t 'T n i briMiKht tK-fora
- " inwvi cuarKu la tuo
f ,rMt mmMIa. Af u . ...
riii J i .ii ' ""enunc paper tn the
world. Sl Ieii.l.dlT No tntelliirent
man h.uid be withoui. tt. Weekly, m.
rear: fLili.lx Bioutti. A.ldr.!t M(
lXl,U.Ukta, atil llroialw. New Vork Cit.
S twlp tVta ,,r..i..i: ; . ., t
just as tliey
profits from any commercial ven
the cou8umer jiays the firice
J ft 6etu as Uie cost ligure of what
At b
'-T" c'e"tific American
How the InduRtriu ln-t Acquired Its
Oueer Name.
The fact that the '-parasol ant" of
the AVcst Irulics has gniwn to 1 such
a jx--t that the p. ivcrnmcnt of Triniihul
has hal to adopt appropriate lcri.-la-tloa
against its ravaL'o lravs atten
tion to the reniarkaMe habits of the
litllc creature. It has been lefinit -ly
clctorniineii tiiat they .lo not cut the
circular lite out of the leaves that
they liear aivar so like a parasol over
t!n lr licals. fur the purpose of eutinsr
tiiem. or for nest lining, as lias been
su':jestcil. These bits of h-aves are
simply wanto'l as the viil on wliich to
cultivate a certain sort of fun-rus that
they fcvl upon: ami the ants are as
ovjvrt in its culture as any m:ir';:t
(.''ii'.T of la:is in the jrrowin of
hi-. ltel.vel mushrooms. A nest if
these tiny agriculturists has thus la-en
U's,-rilsl by the lirector of public
work-- of Trini'lail. who has ha 1 them
on hi- stiiily table: "Ila.-h forager
ilropjH-.l his jxrtion of leaf in t!ie nest,
atnl it was taken up by a small worker
atnl carried to a clear space to
1h clearu-il. It was then taken
iu hand by the lar-e workers, wliich.
a ft.-r licking it with their tonjrues. re
duced it to a small, black ball of pulp.
These halls were built on the edire of
the already formed funirus bed. and
slightly stnoothed down. The new
surface was then planted with portions
of the fundus broutrht from other
parts of the nest. Kach piece is put in
separately, and the ants know cxactly
hoiv far apart t!ie plants should be. It
sometimes looks as if the bitsoffun-"1!--
ha I been put in too scantily in
places, yet in about forty hours (if the
humidity has been properly regulated I
it is ail evenly covered with a mantle
as of verv tine snow." Vhen it is re
membered that mifst persons who have
tried the cultivation of edible fun0-!
have failed, because of the ilillictilties
arisini? from the handlimrif the spores
and the maintenance of the m-cdcil
hemidity. it almost seems that we
must concede to these tiny creatures a
greater decree of agricultural skill
than is xissesst-d by the average
llarini; Triek liitemleil t lkervert the
yieaniie of a Plan's 1 iu.
" ne f the im:M thtrinr tricks I ever
came across." said a New York attorney
the other day. according to the M.
I.oiiis . I. il.e-1 K niiK-rat . '"wasiii the cast
of ;: m;: n who dclilicratcly imK'isi mated
a haw. r's -h rk and persuaded a very
it k man tosio-n a will without readin;;
it and yviiii-h disposeil of his property in
direct opposition to his wishes. It wa
a case of a family dispute, and t ol.
jrcntlcman. who was juite wealthy
had decided to disinherit his eldest sot
ami leave the property to a youm-vi
one. Memo- warned by his doctor that
he had only a day or two more to liv
he sent instructions to his attorney t-
draft his will and send it down prompt
y f -r si-mat lire.
hile the lawyer waspreparinr tlu
.li'-nment a representative of t he -h'..-:.t
son arrived with a paM-r. which he said
was the will prepared by the sick' man':
attorney. The will was signed u it h
out hcsitati iu and duly witnessed, and
when, two hours lab r. the lawyer's
clerk arrived with the f-eiiuipte will In
was not allowed to enter the Ih.ii -e
be'mjr warned oil" the premises by tin
hous-kei M-r. On bis re! urn to t h.- of
liee his employer saw at once that :
fraud had been committed, and h,
hastened to the house to have it s-t
l i-j lit. In the meant ime. however, the
siek man had In-come t.tie..nsei.nis. and
he died wit I loll t I a-in o- able to e-cu te :
will after his own v. i,),es. The l'.'us
will was upset, but tin' fraud could
never la- su lhcicn t ly proved to convict
the man susp.-eted of coiu-oct inr it. and
he inherited i j nit e a larjrc sum of niouey
as the next of kin."
A I:tni;eriMi4 Tratelhu; Companion,
l.urinira r.eetit lis,- in the lower
Mississippi atnoi io- the victims were a
Mr. Henry, his yvife and his ten-year-old
boy. Oui'e early in the morniiijr
the fast-risino- tide overspread the yard
and came into t he hoti'-e. Mr. Ib-nrv
climbed up higher and liiirher. anil
finally he and Ids family were on the
riH.f. ith the family doo-an. 1 cat and
a half dozen chickens. ICtit the tide
kept risin"- uiitil tinally the roof
di)cd otT. and 1 1n. n be-ran a si!io-,:,r
n I .idvetiturotis y.naire. S. met im,-:
.he riM.f would spin ar..mi.l as if in :
maelstrom, and then ao-ain the wave:.
Would sweep completely over it. The
hiekeiis and cat Were mnui swept
away, and also the doo-. althou-m .
always manao-,.,1 to crawl back ao-ain.
Cut the most ilist rcssino- a.-ctirrerice of
this unlucky voyage was the unwel
come yisit of a ten-foot alli;rator,
which seemed desirous of takiiir pas:.
avvwith them. Mr. Henry was n.,t
rash enouo-li to attempt tft'jiush olT the
creature, but he yelled at it once or
twice, and tinally the bio- saurian dis
appeared under a wave ami was not
seen ajrain. Some time later, when the
sun was just sett in-r, the roof ground
ed on a hiirh rido-e. a,l there remained
until the tide receded.
What lli.l lie Kat?
There comes, says the New York
Ilerahl. a! storv from Monte Car
lo, from that holy of Indies, the salon
wherein arc the trcntc-ct-juaiitrc ta
bles. Just as the cards were bcin.
h ii Mctl for the commencement of play
a frt ntleman .lelila-rately counted out
twelve one t hoiisand-frane notes and
placed them on the black without even
lakino- the precaution of instirino
them. It was playinjr the limit" and
a bystander remarked:
"Kather a lmld play, sir.'
-Well." said the player, I dreamed
last mo-ht that 1 saw this table exactly
as it is now, and on the lirst coup black
The cards were dealt for the lirst
cup a,,,! M;u.k .,, A j,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,
"Oh: ' from the bystanders "-rccted the
atinoiinccmeiit: - Ked loses." ami then
from across the table came a woman's
v nee:-
"U hat did you have for supper last
iiUf-it? lo tell me:"
Qt kex Vu-touia has a wholesome
dread of tire. Whenever she jrot-s
abroad she always has a couple of lire
extinguishers sent out in advance and
fitted up in the house where she will
Wni x the queen ascended the
lsh throne more than forty-one
cent, of the Kiio-ish people' could
write their names. The proportion in
that condition has been reduced to
seven per cent.
Kx-Kmi-ukss Kh.kmk. who was not
lono- airo a rnest at dinner with Queen
ictoria. has now only careworn lines
and a sad. dullish expression of the
face, whose licauty was once the admi
ration of I'urope.
The queen has a splendid collection
of tablecloths, some of w hich are cov-
ere.l with most mterestinr d
One. for instance, rciiresents II..
of Waterloo, with the lio-
u res of
lm;Moii ami Najioleoii faithfully
t raved.
The roller cotton .rill u-oe S
I - -.. .- 1 ( l
The Iatls,a antl Africa Wfore the dawn of au
bar, wl,rnll history. Thret-quarters of a
blow. ""Hdof cotton, cleaned by means of
his k'hi, constitute a day's work.
Theodosia, the Greek name, means
- iven by God.
fco'2 ;V
t ' ' i
Mttld to tuMHMrri fr VI eur.
ldVllit tlleiu tlie tleitn-r prolil. e kr Hit
llJ.t miiiI Lnrir.1 luuiiuIat-Lurvrs iu An fr
it A !elliutr Veliit-lt itiitl I lurm-M tlnswMy i.ii
Willi privilege lo tontiinnt' before hriv iii. iiirv i
pM. We p if freiiftil tiolti ii.-t salisirt- -I
.rv. yVurrmit for ' year-. hy pity nn 8t:ei. ;' m
t ) '.1 1 or.ler l.r y..u.' Write y o u or.i. .
l...iiir Iree. W'u luko ull r.r-lc ul Uimaf in
vcclcsalc pr.tccs.
ttrins Wagons, Sll to CC. .urai.t. . t
i j.-.u u i.j. c i. Lurrc o. I t l to i It J
i.i ..j us m-ii I, .- t.j tj i.. 1 r i I iii. f mt,
a--i -l'l .-r 1- I- hJOVOi.f.t (. i
torl"3. F jrm ViCcono, Y.'cec nrttr .
No 37. Surrey lliiiuess.
h-.i!!: Wajn j,Dcli t :
Na. 1, I-arm
S p-r.f mU vtf ftr ak
No 't. h arm Wn'i-
. I oU 111
..... !&Rti3'E
mm.i: . J I jJM i. , 1 ,
. i n r
lur.-r Cv ; ft
Address W. B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART, IND.
Seeing; is Believing."
And a good laynp
must be sImnl-
- , ...... . --v "M'lv. 1 i. 13
not ponH .vwa Rnntifis? n..j
vords mean much, hur tn w
Will impress the truth mnr
tourrh and seamless, and mi A
it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar
velous Iieht is Durer .inI hri
softer than electric light and for t rii tmn "T-.. tj
Bnehr n.i ,hZZ. .. " .
land c ill send uVT.n,,
HOUrKu UBP CO., 4 lrk., New York City.
"The Rochester."
1 li-- .win ilises.-i cause untold sufterltip.
w t. rs iolinit tlmt they are dlltlcult lo cure
sodo tin tr pat luila. Putne'8
O l.-ry Compound has per
Uiuuently i.jel Jin worst
casa of rheumatism ani
neuralgia so say tlioae bo
liave used It.
"Ilavlnif been tmiiMed
with rlieuinutlsii' at t lie knee
aid fool for live years. I was
Ullliosl unable loi'.-l aroiinil.
and was very ofien otitlned
to my lied lor wi-eks ai a
time. I used mi v oue bot
ai ..r r..i.... . .... . .....
w-f-rf "i,- oi a wuir a uiii-
V P"ur"l. "'id was T?-tly
11 eured. 1 a-an now 'iiiuii
ll arouml. anl feel as lively as
Il W a boy." IrKANK 4KOI.I.
Eureka. Nevada.
fl.iw. Six for $.i oo. Iriirlsts.
M:iiutno;h testimonial paper free.
WT.I.IA, KiC8rdson & Co.'rops.. Kuril iit on, VU
nilMDNn DYF? "'e "1 HrioMrr I
uKmunu irci 0-nri lttl.n
. " WANT A
Wi? hive widens. Pusiries.
str.m.,'. JurjW, s;ii-.X x hemtifuliv lin:.! as ii....leriii.eJ
nunulailiire f:in pruJiwe. built on Ik.iii.i by men if i;.'e
experii-iue. H..nesty is our jai.Ikv; pr. nipt .iiipiin-rt a ur
specially. We want ti ki.i.w you. Write us. Cu-ts v. u
n..;:.ins. Ai-iv IcjJ t. business y aiul by. SftiJ t..r . ur
vaiul..- tie. It is tree tn every r-a.ler i f t'ns at .-r. biiisj Wau n Co., Bins;, N. Y.
Thrif-r is e
resuirs ftWm'ch.TZ K
1ms .solid cake 'ofioufmisoa.pi
w.. w
yry il - inyournexl - house
Inking out over the many homes of this eor ntry, we see thousands
Of women wearing away their lives iu household drudgery thatm.
materially ,essened by the use of a few cakes of S APOlo. If 2 f w
fLeaWuse th T ? '
wouli sl I" 6he t be a foolisU woua who
wou d hesitate to make the experiment, and ha a churlish hushed ..Uo
would frrud-e the lev- -ents which it. cS.
. . " jr
dUb ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW IfORK. OUC
iriiTini' en rnit i nr
JLU Ll.lll,ILUIlU .l,r,,
X W'ATi'HKS. 1
ColLinWa ar:fl Fi edoDia Watche?
In Key ami Stem Winders.
X I'Mv linetif .lewelty is imsiir-
pass,.tl. t'oine ami see for your-
self before piirchusim; elsew here.
HfAll work i; ii a ran teed.
if r gons f o: tl
htmi y a nn u..i -..
t nut.-.
Klkhart ltit'yclk.
ptieumiLtir lirf. it -ltllt-!s
.Ilh rir. n,mI la
"TKa l?
xvyvilv.on. &
fnrn'Tilv All
4 kit IllLiai,,
in k r i
more cheerful than either
. j-. . ...
" ; ' me lampotaifr tinsn t the cfnnine
, . Us '"r "ur ucw lutratc.i cataUwue.
nl lo in-. Km I ti-- .im two it'.ir- t it i
r. rti w 1! ti iif-ur t 'i . .r 'lit- 4".iii ..i i
ltii'Uir f;niti t ur ut I h , i
nearly four lmltu-N r( tu iiti iu t
frvt fioin Hie i-otiipl.iliiU I i i-i) Ki.ii. u
to JoU." C Ha. II I.KWis. t lilt-. U
Celery Compound
'i have ba-en irreatly anil, led wltli .n-uto
rlii-uiii:ittsin. and i oui.l fin. I no r. ll. f until I
J llsi-d I'allie'S a elerv a oliinolllid. After Usn
six noil les ol i ills iih-uii ine l am lioa elllea or !- tn.uln.-.:
s tui hi. Ill reiiiSMis. so; oriil-h N. 11.
Effects Lasting Cures.
ralne'sl-elery oiiipoiin.l lias N rtoriued many
m lier i-un-s :is inirvflous as I lies.-. - angles ut
letta-rs sent to any ad.lra's.i. Il.-as.ttit to lake,
does not disturb, but aids illp-sllon. and entire,
ly vegetable: a etilld eao take It. What's tbn
use of sunVrtng longer vattli rheumatism or
0 . D,r. I.Mnqupcn Lartalnl huttl are Health
BABIES -iappKHmrt,,. 11 u twvaii.
sunevs Hk'li cn.1t. as
dood revenue
v-j OUUI U IW iU0Ll
- cleajiind AnH hhrT,
a .aab
Cfs ,A
or powder. AjmUed i,t th .-,
"'' AM
No. TSl. Surrey.
No. Uait Wauoii.
' 11 .r- i'm'jm I
! X I
Th turprbalriK Kxerlant-a- of 11oMr
I.ilr In tho Kxattrrn St t-.
Rev. Joseph IKnUlriilfre. in his "Xntes
on the Settlement and Indian U'ars of
the Western l'arts of Virriuia. aud
Pennsylvania." iriven a detailed and
realistic aoi-ount of the pittneer life of
tiiat r-";ii:i. He was hairn in lTO'.t. His
mother alieal six or seven years after
ward, anal liis father sent him t Mary
laibl to M-fiaMl. On his way thither he
raw suMie wonderful things anal hal
home surprising exiH-rienee.s, which i.e
tli u i ale. criWs:
At fad. llnnvn's ia the mountains I
for t!j lir I time sjtw tame ireese. and
for l.a:it'.-ri:i;T a pet traiialer 1 pot a se
vere liitinjr by his bill anal lx-aliti by
his winrs. 1 wonah-r-al very tu.:eh that sai lurire anal stronvr should be sai
im.eli tanii-r llian the wi al turkeys. At
tliis p!aee. however, all was ri'lit ex
eept tlie larre birals which they ealU-al
j.'i-a-s'. Hie cabin ami its furniture
were sueh as I had liea'n accustomed ta
M'a'in'the bacUwoaKls, as my count ry
was tlicii ealh'al.
At Kcdforal 'verythiiijr was chatie-eal.
Tlie tavern ut my uncle put up
ua .a hattise. and was plastered
insi.le. liailh as to the walls and the
i. ilintr. 1 was strueU with astonish-nia-tit.
1 liaal no idea that there was
any hoiis,- in tha worhl which was not
bi.iU of lo.'s. but here I looked ramiial
t lla- ll..l--e allal Could Sa'e lia his. Ulli
a Jm. e 1 eotihl see no joists. bethel
sueli a tiling; hal Ik-cii male by tha
li:i: .I . . I' nun. or ha. I trrown up of
itself. I -oii'l iiait conjecture.
hen MipjHT eame tn, luV csoiifusiiin
Was Uoru- caillfollllaleal. A iittla cup
stisiai in a liitfL'er one. with soai.
brownish stiitl" in it. which wasneithei
milk, hominy, nor broth. V hat to do
with tlu-sa' little cujs aiul the little
s miis I a l. mo i lie; to tliem 1 eoulai not
ta-ll. anal 1 wasafraial to ask.
I watchetl to sae what the bijr folks
wiml.l ali. ml ilia-n ali.l the saiui-. an.i
fomiai the folTa-.' iiaitseaiia lieyoiial any
'liiir.r I had eva-r tasta'al. 1 a-olit inua-.l
' i !rinl.. as the ra-st of t lia- -oiii.un V
iii. I. with tli- ta-ars stra-auiinr fr.iu my
es: out w '-.a-.-i it was to enl 1 was at
loss to know, as tha- little eus were
lilla-d iiiimeil iately atta-r Ik-iiii.' eiiipti-al
'Phis cireiuustaiia-calistresseal ma very
mm ii. but looking attentively at ilia
'i-ov. u ps-rsons. 1 saw aula- man turn his
a'tip upward an.i put his sshi;
aa-ross it. 1 obser eal tiiat after that
iiis a-up was not fill.-al aiain. and 1
followed his example with a like happy
Kltlillelit l-IliallMti I'liy aaia-lwns lic lltt'e
I Ileal l.eaiiiK MilliaaiiH IU-hlnd.
Saiiua- jrreat men have alie.l leavinfr
la rev fairluiii-s lia-hiuil. anal aillu-r:. haw
alia-d nair. says th- ISiiti.h Maalieal
.loiirnal. The w ill of Sir William Hull,
whieh was sworn uiiala-r I'iUl.oii. is
eviia-rally apjota-d as tha- larrest amount
U-ft ly a iiii-hiIkt of the in.-. Ileal pro-fa-s;
ion. This, however, was exceealeal
by lr. bhiiiila ll. who l"u-al iu lsT7 anal
left a fortune of t':t."i0.oo.i. Amanita atha-r
will , a.f :.i li rures may l m.-nt i.nia-d
Sir Liisiiiiis Wilson. O'll.tam; An-alr.-w
t lurk. C.-iU.ikni; Sir tscar t'laytoii.
L'l la'a.iKKi: Sir ieairare ISurratws. t'lol. ;.'. :
Sir W illiaiu How man. l'lo:i.yis. ami Sir
iiarla-. l.ot-.-k. L'1o.i.inm.
'f tha- fort uiia-s ma. b- by meitibTsnf
t In- profession very little ha
ii I. ft institutions -.uiiia- t-.l with
that bmly. A notable exception tai
t hi . stands out in tha- muuiiii-cnt Ih-aiia---t
aif Sir Krasinus Wilsam tai the
Kaiyal eailla-!r of surgeons, by whia-h
that e. irp-u-tioii re'-eiveal L".'o i.o. h . In
a. 1, liti. oi to this li-a u..t. Sir Krasinus
left t'."..ipo.i a-aa-h ti several institutions
ami a-harilia-s a-.uiueete I with tha
-al professiaiii. The nama- af John lliV. too. must IK t Ik atVa-rloalkcai
in this e. uilia-at i.m. The UaalclilTa- ill
tirmury has In-a ll ereetetl by tha trus
tees of the will. In addition ta Hks.
tha- Ua.l.lilT.- library, now lmuse-l in
tha- university museum, which is ona
of tha tina-st seia-ntilic libraries in thc is entirely supported tiy the
Ka.lelitTa- trust-,s. Another exception
to this ruU- is the will of the lata- Mr.
ISrickwell. of Tot t.-tiliaui. who
alurinir ls'.iri. anal who left th residut
af his estate ta the Society for tha lie-lia-f
af tha Widows ami Orphans of
Ma-.lia-al Men. The aliility ta leave
tha-sc larfa- lettieies eomes to hut few.
and tha- main ImhIv aif pra.-t it iona-rs w ill
a:"Ta a- w it h Saierata-s that '"a physiciai.
is a rula-r of tmalies. ami not a maker af
m. iia-y."
And lie Killed the Waiter a it h Caxitater
Mtian Mal Worry.
Tha youii?: man am the ippasite sida
f Hi.- tabla studia-al the bill of fare for
saime tinia. w hile the waita-r stooal on
una- la-ir with his ear ha-ld out for tha
ordar. ami then lie saial: "I want saiuia
of that liaiminy and a si.U- a.r.ler ait
maple sirup, a little of tha -spinaa-h.
some sweet corn, anal a cup of cIkk-o-late."
Tha waiter slowly moveal his
lips in aiiia.a-uia-rit . says the I'hia-a'j'ai
Keeoral. ami had the orah-r reNateal.
I U- suiila-.l ami starteal away, and tha-yoiino-
man loaikeal after him frown
in: "i'onfouiial thes waiters." he saial.
"1 supnse they expa'Ct every man t.
oraU-r soiiictliinir etmventiainal. like
staak ami coffee or liver ami bacon."
"You ali.l put in a tjueer oraler," was
"Oh. I alam't know. It may turn out
to 1m a rood combination. I'm experi
ment in-r all the time."
" K x pe r i m : I i n ?'
"Ya-s; I try iiaw Ilaiw
did Hople ever find out that jeljy aiial
roast aluck iro toi-vther? How alial thev
eva-r -ret on to spring lamb ami mint
sauce, pie and cheese, steak anal mush
rooms, ami sa on? Why. by trying
new combi.iatioiis. I oraler w hatever
strikes my fancy, ami in that way I jret
some tfioai eoiiilmiat ions."
"W hat are some you have aliscov-er,-al'.'"
"Scrambled ejrfrs anal eraulierry
sauce is one. Cadal piles' feet and K-iuoii
ia-a- is another. I lid you ever alip slia-es
aif banana into hot lionillon? Of course
not. There are no tixeal rules .alxiut
things you must experiment."
Japitneiu llollditya.
The Japanese holidays are the New
Near, the eelebratiou of which lasts
for three days: iod Pox's dav on the
-'d aif the second month; the Feast of
1 toils, for little girls, on the :M of the
third month: the Feast of Flags. f,r
little .boys, on the ath of the fifth
month: the Ablution mass in the sixth
month: the Tanabata on the 7th of the
seventh month: the day of the chrys
anthemum flowers ami the festival of
Inoko late in the fall. Ked boiled
beans ami rice is the delicacy eaten on
the Jal ,.f February, rice cakes wrapped
u wak leaves are for the .Mil of Ma v.
Sake is drank on all invasions, but
with a spray of iieach blossoms in the
l.ttle on the 8.1 of March, and a bunch
of chrysanthemum blossoms on Chrys
anthemum alav.
A I. It tie (irtseu.
lhiring a strike on the North British
railway, much ditliculty was experi
ciiceal to find the ncessary engineers
to keep the ne.-essary trains runninir.
One of the substitutes, a young fellow,
ran soma distance past a station, and
then, putting back, ran as much tax.
far the other way. He was preparing
to make a third attempt, w hen ths sta
tion agent shouted, to the great amuse
ment of the passengers: "Never mind.
Tainmas; stay where you are! We'll
.shift the t.tatioa.M
Printing Office
Is the plaee to eet your
pKiruptly auti fcTlsfclorlty ruiea1. We
Will meet the pi ices l mill l.a.nawm.le
ctiuipt-tion. We don't 1 any hut
fitti-aris8 u k anal want a
iivinit piioe for it.
Willi Fast Presses 2nd New Type
We are prepared Ut turu txit Jaiti Piniiiinf ol
every di!ci-(ptKo in the KINKST
STVLK ni1 at the r
Lowest Casii Prices.
NnthiiiK Dut the ttest luaterial I used ami
our work i-p-k tor it-uif. We are pre
pared to print on the stiorU-s. notice
Bl-sinkss Cards Taiis. Hitt. Hitn-,
Monthly Statkmrnts K.n vkixh-k?,
l.KTTRK ami Note IIkaks, am
Hop and I'aktv Invitations Ktc
We can print anything from the m sliest
am neatest Vi-llitnj Card to tlie laitiest
1'itster on short notice aiu! at lU
moat iweasoiiable Ilmles.
The fanibii.i Kicnn:ui
Dr. MiUa M&it C JElkhart. ImtL.
I'Iak PiK-s : For 20 7ars I was tronbled rlth
bafatrt diaea. Would frequentlr have faklUna;
apelia aud unothennir at tiitit. llad to ut up or
fan out of ba-d to b rem he. Htv.1 pain In mjr left
aide and back most of the time, at lm-t I ba-eame
drop-Ural. 1 was very iwrvuiu and nearly worm
out. The least excitemept would causae me to
with flntterliiir. For the last fltmi yeara I could
not fcitx-p rami leftside or back until he-ran u.kiD
your - Hmurl it-a. I bad not taken it very
lung until I felt mnch better, and I ran now sleep
on either ride or bark wutiatut tbe least Jiso.ue
fort. I have no pain, smothering. ln.y. no wind
on ctomarhor otiier dijiajj-enljle frym-ju'iuisi. lain
able to do all mv own bous-evaork iaiLLout any
trouble and ronsioer myself cura-d
Elkhart. Ind . Ism Mas. tiaiit Hatch.
It is now four a-ar-i since I have taken any
medicine. Am in better Lt-aalth than I Lave buaea
In 40 years. 1 honestly l-e- . -
bevethat JT ties' Arm f I I LJ LT pi
i-t iw- saved my lilo V IB i
and made me a well aman. I am now 62 years
of sjre. and am able to do a s-ood dav'a work.
Mmy tmh, infi. Mum ia.aiaa UaTCH.
Sold on sv Poalti-re Gutranttc.
Dm. MILES' PI LLS. 50 Doses 25 Cts.
Dt-manala prompt treatment. The re
sults of nej-leet may lie serious. Avoid
all harsh an.i Jrastio purgatives, tUo
tendency c.f wliiih i to weaken tlie
bowels. The best rrmmly U Ayer'a
I'ills. Ba-ing purely vegetable, their
a.-tion is prompt and tlieir effea-t always
heneficial. Tha-y are an ailmiralile
I jver and After-alinner .ill, and every
where endorsed hy the pra.fessien.
" Ayer's TilU are highly and univer
sally stx.ken of l.y the ea.ple aUiut
here. 1 make dailv use .f them in my
praatii-e." Ur. l.'E. Fowler, Uridgas.
ort. Conn.
" I can recommenil Aver"? Tills a'mvs
all others, having lotl jroveal' their
value as a alhartic for uivself ana
family." J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa.
" For several years Ayer's I'ills have
teen used iu my family. We cud thetu
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indij;stia-.n. and
are never without them in the Louse."
Moses Grenier, Lowell, Mass.
"I have used Ayera I'ills. for liver
troubles and iudiga-stiou, during many
jears, and have alwavs found theiii
triimpt aiul etiii ieiit iu iheir action."
u N. Smith, I'tica, N. V.
' I suffered from constipation which
assumed aiia-h an a.l.stitiate form that I
feareal it woulal cause a st.ipia-;e of tha
laowels. Two Uikes of Ayer'a I'ills ef
fected a complete cure." I), liurke.
Saco, Me.
" I have used Ayer's Tills for the past
thirty years anal camsialer theni an in
valuable family meaiuiue. 1 know of
no lietter remedy for liver troubles, '
anal have always found thetu a prompt
cure fair dyspepsia." .lames IJuitiu, tJ
Midalle St.. llartfaiid. t'onn.
" Having Wen troubled w ith costive
Bess, w hich seems ilie liable with er
aons of se.lent.iry habit-i, 1 hae tried
Ajer's I'ills. hoping f..r ra lief. 1 a!u
f la.i to say that tha-v hae sa-rveal man
etter than any other masiiciue. I
arrive at tins aa-ucliisum only after a
faithful trial a.f tha-ir merits." i:Uuuel
T. Jones. Oak at.. Boston. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Maw
Sold by all 1 .tenia. rt to Modlrlaaa.
Cures thori sands anniiallyof Liver Com
plaints. Biliousness. .linn.lin. t-
Cures thnnunili ni....n..f .
sla. Constipation. Malaria. MoraTlls
beat Set Works In the World.
at the World a fnl...t..- e
W... .v.- " -r """"" 'position.
"taJJ sS
ei. o. r mhuuhAR CO.
3IAD KLKi'liAMs.
The Peculiar Affection That o
Seizes tho Ornnt T), . . "1
- . -e-- tt,-
r al tn laillft ttku. .
- a ratjy- ,
tare Have lionr cmi tt. aj
ssd kil lawd mail I -t rui iv
pie sad rruM-rty.
1 . I . . 1.-.. . . l.i: . ,
III u.r -ia. iaiaiii--s, w Here ttn
t.hants are -las.l as int. oi.. . r'
. - , - - 11 1
-lillk.--. fallal Sir. 111-:. lo-. 1.1 . .
v ivil er.!Tiiurinii- inlir.n..,..-
rnjriia- et.-pnant is as iilu..j, . '
.il,..,L- .....! r"'i-
- .... ........ .. ... a. nm. ru. tori
ra'aiuir ti-a-r. ltx. r- " it
tin lunra- ,1:,
t.i a started am a can-a-r .f ,
in. I lif.-tjl.iuT it ui.-tli., u
r .....
ul in tlieir taTtinaeit v aii.t ii... r'
e . l. " '"''"U::
i .iii aaa-? lll.-r.- a r,. xUr
a-ast excluded frami eotnru n.i.,-,
:t- fa-lloVs allal the alaaln,.; i. ... . i
in the cuiialitii-n aif uiai-t " j.
a.- it.". . j a . .a VilIU ,
cause- it.-, spa-11 a.f bliu.l f uri vj . '
lae rins iii densely jtaiiulit,.j , ;
l.--. tn.liv.ra .aV......l ....
. a . . " '.a
cr. trai.e umi. as a ru
j ... naii... ..a an rii .' :.ijt
f.arty are alcstmyeal t,v ti.,.Ti j . '
ln-ars. ya lives and ha-n;i
alter tha-se alata. In ..-.
tame a-la-Jiliant whia-h J,;,.. f
"i I. vears laas-aine aia-m. tj . ,
away'truiiii-etiiifr t.t tin- .v.-.k j'
it was Kiiia-ai it iin.i rav.i.-. ,i
ii.iy ami kiii.n tinrtv
III India the cm.H
all ,
-tnii--t." whiah i - n- .
mu ln.-s. i ha-rubia-al I.-, a,
. .tl tha- f..r.-lia-a.l a.f th,. tVl
allal swell ili-r aif tin- ta-:ii;.;.
animal in captiitv i ,
a-alitiain is ailisaTVed ill l;..
K-a-asi.tnall V eleplianl- . ,
lal ta-mN-r- ara f.'iin.l ).,.a ,
lla't laa classed it ii ...
p-riaa.lia-allv alana-r. .u- ..r
aillta-asts whiall ara- ul.. ii
-s..litaria--. A tvpi.-a: r . .,
aiiiiia k iia-ar .1 iibba ! '. .r.- ,i. .--
a. .'..a ll . -f as a man -r !,
k il I iuiT si mu i if its i. t . in-. ,t .
. . . " ' -'i-
iii its nitiiitli and t !.. !. t . I.,r.,.
Many -f tha- T. .'ii.-" . .. :.r,i;,.
fr.uu A i:i ara b.tsa-.i .m !. ,. , . ,s
a'itlla-r aitraa-isa-al lia-Ut . .,-
esa-ape.I fr. .in a-a,itiv it ul,.,;,, . .
a ia-ul mral nei. hk .i h. 5, .
a-r.ijis deva-datf tl ..i- t
a-a.jlla- ll.a eallla- ill t!,, ,r ,,
v. Iiia-h wan.lereil in th,- ...
f r tifta-a-n a-ar-. an.i .l. tr.r,,..' -ti.
Ms and killa-.l main j r i,.
lT.ita-rty a.f tha- o. . ,-r I, :u. 1. 1 . mU j Vi
rid itself a if a a-huill a In, h ,
away when it csi-u;-.i i.r-v.
lu-ar th. villa.'e a iaii.. l ) -. -clank
a.f tha l.r. .U.-n f.-H.-r- All .
. it...- a .
luai.lll.IIHL' i.Illla's ir- ill.;.:
tury au.l iciais. h, t;
duriiir tha- alay and trjiv. !;!.
I iia-y ara- n..t r..'u
t h-pliants surTv-riiij.' f:
f urv.
t'rua-lty'i!n.-. rii.ik.-
aif ela"jhalits. In 1-s., Vl
uliatit was l-a-ino- i i.i. i. i, Li i!,
the alistria t a.f s-uilanja. . ... il.
animal relented pnl.t.ii.' a.-.:,
y jiuliini;- th.- mail t:...i. !..- t.,
tlir-awii:;' hi in S..IH,. .li ...,
V a irt Ulialal V tha- Uiatl f. I' 1.1 .1
.allal rc.liuill.-.l thaTa- uli.t; ..
t he cla .hunt . . I... u.-n i . Ll
iii yilla-.'a-. 111. r. I.. . i
i.ia n int. a a h. .us,- ih.-n ! - j
wall--, pulled tin- loan .mt
iallll t.t pla-CaVs.
1 lia sane
klfia.-la.eal al..a II
iiii. i.t if.,- .
A.r.,1 I. .- :
f hailll.lla Is-ill - ill t!..
liapur. l;.tia. n ai:.l
killed siv in. 1. ia !
s.ra. f.nir in liau.1. i
-Utll. lla- llka-Vis,- 1;.!
i J.
a l-'ny and al-a . i.--T r i a
riare. ' iis,-.l t..-'.
al.t-.r a.f a h.'Us,-. J .r. . I.i- .
Ill.-li -hlllO- tha- Vall .'ll . r
waiuhl tii. ii kill as in.niv .:
as ha a.saul.1. pur-uiiij Kl -r
tat run away, lie mail, U-.l :
Afta-r securing a i. t:ii. :..
rcturilt-altaitliesj.,t i . s,., ;
t-vtiiia-t. an. I w.uil.l .-. !.
inj- tlu- lutalv afra-1. lb- 'j
a-ral,-s bilif .ii-'.al. j
tiia in i ii t i rat iua-s. , t, l!i.
I-aiiiiit iiis wav int.. ':.. -i-a
palaee. where ha- tria-! X- a
lla. Use a.f U lrarala-la-r. I -ut s O.;
I.l.'UI.ta-.l aill tlira-a- a-la-j'.'ial.- i-
by a sH-.irsiuaii. .:r..t !..:a
tha-ii returned t.. l--i-:;.ur '
trieal t-t break al.. Ii In- :ii.i-. - -in
whia h seva-ral j-a-rs..i.- iia.l
Hire. The p.ilice tr. -1 it;"" :" :
frami a back wind"., at..! ' '
ttst-lld fa.r help t" i!.. .:!-'
what sclit thra-e a-!. (!. ii t- aii-'
:-jH-arsmeii. Tin- r. .-
""Ullsll.ltS I'll tha- ha-a.l at l
u hit-h. hatwever. ta-n.i "
atraive him aitT. lb- was u. ;.
t ureti at immim-iit M-k 1
three elephants ali.l ii"
a 1 l.t.- - si hflrr i.J It!
II. r. II
'-It was tha- aiiia-a-r. -st
"irl at the jewelry a-"i.t.'er .:
lull, acca.r.liiio- t.. the batTai I :
"When 1 was in t In- '' ' ' :
the tl.ta.rwalker a-aiu. ar - n - - J--usalltat
l.ta.k .-ut f..r '.r.a-st ! ir
tru ar.iun.l anal sta-a! l- an ''
help it. 1 was kind -''' :; ' 1
1 allllatst put Ill ea-s "lit : -
them. Din- .lay a w...uan - '
counter anal I'. Ii. In . !". " "
t ! til t.t her. Afta-r 1 " '" ;l r ,
the party I was wait i!;. ' ";'
t.t l.Ntk :it h.-r and -i ,a t . r 1 hairpin fr.uu a
- I alialn't sitv a w..r 1 1 :
wh.. she was. That t: !.'!' 1 :
atVer tat llaT llollsa- an.. t"! i I" r
haal seen. he tri.-.l ' l rj ''i.
but I was tft mu. I. f.-r h.-r. ai-- -she
owned up that st,--l.J '
pin." , r
" have her arr.-leJ
the attlu-r jfirl.
"Nat." saial the first l'
,1. -l.u: J
her irive me the pin
Theu she turtiasl !.. r ;ur -'
taiillttsl tat Saalllellli
hair ami asktal. pr
lie Woulal -lia U'
A Valllll.r mail Vlsitt
tnr l'i-
other eveiiimT. and a- he ,
residence he seat.-.l
I....-,?.. '. i . . t lH..f-:tu to b- a.'1
I e ,
his fair one's m.'tl.. r
. ut..;...T 1.-.,- ttdwi-rs, t't
"lli-autiful eveiiiut.'
Mrs 1.
fresh the are Ui T
"Oh. ves." was tha- raili. r
"they are pretty f: -!-as
fri-sh as that paint .r - ' "
was put aiu "iK'llt tell :
nncatmf.artable epr.
t!.: -1
over- the ea'UIllC'a" '
. ....- ....... I ..
in-t '-
man. out uu- yeuui . - . i &
ia an atlearana-c an.! in-'
t.t take a seat in the hail"""
i I., sa.-
mvitat i.m he retusa.i .
thank yau very much. Ui,Vi' rt-in-r
all thiu irs in"
p-uess I'll stick tat the )'.a
. . -i. -.1 -.,lIa-
1 ftnriir. - la-
The potato. s.t laiiur - it
d.-vela.iHsl alm.tst ii."""'. -j
.'. . .. . ... n. .bstiu: "
ties. t-tariv are easi... ....
. i, i-H
I tut there are many .r(.
and alimtst iii:ra .-'1 ' . " s
There are nineteen jrK' .v!.
white potato iu - 1,1 p
liermany, tweuty-six :1 l"
and thirty-two in I'rat-