The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 13, 1894, Image 4

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    imrrrTearjaaraf WMMraw
- .'A
. s
OomiosltIon la a Closely
Guarded Secret.
An Industry That Give Employment to
Thoananilt of People Anifrics
I m Nation of Jw
Workera. lo you chew g-ttm?
In more technical terms, do you in
dulge in that continuous, vertical,
masticatory movement which is s per
fectly disrustin; in the street car but
pardonably popular in the privacy of
Nowadays, says the Chicago Tribune,
everything' is distinctively tin de siecle
or tries to be. And to be strictly fin
de siecle means to have "a purpose."
All the new and popular books, for in
stance, are "purpose" pieces of fiction.
And so the persistent gum ohewer.
much as he dislikes to see others com
placently smack their lips over the bit
of jfum and sujrar. hides l-hind the
laudable purpose, so called a subterfuge-
in other words of improving an
imperfect digestive apparatus. of
whitening the teeth or of sweetening'
the breath.
Said Pope: "Old politicians chew on
wisdom past." This truism is sujrres
tive. Hut the modern chewer. what
ever may le his excuse for the indul
gence, is addicted to something- more
tangible ami that something is a pe
culiar conglomeration of stuffs.
If your favorite brand is white grim
your solace is in chewinfr parartine
which is a mixture of various carlro
hvdrides that has leen dissolved at a
jrvntle heat in olive oil and ptycerine.
It is stirred on cooling1 and afterwards
If tolu occupies first place in your af
fections you indulge in a mixture of
balsam of tolu which is made by dis
solving oranpre shellac and piim ben
zoin in rectified spirit, with the ad
dition of a few drops of the oils of cas
sia and nutmeg dissolved in a little es
sence of vanilla oatmeal and suyar.
There is also spruce (,'um. made from
exudations of the spruce tree. This
puin from the manufactory of nature is
regarded as lmth pure and lieneficial.
Whether the chewer of rum (rets a
lilreral allowance of the proverbial
peck of dirt which every individual is
Mipposed to eat in his allotted three
score and ten in the sugared, flavored,
daintily-wrapped squares of fum is a
controvertible theme.
There is. in fact, such a mysterious
air of seerecv about the manufacture
of these innocent-lixkiiijf masticatory
sticks that the would-le visitor, who is
not friven entree into the sacred pre
cincts for love or money, is quite apt
to think maybe cleanliness is next to
podliness' is not the motto of the
chewing trum manufacturer.
At any rate, there are innumerable
stories afloat as to the ingredients of
this decidedly popular American prod
uct. A chewing pum factory that claims
the distinction of being the third larg
est in the world may be found within
the gates of Chicago. Though one is
not permitted even to glance into the
great room where the clang of machin
ery indicates the sacred spot, and
though one cannot converse with the
liege lord who, locked in his private
otlice, concocts mixtures to tickle the
palate of the professional gum-chewer.
there are many interesting things to
I heard and man' interesting things
to le seen in the packing department.
One of the managers laughed aloud
at the bare suggestion of admittance
being refused on the ground that the
ingredients are injurious.
"Some people actually think," he
said, "that chewing-gum is made from
old rubWr loots and refuse matter.
The fact is that only pure materials
are used, the principal ingredient be
ing an exudation from a species of rub
Wr tree native in Mexico."
"What is the appearance of this sub
stance?" "It is a thick brown sap of the con
sistency and color of maple sirup. We
get it in the original state, with parti
cles of bark and dirt. This goes
through a long process of cleaning.
Then of course the process of making
is a profound secret. There is a man
in our employ, by the way, who for
twenty -one years has done nothing else
but experiment on newbrandsof chew
ing gum. No. even a manager could
not take hii wife through the factory,
so rigid are the rules. Each employe
knows only his particular part of the
work, so the secret of making, as a
whole, is preserved."
"Are the materials expensive?"
"Yes. for the original gum costs 51.10
a pound in ton lots, and the essential
oils used cost 54 a pint. These are the
principal ingredients."
"How long a time is required to con
vert one lot of new material into chew
ing gum?"
"Almost a week."
An interesting spectacle is to look in
the packing room. Here great trucks
tilled high with strips of chewing-gum
a yard long and several inches wide,
all carefully marked with geometric
precision into squares, are rolled in at
intervals from the factory. The deft
fingers of the seventy-five wrappers
young girls break these strips into
sections, wrap each in a tissue cover
ing and then tinfoil, and pack them
away in pastelxard Ixixes in an almost
incredibly short time. One girl has
thus filled 153 loxes in one day, there
being 3ti sticks in each box. or 5,50;
sticks all told. This is an unusual rec
ord, however.
(ireat woden boxes stacked to the
ceiling on all sides, packed with chew
ing gum ready for shipment, are the
result of only one day's work. It is a
sight to elevate the everlasting devo
tees of chewing gum the ubiquitous
cash girl and the omnipresent newsboy
to the seventh heaven of ecstasy.
It is likewise a reminder that Amer
ica is distiuctively a chewing-gum
country. Ami to think that manufac
tories employing hundreds, even thou
sands, of hands should be in dailv op
eration all over the country to cater to
one's penchant for someth ing to chew
is an almost inconceivable fact.
Tiierk are less than 3oo pure blooded
I"hotmjkapii3 have been taken 5oo
feet under water.
The armadillo is the mouser of South
American families.
A Sacramento gardener irrigates his
garden by dog power.
A Phii.aiiei.phiax has invented a
iour-winged flying machine.
A SwElnsii copper mine has been
wtrrked without interruption for SOU
Mi uiALL says that the life of a loco
motive is usually fifteen j-ears and its
earnings 53O0.0OO.
The amount of candy consumed in
the United States every year has been
estimated at SO.iiou tons.
Tiik squirrel monkey has a larger
brain proportionately than any other
animal, not excepting man.
Milk on the Hoof.
The latest development in the milk
business in London is to drive the cows
around the route and have them milked
in the presence of the customers. Tl:e
customer is thus able to judge for him
self of the healthy appearance of the
animal, and is sure of the freshness of
the milk. The practice Li a cummoii
(And ancient one in tsifypt.
never wants to learn, but ths
reads' that
OLiD Honesty
is the best that is made, and
at ONCE tries it. and savea
money and secures more
oatisfactionthan ever before.
A. VOID imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. If your
dealer hasn't it ask him to
get it for you.
110. FHZSR Sl BROS.. LonlrYillfl. &
Are you reckless emnfh 10 venture ? If rosr-nt1
two cents iu stani.s to the Mark I'ul:liliii:i t o .
5" and S WtLsiiinirtoii Street. Ni v Yi.ik. lie
one of their heautiful illustrated I.j:ftiei"
BoukM." It is a novel. imi.iie. ami 1 uteres
iiig work to every person of n tiut-au-iit.
On receipt of ten c uts in s' they wl
send postuaiil a full set of their famous house
hold Rauie Verba.
Forten ci'iitn they will aNoseih! rt hook e o!,tiniitir
complete vortirt of 'Tic Miki.ili" and liui-u- t.i
itr mit oiit:l:ir run::-, together with ti-n exijtiisiu
chmino aid.-.
A very vlca-Miiir. htirml. flyrynitiril pmimitir
comptfiiml lur fliuitin t h ti:st'.- ol ii.r utic
other bitt'-r ini''. rittn r mhh! ir Tl r t I I'ri.-o. 1h
tnt imt Vint ll1tl. Pn-n-nUil hy Hi i!-:in!--1
phyairiHtt in KnroiM riiiff Artrir." I'ninu!ii ju
uiupmik'S every botilr. I'nr JSalt by lrti.'p--tH.
Mauuliicturrtl hy
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
y vt. t
An elegant Knplish j-hannaf. to preparation
for biiious. malarial and Mood ti lhles ; the re
suit of, over twenty -live 3-ears of u:-t enmieui
scientific research.
Approved hy the highest medical nuMiorith-s
In use iu he hospitals in very part of l .un'jw
Esecially heltul to ladies, children and jeo
pif of sedentary hahils.
Entirely veetuble ; free from harmful dnius.
Sn Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Prepared sole!- by
$03-0.1 'il-rirmatieutiti Co.
Chemists by appointment to H,-r Majesty the
Quwen and to the Koyal J-'ainily.
130k 132, 134 Charlton St
Same medicinal properties as Royal ELixtf, ir
boxes, :) pills to box, for 2 5 cents.
Vinegar Bitters COED.AL. -J
I delicious" t
taste, (
Vinegar Bitters P0"WDESS, W doses. SO-,
Vinegar Bitters, new style, Pil"' J $ I .oo
Vinegar Bitters, oldetyle, bitter ta.-te, $l.UO
The World's Great Blood Purifier
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
Tkcn"t fjfth of n Onlnry Ihe I.rnriinK
Family Medicine- ol (he rld.
" ----- -ir -lt,"
R. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors,
Scientific American
Agency for
For mrormatlon and free Handbook writ" to
MINN tL CO out Hhoauwav, Nkw Yoiiff.
OUlett bureau for eeurtiii; patenta In America.
Kvtry p&tent taken out hj n is brontrtit before
the public ttj a notice given free of charge in the
mntxixt mtximx
Ijuvest etrenlatlon of any e( entitle paper In the
world, hpleiittidlr tUutruted. No intelligent
Dian should be without it. Weeklr. :. on a
fear: SLauttix months. Address Alt N.N ,c
yinUnHtKii, atil Broadway. Mew Vork Vlij.
ouicurticjiiiiar. THETORNADO
reed and ensilage
1 faaI tbtw rtur
W riitt for fAiiwturww
Ui;rwJauWr j .r.T
w. m. HtimisON 4 Co..
in. w
1 m i j
w J
- f I ' 1 a VJ
aJt w t.
ConceMioos to Modern Ideas by the Socle
ty of l'rienilji.
The rtoeiit yearly nut'ttn'T of the So
cio ty of rrionils aloptol several
eh::ujesin iiseipline -that will lie of
very general interest. The rule con
cercinsf marriag-e. says the l'hilailel
phia lre.-. that for time out of miii.l
has 1h-.ii reifartleil with such ri..r in
the soeiety, has leen ehanrol in the
tiireetionof lilerality. It is now ilu-p-etlier
feasible fr a meniU-r to marry
o;ie who is outsi1e the society without
losing tan;lhi!. or. in any event, mem-lK-rshi
in the soeiety. I'ormerly it
wa-i iiu.tvv-.siMe for a iiiemlvr to taarry
anvoiie not a member of the society
without the consent of the nteetii:.
orovi,lel the person was a meir.Wr of
any otlierliy. Now. in all eases, if
the meet in? eonsent. it can 1k iioiie in
Lro.l onier. Kven if a memUT marry
contrary to the order of the mcvtin;r le.ire to retain memWrship. t!ie
meetinjr is now, by the changes in the
iiirit-ipline. permitted to retain hitu.
The women's meetintr. it may also Ik
ole-rvel. is g-iven equal voiee with the
The new discipline makes a nnmlH-r
of otiier chanrcs. Amonir the most in
ti'testinr is one recommend in;r that
friends abstain from the use. cultiva
tion, manufacture and sale of tobacco.
A recommendation against the use and
sale of liU!)rs has Ion; been in force,
and remains unchanged, except that
it has lven extended so as to embrace
"f urni -hintr any material whereby tlie
testim nv against intoxicants is vU
lated." The testimonies in relation to -plainness"'
of speech, apparel and In-havior
remain unchanovd. The article in in
lation to slavery is stricken out. and
tnativ obsolete expressions are modern
ize 1
The queries have Wen recast, and
now embrace fourteen, the answering
of which embraces a statement of the
ci tulition of the society on almost all
essential points.
ne of the chamres that has Wen
m:do is the substitution of tin term
'free ministry of the ,-ospcl" in pi:: -e
of the term "hirclins-." which was dis
tasteful to many. The testimony atrainst
a paid ministry is not ehanired. but
onlv the name by v. hich it is known is
rendered more euphonious.
Peace and arbitration are also advo
They Kitiice from Vnrty-N inert to World'
1'uir Soiiit-itlr lluntr.
Stretched llat on tits stomach on the
frrtivelly walk in the front of the cast
entrance to the Mininr building-, with
his nose within one inch of the jrround.
lay a small I my the other day. Around
him. says the Chicago Tribune, were
as subsequent invest i ration showed
one brother, his mother, two sisters,
one cousin, one aunt, and one ffrand
mother. The brother anil sisters were
scattered around in jtositions some
what similar to the youthful hero ol
this story. Their noses were equally
close to the frround. The olfactory ajv
penda'es Wlonjriiiir to the- older mem
Wrs of the nartv were as near to
mother earth as their half-squatt ino
half-sittinjr posture iHTiiiitteil. lOach
and everj- memlM-r of this arjrrcjration
was busy busy scratchino' .rravid.
With infinite care every inch of ground
was inspected, and every once in
awhile an exultant cry of "ffot some"
from one individual would spur the
others on to renewed exertions.
One bystander linally went to the
small lmy and queried:
W hat are you lookiiifr for, son?"
tuld," was the sententious answer.
'Found any'""
Slowly he opened his tifrhtly closed
left hand ami exhibited half a dozen
prains of iron pyrites, worth about
seven cents a lmund.
All of which is but history under a
modern truise. When the earth fravo
up its yellow treasure half a century
ajr many a man du' for fold and
thought he found it: many an aircastle
was wrecked when the bao's of shim
merinf ditst turned out to W "fool's
"old" iron pyrites. And there are
storits current in the far west that
when some of the castles fell they
buried thcirbuildcrs Wnoalh the ruins.
Asa CruvuKX and wife, of Ameshury.
Mass.. have just celebrated the sixty
sixth anniversary of their marriav.
'kkkxk Hit WKs is the name of a new
doctor who has located at Kensington.
Kan., and advertises that he has just
rraduated from a medical oollcov.
Si-: xato it John Siikkman has sorajv
1 molts coverinr the history of the
I'niti-d States for the past t:iii-ty-ei'.rht
years. He has. Won keeping his lettet
since he was fifteen, and every thinp; ol
value- has Wen saved.
Kkv. Dlt. U. A. Patkhsov. late presi
dent of llinfrhamton college, and
founder of the iirst women's tra'uiiir
colleye in America, is almut to retnri
to l'dinburo'h. Scotland, his nativt
city, to resume the pastorate after for
ty years" absence in this country.
t'oMiKF.ssM x Drxx. of New Jersey.
sutTered a ?mm1 deal of hardship diiriiij'
his osirly years, and at eleven years of
aire actually did not know the alplia
Wt. He served on a farm, as a sailor
lmy. and learned iron moldino-, brass
turninr and silver buniishinjr. While
thus employed he devoted hisovonino-s.
Sundays and holidays to study.
Hamilton (Vhxtv, .. now reports
its first woman pleader. Miss Nellie J.
Uobinson havinjr app-ared a few days
ajro in the criminal court of Cincinnati,
as counsel tor a Iollow accused ot liur
jrlary. She. is erediteil with havinjr
conducted the case well, even eloquent
ly, but an unsympathetic jury broujrht
in a verdict of jruilty apainst her
ExrKfT every man to do his duty,
ami with all your expectations expect
to W disappointed. Calveston NeWs.
Thekk is much tenderness in this
seeminjrly cruel world, but the butcher
rarely finds it Cleveland l'laindealer.
JrsT think, captain, the major has
actually married the rich old maid."
Obviously he wanted to have his
(Tolden wedding; at once." Fliejrende
1 "blotter.
Tiik other day Johnnie saw a
branded mustanr on the street. ".
mamma," he shouted, -just look how
they've irone and vaccinated the poor
thin-r." Ilarjier's Younjr l'eople.
IhH Tou -Did you apply a mustard
plaster to your spine?" Patient " Yes."
lWtor "Didn't you find it a "m-at
help?" Patient "No. I felt that it
was a jrrcat draw-back." Medical
IIoi sKR "What blamed nonsense to
speak of money as havinjr wino-s." Mrs.
11. luscr "Humph: 1 dunno. Kvery
IxKly says the only thinpr that keeps
you from l!yinr hi,'h is the lack of it."
l.uil'alo Courier.
The Klue A hove.
If there was no dust haze above us
the skj- would W black. That is. wc
would lie loo';inr into the black
ness of a limitless space. When
in tine, clear weather, we have a
deep, rich blue almve us it is
caused by a haze. The particles iu the
haze of the heavens correspond with
those of the tuW in the koniscope, and
the blue color is caused by the lijrht
bhiiiui' tlirc".'rh a depth of fine Laze.
This cniincDt
Physician has de
votel .. lifetime
to his Specialty
Diseases of the
.Eye, Ear, Nose,
Thruat, Lung autl
i hruuic Diseases.
Mond:iys, January 1, February:, March 2tl. April r':i. May Jl, June IS,
July lC, Atmi'st lo. S pteinlKr IO. Octoln-r S. November o,
l)(tiiiiier o and ."1 till i. m.
Opposite the l'cimsvl vaiiia Depot.
Tutbys, January 2. "0; February '27, March J7. April 'J I. May June l't, July
17, August 14, SeptemlKr 11, OetoWr H, Novt-ndx r '.
IkfeiiilKT 4.
A Blind Man Ma-te to Sre ty Ir. Salm Mulilni
a V oinleruil ttM-ratlon.
Kr over ten .enrs I bare heen tiajlv emus eyeil.
Iir. Salm oerate,l ii(n me witnout vivfm: me
i-blorolitrai. nor t-aUi-liiK pain or los el IIm,I. My
ryci ae i-tniinlil once more, ami mo eye th it
hereu-lore was aiuio'l lutaliy bnnd. 1 ran again
rre voliDditily with.
Souer.tet. Fa.
Four of 1 lie Best Knetors In the County Salil She
Was lncurai-le. Hi-1 lr. Slin .Made a Healthy
Woman ol He .
Kor over 5 yearn I have been fufler'nn with
heart trouble ami a bail raeol 1 l'.-y. We
went to lour ot tl e tteut doetors In the county l r
relief, but all of tlieiu eaid a cure ' luix.tile.
t lime!' 1 lelt fo bad lift 1 n certain 1 had to
de 1 tainted away very olten. and uiy Iriendx
tuld Die alterwards "that they thouicht every mi -uient
wuu 1.1 be uiy U?t. And 1 hereby attirui
that had It m't Im en tur the utilendld treatmeut
received Iroui lr. Sal'U, who ban entirely cured
me id that areat trouble, t would have beet, un
der the f ixi lunK ago.
Attete.l by her huibmd, Henry T. Kkjs.
I.eei hl'iirir. ArmstrooK (.-'o , 1'a.
A Peculiar A auction o( the Ies t'ured by Dr.
Koi the last 10 yearn our non had the most pe
culiar atleeliim ol tiotb leii. They iiecame cover
ed with vcihs and nc-tler) They oozed out con
siderable secretion and the disease troubled lilm
coutanlly. even interupted hia Hleep on account
ol the terrible itchlnk. We tried the bent doctors
in our county and near t-y. witnout any reulta.
None ol ttiem made t lie correct diunnvdls until
we brought him to lr. Salm. who diaatuMed the
disease an a icroluloUi atleclion. and as a lenull
ot hir) treatment tie ha4 xucceeded In making a
perfect cure In the time hi dialed. We believe
lie unilrrtla mis his hulnei?, and hence we do
not hesitate to re.-ou.mend hnn to our citizen.
KLI). S. C K.
Hyndman. Pa.
t'ancer t'urnd by Ir. Salm.
or some time I have futfereil Irom an Duly
liKikin eancenmti growth on the chrst. H.ctor)
bete pronounced it cancer, and raid they could
not do ne any good. Dr. ZSaltu ban cured me in
fhiirt order without uning the ktille or caunticn.
aDd only an Innnenitlcanl near is a li that Is tell ol
the heretofore ugly and tminlul emmh
tiJ.AHtl It nit' t-.l.l.l- K.
Somerset. Pa.
I'laniliistlon mil ronnnllallon free In evrrthtxly.
t.IMir Aillrrll.riiirnt Mill A ppi-ar 1 Hlrr Urlurr Carli 1 lali.
AtiilrrwH all 4 inbuilt teat I Hx 7.
CARL 111 V IN i US,
" 1 T ' 1 1
Have ll to ennrimera lor 55 I eur .
tiavniif tneiu the dealers piottt. We ure the
tlldi-.tuuil Larir.1 niaiiutui tiin. ra in A ini-r-l.:i
selling Vi iii. I. s and I lun.iss iinn wav - slnp
with privilege to examine imv monev Is
f.d. ..' pay lreiirlit both wiv, If not natistro -
ry. V nrrant tor '1 year-. Wny pav an auenr f III
! a to onler for you Write your own ortler.
i'oxln tree. We lake a!l rink of uaiua- e 111
rrin Wisons, 31 to S50. :uarani.-ct
t.i .ie a ::.-11 foi CJoio Surreys. SClcf TO
:-i:i:o a-l m 11 for SiUM t j t. . lop RuCf-'ro,
S7.C J, a;: f.:iocj.-ol.t forte.. F hrBtoi.t. .ICO
to-l'. Firm W2pong, W.-!Kom1trs.
IViit:: Woarons, Delivery V.'nrronsi--"o fcod
C-rts. tib ihi.s I ou .., imn a iiit oi.i-..
No. 37. Sarrer li&rtjes.
J I X IV. X.v 1
N.i.;is.Top Bntgr.
No. I. h arm
rxrirnL air foe rwh
I tO pHjr pMlHgf mi
No. :!. h .trui Wauuu.
EE?fsi $23.50
,f"J ''JrSs ''
5 .
a fNfTirii:iV-' tiij
Address W. B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART, IND.
"Seeing; is Believing.
And a good lamp
must be simnl-f Ttrhpn it- ic tint rimr,! ; :
. w
I nnr rrAul c- r rt
I i &"-"-- impie, Meamijui, Lrooa these1
I words mean much, but to see "The Rochester"
tr , 4 , --- ".uoiciuii.iuij. fi.ii metal,
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces onhr,
iiiiuics inp iriifh -vA
, , : yjJ, "'""-cuKupie. idice Aladdin's
tt J ?e!d a "wo?derful lamp," for its mar-
, r t 5 F- er ana
softer than electr ic. i;rr.
k rr..- -
Loot for thisstamn Tn o.
Rochester, and the vle yen? want -end to a-updealerhasnt the eennine
kand we will send you a UmS aafeU hi VtJ J? cw JstraieU cataloKue.
iTanetieslromtheZirii?!" cho.c ot over i,J0U
llOC'II ESTtlt I.AnK ,.."
The Doctor has
been for years a
Professor and lec
turer in several of
our largest Metli
cal Colleo:e, anl
has earned great
f.-tuie a- an author
ity and author on till
subjects concern in:;
his specially .
I Con Id Not Nor WK I Have W.m'e.l to Live
Much limner in the I'liuln i W. In
tur "cine time I have njrte e.1 terribly with
kl ney ami Inward fr-utile. Si I .utt-ri-iit .ii-tnr
treated me f tr li.'tlinnistiiiti ol die trowel, e'e
I grew jnrf, tad la get op about evej- bill hour
to void urine 1 lie pon was nmt r xcrubiatuig
and I am certain 1 n.u.i' not nor would not
wxuleij to have lived much longer 111 nhe phlight
1 wan in. Pan icu 1 irly a there did not neeui a
spot oa my body that did not ache tuewt terribly
My Ixiweln were always in a bad condition, no 1
concluded that 1 would call la )r aiu ol whom
I had heard Bo ikui-b. II e d ti ui-ned in ill-ea.
a lieliig a refult ol kl.lae. niouiach and inward
treubie. J bad im.i taken bin medicine a week lie
lore I ielt tbe tieneni. and to oav alter a course el
treatment I ran do my own work, alter not having
been able to bald v move m-nit.
1 South St , Johnntowu. Pa.
Sutlered With -atarrh. Hronchltis and tJenera1
Tiouble lor 16 Yearn. Hut V an Cured by r
For it.e last 15 rears 1 have tten sulterlng with
catarrh br.nn In tin an I general trouble. I took
Colli veiy easily, I bee . me i butted up ill m
client and eou l.l hurdiy iLealtte. My luugn be
came bad.y an rctcil. lort tl sli rapid y. and alter
ed in lookn amazing. y. Iu (act it went trim bad
to wor.e eoulinaaiiy . Tried dllli-rriil anils -I med
ieiuei. iiut wulmui etle-t. Alter a roa- o'
treatment witn lr. Sa.m 1 am cm-e more a well
woman, tio not take cold any more, and can rent
and eat nplendidlv. In luct my ue glioora tell me
that 1 liaik 10 ye.irn ami I can unsure you
that 1 leel thai wy. tnaua to the HiKurn won
derlul cure ol my ease.
Wilmore. Pa.
Spinal and Krain Tn nble t'ured hy lr. Salm A
Womlertiil Cane
tiur Imiv became suddenlT atlected with spinal
trouble, ittd It ai but short 11 uie l.ol re he tiau
lont almost the entire use of bin pg4. tit i-oume
we became veiy much abirn el and worried anout
him. paitirulary an the lour hMritm we eon
suited told un there wan po help lor him. but lr.
Salm ban again done a wo.oter.ul toace ol work
lor he can again u his litnbn as we I as ever,
and he Is cured nl a terrible illsease ty thin won
deitul pbys c an alter tourol our tiest ilociorn had
prouiiu lived b.s cane iricuraliie
liAMKl.K I'lilihiMAn.
Mllrnburg Pa.
ColtmWa anilFi eflonia Watcliesf
In Kv ami St-tn Wiiidi-r.. '
t3".Mv lim of .lewi-li y is nnsiir-
passtnl. (mi ami sii for your-$
si-lf la-fore piiri-litisiiii: (! 1ht."AII work guaranteed.
No. "iLT. Kail atfuii.
til U
und KI.V
Elkhart Bicycle, 'isui.w heels,
po.fUlnatic tires, aetillesa
siteel t'lbiDit. drop fortclntra.
.Ith order.
Kniil -. la
I IV.pace ealalojCMe.
- - . . 1 I'll- ii la
. r- , . at n vr.
'gnter than gas liVht .
i..e P . . '.
-eenui man either.
" m nce, New York Cltr.
No. rsi. Sum y.
What is necietl in the theaters is a
contrivance ly which a clove can beob
taiml without leaving your seat-
Texas Siftiufrs.
I.ANDi.AUY "What portion of the
chicken will you have, Mr. l'.rown?"
lliianlcr "Almut a quarter.thank you."
lK-troit Free l'ress.
i;vi:i:v laly is the sweetest laly in
the worlil. You were once eonsklercil
t'l." sweetest thin-r in the universe, al
though you may not look it now. Tul-
wild man, I'm eneafred to Miss
Iashe. She's a dear frirl.r' "Yes. she
is o. She cost tue aUiut live hundred
ilnlhirs tlie v.inti-r I was euiajreil to
her." r.r-voklyn Life.
lliiiM. Coon ttv Missionary
"The money which you have friveii
to the rausi' will lie like bread east
iIon the water." Drummer "Oh.
that's all rirht. I shall charge it in my
I'X'H'iires." Koston Transt-rijit.
"Tiik j-entlemen tltat came to see
papa said I was one of the most intelli
rciit children they ever saw." said
little Jack. Indeed:' said the proud
mother. "Did you recite "l..ittle-Dr.js
of W ater" fur them?" "No"m. I rel'us-d
to." Washing-ton Star.
"Yor ottrht to have more sense than
to cards all tii.rht and lose your
none;. ." i-iiid Mrs. Snairjrs to her hus
'.i.n.l. ""It ;i. all on account of the
inaneial situation." repl'utl Snar;rs. "1
Un.-.v the other fellows had money
hoar led. and I wanted to tret it into
circulation. lut my patriotic intentions
were frustrated." Harlem Life.
TtiKitK were 1 "l.'.-'Tii cycles used for
pleasure solely in France last year, a
fact li-losl through the collection of
the tax imjroscd n them.
Tin: total cxciiditi:rcs of the F.ritish
rroverniMeiit post oliice telejrraph serv
ice diit iti- last year were C 1 i..V-J more
than the total receipts, which were
A NtMltFlt of interpreters intended
for war service are to la apjuiinted to
serve in the Ceriuan army. They are
especially reitlired to lie proticiellt iu
Uu--ian ami French.
were killed iu coal laities in Creat Krit
ain dtirinpr t year and sixty-live jier
soiis in metalliferous mines. lxth iiuiu-la-rs
l-inir alxive the yearly average.
Miss TovvNsKMi laid the lirst stone in
the nave for Die rcliuildiiiff of St. Da
vid's church at lvnhi;h. Wales. An
interest iti5 fact in connection with the
ceremony was tliat it was the same
stone that was laid ly her aunt, who
rave the site for the original church
lifty years affo.
Uisiioi Ui.yth. the Anp-lican hishop
of Jerusalem. ass.Tts in his annual re "a la u t one h ti ltd red thousand
Jews have entered Palestine dnrinir the
last fi-w years, of whom sixty-live
thousand have come within the last
seven years, and the arrival of a vaster
host is imminent."
Tiik earth's lowest Wly of water is
the t'aspian sea. which hasliceli sinking
for centuries.
I'l:l it cannot stand freezinp-. ln-cause
it ruptures the cells of the fruit and del-ay
lakes place.
A iiKANi II always causes a knot in the
tree, and any olotruetion of the llow of
siip will usually cause a knot also.
Tii:i:i:i s. Palestine, has a meteoro
logical observatory situated f.s-,' feet
U'luw the level of the Mediterranean
It is a curious fact, as noted by Sir
Samuel I'akcr. that a nerro has never
Ih-cii known to tame an elephant or any
wild animal.
M. Moissan. the distinguished French
"chemist, has made some more crystals
of diamond by plunirinf the electric
crucible coiitahiin the carlnui at a
teiiUHTature of J.tHiO decrees C into
i-olif water. The diamonds thus olr
tainl scratch rubies and burn with
t he product ion of carlxmie acid jtras.
but the largest weirhs only six milli
Smai.I. dinner parties f four or six
are often most enjoyable.
I!k sure the servants understand just
what is e.ected of them.
It is no lotiirer oblijratory to serve or
to drink wines or other liiptors.
Attkmi'T no more than can Ik cer
tainly and perfectly carried throuirh.
IIavk a svsti'iii. ami follow it much
unnecessary lalair will thus W saved.
lw as much of the work of prejiara
tiou the previous dav or two as txissi
ble. Kvkx the richest feast is barren, if
with it there lie no "feast of reason and
llow of soul."
I'ttkk silence is letter than to l but a jroldcit mean in conversa
tion is. vastly letter than either.
A iuvskk may In varied from three
to fourteen or more courses, tint from
live to seven will usually le found the
most desirable nuuilicr. Mary Living
ston Andrews, in Oood Housekeeping.
IVon't In afraid t buy - 'horse tic
ca use he is thin. In other wortls. lok
tint w hen btiyini.- a fat one. Flesh i" 'es
1 Skttkk muzzle the horses than hin
der tho free use of their necks by
check in; while at work. Checked
hors-s sweat more and prow thin faster
than free horses.
A team that is yelled at and jerked
will laconic so nervous that they do
not know what they are about; they
.tow thin with half the work of one
that is used kindly and steadily. The
manners of the team show the temper
of the driver.
If for any reason 'the horses have not
shed their coats or are unthrifty, jrive
them a little oil meal in their feed
daily, lle-riii with a tablcspoonful and
jrradually increase until feeding' a pint
twice per day. Few feeds will five a
horse s much strength nd make him
look mi well.
rttarratlon In
T,he peasantry in the northern region
of Kuropean Hushia are in a pitifully
iuiMverished condition, which is dailv
lKeoinino; more acute. The region
most affected covers aa area of not
less than 375.OuO.000 acres. While the
imiH-rial government is formulatin";
plans for the commercial and indus
trial development of this reirion by the
buiUlinjr of railroad systems, the htcal
(fovornors are appealino; for assistance
to keep the people from actual starva
tion. The iieople have not enough for
bread to last them through the winter.
They are four years in arrears with
their taxes and are hopelessly indebted
to the crown for advances made during
and since the late famine.
A Frlnl of t tin t- a rmrr.
The ladybird, to which so many pen
erations of children have addressil
the familiar rhyming' admonition, is a
most valuable insect destroyer and
has the freedom of well-conducted
greenhouses. It is the sjiecial enemy
of the little green aphis that destroys
tender plants, and the ladybird is al
ways seen upon rose bushes iu sum
mer time, lieeause the aphis esjH-cially
attacks the rose. Every such insectiv
orous insect as the ladybird is wel
comed by those who struggle w ith the
ver-increasing swarm of creatures
that attack vegetation.
run rnt:i:MAX
Printing Office
Is the place to et your
Piomptly and ati-.farti I'y rirruiril. Wr
will mt tlie price of l!l t ountatue
ctttM-tion, V don't d n but
tiisl-ci-s iik atul want a
liyin pi ice t-.r it.
Willi Fast Presses End New Type
We are prepart-d to luru nul J.l Punting o
every diKriptmtr, in the KIN EST
STYLE and at !
Lowest Casli Prices.
Nothing out the nest material l- used and
our work speaks lor it-snif. We are pre
pared to print tin the short-, notice
Potters, Pkoomammk,
IJUSINKSfJ t'AltlrS 1'AdS. p.ll.I. IlKAtrsl.
Month lt Statk.mknts Ksvkun'tii.
VlblTINO t'Altns" "HM-K. NTKS.
Dkakts Kkckiitsi I'KIMl WllKK,
lloPAMt I'ahtv In itatioks Etc
Wi can print anj tiling from the nia:i
and neatest Yi-itinu t'ard to tlie laivest
I'oster on stiort notice aim at thx
Diost Itasouatle Kales.
The Cainlnia Fi ennan
a-? afbr-iJi t'"'
Dr. Mile Medioal Co.. Elkhart, ImtL.
I'saK Pia: For ?0 ynrs I a-aa troabled with
bean diacane. Would frequently have tallins
apeila aad ktnothennir at cu-tit Had to ait up or
irrt out of tsd to trt-atbe. Had ia;n In my left
aide and back most of the time . at tuft I berama
dropsical. 1 waa very t;ervou and nearly worn
out. 1 tie least excitement would cause me to
with flatter!?. For the last fifteen Tears I could
root aleep on my left ride or bark until drranukmt
Tour Ar Urar fnr. I had not taken it very
lutif: until I felt mneh better, and I ran now leep
on either tide or bark witnout tlie lea--t disrom
fort. I have no pain, amotLennc. ilmy. no wind
on ttomsrbnr other disaim-eable symptom. lam
able u do ail cut own hi.usework without any
trouble and consider mysa lf curtl
Elkhart. Ind . !ssS. Mas. tLmBl TTatth.
It la now lour ear Riru-e I have taken any
medicine. Am In l-uer health than I Lave beeji
In 40 years. 1 honestly be- a a sa s
lieve thai Ir. MiU AVic I IDIT J
Mtrart tarn saved my life Will aarf
and made me a w ell woman. I am now 2 years
Of aze. and am able to do a eiOi1 dav'a work.
Jday 2vth, ltfi Mua ExaiiaA UaiCH.
So lil oil av Positive Guarantee.
Or. W ! LCS' PI LLS. 50 Doses 25 Cts.
lVmands prompt treatuiont. The re
sults ot neglect may lie serious. Avoid
all harsh ami drastic purgatives, tlio
tendency of wlm-h i to "jveaken the
lowels. The best remedy is Ayer's
I'ills. IW-iug purely vegetable, lli-ir
action is prompt and their effect always
beneficial. They are an admirable,
Liver and Af:-r-dinncr pill, and evt-ry-
here endorsed by the profession.
" Ayer rilU aro Liirhly and univer
al!y sji.kfn of by the "- .pl aU.ut
here. I make daily Use .f tiu-ui iu my
practice." Ur. l.'ll. Fowler, liri.lge
ort, t'oiin.
" I can recommend Ayer'p Pills aWs
all others, having lou j rov-il their
value :is a catliartic for tuvst-If ana
lauiily." J. T. llrM, LcitLsviile, l'a.
" For aeveral years Ayer's Pills have
been used iu uiy family." V liud thcui
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
-Muses Greuier, Lowell, Mass.
"I have used Ayer'a I'ills. fur liver
troubles and indirection, durin; tuany
years, and have always found tlietit
prompt and eOirit-nt iu their actiou."
L. Smith, L'tica, N. Y.
" I suffered from c-onstipation which
assumed such an otrstmate fortu that I
li-ari-il it would rausa a Mnip:ip. .f tlia
liowels. Two luxes of Ajcr's I'ills ef
fectetl a complete cure." 1). llurke,
Saco, Me.
" I have used Ayor's Pills for the past
thirty years and cotisiil.-r tb.-iii an in
valuable family uietiiciue. 1 know of
no l-tt-r remedy for liver troubles,
and have always fonud tin in a prompt
cure for ils pia "' James tuiuu, !A)
Middle St., Hurtful.!. t'.nn.
' Haviiis l--it troitlih-d w ith costive
ess, which siciiis int- ital.le with jier
aoiis of ji.-.lciilary habits, 1 hair tried
Ajer's Hills. Imping for relief. I am
clad to sa that they have .served me
belter than any other incluiiie. I
arrive at this conclusion after a
faithful trial of their merits." Samuel
T. Jones, Uak at., Boston. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
eur.i-AKro ht
Or. J. C. Ayer &. r.o.. lowell. Mast
Sold by lJ Ueaiura In Uedidaa,
Cures thousands annnallyof LiverGom
IiAhon?ness' -Jaundice. Dvspen
aia. Constipation. Malaria. fofeJlls
other cause. Why puffer when von can
be cured f Dr. Sanford's iJwfnjSS
ator a cwlehrated f smilv Wieine S
.Ot K UUI lid.T WILL il "rrtV ltif
PATrrvr AKiAiu.n i kictios plco
best Set kVortis In the Worla.
. Received the Medal and HinhesiAmard
at th World's Colombian Exposition.
warrantisl th tMwt aaM NtimvL u.ii- .
u at I pr.. sa tJ lllunr-Uu nSUol
0$ V
Tom v r Mra itmtii r ii v r a autT t in oor.
aVaaaaaVaW' - r , 1 '
Strange Sounds Which
Celestial HessaeeT"
F.zperliuent t, t
It OKdea-l-Oaalbilin
Fucun. In Aerial
iiuiiii at i.n.
Can T opr-n up eh-.
tion with the itihal.;
That i a rc
lit a mH;-tiii' if the S-i
'r c
Lomlxn. when Mr. W. l; i..
i k.
necr t. the tt-leprrajOi, ,, .,,
the Lriti.-h i.t .Lu-.-. r,-i.''..
i.ieciric i;niaiin
Mr. lreice cx,luiti,-l i
cently ti
tmt at all necessary t ,
pin ic c-tnmunicut i. .ji.
York irld.
I'tidor the suporvi ',
cniiiiiiifsinn apimititi- l
dtrrn ami li'htti.m-- 1,
1 , r
a mTIi-n il i';nTi;:h :,S U'
ilnirtiit rated this fa. -j , t .,
liliiculty iu s;h-:.k;! - (s .
shore and Flat II- -l-.u. , .-,,.
tunce from the Jila. e , f ,A
Mr. Ir-ce then w,-:,: .,,
Kt raiire. nil steri. m,
heard on all Inn-- tel. ;':. :.
tlie earth iMiMMla-a r - ;,h
in the calm stillii. - . f .
"lartli currents." sai.i j,,.
in telegraph circuit- in,.; ,.
Inircalis lights ui ,, ,
1 V '
t 4"
when the sun's ph-.Ti. -,;,,
turlx-d l.y SJK.1-. '1 !,. .
iiiust at such t'.iin-- vi
turln-d 1-y electrical
cillatimiM are t
t)ir.ULrh siKu-c in -miit.
i::.l r.
r.iiuin-il tu atf.-i t t,-!, j. "i
a w ild lr-a:ti tn sav tiini .,
mi this earth a thuti.:. r; , rx
After further iles.-rii.-i, ,.
tct i.nis sounds w hi. !i ha I a-,-3
attcnti-.ii in the still wa.
iiurht. Mr. I 'rini- si.i: -lfJL-planets
In- p.pnlatc 1 v. it!, ),
.iiirs.-lr.- li-.i.t. r it... j i
and tin- kin iwli-.l.'.- t , a-U;.t f,
f. ircc- of nat ur,- t.. tl ;r a:,T-
t Ili V Ci rlild n-i-iilutc llii!l;.-i1Nr ; .
.-l.-i tri.-al i aiTy t i ai. l fr.. r
j'riiphic i.r.ler. i; v.. l U j....
n- t.i h hi ,-. iiiiiimi,.- t. t.
I -uc
tin- jH-.'jili- nf Mars."
These tulcri. .ii- iv v.i.
titi.Tlc Mr. I'r.i-c- -.-.-u, t.,,....
with th i.. .ti.-.-.l !... --(,
L.iist!i. who ha, tun,.-! .. . . .
tain, in New .l.-r c . ii ...;, r, .
n-t and - .ilcd niil.-.f,
At the time i f the la T
Mar- he n-.Ti.-.-.i ai, is..-.-, a-,-s-i
tide mutti-rii.;'-. u . ..
ly ln-n -.1 violent.
l"rfce ar the !i
elitist- who arc n
il-itlT tiles. line- a:
titi.- world is uaT.
la-iilr made. N. i; i.
Mr. lYeec.- has U.i
that the strati:".- .
III.-ssUL'.-s X-I!t Ic,
Mar- t.r th..-- . f .
in it ; 'i. rv. i-.- . ;.:..
ti the ..Th.-r li.m
'! :it it- liriu in t :
iict f-, . ar i- :.i -.
in" tip -f c.ii;:!im...
the Jx iijile i.f the ..
ei m vi,-l i. ii Las
st n il rt h. ti.-.l - .
ecii at the 1 i.-k :
Mars v. a- inn', r ..!-, r.
it iji- -it ii n a I ii t i . -
'I Iu- thr.-e li riit - c. .t.
t rian.'le. ll..-!ie I a-lii-ss
h;i.l -i-t ,T: a'. 1
l.-n . f th- Lien l. I. -
v. it h stcail y an.: . - i: ii
Was this an elT -rt
i f Mars to attrac: t!
t hioe if art lr
Stti-h had ls-.-;i !. .
y in
to .
t B
' :
marinii. w !i.
a- ! ;. '..
: T. a t-.-
earth -iiriialitiL' -a-li
fhts tiiirty I ni
shown that the
hit.' mure tu ar! . t
of any other j.!ai:.-i
1. . ; ,
eapseou hi In- j-i..iii! , -siH'ii
now in any 1 r
for Mars i- now l t
m-riiiti'.' alN.ut t i . lr;
f.nirt.-t-n .h-irm-s 'ir.
the coliMt-llal ion ai v
dt lined atmosj.h. r.
plaitily visil lc. :i!:'i
tell l.y the a-. . t
Minw cap- atid ii- jm
the Mill the pr "iTe--
v. het her or not tin- V
tmr a cold w itiTi r 1
f Sehiappar. !li ha- !
li.-v. r-.. who a-s.-n :
r-trairht lines ..n V
v iii.-h have ls-.-n ! -i;
civil :-l iuhal i t.n. -.
Mr. l"rtcc s;:-. s I,, .
of the strai:-c
which have at'.ra. :. .
while ha-. !-::.
w ill r-.tiire inticii
they are me- ii'e- f.
I'ri-.-ce li--.iVi r . !.
puts it in tin- p.v . r .
eiirth tn s-tid direct .
to Mars, wh.r-e iiih.J
in a.lvanee of oiir-. ! . .
Ix a!le t-r hei;i i:- "i;
ojH-niti-r up cotiv. rs--hi-trical
inti rchai
fur Millie time.
tni it ions of the sciei.'
the nie-.-sU-.- is n.
. has In-eii esta!'
There are tho-.- w'
that this is an e;cri.
diate future: that
universal force and '
the planets will
iriunii-at i.m wi:!i , ..
ever do. The tn -1crv
the strange lliii t ii::t
If it were an ::rt!i ! '
would In steady . a- iT
coiumoti to all the v.'.-.i
tcrfered with. 11
and coniiiiiTs. it - ..i'i'-'
the sun. ami et it- 1.
with other hcav.-iiK
show that snmcln i
fiailine; with the
olT and turning n the
The UlM of lw.r
Titian's 'reatc-t m.
who was a d. niiiiH !
Human who insi-te-l
render an account to .'.
of his expenditure
mail, who was very vm
put to the Miri-t -tra.-of
w ine w ithout l-t t : s-.
..t T.irl
.2 I'
- .. r0
II ,. n'-
. T I",..
. , .:
anythinr alout the tr.i:.--hem,
the 1 Hitch paint. ;' 1
wife. He as la v. an.i -and
insisted that he -
work. His studio a-
and from time to tin e 1
pounded the c.-ilin-' u
kept for tht purp.-.
re!-j.xmdcd l MampH'r ; '
that he was awaWe --1-"r""
The Twi Mai.iei!'
'l -e invest iirat ion of d'"' , -of
tiiaciicti-iii ha- p!'"'':1 ,
liorth and suth nia.'i'i t:i' 1..
neither identical with th. -'
jxrles. hut that they a-' 1,1
Isirhinnl trf the earth's a:- ' r ' f
In the case of the north m '
the exact location i-
-.i i..,.citii.ic -'1
i.l -
rreei north latitude. I 1
the south maiTiictie ts"' ' ,c
Ur a certainty, hut is liclii o-i tc . ;
150 dejrrees"east h.nita.H"
grees touth latitude.