The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 15, 1894, Image 2

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    F.BKXsBruo, r.Mi!Ri ro., r.v..
JUNE 15, 14.
Ok the $200,000,000 feet of logs that
escaped at the time of the flood, oo.OOO,
IX M) will le h luled back on cars to Wil
liamsport to he sawed.
Thf hill to increase the pensions of
the survivors and widows ot the Mexican
wars from $s to $12 a month has been
as;reel ujon by the house committee on
tensions. Commissioner Loch re n esti
niutes that the additional appropriation
neci-ssary to meet this increase will not
exceed SI, 300,000 er annum.
Theke is a sugar planter in Ixmisiana
who received this year under the Mc
Kinley sugar bounty law $376,000
Imunty. JHns that indicate that we had
free sugar under the McKinley regime?
This money g-es to an individual. Un
der the Wilson bill the money will go to
the government for thebenefit of all.
With the Ion"; contention over the
tariff bill at an end, and the schedules
fairly in ojieration, a change for the
lietter will lie inaugurated not a big
business lxom, nor the "Hush times"'
that are still remote hut a K-rceptiblr
turn in the title and a turn in the right
direction the lieginning of the end of
a protracted eriod of susjH-nse, with its
accompanying stringency, distress, and
general stagnation of industries.
AffORi.iNc. to the lest estimates ob
tainable, the coal operators of Pennsyl
vania alone have thus far lost one mil
lion five hundred thousand dollars by
the strike in the soft coal districts. The
miners have lost half a million in wages
and the railroads a million and a half in
freights. In addition there is the loss to
shipjiers, coal handlers and to general
business which cannot now be estimated
but which must le very large. The
masses sympathize with the miners, but
when a man is suffering himself he has
little sympathy to waste on other unfor
tunates. The fourth draft of the tending tariff
bill, which was laid U fore he senate for
consideration the 2nd of last April,
names the 30th day of June as the time
when tne law shall go into effect.
That day ends the fiscal year, and
throughout the prolonged debate, which
has since occupied the senate, Mr. Jones
and Mr. Harris have contended they
would begin collecting duties under the
new law with the lieginning of the new
year. The present condition of things
hardly Ptipjiorts their belief. There are
several very important scnedules yet to
le coiifidercd, to say nothing of matters
that have lieen left open pending final
action when the bill comes out of the
committee stage and goes into the sen
ate. A sos of Jesse ru-rkheinier, of Green
Kidge, York county, made a narrow es
ca from a horrible death. He and
another ly, Edward Kohrbaugh, were
in a grain warehouse watching the
wheat Ix-ing transferred from a bin by
means of a chute into a car. The chute
It-coming clogged, the loys jumped in
to the bin to push the grain down
They were caught by the wheat when it
began to move. Kohrbaugh managed
to get out, but lie could not extricate
his companion, who was down in and
covered. The chute was speedily clotet!.
but the lad was out of sight. A parti
tion was broken down and the wheat
ermitted to run into an adjoining bin,
when the lnly of the unconscious boy
was taken out. He was resucitated
Willi great difficulty.
Until the civil war brought upon us
the series of high tariffs that legan with
Morrill's and ended with McKinley 's
the wealth of the United States was
pretty evenly divided not only as le
tween north and south, east and west,
but also as Utween the two great inter
ests agriculture and manufactures.
The Democratic party had been in sulc
f-tantia!Iy continuous ascendancy in the
government from the inauguration of
Washington to that of Lincoln. Its
leadership and legislation were all that
time untainted with the corrupt influ
ences of the great vested interests that
are nowadays based on the protective
system, and which, as Senator Vorhees
ju.-tly said in his Sieech opening the de
bate in the senate, have succeeded in
placing it "under the duress of a small
majority" of that body.
The Philadelphia Timta gives the fol
lowing description of the way Judge
Krubaker is running things in Lancaster
county: Judge Urubaker continues to
scale down the fees that in the past built
up snug fortunes for the I-ancaster coun
ty officials, and as he promised to do just
that very thing during the noted trian
gular contest of a few years ago he is
keeping his contract by deeds of per
formance, and giving the farmers who
go to court no end of satisfaction. The
district attorney appears to be catching
it aUiui three sizes ahead of the other
office-holders. At first the township
'squire who sent up trivial causes and
piled on the costs in the interest of the
constable, found himself under the new
rule with the costs to pay out of his own
x ket. The reform made him careful,
and the grand jury hae less than half
the bills that formerly came lefore it.
The prothonotary and the recorder fol
lowed in the lopping-off process, and the
district attorney, who lias had some ex
erience with Judge Iirubaker's meth
ods, now learns that sixteen indictments
can Unconsolidated intoeightby the join
der of the two defendants in each indict
ment, and that twelve returns in ten in
dictments will not do where five will
puttice. Judge Krubaker is master of the
bituation and proposes to save the farm
ers all he can.
Commenting on the vagaries of the
Pennsylvania Kepublicans, as indicated
by the deliverances of the recent state
convention, the St Louis (Unite, one of
the stalwart Iiepublicau jourun!s of the
West, says:
The experience of the recent Kepubli
lican state convention of Pennsylvania
affords another illustration of the case
with which big political ldit-s can lie
made to stand sponsor for the follies
which Iarg ni:ijoritii-s of tln ir members
would unhesitatingly condemn if the
said lollies were grasp l at the time.
That gathering among other things de
clared in its platform that if favored
"the expansion of the circulating me
dium of the country until the same
shad amount to $10 per capita of our
The convention classes this surprising
deliverance among its principles of
finance, and adds that it is one of the
"principles" which whs announced at
the previous convention Of the party in
the state, and which has "received the
overwhelming approval of our fellow
citizens"' at the polls.
It is hard to understand how any ra
tional leing can imagine a policy of this
sort could help the country. The per-
capita circulation at present is in the
neighborhood of $21. Suppose ctnign'SS
should decree that $18 more for each
man, woman and child in the country
should le "create!," how much would
be added to (lie assetts of the average
individual thereby? How could the or
dinary person get his hands on this $18?
He would have to furnish an equivalent
in lalor, property or in some other shape
before he could get hold of any of it,
and he has this very privilege under ex
isting conditions. Or did the delegate
who is r'S)iisible for the projierty of
this "principle" intend that the govern
ment should distribute this $18 apiece
among the jieople. In that case the
Yanderbilts, (ioulils, Kockafellers and
other plutocrats who already have more
than they know what to do with would
be forced to take their share and the
disproportion lietween the holdings of
the very rich and the very poor would
remain much as it is now.
The truth is, of course, pieces of lun
acy like this manage to see daylight lie
cause the full committees do not have
the time or the inclination to scan the
medley of platitudes, vacuities and ah
surdities denominated platforms which
one or two of their members always pre
pare, and the conventions are neither in
the mood nor have the opportunity to
cast discredit on his fellow-members and
to make the convention a laughing stock
for the country. In this way the India
na Republican convention two or three
weeks ago was led into giving its in
dorsement to a scheme to place dis
criminating duties on England's im
ports with the intention of bulldozing
that country into throwing its mints
open to silver coinage. The masses of
the Kepublicans of Indiana, are opposed
to any such stupid meddlesomeness, and
four out of every five members of the
party in Pennsylvania will condemn
this inflation follv.
It is at present very difficult to tell
whether the coal strike is ended by the
compromise reached at Columbus, or
not. We clip the following as leariug
on the question.
From Punxsutawney: The news that
the meeting lietween the IJerwind-White
jieople and a committee of their em
ployes, which met in Altoona on Tues
day, came to a close without a settle
ment is a disappointment to the nearly
four thousand miners there, and there
are fears of a serious ouabreak at any
time. The 0erators alisokitely refused
to make any concessions, and the miners
would not accept the terms offered.
President Bradley said the miners would
as soon starve w ithout working as work
at the wages offered them.
Thirty-three extra deputies with Win
chesters arrived on Tuesday, making in
all 173 now on guard at the lierwind
White company mines No. 1 and No. 8,
mile and a half lelow town. The
most conservative of the miners fear that
the fruitless result of the conference
may make the foreigners restless and
hard to hold in check. The governor's
pnx-lamation, which was posted is not
received with favor by the miners. They
consider that it was a little previous and
altogether uncalled for. The miners are
also indignant at the false, sensational
and misleading statements sent from
that 'lace by some of the newspaer
correspondents. And from Pittsburg
they say: Unless the national officers
of the mine workers' union, who made
the compromise at Columbus, can give
a satisfactory reason for so doing the
miners in the Pittsburg district will not
accept the sixty-nine cent rate, ami the
strike will continue. The miners
through the district are very decided in
their condemnation of the national offi
cials, becanse all of the delegates to the
Cleveland convention were instructed to
hold out for the seventy-nine cent rate
and no compromise.
Ten years ago it was estimated that
the cost of erecting a large building was
$2 per cubic foot, while now it is said lo
be only 40 cents. This reduction is at
tracting a large 6hare of attention among
capitalists, and the consequence is th it
several buildings are to le erected in
New York twenty-four stories high, and
one or two of them to cost several mill
ion of dollars. These buildings are
scattered all over the city, and include
oflices, homes, theatres, a hotel and so
on. Many more are projected, but have
to te kept in abeyance to allow tenants
who have long leases to yield their rights
of remaining.
The supreme court of Nebraska has
declared the eight-hour day Jaw uncon
stitutional. In the opinion, the court
held that the provisions are unconstitu
tional first, liecause the discrimination
against farm and domestic laborers is
special legislation; second, liecause, by
the act in question, the constitutional
right of .aities to contract with reference
to compensation is denied.
Washington Letter.
Wafhincton, D. C, June S, 1891.
President Cleveland told a Democratic
niemiier of the house who asked him
his opinion of the senate amendments
to the tariff bill that his opinion on the
question of tariff reform should lie well
enough known without any additional
expression at this lime, and intimated
thst he considered prompt action on the
suhjift bv both house and senate of far
more importance to the country than
the mere details of this or that schedule
in the tall, provided, of couise, than the
bill as a whole is kept in line with Dem
ocratic promise of tariff r-form. That
Strikes me as the proper position for eve
ry patriotic 1 einocrat to lake at this
The Republican senators are acting on
the old legal maxim " when you have
no case abuse the opposition." Find
ing tiiat they were defeated on the su
gar schedule of the tariff bill, which
they hail been for weeks claiming to In:
confident of defeating with the aid of
Iemocratio votes, they have resorted to
the cry of "sugar trust," thinking to
blind the country to the fact that the
sugar schedule this week adopted by the
I emocratie senators only gives the su
gar refiners aliout halt of what they are
getting undei the McKinley law. Sen
ator Jones is confident that all of the
amendments will lo adopted and the
tariff bill passed by the close of next
week, and Republican senators privately
admit as much.
The Southern Democrats in the house
were doubly disapiointed by the defeat
of the bill for the rejieai of the tax on
State bank currency. They had confi
dently expected I It) votes in favor of the
bill, but it only received 102, while the
opposition mustered 17. They claim
that men who had allowed themselves to
lie counted in favor of the bill voted
against it.
Secretary Carlisle waited until the fake
story that he was preparing for another
issue of bonds had advanced to the stage
of in tending to give all the details
down to the exact amount of Umds to
lie issued, liefore he took the trouble to
undo the work of the gifted writers of
Washington fairy tales by officially an
nouncing that he was not preparing to
issue bonds, had not considered it even,
and knew no reason why he should con
sider it at this time or in the immediate
future. Secretary Carlisle has lieen dur
ing his entire public life known as a
man who believes in the ojien and
aUve lioard method of doing things, and
tli? piWi'l nny rest assured that
should the necessity for another issue of
bonds arise it will lie duly and officially
announced by the treasury department
and not by fake newspapers. It is not
believed that it will be necessary to issue
more bonds, as there is no probability of
the cash in the treasury reaching an
embarrassingly low condition U fore Au
gust, and by tiiat time the increase in
the government receipts under the new
tariff law will probably lie great enough
to furnish relief.
The claim for SI 5, 000,000 against the
estate of the late Senator Stanford,
which was tiled in Calfornia, this week
by directum of attornej Ccr.eral Oltney,
has lieen much talked aliout in Wash
ington. The claim is made to piotect
the interests of the government involved
in the indebtedness of the Central Paci
fic Railroad lo the United States. This
step is in line with a resolution intro
duced in the house sometime ago by
Representative Roatncr, of Louisiana,
providing for the employment of coun
sel to bring suits against the original
Central Pacific syndicate, composed of
Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, Crock
er and Colton for money diverted by
them for their own benefit from the
earnings of the railroad. Mr. Koatuer
claims that the government can get at
least 10,000,000 by bringing these suits.
The bonds upon which the railroad owes
the government this money are not yet
due, but the claim is put in now so that
the statute of limitation cannot lie
leaded should the suits be entered af
ter default in the paymeut of the bonds
It is expected tiiat this congress will le"
islate Umiii the indebtedness of all of the
Pacific railroads to the government, and
C. 1'. Huntington is now in Washing
ton looking out for his end of the mat
ter. Nothing startling has lieen brought
out this week by the senate committee
that is investigating the charges con
cerning the ailegi-d sugar trust Scandal.
The morcapparcnt it hecouu-s that these
charges were ha.-4-d ujion the thm-iest of
foundations, helped out by conjecture
and partisan Militics.
The senate will have a select commit
tee of live to hearings to the representa
tives of all the "industrial armies" and
other cranks who have wild schemes
to air, a resolution to that effect having
this week been adopted. M.
tiulllj of False Pretense.
Reamno, Pa., June i2. The case of
A.J. Dress, of Phillipshurg, charged
with obtaining money from the Sprang
heirs under false pretenses, was given to
the jury this afternoon and a verdict of
guilty rendered. Drass was sent to lier
mauy to huut up evidence of the alleged
fortune of $12,000,000. After Sieudiug
some time abroad he wrote that he had
secured a copy of the will and death
certificate of (ieorge Christain Sprang.
Judge Endlich in his charge to the jury
said: "The question is not whether
these jieople who call themselves the
Sprang heirs have lieen swindled. Of
course they have. This foreign inheri
tance buisness, as well informed men
everywhere know, is nothing but a
swindle and an organized swindle at
Killed by Stolen Aconite., Ala., June 10. A dose of
aconite from a demijohn supjiosed to
contain alcohol ended two lives to day.
Sid Fowlks, David Johnson and Fred
Jones went to-day on a fishing trip and
carried with them the supjiosed demi
john of alcohol. They stopped at the
house of Paul Frazier, who was the first
to samjile the contents of the demijohn.
The old man died in a few minutes.
Johnson, the owner of the demijohn,
then gave his supposed alcohol to his
companions, but not liking the taste,
they spat it out. He then took a big
swallow himself and in ten minutes was
dead. It turns out that the fluid was
aconite stolen from Cawthorue !t Cole
man's drug store in this city.
Whipped lj His Rival and Dies.
Wn.kKsr.AKiiK, Pa., June 10. Charles
Miller, a young baker, attended a picnic
last night and quarreled with a rival
over the attentions paid to a girl. In
the fistic encounter that followed Miller
had an eye blackened. He felt his hu
miliation keenly, and when he left the
picnic grounds he said he would never
lie seen alive again. This morning his
lifeless body was found hanging to a
tree near the sjiot where the light occur
red. Two Illinois mining companies of
fered their men $1 a ton for digging
coal if they would resume work. The
miners refused the offer.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The Mrfke Urer.
Com miu s. O., June 11. The strike
of the coal miners is over. At 0 o'clock
this evening the miners' representatives
in the conference agreed lo the 00 cents
for Ohio and 80 cents for Pennsylvania
basis antl signed the agreement, with
the proviso that the agreement shall lie
ratified by the miners. They agree,
however, that the men shall go to work
cm Monday next. Those who wish to
may go to work at once. The miners
Stated that there was some opjiosilion to
the scale, and it won Id take a week to
induce the men to accept it.
At S o'clock a joint conference was
held and the scale agreement ratified.
A. A. Adams, president of the Ohio
miners, was a memlier of the scale com
mittee, refused to sign the agreement
The settlement, however, is final. The
scale a creed upon is as follows: Pitts
burg, thin vein, 6' cents, thick vein, f8
cents; Hocking Valley, 80 cents: Indi
ana, bituminous, 00 cents; Indiana,
block. 70 cents: Streator, III., 021 cents
for summer, and 70 cents for winter;
Illoomington, III, 77A for summer, and
85 for winter: La Salle and Spring Val
ley, 111., 721 for summer, and SO for
winter; other sections in northern
Illinois fields at prices in proiortion to
the aliove. Coal in Pittsburg district,
going east to tidewater, shall pay the
same mining price as that paid by the
Pennsylvania gas and Westmoreland
coal companies.
The scale of prices will lie in effect,
and bind lioth parties thereto, liegin
ning June IS, 180-1, and continuing un
til May 1, lSO'i; provided that the aliove
named scale of prices for the Pittsburg
district shall be generally recognized ami
observed. The oierators and miners
will co-oierate in their efforts to secure
a general olservance of said prices, and
if during the icriod covered by this
agreement, a general recognition of the
rices herein named cannot lie secured,
either party to this agreement may call
a meetiug of the joint board of arbitra
tion and determine whether the agree
ment has lieen sufficiently complied with
to warrant its continuance.
A Hie Fire in Panama.
Panama, June 13. A. fire which
broke out this afternoon has already de
stroyed one hundred houses aud is en
dangering fully a quarter of all the
buildiags in the city.
More than a hundred houses were de
stroyed in the early evening. At 7
o'clock it was rejiorted at the police
station that aliout two hundred and
twenty-five buildings were in ruins anil
the public market was threatened.
Thick showers of sparks and brands fell
throughout the district where the fire
started, and thousands of icrsons were
at work on roofs clearing off combusti
ble materials and touring water down
the heated walls. The wind blows a
gale. The streets leading from the burn
ing district are choked with crowds of
workers and spectators and with families
trying to drag their household gotnls to
places of safety.
No full estimate of the loss is possible.
A vast quantity of merchindise in shops
and in storage has lieen burned. The
loss in private houses has lieen nearly as
great. Not less than a million dollars'
worth of property has been totally ruined
and much more has lieen badly dama
ged. The present estimates of the loss
vary between $ 1.2oO,tHK) and 51,500,000.
Mill Unsettled.
PiTTsm KO, June 12. The scale agree
ment at Columbus has only shifted the
ground of the coal miners' strike, in
stead of willing it. The miners assert
that they will not accept the terms
agreed ujion and are in revolt against
their officers. The latter S'iy that they
did what was the only thing to lie done
under the circumstances and threaten to
resign if the miners refuse logo to work,
or question their integrity in the premi
ses. From the outlook to-night, the
miners will not go towork Monday. In
case they do not the officers of the Uni
ted Mine Workers say they will resign
and the officers of the Pittsburg district
will follow their action. In the Pitts
burg district there is nothing but con
demuatutn for the leaders and the more
outspoken of the dissenters say that the
miners have lieen betrayed by their offi
cers. The eight thousand miners of the
1 anhandle held are particularly bitter
and to night held a mass meeting at
i ... .1 i ..
"i;ie, i which a resolution was
adopted refusing to endorse the Colum
bus conference. Mass meetings have
U-en called for many places to morrow
to take action on the wage scale.
Coxeyites Drowned.
Denver, Col., June 9. At least fif
teen members of the Denver contingent
oi voxeys army lost their lives by
drowning in the 1'latte river last night.
Coroner .Martin this morning went down
to Brighton with coffins. He returned
at noon lieing unable to secure any of
me uouies.
Four have lieen washed ashore on the
other side of the river aliout eight miles
mis siue oi jsnghton at a jioint known
as McKay s bridge. The other men who
are missing have also lieen drowued and
their bodies carried down the river.
One man found drowned at Brighton
nas oeen luentiiieu as Charles MeCune,
a iHissourian, a member of the Utah
A large numlier of the men spent the
night in the trees along the banks of the
river and several were left on the islands.
The men claim that Commodore Higgin
son was drunk and lacking all the essen
tial qualities of a leader and attribute
the whole disaster to his mismanage
ment. The Coxeyites will make no
further attempt to go east by the water
Mill Mealing Trains.
Denver, June 12. A freight train on
the (iulf road was captured at La Salle
by 4(H) of the Coxeyites who left Denver
last week for Washington. An engineer
from the ranks took charge of the en
gine, and ran to Sterling, where it was
side-tracked and will remain as long as
the army remains in the vicinity. The
road is in the hands of a receiver, and
the United States marshal has lieen
called uton for assistance.
At Fargo Deputy Marshal Daggett has
subwenaed 40 men and will leave at
once for Bismarck to aid in disersing
the Coxeyites who refuse to allow trains
to run through on the Northern Pacific.
He has orders to clear the tracks of all
obstructions, ami the men are armed to
the teeth. The situation is rejiorted as
critical this afternoon at Bismarck.
Ex-President lioiizales has lieen ex
iled from I'aruKiiav ami hasgtmelo lfeuims
A y res.
Chicago city councils have passed an
ordinance closing all stores on Sunday.
Saloons are left open.
A eopperheaded fiiake bit Mrs. Chris
tian NliatTi r. of t'eilar Springs. CI) i. ion
county, while she was working in her gar
den. A luigiis oeculist swindled ScnJifer
Vnorliees. of flol jiiuton. Ihtcks con lit y. (nil
of $".Vi. and oilier victims are scattered in
the neiglilMirlioHl.
While playinii "Coiieiihairen" at a pie
nie near I lainiieiu. nioiiroe ciiiiniy. .miss
Cora Miller ran against a young man's hat
brim, breaking Iter nose.
At New Castle. Pa., Monday night, tin
.l-vear-olil son ul liemge Lamptiell got up
in his sleep and jumped out of a window.
railing hi feet. He was uiiiujiireil.
.1 uslice White, of the supreme court
was marrleil at l.crkley .springs, a , on
Saturday, to .M rs. l.iiuleu Kent, who is
well kn iwn in a-liini ton society.
I n c lebration of ex-Se-retary of the
Na v Toinjtsou's S"ith bin Inlay, a public
ineeiing was held at Terre Haute, ex
PresiJeut Harrison lieing one speaker.
Christian Miller, the old (Jcriuan w ho
tried lo murder his wife with an ave last
Wednesday at Defiance, (.. was found
dead on Tuesday in the river. He had
evidently committed suicide.
The house of James Krone, a striker,
at Rradenville, Westmoreland county. Pa.,
was destroyed by lire the other night. It
is supposed to lie the work of an incendiary.
The loss is $l,jm; no instrauce.
In the manufacture of Cleat Britain
alone the power which steam exerts is es
timated to be equal lo llie manual latmr of
4,000.1100.01 a t of men, or mure than double
the number of males supposed to inhabit
the globe.
-A Cincinnati chemist has invented an
artificial milk composed of water, solids
and fat. This artiticial milk will raise a
cream from w hich first-class duller can be
churned. It will, also, turn sour and is
capable of being made into cheese.
Charles McKonkey, a grocer leading
citizen and church member of Catawba,
near Spritigtield, Ohio, is a confessed for
ger to the amount 01 aHiui f'-'.t. The
heaviest victims are Thos. Kuuyoii and
James Arliogast. Insanity is an expla
nation given.
-Capt. Dunlap. an evangelist, who has
lieen conducting religious meetings in
Nyack. N. Y.. lias lieen arrested for em-
liezliug several thousand dollars from the
government while stationed at Washing
ton. He deserted his aged w ife in Wash
ington, went to St. 1 .011 1 with another
woman, and deserted her there.
-Isaac Hanks, an aged miser, charged
w ith having caused the death of his w ife
by denying her sutlicicnt food, has been
found guilty by tire jury in Salem, N. Y.
A recommendation of mercy accompanied
the verdict, and the olTender, who is said
to be worth more than w as let off
011 a tine oi f 1.000 and costs.
-In a quarrel at a festival 011 Saturday
evening, at LeUarviile, Chester county.
Elias Kiiu'lsiiiger w as stahtied three limes
and is now in a critical condition. It
seems that Charles Irwin aid John Wise,
neighbors of t he wounded man, bad some
trouble with him. Wise has been arrested
and a warrant lias been i-sued for Irw in.
- Col. A. Harvey Tyson, formerly a
member of liovernor Paulson's staff, and
engineer of the state forestry commission,
was released from jail at Reading. on Mon
day, after 10 months' imprisonment. Sec
retary William 1-'. Harrilv and "ol. Ilrcxel,
of the governor's staff and others had sued
him for ohtainiug money by false pretense.
They agreed to let him go on a promise to
repay them w hen he is able.
Justus Klemmler, aged .12, one of
Reading's liest known citizen's, was bru
tally murdered in that city on Monday
night by his son-in-law . Wcblier, aged ill.
Webber was released from jail about a
month ago, w here he had tieeu confined on
the charge of stealing brass from the
Reading Railroad Company. He quar
reled with his father-in-law, and the mur
der was the result. Two bullets were put
into the old man's head.
A swarm of 17-year locusts took jmis
session of a Long Branch train near Aven-
el, N. J., 011 Monday morning, and for a
time there was every prospect of the pas
sengers having to abandon the train aud
leave it lo the locusts. The attack took
place when the train stopied, and there
seemed to lie hundreds of thousands of in
sects ffy into the ears through the open
windows. When ihe train started again
the draft drove them out.
Daniel and Alice, the son and daughter
of Joseph Aper. of North Lebanon, York
county. Pa., aged respectively twenty-
three and fourteen, who eloped together
tin luesday, were arrested and handcuffed
by a Lancaster detective on Tuesday near
Thomasville. They are Asjier's children
by different wives.. Rewards having lieen
offered for their capture, they avoided
railroads and walked sixteen miles. At
...l .... .t
it seiiieiiieui iney appueu II. vain lor a
marriage license. They have been taken
home to Lebanon.
Miss May MeMullen, the 19-year-old
.1 I r v ... . . - - - .
tittiigiiiT 01 nir. anu airs. rc. u. MeMullen,
of McKeesiort, and K. M. Wilkin,- for
merly ot that city, a member of the mining
and civil engineering firm of Wilkins fc
Martin, have eloped and lieen married.
The bride is one of the most Itcauliful
young ladies in McKeespoit, aud is an ac-
cuiiiposueu pianist anu vocausi. siie is a
graduate of St. Xavier's college, near La-
trolie, and her circle of acquaintances and
friends in Western Pennsylvania is very
extensive. She ofteii appeared in public
To Investors.
rI' o awny Irom home to rrk InreMmrnta
when ou run buy 1'rniipy I7nla Ktnit
M.rtKHK4 Securities on thn :h or Monthly
Payment plan an.l hloh will net you twenty tier
-ent. on your uiuuej? Kor partii-ulani i i n or
ilrrg H. A. KMll.KH A KT
Ekstai Fire Insnrance Jpcy,
rr. AV. DICK,
General Insurance Agent,
i:n Ejssn vitG, rA .
V'TH'K l herehy irlTrn that I have iurrhaed
IV tfce lollowlriK property Iniuitleonce Naicla
to wit: 1 rook atore, 1 beainic stove, lh!s and
tieil.ltnir. ruphoard. chairs. and a lot ol boushol
and kit.-heu furniture. All persons are herehy
nutiaed not to lourlere or airdille with the same.
. . ... , MKS. JANt NillLL
Acarllle, Jane 1. WkJL
Has enabled us to purchase at our own price a full line of sea
sonaMc Dry Gool in Dress Gools, Sattines, Dress Ginghams,
Lawns, Challies, ami all the new things in
Wash Goods, Lace Trimmings,
Embroideries, Laee Curtains, Whitlow Illimls, Wall Paper, Cur
tain Poles, Oil Cloth ami Carpets.
Shoes, Still Hats for men ami boys,
ami Underwear. Full stocks to choose from in all Departments
ami at Low Cash Prices. Full stock of Groceries, Flour ami Feed
at all times. We handle Plain Meat all thrcuh the summer at
low price.?. When in town call and see us, where you will be
treated light and where your Dollar will go further than elsewhere.
When you want GOOD FLOUR take your grain to
the OLD SHENKLE MILL in Kbensburg. The
for the manufacture of Flour has been put in the Old
Shenkle Grist Mill in Ebensburg and turns out nothing
Bring in your grain and give us a trial. Each man's
grain in ground separately and you get the Flour of your
own wheat. If farmers wish to exchange grain for Flour
they can do so. The Mill is running every day with the
V nl l-t f II U I J
m am -
11 n y
t7y C re. wtn lialmis iut a liquid, muff or pwder. Applied into Vie wntrilt it it
J quu-kly abaurbed. IteUantft the head, allay t injtammatum, hr,il
CIIa the $nre. Soblbt druggist or tent bp intu'loii rerriit. of un're. L M
We are now ready to show you the Largest and Finest
Stock of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's ( lothing in
Cambria county, with the Lowest Prices for good Goods in
the State. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing is
complete. We have all the new Spring shapes in IlatsTiml
a complete line of Gents' Furnishings of all kinds. It w ill
pay you to come to see us this spring as we have prices to
suit the times.
Call and examine our stock. We will sell ou nice
Very Respectfully,
It Mill Pay You
Goods, and
J. 33. JVTDlliLEN", Went.
Office in Mullen & Smith's Clothing Store, Lilly, Pa.
All the Jsew Styles in Men's
, ... . -
TogotoQUINN'S, Clinton street, Johnstown, to
buy Carpets, Linoleums, Mattimrs, Oil Cloths,
Blannets. Feathers. &c. Pricps If Pilmt'il nn All
James Quinn.
To aM a word of .r;ii. f
our itiimeiwit.rt,,., , ( '
Drees Gccdc,
Silks and Suitir.r
Kvtviih who lia -v,-r pj.,,,,,
slme kiiuw what a-i.!r
tlit-x- utMKio i cint am I v l.j, !.
lut iloll't know will t;ti,i ,
tT-M tit -om-. or wrn it t;,, "
1 h imrtint nt tor -,;. i,. wj '''
imi I. l-il thf tali-of m.-t n ai'.'.j ,
A latre ami iniMiriait pun-l.;,. .
that will liriuit thf mi.(,... a.,
of mail urdfs as w-li -ah" ,!', V
I'll 1. 1 ! -plain, li;hi a,,,' !
crouiitis w nh tiifiliiini-.iy.. . "'
ijrn- in liarii.iiniiiii; . ,,
:-K KNT I'HAM.lM ih. v ,r 1
-.CKNTS a yard.
lint pifffs assortiM all-wi,l y,,, , (
dark striiiiini. zt -.-m i
floral ilfMitus, ;t 'KNT x '
ArtiMic hadf of ro-- in i.,Jt.
tiht.-k vroiiinis a!! w,,,i I.-'
CIIAI.U::. n-i-
Jt.T ff.STSA 1 I Hit.
Jii piii-fs Imi-M. ali-wo.,1 , it , ,
lioth lrtlil and dark o..n,i.
fhoi(-fl of ialf Pari inn..,i -u.
very rrcam in tyk- ati.l ,1.-, "
FlviK-li inak-r " '
.- Cf..W.S I I j i, i.
Kill pif-f- f 'mini ". .ii,,, ; j ii
iif at lii:iiii- and l am .! .1 - ,,
inir t-ftit juahtu. .tJ V'
: pii-t-f .1 mi rii ni 1 '(.!.' i,
cloth. Unit in huh' and .,
haniNoiiif M )'! and v
Jo iut'hf widf. lot KN I'ls , V 1 '
llamitoiiif line of Y u- .V..I-,
Jt In fur ftititf 1;. ,
ho 11 this m-smhi: in ;Tl 'a, 1
noiif ln-ttf r: l'i:i i - 1 1, ,1 ..,
to ffoiiotiiii-al tu 1 in; i.- - .
Wa-h Ili:t sstiiMiii IM-u;!a
out a rival -w- dout.i it ;,n 1 J
coimtrv. riif f.ii full lit,,-',,'
4 1-... 1
at what liltif rul -V.. :.' ,
Inc.. l-'r.. l."i-.. to iin,,ri,-.) 0
etc., to iC, CKXTS PKU V .Villi.
Allegheny, Pa.
Beautifies the Teeth. t
Preserves the Gums.
Sweetens the Breath. ;
Benefits the Thbci-
Everybody uses it.
Everybody praise it. j
The Teeth. Nothing ever Jivzovr-; fc r
1 -tb w quu k Iv -n,l IrU M i. : .
Btatli It is tree from uti,S..-r;t
grrous sub&tance. and c !- u-t:::
did result, even here tlir tcria r-
tn ajerancc.
It whitens and polishes I
The enamel beautifully.
Tbe Cunts. Soft anj sp.-ncv cum
the health by jtrevennr: th'- j.t.
teeth, render the teeth uT,sti.:li ,: ;
Cay by shrinking from tl,r r:, V.v;
lieNTIFKlcK IS a Certain eurc 1 .- u- -.J
gums. j
Xt hardens and preserves f
The gums perfectly.
The Breath. MrsoT's lirvnrsirs w--
breath, produces the i ,i,-t-like
so suggestive ol neatness and ..
leaves a sweet pure i-i th- a, .:. ;
action on the thrut is , -..i;j:;v t-ciir:. .
It sweetens the breath
And strengthens tbe three
fafe and A (freeahle. It- fMsfn-w v-
fettly ure and hjrml's. a:, i r i -known
toni, s fur the nt ,mh .n ul- -the
teeth without mjut I-1 thr . -the
best Ilentlfrnre that tan t- uu-d J
solutely pute tn u,ualit . pr -m; I in -f-c:
Ing to use and surpnn.l I jt.. ;
Xt ia absolutely safe ;
Under ell circumstances. ; -
Price as Cents per h.-.ttle. SMi Vv crrrj
peneraliy, or sent lo any adUress as
of 35 ccuts. -f
Soli rwmiToatl
itrttiK ix
Hardware. Cnttcsw, j
vr.i.KTAm.i'. ix r.fc. f
II K.N ., l i t'
mtw 9uly
1 -
uui Ijidir' 1
ll.M.f. T
' vVORt-0 fl
Sir tt-r cj. SHOE IN THE
Several ol our tiet rnrU mern a' '..'!-
KlienVurir ..le Tuey can at.J
roen.l l.lltnr Shoe loaui-e tn e j
thetn. We want tu mil , ;, - a
ur ralaUwaa ami the usiucs oi
tuitn to whum we reler.
Ieb2 61U . ,
Mountain lhmse
rpillS well known and lonit nM;
1 farlor is now lorated rB.(1 i
poslte the h.ery lMe ol I'lUrs. " z .
ir. where the bostnens will e -T N,f ,:
luture SHAVI.Nt:. HA1K V r
SHA.MItHllM. done in the ''
artlvtie manner, i'ksn lo'1' '
.liulea wsueu on at ,, t
Shaving Pailfij
Mam Street, Near Fcst Cj
.The andersHtoeJ
lie lllal ne nan - --, 7m,Tt.
Main strew, near the l'",""(j "
IB all IU traiK-he will I r,
tot are. KverTthlrut nt an- fK"
i??s;s!jss?!s -" n "- i
1- I I iut-.i.j
rrrik i t L ... -!
YiNtr itatrvaatt sulK4tl.