The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 18, 1894, Image 2

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MAY IS. 1-i'M.
Plants are nffet-ted ly various sub
Manfs. just as animals an'; elrH'tririty
will stiiiiiil.tlt Uiem, nan-oties will stu
jx fy an. I kill them.
iovfcKNoK I'tTTisos on Morula v re
HpHiniHi (Iforire I. Lnt-r, of Ilarris-l-i
r. Insurance ("omniissioner fir a
term of three years, sul'jeet to conlirma
tn n liv the seriate.
Tiik senate rtniiniiitet? on territories,
on Wnlnesilay inleretl favoralily rejrt
el the tiil which has alreutly i.-iss4il the
House roviiin7 for the admission of
l"'h into the I'nion as a state.
I'oxky's army of the I'oriiomveal has
ni--ivti onlers from the health authori
ties at Washington to evacuate their
camp in tin- city, and they have movetl
t the famous Sj.a Spring, near I'.la.lens
hurg, just over the Maryland line, six
miles from the capitol. Here may they
rest in jwace until their trials are over.
A iisi-ai. ii from the New York
Triftuiif announces that the jieach grow
ers of Morris, Smerset ami Hunterdon
comities. New Jersey, report the pros
jiecls for an immense crop were never
letter. They estimate their cros at haskels, which will go a gi kk!
way towards making up for the deficien
cies in the IVlaware crop.
I'lTTSiii Ho is agitating the question of
tiiiildiiig a ship canal from the Ohio
river to Lake line and Philadelphia
wants a ship canal to the A tlautic ( K-ean.
From Ilordeutown on the Delaware
river to the Karitan river, at New Iiruns
wick, the total length of the canal prop
er, excluding the portion on the Dela
ware rivers, would le about thirty four
'en. Kor.tKT 1. Dechi- rt, command
er of the first brigade, N. (J. I'., died at
his home in Philadelphia on Saturday
at the atre of ;VJ years. He was an ar
dent Democrat, and as such was elected
to the state senate in S7I. One ot his
legislative achievements was the enact
meiit of a law enabling criminals to tes
tify in their own behalf. He had a gal
lant war record, and Juringthe rebellion
was colonel of a regiment of volunteers,
tieii. lKcht rt had ieen ill for several
months from an affection of ttie liver.
Ii sriiv, of New York, introduced in
the House on Tuesday a resolution au
thorizing the appointment of a joint
congressional committee to investigate
the condition and character of all aimor
plate, lolls and others delivered to the
government by the Carnegie company
during the entire period of the contract
l tween the company and the govern
ment. 1 he committee is to consist of
three menders and two senators, and is
to have .wer to send for ersons and
.atn and to go where they deem
The "On to Washington!" slogan of
the various gangs of throughout
the country is a mere pretense. These
n.m, ho are unemployed, and are glad
of it, are going nowhere in particular;
but ly giving out the impression that
they have pressing business with Con
gress gisthm the right, as they inter
pret it, to steal trains and indulge in a
free ride. It is the bliisnt ss and the
duty of railroad companies to discourage
this soil of thingeven if they are obliged
to provide each train with an armeu es
cort. And the civil authorities every
where should cooperate with them in
doing it. This phase of Populism ha;
gone far enough.
Thk enormity of the armor plate
scandal iucreases with each day's dis
closure. William F. Crown, a Carne
gie workman, in an affidavit sent to the
Navy iK-partment Wednesday, swears
that he ersorially, upon the order of
foreman and superintendents, imposed
upon the government ins(ectors at
Homestead vast numbers of inierfect
lolts and nuts for fastening armor plates
to vessels. He Secities a score of dif
ferent tricks and devices used for this
purjHi-e, and says that once when he
tilled an iniortant order with bolts from
the scrap heap he was personally com
mendtd by the Sur.eriutendent and giv
en a raise of salary.
Jiefore the ordinance P.ureau's board
at Honx-stead Frederick Uuck testified
that by direction of his superiors he had
tanired with the machine used in
testing armor plates, so that it would
register greater than the actual strength
for t-ertaiu marked plates.
A 1-i.oT to assassinate I. I. Ilookheim
er, a guard in the Huntingdon reforma
tory, rtsulted, on Thursday, in the in
stant killing of of Kdward Woods, a
Ph iladelphia prisoner. Woods and a
fellow inmate, Henry Waldron, had
l-eeri reduced to the third grade by
Iiookheimer for misconduct. Then
they resolved to have revenge. Thnrs
day afternoon they eluded the vigilance
of the guards in the tailor shop and
started after iVx.kheinier, who was in
the cell house. They cautiously ap
proached him from the rear, aud, when
within a few feet. Woods sprang forward
and struck Iiookheimer over the head
with an iron bar. The guard dropped
to the ground. A second blow broke
his wrist. At this juncture Iiookheinier
secured a revolver from a a fellow guard,
and, on a second attack from the two
prisoners, shot Woods through the
heart, killing him instantly. Waldron
was seized and penned iu a cell. The
guard was arrested but the coroner's jury
exonerated nirn. It was held that he
did the shooting in self defense. This
was the second attempt at assassination
by these prisoners.
The seizure of coal in transit by the
railroad companies transporting it for
their own nse, says the Pittsburg W,
is one of the novel developments of the
coal miners' strike. The policy of the
railroads in this rifpcc t it is said has
never lrn opposed in the courts, as it
is a supreme necessity, and the coal ta
ken is paid for. It has ln-en sometimes
seized under similar circumstances in
the past, but not to the extent it is now
done. If the railroad compinics carw
not ol.t.iin coal it would l imMssil!e I
for them to move their trains, and not I
only ti e coal trallic but the pa-
and irenera! freight Iiiimiii ?s, as well af
the transportation of mails.
W asliingleii Letter.
Wasiiinoton, 1). C, April 12, ISO!.
The more the Democrats study the pro
posl amendments to the Wilson tariff
bill, and thecauses which led up to their
adoption by the Milicommittce, the less
they object to them a a whole. When
the amendments were first made public
tbere were some extremely vigorous pro
tests from Deniticralic senators and rep
resentatives, and for a t me it Ii looked as
though the concessions made in those
amendment- might prove to ! but an
other case of "jiimpim; out oi the frying
mil into the liu ," but t day the f.-elliig
is decidedly U liir. and the impres-iou
.n'er s',,,'r:l' regardless- of polilics. that Ihe
proposed amendments will all he ailupt
led and the bill passed bv I .-iimmT:iI I;-
would lie I voli-s. Kven Senator Hill is eXM-cled to
suspended The course purstld. al
though it may work a hardship to intli
vidual shipers. works the greatest good
to the greatest number. Large con tracts
ha ve I iee 1 1 made for the i r 1 1 j m r t : 1 1 i n of
oal from Wales to meet the deficiency
in supplying contracts. One of the Clear
field companies on Saturday lat made
a contract for .rtO,l00 tons of coal from
Wales and .",MMt tons Ir-mi Nova Scotia.
Anothej incident of the coal strike of
a reiiiiti'kahlc character took place in one
of the Maryland mines of the Cumber
land district fin Saturday. The wives,
mothers and (laughters of the men at tin
FJkhxrt minis struck with emphasis and
effect against a sympathetic strike.
When the visiti lg agents of the nation
a! union insi-ted that the Klkhart min
ers should strike to show their sympa
thy with the general movement the
hard working women folks "put their
feet down," and insisted if there was to
lie any "sy in pa thy " in the business it
should begin at home. The Maryland
women went to the mouth of the mine
where the work of ersuasion or intimi
dation was going on and confronted the
walking delegates and liegged them to
let their husbands work. Wlitn their
appeals were disregarded the women
coiirag"usly adopted a more decisive
line of jMilicy. "If," said they to the
strikers, "you compel our husbands to
strike we shall ourselves go down into
the mines and dig Ihe coal." That set
tled it, and the attempt to force a "sym
pathy" strike was abandoned. Thisn
gion was a great sufferer by the strike of
Issj. The coal companies iiiiorted
Hungarians to break a strike at that
time. When a general resumption of
work followed some of them remained
as a disturbing element, aud it took
Klkhart years to regain its tranquility.
A remembrance of this caused the min
ers' wives to take the aggressive as they
did on Saturday. It was a successful
vindication of woman's rights.
Di ss V.VriVw for this week says: The
strikes begin to have a serious though
it is assumed only a temjiorary effect.
The number of works depending tijioii
supplies of bituminous coal or coke for
fuel is large, and juite a considerable
proportion of them has already been
compelled to stop operations. No doubt
the proportion is larger in the iron and
Steel manufacture than iu any other
business, but nearly a third in capacity
of the iron furnaces at work a mouth
ago appear to have closed. Some rail
roads at the West are embarrassed, and
textile works of some importance must
close soon unless the strike ceases. The
movement of so-called armies of unem
ployed in Washington has caused little
excitement, and is less important or
significant than the outward movement
of specie, which shows shrinking foreign
demand for products and further with
drawal of foreign capital. lint neith. r
strikes uor foreign distrust loug retard
the progress of this country.
The speculation in grain has again
broken records with the lowest price ever
made for wheat, although Western re
ceipts area little smaller than a year
ago, w hile exports are also smaller by
more than a quarter. The prevailing
lielief is that the yield will, as in other
recent years, far exceed government in
dications, which are again pointing to a
short crop. Corn has changed in price
but 1 ittle, and pork products have leen
fairly steady, with oil and coffee un
changed, but cotton is weaker in tone,
although receipts from plantations are
a little smaller than a year ago. It is a
striking evidence of the general want of
confidence that there is so little secu
lation while money is abundant almost
beyond precedent.
The Republican papers in their elation
over the many local victories throughout
the state are busy speculating on the
probable extent of their excted victory
this fall. That there could ly any os
sibility Ik? any change in the ilitical at
mosphere during the next six months
does not seem to have occurred to them.
To their da ..led vision nothing is clear.
They cannot see that they owe their
present advantage to an unusual com hi -uationt
of circumstances, misinterpreted
and misunderstood, and not to a change
of public sentiment. They forget that
with changed circumstinces will soou
come renewed faith in the doctrines so
potent in the last presidential campaign.
Congress is bound to pass a tariff bill
and that bill will lie redemption of the
pledge made in that campaign. The
buisness depiession has largely passed
and only awaits settlement of the tariff
question to come w holly at an end.
The pa-sage of a new tariff bill, im
mediately followed by an industrial and
business boom, would revolutionize na
tional politics. The American people
can and do change quick ly and an ob
ject lesson so plain as that will not 1
misunderstood and w ill not fail to ? ef
The neit Congress is iierfertlr safe
provided the present Congress with rea
sonable diligence does its duty. This it
s going to do, because it dare not ignore
the people's demand.
vole for the hi. I. although it isimdeist-Mul
that he has aluiiit lo.ele up Ins mind to
first test the sense of the senate regard
ing the income lax. "by moving thai the
bill be recommitted to the finance com
tnitlee with instructions to reNirt it
witnoutthe income tax. He declined
Hisltl'ely but Hinlely to make any ad
dilional statement concerning his inten
tions, since the amendments were made
public. There are few Democrats, how
ever, who Ik Ik vi- that his vote will l-e
cast again.-l the bill when it Is put upon
its passage.
Piesident Cleveland, all the members
of the cai. net in the city, most of the
juslices of the supreme court, ami a
large number of prominent olliciats.
memlxis of congreris and citizens of
Washington went to Fret lei ickslHirg,
Ya., yesterday to see and take part in
the ceremonies attendant tioii the un
veiling of the monument to Mary Wash
ington in that city. To-day those who
had not before U'eii familiar wiih it are
loud in their praise of " old Virginia,
hospitality,'' known and appreciated
throughout the civilized world as unsur
passed ami iiusni'pa.-salile.
Secretaiy Hoke Smith made no mis
take when he determined, aliout a year
ago, that the contract for printing tlie
Patent Ollice I ia.ette should lie open to
competitive bidding every year. Last
year the Saving was conmaiatively
small alx.u: j'lt,tHHi and the scandal
involving the name of Hon .lo-iali
tj'iincy with the successful bidders, the
National Lithographing Co., billowed;
but this year's huldiiig enables the sec
retary to have the Work done by the
same old concern that ill. I it for years
and at a price nearly jiUi.OOO lielovv w hat
was paid for it for the fiscal year ending
June ::n. Is'.'::.
Coxey ism is tottering on its last legs
iu Washington. Coxey. I!rone and
Jones counted Upon being aciUilled
when they were tried for violating Un
laws for the protection of ihe Capitol
building and grounds, and they have
not yet recovered from the shock of be
ing convicted. '1 hey have applied for a
new trial, but there isn't the slightest
probability thai they will get it. They
may lie lined or imprisoned, or both, iu
the discretion of the Judge. The com
missary department at the Coxeyite
camp has begun to get low and the men
are now only given two meals a day,
and desertions are getting tpiiie freipieiit.
The health otlicer of the District of Col
umbia is also alter them with a sharp
Stick, having reported their camp to I t
a menace to the health of the entire city,
and given them a jieremptory notice to
put it in a healthy condition or get out
Force has been added to this recoinmen
tlat'on by information staling that there
were two deserters from Coxty's army
down with smallpox at Philadelphia.
Coxey is trying to curry favor by declar
ing that he has no connection with the
various (todies of men beaded ior Wash
ington and sty ling themselves Coxey lies
The House committee on lalior gave
him ten minute.; to make an ass of him
seif, and he did it in half that time.
Public Printer ISenttlict ttiok charge
of the government printing office this
week, ami he is already up to his neck
in the work of reducing the force which
lias been kept far too large by Mr.
Palmer, liecaiise he did not care to dis
charge any of the L'epublicans ami was
compelled by IViuocralic senators and
representatives to put on a few I Vino
era Us. Mr. I!t-nedict says: "The con
dition of the force is without precedent.
There are I iersons on the rolls, and
when I stepied out before I left lIJ-'J-J.
We cannot accommotlaleso many; there
is no place for them to work. Km ploy es
are now working only from one half to
one-third time; furloughs lieing a regu
lar thing. Tins force has got to be re
duced down to a work'iig basis, and I
shall do it as stmn as nissible." The
Pt-publicans in the office are all looking
for their discharge- and I violate no con
fidence in saying that the most of them
w ill get w hat they are looking for. They
certainly have no right to complain. 1 1
is more than fourteen months since the
Democratic administiation came into
Old lip Hied in A trim j.
Ntw, May 11. "Tip," th big
elephant in the Central Park menagerie"
died this afternoon after many hours of
agony. The first dose of oison given
him, cyanide of jiotassiimi. was not suf
ficient to put a quick and painless end
to his life. After many consultations
U tween Supt. Smith, of the menagerie,
and Supt. Hankinson, of the Socictv
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani"
mats, it was resolved to administer an
other dose of M.ison. The second dose
finally proved effective.
"lip"' killed seven men in his lime
and injured many others. Of late he
was especially ferocious ami it
thought Ust to kill him.
Had to Keliirri the C'nal.
Kkik, May IT, The shiprs of coal
in this section of the state are complain
ing about the piracy of the railroad
companies, which is said to l-e carried
Iteyoud all legal bounds since the scarci
ty of coal has U conie so harassing. The
Philadelphia and Krie Kailroad Com
pany last night received two carina. Is of
coal for Momeyertx t;raff, local dealers,
and ran them off into their own yards'
The local shipriers here open.-d ihe light
again today by going into the courts
and securing a writ of replevin, under
w hich the coal has since been delivered
to the persons to whom it was con
Am BASF a our Bayard of the United
States has intimated to the British gov
ernment the desire of the United Slates
to withdraw from the ISerliu agreement,
provided all the rights of the United
Suites citizens in Samoa are baft-guarded.
Kausltd at the Make.
Washington, May It;. Bertram Cur
tin, a ten year old lad, died this morn
ing from the effects of burns receive.!
while tied to a stake playing "Wild
west Indian tortures with a nuinU r of
other children who have len affected
by a recent visit of a circus.
Among the realistic features provided
for their games was a pater house after
the Midway Plaisance idea and a lot of
Sawdust. I ne of the children had a Ik.x
of matches, and a sack which incased
the victim of the stake accidentally twik
fire. All the children ran away but lit
tle Curlin who eon Id not free him until
he literally roasted.
The wheat consumption in the United
States is estimated at four and one half
bushels iter capita.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
It .till i..s lliglll.
Ci.vni.Ni, () . May 15 The
of more than JOO.ld.t organ i
z.-d mint- workers of America were aslir
early this mornii-g iu prepaia ion for
the meeting of to-day. Though there
was panly :i l:u k of c nilidence in
achieving a satisfactory lestlll of their
laliors. there was no evidence of weaken
ing in their dem .nds or signs of a com
promise. There is no doubt aliout it, the min
ers are determined to win. They have
come here for that purjitise ami they
never agreed to a conference with any
other object ill view than having their
full demands accepted by the oier: tors
The o teratoid are coming on every
train and the bote's are full of them.
The meeting of the contending factions
this afternoon will lie a bat'le royal,
with both sides strongly determined lo
sti k to the tosilions they have taken.
The Ohio oterators w ill U-w illing to
advance the rate to the old scale if Penn
svlvania w uM agree, but Pennsylvania
The miners alisolutely refu-e lo con
sider lb' question of making terms with
any single section of the country.
lexeyites Turn Burglars.
WHY ?.
Franklin, May ." A numlier of
S-tfes were cracked in this city last night
and valuable papers, hooks and consul
era hie money stolen. The work was
evidently done by a parly of thieves
working in different parts of the city al
the same time, as S C. Kagle's large
grocery at the extreme lower end of the
city " as opened anil the safe blow n with
dynamite, while Ihe safe of the I'msli.n
machine shops, at the extreme lipjier
end of town, was dynamited and left in
Siich condition that it could not tie
oicned this morning.
The work is charged to the gang of
oxeyites recently raided in this city and
driven away by the police They were
under ihe liabrslnp of the famous
Willis McCormick, of this city, who has
Ton? time and figured frequently iu the
criminal annals of this county. The
gang is thought to he hiding among the
rocks iu the wilds of French Creek town
ship, and ex in me: t tuns high in this
city to night. A itosse will hunt for the
desjieratl. -s.
Miiiers Induced ol lo go to tlttrk.
Phuii-siur.:, Pa., May 1ft Word
was received by the local olheers that
the Kettle Creek region miners had Iw-cn
offered the advanced mining rate of fifty
cents and had decided to return to work
on Wednesday. Six miners were im
mediately sent there from this region to
try a:i.l ..ersuade the miners to not re
return to work until ordered lo do so ny
the national officers. To night it was
stated that the men had l considered
their action and had decided to stand
out till the last. . When working full
time this region's daily output is about
eighty- cars. The kennel coal mines at
Woodland started ju on Tuesday last to
ship slack to Pittsburg. A delegation of
miners left this place for Woodland on
foot at '2 o'clock this morning to en
deavor to iersii:nle the men to stop work
and to the effect that the men
took the advice of the Philipsburg men
and did not start to work this morning.
Caused bj the t'nal Mrike.
Fun ami i iiia. May 111. The strike
of the soft coal miners is having a lem
Mnary disastrous eff. ct tin the coasting
trade of Philadelphia, iu which Ihe coal
shipments form a most important item.
So great is the scarcity of bituminous
coal that the ; ret nwich Point pu rs of
the Pennsy lvania railroad, which are ex
clusively devoted to this trade, have had
to suspend operations entirely, w hat lit
tle coal there is in transit having U-en
Seized by the railroad company for use
in its locomotives.
The same state of affairs prevails at
the Port Richmond piers of the Beading
railroad. All cars destined for the pier
of the Baltimore ami Ohio railroad has
U-en seized by that company. The re
Stilt of this embargo on soft coal is that
tine of the largest fleets of idle vessels
ever seen on the IMaware river now
tloats at anchor awaiting the termina
tion of the strike.
dial Irwin rug la ml.
New York, May lo. There have
lieen oO.IHMi tons of Knglish and Nova
Scotia coal sold to arrive in New York,
a jiortion of which has already been
shipH-d from Cardiff, Liveriiool and
(ilasgow, and from Sidney, N. S. The
cost is w ithin 4o(. oOc -r tori of the or
dinary price of soft steamer coal deliv
ered alongside in New York. The bulk
of this has been taken by the companies
supply ing steamers to till their contract.
1 here are negotiations ou foot for the
purchase of ( H i,t H Ml tons more to fe de
livered here between June 1 and 1(1, by
the same parties for Ihe same purpose.
From this fact it is inferred that the coal
companies intend fighting the strike to
the finish. The present low rates of
(K-ean freight make it possible to bring
coal from Kngland in unlimited quanli
ties and at competing prices, even by
steam, as very little freight is now com
ing this way.
A Treasury r.x-Ctiiei's Suicide.
Washincton, May 13. Benj. F
Worrell, formerly a chief of division in
the ollice of register of the treasury, suicide here last night by
shootiug himself. The deed was com
milted on ihe west steps of the treasury
building in easy hearing of the White
House. Half an hour U'lore Ihe deed
was committed he was in company with
friends apparently in good spirits. The
loss of his place during the past winter
is SJpposed to have preyed iqton his
mind and driven him to the deed.
A Serious Forest Fire.
Port Jervis, X. Y., May If, For
three day s a tierce tire has lieen burning
in the mountains just across the Iela
ware river, in Pennsylvania, and Ite
tween there ami Milforn, a summer re
Port. The lire has lieen fanned by a
furious wind ami has burned over an
area r.f about seven miles, destroy ing a
large amount of timU-r and two or time
farm houses. The atmosphere is thick
with smoke. The peop! who live in the
woods are all out endeavoring to save
their homes, a dihVult Uk owing to
the velocity of the wind.
: i tirti tc xtiiMj.
Theie were pcr-uta- pr sent tit
t lie opening of I lie Antwerp ihi.)"s l.i.r ;
Saturday. j
A tlash from a MallitMnrecicet-ie -street !
railway trolley in- len.l. r.-.l Mr.-. Si.'.me j
er totally l.llinl. ;
There ale ." S :S lniii.lintr :n,,i .,:in ;1 - !
so.'ialiiitis mi I lie l'nile.1 Stales willi m i I
assets of $l."i..'ii'.T.."il. j
A Maine ill Ik.- elect, il -t Li.-lm!l to
the memory of Mi- Pahstrellu. wife of j
t'risi.iplier I'.iIiiiiiIiiis.
Senator Yo.irli.-cs -ays the tarilT re
forili bill ill pus ,e scn.ile . , i-iii-i-olll-
lax f.-u I lite lelallKil.
By a live-sloiy fall from a tilting ele
vator in a New York aiarluieiii lion-e. Foley and August Killer were
fatally hurl.
Alleging conspiracy to liim out
of a ill.:ilii;i. Ii. .1. ( l.uivli. of m:ilia.
Neb., sues llie legei.l- of ,e slate lllil yel -
sily for -.'.-,i m.
l lirt-e .liiiiikeii tramps irieti to wreck
a Chicago express near Winona. Mini...
ami were ea. lined l.y tram hand- atu-r u
ife-n-lale tight.
Tin- limit-'- cake of to-. lay i- a relic of
a lCoinuii custom. Ala Unman lu.niiav
the hriilc u as expected t., prepare a pari.
at least, of l lie w e.ldiug fest Willi her o. n
Neither Missouri, Texas nor Arkansas,
pns-o-s a wor-le.l mill or a cat pet la. -lory,
imr ha- 'i t xas or Aikansa- a single
specimen of a paper mill or an inn. or steel
uidusl ry.
The w areriMim of p. M. lira IT. of
P.laiisv ille. was hill L-lai i.e.l on s-aliiiday
night, al which lime a uumlf-r of gr-M-ei u-s
and olliel Ihiuus wen- taken. No clue lo
lite thieves.
Ltiilin igliui ii ami Neil 'Nt-il. -nil- ,,;
aristocratic families in Lane a-l-r. O.arc
in jail charged wii h inaii-laughler. They
siii.tthere.i Thus. .1. Il.ivis, a yuiiug,
iu -i hawdv hou-e.
Charles Lowe, w ho al i mked and near
ly killed Merchant .lohalhau pel i et-,1 in ing
a lire al .steiilH iiville la-l August for Hi,
purpose of lohU-ry. was seiileuced to the
pt-iii lentiai y for si y.-ai-.
It is said that all the gold in tin- world,
not counting that iu virgin stale, would
not make a hlock of more than t.l '. . nine
yaltls. A i-ii lie of the aliovt- .liiueii-ions
could In- put in a room Jl feel each way.
I'.rail has severed all diplomatic rela
tions with Portugal liecau-e her war-hip-sheltered
t he Mra.iliau r.-U-ls. The 1'or
tiiguse minister has U-en given Ins p.,s--ports
and the Lraili.iu minister recalled.
The hist census of India was taken
with mar Vel. ins celel ll y and t hot . nig hues-.
One million people w ere em ployed as cen
sus takers, and the huge lak was .hint
chiefly on on.-day, the It, t h of I'el.rnarj
AtTerre Haute, In.l.. Frank Mad.l.-u
seven years old. is dead Iroiii the etl.-cl- ol
vac-iiiation. Thirty M-r-on- ar- cril it-ally
ill from In-ing inoculated with impure or
poisoiious virus. In many ca-es ere-ip.-la-and
l.lood iMiisouing hay- resulted.
A ii electric car of tin tracti.iu com
pany, at Lancaster on Tut day alleruo.ui.
struck a team on Fast King street, driven
hy Isaac Parmer. The lal Icr w as knocked
unconscious ai,,j considerably injured and
tine of the horses killed. The wagon was
completely demolished.
"oiiirres-ina n Tom Johns. hi w t-i lis -j-.n
pounds and is a terror to t.u-y. le owner-,
lie l.roke down three hi. ycles and ex
hausted an attendant iu taking Ins tirst
lesson in riding, hut tieforc ihe ! son was
over he roth- ai on ml t he ring with t he ease
tif a practiced bicyclist.
John Myall and his nephews. W illiam
and Andrew MeKacheii. of Ifaxl.-v, lia...
have hccii on had lei in- for some tune.
The t hree lll.-eting. host 1 1 i I ieS Were hegllll
at once, and Ilyall shot W illiam McKach
enttt death and seriously wounded An
drew. Ilyall is at present a fugitive.
The jury in t lie case of Louis St a tier,
of Altnona. tin trial in the I'nite.l Sial.s
district court in Pitlshurg. r.-liii n.-.l a ver
dict on Tuesday, finding him guilty of
ha ving counterfeit money in his,-;.
sion. He is the sjU, member of the Al
toona cang of onnlei f.-iters that ha- heen
lieneral consternation prevails aiong
line of Pome, Walcrluw u and Oi.-d.-u-l, ing
Kailroad. the lea-ed liie-of the New York
Central, on account of i he lack of soft coal
for the engines, const .jiiciit upon the I. ig
strike in the coal region. Station agents
have been not i lied to make arrangement
for purchasing large quantities of w ood.
Kiigene firmly, aged :sn. w hile tempor
arily crazy, siahU d Ids rmit her to d.-at h
afoul 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon at.
Albany. X. Y. Then he siahlied another
woman, though not seriously, and jumped
out of a second story w in. low. le fore he
ing taken to t he station house he stahlM-d
aunt her man. ( irady's fat tier was insane.
Alansoii Hyatt, a well-know n citieii
of W'averly. X. V., weir, home at two
o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, siahlied
his w ife ami then himself. Iledied almost
immediately and his wife live.
Hyatt had been drinking consult-rah! y of
late and aliout ten days ago he went home
drunk and assaulted a Itoarder who ha.!
him arrt-steti and placed under IniikIs to
keep the peace.
United States District Attorney Ing
han., of Philadelphia, is in (ietiyshurg
inspecting that portion of the hat tlelield
w hich is occupied by the electric railway
The hill in ctjiiiiy tiled by the government
commission in t he tlisli ict court, praying
for an injiii.ctioii restraining the railway
company from operating on the battle
tiel. I. colnes up Tor argument this week,
and Mr. Ingham's visit is for the purM,se
of beiniiiinu familiar with the locality
nreparaloiy to tin- argument.
Uoliert II. Coleman's Cornwall ore
hanks and the furnaces at Cornwall and
1-chanon have lieen sold out lo the L-n ka
wanna Iron Company, of Scranton. The
sum paid, il is said, amounts to about
3,i""Ui of w hi. h fl.ono.onn is ea-h. This
leaves Coleman his home at Cornwall, one
farm at liismarck. ami another In-low
Cornwall, and the Colehrook estate, which
includes Ml. (iretna. Il is claimed that
the sale will secure the pavm.-nt of all
Coleman's debts, including the arrears to
depositors of the tlllstaiul Safe deposit
bank. It U declared that the pin. iias. rs
contemplate building two new furnaces.
Ai-o'Ki.ed attaie il M K. R.?rery
Nolire la l.rrel.; itot-n iht Ik. M K B. ;MrT
and vile.ul t lie ImuoukIi ..I Kl-rn-l-uric. I-., have
made a ktnt-ial aMtriuirnt .1 the mporty ol
the tuiniir. In Im-l lor l lie tient-nitH hlvrrr.tiiora
o Hit- uu.lrrr-iaucl. All,l lo I lie
said M. K H. I Tee i y aie r-queried to uwke pay
meiii aud UiuM liavlux claims ut prraeoi tlteui
WULoul delay to M. . HCAKLK, AlKoee,
r ln aiittrnej.
. J.t MktMil K,
Hay la, la 4 31. cJtattabur. fa.
1 1 has N-eli a-ked liefore. iloilhtless w ill
la- again the answer invariably the saute.
No many p.-tipl.- come and send here. I!K
l Al K IT PAYS I IIKM so to do. Xole
a few examples tif now :
Klf (iliOVRH,
Handsome dark shad. of da hlia. ametliyst
an I heboU'op,- h ii uiouie a ill, a linos l any
srow n. specially eleua ul w ild a h!a. k cos
tume, have liite si nliing and trimming-,
four hit ge teai I I. ii 1 tons. W e la-llt-V e oii'il
sa v won us; - I'rn- irreatt I neiiuiiie K 1 1 1
ilJiYK AH'Kt-vti t.tleretl.
7. :j:'is a I'.m:.
Some hand- atid wri-ls an- so formed
that no giove i-so . omtoi lal'le a- a laced
one. J-'or -iich here's a chance without
pre. .-.lent : T 1 1 it I K Kit tdJiVKN
cl.oi,-.- -I,ade-. Ian. hrow n and black, soil,
shapely gloves 7."if. a n.i:r.
Sale of Im poro-d W IIITK PUl'SSKLS
N FT -iecially adapted lor sash curtains,
canopy tiiaitiits. ' its-inet.- habv'.- cra
dle, etc.. etc. Fill" I! lot of llns extra
good, thii ahic material, each lot exactly
line lot. :tii-in. w i.le. loc.
One lot. :m.-oi. wide. l.-.
ue lot. ?'J in. w ide. V."te.
line lol. Iirt-in. wide, ;i,"-.
Nit bin" si, extraordinary iu this line of
rood- I V.. otlelell al Ihe lit li es w hell Mill
set- them Voll'll agree not only that, lull
voti'll I'.l'Y if vitii've anv need ol gooo
l!III'SSKL X KT for any of I he almveor
auv oilier putptise. "I'lie-e four lot- an-atl
out on .-en tia-r a hie iu front ot LAI K lK
PAl: I'M F.NT. and there will U- lively
on i hit a ii.i sei nnir w in ie i nev iai at
I.""-., - if. aim .''..V-. M-r yard '.' lo f.r? iuclies
w ide.
I.ot f genuine Jap Indias. extra choice
pi it. ting-, pi in.-ipally dark grounds; suil
ahle lor si reel wear, Mic. a yard.
New Silk and Wool Creioiis. in lylisi
new mi x t hi t . e nl ii t-ly new etfecls. winch
ladies of exi liisive las.- will appreciate:
It'i and s inches w ide. f I.IM, 11. IM. I.-'j ier
y a i . I .
li.-w and desiiahle matt-rial with "chl."'
and si It- comparing favoiaily with th-.-e
tM-ai'!ng the magic "iiiimii led" --'."it-., Xic.
and -lte.
This eminont
Physician h:s iv
voletl .. lilV.'i t me
to his Sj-cinlty
l)ise:ise f " 1 1 1 o
.ye, 'wir, is',
Throat, Luur :inl
I hrotiit; Diseases.
$m't$ tJWv--V hi- ,j.
A- 't jZzZzZz& L-J rsi
:w Is
-AJ.leglieny, Pa.
tbeautifies the teeth.
Preserves the Gums.
Sweetens the Breath.
Benefits the Throat.
Everybody aeea it.
Everybody praises it.
The Tcelh. Nothing v-rliscovcrril hiten the
1 tli no qui, kly au.l st.-ly a NlluT's itENT
l: hi. k It is lic tri'in cttl--. .-rit i.d 11 dan-pi-rous
suliluttcc. ami rti lw usrd with splrn
1id results. -vrn where tlic lentil crtu rritrcx
It whitens and polishes
The enamel beautifully.
The liums. Soli and tKatry cums intrrfrre with
tli.- Ii-lth by rcv(-Dtni lie- profMrr u-e ot the
t-otli. rmiii-r tin- t-i-th utiMtitly nd ciuic de
cay ty shrink ni truui th,- euantel Minot's
1 ii-.n l u-'kli a ks a ccrt-Ata cute lor untielihy
It hardens and preset-res
The earns perfectly.
The I treat h. Minot's Iik.ntifiiicb sweetens lha
Lreuttt. riro.luc.fs the tolet-likc odor w Inch is
m su:stie of neatness and cleanliness, and
Iravt-s a sweet pure taste in the mouth. Iu
action on the throat ts peculiarly bcocnciai.
It sweetens the breath
And strengthens the throat.
&afe and Agreealile. lt components are per-f'-illy
jure and harmltss. and are the Ltst
know n lout, s tor Ihe mouth and gums. VV hitens
the ti--tli without injurv to the enamel, and as
tlie b--t ilemitriri- thul can he used It IS ab
solutely pule in oualitv. prompt in etf. pleas
ing to me and surprisingly low priced.
It is absolutely safe
Under f.ll circumstances.
Price 35 Cents per h-.ttle. Sold by draetHsts
cent ullv. or s.-nt to any address on receipt
id 25 cents.
Soli Paoea. a-roaa.
BALTIMORE. Mo.. U. S. A. .
Schedule in etfeet 19. 1W3.
( onnrrtlaa, I'rrwt
Seashore Y.. (.rri
AII.Mnt .iN-.,tiitiio lation
.Vain I. me
A it'.on l-.T.r?
1 l! Lii.r.-m.
l'hll.tdeiihla Kxpress
.lolmstown Arc.iDiinniaiiia
Prirl.' Kxpre;.-. .
Way I'a-i-eliKer
Mail Train
Johnstown Arci,
. 6 -A a in
. v h s 111
.11 1. a m
. I im p at
. 5 II p in
. t Up u
8 14am
8 .-: a iu
i :w p ui
4 --t) p
ti m p m
tlirnvbnric Kmnrti.
Trains leave a- loll.iw.: 7 -JO, 10 an a m.. and
.1 :ui p. in and arrive at t're-..n at 7 f7. Hi .IS a
111. mil 4 n.'i ii 01. l.eH .-e t -ressoD at w :tu. 1 1 :ui a.
tn n.l .',:iii p. 111 . and arrive at Kbenstiuta- al
In 06 a. ui. and It 16 and Ii Oi p. m.
rfna mm I flearlield.
I.eirp Irvniiit at r 45 a. tn. and i 40 p. m. arrlv
Ilia- hi Crei,n al 8 ui a in. and 4 p. in lavr
t' yllii a. in. and 5 p.m., arrlvlnir al 1 r at In M a tn. aud 6 41 p. m.
Korrttr-s la tps. etc . rail on airent or addrefB
Th.w. K. Watt. T. A. W. !.. 110 Klith Ave..
l'Ut"l.irn . 'a.
S. M. I'KKVt 1ST.
Hen-ml Mitnnuer.
J. H. WIN Hi.
tleoeral Manaiier.
tr.AI.F.R IN
Hardware, Qoccnsware,
BOOTS and shoes,
II K N f Jt.S, KTC . .
maw: Silly
i. ' To whom It may concern :
All ieron hiildlna- order on Wanhlna-lnii
tow-nnhip will hand or end a llt of uae lo 'A ui
Kr.iwn, Town-tup :ierk. Kit lint numlier. date
and amunt lor hleh t.nter or ii.Hnirnt pall
I -r on or l-eiorn I I'.N K lortl. lwit. or be forever
.lei r e.t hy aLt lownnhlp.
Hy order ol tl e Hoard ol And I lorn.
Lilly, Pi , May 18. 1M4. Towotblp Clerk.
"V"1 It'F l hereby alren that A. I. Krtiwn has
il hied Iim p, I tion In the t.HIre or the Clerk I
the I'ouit ol Uuarler Sejtilt.ns oK'amhrla eount
lor the Ira on. er ol the llrebre arante-l to K r.
Anderron In t'restin loan-hip whlrh will
pie-enlel to Ihe court lor Its connlderatlon
-i - ' - A 1 , J I'll t 4 I n . 19V4.
May 18. Clerk U
XT1I-KI brrrhy Hlven I fiat I (liver J. lieen
Xl er has nle.1 his iwtition lor the tranrter 01
the wholenal. Ileenoe a ranted to leuraa Yeeklay
In Ihe tM.roiiKh ol 1 lailiino in the oirjce ol tbs
Merk ol Quarter Sersiona ol Cambria canty and
that Ihe name will he prei-ented to the raid CXiU t
lor lis consideration on W fcHNKSKA Y. Jl'INt
6111. 1M4. J.i. UAKHV
May IS. IMI. Clerk
O It rifltm """o" CI RRI: M tan.
IllJlalBla ouk tree, lira lHuiuni A hia
Moiitlars, J.iiiti:iry 1. - ': l" l "i 'ry J-..'n Ajuil jr.. , :
July . Atiuust ' r 1"- s. N'... ,
I ht t inlit r '' ;iinl -"-1 till p. m.
i ipp. i!l- t lii- I'.-niisv I v:i m:i 1 1. -put.
Tutf-.laye, Jaiui iry '2. :': I"t l.rM:iry J7. M ir. Ii -J7. April -J t. M ,v .1 ...
17, Auuiir-t II. St-j.t. ii.lH r 11. o. toU r't. N... i,,i , ,.
I tiiU r 1.
Veliifis.l:iy. D-tfiiiU-r 27. J:iiui:try -Jl. r. li Ap . ;
June 1.'!, July 1 1. An-.'ti-i . St j.t.-iiiU r t..U r ::.
Niivt-iiilr I'si.
Sl rliTfirHn In.l N-t I1 n-r n il Any . n.r.ii .- :,r,.i . tt.t, v
ll..i'ft.1 HmI lr. iin u.l !l.-r. H-nt M.t t -tttf In.) r-'e. ,.t
Ktr five vt-tM I l.avf -a.itti-r-.i i.-rriMy M, f valm -re.1 it;-. :ti-. u. t. j
Nurlt tienilnSie. nfurirm. rhptitiinicin ric . u.ure hUf'til t tnv tin , li'?-
t -urh a ! 1sr-f 1 !. ct- ri-'r ' M Ks I Hi i.t-
iiM.n I uM ilir Iti tune I tfn-H tv I' l.'. li . Injuria --hti: . I a
aur k.mmI T tl nmry. I Kf i.r-f a1 lnr-l I rM. rn..i t.t 1 t v. .
Viire' (iviirlt mioul lit" (if.' ni. f i l?f-f ft n tn t tir - .: i x j44.
Mkrr ilUil Wrnkfri'D atr.nllil ' lull --ir.iT :'': luf rr A''l.- 1.4- (,
lo rriiin i.n, t in.l I -I t, s:-" 1 ir.-itr1 tr-.m-ie-l -r.:,.,r- u
km II lrtiliU'il mttU lr. tiiti llue- ; Mtrir til Hi i..r t i . v,,
hi 1.0-v m .lin rt-nl w.. tn ii I ti ti --r ' ur-.t lit- I- ,1,. ,.- t
VollaltfHl laO t tllt I ?" t (lit I - ?
Iu Uiakx m liu.. Mt.f t-iii.rt. I fi.. ni" :(
MK. M A t V -1 K K..
tlnlll'zin. Hj.
On AnmiDl ui Twi-nn Y : 'mil mi i ;M r
in iu.1 N Ktli-I riati-I i tui
Kor!eii er- I MHer.1 the mI -r.-l
I 0t A.rturrtf Mil t " -"Mill I lln tr. .il-l-.
1'tie tin io uiy trti.t. :-n i mh.
iituri be I tMit I 'li'l !. t.t lo
lllllKllleU Ui MHlb. Mti 1 li.t 1-t
Itirt -ink nl im:f. antl in Hi- . . ul !
Nitrtiii ay r.ulir lattr aur fiir. ..; ! v
A'l ihf k'tlio kf -ft 1 ritit tl ! .1 . ii. t-i r
In mine . kU Il m -4ttJ4 I Hill 1litt I t".t ,
tir titer I H1 T rtie.l; iiiltMl ! x fi i r !,-! A"'--"! t'trrti I i1'-mi
iMlier .ttcn. Tin l ur. -.!!. I t!.i .-it- : i urt-. ! I if . mi -i.
me. 1M 'Ul u.y?- II It-r lr Sutlli' :-. Jl. I I Uk u-- t-,! ..! .-:(i.,-,t, : .
fie-retl ihe iiiy Hi l I ! t-r im i. I ..m ; li tfr...iumi trt-, ir.l nil n.t
iUI l a itlert-iit uiti. i illinv h t1 ;. n 1 i.-i- n tkkrr . n . - .u It! r.. 1 t :,--
i tnjy lu ir- innrr I lrl -1 -iii. i ; n. it-rmr h r:i.- -!,- A . (
alii -. tl'lful tint Ihe 14-tr will rur ttit m ; .1- .-tor .. n l .1 Hi- .li--,-r 1 .r - .
tiiue lie lia-t -el. Htit I livr inn e ii lit -..ii-lt- ut ) tut? u .' . I i... k i"" .-I i !!;'
In ihjit cue hl.ii'l i.rer rir up -.- ..tne j i.t umt.i u mnl i-.i. u v
they run ul'Um llie -t .i ,ti-'ul jtt miht ir. S .lm t r .-(-. t n,r j t-.
iti ait'mn M K'n. J . W . i K . I t-1 il . l Mtii i--r tu-.i.- a u .
priiiK M tlln. I'enire -cutit . I". j um i In X -!. r uu1 hm ii - u- .
I ;..-..
I i.NiuM No! W ilk MiMiKlit Any M.r-. I r S. n. M ile-l'iirv . Mrr.utiT . I i
urt Me A I tr Kirlil Mht-r .-i.r- Mj.I I
Kilrl. i A'tfrlf ir ear- Mo-' n It
l-'ur ile laft twenty yeir I h:ive nlfri- I ui- . I'me.! oi Iti.l , . , ,m
tol aenlff n Ii aif. iu luv iMi-k .i.t t.r j l-'.-r tte l.t lr in., t .
ret iOu l Hit k lliie -. I ti l a-t u. r u tn t i-it irrn. wn h all il- i 1 1 . u .
vert liur at nib lit Iu . a-r. iti . .m tti i-t -n y r t l.itit- l an- t
til - o-tai' loit t.rilib! xi.uti-l u liltfir '.; nfil ml
u t Ih-DI U e J Ull?. mi th it a lt-r .i iill; I
cuuhl a.l walk Siiaiht any iiir: .ei lur
uot ewcut l ui) liiijht r-ii.l tlf titf rx-
rruclMtlMK ill l O'Ut-e 1 lii'lli Vtr iitlK'h
emu cm 4 a mm i inc if -: . t ii
urk out l I he ut-wt iti.; ti h - l-t. r- !
tr-a l ilc t-.iul.l 0't iukr ui -Aiiil tl -
matter, ticbt-e ineir uhmIu'Iu?- it.i i a li m an
1., m- I Inl r -,i
.5 ! ;ta I" ! hi tr-t 1 - tT M,
' I ! trfluirfit ti;r r-
tl altr i-iil ;-ii,
i-r tiitiii ttil the lHM-ir i.n.-i, v
t-tf ifttte. fa.
frti-'-Kv- l i.r;ti-n u - -
I .
I ur Jll- t-.T Ii.f . t. - ,(.- .
- e r- t.l ntt 1 1 t . ,,
Im. h r - . . tn .-- rjt - t . ti .
r- ii. rt--i I v -i r t.t it.-'
r tj ny ! .ri:..rui. a ti l I l.e . , (,
" 1:1 1. i .
I'm 1 kim . Vitt re m I t.
htrll lat-it.; hiitnut a l it i,,:,. t: -liy
triitTiil v ir..1 ilir-r . ,
I'U ( ! ! a m I'll . b ;-iit.- t'
S. 1 1 tn i.irurr rti trrii . ! r I i-. Ti. : it- .
Ui'.re. ii -.-.t-- loTiu ali ii-'tfr u th t
1 Tir . Mti.l 1 iiiu-l -a that I .-ii-i.'-. t
I.-11.1 witii the I e..r"t t r ti,-:.;
M 1 ;1 AN L
1 nu ri ili Viilre cim.t . t .
I vmiiiUiiIUh aarMNlliillMi fr--ff errliml).
tu.lhir AUrrllrnirMi 1 1 .m tr I Ire lt-tr t.rti l-li
Atlilrrk at I iuManlralliiii &. 1
"Wo Incite "Totjl
II- -II-
"TO visit our Dry Goods Sltire on Main
Slrert, G.-iUilin to insiiert our
Spring Line of
Dress Groocls,
Wall Paper, Lare Curtains, Win-lnw
Shades, I'lulerwear, Eniliroii'.eries, La-f
ant! Triimiiinjzs of all kintls, Hats. Shm-s,
Carpets, Ladies Shirt Waists, Gentlemen's
Out in iSliirts, all ot" wliit h lor the nrxt
GO days we are s-Hin at a
Reduction of 20 Per Cent.
When you want GOOD FLOUR take vour Lrr nn I
the OLD SHENKLE MILL in 1 'bens-burl. 1'
for the manufacture tif Fl
Shenkle Grist Mill in Kltensburi antl turns out iuihiv,2
Brin in your grain and give us a trial. Kaeli ni iu
grriin in ground separately and you get the Flour ot y""r
. 1 a 1 a a . . lt..
own wneai. ii larniers wish to exchange gram tor 1
they can do so. The Mill is runuing every day wii
h the
V it