The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 23, 1894, Image 2

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amlma freeman.
MAIM'II i:i. is'..
miiiimj lilt. (i iv roiwir.
A iiii'itinir of tin Dcinoriatic enmity
t'liMiiiiitii f w ill l.t lii lil :t t In i-iiiii t linii-c,
in Klii-nsbm;-. i ii MONDAY. Al'Kll.
at I hYIik U. I. v.. for tin- nirpu-e of
i li-cliiuf u I'liiin iiiiin of tin DciincTiitii
4 i 1 1 1 1 1 v i i in mi 1 1 1 . I'li-i t i ii ir tli-li'i;:ili's tn I In
l a I mux i-iil ion. iiniiiii-ii'iiiil ami fiia
tui ial fniifiTif i. it tut -in1 Ii nlliiT lnii ms
a- in ly In- lniniL,rlit lii-fnri' tin- riiniiiii t toi1.
.IAS. (1. II.WSii.N.
Til k Unly of Thtimiui Itallf t was fnunil
in tli Sii..iiifliaini!i rivfr at Niinticukt
on V iliifsilay j;rfitly 1bi-iiiijmishI.
Utile t was a. iiiinct who was ilrowni ii in
J 'C''iiiliT last at I'lymiiiitli while at.
t 1 1 1 t I M 14 tl tTllSS till' Iff.
Mrs. Wm. K. YNi'mi:ii.T, of New
N-w York, has purcliasfil the
i-riiwti wliicli mice ailnrni'il 1 1 1 hrow if
Kiiipn-ss Kuufiiif. TWt! pricf paiil was
$:.00,000. The irnwn cinitains two
thixisaiiil .stuiii'S, li m l y niniiiitiil in olil
silvt r, limit in piM. It niciistires twelve
indies in tiniinifcreticr.
Ir may take as long to puss the Wil
son tariff hill as it diil to pass the Mc
kinley hill. As a rule, it is more tlitli
ctilt to secure lcishilion favoring the
masses than it is to secure legislation in
favor of the classes. Tin classes are
clamorous and iersistent. The masses
stay ijiiietly at home ami say nothing
hut they saw a ileal of Wooil.
Thk Supreme court of Michigan has
reiulereil ii decision sustaining tiovcrnor
Kich in removing Secretary of State
Joachim, Slate Treasurer I anil
l.aml t'oiiimissionei Horry for gross neg
ligence in failing personally to canvass
the returns of the amendment election
of 1 '.:. The governor has appointed
other ollicers in their place.
Jamks M. Cuak;, of I'niou Furnace,
Huntingdon county, who was convicted
at the February session of court of emliez
zleluent and larceticy as hailee, was sen
tenced at argument court to two years in
the western icnitentiary. Among his
prosecutors was his brother Kev. John
Craig, of Centre county. Ten days w ill
he given him to appeal his case to the
supreme court.
Un hath I'i kykak, a colored murder
er escajK-d from the jail in Stroudshtirg.
Monroe county, this state, on Thursday
of last week was pursued hy a mob of
excited jieople, captured and hung to a
tree until he was dead. Had thisoccur
red in some of the Southern states there
would have l-cen a great howl in the
Republican press aliotit another outrage
but in Republican I'ennsy Ivania it will
pass w ith as little ventilation as possible.
Tiik month of March has thus far
played havoc with the reputations of
weather prophets of both hiuh and low
decree. I'sually a weather prophet or
an almanac in predicting stormy weath
er at 'i certain date in March cannot miss
it by more than a day or two, but this
year the month has given them all the
slip and has been remarkable for its gen"
tie and balmy weather. Wonder if fear
fur the tariff has not had something to
w ith taking the aggressiveness out of the
blustry month.
Os Tuesday (iovernor 1'attison issued
the usual arUir day proclamation des
ignating Friday, April III, and Friday,
April '27 as the days to he oliserved in
the planting 'if trees and shruhliery.
Th election of either date is left to the
discretion (if the people in the various
sections of the commonwealth, each lo
cality observing that day which is
deemed to Ik' most favorable on account
of climatic conditions, (iovernor I'atti
son calls upon the eople to lay aside
for a season the habitual activities of the
dav and devote sutlicient time to tree
planting. Attention is also called to
the imMirtaiicc of forestry and the pro
tection of trees, and the great work now
iieing ilone by the state forestry coin
mission. In 1SSS the Republicans admitted that
tariff reform was necessary, but they in
sisted the tariff should lie revised by its
friends and not by its enemies. The
people took them at their word, and the
Mckinley tariff of lS'.o was the result,
piling protection on top of protection to
the disgust of the country. The people
at the first opportunity repudiated Mc
kinley and the whole protective txjliey.
If the Ieniocrats in congress shall fail
to carry the mandate of the voters they
also will lie repudiated. The demand
for tariff revision made in I SSS, reitera
ted in lS'.Hi, and reiterated in lS'J'J will
grow more and more insistent and im
portunate until the jieople get what they
want. I May is merely exasjterating.
Mckinley ruined his party in IS'.K) by
turning his face away from tariff reform
instead of toward it.
Tin: Philadelphia Time tells the story
when it says. "At ." cents per ounce,
the price in the market today, the silver
bullion in the treasury is worth less than
tl'JO.OOO.OOO. This bullion is all the
government has to show for due hills to
the amount of $lM,Oon,oon which the
treasury has issued to tho sellers from
whom the silver was purchased. This is
another legacy of the Harrison adminis
tration to lie counted with the bankrupt
treasury, the squandered surplus and the
Mckinley revenue system which preeitt
itated a deficiency between government
receipts end ex'ienditures. Yet at the
late election tens of thousands voted the
Democratic party resjKinsible for this
whole budget of evils, in the creation of
which it had no more to do as a party
than it has to do with home rule in the
Jintihli parliament. It is purely and ex
clusively a reminder of the Republican
way of doing thing, in the way of grand
The age of steel, says the I'lnlidelphia
Tiiiirs, is here. Miscount the situation
as they will ami charge home gloomy
prospects to the tariff as they do, the
shrewd coniietition of the day is an
influence so surely and certainly at work
that iroa manufacturers have lieeu coin
elled to rei-ogni'e the enevitahle. lis
matitled pudding furnaces tell the btory
of an industrial change caused hy the
rapid displacement of iron hy I!sseiner
and open hearth steel as nothing else
can, and with steel nails selling in
I'ittshurg for tl" cents a keg less than
they command in Knuland the calami
ty cry is stilled for want of material to
keep it up-
The tulie and sheet metal industries
of Mrkeesport have hegun the use lf
steel in making pipes. Those of the
Mahoning Yalley have followed suit.
The Carnegie Steel company does not
use a -minul of iron in the entire range
of its equipment and puddling has al
most 'eased in rittshurg. No I tetter cor
rection of the claims and assertions of
the tariff prophets can he had than this?,
for protection has ceased to le the sal
vation in its stronghold. What good is
a duty of $:$.' the ton on puddled iron
when there is no market ot demand for
the product? The puddlers of the I.e
high Valleys, reduced to $2.-5 the ton,
find their occupation gone even at such
figures, Jnd riitshnrg puddlers have
quit altogether. This is the lesson of
the change and not tariff agitation, for
the inexorable laws of trade are in foice
and prohibitory duties cannot reverse
them. They can only hinder, and if
I'ennsy Ivania is to keep a place in this
age of steel the tax must le taken off
Tiik senate, says the l'hiladelphia
Hiairil, has kept the tariff bill under
consideration in committee a longer
time than was found necessary on the
pari of the House to prepare and perfect
the bill and pass it. This delay might
have been bourne with patience, not
withstanding the grievous need of ac
tion, if the effort of the senate had lieen
effectual to improve the bill. Rut it has
been liotched in many important partic
ulars, and improved in only one. The
House bill was so constructed as to lie an
ineffective revenue measure without the
income tax attachment. Thesenate has
provided for a sutlicient revenue from
customs by placing a duty on sugar, but
has failed to strike out the income tax.
It is impossible to say offhand whether
the senate sugar schedule does or does
not give too large an advantage to the
refiner; but there is no question that a
sugar duty offers the easy, fair and prop
er way to meet the exigent demand for
revenue. So far the Senate is right; but
for all the rest of its work, except in cor
rective clerical detail, it is mad wrong
and in opjxisition to the expressed will
of the people. Whether the influences
which have led to the behind the door
changes in the Wilson bill will lie strong
enough to Itear up under the test of ojK-n
debate is doubtful. If the hill should
pass in substantially the shape in which
it has come from the finance committee
it will lead to a prolonged conflict le
tween the Houses. It is evident that
for months to come the suspense which
has indicted damage ujton the business
of the country is to continue unrelieved.
Oxk of the most important projMtsi
tions submitted to congress was present
ed to the House in Washington last week
by R preseutative Roatuer, of Iouisiana.
The proposition recites numerous defaults
ot the I'nion l'acitic Railroad and con
tinuous lines to meet the debt to the
I'nitod States. It charges the present
directors of the railroad w ith a violation
of thk-ir trust and improper absorption of
outside lines, and the voting of dividends
contrary to law and against the interests
of the I'nitiil States.
It directs in the form of a joint reso
lution, that the 1'resiilent shall ap'ioint
special counsel to institute suit against
the present and past directors, their
heirs and legal representatives, to collect
000,000 and interest due the t'nited
States. With interest, the amount in
litigation would exceed f t0,tHH),0O0. It
would lie the largest suit ever instituted
in this country. J!y the terms of the
resolution, the department of justice
would lie relieved from further action
in the Union Pacific cases, and the suit
would lie prosecuted by sHcial counsel
as a special case. The joint resolution
places $l(Hi,OOU at the disposal of the
President for the employment of couusel.
Fkaxcis E. Rrownell, a historic char
acter of the late war, died in Washing
ton ou Tuesday. Mr. ltrownell was a
private in the F.llsworth fire zuaves of
New York city, and was with that com
pany when it went to Alexandria, Va.,
the day after the ordinauce of secession
was passed by that state. When the or
dinance was passed Mr. Jackson, the
proprietor of the Marshall house in Alex
andria, hoisted the confederate flag over
the building. Captain Ellsworth, on
reaching the city, noticed the tlag, went
to the hotel, and hauled it down. When
on the stairway he was shot dead by
Jackson, who, in turn, was promptly
slit and killed by Hrownell. He was for
many years a sjHcial examiner of the
iension office, and was holding that jo
sition at the time of his death.
At 11 o'clock on Wednesday night
Senator Colquitt was rejiorteil to le slowly
sinkingal Washington. His nephew said
that he had lost all consciousness and
that dissolution was only a niatterof
ahouta half dozen hours at the longest.
He might die any moment and might
live until morning. Senator Colquitt's
attending physician stated that he was
Ix'yond medical skill and would not visit
him agaiu unless summoned.
Aovicks reeeived from Porto Allgre,
capitol of the Brazilian state of Rio
Orande do Sul, are to the effect that the
insurgents in that state appear to be de
termined to continue their struggle to
overthrow the federal government. The
leaders of the reU le declare that they
have sufficient resources to carry on the
Washington Letter.
Washington, 1). C, March 17, 1S.4.
Well, the expected has happened. The
. .. w a Ml
senate has passed ttie litana Liu lor
the coinage of the Seiguorage in the
Treasury, without amendment, and the
measure is now in the hands of 1 resi
dent Clevelaud. It was well known
that when this matter was first broached
the Prisident thought it an unwise step
to take and so stated to members of con
gress, but he has Uen careful to express
no opinion since the bill has In en pend
ing in congress, and now tho.-e who are
usuallv well informed express the Ix'licf
that the President will, in deference to
the large numtier of IVmocrats who
voted for the bill in both House and sen
ate, allow the bill to lcoiiie a law with
out his signature, thus giving them the
benefit of the doubt in his mind as to
the wisdom of the bill.
The I V'liiocratic memlx-rs of the sen
ate tin a i ice committee had to resort to
the very unusual exjiedient of asking
the committee to adopt a resolution
pledging each memln-r to secrecy while
the tariff bill is under consideration lie
before they could stop the making pub
lic by the Republican senators of every
thing said and done at the committee
meetings. Since the adoption of that
resolution very little has leaked out of
the committee room. The Ik-mocrats
on the committee wish, in accordance
with senatorial custom, to reach an
agreement with the Republicans on the
committee as to when the bill shall Ik'
reported and when the senate shall liegin
its consideration. This they have up to
this time been unable to do, owing to
the unreasonable demandsof the Repul
licans who net as though they represent
ed the majority instead of the minority,
the Democrats will wait until next week
and if the Republicans continue obsti
nate will then report the bill and make
their own arrangements as to when the
debate shall tK'giu. The Democrats on
the conmiiltoe are (still confident that
the bill will lieeome a law by June .50.
It may lie necessary to change the
wonting of the clause of the tariff bill
which reea!s the reciprocity law, on
account of the marked difference among
Democratic Senators as to what would
lie the effect if the bill becomes a law as
it now stands. Senator Vorhees says it
will repeal the law but will not affect the
treaties made under that law; while Sen
ator Vest, Caffery and others say that
theiejiealof the law will abrogate the
treaties. This is a very serious question
to the sugar makers; also in its effect
UjMin the revenue exjiected from the
tariff bill, inasmuch as about two thirds
if the foreign sugar we use will come in
free, regardless of the duty imposed by
the tariff bill, if the treaties now in ex
istence, includinging that with Hawaii,
are to continue in force. The senate
finance committee has inserted a clause
in the tariff bill providing for the abro
gation of the treaty with Hawaii, but it
will le opxised by Democratic senators
and it is by no means certain that it
will lie in the bill w hen it is passed.
Representative Tucker, of Virginia, is
happy. His joiut resolution providing
for an amendment to the constitution
authorizing the eleetinn of senators by
direct vote of the jieople will Ikj favora
bly rejxirteil to the House.
Speaker Crisp has promised to recog
nize IK-Iegate Joseph next Monday for
the purpose of calling up the bill for the
admission of New Mexico as a state.
The Republicans are opMsed to the bill
and will break a quorum if it is in their
power, in order to prevent its passage.
Ktforts are now being made to have a
quorum of Democrats present when the
bill is called. If they are successful
there is no doubt of the p;issage of the
bill, as it will receive the vote of every
IVmocrat present.
Secretary Herliert welcomes the op
portunity giveu bun by the House to
otticially lay liehore that Ixxly and the
country all of the facts connected with
the fine imposed utton the Carnegie steel
company because of its failure to keep
the armor plates it made for the govern
ment up to the highest possible standard
of quality. 1 hero is a popular misap
prehension concerning those armor
plates which caused the contractors to
le fined. Thev were not defective.
They all came within the contract re
qnirements, but they were lielow the
lest standard that the contractors could
produce; hence the tine.
The sensation lovers are enjoying the
testimony in the Pollanl-Pireckenridge
case, now Ix-ing tried here, but, thanks
to Judge Hradley w ho is presiding over
the court, the women are excluded from
the court room and have to get the testi
mony from the newspapers. It is i
dirty mess which should never have
lieen carrit d into court. m.
Saved hj J limping.
Chicago, March 'Jl. The foar story
public school building in South Evans
ton, lhirten nnles north of this city,
caught lire from some mysterious cause
shortly liefore noon to day and was com
pletely destroved. Seven of the panic
stricken pupils, surrounded by smoke and
fire, took the desperate chance of jump
ing Irom the third and fourth story
windows to escaiie what semed to be
certain death, and were severely, but
probably not fatally injured. The re
mainder of the children, who retained
enough composure to listen to the plead
ings of their teachers and the firemen.
were marched through the thickening
smoke to fresh air and safety. The loss
on the buililing is $.), 0O).
Lorer Minus Off Together.
Rose hii.l, Ia. March 20. The bodies
or John Reed and Etta Shaw were found
last evening hanging to a tree, thecoople
having committed suicide. The cause
assigned was the fact that the dead
couple's parents opjHised their marriage
oecause ot llieir youth. 1 he girl was
but sixteen and Reed a year older. The
deed was probably committed Sunday
night, when they were hist seen driving
in the neighttorhood. They evidently
unhitched the horse, and standing in
the buggy threw a roe across a limb
and tying one end to each of their necks
swung off into eternity.
M ordered and Laid on the Hails.
Wu.KKSf.ARRK, Pa., March ID. An
drew linker, a well-to-do citizen of
Smithville, was murdered last nigtit.
His skull was crushed in, and his mur
derers had placed the liody on the rail
road to hide any evidence of their crime.
Stephen Consko and Frank Ruse, t-o
young men of Smithville, have left their
homes without any apparent cause, and
it is thought that they may be in some
way connected with the affair.
Opt of ?JiM,(XH) acres which com
Iose the entire area of Pennsrlvania the
latest a.sses.sirs' list of the different
counties reKirt only S.355.INK) acres, or
.""! er cent., as timlier land. From
this total probably 45 r cent, can Ikj
deducted for land U'h it'll i-a nr.t-o- I .-.
sprouts, has lieen burnt over, etc., leav
ing as the total area norm n.lii.1.
chantahle timlier is found about f.,'200,-
tHH) acres, or Itetween 'V. an.l i .!
- ' " -
ceut. of the UOaL
Highest of an in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The Mure Lurked for Twenlj-flf e Year.
'Hue of the curiosities to lie found in
Southern Ohio, not far from Chillicothe.
is a country store," said R. C. ortham
at the Lindell. "A country store is not
usually an object of special interest, but
this one has remaint-d as it now is for
oyer thirty year's without the change of
a sinde article. hen the war broke
out the man who ow ned the store had a
son. The father was intensely loyal and
persuaded the son to enlist, promising
the son that if he should enlist the store
and its contents should lie his when he
returned. Another call for troojis came
and the old man lin ked up the store and
shouldered a mu.-ket. He remained in
the army until eace was declared, aud
then returned to his home. IDS wile
had died in the meantime and no tid
ings had ever lieeu received from the
.... . . , i ii t
son. itie lamer worueu a smau iwmi
that he owned, but never entered the
store, saying that it should be there as it
was when the son came home to claim
it. A quarter of a century has gooe,
but no word yet from the missing son.
and the store stauds lin ked just as it was
over thirty years ago, the old man. now
in his dotage, refusing to allow any one
to enter it.':
A Father's Terrible IhscoTfrj.
Ix)NHON, March l'.. The Slmulard's
liuda Pesth corresHudent says: ,,The
Nemzet prints the followiug: 'Felix
Steiner divorced his wife in 1S73. They
had only one child, a 1 year-old daugh
ter. Her name was changed aud she
went to New Yoik, where she found a
situation in a Hungarian family. She
was of ten sent to a near by shop, which
was owned by Steiner, whom she did
not know. Eventually, after chatting
aud courting, they were married happily
and had one child. They desired to re
turn to Hungary and search for their
relations. They returned to Miskoles.
Steiuer made iuquiries and was astound
ed by the discovery that his second
wife was his own daughter. He wrote
that hLs w ife should return to New York
with the chilJ. Steiner has not lieen
heard of since aud it is believed that he
has committed suicide. His wife is en
route to America, and does not kuow the
facts. She lielieves her husband has
lieen detained on business.
A Double Tragedy.
Sanirascisco, March IS. A murder
and suicide occurred this morning in the
Church of tiie Immaculate Conception
at Oakland while the Congregation was
present. John Bradev, a house painter,
shot aud killed his wife. Mary, while she
was telling her lieads in frout of the al
tar. Then he turned the revolver on
himself and put a bullet in his brain.
The murdered woman had just lieen di
vorced from him because of his dissolute
habits. Six chilhren are left. Bradey
had frequently threatened to take her
life since she obtaiued a divorce. The
murderer's body presented a shockiug
sight and blood and bits of flesh were
scattered around as if the sacred place
hail been turned into a slaughter house.
The man's friends say he was a crank
and had became a maniac on account of
his wife's separation from him.
Crushed In an Lle?a1or.
Di'NKikK, N. Y., March 17. A
shocking tragedy occurrd to day in the
stale normal school at Fredonia in w hich
a pneeptress lost her life. At
11 :3! Miss Richardson was found dead
in an elevator crushed against the third
From appearances it is lelieved that
she was intending to go from the second
floor to the third, and that she started
the elevator herself and stopped it after-
wants, as she was accustomed to, but
that her dress caught on the grating aud
held her back so that she had only
placet one loot in the elevator when it
sjhhI upwards, dragging her lietween the
grating aud the elevator until she struck
the floor. Her neck was broken, also
her back, ribs, collar Imne and arms.
the deceasjil was a graduate of the
school and had been a teacher in it for
0 vears.
Pol it Irian Srntenred.
New York, March 19. Kenneth
Sutherland, the Gravesend justice of the
peai-e, whose official acts in John Y.
Mckane's liehalf at the Novenilier elec
tion resulted in his conviction ht.t week
on the chajge of oppression, did not ap
iiear for sentence in the Oueens countv
court to day. The judge passed sentence
upon him of one year's imprisonment
ana ifotv tine. Sutherland is probably
in Canada. After sentence hud kwin
passed luoon Sutherland. nrriuxMit.-ir
Wernlierg moved for the trial of the
iirnoklyn men indicted for election
frauds. There are in all twelvonf ilmua
Their various counsel asked that the cases
be set over until Thursday morning
Justice Brown consented.
Thought it a To) Pisl ol.
Scbastos, Fa., March 19. As John
Higgins was searching in his dressing
case he came across what he supposed
was a toy pistol, but which afterward
proved to be a 22 caliber revolver that
had not lieen used for a number of years
past. He took it into the sitting room,
where his sister and father were and
jiointed it at them. They warned him
against such reckless actions, but his re
ply was to the efliect that the weapon
was not loadtd. To prove his assertion
Higgins placed the weaiicn against his
temple aud pulled the trigger. The re
volver exploded and the bullet entered
Higgins' brain. He fell to the floor in
a heap and was dead almost before med
ical aid could be eurumoned.
Want Their Works tinarded.
FlTTSRt'Rn. March ol TA .i .
. iirunj iije
Officials of the Miinnnvukol I. i
ri ... nuu nou
Steel company, whose property ia located
"niajaBiamm, un ine rittsburg, Mc
Keesport and Youghiogheny railroad,
applied to the sheriff for a detail of dep
uties to guard their plaut from an antic
ipated attack by the idle puddlers. Yes
terday several of the assailants of John
C. Young, a non union workman, were
arrested. Iast night Jacob Dupout was
brutally assaulted and the company
houses stoned. Many more informa
tion? were made to day nd the arrest of
the rioters will follow. Serious trouble
may result beore the maLU-r is seUlod.
Searchers are looking in Minneapolis
'or Si. Keniard nnppv stolen from
iat-orire (inuld.
Sparrows have so much "iirinsity that
they will gaze in mirrors by the hour if
uot disturbed.
It required Ait cars to haul amy one
order of steel rails from the IVim-y Ivania
Works, at Steel ton.
No. 2 blast Jurnaee of t lie I let Ii lehein
iron company wa -taitetl up la-t wek
after liavinir U-cu idle for a year.
Afflicted w ith catalepsy. .Iesy Eich
elbereer, of near I.edfurd. lias for two
months been practically uiiconseloiis.
M uslard in hot water fm it balds will
sidetrack a fever if .aken in time, eure a
nervous headache and induce Siej, so it is
Senator D-iwes, of Macli useit. w a
taken ill on the street in Wa-liiuuton witli
an attai-k of indigestion aud had to Im
carried to his hotel.
For the loss of his steam yacht, Alva
W. k. Vaudeibill Ket Cuirona! from the
Metropolitan Company, of Ito-ioit, lioc
steamship ran hi r dow u.
A hive of tes produces ti f 1 v pounds of
honey yearly, aud multiplies ten fold in
live years. ISees eat ten huiii1s of Imiiey
iu making a pound of wax.
lu the Co-inellsville coke region Ci.iCT
more tons of coke we re shipped last week
than for the week previous, the largest
weeks shipment in eight months.
M iss Fleniniing, w ho was traveling on
a second-chos ticket from Chicago o
Clarksburg, W. Va., jumped from a train
i.eai Mount Vernon, hio, aud was killed.
To secure the dilahli-hme lit of the
state church, Wel-h farmers have adopted
Irish land league methods, assaulting
heriff's ottieers, barricading houses and
even indulging in uioonliglit Ining.
liuv. Flower lias signed the tlreater
New York bill, which nutans that the
quei-tion whether New York aud Rrook
lyn shall be consolidated is to be desided
by a vote of the people of both eities aud
Thomas Ilicgins, convicted of the
murder of Peter Mi-Covey at Chie ago, w ill
hang to-day (Friday. I the supreme court
having denied the motion fur a new trial.
II igi'ins is the man who objects to being
hanged on the Same scaffold w ith Pelnler-
gal, the murderer of Carter llurii-on.
Two hundred Malays have tteeu killi-d
by Spanish troops in a tierce battle on the
island of Pan tar. ii. the Malay archipelago.
The ferocious natives attacked the Spaui-h
garrison which defended their po-illou
stoutly aud Miccieded in repulsing the in
vaders. The Spaniaids had but one man
killed, though many were wounded.
A dispatch from Carli-le, Ph.,;
People iu the southern end of this county
are wrought uy oyer the pa-sing of what
was thought to be a mad dog. Three
children, eight .logs and four dogs were
bitten before the dog was killed. One of
the children is dying from the ill.-rts
of the liite. Nearly all the animals that
were bitten have been shot.
A telegram from . Cadiz, ., ays:
'Mrs. Christina kiuiiuol, of Riiinley town
ship, this county, has jut celebrata-d her
lilh birthday, aud over 4o nople t.xik
part in the festivities. She as Urn in
Somerset 'oiiiity. Pa., and came w ith her
parents to this -late in lstis, and was mar
ried in lsl.t to Henry kiuiiuel, w ho died in
S'T, so that her w idow hood has extended
over fi7 years ."
The greatest flood in tin; history of
south central Atkan-as is now m that
part ot the state is rapidly approaching
the condition of an inland ocean. It ha
rained almost incessantly all over tin
slate and in th Indian territory for four
days. Railroad communication si no
Monday has lieen almost entirely cut off
from ihe south to Texarkana. and from
recent report it is not improbable that
the same fate aw ails the country on the
north and west, aud probably the east.
Executor's Sale
THERE will ba expootxl to gala at public ven
due or iiulcry on the preunrwra ID Alt-oxter
vxruenip, i;imini county, fa... oa
at 2 o'clock, r. .. the lullowlnic descritxst Keal
Eatate, vll:
All that certain ilere or parcel of land klinate
It) nam uiwDnlilp jl raaomer. ailinlnlnic lin.l ol
jubn ii Harm, iilic Lauy. I lulm ISouo anil
jauie) liritar, cunt-kining
J5 Acres,
more or lern. and harmv therein created a
HtJl'Skaou HANk BAKN. 1 hrrr In
icoud well of water and a itoud Orrbard on thin
Ten ier cent, ol the pui-chan tnnney to h paid
In band at tlie lime ol -ale: the lialance i.l one-
third on delivery ol deed: one Ibird In onr year
from tbe timeol lale, and tbe reoiaininic third In
two years Irom the time ol rale, lielerred iay
ment to lar Interest and to ie secured ty
judament band and morttratce of the .nrcbi-er.
Executor ol the last will and testament ol James
n non . uerea!il .
Lwretto. Pa.. March 18. 1W4.
pervisor ol Black lira township lor the year
In account with JOHN kivix
) lr. "
Mured It To face ol duplicate.
By wtik done on roa.1-. ... . . , ,,
By retain taxes
By exonerations
t T'i
J I It
1 i
1 -a
Hy uiank
Fir services as Sui-ervlaor, bei'bK
7Sdysatl5 T
To o.der on t:ommlsloneri 54 84
M 24
717 75 7i7 73
March 13 To tare nl!.
tr,7- 70
St 71
4 110
411 40
By return laxes.
Bv exoneration
'J wura oa) roaiia ,
By Cash tiald k.r an.i work
By amount lor reivlces. belnic 45
days at 1 1 M
To on worked tax....
To order on Oommisaloners....
67 ttt
4 IS
tit &
:t7 43 7ll7 43
Orders ware irranted lor..
Order redeemed
1UI 2U
Wa. tba nndersi-roed Auditors ol Black lick
township, have examined the atxive account and
nnd It correct to bast ol oar knowledge and be
lle I.
JMK-il,. K'lUMl,
Attest: . A. MOH ALIt
Eiaj-wuttTB KowutD, Audi ors.
March X3.1MH.
uiea oriaui a Illxua. I-Toprr. ttravol. Mer
yoosness. Heart, t'rlnar or I.ler I ureases.
Known by a tired, lanxuid leelli u; Inaction ol
the Sidneys weaaens and polsona tbe blood, and
c.i j un m 11 11 01 nave neaitb.
Uured ma over bve years ao 01 Hrlicbt's Inneaaa
-""' j. . J. mails, trlli Icliein.
Fa. l.uuu other other similar testimonials. Try
It. Cure naaraateed.
' salwwejr Cairo .
.... . street. fbMaulti ia. Fa.
Sold jr all rellatda raalata. AMM
With the IM.At KEsT IN ices-from
maker" Maiid-miiil cer otlereU lo
cases of -iic. antl -.V.
White Gcodc,
-7. .V. ami 40 indici wiile. suilalile for
Apron. I !.-.. rmit-rwear, Ni)ht
tioMli. t in t u :ns - lot aiiv use U
vtliuli clioit-c, l'.mm Will IK titKlliS
may la put. 'l'lic!e ; half-price
mail t iul w ill U' auia.i-.l at mutiny
ami '.yleof lliem tor so little uium y.
ISItM-k llfiii-liuli Slii-H'S, lilceuts.
-.". Kim Satin Line Sli ipctl ami Cheeked
Wliilc N'uiii-ook, lull arJ wide, l."4
cents a yard.
-.". Fine Medium Weight Nain-H.k w iih
narrou liner. if lexerini;, 'Jti inches
wide, r"a cents a arJ.
17'. Satin Stii'd India Linen, frotips of
wide strics, 4 iiiclies wide, t"J'a
ecu is a yard.
The ureatest assortment of
Wach Goods
ever offered at this store space has
lieeu dniitiled and tlie tieanty and ar
tist ic metil of designs and colorings
lliiiiii'li.Hil enure line of Wa-h llress
(omkIs U-yu'id anytnilii! We've
ever show 11
I'l'ice ranize on Ilimities, Zephf, tlintr
lianis, treMiiis, I lin ks. 1'. Ks,
Sv issi'S, Oi Handle-, etc.. lo, 1.".. -jo. 1:,.
:t."i. im-ludiii-4 Swivel Silk tiii.'-haiiis,
to ."ill cents.
Write our Mail Order I lepart mei.t for
Samples of tin and full lines Med
ium to Finest llress liood Silks aud
Sun iiiLT-. and test tin tiutli of our
claim, liest Qualities and Styles at
Lowest Prices.
Allegheny, Pa.
Larrabee'a Rheumatic Liniment Is an old and
valurd reined y, i-. liii.ll has ii.y-d a con.lanl
. .lionji-c lor over to years, proving Its woiuler
lul worth and efficiency In all ailments where
p.iin is atfemiunt.
Larratea Khenmntic Liniment Is not a liquid
preparation to siil and taini.h by brealcini : It
is put up in wide-mouth bottles and applied with
the linger . rul.Ung It in with more or less tric
tion. It is
clean, rune,
Larrabcc'si Rhcnmatic Liniment Is a splendid lr external use in cases ol
hums. s-a.M-.. ruts, wounds. Ir'istlntes. headache,
palm 111 mil- les. joints antl limns. Iiackache. elr..
etc. Your linguist sells it. or It can l ordered by
sending lull name aud address and as cents to
below addtcss.
sols MorsiiTOHt.
Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co.
htot-iiM, K n cl . t'raln ! Hrlrolcnia
4'arrlrtl on nairiclM.
TH lonrlli Avrsnr,
Meoiliers ol iha
New York Stis-lt Kxrhanie.
fhliadrlpliia sun-k Kxrhanue.
I'lttiHiurati Siork tai-lianice.
And I'hlraieo Hoard of Trade.
I ntrredt allowed on dkiljr t alanee- ruSieet to
rnr.-K at fucut tiirouttn the ('It-arm House,
let 9 :ini
fpilK t'omn ilonem nf t'amhria ronntjr will ta
I at the rortlre in KlienliurK to hear aepals
Irom all emon 10 whom real ertate lias lrn
asseised. acquired tig Ihrm Miner the lant Triennial
Atemmt AIm) Irom KriMins jiMii-tu with
niotiejr at Interest tax. Id- lor State revenue pur
i"e. and aim lor makln rtirreetluns In tbe
military Koiis lor tbejear A. It. ls-.4.
Allegheny townsbip.
Ahvllle iMirouah.
Karr towsnhlp.
t;het sprinas liorouith.
thet townriiiip.
t'learheld lownsblp.
t'arrolltown oxirouicb.
1 lean township.
Klder tawnntilp.
u-i'iiehauDa township
spanieler tHiroutrh.
"'arroll township.
Oatl.tcin txmiUKh
tltillmu lownnlnp.
Hastintts rsjrotnch.
loietto lNiroua:li.
Pmton horouKh.
Tunnelhnl horoaitb..
Kea:e townrhip.
W hite township.
r.iiup li'wrinniii.
Klarklim Uiwn'rhlp.
;risiKin township.
'roylB lowimhip.
t'aiulirla t iwnflilp."
a . .....
hjidt t'onrmaoKh bo.s-
Jieiifliarir boroUKh.
Jackson townrhip.
Franklin boroUKh.
South Kork horouttb.
Munster townvhip.
Porta. e township.
I'ortaiee tairoUKb.
Lilly Ixirouch.
utnraerblll townnblp.
Nantuierhlll borouah.
W anhlnitton township.
VV 1 1 mote Ixtroutrh
('nnemauKb township.
lhtln)Uwn iHirouah.
Itale borotneh.
tlooperridale noroUKh.
Kn Taylor totrurlilsi.
Morrellv Hie tMiruUKh.
txiw'er Yoder towafhlp.
Kichland townnhlp.
Sonyerek township.
I'plier Yoder township.
West Taylor township.
Westtnont ho rough.
Johnstown Oily.
N. B. No al.atement will be made on Talaa.
tlons ol real erlale or monies at Interest attar the
atxive dales.
Attest: P. K IHL.I.ON.
John t) I ATtM HUI.M. WkUTZ,
Clerlt. t'ouiuiiSBloueni,
t'ommlsloners' office, March 9, 14.
Having imrchased the Knotl will
ami tmsiiiess of llaviii I). I'ryre, of
KIriisliiirK, iu tin; tttiU-heriiiK tnis
inst, 1 take i his nu t In k1 if iiifurm
imr tb moiI; tif Kli-nsliurit and
vicinity that I v ill carry on a Moat
Markft at th old stand, and in it
tin samo c'ti-ruiis -jalronairt of
tli public that was rU'iiiid to
my pril--tssor. Inten linir to buy
and H! for rash. I vt i'l at all times
kli p on hand tin bst quality of
' Mal and trive my fiistoiiit-rs the
U-liflil of lb lowest prices.
IM 1 H Tt 11 M "M- n. , Jn.
This eminent
Physiriao tle
voletl ;t lifetimo
to his Specialty
Diseases of t lie
Mye, Kar, Nise,
Throat, Lunr and
( hronic Diseases.
& 'ws- r-iT- - 'i-Vi r--'
Mtm.lnys, January 1, -: Ft-lirtiary -'. Mar. Ii 'Jf,, April May Hi, ,nri( ,
July it'i, August 1:'.. S. pti mU r lo, (ii'inU-r s, Nov inl r .",'
I H'ceinlier ." ami .".1 till .'! p. m.
1 1 1 1 i 1 4 t In- I 'en n s i, aula I e.ot.
'r ...i t ';n- .r.... r.- -it M......1. -I ..:i .11 tf .1.1
i ut-TH.iij , jiniiiiiii , i i iiiii i i ,
ii, August it, . ptiuilxr 11. t K ti-lxr '., Novt-nil-r '.,
I iii-eliilit'r I.
WtiliiPfsilayf.. I) iiiltT -7, January -Jl,
June l'i, July 11, Atiirtist . .s.-ptemix r , ( MoU r .", .Jl,
Altar liavlnv. tried five dlfterent d.rt"rs an. I a
muu load ol ditlerent patvnt :e.
lerew woreand wote. and wmh at last cured
ty lr. Sa lin .
Kor more than elalit years 1 was trontm -d with
dvypfp'ta and intestinal lndii'tt!on. I surt.'red
untold aironte. only ate enouuh to keep me
alive, and towards the last 1 eotil.l not keep on
my leet anymore, l-urtnir all ttii'tmr I tnu-t
have taaen a wavon load ol dill-rent paietit mid
irines and tried nvn ot our d-.tlirrnt dix-ttir- in
the pouwly but itrew worse ami wore. Nona ol
them made the diauonin unlit 1 went Ir
Sal in atTyronx. He told me at oin-e what ailed
me. a d he was corrert. lor to-dny I liel like a
new wo-nin. M KS. A li li 1 1-: l'K Ml T.
Sandy Kidiie. t 'enter 'o.. I'a.
drew worse and worse for seven ye;tr id a tutd
ease ol ealarrh, but lir. Salm i-ured Into a t -ler
I lie ver lient phJ Hli'lans In In the muijl)
had Uiied.
Kor more than seven year. I bad a bad n t
catarrh which aflt-cted my bead lhro:it ainl chest
very much, and iu a short fpm'e i t time .it over
tweuty pounds lu we itit. i t-cauie weaker d.-iily
and felt stupid arnl good lor noOitnt:. W s
treated by several ol our best doctors iitid took a
arood deal ol iatent medlemeii. l.ut yrad.iH'ly
trrew worse arid worse. t hen I beard ol ir.
salm's wonderful eur'R. I trttve biai a tri.i! and
troin the very tirst niotitti 1 ix-ain to s'eadi'y
loiproteand the result to day is t li t I tiaw
named what weight I tia.l lo-t herrt ilnre .in I
lecil like enpiylnir II e onee more.
Hill ard Butler count y , fa.
toured by In Sal in alter bavlnic stitN-red torears
with stouiai-h. bladder and kolnev trouble
1 have lieen sutlenna with very severe slin;uli,
tiladder at d kidney trouble, and on m-i-otint ol
that lelt all broke up. Couldn't b.liow mv
daily labors on ac ;ount of irriiat p ii n-i. vc. .u nrss
and haa.lache: but now. alter a cotir..-oi treat
ment with lir Salin. can on. i- iiii-re :niri,.l to my
daily talsnrs with pleasure imd eotis .ier mvsi-it
hale aud boariy aittln. K. A . A ! K I ' X Y .
Indiana, I'a., April J1, Is":;.
Ailed lor twelve years and llmuuli " ven .Mler
ent physleiatm laiic.l. nr. Mini eun-d me.
For more than twelve vears I Mill. r.-. I torture
with liver. Mcmc,, and kidney iroii'.ie. i ie
caslonilly I had lo no to i.e. I t a e. -k m a
lime and wan unable I work tor y ear- ; !hii toH-.
alter (.lily a lew umiitbs' lieatiiii-.M I ir
SmIbq. I leel so well, as I 11 -ver di I b.-l.ire.
used piles ol pateut meiliciui-s and tool s-ven
illllereut ph3 slclan but aradilailv iiea- H trs.
aud worse. Howeier, smi-e 1 j'Ut niy.i-'i ui,.l.-r
Ur. Saltu's treatment I lw-roved itradnaily and
Ktanilnslliin an rlillllalli.ii Ine m r r lol y .
t lliirtiltrrlboiii-al Mill A ina r "I'm Ice lt,-lorr I well loll.
Atlflreao al l viiijiiinlralliui ! ?i.
We extend an invitation to visit our Larjre Dry Gooils Sd r.
Main .street Gallit.iti. t any hy far the Largest anil Cl,. ;:
Line of Dress Goods in town. Dress Gooils from l'JV. p. r y
up to the Finest Henriettas. Cashmeres, Series ami Cloths, F:
and Stylisli Notions, men's Shirts and Underwear, Lulu-'
children's Underwear at Low Prices. Fine line of Rahht-r Cm
Can seH you Uluc Prints at -V.--the kind for which other s
charge 7c. Lanciuster gin-rhaiu, per ytrd. Yard wide im:
at 5c. per yard. Blankets from 1.(10 per pair to the finest if
market. Full line holies' and men's .Shoes.
Good, comfortahle place to try your Shoes on. With j lti
daylight in our store you can see what yoa are gettiuir.
In a wonl come and see our stock. As we huy for ca.-h :nnl
for we can save you money.
We are now ready to show you the Largest and Finest
Stcck of Men's, Youth's, Hoys' and Children's ( lothing in J
Camhriii county, with the Lowest Prices for jrood l.muls in!
It.. Ol.. y-v r. . . ...
me oiaie. uur J5tock ot taring and Summer Clothin-: i-l
svttuiiueie. ve nave ail the
t itr .1
a complete line of (Jents Furnishings of all kinds. It wil-j
pay you to come to see us this spring as we have prices ti'i
suit the times. !
Call and examine our stock.
For All
Read t,li
The Dot ti.rll:;
been fur jt;i,rs s '
l'rol'esstir nu ,.,..
turer in .si i .
our largest .M,.,;
-al Ct.Ilf'M-s
has eariH.l
a I;-;
f:iln' as ;n,
it v -itnl HIIIImt i..(
KliliJItlS t(.i,,
his cialtv .
.'i.M' u i, .ifi ii - i. .ii a v .Itllie 'i I
F l.rnary 1, March L'l. April Is yj.tV
cun now do as uood a iltiy's work as am,,,,,
eriandy recoiniiienil the l.M'Cor to ttw.e . -iinr
troin clirotur diseases ol anv km, I "
.1. A iK,M.KV li s
ICi'berstiuric , IVntre county . I'm.
feaineiis cured by Or. Saltu atler a kti u
others had tailed. '
r'or iiiite a time I have been alino-t t i
.teal troin ctl irrh. nartlcularlv in tin
lii.-li se.-ini .1 dead, and the rit-l.l ,,in. v,,t .'
daily. I was very despondent and aiin,..i ,"
pcrHteon account ol not i.einv able 1.. heir "'
went on around uie. Now 1 am ,u,le A .t.n,."
man and leel happy more, ail Ho- t, ,,'
lo Or. SjIiu'i ski I'lul treatment. haiVi,,'
Hi -ii- ..Hot doii. rs Ni one i-an m,.,. t, .
iiiio-i ami voutur l tel Hi,, r I
nee more itlmut an ett.irl.
e-it tj lili.lef.
MMH AH. si ri; I i;
.lotinstown. I'a
Closure ol the tear-duct etire I by lir Sal a
I hal e lia a .1. il ! tr...i.... .. ..,
lor tbe last 5 j cars. lear riitininu in ir in ri
; otitinually. lir. salm called It rlmuv ,,i .'
i tear .Itift and operated on the same. nr,,i t, ,
, can keep my ha ml ken-ti lei in my p.s,et n,.,,
I of w ipii k tears conuuiiHlly
JVl KS.fllAKlllA l'M,MV
I lo! I ana, I'a.
Catarrh and ear trouble cured by Or. S:m
Kor more I ban ten years 1 have had a r,. t , .My ears kra,l:ia!!y tiecame rlr i,
ni.-b a di-aieetloit the henriinc in 1,1, e ,
almost toLally tone and Imd in the ,.il,,r 0.
bi i-..n:e very inui h alartue.1. so 1 a, in .
Salm b.r treatment, and improvement a r
irom tin- t'eiiiriiiiiiir. It's imw very ,el...n,
I take a Copt Hinl II must be a teiy l inn .
Unit I cannot bear will, either ear. I i.. i'
all around and (-unless uiyselt sHtirii-.1 ain
treii!ictit. 1-ltANK il I I.I.I
I l.en-l.urn. r"a.
Kor eiirlileen years b.taltv blind. -Or.
ll,-..iii..i bis wotiderlul skill re uie -v.
I-or more than eiiriueen years I have t...- .
tail blind In toy nclit eye" cause i.v u ..s-,
wo,h - irikibK the same. I p. I I I i,,l
be made t.i see auani out ol the eye, bin Pr s me H. al the luiuiy bad prialm-ed ,
ami I tiat lie would auaramee me to .ee.
1. 1 in III. ri.'t. and bier lilt slurs that I ill.!,
to -V. Ilmuull It IS Wotlileilul to relate 1 r; .
once mure out ol the bcreii.iore I In,. I n, ,
more l'jl,jien jears' diokiKss
and who know me will bear wltnes. t.
:ii..oe. and ttiitik there Is no di;ci.iiut ol
salm's wotiderlul fikill
JoiSN MdbNI.N.iiitt,
Tyrone, a.
new i.rinrr sh:in in H itstim
We will stll you nirfi
Very Respectfully,
tlie News
- - www "waawasr. su B.