.nnbria jjrccmrm , Hl.Nm'lw- CAMHKIA CO., I' A. M AUCll 10. 1S'.4. Al. AM PKKMX .lol.ti l.ality. of Lilly, was in town on Tin- 'if-'"1 's sa' to a poor season Bin ;i !- i tli-' tinn to plant your aJver ui f..r i-prina trade. Mirliai l I'.u-li. a wt-ll known resident niullt.ittM. .lieil on Monday. Mr. William Urown. of I, illy, was a i,r to Klenslnir on Tliursday. i .ii. T. Swank, edi tor of thu .Tolins ,, Tiilm ', was in town on Wednesday. Mr. 1' W. IuUe. one of South Fork's ilniMiik' lu-iiiess men, was in town on .iiilav . Sln i Miaii Tit'tM.tt, of tti is place, on Sut- iv Mil. I lii- soi -rel team to a gentleman Lu li.aii tow nship. k'li. lv-.i., of Lilly. ,,t a ioii'l'' '1:1V' '" town this week ut- jil.tllf fill' l " iiim-:-..-.. nuiiit'ei' "f attorneys left this place j-. i'l Inn -ilav i niorninir tor Johnstown to ,,- funeral of W. Diek Shilpe. i ( in Tin-day the court appointed II. C. Ji kpati h'k "iisiahle of Carroll township U iai e "f l-aac Weaklanil. resigned, i Hr . K. !' I'i-h has tendered his resi t mii pa-t"r of the l'.aplist church, in !, -e, to take effect on the lt of J line. Mr. (e'oii:e II. IIoUtIs, who, with his :hi i' .""1 siter. Miss llinl, spent the iiiti i :n l'hilailelhia, returned homo on L t.il.lV. i liiivid N'aner. a well known citi.eu of j on- town-hip, died at his home in that fe icdnp on Thursday of last week, aed f year-. i .l,.lui I', dates, Kso., clerk to theconi- H iiiii-i s, will soon take up his residence the Ward property, near the convent, tin- place. Jonathan Owens, of Camhria town p. lias purchased the meal market of vid l. I'ryce. In this place. See ad in iilier column. The hans of matrimony Ix-tween An v I'ees and Miss Lizzie Lonir, were an-iiiiri-d in the Culliolir church, in this I i.-c, on Sunday. Mi --rs. Joseph A. K rise and Jess Na ... I.i.tli of C'learlield township, hooked i. in-elves as new suhscrihers to the I-'ickk-v on SaturJav. - The cellar of William Mukin. a farmer -idiin; atiout three miles from Khens i ii;. was rohlied of a ipnantity of provis os one niL'ht last w cck. It is said that liiu-l Somerville. Kstj.. ho 'a- lati-ly admitted to the I'amhria .iinty har. will locate at I'atton for the i ai tice of his profession. - P.ookaniire. who i- wanted in Indiana iinty for the murder of John I'uuninir iin. i- reported to have lieen in the vicin v of Carrolltown last week. - A lilli'iry heloiit'illtf to Stoddard L. 'nm:- w as chanced off at the Central llo i I. in t his place, on Saturday niL'ht and L.iinlN.rcl Hiow n w as the luekey w inner. Attention of our readers is called to .1- test iin. mials of a numhel of people w ho -tiliy to having had ti-eth extracted Mlmiit pain hy l)r. T. M. Uiehards, of I k pla.-e. A ineinher of the late grain! jury said he. Iiiiii-elf. ilid not understand anything hunt "Hietalic -teel tiles' hut one or two ho did sei'ined to he very much in favor ; tlii'Ill." On Wednesday niirht of last week the emu -aw mill of John I'odkey in I!laek k tow iis,i p w a- liuriied to the ground, larsre lot of liiiniier that was piled n oi in I the mill was saved. There is lots of fun in thtuwini; stwiies urn liehiml a hlind - running a newspaper i th.' name of a vacuum hut when haul I tit to the front to take thcil medicine, it makes th,- called jaue w ince." .1 ii n Wiltiert, sou of William and jjM.u y l.ant. ii ifii at tne Home ot Ins par i nis in Pii tshuri; on Sat urday, aired eight in.n!lis :n,.l four days. Interment in the M iili.ille cemetery in Kliciishurir on Mon- A -mi of Isa-te I). Jones, of famhri.i it e.Misin p. js suffering severely from a cut fi.mi the sloke of an ae. received a collide f ii-ks airo. The cut is near the knee ft-ap and fears ale entertained that hi' may have a -lilT joint. - Stephen brothers di.'d a his home in Hastings on Tuesday of last week, atii'd ve;us. Mr. I'.rothers w as a millw riuht hy tia.iean,! w as well-known throughout the io ut hern portion of the county, where he h id worked ut his trade for many years. Hon. I ieoi ire W. Kasly. one of Johns tow n's oldest citi zeiis. had a stroke of par a! v -is ;u arrolltow ri on Sunday where he as ..ii a visit to his son. James f. Kasly, K-'l- Me has since been in a critical con ihtion with hut sliifht hopes for his recov er y. Snar hoilinc was in full blast last week and. it is said, the maple sap Mowed freely. Krotn si line sect ions collies the re p"M that there would h" a very larsie out put ut - nip and sugar, w lit If from ot hers the statement, was mad.- that the yield would Ik- much smaller than usual. Sum- I I'M I I l IIIIH I Ill. Kdwiinl Mason. Tor many years a resi lient nf Kheiislnirif, hut who a few years a-'o removed to Johnstown, died lit his Inline iii that city on Saturday. ned about 'years. Me is survived by his wife and tiir. e , ,ns. Dayton. Sherman ami Morris. II'- remains were brought to this place on lues.iay nid interred in Idoyd's eemetary. I he large barn of Alphouso funniug- li'OII. in I'.-.! IVI.i.tl .1.1 ,,sl.ii. In. 'I ma count v. caught lire in some tnvsteri-"''- manner about three o'clock on Thurs day moriiii g and was soon a mass of -mouldering ruins. Four horses were '-' iied from the hurtling building, hut the ''ay. grain ami farming implements w ere hiirned. The loss Is estimated at -',. wi'h an insurance of fl .im. - A few nights ago Charles ('barman, of Wehter. Westmoreland inly, had a tin illing experience w hile out cooti hunt "' lb-;4ii several other gentlemen went ""t on ii,,. ai,ve mentioned sport and while attempting to ride over a trestle on l'" Haliiuiore Ohio railroad, his horse f'-H through tl1L. trestle and broke its neck. ' 'hannan was thrown off but, escaped injury. The animal died in a few niiu- tlle. - ti.n.rge M. Walker, an insane crank of Indiana county, who was arretted recently w tide endeavoring to get into the White H'"ie at Washington to demand that ''resident Ch-veland arwlicate In his favor. a'l who was sent home by the Wa-hin(f-'"" aut hot It i,.s. was arrested at Indiana "" u''dnesday and lodged in jail. He is a Jang,. r,,iis crank, goeti heavily armed, and 'V- that when the Lord tells him to a man he is going to do It. He w ill be sent to an insane asylum. - I" the pension district In which this hart of th,. state is included, of which Captain Ihorge W. Skinner is agent, with ''ailouarlcrs at I'iltsbiirg. there are I nited States pensioners on the rolls. uf On- total number, 40.7IS are paid hy ,i, h requires a lare force of clerks addr-ssing letter and making out vonch- T" all the time. Those who call In person '"i their money number .1,500. All pen sions ate paid iiuart-rly. Each nuarter M'e anioiint of money paid out Is above -'. ".! II, inakiiiK over fs.imo.iiiio paid through the l'ittsburjj oflice evvry year. Lost last fall on the old Car rolltown road Detween E. J. Humphrey's, in 'Jainbria township, and 'Mrs. HeimetCs. in Carroll township, a small cross-barred shaw l with a hole burned in the middle. The shawl is of no value but i? prized bv the owner on account of having belonged to a deceased relative. The finder can learn the name of the owner by inquiring at this office. Quite a numticr of people In this vi cinity have ordered shoes from the Liberty Shoe Company, of lioston, Mass., whose advertisement has been running in the Fkkkmax, and all are greatly pleased w ith their goods. You can alw ays fret exact ly what you want, any width from I: to KE. in half sizes, and w hen you once know your exact size, you can always he certain of getting your shoes to lit. Send lor a catalogue. Mrs. Mary Pringle. relict of the late Jacob I'ringle, of Suiumerhill township, died at her home in that tow nship on Sat urday. March loth, aged bt years. She is survived by live sons Daniel, Joseph and William, of Conemaugh, and David and Jordan, vJio are at home, and three daughters Mrs. Amanda McKissoti. of Itrndford, I'a.; Mrs. Ida Foster, of Coi.e inaugh, and Ellen, who is single and re sides at home. Thomas Finnegan, of Latrobe, who is demented and resides with his parents at that place, became suddenly violent on Monday, attacking his-mother with a poker and knocking her down. When hi- father rati to her assistance he was also knocked down and the manic then proceeded to smash up the fnrni lure. llethenweuttothehon.se of a lieighbor and proceeded to break the windows, w lien he was overpowered and taken to the Westmoreland county aim-house. Sister Scholastica, who died in St. Mary's convent, Allegheny, on Saturday, March .'lid, in the tlth year oJ her age and tlie twentieth year of her religious life, was know n in the world as Lizie Flattery, who was a resident of Johnstown for many years. Her brother, Dr Flattery of Mew York, is the celebrated musician and composer. Her remains w ere taken to Carrolll.iw u on Tuesday and interred iu the beautiful lot in St. Kene dict's cemetery set aside for the interment of sisters of this order. A telegram from Cleveland, O.. under dale of Monday says: Congressman 'Join I.. Johnston, owner of the John-ton steel works at Johnstown, I'a., authorizes the announcement that these works will be removed to Cleveland. The company w ill erred a .".. mo.eoo plant here w hich will include four blast furnaces, a convert ing plant, a blooming mill, a standard "T" rail, a steel railway, ami a shape and girder rail for su-ci lailwaysand structural iron mills. The company will build its own coke ovens. Three thousand men w ill be employed." A two-year-old child of Frank Adams, 7i- Washington avenue, inhaled a coffee bean on Friday at 1? o'clock noon, w hich almost cost his life. Two physicians le ing called at once and failing to give re lief and the child suffering with violent tits of suffocation. Dr. l'.uck was sent for on Saturday morning. He advised an operation. Wit Ii the consent of the par ents, he opened the windpipe and located the bean at the division of the windpipe into the right and left lungs. He then in serted an instrument constructed for the purpose and removed the bean. The child is doing well at this writing. Altimntt Time. Thr (toillnx tl lit liHiiril Ian'. After the issue of last week's Fukkviax the guardians of the HuxliiKj resolved to have a picture. A carpenter was ordered to manufacture a cut, and after occupying the nest night ami day for 4-i hours, one of the guardians, who can look wiser than the others, concluded that the picture should be "a man up a tree." The editor of the UtixHntj and the other guardians could not see the point, but from the look of w isdom on the parent goose, they con cluded that there wasapo:ut in it sotne w here, and the cut appears iu the (ioxlimj this week. We cannot reproduce It on this short notice oi we would, as we generally give our readers specimens of the tjaslinij'M wisdom. Here is what the llintlhnj says, how ever: When an editor gets so badly "up a tree" m a controversy that he has to leave the subject and attack disinterested citi zens by calling them geese and making ob scene pitures to icprient them, it's time to call si halt. The (lislhii can call a halt whenever it sees tit. The Kiikkman's motto when at tacked is "lay on. Macduff, And damned be he who tirst cries hold, enough !" As far as we are concerned. persMnally. we acknowledge that we do feel .somewhat like a goose, because it has been necessary for us to defend ourselves and our business from t lie despairing at lacks of our enemies in a manner that was not very ilignilied. but at that we do not so much as niurmer. believing that we have thoroughly defeat ed the ends sought for by our jealous con temporaries ami shown the cot red ness of our position on the ballot work. The aUive reads very line but when we take into, consideration the fact that it was the linsliiiij that spread its feathers, sailed in and was the aggressor, it is pretty hard to see where it "has thorough ly defeated the ends sought for by our jealous contemporaries and shown the correctness of our position on the ballot wink." It is rather the position of rush ing into a scrimmage and coining out willi its feathers plucked. In all fairness and honor we w ish to say to the editor up street that we hope he will not continue to lie so cow ardly as to attack private citizens and their business over our shoulders. If he has anything to say to V. K. Thoinpson-the cUKor of this paper please l- so kind as to address il to him and he w ill try U lake care of him self, but if lie wishes to slander other per sons, we sincereiv nope tuai newi.iiiov connect us witli them. It is a very unfair and unmanly specie of warfare. If we have anything to say to W. K. Thompson, we w ill say it if to the Oim lintfi guardians, we will say it so that it will be understood. The FkikmAN does not propose to wasteanimuniiiun on a clav pigeon when there are live birds waddling around the establishment. 4nolhrr Kllrtl. A telegram from llarrlshnrir datiit March 1-'. says: A charter was granted at the slate department to-day to the C'learlield t Conemaugh Kailioad Com pany, which w ill construct a line rt ni'les long through Clearfield and Cambria coun ties. The capital stock is ll.XVl.tmO. John E. Faunce, of Philadelphia; tieorge 11. Fleming, David Fh ming, ex-Congressman Ii. Myers and II. J. McCarreli, of Harris burg, are among the Incorporators, The line mentioned above will begin at Itelscna Mills, in Clearfield county, on the line of the Kerch Creek railroad, and con nect w ith the Baltimore fc Ohio railroad at Johnstown. It will follow up some of the branches of theClearlield creek through White, and Clearfield townships until it strikes the divide, and then take ibeCon tnaugh waters west. nurrlwo Llrraur. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Courl for the week ending Wednesday, March H, H'.U. Ficd Sakon ami Katie Itadior, Johns town. John E. Johnston, Dunio, and Martha Ann Allison, Scalp Level. David II. Stevens and Addie IUki, Jackson township. MetJarie Hosteller and Carrie Felix. Lower Yoder township. 1J. F- Colo and liliza A. Wilkins, Pattou. Court Prof red lag. The following cases weredisposed of last week in addition to those already lejiorted in the Frkfmax: Commonwealth vs. Andrew Pinkerton, larceny. Defendant plead guilty. Sen tenced to pay the costs aud further sen tence suspended. Comniouwealth vs. John Barcbe et ah, larceny. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. George A. Valentine. Samuel Jones and Thomas Evans, arson. Jury find defendants not guilty. Commonwealth vs. John Heiier, selling liquor to minors. Defendant plead guilty. Common wealth vs. I'eter Seyinore, sell ing liquor to minors. Defendant plead guiltv. The grand jury disposed of the follow ing cases: Commonwealth vs. I'eter Sey more, sell ing and furuisbing liquor on Sunday; W. Scott Shaffer, prosecutor. Not a true bill, and county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Michael I'riest, car rying concealed weapons; John S. tiales, prosecutor. Not a true bill, aud the pros ecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Michael Priest, ma licious mischief; Isaac J. Harris, prosecu tor. Not a true bill and county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Michael Priest, burn ing office building; Isaac J. Harris, prose cutor. Not a true bill aud comity to pay the" costs. Commonwealth vs. James Cook, alias James Smith, and Oliver MePherson. ag gravated assault and battery; Moses Turner, prosecutor. Not a true bill and county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Murray, carrying concealed weapons; W. S. Mc Curdy, prosecutor. Not a true bill aud the county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. J. F. Schlaanstiue, lar-euy and receiving stolen goods; Jaco'j Schwartz, prosecutor. Not a true bill. Commonwealth vs. J. V. Schlaanstiue, larceny bv bailee: Jacob Schwartz, pros ecutor. Not a true bill. Comniouwealth vs. Iii bard Cohaugh, larceny and receiving stolen goods; Oeorge Livingston, prosecutor. Not a true bill. Common wealth vs. Allien Diehl, keep ing a disorderly house: S. W. Long, pros ecutor. Not a true bill, and the county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Thomas J. Straley, first count larceny, second count ni-eiving stolen goods; Susan Knee, prosecutrix. Not a true bill. Commonwealth vs. Minnie Ki-enun. sell ing liquor wit Loii l license. Jury find de fendant not guilty and divide the costs oe t ween the defendant and the prosecutor, Edward W halen. Commonwealth vs. Nellie Black, selling liquor w ithout license. Jury find defend ant guilty. Sentenced t3 pay a fine of $Kio and goto jail for tour mouths. Commonwealth vs. John E. McKen.ie, embezzlement. Jury tind defendant K"M" ty. Sentence suspended. Commonwealth vs. Steve Cusker, larce ny. Jury find defendant not guiltv. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Walco et al., breaking open a Imix car and stealing goods therefrom. Jury find defendants guilty. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Soriek, larce ny. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. David Buterbaugh, rape, seduction and bastardy. IVfc ndant plead guilty to the laltercharge and a tnf. jri. was entered as to the others. Commonwealth vs. Lawrence Hessen plug. assault and battery. Jury find de fendant guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of and costs and go to jail for tfi days. 'Join mon wealth vs. Neil Sharkey, selling liquor to a man of known inteuierate hab its. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. S. E. Wilkinson. E. Day and James Love, charged w ith selling a liogus preparation for "Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Jury find defendants not guilty but that Dav pay one-half the costs and Arthur M. Cra-ie, the prosecutor, the oth er half. Commonwealth vs. James Krise and Ambrose Cogan, arson. Jury find defend ants not guilty. John Beiterand Philip Seyinore, both of Portage, and who had each plead guilty to a charge of selling liquor to minors, were sentenced to each pay a line of Jim. and costs. Commonwealth vs. William Aukernian. assault and battery. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Valentine Weiitzel. Sr.. aud Valentine Weiitzel, Jr., assault and battery with intent t ikill. assault and battery with intent to maim and malicious mischief. Jury find defendants not guilty on the first count but gui.ty on the second and third counts. Sentenced to pay a line of M each, costs and go to jail for a term of six mouths. Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Cat larine Kutu mel, false pretense. J ury find the defend ant not guilty and the prosecutor to pay costs. Commouw ealth vs. John Kenard, larce ny. Jul y find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. John Kenard. surety of the peace. Court directed the defend ant aud the prosecutor, John Crouse. to each pay half the costs. I'oininvnwealth vs. David Lockard, as sault and battery. Jury find defendant guilty. CommonwMilth vs. Uichard Jackson, rape. Jury find defendant not guilty. town Hlarlt llrk. Things dow n the Blacklick are booming now because of the building of the new railroad. .nisi loriy-i.iue years ago Blacklick had its first boom, as an old ar ticle of agreement, handed into the Fkkk max a few days ago aud which we publish In-low. will show. The agreement is as follows: El.l A Fl'ICX Af"K. Oc toiler 3d. 11.1. Terms uMu which David Kilter pro poses to sell to Lot W. Irvin. one-half of two thousand acres of and lying on the north and south branches of Black Lick together with all the iin ni ovemen is made towards erecting a furnace upon said property. David Kitter asks for the alxive de- scriU-d property. Seven thousand dollars to le paid as follows: 1st. the one-h.uf of tbeoi igmal purchase money yet due by Kit ter on the land, is to lx paid out of tlie 7. IX i.i iii as the payments fall due which in all are siipimisimI to amount tn f.'.ioi.iii; of the remaining .,mo, ?-.'. ..no is to lie paid on the 1st of January fl.-.'.MIon the 1st of July 1SH1 ami fl, -..") on the 1st of October 1-H"i. Kitter is 1111 ml to pay all debts contract ed previous to the closing of the bargain, and using the store goods on hand and the horses, gt-ars and w agons, w hich are to lie put into the concern, the goods at cost and horses, gears and wagons at valuation. Kitter is to remain at the works and suiH-rintend the business until the furnace 1. - LI - .1 . ... I t ..,.,.,. is in mast, at. me raic oi ri.iiii.iii per an num for Ins services, out or which be is to lii.d himself and family and find his own horse, the horse to be kept by the concern A fter the furnace is in blast other art anue ments are to he made if advisable. Kit ter is to have a house on the Black Eick rent free. Said Kitter gives Irvin until Monday the I.'lth of October to accept tin atHive proposal, aud binds himself to ful- il the contract if Irvin should comply with the terms. li.wili Kittkk. L. W. Ikvix. Wliit J the Urantl Jnrr Nay a. The grand jury, litforeln ing discharged made tlie follow ing reKirt to the court: To the Honorable Court: We, the grand jurors of March sessions, is.4. Iieg leave to submit to you the fol lowing report of the several public build ings of Cambria county. Pa. First, Having carefully examined the county almshouse and finding everything in at.d around the building to be in good sanitary condition, we must say that Mr. and Mrs. Hoover deserve credit for the faithful performance of the duties en trusted to their care. Second, Having examined the jail, we tind It In first-class condition. Third. After carefully examining the basement of the cqjirt house we find tlie sanitary condition of the water closets very bad. Fourth, We. would recommend the adoption of metallic steel files for the pro thonotary's and the register aud recorder's otlitff. Jiespectfully submitted, Li tO. B. Kit HAKII8, Fore tu a u Rest F.alate Tr"fr. Sheriff of Cambria county to LeVj Schroth, Sunimerhill township; considera tion, S.tO. Caleb A. (Jray et al. to Law rence Wei land, White township, $2,800. Porter Kinports el al. to Gideon R. Kin ports. Susquehanna township. fciO.OUO. Mike Walco to Annie Walco, Washing ton township, $"J00. William II. Wolfe, et al. to James H. Davison, Dean township, I,tiOO. J. L. Spangler, trustee, et ux. to Martin Farabaugh, Spangler, $luO. Sebastian Holtz el ux. to John Uoltz, Hasting-, fl.1l). John Holtz et ux. to Stephen Gosiberger. Hastings, $175. Borans Weyland et ux, to Porter Kin ports, Susquehanna tow nship. $1. E. P. Baker el ux. to William Learner, et al.. Susquehanna' $17,000. William Learner t al. to Porter Kin ports, et al., Susquehanna township, $17,. Samuel W. Dav!s et ux. to Dr. T. J. Davison, Ebensburg, $l,oiH. Thomas Barnes et ux. to John Hindle, Barnesboro. $5,811). Joseph K. Cass to Matilda J. Moorehead, Sunimerhill township, $1. Mary J. Beers et al. to Thomas W. Ilol len. Keade towuship, $1. Chest Creek Land t Improvement Coin -panv to Joseph II aid, Patton, $3.10. McClellaud Legg-'tt to Esther L. W. Marbourg, Morrellville, $4io. David Epplev et ux. to Benjamin Tee ter, West Taylor towuship, $Jno. George B. Kummel et ux. to laaac Hud son, West Taylor township. $1.1 Samuel Good et al. to W. II. II. Me Cleven et al., trustees, Barr tow nship, $1. Alexander Montgomery's administrator to Nelson Kickabaugh. Coopersdale, $1,140. Morgan Keese et ux. to John S. Collins, South Fork, $si). J. G. Hollen et ux. to James K. Holleu, Keade tow nship, $. Hugh O'Donnell to Daniel I. O'Donnell, Washington tow nship. $3). Charles W. Sprock et ux. to Caroline Sprock, South Fork, $.. J. C. Stinenian et ux. to Isaac Schofield. South Fork. $lim. Mountain Coal Company to Dunlo Sup ply Company, Limited, Adams township, Heirs of Henry Moose to Ephraini Moose, South Fork, $1. Hiram Weaver et ux. to Levi II. Weav er, Kiciiland township. f7MK Ilenry Daly to Maggie Fisher, James town. $lm. John Thomas et ux. to William Snow- den, East Coneu.aiigh, George Sell to Josiah Miiler, Upper Yo der township, JiKlO. William Springer et ux. to K. L. Goff, Patton, $1. Timothy J. Sheehan to Thomas Get- tings, Clearfield township, iJi. Sarah Melander et vir to Tri-County A. fc D. Park Association, Upper Yoder town ship. $J.4'.i5. Isaac Barnhart et ux. to Tri-County A. sfc D. Park Association. Upper Yoder town ship, fs ,u. Harry G. Barclay et ux. to Tri-County A. t D. Park Association, Upjier Yoder tow nship, $l..1oo. Annie J. Sharp et vir to Tri-County A. it D. Park Association, Upper Yoder town ship, $--':ii). James Seely et ux. to John Ejkstine, West Taylor tow nship, $lil. Johnstown Manufacturing Company to Frank and AnnieTaunenbaum, Wood vale, $i.m. James Mellon et ux. to George ' Y. O Leary, Patton. $li1. Charles Von Liinen et ux. to Anna Bell Berkebile et al., Johnstow n, .'(. George W. Helsel et ux. to Sylvester Berkebile, Johnstown, $i. John A. Baker to Joseph A. Baker. Pat ton. $1M. E. II. Nutter & Co. to Patrick A. Burns, Gallitzin, $.1o. Joseph llupf et ux. to Mrs. F. Cowau, Lower Yoder towuship, $50. Veronica Cowan to Charles Lcbzelter, Lower Yoder tow nship, $50. tleorge W. Swank to Martha Jane Swank, Stonycreek township, $1. Treasurer of Cambria county to D. (5. Myers, Barr towuship, $.1. D. ti. M vers et ux. to Joseph A. Gray, Barr tow nship. $1. 1). (J. Myers et ux. to Joseph A. Gray, Barr township, $ln. Bertha Herrell to Joseph A. Gray et al.. Patton. $K. J. L. Spangler, trustee, et ux. to Joseph A. Gray, Spa.igler, $7oo. J. L. Spangler, trustee, et ux. to Joseph A. Gray et al., Spangler, $l,:i5u. Philip Stoltz et ux. u E. W. Smith, Car roll tow nship, $.1.(MX Daniel Malcdy to Pennsylvania & Northwestern Kailroad Company, Keade tow nship. $112. Alfred J. Harris et ux. to Pennsylvania X- Northwestern Kailroad Company, Keade tow nship, $'). Joseph A. Gray et ux. to Biuhaker Coal Company, Susquehanna township, t,ttS7. Jackson L. Spangler et ux. to Cambria A: Clearfield Kailioad Company, Hastings, fl. Oratb or Hon. B. I- llrwltt. Hon. Benjamin L. Hewitt, of llotlidays burg, ex-speaker of the House of Repre sentatives, and one of the best kuowu Re publican politicians in the state, died about 2 o'clock on Saturday morning in the Bingham House, Philadelphia, where he went for medical treatment a few weeks ago. Mr. Hewitt was burn in Petersburg, Huntingdon county, June 4, 1S.13. He was admitted to the Blair county bar in ls.v;. During the civil war he was a field pay master with rank of major. He served eight years in the House of Representa tives iind in IstU wat ehostMt speaker of that body. He was a fish commissioner from 1S73 until Ism. and plain. ed the Corry hatching house, the best tish-halchiiig establishment in America. He was chair man of the House committee in 1S73 on the revision of the civil code. In 1S79 he helped to prevent the passage of the riot bill whose provisions would have taken $4,000.0110 out of the state treasury. Dur ing the great struggle in issi over the election of a Uuited States senator Mr. Hewitt received several votes on different ballots for that high office. During the late legislature he became prominent In the opposition to the scaling of Andrews and also as the father of the pure food bill. He leaves a wife aud two sous. flowortb'a Comedy Co. Howorth's Hibernica Comedy and Specialty Company appeared before a large audience at Music Hall last evening and made a most favorable itnpre-siou, judging from the hearty applause that was frequently e oked. I lie " l wo Dans were so cleverly made up that It was very diffi cult to distinguish them apart. The songs and jiirs were especially pood and were en thusiastlcally enchoied. The play fairly bubbles over with mirth and wit, and the characters wr re all acceptably presented The entertainment will we repeated this evening, and the merits of the performance should insure a large attendance. Gazette, nttstim. Pa. At the Ebensburg Opera House, Monday, March 19. Wm. Dick Shtiie, a moniber of the ('am)iria county bar. died at LU home Jn Johnstown on Monday. The ii-Or-ased had b,Hn in attfiidanoe at court In this plare lust iiiwli and was suddenly taken ill aud I returned to his home, where he continued I to grow worse until deatli came on Mon day evening. He was 27 years of age aud ' leave a wile but no iauiily. SotlcM. "11TE. tbeodertuel. h hd tech eitract- ed wttt th an ol odontunder, wliboat prUclof pain by Dr. Klenmrd. the den;it. and cnnwmanil him to all tn od ot hi t rvle lonal .err.ee.. j vts A. MN'.ER. K.ylor St. IX.EWtL.lfN FRANCIS. MABTIN RAOKK. - HAKKY HUMfHKETS. W ALT bK L.ITZ1NU tK. Lore! to. KKANKSMEKKY. JAMts WILKINSON. Elnil) r WM KIMBALL. Kbeo.nurn. SAMCEL LATNEK, Monster. March 9. 18W. I ULLEN k SMITH. OF LILLY, P WISH x I to far to their many (fiend and customer! mat their entire merit ol eiotnln and . uW t-'umlKhmir l tixvls muat be reduced before I n etcry. ohicb lake lace March 15th. rTtoea no ooject. The lca must o reitarrile! ol cot. There lore partle denirlnn to avail tbemelve of atettluK poodt at their owo prices wucld do weil to call and see the aboTe Drm. ttlK SALE OK KENT. The undersigned otters for sale his larm In sjaml.na trttnship. three miles trout Kbensbunr. eirtieislinK ol 175 arras, about SO acre cleared. The premises are ell tlmtered. If Dot sold by April 1st will be lor rent. Call on or address NEIL McKAY. . March 8. 18W. Ebensburg. P. riiHE Ebensbor rJulldlnc A Loan Association 1 will otter for tale at the council chamber. Kb enchant, on the rourth Monday In March. M.oim.uo. THUS. 1AV1. Lostbb LaHiMBK. Secretary. President. Fl'KS. Oeorire L. Fredericks, ot Kbensbunj, pays tne hlicbei-t market price tor all kinds rt turs. NOTICE OF APPEALS. rpHE Comirlssloners of C'aenbrta county will be 1 at tber office In Ebeasbunt to har aepcale Irons all persons to whom real estate has been seed, aceatrce' 6y farm stare far iesf Triennial AiMctrmmt Alro from irrons sne-eo witb money at Interest taxable lor State revenue 'r iose. and alro lor maklna; corrections In the Military Rolls lor the year A. I. 1S1. ON MONDAY, MARCH 26. Allegheny township. Afhvl.le borough. Harr towashlp. Chert Springs borouirh . C'best township. Clearfield township. rCarrolltown borouarh. I Winn township. Elder lawnshtp. Suueha.nna township. Spangler borouirh. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 27. Carroll township, tialblzin borouicb. Oallitiln township. Ilastlnas borough. Loietlo borouKh. Palloo borouKh. ITunnelhill borough. jKeaue township, i White township. ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. Adams township. Hlarkliea township, Creirun township. I'royla township. Cau.br la t jwnsbip. East lonemahKh bo ouich. JenburK bomui(h Jackson township. ON THURSDAY, MARCH 29. Franklin borough. Mu'ater township. Portage township. Portage borough. Lilly borough. iSouth Fork borough. sumtaerniu townsuip. ummerniu borouan. W ashinaton township. WHuioie boruugb ON FRIDAY, MARCH 30. Conemaugh township. Iiaisytown borough, lute borough, tioopersdale borough. East Taylor township. Morrellville Iwrough. Ixiwer Yoder township. Klrhland township, stonycre k town.-blu. t'pler Yoder township. West Taylor township. Westmont boroug-h. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 3L Johnstown City. N.B No abatement will be made on valua tions otreal estate or monies at Interest after the above dates. J. ft. 1.IJIYII. Attest: P. K IHLLON. Jouh O. OaTCS. UtO. M. W EKTZ. Clerk. CHnmlsaiotiers, Coicmlfloo era' otflce. March 9, lsv4. JOHN PFISTER, HEALER IU WM. MERCIUIIDISE, Hardware, Oocensware, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TF.UKTARLM IN KEAMIS, nK.Fi., irri., OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL CRESSON, PA. maw 3ly a. L. RKtD. MATUIIIT IIAIB. REED & READE, Attorno.VH n t I :iav, fcBENSBl'K.I, - - - PENNA. r.)tnce on Ceulre street. 4 28 V3 KITTELL & LITTLE, Attoriioyn nt Iiiav, EHENSBt' K(), PA. e-Offlse In Clpera House. 1.V.V T. W. DICK, ATTt IKN KY-AT-LA W. Kbkhsbl'ku. Pbmu'a rSpeclal attention to arlven elalma lr Pen sion Bounty, etc. ehT- Nwi f F. MrKEXKICK, ' ATTllUtT SU IMIUniUOt IT LW, r.KfcMSBl KO. - PA iffitse on Uentre street. H II M YE Its. ATTtl K?( E Y -AT-L A W, GBinSDM. PA. Wtimne la Collonade How. on Centre street. D ONALD E. DUFTON, ATTtISEY-AT LA W. Esisioi m, I'avaa. Ivl imre m Crpra Moose. :enter street. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In effect November lt. 18V3. 'eBmrrllsiaait I rnm Seashore F.xpresa AIUMa AonMnsHKlatliia . as a m - 14 a m .11 c4 a ru . hOpm . 6 17 p m . 1 1 p m M al p Line Kxbrrss Altoona Kzress........ Mall bxpreas Hhllaaeli.li la F.zpres . WEST. Johnstown Accommodation.. Mam Mam 4 'JS p m Part tin F.pros. Way raseener .... Mail Train Johnstown Accommodation , a 34 p m Trains leaves as follows: 7.2ft. 10.3) a. m and S.30 p. m. and arrive at Creadon at T 67. lA.St a. m. sd.1 u ii B. ieave t'resson at au. it aw m and S. 30 p. m., and arrive at Kbensburic at l.i a. m. and lXle and 6 as p. m. rrsa Mel Clearfleld. lavr Irvona at S.Afi a. m. and i 40 n. m. arrlv Inar at Creason at Sua a m. and 4 l. m. Ieave Cresson 34 a. tn. and 5 p. ra., arrlvlnx at Jr. vona at lu.U a m. and 6.44 p. m. For rate, maps, etc . call on axent or address Thus. E. Watt. P. A. w. nu nun Ave. PtUabura. Pa. S.M. PKtVllST. 3. K. Wt KIP. (General Manager. Oenerel Manaaer. To Investors. THY sro away from home to seek Investments when yon can buy Pennsylvania First Mortraite securities on the Cash or Monthly Payment plan and which will net you twenty per eon t. on your money T For particulars call on or add rets U. A. KNOLEH AKT. An, t. It". LbnstuiK, Pa AtSSK'NKK-S NT1E Notice ts herel.y Ktven that Inseph rten Kele.ol Uallltzln Hnronch. Camhria eoonty. Pa., and Mary A., mi wile, by deed ot voluntary as signment, have anticned all the estate, real and persobal.of the Mid Joseph Benae'e to W. J. Buck, ol Aliettbeny township. In said e onty. tn trust tor the beneht ot the creditors ol the said Joseph Itenitele. All persons, theretore.ludel.ted to te said Joseph Benaele will make payment to the said Asniarnee. and tho-o havtnsr calms or demands will make known the same without de-la-. W.J. BUCK. Feb. 23. 1SU4. Assignee. tO&fiEITsyUHl!lartie'now k)EU. A. ssCtsTTiew lorkUtf Bf lMelli Going to Buy a Watch? If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The only thief-proof Watches are those with Here's the Idea: The bow has a groova on each end. A collar rune down inside the fendent (stem I and ta into the grooves, firmly locking the bow to the pendent, ao that it cannot be pulled or twitted off. To be sure of eettinc a Non-pull-out, see that the case is stamped with this trade mark. It cannot be had with any other kind. Ji Send a pestal ter a watch ease epener te the famous Boss Filled Case makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. CJU WEEK FOR VILLMG WORKERS "f 'lthrr sea, any ape. In any part of the country, at tlie employment which we furuii.li. You mid not be away from home ovr night. You cars pive yourwholetimetotho work.oron! yoursjurc mo tnents. As capital Is not reuired you run rlori.-k. We supply you with all tliat I nicl-J. It will I cost you nothing to try the Miihi. Ai.y out f can do the work. Refrinm-rs m:ikf monry froii. 1 the start. Failure is unknown with our work. r. Krery hour you labor you can -ai!y make a dcllar. No one who is willinff to work failii to tuakf more money every day than can be tuaili in tlir-e days at any ordinary employment. S ud lor ln-e book containing the fullest Information. H. HALLETT & COe, Box 880, PORTLAND. MAINE. gsio OO worth ot lovely Music tor f erty cents, consisting oi too pares w full sire Sheet Music of the J latest, brtehtest. liveliest and most popular e selections, both vocal and instrumental. " SOSSCM AlA assess TO g THE NEW YORK MUSICALECHO CO. a7 Broadway Theatre Bldg- New York City. CANVASSERS WANTED. -a Steel Picket Fence. CHEAPER . THAN WOOD A 1 l n 1 ' n n ' ' li Tasakove eat skews ruket niee wttk OaU. tThls faasta BUa) oibiurfw lraaar rste. Waea writma l..r prkaa (K aaaUty, Sabf ( Oalra, IVhiIiIs aad Waaled. W. j, aiaaafaerar hravy Irna Funlns. rrcsttax. Sum Flwlass. bkatlrra a4 Fl kK Inruls. Crli.r Smti. aa4 a41lnca, BraM aad lr Orlll. a'lKK UnOlAJu W I DO aCKKSSrt..4 llk.adi.r WIUH WOUk. TAYLOR A DEAN. 9.01. 203 A 205 Market St. Pittsburgh, Pa. O yon need Job PrtnllnT It ao, glye tfce t aaaaaa a inaa oraer. BOWS. - , gotten up m tne most elegant maimer, ta-a- eluding four Urge size Portraits. J5 CARMtHCIT. tht Spanltn Dancer. fADtHtWSKI, tht Great Pianist, r3 C- ADILIHA PA TTI and miftME SEU6MAH CUTTING. .il"ll ff- mUU Iii MYi inr.; i lr-.t It Will Pay Packages. R. L. JOHXSTOS. M. J. HVt 'k. A. M ..'(.' 'K. LHTAat-tHHICU 1HT. Johnston, Buck & Cc.7 1JANKK1JS, EDENSSBUIMr. - PKNN'A. A. M . Ill 'K, ( ashler. rjfTAIILlrtHltn Inhs. Carrolltown Bank, ('Alilil iLLTOWK, PA. T. A. Ml tKKtl till, startler. General Banting Busings Transactei. The tollowlnn are the principal features ol general baLEiujr business : nr.roMTN Kecelred payat.le on demand, and Interest bear Iuk eertlBrates Issued to time deKsltors. I.OAKH Extended to enstomers on tavoraMe terms and approved paper discounted at all times. OI.I.KTION Madetn the locality and upon all thebanklna towns in the L'ntled Sutee. ftiarices miNlerate. K A I TS Inxned neantlible In all parts nt the 1'nlted States, and loreiicn cichanne lsued on vJI parts ol Kuroi e. AtCOISTK Of merchants, farmers and others solicited, to whom reaaonat.le aoromoiiallon will te eslondet. Patrons are assured that all transactions shall be held as strictly private and e inhiicntial, and that they will be treated as lltwrally as fcod banklnic tntee will pr-jitt. Kespecttully, JllMTO.t. RICK A' . A. K. I' A TTi V. II. SAMIht'UIt, THE FirstNational Bank OF PATTlsS. PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. Capital, uaitl np, - - $50,000. Account" ot Corporations. Firms and Individuals received ujx.n the mist lavoral.le terms consistent with sale and conserva tive fiankiiK. Steamship Tickets tor sale by alt the lead ln ol ibe principal cities ol the Old World. All correspondence will have ror personal and prompt attention. Inter! lald sssi Time Isepnalle. ortl3.W3 Klerks, Reads, Urmtm ss4 Prlrelsaia l arrlsd ssss laralai. HENRYSPROUL&GO., baik:km AM HHOkl KS, ?st'oarlls Atrssr, PlltsbarKli, Members ot the New York Stock Kirhanire. Philadelphia StiK'k Kxchar.ue. I'lttsburnh Stock Kxehenite. Andt'blcaKo Hoard o I Trade Interest allowed on dily balances su!)ect to check al slicbt through the flea nun House. lei .9 Uui as r rifTT UiMTCn'""1 ni ,.ri-r.jlT.. fl mtn I w n An I LU -u.k v.w . mpii mi( a ., liMiMtaiU. iass A tt, SiS Unassai, X V. You TogrotoQUIIMN'S, Clinton stroot, Johnstown, to buy Curiitts, Linoleums, Mittimus, Oil Cloths, IJlitiiKcts, Feathers, Sir. Priees Keihiceil on All Goods, ami FREIGHT PAID on All Lar-e James Quinim Trial List. II i T of canses set ilown lor trial on 2nd and a Urd weeks in March, lv.4 wkiiiri.iiv. ;kh H KKK. H..ranetal s. Pi.er el al. 'lirlHly t,. M itcliell. Sm me vs. smue. Mayer, afntriioe. vs. I'hco lli'lnier a t':. Miwuhd vs. Ihinelly et al. Veil vs. Sinilli a Sliatler. Prutxinun a t!o. vs. Fanners' Supply t :i. .'Hid H tmc, Havls et at. vs. Hradiey. Treits vs.Siip(,s. Striiune. Koilisi'liild a. Oi. vs. IliM'lislein. ad ministrator. Huhe' aduilnlstrators vs. I,eee. HuncHtt vs . .lolin.nwn Panfenifer Hallway t'o. streams vs. slo.111. Wen.lriuth vs. Itloom. i lardner vs. sirayer. Fry vs. b'umuiel. Siiiniti(r n. :l.Ki.t. Ithilr vs. same. M'.llujan .'. Knuerline Itrewliiit I'o. v'iniMr.l s. 'odir. Al.len v. liolleinan. MMk vs. Jen n in km. Sniiie vs. Iii Her. tiHlM.rn vs. :.. nler ct al. I'avl. vs Kii Iiui.I n. li.ini.hu Itros vs. Kre'd.s. W)lant vs. Siiltivnn. Lively vs p. K li. I n. MeS.a.lden vs .luhtii-town H. H.t'o Sriyiler vs. Cauilirlii Iron '.. .M irrh Jtrowni.iiek stove t'o. vs. Pike a Miller. (tallihan v. W niters' exeeulors. J.:. li .If HY. ro hoiiotary. Protlionotary's i.ltiee, KtennturK, Pa., Fel.ruury v. iw. Hoirsr COODS ran honest money. Ml r-- lrt ! Sl.OO, 'tJel Nitr, M mry (HtU-r, r Kjjy. isTt'-rM IttT. e at'Tiil tn mij (imrt il t I', h. ftnt? pair ( our 4 'lfliMlsr4 lrtKhi MMfMln i.l t.rIS,MJim: t-.tin fn-et tiof in tin- ,(! li- it. "nr wv n iimt.1'. rv irtirsiaiir4 Mi, A NEW LIGHT ON SHOES St, wVaSal rL I! IXt asstlafii - fiJsj A-U "j, i.a'yh na IH..1..-V 1 In-ri-. VC rrX f'-'Wi ..r .M.tl..r ..r wl. TJL k P HutUtii or I i'-. M-'tst rJfrM laTf S ..H.U I I 1 - ..r arT''. li.K.miM r I.. ..iu. r:n t( 1 4 ; . vii tn in Lih J Mmm - hr e ft frJM.l. V- I s, Iivft l- fi-r. LIBERTY SHOE CO.. arfaTislsa i - i ' - "".4 ' ' :.,, 6C.ST 13. SHOE IN TMti "OBI.U run Sev eral ul our Ik!! customers ate well known Ft cnsLuru iH-ople. 1 hey can aud will reiiiuiei.d Liberty Slnes lcaue tley .ive worn Idem, toe saiit to sell more. M'rilo o-dav lor our ent- alouua and the tiauies of IIioko Iu your town to whom we rcler. leM 6 in Policies wnttea at short neMce ta the OLD RELIABLE 1 ETNA" a Bid other Firat t late 'simssi lea. T. W. "DICK, SJCNT FOK Til R OLD HARTFOHT) iinn mriTn ivnnrmvv OOMMKNCKH HTS1NKSS 1794. Ehensbnra.Jniy t. 188a. CANCERS an1 Tomnri ITItFII no tnK. IM.. .r la,TI.IIl A III HH iuw bt.. Lin niiiau. h1 t t t a t c r