1 , v f.anlnii Jrcrmnu. EBRNKHCKO, CAMBKIA CO., PA. KM DAY, MAIiCH in. IxRn Koskiskrv, the new English pifinier, announced his? inteution, in a recent speech, of carrying out as nearly as MssiMe (Hailstone's ami the Liberal Ioiicy, epjufially reganling home rule fur Ireland. He also denounced the House of lurds. A PMAi.t. Unit in w hich were four men was swejt over dam No. 1 on the Monon gahela river, above l'ittshurg, Thursilay afternoon, hy the rapid current and two of the men were drowned. The wife of of one of the men witnessed the acci dent from the shore and in her frenzy iumiwd into the river to drown herself t .ti t was rescued. The men were Poles. all Thomas Moxtoomkry, of New York has leen found alive in a Raltimore asy lum, notwithstanding a life insurance company f New York recently paid $."00 insurance on his life under the I supK.sition that he was killed in a rail- road wreck near New York last S ptem- Wr. Montgomery's sister, Mrs. Kllen I Inglohy, of New Haven, I'onu., got the money on the lKilicy. She identified the ldv of some other man as that of her brother. Thk supreme court of New York has decided that pascngers on a street car are required to pay the right fare and making change is a courtesy on the pait of the company and not an obligation. A passenger piesented a live-dollar bill in payment of fare. The conductor would not part with it, instructing the passenger to call at the company's office for the change. The passenger had the conductor arrested for larceny. On this Kint the judge decided as almve. On Monday week a reduction of wages went into effect in the Iron ivorks of Cooper, Hewitt A Co., at Trenton. In commcntmi: upon the reasons for it Mr. Hewitt saul it was One to the pre vailing business depression, which caused heavy losses last year. The bus iness depression, he said, could tie traced back to the McKinley bill. "The country could stand almost anything except a McKinley bill. Kver since that bill has passed wages have decrease.1." At lilTOK liKNKRAI. liRKOO IS III pOSSeS sion of data which, in his opinion proves that ulioiit 1, '() brokers are not complying with the law of May lt, lN'.U which requires every stock broker, bill broker, exchange broker, real estat broker and private banker to make a re jiort to the Auditortieneral's department annually of the amount of their busi ness and imjioses a tax of three per cent. on their net earnings or income. Only ahoiit "i00 persons in the state are pay ing a brokerage tax. Tiik sum of $1,370 is rather a high price to pay for a turkey dish, yet this i the figure at which one was knocked down to a purchaser in I'enn township Ilerks county on Friday last at the sal of personal projx-rty of Ia'vx (ieiss. Tht dish is a rare old piace of chinaware. licautifiilly ornamented, and was pur chased "JO years ago at a sale by Mr Oeiss for $J,."0. Kiich of his children expressed a tlesire to Have it, ami, as they could reach no agreement as to who should be the owner, they decided to put it up at the sale of the other household ffects. It was started at 1 10, ami ran up rapidly at $-0 a jump until it was awarded to the youngest son, 1'eter, at $1,."70, by Auctioneer Dundorc. Tin sale is regarded as thoroughly Uma tale. The dish has a nioj-t interesting history. I.awyik (Iko. F. Ki i.iott and the C iens Committee, of Ciravesend, who have leen invcxtigaling the accounts of John Y. McKane, allege that the chief failed to account on January 1 regarding the disposition of $."i(H),(HH town bonds, as required by law. It is rumored that a la tee imrtion of the lionds, if not all, has !eeu hypothecated, and that there is an apparent shortage in Mi- Kane's accounts of f'JOO, 000. McKane's friends say the apparent shortage in the ex chief's accounts is due purely to his lack of business methods in conducting the affairs of the town. A Sing Sing dispatch says: John Y. McKane refused to lie interviewed in regard to the pub lisher! statement that he was short in his accounts with the town of (iravt send. He said: "I know nothing aUmt this, I have nothing to say. I am now in prison and out of the world. I have enough trouble on my hand. now without paying any heed to this. This does not interest me?" Statistics compiled by Secretary Kdge, of the State 15oard of Agriculture, regard ing the farms of the state show that of thi mortgages placet! on farms durin the past ten years 10.77 jnr cent lear interest under six percent. The average rate of interest for the past ten years on farm mortgages was 5, t'it; 11.15 per cent of the mortgage were for sums un der $100; 4S.73 for amounts under 1,000 or over, but under $5,000; "4,0-1 for sums ovei $5,000; 3 to 1 iercent. for $25,000 aud over. The average amount of each mortgage for the past ten years iu this state was $1,373; the average numlier of acres covered by each mort gage was 72; ihe annual interest charge on all mortgages of the state for the past ten years was $34,3.5,537. The jiercen tages of this stale's total mortgage debt incurred in the last decade was 37.07. The total number of real estate mort gages of all M-riods in force is 51 8,403, representing a capitol of $(13,105,H2; the number of acres mortgaged is 171, 276; the amount of mortgages on them $ 17:1,037, 4 S8; the mimlier of mortgages ott lots is 347, 217, reruenting tt capi tal of $44l,Ooy,314. One year ago, Sunday, says the New York Worfil, the Democrats assumed control of the national government after a total or partial exclusion from power for over thirty years. They found the tariff taxes higher than at any previous period in the histo ry of the government. They found a treasury deficiency impending where they hud left a surplus. They found the free gold excess of nearly f KH,(HK),- (XX, turned over by I'resident Cleveland four years before, scattered in foreign lands. They found the country on the verge of a monetary panic owinir to the ojerations of a Kepul.lican silver pur chase law. They found on the statute Um.Ic the skeleton of an elections force law which the Republicans had desperate ly endeavored to strenghten with federal bayonets at the polls. What is the record of the year? The Sherman silver purchase act has been reiwaled. So mischievous had this law, passed solely by Republican votes, lconie that business men of all parties united in demanding its repeal. Thf firm attitude of the Democratic admin istration secured an unconditional sto oaire of silver nnrchase. ami for the first tme since the passage of the IJland act, n 1S7S, the currency of the country was relieved of the danger of debasement The election law has been repealed With it disapeared the vestige of cent ritli.od coercion, the fruit of the war Elections are hereafter to 15 free. The threat of "a bayonet U hind every imi lot" of the party in power doing, as Sneaker R.-ed said the Republican party i intended to do, "its owu registration, its own counting and its own certifica tion" is removed. This achievement alone is enough to have made the first years of the lK-moeralic restoration memorable. A genuine tariff-reform bill has passed the House. The Y llson bill is the most scientitie and just tariff measure that has passed either House of congress in thirty years. If enacted into law it will free the great IxmIv of the .leople from needh-ssly burdensome taxes, it will relieve our manufacturers from a hindering handicap, it will enlarge the activities and increase the rewards of la tior. It executes the mandate of the people. It fulfils the of t-reteated pledge of the iH-mocratie party. As to the reverse side of the picture there is this to lesaid: Kvery mill that is closed was shut up under the operation of the McKinley f0 it cent, tariff. Kvery workiugman that is unemployed is idle under the law that was framed ostensibly to "protect" him. Kvery dollar of increase in the public debt rep resents a dollar of the Republican deti ciency. Kvery lack in the treasury I due to the Republican law which cut revenue by raising taxes. Kvery ex pedient to obtain gold to maintain tin public credit is the necessary result of the net loss of gold to the country during the Republican administration of over tl'J.'.WK.U'OO. Kvery deficiency, in creasing payment from the public treas ury bears the sign manual of a Republi can President. That there are dangers ahead of tht Democratic party none will dtny. But trie record of its first year in power chalenges comparison with any similar period in the history os the country. There is a eculiarity alout the rec ommendation of the grand jury for the "adoption of metalic steel files for the prothonotarys office ami the register aiul recorder's office." It is so unusual ft a grand jury, to discover a good thinu leforelhe officers who would lesuppset to ln familiar with such improvements that at the first lund we are liable to jump at conclusions thai would be un warranted. "Metalic steel files" how ever are not a new thing and it is said a numlier of the grand jurors have tieen using them for years. Out in Read township, where the foieman of tli gram! jury hails from, the farmers all have them in theii barns ant! find them .to lie a good thing. They will neither rust nor corrode, rip nor ravel, are not liable to tie struck by lightning, and no well planned building should lie without them. What seem? astonishing is the fact that the county officials should lie so dil atory and behind the times as to ncces sitate the action of the grand jury to prod them up to a projier realization of the necessity of having "metalic steel files." The cost w ill lie atritliug matter to the taxpayers of Cambria county ant! the commission of 2 per cent, on theamount will not adtl more than five hundred dollars to the salary of the county treas urer, who at best, is poorly paid for his valuable time. Then again, the contractor, who puts them in, if he le a geilerous, whole souieu, liberal man, should, and no doubt will, make a handsome contribu tion to l used for the exclusive benefit of the workingmen. The commissioners, who under ordin ary circumstances, in these hard times, might hesitate about making any extra ordinary exjienditures, will of course, but with reluctance, proceed to invest about ten thousand dollars in having the prothonotary's aud register's offices lined up with "metalic steel files." There is only one thing that the com missioners should be cautious about in sizing themselves up to the progiessive spirit of the grand jury, and that is in the quality aud quantity of the alt-el. Ji UiE Lyon at Mifiiiutown, in this state on Tuesday, afternoon overruled the defendant's motion for a new trial in the Carpenter murder case. The prisoner, James Carpenter convicted in February of the murder of his blind father, was called for sentence immedi ately after the opinion was rendered. Without the least manifestation of ner vousness or fear he heard the won Is that doomed him to death on the scaffold. Ilefore sentence was pronounced he pro claimed his innocence of the crime. A revolution auy u;rising id reported iroiu Cot-la Ilka. W aUiiufn Letter. Washinv.tos, D. C, March 0. 1S'.4. Pres-ident Cleveland has, according to information from a trustworthy source, ptisitively refused to act as mediator lie tween the !emocrats . of the Finance committee aud the Democratic senators wh" have been lighting for radical changes iu the tariff bill, in order to protect certain industries in their states. hen asked to do so tie is saul to nave indulged in some very vigorous language concerning criticisms which Democratic senators have made upon the floor of the senate and elsewhere a Unit bis alleged interference with the legislative branch of the government, and lo have express ed surprise that he should have tieen asked to have anvthiug to do witli tlie matter. This is in accord with rny un derstanding of tine of the reasons for the President s hunting trip. He wished to lie awav from Washington while the Iemtx-ratie senators were agreeing uihui the tariff bill, and was both surprireJ and disappointed when he returned to find that an agreement had not been reached, feelings probably shared by uiuetv-five tier cent of the Democratic party. It seems difficult to convince the Re publican senators that thev do not pos sess all of the parliamentary knowledge aud skill iu that hody, but they were very cleverly outwitted by the l Vmocrats this week in a scheme of their own put ting up. A Republican caucus decided to spring the immediate consideration of the Mand bill for the coinage of the seigniorage, which passed the House last week, on the Senate, counting upou the votes of the jnipulist, and uihiii forc ing the silver I emocruts to chtnise Ih- tween tariff and silver, their idea lieing to keep the Hland bill liefore the senate for an indefinite ieriod, in order to pre vent consideration of the tariff bill. lhe Iemocrats learned of this pro gramme aud gave the Republicans a sur prise they have not yet recovered from, iv taking the- initiative in gelling the Hland bill before the senate. Senator Yorhees stating that as it would proba bly be about ten davs N fore the tariff bill (now before the full Finance com mittee) would lie ready for the consider ation of the Senate, ami that that time was ample for the disjmsition of the Bland bill. Senator Sherman made an ineffectual effort to have the P.land lull sent to the committee. Senator Vest aud McPherson made personal explanations in the sen ate this week concerning charges made against them, in a New York pajier, of having sp"cuiatod in the stock of the su gar trust on their knowledge of what the sugar clause of the tariff bill was to lie. Senator Vest said: "I may as well say now, once for all, that such publica tion as this is a vile slander, and the man who repeats it is a willful ami malicious liar. Senator McPherson said that lie ditl sometimes buy stocks, for invest ment, not speculation, and that when he was in the South Some weeks ago hi brokers, acting under a standing order to buy certain stocks when they could I had at certain prices, liought 1,000 shares of sugar stin k for him. As soon as he returned and learned of the pur chase he instructed his brokers to sell the stock and to buy no more, as he ditl not wish to hold it while sugar was being discussed by the finance committee. The usual bids for the soldier vote were made by the Republican members of the House during the debate on the pension appropriation bill. It was the old, old story. Postmaster General Rissell doesn't ac ceptany halfway business from contract ors under his department. The Presi dent of the Pacific Mail Steamsnip Com pany was math- aware of this fact, this week, through an official notification that the contract lietween the govern mentand his company for the transpor tation of mails lietween New York ami the Isthmus of Panama, ant! lietween San Francisco and the Japanese and Chinese jxirts, made under the sulisidy act of the notorious billion-dollar con gress. would lie canceled, tiecause of the failure of the company to comply wit! the terms of the contract. Mails will continue to lie sent by the steamers of this line, bnt only the usual prices will lie paid for carrying them, instead of an extra subsidy of $1 a mile for all the dis tance covered. 1 he canceling of this contract leaves only two lines The Ret 1). line, lietween New York aud the north coast of South America, ant! the Wanl line, lietween New York, Cuba and Mexico oiierating under the sulisidy law, as the American' line lietween New York and Siuthampton will not liegin to receive its sulisidy until uext Octolier. The House iVmocratic caucus held this week to consider the ad visibility of making some change in the rules, look ing towards au easier way of getting anil keeping a quorum, accomplished noth ing lieca'ise it was not itself attended by a quorum. There is one way in which the Ilemocrats of the House could large ly increase their popularity, help the party, and always have a quorum by simply attending the sessions of the. House; but this serins to have lieen en tirely overlooked by some of them. M. limlt-d lo k to London. Washington, March 14. The gov ernment has lieeu formally invited to send a troop of cavalry to I guidon to participate in the royal cavalry tourna ment that will take place in the Agricul ural hall, London, in May next. The tournament is under the patronage of the Prince of "Wales, the Duke of Clar- ance and the British military authorities All the principal armies of the World have lieen invited to send cavalry re preventatives. Kach government is ex jiected to send the llower of its mounted troops,, and the competion iu the drili anil maneuvers will lie specially sharp and active. lhe luited Mates armv has never participated in an affair of this kind. and there is some question as to wheth er or not the invitation can lie legally accepted. United States troojis have never before gone away from the conn try except on a hostile mission. (Jeii- eral Sehotield is esKfially proud of our cavalry and is confident of its ability to hold its own against the world iu a competitive drill. So Uisrliarge Keqiiisite. Wasiuxoton, March 13.Tlie House committee on invalid tensions to-lay ordered a favorable rejiort on the bill of Representative Martin, doing away with that requirement of honorable discharge as a preliminary to pension. In inanv cases death has occurred during a fur lough or out side of military duties. In such cases no honorable discharge is in existence and the widow is cut off from securing a pension. The bill makes the death of a soldier equivalent to an hon orable discharge except when the death occurred during desertion. The murder of Jimes Walker.at For est City, Ark., makes the fourth son of Judge J. P. Walker who has met his death at the hands of assassins, and the judge himself was murdered in iSJSo. Hoaiii.kv 1$. Ivks, a millionaire bank president of New Haveu, Uonu., has be come in&uie. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Mm ABSOLUTELY PURE 1 be Brazilian Wr l'jided. Washington-. March 12 The state department received two important dis patches from Minister Thompson at Rio this evenine. The first one stated that Admiral Salddart Da tiama had offered, through the Portuguese naval command derto surrender on condition that he and his followers should be guaranteed safety. This message was brought to President Peixoto by the Portuguese oilicer iu per son. Peixoto's reply is not given but it is inferred from the second dispatch of Minister Thompson received two hours later than the first that the terms were favorably received. According to the second dispatch. Admiral Da Ciama had leit his ship and had gone on board the Portuguese vessel as on asylum. Sec re tary liresham understands from the dis patches that the war has virtually ended ami is gratified that the result has been reached in time to avoid further bioou- hed. Minister Mendonca said to night that lie had received information fully in accord with those of the stale depart ment, but giving no further particulars. Fraudulent Pension. Washisutox, March 12. Pension Commissioner Ixiehren to day issued an order directing, in accordance with the act of congress of Deeemlier 21, lJy., that immediate steis be taken to remove suspension of infusions iu all cases in which such action has not already tieen taken. Commenting on this order Commis- sioner ixx-nren sain: "inis oruer tu rrets the removal of suspensions in all cas-s iu which action of resumption of payments or dropping from the rolls has not already lieeu taken, It has liecome necessary to do this under the act of congress of Iecemtier 21, 1313, as it has lieeu construed by the attorney general to include all cases of pending suspen sion of payment of jieusious even where the evidence of fraud or of lack of title is strong and convicting. "The result will be to pay out a large a mount of money from the treasury to jiersons who are defrauding the government." Outwitted Ity a Hoy. Coi.t MBrs, O., March 13. This morn ing a telegram from Iancttster iuformed Chief of Police Patrels that Charles Householder, a well-known horse thief. had stolen a horse and buggy and started toward Columbus. A reward of $25 was offered for his arrest. Willie Robinson, a 13 year old waif who is permitted to remain about the prison, overheard the message, aud going down the Lancaster ike about six miles awaited this man. A rig answering the description soon ap Ieared and Willie asked a ride, which was given. A few questions to the un susiiecting thief satisfied the lioy that he was Householder, and as they passed a farmer he placet! the culprit under ar rest and for $3 got the farmer to help hun take his prisoner to the city, se cured the $25 reward, paid the farmer and pocketed the balance, while city detectives were still looking for the thief. Italteriea Open Fire. Rto De Janeiro, March 13. The government forces began active opera tions against the insurgents at noon to tlav, the forty-eight hours' notice gives by President Peixoto having expired. The hill top batteries opened tire at three r. m. No reply was made by the insurgents. The government vessels entered the harlior at five o'clock but did not fire. They found ForU Vill gaignou anil Cobras abandoned by the insurgents. The fleet was greeted with cheers from thousands of people on the hill tojis and with salutes from all the government forts. The insurgent shii meanwhile hid themselves among the merchant vessels lying on the bar Admiral Da Ciama is reported to have fled altoard the French warship. An Old Woman's Talnful Death. St RANTOs, Pa., March 13. Mrs. Mary t ainpu ii, an aged woman living on North Urant avenue, to-day suffered death that for torture equalled those of the martyrs at the stake. lhe old lady was partially blind and while trying to warm herself got too near the stove for safely. Her clothing caught fire, and as there was no one near to help her, she was a nias- of flames when her daughter darted into the room. The clothing of the daughter also caught fire antl she would also have perished but for the timely arrival of a newspapi r carrier Uy, w ho threw a pail of water over her. The lady died after five hoqrs of excruci ating terror. The daughter was only painliilly burned. Never Two 011 to Klope. Cleveland, ()., March 10. The groom, aged 75, and the bride, 72 years, were the giddy elopers who were married here yesterday. C. M. (Sates wedded Caroline Sawyer. Iloth live in Ilellvue, O. Liates has for some time past been paying his addresses to Mrs. Sawyer, who was a witlow, but met with active opposition from her two grown-up, mar ried daughters, who declared that their mother should not make a second max riage and they would prevent it. The two old people put their heads together and eloped, with the results aUne de scrilied. They will visit with a brother of the groom in this city several davs be fore returning home to brave the wrath of Mrs. tJates' children. nine Victims Found. Wii kesbarre. Pa.. March 12. The bodies of the men entombed in the Gay lord mines February 13 have been reached. They are so badly decomposed that identification is only possible by means of the clothing. The names are: Foreman Thomas Picton, Thomas Jones, Richard Davis, John Morris, James Kingdom, Thomas Merriman. Thomas Cole, Joseph Olds, John Hammer, Peter S. McLaughlin, Michael Walsh, mar ried, and Thomas Ieishorn and Daniel Morgan, unmarried. Fiver since the horrible accident the little town of Ply mouth has lieen in mourning. Almost 50 little ones lost their fathers. A call has leen issued by Cliauncev F. IHack, president ot the Democratic sriety of Pennsylvania, for a meeting at the Ilolton House, Harrisburg, on iviarcn L'J, lor reorganization and to prepare for the approaching state cam paign. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. IIDWk AM It OTMt K Finns in Philadelphia violaiin? the senii-inoiitlily pay law , will be. pros-ecu-ted. Masked robbers held up a staire coach near Elk horn. Cal., and rilled the treasure btx. General O. O. Howard favors Atlanta as the place for the next iirand army en campment. The ore Id the nickel mines in Lancas ter coiiuty is exhausted, and they will tie abandoned. Seized with a sudden illness, young Melehair Horn fell into a creek at Easto n and was drowned. During the past week over ;n,0 tons if t-'al v ere sliiel down the mail, line of the Reading railroad. The mayor of Fuenterreliello, Spain, and a church sexton, were killetf by a dy namite loiub thrown by some person. Phiadelphia and New York capitalists propose to build an electric road from Philadelphia to IlarrNhurg via Reading. Uecaijse her former lovt.r was courlini; another girl. Caiiie Lahr, a,jed li. of I'.rooklyu, swallowed carbonic acid aud died. Theft of a $'. diamond pin from the dead body of Henry Chute. isVhartfed against Deputy Coroner Park, of Colum bus, O. At Norrlstown a freitrhteiied horse dashed into a trolley car injuring Miss Florence Kenny son severely ami Mis Maggie Schiill severely. Charles Leasemau. of Winterset, la., who sued Miss Nannie Duncan for breach of promise of marriage has secured a v-r- of $1 damages. Miss Duncan will appeal. Thomas Cleveland, a negro, aged the skin of w hose w hole body has turned white, except two small spots on his cheek bones, is a curiosity at the Jefferson medi cal college. A New York artist made a design of an eagle as a suitable figurehead for the w arship Texas and charged the navy de partment ft, ."Oi lor it, but the lull has not yet tieen paid. Traffic w ill be resumed on the Penn sylvania canal atiout the mitfdle of April. This artificial waterway is in good lepair wt pre-ent, and the indications for a pros perous season are eood. Madeline ti. Itoyle, at Indianapolis, has sued (leorge A Proeckliiig for $hum for breach of promise. They h-id lieen married, were divorced and became re eupaged w hen the defendant balked. H4 taMl Kert. Report of (till school No. I for mouth tiding March ."i. lv.4: Numlier enrolled, 54; average attend ance. ;j7; visits, i. t ericci in attendance. Philio P.aker ami ictoria Kopp. Mis-.-j but one day, Frank Kihler ami llerhert Gill. Makv Hi nni.s. teacher. 1'IIITUKS'SKni.EMRNT with tht. Sur L vaxira I'tiB-t twnnhii. Mrrti 5. IB! : JAIXJB V'AKtlK.SuwrvlMir. I r. To amount ! duplicate.. I SM 01 KtnlTl trotn llrvnae 114 no Kecelved I rum county cointulffltouerf ...... tM iti Keeelvetl lor um olcoou. 1 u To.al.. ...1 lJi U IT Am-'Udt til work dime l-y taxable.... ... f 3'4i i i; oti 7o Paid ltr S.'UU l or I ol plana Pal. I lor une atune iletite Patit fur tiuilxir tr rr.alrlou Iti.Ikc. Paid lo carienler lor r-alriiin liriuxe Paul lor Milkea Paid lor dynamite Paid tor plana antl tiuitier Paid to lohn edluiyer Paid lr iutilihlnK matetuent.... Three trip lo Klienxliuric Laandf relumed tu eoojinlMloner. .... r.xoneraiioua Paid for t'la-ai-uiitbin , Order redeemed and Inleiest .. Personal arvirea 48 day at l.7S per day Paid lo John H Lenuart. Iiexl nupervi OT . .. . 2 l 1 hi i: 4 M H i 0V 5 uo V Oo 12 a so im i: B4 UO Total... ....!. la U J'HN NKI'IMYKK, Supervisor. I ir. To amount ot duplicate ..... Kereltrrd from Jat-eu Warnev . Order lo balance account .... . i 310 15 a:iiai 1 Itf lis Total.. .1 MS U r. Amount ol work done by ttxatite.. land returned to eumaiimoner . .1 A 'lb U 1" 4o r x .iM-rationa . lao'.ilptlo tuenlurK . Paid for dynamite w PmIU ter oath In return ol lao.l ..... , Paid lo load order . Perevoal wit lce- 56 day at l Ti -erday . . 6 oil I ot. Toul ASSStTM ANI I.1AKIL.ITII. Aeui. faith in band ol laotimiuK uM-r.or.. Ztvv Liahllltie. Amount of oatatandiaic order f IM oa Aareu over Itamlilie .. 181 .M Total.. We. the auditor ol t'hmt toonxbip, do rertily that lhe toreolaa' I a true and correct lale- menu JOHN . Auditor Attest: Jim Hirra. Dlera. March 16. Invt. Executor's Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! T'HEKE will be exposed to sale at pah Ic ven due or outcry ou the Premise in Aluunler toarnxtilp, t'auioria e.Minty, Pa., oa WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2S, 1U. at xo'elock. r. v., the following described Heal !slate. vlt: All that certain piece or parcel ol land situate in said township jl Muoster. a.liolnlnir tand ol John O'Hara, Isadtne Lilly. I'blllu Noon and James Crist, containing: 65 Acres, more or lee, and havtnw thereon erected a HUl'Sbana UHI K1KK KAKN. There Is a Kood well of water and a :ood Orchard on this far in. TBRHM OF NALE: Tea per cent, ol tbe puichase money to he paid In band at the time ot sale; tbe lialauce ol one third on delivery ol deed: one tblrd in oi.e year Irom tbe Umeol aale, and tne remalnlnu third in two years Irom the time ol sale. ielerret pay. meats lo tear Interest and to tie secorett by judKmenl bend and mortamte of the purchaser. EiecaUir ol the last will and testament ol James Noon . deceased. Loretlo. Pa.. March 16. 1HV4. MEAT MARKET. Having purchased the good will and busiiiees of Davitl 1). Pryce. of Kbeusbura. iu the butchering tms iness, 1 take lM method of iuforui fng the people of EU'iisburif and vicinity that 1 w ill carry on a Meat Market at tbe old stand, and invito the same generous patronage of the public that was extended to my predecessor. ImenJ as to tiny and sell for cash. I wi'l at all tini.-s keep ou hand the best quality of Moat and give my customers the benefit of the lowest prices. JOIJATIIAIJ OWENS. IJX:U-OK NOUt.-E. j Notice bereiiy iciven thai letters testa, uieuiaiy on the ertate ol Simon Kyb. late of tne uoroUKb o Ij1I , deceasel, have tein vrant ed to tbe underpinned. All persons knuwlnif Ibemrelves indented io said ertaie are hereby no tioed lo make payment without delay, while those bavins' claims will present tbem pruerly aulbeotk-ated lor aeiilemeBl. T. W. BV AN. IAUj. Pa., Marck 16. 1V4. UecuUr. WHITE With the I'.LACKEST I'riees-from makers' staudoini ever ottered 10 cases of "Joe. aud jo. White Goods, VT. .'Ml and 40 inches wide, suitable for Aprons, Dresses, Cnderwear, Night (owns. Curtains fol any use to which choice, good WHITK liOODS may be put. These great hail-price materials w ill lie amazed at quality and s'.yle of them for so little money. lilock Hemstitch Snipes, 10 cents. 2.H.. Fine Satin Line Striped aud Checked While Nainsook, lull yard wide, l'-" cents a yard. -Tie. Fine Medium Weight Naiustiok with narrow lines of revering, M inches wide, l-i'r-i cents a yard. 2."c. Satin Strijied India Linen, proups of wide slrqies, 4U i lit ties wide, l'-'.'a cents a yard. The greatest assortment or Wash Goods ever offered at this store space has lieen doubled and the tieauty aud ar tistic merit of designs and colorings throughout entire Hue of Wash Dress lioods U-yo'id aliytuiug We've ever shown Price range on Dimities, Zephyrs. Ging hams. CreHius, Ducks. P. Ks, Swisses, Organdies, etc., lo, 1.1, "Jo. 2.", S.". including Swivel Silk tJii.gliaujs, to "Ml cents. Write our Mail Order Department for Samples of these aud full lines Med ium lo Finest Dress lioods. Silks and Suitings, antl test the truth of our claim. Itest Qualities and Styles at Lowe.-t Prices. BOGGS&BUHL, Alleglieny, Pa. LARRABEE'S eHEUMATICJJNIMENT PAIN EXTRACTOR CURES. RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO. NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, BACKACHE, CATARRH. AND ALL KINDS OF PAINS AND ACHES. Larrabee's Rheumatic Liniment Is an Old and valued remedy, which hu enjoyed a constant palrouace lor over 60 years, proving Its wonder Itil worth and efficiency In ail ail menu where pain is attendant. Larrabee'a Kbenmntic Liniment 1 not a liquid preparation to will and tarnt&h by breaking ; it is put up iu wide-mouth bottles and applied with the lincrr . rubbing it In with more or leu lrc tion. It is CLEAN, PURE, EFFICACIOUS, AGREEABLY SUCLLIMQ, QUICK ACTING. Larrat-ce'a Rheumatic Liniment I a splendid household remedy lor external use in ca-.es ol burns, scalds, cuts, wounds. Irostbites. headache, pains lit mustier, joints and limbs, backache, etc., etc. Your druggist sells it. or it can be ordered by sending lull name and address and sj cents to below address. soli paoemsToaa. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. BALTIMORE. MD., U. S. A. Ieliu.lv. OILS! OILS! The Atlantic Refining Co., 01 Pittsburg, I'a., make a specialty of manufacturing for the domes tic traile the finest brands of III u mi Dating and Lubricating Oil? Naphtha and (iasoline That can be MADE FROM PETROLEUM. We challenge comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the most Most : Moraly : Satisfactory : Oils in the market ask for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, PITrSBtJKtl HErT., PITTSBURG. PA. nrtls-aairr. Cuiea ItriKht' 1 1 ea so . Itrtipsv. isravel. Ner vousness. Heart, l'rlnarv or Liver INseases. Known ry a tired, lanyuld feellrK: Inaction ol the kidneys wraaens and polsontt the blood, and unless cause removed you cannot have health. Cured me over live years atco ol Krlttht' lllseane and lH-op.y. Mrs. 1. I.. C MiLlis, Hethlehem. l a. l.usj other other similar leslimoolals. Try It. Cure icaaranteed. aaa's Kldasy 1'arsl'a, "M enanao street. 1'blladclpbia. I'a. Sold Sy all reliable draKtfttta. M.V3 VUMINISI'KATHIX' NIIT1CE. Kxtate ol tseonce I Stever, deceased. Inciters m administration en the estate of tleortte 1. Stever. deceased, late it Ihe horouich 0tL.11ly.in the county ol t'ambria and State ol Fennsylvanla bavins: lieen a ranted to me hy the realster ol wills ol said county, all eratns In debted to said ewtate are hereby Dotltted to make payment to me without delay, and those who have claim against tbe said estate will present them properly authenticated tor settlement. IJNMEA. SltVKR. Lilly, Pa., Keb. 'ib . 1SW. Admlolstratiir. L-XKcUTtlK'S NTIt:E. I Notice Is berel.y alven that letter testa mentary on the estate ol John tlarman. late ol the fcUst ward ol Klensbur, deceased bave been K ran ted to me. Nonce is hereby Klven to all person Indented to salt! es'ate to make payment without delay and tbose bavin claims atialnst aid estate will p.oeut the properly authentica- ted lor settlement. HKNKY tIAKMAN. Ktiensburt;. March V. IBM. fc.xer.utor. XTIITICK. XI We. f nnderslKned. hereby ell person Dot to hunt, tisb or trespass In auv way en oar premises, an we will prosecute to the lull extent ut tbe law. H. H NUM.. JO HN EKHE, Al.tXIt'S WJLX., J. A. til. ASS. A. I. M'MI'CF.tN. Hl'tlH M NttLlS. ;irartield township. March . iNW. ASSItl N KE'S NOTICE The nnderslKned. having been duly ap pointed assdanee ol James tl. Kradley. ol Al letcheny township, Ka . intrust tor tbe benefit ot creditors, notice is hereby given to all peraons Indet.ted 10 said James ti . Krad e to make Im mediate payment, and iiersons having claims to present tbem according to law. JtisKPH A. OKAY. Carrol I tows. p.t March la. lsn. Atsitrnee DR. BUCK, SURGEON and SPECIALIST. Treatment el all Chronls Afflictions. IMsease ol Women and troubles rrqalrlna- Hurajleal Aid. Office hoar up 9 s . w . I to S and 7 to 8 T. M. !-. l-illi A VtNUK, AX.lOUMA.fA. jDl-W r This eminent Physician hs de voted :i lifetime to h"i3 Specialty Diseases of the Rye, IW, Nose, Throat, Lun and ( hronic Diseases. CAMBRIA HOUSE, EEENSBURG, PA., Mondays, January 1, February Ho, March ''., April L'.t, May -J1. July D'i, August 1:1, Seplemlier D. Octolrr S, Novemlier .", December .'. antl ." till p. m. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, JOHNSTOWN, PA., Opposite 1 he Pennsylvania Depot. Tuesdays, January 2. ."; February 27, March 27, April 21. May 22. June l.t, j 17, August 11, rvpleiniier n, n-uuier .', tvriuiKT i, I leceiiilier 4. GALLITZIN HOUSE, GALLITZIN, PA., Wednesdays, Deeemlier 27, January 21, June l.'l, July 11, Auuust s, .septeml r ., ( k'tolT .", :;, NovcniIht 2s. ALL EYE OPERATIONS SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED BY HQ Alter havlns tried five dlderent doctor and a waaon load ol dUlereut patent nieu-i .en. grew surra and worre, vnd at bn cured l.y llr. Salm. Kor morn than eluht years 1 whs troubled with dvspepla and intesfiual Ind iextlon. 1 fiiii.tc i untold aironies, only ate entiuuti to seei me alive, and towards the lant 1 coold not keep on my leet anymore. Iiurtnir all IM' t me 1 must bave taKen a wskod loan in ain-rent n"iu men Icines and trle.1 Ove ol our dittVreiil tlocu.rs in the eouniy but isrew wtin and wore. rstme t.i them Ui ade tbe diaKonis until 1 went to nr Salm at Tj roni. He told me at mice what ailed me. a d lie was correct. i..r to-nnv 1 icci use a new wo-nsn. M KS. : A K 11 1 K I'Kt II T. Sandy KldKe. Center I o.. I"a. Ilrew worssa and worse tor seven years ot Iih.I ease ol eatarrb. out IT. Salm cure.j nun al ter I he ver liest physicians In in the county had tailed. Kor more than seven yesr 1 had a bad ese l catarrh which atlected my bead Ihroat aim ciiesi very much, and in a short space ! tune .it over twenty Munds lu s ttiu. i.ccanie weaser and ielt stupid and good lor tioihm. V as treated by several ol our Perl doctors and look a good deal ol patent medlclues t ut irradua'ly arew worse and worse. Then I beard ol l'r Salm's woo.lcrtui eurs. I nave biui a tris! ami trom the very first month 1 itn to stead ily Improveand the result to dsy in that I liuve teamed what weiicht I had loi-t hsret ilort) au l let-l like eni.iylnn II n' morn. I'HAKI.Lsr. IKiMtlAN. Hill ard Butler county, r-a. t'ured by I ir Salm after havinir sul!erel tor years with stomach, blatlder and kidnev trouble I have tieen sullerin with very severe stomach, bladder at d kidney troulile. mi l on account ol that ielt all broke up. Couldn't loltow m dailtr lalMtrs on senium ul rei iaiu. w.-ikne-n and headache: hut now. alter a course ol treat ment with IN-. Salm. can once more attend to my daily lalmra with pleasure snd omsoler tuyseil Baleand bosrty aain. K. A. A !N K LN V . Indiana. I'a., April -M, Ailed lor twelve years and though seven diller ent physicians latlej. lr. Stlui cured me. Kor more than twelve ers 1 Mjllered toriure with liver. iUuic.i and ki'lncy irou'. e. ic casionslly I bad to tro to lied lor n ae-k at a time and was unable t.2 work lor frr ; ;,u: inns, alter only a lew nioutli"' treslmeni ai.li llr Salm. I leel so well, a I mver uij I. el, .re. I used pile ol patent medicine and lod cvcu dlderent phjrlclaus but Krnuaily ir h ors j aud worse. Howe.er. sini ? 1 put uj e'l under 11. Salm' trealuient 1 improved (trad uml and ILOsr Adirrllruisnl Mill tirar ro CAMBRIA COUNTY. We extend an invitation to visit our Larjre Dry Gootls Sft.ro Main street Gallitzin. We carry ly far the Largest ;tiil C1h:i Line of Dress Gootls in town. Dress Goods from lli. r y ' up to the Finest Henrietta, ( 'jitlnneres, Screes ami Cloths, K.ii and Stylish Notions, men's Shirts anil Untlorwear, l;nlit ;: children's Underwear at Low 1'riri's. Kiue line ot UuIiImt (." Can sell you lllui; Prints at ;V. the kiml for which other '' charge 7c Lancaster inh.-mi, Cc. per ynnl. Yard wide iim at 5c. per yard. Itlaukcts from 1.(MI per pair to the finest in-' market. Full line ladies' and men's Shoes. Good, comfortable place to try your shoes on. With plenty daylight in our store you can see what you are getting. In a word come and see our stock. As we buy for cash :ii"' " for cash we can save you money. - 1 CHEAPEST GASH STORE, GALLITZIN, PA. Too Many (brOOfls ! OWING to a miscalculation and too much warm weather J 1 have about Ten Thousand L'ollars' worth too many heavy J goods which will be sold at prices that will astonish yti. .Never before in the history of Cambria county has Clothing- been offered at such low prices. Nearly everyone in North- ern Cambria knows that my prices have always been the lowest for good goods in the State, and this Out has knockd the bottom out of ail former prices. )y loss will be yiur gain. j For the next 30 DAYS I will s.dl Heavy Clothing, Over- J coais ana unuerwear at liu be manufactured. Call and C. Tor All Head tlie The Doctor h J been for h-h,' Professor an, h' turer in several' our Worst Mt,;'. cal Colleges, J( has earned cr.. fame u :n, HUl. ity ami aml,r -subjects lot,,,.,.,,.' his sj. c ally. I 1 1 lit- February 21. Mart h 21, April Is yj . can now do as e-ood a tlsys work as :inyutt certainly rectmuiend tbe lioctor to t toe . In trotu ctirtinic diseases ot any kind J. A (UMXI.KV, i. s KcbersliurK , Centre county, ft. lysines? cured by Ir. Salm alter a itrent Bl. others had tailed, lor quite a time I have been almn'i 1,4, deal from Cttarrh. narticularlv In m 1 Iru b winch seemed ilead. ami the riielit one trot .. dully. I was very despondent and sIumi perate on actouut ol not beinit able to detr went on arouud me. Now 1 am quile j,..' man aud leel happy once more, ail 11,1,-. , to lr. Sslm's rt liitul treatment. 1 hsve iwr thrie other doctors No ine can turn, it 1 1 ifiNKi ami youtiK 1 fel since 1 can utiir;ia ouc more without an eflort. Mil HA hi. SI l.MiKK Johnstown. I'a Closure ol the tear-duct cure.l by lir. Salm ' 1 have bsd a itood deal 01 troiilur a itii mi n. lor t be last .ri ears, tears running to er u; r: .,, continually. ir. salm railed It cL.Mi'e ..f tear duct and oirated on the sstue. stji d T cin keep my nautikercniei in my pM-kel 1.;. til wipli.K tears coniiuunllv RIKS. MAK 1 H A fsli.M.y i Indiana, I'a. tatarrh an.l esr trouble cure.l by lir. Ssiui. 1'or more than ten years 1 have tisri s t-j ol ra'.ar'h. My ears vrattually becauie rlr.-iri lurh a dt-Kiee that tbe bearitiK lu 4. tie e4r almost totally cone and tied iu the oilier ur became very much alaruieil. so 1 Mclit Salm tor treat uietit. and Improvement m fH trom the itiuitiic. It's now very sei r.ui t 1 take a cold and it must lie a iciy iaitt n list 1 cannot hear with either ear. 1 lee t-. all arouad anil conless myseit sattkneii aut, t. trcHitiient. Hi A h Ml I.1.IN Ktietishur. I'a. Kor elichtern years totally blind.- Ir. th'.iuiih his wolidcrlul skill aate 11, r .it:, Kor more than elan teeu years 1 nave im . lail blind lu my nitlit eye. cause l.y a .in o.l .trikiiiK the same. 1 a told I tvuiii I'e tuatlt tf see attain out 01 the etc. bur lir I loid me that tbe tniuty bad produced r:iUr, and 1 liat be would ituarautee me to see. 1 g, ' Iniu 1111 ci.se. and bies uiy stars tha. I ilt . lo day. though It Is wondettul to relate J cjj. tiuce inure out t.l the hereloiore t.lmd eis more I ban eliittjetn years' daikmsr. tr-. aud those wtio know me will bear aittiei" 1. : atiove. aiid thtuk ttiere Is uo dcuric 1.1. . salm's aondenul skill Jli.NN Ml iKM.NtiHLti Tyioue. I'a. Islrr lirlwre K.aelt lall. THE UY OF per cent. less man mey cosi i see me. Very Respectfully, A. SHARBATJGH, i tJarrourown. EOS tlie News JEreemaxi.