The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 16, 1894, Image 2

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- - . i
annum. thllS denrivinz the government
ft- .... I - ' "
f.'irthvn SPVrfinnn of on annual reveuueof some seventy
JC WaVlUvvw. of dollars, and adding ten mill-
v ashiuirton Letter.
Highest of aU in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
- - FEISRUARY i5. l-i'.H.
Washington I. O. Feb. .Uh. 194.
It is KrHtifvinc to note that the Demo
i i- .1 ; iituul I ., : havp at last realized
lODa IVi 113 il 1 1 1 1 1 i i i ......... - i I ...
.nn,mn. duties on other articles the benent oi un.ieu ,r,, .
a ritnt to
measure he
)' Tuesday tlie president seut the fol
lowing nominations to the senate: To
te sut-erinteudent of the mint at Phila
delphia, Eugene Townsend; to be collect
or of the port at 1'hiladelphia, John K.
lieade; to e naval ollicial at Philadel
phia, J. Marshal White; to be surveyor
at Philadelphia. P. Cray Meek; St. Clair
A. Mulholland, of Philadelphia, to be
tension aent at Philadelphia; Major
James Gillicn, quartermaster; to be
lieutenant general and deputy quarter
master general; Captain Charles It
ltarnett. assistant nuartermaster, to be
major and quartermaster.
TilK Cnitel States steamer Kearsarge
foundered on the night of February 2
off Koncador Keef. The Kearsarge was
ordered on January 27 to proceed from
San Domingo to I.luetield, Nicaragua, to
protect the American interests that were
alleged to U? endangered by the troubles
la-tween Honduras and Nicaragua.
Koncador Reef, on which the Kearsarge
is supposed to have struck, is some -0
miles northeast from lUuetields. The
Kearsarge was one of the historical ves
scls of the American navy. She was the
vessel which on Sunday, June !'., lr.l.
fought and sunk the rebel privateer
Alabama off Cherbourg, France.
... n in ft mi rfr-.ri una
as to prevent impouU..a that everv
instances and to induce undervaluations . ..uA on to support will be entirely
.i t;.,r. all rf whirh onerated to I ;n .nl with his irsonal idea. II
Till hlllllKlClIlJK. " M v. - ----- Bu " . .
BUU Dl".'Vf""ei . I ' - , 111..
o r;t fur Inflow ovpi-v member of congress should adopt
rfHluce lilt rccuut-a iu vvtu. - - - j ..... , ,
- ,.,..,.......,, that idea legislation of any sort would
the actual oi iu imtWl,lU,. i,, vears of power in
. i i ,:....h avmu . - . .
Meanwhile me ansuru nuu !"-.".' " Cougi ess taught the li. pubiicaus mo
"Sherman act which required tnai me i vtiuej0f organization and unity, and me
government should pay out i,500,CHM lesson will have to he learned by any
I oartv that hopes to accomplish import
per monm in me ,.u... . . . - Democrats in the
bullion, imposed a burden upon me go- iOU8eniade a good start by pacing the
ernment that it was nearcely able to vi)soQ tariff bi!l aud followed it up this
bear during the last months of the liar- I week by the adoption of the McCreary
Hawaiian resolution wineu eon
.1 . t f : . ...... ...r.
i .11 it:i I demns me acts oi f-.niuiMt-r ic"-uk
was, that the foreign no.uera o. un... iu, t'leveUnd s noli
... - : , .1 .,.. 1 - .
States securities, aiguiuui v.. i)elno.r!lts m the senate are
that the revenues of our government j not entitled to graduate in unity, but
f doU I thev cot together this week and passed
were .smug " '.T . i i;
larsofits actual requirement, Iwanie iueiiou, ,1,,0. "
... ... . . ous federal election laws. If they
alarmed and drew upon mis countrj .or , . . totr,..hpr on evervthiug and
Caught l a Crash.
"Whom the gods would destroy they
first make mad." When the tariff bar
ons found they had the power to imjHJse
higher taxes by the passage of the Mc
Kinley bill they were in their glory.
They thought they had the senate for at
least ten years to come and by that time
they would have their jxiekets tilled.
Put they nere mistaken and the people
overthrew them. They are now strug
gling against the passage of the Wilson
bill, a measure that allows them far
more protection than they should have.
If the people fail to get taritf reform
now, the next gale will le a cyclone that
will wipe the theory that one class should
le taxed for the beuelit of another out
of existence. Protection is on its last
legs and if its beneficiaries are wise they
will lie thankful for whatever they can
W11 wfcrirrf. Pa.. Feb. 13. An ex
1 .L...
tensive cave in occurred m uir jji"
mine of the Kingston Coal company at
l 'I v month this morning.
A lrie number of miners and laoor
" . .... 1 :. r.t iV.t.
ers were at wort uouer a wi-uuu
roof which has for some time past been
Tnidered verv weak
J . , -. 1
After a shot had been bred, and wun
r.nt tnv warnintr whatever, the roof.
consisting of rock and coal, fell with a
throwing their holdiugs of Uni- t.,v. tlv t.. their heavv crash. It is not known as yet
j, j . D,, . ... - . 1 -M.l ..
....1 ..ritij nnon our market, credit and to the advantage of the lem- whether any or me men erc .i..
n-vi . umc o. - -- " I .... .1 .11: I. nt it iti
.. . - .,.I l.l' IIH IM1 1111 llt'Ul in. '- . . -
Ihe outllow of gold thus induced bad ocra, c, jr. - ...VsTfVn, are hemmed in
the effect of producing a stringency in r ifl .,r the fanwavs.
1 riiiiinifr 111 tin. ic 11101 z.v. iciaivv '-.vm r
market, which was followed
u 11 Kut ic it nrilfrr fmm I Tli air sut.nlv id now shut off, RIIU
" j ' 1 xyjvAi-.f ouk aw '- " 1 m
,v a. loss of confidence in banking in- the committee on rul. U hind it aud the chance ot living lor any ieugm
..: ...k:..i. in inrn obliveil to I the anti silver men are refusing to vote time is very small
...... 1 ,., i,..;r .i..rv I to make a iuoru 111 there, is some doubt
call in their loana or clot their doors, 1 .,..,' , J,., ...
and the end of it all was a stoppage of . f jij3II f. There is great excitement at the mouth
it... nf inihistrv and business. I'. m:n.i.r...nixtiniK Imu' lM-n i of the sIoih. The relatives of me meu
s.4i the condition which con- 1 made of the attitude of iTcsident Cleve
fmnil the administration of Mr. Cleve- land and Secretary Carlisle towards mi
A x" :.i . .1 ......
measure. .iriiurr 01 iiiein nw. j'v..
liclv spokeu one word either for or
against the bill, although Secretary Car
lisle did point out one particularly ob
jectionable feature in the bill to Mi.
Bland that oroviding for the issue of
silver certificates in advance of the coin- Kts of woolen machinery were idle in
age of the seigniorage aud Mr. Illand the county. These when running gave
expressed his willingness to change the
bill so as to make the certilicdes istiable
on the coinage of the silver.
Iu deciding not to grant hearings on
the tariff bill the senate committee on
finance deeply offended a few gentlemen
who had come to Washington to in
struct the committee and air their views.
but the lH-mocratson that committee in
so voting were acting as they believe
from the information thev have received
the entire country w ished them to act.
From north, south, east and west coiih-s
in chorus "whatever is to lie done let it
1 be.Ione uuicklv." and the denial of fur
' - . . - .. . 1...
v.r lit'Hrintrs on me tarni means me
saving of several weeks lime iu the con
i.leration of the bill in the senate
land when it assumed the reins of pow
er on March 4, lb'Xi. The new Presi
dent was obliged to call cougress togeth
er in extra session in order to provide
ways and means to avert the disaster
which threatened the country. At Mr.
Cleveland's suggestion Congress repealed
the "Sherman act" and at once confi
dence in the banks was restored and
many of those institutions which had
susjiended, resumed operations. Money
again lecame abundant in the great
financial centres and now awaits distri
bution throughout the country through
the marketing of products of farm aud
mill and factoiy. The passage of the
Wilson tariff bill by the House of Rep
resentatives has already given a great
imttetiu to man ufactures. Mills a
factories that have leen idle since last
spring are now starting up and the nuni
An armv of rescuers is hard at wor.
1 t.. uiuiiihiin I trvinir to reach the eutonilied miners.
There is grea
rA tlit kIiiii
shut in the mine are gathered ibout the
place, and their lamentations are pitilul
RooDia la l.uslaess.
Business is picking up with great ra
pidity in the cotton and woolen mills in
Worcester couuty. Lat-t Septemler 4tl2
Winter Dress Woolens
I bit er Uiye to;li in iitoro ii n K
mbil net lu tlautl bimid lh" uroer ot in ttoin
eitber You ho re lute ruer will reap
hniKl in vol IKiwn rttiiTt.
ulie lot big lot ot
Thk Wilson bill is severely denounced
by protectionists, who call it a free trade
measure and tell the jieople that its ef
fect will le to bring disaster to the
American manufacturer, let, as me
New York World truthfully says: "This
tariff is higher tariff than Henry (.'lav
thought necessary for the protection of
infaut industries f( years ago. It is
higher than the Morrill tariff of 1S'.2.
It is nearly as high as the tariff of 1SS3.
It is a less average reduction of a 50 ier
cent tariff than the Republican tariff
commission of 1X.S2 recommended in a
40 per cent tariff." These facts should
not be forgotten by all. There was no
talk of nun under any of the above
named tariffs. That of was gen
erally satisfactory to the piotec tionist
until he saw a chance of getting it raised
a ieg higher. It is well known that
they made money under it, but now
tney ft ar the result of the small reduc
tion that has been made.
..erofthe unemployed grows smaller Senator Vorhees sized up the situation
1 - I .Art-Oi'f R' UT hVn 1 1 r l-w&Ml . aiJk-
Uhv lv ua neu xret? raw maiciwia iun"v . . . ,
for the manufacturers and cheaper ne- PJ " . " V" . I .in,, hv ever,
I II 111 li I r- lllll TT V asaj - ,
triotie and business consideration."
have leeu assureil by the passage of the Tuis .jng a faot acknowled by business
WiUnn tariff bill iu the senate, au era nlen who oppose as well as tnose who
. : 1 : ....-I u ill fnvor the Wilson tariff bill, the Repub
01 acuvuy , ' .. .. ;il .1.. to consider
surely set in w hich will prove to be one
of substantial and enduring prosperity.
The salient points to be remembered
and reflected upon by the intelligent vo
ter, therefore, are
1. President Cleveland left the Treas
ury with a surplus exceeding one hun
dred millions of dollars when he surren
dered otlice on March 4. 1SS9.
2. Ex-President Harrison, owing to
the hurtful legislation of the Reed con
gress of 18S9-IHJ, including the Sherman
silver purchasing act and the McKinley
tariff law, left the treasury bankrupt,
with a deficiency in the revenues of
nearly fifty millions of dollars, when he
surrendered oilice on March 4, 1SV3.
When the government itself lacks the
revenues necessary to meet its liabilities,
it naturally follows that the creditor class
among its subjects will lose confidence
iu the ability of the debtor class to meet
it obligations. The Harrison adminis-
j 1 .i-l o
rARMEKS have been required i "" tralion broURht the government to this
laws of the land, says me rt. ius rt
nml is restonsible for the financial
... . 1 .:.i. r .... i 1 '
puotic, to squeeze aiong wiiu irrc imne
prices for their products. The demand
for their surplus has leen diminished by
restrictions on exchanges and by the
habit the tariff trusts have acquired of
running on short time and throwing la-
or out of employment.
P.y a splendid majority the House of - , , -j anJ nuschevious revenue
representatives has spoken for the farm- uKHtion emlodied iu the McKinley tar-
crs and nonprotected masses of the ;f ,aw i,t the ieople of Pennsylvania,
country. y 8Uporting James IVnton IIancok
IVfore another harvest the law will I for reirtaenUtive at large in congress, at
improved and the masses will get some lhe eltH.tion on Tueslay, February 20,
of the benefits of tariff reform. tetify their approval of the efforts of
.Manufacturers wmoegin to proviue a , ,r-,.n, neveland and the Democracv
From eating wild parsnips Robert
IVrry and his little sister, of (iallipolis O.,
died iu terribletajrooy.
The siuger sewinif niachine works
Elizabeth. N. J. have resumed ;operations
euiploying 4,tW men.
Ougressniau Sipe, of- the Fayetle-
Jrone-Wasaiiigum district has gone to
Florida for his health
A bill has been presented in the Mas
u.'luisfits legislature prohibiting the
playing of football for pay.
A wagon load of stolen plunder was
fouudiua house raided at Readiuif, but
the four alleged thieves escaped.
J. L. Ellwood's barn and outbuildings.
uear Sycamore, III., were destroyed by
file. IjO imported IVrclieon horses per
Incendiaries attempted to destroy the
.... .1. t.ll'.
agricultural buiitiing on tue nonus
fair grounds. The building was only
slightly damaged.
Fire startiug about midnight Tuesday
at Sarcoue, ilo., ue-iiojtu -. tkesiuare. The entire loss
is fjl.uu, with little insurance
Because she kissed murderer Hugh
Robbard, in her infatuation, Mrs. May
Finiiiii!. a widow, wasdismised from the
sheriff's oflce at. Dubuque, la
Cha'.rmau Wilson, of the ways and
in.. :ins i-iiiiiiiiilU-e of congress, is ill at
kn.i4 fit v. eu route to the City of Mexi
co, for the tienctil of his health
Thk Fiist national bank, Watkins
V Y lias closed its doors because the
.; i!-r. John W. Love, has abcoiided
with .. of the bank's funds
John P. Ouinn, a reformed gambler
1. - . 1 . l. . ..1 4 r... . ...
and evangelist, ageu i., r-ni(-u iiom
Jersey l ity w ith the 17-year -old daughter
of E. N. tioff, also au evangelist.
Sister of Charity Alvma, who con
tru.-iftii small-uox while caring lor the
niients at the Chicago pest house, died
ruesday night after a week s illness.
The W. L. S rott Coal company, one o
the most extetisiv iu the region 01 w e
Newton has issued orders for the di-icharg
of all foreigners except naturalized cm
zens. Other operators have taken simi
lar stes.
Being much dissatisfied with a de-
ciiiou of Judge Williams in court at Al-
lai.tic City, N. J., Law yer Cole created a
sensation bv declaring: ".our intelli
gence, sir, docs not rise above that of au
ordinary mule." The judge said uothiug.
1 tended execution of Wm
Purvis, a young negro, at Columbia, Miss.,
for murder, the rope broke aud tlie culprit
w-KitiniT a definitesettlementof the tariff I Some vears ago George Bowers, an fell to the ground. The execution w as
question to invest their money and in- I eccentric old resident of Ancora, Camden postponed, the negro was taken back to
augurate a period ot prosperity ir every county, died leaviug atout JL'ti.tHiU, me the jail ana the lacts teiegrapuuu 10 me
body, not for a comparatively tew tor- 1 rreater part of which he willed to Mr. I governor
tunate individuals, aud woe Ie unto the I George for dissemination of his Ixxjk. j0hu Mct.uire. a married man. and .1.
Reoublican Party if its representatives I Relatives coutested the will and Ptiga- sitarlev of ltlairsville. have left the
- ... 1 .. 1 .. . . . r. 1 " ...
in the senate postpone mat pro.speriij 03 I tion ate up all the fortune except me I community to avoid arrest for complicity
factious opposition to a measure mat 1 m0r.ey paid to Mr. Oeorge to-day. I in the cause of the death of Miss Sadie
they know they cannot in the end de I Bower's widow not being able to obtain Oarris, who died from the effects of a
feat. I even her dower, was obliged to go tome criminal operation and poison taken with
The sub committee ot me senate 1 almshouse, where she died of a broken .....idal intent, last week
committee on foreign relations nas con 1 heart some months ago. Mr. George
eluded iu Hawaiian investigation, so I offered to let the widow have a generous
far as the taking of testimony is con- 1 amount of the legacy, but the other
cerned. The reports of ttie sub com- I heirs refused.
mittee will shortly le submitted to the
full committee for action thereon. Al
though there is some talk about three re
ports there is no real foundation ior me 1 IxNDOn. Feb. 13. The Pall Mo
belief that there will le more than two-r at,-,tti Mutes this afternoon that a vil-
a majority report signed by democrats, I iairl,,lianHr.riit leaflet, nrinted in In-
and a minority report signed by Repub (,orj in FrerK.n js ing circulated. It
hcans. There is no reason to uouot announces that its authors threaten to
which of these reports will be adopted, I .lestroy the liourgeois unless their le
notwithstanding publications to me con ,nands are eeuceded, and implore their
All-Wot 1 Cloth Suitings,
kcuwn 10 the ere Lu jem Ldla . lolh
llie Fo"iutnt veiy mmr aiHut 3 rbuioa
iiioriauii luciu.nua l-rd or bluet inisl la
.let or rey u.ixed aud l.rown-inlxl. IU" uni
veriai Iradi ou ml lalTU tu 1 to cenlf but
tlim sal price I
This eminent
Physician hs tie
vote J a lifetime
to his Specialty
Diseases of the
Eye,, Nose,
j Throat, Lung and
Chronic Diseases.
yrJ. Want to see iuiilor
All-Wool Cloth Plaids,
original price. cen t.
to ko on tlie natue biwis
pi ou odm at 1 OU a yard.
1 bo hum at Tie a yard.
(1 uu ones at boe. a ard.
And every one who buys at tnis aaie 01 ''
OKtSS Wimi.hns-aod many ""
mnUKh la texture and color to im oe woro laie
lle i!1im aud lKrteeo veaaoos, ri -
lor tlie tuooey au oener vaiua.
sold by Ibis a.ore-aud are mmi aiso.wT au "
been for otr
Professor ainl !!
turer in Severn
our largest Mt '
cal Collies, j
has earned
lame as an aui:
ity and aullu.r,,,.
Subjects colleen
his specialty.
fti,ii.l.iviiient to lO.tKHtooerallves. whose
monthly wages aggregated no,mv.
Now every cotton mill in the county is
running, and onlv lo4 sehs ol woolen
machiuerv are idle. Duly alout 3.CHHJ
hands are now out of work
Scott .V. "heelo k's five set mill in
Bridge will start up to-morrow. Every
woolen mill in the city 01 Worcester ex
cept that of the Harrison Woolen Com
pany, which is in insolvency, is ruu-niug.
All the mills in Cherry alley, be
tween Worcester and Ieicester, are run
uing full time except Maun Bros, fac
tory, which is putting in forty hours a
week. I he big Mater nuns at v eotier,
which employ aliout 1.O0O hands, are
now running. The three mills at Athol
are all running.
k f ortune Eaten up in Court.
Tlie new IW4 nrlntloKt now on sale. Tlie fine
t'reurb ones. 50 repis a yard. And a ood line ol
same .foods lt tn"a rlnlina 1ml ciiolce.
uiceoues at ball this ree 'At. and 36e.
Kn.iureot our Man. okiiku Itepannient (and
see ii.lec) atKut tbe sale ol lv6 (iecea
Im'orted Printed
a Kood. firm cloth Sl!-i Inches wide W cent ellka
It will i.ri.tit yuu more tbls year tban ever to
Mondays, January 1, February -Jf., March -J.;. April i's May Jl, JlUl.
July 1' August I". S-ptemlM-r H', U.-toU-r h, November ,
IkH-eniU r and 'M till S v. M.
(IppoMtethe l'eiiny Ivaina llepot.
Tuesdays, January 2. :W; K.bruary J,, Manh Apnll'4. May "J. JllIie
17, 'August 14, S ptemU r 11, O tolier '., NovemU r i-.,
I lecemluT 4.
. ..a I'l 1 l I. trl I, ..
Wednes.lays. iMvmlrt '.'7, January l, r oruarj i, .w.u. n i, ,pru j
June 13, July 11, August S, SeptemU-r ., tct..lK-r 3, 31,
Alter havlnc tried live dlflrrent doctors and a , can nw do as k nn-i a .lay', work ir n.,.
waiion l..d ot ditlereut .lcnt jne.ln-1 ics. I certainly rKCutuaicn.l the K.ictur ti ih...e .
irrew worre and worse, and was at lau rurwi j nm ir..ix. . , mny , ,n i
w ' . lAlll.1fLa
... - . .. . ... .... , ( ,
KeicrsiarK , t :cntre county. l'
11.-.. 117 JL 111 Federal Street,
Camoes, N. J., Feb. 13. The case of
Henry (Jeorge against John T. Wood
hull in the Camden civil courts was set
tled to day, when Lawyer Woodhu! paid
the matter carefully before the attempt over ainnt AHJ in his iiossession.
to carry out the olstructive programme ne,,ry (Jeorge, the plaintiff, is the well-
which is now being prepared by their fcn0wn single tax advoc ate and the au-
Vilest narliamentarians in the senate, thor of the book "Progress aud I'over-
- - - c , w
The capitalists of the country are only I ,y.
Loudon Reds Acllre.
and industrial disasters that have super- trary in Republican ana anti-aaminis I comrades to execute justice upon their
vened. The Democratic' party, through tration papers. I liourgeois enemies of all ages, and of
President Cleveland and the present con-
President Cleveland must enjoy read J U(th xeg. Another leallet
letter home market for agricultural pro
ducks by exporting a surplus and eni
tiloviug more lalor. It is trade which
gives to any kind of lalr its highest
rate of earnings. Manufacturing labor
will receive more after protection disap
pears entirely from the tax system.
The vote of Thursday in the House
was a vote for the profits of American
n.T tl.t. crintrMilii-torv fairv stories that
gress, has corrected the faUl blunder of lre dai, rirlntei m ti,e nietroplitan
the tfhwrman purchasing act and under papers concerning his alleged actions to
the instruction of the people at the bal- secure the confirmation of the nomina
lot Irf x in l-s2,is preparing the remedy tion of Mi. l ecknam to me .-upreme
court. nai ir. i ioriauu isirnnj
ing in that connection can lie authenti
cally stated without any violation of
confidence in one word nothing. As
the supreme court has adjourned for a
month there is no special occasion for
haste in disposing of the nomination.
Mr. Anslem J. McLauren, the new
senator from Mississippi, is not widely
known in Washington, but if he is as
able a man as the Mississippians in con
gress say he is he will make a fit succes
sor to Senator Walthall. Like "Private"
John Allen, the popular congressman
from the same state, he carried a mus
ket in the late unpleasantness. i.
to restore financial soundness to the gov
ernment and iudut-lrial prosperity to the
Ok all the selfish and impudent pro
tests against the Wilson bill, says the N.
Y. World, that of the pottery trust is the
most tlagrant.
These manufacturers have not only
The true and real causes of the recent
financial depression, and the consequent
suspension of manufacturing industries
and general business interests, should lie
carefully studied by the voter who de
sires to exercise the right of suffrage in
telligently and with a view of doing
what he can to correct the olitical evils,
that have artlicted this country.
Kusiness Improving.
Chicago, Feb. 12 Business is rapid
ly improving, viewed from the stand
point of the clothing manufacturers of
this city, who employ 50,0H wage
a A I - Tl. h.v L-tillt .. .ta-
maue an average cui oi iu jr cem 111 earners. iue iimuuiiiuuius - n
wages months before the bill can pass, al'st without exception when the
, , . .... ii.- , country began to feel panicky last sum -
but threaten an additional reduction of w were ony ft.w
'JO per cent 'incase the Uilson tariff wteiS, others did not manufacture for
law" this by way of driving their work- J months. All now have more men at
.... .. 1 I t v -n-1. llt.n at I i III .1 binfiA lIlO fl Tl 1 fl -
ingmen to sign petitions ami atteuu i
meetings against the reform measure. rinf felt:. , Slot ks 4 ,oth
ft 6 I are very low. The mills cannot possi-
KiHlucing wages in not a new tning
against society in England. It is printed
in English anil urges the desirability of
setting tire to Iondon in a hundred
places in order to monopolize the atten-
Joseph Don Jou, Uie crank w ho wrote
threatening communications to n-e
President Stevenson, Secretary Carlisle,
Senator Mills and others, will be probably
turned over to the Baltimore authorities
for trial after examination before United
States Commissioner Mill.
The prospect that coufronts the coke
workers aud the operators is diseoui aging.
Last week closed with 1J ceutcoke, flee cm
board at the ovens. This is the lowest
quotation in the history of the region, for
although coke has on two or three former
occasions, for a nnel periou, soia as io.
the quotations have never been below tl.
Italians in the settlements neai Ell-
wood C;ty, Lawrence couuty, I a., arc
!iid to lie starving. Does aud cats are
being eaten ami the feuces are being torn
down fur fuel. They are endeavoring to
.at aa ACei I in
or more than eluht year I wan tfoutne.1 with
dyle4la and inleatinal IndiKentlon. 1 runrxl
UDluld aironle. only ate ruouKh to keep uie
alive and toward! tlie ll 1 could not keep on
my lt anymore. I'orin an mri im--
hve Ulcn a null load ot j.a'enl uied
Iclne and tried Ove ol our ditlrrenl lnclor In
lhe county but itrew worne and wri-e None ol
tbetu made the diaKonla uutil t went to nr
Salm at Tyrone. He told me at once what ailed
me a d furre" - "; " ' ""
new woman. M Its. CA K I; I K rl H f.
Saudy UidKe. tntr '..
rew orM and worse lor Mien year of a lad
eaae ot eatarrh . out lr. iui rurn.i uiu ni
ter Ihe vcr lt ibylclan In lu the county
bad lined. ...
i. .... n.i.r ihu w.n Trt 1 had a tia.l oi i
caiarrb which attectcd iny head Ihroiit and client
ery much and In a nori rpice in urac i -in oi rr ,
tweutr iKiondi la we K lit. ! -- uie weaker dally j
.. . . . ......... IV
ftVDl tell atuia inn iptitu mr m-i, - -
treated hy reeral ol our Im-i-1 doctorp and tH,k a
wood deal ol patent medicine, hut irradja'ly
grew worae and woroe. Then I heard ol lr.
Satm'i wonderful curn. I ante liliu a IrUl and
tn.m the ery nri-t month 1 iM-itan to pieaiiuy
lmre and the revolt to day ih itit I Ime
aalned what welttht I had loft hreUIire and
letd like enioylnic II e once more.
Hill arj Butler county .fa.
t'ored by Ir Salm after hayln uf!ered lor year
with alomarn. Ilad .ler en.i ai.iuer irmimt
I have been unerinn with very never rtoiunrh.
bladder aLd klduey trouble, and on ac-ount ot
that lelt all broke uu. 4'oul.ln'i lollow iu
dally lalHirp on account of rt' pia. wmtoeii
and haa lache; hut now. alter a coume ! irrat-
ment wilb lr alm. can once moreanenn m my
dally lalHiif wltb pleasure and connider mvi-cll
aale and boarty aa-ala. K. A. ANkrJM .
Indiana, fa., Auril IS"J.
Ailed tor twelve years and thouirh seven t0er
ent physician tailed. Or. Stlin cured me.
For more than twelve years I mrtrrrd turtnre
wltb liver, fUiuncn and kidney Imu'iie. t -
casionally I had to ico Oi bed lor a week at a
time and was unable 13 work for eara ; but now,
alter only a lew months' treatment lr
Nairn. I leel so well, as I never did before. I
used files ol patent medicines and had seven
different physicians but raduail toew ur
and worse. However. sinc 1 put myn-'l uuder
lr. Salm's treatment 1 Improved r.lully aud
.rent i
Ivainess cured hy lr. Salru alter
others had failed.
1'or iuite a time I have been liuii i
len I from rtrrli. nan irularlv Id iui Uu .
wbh Keeincd !'! . and Uw riu i. 1 v ,
dolly. 1 was very CeniioHdrnl and aliu
perate on account ol rmi beina atiie tu iier ,
went en around uie. Nor 1 aui iU((e a j
man and leel ttappy onre mure, ail tl.i.. ilt,
to I" Hltu's skil lul featuirnt. I t.Kiti.
Iliie other din-furs .i une ian luia.ibt
ftCiMMl null inoiiic 1 tel since I rau
i.nce more without an effort.
Johnstown. Ha.
i 'Insure of the tear-duct cure I liy Pr S.ib, ;
1 have had a aood ileil oi iri uine ut,.i.
lor t he last 5 years, tears rurmiua u r ui .
continually. Ir. aliu called it rlmu-i .
tear duct and oeerated on the saiu. kli : I
can keep my handkerchief In my portei il
ol wipliia tears ciutiuuaily
ItuMana, I'a.
I'a'arrh and ear trouble cured by It, Mu
l-'or more than ten years 1 hate tiad a .
ot catarrh. My ears k radually tiei-iiuir t!r .
such a iletrtee that the heariinc iu uris r.
almost totnl y oue and tid in Oie miitir ul
became very mucli alsnnci. so 1 ami :
Salm lor treatuient. and luiiroeiueui an -
from Hi. bi-Kiuuinic. It's now vary hum
1 lake a cold and it must tie a veiy laibt
that 1 cannot bear Willi either ear. 1 leei -
all arouad aud conless myself SHtirosl
treatmeut. IKANK Ml I.U
Ktieui-burK. Ha. ,
Kor eitthteen years totally blind. Iir -th'ouiTti
his wondertul skill ifaxe u.e ... .
Kor ffiore than elich leen years 1 have tt
tall blind In my nnht eye. cau-e In- a -wnd
strikiuK the same. 1 i tnl.i I iiu.: V
Ue uiwle to i-ee attain out ot the eye. hut br -i
lo'tl me thai the Iniuiy had produiel r...
and that he would teuaraniee uis tu ier. I.,
huu mi case, and hies my stars that Ji:i
ti day. thouu Ii It Is wonilertul to reluie 1 -once
iure out ot tlie heretnlore t 1 1 Ei.t no
more than elahieen ean' riMikiie.
and those who buns me will bear wittje :
atHive. atid itiiuk there is no dduo;
balm's wouderiul k ill
Tyrone. Ha.
t.isinlaailon anilraiillallii free la eirr)hly.
It.Osr AdtrrtKriiirsI AiKarTa Its Hrlsrs t'sscti VlaU.
Adarrsa alia emwualrallnn ls Ht 7il
..f ii. ...i; ..Liu tl. unor..l.; iret helu from tlie uoor authorities, but are
I lit. rvi a- T aj iiv a- auaiv iiioto
ItMit the citv. - meeting with little success, as the tteaur-
rf . ... .. ....
Tli ).. ir.i fWf a. , j l isf tl.ora les have a'eii emutieU lor tneieiieioi
is no rea.soD why the same atrocities as I American citizens.
were iiertietrated by foreign anarchists at I A ineetiug of the division superintend-
Ohicago should not occur here bo long as I ents of the Pennsylvania company with
the British public tolerates anarchists (ieiieral Superintendent Charles Watts
who daily anil nightly are preaching and J. F. Miller, was held iu Pittsburg
wholesale murder. I Un Muudav. Tlie meeting was called to
cousider w nether or not there could beany
MaitT Falalltim. I nassenrer trains removed from service
with a view to cutting down expenses.
Gl'THRIE, t). T., February 13. The I The result of the meeting will probably
worst of the great hlizard seems to be I not le aunounced uulii the report has
OWING to a niisealculrttiori ani too much warm weathe
1 have about Tea Thousand Hollars' worth too many henv;,
goods which will be sold at prices that will astoiiiVh yu
JSever before in the history of Cambria county has Clothin;
been offered at such low prices. Nearly everyone in North-,
era Cambria knows that my prices have always becu tL
lowest for good goods in the State, and this (Jut has kuocke'
the bottom out of ail former prices. )y loss will be yuu .
bly supply the demand for many lines
with the Pottery trust. Its mem Iters se- of cloth. It is said to Ie a fact tnat
I . . m t. , i mi i I ..Iril-iincr ti-iiiiiifietiirena cAnnnt iet nil
W hen President Cleveland, surren- 1 "'""" I ., , ., . i.. i ...
dered his otlice on March 4, 15S, there t'f the protection on their roducU
was a surplus in the Tnited States eiuivalent to o per cent. A portion oi Xne Keueraiy good f.tling in the
Treasury of upwards of one hundred the combine at Irenton within three trade is well voiced by Hirt, .Schaeffner
millions of dollars. The question n.onths afterward made a reduction of A Marx who say: Ih.siness is improv-
, - . wnt in wtMi which let! to a lnK steadily now. It will be a good
which confronted the administration of - Ir cent in wages, which led to a
1'r.R.dent Harrison tirxin its advent to long and costly Strike. That there was i,.., i think anv .fft .xl(k WM
power, was, what shall be done with the n occasion for this any more than there may have is already discounted. The
surplus? Secretary I.laine and other
. , i! t i .. j: i cent average uutv la oroveu uv toe litcia i
prominent t.uou, u .? u eu ft - ' . . ' p... We could sell more than we are selling
button among me several states. cui - now if we could get orders for cloth
this device was aluindimed and the Reed Tipton ' " i..o.ev v.r- nnej."
gan. This report charged that the trust
is "monopolistic in its tendency," and
that "the meet oi it is to iinm tne pro- Mifeustows. Feb. 12. The iurv in
over here and business is again resumed.
Ilesides the two families reported frozen
at Ponca, one man was frozen
Stiff. Near Stillwater a man was frozen
to death under his house and south of
Cleveland, iu county tj. a family of three
(leiished. Two lonakawa Indians are
reporteu to nave oeen louoa Uead in a
hut. Near Anadarka three Indian
children, who were caught in the storm.
iH-rished. There are rumors of many
other fatalities, but so far they have not
lieen confirmed. The number of dead
cattle will reach the thousands. The
temperature did not reach as low as on
January 23, but the wind and sleet were
so bad that people caught out could
make no resistance,
FrlKhttnl Tile of Cruelly.
Congress of ISS'.MH) adopted the plan ol
increasing appropriations for public
buildings and other expenditures not I
immediately necessary, under which con
tracts were entered into by the govern
ment, that require continuous appro
priations of many millions of dollars in
excess of the ordinary expenditures.
Murder in the tint Degree.
duction and to uiaiotaiu exhorbitant the Carpenter case reached a verdict this
prices of sanitary pottery, an article of evening of guilty of murder in the first
.,,., ...-.Wo,, " Tht th. tmst degree against James li. Carpeuier. The
r ! i iiA rt - i true iw trial tltA ii v. 4
ti.w.i ...v.j .o " his father, James S. Carpenter, on De
tracts publifheu in tne same connection, cenaber 10, 1803, in the borough of
This reckless extravagance has caused including an admission of prominent 1 ort Koyal, where the Lartienter family,
that body to beai the odious sobriiuet I stockholders that tbe profits for 18ll
of the Billion Ikillar Congress. While
the surlui left in the treasury by Mr.
Cleveland's first administration was thus
wiped out by the Reed Congress, to
make asurauce doubly sure that no sur
plus should again accumulate, the same
body enacted what is known as the
McKinley tariff law. While this act
placed sugar on the free list, and gave
the sugar producers a bounty that av
erages about ten millions ot dollars per
were "almost one-third oi the capital
stock invested" and averaged 22 to 29
per cent, upon a favorable valuation
This is but a sample of the combina
tions which, after being accorded in the
really high protection Wilson bill a duty
more than covering the difference in la
lor cost between this country and for
eign competion, fight the reduction as
an invasion of vested rights! The re
form was not ordered any too soon.
consisting of father, mother and son.
resided. The murdered man was blind
and followed the business of a poultry
and egg dealer. The son kept the liooks
and assisted in the general business.
The evidence submitted dnrine the
trial proved that the old man Carpenter
was murdered in a shop or stable on the
Carpenter premises, his head being bat
teied, his throat cut from ear (o ear and
his body thrown into Tuscarora creek
near Port Royal, where, after careful
search, it was found Tuesday, IVcember
12. The evidence against the prisoner
was very conclusive
been submitted aud considered by tieiieral
Manager Jux-ph Voh1.
1794. IS51-
Pol falsa wmtaa at abort aaie la ma
rM r dc i iiDi tr f tm At'
ni.umui.1. m i un
Larrahec'a Rheumatic Liniment h aa old and
valued remedy, wtmh ha enjoyed a constant
patroaaee lor over t yean, proving wonuci
lul worth and efficiency la all aliment where
pain is attendant.
Larrarea s KnenrontK: lidhovh . .H...v.
preparation to soil and tarniah ly breaking : It
is put up m witlc-aaoutn Dottles ana nppneu im
the hneer . ruLitang n in w.m
Uos. It I
clean, rune.
Larraree'a Rhea ma tic Liniment I a splendid
household remedy tor external uie in caves ot
bum, scald, cuts, wounds. troMbites, headache.
pain tn mitvcles. otnts mna llmM. Djaacne, etc.
etc i our aruh;it sen 11. or 11 can ur wiicnu uy
aending lull name and addresa and aj cents to
below aduress.
For the next 30 DAYS I will sill Heavy Clothing Over
coats aui Underwe.-ir at 0 per t-ent less than they cost t
be manufactured. Call and see me.
Very Respectfully,
It Mill Pay You
To po QUINN'S. Clinton street, Johns'to
buy Carpets, Linoleums, Mattings, Oil C
UlanKets, Feathers, &c. Prices Keduced
Gootls, and FREIGHT PAID ou All -Packages.
cbattaaanc. Jaiy at. I Bin
St-RANTOX, Ta., Feb. 11. Andrew
Smith, a 1'olander. told a horrible tale
if emltv l.fnre Alilerniati T W. T.utr
. . . . llf 1 a
the .seventh ward, this city, to day. Vlf HW5 AT1T .rnisPniPnt
-. -.ii ...! . , i ii iviu uu aai'i'a.aiwaawas..
nnth has instituted suit against Charles I 1 1
Brown, Anthony I'eseo, Frank Partiln-
mas, Alexander Zernridee and Powell I "TTH'E li hereby aiven that the toiiowioa
it i ,i , i -., .. x v aaajea appraiaemeo-a oi property appraiwi
(.iruaghe, t harming Uiem with seating d ..M Vir wm..oi derieDt under the
turn naked ution a red hot stove and I Art oi Amaibi; oi tim ith oi Apm a. i. im.
i. i i: , l . , - , . . I ba been 0ld In the Ketcliter't utflra to and lor
holding him there, despite his shrieks. ,b...iT tf...i.n .m h. t
Of agony, as long as they COUld endure I be tlrphana" t'ourt ot sawi cnnty l..r eonnttna-
the otlor of the burning flesh Smith ex- m abcm 7. ' r "
lllblLS the Sears Of his burns, whirh are I 1. Inraotury and apt.ralneinent ol pertxinal
frightful Thenwn h , t-nti hav n I prberty and real ataia appraised and Ket apart
irigntiui. inemen ne accuses nave & I u Marv Oowan. widow of .ieorae ttn-ann. lata of
Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co.
Trial List.
bad reputation and are Stl!l)ected Of lie- Johnstown, deeeaaed. Keraonal prfterty,14
......1 ,v r .1. 1 u .real estate, 1M Ou.
Mattulas, whose head was Split open
with an ax. All the accused were arrest
ed to-day and held for court.
Ruth Lower Dead.
Birmingham. Ala., Feb 11. News
reached here of a bloody double tragedy
at Johns, 20 miles away. Dennis Clem
ents and Will Barge were in love with
the same young lady. They met at her
home and a quarrel resulted. Barge
finally drew a pistol, shot and killed
Clements in the presence of the young
woman, who appealed piteously for him
not to shoot. Barge rled, and later on
Deputy Sheriff Chat Holman attempted
to arrest Barge, who drew a pistol and
said: "1 am fixed for you and you
can't arrest me." Barge pulled the
trigger of his gun, but it did not fire.
Holman quickly raised a shotgun and
blew Barge's Lead off.
X. Inventory nod appraisement ol rooal
property appralied and aet apart to Kittle t'o
bitiKh. widnw ol I'eler A. Cobangti. late of
J.ihnsUiwn. deceased. SKW al.
S. Inventory and appraisement of personal
Property appraised and tet apart to diary iiavig.
widow ol rred. W. Iwvla, lata ol Klieofbarn
borough, deceased. t0 Ort
liAMiL A. MoOOl't.H.
UealaUr'i office, EbeoBbarg, Pa , February (b.
Ii tatate ol John Met attar, deceased .
Letters testamentary on the eat ol John
M elite a r. late ol the borouah ot Lilly, In l.'am
brta euunty. Pennsylvania, bavloa tieen aranled
to mo, noUoe la heraby aiven to all peraon ladebt-
ad to aald estate to make payment to me without
delay and thnee bavlaw claims aaralost tne same
will present lb am property authenticated hirtet- I
tlemeot to me. t;AHtnanr. HLi.itaH.
Lilly, t-a. liee. It. t-ieeotrlx.
(T inOQ worth ot lovely Music tor Forty
aw n 1 1 1 . . Cents, consisting ot 100 pages
full sire Sheet Music o the
S latest, brightest, liveliest and must popular
a selections, both vocal and Instrumental. m
iirten up In the most elefant an inner. In-
oj eluding- tour Large size Portraits. f
PADftSKI. tee flreot Pianist.
m ' ssssiss ak4. eaocM vw
a-. Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City.
Mountain llouse
sun siuvuie parlqri
1ST of censes aet down lur trial on 2nd and
3rd weeks tn March. 1.
Ikiran et al vs. I'iper et al.
t'litlely vn. MlU'bell.
Same vs. same.
Mayer, aaitanoe. vs. I'beo Hrloler A t??.
Meebaa v. Ikiuelly el al.
Veil vs. Smith a. Snuffer
Pruitmao A Co. vs r armers' Supply t'o.
Skd (.
Pavls st si. v. Bradley.
TtOits vr. sopiNM.
Straose. ttotbarblld A Co. vs. Hoclirtem. administrator.
Huabes' administrators i Kee'e
Hursalt i. Julinmuva rwnun Hallway t'o.
Stioama v. Sloan.
W'eudoatb vs. Mlootn.
tlardner v. Sfayer.
Kry vs. Kuuiuirl.
Mboemaker vs. -lood.
Mialr vs. aame.
lliiftoian vs. ). Haoerlina Brewlna Co.
W inxard va. Yodor.
Aldeo vs. Holdeman.
Muck va. Jenuinge.
Seme vs. Kuller.
tlsborn v. C outer et si.
Ihtvla T( KlebardMin.
lKioobay Bros. s. Kre'ibt.
Wyland vi. Sullivan.
Hi veiy va P. K K. tlo.
McSpaddea v. Juhustown K. ft ''o
Snyder vs. Catulirla Iron '.
March Browutiack Stove lk. vs. Pike A Miller.
fUallinau v. W Miters' eaerulorv.
J.!. II .KHY.
Prothoootary't office, ttienatiurs:. Pa . 1-eiirua.jr
M. 1W4.
,Mrrf l' "' i
part ..1 ti.. I "
our I 4 J
, . m..m -
" rt "ar,r 4
I 1 1uiiJ--1 ". ,-
I liuU.ini.rM :
I A.IAU tt , 1 '
It irVrilT.flVir.
IB S 1 b "
. ...iT ' 1
HUT S3. TM O"1-0
I . . . I ...I..M.M1I11
several 01 ur iw -- rr
I . rnl ur. i--..ple. I hey ran ana . , . ,
l.llierty Shoes Iwesaso tbry to sell more. W rite -J ...
I aloKua and the names of tbuee iu j
NOTICE It hereby a:tven that the following ae
e..ants have boea bled la the ;ourt 01 t'om
mun Pleas ol Oambrta Bounty Pa., and will bo
eonBrmed by said I'oort 00 Mm re Is 5,
inters eauo be ahowa to loo omirary :
Klrrt and bnal account ol r. W. tuiark .assignee
ou . u. untmbifnc et as.
First and Bnal seroant ol Ed. K. BsldrldKO,
saslajnee ol Was. MrKtllop fc .
k tb. II, lavs. trvt biKH afy.
Mm IS well known and Ions; osubllabed Sbavtna;
X rsrlor la now located n l;entre street.
lioslte tho livery stable of O'Hare. ltay
er. where the l-nsineas will t e carried
latore. SHAVINC. il Al K tHITTlNlt AND
iiHAMPtNJINI) done la the t,eatest end moat
artlstle manner. Cleao Towels a specialty.
Late waited oa at their refldenoes.
Treatment el all t'aronis Affik-tlons. IMseates
ol Women and troubles requlrioa Suralr.l Aid.
Ufnoe hours U. t t . at . I U) S and 1 lo 8 r. St.
ta WI H AVtNUt. .UOUNA,!-.
whom we reler.
To Investors
H'HY k o sway from home to eel( 10 '
wben you can ! ' ?" J , 1
ii .M..nriflir on 1 lie "
i: . ..I i.l.i, and wbleli Will net ?
onl. tm your money .
sddrers Auk. a. lMtfa.
Kor l'""'''. rH"
A' Tbe undersmtied l .vfns been o 4
rd aai luure ol Andre ' l
t'arrvlltowa borodah. I'a . to ' ,. v
solloe is oerei.y i. irf' i
10 said Andi-
! er editors
make Immeltate p.iment
ill... ivawi .... ' , 1,- , ;
claim to present tbem vdinii t-r ,
All" L?
. ... a. .
CsrrvUlown. Pa..Jaa. ;