The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 02, 1894, Image 2

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TV v
t i:iday. - - i'Ki:i:l"AUV i ..
lilMorKiTK .HT.TK 1M KIT.
For Cuiiirressman at I.tiriti'.
JAMKS I). II AN'i'lH'K, of Vfiianiro.
I r luis t tkt'itlttl ly tht Iowa sn
j.rcine roiitt that the I'ruhihition Aiurntl
m.-nt to tli'coti!-tituliouf that ttate was
iH-vt-r legally ailoptotl,
Antiiomy IIkkuiiass, under arrest in
Ti-nmwe fir setulm;' tiiitieene. matter
through the mail, makes the defend
that it, the matter, was quoted from
Thkkk menihers of the Ialton pan
filtered ix hank at l'awnee,, O. T., and
finding the safe locket!. Stole $100 from
a drawer ami carried the cashier thre
miles into the country, after which he
was released.
Tile sHeial elections held in New
York on Tuesday for two congressmen
in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth distncl.-
resulteil in an even distrihution as far
as the jiolitical parties are concernel
In the Fourteenth district the Uepul
licau candidate, Lemuel Ely tiiii;, let I
his rival, William I.. JJrown, ley '.'o::
votes, and thus succeeds to the seat left
vacant hy district Attorney John ll
Fellows. In the Fifteenth district Isa
dor Strauss (lem.) was- eleeteil ovi r
Frederick Sigrist.
Thkkk is little prohahility that tin
naval committee will n-iiort an appropri
ation for new ships at this Session. At
the present time the leading tneiiiliers of
the committee U-lieve that the House
will not agree to any hill increasing the
naval estahlishment, no matter how
small the appropriation may he, and for
that reason it is unlikely that any such
measure will 1 reported
A ItaNVKit, Colo., dipatch says: Adjti
tant tieneral Tarsney has just returned
from a visit to the southern I'te agency,
and in an interview said: "The Indi
ans are in a very hail humor over the
governments delay in ratifying the
treaty made three years ago for the
transfer of the I'tes in southern 1'tah,
and unless the authorities take -;tdy
action the I'tes will up and go into
I'tah without orders. There are ahout
1.1(H) of them, and may give ttie sold
icrs no little trouhle.
The readiness with which the country
is Lidding for the ."(,( KH, (MM) t live mt
cent bonds offered hy Secretary Carlisle
is very gratifying. It is a great pity
that circumstances have forced him to
obtain urgently needed funds hy avail
ing himself of the out of -date statutes of
1S70 and 17", hut since he was obliged
to issue bonds of this antique pattern it
was of the highest imjort:nee that they
feh on M tie suliM'rihed for. The piping
protests of I'opulists and other silver
maniacs are unheeded in the general
acclamation of the secretary's action.
The bitterest enemies of the adminis
tration and the sharpest critics of Mr.
Carlisle's management of the treasury
are constrained to admire the courage
with which he has faced the present
A TKRKiiu.K riot in the Mansfield coal
district, Allegheny county, with its
dozen of mines and two thousand min
ers, begun on Saturday last at S:.'J0 A. m.,
and continued until three o'cloc'c in the
afternoon. The rioters were about six
hundred foreign miners, bent upon mur
der and destruction. A large amount of
projH-rty was destroyed, the rioters pro
ceeding from mine to another, without
check uutil they arrived at the tipple at
Heading Brothers, where the three
brave owuers of the mine opened lire
from three Winchester ritles and soon
sent the mob whirling down the hill.
Francis Steppick, one of the rioters,
was shot dead and many were wounded.
Sixteen of the mob were arrested by the
sheriff's posse ami landed in the Pitts
burg jail. Nothing but the bravery of
the IJeadling Hrolhers and the prompt
support of a powerful jxisie in charge of
the sheriff prevented a fearful loss of
life and the destruction of many min
ing works.
"lrop the Wilson bill," cry out the
protectionist organs, "and there will Ik?
no occasion for an income tax or other
means of getting additional revenue."
This is trifling with the facts of the situ
ation. We have reached the present
condition of our finance by following
the lead of McKinloy. Fixed charges
have len fastened ujxin the government
which cannot le met out of the revenue
derived from customs. No difference
which party had succeeded to the control
of Federal affairs, changes in the tariff
were imperative. Therefore, the Iem
ocruU cannot drop the Wilson bill. In
so far as it proposes to cut away the bur
den of protective taxation, particularly
in putting on the free list wool, coal,
iron ore and other raw materials of man
ufacture, it is altogether praiseworthy.
When it shall have ln-en so amended as
to provide necessary revenue by the tax
ation of sugar and othei revenue-producing
articles it will lie an altogether prop
er and wholesome measure, framed in
compliance with the dvmand of the na
tion and the promise of the Democratic i
jrtf. i
Tins is a tine business, says the Phila
delphia 7Vc'. that lh. opponents of
the are engaged in now,
trying to break down the credit of the
I'nited States. After howling at Scre
tarv Carlisle for months liecatwe he lies
itateil to borrow money to make gooi!"
the deficit in the treasury left by the
l.xiting of the Keed McKinlcy Congress,
they turnetl upon him as soon as he de
termined to issue bonds with a loud de
nial of his authority- No partisanship
so unpatriotic as this has Utii displayed
in this country since the early days of
the civil war. Tin-attitude of the banks
toward ilie new liond issue is merely ft
matter of business, but the attitude of
the calamity howler is pure villany.
The pieposterous Mr. Sovereign, who
undertook to have the secretary restrain
ed from issuing bonds by process of law,
has U'eti promptly ruled out of court,
with the obvious declaration that the
Knights of Ijilior have no standing in
such a suit, and that the lawful authori
ty of the executive is not to lie called
in question. If any doubt remains ujh.hi
this latter point it ought to U: Pet at
rest by the emphatic declaration of Sen
ator Sherman, who rightly denounces
these attacks ttjioti the secretary as un
patriotic, and declares his intention
"without reirard to party feeling to
stand up for the honor of the country."
Whether the proceeds of a new loan
should or should not U- used to meet
the current obligations of the treasury is
a different question, but one that it
seems like hair suhttint: to raise at a
time when the resources of the treasury
are almost exhausted and the daily out
go greater than the income. The pur
jiose of the resumption act was to main
tain the credit of the government and to
enable it lo redeem its obligations in
coin. How long can this credit lie pre
served without an available balance in
the treasury, or how long could the
promises of the government e main
tained at par in gold if it were obliged
to refuse payments tqion ordinary war
rants? With the enormous surplus w hich Mr
Harrison's secretary of the treasury in
herited, criticism upon his administra
tion took the form of mere harmless
pollemies. Mr. Carlisle was given
charge of a treasury some thirty millions
worse than empty, hostile criticism upon
his efforts to maintain the honor of th
I'nited States conies with the worst pos
sible giaee from those who helped to
tiring aliont this deficit.
I'kksiuknt Ciiai m ky F. k has
issued the following address to the Dem
ocratic societies and clubs of Pennsylvan
ia: "It is liclicved that the ensuing year
will be one of the most important in tin
history of the Democratic party, ami
that regular, attentive and eariu-st work
by the Democratic societies in Pennsyl
vania, as well as in other states where
the vote is close is more necessary than
ever. We are advise! by the leaders of
the party, both in congress and in the ad
ministration, that they need this year,
more than ever, the organized supjiort
of the masses of conscientious Ivnm
crats who have no selfish or personal ob
ject in politics, but who desire only the
relief of the country from opressive and
unequal taxi's, and from the existing
distress of business and industry caused
by the still unrepealed class legislation
and reckless extravagance of the Hepub
liean party.
"This year the administration is to lie
sustained or rebuked at a general elec
tion. A congress is to lie elected; in
Pennsylvania i full state ticket and leg
islature are to be chosen; tariff tax re
form and many other reforms are at
stake. We must organize for thisstrug
gle, or lose much that was gained in
IS'.'O and ls'.ej, and recent events have
shown that politic organization by lVin ie societies is the most etlleient
method of agitating and teaching before
and during campaigns, and of getting
out the IVmocratic vote on election day.
The Democratic societies should even
now be astir everywhere indorsing the
Wilson bill, answering its enemies, anil
urging its early passage. We shall ask
the co-operation of every good lcmoerat
in the state, whether in office or in the
ranks, in a common effort to supply an
organization of the Ifc-niocratic eople
for these purposes and thesi only, which
shall strive to maintain IVmocratic prin
ciples and Democratic measures and
bring to the polls all iK-nioeratic voters
and their natural reform allies.
Si'Kakinu of James lVnton Hancock,
the Democratic candidate for Congress-man-at-I
Jirge, the Erie llrialtl says:
Mr. Hancock is well known throughout
western Pennsylvania, and in fact the
entire state, by reputation. He was an
outspoken lx-liever in the doctrine that
our tariff laws should lie based on just
ice when a tariff reformer who had the
courage of his convictions was not easily
found in the ranks of Pennsylvania
Democracy. Mr. Hancock thoroughly
understood the question and would re
present the jieople with ability and with
unwavering fidelity to their interests.
It may not le possible at this time in
this tariff-ridden state to elect Mr.
Hancock, but he deserves lo be elected,
and, therefore, it should lie a pleasure,
as it is a duty for every Democrat in
Pennsylvania to vote for him. If every
elector iu this state who believes in the
declarations of the platform adopted by
the convention were to vote for Mr.
Hancock, he would lie sent to Washing
ton as the representative of the jx-ople
at large by a substantial majority. Of
course a full vote is not usually looked
for at such a time of the year, but no
iVmocrat this year should fail to go to
the polls and vote for James D. Hancock
on the third Tuesday of next February.
Congressman Siih.ev of the Erie Dis
trict in this state last week sent his res
ignation of the office to governor Pat ti
son. He has since recalled it. The
trouble with Congressman Sibley ap
pears to lie that he dues not know ex
actly where he is aL
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
W a lit ii trl n Letter.
Washington D C. Jan. '2'MU. l'.'I
The lime is drawing near for a final
vote in the House on the Wilson tariff
bill, and its iassa'e bv the House is now
as certain as anything that has not ac
tually taken place can Ik-. The only ma
terial amendments made tothe bill dur
ing the debate in the House were those
atiolishiiig the sugar bounty and putting
relitnil sugar on tlie free list. The last
is hclicv-d to have been the hardest
blow ever given to the sugar trust. A
determined tight was made for the amend
inents putting a duty on iron ore and on
coal, but they wen- voted down by sub
stantial ma jot itit-s. It is not probable
that any other inqxirtai-.t amendment
will t attached to the bill, unless it shall
In- decided to make the internal revenue
bill, which iiichuh-s the income tax.
which has just l-en rcj.orted to the
House, one.
Several changes were made in the inter
nal revenue bill U fore it was reorted.
Among them the following: The tax
on cigarettes is $1 per thousand, instead
of 1 -it' as projxiscd ; jK'troleiim is put on
the free list without qualifications, in
stead of being admitted free only from
countries that admit ours free; changes
were made in the wording of the bind
ing twine, condensed milk and pearl
button clauses; cut stones and diamonds
are left as at present, ami an additional
tax of ."0 cents per thousand is put on
President Cleveland and his sister.
Miss KAse Cleveland, who presi" led over
the White House during the early part
of his first administartion, have just re
turned from Hartford, Conn., where the
went to attend the funeral of Mr. Cleve
land's favorite nephew, Mr. H. ti. Hast
ings of that place. Mr. Hastings was
here at the inauguration and spent a
week with President and Mrs. Cleveland.
Senator Walthall left for his Mississip
pi home this week followed by the re
grets of all who know him. He was
compelled to decline a testimonial ban
quet tendered him by his senatorial col
leagues, all of whom express the wish
that his health will enable him to re
sume hisduties lor the full term begin
ning March I, lS'.C
Senator Vorhees stated at the last
meeting of the senate committee on
finance that he liclicved the bonds to U
issued by Secretary Carlisle would only
furnish a temporary relief to the treas
tiry and that congressional legislation
was absolutely neci-ssary to put the gov
ernment finances upon a firm basis. It
is known that Senator Vorhees is :ft
work upon a comprehensive linancial
bill, but he declines to slate its nature
or scom until he has completed it and
formally introduced it.
Senator Pt ft' r"s resolution declaring
the opinion of the senate to lie that the
Secretary of the treasury has no legal
authority for the proposed bond issue,
has Iki'ij r f erred to the senate finance
committee. That is probably the l::sl
that will Ik- heard of tin- resolution, un
less Mr. Pefler shall insist upon having
it n poited and formally killed by a oU
of the senate.
Secretary 1 arii.-re mis li:nl no otiieia.
notice of that alleged attempt to prevent
his i.-stiing bonds by means of r .-training
order from the courts, and he i.
going ahead with the preparations.
The subscriptions received for these
ImuuIs exceeded the amount to be i-.-inil
licfore the circular explaining the nit tic
od of uliscribing was sent out.
It is staled quite positively that Mr.
Frank A. Crandall. of New York, who
was at one time managing editor of Ihe
Duffalo t'tmriir, and who has Im-cii
prominent in politics in northern New
Yolk, is to be the public printer, and
that his nomination will go to tin- sen
ate next week. That sort of an an
nounccmcut has Urn made so often
that I icmocrats w ho are weary of seeing
the immense patronage of the govern
ment printing otliec controlled by a l'e
publican arc waiting patiently, but anx
iously, to ascertain whether this one has
any better foundation than its predc
cessi irs .
The senate committee on Foreign has rejorted a resolution recit
ing that it is unwise and inexpedient to
consider the annexation of Hawaii; that
the people of that country should lie al
lowed to choose and maintain their ow n
government, and that foreign nations
must keep their hands off. The lH-m-ocrals
of the House Foreign com mitiee
have agreed to a resolution, which will
come up in the House next week, which
condemns the action. of Minister Stevens
in helping to overturn the government
of Hawaii and endorses the principle
announced by President Cleveland that
interference with the domestic affairs of
an independent nation is contrary to the
spirit of American institutions. Sena
tor Vest took occasion to say while the
senate was discussing the resolution:
"I am glad to say, as a IVmocratic sen
ator, that 1 fully agn-e with the pr-si-dent
in the jHisition he has assumed in
regard to Hawaiian annexation.''
1-2,000 People killed.
Sas Francisco, Jan. t2.. Advices by
steamer from China announce thecom
plete annihilation by earthquake of the
lieautifnl city of Kuchan, Persia, con
taining 'JO,(oO inhabitants, of whom
12, (MM were killed. Ten thousand Ixidies
have U'cn recovered. Fifty thousand
cattle were also destroyed.
The district is in the western section
of the valley stretching l-tvv.- n Hazar
Mazjid and Ala Dagh mountain ranges,
from Meshed to Phir van. The vallv
communicates by a pass with the front
ier of the Russian transcaspian territory .
It is an exceedingly fertile valley, wat
ered by the upper A trek river, and thick
ly uotteit with little cities and towns.
The sIojh-s and hills afford excellent
pasturage, breeding forming an impor
tant part in the industries of the jieople.
On the hills and mountains, the herds
are chiclly watched by the Xafaranlu
Kurds, warlike tribes, who while tending
their llocks also used lo guard their se
eluded homes agains' t'.ie- fierce Akhal
Tekke Turkomans. these maraud
ers were suUlued by lot? Russians several
years ago and the valley has lieen un
disturbed until now. Of thi" country
very little was known uutil quite recent
ly. In the years lietween 1"-'7I and 1SS
Messrs. I'aker (oil, O Donovan and Sul
livan made extensive explorations
throughout this region, and it is through
them that any knowledge of that or
tion of Peisia is gained.
A Nt'vr.FKK of jM-rsons were frozen to
death in various parts of Oklahoma, hu-t
week, during a hlizxajd.
MlgMj Marxra Tamed-
Niaoaka Fai.I-s, January :Vi. The
first practical test of the great hydraulic
tunnel, w hich has ln-eii under construc
tion in this city for the past three years,
was made yesterday morning.
This test shows what many thousands
have ln-eii waiting to see a practical
demonstration of the great scheme for
harnessing the terrific jiower of Niagara,
a scheme w hich lias already cost nearly
.in iO, HH. The pa'ier mill, w hich is
the first to get the In nelit of the ower,
is the largest of its kind in the world.
It.- contract calls for ',' ii horsc-iowcr,
one half of which is In-ing used now.
and the cost, including the lease of land
occupied by the mill, is j-r horse
jMiwer it year for twenty-four hours a
day, the cheajK-st. it is said, attained.
The test proved a satisfactory one and
the mill is now in full operation. The
hydraulic tunnel, with a cajmcity ll',
imhi hor-e Mwer, is a success, ami now
there remains only the formal oj-eiiing
of the general iiower house, where o.OOO
horse-Kwer turbines will oerate i'i.IKX
horse iower electric generators for the
tiansmission of j tower in this form.
This oiening will take place on June 1
and it is intend. ti to give the event a
celebration at which distinguished scien
tists, engineers ami state ollieials will lie
The test yesterday was made in the
presence only of the ollieials of the par
mills and the Ii. D. Wood Company, of
Philadelphia, which built ami placet!
the machinery in (Kisition, and Profess
ort'eyclin, the designer of the turbines
used. Not a hitch was made and every
thing ran as smoothly as could lie de
sired. Pig I 'a if road Til reck .Near llighspire.
Hakkisi-.i ki;, Jan. .".. Nineteen cars
ami a locomotive were wrecked near
llighspire a few minutes after C o'clock
this evening by the breaking of an axle
on an ea.-t hound freight train. Diller
ville local freight dashed into the over
turned cars of the other train, ami tin
wreckage of Ixith trains blockaded four
tracks, suspending all travel east and
west. Three passenger trains are lying
at the scene of the accident, and at mid
night the prosjiect of getting trains
through is not bright. Tlm-e wn-cking
crews with search lights are doing their
utmo-t to clear the tracks. John llu
pert, of this city, the fireman on the
Dillerville local, was badly hurt and is
at the hospital. .Hewas theonly jierson
injured. The engine of the west Imund
train was overturned and buried under
adoen cars, yet the engineer escaped
: a. it oi lit it oi
-Tin- Weatlierly silk mill, at llaelton.
which hat l,., n working with hall force
ami le.liu-etl time, started up with full
force (.11 full time.
The S. ran!'. ii laee faitoir ha- jut
eli. -eil a eoiitrai l fi.r pairs ,, :lre
cut taiiis ;in.i in .lav every il.pai l Hunt will
Ii-Ml lite Oil till I time.
K-1 hi ei nor . I. ones K. ( amphell, of
Ohio, wliu is resiiiin:; in York, i- in
straightened circuin-oinees and nnahle to
meet a jiioumeut for $:. ol.i aiiied l.y a
('hie:ii!o hank.
The New Yolk Mari: line exehaile
ntl-ed .!.. II for 111.- fi.lniiies of hiei !li -
cer Mover ami tin- si amen of the Dutch
s-o-amei A iii-tettia in, w ho -ueri ;.-el their
lives in altt lliptllli; to rescue the ship
wrecked crew of the American tisheiinan.
W hile coa-linir down I.i nc.l u reel a t
Sleelu.n on Tin-day ni;:ht. M ra Down-,
atre.l I I. unit Kiii'.-r Allenman au.-d '.. ran
into a ear of the I Hiens" Kl.tlr'e railway,
which wa- Ihmwii fmui tin tiack. The
gill died in tlx.- minutes her injuries
and the l.oy has a had scalp wound.
A family of imiiiiurants who were on
their way lo Texas, cousi-ting of two
children and father and mother, traveling
ilia -;in vas-eovered wagon, were caught
in the recent hlizaril w hilt- several miles
away from Helena. Ark., and were found
hy pa ii shy. A hoy ahout it years old
and a little girl were froze n to Jeath and
the motner and father so badly frozen they
w ill probably die.
There is u-picion of fou". play in the
case of Enoch House kticc tit, of llughes
vilie. ho disappeared under mysterious
circumstances Saturday night. Ilisover
coat was found in an out of ihe way place
in Minify. Iloiiseknech, had cm-i. lei able
money in his pocket, and became intoxi
cated at Miincy. It is supposed that he
exposed his money, and w as put tun 0f 1 1.
way after lieing rotihed.
Receipts and Expenditures
Cambria County, Pa.,
CHAS. f. MAVI-K, i;so.. The ascrkr,
ecu nt uh Cambria County. 1'a.
January iq, iSkjj.
Il.ilanrp in Treasurer's hands at last Dr.
A itiotiot el duplicate lor 113. .. .... 7!73
Amount locni-d hom redemption ul
Am. .nut tei rived triun scatc j ianils lur
i";i and V,2
Am. .miiI ie. eive l tioni unseated lands
lor IS.J2 and 1 V)l
Amount received item Constables l..r
IS..J and pret ious
Aintiuiit in cited lr..iu liquor license l..r
u.-e el county s.jt,i n. Less 1 teas-
uicrs com
Am. .lint received from miscellaneous
2.01.S tS
10,311 7S
i-W 37
C11AKI.ES I. MAVKK. Tkkasi kek
Jamt.iry tj, iSj),
Hy County Orders I'aid:
Audit. irs. County
Auditois, Mate Association
Hoarding I'nsoncrs
t'.UMdllli loldts "
It r id i:r and road Mens
14(11 Is Redeemed
Interest on r.otids " Salaries .nets Clerks
Conim.-sioners t--M-tcs
Commissioners Count:!
Coiiu t rier and Tip-slaves '
Conn II use l-.p, ii u s
( "oIlM.lMcs
I I in. mi! pi, .sc. uli, .us
Com! H.Mivc J.imlor
I istii. I Attoiiiev
Kle,...i,s '. "
-..lessate and,'c . . .
I n.pi is.! u .us
Jail and l.elor
Illdi-Mln; M lluaut- Hook
J o t -Slouels .Hid Clelk .
luiois, tir.iud .
J mors. I i ., rse
I !! I ol s. I .ties, i. . n
M :s, t !!an. ,H,s
I'. ..r I louse I lire, lois
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I'milill)! and S!..i;..lieiv
Koad I i.iniae
Koad t-'und
Kcllilldl!): ..
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tlx 1 . u. at . 1. to 1 -..n-t..: : -
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,,.-;,.,;; 71 t.. 11 . n. I o!Vi le d nn
or U-Iole .-'.! I-!
'I u-.-iirei- i ii- : tH-rt elil.
oil -'.2 . 4 l-e-Ili: all.t. ol lUI.l
1 ale. Sealed .11. -I I lise .led Lands,
ki-.'.elnplloll "I ljnds. received
tl.Mll t oii-l.itiles lor 1-uJ and pievl-
eus. to l avpavers.
l-...iiei.itioiis !i C.iistaLics and
am!, reiiiaiic.iii: in ol Cou-
rre.isiiiet s Cotuiiiissiolis per
nut. . nfr.C-' 77. Iciii: ami. paiJ
01. 1 im-t anil liir aUive
amounts -
l'.al ,i..e ic.-iia-.iiiiu; in hands ol 1 reas-
929 :7
7.I7 44
111. r
ii7i.i-d -i
V S I AKI I S. HJUi AMI l Ki: K it
J, J. KliodV. llllle l.....litl $
C. !. Kvan. Cleaiticld toMUsliip
l-a... J. Wc.klan.l. Cairoil to-AiisKip
I . J 1 I i n ia. 1:111 -ie lioi uiic'i .-
lac Ii I. v ..iiier. !'l:es! lovtlisi.ip
J. ,1,11 A. Si t.i .l., l.oi. 110 U-rouait
Aiis. l. 11 c.ikli.nd.l Kdei towiisliip
A. It. Mai!. I i.iil.t.'m Ioni-lnp
Koi.l. I-., t -t il. Mun-ift lowuship
Samuel IllicV. I llllllclll.lll lownsl.ip ...
L. J. li.alet. Sus.uel.'.illlia low list. 1 1. .
V. K. liuitnell. Suiiu.ierli Illowti-lnp .
.... Millci. Johnstown 1-!. . .
lotlll 1 . I. .lies. - 2lld " ..
'. K. M ilici, Mti "
S. S. Keed. " I at. "
Ld. C. iiiicry " i -tli "
, .till l ox. " lltll "
A.J. llelkev. " slll "
W. II K! tavlor lowiis!up
ion is . l oll. Ii. Adams lowiishlp .
olill U. Muildiv. 1-lalikllll U.roliull .
etei Kellv. lai kson l .wliship
Jo'.ii Kv:.n. I I'l-er r lownsliip
Itustave tt Ise. l.owci I ...l.-l lownsl.i.
II K M. ! It ester. 1 oliell-.aUKli '.t.wusl.lp.
t 'alel. Ktltlel. ! oo:, isdale liotounh
Y II II. wells. i..liillli liorouuti
V I-. limns. M01 icllv die isl waid
W 1. Hotel. " 2.1 waid
I ..111 Kd.lell. " y waid
I'eter ki'llv. .i. ksoll township
loistatc V else. Lower odel lowiisliip.
. Ii. M. A1U-1.cii lowlisiiip .
. I IterkfV. I. nil. I. mil
I". I'. M.llcl. HasllllKS lloUf.h
IC, 1-. West l':.loi lowlisiiip ..
iS in
i-l 72
47 -1
il 2-
i-i 7;
: 1..
1 ;i l
ai -1
2- 1.7
21 01
1-1 4
11 2
I ." 4-1
2 C4
4-1 -o
2 1.1
l . Oo
27i 47
V. 14
4.1 -7
2 . '.
I ll 4'
I 4-" 1
2 7
27 22
Ss .1.
2-i '
y SI AHI I S HiK 1B93.
F. I I ittle. Allt-Klienv iwnstiip i iss ?
I. I. Kliodv. Asimlie hoiouv'ti - s" it
(ulill D. I.alit.-V. Half loulishlp . Itl
Sun. .11 Adams, lilai klu k lowlisiiip l-"
C. ! . !'ouiad, l liesl Springs l.oiouli ... 4 Si
N. J. Hover. Ci.. !e lowlisiiip 2-.G qi
ti. 1 1. I iinle. v liluote I.oioukIi 44 14
I'h il in t iili, (.'lust township fix 00
In... l-inailv. I lean ! iwnship 211 (14
L. . II uiiiplnevs. KlM-nstuin. W . ard ioS 4
r van l I. vans, r.tieiislniiK, r.. Ward ... 11 .11
August Wills, l.oi t-t lo tiotouuh is 2;
In". I tell. I'ortauc township 171 i7
Anselni W eaklaii.l, Kldt-r township 7 (s
Amliu--! Mi t oiinell, l.lllv Im.iouIi 1 00 lel..iel, ll:lsttlls tiolollh Iti2
In., tl'llart. M tinstei t.w nsh ip .. . 01
I-. K. I llittiot-r. I uiiuell.ill 1ioioiiiIi ... . 100 trf,
L, t I. Iialrs, White lowlisiiip 2V. 7:
M I . H'-eis, Keed t.iwnsliip -s 2
tallies oiitel 11 ie, us. pi. -11 a nil a 1)W tlstilp 172 44
Ins. A. W rilit. Siiiiimcilnll lownslup .. 14.
I J. Hants, lohielowu is! wai.l 170
K. . " 2d " 1.: ss
I .1,11 T. M.ntin " td
J. W.S.ese. " "41 l
I lias. 11. W it!. " ;!li
Ctias. II. W HI, " (.th
Ji.sia'i Waters. " 71I1
Vosl II... hstill.-. ' Mil
I'. S, .it. " i,ili
I'. S. l l. ldlii.rt. " ith
I ,1 on
I 2-
221 2-.
40 o
4- y
t - 1 ' 1 1 1 ... 1 . tiiii ....
II. D. I'ltiiikliard. " i.'th "
j..s. S- III .ll, " I4II1 "
M :. I.ael I ot all I " lttl
M tliael I .14 . II. " H.tll
s ; 1:
2- sS
W . W . W oil. " 17th "... 12;
llliam t 11 1 is. Ivu lilatl.1 tow lisltip 142 14
I s. Holt., Stoiiv I leek lowlisiiip . 14
Hell Klt.lett, West lavlor l.iwtlstilli . . l-o OO
A. I. Kauei. l-.a-l l atloi township . .. 'ft or
t 0-0. C. relix. Adams lowusl.lp 171 4s
r.-ter Kellv. ja. kson townsl.i. ... . 12 7.
I denies Wi!-oll. Flallklin Im.iouIi ... 70 4.
Vosl I lot iisl me- . I .er Voder lowllsltip 21.. .
ill lae W cist:. Lower o.ter !. wllslnp. in .
II. K. M. ( lecst.i. Concilia -1 11 It lownslup i,.; .
Wa'ter S.M. I ntd. ooi.eisdale I. .roufh 1 "-i
S. M. Snv-l.-i. K. C,.iici.i:u:i:li hiuoiiti.. . 4
J epli II. K'-o.te.l. I l.ile Loroull
M olnei , Cai 1 ol.tow 11 li..roii ii
!-' H. Kii.:iil:ci. daliitm lioi..i:i:h ...
l.-tin Iti.l-.i. t -tmena tr.tiisiep 40
I. ---e I . Wt.Ocl. S..litl. I' oik iulxlili . vl :
S. M. Li in;, i'oit.iee l.ot..uh . . ' ss
W. I-.. Hums. M Hull.-. 1st Wai.t . l.. t
II. T. if r. Motieilviiie. 2ad Waid . si
H..rt Kll.a lt. Moll- :i ill.-. X.i Waid . 7 7
'1 I10111 , I . illint:. i le.ntlcid township .... 1-7
J..I.I. il..oci. ! aitoii township 141 i
A . Ii. M ..rt. I rt il il 111 low nsi, :p 241
Koi.ti 1 i . Me ei s, W .isliiiiirloii tow iislep 12-
S H l.i.i;..ii, Wcstiti,,!,! i,.,i,,titi ... 40 ix
J. 1-. M, I lol.h. tiliiuif 1 liiil ioi.,ui;h .. 7
i.2Tf -(
M U'NTS Ki t: I. I V K I) K K
V Is I- I 1 Ml't HN HI- LANDS.
M.-. Maiv Monis
s. .!: Kavior ... .
J.-hti T. Han is. Ks ,
K. K. res-well
C. I. M..v. t
Mrs. ll.tnnali K.-i;hald
Satiiu. l 1". Hiown. tiuslee. .
K. C. I Li is . .
I'eter W elt .
K I. K.iv.ot ...
i;e Hel key
D K. Not lev
W il. K ..j.-er . .
K :. l ai d Da is
i, hri-: Sialic
I--. 1 I. I- si. i t
I', mis' !v ain.i Tins! Coinpatiy
lli-im.tii liauiiiei
Kl 7
4 02
21 ..2
774 ''
227 2.
lo .
4 -
il.-4" 41
J. V I i IN t IF I
V. K. Dillon and C. J. Hlair
It. Caldwell
K. I-. SpelK er
h hll M. Kose
M. D. Klttell .
r L NO To OlMklCTS.
AIiville bitnmIi
C:.riiiill(i-Aii Lit.icunh..
CaituJl itiw iisl: ;p . .
C'iu't nsh i j
Cltst .I'linus lriiii;h. . .
C l-;it tici.t tifcuii!p
CrJtj lovkutup
I Kiic lurnii.:h
I'.lx-usltui Itorotitili
KJilrr township
h.itst Cinciti.ut:h Donnish
i,llttzm to-Aiisii-p
.tllltlll tMttoUil
il.tstms iH.roih
Lilly tiofouh
I.oictto iHMoii-h
l'ortai township ...
I'liit.-ic torouh
Ke;iiie township
Richland township
tiimiiurhill 1m trough
Stony 1'iet-k township .... ..
South I'ork borough .
Sustiia-hnna townhip
Ttium-lhiiJ Lt'rUKu
l'per Vuler towuship
limine iMiroujjn
V;shuiton township.
ohnstoun City .
-ovifr Y oiler township
. 00
- 7 00
. . 4fi to
1 I 4 OJ
2 i
114 cv
5.7 00
4'Ji 10
1 1 4 00
. . .42 OO
7 00
0J to
gi2 00
7i 00
1 1 4 (X)
X42 00
22 OO
57 00
2 OO
-7 00
.14-2 OO
j4J OO
4--c 00
7 00
1 14 00
y4 00
2 17 4
114 00
$ 64
J C. arlv. I'rothonotiy, iuiy. and
Ihoiioui.phic icfNiitfti loea. t
M. J), klttell. Costs utiA titwH
V. A. H. Little, pt-i.sion 4.f Heniittta
Tpper ...
J. C. it.til.y, I'rothoiioOry, citjits coin
nioime;tlth vs. lt-o. T. Swnk
S. V. MiIUt. poor tlirertoi, tor mainten
aiucot Kliabeth krauseat 1 hxniout
No. 51. Match sessions tt$ .
I. K. (ltativl. cits ani jail fee and
boarJ uti nm. kulM.-it .
Andrew Uujus. costs. No, ;,i M.irvh ses
sions iVv
A. Ooitcheitv amount lefunded ir Co.
ordt rs issued in mistake
I VK. 1 hittnn, 1 Mr Otiettors s. J.uob
an.! l-i7airth I honins amount co
lerKd. c4; less attorney s tee
KuhX. r.A Neil, I axes collei ted that had
leeii eotierted
losi.ih Waters. Tax.- collected that had
teen exonerated .
No Jiiner-.Mons.Vj: "
J. M. humaker. Mt.i-iJ cists. No'Vi
I line iv;
J. C. Oarhy. !'i,.th'y sis. No. o. June
sessions, iVi .
VV. H. .VihK-f, purchase inunrv n tract
of UidI in ashini;tou tu
J. C. iait y. l'loih , tc ts. No. 37 June
ses ions. tV);
Nos. 1, t u tz. June sessions.
Khza A. i. oij:e. .ui lee
Nos ,y. t7, 1 ;i. 12. 11, x. June s ssi.-us.
Anton keik. Ja:l fee ..
S. . M .ilt-r. 1 lo r l:iectir 4n mir-
tuaKi ol Mary 1 1 "I hmnell
J. C .Dai l. (,sts, Nis. nK c. s,j, Dec
Jaiues I. Vnuti. cosls and tine, N j. iS,
ig, Dtf . M-si'-us
D. M. MttiieL'c. (Auditor (k-dj tate
161 00
2, 00
140 00
104 00
y 00
i t 9.
6So 04
I Ho
u c
07 60
6 Q4
15 00
ti." !
III! (.1
1 OO
yb 00
12 00
316 i6
lb 00
1.1 leiurneu lot VV.
J. M Miumaer. Sherirt, Th. "and" ken",
tee -ri,
' he It lul l :..u --I Iallds
1 Ketorm S. ii.s.I - -'. ....
I l"a. In.'.u-trial Ketoi uiat.iry
. ", .-stein I'a. Hovl'il l
i est. Ill i'. ii.Ieliliarv
. v iii.-ll Slat. Hospital
.. ; . 11. ...I I un I
Thos. HiHjver. 5tearJ of Fnor House,
m.lile- leeived
M D. Kitt. il. Fine and ci.sts.No. S. 1 tec.
m- .iVts. VauicVenef.
et al
J ildi;ilielU. i. V. lune
It-rm. ig',; vs. Jacob
Keitt.. et al
Judgment. No. 4iMartri
se-s , s. Cliaili-s
Kli.niv. el al
I-nie au.l osts. No. it. h liess., IV.JS VS. Kin
met 1 tvsian . .
Judi;meiit. No. 9bj Sept.
J etui I -.1 . v Jii.i, Vih;c1 .
" I'Lltniet:!. N i t.. DeC.
'I ernl. iyt vs. C artiell
J "i.l7lli-lil. N.t. luo. Dec.
l etin iv,; In... t iilardlv
I'al. lu.iumelit.N.i. 4 Mar.
I run, isi2 vs. I. . N.ic-l.
Note v s. t.ett. Kt.rnlj; et al
t. ts. N... to Sept. sess..
Ju.)i:iiielit No. 4H Dec.
Icnii 11 ts. I Vnuis lara-
Judgment No. 102 Dec. term
I si ; is.Mcvt- Novak . .
Judgment Ni uq. Dt-c.
teim iv,;vs. Kimia.1 Kti
' teis et al
Judgment No. 4. Dec.
teim is. vs Jno. Staunton
etal ..' .
" Judgment, N. 101 Dec.
term ii. vs. Jas. Mc-
Kmv et al
ludKment. No. Dec
teim florin;? rial
" Judi:iiieiit, No. g4. June
t.-tlll H)2, vs. Kiclt Kuti
die et al .
" l'.al. I udejiiciit. No. iS
1 1. c Icnii i-ni vs. Krnest
isscl et al
" Kal. ju.lcnieut. No. 2i2
Seit- lerm ist, vs. C. F.
l'ciklcy et al
" l'al. judgment. No. 2.
De. teim lv,i. vs. Finest
issei el al
Hal. jlldcmetlt. No. in
Se.t. teim ivi. s. W. It.
100 30
77 20
22 94
60 4 ;,
64 02
23 S
73 14
54 40
5 37
16 30
22 11
17 2t
35 S
22 77
27 7
55 34
14 Ki
33 M
3 9
17 o
64 54
t o..r et al
Judgment. No. 20. I lec.
tel l. 1 1-). VS, C. luoldsbv
Note. vs. John Becker
,'t C.StS
M. D. Kitlel!. Costs. No. 44 Sept.
22 70
Sess. K1, VS. Jos.
A. Noel - t
54 7
" 4 in account inurt-
i;ae vs. I - K. and
( alii. MiCloskey..
20 00
I in account note vs.
A. I. W all ctal. tor
costs I 91
Hal. mortgage, vs.
..s. and Sarati Anu
M.iIcoiiisou 14 43
I in account judg
ment. Nr. 476 Mar.
let 111 l-o?. A, J.
W all et al 20 00
Hal. note. vs. John
liradlcy et al. costs.
No. 4i. Sept. ses
sion l2 4 47
III lull note, vs W ill
T. Adams et nl..
Costs, No. 2s March
session iKi 21 so
" t in account note,
vs. Flla Hoover 20 00
" in acc't note, K.M.
Stewart .T7 1;
I in a. c't note, W.
( iilespie 34 65
tin acc't note. H.
F. Kager. et al 5000
ludttuient No .9
S.-pt teim, iHi3 vs
John Keam et al . 20 00
Costs No 3i. Mar.
sess. iW3 vs lotin
I'yitie . 50 CO
" Judgment vs ohn 22 00
In lulliio lets I'eter
Kavlor. costs
20 92
' Fine and costs. No
7, I ec term .
533 bu
i 9V 5
4ti ,2
Less : jer cent comniision
LANDS. lHfU AND 1892.
ihtntt KmJ School
Adams titwnship S 1 20 f 1072
A lit ,te tow nship 1 ? H ? 2t i
Ash v ille lioi"oiijh 77 2 ; townstiip (12 iS 3. W
I'.taiLluk township... r(22 S
i ainUna township..- 400
I atioil township ti v 77 00
Chest township ijoo 14 Co
1. It-artu-lil township 11 o 17
l om-maui:h towiirvfup. ... y S4 ;i
Cr. Ie township 20 S 10214
Dean township cj V 14 s
Klder township 42 7 22
i i.ilhtin township 2 00 K 22
tia.littn lorouyh 1 10
H '.iis lMH4niyh 5,17 121 kstU liKAtlshl, 1 1 22 20 'ii
l.illv lwioujh - . $o 1 40
MoiielU lile loioui;h 70 7; )
Munster townhip 2 ll
J'oitaue township c. Oo j 77
kea le t iunship.. 15 10 hj
Sumiiii-iMll townstiif th cS 107 M
Sin tjiii haiiua township . 22
V ahuijton township - ; 7 ; 70
White trwii-stnp lvi; 4042
I ppel ode l ttiwiishlp 1 SS 24
I owcr ' oler townMnp 1 2.
Mnii C reek township o b c.i
I'olt.tue miiiili;i . . 20 Z.O
LliUellhlll Lk I itUh b 9
KD LANDS. 1812 AND 1893.
Adams ttwnhip $ soS 2f $ 304 ifi
I'.arr township 2 o V
Itiatkhi k township ... 14C 24 io; 22
Caiu!i ia township 2 3; 1
Caimll township 22 4 12 Vi
hest towuship. . 07 1 32 671 52
( leartteld township o (jt 7S 7
Coiientaucli township . . t4 iS 2 2
Ci ie township t 12a 22 S2 (
Dean township 317 g; 4.. cS
K:ist J altir township 4S us tn fi
I Id r township . 210 Hij 104 70
alhtin township 40C vs V4 10
J. u ksou township . C2 21) 42 2
1 ower oder township 4 4S 107
Tortaye township ,4 04 07
Keade township 112 07 s 57
Siimmt ihill township ;j 20 tj n
I pp.-r oder township g 41 11 4;
Washington township 171 7;
W est 1 a 1 or township 23 61 C7
W hite township 10 93 1;
.v(;v4 7 5irv-) (.6
udi;ment vs W. Sienets and Lucy Keoeh.S
MiUimcc. vs J..I.11 K. M. Lloskcy et al
vs FlialH-th and CasiK-t tieote.
vs Mataiet Diaz el vir . ,
vsF S. M. Caitnev, David Faloon
and W. C. Sexton
" vs I'eter Mctiuue
vs James II. Clai k and F.dw Claik
vs Caion la.ahey ...
41 Hi
( 47
41 17
04 09
62 H3
( . ; z,o
41 "5
3." 00
lot 10
lb 36
40 00
27 o
45 51
55 4
3" 44
70 75
a.j. Walt and John M . Watt..
' ts II. J. Haiti . .
" vs John Keam anil Stewart V.
vs Albert Clonk and F. N. Hutk
" vs lohn Vaumtsky and Ann
vs IS. J Mi Feely and A. J. Fairel
vs II. F. Kagcr aud Sadie F..
' vs I a'tfcis Wiss
' vs Michael Douimho, V. J. Dou-
noho and W. Cainey
vs F. W . Waiiuci aud Joliu FUls-
40 13
ot4 20
Simon Adams lilacklick township
34 03
o 01
31 ib
45 17
bo 17
I2S 37
270 27
45 11
27 92
2S 20
19 24
43 22
10 03
7.? 32
72 31
111 t4
3" 4b
lb s.2
-1 4
70 bo
12- W
142 74
I09 1
135 C5
07 41
l.3o 24
J. I. rrinnle, Hmore Imrouli
rtulip (iill. Cliest township
Thad Delozier, Hastings borough
F. H. K itunKer, Tunuelhill toi.ueh
August McCoinicll. Lilly borouch
lames Somerville, Sus.ucrititia township
Joseph A. Wright. Sumnierhill township.
Chatles H. Witt. Johnstown th ward..
Yost llochstein. " Kth "
F. S. Fieidhott, 9th .
ieorc;e l.iltiuer. nth
Joseph S. iirown " 12th "
W. W. Wool! t7th
.s.-ph lioltz. Stonvcteek towuship
len Kiblett. West Talor township ...
A. J. Kauer. F.ast ralor township
I'eter Kellv. Jackson township
yst H.x hstein. Cppet Yodel township,
(uslavc eise. Lower Yoder township. .
Michael Zolner. Carrolltown borough.
F. It KinitiKer. (.alhtzin borough
S W'. Long, i'lirtage borough
W K. Harues. Mot rellville, 1st ard..."."
D. T. VA eir. Morrellville, 2nd ward
Hart Kiblett. Morrellville. 3d ward ... "
I homas (iattniKs. Cleaitieid township
John II. H. Mitel. Carroll township ....
Anselni Weak land. Flder township
A. H. Main, liallitzin township
KotH'itC. Mjeis, Wa-hitigtou towuship.
2,7S 02
X I V-.f. A.-I..1I1.. I .1.
. I ..n... ...a ,nr,l,U;il .................
C D kvan. Ileal held township
I. t ll ... I. I . o . .
... 105 57
220 3
.-. 1 r.i i.tii.i, v.arroii lownsrnp....
I' I' Miller. Ilatmcs btirouch
I'll 1 1 ip I'tit. h. Washington township
1. I Hearer, Sus9iiehauna township
ohu D Jones. Johnstown 2.i ward
I'orter K Muter " bth "
A J ISetkey, " sth
F.d l imnery " loth
VV 11 k ill..., K,. -r..i . ,1.;.
47 49
.. 22b 7
5 9b
... 200 75
22 IO
--- 33 49
... I i M
15 OS
... 100 00
2 90
1 3 .V)
- . 43
... 71 17
94 00
... si S7
40 34
... 40 4b
2.lll 47
J mas W Folic h Adams township
1 ....... t ..11.. 1- 1... . ..
i-.c-i Mieitn iowtisiiii..
lotin Keam 1.
I. lioyer. MoiielHille. 2nd ward
Ait hie Fanel l'rosect
A J IteikcY. Johustown, Mh ward
Neil Doiau. " loth ward
K W 1 -vioxier, Clcarheld township
60 licenses in city at Svo S 30.000 00
r . I. . . . ... I.. . . . . . .. 1. . tf . r .-, h . ....
n 24,000 Graduates. A High Class Commercial School.
Thl Institution ban t.laeHl mre younc n-n nd women In lucrative position
H than n ther Otniinerelal Sehttol In the country.
H Send lor our new Illustrated Catalogue, mailed fw. Adilrti
7 In etises iu townl ips at S7
S ut'scqucnliy grante.1
One-tilth lor use ol county less Treas-
uier's commission J 2ti
5 pet relit, ou 1.000 S sj 00
1 pet t ent, on S 1,000 100
5a per ceut. on balance 31 30 91
Balance due county
- 9- s.i'i
ld Ul.ES.
I- I. Little, Alleghenv township Jf 17 4.
I. I. Kliodv. Ashv llle lioroiiEh 4-'
joi.u D lanlzv, iiair township
Simon Adams, lilacklick towuship .
Sleidieu Conrad, Chest Spunks boiouh.
N. J. liuvcr. i'tovle township
t.eoige D. I'ntiKle, W lllnoie lM.roui;li. ...
Fhilip (iill. Chest township
lotin t-iuucilv. Deau township
K. W. Humptnev. Flienst.uii:. W. waid..
K. D Fvaus. FtK-iisl.uig. F. waid
Aug. W ills, lanetto borough
James 1 loll. I'ortagc township
1 had Delozier. Hastings Unottgh
lohn ll'llara. Munster tewnstup
F. II. Kimuger, I iinlielllnll boiough . .
L. . liates. V hllc township
M. Ii. ltetrts. Keade town-hip.
i allies Soniinet ville,Susiiiehaiia township
oset.h A. Wright. Summeii.lU townsi.ip.
. I Harris. lohlistowu 1st waid ..
K. .. Miller,
2nd waid.
John J Martin.
J W . Seese,
Chailes H, VYitt.
losiah Watets.
Yost Hochsteiu,
F S. Fried holt.
f.eorge liillengt-r.
lames S. liiowu,
11 ll. Fi uiikhaid.
James S Htowu.
Muhacl Logau,
W W . WiMill.
31.I watd .
4tl. waid
(th waid . waid .
71I1 waid
Mh waid
9th waid
loth watd
1 ith ward
1 21 ti wal d
I tt ti waid
14th waid
1Mb waid waid
17th ward .
lllram Mris, Kictilaud township
loseph Hoitz. Stony Creek towie-hip .
A. J. Kager. Fast Taylor township .
I. eotgeC. Felix, Adams lowiishlp
Cliailes Wilson, Fiauklin boioiigh ...
I'eter Kelly, lackson townsh.p
ost H.m hsteiii. Cppci li oder town-hip .
II. k. McClccstcr. Ci.nemattgh township.
Walter S.McCutdy, Coopersdale Ih.ioiiIi
S. M Snvder, Fast (.'olieiiiaugh l.oioilli
las 11. Rhodes, Dale boiougli
John W Tudoi. Cambi ia township
lesse K. Weaver, South Folk bo lough . .
W . F burns, Moiiellville 1st waid .
D T Wier, " 2d ward
Hart Kiblett. " 3d waid
l'tiomas t iattings. Clcarheld township
Johti 11 Hi ovei. Can. .11 township
Auslem Weakland. Fldet township
A II Martz. (.allitzili township
K. C Mets, W ashiniMon township
S titilcjorv. Westlllollt la. lolllih
J F Mciiough, Siiiiiinei h ill lutrougli .
M Zolner. Cairolltown .
h It Kiuiuger, liallitiu boiouh
S W Ixaig, Foitage I . .1 . .11 1 1
liustave eise. Lower Yoder township .
Amount remaining iu hands of Trcns-
uier at settlement
Amount due tram 1 oiistal.W-s .
Amount ducCouuty on 11101 tgages and
. 1;
4 ..'111.
12.1. I
I - ... ... ,
4' 1
Am'juut ol Assetts over Liabilities. '
Amount id outstanding oidei- . .. i
due Distil, t tor Seated and
Cnseated lands
due Individuals 011 redemp
tion ot lands
I liitstaiiding bonds
" due estci 11 I'en it ut :ai v
due bal. oil 1'nde.c at I'
" nt Aj.pi .-Pi lat ion to l-iauklii
Ih.h.uiiIi lor Lie. ti. 11 h.'U-.e
ot outstanding tl!N I. a
otdeis have not et IhcU
Assetts over Liabilities
12.1 '1
4 ."(I.
(men under our hand; at the Cuit Hot;-.-,
Fl.eiisburg, I'a . this 2MI1 .1 iv ..I I nitial . A D.
iv,4.- w t: I'd- KK . j
I W ill . , All l:te.
V J lii.MS. S
Attest: C.I. 1. A. kiNklAh. 1 in..
Receipts aEfl Eipcntiitnrcs
Poor ani House of Employment
Cambria County, Pa.,
I.11.1 C
I so ,
hi trty.
1 lea-iiii-r o
To amount ol Keijuisition lot ivj3.
Ki eived ot S M. Mill,
Maiitaineuce ..I Flo
, 1 1.
kmu-4- at Divmont
Keened ot D F. Diittoii.
'ii.igmeiit ot Jai-.-li and l .ha--th
lhoiiia. 14. less
attoiiiev s li-e: i t-n t.i
ke.eued of S W. M.llcl
Moltg.ige ot Mary 111 lolillcM.
Keteived ot 1 ho-. Hoovel.
Stewaid money tc.cncd 1 1 1 .in
vanous SOUICCS
tH. 04
3 nc.
lik. 2r
..s ;s 1.1
Ital. due I'ooi and llouseol luiiployment ?
CHAKLFS J. M A Yl'K. Tteasui.r
January a, .ts.
Hy bal. due at last settlement
Itv Iklit ks I'.vii. :
Steward's Salaty
Matioii's Salai
House Servants
hariuer's Salai y
Coal and Lumlier
I ivei v
W heat
Live St. k
I'tiysician at ll..iis-
Fhyiician. 1 1. 1 . Y
Ciirtitis at House
Cottins t. D. I'
C!onstables aud Justice lees
Warren and Dim..iit lu-am- slums
Kellel and Kxeus-s, t. 11. 1'
Faiuting House-
Fertilizer and Maiiuie
Bal. due I'oor aud llouseol Fiiiployiuciit.
ti.07 ;
, - '
t 2-..e
fiiven under our hands at the Court II
FlHTUsbuig. 1'a.. this dav ot lalitlaiv.
'ii-i at
A. D.
W t . II KK .
I W. DM I .
W. J. H INI S.
KlSkl Al.. Cleik.
A ud tors.
Attest : (iEo. A
Keiirt ol Thos. H.H.ver, Stewaid of I'oor and
House ot Fmplov incut oil aii.lnia ( ..unit I.i
5 head horses, 13 niikh ( h, a l ol beef
cattle. 4 young cattle. 1 Holstein bull. 14 shoals, iti
chickens, b tut key s.
So tons ol hav. Ito bushels heat. 7; liu-liel- 1 e.
So bushels buck-wheat. - bushel- 11.1I-, ioie lu-U
Corn, 750 bushels .tat-.. 3.2 vi head- 1 aid. age.
Kil l I D UN FAKM.
7Ho lbs. 4.(174 lbs. beet.
Adults, male in the hou-- 72
Adults, leinales 111 the house 21
Average iier month
No. at la-t report
Admitted duimg year
Iird J urine year in the hou-.
Kt'inatuin, J.iiiumi y i, 1 J4
So. oj meals ci-n t tratnj. duriiii; rar...
AKTICI-KS M WTKACI I K I.I , ..n I ..u,K .
7 larrcls kraut. V4.) lbs. Itittr. b i:ai!n- lai-1.
tlirrtls WMp, o. nili.u 2 vlll'l In. v ImN-
knt, 41- hrm I. 22 tw vl, 1.1O iiu-n'-A (iiH'., (jvi
apiius. 10 Lmmiets, 40 rs. .mcu' tins'. 4(1 pis. '
liu-u's S4M.Lh. 20 pr. liiitttlie, lo tc-.ittu 1 i;I1ih.
lanicl Mclntire. Tat keoitt.. l'al Valtu. '
J4iur Uurujk, Ami Jitiunttiu Lliza MtRiuzuj
y f
Ma had MaVv. K..I.1. ..- il..,, ...
Weakland. K.!get M. lifde. 1 1 aid. K . ,
Oilman. Ftiiih.i Conn, Wiiiiam Kr!!!,
Se'd-t'i k. l-iaitk Vaik-. 2 ml. Hit- ..) M..
I till. .Ill et Allllli
I hi mile.
I'l ii iK M 1 III il si
I I v
n HI Ml I .
I'etet Mciiough
I.i. oti Tlioiiia-
J- inaliiie) lame--
1.1 :!-.! I
l 1. Iiai d t Iw.-iiv
I'.h.i 1 Inc. I. .is ..I Cleaitle'.d I .. .
" I laapliiu t o
1NSI RAM 1. l 1'Kol'l- K I
1 11-11 1 an. c Co. Noith Ameina. I.ukx ;o; 1
w agon bed-.
In 111. 111. i t ... Not t h A met 1. a. I1..1; .-
Ilia, h IIH-I V
I Itlelil. ot Haiti.. id
hou-e and i .ilili-lit- .
-'ilea--li .-I I'hti.idelpl.ia, li.iti-.c. .
( and.) ia M lltual. . oiitelils .. i.aiu
I .eiiii.tli. 1'liiladi-ipi.ia, and till
licll.iatl i'ltt-ltulg.
Sun I- 11c ol I .olid. .11, "
lii-itiati. 1- I ... N..ttli Allien, a. tunc- I. ,;
s; (.7
37 '.4
2 4"
47 U
17 37
2. 2(t
17 t.l
It! Mi
3 4"
2 Oil
Ho J.
I. 1, 9H
20 - I
t2 a.
t4 34
21 I 27
m. (.7
1 1 7
s- 4.,
21. -3
i... .( ;
o. is
c, r-c
V. 73
107 02
7 9
2i 1 ;
S"l ?!
m 44
t2 l3
J.i2 93
1 r 1
2II 14
4,: ...
II. 1 :
ti 14
MHMI S KI.I I IM Ii l: Mil.- . ,
lallle llllillll. lot M-ll-i..ll
I'cllMoll ol lllli;h K.-l'-l-
! K..g, 1 M
Liquor Licenses.
91 .
"i .
27 '.4
19 31
c; 10
3- 7
' t v
4 23
21 40
47 o"
1 ;
.,s s;
77 7s
17.. 2-
1 ; 02
H 21
I 1 03
92 ill
lo '12
I 4-' ''I
Notice is hereby given Unit the l..ll,, n t
plli-Mln.lis lor liiplor lu-ellw, hate Im-cii u
t lie eftlee ot 1 lie t ' lei k ol the loiiit ..I 1.
Sesi-ioiiH of Camhi iu eoiiiitv. I'a.. aii.l i'i
J. relented hi Ihe said court lor il eot.-i.lei ,1
on Monday, l-cbi nary inth, 1-m
A-ll II l l: I.UK..I 1. 11.
Let i 1 In Kelt ,
.litmes llanllll
1. i. Myei 1 ,'
Harry A .Luther ,,. ,
' A ii 111 ' I. I.'l . . W N lli.unl .. II .
I'.. A . Ilium l i i.. .
'. A . I amhaith I 1. . 1
Altcrt Flick 1. ;
loll II i lil-ser r. t.i
.loli 11 .1 . Hank 1, -, .
Andrew II. Ilauk 1. ! ,.
.1 ulitis I,. met j , ; ,
Itelg ,V .1 VV . i Hil, II li.
llleenl .1 Stolt ,, 1 ,
l.Hwreliee Selilolh i, iu
e V 1:11. .1.1. 1 o s-h 1 r.
WilMam I'.row 11 i,-t .
.lotin I . '1 holiius r.-l 1 .
Matthew W.akl.-ii (,u
. IIK-T S1-11IS..S -..i;i.l ell.
W llliam .1 . 1 1'Doiineli 1,..;,
1 H l.T ToVt N-H I I.
John It Cornell i, t . ,
.l.c.h Itlpps (! 1
hai e KIi.hIv . ... 1 .
i 1: A liKI KI.H 11 IH -ll I I-.
I.eore Urn her 1, : ,
S I". Naglr i.-i.,. 'Hut -iiii'.
S . V. A 11. lei sou i. r .
John H :iark ... 1.1..
William K I'linlialil n- .
I till i,.-.,.
'I' F. IIomiii-II 1.
M. Winters Urns,.
2 .
! .1 . I.. eckley Ll.
j I It A N T..M Vsll I r .
S. A I '.i.t 1. I
r. a . 1 1..11.1I1HV 1. ,
j Will lam I i. nv.ler j
; ri.i ssiii i;i; la.iini 1.11. fast vt vuo
j J . Ti . I i.-iiiiv 1 ,. .
I KIIKN-Ill III. I'.nlilll l.ll, K- r W - A Ii I'.
A lla-i t K . lU-u.ler . :..
I'. K. Iirown 1.1
I.. A . ClMVef 1. '
I 1. 1.1. 1.1: 1 ou nii 1 1-.
' .1 a cob V . A ni.H 1 '
1 Flanci-s X 4 tt 1. ' .
1. At II I I X U .llOli. II.
Fl aiu-is X llurk i"t .
It. K. Iliguaii i.-l.
j ".arles I ii.i 1 , 1 1
Michael I llhanis 1.;
j I-', r. i.iil.-n 1. :
.1.. M . iimiiiig 1 -' .
All.-ll II. Heist
L. Il.i-.ti-r I'.iew nig I'linipaiiy.
. A 1 1 1 ... I l,en
li l.ut - A Son
lohll labile
A III holiv F.-nl'.la
I I. C It.K-keleller
j Hem v sey inure
... f 1
.I...II .
VI li. u--.-t
. . . Wlini.-.l
Henry shook.
lieorge eckley. Jr . ..
I, 1. 1. IT. I H ToWNsHIl'.
John A. Met u ire
II ATI M.s Itiilint'i.ll.
F. L. I'.e.-kw ith
S. II. Charles
Marshall .ll.alrick
t'harle- Kim-ey
Anil re. 1 . h 1 1 ', v
I lini-i K. Nagie
M l. Ii.iel II . Nsgle
M . 1. N
I . M. Not lev
John A I'atU
.I..I111 A . I'lai!
av llliam 'I .w ii-einl
Fl ank arga
1 iikhtii Ki.iioi 1. 11 .
C. I". 1 .'Ii.. un. d
I. II. I I IIOIC'I l.ll.
Andrew l!ir-t
tieorge Itrant
Cam -
i.laiii-s A. Hulk
C A tge
, Olio F. lleilv
I II lair sholt
I KoUti Smitl
'l lieiloie Se II
I Cornelius Muthi-arn
I'A TT I IN 111" lloll. II
j II. . lin k
.lohn F. liniiiiei' .v. .los. F. Marks ..
' F. II. Clirrall
j Samuel hellv A John 15. .vi e
i .lohll K ll. Il lltl
'diaries A. L.iiiglH'iii
K A. Mellon
J M Kol. iiisou
j Walter .1. eak land
1 sin. tin M . iKon
' W I,
'u I
i (14 .,, ' 1'eter 1'. fining t
I 1-. 11:1 vi. v. e..i:i n . . 11 .
John Armstrong
. tr. 00 lohn I- . liritei ...
l-i tnj I Hugli anavan
24- on j Albeit Dielil
241 " I I in v ul W Martin
-'77 s I'eter Sevinoiir
li. W Shlltler...
i-..i:tai.i: T..HS-II1I-.
William II . F.dwaids
.1. V . Fi aney
i.k v lr row h-ii . f.
.1 Wilvoii Allen
W ill mm A 'hiinin
lol:n McMlllleu
Mieha.fl Schell
si-am. 111: iiiii;i.i i.H .
Francis II . Ceaif r
4" K'
219 Ml
922 ill j
122 79
2'll 1.2
2tl on
441 9-
I- .0
2-o l.) j
,0 ' tSei.ige H. liiHiidoll
449 .0 I .latum A. Kukpatiiek
' Fre.1 l.'i.ilelill..
5 I M.C. Westoter
s l VI vt t: 1: 1 1 1 1 1. I.. l;i 'I .. 11 .
J01111 (.littith
' 1 j Fiancix Kurt
"o . .I.,,n 1. y eiiiioth
10 j M SI..I 1.11 M ToU -H -II 1 e.
Q9 , Th...s I'.row 11 .V Jos . II . Spelce
I .IH1-1.1, 1 . Conner ....
lohn II i I It-.
I Son. ,11 I'. I.antrv
1 ll'-nr M'-Ai.ullv
W I..
KoIm-i t K. Not lev'
M. mklai..i
Tt H HI I II 1 1 1. la. Ilol I II
.'"M-ph 4, . Kelt lain
John i;
lohn J . K limey
U .1. Flunked
W Aslll M. TON 1!IWS".llr
Frank l.fap
Martin laMp
I: I . Likens ,
H . .1. MeX I i -
Thomas I linen
w 11 iti: 1 1 it ami r.
Kii Smith
WII.M1.IIK l-.i'llol ..II
I . W. Holder
Conrad V eli.lerot li
. III."
.!('. HAIU'.V,
Flonl.urg. !'., Jan. 27. ls;i.
Clelk '
S' M.)Im- t'fvi r. ' ''
imU'Tt-4 Isrtu r. f " -' ;
rart ft tfi' I". ?- '"" ' J '
our l.utli-. 4 l
KriKht "
Ur nt (in ' " ,
ltl limr, we waTiui"
U4 4 I ' " : ' .
t.irv. liUlK 1 1 ' ( .
MV" "' ,
fuDilt-U 4r uti"!'' ' , ,
Itnttixi r I " '" '"
I lie I 1
; Vv t ''V -
T I'Mti tit 1 -.-:.. -t 1 r " '
l.i .. in Urn I - f " .
K l. ...... 1
H-n.l -... ..lit' ' ..
LlWA. f4-
71 With M . H
!fvral t.f k nr Im.nI himnfl are Velt-kn -W'tl
nil.urit imh.pIs. They can ami will r'iu"""'
l.ibfrtv SIi.m tMiiM theT iivi worn
I e want t fll more. Wnu ' l"f i,ur '
l.voi tint thr diuimi.1 Hkhm) In your l-"u
whom we reler.
lit ) I
-4 tlad
2...'i fiAJsivi
! 1
I -