The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 26, 1894, Image 2

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    I'M-ibxfa freeman.
Ki!c'nrun. campkia .. ia.
fi: 1 1 . Y.
JASl'AKY :. 1v).
SVKHiY li: rstimatrtl tli:it cvory
111:111 w!n lives ti It' '.) vc.'irs old li:ts
PjM'iit scvfti months- buttoning 1 j is
Tiik short crop of ii-v ihis year is suit I
Ik ! tlu' to the tinkering villi tlie tariff,
l'niviili'tue eli.seil tluvvii hei frt't-ziiiy;
nim hiiiery an.l is waitinjr to see if she
must eontenil with elio:tp C'un:iilian itv,
There slmiilil hy mruns lie ;i generous
tirotection trivcti to iee.
Fko.m the present outlook ( ieneral I.
II. ll;istin.i;s, of I.ellefonte will have no
ojH.-ilion for the Ki ,ulli :m tioniiim
tioiiifur governor next full. He can tle
x'iul fora eeitunity, on receiving the vote
of the tit It cafes from t'umhria this time
mill for this he should he thankful.
The I ieuenil w ill, however, le n little
wary ulmut eoniitiiit; (.'umhria's ileleya
lion until after tliev vote.
Tiik I'nited States now ixisseK the
deeju-st metal mine in the world. Shaft
.5, of the Tmi!tr:ek ('op)ier Company of
Mi-hi'' n, havin'' 'rea.'hed depth tf
",7lH feet. There is only one deepe
shaft in exislenee that of a roal mint'
in I'.eliiiuni which is .'i.'.KHI feet dee
hut as the Tamarack shaft is jushin".
downward at the rate of 7" feet 11 montt
the Ill inium, mine will prohaoly soon
U- distanced.
Onk of the treat contentions of pro
tectionists is that a liitili tariff makes
liijk'h washes. They consiile: their case
proved when they show that waes are
higher in the I'nited States than they
are in free trade Knland. They ijnon
the fact that wattes are lower in every
eotinlry of continental Kuropt than they
are. in Kni;land, and that they are low
est in those countries which have th
highest tariffs. If the protectionists ar
Himii'iit were sound, waives would In
higher in Spain than they are in tin
I'nited States.
InhiUMVUun has been reeeivetl from
Washington continuing the report that
Chairman Wilson, of the ways am
means committee, is in very poor health.
Mr. Wilson suffered a severe hemorrhagt
a few days ago, hut physicians who havi
iecn caiieil 111 say tliere is no serious
lung trouhle, and that his condition is
due to the severe strain under which lit
has been laboring for several months
Ho ajid Mr. Tarsney contemplate a ti ij
10 r.urope as soon as tlie tanlt Mil is
disposed of. The trip will he made sole
ly for rest and recreation.
1'kksioknt Ci kvu am on .Monday sent
to the senate the nomination of Wheel
er II. Pcckham, of New York, to he as
sociate justice of the supreme court of
the I'nited States.
Wheeler II. 1'cckham is a hrother of
Judge Kufus I'eckham, of the New York
court of appeals. lie was appointed dis
trict attorney ly Mr. Cleveland when he
was governor of New York, hut suhse
iit ntly resigned. Although the New
York, st t: 1 tors declined to talk, it is un
derstood the nomination is distasteful
to them, hut that they would have heen
glad to have seen the name of the hroth
er sent in for the place. The indica
tions seem to he that the Hornhlower
struggle will lc renewed against this
Tins year, says the J.ellef.inte Y,i), l, -limn,
the Fchruary election will have in
troduced into it an element that will lie
entirely new to voter-!. For the first
ti me in the his-lury of the state w ill they
be called Upon todeteriiiine a state ques
tion at a township and horough election.
Kv cry hotly of intelligence knows that
the Ki pul. In an party is responsihle for
this irregularity hy reason of its uncon
stitutional nniissiK -s in not properly re
apportioning the state; and the same
party that has heen guilty of this fault,
w ill endeavor to make this irregular state
election an occasion for maintaining
their monopoly tariff ijiiestion at the
The distressed business condition w ill lie
utilized as an incentive to the voters to
east their hallots for the high tariff can
didate for eongressman-at large; hut it
can have hut htt'e effect upon intelligent
Hiftrugis's who know that the Mck'inley
tariff, which the llcpuhlicans wish to
have sustained hy xipular expression at
the Fchruary ixills, hul more to do with
hringing on the business depression
than any other cause.
Fortunately, the Wilson tariff hill can
not U- affected in any way hy votes east
at this late stage of the iiiestion.
1 1. .. . I I .1 . -,,
i.- me m i me on me tarill lull on
Iuestlay the Hon. J. I. Hicks, of this
district in his efforts to have the tariff
of T" cents a ton on coal retained, dt
nounced the Wilson hill as an unjust
and discriminating measure hy striking
at the farmer, hy the admission of wool
and the various products of the farm
free of duty, hy striking at the mechan
ic, hy the admission of manufactured
articles free, and now at the miners of
the country hy placing them in comr--
tition with the cheap coal and lulior of
Nova Scotia. In f-ur orling 1 he free
listing of coal Congressman Mitchel read
from the hearings on the McKinley hill
he fore the ways and means committee
in IMH, the testimony of Hon. (iahisha
A. (Jiow, of Pennsylvania, the present
nominee of the licpuhlicans of this state
for Congn ssman-at-large, in favor of re
moving the duty from coal. Mr.
(irow told the committee that coal
was mined cheaper in Pennsylvania and
Ohio than in foreign countries and that
the only reason for the duty w as because
of the freight rates. He said if the
American and Canadian duties on coal
were removed, the I'nited States would
command the markets of Canada west of
.Montreal, and that we would supply
with coal 10 sjuare mi led of territory
where the Nova Scotians supplied one.
Congressman Hicks and candidate
tirow, both stalwart Republicans differ
very radically in tLeir viewstf protection.
Tiik St. Louis I!pvhli' in comment
ing on the advice, the Protective Tar
iff League is giving to voters to semi a
jMistalcard to congressmen urging them
to vote against the Wilson hill, thus
trims up the League. I nnsylvania
manufacturers have leaned so long on
bounties that they are behind hand in
shrewdness. Their hoggishncss has
waxed, hut their invention has deterior
ated. The protective League is a litera
ry bureau which supplies by the thous
and editorials for the Kfpublican press,
tracts, leaflets and appeals, 't in' bureau
began to be active in literary work jn.-t
after the defeat of the Mills bid by the
Republican senate. The t.irift reform
c:iuse has grown faster In the five years
since 1S than in the '." years preced
ing. The Protective Tariff I-eague has
wastjd enough paper and jiostage to
have sent a ISihle to every family in
America. And as far as the record
shows it has not made a vote for Mc
FC inlcyism.
Its latest scheme is an inundation of
piper slips which convey this appeal:
'Send a postal card to your Congress
man to day urging him to vote agaiti.-t
the Wilson free trade bill."
If the Protective Tariff League had
not a fatty degeneration of the brain it
would not spend thousands of doilars
for such a purpose. An immense ma
jority in one House of comjrcMS and a
safe working majority in the other are
pledged to vote for a reform bill, and
the only complaint the constituents of
these majoriti'-s are making is that the
Wilson hill is not free trade enough.
That is the complaint about the bill, and
the complaint about voting is that a vote
has not already heen taken. If evvry
Republican voter should send on his
postal card not a congressman would pay
any attention to the nonsense. The Re
publican congressman would join his
I Vinocratii: colleague in joking at it.
These millionaires who can throw
away money so freely have made more
trouble for labor, have made more cuts
in wages and have had around them
more distress than all the other employ
ers of the country put together. Penn
sylvania lalmr troubles are chronic.
High tariff.; do not prevent them and
low tariffs do not aggravate them. Thev
go on month in and mouth out cut.
squeeze, quarrel, lockout, walkout and
sometimes bloodshed.
Such an- the Pennsylvania backers
of the Protective Tariff League. They
are the men w ho hastened a panic by
strangling trade and taking the incomes
of families; who by grinding labor mailt
enough to pay for the carloads or leaf
lets which go impotently (lying through
the country.
They are not half as wise as the home
market they seek to gull. The horn
market is stocked up w ith undistributed
wealth which it isttying to sell to other
matkets. It is not sending postal cards
urging congressmen to vote against trade
ind distribution. The home market
would rather take the word of Carnegie
to the effect that the Wilson lull is not
going to hurt iron odiictioti, though it
may cut down the profits of a few played
out mills. It would rather listen to
Macbeth of Pittsburg, who says that
Vmerican manufacturers can compete
w ith Kuropcan trade centers.
The Wilson bill is here to le voted
on, and the country wants a vote on the
lines laid down at the election, and
wants a vote hcfoie spring opens.
Philadelphia's Protective Tariff
League would better follow Carnegie's
wampic t.oth in his acquiescence to
the Wilson bill and his contribution of
money to relieve the distress Republican
egislation has caused.
Fou sharp and caustic debate, says the
Ilarrisburg I'nlrint, the country has
been for years accustomed to look to the
Republican representatives in congress
ami it mut-t U- admitted that they have
never disappointed expectations. It has
even bet 11 said that all the ability in
American xililieal life was in the Repub
lican party. Rut all this has Uen
hanged in party strength in congress.
The speeches of Congressmen Johnson
and Warner have broken wide breaches
in the Republican tariff wall and sharp
and close debate has driven the enemy
from their intrenchments. F.ven Tom
Retd, the Republican Hecter who did
prodigies of valor when the IVmocrats
were driven from the field and were al
most hojlessly struggling against cer
tain disaster, has U-come, In-fore a de
termined onslaught, as weak and nerve
less as any of the other Republican rav
ishers. There is not a Republican who has
been victorious in debate on the Wilson
bill. Ia I one talk aliout a tariff on iron
anl steel manufactures and a Hemocrat
w ho knows what he is talking alxiut tells
him authoritatively that it is not c.nly
not necessary but harmful. Let one
talk aliut protection to farmers and a
Iemocrat w ho is an experienced agricul
turist vainly challenges him to
particularize. I-t him dwell upon how
wages are increased by protection and he
is completely worsted by even the slight
allusion to the necessity for the existence
of trades unions in order that la'ior may
recieve the rate of wages now being paid.
Indeed, some of the protectionists have
lieen so confused by leading questions
that they have directly stated that while
protection increases the profits of man
ufacturers laUtr must by force secure
what it gets.
Protection is nearing its end. It
squirms like any other snake with its
head crushed, but that is only an evi-
iletu-t that it has len wminiletl to the j
Ai-tkr ii n idleness of several weeks,
about half the lit partmeiits of the N:i
tiutial Tiil works at MeKeesKrt, I'a.,
resiinietl oiK-rations tin . Wttlnestlay
inornin.vr. Fully 1,(KX men went to
work at the terms offered by the com
pany. On Wednestlay afternoon an ad
ditional rolling mill resumed ami a Unit
the same uumU'r of men were given
employment. The company exjiects to
put on additional departments as the
slate of trade will justify.
W asldnglon Letter.
Washington H. C. Jan. 20th, IS'.'.
Secretary Carlisle has announced an i-;
Sue cf bonds, under ailthoiity of the
act 1 187", to meet the present nece.-.-i
ties of the treasury. While neither lie.
President i'W veland. nor any member o!
the cabinet has any doubts about his an
thoriiy to is.-ue l-oiid.-, lie anil the
would have pn-fi-ired that c-ngres
should have provided f- r the i'manci:.'
deficit, but Senator Vorhees and other
leading I Vmocrats in i-onn s. at ier con
sulfation and ma' ire .) s!ilera:ioii. ar
rived at the conclusion that it would be
impossible to Secure Congressional a
tion in time to render the aid needed,
ow ing to differences of opinion amoiyg
I lemocrais as to what should It- done:
and advised t hat advantage he taken oi
the authority conferred bv tin' old I.iw
The issue of bonds is to be limited In the
immediate needs of the government,
thus ieaving congress free to act as soon
as it may be so disposed by providing
other means of raising money that must
be had from some source. The idea of
a bond issue is not a palatable one to the
average Hemocrat, but in this case then
was no choice: it was bonds or a default
in meeting obligations of tin- government.
I he consideration of th" Wilson taiitf
bill is proceeding satisfactory to the
Hemocrats, although the clauses about
which tliere is the greatest Itemocratu
controversy have not yet U-en reached
A number of minor amendments have
fn-en adopted, and one very important
one prodding the free wool lau-e
should take effect upon the passage of
the bill.
Senator Perry, speaking on Senator
Call's resolution for an investigation on
the civil service, said: '- think there is
a great deal of humbug aliout this civil
ser ii e buines and 1 am not inl'aorof
extending it one iota bother. " 'Ihis
statement was greeted with such Up
marious applause from the gallci ies t hat
the chairman had to threaten to have
them cleared In-fore quiet was restored
Mr. Perry voiced the pop ilar idea.
The depicted condition of ihe treasu
ry Would prevent any cotisideali!e ap
propriation fT the enlargement of our
navy at the present session of congress,
even if a majority of the i'emocrats were
in favor of sin h appropriation, which is
doubtful Representative Ilolmau is
one of the I emocrats who believes that
our navy is already dangerou-lv larg
and that it should not Ik- added to. un
less the traditional policy of our govern
nil-lit. to avoid entangling a ilia t ices, is to
be shelved and an aggressive foreign pol
icy substituted tin refor. ,-We need."
says Mr. Ilolmau, '-a navy sullii ientlv
strong to protect our inter sis at home
and abroad, but we have already gone
beyond that p lint and ought to stop.
I do not favor a large army in time of
peace, but an army cannot, under an
circumstances, get us into trouble The
army cannot inaugurate a foreign tioli
cv. The navy can. as witness the Yal
paraiso incident. The foreign relations
of our country are more or less in the
hands of the conimainlt r of any Amcn
can naval vessel, and we must sustain
him, as a rule, in whatever course In
takes. For that reason, it is not ad
visahle to have too much of a navy.
The .-mailer flic navy, the better; pro
vided it is sufficient for our purpose."
Strange to say no 1 democrat has ap
plied, so far a.s known, for the position
of I'. S. Minister to Russia, one of the
few positions in the diplomatic service
that carries a salary as high as .17.oMO.
Whether this is because no Iemocrat
hankers after a residence in the land of
the Cz;ir because of disgust at I. is Amer
ican Would-be imitators, or that the
opinion is general that the wauu person- f
al friendship which President Cleveland
is known to feel towards the present
minister Hon Andicw I). White, ex
president of Cornell I'niveisily w ill (.re
vent his removal, is a question. It wiii
l-e remembered that Mr. While was not
appointed until Chailes llmorv Smith.
editor of the Philadelphia J'ns. who
was given the place in l sso. W;,s want. J
at home to help Mr. Harrison get re
in miimited.
nator laniel made it plain to Sena -
Hoar this week that it was not altogeth
er pruni-nt to attempt to make a speecii
on the Hawaiian question with no bet
ter preparation than a feeling of malig
nant hatred of President Cleveland and '
the I lemocratic pai ty. Aflci practically
compelling Senator Hoar to admit his
ignorance of the official di -cutm-nts bear
ing on the subject Upon which he was
spVaking. Senator 1 aniel 0 n-idera tci v
dropped the matter. Senator Morgan
had earlier in the week It ipped up Sen
ator, of MinuiSifa, in a similar
way, but instead of acknowledging
his ignorance Havis got ma I and
tried to bluff through 0.1 a refusal lube
further interrupted.
So many misleading statements- have
been made aluiit the niis. ns fhap c:nisi-d
the southern 1 lemocratic Senators to
vole against Mr. Ib'rublower's confir
mation. W hich was rejected this w eek,
that 1 have asceitaiiud what was the
principal teasoii for their voting against
him. It was simply that they had
doubts about Mr. II unblower'sstatus as
a constitutional jurist, and did not pro
pose to take any chances. Senator
tiray, of It laware, can have the vacan
cy if he wants it, and he would be unan
imously confirmed. M.
Mule !.:S .COO Freiii Farmers.
IIkavkk, Pa., Jan. L'O During the
financial stringency, Abe and Joe Lent.,
furiiM'is. living in lliiscotmty, drtw from
a savings hank about :?', ooo, represent
ing their savings of -years. They
thought in would U safer at home, and
stored it away in a tin box under the
floor of a closet. I'ntil yesterday the
money remained where there was no prob
ability of the banks losing their doors.
While the two brothers were at work,
half a mile from the house, yesterday,
three masked men surprised their sister.
One of them guarded her, while the
other ransacked the house. They soon
discovered the tin box and its content''.
After binding the woman to a chair the
robbers walked to the F.rie Railroad
tracks, where they boarded a freight
train. The brothers today reported
their loss to the police.
For Xrgroes.
St. Lot is, Jan. -J-J. Advices from
Yerotia, Mo , slate that two negroes who
assaulted a child there yesterday, one of
whom was reported to have U-en burned
at the stake ihis morning, have not vet
been caught, though the whole country
is scarctiing for tti
'in ii,., ..1..1.1
the little daughter of Kmil .laemnn -i
t-erman farmer, mnl willi lur mother
had got.e l) Aurora to ihmvh. II,r
mother decitled to stay in town all tlav,
ami sent the child to'.-tilvise the father;
w ho was at home. 1 1 was vvliile on lu r
vviy through a stretch of woods tliat tl;i
outrage was commit ted. Tl
were negro frames.
Vf.RV, Ind., Jan
..William iMer, j
a saloonkeeper t.f Hunker Hill, was hist
night pentenced to twenty years in the
penitentiary for the infamous crime of
pouring coal oil on an old man named
James McDonald and then setting lire to
it for the fun of seeing it bum.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
II ovi 1 e orkeii" I lie Huosiers.
Yaiiaimiso, Ind.. Jan -?'. The
northern part of this coim'.y is on the
biM'lli. which makes it a go id field for
crs togct in their werk. Last Wei
iiesdriy Thomas Payne, of lVistoii.
reached Chesterton, claiming to repre
sent a syndicate of capitalists of Chicago
and New Yoi l:, sav ing they wanted to se
cure about .',Om acres of land tliere for
a large manufacturing site. He visiicd
several of the large pn -crty ow ners, se
iiiring options on their land, saving
other partii-s would U- out in a few days
to look at the proj rtv and close out the
deal. In eaeli case he paid for the op
tion with a large bill, always receiving a
large amount of change. It has Ix-eti
discovered that a large amount of coun
terfeit monev is in circulation in Chester
ton and Porter, which was traced to Ihe
land and it is s'JpMiscl that
a'! the mom v he paid for options was
cotiterfeit. S'c-terdav Patrick O'Connor
received a not ice from the state hank, ef
"aliaraisii. that they held his notes giv
en to Thomas Payne. Mr. O'Connor
pi'oo. .uiiced ilieiii .1 lorgciy. dunning to
ti'-ver have given his note to Payne. It
is thought tiie La P rfe ami Michigan
City banks weie swindled also, as he
visited both brtnks during ihe week.
! Masjer.
Rostov Jan. m2:i. A young clubman,
l'mil C. Pl'cit'fer, has made a wager that
he will travel around the world in six
months. Starting without a stitch of
clothing or a dollar, and return with
$-i.OOO. On tlie day set for Ihe word
'go" he must repair to the club room
and strip to the skin. It is nominated
in the bond that he shall neither ask for
nor receive money, but for any service
rendered, such as blacking shoes or
brushing hats and coats for the club
members, he may take whatever they
are inclined to offer. 1 1 y little sen ices
of this kind he hopi -i to earn enough to
buy a suii. Once in Ihe street, he pro
pose- to sell papers or do auv thing iiiat
will enable him to get Started on his
From Feb the name of the traveler
will lie Paul Jones. He is a prominent
c'nli im-mbcr. a graduate of Harvard,
was once captain of the varsity crew and
is quite wealthy. His present wager is
the child of a conversation of adventure
held some time ago in the club cafe. It
was introduced by him and a lively dis
cussion resulted. He thought Ihe task
could lie successfully accomplish, -d and
linally made a bet that he could do it
1 lie I. unde r Trade
Wil l i wist 01; r, Jan. i2.'i. The 7i :
Hint Jlit.'i in, in accordance with its usu
al custom, will to morrow publish an ex
haustive review- of the condition of the
lumber trade, showing the shipments
last year and Ihe stock on hand and in
themaiket. The total shipments dur-
ing tin were
,p.ll,(l;UI feet.
increase of ;! ,." (MM over The
('input of the boom was .".:". I'.'7."''i7 feet
of pine and hard Wood and 1 M..'.' I, I7S
of hemlock. The lumber i n hand is
given as f.i-Iovvs: Pine. ! '.'.s-l'- ," V feet,
a deei-ia.-i- 1 f 1 7 7."i iron, the figures
i'f l-'--; hemlock, l ".L,r.."i"i,s7n f, , t. ,),..
en a.-.-, 1 .Mit'.. 1 7. ; laih. V. i.C.I () feet,
increase, o tW.I.OiH); pickets. .'I,'. '.,:!'. HI
bet, decrease, 1 .ol 7. l."o. There wen
shipped during the year lM "do
car- loaded with the product or the
mills here, and increase of l,.".o7 cais
over ls'.'L'. The :i-,!:, ,l i;, , de
clares that these liguns go to prove that
lumber manufactiiie is i,,,t a ! -id indus
try in Wiiliamsport. but that it is good
f-r a run of -abasia qMartcr of a ecu
.1.1.. .
"'i ami tnai me . i.ip.ii IS more iikeiy
to increase than diminish.
A 'oiiiiv Mm hick.
Civ. iNNvn, Jan. L'l. There never
was more i!i-tn ss in the Hocking valley
and other Ohio coal milling districts
than at pr. sent. The limit arc idle and
some v iolence is reported, dne to desper
ation. To-m orrovv t ie vote? cast by the
local unions upon a proposition to make
a reduction in the scale will he canvassed
in Columbus. It is learned that of the
voies already cast, representing over miners, there is a majority
against the reduction, but it is thought
that this majority wiil U- nvi rcoine by
the returns from the eastern Ohio. ;(1t
even if the n dm turn is granted, it is not
certain that matters will improve mate
rially. Many "f the principal contracts
have gone to Pennsylvania operators and
tic demand is small. The reduction
voted upon is but II cents t ton.
while the ojieraters asked for -JO, and
insist upon changes of the working rule
which the miners say thev cannot eon
sent to. In any event the future is
most gloomy for the mine workers of
A KillaiMiiiar Hoj's Crime.
K II TAN NINO. Pa.. J:in. '21. l!v .lav.
light to-morrow twelve year old John Sd
vis will have tlie crime of murder to
answer for. He was playing on the
street with other Imys Ihis evening when
little Lerov tireen. ten years old, struck
him i n Some childish quarrel.
Silvis whipiKil out a revolver, saving
to his small assailant, "I'll tix you
now," and placing the muzzle of "the
pistol close to little (ireen's body sent a
bullet through him.
The boys w hosavv the shooting were so
Scared that they told nobody of the af
fair until the (Jreen I my was nearly dead.
An exainiu ition shows" the little fellow
is shot through the lung, and with the
shock of the wound and excessive bleed
ing the attending phvsici.ins say he will
not live through the night.
i.iMiiiirck tu uses a ensalion.
I.i, January l;5. The annnnnw
nit nt that I'rinee Ilismarck lias promise!
oi isii r.mperor William I. as caused a
sens.-iiion lu re. Ilistnarek's friends in
iIl, .!... . .1 . ..
i. i. 1 1. iii; ,-isseri mat me emperor was
lean to invite J.ismarck to lierlin by the
reeent .Mittnai ht incident in the reit h
stiiir. The t inperor's sense of upright
ness, affording to Ilismarck friends,
was shucked by liie public di t l.iratiors
that rru-.-ia had broken faith with
Il.-rr 'on ICardorff ceia T;m.,.t.
returneil to power. Om-ide of the cir
cle ot cnenii.'s of t haiit ellor Von ('ajiri
yi, however, a refonstru.'iion of tliP (-.tb
inet. willi Ilismarck ln-hind the scene, is
held to be impo.ssil.Ie. The cmi-eior tie
elartnl a we-k ago that he fully stood l.v
tLe chanteilor.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
T -ii ship-- went down iii a storm in the
l.iack sea ami the ii I ire cf cw s of two were
Idle men will lie driven from Chicago
if t hev refuse to earn their bilging and
Fifty colored fami'ii-s have n-ked (io -criinr
Fislili:n k of Arkansas for aid to emi
grate to Liberia.
I Jem ge Ilov ton.' who wa captured at
Kin tie Janeiro while living to blow up
Melii"s llag-liiji. has euiifeSM-d tlie ph. I.
Mis. belaud Stanford swore at San
Francisco that s.:.ii.ion worth of stock
belonging to !icr Ii u-lia iiJ"s estate is miss
ing. Tlie Russian gov eri.ment has demand
ed of li recce tlia' it Im allow ed to have ac
cess to ill.- naval stores in tin Mi-ilili riaii-
t'nliirad.i silver miners are now dig
ging gold, and are s:tid In lie tictlel off
I ha n they were under the silver pun-liasc
I a w .
Several departments of tin IViitisv I
l.Oil.1 si. ' li'ln.. U i iA'kl ion. Pa., i.uvc
resumed i.pei aliiiiis gi iuK work to g,:soo
A gold nugget weighing IC". ounces bus
!-eii liiiilid al Rl'eckelii iiige. t'ol., on
lea-eii properly U-longing to lieo. Lliain-
Theresa .limes ana Martha Hartford
i".-v ear-old giris. were drowned whili
-kallng mi tlx VVestlielil river. Heal
Spl ingtield. Mass.
Tin- lirilisti so-urner Amies, from Co-la
Rica for New York, went a-lure .. tr Littl
le a. h lift savin; station along the Jrr
sey coast and nuy be a total loss.
Kepicseiilalive O'Ncil of Massachu
setts, i-iiairmaii oi tlie sun coin mil li-i- uii
a ppropria t ions, said Ihe pen-ion appropii
atlnli would pl'ohalily lx- reduced Jff."i,l,
Mrs. Ada J. Palmer, one of the Iare-sl.H-kh.ihicrs
in tin Woman's l.akingcum
pai.y of I'hi.-ag.i was arrested on a chart:
of eml-c ! nit-nl preferred by aitotli.
stock holder.
-Heirs of fn. Nicholas Lot., to tin
uiimlier of io. met al lo ailing and decide
in present "n i-iiitgress a claim for,
ooo lor supplies fuinished Wa-hintoii'
a i my a I Valley I'oige.
Siarali lrntiurdl liail a iiarrnw est a p.
from death by .oi-nu tlie other day.
new servant poured laudanum in her tea
hy mistake. Fortunately -ie i.ntii ed tin
strange ta-te I m fore drinking much.
L. N."lell, an aeronaut, said to hi
from P. iiiisvlv ania. was fatally mangled
at Wa.diingl.-ii. N. C. His haloon bur
u hen . -,.,i l,.. i from the eartli'and lie fell
like a Hash in the presence of persons
William Kline, a young farmer liviu
near A iidei sniitow ii. York county, and
neighbor w ere engaged in culling down
tree on Wednesday, in fulling Ihe tie
stru.-li kiinc on the sU nil, almost killing
him instantly.
I. J. vVinans, a h nckster and milk ped-
Jler. w I: i!e crossing '.he 1 ii ia w are and li lid
son track a t t lie I )nt.getow u crossi ng. failed
tl not ice t In- sift a ipl each ul a paen-
ger lra:n. He w as hurled .:u feel into tin
air and when picked up was dead.
A bar of iron, weighing 17."i pounds,
feli ; Wednesday from the lop of tin
Viili;:ni I'enn shall at Shenandoah, kiil-
ii.g Hi. liar. 1 Kiiis. an olti miner, and in
j.irmg two ot hers, j he liar w as u-ed to
hold the earn at the lop and became loose
from its iasteiiings.
Counsel f,,,- j.x Sla riff lleurgo W.
Tom. in-oii. w ho was convicted at last
week's criminal court at Lancaster ul ag
gravated a aultaud battery for sliiM.ting
i w i.-e w it h a shotgun at A brum 1'rank
forii. wtio was hiiti ting rabhils on Tomlin
sori's farm, lias filed reasons for a new
The Lehigh Valley railioad employes
w l.ii struck and failed to get back their
positions after the strike ended, have a
new vi iev ati.-e. Last week three of their
number left for le.stoii to take io-itiows
which had been plolni-ed I belli ou a New
Knglaiid mad. Word now comes thai tlie
men were blacklisted and refu-ed employ
ment in consequence.
Lawrence Tompsnn. the 11-year-old
sou of Ceorge Y. Tump-on, a commission
merchant, at Leiitoiiv ille, Indiana, com
mitted sui.-ideoti Monday night by shout
ing himself in the head, lb; was suffering
from grip. (ilea Atiiiiu rmaii, aged 1.1,
bunged himself in a corn crib with a
halter. Monday morning, near Lynns
st ilion, f oiiiii'llsville, Indiana. No cause
can he assigned for Ids act.
--The building on the county farm near
I'.oouc, Iow a, in w hich incurable insane
p.-rsous weie confined, burned at in o'clock
mi Wednesday morning, and eight of the
nine inmates were burned to death. The
dead are: Mary Tucker, Johanna Stij?gs,
Anna Saderburg, Christine Patterson,
Christine Ander-oii, Mrs. Scott, Thomas
Leaser and Joseph Craig. Sui riiite.ideut
llnlcoiiih sav be hanked Ihe lir.w u ... I
o'clock and docs not know how the fire
The family of Louis (Jarland. a minor
at (ini'iaiit-ettiii Ltiu.i-rne 'tunity. lias- lie
diuuisi wimi out within a week. The
family consisted of t.arland. his wife and
six ehildreii. A Week air Oik husband
in. t w ith an at citfent whit h w ill leavt
liimu l:e!p!i s eripiile. Twotlavs later hi
wifediitl and waswuiekly fullifwed by her
infant. Then the eldi-st sun. tin wliurn the
others tli-i-inli-d for siiiHirt, was killd in
a mine while at work, and on Friday a
dauirlitcr, afied eleven, died of t) phoid
fever, and I. i-r sist.T tli.-.I Saturday, lit.ih
tlie other clnldreii are very low w ith that
disease, and the iliv siciatis give no hope
tor their recovery.
I'sthlim .aiiiIpi.
vi mi me ix-trniiiiug oi they tar apKar
novelties of Russian effects and modern
adoptions of the fust Lmpire: the latter
being undoubtedly suggested by a recent re
vival of tin NaMleonif studies which
makes its influence felt m literature, on the
stag. and even in art. The draperies aU
ready ann.iunced are lieinir develoH-d into
many original effects, indoor gowns lieing
influenced hy those of the (icpluui descrip
tion. Tlie dress skirt is lx-eoniing w ider at
the bottom, and the sleeve also inure vol
uminous. Ilodiees at tin present moment,
are t-txing all the inventive genius of the
artist dressmaker.
Iu cMiai-ting these instructive items
from the latest Mel low. II fashion journals
we notice that the handsome publications
siill maintain their high standard. "Lu
Mode de l'aris" and "Paris Album of
Fashion" cost only crt..V each fur a yearly
ub-ci ipiiiin. t,r1."ictsa copy. "The French
I'lessmakcr is :t.(i per annum or :n cts. a
copy. As fur "La Mode, Itonly routes to
l.."0ayear or 1.1 cts. a copy. Annlv to
Messers A. Mcllowcll . Co., i Wot lllh
B. & 13-
are buying Irv Hoods in these stores dur
in Uii- moiitli of JAN CAR Y. and this
month is usually considered as between
season- a!id willi the accompanim.Mit of
slow- tra-ie. etc. Hut this year they're
having MoKK THAN L'sL'AL. We
cau'.j aic iutit fur this, except that every
U.dy. evervw liere. is particularly anxious
to make every dollar go as far as possible
in all expenditures. And we're giving
itirsi buyers m re for their money more
for every dime every dollar, than thev
ever saw hefore. And, crhaps. it wtud
;nt en s' Vol' lo know more about this
i?ieci:il January Sale
and why we have more buyers this mouth
than ever before. And if you can't come,
just write our
Mail Order Department
for Samples or Catalogue, or both, and see
aliout it for yourself.
Ill these PKICK KKDL'CTIONS. per
haps I lie severest cut has In-eri made in the
Dress Goods
Lot ALL-WooL SFITINt;S-goo.l ones.
Ifci and :',s inches wide ao cent starts go
now at
25 Cents.
Choice lines 4S inch
nine, black and gurnet,
40 Cents,
(value, T5c.)
'o inches w ide. Jn giod range of colors,
40 Cents.
A pin-nominal -ah-of nice. new. dainty,
well-made Kmlir oideries many exclusive
p iltt-ri.s and all at suiuuch LKSS PRICES
as w in delight every can-fill liuver. lu
tlie lines begin at .". cents for ..' to inch
w idtlis and go tin up otlu verv fimst all-
over l.iiitirouleries at f .' and f3.ooa yard.
.-sjMciai ioi
t. inches wid. in guipure and scalloped
at 12 Cents,
the kind that usually sells for 25 vent.
We're d.-teriiii ne.1 to win more of your
patronage dining this year ls'.M than ever
m-lore. .vnil will only hope to do this by
the remarkable and unusual values we
If you tan not come, WRITE.
115, 117 Jt ll-. Federal Street,
The preat pojiularity of this preparation,
after its test off many years, should be an
assurance, even to the must nkeptit-al, that
It Is really meritorious. Those who have
used HaLl'h 11 aim. Khlvkw KK know that
It docs nil that is claimed.
It causes new irrowth of hafr on bald
heads provided the hair follicles sre not
dead, which in seldom the case; restores
natural color to trrav or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and clear of
dandruff ; prevents the hair falling off or
cnauging color; keeps it sort, pliant, lus
trous, and causes it to grow long and
Haix's Haiti Rfxfwer produces Its
effects by the healthful influence of its
vegetable ingredients, which invigorate
and rejuvenate. It Is not a dve, and is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol, it does not evap
orate quickly and dry up the natural oil.
leaving the 'hair harsh and brittle, as do
other preparations.
Buckingham' Dve
ron TBI
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and is the bettt dye, because it is harmless ;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
being a single preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
niriuD it
B. P. HALL, & CO., Kaahna, X. H.
Sold by all Dealers In Medici,,
Jon.sros. m. J. uvck..
tSTABLlSU BO 1872.
Johnston, Buck & Co.7
A. W.
BU K, ( ashler.
KflTA BL18H SB 1888.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A. MIAKUtl OII, 'aliler.
Icnerai MXw BnsiBtss Transacted.
Tbe lollowlnir are the nHnciiial leatnres ol
venerAl bakKiuir business :
Kecelve.! naystile on tlemand. and Inurait hr
UK ceriiDoaies issued to lime deio8ltora.
Rlten.le.l to customers on laTormhla farma anri
iiiruTea iaier aiaiuntetl at all timet.
Maiieln the Lx-alitT and uikid all the nankin
towns In the United States. i'uaXKes moderate
I ft. 4 Fit
Issued nexntlahle In ail narts of the I'nlt.!
states, aud loreiicn exciiAnMn iHiiiA,l m .An.
t merchants, farmers and others solicited, to
wnom ream..nahle aormo.latlon will be extended.
Patrons are asuurod that all transactions shall
no oein s strictly private and confidential, and
that they will be treated as Ulierally as aood
""n tuies win permit.
A. K.
I'A TTIf w.
First National Bank
PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa.
Capital, paid np,- - $50,000.
Atvounfs ol c:i.noratloni. Firms ami Ind
rct-iraa uMn ine wori lavitralile terms
coDPinient with rale and conserva
tive HaDkloK.
Steamship TlrkeU lor ral) by all tha leadlnc
-- . . ' i. .M,ii3 .ayaitie in au J
ol he jriiirij-al cities ol the
Old World.
All correfpoD.lence will liare oar personal and
tuui.i siitniuiD.
Intcrrnt lald oss Time Deposit.
4 SSlUNEK-SMirillE
X V The norlerrilicDtMl raring; heen duly aKlot
sd aar'itnre ol Andrew Kckenrade and wile, ot
I'arrollt ita IxirtKlKh. I'a . In trust lor the benefit
ere Mors, notice la herel.y riven to all trsons
Indeoied in raid Andiew Kckenrode to
luimsu uii .jij inrui. ana iMnona havlnc
claims lo .rtsent them aocordln to law.
aiiam stmtrrriii
arn.lll.wn, fa., Jan. M, 1- tt. Assignee.
Treatment ol all ('hronl: Affllctloas, IMsearea
ol VV omen and trouhle. re.iulrioa; Surulcl Aid
Itltice hours up t tf a . m . I to S and 7 lu 8 r at
IK2I2I-H AVtNUE, Al.ttXI.N A. I'A.
STKAVKU from the premees of the under,
signed on Jaooary ID. IhW. lawn colored cow
with a small white SIH.t lMtween her horns, ani
aliout bvo years old. Any in lor ma Hon concern-
u. oer will he rewarded bjr U. t'. HlT:K,
J"-' t resson. Pa.
This eminent
Physician has de
voted a lifeiinic
to his Specialty
Diseases of the
Eye,, Nose,
Throat, Lung and
('hronic Diseases.
S fitTr fr'j ilwM
;w:fst v. T
Mondays, January 1 , '-: FeLniHry March I.V., April L'.'l. May L'l,
July JO, Allans! J.i. ."si 'ptetnlM-r J, (VIiiUt S, .,
1 e t inlier : mill :;i till n v. m.
Opli.isite tiie 1'i litis) aiua le.OI.
Tuerxlays, January 2, ,".i'; Fcl ruary l'7, Mar. Ii '?, April 'JL May ,IMI. .
17, August 14, S pteinl.t r 11, l. toU'r '., NoveinlM r
1 lecelnlier 4.
Wedui-sdays, I V-c-inU-r -7, January l'l. l'el.ruary l'l, March iM. Apiil Is y
June i:t. July 11, Aiejiist s. SepteinlMr o, letnU r .!, :;
.Nnvciiilrer l!S.
Alter havlnc tried flvi. dlttrrnt lo-:rK an 1 n. nn ni,ir ,ln u i ,ViCi murn is ;im.,,
wtot.n load ol .litltrcnl pxirn' . fi-rin ml v rt!,-..uitii-ini i li I i.u-i..r ... .
crew wore and wnire. ana at last
f-or more than elkht Trar-s I wi Iii.i,'... .)
dy irtf.Hla and inlevoual Indiesil,. i.
1 Milt Tl- I
nntol.l Mirolile. 'inly ale cmiuuli to k
i n
:iv. M U,ir,li:,elarl 1 ro.l t n ,t k.-rn
my It-el I'urmu all tin-t ;n- I niul
have taken a wmton load of ilitl.-ri-iit ".a rm iunt
Id ie and tried five ol our d II. rent ....-i,.r in
the county but xn-w air aui woe N"iie .,1
ttiera made the dlniioiilt, unl :1 1 w tu f Or
Salm at Tyrone, lie told tue at once wh.n ailed
me a d I.e was rorrfi l..r lo-d.v I ,nl list a
gen town. MKS.CAKMKI'Ki 111'.
Sandy tiidiee. t'enter -o.. I".
iirew wr.w anu worse ior icvra jeum ot a
Oii-s ol eaturrh . t.ut Iir. Shir, tur.-l Ii tin
ter Ihe ver hunt hyflriani in 111 I tie c.,u.:ty
hnd filled .
l-'or than seven ypflr. 1 had a l,itd cne ol
calairli whii-h atlecte.l my head nod -ln-"t
very uiucn . and to a short ire I nti;.- I rt ,nvr
tweuty ouiutrt li. we-ilit. i.-cnu:e m'-rfHi-r .:ui
nud it-It nu.ld and g'.i.l h.r not I -.n-. '. i'.
treated ly heveral ol our l'-i d..ct..ri. at,t :i. ;i
Koo.l deal ol I'atent med l.i i,..i. nut t..r'1UHlly
fw worse ard worse. I In n I 1 t-jr.l ot Mr
Sal m's wi.ndrrl'il eur. 1 l'mi- I, mm a I 1 -1 and
tridu the very tirfl month 1 in to : i-iv
Improve anl the result lo day is int I t,
Kiiinrd what weiKhl I hat nt ht-ri-t ..'.iro and
eel like enioyln II e n - mori
-ll AKl.Ks I'. Im.MUA.V.
Hill ard Hutler couul y , I a.
toured hy Ir Salm after havinc suflrrcl h.r year.-.
with sljiuach. I.lad ler mi l koinry tr-mi, e
I live Iweu suUerinif with very -evt-re
Madder at -I kid in-,' troul.le. u,i.t on : 1 1 ol
that -ett nil hroke u . l ,.ul:n' :,.,,, m,
daltv lalM.r on a ...unt ., kph j, i- ,i w.akni'.ii
and baaditt-he: hut now. after a -'ir. ,,, irt-at -ment
with lir. Salin. can oni'e more :i'fcrol i-. m ,-
daily with p!eure an I con- iimkl-i'i
Hale and Loarty aealn. K. A.AMi:..
inaiuna, l a., April A3, isyj.
Ailed lor twelve year;. aDd tliouo s.-rn .,tler-
ent (ihyslr-ians laiiej. nr. tlni cured me.
For more than twelve year" 1 nitl'-red t'.r'ure
rlth liver, fUimicu aDd kidney nm'.'t. 1 1,?-
raslonally I had to k,i to hen for --k :n a
lime and was unahle t J work 'ur in,.. - no
alter only a lew uionthi.' ire.. liner, t wuli lir.
Salm. I leel so well, an I n er did heiore. I
used Idles 1. 1 nutenl medu-in, mn.i li i.l n.n
dltlereut j lit r Iriaim hut radua , I . u.i w orj
and wnrne. Ilowo er. mu, e I lut iiivm!! under
Ur. Sal ii 's treatineal 1 unproved kmJu:,:!;.
Kxitiliwl.n aim r.iiiknllall.ui Inrlii rirrjl.inl) ,
a. Our Ailirrll-eiiirnl lll '.i;ienrTalrp Itrltire r.tacli lal(.
Aihlrrss all uiujiii iiiraliuii I.. Itoa. Tii
: Too
OWING to a inieaK'ul;ition nnil too much warm went her
1 have about Ten Thous.-nul u-ollars' worth too many heavy
J gooib whicli will l.e sol.l ht prices that will astoni.-li 30U.
iNever before in the history of Cambria county has Clotliin-r
beeu oiTereil at su li hiw j. rices. Nearly everyone in Ni tlt-
em Cambria knows that my prices have nlways been th'
lowest for jft mil 111 the State, and this Cut has knot ke.l
the bottom out of ail lonucr ju ices. y loss will be your
For the next 30 DAYS I will s 11 Heavy Clothinr, Over
X coats and Underwear at -JO percent less than they cost to
J be manufactured. Call and see me.
C. A.
It W.ll Pay You
ir.. i.:k
geiieru mtmm,
Bariwarc, (JnecEs?,'2rc, .
To Investors.
"11THY tco away from home to seek Investments
If when you can tuy I'eunsyl v 11 la First
Mortvaue securities on the Cash or Mohihly
Payment plan and whh l. will net you twenty per
cnt. on your muneyT For particulars cniionur
add res 11. A. tlSU I.Kll A IIT,
Au. t. lWnL Kuenstiurfi, I'a
The Ductop1;ill
been f,r enr, J
Professor :in. ,.,
turer in sei-i-.-,l ,
our lar-rest Me,;;j
(al Ciillees, iu.
has earned
nine as an in,.!...
ily and author ,,
Slll-jecls c.n,rili
hiri r-jiccialty.
line- i.r
i-urtd luu Iruin -l, Ui-Hr ol any knel '
, J. A liK Oll.l V, , s
. Iih ; HrlieTftmrg . Centre county. I'a
nip ltinff curil l.v lr. S:iliu attrr
i.n , otlinrn hibt tilled.
a iirr n iE ., ,
i r,,r unite a I line I liave l.ei-n alim.M t.,iH; ,
i deal fr.uu Citnrrti. narticulariv in mv .
; winrh t-r-mt.t dead, mi l tli. rlnlit .u.r
: daily. I mi very iiirpuili-iit nu t nhn ,.' ,r.
' i-r:ito on areount ol in.i lieinn t, Ur ,r 41
1 wenlon around ine. -..w 1 am ijune a ,ini
i man and !eel lia.iy om-e more, ail tl.,-. t
l" ,r slu' fkil lul t reatin.-nt. I imw l..,', .
ili'ie other doctors .N . one -;.n iu n n,,- ,!.
' K'.'l and vouiik i le;l nine 1 ran ui,,it- -ul'
i,jii i-m-i more w Kliout an eltort .
.(.Ii iistnwn . I'a.
; t'lomreol I he t-ar-diirt eiire I hy le. Siiliu.
' I have hail a n'd o, win, mv rir. :
lor the la-l r, ears. tears ruiiiiiiiu over mv , .
continually. ir. a:iu rail,! it c!oiii. ,,t tl,
tear duel and operated on the same, an, I i, . ,
cm k.ep my h itidkerehiel id my j.ociet tn-u-4 i
j of wi.ii h tt-ars coiiiiuiiMily
Indiana. I'a.
j t'aiarrh and ear tmuMe cured hy Ur. Salm.
r or more than t. -n 3 ears I have had a had c.-.
i 1. 1 ci h. My ears aradually heoamu atli-,-,-,i i
ru, tl a deifiee that the h.aruia in one r,r ,.
j alin.i-1 total y i,-one an t ta I id ihe oilu r our. 1
j l.rr-ame try loui'h lilarme.l. so 1 ci,t t, 1 1.
i Salm .,r treatment, ami iuipr., euitin mh r.,:.;
j Irom tin- heKiuniiiK. H'k not yery m-.,,ui ti
i take a com anu it muM l.e a veiy taint - u,,
that 1 eannot heir Willi either car. 1 !ee
ail arouud aud conle.-s myseit sati.-hed ni l, i
IreHiuieut. IKANk Ml l.l.l. . . ,
K;.to-tur. I'a.
l-'or enchteen years total'y him I. Or. s,i;!t
th'oinfh tils wondenul skill taie ine -ism
t or more thau elan leeu jeari 1 him ..-,-u t.
tall I'lin I In my rlKht cje. cau-e l.v a .i- e ,:
wo d -irikinu the sau.e. 1 a i. i'u:,i ...
e made lo tee mm out ul the e.i e, i.ut Or u,
lo!d me ti e iuuiy had produecl u.i-i
and that he would Kiiarauicc iu to see. Xn.
hiui mi cie. aud l,le my siar thai I dni s I -to
day. thoutfll It Is won, 1,-r Jul .'e rati
onee more out ol the heretofore l-lin.l ri a l.r
more than eltclueeu jear- iliuki,, r. Ir'tiei '
and those who know me will hear witness n
iin.ite. and think there is no discount on k
s. aim's wondenul ikul
JH.VN MIUiM.Niim.n
Tyrone. I'a.
Very Respectfully,
To go QUIIMN'S, Clinton street, Johnstown, lo
buy Carpets, Linoleums, Mattings, Oil Clotlis
UlaiiKets, Feathers, &c. Prices Reduced 011 All
Goods, and FREIGHT PAID on All Lai-e QUIiMIM.
Vl'Ki 'IALTUIA1, lAr.
January 2inh , N'4.
Oroiran vh. Kdwards.
Mai on vs. X hi ol iistrict I.wrr Yoili-r t.sti
Sl:i. I.ulay vs. Hariies.
HI s Irvin.
Kutrufl vs ssine.
I.'uaer vs HorouKh ol Morrelivllle.
Iirar's v . V1 ri --.i,kiy.
I'owers vs 'reell.
I'hoenlx Hrewiiiii Company vs. Uurk.
KlVfty vs. I. K. II 'o.
Wilson tL 4'o. vs. Smith.
lncrnt. H-irM. w a. Co. vs. t'rchswcll.
'I'syior vs. ldren.
Jtoruuvh ot tiaHitzin vs. (lalns.
It. S. '1 rutin man In d. vs 1 1 1-11 s li . tl a. Co.
'.,iie ll. a. Iloiard.
t 'he.tnuewt.o.1 vs. Weaver.
Huntley vs. Kl.tnF.'uri; A Klai'kluk i; hi ir.-id
t'oui), any.
hdisou Otncial tlectrle 'oiu,iany vs Crt--well.
Kulml vs same.
Tieai-urer 'Miuirla county vs. Weaklnnd t-t :il.
Same vs. Miller el al.
j.t:. 1 1 a u i v
Jan. 5. IS'.4. l-ro'honoti.rv.
'ANTUI-SAI,K FN to sell a ct.oh-e I '
01 M'liFI SIIK K and M.HH''
lAI'tiKS. I.IKKKAI. SALAKY i,r t iiMV;s
I'AVIM) l'l irslfli i.VS 10 titiiili
MIISIVI. 1 l.Hlil IOI; V tllVKN ii- i,K
1I1 V rue at 011 re lor terms lu
The Hawks Nursery Co., Eociicstcr, N. I
jaulitJ. 4ui
II l.ushuiK an.l hritlil lu represeui the hoi i
hili .urscrle ol Cin:ul.i. the larvesl 111 t lit- I"
minion, t K-er Too acres ol t-ht ice sl.M'k . I',i l'fl
IM.rmai.eni and lucruilve. Our hardy t'aua.H""
urown st.K-k sells readily where roiM-rly inir1'
tlu..ed. seud lor trrms u-iw and scrure choice i'f
territory. M(lM:a ViKl.LlMllH.V.
mut tiu. 1 uroiilo, t'anada.
atn.i iumm ft'IiKf no kn
tAlf L 1'IUt'lUUaUJ
l(vou ned Job PrlnUn? 11 to,
St., New ork. -
k lul'la! tk WU. anaUav, . ,