The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 03, 1893, Image 2

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For Jmlifi' of Supreme Court
SAMl'KL O. THOMPSON, of Philadel
phia. For Stale Tri'iinriT,
FRANK ''. OSiM RN. of Pittsburg.
For Treasurer,
JOSEPH ISEMiELE, of (.allium IJjr.
For ("omit v Commissioners,
PATRICK E. KIl.l.oN.of Eltlrr Twp.
JOHN KIRIiY, of Johnstown.
For Poor Director.
JOHN REST, of Johnstown.
For A ml i tors.
W C KERRY, of Wilmorc P.or.
V. E.'FARARAl (ill, of t'arroll Twp.
On Wtthiesiiay President Cleveland
signed the reieal lill.
I.kt each jjood IVinocrat on elec tion
and use his list endeavors towards get
ting out every I Vinocratic vote.
Tiik success of the Democratic cotiuty
ticket depends on getting out the Demo
cratic vote. If every Democrat goes to
thti polls there is no question of Demo
cratic success.
Is the country districts where voters
have several miles to goto the polls,
1 emocrats who have teams and vehi
cles should see that their neighbors who
are not so fortunate, are taken to the
Tiikke should lie no cutting of the
ticket by Democrats this year. Every
candidate on our county ticket is worthy
of the support of every Democrat and is
entitled to your vote. .Make no mistake,
but vote a ringer.
Tiik great Mosque of Damascus was
burned to the ground October 14 with
all the adjacent streets. The loss is esti
mated at $.", KH, Mi. The' Sultan has
contributed $,")(.),( KH to help rebuild
the Mosjue and to relieve the poorer
It might be well enough for Demo
crats through the county, who occasion
ally indulge in a smile to intjuire when
their liquor comes from. If awholesali
liquor dealer from afar undertakes to use
his business against the Democrats, why
not try some other brand. Touch Ids
po ketU)ok is the way to scotch tin
In almost every freight train wreck
someone is killed who is stealing a ride.
Trips are made k tween distant cities in
this way by men who are notable to pax
faro on passongar trains. In a freight
wreck on the Pennsylvania railroad,
xvithin the corporation limits of the city
of Harrisburg, on last Wednesday even
itig, four men were killed and one in
jured. They had boarded the train a
few minutes before and were in a coal
Phksiokst Ci kxki.ani) on Tuesday
granted an application for the pardon of
Franklin W. Hull, of Pennsylvania,
convicted of aiding and abetting the ap
propriation of the funds of a national
bank and sentenced to live years' im
prisonment in the Eastern penitentiary
at Philadelphia, g:xing his reasons for
granting the pardon that eminent sur
geonscertify that an oreration is neces
sary to save the remaining sight of this
I r is amusing to read the Republican
papers, all charging the hard times on
the Iemocratie administration. It may
be that their Kcpublicau readers are too
stupid to know they are still living and
earning their bread under the oirrutions
of the McKinley tariff law, but we
imagine some of them have got their
eyes oikmi by this time. The fust law
passed by Congress under Democratic
rule is the reieal of the Sherman law
which will be a start for the letter, the
revision of the McKinley tariff will come
next and then if business does not
brighten up the Democracy may
feel that they are mistaken in their pol
icy. Tiik editor of the Coxliiuj is again
threatened with spasms over the print
ing of the ballots. The synitoms ap
Ieared suddenly and were superinduced
by the failure of the election proclama
tion to appear in the Culiii. Knoxving
that the law prescribed the publication of
the proclamation by the sheriff in at
least one Kcpubliean and one Demo
cratic pajer, the editor of the o'
liiiij made great preparations for spread
ing the proclamation Iefore its readers
us the Republican organ. Hut as the
pajier is only recognized by the Repub
licans as a ioxliHi, the preparations
came to naught and the editor of the
iiiwliiiij worked off the matter this xveek
as a specimen ballot. The CohUhi's ed
itor issuffering from a bad case of
"big head."
Hknky Ci.kxvs, the New York banker,
makes the following prediction: "The
great banks of Kuroiie now , hold $7."0,
(HX,000 in gold, and other banks $2."0.
000,00 more, making 1,HH,KHi,(H0.
Most of this lielongs to depositors and is
now alsolutely idle. When our money
is put into solid ehajie, as will lie by the
repeal clause of the Sherman law, this
country ivtll act as a powerful magnet to
draw an important, part of that hoar J of
metal to this fude, and this country is
really the only place that holds out
promise to make good and profitable in
vestments. The doors are elosvd against
Australia, India, South America, Rus
sia, Spain, Egypt ami Turkey, and
France has at no time since the battle of
Waterloo wanted English investment
connection less than now, so that Eng
land's great hoard of money can ohiy be
profitably and safely invested in this
country, and, my word for it, it will
,60011 txmie in prodigious quantities."
As the election occurs only five days
hence, it is important that voters should
Iecome acquainted xvith the changes
made in tht manner of voting.
The new ballot laxv of this common
wealth makes the act of voting simpli
city itself for the voter, doing away xvith,
or throwing upon the election otlicors
many of the puzzling details that have
made so much trouble under the system
of other states.
I'nder the new system all a voter who
wishes to vote a straight party ticket has
to do is to walk into the lnjoth and pre
pare his ballot by marking a cross iu the
circle at the bead of the party ticket, then
refold the ballot, just as it xvas given
him and walk out and hand it to the
election officer appointed to receive it.
One little mark does the w hole business.
The electiou oiheer folds the ballot prop
erly ln-fore giving it to the voter, and
when it is returned to him uumlers the
ballot in the corner and covers the num
ber by passing down the corner, as pro
vided by the law, lefore depositing it in
the lox. No one need worry himself a
bit as to his ability to mark a ballot cor
rectly at the next election, provided be
votes a straight ticket, for all he needs
to notice which is his party ticket and
put a cress in the circle at the top of
the ticket.
The voter who xvishes to split his tick
et, or who w ishes to vote for only a jior
tion of the officers to lie elected, will
proceed in the same xvay he did last year
by marking a criss opposite the name of
each candidate for whom he wishes to
vote, and not make any mark iu the
circle at the top of the ticket.
In this county, of course every Demo
crat will simply put an X mark in tht
circle at the top of his straight ticket.
Populists and anti-ring Republicans can
either vote the whole Democratic ticket
in the same xvay or put an X after names
of such candidates as they prefer.
Cartek If. Hakrisox, mayor of Chi
cago, xvas shot and killed in his home
in that city on Saturday evening alout
8 o'clock, by Patrick Eugene Peudergast,
a crank xvho imagined the mayor hail
wronged him by not apjointing him to
the office of corporation counsel. Peu
dergast called at the mayor's resident
and met him in the hall ami at once
pulled his revolver and began firing.
The first shot struck the mayor in the
right breast and would have Ix-en fatal
but the assas.-in continued his murder
ous work and fired two more one jene-
trating the stomach and the other strik
ing him on the left hand. Harrison
died in a few minutes after the first shot.
Peudergast made his escape from the
house but afterxxards gave himself up to
the police and is locked up. In Chicago
there is a universal feeling of sorrow ami
horror and for a time public indignation
threatened to vent itself in the lynching
of the assassin. The closing program
for the last days of the World's Fair xvas
changed and instead of the grand clos
ing scenes intended the city is in mourn
ing over the death of her chief magis
trate. Tiik Coaling says:
A very economical spell xvas taken
this year by Dillon and Kirby over the
publication of thesheriff's proclamation,
which is necessary for the public to see
in order to vote intelligently. It is pub
lished in only two paersand the tax
paying voter not taking either of them
is left in darkness. This streak of
economy was practiced lecause the
sheriff leing a Republican, would have
inserted iu at least four papers, the ma
jority of which may have been Republi
can pajers.
If the editor of the !ixlini knew
enough to look at the election laws and
had brains enough to understand what
he reads, he would knoxv that Dillon
and Kirby have nothing to do with the
publication of the Sheriff's proclama
tion whatever it heloug.3 to the duties
of the Sheriff's office. It is a little
rough on the profession to le required
to reply to such nonsense but there may
be some lenigiited readers of the Cnxtinti
who areas ignorant of the election laws
as the editor and for their benefit xve
make the statement.
Like the sick sinner, the beneficiaries
of the McKinley tariff xvho have just
been pleading before the ways and means
committee are fertile iu good promises
to the laboring man. "If you reduce
the tariff," they say, "xve shall have "to
cut wages or shut up shop." Rut these
sanctimonious friends of labor have
short memories- They obtained the
present rates of duty because, they said,
they wanted to pay letter wages to their
xvorkmen. "American wages toAmer
can xvorkmen" xvas the shibboleth of
the campaign. Rut they forgot their
promises xvlieu they got what they asked
for. They continued to hire their xvork
men for the lowest wages iossible.
They continued to import Bohemians
and Italiaus to put them in places of
the American worknieu, xvho they pre
tended to love so well. They have not
raised wages, but hax-e loxvered them.
They xvill do the same in the future
whenever possible, tariff or no tariff.
At the election next Tuesday, every
Democrat in Cambria county can vote
thestraight ticket with the full satisfac
tion of knowing that he is voting for
good, capable men, in every way quali
fied for the of licet! for which they are
candidates. J t is not a ticket set up by
political Imsscs with the idea of keep
ing the offices in one family, but a
ticket in which every candidate has
lieen selected because he is the choice
of the party for that particular office.
Voters of tne Republican party, who
have groxvn tired of being dominated by
ring rule and of keeping oue family con
tinually at the public crib will fmd in
the Democratic candidates, men worthy
of their suffrages and by casting a vote
for them will assist in disenthralling
their party from the grasp of men who
will never le satisfied as long as there is
ui) otlica that they cannot control and
enjoy tucmselven.
Ox Tuesday next every Democrat
should vote a ringer.
MashiiifMoit Letter.
Washington, D. C, VtoIrr 27,
Senator Voothees is proud, as he has a
right to be. of the great victory he has
won, and he is all the prouder that it
xvas won without the use of cloture.
I'tih-ss the Republican Senators shall
introduce some nexv and unnecessary
complication into the situation the vi
cious purchasing elans of the Sherman
silver laxv, for whif-h not one xvi.rd of
praise or defense h is lern uttered during
the long and memorable silver tit-bate in
the Senate, xvill le xviped from the
St-itute Ux.ks xvithin lc.-s than a xveek.
The silver Senators, after making as
strong a tight as xvas ever made in
Congress for anything, to get the bill
amended so as to continue the coinage
of silver, found that it was impossible to
agree upon any amendments that could
he passed, and once realizing that tliey
announced their willingness "to allow a
a vote to le taken after the purposed
amendments shall have liccn debated
and voted upon. These amendments
present alout all of the financial ideas
and each of them xvill have special de
fenders and will secure some votes, but
it xvill not U surprising if, after having
put themselves on record by casting
their votes for what they consider wonhl
have improved the bill, four-fifths of
the Senate should, on the final vote,
supitort the Yixrhees bill. My reason
for expecting such a large vote for the
bill is that nearly every Senator xvho
sjxjke expressed the opinion that the
purchasing laxv should he reea!ed.
Already there are indications on the
part of the Republican Senators to
make trouble. Senator Sherman while
professing to le a strong unconditional
repealer is busy trying to complicate
matters by getting supporters for an
amendment providing for an issue
of bond. Inasmuch as Senator
Yoorhees had told Mr. Sherman
that he considered it unwise to interject
tiie tond issue, which is opposed by
many Democratic Senators, into the
question, it looks as though Senators,
were trying to' Democratic dis
sention rather than to secure repeal.
Many outrageous misrepresentations
have leen sent out from Washington
concerning tin- attitude of Democratic
Senators towards President Cleveland,
on account of the failure of tin' compro
mise proposed by a committee of Dem
ocratic Senators. President Cleveland
has lieen consistent all through the long
contest. He has always Ivclieved that
the YoorheeS bill xvould in the end le
passed and has at no time even intimi
mated that he would endorse or in any
way help to bring aUuit a compromise.
All statements to the contrary are pure
ly imaginary. The I K-mocratic sena
tors xvho pressed the compromise xvere
equally honest; they thought that the
President would sign a compromise
measure if it received the. vote of every
Democratic Senator, and there is little
doubt that he xvould have done so, but
none of them ever claimed that the
President had told them so. The com
promise xvas not end-irsed by all of the
Democratic Senators and it was aban
doned. That is the whole story without
Representatives Turpi n, of Alabama,
and Rlack, of Illinois, are xvorking hard
to get a report from the House Commit
tee on banking and currency in favor of
the bill introduced by the former to re
eal the law prohibiting the loaning of
money on real estate by the National
banks, and they are hopeful of success.
Mr. Turpi n says Engiisli and Scotch
financial syndicates now monopolize tin
loaning of money of real estate iu his
section because of the existence- of this
laxv and that his people think it Would
le much ln-tter to keep the interest mon
ey at home. The bill xvill have a hard
road to travel even if it gets favorably
reported to the House.
Reform is the watchword of the Dem
ocrats in tlx House. This xveek they
passed the public printing bill which is
the n-sult of a long and careful investi
gation by the printing committee and
reforms, not a single abuse, but a large
number of them connected xvith the
printing and distribution of public doc
uments. This bill, if it becomes a laxv.
as it probably will, xvill make a material
reduction in the cost of certain lines of
public printing simply by shutting off
the waste.
The officials of the National Associa
tion of Democratic dubs have secure I
reduced railroad rates for Democratic
voters in the states of New- York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jer
sey, Virginia, and Maryland xvho are
temporarily residing in Washington and
xvill use their utmost efforts to see that
they all go home to vote at the coming
state elections. m.
A Rig Jul on Rami.
It cost .:.0,O0i,it0 to make the
World's Fair. The officials would like
to know just how much it xvill take to
unmake it. The fair ollicials are under
a bond of Saoo.OOO to have all the build
ings and other appurtenances of the fair
removed and the park returned to its
former condition by January 1, ls'.I.
To do this is noxv practically impossi
ble and they have asked the park com
missioners for at least six months' ex
tension of the time, and if jMtssible
twelve months. The reUcst will le
granted probably, but there are other
difficulties. Thti buildings are so large
that it xvill lie an expensive ami in some
particulars a dangerous tasV to tear them
tiown. Contractors xvho have looked at
the Manufacturer's building, which
covers .'51 acres, says the man xvho razes
it xvill have to le skillful as the architect
xvho planned it. Still there xvill lie more
salvage from the Manufacturers' build
ing than from any other. Many con
tractors say there is very little material
in the buildings worth handling.
Minister Publicly Whipped.
Wixmac, In.l., Oct. :iO. People here
xvere shocked this morning to see Rev.
J. Orten, a Presbyterian minister of this
city, publicly horse-xvhipped, At servi
ces last night Moss and John Thompson,
aged IS and l'J respectively, xvere laugh-,
ing and talking iu church. This morn
ing when Rev. Orten went to the post
Ollice for his mail, the Imys xvere there,
and Moss liegan to xvhip him xvith a
large blacksnake xvhip. S-eing his peril,
the minister st irted to run down Main
street, and at every step for a block and
a half he was cut with the long lash.
Moss and Thomjison are sons of promi
nent citizens. The boys xvere arrested.
There is much excitement over the af
fair. A Horrible Ari-itleat.
Little R k k, Oct. SO. One of the
most peculiar accidents as xx-ell as one of
the most horrible accidents that ever oc
iu this state has just come to light at
Ada. Ark. Several days ago the child
of Mr. J. If." Harkey, xvho operates a
cotton gin at that place, mysteriously
tlisapjiearetl. After a long search for
the missing child Mr. Harkey roin- ni
lered he had last saw the little feilow
playing around the ginhouse. He at
once began ripping the ties from the
bales of cotten in the gin, ami found the
chiltl crushed in the cotton of a bale
which had lieen pressed a few days lie
fore. How the unfortunate child man
aged to fall in the cotton press unol tv
xl is a mystery.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Krjit tirprjboilj at Hay.
Xkxv Yokkc, October "1. Frederick I...
Matthexvs of llt South Second street,
Rrooklyn, clerk . for Oeorge Kdward
Harding k tiooch, architects of the new
building which the Postal Telegraph
Company is erecting at I .roadway and
Murray street, xvas shot in the abdomen
yesterday, but not fatally, by James
P.radley, an insane tramp. P.radley then
unknown, poorly clad and wasted in tig
tire, crept into the building yesterday
morning and concealed himself in the
small space letveen a pile of terra eotta
piping anil the North xvall on the floor.
The man's face xvas cmanciated ami sal
low, and his small expressionless eyes
xvere sunk far back in his head. He
weighed little more than lixi pounds,
and xvalked xvith a feeble gait. Rut the
strength of frenzy kept him master of
the situation for almost a quarter of an
hour in the afternoon, when l,."iO0 jo
ple xvatched the TJ or more policemen
xvho wen? endeavoring to oust him from
the building after he had shoL Mathews.
There xvas a bulldog revolver in the pock
et of his ragged trousers, xvith enough
cartridges to keep its live barrels tilled,
and he us vl it xvith desperation. The
jiolice final ' g it the better of him ami
lie xvas locked up.
A Pacific? Mall Meamer Wrecked.
Sxn Fkan is o, Oct., 'J..--The Pacific
Mail steamship City of New York, which
sailed from this jort this afternoon,
went on the nuks at Point I ton i to in a
dense fog. Slit; xvill probably lie a total
xvreck. Point Ronita is at the entrance
of the ( mldeii t Sate on the northern side.
The cargo will be jettisoned to-night,
but most ot it xvill lie a total loss. Kx
prrts put tl e value of the v-ssel and car
go at half ;i miilii m.
The vessel, ,('(Hl tons, and built iu
lS7,"i at Clu ster, and rebuilt a few years
ago, She was very staunch and sxvift.
Captain .!ohn-on commanded her.
Among her cargo xvere li,U7 barrels of
flour and 14,"il7 pounds of brans tor
China. 1,'J-Jo barrels of tlour for Japan,
a.- xx'ell as canned goods and groceri-s
for lioth places and for R.iiabia.
They also carried a large ami valuable
cargo of dried shrimp and other
Chinese supplies, forwarded by Mongol
ian merchants to China. Of treasure
she carried !".( for China and Ja
pan, of xvhich three-quarters xvas Mexi
can dollars The total value of the car
go was si. , OOO, which added to the
treasure, makes :! Jo.'JtH I. The vessel
valued at s'itHi.oOO. There is no insur
ance on her.
A Rig I'irciiH Steal.
Roston, October . A sjecial from
Rridgeport, Conn., says: "It is a prac
tical certaii.ty that the Forcpaugh shoxv,
of xvhich James A. Railey is the owner,
xvill not again goon the road, at least
under the proprietorship of Mr. Railey.
Mr. Railcv says that nearly loo.oi.o
has been stolen from him iu the Fore
p nigh shoxv, and that he has discovered
that there has been a conspiracy w hich
included employes i.i all departments
from tiie tii k t xxagon to door tenders
and ii.-hcrs. Only through such a com
bination xvould it have In-en pos-ihlc for
such wholesale I hit-very to lie committed.
It is said that Manager MeCaddeu and
Secretary Kvans are free from suspicion,
but a.- the result -f xvhai Mr. Railey has
discovered n numlier of arrests may In
made any day. Mr. Railey lias positive
ly declared his intention of not sending
the Forcpaugh shoxv out again.
A !?-,.).(!J0 Fire.
Wll.I.lAX!S!oi;T, October "'.I The ma
chine and xvood xvorking department of
the WilIiamsMrt Furniture company
xvas damaged by tire to-night to the ex
tent of SJ-").(H or $."0,lMH. The flames
raged stubbornly for over three hours lie
fore being suIkIihiI, and the great plant,
xvorth j I"i ',(!!!, narrowly escaped le
struction. The fire will throw I'oO men
out of employment, xvho have been con
stantly laid off since July as a result of
the hard ti:ns, the factory having just
started up. The xvood xvorking depart
ment will be almost a total loss, as the
interior is badly burned and the valuable
machines drenched xvith water. The
plant consists of a series of three and
four story buildings and manufactures
the finest of furniture. The loss is cov
ered by insurance.
A Fatal tire.
Xkxv Yokk, Oetolier 151. At o'clock
this morning the lnarding house of
Mrs. Mary McOee, on Cornet alley, e ist
end, was discovered in tlames. When
the landlady and her iKiarders were
aroused all means of escajie by the stairs
was cut off Mrs. Mc iee leaped xvith her
infant child in her arms from a second
story xvindow and xvas badly bruised and
cut. The baby's skull xv:is fractured
and it xvill die. Peter McDermott also
jumped froi i the. window, fracturing his
thigh, and Owen Maloney fell fractur
ing his skull. The other Imarders, fix
in number, were rescued by the firemen.
The house xvith its contents xvas destroy
ed. I.rfiss tL'.oiKt. The origin of the
tire is not known.
A II li ml red Plumb-ring Indians.
Wapiiinctox. Oetolier SI. Indian
Commissioner Rroxvning has received the
folloxving telegram from Agent Treon,
of the Croxv Creek and Ixiwer Brule
agency in South Dakota: '-One hun
dred Indians Iff t White River three
weeks ago, went plundering through the
country, took possession of Old Fort
Randall and refused to return, sent po
lice force, farmers and interpreters. A
lively skirmish took place. No one
hurt. Indians scattered but were cap
tured, disarmed and brought to agency.
Remove them to reservation to-morroxv
ami hold (hem " as prisoners. Much
credit tlue clerks, farmers, interpreters
and police."
i'lnnder ol Car Thifres.
CoLt Mia s, O., Oetolier SI. A sensa
tion was caused here to day by- the ar
rest tif Ihi C. Ijesquereux, son of one of
the most prominent jewelers of the city,
on a charge of concealing stolen goods.
A gang of car thieves was broken up
last night and one of the men arrested
told officers that the plunder xvas dejiosi
ted at Lesquereux's house. Investiga
tion revealed the fact that his stable was
packed with goods that were sulisequent
ly claimed by the Colli minis, Hocking
Valley t Toledo railway company. Les
quereux is i" years old and is a netihexv
of the scientist tif that name who died
here two years ago.
N t. W N A S l OT II . It S 1 ft !.
Three splendid Japanese vases, valued
at $!7io. xvere stolen from the World's Fair
ArtC.allery Thursday night.
t'a-t o:T by his forinf r sweetheart. Let
tie Jackson. James Rainey. ot Osawato
niie, Kan., shut her th-ad and escaped.
1 lappy and content is a I:'nie with "The Ro
chester," a Ijmp w ith the light .'f theniorning.
OoalugueSjUritc Kochestcrl AinjiCo JCewYork.
It is estimated that territory ejual to
tht? whole sill face of the ;ili!c has tx-cii
dug over I'jo times in order to get room for
burial places.
Senator Allen, of Nebraska, is to lie
given a silver brick of 4o ounces by the
pc.iple of Sil vel tini, tt'ol.. In reculinitioli of
his 15 hours' speit li.
The landing of William Penn xvas cele
brated in Phiiadciphia by the opening of
the Penn Treaty park, iu which thousands
tif people participated.
All thesexxer pipe manufacturing com
panies are to unite in a joint slock com
pany, ! be incoi M iatel under the laws of
Ohio. The capital xxill lie l.(l.l.
Three 5noo hors--puwcr dynamos, the
lurgc-t in t he uurld, xxill hi made by the
West inghuiisf 1'iiuipaiiy, of Pittsburg, for
the Niagara Falls Power Company.
A horse that fell down a well tin the
Railey farm, in Polk comity. Or., recently
x as rescued in a novel manner. Straw
was throw n down the xtt-ll, and the horst
Humped it and nisi until be was able to
! ill ml) mil.
- In the trial of a biga'ny case in a court
! of Toronto recently the judge expressed a
l very pronounced opinion that an Ann-ri-j
can divorce. could not lie accepted in Calm
' diau court-' as binding or as dissolving the
i uiarriuc ties.
The champion hawk killer in Pennsyl-
vania is James Neiir!)', or, at least, be
I claims t he licit. He is so years old and
reside- near Taylor-ville, Kin ks enmity,
i and ibis season be has winged exactly V.'U
j of tin' i-iinniiig
In a tit of despondency lr. Coulter, a
j widely known and wcll-tn-do dentist uf
1 M.-Vt-yliittii. committed suicide l.y -hooting
hitii-cir in lb- right temple with a re
; volyer Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He
. w as a TiieintK-r of Co. K. 4'ith P. V.
j Murderers row in the Allegheny
county jail now contain eleven men who
i baxe lieen tried or are to come before the
! court toaiisxxt-r for that awful crime. The
last addit i.u was jnade Saturday, when
; August Suinini-rfelt, sr.. was taken iu to
explain the death of .-lis ten-year old son.
I Leonidas Uicketts, of Columbus. .,
while delivering a load of sawdu-t at a sa
' loon, sent his lixe-year-old s,,ii in to get
j warm. When be went into the saloon he
i found his In iv staggering from the effects
of six glasses of whisky xvhich bad l-cn
gixen to him. The loy xvill die. All
pari ics have lieen arr--ltl.
Kcnjauiiu Rutcb-r, a son of Judge
Hutch!', of KdircwtMxl. W. Va., w.-ut home
drunk and began abusing bis wife. The
fat lu-r interfered. -Hiking hi-son with a
strip of lath. Tin- young man drew a
ktdfe and stabbed him four limes iu the
face and neck, t utting an artery. He then
;ailoH'd away. The aged father will
probably die.
Ru rglars cutel ed the bouse of I-aiab
Sha-lTei'. a wealthy reiintl farmer living
at o'oof-dale. I.ani'a-tcr county. Pa., ami
got -."oi. As they were leaving SchaelTcr
awolo-. II' was met in the kitchen by the
burglars. Although years old ShaelTer
is a powerful man. lb- picked up a (Hiker
to -Hike .t he thieves, u hen one tif them
shot him bet w i-eii t he eyes. He w ill die.
Charles Ntcintieck, one of the l-st
known and apparently most prosperous
funnels, near We-loii W. Va., was arrested
fur robbing and bin ning the store of J. J.
Render, in which he secured nearly
in goods and money. Within tin- two last
In. mill- l hive po-toflices and stores in this
county have been robbed audit is believed
all these crimes will le traced to Stein
beck. Two stalwart policemen guard John
Howard at 4-:.-, Hamilton street. Tklanay
ayunk. He is a raving maniac. MilTering
all tin' toi l urc- of hydrophobia, and his
condition is hopeless. On February 15 last
How ard, who is sexton of St. David's P.
K. church, was standing at the church en
trance xx hen a small dog bit him on t'ie
xx l ist, w hich has since itevclo(ed into hy
drophobia. August Soiticrfclt, a lad of 1(1. killed
himself in an effort to his father's
wrath, lie jumped from the third floor at
41 1- Penn avenue Pittsburg to the tirouud.
a distance of 40 feet, and xvas frightfully
bruised up, Wing killed almost insiantlw
Tin Imy bad played truant from school and
his father gave bini a fearful tieating, and
when be let go of the boy the lad run and
jumped out uf the window tiescaie furth
er punishment.
Lambert Hill, a tailor of Tamaiue.
has lx-en suffering severe and (n'culiar
pains in bis throat since last spring, and
after a meal xvould feel particularly nause
ous; only with the greatest diOiculty could
he keep food in his stomach. A day or so
ago. after dinner, he vomited a well devel
oped lizard. The reptile was a yt-I low
color, xvith red sjiots, and was fully three
inches long. lie is of the opinion that he
swallowed the lizard while drinking water
from a spring during the summer.
is an arbitrary word used to designate the
only bow (ring) which cannot be palled o9
the watch.
Here's the idea
The bow ha a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendant (stem) and
nts into the grooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
It positively prevents the los of the
watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from
Jas. Boss Filled or other watch
cases bearing this trade mark
All watch dealers sell them without extra cost.
A watch cats opener will be tent free to ani on
by tha manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
Q- and vjo enuiretonfvlerate Hill only
0J "T rei.t earti: .S.i a-1 flJ Mil lu eeolf
-i-u; 24 cnt and W frnl hlniiattter. 0 rents
earn: ! and 3 hm, rent earn. Sent teeure
ly tealad m reljit U .rlr. Address 'na. 1.
HAHut-a to Souls erstfi M .. Atlanta. Ua.
(1 o
As far as possible. That's what we're all
thinking a Unit these times wbeu dollars
are so s.-an e and the wants and needs of
the family as great as ever.
Have you ever thought about what a
difference tiiere is in prU-r and what a
great amount can be saved by judicious
ami careful buyiiiK?
It's really surprising.
Dress Goods Items :
1,( yards fin.; all-wool PLAIN 15LACK
LA L IKS' CLOTH, 40 inches.
J(c. u Yard
.-. piece fine WHITK AND It LACK
w ide,
2ic. a 1'tirtf.
A t.isr lot all-wool CLOTH I'LAIUS,
TiO inche.-. vx ide,
50c. a Yard.
MO pieces double width AMERICAN
'i'tc. otrw; f.V. a Yard.
Uk:. rtiiM, a Yard.
Uich and high-class Woolens the choicest
and best of the year's pnductiius all
bought at specially favorable prices and all
fur sale at less money than such qualities
have ever been Ituuglit and sold.
Our Catalogue is ready for mailing. It's
of interest to you and if you've not receiv
ed a copy write us tor one.
115. 117, 119 & 121 Federal St,
-3 Q
OS -o
a or?
a t..
i i- an
2 :
QD . o
. . 3 --
PS --J
o - o
Hardware, Queeosware,
1UK.EW(, ETC..
malU 20I7
Boots & Shoes
Sheriff's Sale !
The public invited to call.
Prices away down.
For Sale !
I have a cbocs lot ol ram lamb which ars rich
ly lire! (rotn twith sire and dam of noted slock
They are covered wtth a deooe Ueeee ot choice
wuol. 1ju riowo, square animal, tulll i.ruad
and ot aood weUbt and la croud condition. There
I no better ftock to place at the head of a herd
ol iiwid ewe. I will sell a limited number ol ewe
lauilx and also a few good yeanlnc ewe If any
one wants somethloic Hoe to rlarl a tne tluck
i0,il 10 any In the land lor wool and tnatten
V 111 be fold oon. Kfct'BLN KoX
tct. 20, 18U3. Tyrone. Blair county. Pa.
To Investors.
WHY a-o away from borne to seek Investment
"i "r when you can buy Peuuyl7enta Kirat
MorlitaKe tci-untler on the t'ai-h or Monthly
Payment ilan and which will net you twenty per
wnt. on your money? For art-ular call on or
llre li. A. tNULKHAKT.
Ana. 5. t2. ttienuiiurc. Pa.
STKAYEII away from (ilea White. Blair eonn
T. -. on or about October loth, 18.a one
lour year-old black cow having white spot on
forehead and white belly. Any person ftlym. ms
, Intot-tnation that will lead to her recovery will tie
j suitably rewarded, i'KANK K I'M ST.
4 Oct. W.3C U tea bY bile. Hlmu Vo Va.
To every member of every family
is a physical impossibility lor us
Thousands of Out-of-Town Folks
through their favorite family paper, knowing they will have tlie
same confidence in our -advertisements that they would httve wore
we to tell them of our goods in the
is known to everybody in eity, town or hamletf and throughout tl.
country districts for many miles around as the most n-Iiahh s.t(,rt.
in Altoona. They know that the same courtesy is extemh-i ;in
out-out-town customer as is shown the home people. They know
that orders sent by. mail are as promptly and faithfully filled us or.
ders given over the counter.
No Store in Altoona
affords as many conveniences for visitors to the city. Neat waifin-r
rooms for ladies and children, and nicely eijnipped toilet rooms ;ne
fitted up for their convenience ami comfort. Uagguge is taken ran
of and sent to the depot for you and you are never annot-il,v
having to load yourself with packages.
We invite the people of Ul.iir
the his store a visit.
No boue U-t w en !'liilaii-liliia and
I'itttiiirg t-aii coin- tit-ur t-iialliii our
Mock uf t-tials and t-aM-s for llii- ar.
bouKlit iniiMi'iix loi ami mi- iiii-an to
st-II -v-ryoii' u' ttx-in. ami liav- t 1k-i Inn-tx-Uuii
thus t-arli to cut tin- ju ict s lo I Ik
lowest pK.Mbl- Injures wliile m-oIi; Aant
tlir coats.
In this Ii-iartiiiciit ue will olTi-r a- lornr
as lli-y last, the following t-v j . 1 1 . .1 1 a. i
1 lot ladi-s plain black coats at ii.'.C.
1 lot ladle-' plain black coals al ?.!.'.i'..
1 lot ladies' plain black coals at M..".o.
1 lot ladies black, fiir-ti'iiiiind coats,
(full skirl). .".. 1
1 lot ladies' black, fur-trinitm-d coat,
(full skirti. 4'...H.
1 lot black cheviot, fur-ti iiniiicd, (full
skirti. r:."iti.
1 lot black Ix-avcr, fur-ti inline!, (full
skirti, $i.V'..
1 lot black beaver, plain, full -kii li,
1 lot black beaver, plain, (full sUlt'll,
1 lot black beaver, plain, (full skill),
1 lot black U-aver, fur-trimmed, very
pretty and Konl quality, fan ami uiuiiri-lla
back, at tl'-'.."io.
1 lot tine I leaver, fur-trimmed. I'olum
biau collar, iu Havana navy and black,
1 lot Havana bavy an Mark, uinnm-d
with braid, very stylish. Jlo.'.i.'i.
1 lot Havana black and navy, trimmed
wit h braid, umbrella back ami t 'oluintuiiii
collar, ( r.Mi. '
1 lot same as aliove. f . '."1.(111.
1 lot same as atioc. c'.'T.mi.
111: CAl'KS.
French Corn y, i iucli-. al ('.).
Ji " at T..'ii.
" " a I
" - " at ..." 1.
" ' lo.."ji.l..-io. 1. '.j ami up.
Monkey hair fur. a ureal inch, 1 ...,
cajie fur Jfl S..3. These cap-s are worth
W e also have the Astra ban capes and
jackets, (.'apt s from jf to ;.vni.
Klec-ll ic seal capes I10111 to f.'
Ladles' cloth capes. n,.:, t7..'il, f..'n,
1.I, tVJ.Ut, t::.'X,. s I .". and up.
l'lush capes, ifll.tsi. il.M, l.', 1T.."ii
and up.
Children's c-oats. lonir. fl.'.Ci. ?-'.ii, ?-'.-.'."i,
K.riti, t:AK W.-."!, 3..ri, (.'..':,. and up
to 15.00.
Miss.-s short coats in many styles. ?:t.T.".
H.tot, ;..( 1, jf.-LUi, t7..i, f-.."iO, flo.iin.
and up.
In this Ileparitneiit we w ill otTer as long
as they last the following:
1 lot trimmed hats for tin little ones at
i.:iy. Ji.tHi, t i.t:.. i..c, fj.j:.. ami up.
Ladies' trimmed hals, ( l..i."i,
f::, .ti.., j?;!..':., .'i..v, f.s.'.o, fi.'... a.:v.,
4..V.i, f.T.'i. ti.'X and up.
lSounets in many styles and at punk
prices. We can suit any 0110 iu our Millim-iy
Deparlnieut and can trim hats w hile you
We claim and we can ptove tin-claim
that we can buy Dry l.oods generally ui.d
1320-1322 11th Avenue, 1J Blocks from tlie iH-jKit.
If You Want
In Ebensburg.
Full Roller Process
For the Manufacture of Flour has been put in the OKI Shenkle
Grist Mill in Ebensbur and turns out nothing but
Bring in your Gram anl give us a trial Each man's grain i
ground separately and you get the flour of your own wheat The
mill is run every day with the BEST OF POWER.
ePu.w Proprietor.
into which this paper goes, hut it
to do so, hence we address the
and surrounding counties to t,.-lv
I rs .immIs particuiurly bi-iier tl.:iu ;,. ;
other estatilisliin-iit in I'euiial 1 . 1 , 1 , - .
It is irin-r tietlay than it e-r 11..,'
t hi- store 1 ad iu llress tiooil-. 1 1::,
l.iliiliou of late and stlih fain i.-- ..,
Im-i-u a n-velal ion to other bou-ex. .,,,,.
ot hers can lug in to com pete with n 1,. ,
in iiialit. iiaiitily or price.
iiiir l;itf spi-cial Hies, i;.Hi. ,, ,,
pro ing a Imioih. Those who 1 aii 1 i-.,w-to
' lie stoii- jre i ii v 1 l-l lo send -,11-
'1 hose who tiuestioii the supi-timm .1
this iepai t mi-lit an- requested ! m.i.,,
comparisons. ( OLD WEATHEi: I' X DEUWL.X I:.
S-asoiiabi- giHids. ih'W good. ui 1 1 ,.
prices w e ha ve alii xed to t hem. jnoe
selling stock and we would ad ise il,at ),m
com- -arl y.
A glan-- at the prices;
l-'leece hgi-nic titnl.-wear- positively
the In-all hiest. warmest and l-t uii.t.i
wear mad) for men. ) ott,n tleeeed. r n
each; w miI lleeced, tl.'j:,, 'J.oo. S ; ji an. I
Xatnral Merino a riT';. and .? cent -a. i,.
Xalural wool a I l.oo.
Scarlet wtiol at 7'2 cents and f l.oo.
Ladies' rililicd Vests a t V". cents.
Natural wool vests and pants at T". c. i,'.
aml fl.oo.
Si-arlet all wool v-sts and pants. 7:,.-..,ts
and fl.oo.
I':in'i's hair, all wool, vests and i.aiii-at
( hildn-n's v-sts. pants and iliaw. r. IU
white and li at lira I w ool. ami all w mil s, ,u
lei. at low prices.
Ki hlied vests and pants, (leeceil, at '.'.
cents each, all sies.
The variety of styles, kinds, ii.iailli.-
ami prices is almost numberless. e.
got vv hat you w ant.
Mir big iiasi-m.-nt Sales are the talk of
the icoplc. Every sale dovv n there is a I l
advertisement for us. Jt brings u n,..!.
trade. The kitchen f urn ish i ngs are nuik-
! iug a reputation every where for them seiv .-.
l.i-asou : - Our prices an- riuhl. See
We arc well prepared tosuiiply all wash
day needs from nur liberal baseim ni
stoi-ks. and as suggest ions e here append a
few things at popular prices:
Tubs. c-uts and up.
ashboards, s, cents.
ringers. ft.L's and up.
llaskcts, .V. cents up.
Itoilers, v.t cents to l.i;i.
Pins, li do.en for "i elils.
Lilies, .'i ami lu cents.
Soap, ltahbit's, li cakes for L'.'i cenl.
Ironing hoards.
Mrs. potts' sad irons.
M EX XOT l' Hit ; TTEX .
P'niemliT that wo carry more
Furnishing I.ihmIs than ttmsi st,,r,.
1 1 1 .1 h
ing a business of that lin-. We c;
111 s,-
men s underwear, men's shirts, men
lars and neck w car, and men's -,
lowtr prices than any establislnne
city. Find this out by testing our
and qualili-s.
Do it as soon as you can. It w ill p;
to come any time and the earlier n
hel'c ill better fur vmi. f',ito..
'HI 1
' your friends.