A StmiKiii: Ol'1 WOLVES. Montr.no. and TV ia Cnttla Killed by tho Ravenous Boaata- Stock 1C-I.t in Ttie-e Are at Iae.it lor some tt snte Their ouillC Cinviitntl liurw from lic-trni-tii'ii. ':l.es :)!; T trtvsit hane of the MiK-W-1-iii-.ii'jr i.i.lttstry in th west ami MUillnvtt. a;il h.ttv to trH riil of thein ervvoti to prevent their inereuso is just now of most serious cruvni to niu'h itien. Tho t mil Me is not eotifinetl to niivniv sei-linn. for stories of hnvoe iitiioinr stork- :i!il of helplessness to eopewitli the pest eotne alike from points in western Texas an.l in eastern Moii t:i na. At the reeent annual meet in;,' of the Montana stock jri-own's tin- surprisint,' fact was state.! ami enrrohorateil hy ran.-h.iii'-ii from all purls of the state tiiai (i.irin-- t 'i.' n-t two years twenty -ti ie per cent, of the y. .uiiir eal ves a Ii'l ten per e. nt. of the eoli -..n t he ranges liave heen ties! r. n eil I y wolves. The sheep men of 'leyas a-jree that they sulVer from the iie.re.i:ttiol)s of wolves more than from an other eatise, an.l estimate t heir in rr.ii'i' loss at twenty p.-reent. of t l.vir t'. el;s. .1. M. t 'amp in !!. wii ' tin f the largest ranches ill western Teas near lel IZio, where lie has a fl.M-i; of twelve tium.satiil lieail of sheep. s:i'- lie has hint over three thou-aml hea l ki'.'eil by eoyotes or wolves il !i ri ne- t lie pa st year. The miniiT of wo! ve.-. does not tli minisli. ' The faet i-." says a Montana newspa per. -'t ha ? wol ves have increasetl in vast nu ail 'i t's t it hill t he past three years, ami that nil methods for their destruction have liil!ierti failed." And Mr. Campbell says of Teas: 'The wolves are heeommy so numer ous ;i n. i I .old that ; is no trouble to t rap and shoot theer but their 111011 bers i'.o l!ot seem to ileeroase." liis fellow sheepmen that the looses to t ileir Hoe Us from the ih-pretlat ions of the wol ves in the pie I few years have eiliiiiled. and in many eases exceeded, the protils from the business. Men who have rai-rii shrt p in Australia and other count ni.-s say there is no bet ter count ry in ti.e worhl for shcei raisine; than Texas, but for th" wolves. Ilow wolves may kill sheep is not tliliicult to conceive. Killim,' yonii;.' steers a ml eol 1 s i s a bidder job. The wol f, pre, i n r a I one or as one ot a band, picks out a line ouiijr animal, leaps on its himl nua rters and cuts the ten donsof the leu'. The animal is crip pled and tin- fen t is easy for the wolf or t he pack. I sua ! i y but 1 it t le of the Ultima I thus h 1 1 led is . Icvoured, for the wolf prefers fie-h meat, and calves and colts and sheep are plentiful mid easy prey. Ilow 1 "et rid of the wolves is a problem much essayed but still wholly unsolved 'j lie M o! ta na sf mU growers ih bated it lor si hours and left the case open. The unanimous opinion was that oiil two siiu'trcst ions were con si lercil a ' all w or1,, a 1 ile. one for t heir extermination by sta:' hounds and the old one of a bounty to hunters. The Mv lieast. will not touch a pois oned carcass unless driven by ex treme Imin-vr. a e.aaliti.ei unlikely v. it h on:' ' stoch so pie ut i f a I and easy to st I .laivhler. Tiie r-lock men say t ii::t .i-hnii'.'. even when eaten, for some straiere i ;isoii or oLlu r. now rarely takes e.Veet o;i a wolf. I dferi ie a n i.e crea ed 1 t:ii - is an ijun-ive ai:d risky business, it mi:,lr. e.iea n asmm-h CXpeU e .Is tile los of the st'l'k ' Wi v. i (a be lives kill, for if the !: t V V.!-' lit','. !f scalp- oei I p.. p..s i't d from i-.ada a:.d in-iu-hl ..H states for in.ly pu rpi i-'.s. .'nr. i 1' cli. t:ie a :iv'v - 1 exas sheep ra i set- on- ted. ! for cvtrrmi- na i tl I' " I : 1 1 : eh h is very h ei b; s- t! .pt-rul. ntlv a tilv a. verr.l -.v en Ml v .. i . ha i'S re ! ii a i ; i:i;re. 1.. ; 1 1 ca u-j '..- . HI.- e di ea-e. a .1 '1 i . made it sure Mr. ('ampbel. V. c'-dc e uiilt -. . e ,i -a -.- will ! ' , ' v.-i . r . i !.-:! I hy v. .! i 1 Willi 1 1 1 a 1 1 :."e a - a. ifi t idle, ie i .i" -et will that they h; t iirne 1 1 il ia i Tex. lie'.. spread s i ; that there v. it -e i : 11:- I iu Texas, do ie it l.r i s a ed a ud d -e in ;i K. v s i he : ie a n l'.o .1 he b. id - I i'l the e:.-e of the v olv. ?.r. t'ai.o.ln 11 pro;-o , , that t '.e l. u laturi -honld istabl! U : tai; very i-niiiu v in wi lei u l exas tor t t. n. !;:;;:! ion of l.ia ainoi".- woiv 'I 1 jim. ii m ! 1ait.li i.. men i. a 1 . ; 'th: t c!r 1: 1 1 lot l a ti r re.-nlls. : h 1' M ik i n .- with mi.ei iid l . RAILROADS IN THE TROPICS. It Is Il:nl ti Kc- tin- (lrii'-n rll;iii Irmii l:err::ii:e- hm i -; i ui-t itin. Apropos of I be pi-. j 'cled Pan - mer ican railway, it is to be. noted tleil lio! only i, Ci.-t i t of i a dw.iy eon- sirueti ei ia Iroui, 1 eou t ri.-s vers heavy, but t lie annual maintenance of way is exp-i.sie to a devrrce which ,atilld le a pi reciati: by those who have no experience iu this connect ion. The Antioi-uia railroad iu 'ol.uui.ia. says Charles 1". Yea t man in the lii;ri ncerinu' Ma:ra.-iin. co-t iu -i sinu-"ie year, f or re pa i is of t rack and bridges. Jf kt.'i'.r. per mile. The ( an. a radroad. in the same year. cost. s.JT per mile. These t wo roads are in oiombia and are sometimes mentioned cither as future feeVrs of the I 'it n-A m.rican rikilroad. or parts of its mainline. On the A n i io. p.ia road, if t he iimlertri"" iwt I. were nit at the bei,oiin"; of the rainy season, less than two months' rain was sufficient to form sin reh of green trees thirty teet lnu'ti lean .ne- over the track so as to shade it completely. The constant chanu'e from dryness in the day to soaking moisture at niurlit. fven in the dry season, would soon ruin the best of timber, but nature fur nishes a still quicker means of pvttinu' rid of it. in the shape of an ant or wood-louse, which is careful not to mar the out: ide of his domicile, but wiil patiently honeycomb the inside, until what looks like a solid l.'xl-J stick is hut a shell from to '4 inch thick, filled w ith dust and ants. The native timl-er sutTcrcd so much from the in roads of these peMs that, upon liear ini,' that yellow pine was used in I 'a ll ama to avoid them, a trial of it was madeon t he A n ; io.,uia r..a.l. th-or'ia pine had to Ih shipp, d by way of New ork. at a cost ,,f m arly 5-Hn"i p, r .MN) feet, lxiard measure, w lii nputin place. Uhcn l left there the lirst of my yel low nine trestle w:is lw..;.,. .i ii tnul been built less than four veiirs Varticuiiy I'lklnt. " At the 1-euriniiirii.r of the last war (in Issfi) tiie jxipulation of Varuu'uay vas reckoned at TTtl.d'KJ; to-day it has less than :J.o.t m and fully six-sevenths of that, number are women. These ii;.'urc do not refer to the no madic savae; -s that -warm that part of the country called the "I'haeo." whose lordcrs iv n pirated from Asuncion only by tiie narrow river but to their near kinsmen of more or less adulter ated blood, who live in lminUxi lints, t-u! tivate the soil to a limited extent, and collider themselves civiliz-ed. Tha uneont r lied Iiniians of tho Chaeo are repotted by the j.'ovorr.ment sta ti -ticiaiis to number upwardsof HKi.immi; bat in reality i.obody knows iiin.-li abi i:t them. Kvensit the capital the ahorie-inal (iuarar.i Lai'ttaf,'!.' is more nnivcrsally t pok-eu than Spanish, anil the weekly jonrnnl, Kl latio Jm juouta.1, is lill of it iriutuU iu tiiaA l.Utruue- 0iMm j liiMi t'OU C. W. IK.N. SUNSTRUC'A IN BATTLE I IU. Mil FS MFPICAT, CO.. T'liatutT, Inii I muM sav tiie K-torutiv Nrriin Hii.l r- ami Litrr l'ill liaveUmie me crrut irMl. Hilt VKAKS I flAVK NOT HXT A8 V1 I.I. AS NOW. Ttip tnrtlnc noiut ol" my tispfn a Fiinstnike received in luitlb- tofore l'urt Hudson, l.oiusuoui, June lliti, --l. I ti i tlio time of liciritiniug to take Ir. Milr' ft g KetuedieH I iiait lind H. ciin- f Zy tniiutl liistnicimu p:im in my licinl; iilso, weak spell.", ami lli- ni'st lour yir I have luul to Rive ii m'rvll'ini: of an netive Pliarnrter, Hint ftny ie ill" Iioiite for I f f p nionl' nt a t I in n: K J Pi C- J -oli 't walk arrn. tho ntwt. I KNOW YOl li iikii i iiiks ii avk n mk. nmi iii.it I tin cure will ! perniiilielit. Several THOUSANDS hero are usiu your remeilu-s, aiul all hpei;ti well of them. Y ours trul v. i i'l. it ". IT.N. National Miliiury limine, I-ayloti.O. TR. MII.KS'NF.ItTNK Is the mr.st cer tain cure lor IIfilH-lit-, Nriirnliri.i. IHcrv fftiiM lrtMlrtiii, Ili7.ins4. Niiik, nt-p lr MsiifKiv I tlllli-Hs. ICIui. unit i.iiiul llMliil. 1'iuiUtili.s no u'i?ifiti or ili:nt-rini- ai :im. SolI on a I'osilivc Guaraoti e. Oh. MILES' PILLS.50 DosEsSaCTs Snl.IillY lII.T. .' KAV1SON. EHKNSHI'KU. uikykics aim i - Tij l Watches given vU'AGirls. Write for particulars. itlC?&J AMERICAN TEA CO. I 338 tn 346 Bth ve.. Pittsliurq.Pa Garfield Tea Orrrromvii Cures Constipation Constipation rctnand.s prompt treatment. The re mits of neglect may be sell. his. Avoid all harsh and drastic purgatives, tho tcndctii-y of which is to weaken tha Iwiwels. Tlio Ix-st remedy is Ayer'S l'ills. Iicin purely vegetable, their action is prompt and their cilect always beneficial. Tiny are an admiraMo I.ivcr and A ftcr-diuner pill, and evcry whero endorsed by the rofcssiin. " Arer's l'ills aro liiirhly and univer sally "spoken of by tlei people alxittt here. 1 make ilaily Use if I licm in my practice." lr. Jr'ovvlcr, l'.ridge- tnt. Conn. " I can rcrnninieml Ayer's Tills ahove all others, li.uiii h:i proved their value as a cathartic for myself ami family." J. T. J I ess, Lithsvillc. J'a. " For several years Ayer's JMlls have beeu used iu my family. W e liud l hem au Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestion, nml are m-ver v.uhoiir llu-in in the hi'iise." Moses (ircmi-r, I.ov. ell, Mass. "I have used Ajer's l'ills. for liver troubles and iudiue.-tioti, daring many years, and have alvva.vs toiind them i'loiupt aie! ciiii ieiit in t heir action." a. . Smith, I tii a, N. V. "I suifered fioin constipation vhich nssiiiucd such an obstinate f.-iui that I feared it would caiiii :i stopping if thi bowels. Two boxes of Aver's I". lis ef fected :l complete cure." J. lhirke, Sa. ... Me. " I have used Ayer's Tills for the past thirty vtMi-s and coiisnter them an in valuable family medieme. 1 Know of no belter rciiii .iy for liver troubles, ami h:ie always found l In m a prompt, iire for dwpcp.-da "- bnin s ijiniiii, in) Middle st.. iiai'iioi-.l, Cotiii. " Having been t ,-n I .In with costive-li'-s. which M-eins ini' it able with r fioi.s of M-deiit iry habits, 1 have tiled A. i s Tills. Iopiic; for relief. I am i i i.l to that lin k have served mo I'l-i'i-r i!i:mi anv olln-r meil.eme. I lir: e ;i: :a;s cone I it .ion only af!cr a fa.'ut.ii m:ii i f Hie:! merits " - Samuel T. ..'oi.es, tlati si . To.-.lou. Mass. Ayer's Pills, ci: t i-ai: ki i-.v Or. J. C. Ayer & Co. I owell. Masr 6ulU br iJeulc-lM In Aleilicluts. (":ive;it. nni Tr.ide-M.irks ohtaincrt. tni all IVt ent tuixiness inntnted fur Moderate F;. Our Office is Ooposite U. S. Patent Office, na we ran secure patent in less time than tho-e remote from Washington. Semi mullet, lirawinir or photo., with dvrrlp Von. We aiivijie. if patetitatile or not. free of rharire. Our fee not due till patent is n-eured. A Pamphlet. "How to obtain Patents." with niftm p of actual clients in vourState, county, o" town, cnt free. Address C.A.SNOW&CO, Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D. C FOR ARTISTIC B PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. l)i joiNHZI) GLASSES? nVK tXA.MILI hktl: Co S.-x-ctac'es r-rfectly fittcj nil guarantee J f Jr 3 yci:-. Afificinl eves in-it-rt ti. J. DJA.UOMj. Ortici-n. r -' . i tn. 2 J S ih St., I'l l I SHl Rli. PA. EtensImrflE Fire Insurance Apcy rr. av. di (jiv, General Irsurance Agenl KitKXHnuita. pa. SALESMEN WANTED ftP Tolrll Nt'HSKKY Mdl K. UIra tha bent v TfrtiM.olit bkiI new. repine ll ft-irk tlmt ill, ami tomrmitre ratiKinctinn. ilhrhest fn'iir or e wmif iiion pniil Irum tiie start. Writa for terinl H. K. riookert'o.. Nurseryiren, Kochester. N. futabltabfrt lhi". Inenrporated 18S3. DO y iml Jvt HrimlnKT II M, itltl IM Fa a am a a a triaJ onlar. r. , inn JO nun A WCiCttirUL Eli-vc..V.rt. Ilow the I-attMiete irl-le i:ail!s III C'oiy Ili'.Kt; Nest. T!ie i:.i!tit-i-re oriel'.' ii a prince in a hoe.-e of princes, ssys a v.-r'.t. r i-i S'.-e" :i,-r's '.":'. :i-:i ne. Tb.e fumilv ' '.: ' l lie bcloi- I., ci I".po: c ! ci ldl'oS j -: :r.ilde either for pi o:i ! .v. not . j l' . .e';'-,rs orjiabil. Kach er.i: eia i:i .::e- ti ' :" curious and oreinal: b:ti. i' j !;..!! it'i re shines in every one of t i ' - ; pari ieiilars. for in pimn;!.': . mht n v.l i ne -t a!i':e lie is :m csK-i:;l'y ri 'm::i-';- i able bird. When the ea.'l of Kn't "t--. r " beeat'ie the lord of aryla ml his f..t- ! lower:. piie'.;ly notio.' 1 t !k e-.rre :' 1- I cliiv bet.ve -ii liis lnr;il.:ie liv. ry id j or.iii,"!' Itn.l biae'e !i;id ilie -rritf-'r ::t.l ', Mae'- of tii.- sT.leiidid bl tli..: .-. abounded i'l tk new 't:; '- I". it. i very iu; iui-al! ;. . the name "lli'.iii ." j bitii " was e,: :i'i'Mcil and i.as 1kv.i j bi uaie i-ViT si lee. 1 liis;i-t is nnc tf the most nonder fnl exau:i!es of bird-v. ca v i n-- i'. I-etie.-. It is ,:.; !e f se; a r : '. . t ;re: i strii!'--. bor. v i::: ' r or rip-, o. :.i'i-elo.-i 1 ii ii iv.i.li 11 into.; -oft ' i '. . and so iirm ly k i' '. t t o:;"ei lie r i ! :: : i. e l hear ueiLr!.t i i' tuT:t or i'oi, . jMilillds. Ill tl-c : i.I'Hk I'.' i :.: i. i.li. bird s ra ll fe 1 be I'e: t h. i !'. 'a ! two or three 1iri. i-.al 1 : . . ;i -teetioii iroui nrua roll- i. :. . : a:. : m;;1. 's. 4p.s. . jim! lb.' t' . : it is iilsu i.:a-.ii' six or vwc ! i: depth to pe --.- ':it ti:-' e. I' i '.'... :i out by I lie biir'i V' ul . I'. i'l ih Cobb-r le.rt h. v. hei t ree-c i ... 1 ' r . ar" r''.re. tL is bii.c. not a' .-.. .(. : ity of the tr;. m-lu -. bnt in a - t vvii's tied atlords :-li.dt.r. ti m -a sli::liowcr tiiriu wln-n cvfe t-d to tl. wind, but 's very tliie'cl. .v.. a n lined Willi -ofi, .':tfi ma ' eri: . '!:.' orioles loud, lio-iia' not -. 1' . : from the b irh t ree-t . i n tie- lie a: i are an aiiiob- re Tn; : I '. : of in' d i tiieorv tiiat in. do.' v ::; .! 1 ri : pi a'a HSf ;ac uek'er be -.i lu',1 n.oln:i tile same bird. thi" y.or.y.s toad It llertrs a lleiiei r . a :, Kes'-m Varies to I lie ..lii e-i;; Vr'ecr . I p-:. There lias be.'ii i .: 1 . i i i ' ; 1 ' ! -sion "i 1 1 t'i.' Sii. .ii' ! ' ' ' late bout tii c 'lt'i'. u . ! a bi i m i ae ! r-. . 1 1 .i. I i.tiio. I i i . ia on:: an' o : " oi" : onrtili;:" i looii ."i-..i!i iiieirc'.e di iaibed. M:i:iy 'viinc. - a-a- i Hie :' - .'t:on I).::! the Ii!).. : .'.i-.-.u. r.-: 1!-- to- tl.:- p-ov.ee. .'. . . , a : ', i . to one ..ii- .rv. '-.tie' i 1 ....!. -.a' i.- :i '.' re-eei' !!.... I. e.e- - , "e, ..: li: ! '. lifiii-e. jil t above ;.' i '.!.;! i,e i'Vc a nd it ;ipi. ;ir o leu :i . i: : I . ir.T elf ct lljM.ll :;tl :, ,i l; I eie.el-.- : it !i it. Tin' boi-ued toad. say-, tin- Youl'i : 'I'lupan i' i a - i ra --b . -U era t iiri. a mi i n i r! a : t wa - ;' -t; :i-e recalls one of i he u :..!::: 1 ! in- .i - t -i-s t bat i a pa t r . e V , I I i c. d i-i lie- v.-.'-.t.'i-i ; a : . T .' ei -r:-a tin- trieet-.it i;.. of Pi- .1. ii. This y :-.iat ' a' i;:ml. u'ii..-.c n. '!! me. ins i hive- !i. !: i i'.:'-'." ,'ia i :t-' sl.l,!, inclo ei i'l a b.. be M. t o;l t'.e upjiei part of w o -:i. ri e no-,-. W. !'.- lee. :t 11 1 horns. lie bead 'f :' . r ! lie e i.hui si . r , is i,. . Ie - s I h.i i cied.t I'e. . ioe -. V iict. . noia..-; f eel is !:d I -a t a. bele I oi' t !n ; rie.-i-:. : , t I :. l- i , . Is o o . e : i ! I . . : -. a . i . . , . i ; : , . , .; . . ,; , i i! h.i ! '. : a 1. 1 of .-...ill. o- iii -.a- I .1 :"i of lav I. i -i v. -.-rea l.i-i i.,: ! I . ' li. -a. U :t h '. :: ;'i;. ! io!i of t :i -. . e 1 1.. b.'T: .1 lii.lL loaiili d ill. I'.- ::l a:;. ie I times. light si j: A Street Agent's -T.io-.il of l l iw.oL a I'l-eWi. . n cvi-'mITi;'.- i';:-t :-.. et! ' . . ' lt!!!i! ! a 'da:;- a.-a.'a- t a ! ;-,-'...;.::.' ;: ppa re'I i ' ' r 'e I: ' t , '...; I !. jit t. ere:-; - ! a .-a-. .!. :-1 .'' a l a y 1. . u. : . i e. t : !-.'- .'..;. Hi- : ::l o a a box wiiieli be 1.:. 1 .1 t ry i.e. t v id.'ii'. ly be':"- sitd e. a-; :ra i. i: .i I-. . i lie -. l.e bad pi:.. . 1 i . .. on tic i i o-; . i o i c i ll. - i ". : :'. . up -a it. I'.i ! fallen a !. . p. '! i .. ho .- ie -c( . 'h ,! i'l ; -ei : : ier . be c . 1 to th'.' I'K.ll ids ;-"'lltle. r, I I . ' s. . -. di- p. 1! d i!.e I'.-.ar t '-at i:e p.; ',: ".. dead. i he : id. of hi s v. a ; . i jKccii a ii..' In .-:ivi-.l cm: : m iee.aea lio". I! was the jm", r.ic-.;. of .-'. - :-. one tbi't !..- e,.s ;.. ..' i- : a i: .. ! , ; i:; ! : : :pl ta! ia" a . u i-.-i : o. . e. '. b, ii t he rov I bet a ioe : o : e: p a to 1 1 i.al, a bii .e1 'e. I he sep,.-. e: b , p. .- Mid !y j.-.n-.p.-d to hi-. .. . r tU' i. i'.ed bi-- bo and. j'. or" bi: " j c e.'ple of bottles over I'd: luad. c clad..,.,!: "Xnw. ;rer:'.. seeiu" tbt vt. ;.re ti.'. here. I rise to a one . ion pr"v!l.:-e and after i h::i: 1 in" tmi b.r i'dsiao cordial l eeept ip. which in -.-pre wili l 'ii;r remain upon thetidiet .:' my tiii'inory. I i- b to c::ll oer:.:ie! tioii In mv worhl-rciiou iied corn am. bunion cradicator." THE ONLY FrvitNir.E MAGCN. S!ie AV:s tlu (,':ttirl .fenlor :ir.tcii siml B ' ii tar of 1 te:i ul ji . "Was there ever a w..:nan mason?" "Yes. one. and only on. It was found tliat slic ciiuldii 1, !:c p a s ci ; t. And so it has been ever since that a woma n has 1 1 .1 b i nir to tii' io t o lua Li ber el hr: blc to ma: -on ry." This wii.- the r.-j.ly ot b'obert Walton, of I"ii"'by. 'I. 'tin., who is a m.-iiiln-r of Alhaiubra Tempi:' i:i hat tanooa. says t lie ( cinnat i Star. "This woman, then, was a member of the first lodoV?-' "She was. She was the'frraml junior warden and piU.i r of bea itty. Willi the worshipful master die red. led in a beatiful (janlcii. t hat has come down in h istory as the most beautiful sjxd in which human heme's ever lived anil loved. With the wor.shipful master she was warmly interested in builiiinr up an ideal od;re of I'rec Masonry. I'.ut in an evil hour one apneared at the outer wichet. Ih' was a fallen ma son. One who had fallen into the uttermost depth, and was forever dis graced. IJut In? was most cumiiii'? of speech, and he prevailed ujkih the beautiful jrrand junior warden and pillar of lwatity to let liiui in. Slit did so. The world knows the rest of the story. The first woman had brohen her vow. and let in one who of all creatures was the last to expect recog nition and favors liecause of his fallen estate. And so the tirst hilje was cor ruptee! ln'canst'of a woman, and woman lias never since Ik-cii received as a member in masonry. The first bvlre was thus broken up. and the vorslitv fill master and the fair p-raiul junior warden ami pillar of beauty were ex pelled from their beautiful iradi:se. Hut thouj.'h woman has never liecii ad mitted since, she lias redeemed herself as a helpmeet to inasems of all times and deo-recs. and has i-ome to lie recog nized as his jx-er in all tle virtues and activities of life, ami men worship at her shrine of purity and ln-auty. tio.1 bless woman, and. though we cannot have her in mir lodges, what would we do without her'.'' Sow and I'ir of Iron. The word "pisr" as applied to iron is a m-re play on the word "sow." When iron is melted it runs off into a channel called a "sow," the lateral branches of which are called the "pi's." Here the iron cools and is called "pifr iron." Now, "now-"' bus nothing whatever to do with swine, but is I nm I '. Saxon "sawan."' t sea iter, tierman. "sawsen." to rusli, and onp-h't to 1m writt'n "sruvs" (sows). Ilarinsr a sow for the parent clianncl it rejuirttl no preal eliort . wit to make the lateral grooves the litUe pifcrs. 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPO . VSV TJii fiiiiiient 1Mi sii-i.'in has i! -vnft'il lilV':inio to hi-s S'.ftially 1 )ir:isf.s nf 1 ui l-'- . !'..r, Nosf, Tiir.dit, l int": tiinl l hronic DisH'.-tsi's. : AsJ.-.ei- s - K I--'. Vi -Osi-S-" CAMBRIx HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Moinlavs. Atietist 11: September 11. I i.-IoImt '.. November le, emU-r i, IsMo, Jaiinarv 1 , i-'i-bniary -'. Mateii 'N'., April 'J:., May -, June IS, Is.'l. till f. M. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, JOHNSTOWN, PA., s ipiiesite the Pennsylvania Dei'. Tesilils, AlliJIlst 1. September -. etoln-r It", Novi'lnlier 7, 1 e eilllr 5, IS'Xi, Januarv 1. M: l' l rn:irv -J7. March -J7, April 'Jl. May 'J-2. .hine !.. ALL EYE OPERATIONS SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED BY HIM t. u-. . t li: .:-. ...... t If ff- XT' t- . r - . - ... -:- t -fcT- - . i .' ' . jt :.'?:-v';sst--- . -r i v z sjK-i J- li-, :i.V JAi'UH IK5KI.. (tullm.n l'a WAS H KI'ti'Kin I A WKKi'K iKtl'l! TKN Yr.Ai.s IKAIiH I. H tUiit.i I'l- 'A lAh'fill AM' Mliil.Mtl IlKllMllliriS. I I . . NAl.M l t lil.l At K y-.r - i i. r.ir- I li-.r ..tl. rt'l IrrriMy with t' tMrrli m ii llri'iictii'i.. l i.e itiM-a.-e ura.lu' 1 rx 'en.ir.l t. aliiii..-t i-vcry oilier .iri;nn in my ImmIj . 1 i-t-e me l:M:cal inl .jiti.l- wreck. Have i no, our i.ct .ii.-i.ir. Iu the c.uiitrv . l-ul 1 iirfw wers Ki.il w..r.-e until i Im.-i ie;..rl I K&vt: niy .-,e Iu lr. .iii j4rc: I -.iu clail io ny inat mi- ler till1 tri Jin:e.it 1 l.-un to liu; rove Inun tur ier tirsl ui..i.:h. ll.xt .1 isi re-f i nif chili u.t ami irnrtiil o:n In luv rtie-t ii n-u me. 1 t-re-t ii.it i-l.-K t'.r oreal li ny tii" re it li.l 'ecl At nr .nj i(, t-vrr. The iiioi ..ii.tt-riui ..i li i llott I iiave li.il laWrn pir.tc col-1 much tli lirl iii.iiitl: JAI'iUl V' -!.. I Salli: 2iii. I taiii'Tia :.. !'-. i er ol.l. WK lMl.rsTHUifH IMlV IIIKKKH I.I.Y III IIIM'Allt. t iu: tin ' y tei t'fen cn us etetl lor fmnr years nil wai- i:ra. !;-: I v nr. tuns w-rse. We kuix ..I i-oliie i.l-ii H.I w..rk. of iir. a.u lu I Hun. no wr . utriistc.i l:.Ui i ti'-erlti 1 1 V te In c:ire II'- oj.er i.tieii ms -to io Aiiuia I uiinu:e'- tiun- itn.l m.tti out )K.i. .:.! li" lt.reure rtraiulil. s )oii cu ftf l.y pi.-, u-on iNive. .MICs. :. A. VlMit. l'.'i MulTis Kiri-et. J .tiiiciowa. l.nst i;k i 'K i hk i K.uii't i i' i t tan by I'l.. A1..H 1 t.a.f Ii ul a uiKi.l .li-.il ol trout. Io at.'i u,y rim ..r Hi' ln'i nve y curs li r runauiK over H.y ctii'i'h" e.iutiD-jail . I r. .i liu calls I n rl-- llll' et t tlC lf r.lllcl n.l l.KTIO'l u lie: inun. mi. I in. I -n kc. mv liau.t kcr.-li ie! In ;uy i.x ct liu. nil ! wii.iiii: luy e e i-.noiei ...j A US. M A li I'll A rAli.Mil . In.iiana. Kl.-irj" a ot Women, fuch j hae hnttieil the, kill 1 I o'ter 1 lij t ician ami reme.lie. quickly en e 1 . 'ai.ee i s. tinn.n . hi.r.ii.l. au-l 1 n-y.:.i. a r.i i ha .-ure l a 1 1 h ul t lie use 01 the knite or caui-tlca. o i-uttii.i:. S e i'.i 1 11 . ilaimer. Al inli'MHi - crle T 111 1 1 v re'lore.l. 1 lui. k. n iefs nn.l ee-tnm cure ti.r iaimtciice. lost man ooi, Jl.ermatorrt.o-1 iof.-i-i. r ik ami iiei. i.s 1.-1.1 t: alx lor i-ro.ia'il . i.tIcmti. an.l all .riT'te lla- he t her iroui 1 iiij.ru .lent h 11 hi is ol out h or i-cxic.1 tuiici i-.iis . r-jee.l 1 ly an.l i.ermanenll v rure.l ( 'i.n-uli 1te.11 Irte mill Ptuci.y ci.un.nrt ml. Ai.si'.at' cure a-iiaratife.t. No risk liiinrr-,1. Kree ex all. 11. i.e. .11 ! the urine each fei.- .11 l' l i lr Inc. n?l trenl mi-ut hrj id h. .lii - to 4 i.ui.ees ot urine, which w il! reeelve i-.irelu I cheuiical an.l l:ei-r...-.-el.l.' exam Inalion . Small luinxt)., eance.. artii'. moles en-., remove. 1 1-. tiout e tits, knile. 1 niti t.r war. .cw meihotl. Kie.'tri Hi l-..ileieo li s M-tciitilt.-all ttcaie.l an.l i'rol hy a iiett-r-lut.it'.: u.e!h it. A.l.lres all ron.muiiicat.uns to lion ;r,n i.tuiiil.us. I Mil", l.tamlaailaii llul tola In-e In etfrj ImmIj . t. 1 Our t en Neiiienl W ill ApiiriirTaire Itrlnre AiiilrrtN nli attit.atat ttleoa I'.ln tx 7H - J l a . t mm I t - a f a j Ua a .! 'S F3 rp? let t-i u l.'.iir.'i t-.ti. :c f t'o 4. ii'.fi'jcii a3 1j.:u. N: -U.cn, jJnrth.n-j-aT1. I'i-srn aii-e .tv. l'fiin in t(.ft Hi u k. liu iruifc ruiuarabio aucoes i:a bcu Uuv.u a Cri'i Heafl.icl.e, rnt 'iirtcr"a Litdo I.ivcr Tills ar cc .i.-lly '-:i!i:r'loin ConHtvati.-r. cm .nua ml pro Viiitmn tamannoyin'.'COLaclair.t. tthilo tli-y als corrrtiilliliMirlcrsct liioi-'ohi. 'ij.i:.iiiil'ia:tho Jit tr ami repnUue tite 'ootrclu. v.-.n il' tlu-yoajly curtd m n r-7is r i AfJi e t hey xf'Ti 1 il be al moat t pricciciu to thon who tuticr f rani ejlilislr. ssi:! cooi. lainl; but for u Eaioly tiii:irT.Kliiif !. n. 'tiij lii ro.aiiii thoxa w!ior.iicetrytl;"m will bad tU. ae l.lltc inlUvalu ? t.leir. so :ut'V ways fact tucy tvi!! not lo Willi-- to J- it'a'i:t them. Bet sftcrollHick hea.1 Is ttie bidi of pr many !ivo that bcrrt Is wher tvcrnniieonr trrcut boast. Our i.iUncureu wkils ctlicnt tlo not. tarf t-r I.ittla liver Tills ara very email an 4 very easy to t i'-o. One or two i-illa luskoa tio. T'i'V a- Ftrici! vvei-'ctalil'i ami lo unt (jripe or yur:"', but I t uieir r.-ii tlo action pleanoall who iU:vc:iieui. 1: v;s.i,it iacenta : tivefor II. &kl - iVuj.-attscvt:rytiiiairu. or B.-ut by niaaL OARTSR t.tZXJ. ltKll CO.. New York. ;' LLF.il. SKALL DOSE. SMALL FRiCi EAGLE BRAND The Bel MOOJFINU I. nnequalej for hoofe ham, Hrtorror outtiiiilj lllt.' :.! cost hall the r:ee ait nhilueles. tin or iron. It i reaity lor Mte ami aaaaly alieU hy aiiytii.e Rubber Paint ttly 54 rents tr vn.l'An In rrcl lot, or f .V ir i tillu t ut.jt i.r. rk re. I. U ilj t.p leak in i in ir trou rvf th-l will lat tor jenTu J hy it. Nfini HiMiup tur iNnj.led &ul fall 4 t iru.r.. Excelsior Paint anil Por-ilnf Ccmpaiir, IUnntar.M.,rWrk,a. . c I il 'iin nr. We ecnil the Tnarrrtona French l..-n,. .ly CALTHOS f raa-. an.l i 1 cat euurnnt, that I a LTll't will f I'OI' IILa-tarin I-lanllana, I KK fM-rwialaarraawa. laarleam-ir Bat4 klTUUL laart btae. j? it and far if suluf.fj. Jirr. VON MOHL CO.. Baa Aawricaa A (rata, Uariaaali, Ukkv t n nriTT li? - kTI" I LIO The Doctor h:S ln'cii for years a Professor :iml Uc turer in several of our !;resi Meili-t-.il ('olh-p-s, ami ha- f.irneil jieat fain.' us an author ity and author on all s'l 'j' t Is I'otici riling J r-:s L- V Js.i ; W a'vv his s.i inltv. ri y -or .. ----- , i- s r v . ASKS. MAKV 1.1 I.IMJKK. Wlliuore. I'. I IIAVK KFKN TUI'Al.l,Y HI.IM-IK S Al.tl I t litai Ai K I have t.c-n I. .tally l.ti'i.t in hit rinlit eye for r.n:i u-ri. No me.i ic.iit il i.t uif a ii tcol. ho I rauiie.t Sa m tn riit Ji.ttiiHtot-n every toi.r kf. T'he Ii.M..r iun.Ik a tine an.l riicccg-i lu : e.:rai ion . f ii.nl 1 rxii mi-e uiort- ttj m.'li ill.it Li welntltf !-. vf ItH; cUr.- chD ilu an ?.y rill.fiir en iue ai n.y home at V liinorc. 1'a 1 74 cars ol.l tt Alav AI A ti Y I.liy.lMSKK. J..tirei.twn. I' I'l ' K Kl i iK UK K.N K -S AMI 'A TA ti Kit KY I'K sI.l. mr foil si-ifv a: lnn very hard ..I hearlnti lor M.ii.e eii a:l .111 ..--outi ..I a hait cae ol ra ta'ili. r Itrtmahl t.iui I.. It. Salui lor treat ment, an 1 - . iirr oiity l..nr njuntli. he l al iiii l c ie I rl v we I an I 1 alu rirtiiti l.iat H19 I) en.r I. linn 1 a cur.- aithtn 1 tie 1 1 me ei I'KN! MIN I.IMHKItr. Mar.tlft.ii'-if . '.'ntre '... I"a II. lather SI Kl tit li IM'll.ll AliiiMIS K11H KIK 1 KKN M:A !;s- t . I Kit . V N I'lHHilAI 1-M'HKS IM1I. IllK.AlKli BY JiU SAl.M. K.r Hie lMr.f lift-eu yearii I hve heen utterlna very inn. I.: t.a.e l'i--n Ireate.l l.y m-ien lillrreu' il .el r.-. N.'irly nil ot tl.ern i.-e my ailment a .11.1 tle'erit laiiicuti.f Laetiie me.1icme wOisirif fni::y. t'tit r.-.-ull. wa-- tii I t.e.-auie Wi iri.e anil wo--e until a! l-it I ciif lr.Sa!in. a I1.1 iiro i.nii-i--. mv .: i e e . l-e ol 1 he tlatter. klitnevn atel Mi.ina. h. n.t tr.-a.ej me ao.r.liualy. with the m.."l . I-I ri-"iilt. He ha?, itonc me tnore tiici.l In 01. e lie til li than all others id tittaen year t.r..l I teei onre -1 ore tike 1 1M piiteen year an..- 110 l.-eliiti ol tireifneii or lativue ai iicreint tie I call On n.y own w.trk anil etiny It, I hal wmi. uu im!..to.it 1111 v t.rel i'..re. A! I.S. KT I'l K I'lHiliMAN. Ai .tci l-UTjc, t'et.tre county, 1'a. f.atelt lolt. WE TELL YOU liottiiut; nt-ar w tie ii we slate that it i:tt s to u'apc in a .erinallellt. most liealltty aiul .lt-a.ant h'll-ii.-s-. that returns a profit for every .lav's w.uk. tich is tin l.usim-ss we otter tiie workniir class. We tench them tiow to make moiiev ra.i.ti. an. I '.ei.iraiitee every tine who follows our ins: ruct ion iai:htully tiie makiuc of :tiH M a ih. i-.ieiv one who takes hol.i now ami works will surelt an.l sjiee.lily increase t ht-ir earnings ; tliere c-ui tie no .piestiou ahoiit it ; others now at work ate iloiu it. ami you. reaiier. can tlo the same. I liis is the hest pacinir business ttiat von liav. ewr lia.i thecltaiice to secure. You w ill make a L'r:iie mistake il ton fail to ffite it a trial tit once. It ion cia-p tin- situation, ami act iiicklv, t ou u ill liirectly liiul your.-elf ill a most pi-osH-rous hiisim-ss, at wliict! you can aurely make aiul save Inrire sums of money. Mie results of only a few h.inr-' work will often eitial a w-et-k's 'wai;es. W hether ton are ol.l or viiun;, man or woman, it makes no ilitlereuce, tin as we tell vim, ami suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither ex rience tar capital necessary. Those who work for us are rew aiileil. Whv "not w rite to tlav lor lull particulars, tree ? K. i). AI.I.KN Jk ttt . llox o. 4 O, Aasuata, Max aNoihin LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powderl ." "-,'l"lely pure, liitrhlr eoneentrated. la o ..i.l.l, ,t e..l. Ie than a u tilh..! a eerrt a daT Mnetij. a Mesiieine. fn.i. .IMi cures ail .aiseanna. tl. y-J'-'H-chielti Worth more than ir..t I..-M hens M-ult, . Urvs- raa wterd ne au TV .1" f'eS to prent r pun." sav. a ru-.KiiJr! ir y..a can t t-et it eeml us .'a e. fr pa,-ki : live !. A t 1 I ..ind ran si ,m : rl..a i. e.,.n.i.d. Till: HKNTItn l.r I; I llt." pie.s.i.v rree. 1. nit,, Kalsmat ICaide free with ! TOHavc aaraLTM rate Liyrp, mvt tiz it. onortt. ftirca ttincaanAa " plalrits. Biliousness, Jaundice, Dysrten ,?;nstipatl.nv More Ills other cause. Why suffer rhen you caa be cared t Dr. ivinford's Liver fnTigor ator I- a celebrated fantilr Tna"r IrlnV lOI BItmiitilllT WILL fetV-TllY voc. It aF laTlat'ara. aau lMi,..n t t Kn. 1; K On Karin Will mm THE MOVING WORLD. A TKl.Ki.RAPH tnessf ng-i-r ly in ttti ritlen around U n on a bicycle, di'li veriufT lis tc'lejrrams. A .man in California has invent-l a device that will prevent (fas frtmi et. capiuyr when it is blown out. A ri:tacKsi of eliminating- smoke from the combust ion of cttal has leen discovered by an ingenious (Icrniaii. A max in Floritla named Uell is planning to build a g hotel amotitf the branches of a (Trove of live oaks iu that i.tate, which are of great ize and he iff lit. Tiik larffavst eantalever britl(fe in the country is to le built over the Mis.sis tsipt.i river at New- Orleans. It will .t.st live million alollars antl is to be built l y Chicayo men. T..1..U..: a v viri'sM's have bHn a foatare iu the liouliler district of Montana the past season, ami have lteeti very u?seful in eoiiveyiutf freight tt iioinis 1T the main road. I'l:-: n iiiffenuity has oontrivetl an improved stoiie-euttiuy saw of re iiiari.able eliiciency a circular saw haviinf its etlffe s't with blac'adia iiu. utls in the same vay as the straht blatlf..; but as the strain on the tlia in.iii.l is all in one direction the scttiuy can be made much tinner. LITERARY PEOPLE. Hakkiktt liKKi.'HEB Stowk, altlituph t-i;fl.ty-ono years old, ff'Js call injf every tlay w hen the weather is fair. .It i. km Vi:i:Mi is an otlieer of the Le (ii.ii of Honor. The decK-e conferring the decoration on him was signed just two hours before the fall of the em pire. Thomas Xei.son I'AiiE and bride w ill make their w inter home in Washing ton, but will choose a place ctjuallv convenient to Washington and Kit: al mond for their permanent abiding place. Tiik elder Mr. Kipling designed the queer ornament which is to be seen on the cover of his son's new look, "Many Inventions." The curious little forms which are combined to make the fan tastic figure are prayers. M. Zola has taken to bicycling, and find', that it lacnefits him by drawing the bhotl from his brain. ne of it:. chief advantages to him consists in the fact that his wheel requires such a-ltase attention that he cannot give consecu tive thought to study or composition. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. The trustes of Smith college have aort-etl to raise s-'mAI.ooo for a permanent fund. Die Kliw'Akli 1!k aisii.i v, during his seven years' pastorate of the Washiug toii Avenue I'.aptist church in lirook lyn, had the pleasure of welcoming iZl tuetiiltTs, of whom he baptized "Ji:J. Ix education Spain is far Whiud any other KuroiH-au country, Uussia ex cepted. Ia'ss than one-third of the adult population are able to read and w rite; but a considerable nutnlaer of new st ht mis have been established w ithin recent vears. Tii:. ia ligiou:i statistics of the census of IS'.mi reveal the fact that out of our total opulation of :',.0OUmni there are J0.1H::.(mmi rurmlirrsof Christian church es. This is or is not a hopeful outlook, according to the point of view. If we look at the 4ii.ihhi.iiiH) of non- hriatian people of the I'nited States we may well feel appalled at the frightful mo mentum of aganism. Hartford lie ligious Herald. MILITARY MEN AND MATTERS. Tin: mercantile and armed native;: of the world have 1 .1'.H.'l.oou sa-ame n. Of the seven full generals who were in the confederate army none are now living. The Pennsylvania national guard will not visit the world's fair, but w ill hold the usual state encampment. The ollicers of the Swedish navy are considered as military otlicers, and iu full tlres: are obliged to wear spurs. Pit. IlKI.AVAN l'.l.tMHt.rHII), i;. S. X., w ho lat-came widely known on account of his striking resemblance to the late .lames i. l'.laine, is to be retired in August. The big cruiser Philadelphia is off for a three years' cruise. When she reaches the western coast of South America she will receive orders send ing her to Honolulu or Samoa. WitrN the new minister to tirrinany, Mr. Theodore Kuuytm. presented him self to the court of llerlin with his cre dentials, he tlaz.lt-d beholders by ap pearing arrayed in the uniform d major general of the New Jersey na tional guards. PEOPLE OF LONDON. Miss. Temti.e. wife of the bishop of London, is a shorthand writer. PtiiNCKss May's wedding ring will lie made from a half-ounce nugget of gold, the gift of Welsh miners. Ql'KKN VK'Tokia has contributed one hundred pounds to the fund for the lacnelit of the families of the Victoria victims. Wh.i.iam Wamhirk Astok lias recent ly Iniught the estate if Cliveden, tin the banks T'f the Thames, of the duke of Westminster antl will become a citizen of Ixinjon. Authi'K l'Al.Kot k says that his greatest iMilitical help comes from his sister Agnes, w ho is his housekeeper. Kach .ay she devotes a fixed amount of time to reatling the newspapers and marking what is useful for his purpose. A MUSICAL MELANGE. Hans von lti i.otv recently said that composers of comic operas ou!fht to lae divided into two classes "those who plagiarize from the barrel organs and those w ho write for them." IU henstei.v'h new liiblical opera, "Moses," is to be produced in its en tirety, but in concert form, by the Philharmonic society in llerlin next fall. The performance will extend over two evenings. "The l.irl I Lsr-ft ISchind Me" has been played and sung in England since lTtHJ. Its original name was " Brighton Camp." It is an Irish air, but who com posed either the words or the music is now unknown. Patti is now at Craig-y-Xos rastle studying the new opera by Sig. Pizzi, which she w ill produce during her tour of the United States next winter. The opera is entitled "C.abrielle," and the scene is in the reign of Louis XIII. In the tirst act Mme. Patti plays the part of a nun. Miss Emma Sickei.b, the Indian phi lanthropist, has three proteges, who are wonders in the musical world. They are the Misses llluejacket. and they sing like nightingales. Of real Cherokee origin, they have the richest of copper colored skin, brightest of black es es and reddest of lipn, SENTENCES BY "JUDCE." k watch the winds from east and west and our hopes are answered from the south. If there is anywhere a stray gleam of sunshine or of love a little child will find it. The religious improvident trust in Providence and the uareligious im provident trust to chance. The manifestation of life, whether in the discovery of a nest of fledge lings in a solitary place or the soft, warm touch of a little child, is a pleas ure to the Menses and a jojr to the aouL Kathrine tiros jean. JOB:: PRINTING. tii k rn i:i:m a s Printing Office I the ptare tn cet your JOB PRINTING Pifinpilv and itatiefacltai Hy -truerl. We will meet I tie price. ,,f iu hotioratMe Catanitettoii, We don't 1' any tml tiftl-ciai.it wink and want tivntf piio fff it. Willi Fast Presses and Kcw Type We are preHNirtl to l urn out Juti I'dntuia; of every afutrri.ttiofi in tiie FINEST SI'YLK siiil t the erv Lowest Gasli Prices. Ni'Om.tf ttut tlia Itest maternal p tie1 unci OUT work -p-Hkl lor ilteif. IVenre tat pared t print on II. e itmiU-s nollce POM'RKS, PltOOHAMMKS. IJUSINKfHI AHI I lli Itll.l. HltAIH. MONTHI.T JSTATEM PNTt! K.N V E 1 .1 If KH I.AItKl.S. t IKt I I.AU- HHUMI AND Visiting C'ahuh Cftum Notks. l)RiKTS. liECirllTit. laON l tflHK, laKTTEH ANH NoTK llEAHH, AMI Hop ash I'aktt Invitations Ktc We can print anything frtmi tht inti!et and neatest Vi-itini( I :rl to ttie Imvesit Potter tn Ktmrt tun ice and at that moot ReH-uintile Ilaten. The famluisi Fi man E1.KXSP.1 1 nr.. I'KN N' A O.I LSJ OILS! The Atlantii- Kefiiiiii; Co., 01 Pitl.sburrt l'.i., make a jc ially of nianufaciurin for the lioiiies tic Iraile the finest bramls of illamiuatin; am! Luliriraiii Oils. Naphtha and d'asnliiie Tbt eau l !,UDE FBQI.1 PETROLEUM. We challenge comjiarison with every known product of petrol eum. Ifyouwih the iint Kost : Dfilfculy : Eatisfactcry : Oils in the market a.sk for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO., I'l I IMIl'hH .rl' , riTTMin;... v oetlS-mi-lTr. P. rT r. SCHEDULE. St-lie.lule In etleet May V.;. si3 faanwerl taaaaai at I 4 ra-aaaaaa. Seai.b.'re r'.reaa r vi a n. Harri-f.ura 4.c-.tiillto latiiiu '. it a in Kay Hi r. I t . :i at . A lu..j-a K(.ref I "ti I it .Wall Kl.rei. U IT . I" I'tiliauleii.Lla txpress a 1 . u- tt ti.T. I oh not own r.X.r.-it titan I'ae.fle Kl.reiia h . T it. to at -'asellaer 'J :'4", t n lall 'I'lalQ 4 U'" . at JnhuMuatn Kt..e- 7 tt'.i j. u- t larualaaa rac ltraaa la Tralnn leaven a- l.illt.ad: T.."4i, n n at . an.' i. ill att.l avrrlve at i 're..u hi a jii in V a an. anil 4 II t tat. l-a.e i 'rs.in at v .'i... 1 1 17 iu anil fi an . in., ami urrite ut I.I.. tisl.uia: a ill. In a. in. and tt HI an. I it ID . u I'reniaa aatl leai lieltl. Ia)are Irttitiia Nt 1: 4i a 111. an.l 4i t. 111 tirrlv llia at Crenitmi at tt o; a 111. an.l 4 . 111. 1-av. a 'ret-run n 4u a. iu. ami f l i. iu . itrritinar at r. i.n at II utl a ui ami Us . 111. Nuntlav iiain leave 1 'refann etery Sniiil.iy a 9 'Mt a tn ami til . 111.. air.imK ai .i.. .a al II Kl a. an an.t 6 no ).. in lr rtit4 a.a etc. cull on aatcm t.r a.l.lreK. tH.a.t Wtir.l'. A. W. It. lln ruth Ate. Cltleliura . V S. M. I'Kr.VtiSl'. J. li WIKHi. tleneral Mauauer. tietieral Manager CAVfATS. TRADE MABIK. DESICM PATFMTS. rfiD,..euT. or mTnrmatirm and Tree Ifarnltxiok writ to Mi'.NN a to.. ii;i liiiiiAnuar. Nctv Vntiir. Oltltwt bureau for mtuniin .al.-ntn lu Atiieri.-aa. r-very iwterit I il.cn tint l.y u la l.r..iic.l Ih I.tb tiie public bj a aauuee tfiveu lrtxi ot cliau-tie la Uia cf ncntific mcricaw Latrareat etrenlatlcm of any art entitle paraer In the wtu-ltl. M.lBU.Ii.llr illuntratoil. No luli'llit'i-ut niaa ahould be wltlmui it, Wet-klv, .'. a Jear; ela'alitlx nionitm A.ldreen lf NN a t) tHUwiiiiia, aOA iiruaalaa), New Vurk City. Steel Picket Fence. ThafcoaaitawrietFiilt 0u. rTbl. 1. . aetua, I lae aaa tta Iruai or tt wuat r- h. , writ ",.,? M,-. Wm aiaaarOTur Ew. j I ) ,.,"' iM. Klu... . Hh.t. ,,, ?!irrs tv"', Jhra. ana R,IIB... Hri aa.d lro Orllla. KK iM.okliia aVIAlioalf kCaltf s. all k,d. ..r Rie woial TAYLOR & DFAN. 0U 203 A 205 Mark $U PittsbiirBh, P.. 'uie Atna lua In -ease Uri'tant'. uiaval. JSer youaneiia. Heart. I'rlnarv or IJver limeaa-eii it noon ivy a, ttretl. lantruid leeli.it: Inaction til ane a inneya tacaaan antl (Hilaona the MimhI. ami - - . ...... joia t-Hiiii..i nave rieann. t ured rua,over Ave t ear aar tit Knuht'i Inneaae i-j nr 1. I.. miLiaa. afrtlileliein r. 1. taw other .it tier altullar leatiuiunialn. 7'rt It. Curt) ituaranteod. aaaa ta'a Kltlaey I nrel a, T'JII vnana" etreet. I'hlladrliitila la Stild )y all reliable druKK'kta. 41 n; BUGGIES at h Price l limi H t lt!t JH aaaaBBB tu !. HnKlCJ . .I7 Wet-utthe K. I'tiaelon . ft I'll III j an.l l'a li.ti Murrey Bi; t u imI I ALL. h.aul ttMaroat. I?. t.tuMlt..tst. aQa - lit K.ai.l l-mrt H .nu Hiurirtr II artteaw a.1 K.. lluy t fats. Hi lliiirirjr " 4 ;:. Mi. 1. 1 l. ltuui l Tisuu - 12 . .r..llu Murrau Saulille. 1 aV,at'a"e Free I'. ft. A I'AKT CO. Ilull Laarreuee Dt, C'mcliiliali, o. JOH5 F. STKATTON A SO, 4 at 45 Walker KU SKW VOBK. Imtiia Ua a aaat W aolaaala Itaajtra la a.l lu. MUSICAL. MERCHANDISE. Vlollna, Cuitart, Banjos. Accordeona. Harmoni caa, Ac a' kinds til Siring, etc etc "WANTKU-A SAI,'M AN. HNKKHKTU1. If l.urhiDK anil l.riKht Io re.rei-eiil the K..11I. kill Nurrerie ol ttanada. the laraesi In tiie lu uitnion. t ver ?i'0 acren el cli li-e Him It . I'ual'lnn ermatient and lucrative. I lur hardy t'anaittaii atrown ttk'k roll readily wliertj irt'erly Intro duces! . Send lor lernm n-i and aeenre clu.ice of terrl'ory. SION K a. V' tl.I.lNll V N . mutS 6tn. . I t.rinlti. Cai.a.la. in FKCfk Wet rite attaa 1 CHEAPER - 1KAN t WOOD nf r f u A" f' ft M - .111114 tUMii IM liiitiitili! - -a ,10 attaK.ttu laa-tCaA rnnrirairMM runtiunt4 OF Nr.Te AvoNfi the oflit-ial futt.;iv 1 Ctir.-an ministry at a'i. ;',',..V' Mt-sNrs. Yi Ilium, flunvt 1,;,... '' 1. ,1 1 " taiii, 1 lirif.' N liaiirr. K AIM-It WlI.IIKI.M lia'.-.,i,f William Stt'inway, the r,-.'' maker of Nt-w Yorl. t.r''' ' Ortlt-r of the Kftl Kafle. ""''! A KuKisrH journalist, m j. propose tt walk from I'ariit.i'T' hy way of Sil-ria. 1 js ,;s '. :' to cross the Ufhrinir st-,.. ' T. '"'-.SI,,,., Tub ex-I.tiijiresH i;!-,.,,,,. ( ' sonic amiahilit y of i'!i:ir..tl.r . ' the other day hy t liim, ,, , "' of stairs in an apartment. m Yietor I hirtiy. t i,e a,-:, !,.,-.". was ill in Itetl. Iiuruv u;i, Milfoii 1 1 1, s ministers an.l t . flit-mi of liis family. , Tiik inpernr of llussi,-, .. I'XJH-I'tetll y aillliniiit'i-.l ,;s ;n, ' SfU.liii) the czarcw it.-u i,, " the impt-rial family at ii,,. j royal we. Miliar, hat in r j,r; , " inilliei'il to tin st hy h, Henry of Prussia was 1,, part of KiiiK-r.ir Williain. MMK. ('.j1..;:ii. p,, here hs the I i reek .! wotiian's eoii'Tess, K r -nativi' eon nt ry as t In- ta who 1 rie.l tt ma lie a . of tMiniell ill tin- ;m pr ifessi. ills, slie ri-.! . fit-ties at the late e..n, thro lie or etltteat i. .11 , 1 t hem tun ler t he pr. .1 .-. 1 FOREIGN NOTES OF irJT. (isK-nnii i.f tin- fia,. .;. , live in single nanus 1,oMmi' has f..tt r. ;,!;. whieh only veiretahle f , i , I s Nurwa y jits. ms u d. , 1 :i. , . vac-eiiiateii are not aii.m,-. 1, any -leet inn. Is Manelinria ihcs r, their skills. A fair! , : . ;.,., I'hurian tlor farmi-r u 1 ; : liu ire ilojrs. I'l Kt'uitM li'l at tli.-a'-r...' I irt'i'cc somet lines la-.-. I 1.,, Seven o'el.iek in t he 11, 1 time fur th; rising- ,,f 1,,. , , , sjM-ak. lit IMNH the ri'i 'n .f H - ' 4'tn H'rs.tis were I - i , . I.ntrlan.l. i lie l:it':ri r ti.-i,,., tvcri' uiit i.f 11.. .1!) '.-a . i. .. tn i sil. in. a 11. .r In ..a.- ,, , ifiif lej.';rars were haa, . .; alms. Til K imperial ca na 1 . '. 1 ; h invest i n t he t . a ! i a : aoitit of t ra Hi.'. It in i les. a ml it 1. in i" . a : . sit tiat .1 1 .ui its l.a ,. ,1 jilet.'il in 1. ."". aft'-r -.. ., its enlist met inn. PICKINGS THE WOHlD 0 O:tk.U. Ami tin t l.a 1, i. vttlean. k's. . A e"l tlsilll 1 i in . 1.. 1 a: Itt mis 1 1 a p. .i t , iii Amei a. a i 1 if. .j.'i-t .- I. J A I A Ms!- . liM't.irs li.-.. I- ; : t' their pat ieiit s. li.'. a t iciit's ill 1 1 tl 11 1 li in t . 1 ;, : t han K 1 ul I v aei'ept '..hi'.. fete.!. I v J.etiral. 1 tt'lia. t '.. r haitt-r.ts r.-ate-il eterv '. oil i-et Is i 11 A pri I t !,.- . . in Sept .-nil n't' an I the ;a .. in I lee. iiilx-r. ill fori: the iii-w jiai-iiai.i. la1 i. ii. 1 11 rni nr t In in . -. . r 1 . 1 it - , t taiiitiii-.ii.si. rs.. tin- I . el.ji.yt- I - Mini ;ret..a a ! , e. line.-, r.i ti:' in;f ff .'a ' a una! si j.", .inn. tin. lira., 1 t he i' ihl- Iilit lis' ".' 1. 1. Till i slaii.l of M. 11.1. t a jH.le.iii a-. In hi a i ii area t if ", s. j n:i 1 e in li s I' is im 11 e 1 ha n -l.naii. Im 1 leave it amitially. '1'he'.. there are mud r Ann 1 .1 . un lit an.l aiii.iunt to a' ' year. SICHTS OF A CITY "I IIAVK. '.een. lit ..in- I'm other, all st r1 s i.f 1 hit '. wash ! i ties.'" sa iii a e i 1 i. 1. fur the first time. 1 r ..1 shirts an l st ; i.'k ins a n . In the sin pii nj.r . I i : ' . t illies sees a lie tt si 1 , . . !. of papers 1111. ler hi-, am. :. Il!r oM'll the alitor of a 1 via laily. S. illlct illies she : . - 1 t li i hit. si'inetimes n..t: in t halli es nil t hat. As A (eneral thin:' tin- 1 when till tint y. tie v. it es h i in-, to hustlin;.'. hut Ihere rr- -: square. New York. Mi.' ..' . a liewslMiy w ho. hetttt t !. ' Jiaja-rs. snii'lli-.l at a si. retl llowers uith evi.l. -nt j Tiik year 177J was a ! a New Yolk, line Inn !r. , rases of sunstroke .x-.-i.: : of which sevrlit y t . ' The prim iial th.if..ia ' '' fiehls of l.attle. Mm ' anil Hinlmlaii.-i s unv ... retpiisitioii. HUMMING TELLCH; i H V Tiie Niilst- N.al I n.- t" ' .at iiitili.'i n- t ' Yon have all hear 1 ' sinirin-r t .f 1 1 h ; 1 1 -ii w ires ir. V1.11 j.as 1 i 1 .- ; ;.l ret't s. No tl' nll't I-- that this is tau 1 I ' U ititl on t h. wins ;.t.,i. t In -r thoir rht. l-nt ii 1 i the It. 1st.. 11 .li.urnal 1 t he sin,"in r i 1 a n - i 1 ! if yon are at all t .h .1 . a . tiee that often the ha ' to Ik hear.l on e.-l.t 11 w hell t he sue ike f r. a i ' 1 straight up nut'1, it i-i-' ' antl when the l.'i'st ..a ':. fii.zV aiul thick as a 1 frini,re. The w iml has na.thin ' ' sou inl. ati.l. aet'i 'i. 1 i 1. ' seientist. t lie fi 1 .rat i. ' '' ehaiifres tif at 111. isj.h. a . ami esteeially 1hr. -i!: h enhl.asa low fiitia' '' tluees a sin u teli inf 1 't ' 1 iitX over the tt Imle "f t etmsiilerahle aim 'lint ' ; tlui'etl on the siipi'.'fti". iltiein- s minis In.tli ;n ; the iles. W hen this huininin:' ! ;' 011 hirtls have inistal.i n ! inserts insitle the jmle- a1 I.. 1 1... seen to H'fk w itll their ' sitie as they tlo nt" '" ' " tither trees. The st . r 1 - ' ' that mist.Mik the Ii 11 '"' rt 1111 in).' from H nest "f '" '' ' '''' at the pile utnl tore a a . ' "' its hasa' in the ho"' ,,f 1 '' liiuch-eoveteil In mey . .rsCCS NATURES wurs-"- Ax oil well in Yenan.' dtx's its fsjtmitinjr oiil.v "" ll,lu' TWO l'KKKI lTI V f. .filing lately emertreil from ' r'' 1 pia, Washington. Foil thirty years the l"'-"'1 " nauietl Whortoii, in U.l'-,,r' AV. Yu., has la-en entirely 'r'1-, itisturnin-hla. k. its on-'""' in his eighty-ninth year A icKtiAKKAin 1: r.-k f"'-"':"-.; cate.1 on a IH'ak of n.oi.ntam miles fr.mi A:uas Caln't't' na. TheriK-k. wliifli miu' 1 1 I f. lai.rh. is sl'l"' laarrel Jtittl can he set